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Global Change Biology (2012) 18, 1781–1796, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2012.02665.x


Soil organic matter turnover is governed by accessibility
not recalcitrance
and A N D R E W P . W H I T M O R E ‡
*Department of Sustainable Soils and Grassland Systems, Rothamsted Research, North Wyke, Okehampton, Devon EX20 2SB,
UK, †School of Life Sciences, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, EH14 4AS, UK, ‡Department of Sustainable Soils and
Grassland Systems, Rothamsted Research, Harpenden, Herts AL5 2LQ, UK

Mechanisms to mitigate global climate change by sequestering carbon (C) in different ‘sinks’ have been proposed as
at least temporary measures. Of the major global C pools, terrestrial ecosystems hold the potential to capture and
store substantially increased volumes of C in soil organic matter (SOM) through changes in management that are also
of benefit to the multitude of ecosystem services that soils provide. This potential can only be realized by determining
the amount of SOM stored in soils now, with subsequent quantification of how this is affected by management strate-
gies intended to increase SOM concentrations, and used in soil C models for the prediction of the roles of soils in
future climate change. An apparently obvious method to increase C stocks in soils is to augment the soil C pools with
the longest mean residence times (MRT). Computer simulation models of soil C dynamics, e.g. RothC and Century,
partition these refractory constituents into slow and passive pools with MRTs of centuries to millennia. This partition-
ing is assumed to reflect: (i) the average biomolecular properties of SOM in the pools with reference to their source in
plant litter, (ii) the accessibility of the SOM to decomposer organisms or catalytic enzymes, or (iii) constraints
imposed on decomposition by environmental conditions, including soil moisture and temperature. However, con-
temporary analytical approaches suggest that the chemical composition of these pools is not necessarily predictable
because, despite considerable progress with understanding decomposition processes and the role of decomposer
organisms, along with refinements in simulation models, little progress has been made in reconciling biochemical
properties with the kinetically defined pools. In this review, we will explore how advances in quantitative analytical
techniques have redefined the new understanding of SOM dynamics and how this is affecting the development and
application of new modelling approaches to soil C.
Keywords: C isotopes, decomposition, recalcitrance, soil C models, soil microorganisms, soil organic matter

Received 1 February 2012; revised version received 1 February 2012 and accepted 3 February 2012

                                                                       uted between soil organic C (1550 Pg C) and soil inor-
                                                                       ganic C (i.e. carbonates, 950 Pg C). The total terrestrial
By the end of the current century, global mean temper-                 biota contains about 560 Pg C and is the major source
ature is predicted to increase by 2–7 °C, and the                      of C inputs to the soil organic matter (SOM) pool (Lal,
amount and distribution of precipitation is predicted to               2008; Fig. 1). Organic carbon is the largest single com-
change, due to increases in atmospheric greenhouse                     ponent of SOM which encompasses not only the contin-
gas concentrations, especially carbon dioxide (CO2; Wu                 uum from fresh to progressively decaying plant,
et al., 2011). Soils represent a massive stock of poten-               microbial and soil faunal debris and exudates but also
tially volatile carbon (C) and act as both a buffer against            contains the other elements vital for life, i.e. nitrogen
atmospheric CO2 increase and as a potential sink for                   (N), phosphorus (P) and sulphur (S). Hereafter, the
additional C depending on the balance between photo-                   term SOM will be used to cover all references to SOM
synthesis, the respiration of decomposer organisms and                 and soil organic C. Terrestrial ecosystems offer signifi-
the stabilization of C in soils. The total global stock of C           cant potential to capture and hold substantially
in soil is estimated at approximately 2500 Pg C distrib-               increased volumes of C within SOM (Smith & Fang,
                                                                       2010), mainly through the recovery of soil C lost due to
Correspondence: Dr Jennifer A. J. Dungait, tel. + 44 0 1837 883 500;   land-use change (Smith, 2008; Powlson et al., 2011) and
fax + 44 0 1837 82 139, e-mail:      by enhancing the ‘missing C sink’ proposed to exist in
Rothamsted Honorary Fellow                                             soils (Canadell et al., 2007). There are indications that

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                                                                        Huber et al., 2008), although there is little quantitative
                                                                        evidence for such a threshold (Loveland & Webb,
                                                                        2003), and Janzen (2006) proposed that it is the bioavail-
                          SOC                                           ability of SOM that is the major influence on soil prop-
                                            Subsoil                     erties. Importantly, the general responses of C stocks in
                                                                        terrestrial ecosystems to changes in environmental con-
                                                                        ditions, especially temperature and precipitation, and
                                                                        their combined effects, remain unclear (Wu et al., 2011).
Fig. 1 The global distribution of C between soil biota (flora and       Three sets of interacting factors, substrate quality,
fauna; 560 Pg), soil inorganic C (SIC; 950 Pg) and soil organic C       organisms (including implicitly their combined enzy-
(SOC; 1550 Pg) in the terrestrial C pool (Lal, 2008), showing           matic repertoire) and environment (which includes a
division of soil organic C between top-soils (i.e. A horizon            relatively poorly understood and frequently over-
~25%) and subsoils (i.e. below A horizon ~75%; Jobbágy & Jack-         looked set of abiotic decomposition processes), are the
son, 2000).
                                                                        main controlling decomposition of organic materials
                                                                        (Swift et al., 1979). Substrate quality is an abstract term
plants and soils combined annually absorb 1 Pg C more                   used to describe the ability of SOM: (i) to supply
than they emit, but the reasons are unclear (Janzen,                    organic molecules for both catabolic (energy conver-
2004). It has been postulated that increasing SOM                       sion) and anabolic (biosynthetic) metabolism, (ii) to
concentrations in soils up to 2 m depth by 5–15% could                  supply other nutrient elements to decomposer organ-
decrease atmospheric CO2 concentrations by 16–30%                       isms, and (iii) the extent to which properties of the sub-
(Baldock, 2007; Kell, 2011). These ideas have led to sub-               strate retard its exploitation. These retarding factors
stantial attention being paid to quantifying the stocks of              include, for example, being hydrophobic or physically
C in soils, and the mechanisms of stabilizing C in soils,               impenetrable, or containing compounds that inhibit
including by land management options, to increase                       enzyme activity, such as tannins or polyphenol con-
SOM stocks (Lal, 2002; Smith, 2008). Despite the funda-                 tents that complex with and inhibit enzymes (Freeman
mental importance of reliable estimates of C stocks in                  et al., 2004; Sinsabaugh, 2010). The ability to assess sub-
soils, estimating them at the global or even a regional                 strate quality is not easy and the bulk of this review
scale, and more importantly detecting changes in these                  addresses the biochemical dimensions of this question
stocks, is remarkably difficult for the following reasons:              and its importance relative to physical accessibility of
(i) mismatches between the temporal and spatial reso-                   the SOM to decomposer organisms or extracellular
lution of the survey and analytical data, (ii) the natural              (exo-) enzymes as a constraint on decomposition.
temporal and spatial variability in soils, (iii) the relative              The response of different ecosystems to changes in
paucity of data on the variations in soil depth and dis-                temperature has attracted much attention and obtain-
tribution of C with depth, and (iv) the fact that key                   ing definitive evidence of its effects on SOM decompo-
parameters, such as soil depth (particularly for the sub-               sition has proved remarkably difficult to obtain, yet the
soils) and bulk density have often not been recorded,                   response of decomposition to temperature change is
which compromises the conversion of concentration                       intimately linked to the recalcitrance of SOM. It is
data into amounts of SOM (Hopkins et al., 2009).                        bizarre but true that, depending on the experimental
Added to these compounded operational difficulties is                   approach used and the particular aspect of decomposi-
the fact that accurate assessments of SOM change are                    tion being investigated, it is possible to find reports
bedevilled by all the problems of determining a very                    demonstrating that increases in temperature have a
small difference between two very large values.                         strong positive effect (Fang et al., 1998; Knorr et al.,
   Soil organic matter is critical to ensure secure food                1998) or no effect on decomposition (Liski et al., 1999;
production; the process of decomposition is key to the                  Giardina & Ryan, 2000), or even a negative effect on
recycling of macronutrients, i.e. N, P and S, into plant-               long-term decomposition (Dalias et al., 2001). The main
available forms, and its effective management can                       reason given for these paradoxical observations is that
reduce the need for fossil fuel consumption to supply                   SOM is not a single pool of biochemically or kinetically
N fertilizer. A wide range of soil properties, including                uniform molecules (Knorr et al. 1998). Traditional
soil structure, water and nutrient holding capacity and                 kinetic theory predicts that while more ‘chemically
biodiversity, are improved by maintaining optimal                       recalcitrant’ compounds will decompose more slowly,
quantities of SOM (Watts et al., 2006; Powlson et al.,                  their decomposition should also be more temperature
2011). A SOM concentration of less than 2% is consid-                   sensitive (Ågren & Bosatta, 2002). Although apparently
ered to be the threshold value below which soil func-                   a simple concept governed by the van’tHoff principle,
tion is impaired (Greenland et al., 1975; Lal, 2004;                    the effects of changes in temperature on the decomposition

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of SOM and nutrient mineralization in soils have pro-                   also respond to altered environmental conditions which
ven remarkably difficult to quantify (Kirschbaum,                       may change C inputs to soil (Dungait et al., 2010). The
2006). Although it is well established that, within                     quantity and quality of SOM entering soils may be sub-
reasonable limits, the biological processes which drive                 stantially altered depending on how the combination of
decomposition will be more rapid at greater tempera-                    changes in temperature and moisture regime affect pri-
tures, being able to assign a thermal coefficient or set of             mary production, and the regulatory cascades that
coefficients to decomposition and nutrient mineraliza-                  affect other ecosystem processes, such as nutrient avail-
tion has proved remarkably difficult (Davidson & Jans-                  ability and herbivore abundance, which regulate
sens, 2006). It is a widely held concept that ‘recalcitrant’            production indirectly (Wookey et al., 2009).
SOM is more sensitive to changes in temperature than
‘labile’ SOM (Bauer et al., 2008) on the grounds that a
                                                                        Can pools in soil C models be defined according to
higher resistance to decomposition (Ea, activation
                                                                        molecular structure?
energy) is associated with the energetics of decomposi-
tion. The warmer the environment, the more likely the                   The most widely applied SOM simulation models, e.g.
critical value of Ea is to be exceeded. Such effects are                Century and RothC, divide SOM into pools (Table 1)
taken up in models but it is difficult to infer both differ-            with varying intrinsic decomposition rates that are
ences in rate of decomposition and rate of change with                  rationalized by assuming that a combination of bio-
temperature for multiple pools or qualities of SOM                      chemical and physical properties control decay (Adair
from data which are necessarily sparse because it is                    et al., 2008; Kleber, 2010). However, the relative contri-
long term. Experiments which removed ‘labile’ SOM                       butions of the biochemical and physical controls on
(Conant et al., 2008a,b) support increased temperature                  decay are rarely tested empirically and the pools are
sensitivity of the remainder. However, there are three                  usually only defined kinetically. Assumed mean resi-
more significant remaining challenges in understand-                    dence times (MRTs) of different SOM pools are used to
ing and modelling the effects of climate change on                      partition the highly complex, dynamic process of SOM
SOM turnover. First, there is the practical difficulty of               turnover into a series of soil C fluxes from the pools.
disentangling the effects on the decomposer communi-                    This partitioning is supposed to reflect the average bio-
ties of relative depletion of the most accessible compo-                molecular and physical properties of SOM in the pools
nents of the SOM, from the direct effects of temperature                (e.g. metabolic, structural and recalcitrant) or the
on the metabolism of soil microorganisms (Hartley                       accessibility of the SOM to decomposer organisms or
et al., 2007). Second, there are conflicting reports about              catalytic enzymes, or constraints imposed on decompo-
whether soil microorganisms adapt to increased tem-                     sition by environmental conditions. However, percep-
peratures by down-regulating respiration (Bradford                      tions of the stability of particular plant compounds
et al., 2008; Hartley et al., 2008, 2009). Third, plants will           often appear to reflect the roles that the different molec-

Table 1 The pools of SOM defined according to their mean residence times (MRTs; Jenkinson & Rayner, 1977; Paustian et al.,
1992) and corresponding compound classes (Brady & Weil, 2002)

Residue type           Century              RothC            Residence time (years)           C:N              Compounds

Litter                 Metabolic            DPM               0.1–0.5                          10–25           Simple sugars
                                                                                                               Amino acids
                       Structural                              2–4                            100–200          Polysaccharides

SOM                    Active               BIO                1–2                             15–30           Living biomass
                                            DPM                                                                POM
                       Slow                 RPM               15–100                           10–25           Lignified tissues
                       Passive              HUM              500–5000                           7–10           Humic substances
                                            IOM                                                                Clay: OM complexes

DPM, decomposable plant material; BIO, microbial biomass; RPM, resistant plant material; HUM, humified organic matter; IOM,
inert organic matter; POM, particulate organic matter; OM, organic matter.

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ular structures perform within the plant, and how                 vided through analytical advances in tracking the fate
humans manipulate them for their benefit, i.e. glucose            of specific organic compounds which are associated
in energy drinks, lignin in wooden structures and                 with pools in soil C models, reported as the outcomes
waxes as preservatives. Thus, strategies for increasing           of experiments that have explored the fate of meta-
C stocks in soil suggest the enhancement of inputs of             bolic, structural and recalcitrant compounds from
biochemically recalcitrant ‘biomacromolecules’ as a               plant litter in soils (Amelung et al., 2008).
management tool to augment stable SOM stocks (Lor-
enz et al., 2007), although an overall dilemma associ-
                                                                  Metabolic compounds
ated with soil management for C sequestration is
presented by Janzen (2006): ‘Shall we hoard [soil C] or           Metabolic compounds are usually low molecular
use it?’, since SOM is also the source of fertility. How-         weight, highly labile compounds, such as simple sug-
ever, the stability of plant compounds outside the soil           ars, organic acids including amino acids, which may
does not necessarily imply stability within the soil.             derive directly from plants, e.g. photosynthate and rhi-
Microorganisms are in a constant state of ‘starvation’ in         zoexudates, proteins and storage carbohydrates, e.g.
the soil environment where substrate supply is spo-               starch and fructans (Hopkins & Dungait, 2010). They
radic both in time and space (Dungait et al., 2011), and          may also derive secondarily from microbes as a result
highly adapted, complex decomposer communities                    of exudation and excretion, cell death and decay (Hof-
have evolved in soils to tackle any SOM that is encoun-           man & Dusek, 2003). Metabolic compounds that are
tered.                                                            been applied to soils in vitro can decompose very
   Empirical evidence is building against the notion of           quickly, presumably because they are rich in energy,
intrinsic molecular recalcitrance as a concept in under-          readily accessible to organisms and rapidly assimilated;
standing the stability of SOM (see recent reviews by              the half-life of amino acids and simple sugars can be
Kögel Knabner et al., 2008; Marschner et al., 2008;              less than 1 h in surface soil horizons (Boddy et al., 2007;
Kleber, 2010; Schmidt et al., 2011) although this                 Hill et al., 2008). These compounds are therefore associ-
attitude is not new (Jenkinson & Rayner, 1977; Sollins            ated with the ‘active’ and ‘metabolic’ pools in the Cen-
et al., 1996), with opinion turning away from the                 tury model, and the DPM (decomposing plant
idea that the very old SOM in soils is inherently resis-          material) and BIO (biomass) pools in the RothC model
tant to biological attack (Jenkinson et al., 2008). Recent        (Table 1). Paradoxically, although easily biodegradable
biogeochemical analyses of organic compounds                      metabolic compounds actually constitute a substantial
assigned to the pools in soil C models have revealed              component of SOM (Derrien et al., 2007), the BIO and
that SOM does not comprise pools of biochemically or              DPM compartments are small in RothC model. Recent
kinetically uniform molecules (Davidson & Janssens,               evidence also shows that apparently easily biodegrad-
2006; Kirschbaum, 2006). Evidence from the diversity              able metabolic compounds may be older than bulk
of compound-specific responses to experimental                    SOM (Gleixner et al., 2002; Derrien et al., 2006) and
manipulation in different soils suggests that recalci-            become stabilized for millennia in the ‘passive’ SOM
trance cannot be intrinsic to specific compounds (Ame-            pool (Paustian et al., 1992).
lung et al., 2008). For example, SOM in fast cycling
fractions comprises a mixture of plant compounds
                                                                  Structural compounds
including plant lignins (‘recalcitrant’ compounds;
Table 1) as well as carbohydrates (‘metabolic’ or ‘struc-         Polysaccharides are described as ‘structural’ com-
tural’ compounds; Table 1; Derrien & Amelung, 2011).              pounds in plant litter presumed to enter the ‘active’
Thus, Kleber (2010) argued that ‘recalcitrance’ is a              pools in the Century model, and DPM in RothC (Brady
semantic term without a mechanistic foundation, even              & Weil, 2002). Cellulose and hemicellulose polysaccha-
though it has empirically derived meaning. Von Lüt-              rides are the most abundant substrates in plant litter
zow & Kögel-Knabner (2010) contended that the value              (Dungait et al., 2005; Jia et al., 2008), and amino-
of the concept of recalcitrance is the ability to differen-       polysaccharides, including N-acetylglucosamine and
tiate between the decomposability of organic mole-                muramic acid, are abundant in the peptidoglycan of the
cules, although Von Lützow et al. (2006) concluded               bacterial cell envelope and the chitin of fungal cell
earlier that recalcitrance appears to be a property of            walls. It is perhaps surprising that there is little empiri-
SOM that allows it to resist decomposition for years              cal evidence for their specific decomposition dynamics,
rather than centuries. Overall, the diverse mechanisms            although it is their very ubiquity and relatively simple
for explaining this difference begs for a more quantita-          chemistry which confers challenges in determining
tive understanding of the relative importance of the              their turnover dynamics in soils. Strong acid hydrolysis
mechanisms involved (Kleber, 2010). This is being pro-            is widely used to extract total sugars from soils making

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it difficult to distinguish between the monomers of                     Schmidt, 2007). Indeed a recent review concluded that
‘structural’ polymers of plant or microbial origin, and                 the literature is contradictory with regard to lignin
alternative sources including ‘metabolic’ compounds                     decomposition rates but supported the idea that most
(see Metabolic compounds above), even if the plant or                   decomposed within 5 years (Thevenot et al., 2010). Bas-
polysaccharide is 13C or 14C (radiocarbon) labelled                     idiomycetes are the major biotic decomposers of lignin,
(Cheshire & Mundie, 1990; Derrien et al., 2006; Dungait                 of which only the white rot fungi are capable of its com-
et al., 2009). Many bacteria and fungi degrade plant                    plete mineralization to CO2 and H2O, and then only in
polysaccharides through the hydrolysis of the glyco-                    aerobic environments (Robertson et al., 2008). However,
sidic links using exo-enzymes, e.g. cellulase and                       other soil organisms are important in partial lignin
xylanase. It has been determined that 60% of cellulose                  breakdown and modification, and may operate even
is mineralized in soil after 1 month, with an additional                under anaerobic conditions (Chen et al., 1985). Actino-
7% decomposed within 3 months (Derrien et al., 2007),                   bacteria are considered to be responsible for up to 15%
and the remainder persisting in soils long-term (Gleix-                 of lignin degradation in soil; although they cannot com-
ner et al., 2002; Quenea et al., 2005). Because of the wide             pletely mineralize lignin they solubilize the polymer to
range of generalist and specialist soil microorganisms                  gain access to the associated polysaccharides (Dignac
that use polysaccharides as a substrate (Fontaine &                     et al., 2005). Xylanases disrupt hemicellulose-lignin
Barot, 2005), it is unlikely that ‘structural’ compounds                associations, without mineralization of the lignin per se,
persist intact in surface soil horizons unless they                     subsequently making the lignin more readily available
become protected from decomposition. Cheshire (1977)                    to direct digestion, and Vane et al. (2001) proposed that
pointed out more than 30 years ago that it is the                       hemicellulose degradation is required for efficient lig-
inaccessibility to enzymes, not recalcitrance, which is                 nin degradation. New insights into the structure of the
responsible for the slow degradation of polysaccharides                 lignin macromolecule also suggest that lignin biosyn-
in soil. For example, it has been suggested that soil                   thesis is not random (Reale et al., 2004). Well-defined
polysaccharides play a key role in the stabilization of                 chain configurations identified in lignin macromole-
soil microaggregates (
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no doubt that a proportion of n-alkanes are stabilized           tively (Table 1). Biomass-derived black C comprises a
in soil long-term: Bol et al. (1996) determined that the         substantial component (5–50%) of organic C in some
aliphatic hydrocarbon fraction from a peaty soil was             soils, and is assumed to decompose at a much slower
around 14 000 years old, confirming the potential for            rate than SOM due to its highly condensed aromatic
n-alkanes to be sequestered for millennia in soils               structure (Schmidt et al., 2001). Large charcoal particles
under particular conditions. This has been indepen-              originating from forest wildfires can remain in soils for
dently confirmed by a wide range of solid-state 13C-             thousands of years (Major et al., 2010), although smaller
nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) studies (Baldock                particles derived from grassland burning can hardly be
et al., 1991).                                                   detected in steppe and prairie soils (Forbes et al., 2006).
                                                                 Lehmann et al. (2006) suggested that conversion of bio-
Humic substances. Humic substances are obtained from             mass C to biochar leads to sequestration of about 50%
soil as humic acids and fulvic acids by simple extrac-           of the initial C yielding more stable soil C than burning
tion with strong alkalis and acids, with the residue             or direct land application of biomass. However, biochar
‘humin’ as the non-hydrolysable fraction assumed to              can be used as a substrate by soil microorganisms
equate to the most refractory SOM. However, these are            (Wengel et al., 2006) and is therefore not completely
operationally defined chemical fractions with no real            inert. However, it is difficult to evaluate the factors con-
relevance in ecological terms (Wander, 2004), and it is          trolling its breakdown because there are significant
well documented that such preparations contain                   variations in the physicochemical structure and compo-
artefacts from sample preparation and are entirely non-          sition of biochar that arise due to differences in starting
selective with respect to biological entities in soils           material and pyrolysis conditions (Li et al., 2006; Krull
(Baldock et al., 1991). For a long time the formation of         et al., 2009; Asadullah et al., 2010; Smith et al., 2010b).
recalcitrant humic substances created through sponta-            After application to soils, biochar decomposition rates
neous reactions between small reactive metabolites, or           vary under different soil conditions, e.g. water regime
oxidative cross-linking with biomacromolecules result-           (Nguyen & Lehmann, 2009), native SOM concentrations
ing in new condensation products or restructured com-            (Kimetu & Lehmann, 2010) and pH (Luo et al., 2011).
pounds, has been considered as the major pathway for             Clearly, any increase in C sequestration due to biochar
SOM stabilization (Piccolo, 2001). Heterogeneity in size         incorporation would be further diminished if there
and chemistry is assumed to make such amorphous                  were a positive priming effect on SOM caused by bio-
polymers resistant to enzyme attack (Marschner et al.,           char addition, or if there were an increased mineraliza-
2008). Thus, humic substances are assigned to the ‘pas-          tion of biochar following the introduction of a substrate
sive’ (Century) and ‘HUM’ (RothC) pools, with MRTs               (Luo et al., 2011). Indeed, stimulation of biochar miner-
of 500–5000 years (Table 1). Stevenson (1982) recog-             alization in soil by the addition of glucose to a biochar
nized much earlier that humic substances are readily             amended soil has been reported (Hamer et al., 2004;
degradable when extracted from soils, which leads one            Kuzyakov et al., 2009), although no effect was observed
to assume that another mechanism must be responsible             following the addition of cellulose (Nocentini et al.,
for the stability of their molecular constituents within         2010). Losses of native SOM have also been determined
the soil. Thus, the view that novel macromolecules arise         after addition of biochar (Wardle et al., 2008; Zimmer-
from random condensation reactions in soils has given            man et al., 2011). Overall, the use of biochar as a robust
way to the point of view that ‘humic substances’ are in          strategy to increase soil C stocks as described by Love-
fact mixtures of partially decomposed plant and micro-           lock (2009) requires additional investigation.
bial biomass that are inaccessible to soil microorgan-
isms (Kelleher et al., 2006; Von Lützow et al., 2008).
                                                                 The role of soil organisms in SOM dynamics
Black C and biochar. ‘Black C’ is the charred remains of         Carbon dioxide emissions from autotrophic (root) and
plant material which appears in soils as a result of             heterotrophic (microorganisms and fauna) soil respira-
human activity and natural fires. Biochar is a similar           tion are an order of magnitude greater than those from
material produced by oxygen-limited pyrolysis of bio-            human activities, such as fossil fuel burning (Nielsen
mass, organic waste or other feedstock which is pro-             et al., 2011). Soil microorganisms, and implicitly their
posed as a soil amendment that is sufficiently                   combined enzymatic repertoire, demonstrate massive
recalcitrant to aid C storage in soils, as well as confer-       physiological and biochemical capacity and are present
ring potential chemical and physical benefits on soil            in vast numbers. These factors have led to two pieces of
functions (Krull et al., 2009). Black C and biochar are          environmental microbiological dogma: (i) that the soil
assigned to the ‘passive’ and ‘inert organic matter’             microbial community is collectively infallible in terms
(IOM) pools of the Century and RothC models respec-              of the range of organic molecules it can degrade, and

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(ii) the capacity to degrade any substrate exists in                    has been relatively little attempt to integrate models of
almost any soil. These ideas owe much to the early                      food webs with more general models of C turnover (De
work of Baas-Becking and Beijerink: ‘everything is                      Ruiter et al., 1994; Fitter et al., 2005). Brussaard et al.
everywhere, but the environment selects’ (de & Bouvier,                 (2007) suggest a conceptual framework for doing this,
2006), coupled with the diverse range of enzymes of                     acknowledging that the issue of the different scales of
both bacteria and fungi. Although probably not strictly                 macrofaunal and microbial action must be taken into
accurate, they are good enough working assumptions                      account, and Blanchart et al. (2009) describe how an
because microorganisms or microbial consortia capable                   ‘agent-based’ modelling approach can simulate the
of degrading any natural compound and many xenobi-                      effects of earthworms on soil structure. A similar
otic compounds can be enriched from soil communities.                   approach might be able to reconcile the many different
The diversity of microorganisms in a soil at Rothamsted                 scales at which soil biota act on SOM.
starved of inputs for 50 years appears no different from
an adjacent SOM-rich pasture (Hirsch et al., 2009). The
                                                                        If all SOM is decomposable, what preserves it?
large diversity and abundance of soil microorganisms
is undoubtedly a result of a long evolutionary history                  Some degree of chemical recalcitrance as a stabilization
and the vast number of spatial and environmentally                      factor of SOM in soils cannot be ruled out (Von Lützow
distinct niches in soils. Moderating factors such as plant              & Kögel-Knabner, 2010). The concentrations of aro-
diversity will interact with microbial diversity through                matic and double-bond hydrocarbons increase with
factors such as the timing, composition and abundance                   depth whereas other compounds, such as single-bond
of residue and exudate supply (Scherber et al., 2010),                  alkyl C hydrocarbons, tend to decrease (Eusterhues
and the opportunities for symbioses, such as mycorrhi-                  et al., 2007; Spielvogel et al., 2008). Ellerbrock & Gerke
zas. Most models assume that changes in the microbial                   (2004) found that coatings of C on aggregates in the
community have limited effects on soil processes (Con-                  subsoil contained hydrophobic substances which con-
dron et al., 2010), and consequently the role of the soil               tributed to aggregate stability. However, overall it
microbial community that is acknowledged overtly in                     appears that if soil microorganisms can access SOM,
the BIO pool of the RothC is a pool with short MRT                      they are able to degrade it relatively rapidly, i.e. within
(Table 1). However, C from SOM incorporation into                       years or decades. The major C stabilization mechanisms
soil microorganisms can be C being repeatedly recycled                  in soils are now recognized to be ‘biologically non-pre-
through, and conserved within, the microbial biomass                    ferred soil spaces’ (Ekschmitt et al., 2008) where SOM is
(Rinnan & Bååth, 2009).                                               physically protected from microbial activity regardless
   The activity of soil microorganisms, and therefore the               of its initial chemical structure (Kleber et al., 2011). Van
potential to decompose SOM, is often facilitated by soil                Veen & Kuikman (1990) and Von Lützow et al. (2006)
meso- and macroinvertebrates (nematodes, enchytrae-                     listed the mechanisms involved in physical preserva-
ids, collembola and lumbricids). This is done by physi-                 tion of SOM as (i) occlusion within aggregates, and (ii)
cal conditioning of the substrate by comminution                        adsorption onto minerals, but also a third mechanism
(which increases the surface to volume ratio), wetting                  has been postulated: (i) substrate-driven ‘biological rate
and the application of surfactants, mixing with soil                    limitation’ (e.g. Ekschmitt et al., 2005).
components leading to incorporation (thereby remov-
ing SOM from the extremes of temperature and desic-
                                                                        Physical protection – aggregates and organomineral
cation at the surface), and by inoculation with soil
microorganisms (Wolters, 2000). Conversely, they can
also process labile compounds into more stable entities                 The mechanisms involved in physical preservation of
(Fox et al., 2006; Rawlins et al., 2006, 2007). Earthworms              SOM are occlusion within aggregates and adsorption
are particularly important agents of SOM decomposi-                     onto minerals (Six et al., 2000). The literature associated
tion in most terrestrial ecosystems, accelerating rates of              with these mechanisms is particularly rich, and we
comminution and dispersal through feeding activities,                   offer a summary herein, and refer the reader to the
although whether their activity is a net sink or source                 many excellent references cited in this section.
of C is under debate (Oyedele et al., 2006; Don et al.,                   Adsorption onto minerals is a much more intimate
2008; Ekschmitt et al., 2008; Hong et al., 2011). 13C stable            association between SOM and other soil components
isotope analyses of soil invertebrates have revealed that               than the occlusion mechanisms. Sorption between SOM
different species exhibit dietary preference and trophic                and clay minerals and both amorphous iron and amor-
niche exploitation of the same SOM resource (Dungait                    phous aluminium colloids plays a major role in preser-
et al., 2008b; Murray et al., 2009; Pollierer et al., 2009;             vation due to their large, charged surface areas
Crotty et al., 2011). Despite these observations, there                 (Kiem & Kögel Knabner, 2002; Six et al., 2002). Such

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organomineral associations render SOM protection                   gate formation (Krull et al., 2004). Aoyama et al. (2000)
because the adsorption affinity to the mineral exceeds             added 13C-labelled glucose to soil and found that the
that of the enzyme active site. Organomineral com-                 majority of the 13C was assimilated by soil microorgan-
plexes are likely to be the primary mechanism whereby              isms in soil macroaggregates after 14 days. Polysaccha-
SOM is stored for millennia, and their assignment to               rides exuded from fungal hyphae, bacteria and roots
the ‘passive’ pool in the Century model (Table 1)                  adsorb strongly to negatively charged soil particles
appears to be well deserved. Large amounts of C with               through cation bridging, binding together individual
old radiocarbon ages are found in association with size            soil particles and microaggregates into macroaggre-
S O I L O R G A N I C M A T T E R T U R N O V E R 1789

scarce energy reserves to remain ‘metabolically alert’,                                                SOIL
this strategy enables some microorganisms to respond                                    Microbe or
rapidly to fresh substrate when it becomes available,                                   exo-enzyme
conferring a competitive advantage over microorgan-
isms the survival strategy of which is based upon true
dormancy (Dungait et al., 2011). The need for a slow
trickle of organic molecules from SOM to maintain the
survival of soil microorganisms has subsequently led to
the suggestion that there is an abiotic bottleneck (the
‘Regulatory Gate’) that regulates a sustained, but lim-                                                              Organic
ited supply of SOM to soil microorganisms (Kemmitt                        Dessicated                                 matter    Waterlogged

et al., 2008).                                                                                 H2O/O2 availability
   Soil structure and aggregation may control the sup-
                                                                        Fig. 2 The ‘random walk’ theory representing the controls of
ply of water, nutrients and oxygen, and the connectiv-                  decomposition of soil organic matter (SOM) as a function of
ity between C and potential decomposers (Eusterhues                     accessibility by microorganisms in the soil matrix. The probabil-
et al., 2007; Kuka et al., 2007; Bachmann et al., 2008).                ity of access of microbe to organic matter in the soil matrix is
Sinsabaugh & Follstad Shah (2011) proposed a concep-                    controlled by a combination of biological, physical and chemical
tual model in which the recalcitrance of SOM is a                       variables. The pathway (indicated by dotted lines) connecting
function of its relative susceptibility to a succession of              the decomposer microorgansim or exo-enzyme with the organic
exo-enzymes, the activity of which is limited by the                    matter is the ‘route’ that has to be ‘navigated’ multi-dimension-
movement of substrate, enzyme and organism. Kuka                        ally before the organic matter decomposes. Examples of the
et al. (2007) modelled SOM decomposition in terms of                    dimensions that have to be navigated include the metabolic
                                                                        energy level of the microorganism, the motility of the microor-
the pore-space in soil, arguing that decomposition can
                                                                        ganism or the movement by the exo-enzyme, the spatial separa-
only be achieved when water, oxygen, substrate and
                                                                        tion of the microorganism or the exo-enzyme and the organic
organism/enzyme come together, and the organisms                        matter, pH, temperature, soil pore size, length, connectivity and
can only benefit if there is a transport connection to                  tortuosity, strength of SOM sorption to soil particles, occlusion
enable metabolites to travel back to the same organism                  between clay layers and within aggregates, efficiency of enzyme
from the site of enzyme action. These ideas marry well                  activity, stearic hindrance, and the requirement for synergy
with the Regulatory Gate Hypothesis (Kemmitt et al.,                    with other enzymes. The shading around the substrate indicates
2008) where decomposition is thought to be limited by                   the abiotic release of components of organic matter (after
factors other than the activity of microorganisms. One                  Kemmitt et al., 2008).
key substrate-enzyme interaction has attracted much
attention. Tannins and polyphenols complex with pro-                    ple, freeze-thaw and wet-dry cycles, or bioturbation,
teins and inhibit the activity of soil enzymes, except                  the potential for decomposition is likely to depend on
polyphenol oxidase, which is limited by low pH and                      the mean length of a ‘random walk’ by the decomposer
low oxygen status (Freeman et al., 2001, 2004). Based on                organisms through tortuous soil pore space (Fig. 2).
the behaviour of polyphenolic compounds and the                         Physical variables include the distance between micro-
enzymes that catalyze their oxidation, Sinsabaugh                       organisms and substrate; soil pore size, length, connec-
(2010) proposed that cool, wet, anaerobic soils should                  tivity and tortuosity (Kuka et al., 2007); and, physical
accumulate C and that warm, dry, aerobic soils should                   protection of the substrate, i.e. strength of sorption to
lose it. Although observations generally bear out this                  soil particles and occlusion between clay layers and
proposal the key intervention would be to remove phe-                   within aggregates. Once within the vicinity of substrate,
nols from peat or preserve them in arid soils.                          exo-enzymes might accelerate decomposition, but this
   If all soil SOM is degradable in principle, the con-                 will be metabolically uneconomic if the pathway of the
straints on microbial decomposition of SOM in soil                      digested substrate back to the microorganism is equally
probably depend on the co-occurrence of water, air,                     long and tortuous. The efficiency of enzyme activity
substrate and microbe at the same point in space and                    will be compromised by stearic hindrance, the require-
time. Van Haastert & Bosgraaf (2009) described the                      ment for synergy with other enzymes, pH and tempera-
food-searching strategy of starving organisms in heter-                 ture. If the Regulatory Gate hypothesis of Kemmitt
ogeneous environments, as progressively longer ‘ran-                    et al. (2008) is correct, a small but sustained abiotic
dom walks’, probably because there is no information                    release of SOM (indicated by the shadow around the
about substrate availability (Hénaut et al., 2002;                     substrate source in Fig. 2) may also to contribute to the
Edwards et al., 2007; Reynolds et al., 2011). Thus, in the              likelihood of an encounter between soil microorganisms
absence of physical disturbances caused by, for exam-                   and SOM.

© 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Global Change Biology, 18, 1781–1796
1790 J . A . J . D U N G A I T et al.

                                                                  have found wide use for predictive purposes have
C sequestration in subsoils
                                                                  tended to be simple and robust (RothC, Coleman et al.,
If accessibility by microbes and exo-enzymes is the key           1997; Q model, Ågren & Bosatta, 1987) or versatile
factor in controlling C turnover in soils, then deeper            (Century, Parton et al., 1987). It is widely accepted that
soil horizons may provide an opportunity to enhance C             models can only be expected to operate effectively
sequestration. Up to 75% of the C in the soil resides             when applied to soil systems for which they were
below the surface horizon (Fig. 1; Jobbágy & Jackson,            designed and when applied within the parameter
2000). The deeper SOM is assumed to be very stable,               ranges for which they have been validated (Manzoni &
with radiocarbon ages of more than 4000 years                     Porporato, 2009). This leads to obvious difficulties
reported (Jenkinson et al., 2008), and ascribed in part to        when the models are pushed to the edge of, or beyond,
more mineral association and protection at greater                their validation, such as may occur when they are
depths (Spielvogel et al., 2008; Chabbi et al., 2009).            applied to rapid environmental change or ‘unusual’
Deep soils are more likely to be colder, waterlogged,             soils. For example, reductive models, based on long-
anoxic and nutrient-limited compared with surface                 term agricultural experimental data from mineral-dom-
horizons, leading to smaller and less active microbial            inated, low SOM content soils, have their downfalls
communities. The restricted connectivity between                  and critiques when applied to peats. Although soils
microorganisms and the substrate mentioned above                  with restricted drainage such as peats contain about
(see Regulation of microbial activity by substrate supply)        one-third of the world’s store of soil C, the RothC and
will be more severe in the subsoil (Ekschmitt et al.,             Century models handle mineral soils only (Chimner
2008; Salomé et al., 2010). However, environmental               et al., 2002; Falloon et al., 2006), yet the models are
conditions in subsoils are typically more stable because          widely used in global studies of soil C dynamics.
they are buffered from rapid changes in moisture and              ECOSSE (Smith et al., 2010a), based on RothC, and
temperature, and therefore provide a nutritionally                MILLENNIA (Heinemeyer et al., 2010), which uses a
and energetically impoverished but stable set of niches           cohort approach similar to that in the Q model (see
for microorganisms, compared with surface soils                   below) are recent attempts to rectify this failing.
(Sanaullah et al., 2011).                                            Models of C turnover are the only reasonable
   Kell (2011) recently suggested the potential to                approach available for the prediction of the roles of
enhance C storage through the development of deep-                soils in future climate change. To date, Global Ecosys-
rooted plants that would incorporate C directly into the          tem Models vary in the way they treat differences in
subsoil. Rasse et al. (2005) described the preferential           the decomposition of soil C. As an illustration of some
stabilization of root C compared to shoot C in soils.             of the difficulties, Jenkinson & Coleman (2008) sug-
However, the principal obstacles to C incorporation to            gested that emission of CO2 from soils as a result of glo-
subsoils by deep rooting plants is the mechanical                 bal warming by modelling subsoil C in the same way
impedance offered by the soil, and the facts subsoils are         as surface C may have been over-estimated, and pro-
not usually environmentally favourable for root growth            posed a ‘layered’ approach which requires additional
and sometimes offer only limited resources to the                 development. Friedlingstein et al. (2006) found that
plants. Deep root penetration may also contribute to              between one and nine soil organic C pools were used in
priming the decomposition of otherwise stable subsoil             different modes, but that all the models considered
C (Fontaine et al., 2007; Marschner et al., 2008; Xiang           adopted a pool approach rather than that of quality
et al., 2008; Chabbi et al., 2009; Salomé et al., 2010).         continuum. Both the Van Veen & Paul (1981) and
Despite this interest there is remarkably little data that        Century models conceive fresh plant material as an inti-
trace the dynamics of carbon in subsoil (Gregory et al.,          mate mixture of components that differ in decompos-
2011) and the mechanisms that would stabilize carbon              ability, such that the decomposition of two easily
or release it require investigation before the potential to       decomposable components is restricted by the remain-
store carbon can be exploited.                                    ing skeleton of a third, which is identified with lignin.
                                                                  Total decomposition is thus retarded in this scheme
                                                                  because the lignin gradually becomes a greater and
Linking soil biogeochemical understanding with
                                                                  greater proportion of the remaining substrate and its
soil C modelling
                                                                  structure impedes the ability of microorganisms to find
To date, the new and emerging ideas on C turnover in              the easily decomposable substrates. Whitmore & Matus
soils expressed above have had mixed uptake in quan-              (1996) have suggested a simpler function that traces the
titative or predictive computer simulation models,                ratio of two components only to achieve the same
although complex models can work well with results                effect. Alternatively, the Q model uses a ‘continuous-
from controlled experimental systems. Models that                 quality theory’ approach that dispenses with artificial

                                                              © 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Global Change Biology, 18, 1781–1796
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pool classification and attempts to take account of the                 decomposing low concentrations of starch in soil (Ger-
complete biochemical spectrum of compounds in the                       man et al., 2011) are examples of kinetic behaviour
SOM from labile to stable, and SOM quality as a mea-                    other than first-order in soils. In short, if the kinetics
sure of substrate availability to decomposers (Ågren &                 differs from assumption, SOM can appear more or less
Bosatta, 1987). This may be particularly advantageous                   decomposable than expected. Given the hard-won and
when modelling soil C under changing climatic condi-                    rare nature of long-term SOM decomposition data, it
tions, because of the likely alterations in substrate qual-             would be surprising if the kinetics of turnover were not
ity, above and below-ground allocation, and ecological                  subject to considerable uncertainty. Reliable means to
and physiological responses by the both plants and                      infer mechanisms conclusively from sparse data are
decomposer organisms.                                                   lacking and it is probably for this reason that relatively
   The RothC model simulates physical protection by                     simple, robust models of soil processes such as RothC
means of clay, which diverts a greater proportion of C                  and Century have found wide application in modelling
turn over to the slowly turning over HUM fraction                       the turnover of C in soils.
rather than CO2. The Van Veen (1981) model models
protection explicitly with factors that increase protec-
tion with clay content. Both models include a very sta-
ble fraction similar to the Century model, but whereas                  After the geological and marine C pools, the terrestrial
this may itself decompose in the Century and Van Veen                   pool is the largest global store of C, and has the poten-
models, stable SOM is inert in RothC. These inert or                    tial to increase thus improving soil quality as well as C
passive pools are necessary to simulate the very old                    storage. However, the size of the pool changes in time
radiocarbon age of soils (Jenkinson & Rayner, 1977).                    as a result of environmental change and can only be
Hassink & Whitmore (1997) took the concept of physi-                    estimated with limited accuracy, especially for subsoils.
cal protection of a portion of the SOM further and mod-                 The evidence against mechanisms for C stabilization
elled the physical protection in a dynamic way. In their                based on initial molecular structures has grown, partic-
model, protected SOM does not decompose but must                        ularly in the past decade, with advances in analytical
become free before it can do so. Protection and release                 technologies for tracking the fate of specific labelled
were modelled in analogy to a sorption isotherm with                    organic compounds in soils. Inconsistencies between
the assumption that soils’ ability to protect C can                     predicted and measured SOM values have been identi-
become saturated. The success of these models (espe-                    fied indicating that soil C dynamics are more complex
cially Century and RothC), especially their use in simu-                than previously thought and that our models need to be
lating Global Environmental Change and national                         improved. Specifically, the concept of biochemical recal-
inventories of C stocks and emission of CO2, is support                 citrance, wherein molecular structures are inherently
for the mechanisms they contain and that physical pro-                  resistant to microbial decomposition, has been widely
tection in particular better describes the stability of                 accepted because it has empirical meaning but it is now
organic C in soil than long-term chemical recalcitrance.                called into question because of the lack of an adequate
Nevertheless, the need for inert organic C in the RothC                 molecular and mechanistic definition. If the probability
model points to the existence of small amounts of                       for SOM decomposition is low in most soils, because of
long-lived C in soil, which is presumed to derive from                  the requirement for a suite of biological, physical and
black C.                                                                chemical conditions to be met, this might explain the
   The relative recalcitrance or lack of decomposability                paradox that soils contain very large amounts of ancient
of SOM can sometimes be more apparent than real.                        but apparently decomposable SOM. This new under-
There is often an assumption among modellers that                       standing suggests that the search for the ‘holy grail’ of
decomposition of SOM is proportional to the amount                      inherently stable C in soils may be a hopeless quest, and
present, i.e. first-order kinetics. Even Michaelis–Menten               our attention should be diverted to the proper manage-
kinetics describing the activity of enzymes approximate                 ment of SOM, including the rejuvenation of the many
first-order if the substrate is abundant relative to the                degraded soils worldwide, particularly those resulting
enzyme. However, Schimel & Weintraub (2003) have                        from inappropriate land management.
suggested that conditions in soil are such that the enzy-                  There is a critical need to develop a chain of related
matic capacity concentration may be greater than the                    hypotheses that express current understanding and
substrate concentration, and Whitmore (1996) has                        point to critical experiments to calibrate and validate
shown how second or partial order kinetics can explain                  these ideas. Some questions that could be used to frame
observations better than first-order. Data on the turn-                 such hypotheses are given below. The list is certainly
over of the soil microbial biomass (Dalenberg & Jager,                  not definitive, but is intended to highlight some of the
1989) or the reduction in the inducibility of enzymes                   major areas of uncertainty within known mechanisms,

© 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Global Change Biology, 18, 1781–1796
1792 J . A . J . D U N G A I T et al.

and open questions where new conceptual thinking
may be required to link understanding of the biological,
chemical and physical mechanisms with modelling to               This work represents part of the BBSRC-funded programmes at
improve predictive capacity particularly in a global             Rothamsted Research on Sustainable Soil Function and Bioener-
                                                                 gy and Climate Change. DWH acknowledges NERC research
change context
                                                                 grant support (NE/D00893X1 and NE/H022503/1). The authors
   1. If decomposition requires the combination of sub-          would like to thank the two anonymous reviewers for their
strate, enzymes (microorganisms), oxygen, water and              comprehensive reading of the manuscript and constructive sug-
heat, explicit modelling of all these factors in space and       gestions for its improvement.
time should improve the predictability of SOM turn-
• How can the distribution of each factor in space and           Adair EC, Parton WJ, Del Grosso SJ et al. (2008) Simple three pool model accurately
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                                                             © 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Global Change Biology, 18, 1781–1796
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