Small Business 2015 Resource Guide for

Page created by Ken Zimmerman
Small Business 2015 Resource Guide for
  15      Resource Guide for
 Small BusinessU.S. Small Business Administration • Pittsburgh

  SBA Resource Partners:
  Making the Network
  Work for You
  page 8
  10     Counseling
  20     Capital
  38     Contracting
Small Business 2015 Resource Guide for
Small Business 2015 Resource Guide for
      SMALL BUSINESS                                                                          R
                                                                                            Publishing  eni

                                                                                            Publishers of Small Business Resource

                                                                                            Phone: 863-294-2812 • 800-274-2812
                                                                                            Fax: 863-299-3909 •

                                                              2015 PITTSBURGH               Joe Jensen         

      FEATURES                                     		31 Small Business Innovation
                                                                                            English/Spanish Small Business Resource
                                                                                            Nicky Roberts
  4		 Introduction                                 			    Research Program                  Martha Theriault
  		4             Administrator’s Message          		 32 Small Business Technology          Kenna Rogers  
  		5             Regional Administrator’s 		      			    Transfer Program
  			             Message                          		 34	SBA Loan Program Chart            Production
  		6             District Director’s Message      		 36	SBA Lenders Program Chart         Diane Traylor     

  8 Feature Article                                38Contracting                            SBA’s Marketing Office:
  		Making the Most of SBA’s                       		Applying for Government 		             The Small Business Resource Guide is published
  		        Resource Partner Network               		Contracts                              under the direction of SBA’s Office of Marketing and
                                                                                            Customer Service.
                                                   		38 How Government Contracting

                                                   		39 SBA Contracting Programs
                                                                                            Director of Marketing
  		Getting Help to Start Up, Market                                                        Paula Panissidi
                                                   		42 Getting Started in Contracting             
  		 and          Manage Your Business

                  SBA Resource Partners
                  SBA’s Learning Center
                                                     Disaster Assistance                    Graphic Design
                                                   		Knowing the Types of Assistance        Gary Shellehamer
  		 16           Reaching Underserved
                                                   		     Available for Recovery                

     18           Are You Right for Small
                  Business Ownership?
                                                     Advocacy and Ombudsman                 SBA’s participation in this publication is not an
                                                     Watching Out for Small Business        endorsement of the views, opinions, products or
  		 19           Writing a Business Plan                                                   services of the contractor or any advertiser or other
  		                                                                                        participant appearing herein. All SBA programs

    Capital                                        46Additional Resources
                                                                                            and services are extended to the public on a
                                                                                            nondiscriminatory basis.
    Financing Options to Start or                  		Taking Care of Start Up Logistics      Printed in the United States of America
     Grow Your Business                            		 49        Business Organization:
  		 20	SBA Business Loans                        			          Choosing your Structure     While every reasonable effort has been made
  		 22	What to Take to the Lender                                                         to ensure that the information contained herein
                                                                                            is accurate as of the date of publication, the
  		 30 Surety Bond Guarantee
                                                   50		   Other Assistance                  information is subject to change without notice.
                                                                                            The contractor that publishes this guide, the federal
                                                                                            government, or agents thereof shall not be held

     31 Small Business Investment
         Company Program
                                                   56		   Lender Listing		                 liable for any damages arising from the use of
                                                                                            or reliance on the information contained in this

                                                                                            SBA Publication # MCS-0018

                                                                                            This publication is provided under SBA Contract
        On the Cover: Early SBA-Backed                                                      # SBAHQ05C0014.
        investment and business advice sets
        Brandywine Valley Fashionistas, Amy
        Trelenberg and Megan Healty, up to take
        the fashion world by storm. See story on
        the inside back cover.

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Small Business 2015 Resource Guide for
The U.S. Small Business Administration

                                          F R O M T HE ADM I NI STRATOR

                                         Let’s Work Together
                            When I took my                     One of our resource partners is SCORE
                            oath as the new                    –For the Life of Your Business-, who
                            SBA Administrator                  marks its 50th anniversary this year.
                            I was energized to                 SCORE’s 11,000+ volunteer mentors
                            work on behalf of                  are both working and retired business
        entrepreneurs like you. I know you’ve                  professionals who are dedicated to
        risked so much to start and grow your                  providing you with game-changing
        small business, because I’ve stood in                  advice and support. You can learn more
        your shoes. I’ve started three small                   about SCORE and our other resource
        businesses of my own, including a                      partners, Small Business Development
        community business bank that provided                  Centers (SBDC) and Womens Business
        capital to other small businesses. This                Centers (WBC) in the Counseling section
        not only strengthened my knowledge                     of this guide. Our feature article also
        of the challenges you face, it also                    provides information about leveraging
        strengthened my resolve to help you                    our resource partner network at different
        overcome those hurdles and succeed.                    points in your small business journey
                                                               and shares success stories of small
        When I started my first business almost                businesses like you who have benefitted
        20 years ago, I experienced similar                    from SBA resource partner support. To
        changes to the ones you face today. On                 find the location of your nearest SBA
        any given day, I could be called upon                  District Office or resource partner, visit
        to be my company’s human resources           
        director, CFO, COO, or chief sales officer
        — all while competing against larger                   At the SBA, taking care of business has
        firms in highly competitive markets. I                 been our business for 61 years. This
        know you multitask your way through                    agency has been an important force in
        similar days to grow your business and                 America’s economic recovery, but we’re
        provide good jobs for your employees.                  only getting started. We look forward
                                                               to helping you become the next great
        My message to you is a simple one:                     American success story.
        The SBA is here for you, to help you
        access capital, counseling, contracts,                 Sincerely,
        or assistance after a natural disaster.
        We have dedicated resource partners
        in every community in America whose
        job is to make your job easier. They will              Maria Contreras-Sweet
        work with you one-on-one to answer                     Administrator
        your questions, and they will help                     U.S. Small Business Administration
        you open new doors to new business

4 — Pittsburgh Small Business Resource                                                       Visit us online:
Small Business 2015 Resource Guide for
The U.S. Small Business Administration

                               FROM THE REGIONAL ADMINISTRATOR
                         This Resource Guide is           credit scoring and SBA One will incent
                         one of many tools we offer       more banks to partner with us to promote
                         entrepreneurs to help            underserved lending, generate more loans in
                         start or grow businesses.        general, and ignite economic activity.
                         The U.S. Small Business
                         Administration is here to        President Obama’s decision to reestablish
                         help these entrepreneurs         diplomatic relations with Cuba and ease
                         navigate business                some commercial and travel restrictions is a
      opportunities and continue to be the backbone       step toward increased freedom and economic
      of our nation by creating jobs, and fueling our     opportunity. American businesses, small and
      continuing economic recovery.                       large, stand to gain access to an important new
                                                          market for goods and services just miles from
      To accomplish this goal, we must continue           our shores. SBA will be there to help with
      our work to modernize the SBA, so that              capital access and trade opportunities.
      we’re accessible and relevant to the business
      community in the 21st century. Some of what         Last year, the SBA shattered its record for
      you’re seeing in 2015 includes LINC, SBA            export finance, supporting $2.8 billion in export
      One, and a more intensive push to get small         sales. It is clear we can do even more to help
      businesses reaching into international markets.     our smaller firms reach the 95 percent of global
                                                          consumers who live outside of our borders.
      LINC (Leveraging Information & Networks             For starters, we guarantee 90 percent of export
      to access Capital) is a new online referral         loans (working capital, line of credit, or fixed-
      tool connecting small business borrowers            asset financing) on amounts up to $5 million.
      with nonprofit lenders from the Microloan,          We also have an expedited approval process on
      Community Advantage (CA), & 504 Programs            export loans under a half-million dollars.

      Prospective borrowers complete an online            The Administration recognizes entrepreneurs
      questionnaire, which is then forwarded to all       and small business owners as the true engines
      LINC lenders operating within a particular          of our economy. Their adaptability and
      county. Those lenders decide then to either opt     innovativeness, while creating jobs and civic
      in, or opt out of further loan discussions with     stability, are what makes this country great.
      the applicant. Answers come within 48 hours,        The SBA is your resource to make your
      rather than weeks of pounding on pavement           business dream a reality. Visit our website, call,
      and knocking on doors.                              or visit our local district offices to get started!

      SBA One takes everything online and presents        Best Wishes,
      businesses to financial institutions through
      the Internet. It automates the uploading of         Natalia Olson-Urtecho
      documents and generation of forms and allows        Regional Administrator
      for electronic signatures.                          U.S. Small Business Administration,
                                                          Mid-Atlantic (Region III)
      On each 7A loan it will save banks hours of
      processing time and, of course, money. The
      combination of the recently instituted predictive

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Small Business 2015 Resource Guide for
Message From The District Director

                                         “If you’re Interested in Pursuing the American Dream of
                                         Small Business Ownership, call us; We’re Smart, Bold,
                                         Accessible and Ready to Help You Today.”

                                    elcome to the U.S. Small             At some time, all business owners will need capital to
                                    Business Administration (SBA)        either start or grow their business. At the SBA; we’ve got
                                    Pittsburgh District Office annual    loans that range from a few thousand to a few million
                                    resource guide. I’m assuming you     dollars. Our guaranteed loan programs are supported
                                    picked up this magazine because      by most financial institutions, who will work with you to
           you’re interested in pursuing the American dream –            process the necessary paperwork to support your cash
           owning your own business. That’s why I’m elated to work       flow needs. Last year in the Pittsburgh district, 594 loans
           for the SBA, a federal agency tasked with the mission of      were awarded with more than $127 million pumped into
           helping people follow their business dreams.                  the economy. For descriptions of our loan programs,
                                                                         please turn to the Capital tab; our local SBA participating
            I may be the SBA Pittsburgh district director, but, at       lenders are listed on the last pages of this guide.
            heart, I’m an entrepreneur. My father owned a small
            business since I was a teenager and my husband and I         And lastly, if you’ve owned your business for more than
            have owned a few businesses over the years.                  two years, you might want to consider our contracting
                                                                         programs, as the federal government is the largest
            My father had no assistance when he set up his auto and      purchaser of goods and services in the world. We have
            truck repair shop. I wish he had known about the SBA         Women-Owned Small Business and Service-Disabled
            and the programs available to small business owners          Veteran-Owned Small Business contracting programs
            and aspiring entrepreneurs. And, that’s why this guide is    coupled with our 8(a) and HUBZone Programs. The
            printed, to point out assistance to individuals wishing to   8(a) and HUBZone Programs are designed to help
            turn their ideas from blueprint to fruition or for current   grow businesses by assisting socially and economically
            business owners to looking diversify their entities via      disadvantaged individuals and those located in historically
            exporting or contracting.                                    underutilized business zones.

            This guide is divided into the agency’s three C’s:           Now, that I’ve explained the basics, I welcome you to
            counseling, capital access and contracting.                  contact my staff of specialists who are here to help you
                                                                         to start, grow and succeed in small business ownership.
            Did you know that you can receive free and confidential      We’re smart, bold and accessible and we’re ready to help
            counseling form the SBA’s network of resource partners?      you today.
            In Pittsburgh, we’re home to eight Small Business
            Development Centers (SBDC), one Women’s Business             All the Best,
            Center (WBC) and six SCORE (Counselors to America’s
            Small Business) chapters, which span 27 counties. To find
            out which of our resource partners service your area, look   Kelly Hunt
            under the Counseling tab.
                                                                         District Director of
                                                                         SBA’s Pittsburgh District Office

6 — Pittsburgh Small Business Resource                                                                                 Visit us online:
Small Business 2015 Resource Guide for
Doing Business in Pittsburgh
                                                                                     SBA Staff Listing
                                                                                     District Director             Lender Relations Specialist/
                                                                                     Kelly Hunt			                 District International Trade
                                                                                     Ext. 106                      Officer
                                                                                       Mark Protch
                                                                                                                   Ext. 111
                                                                                     Deputy District Director
                                                                                     Terri L. Billups
                                                                                     Ext. 113                      Business Opportunity
                                                                                                                   Judith Kirby
                                                                                     Lead Economic                 Ext. 123
                                                                                     Development Specialist
                                                                                     Regina Abel
                                                                                     Ext. 119                      Business Opportunity
THE PITTSBURGH DISTRICT OFFICE             Assistance to businesses owned and                                      Marisa L. Fentzel
The Pittsburgh District Office is          controlled by socially and economically   Economic Development          Ext. 109
responsible for the delivery of SBA’s      disadvantaged individuals is provided     Specialist          
many programs and services in              through the Business Development          Karan L. Waigand
Western Pennsylvania under the             Program.                                  Ext. 127                      Administrative Division
                                                                                    Ronald Collett
leadership of District Director Kelly                                                                              Ext. 107
Hunt. The District Office is located       A women’s business ownership
                                                                                     Economic Development
at 411 Seventh Avenue, Suite 1450,         representative is available for           Specialist
Pittsburgh, PA. Office hours are           assistance, please contact Karan          Public Affairs Specialist     District Support Assistant
from 8:00 AM until 4:30 PM, Monday         Waigand at 412-395-6560 ext. 127 or       Janet M. Heyl		               Jonathan Bennett
through Friday.                            e-mail:            Ext. 103                      Ext. 101
                                           Special loan programs are available for
CONTACTING THE PITTSBURGH                                                                                          SCORE-Pittsburgh
                                           businesses involved in international
DISTRICT OFFICE                            trade, for information on these
                                                                                                                   Chapter- Counselors to
For program, service or finance            initiatives, please contact Mark Protch
                                                                                                                   America’s Small Business
information, please dial 412-395-6560.                                                                             Ext. 130
                                           at 412-395-6560 ext. 111 or email:
Financial assistance for new or existing   A veterans representative is available
businesses through guaranteed loans        for assistance, please contact Jonathan       We Welcome Your
made by area bank and non-bank             Bennett at 412-395-6560 ext. 101 or           Questions
lenders.                                   e-mail:

Free counseling advice and information                                                   For extra copies of this publication or
on starting, better operating or                                                         questions please contact:
expanding a small business through
the Counselors to America’s Small                                                        Pittsburgh District Office
Business (SCORE), Small Business                                                         411 Seventh Avenue, Suite 1450
Development Centers (SBDC) and                                                           Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Women’s Business Centers (WBC).
They also conduct training events                                                        Tel: 412-395-6560 Fax: 412-395-6562
throughout the district - some require a
nominal registration fee.                                                                Website:

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Small Business 2015 Resource Guide for
Making the Most of SBA’s
                       Resource Partner Network    by Paula Panissidi, SBA’s Director of Marketing

          As you’ve likely read the Counseling Section of this              business owner Janell Farnsworth reached out to
          resource guide, you already know that SBA couldn’t                the Washington WBC and the Veterans Business
          serve every aspiring entrepreneur and small business              Outreach Center (VBOC) in Seattle. These two
          owner without the assistance of our resource partners.            SBA resource partners are co-located, which made
          With approximately 86 SBA District and Branch                     it easy for Farnsworth to go back and forth between
          Offices throughout the country and its territories,               the two, depending on her immediate need. After
          our vast network of resource partners expands our                 receiving free counseling and low-cost classes to
          outreach capacity twentyfold. In fiscal year 2013,                help her target her efforts in getting the market up
          those efforts helped small businesses get more than               and running, the 1,200 square-foot shop opened its
          $4.5 billion in capital infusion, start over 15,000 new           doors in 2009. Earning top-line revenue and profits
          companies, and create and/or save more than 68,000                each successive year, Farnsworth considered opening
          jobs.                                                             a second location and reached out again to the
                                                                            WBC, who helped her develop a business expansion
          SBA’s resource partner network is comprised of                    plan. She then attended classes at both the WBC
          SCORE, Small Business Development Centers (SBDC)                  and VBOC to learn about such issues as managing
          and Women Business Centers (WBC). In addition,                    employees, pricing to drive revenue, the benefits of
          16 organizations serve as Veterans Business Outreach              trademarking, and changing a business structure from
          Centers through cooperative agreements with SBA’s                 sole proprietorship to LLC/Corp. Her second location

          Office of Veterans Business Development. Although                 opened in December, 2013.
          each resource partner operates differently, they are all
          available to assist you with your small business and              Janell’s Gluten-Free Market serves a community of
          entrepreneurship needs. Some resource partners have               shoppers who otherwise would have little or no
          specific areas of expertise or cater to certain audiences,        available alternatives. When Farnsworth encourages
          but all provide outstanding individual consulting,                other entrepreneurs to take advantage of SBA’s
          training, counseling and entrepreneurial education.               resources, the Army captain with 20 years of service
                                                                            emphasizes the value of the classes offered by the SBA
          We all need different things at different points in our           and its resource partners, which guided her business
          lives, and so, too, it is with a small business. This             decisions and helped her to develop a well-grounded
          is why many of the small business success stories                 business plan.
          we profile are “repeat customers” of SBA and our
          resource partner network. They may work with an                   In closing, we would like to take a moment to
          SBDC for a business plan during their start up, attend            recognize a major milestone for one of our resource
          a training course or educational series at a WBC, and             partners. This year, SCORE celebrates its 50th
          seek mentorship assistance from a retired business                anniversary. Since 1964, SCORE volunteers have
          owner at SCORE many years later. At any point                     provided mentoring and training support to more than
          in between, they may have worked with their local                 10 million entrepreneurs and small business owners.
          SBA district office or resource partner to apply for an           That’s a number to be proud of, and SBA salutes
          SBA-guaranteed loan or a small business government                SCORE and it mentors for their significant support
          contracting program. Each small business owner has                and contributions to the success of this nation’s
          his or her small business journey, and SBA and its                entrepreneurs.
          resource partners are available to help along the way.
                                                                            To find the location of your nearest SBA District Office,
          Take the story of Janell’s Gluten-Free Market in Everett,         SCORE, SBDC, or WBC, visit
          Washington, for example. Instead of jumping head                  assistance.
          first into the business without any prior experience,

          8 — Pittsburgh Small Business Resource                                                                  Visit us online:
Small Business 2015 Resource Guide for
            S T O R Y          Former Banker’s Flair for Fashion Casts her
                               as the Mon Valley’s “It Girl” of Vogue
                                                   Prima Diva Boutique owner goes               Today, Troup routinely travels to Atlanta
                                                   from unemployed to successful                where she strives to find unique fashion
                                                                                                and jewelry at affordable prices.
                                                   small business owner
                                                                                                “It’s so exciting to buy merchandise
                                                   resources and provide a vast array of        and see first-hand the reactions to my
                                                   technical assistance to small businesses     collection, because the more excited my
                                                   and aspiring entrepreneurs. The SBDC         customers get, the more excited I get,”
                                                   program remains one of the nation’s          she said. “After I lost my job, I never
                                                   largest small business assistance            thought I would be in this position.”
                                                   programs backed by the SBA.
                                                                                                She stressed that her rise to the town’s
                                                   “Locally, we have eight SBDCs and one        most formidable fashionista took years.
                                                   WBC,” said SBA Pittsburgh District           “I made a profit the first year, but, it was
                                                   Director Kelly Hunt. “And the best part      nothing to squeal about,” she stated.
                                                   is the majority of services are either       “As a business owner, you have to be
                                                   low-cost or free and counseling is           prepared to work long hours for very
     CHARLEROI, PA – Daneen Troup has a                                                         little money.”
     thing for bling – that flashy, ostentatious
     jewelry. Apparently, so do many other                                                      Troup added, aspiring entrepreneurs
                                                   Prima Diva Boutique is so successful
     shoppers in Western Pennsylvania’s                                                         need to take advantage of the many
                                                   that within four years, Troup went from
     Mon Valley.                                                                                free and available resources, such as
                                                   selling consignment items on a part-time
                                                   basis to showcasing her fashion finds        SBDC counseling and entrepreneurial
     Troup credits her flair for finding shiny                                                  workshops offered throughout the SBA
                                                   from buying trips in a large, corner
     and stylish pieces coupled with the                                                        Pittsburgh District Office footprint.
                                                   storefront – more than doubling her
     support of Charleroi residents and the
                                                   retail space and customers. In fact, sales
     U.S. Small Business Administration                                                         According to Hunt, Troup’s story
                                                   are up a whopping 80 percent from last
     (SBA) with transforming her from                                                           may sound quite amazing, but many
     unemployed to a savvy, successful small                                                    successful small business owners have
     business owner.                                                                            shared her ups and downs.
                                                   But, like many small business owners,
                                                   Troup’s success today, as proprietress of
     “When I lost my bank job as a market                                                        “It’s not uncommon for entrepreneurs
                                                   the trendy accessory and clothing shop
     sales coordinator, I cried. Then I                                                         to work two jobs and take no salary
                                                   belies her humble beginnings.
     went to work part-time at our local                                                        for many years, Hunt added. “But
     chamber, which was promoting the                                                           the fruits of their efforts often are the
                                                   “I opened my doors during the awful
     vacant downtown store fronts,” Troup                                                       cornerstone of community pride and
                                                   snowstorm of 2010, splitting my time
     explained. “I guess losing my job gave                                                     future development creating a vibrant
                                                   between the store and the chamber,” she
     me the chance to do what I wanted to                                                       Main Street with shops offering unique
                                                   explained. “The chamber really helped
     do, which was to open a retail shop.”                                                      products and unparalleled customer
                                                   me get the consignment clothes and
                                                   customers; we sent out postcards and         service.
     Troup utilized the University of
                                                   utilized social media allowing me to pay
     Pittsburgh Small Business Development                                                      Today, Prima Diva is placing customers
                                                   my bills that first month.”
     Center (SBDC) to formulate a business                                                      on a waiting list for its hip sweaters and
     plan for a clothing store, which she                                                       the signature sequined scarves have
                                                   Troup scoured thrift stores for furniture
     dubbed Prima Diva Boutique.                                                                sold out. “The town is my greatest asset.
                                                   and fixtures painting them a sleek black.
                                                   She ventured into purchasing with a          I don’t pay for advertising because
     The SBDCs and Women’s Business                                                             everyone tells their friends ‘you’ve got to
                                                   collection of large and decorative purses
     Centers (WBC) are made up of a unique                                                      shop at Prima Diva.’”
                                                   and jewelry – which her customers
     collaboration of the SBA, state and
                                                   seemed to love. “That’s when I realized
     local governments and private sector
                                                   my niche,” she said.

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Small Business 2015 Resource Guide for
                                    Getting Help to Start, Market and Manage Your Business
                                                                                                             Found in more than 350 chapters
                                                                                                           and 800 locations throughout the
                                                                                                           country, SCORE provides key services

                                                                                                           – both face-to-face and online – to busy
                                                                                                           entrepreneurs who are just getting
                                                                                                           started or are in need of a seasoned
                                                                                                           business professional as a sounding
                                                                                                           board for their existing business. As
                                                                                                           members of your community, SCORE
                                                                                                           mentors understand local business
                                                                                                           licensing rules, economic conditions and
                                                                                                           important business networks. SCORE
                                                                                                           can help you as they have done for
                                                                                                           many entreprenurs through the years
                                                                                                             • Matching your specific needs with a
                                                                                                                business mentor
                                                                                                             • Traveling to your place of business
                                                                                                                for an on-site evaluation

                          very year, the U.S. Small     110 Womens’ Business Centers and 350                 • Teaming with several SCORE
                          Business Administration       SCORE chapters. These professionals                     mentors to provide you with tailored
                          and its nationwide network    can help with writing a formal business                 assistance in a number of business
                          of resource partners help     plan, locating sources of financial                     areas
                          millions of potential and     assistance, managing and expanding                   Across the country, SCORE offers
             existing small business owners start,      your business, finding opportunities               more than 10,000 local business
             grow and succeed.                          to sell your goods or services to the              educational workshops and seminars
                Whether your target market is global    government, and recovering from                    ranging in topic and scope depending
             or just your neighborhood, the SBA and     disaster. To find your local district office       on the needs of the local business
             its resource partners can help at every    or SBA resource partner, visit                     community. SCORE workshops cover
             stage of turning your entrepreneurial                all manner of business topics, including:
             dream into a thriving business.                                                               an introduction to the fundamentals of
                If you’re just starting out, the SBA    SCORE                                              a business plan, managing cash flow
                                                                                                           and marketing your business. For
             and its resources can help you with          SCORE is a national network of more
             business and financing plans. If you’re                                                       established businesses, SCORE offers
                                                        than 11,000 entrepreneurs, business                more in-depth training in areas like
             already in business, you can use           leaders and executives who volunteer as
             the SBA’s resources to help manage                                                            customer service, hiring practices and
                                                        mentors to America’s small businesses.             home-based businesses.
             and expand your business, obtain           SCORE volunteers donated more than
             government contracts, recover from                                                              For around-the-clock business advice
                                                        1.1 million hours providing services               and information on the latest business
             disaster, find foreign markets, and        to small business clients. SCORE
             make your voice heard in the federal                                                          news and trends visit
                                                        leverages decades of experience from
             government.                                                                                   local-assistance/score or call 800-634-
                                                        seasoned business professionals to
                You can access SBA information at                                                          0245 for the SCORE office nearest you.
                                                        help entrepreneurs to start and grow
    or visit one of our local                                                         More than 1,200 online mentors with
                                                        companies and to create jobs in local
             offices for assistance.                                                                       over 150 business skill sets answer your
                                                        communities. SCORE does this by
                                                                                                           questions about starting and running a
                                                        harnessing the passion and knowledge
             SBA’S RESOURCE                             of individuals who have owned and
                                                                                                             For more information on SCORE and
             PARTNERS                                   managed their own businesses and
                                                        want to share this “real world” expertise
                                                                                                           to get your own business mentor, visit
               In addition to our district offices,     with you.                                
             which serve every state and territory,
             the SBA works with a variety of local
             resource partners to meet your small                                                      • You get to be your own boss.
             business needs: SCORE chapters,
             Small Business Development Centers            ON THE UPSIDE                               • Hard work and long hours directly benefit you,
             (SBDCs), and Women’s Business                                                                rather than increasing profits for someone else.
             Centers (WBCs). This partner                  It’s true, there are a lot of
             network reaches into communities              reasons not to start your                   • Earnings and growth potential are unlimited.
             across America: More than 13,000              own business. But for the
             business counselors, mentors and              right person, the advantages                • Running a business will provide endless
             trainers available through over 900           of business ownership far                     variety, challenge and opportunities to learn.
             Small Business Development Centers,           outweigh the risks.

             10 — Pittsburgh Small Business Resource                                                                                Visit us online:
1. Clarion University SBDC
                                                                                  2. Duquesne University SBDC
                                                                                  3. Gannon University SBDC
                                                                                  4. Indiana University of PA SBDC
                                                                                  5. Penn State University SBDC

                                                                                  6. Saint Francis University SBDC
                                                                                  7. Saint Vincent College SBDC
                                                                                  8. University of Pittsburgh SBDC
                                                                                  9. Alleghenies SCORE Chapter
                                                                                  10. Central Pennsylvania SCORE Chapter
                                                                                  11. Erie SCORE Chapter
                                                                                  12. Pittsburgh SCORE Chapter
                                                                                  13. Southwestern Pennsylvania SCORE
                                                                                  14. Westmoreland County SCORE Chapter
                                                                                  15.		Seton Hill University’s E-Magnify®
                                                                                      Women’s Business Center

Alleghenies SCORE Chapter 575                  SMALL BUSINESS                                •		Assisted more than 14,200
                                                                                                entrepreneurs to start new
                                               DEVELOPMENT CENTERS
    Devorris Center for Business Development
    3900 Industrial Park Dr., Ste. 6                                                            businesses – equating to nearly 39
    Altoona, PA 16602                             The U.S. Small Business                       new business starts per day.
    814-942-9054 • 814-569-1146 Fax            Administration’s Small Business               • Provided counseling services to                  Development Centers (SBDC) mission               more than 104,000 emerging
                                               is to build, sustain, and grow small             entrepreneurs and over 96,000
Central Pennsylvania SCORE Chapter 618         businesses; as well as to promote small          existing businesses.
    Industry and Technology Center             business development and enhance local
    2820 E. College Ave., Ste. E
                                                                                             • Provided training services to
                                               economies by creating businesses and             approximately 330,000 clients.
    State College, PA 16801                    fulfilling its mission of creating jobs.
    814-234-9415 or 877-938-4988 Toll Free                                                    The efficacy of the SBDC program
                                                  The Small Business Development           has been validated by a nationwide
                                               Centers, vital to SBA’s entrepreneurial     impact study. Of the clients surveyed,
Erie SCORE Chapter 193                         outreach, have been providing service       more than 80 percent reported that the
    120 W. Ninth St.                           to small businesses for almost 35 years.    business assistance they received from
    Erie, PA 16501                             It is one of the largest professional       the SBDC counselor was worthwhile.
    814-871-5650 • 814-871-7530 Fax            small business management and               The top five impacts of counseling                     technical assistance networks in the        cited by SBDC clients were revising
                                               nation. With over 900 locations across
                                                                                           marketing strategy, increasing sales,
Pittsburgh SCORE Chapter 7                     the country, SBDCs offer existing and
                                                                                           expanding products and services,
    411 Seventh Ave., Ste. 1450                future entrepreneurs free one-on-one
                                                                                           improving cash flow and increasing
    Pittsburgh, PA 15219                       expert business counseling and low-cost
                                               training by qualified small business        profit margin. More than 40 percent of
    412-395-6560 ext.130/131
    412-395-6562 Fax                           professionals.                              long-term clients receiving five hours or                       In addition to its core services,        more of counseling reported an increase
                                               the SBDCs offer special focus areas         in sales and profit margins.
Southwestern Pennsylvania SCORE                such as green business technology,             For information on the SBDC
    104 N. Beeson Ave.                         disaster recovery and preparedness,         program, visit
    Uniontown, PA 15401                        export assistance, international trade
    724-437-4222 • 724-437-5922 Fax
                                                                                           Western PA SBDC centers are listed
                                               assistance, veteran’s assistance,           below:     technology transfer and regulatory
                                               compliance.                                 Clarion University SBDC
Westmoreland SCORE Chapter 555                    The program combines a unique               330 N. Point Dr., Ste. 100
    Saint Vincent College, Aurelius Hall       combination of federal, state and private      Clarion, PA 16214
    300 Fraser Purchase Rd.                                                                   Dr. Kevin J. Roth, Director
                                               sector resources to provide, in every
    Latrobe, PA 15650                                                                         814-393-2060 • 814-393-2636 Fax
                                               state and territory, the foundation
    724-539-7505 • 724-539-1850 Fax                                                                  for the economic growth of small
                                               businesses. The return on investment is
                                                                                              Counties: McKean, Cameron, Elk, Forest,
                                               demonstrated by the program’s success
                                                                                              Clarion, Armstrong, Jefferson,
                                               during FY2013.                                 Clearfield, Venango and Potter.

Visit us online:                                                                        Pittsburgh Small Business Resource —   11
Duquesne University SBDC                           U.S. Export Assistance Centers               on a 2010 Impact Study, of the WBC
                 108 Rockwell Hall, 600 Forbes Ave.               SBA trade finance specialists are          clients that have received three or
                 Pittsburgh, PA 15282                           located in 19 U.S. Export Assistance         more hours of counseling, 15 percent
                 Dr. Mary McKinney, Director                    Centers throughout the U.S., which           indicated that the services led to hiring
                 412-396-6233 • 412-396-5884 Fax                                                             new staff, 34 percent indicated that
                                                                also are staffed by U.S. Department
                                                                                   the services led to an increased profit
                                                                of Commerce and, in some locations,
                                                                Export-Import Bank of the U.S.               margin, and 47 percent indicated that
                 Counties: Allegheny, Beaver, Butler and                                                     the services led to an increase in sales.
                 Lawrence.                                      personnel, providing trade promotion

                                                                and export-finance assistance in a             In addition, the WBC program has
             Gannon University SBDC                             single location. The USEACs also             taken a lead in preparing women
                 Center for Business Ingenuity                  work closely with other federal,             business owners to apply for the
                 900 State St., Ste. 100                        state and local international trade          Women-Owned Small Business
                 Erie, PA 16501                                 organizations to provide assistance to       (WOSB) Federal Contract program
                 Margaret Horne, Director                       small businesses. To find your nearest       that authorizes contracting officers to
                 814-871-7713 • 814-871-7383 Fax                USEAC, visit:    set aside certain federal contracts for
                                   us-export-assistance-centers. You can        eligible women-owned small businesses
                                    find additional export training and          or economically disadvantaged women-
                 Counties: Erie, Crawford, Mercer and Warren.   counseling opportunities by contacting       owned small businesses. For more
                                                                your local SBA district office.              information on the program, visit
             Indiana University of Pennsylvania SBDC                                               
                 108 Eberly College of Business and                                                            To find the nearest SBA WBC, visit
                 Information Technology
                 Indiana, PA 15705
                                                                WOMEN’S BUSINESS CENTERS           
                 Tony Palamone, Director                          The SBA’s Women Business Center
                 724-357-7915 • 724-357-5985 Fax                (WBC) program is a network of over 100       Western PA Women’s Business Center:
                                      community-based centers that provide
                             business training, counseling, coaching,     Seton Hill University E-Magnify
                                                                                                                One Seton Hill Dr.
                 Counties: Indiana                              mentoring and other assistance geared
                                                                                                                Greensburg, PA 15601-1599
                                                                toward women, particularly those                Jayne H. Huston, Director
             Penn State University SBDC                         who are socially and economically
                 The Pennsylvania State University                                                              724-830-4625 • 724-834-7131 Fax
                                                                disadvantaged. WBCs are located in    
                 200 Innovation Blvd.                           nearly every state and U.S. territory
                 119 Technology Center                                                                
                                                                including the District of Columbia              Counties: 27 Western PA counties
                 University Park, PA 16802
                 Heather Fennessey, Director                    and the territories of Puerto Rico and
                                                                American Samoa. They are partially
                 814-863-4293 • 814-865-6667 Fax
                                      funded through a cooperative agreement       SBA EMERGING LEADERS
                                      with the SBA.                                  The intense seven-month
                 Counties: Centre and Mifflin                     To meet the needs of women                 entrepreneurship training for small
                                                                entrepreneurs, WBCs offer services           business leaders creates a learning
             Saint Francis University SBDC                      at convenient times and locations,           environment to accelerate the growth
                 117 Evergreen Dr.                              including evenings and weekends.             of high-potential small businesses,
                 Loretto, PA 15940                              WBCs are located within non-profit host      stimulates job creation and helps drive
                 Ed Huttenhower, Director                       organizations that offer a wide variety      economic development within their
                 814-472-3200 • 814-472-3202 Fax                of services in addition to the services      communities. A competitive selection
                              provided by the WBC. Many of the             process results in company executives
                                 WBCs also offer training and counseling      participating in high-level training
                 Counties: Cambria, Blair, Somerset, Bedford,
                                                                and provide materials in different           and peer-networking sessions led by
                 Huntingdon and Fulton.
                                                                languages in order to meet the diverse       professional instructors. Graduates
             Saint Vincent College SBDC                         needs of the communities they serve.         are poised to create an economic ripple
                 300 Fraser Purchase Rd., Aurelius Hall           WBCs often deliver their services          effect because they are now equipped
                 Latrobe, PA 15650                              through long-term training or group          with the support, resources and
                 James Kunkel, Director                         counseling, both of which have shown to      enhanced business skills to succeed
                 724-537-4572                                   be effective. WBC training courses are       in increasing their revenue, creating
                            often free or are offered for a small fee.   jobs and driving sustainable economic
                                Some centers will also offer scholarships    growth throughout their communities.
                 Counties: Westmoreland and Fayette.            based on the client’s needs.                 Impact of Emerging Leaders:
                                                                  While most WBCs are physically             The initiative is currently offered in
             University of Pittsburgh SBDC                      located in one designated location, a        27 underserved communities across
                 Wesley W. Posvar Hall, Ste. 1800               number of WBCs also provide courses          the country with plans to expand
                 230 S. Bouquet St.                                                                          to more communities in 2015. Over
                                                                and counseling via the Internet, mobile
                 Pittsburgh, PA 15260
                 Ray Vargo, Director                            classrooms and satellite locations.          2,500 businesses have participated in
                 412-648-1542 • 412-648-1636 Fax                WBCs have a track record of success.         Emerging Leaders since its inception.
                            In fiscal year 2013, the WBC program         An independent impact study of
          counseled and trained nearly 134,000         Emerging Leaders past participants
                 small-business-development-center              clients, creating local economic growth      reported that they:
                 Counties: Allegheny, Greene and                and vitality. In addition, WBCs helped         •		Created nearly 2,000 new full-time
                 Washington.                                    entrepreneurs access more than                    jobs
                                                                $25 million dollars in capital. Based

             12 — Pittsburgh Small Business Resource                                                                             Visit us online:
•		Secured federal, state, local and     assistance, our Clusters help small       Small Business Development Centers
                 tribal contracts awards over          business innovators commercialize         (SBDCs) are available to provide
              		$1 Billion                             promising technologies needed by          you with confidential assistance for
              •		Accessed over $73 Million in new      government and industry buyers            understanding your environmental
                 financing                             in that particular sector. And then,      compliance requirements.
              •		95% were satisfied with the           through showcasing, networking              The EMAP services include free
                 Emerging Leaders program.             and “demonstration events,” they          and confidential assistance with
              Visit for    help get these small businesses and       identifying and understanding
                                                       their products in front of investment     environmental permit and compliance

             more information.
                                                       and other funding sources, research       requirements; liaison to regulatory
                                                       institutions and customers/buyers in
                                                                                                 enforcement agencies; links to
                                                       order to bring products to market.        additional sources of technical and
               SBA’s Learning Center is a virtual        Across the country, our resource        financial assistance; on-site pollution
                                                       partners work with our Regional           prevention and energy efficiency
             campus complete with free online
                                                       Innovation Clusters: The resource         assessments; and environmental
             courses, workshops, podcasts and          partners provide the businesses with
             learning tools.                                                                     training workshops. Work with the
                                                       information and coaching on the key       SBDCs to look for ways to meet
             Key Features of the SBA’s Learning        building blocks of business success,
             Center:                                                                             your environmental compliance
                                                       while the Cluster experts help them       requirements and improve
               • Training is available anytime and     with the highly technical product
                  anywhere — all you need is a                                                   profitability. SBDC environmental
                                                       development and relationship-building     staff will help you look for ways to
                  computer (or mobile device) with     assistance necessary to get and keep
                  Internet access.                                                               minimize waste, prevent pollution,
                                                       customers and investors in their          and improve energy efficiency to
               •		Nearly 50 free online and            particular market sector (such as
                  interactive courses and workshops                                              reduce operating expenses.
                                                       smart-grid, fuel cell energy storage,
                  available.                                                                       The SBDCs also provide a state-
                                                       solar cells, imaging, aerospace, and
               •		Checklists and worksheets to get                                               wide on-line service, the Pennsylvania
                                                       agricultural processing technologies
                  your business planning underway.                                               Material Trader, to promote the
                                                       and networks).
               •		Course topics include how to write     For more information on SBA’s           exchange of reusable materials which
                  a business plan, financing options   Cluster Initiative, go to                 have traditionally been discarded.
                  that include SBA lending programs,                     Using Material Trader, www.
                  mastering overseas markets                                           , businesses can
                                                                                                 potentially save money on their
                                                       FINANCIAL LITERACY
                  through exporting, public sector
                  procurement tactics, and specialty                                             disposal costs and find new free or
                  material for veterans, young           If you want to start a business or      inexpensive sources or raw materials
                  entrepreneurs, and women business    learn how to better manage your           to reduce production costs. The service
                  owners.                              business money, begin with Money          is free and available to any business
               •		Over 10 new courses launched         Smart. SBA and FDIC jointly provide       or organization.
                  in the last year; including a new    an instructor-led business training         Additional information can be found
                  Spanish-language version of a        curriculum, Money Smart for Small         at the Pennsylvania SBDC’s website
                  course for Young Entrepreneurs.      Business, for free. This curriculum       at:
               		This robust portal also includes      is designed to provide introductory-
                  video content, templates, and        style training for new and aspiring       Advocates of Small Businesses
                  articles.                            entrepreneurs. The 10 modules               There are nonprofit organizations
               Visit for these    provide the most essential information    that were developed to represent,
             free resources.                           on running a small business from a        advocate, and work on behalf of
                                                       financial standpoint. In addition to      small businesses, such as: National

             SBA’S CLUSTER INITIATIVE                  grounding participants in the basics,     Association of Development
                                                       the curriculum serves as a foundation     Companies.
               Every small business must               for more advanced training and              The National Association of
             effectively connect into the key          technical assistance. You can find this   Development Companies (NADCO)
             relationships necessary to drive          curriculum by visiting                    is a trade association of Certified
             success in its particular industry or                   Development Companies (CDCs) –
             market sector. Regional Innovation         To learn more about the Financial        companies that have been certified by
             Clusters act as a networking hub          Literacy and Education Commission,        the Small Business Administration to
             to connect small businesses in            visit                    provide funding for small businesses
             a particular industry sector and                                                    under the SBA 504 Loan Program.
             geographic region with other business     Compliance Assistance and                 NADCO provides legislative and
             innovators in the same sector and
             with specialized suppliers, research      Strategic Environmental                   regulatory support for the 504
                                                       Management                                program on behalf of member CDCs
             institutions, large prime customers
                                                         Don’t let government regulations        and other program affiliates.
             or contractors and investors who also
                                                       manage your business. Smart     
             operate in that sector. In addition,
             market success requires small             management of your environmental
             businesses to know their customers        concerns not only reduces your            National Association of Government
             and target their product development      regulatory risks, it can help you         Guaranteed Lenders, Inc.
             dollars efficiently. Therefore, through   become more efficient and reduce your      The National Association of
             intensive, industry-specific technical    operating costs. The Pennsylvania         Government Guaranteed Lenders,

             14 — Pittsburgh Small Business Resource                                                               Visit us online:
Inc. (NAGGL) is the premier source of     E-Magnify’s Women’s Business               exist nationwide to assist women in
technical information on the SBA 7(a)     Center Program                             starting, growing and expanding their
loan program. The mission of NAGGL          In 2006 Seton Hill University’s          small businesses.
is to serve the needs and represent the   E-Magnify® women’s business                  Drawing on E-Magnify’s experience
interests of the small business lending   center announced new and expanded          in providing innovative programming,
community who utilize the SBA’s and       programming as a result of being           essential resources, and networking
other government guaranteed loan          designated as a Women’s Business           opportunities to women entrepreneurs,
programs.                   Center (WBC) by The U.S. Small             and fueled by the funding provided
                                                                                     through The U.S. Small Business

                                          Business Administration (SBA).
Western Pennsylvania Association          Intended for a five year project period,   Administration, E-Magnify’s women’s
of SBA Guaranteed Lenders                 the center was awarded the maximum         business center programming helps
  WPASGL, the Western Pennsylvania        annual allowable grant for a WBC.          E-Magnify reach a wider, more
Association of SBA-Guaranteed             The only WBC located in Western            diverse population serving women
Lenders (the Association), is an          Pennsylvania, E-Magnify joins              located in rural and remote areas of
organization comprised of U.S. Small      forces with the 99 other WBC’s that        the state; economically and socially
Business Administration (SBA) bank,                                                  disadvantaged populations; and
non-bank lending institutions, and
support organizations that participate
and do business with the Pittsburgh
District office of the SBA in western
Pennsylvania. Member-ship is
limited to individuals employed by
participating lending institutions and
individuals employed by organizations
who provide services to those lending
  The Association provides its
members numerous benefits including:
  1) providing members with current
     SBA information,
  2) a forum to provide feedback to the
     SBA for its programs and policies
  3) lender training for SBA products.
  This, in turn, benefits small
businesses who work with these
lending institutions that can take
advantage of the SBA’s various
programs to help them grow and
succeed. SBA participating lenders
interested in joining the organization,
please contact WPASGL President
Rebecca MacBlane at 412-471-1030 or
visit the organization at:

SMC Business Councils
  With offices in Pittsburgh and
Harrisburg, SMC Business Councils
is the premier trade association for
smaller businesses in Pennsylvania.
Since its founding in 1944, SMC has
been furnishing member-companies
with the products, information, and
services they need to compete in the
contemporary business world. As a
nonprofit entity, SMC is organized
and run by business owner/members
and employs a staff of professionals
to provide services critical to the
operation of smaller businesses.
Thousands of companies throughout
Pennsylvania have come together and
benefited under this banner.

Visit us online:                                                                 Pittsburgh Small Business Resource —   15
veterans as well as active duty               The WBC program, established by           Cambria, Cameron, Centre, Clarion,
             military personnel.                         Congress in 1988, is administered by        Clearfield, Crawford, Elk, Erie,
               The center will continue its long-        the SBA’s Office of Women’s Business        Fayette, Forest, Greene, Indiana,
             standing commitment to supporting           Ownership and promotes the growth           Jefferson, Lawrence, McKean,
             women entrepreneurs who want to             of women-owned businesses through           Mercer, Somerset, Venango, Warren,
             start, grow, or sustain their businesses    business training and technical             Washington and Westmoreland.
             through:                                    assistance, and provides access to            To learn more about the programs
               •		Counseling and Training                credit and capital, federal contracts,      and resources women business owners

               • Educational Programming and             and international trade opportunities.      are able to access through E-Magnify,
               		Webinars                                  E-Magnify’s service territory             please or call 724-830-4625.
               • Advocacy Efforts                        covers the 27 counties in Western
               • Networking Opportunities                Pennsylvania served by the Pittsburgh
               • Mentorship Programs                     District Office: Allegheny, Armstrong,
               • Technical Assistance                    Beaver, Bedford, Blair, Butler,

                                    REACHING UNDERSERVED COMMUNITIES
               The SBA also offers a number of           management, and marketing, as well as       owner or essential employee is called
             programs specifically designed to           access to all of the SBA’s financial and    to active duty. The Military Reservist
             meet the needs of the underserved           procurement assistance programs.            Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program
             communities..                                                                           (MREIDL) provides loans up to

             WOMEN BUSINESS OWNERS                       VETERAN BUSINESS OWNERS                     $2 million to eligible small businesses to
                                                                                                     cover operating costs that cannot be met
                                                            The Office of Veterans Business          due to the loss of an essential employee
                Women entrepreneurs are changing         Development (OVBD), established
             the face of America’s economy. In the                                                   called to active duty in the Reserves or
                                                         with Public Law 106-50, has taken           National Guard.
             1970s, women owned less than                strides in expanding assistance to
             5 percent of the nation’s businesses.                                                      Each of the SBA’s 68 District
                                                         veteran, service-disabled veteran small     Offices also has a designated veteran’s
                Today, they are majority owners          business owners and reservists by
             of about a third of the nation’s small                                                  business development officer. These
                                                         ensuring they have access to SBA’s full-    local points-of-contact assist veteran
             businesses and are at least equal           range of business/technical assistance
             owners of about half of all small                                                       small business owners/entrepreneurs
                                                         programs and services, and that             with starting, managing and growing
             businesses. SBA serves women                they receive special consideration for
             entrepreneurs nationwide through its                                                    successful businesses. Yearly, OVBD
                                                         SBA’s entrepreneurial programs and          reaches thousands of veterans, Reserve
             various programs and services, some         resources.
             of which are designed especially for                                                    component members, transitioning
                                                            The SBA’s Veterans Office provides       service members and others who
             women.                                      funding and collaborative assistance for
                The SBA’s Office of Women’s                                                          are – or who want to become –
                                                         a number of special initiatives targeting   entrepreneurs and small business
             Business Ownership (OWBO) serves            local veterans, service-disabled
             as an advocate for women-owned                                                          owners. In fiscal year 2012, the number
                                                         veterans, and Reserve Component             of veterans assisted through OVBD
             businesses. The office oversees a           members. These initiatives include
             nationwide network over 100 Women’s                                                     programs exceeded 135,000. For more
                                                         Veterans Business Outreach Centers          information about OVBD, please visit
             Business Centers that provide business      (VBOCs), the business assistance tools
             training, counseling and mentoring                                            
                                                         –Balancing Business and Deployment,
             geared specifically to women, especially    and Getting Veterans Back to Business,
             those who are socially and economically     which includes interactive CD ROMs          NATIONAL BOOTS TO
                                                                                                     BUSINESS INITIATIVE
             disadvantaged. The program is a             for reservists to help prepare for
             public-private partnership with locally-    mobilization and/or reestablishment
             based nonprofits.                                                                         The aptly named Operation Boots
                                                         of businesses upon return from active
                Women’s Business Centers serve                                                       to Business program (B2B) builds
             a wide variety of geographic areas,                                                     on SBA’s role as a national leader
                                                            The agency offers special assistance
             population densities, and economic                                                      in entrepreneurship training. The
                                                         for small businesses owned by activated
             environments, including urban,                                                          program’s mission is to develop veteran
                                                         Reserve and National Guard members.
             suburban, and rural. Local economies                                                    entrepreneurs from the approximately
                                                         Any self-employed Reserve or Guard
             vary from depressed to thriving, and                                                    250,000 service members who transition
                                                         member with an existing SBA loan
             range from metropolitan areas to entire                                                 from the military each year. Boots
                                                         can request from their SBA lender
             states. Each Women’s Business Center                                                    to Business is an entrepreneurial
                                                         or SBA district office loan payment
             tailors its services to the needs of its                                                education program offered as an
                                                         deferrals, interest rate reductions and
             individual community, but all offer a                                                   elective track within the Department of
                                                         other relief after they receive their
             variety of innovative programs, often                                                   Defense’s revised Transition Assistance
                                                         activation orders. In addition, the
             including courses in different languages.                                               Program called Transition Goals,
                                                         SBA offers special low-interest-rate
             They provide training in finance,                                                       Plans, Success (Transition GPS). The
                                                         financing to small businesses when an

             16 — Pittsburgh Small Business Resource                                                                     Visit us online:
curriculum provides valuable assistance     efficient leverage for SBA programs.         such as business training, counseling
to transitioning service members            Further, the center plays a key role in      and mentoring, and referrals for
exploring self-employment opportunities     helping identify, engage and impact          eligible veterans owning or considering
by leading them through the key steps       underserved communities.                     starting a small business. The SBA
for evaluating business concepts and           The program engages in outreach,          has 15 organizations participating

the foundational knowledge required for     technical assistance, education,             in this cooperative agreement
developing a business plan. Participants    formulates and administers training          and serving as Veterans Business
are also introduced to SBA resources        programs, coordinates entrepreneurial        Outreach Centers (VBOC) across the
available to help access start up capital   and business development opportunities       country. Services provided by VBOC’s
and additional technical assistance.        and access to SBA’s 68 district offices      include: pre-business plan workshops,
Boots to Business is delivered in           and extensive network of resource grant      concept assessments, business plan
partnership with SBA resource               partners. The center additionally works      preparations, comprehensive feasibility
partners and the Institute for Veterans     with the White House Office of Faith-        analysis, entrepreneurial training and
and Military Families at Syracuse           Based and Neighborhood Partnerships          counseling, mentorship, and other
University. It is available free of         and the Faith-Based and Neighborhood         business-development related services.
charge at participating installations to    Partnership Centers that are within            VBOCs also provide assistance and
service members and their dependents        13 additional federal agencies, and          training in such areas as international
transitioning or retiring from the U.S.     participates in interagency working          trade, franchising, Internet marketing,
military.                                   groups to ensure effective and efficient     accounting, etc. For a VBOC directory,
  The program has three parts: 1) The       coordination of resources and initiatives.   please visit
Entrepreneurship Track Overview -              The center was established by, and           SBA also administers two
an introductory video shown during          follows the guidelines, operational          contracting and business
the mandatory five day Transition           policy and statutory requirements of         development programs that are
GPS course; 2) Introduction to              Executive Order 13279 — Fundamental          specifically designed to benefit
Entrepreneurship – a two day classroom      Principles and Policymaking Criteria         underserved communities. For
course offered as one of the three          for Partnerships with Faith-Based and        more information on the 8(a)
Transition GPS elective tracks; and, 3)     Other Neighborhood Organizations.            Business Development Program
Foundations of Entrepreneurship – an                                                     and the HUBZone Program, see the
eight week instructor led online course
that offers in-depth instruction on the
                                            NATIVE AMERICAN                              Contracting section.

elements of a business plan and tips        BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT                         Young Entrepreneurs
and techniques for starting a business.       The SBA Office of Native American             The SBA recognizes the importance
After completing the course, counselors     Affairs (ONAA) ensures that American         of fostering young entrepreneurs and
and mentors from SBA’s resource             Indians, Alaska Natives and Native           small business owners and their role in
partner network remain available            Hawaiians seeking to create, develop         the economy. The SBA offers different
to work with veterans in their local        and expand small businesses have full        activities and resources throughout
communities. For more information           access to business development and           the year aimed at aspiring young
about B2B, please visit                     expansion tools available through the        entrepreneurs, including social media                agency’s entrepreneurial development,        outreach and customized online courses.
                                            lending, and contracting programs.           The SBA also works with other federal
CENTER FOR FAITH-BASED AND                    The office provides a network of
                                            training initiatives that include a
                                                                                         agencies to provide various activities
                                                                                         for this market (
NEIGHBORHOOD PARTNERSHIPS                   Native Entrepreneurial Empowerment           To find more information, visit
   SBA’s Center for Faith-Based and         Workshop, a Native American 8(a)   
Neighborhood Partnerships (The              Business Development Workshop, a
Partnership Center) works to engage         Money Smart Workshop, an Incubator           Encore Entrepreneurs
and build strong partnerships with          Workshop and the online tool, “Small            To help meet the needs of “encore
community and nonprofit organizations,      Business Primer: Strategies for              entrepreneurs,” SBA and AARP have
both secular and faith-based, to support    Growth”. ONAA also is responsible for        joined forces to mentor, counsel,
entrepreneurship, economic growth and       consulting with tribal governments           and educate Americans age 50 and
promote prosperity for all Americans.       prior to finalizing SBA policies that may    over on how to start or grow a small
The center works in coordination            have tribal implications.                    business. Through this partnership,
with other offices within the Agency          Visit for more             SBA and AARP collaborate to connect
to assist in formulating policies and       information.                                 the 50+ population to small business
practices with the goal of extending                                                     development resources, including online
the reach and impact of SBA programs
into communities. SBA recognizes the
                                            VETERANS BUSINESS                            courses, live workshops, conferences,
                                                                                         and mentoring activities. For additional
important role of community leaders         OUTREACH CENTERS                             information, visit
and networks in economic development          The Veterans Business Outreach
at the local and national level, and        Program (VBOP) is designed to provide
that partnerships provide effective and     entrepreneurial development services

Visit us online:                                                                      Pittsburgh Small Business Resource —   17
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