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Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 30:78–92, 2013 Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC ISSN: 1054-8408 print / 1540-7306 online DOI: 10.1080/10548408.2013.751220 SOCIAL NETWORKING AND SOCIAL SUPPORT IN TOURISM EXPERIENCE: THE MODERATING ROLE OF ONLINE SELF-PRESENTATION STRATEGIES Jeongmi (Jamie) Kim Iis P. Tussyadiah ABSTRACT. The purpose of this study is to provide an understanding of how tourists’ self-presentation is managed on social networking sites (SNS). Specifically, the study investigated the effects of SNS use on social support and tourism experience and the moderating role of the different tourists’ self-presentation strategies. The results emphasize the importance of SNS use for tourists to seek support from their social network while traveling. The study clarifies the importance of SNS use for tourism experience, in that the more tourists are engaged in social activities through SNS while traveling, the more social support they will get, which will contribute positively to their tourism expe- rience. Also, it is argued that social support does not always directly result from the intense SNS use, but rather moderated by tourists’ self-presentation strategies. KEYWORDS. Positive self-presentation, honest self-presentation, social support, tourism experience INTRODUCTION the context of the interaction that occurs within. In other words, self-presentational per- In the age of the social web, people use formances as well as the feedback and support various online channels to present themselves to that follow play a critical role in the formation the world, which may involve strategic selec- of self. Indeed, recent research suggests that an tion of self-related information and images to active online communication with others in an provide when creating their profile on social offline social network enhances people’s levels media. Self-presentation is considered a form of subjective well-being and works to reinforce of communication, in that people try to com- the already tangible relationships (Valkenburg, municate a message about who they are to Peter, & Schouten, 2006). More recently, it is others. Goffman (1959) argue that one’s self is also suggested that the use of social network- produced through the use of self-presentational ing sites (SNS) can serve as a new type of performances that are either publicly validated self-presentation and social support (Kim & or discredited by interested parties based upon Lee, 2011; Wright & Bell, 2003). Jeongmi (Jamie) Kim is in the School of Tourism & Hospitality Management at Temple University, 1810 North 13th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19122, USA (E-mail: Iis P. Tussyadiah is in the Institute of Design & Communication at the University of Southern Denmark in Kolding, Denmark (E-mail: Address correspondence to: Jeongmi (Jamie) Kim at the above address. 78
Jeongmi (Jamie) Kim and Iis P. Tussyadiah 79 However, existing studies have hardly dis- selective self-presentation strategies and SNS cussed the effect of SNS use and online social use behavior together to draw valuable out- support in the context of travel. Nowadays, comes. tourists increasingly share photos and videos In the context of travel, tourists may be more as well as write blog and micro-blog posts inclined to present themselves to others in a in order to communicate with and seek sup- selective manner by highlighting the favorable port from friends, family, colleagues, and even and appropriate images of themselves, while strangers without any time and space restraints others may prefer to present themselves in a (Huang, Basu, & Hsu, 2010). Indeed, as tech- true-to-self manner. This suggests that eluci- nological features of SNS are more and more dating selective self-presentation strategies will diverse, tourists use SNS for a variety of reasons gain a more profound theoretical understand- from seeking travel-related information, main- ing about tourists experience in the social media taining social connections, finding travel com- era. Thus, an examination of how the differ- panions, providing travel tips and suggestions, ent self-presentation strategies affect social sup- to simply having fun by sharing interesting port and, subsequently, the tourism experience travel experiences with each other (Wang, Yu, & is of a great importance. Therefore, the pur- Fesenmaier, 2002). Thus, SNS provide tourists pose of this study is to examine how tourists’ with additional opportunities to present them- self-presentation is managed on SNS and how selves and exchange social support with others self-presentation and social support in SNS online (Walther & Boyd, 2002; Wright & Bell, influences tourists’ experience. Specifically, the 2003). As these processes occur while traveling, study investigated the effects of SNS use on self-presentational performances on SNS can social support and tourism experience and the be considered inseparable from tourism expe- moderating role of the different tourists’ self- rience. Hence, it is argued that the value chain presentation strategies. of self-presentation within SNS would exert an influence on tourists’ experience. Gibbs, Ellison, and Heino (2006) argue that LITERATURE REVIEW using SNS presents individuals with new chal- lenges in regard to self-presentation behav- Social Networking Sites (SNS) and ior. The two key factors of SNS—namely, the Self-Presentation reduced communication cues and potentially asynchronous communication—enable users to In his classic work, The Presentation of Self engage in selective self-presentation (Walther, in Everyday Life (1959), Goffman suggests that 2007). According to the hyperpersonal model people are concerned with the way others per- of computer-mediated communication (CMC), ceive them, in that presenting favorable and through online communication, people have appropriate images to impress others are the the ability to develop relationships that are motivating actors that guide and control peo- more socially desirable than in parallel face- ple’s behavior. Higgins (1987) approaches the to-face interactions by using selective self- same concept from a broader perspective. He presentation and the subsequent highlighting conceptualizes three types of self domains based of certain characteristics while masking others on the standpoints of the actor and/or an imag- (Walther, 2007). Recent studies on the roles of ined audience: the ideal self, the ought self, self-presentation in various online contexts— and the actual self. The ideal self is com- such as online dating (Ellison, Steinfield, & posed of qualities that the actor or others wish Lampe, 2007; Gibbs et al., 2006), Avatar cre- for him/her to possess, while the ought self ation (Vasalou, Joinson, Banziger, Goldie & comprises qualities that the actor or others Pitt, 2008), and SNS use among students expect him/her to possess due to an obligation. (Kim & Lee, 2011; McLaughlin, Vitak, & The actual self is composed of stable quali- Crouse, 2011)—have investigated this tendency. ties the actor or others believe s/he possesses. These previous works, however, do not consider Goffman and Higgins’ frameworks are useful to
80 JOURNAL OF TRAVEL & TOURISM MARKETING assist in an understanding of self-presentation fit these standards (Hine, 2001; Siibak, 2009; activities. The process of “packaging and editing Valkenburg et al., 2006). As such, self- presen- the self” involves choices about what infor- tation can be seen as a product of discourse mation to include, what to leave out, and between the audience and the performing tourist whether to engage in a more positive man- who tries to achieve a certain goal (Hine, 2001; ner or to remain honest with one’s audience Pearson, 2009). Depending on his/her objective (McLaughlin et al., 2011; Toma, Hancock, & and goal, a tourist may actively search for fur- Ellison, 2008, p. 1024). This selective pro- ther input from the audience in order to create cess of self-presentation is essential for social a suitable performance on SNS. In summary, it support. can be suggested that a tourist may choose a cer- On most SNS, users have a greater con- tain level of positive or honest self-presentation trol over their self-presentational activities, strategies on SNS while traveling in order to in that SNS allows them to manage their attain social support from their friends (Kim & online interactions more strategically (Ellison Lee, 2011). et al., 2007). One of the relevant theo- retical approaches to understand this self- Social Support presentation mechanism in SNS context is the hyperpersonal model (Walther, 1996). It sug- Social support can be defined as “verbal and gests that the unique features of SNS—namely, nonverbal communication between recipients the reduced cues environment and the asyn- and providers that reduces uncertainty about the chronous communication—allow users to selec- situation, the self, the other, or the relationship, tively self-present themselves (Walther, 1996). and functions to enhance a perception of per- Thus, an individual can manage the information sonal control in one’s experiences” (Albrecht & about him/herself in order to earn the approval Adelman, 1987, p. 19). According to social psy- of others and to give positive impressions about chology literature, social support is often seen him/her. Furthermore, recent research suggests as critical in making social environments less that people’s effort to idealize their positive stressful, healthier, and more conducive to effec- parts is experienced in accordance with the need tive adaptation to stress in one of three ways: to present their true self to others (Kraut et al., (a) socio-emotional coping refers to esteem 1998; Ellison et al., 2007). Although the high support and social companionship in times of visibility of displayed positive behavior may stress; (b) informational support refers to the easily lead a SNS user to pursue a positive self- transfer of pertinent information designed to presentation (Kimmerle & Cress, 2008), users help cope with a particular stressor; and (c) anticipating long-term and/or pre-existing rela- instrumental support involves the transfer of tionships with their SNS friends may choose to goods or services (House, 1981; Mikal & Grace, present themselves honestly without selectively 2012). putting their highly desirable images (Gibbs With the development in information and et al., 2006; Kim & Lee, 2011). In other words, communication technology (ICT), the bound- the experience of SNS users can be optimized ary of social support is expanding from tra- through selective self-presentation as this self- ditional face-to-face communication context presentation will affect responses from their to computer-mediated communication context. peers. Specifically, it is suggested that SNS can Aligned with the hyperpersonal model, the facilitate social interactions and social sup- interaction among the performers and the audi- port (Walther, 1996; Kim & Lee, 2011) and ence plays an important role in self-presentation that SNS characteristics make them an alterna- (Goffman, 1959). Research shows that users are tive to the traditional support networks within acutely aware of the criteria needed to achieve the face-to-face environment (Turner, Grube, & social support from peers on SNS. For example, Meyers, 2001; Walther & Boyd, 2002). Through people are quite deliberate in choosing photos to participating in online groups, some people represent themselves on their SNS profiles that found means to deal with various life problems.
Jeongmi (Jamie) Kim and Iis P. Tussyadiah 81 As SNS can eliminate barriers related to time for tourists. Such support is routinely afforded and distance and draw more number of par- by the tourism infrastructure, including tourist ticipants than the traditional face-to-face com- information centers and tour guides (Berno & munication (Chen & Choi, 2011), SNS may Ward, 2005). significantly enhance existing forms of social support (Kim & Lee, 2011; Mikal & Grace, SNS and Tourism Experience 2012). Some scholars point out the differences Since tourism experience has a direct impact between perceived social support and received on tourist’s satisfaction and revisit intention, it is social support, and also that these two can be a critical issue for destination marketing organi- differently accessed (Bambina, 2007; Prati & zations (DMOs) to examine the main construct Pietrantoni, 2010). Perceived social support can of tourism experience and how to enhance a pos- be defined as an individual’s beliefs about the itive tourism experience. Even though tourism availability of various types of support from experience concept has been noted as pivotal by his/her network associates; whereas received both academics and policy makers, the disparity social support is defined as the actual sup- in the central meaning of the concept remains port received (Gottlieb & Bergen, 2010). For obscure (Jennings et al., 2009). Moreover, the example, if a person has a large number of development in ICT has transformed tourism online friends on SNS, s/he may perceive some globally (Buhalis & O’Connor, 2005) and the friends whom s/he would be able to rely on belief that tourism is an escape from the mun- when facing problems. On the other hand, dane of everyday life has been challenged received social support is the actual social sup- (Uriely, 2005). In the current era of mass media, port that s/he receives through SNS—such as tourism experiences are more than gazing at dis- comments, likes, and trackbacks. Most impor- tant sights and engaging in the facets of other tantly, perceived social support can differ from cultures; rather, they are an integration of the received social support, which may cause a interaction and reflection among tourist, places, dissonance about the relationships involved on others, and social networks (Uriely, 2005; Urry, SNS. 1990). Many studies (Huang & Hsu, 2010; In the travel context, social support is known Uriely, 2005; White & White, 2007) suggest that to moderate the relationship between stress- the social dimension of tourism can attribute ful travel experiences and psychological out- the essence of tourism experience. In this sense, comes (Berno & Ward, 2005; Huang & Hsu, using SNS helps to meet tourists’ social needs 2009; Ward, 2001). Cross-cultural research has by allowing “the emergence of a mobile and revealed that those with more avenues for network sociality,” which is a “complex inter- support experience better physical and mental section of face-to-face interaction and mediated health (Ward, 2001). Social support for tourists communication, co-presence and virtual prox- could be provided from either weak ties, such imity, corporeal travel and virtual motilities” as other tourists (Huang & Hsu, 2010); or close (Mascheroni, 2007, p. 527). ties, such as friends and family (Klooster & Go, Furthermore, it is argued that the process 2006). Social support during the initial phase of of narrating can be considered the process travel can also be derived from those undergo- of making sense of people’s lives (Gabriel, ing a similar experience. Close ties can provide 2000; Tussyadiah & Fesenmaier, 2009). Also, tourists with a sense of place. On the other hand, drawing from the work of Giddens (1991), weak ties may extend resources to information Desforges (2000) indicates that narratives and needed to reduce possible fears about the new story sharing are important for tourists because environment or provide an advice in the prepara- through sharing their experiences, tourists can tion for the trip. Ong and Ward (2005) argue that probe experiences that (re)produce their sense instrumental social support (i.e., informational of self. According to Giddens (1991), self- and tangible support) is particularly effective identity is not something that is just given as in fostering positive psychological outcomes a result of the continuities of the individual
82 JOURNAL OF TRAVEL & TOURISM MARKETING action-system, but is something that has to be interactions and social support (Walther, 1996; routinely created and sustained in the reflexive Kim & Lee, 2011). According to Ellison and activities of the individual. It is through narra- colleagues (2011), “[it] is unlikely that individ- tion that allows tourist to reflect on their travel uals use Facebook to discover large numbers of experiences and form self-concept (Desforges, new close friends, but the site effectively facil- 2000). itates the ability to ask for emotional support As tourists are expanding the space-time from strong and weak ties and supports acts of boundary through the use of ICT, the dynam- ‘social grooming” (p. 139). Previous study has ics of ICT open a whole new set of experi- also found that participating in an online com- ence for them. Hence, tourists’ use of SNS and munity can provide useful information and emo- their self-presentation can generate an enjoyable tional support; and greater involvement with an tourism experience by stimulating the receiv- online community was predictive of lower per- ing of social support (Tussyadiah & Fesenmaier, ceived life stress (Mikal & Grace, 2012; Wright, 2009). Indeed, this adds to the complexity of 2000). Hence, SNS communication typically tourism experience, as it can occur in an infinite consists of interactions between users and their range of places and is not limited to one specific SNS friends (including actions such as photo place or encounter (O’Dell, 2005). Therefore, it tagging), in which one friend directly identifies can be argued that tourists’ SNS use can pro- another. Wall posts and messages are strong pre- vide the better experience, especially in terms of dictors of and are associated with an increased social and affective dimensions, by encouraging social support as well as reduced loneliness social interaction and providing reflective cues (Burke, Marlow, & Lento, 2010; Kim & Lee, of their travel. 2011). Also, to better understand the social sup- port mechanisms, scholars have described social Research Hypotheses support as a “meta-construct” consisting of sev- The aim of this research is to examine the eral subconstructs (Bambina, 2007; Cohen & positive relationships among tourists’ use of Wills, 1985; House, 1981; Prati & Pietrantoni, SNS, social support, and tourism experience. 2010). The present study focuses on two of Further, this research also examines whether these subconstructs: received social support and or not the relationship between SNS use and perceived social support. Measures of received social support is moderated by self-presentation social support are designed to assess the specific strategies. The hypothesized model is illus- supportive feedback that is provided to tourists trated in Figure 1. It is suggested that since by their SNS friends. On the other hand, mea- users have the power to control the exchange sures of perceived social support assess tourists’ of messages on SNS, SNS can facilitate social general perception and belief toward their SNS FIGURE 1. The Hypothesized Model
Jeongmi (Jamie) Kim and Iis P. Tussyadiah 83 friends. Hence, the following hypotheses are between SNS use and received social posited: support. H3a: Tourists’ positive self-presentation H1a: There is a positive relationship strategies moderate the relationship between tourists’ SNS use and received between SNS use and perceived social social support. support. H1b: There is a positive relationship H3b: Tourists’ honest self-presentation between tourists’ SNS use and strategies moderate the relationship perceived social support. between SNS use and perceived social support. However, there are contradictory views on the relationship between SNS use and social Through various self-presentation activities, support. Vitak, Ellison, and Steinfield (2011) tourist may have a chance to reflect on their argued that an active SNS use is not enough travels, share their own experience, and form for predicting social support, which contrasts their sense of self through social support. previous studies showing a positive relation- Traditionally, tour guide, local residents, and ship between the two variables (Manago et al., other tourists have been considered providers of 2008; Siibak, 2009; Valkenburg et al., 2006). social support (Huang et al., 2010). However, One of the possible reasons for the failure to with ICT development and SNS use, tourists can find a consistent relationship between SNS use seek social support not just from other tourists and social support may be the existing mod- (i.e., weak ties) in the destinations, but also erating factor. It is argued that a tourist’s per- from friends and family (i.e., strong ties) back ceived social support does not always directly home. Incorporating the concepts from cus- result from the intense self-presentation on SNS tomer experiential value, Keng and Ting (2009) per se, but rather from his/her self-presentation found the relationship between SNS interac- strategies. Given the effort associated with the tivity and perceived similarity between blog adjusting of self-presentation, the interaction readers and the others. Further, Toma (2010) between the performer (i.e., the tourist) and suggests that SNS users can emotionally bene- the audience is important. Therefore, when fit from self-affirmation through social support. tourists post their experience on SNS, they That is, positive feedback and social support may actively search for further input from the for their travel-related posting or photo sharing audience in order to create a suitable per- may generate an enjoyable tourism experience formance (Goffman, 1959). In other words, (Tussyadiah & Fesenmaier, 2009). Hence, the the tourist may choose some level of self- following hypotheses are posited: presentation strategies, which can be positive or honest self-presentation (Kim & Lee, 2011). H4a: There is a positive relationship Positive self-presentation may strengthen the between received social support and relationship between tourists’ SNS use and tourism experience. the social support. On the other hand, hon- H4b: There is a positive relationship est self-presentation may weaken the relation- between perceived social support and ship between tourists’ SNS use and social sup- tourism experience. port. Therefore, the following hypotheses are posited: METHODOLOGY H2a: Tourists’ positive self-presentation strategies moderate the relationship Measurement Items between SNS use and received social support. To test the hypothesized model, measure- H2b: Tourists’ honest self-presentation ment items were adapted from previous stud- strategies moderate the relationship ies (see the Appendix for measurement items).
84 JOURNAL OF TRAVEL & TOURISM MARKETING The items measuring SNS use were originally Data Collection developed by Ellison et al. (2007) to gauge user engagement in activities on Facebook Data were collected through an online sur- based on the number of “friends,” the amount vey targeting young professionals in Korea of time spent on the network on a typical who had travel experience within the past day, and the level of agreement with several six months and are familiar with mobile and statements gauging users’ emotional attach- internet technology. The survey was conducted ment to the site. The scale was modified for from December 18 to December 31, 2011 and tourism context in this study. Items measur- from April 1 to April 10, 2012. At the first ing self-presentation were originally developed stage, respondents were recruited on a self- by Kim and Lee (2011). They categorized selection basis, whereby initial invitations to one’s self-presentation into two groups: positive take part in the online survey were posted self-presentation and honest self-presentation. on a researcher’s Twitter feed, blog, and For positive self-presentation, they tested six Facebook status updates. In order to increase items to assess the extent to which participants the response rate, another invitation was posted selectively show positive aspects of themselves on Korea Tourism Organization’s Facebook sta- through Facebook. For honest self-presentation, tus updates. The invitations included a shortened they used four items to assess the extent to URL pointing to the online survey. The which participants honestly share their thoughts, URL received 252 responses, 217 of which feelings, and life events through Facebook. This were completed and used for further analysis. study uses 12 measurement items that were In terms of demographics, 56.2% of the respon- modified for tourism context. dents were male. Most respondents were in their Social support is conceptualized in two con- 30s (53.5%), followed by 20s (34.6%). About structs: received social support (i.e., actual com- 82% of the respondents hold a bachelor’s degree munication and feedback from SNS) and per- or higher. Also, over 97% of respondents use ceived social support. For the actual commu- the Internet every day. These results reflect the nication and feedback, directed communication typical characteristics of young professionals in scale originally developed by Burke and col- Korea (National Internet Development Agency leagues (2010) was used. The scale includes [NIDA], 2012). interactions between the focal user and another friend, which include text exchanges and non- RESULTS text feedback (e.g., clicking the “like” button and photo tagging). In their original research, Reliability and Validity they collected activity data from server logs of the participants’ activity. However, due to First of all, the test of the factor structure the technical difficulty, this study used the self- of the study model included the examination of survey method by asking the extent to which reliability for internal consistency. Internal con- users are getting various types of communi- sistency was calculated using Cronbach’s alpha cation and feedback from their SNS friends. coefficients and the overall internal consistency For perceived social support, items adapted coefficients of the questionnaire were over .90, from the Interpersonal Support Evaluation List which are higher than the minimum cut-off (ISEL) scale developed by Kim and Lee (2011) score of .60, as shown in Table 1. Through liter- was reworded to specifically reflect the con- ature review, questionnaire used in this research texts of SNS use. Finally, items measuring was designed with reference to the dimensional tourism experience, which is defined as the questions proposed by the scholars of the spe- evaluation of the overall travel in this study, cialty. Hence, the items of questionnaire are were adapted from measurement items devel- in accordance with content validity (Cooper & oped by Tussyadiah and Zach (2012) in their Emory, 1995) recent study on the impact of technology use on Principal component analysis was adopted tourism experience. to proceed with the construct validity.
Jeongmi (Jamie) Kim and Iis P. Tussyadiah 85 TABLE 1. Reliability and Validity Test Factors Item Factor Eigenvalue Explanatory Cronbach’s α loadings variance SNS use 1 .877 4.577 76.286 .937 (KMO = .869; Bartlet’s χ 2 = 1051.375; 2 .816 p = .000) 3 .900 4 .870 5 .905 6 .870 Positive self-presentation 1 .875 4.614 76.905 .939 (KMO = .881; Bartlet’s χ 2 = 1051.179; 2 .873 p = .000) 3 .895 4 .827 5 .910 6 .881 Honestself-presentation 1 .680 4.111 68.516 .906 (KMO = .842; Bartlet’s χ 2 = 860.256; 2 .687 p = .000) 3 .869 4 .915 5 .873 6 .905 Received social support 1 .907 4.960 82.665 .958 (KMO = .923; Bartlet’s χ 2 = 1228.397; 2 .922 p = .000) 3 .904 4 .913 5 .898 6 .911 Perceived social support 1 .928 5.172 86.202 .966 (KMO = .937; Bartlet’s χ 2 = 1505.194; 2 .944 p = .000) 3 .942 4 .952 5 .949 6 .852 Tourism experience 1 .947 2.720 90.682 .948 (KMO = .761; Bartlet’s χ 2 = 576.477; 2 .965 p = .000) 3 .944 As suggested by Hair and colleagues (1998), the Chicago, IL, USA). Hypothesis 1 predicted that eigenvalue had to be greater than 1. Moreover, a tourist who is highly engaged in SNS use each item’s absolute value of factor loading had would be more likely to acquire social sup- better be greater than .60 after an orthogonal port. The results show that a tourist’s SNS use rotation by using varimax method. As repre- was significantly related to their received social sented in Table 1, the factor loading of each support (R2 = .512, β = .716, p < .001) and item was higher than .6 (ranging from .680 to perceived social support (R2 = .432, β = .657, .965) and the eigenvalues were all greater than 2. p < .001). Thus, Hypotheses 1a and 1b were Overall, the questionnaire used in this research supported by the data. This finding is consistent has reached relatively good construct validity. with some previous studies and lends credibility to the notion that tourists’ SNS use does play an Hypothesis Testing influential role in acquiring feedback and social support from their social network. To achieve the research goal, simple regres- To test the moderating effects of positive self- sion and hierarchical regression analyses were presentation and honest self-presentation on the adopted utilizing SPSS 19.0 (SPSS, Inc., linkages between SNS use and social support
86 JOURNAL OF TRAVEL & TOURISM MARKETING (Hypotheses 2 and 3), hierarchical multiple support becomes weaker. Thus, Hypotheses 2a regression analyses were employed (Sheeran & and 2b were supported. Abraham, 2003). Significant main effects of the Hypotheses 3 also suggested that positive predictor and moderator on criterion variable self-presentation and honest self-presentation can be found, but these effects are not directly would moderate the relationship between related to the testing of the moderation hypoth- tourists’ SNS use and perceived social support. esis (Baron & Kenny, 1986). To do so, the As shown in Table 3, the interaction term scales for positive self-presentation, honest self- between SNS use and perceived social support presentation, and SNS use were centered at their was not significant. Apparently, both positive means before computing the interactions and self-presentation and honest self-presentation conducting the analyses (Aiken & West, 1991). have no interaction effects on tourists’ perceived To test Hypotheses 2, the moderated regres- social support at p > .10. Thus, Hypotheses 3a sion analysis of both positive self-presentation and 3b were not supported and honest self-presentation for received social Finally, Hypothesis 4 predicted that a tourist support appears in Table 2. Step 3 on Table 2 who received social support would be more indicates that the inclusion of the interaction likely to have a positive tourism experience. between the moderator variable and SNS use Results show that both received and perceived was associated with a significant increment in social support were significantly related to the variance explained in received social sup- tourism experience (R2 = .670, received social port. It also shows that the interaction term of support β = .283, perceived social support β = SNS use and both positive self-presentation (β = .575, p < .001). That is, the higher social .072, p < .01) and honest self-presentation (β = support through SNS has a positive effect on −.134, p < .01) were significant. Significant tourist’s experience. Therefore, Hypothesis 4 is positive coefficient reflects that the SNS use– strongly supported. social support linkage becomes stronger as the positive self-presentation increases. On the other hand, the coefficient of the honest self- CONCLUSION AND presentation and SNS use interaction effect IMPLICATIONS was negative; indicating that as honest self- presentation increases, the positive link between This study tested the hypothesized relation- relationship SNS use and their received social ships between tourists’ use of SNS, social TABLE 2. The Moderating Effects on SNS Use and Received Social Support Independent variables Dependent variable: Received social support β (Step 1) β (Step 2) β (Step 3) SNS use .644∗∗∗ .495∗∗∗ .531∗∗∗ Positive self presentation (SP) .237∗∗∗ .031∗∗∗ SNS use ∗ Positive SP .072∗∗ R2 .512∗∗∗ .553∗∗∗ .569∗ R 2 .41∗∗∗ .015∗ F 202.881∗∗∗ 119.005∗∗∗ 89.913∗∗∗ SNS use .644∗∗∗ .516∗∗∗ .518∗∗∗ Honest self presentation (SP) .083 .006 SNS use ∗ Honest SP −.134∗∗ R2 .512∗∗∗ .521 .556∗∗∗ R 2 .008 .036∗∗∗ F 202.881∗∗∗ 104.230∗∗∗ 79.855∗∗∗ Note. N = 195. The coefficients are unstandardized β weights. ∗ p < .05. ∗∗ p < .01. ∗∗∗ p < .001.
Jeongmi (Jamie) Kim and Iis P. Tussyadiah 87 TABLE 3. The Moderating Effects on SNS Use and Perceived Social Support Independent variables Dependent variable: Perceived social support β (Step 1) β (Step 2) β (Step 3) SNS use .645∗∗∗ .456∗∗∗ .471∗∗∗ Positive self presentation (SP) .301∗∗∗ .299∗∗∗ SNS use ∗ Positive SP .031 R2 .432∗∗∗ .488∗∗∗ .490 R 2 .56∗∗∗ .002 F 146.873∗∗∗ 91.451∗∗∗ 61.222∗∗∗ SNS use .645∗∗∗ .634∗∗∗ .636∗∗∗ Honest self presentation (SP) −.235∗∗ −.238∗∗ SNS use ∗ Honest SP −.087 R2 .432∗∗∗ .461∗∗ .471 R 2 .029∗∗ .010 F 146.873∗∗∗ 82.176∗∗∗ 56.689∗∗∗ Note. N = 195. The coefficients are unstandardized β weights. ∗ p < .05. ∗∗ p < .01. ∗∗∗ p < .001. support and tourism experience, and the mod- friends. On the other hand, tourists’ honest erating effects of self-presentation strategies on self-presentation weakens the relationship the relationships between SNS use and social between SNS use and the visible social support. support. The results show that there are positive The results demonstrate that tourists’ SNS relationships among tourists’ use of SNS, social use and self-presentation activities enhance support, and tourism experience. The more social support especially when they selectively tourists are engaged in social activities through present their travel stories. These findings are SNS while traveling, the more social support consistent with Walther’s (2007) hyperpersonal they will get, which will contribute positively to model and suggest that the process of selec- their tourism experience. Considering the lack tive self-presentation makes SNS a unique of research in this particular area, results such awareness-enhancing stimulus for both tourists as these articulate more clearly the importance and their social network. of SNS use for tourism experience. ICT has However, it was identified that self- the capacity to allow tourists to maintain their presentation strategies do not moderate everyday life while traveling (Bergami, 2008). tourists’ perceived social support. Consistent As a result, their real-time travel-related post- with the findings from previous studies, tourists’ ing or photo sharing and its consequential social received social support through SNS are often support may generate a more enjoyable tourism not exactly the same as what they believed it experience. would be (Bambina, 2007; Eastin & LaRose, Furthermore, as shown in this study, 2005). Since this study examined both the social support does not always directly “weak ties” and “strong ties” of social support, result from the intense SNS use, but rather the findings are, therefore, not conclusive to moderated by tourists’ self-presentation present the precise role of either of those ties. strategies. Specifically, positive and honest Future research is needed to investigate more self-presentation strategies moderate the rela- about these discrepancies between received and tionship between SNS use and received social perceived social support. support in the opposite ways. Tourists’ positive The results from this study provide a signifi- self-presentation reflects the use of SNS as cant implication regarding the agents of tourism a channel to highlight the positive aspects of experience; SNS could be a powerful channel their travel and these positive aspects generate for tourists to communicate with others. While stronger attention and feedback from their SNS presenting their travel stories, tourists who
88 JOURNAL OF TRAVEL & TOURISM MARKETING upload photo and edit information in a selective about him/herself by presenting a profile and manner potentially will have more social inter- displaying connections with others. Through action and attention. The other side of it is various self-presentation activities, tourist may that people who follow friends’ journey on SNS have a chance to reflect on their travels, share might be able to indirectly experience the travel their own experience, and form their sense of and, simultaneously, influence their experience self through social support from others. Positive by giving them social support. Furthermore, self-presentation activities may serve as a tool to the finding in this study provides an empiri- enable tourists to maximize their received social cal evidence to support the important role of support. Thus, it should be of a great utility online social support in shaping tourists’ expe- to a multitude of tourism providers to facilitate rience. People use SNS not only for exchanging tourists’ self presentation that may enhance their information, but also dispelling their loneliness overall tourism experience. and seeking social support (McKenna & Bargh, The present study does have some limita- 1999; Wellman & Gulia, 1999). Hence, this tions. First, the limitations of samples acquired study opens the possibility to apply an expanded from the self-reported Internet survey should social support concept for tourists. A practical be noted. Since the respondents in this study implication that emerges from this finding is that were recruited from online communities, gen- destination marketers should be attentive to fos- eralizations of any findings should be made ter online social support activities for tourists. with caution. The second limitation deals with More specifically, destination marketers should measurement issues. Aggregated and remem- concentrate on developing efficient communica- bered social support and tourism experience tion methods to allow for social feedback for used in this study cannot capture the dynam- tourists. Thus, it is important for DMO and other ics of experience throughout the travel period. tourism agents to find ways to increase social Indeed, it is very likely that tourism experi- interactions among tourists and their social sup- ence changes along the stages of travel and port network. over time. For future research, a tool designed This study is a preliminary step toward under- for eliciting rich experience narratives is sug- standing how selective self-presentation and gested. Third, the survey of this study was con- social support, which have been previously dis- ducted among Korean tourists. However, SNS cussed in the context of impression manage- usage and motives have been found to differ ment and communication context, may influ- across cultures (Kim, Sohn, & Choi, 2011). ence tourists’ perceived experience. The theo- Therefore, contrasting results might be expected retical implications of these results suggest a in different settings or over different periods of number of important streams for future research. time. Future studies could expand this model by First, research should focus on the influence of examining the model in different cultural and SNS use and social interaction as a cocreator of contextual setting. Finally, the different types tourism experiences. Embracing different self- of travel might serve as different contexts for presentation strategies on SNS will expand the self-presentation, social interactions, and social concept of postmodern tourists who exercise the support on SNS. Future studies should investi- use SNS for different motivation and results. gate these relationships among different types of For some tourists, the act of posting photos travel. and comments may be considered as an effort to overcome their stressful situation associated with being away from home, while for some others it is to exaggerate their pleasant events REFERENCES under the social context. Moreover, this study Aiken, L. S., & West, S. G. (1991). Multiple regression: contributes to a deeper understanding of how Testing and interpreting interactions. Newbury Park, the different self-presentation strategies on SNS CA: Sage. affect tourism experience. Today’s postmodern Albrecht, T. L., & Adelman, M. B. (1987). Communicating tourists can use SNS and manage information social support. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
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92 Jeongmi (Jamie) Kim and Iis P. Tussyadiah APPENDIX Measurement Items Construct Literature Measurement items SNS use Ellison et al. 1. Using SNS is a part of my travel activity. (2007) 2. I am proud to tell people I’m on SNS when I was traveling. 3. I dedicate a part of my travel schedule to SNS (e.g., status update, photo upload, comment check). 4. I feel out of touch when I haven’t logged on to SNS when I was traveling. 5. I feel I am part of the SNS community. 6. I would be sad if SNS shut down. Self-presentation Kim & Lee 1. I post photos that only show the happy side of my travel on SNS. (2011) 2. I post photos that show the true side of my travel on SNS. 3. For my SNS page, I selectively post photos in which I look good on my travel. 4. I don’t mind posting photos in which I do not look good on my travel. 5. On my SNS page, I only write messages that portray me as a happy tourist regardless of my actual feelings. 6. When I use SNS, I use smiling emoticons/smiles such as J, :), or :-) in the messages I write regardless of my actual feelings. 7. I don’t mind writing about bad things that happen during my travel on my SNS page. 8. I freely reveal negative emotions I feel on my SNS page. 9. I avoid writing about negative things that happen to me when I update my status on my SNS page. 10. When I update my status on SNS, I only reveal positive feelings; I do not show negative feelings. 11. I freely reveal negative emotions I feel when I update my status on my SNS page. 12. I don’t mind writing about bad things that happen to me on my SNS page when I update my status. Received social Burke et al. 1. Compared to everyday life, number of SNS friends initiated support (2010) communication with would increase while I am traveling. 2. Compared to everyday life, number of wall posts received would increase while I am traveling. 3. Compared to everyday life, number of messages received would increase while I am traveling. 4. Compared to everyday life, number of comments received would increase while I am traveling. 5. Compared to everyday life, number of “Likes” received would increase while I am traveling. 6. Compared to everyday life, number of times tagged in photo would increase while I am traveling. Perceived social Kim & Lee 1. I can count on the people listed as “friends” on my SNS page for support (2011) emotional support. 2. I can count on the people listed as “friends” on my SNS page for helping me understand things. 3. I feel pretty much all alone although I do have people listed as “friends” on my SNS page. 4. I think I can count on the people listed as “friends” on my SNS page for helping me doing something. 5. I think I can count on the people listed as “friends” on my SNS page for helping me with my questions. 6. I think I can count on the people listed as “friends” on my SNS page for filling in for me if I am unable to do something. Tourism Tussyadiah & 1. Using SNS contributed positively to my overall travel experience. experience Zach (2012) 2. Using SNS helped me to enjoy my travel. 3. Using SNS assisted me in gaining a meaningful travel experience.
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