SLSNSW Stage 2 Unit Outline - Beach Safety Hub

Page created by Tim Wright
SLSNSW Stage 2 Unit Outline - Beach Safety Hub
  Stage 2
Unit Outline
SLSNSW Stage 2 Unit Outline - Beach Safety Hub
Unit Outline: Stage 2
    Unit Overview                                                                                                                Key Messages
Beach and Ocean and Inland Waterways                          or coastline; students will need to create a strategy to       ✔ FLAGS+
Primary School Series                                         manage the situation, remove the danger or risk and              F Find the red and yellow flags and swim
                                                              make the situation safe. Students will create a water safety
The beach, coastline and inland waterways are a source of                                                                        between them,
                                                              prevention strategy for the “real-world” scenario. The
inspiration, a place of discovery and at times generating     class exemplar will explicitly unpack the concept of “The        L Look for and read the safety signs,
myths and uncertainties that can alter the confidence         Think Line” and view real life scenarios where this could        A Ask a lifesaver or lifeguard for safety advice,
and ability to make informed safety decisions by those        have been executed.                                              G Go swimming with an adult,
who are using the beach and waterways. Students will                                                                           S Signal for help when you get into trouble in
conduct daily investigation of the conditions of the beach    This unit uses artefacts to give students to explore               the water
to create a Beach Report for the class by collecting,         the scientific and mathematical knowledge of aquatic             + Dangers of rip currents
analysing and recording data that is used by lifesavers to    environments. The artefacts form the foundation of
inform visitors to the beach of the forecasted and current    creating the class “Beach and Waterways Encyclopedia”.         ✔ If you are not sure if a marine creature or plant
conditions. The shared text of “Annie and the Waves” by       This inquiry-based task allows students to discover              is a hazard, look from a distance and don’t
Louise Lambeth and complimentary texts gives students         the amazing and complex intricate features of aquatic            touch it
to the opportunity to uncover key water safety messages       flora and fauna. They will learn how to create scientific
                                                                                                                             ✔ Humans can use the aquatic environment to
through sharing of story in a range of modes. The creation    line drawings their artefact, conduct a measurement
                                                              investigation and writing informative text in the style of a     inspire research, creativity and innovation.
of informative text will put key water safety messages into
context.                                                      scientific document.                                           ✔ The aquatic environment needs to be looked
                                                                                                                               after so future generations can enjoy it.
Your students will discover how river systems form and        Focus: Beach, Ocean and Inland Waterways
how they reach the coast. Using “real-world” water safety                                                                    Supplementary Learning
scenarios depicted in different parts of a river system       Duration: 3 weeks                                              This unit can be delivered with Surf Lifesaving
                                                                                                                             NSW incursion & virtual session programs. Further
                                                                                                                             information on these programs is available here
SLSNSW Stage 2 Unit Outline - Beach Safety Hub
About Surf Life Saving NSW
Surf Life Saving New South Wales (SLSNSW) is the peak water safety, drowning prevention and rescue
organisation in NSW and one of the largest volunteer-based community service organisations in Australia.
Today the organisation encompasses a range of diverse activities – lifesaving services, community education,
surf sports, member development and training, all which contribute to the primary purpose to save lives and
meet our target of zero preventable deaths and injuries on NSW beaches.

  Why have we created this resource?                         Creating a quality teacher resource
  Our mission is simple; save lives, create great            We understand the unique challenges that
  Australians and build better communities. In               our teachers face and the difficulty in finding
  order to do this, we want to provide you, our              quality resources and content in line with the
  schools, teachers and students with the best               curriculum. In order to bring our teachers a
  possible programs, resources and opportunities             quality resource that they can easily integrate
  to engage with us and learn about water safety,            into their classrooms we have utilized the
  the beach and coastal environments. This                   expert skills of highly trained and experienced
  resource has been created to help you integrate            teachers to develop and build this resource. We
  beach and coastal safety information and                   will continue to annually review, amend and
  broader water safety activities and our programs           add to this resource and as part of this process
  into your lesson plans in an easy and simple way.          we will value the feedback from all teachers.
  We want to ensure our communities understand               If you would like to provide your feedback,
  beach and ocean safety, but we also want to                recommendations or comments regarding this
  make sure that we provide opportunities to                 resource please contact us at community@
  do so in a fun, engaging and relevant way. We     Thank you.
  hope that this resource will support our mission
  to equip all communities with the confidence,
  knowledge, resources & tools to prevent
  drownings & create safe, fun, welcoming &
  enjoyable beach side experiences.
SLSNSW Stage 2 Unit Outline - Beach Safety Hub
Opportunities to engage
with SLSNSW (Stage 2)
This unit outline includes opportunities to bring the content
to life by engaging with one of our offered programs,
depending on your school location and your availability, you
can choose from a number of programs to suit your needs.
For further information and assistance with any of the below
please contact us at
Incursion Lifesaver at my School
Bring a lifesaver to your school via our “Lifesaver @ my
school” incursion. Our primary school program will focus on
keeping safe at the beach and near inland waterways through
fun and interactive games and activities.
Virtual Session Beach & Ocean Explorers
Bring a lifesaver into your classroom via our virtual sessions.
Our stage 2 virtual session “Ocean Myth Busters (3-6)” invite
your students to come and explore the ocean and beach with
a real lifesaver and learn about the amazing creatures that
live within. We will explore the animals from within the deep
ocean along with creatures that lurk inside our coastal rock
Find out more about these session by visiting https://
Engage with your local SLSNSW area program
If your school is located in a coastal area there may be a local
run program by one of our SLSNSW Clubs or Branches. You
can always contact your local club to find out more or contact
us and we can put you in touch with the right person.
SLSNSW Stage 2 Unit Outline - Beach Safety Hub
Contact the Community Education Team

    Beach & Coastal Safety Resource Hub
    Home - Surf Life Saving NSW
  ✔ Primary School education programs and
  ✔ Virtual sessions: further information and to
    make a booking https://beachsafetyhub.

    02 9471 8000
SLSNSW Stage 2 Unit Outline - Beach Safety Hub
Syllabus Links   K-10 English    K-10 PDHPE   K-10 Geography   K-10 Mathematics   K-6 Science & Technology


                                                                                      Lesson Sequence

Home                                                                                     Resources
SLSNSW Stage 2 Unit Outline - Beach Safety Hub
Syllabus Links                      K-10 English         K-10 PDHPE               K-10 Geography         K-10 Mathematics           K-6 Science & Technology

Outcomes                                               Key Enquiry Questions                                      of everyday and learned vocabulary and
                                                                                                                  appropriate tone, pace, pitch and volume
EN2 1A communicates in a range of informal             ✔ How do we develop and apply contextual                   (ACELY1688, ACELY1792)
and formal contexts by adopting a range of roles         knowledge?
                                                                                                                ✔ demonstrate understanding of ideas
in group, classroom, school and community              ✔ How do we respond to, read, view and                     and issues in texts through dramatic
contexts                                                 compose texts?                                           representation, role-play and simulations
EN2 2A plans, composes and reviews a range of          ✔ How do we develop and apply language                   ✔ adapt language to suit familiar situations, e.g.
texts that are more demanding in terms of topic,         forms and features?                                      giving instructions to a younger child
audience and language
                                                                                                                ✔ respond appropriately to the reading of texts
EN2 4A uses an increasing range of skills,                                                                        to demonstrate enjoyment and pleasure
strategies and knowledge to fluently read, view        Content
                                                                                                                Writing and representing 1
and comprehend a range of texts on increasingly
challenging topics in different media and              Speaking and listening 1                                 Develop and apply contextual knowledge
technologies                                           Develop and apply contextual knowledge                   ✔ identify key elements of planning, composing,
                                                       ✔ interpret ideas and information in spoken                reviewing and publishing in order to meet the
EN2 8B identifies and compares different kinds
                                                         texts and listen for key points in order to carry        demands of composing texts on a particular
of texts when reading and viewing and shows an
                                                         out tasks and use information to share and               topic for a range of purposes and audiences
understanding of purpose, audience and subject
matter                                                   extend ideas and information (ACELY1687)               Respond to and compose texts
                                                       ✔ understand that social interactions influence          ✔ plan, compose and review imaginative and
EN2 10C thinks imaginatively, creatively and             the way people engage with ideas and                     persuasive texts
interpretively about information, ideas and texts        respond to others for example when
when responding to and composing texts                                                                          ✔ discuss aspects of planning prior to writing,
                                                         exploring and clarifying the ideas of others,            eg knowledge of topic, specific vocabulary
EN2 11D responds to and composes a range of              summarising their own views and reporting                and language features
texts that express viewpoints of the world similar       them to a larger group (ACELA1488)                     ✔ plan and organise ideas using headings,
to and different from their own                        Respond to and compose texts                               graphic organisers, questions and mind maps
                                                       ✔ interact effectively in groups or pairs,               ✔ reread and edit texts for meaning, appropriate
                                                         adopting a range of roles                                structure, grammatical choices and
                                                       ✔ use interaction skills, including active                 punctuation (ACELY1683)
                                                         listening behaviours and communicate in                ✔ reread and edit for meaning by adding,
                                                         a clear, coherent manner using a variety                 deleting or moving words or word groups to
SLSNSW Stage 2 Unit Outline - Beach Safety Hub
Syllabus Links                      K-10 English         K-10 PDHPE               K-10 Geography        K-10 Mathematics          K-6 Science & Technology

Content continued

  improve content and structure (ACELY1695)            Respond to, read and view texts                         ✔ make connections between the ways different
                                                       ✔ respond to a wide range of literature and               authors may represent similar storylines,
Reading and viewing 1
                                                         analyse purpose and audience                            ideas and relationships (ACELT1594,
Develop and apply contextual knowledge
                                                       ✔ identify and interpret the different forms of           ACELT1602)
✔ discuss how a reader’s self-selection of texts
  for enjoyment can be informed by reading               visual information, including maps, tables,           Expressing themselves
  experiences                                            charts, diagrams, animations and images               Develop and apply contextual knowledge
Respond to, read and view texts                        Thinking imaginatively, creatively and                  ✔ draw connections between personal
                                                       interpretively                                            experiences and the worlds of texts, and share
✔ use comprehension strategies to build literal
                                                       Engage personally with texts                              responses with others (ACELT1596)
  and inferred meaning to expand content
  knowledge, integrating and linking ideas and         ✔ share responses to a range of texts and identify      Understand and apply knowledge of language
  analysing and evaluating texts (ACELY1680,             features which increase reader enjoyment              forms and features
  ACELY1692)                                           ✔ respond to texts by identifying and discussing        ✔ understand differences between the language
✔ summarise a paragraph and indicate the                 aspects of texts that relate to their own               of opinion and feeling and the language of
  main idea, key points or key arguments in              experience                                              factual reporting or recording (ACELA1489)
  imaginative, informative and persuasive texts        ✔ identify and analyse the different                    Respond to and compose texts

Reading and viewing 2                                    organisational patterns and features to engage        ✔ consider and discuss ideas drawn from their
                                                         their audience                                          world and the worlds of their texts
Develop and apply contextual knowledge
                                                       Understand and apply knowledge of language              ✔ experiment with visual, multimodal and
✔ identify the audience and purpose of
                                                       forms and features                                        digital technologies to represent aspects of
  imaginative, informative and persuasive texts
                                                       ✔ identify and discuss how vocabulary                     experience and relationships
                                                         establishes setting and atmosphere                    ✔ respond to short films, documentaries and
✔ understand how texts vary in complexity
                                                       Respond to and compose texts                              multimedia texts that express familiar and
  and technicality depending on the approach
                                                       ✔ create literary texts that explore students’ own        new aspects of the broader world
  to the topic, the purpose and the intended
  audience (ACELA1490)                                   experiences and imagining (ACELT1607)                 ✔ discuss literary experiences with others,
                                                       ✔ use visual representations, including those             sharing responses and expressing a point of
✔ interpret how imaginative, informative and
                                                         digitally produced, to represent ideas,                 view (ACELT1603)
  persuasive texts vary in purpose, structure
  and topic                                              experience and information for different              ✔ describe and discuss ethical issues
                                                         purposes and audiences                                  encountered in texts
SLSNSW Stage 2 Unit Outline - Beach Safety Hub
Syllabus Links                      K-10 English         K-10 PDHPE            K-10 Geography      K-10 Mathematics           K-6 Science & Technology

Outcomes                                                Key Enquiry Questions                             Content

PD2 2 explains and uses strategies to develop           ✔ How does who I am influence others?              Health, Wellbeing and Relationships
resilience and to make them feel comfortable and                                                           How does who I am influence others?
                                                        ✔ How can we manage change?
                                                        ✔ Why are empathy, inclusion and respect           ✔ explore how success, challenge and
PD2 3 explains how empathy, inclusion and                 important in our relationships?                    overcoming adversity strengthens identity, for
respect can positively influence relationships                                                               example: (ACPPS033)
                                                        ✔ How can I take action to enhance my own
PD2 7 describes strategies to make home and               and others’ health, safety, wellbeing and         • explain how persistence and meeting
school healthy, safe and physically active spaces         participation in physical activity?                  challenges strengthens identity S
PD2 9 demonstrates self-management skills to            ✔ What skills and strategies do we need to be       • propose ways to respond positively to
respond to their own and others’ actions                  healthy, safe and empowered?                         challenge and overcoming adversity, eg
                                                                                                               positive self-talk, optimistic thinking and
PD2 10 demonstrates a range of interpersonal                                                                   help-seeking behaviours, appropriate
skills that build and enhance relationships and                                                                expression of feelings S
promote inclusion in various situations                                                                    How can we manage change?
                                                                                                           ✔ investigate how emotional responses vary in
                                                                                                             depth and strength, for example: (ACPPS038)
                                                                                                            • recognise their own emotional responses
                                                                                                               to different situations and how these might
                                                                                                               differ to others, eg anxious, worried, happy,
                                                                                                               excited S
                                                                                                            • describe strategies they can use to predict
                                                                                                               and manage their emotions before
                                                                                                               making a decision, eg calm down before
                                                                                                               responding, walk away from an emotional
                                                                                                               situation, consider the alternatives for the
                                                                                                               situation S
SLSNSW Stage 2 Unit Outline - Beach Safety Hub
Syllabus Links                     K-10 English         K-10 PDHPE              K-10 Geography          K-10 Mathematics           K-6 Science & Technology

Content continued

Healthy, Safe and Active Lifestyles                    How can I take action to enhance my own and              What skills and strategies do we need to be
How can I contribute to promote healthy, safe and      others’ health, safety, wellbeing and participation      healthy, safe and empowered?
active communities?                                    in physical activity?
                                                                                                                ✔ discuss the contextual factors influencing
✔ describe how their own and others’ skills            ✔ identify and practise strategies to promote              personal choices and decisions around
  and strategies contribute to healthy and safe          health, safety and wellbeing, for example:               health, safety and physical activity, for
  outcomes in a variety of situations, for example:      (ACPPS036)                                               example:
 • recognise and practise strategies that nurture       • discuss the accuracy of information about             ✔ analyse physical and emotional responses
    mental health and wellbeing, eg mindfulness,           health and safety provided to them by                  that indicate when they and others feel safe or
    relaxation S                                           external sources S                                     empowered, for example:
 • explain how their level of skill can influence       • practise responses and strategies that                 • compare feelings they experience in a
    their participation in games and physical              promote personal safety in unsafe                        variety of safe and unsafe situations
    activities M                                           situations, eg No-Go-Tell, seek assistance               S
✔ recognise their responsibility to contribute                                                                   • recognise emotional and behavioural
  to a healthy, safe and active environment for         • recognise and rehearse water safety                       warning signs associated with unsafe
  themselves and others, for example:                      strategies and skills, eg entry and exit,                situations, eg secrets, bribes, threats,
 • identify problem situations in the playground           check for underwater obstacles, never swim               jealousy, power and control, negative
    and classroom and suggest ways to improve              alone, look for safety signs M                           feelings S
    their environment                                  ✔ suggest and apply strategies that help to               • predict and reflect on how other students
                                                         create a healthy, safe and active environment              might feel in a range of challenging or
                                                         for themselves and others, for example:                    unsafe situations and discuss how they can
                                                                                                                    respond to support others to feel safe and
                                                                                                                    empowered S
                                                                                                                 • explain how accomplishing challenges
                                                                                                                    makes them feel good about themselves
                                                                                                                    and builds confidence to try new things, eg
                                                                                                                    positive risk-taking
Syllabus Links                    K-10 English          K-10 PDHPE             K-10 Geography         K-10 Mathematics         K-6 Science & Technology

PDHPE Prepositions                                   PDHPE Content Strands                                  PDHPE Skill Domains

Focus on educative purposes                          Health, Wellbeing and Relationships                    Self-management
Take a strengths-based approach                      This strand focuses on students developing the         Interpersonal skills
Value movement                                       knowledge, understanding and skills important          Movement skills
                                                     for building respectful relationships, enhancing
Develop health literacy
                                                     personal strengths and exploring personal
✔ functional dimension                               identity to promote the health, safety and
✔ interactive dimension                              wellbeing of themselves and others.
✔ critical dimension
                                                     Healthy, Safe and Active Lifestyles
Include a critical inquiry approach
                                                     This strand focuses on the interrelationship
                                                     between health and physical activity concepts.
                                                     Students develop the knowledge, understanding
                                                     and skills to empower them to make healthy
                                                     and safe choices and take action to promote the
                                                     health, safety and wellbeing of their communities.
Syllabus Links                     K-10 English         K-10 PDHPE             K-10 Geography        K-10 Mathematics           K-6 Science & Technology

Outcomes                                              Content

GE2 1 examines features and characteristics of        Places are Similar and Different                          eg provision of food, medicine, fuel,
places and environments                               The Australian continent                                  timbers, fibres, metals F
GE2 3 examines differing perceptions about the        ✔ investigate Australia’s major natural and           Perception of environments
management of places and environments                   human features for example: (ACHGK014,              ✔ investigate the ways people, including
                                                        ACHGK015)                                             Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
                                                       • description of natural features of Australia         Peoples, value environments, for example:
                                                          eg deserts, rivers, mountains ST VR                 (ACHGK022, ACHGK023, ACHGK024)
Key Enquiry Questions
                                                      Perception and protection of places                    • discussion of why people value
                                                      ✔ investigate how the protection of places is             environments differently eg cultural,
✔ Why are places similar and different?
                                                        influenced by people’s perception of places,            agricultural, commercial, recreational
✔ How does the environment support people                                                                       values
  and other things?                                     for example: (ACHGK018)
                                                       • description of how and why people perceive          • description of how custodial responsibility
                                                          places differently                                    for Country/Place influences Aboriginal and
                                                                                                                Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ views of the
                                                       • discussion of how people’s perceptions
                                                          influence the protection of places in
                                                                                                            Protection of environments
                                                          Australia eg sacred sites, national parks,
                                                          world heritage sites                              ✔ investigate sustainable practices that
                                                                                                              protect environments, including those of
                                                      The Earth’s Environment                                 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples,
                                                      ✔ investigate the importance of natural                 for example: (ACHGK023, ACHGK024,
                                                        vegetation and natural resources to the               ACHGK025)
                                                        environment, animals and people, for                 • examination of how environments can be
                                                        example: (ACHGK021, ACHGK022,                           used sustainably eg sustainable agricultural,
                                                        ACHGK024)                                               commercial and recreational practices
                                                       • identification of types of natural vegetation      ✔ examination of how the practices of
                                                          eg forests, grasslands, deserts VR                  Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples
                                                       • discussion of the importance of natural              support the sustainable use of environments
                                                          vegetation and natural resources to people          eg use of resources
Syllabus Links                     K-10 English        K-10 PDHPE            K-10 Geography        K-10 Mathematics            K-6 Science & Technology

Outcomes                                               Key Enquiry Questions                              Content

MA2 1WM uses appropriate terminology to                ✔ How do I measure, order and compare objects       Length 1
describe, and symbols to represent, mathematical         using familiar metric units of length, area,      Measure, order and compare objects using
ideas                                                    weight and temperature?                           familiar metric units of length (ACMMG061)
MA2 2WM selects and uses appropriate mental            ✔ How do I compare the areas of regular and         ✔ measure lengths and distances using metres
or written strategies, or technology, to solve           irregular shapes?                                    and centimetres
problems                                               ✔ How do I select and trial methods for data        ✔ record lengths and distances using metres
MA2 9MG measures, records, compares and                  collection, including survey questions and           and centimetres, eg 1 m 25 cm
estimates lengths, distances and perimeters              recording sheets?
                                                                                                           ✔ compare and order lengths and distances
in metres, centimetres and millimetres, and            ✔ How do I construct suitable data displays,           using metres and centimetres
measures, compares and records temperatures              with and without the use of digital
                                                                                                           ✔ estimate lengths and distances using metres
                                                         technologies, from given or collected data?
MA2 10MG measures, records, compares and                                                                      and centimetres and check by measuring
estimates areas using square centimetres and                                                                 • explain strategies used to estimate lengths
square metres                                                                                                   and distances, such as by referring to a
MA2 11MG measures, records, compares and                                                                        known length, eg 'My handspan is 10 cm
estimates volumes and capacities using litres,                                                                  and my desk is 8 handspans long, so my
millilitres and cubic centimetres                                                                               desk is about 80 cm long' (Communicating,
                                                                                                                Problem Solving)
MA2 14MG makes, compares, sketches and
                                                                                                           ✔ recognise the need for a formal unit smaller
names three-dimensional objects, including
                                                                                                              than the centimetre to measure length
prisms, pyramids, cylinders, cones and spheres,
and describes their features                                                                               ✔ recognise that there are 10 millimetres in one
                                                                                                              centimetre, ie 10 millimetres = 1 centimetre
MA2 18SP selects appropriate methods to
                                                                                                           ✔ use the millimetre as a unit to measure
collect data, and constructs, compares, interprets
                                                                                                              lengths to the nearest millimetre, using a ruler
and evaluates data displays, including tables,
picture graphs and column graphs                                                                             • describe how a length or distance was
                                                                                                                measured (Communicating)
                                                                                                           ✔ record lengths using the abbreviation for
                                                                                                              millimetres (mm), eg 5 cm 3 mm or 53 mm
                                                                                                           ✔ estimate lengths to the nearest millimetre and
Syllabus Links                     K-10 English         K-10 PDHPE              K-10 Geography         K-10 Mathematics          K-6 Science & Technology

Content continued

  check by measuring                                       (Communicating, Reasoning)                           and the abbreviation for square centimetres
                                                      ✔ record lengths and distances using decimal              (cm2), eg 55 square centimetres, 55 cm2
Length 2
                                                         notation to two decimal places, eg 1.25 m            ✔ estimate the areas of rectangles (including
Use scaled instruments to measure and
                                                      Use scaled instruments to measure and                     squares) in square centimetres
compare lengths (ACMMG084)
                                                      compare temperatures (ACMMG084)                          • discuss strategies used to estimate area in
✔ use a tape measure, ruler and trundle wheel
                                                      ✔ identify temperature as a measure of how hot              square centimetres, eg visualising repeated
   to measure lengths and distances
                                                         or cold something is                                     units (Communicating, Problem Solving)
  • select and use an appropriate device to
                                                      ✔ use everyday language to describe                     ✔ recognise the need for a formal unit larger
     measure lengths and distances (Problem
                                                         temperature, eg 'cold', 'warm', 'hot'                  than the square centimetre to measure area
                                                      ✔ recognise the need for formal units to                ✔ record areas in square metres using words
  • explain why two students may obtain
                                                         measure temperature                                    and the abbreviation for square metres (m2),
     different measures for the same length
                                                                                                                eg 6 square metres, 6 m2
     (Communicating, Reasoning)                       ✔ use a thermometer to measure and compare
✔ select and use an appropriate unit to estimate,        temperatures to the nearest degree Celsius           Area 2
   measure and compare lengths and distances          ✔ record temperatures to the nearest degree             Compare the areas of regular and irregular
✔ recognise the features of a three-dimensional          Celsius using the symbol for degrees (º)             shapes by informal means (ACMMG087)
   object associated with length that can               • use a thermometer to take and record daily          ✔ measure the areas of common two-
   be measured, eg length, height, width,                  temperature readings (Communicating)                  dimensional shapes using a square-
   perimeter                                                                                                     centimetre grid overlay, eg measure the area
                                                      Area 1                                                     of a regular hexagon
✔ convert between metres and centimetres, and
   between centimetres and millimetres                Recognise and use formal units to measure and             • compare how different placements of a
                                                      estimate the areas of rectangles                             grid overlay make measuring area easier or
  • describe one centimetre as one-hundredth          ✔ recognise the need for the square centimetre               harder, eg (Problem Solving)
     of a metre and one millimetre as one-tenth          as a formal unit to measure area
     of a centimetre (Communicating)
                                                      ✔ use a 10 cm × 10 cm tile (or grid) to find
  • explain the relationship between the size            the areas of rectangles (including squares)
     of a unit and the number of units needed,           that are less than, greater than or about the
     eg more centimetres than metres will                same as 100 square centimetres
     be needed to measure the same length
                                                      ✔ record area in square centimetres using words
Syllabus Links                     K-10 English         K-10 PDHPE              K-10 Geography         K-10 Mathematics           K-6 Science & Technology

Content continued

 • develop strategies for counting partial units      Data 1                                                  Interpret and compare data displays
    in the total area of the shape, eg determine      Identify questions or issues for categorical vari-      (ACMSP070)
    two or more partial units that combine to         ables; identify data sources and plan methods of        ✔ describe and interpret information presented
    form one whole unit (Communicating,               data collection and recording (ACMSP068)                   in simple tables, column graphs and picture
    Problem Solving)                                  ✔ recognise that data can be collected either by           graphs
✔ measure the areas of irregular shapes using a          the user or by others                                  • make conclusions about data presented in
  square-centimetre grid overlay, eg                  ✔ identify possible sources of data collected                different data displays, eg 'Football is the
                                                         by others, eg newspapers, government                      most popular sport for students in Year 3 at
                                                         data-collection agencies, sporting agencies,              our school' (Communicating, Reasoning)
                                                         environmental groups                                   • represent the same data set using more
                                                      ✔ pose questions about a matter of interest to               than one type of display and compare the
✔ compare two or more areas by informal
                                                         obtain information that can be recorded in                displays
   means, eg using tiles or a square-centimetre
   grid overlay
                                                      Collect data, organise it into categories, and
  • explain why two students may obtain
                                                      create displays using lists, tables, picture
     different measurements of the area of the
                                                      graphs and simple column graphs, with
     same irregular shape (Communicating,
                                                      and without the use of digital technologies
Compare objects using familiar metric units
                                                      ✔ collect data and create a list or table to
of area (ACMMG290)
                                                         organise the data, eg collect data on the
✔ estimate the larger of two or more rectangular         number of each colour of lollies in a packet
   areas (including the areas of squares) in
   square centimetres and then measure in
                                                        • use computer software to create a table to
   square centimetres to compare the areas
                                                          organise collected data, eg a spreadsheet
Syllabus Links                     K-10 English         K-10 PDHPE              K-10 Geography        K-10 Mathematics           K-6 Science & Technology

Outcomes                                               Content

ST2 1WS S questions, plans and conducts                Earth and Space                                          • investigate how erosion is caused by human
scientific investigations, collects and summarises                                                                activity, eg walking on bush trails
                                                       Working Scientifically
data and communicates using scientific
                                                       Processing and analysing data                            • investigate how erosion can be minimised,
                                                                                                                  eg constructing boardwalks
                                                       ✔ use a range of methods to represent data,
ST2 2DP T selects and uses materials, tools and
                                                          including tables and column graphs                  Digital Technologies
equipment to develop solutions for a need or
opportunity                                            ✔ identify patterns and trends in gathered data        Working Scientifically
                                                          (ACSIS057, ACSIS068)                                Processing and analysing data
ST2 4L S compares features and characteristics of
                                                       ✔ compare results with predictions                     ✔ use a range of methods to represent data,
living and non-living things
                                                       ✔ suggest possible reasons for findings                  including tables and column graphs
                                                          (ACSIS215, ACSIS216)                                ✔ identify patterns and trends in gathered data
                                                       Communicating                                            (ACSIS057, ACSIS068)
Key Enquiry Questions                                                                                         ✔ suggest possible reasons for findings
                                                       ✔ represent and communicate observations,
                                                          ideas and findings, using formal and informal         (ACSIS215, ACSIS216)
✔ How do natural processes and human actions
                                                          representations (ACSIS060, ACSIS071)                Living World
  change the earth’s surface over time?
                                                       Content                                                Working Scientifically
✔ How can we group living things?
                                                       How the Earth's surface changes over time              Planning and conducting investigations
✔ How are environments and living things
                                                       ✔ investigate why the Earth's surface changes
  interdependent?                                                                                             ✔ plan scientific investigations with guidance
                                                          over time as a result of natural processes and
                                                          human activity, for example: (ACSSU075)             ✔ conduct scientific investigations to find
                                                          ScIT                                                  answers to questions
                                                         • characteristics of soils                           ✔ use appropriate materials and equipment
                                                                                                                safely (ACSIS054, ACSIS065)
                                                         • identify evidence of natural changes in
                                                            landforms, rocks or fossils                       ✔ consider and apply the elements of fair tests
                                                       ✔ identify that scientific knowledge helps             ✔ collect and record accurate, honest
                                                          people understand the effect of their actions,        observations using labelled observational
                                                          for example: (ACSHE051, ACSHE062)                     drawings, basic formal measurements
                                                          ScIT                                                  and digital technologies as appropriate
                                                                                                                (ACSIS055, ACSIS066)
Syllabus Links                    K-10 English         K-10 PDHPE              K-10 Geography        K-10 Mathematics   K-6 Science & Technology


✔ reflect on investigations, including whether       Life cycles of living things
  testing was fair or not (ACSIS058, ACSIS069)       ✔ identify that living things have life cycles
✔ participate individually and collaboratively          (ACSSU072)
  with clear roles and goals                         ✔ conduct an investigation into the life cycle of
Processing and analysing data                           plants and/or animals (ACSSU072) ScIT
✔ use a range of methods to represent data,
  including tables and column graphs                 Survival of living things
✔ identify patterns and trends in gathered data      ✔ describe how living things depend on
  (ACSIS057, ACSIS068)                                 each other and the environment to survive
✔ compare results with predictions                     (ACSSU073) ScIT
✔ suggest possible reasons for findings
  (ACSIS215, ACSIS216)
✔ represent and communicate observations,
  ideas and findings, using formal and informal
  representations (ACSIS060, ACSIS071)
Classification of living things
✔ collect data and identify patterns to group
  living things according to their external
  features, and distinguish them from non-
  living things (ACSSU044) ScIT
✔ identify that science involves making
  predictions and describing patterns and
  relationships (ACSHE050, ACSHE061) ScIT
Lesson Sequence - Week 1   English            Mathematics            Science   Optional Activities

                               Learning and

   Home                              Week 1    Week 2       Week 3               Resources
Lesson Sequence - Week 1                 English                                Mathematics   Science                                                                          Optional Activities

  Core Lesson 1 – 20 minutes             Core Lesson 2 – 30-45 minutes

  Shared Text: Annie and The             Shared Text: Annie and The
  Waves by Louise Lambeth                Waves by Louise Lambeth
  Class discussion: Before reading       Class discussion: After reading -
  Inference from title and cover
  ✔ Characters - main character, other   ✔ What was the best bit?
     character                           ✔ Worst bit?
  ✔ mood                                 ✔ Describe 2 things you learned from
  ✔ activities                             this story
  ✔ Surf Life Saving Australia logo
                                         Report back to class and record on a
  Start reading from page 4 (where the   class brainstorm
  story starts)
                                         Task: What is the Big Idea?
                                         ✔ Complete the task - What, Where,
  ✔ Annie and the Waves                    When, Who, How
  ✔ Reading and Multimodal               ✔ Reread from page 4 (where the
    experience                             story starts)                                                    What’s the
  ✔ Book read by Louise Lambeth and
                                         Resources                                                      • In the Idea
                                                                                                                                                           big idea?
    NSW Surf Lifesavers Grace & Liam                                                                    • In the Det
                                                                                                                       box – 3 words
                                                                                                                     ails Box – Exp
                                                                                                                                       to describe
                                                                                                                                    lain your idea
                                                                                                                                                   your idea
                                                                                                                                                   in dot point
                                                                                                                                                                or sentences
                                         ✔ What’s the Big Idea Worksheet                                 Idea 1

                                         ✔ Book read by Louise Lambeth and
                                           NSW Surf Lifesavers Grace & Liam

                                                                                                      Idea 2


                                                                                                  Idea 3


Lesson Sequence - Week 1               English                                Mathematics   Science                                                                    Optional Activities

  Core Lesson 3 – 30-45 minutes        Core Lesson 4 - 15 minutes

  Shared Text: Annie and The           Play the Louise Lambeth
  Waves by Louise Lambeth              (author) Reading
  Task: Character Inference Chart      ✔ Watch from 2:40min to 14:40min
                                       ✔ This could be done with PDHPE
  ✔ Name of Character
  ✔ Facts: What do we know about the
    character?                         Class Discussion
  ✔ Quotes: What does the character
                                       ✔ What did Annie learn from the
                                         lifesavers when they came to
  ✔ Actions: What does the character
                                         Annie’s school? (Lifesavers are in
    actually do?
                                         red and yellow and there to help;
  ✔ Getting inside the Character’s
                                         swim between the flags, if you need
    Head: What are some of the
                                         help; stay calm and raise your hand                                      Characte
    thoughts and feelings?
                                         if in trouble)                                                                                      r Inferen
  ✔ Write 3 sentences about what you
                                       ✔ Name the 3 types of waves. Which                                     My chara
                                                                                                                      cter is
                                                                                                                                                                            ce Chart
    can infer about the character
                                         is the safest type? (Spilling, Surging,                             Facts: W
                                                                                                                      hat do we
                                                                                                                                know abou
                                                                                                                                          t th    e
  Resources                              Plunging)                                                                                                        make you
                                                                                                                                                                  What does
                                                                                                                                                                   think abou e character say to
                                                                                                                                                                              t her/him
                                       ✔ Name the things Annie did to
  ✔ Character Inference Chart
                                         be sunsafe. (Slip, Slop, Slap,                                   Actions:
  ✔ Book read by Louise Lambeth and                                                                       make you
                                                                                                                   What does
                                                                                                                   think abou e character do to
                                         Seek, Slide) - Sid the Seagull                                                      t her/him                 Qualities:
    NSW Surf Lifesavers Grace & Liam                                                                                                   ?                          Us
                                                                                                                                                      actions; Lis ing the facts, qu
                                                                                                                                                                  t the perso         otes
                                                                                                                                                                              nal qualitie and
                                         advertisement                                                                                                characte
                                                                                                                                                               r has.                     s the

                                       ✔ Book read by Louise Lambeth and                             Write 3 se
                                                                                                               ntences ab
                                                                                                                         out what
                                                                                                                                    you can inf
                                                                                                                                               er about
                                         NSW Surf Lifesavers Grace & Liam                                                                                 your chara

                                       ✔ Sid the Seagull

Lesson Sequence - Week 1                    English                                Mathematics                                                 Science            Optional Activities

  Core Lesson 5 - 45 minutes

  Mathematics Marine                        Class discussion: Students compare
  Encounters (Pre - Beach Profile           their findings based on the methods
  and Hazards Encyclopedia                  used for calculation.                                                                                          This is a cross KLA
  Task): Students are given cut-outs        Why would the same object have                                                                               Project- Mathematics,
  from the “Mathematics Marine              different calculations and different
  Encounters Resource Cut-outs”.                                                                                                                         English, Science, HSIE
                                                                                                                                                            and PDHPE task
  There is a collection of species of       Teacher Preparation:
  marine life that could be used by
                                            Cut the individual species of marine                 Marine Encou
                                                                                                 Mathematics nters
  students from a range of numeracy
  levels. There are 30 individual           creatures out so students can
  species (class set) for your students     complete the mathematics task.                                   cut-outs
  to investigate. The prints are NOT TO     You will need to label each marine
  SCALE. You will need grid paper for       creature on the back of the cut-out                  Teachers need to cut out
                                                                                                 the marine creatures from
  this task.                                marine creature                                      the background for students
                                                                                                 to place on the grid paper to trace
                                                                                                 around to construct compound 2D
  ✔ Draw an outline of each species on      To be supplied by the teacher: grid                  shapes.

    the grid paper                          paper
                                                                                                 NOT TO SCALE: The marine
                                                                                                 creatures are purposely not to scale
  ✔ Calculate the length, width and area                                                         to cater for the range of numeracy
                                                                                                 levels in your class.
    of the artefact to one hundredth of a   Resources: “Mathematics Marine
    centimetre                              Encounters Resource Cut-outs

  Potential methods:
  ✔ Create compound regular shapes,
    calculate area of each shape
  ✔ Measure with tape measure/ruler
    and estimate area
  ✔ Create compound regular shapes,
    cut out each shape and combine
    them to make a rectangle. Calculate
    the area of the rectangle
                                                                                                                   Australian Pin
                                                                                                                                 eapple Fish
Lesson Sequence - Week 1                           English   Mathematics                Science           Optional Activities

  Core Lesson 6 - 30-45 minutes

  Working Scientifically Discussion - Beach
  Profile and Hazards Encyclopedia Task:
  Explicit questioning:
  ✔ When calculating the length, width and area of the
    artefacts in the box. There were several different
    findings. Why is this so?
  ✔ What does the terms “accurate, predict, estimate,
    error, pattern” mean?
  ✔ How can we ensure that the findings of
    measurement are accurate and fair?                                                    Bluebottle
  ✔ How can we record our data?
  ✔ How can we display our findings?
  Scientific Sketching Task (Pre -Beach Profile and
  Hazards Encyclopedia Inquiry Task):
  Using the same marine creature cut-out used for
  the Mathematics Marine Encounters task; Create a
  Scientific Sketch of your marine species. Watch the
  videos and PowerPoint to assist you
  Resources                                                                Bluebottle
  Students use same marine creature cut-out used for
  the Mathematics Marine Encounters task
  Beach Profile and Hazards Encyclopedia Template
  ✔ PowerPoint - Scientific Sketching Practice
  ✔ How to draw Scientific Drawings
  ✔ Introduction to scientific sketching – California
    Academy of Sciences
  ✔ Scientific sketching practice – California Academy of
  ✔ Introduction to scientific sketching lesson plan                                    Smooth Toadfish
Lesson Sequence - Week 1                    English                                                                              Mathematics                                                                             Science                  Optional Activities

                             a il y B e a c h Re p ort
                           D                        Da                                                                                      ily Beac
                           Create a Beach
                                           Report for your
                                                           local or cho                  sen beach.
                                                                                                                                                                                  h Repor
                                 sure you  use  describing words
                           Make                                                                                        Create a
                                                                                                                                 Beach R
                                                                                                                       Make su          ep
                           • www.coastal
                                                                                                            re you u ort for your loca
                                                                                                                                       se descr           l
                                                                                                                          ibing wor or chosen beach
                            • www.willywe                                                                             • www.c                            ds.              .
                               ww w.m ag ics                                                                        oa
                                                                                                                     • www.w
                            •                                                                                                   ill
                                                                                                       • www.m
                                                                                                                    • www.b
                             • www.coastal                                                                          
                                                                                                                    • www.c             u

                                                                                                                                       ■ cool
                                                ns                                                        ■ warm
                              Today’s conditio                    o
                                                                      C          ■ hot                                                 ■ cool
                                               (oC)                                                       ■ warm
                              Air Temperature                                    ■ hot                            Toda                     ■ still
                                                                      C                                 ■ windy y’s condition
                                         pera ture (oC)                                                                                   s
                               Water Tem                           km/hr         ■ gale                          Air Tempe
                                                 (km/hr)                                                                       rature ( oC)
                               Wind Conditions                                                                   Water Te
                                                                                                                            mperatur o                       o
                                                                                                                                        e ( C)                C
                               Wind Direction                                                                   Wind Co
                                                                                                                            nditions                        o       ■ hot
                                                                      mm                                                              (km/hr)                C
                               Rainfall                                                                        Wind Dire                                           ■ hot               ■ warm
                                                                                                                             ction                         km/hr
                               (Since 9am)                                                                    Rainfall                                             ■ gale              ■ warm                  ■ cool
                                     e Heig ht (m)                    m                                      (Since 9a
                               Wav                                                                                        m)                                                           ■ windy
                                                   0.00m)                                                                                                                                                     ■ cool
                                (To tenth metre/                                                            Wave He                                       mm
                                                                                                                         igh                                                                                  ■ still
                                Swell Height (m)
                                                                       m                                   (To tenth t (m) ■ spilling
                                                       re)                                  ■ plunging                   metre/ 0.0
                                 (To one tenth of met                                                     Swell He                   ■0m  ) py
                                                                                                                                        chop             m
                                                               ■ surging                                              ight (m
                                 Type of wave                                               ■ even waves(To
                                                                                                                one tenth )
                                                    ?          ■ flat                                                        of metre)
                                  How does it look                                                       Type of wa
                                  UV prediction                                                         How does
                                                                                                                       it look?               ■ surging
                                                       or  not
                                  Why would you go                                                     UV predict
                                                                                                                      ion                    ■  fla t
                                                          y?                                                                                                           ■ plung
                                   go to this beach toda                                               Why would                                                                ing
                                   Forecast for tom
                                   Tempera   ture
                                    Wind Speed
                                                                                                      go to this you go or not
                                                                                                                    beach to
                                                                                                                   for tomor
                                                                                                                                da y?
                                                                                                                                                                      ■ even
                                                                                                                                                                               waves             ■ spilling
                                                                                                                                                                                                 ■ choppy                   30-45 mins
                                    Wind Direction                         mm
                                                                                                     Wind Sp
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Compile an extra Daily
                                    Rainfall                                                        Wind Dire
                                                                           m                                     ction                             km/hr
                                    Wave Height                            m
                                     Swell Height
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Beach Report from a
                                                                                                   Wave He
                                                                                                              ight                               mm
                                     UV prediction                                                Swell He
                                                                                                            ight                                m
                                     Predict whether                                              UV predict

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        second beach. Compare
                                                             h                                                 ion                             m
                                      would go to the beac                                       Predict wh
                                                                                                 would go her you
                                                                                                           to the be
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          the daily beach data

Lesson Sequence - Week 2   Combined    Mathematics      Science            Geography   PDHPE    Optional Activities

                                      Learning and

   Home                                   Week 1     Week 2       Week 3                       Resources
Lesson Sequence - Week 2                     English         Mathematics                                                                                                            Science                                                                    Geography            PDHPE               Optional Activities

  Daily Task                                                 Resources                                                                                                                                                                                                Teacher Resources:

  Daily Beach Report 5x10-15 minutes                         ✔ - Bureau of Meteorology                                                                                                                                                                 ✔ Dr Rob Brander (UNSW)
                                                             ✔ - webcam of a beach.                                                                                                                                                                Where do Waves Come From?
  This is a duplicate task with Mathematics, HSIE and
  Science. You may want to have each student or pairs          Search words: webcam (name) beach/river                                                                                                                                                                ✔ Dr Rob Brander (UNSW)
  collect beach conditions data on the “Daily Beach          ✔                                                                                                                                                                                  How do Waves Form?
  Report”. Students may present a report each day. You       ✔                                                                                                                                                                                   ✔ Dr Rob Brander (UNSW)
  may also want to record the beach conditions data on                                                                                                                                                                                                                  The Beach Survival Guide
                                                             ✔ Daily Beach Task Instructions and Report Template
  the “Beach Conditions Data Recording Sheet” to find                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ✔ Surfing Online
  patterns of beach conditions, create graphs, tables and    ✔ Beach Conditions Data Recording Sheet
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Types of Waves (for surfing)
  infer patterns.                                            ✔ Extension: purchase a school weather station;
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ✔ Beach & Coastal Safety Resource Hub
                                                               Teacher to create a spreadsheet to record school
  ✔ Name of Beach                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ✔ SLS Beachsafe
                                                               weather report data each day
  ✔ Air Temperature
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ✔ The Beach Rat - 4 Simple Ocean Observations to
  ✔ Water Temperature
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Improve Your Surfing
  ✔ Wind Conditions
  ✔ Wave Height
  ✔ UV prediction                                                                                                                                  ort
  ✔ How does it look?                                         Daily Beach Rep                                                                         Daily Be
                                                                              Report for your
                                                                                              local or chosen
                                                                                                                                                                                                             ach Rep
  ✔ Why would you go or not go to this beach today?           Create a Beach
                                                              Make sure you use
                                                                      .coas talwa
                                                                                  describing word

                                                                                                                                                               Create a
                                                                                                                                                               Make sur ach Report for yo
                                                                                                                                                                        e you use           ur local or
                                                              • www
  ✔ Forecast for tomorrow                                                                                                                                     describi
                                                               • www.willyweat                                                                                • www.c                      ng words chosen beach.

                                                                                                                                                             • www.w
                                                               • www.magicsea                                                                                          illy
                                                                                  au                                                                         • www.m
                                                                       .coas talwa                                                                             ag
                                                                                                                                                            • www.b
                                                                • www

  Extension for Mathematics: Using the school                                                                                                               • www.c

  weather station, create a weather report for the school.
                                                                                                                                                                        ■ cool

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Read supplementary
                                                                                                                                            ■ warm
                                                                 Today’s conditions                 o
                                                                                                        C             ■ hot                                                 ■ cool
                                                                                 (oC)                                                       ■ warm
                                                                 Air Temperature                     o
                                                                                                        C             ■ hot                               Today’s           ■ still
                                                                                     (oC)                                                   ■ windy                    conditio
                                                                  Water Temperature                                   ■ gale                             Air Tempera              ns
                                                                                                     km/hr                                                                ture ( oC)
                                                                  Wind Conditions                                                                        Water Tem
                                                                                                                                                                        perature o                  o

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                texts from other books
                                                                  Wind Direction                                                                        Wind Con                   ( C)                    ■ hot
                                                                                                         mm                                                           ditions (km                  o
                                                                  Rainfall                                                                             Wind Dire                    /hr)                  ■ hot               ■ warm
                                                                                                                                                                     ction                        km/hr
                                                                  (Since 9am)                                                                          Rainfall                                           ■ gale              ■ warm                  ■ cool
                                                                  Wave Height (m)                                                                     (Since 9am                                                              ■ windy                ■ cool
                                                                                     0.00m)                                                                          )
                                                                   (To tenth metre/                                                                  Wave Heig                                   mm

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               and media relating to this
                                                                                                         m                                                          ht■(m)                                                                           ■ still
                                                                   Swell Height (m)                                                                 (To tenth            spilling
                                                                                                                                                                 metre/ 0.00
                                                                    (To one tenth of metre)                                    ■ plunging                                        m)
                                                                                                ■ surging                                           Swell Heig ■ choppy                         m
                                                                                                                               ■ even waves                       ht
                                                                   Type of wave                                                                    (To one tent (m)
                                                                                                ■ flat                                                             h of metre)
                                                                   How does it look?                                                              Type of wav                                  m
                                                                    UV prediction                                                                How doe                               ■ surging

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                lesson such as being at
                                                                                       or not                                                                s it look?
                                                                    Why would you go                                                            UV predictio                          ■ flat
                                                                                                                                                                 n                                            ■ plunging
                                                                    go to this beach today?                                                     Why wou
                                                                     Forecast for tomorr
                                                                                                             o                                 go to this you go or not                                      ■ even
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      waves             ■ spilling
                                                                                                                                                            beach toda
                                                                     Temperature                                                               Forecast                    y?                                                           ■ choppy
                                                                                                             km/hr                                         for tomorro
                                                                     Wind Speed                                                               Tempera                       w

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               the beach, being lost and
                                                                     Wind Direction                              mm
                                                                                                                                             Wind Spe
                                                                                                                                                          ed                                o
                                                                     Rainfall                                                                Wind Dire
                                                                                                                 m                                       ction                             km/hr
                                                                     Wave Height                                                            Rainfall
                                                                      Swell Height                                                         Wave Heig
                                                                                                                                                         ht                               mm

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  dangerous animals.
                                                                      UV prediction                                                        Swell Heig
                                                                                                                                                        ht                               m
                                                                       Predict whether                                                    UV predictio
                                                                                                                                                         n                               m
                                                                       would go to the beach                                              Predict whe
                                                                                                                                         would go ther you
                                                                                                                                                     to the bea

Lesson Sequence - Week 2                      English         Mathematics                                  Science                                                    Geography                                                        PDHPE                            Optional Activities

  Core Lesson 1 – 60 minutes


                                                                       Daily Beach Rep Dai
  Analysis of Beach Conditions Data Information Report
  Each student receives a hard copy of the data
  collected. Students are to use different colours to                                      ly Beach
                                                                                                       local or chosen
                                                                                       Report for your
                                                                        Create a Beach                       .
  categorise the data                                                                      describing words
                                                                        Make sure you use                                                                             Create a
                                                                                                                                                    Make su ach Report for yo
  ✔ Windy, small breeze, still                                          • www.coastalw                                                                                        re you us
                                                                                                                                                                                        e describi ur local or chosen
                                                                         • www.willywe                                                                               • www.c                      ng words
                                                                                                                                                                    • www.w
  ✔ hot, warm, cool temperature                                          • www.magicse
                                                                         •                                                                               • www.m    
  ✔ cold or warm                                                          • www.coastalw
                                                                                                                                                                   • www.b
                                                                                                                                                                   • www.c             u
  ✔ large, small, still waves                                                                                                                                               oastalwat
  ✔ choppy, slight swell, still water, current, flooded                                                                                                  ■ warm
                                                                                                                                                                                      ■ cool
                                                                            Today’s condition                                                                                          ■ cool
  ✔ plunging, spilling, surging waves                                       Air Temperature

                                                                                                                                  ■ hot
                                                                                                                                  ■ hot
                                                                                                                                                          ■ warm
                                                                                                                                                       ■ windy y’s condition
                                                                                                                                                                                            ■ still
                                                                                     Tem  pera ture  (oC)                                                                                  s
                                                                             Water                                                ■ gale
  ✔ good or poor beach day                                                   Wind Conditions
                                                                                                  (km/  hr)          km/hr                                       Air Temp
                                                                                                                                                                Water Te
                                                                                                                                                                              erature ( o
                                                                                                                                                                             mperatur o
                                                                             Wind    Dire ction                                                                 Wind Co                  e ( C)
                                                                                                                                                                            nditions                        o       ■ hot
                                                                                                                      mm                                                               (km/hr)               C
  Teacher models generating data table, pie graphs,                           (Since 9am)
                                                                                                                                                               Wind Direc
                                                                                                                                                                               tion                        km/hr   ■ hot
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ■ gale
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ■ warm
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ■ warm                  ■ cool
                                                                              Wave Height (m)                                                                (Since 9a
  column graph on the class board using Excel or similar                       (To tenth metre/
                                                                               Swell Height (m)
                                                                                                   0.00 m)
                                                                                                                                                           Wave He
                                                                                                                                                          (To tenth t (m) ■ spilling
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ■ windy                ■ cool
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ■ still
                                                                                                        e)                                                               metre/ 0.0
  app.                                                                          (To one tenth of metr
                                                                                Type of wave
                                                                                                               ■ surging
                                                                                                                                           ■ plunging
                                                                                                                                           ■ even wave s
                                                                                                                                                          Swell He
                                                                                                                                                         (To one ten (m)    t
                                                                                                                                                                                      ■0m  ) py
                                                                                                                                                                                         chop            m

                                                                                                    ?          ■ flat                                                     th of metre
                                                                                 How does it look                                                       Type of wa
                                                                                                                                                                                        )               m

  Students to create an Informational Report using the                           UV prediction
                                                                                 Why would you go
                                                                                                        or not
                                                                                                                                                       How does
                                                                                                                                                      UV predict
                                                                                                                                                                       it look?                ■ surging
                                                                                                                                                                                              ■ flat
                                                                                                          y?                                                          ion                                              ■ plung
                                                                                  go to this beach toda
  beach conditions data, tables and graphs modelled by                            Forecast for tom
                                                                                                                                                      Why would
                                                                                                                                                     go to this you go or not
                                                                                                                                                                    beach tod
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ■ even
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               waves             ■ spilling
                                                                                             ture                                                    Forecast                      ay?
  the teacher using Excel or similar app.                                         Tem  pera
                                                                                   Wind Speed
                                                                                                                                                                   for tomor
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ■ choppy

                                                                                   Wind Direction                           mm
                                                                                                                                                    Wind Sp
                                                                                                                                                                eed                                  o
                                                                                   Rainfall                                                        Wind Direc
  eg. At (Location) Beach between the dates of ...... there                        Wave Height
                                                                                                                                                                   tion                             km/hr

                                                                                    Swell Height                                                  Wave He
  were .... good beach days. (Location) had mainly .....                            UV prediction
                                                                                                                                                 Swell He
                                                                                                                                                            ight                                 m

                                                                                    Predict whe    ther                                          UV predict
  conditions with ..... waves etc.                                                   would go to the beac
                                                                                                                                                Predict wh
                                                                                                                                                would go
                                                                                                                                                              ether you

                                                                                                                                                           to the be

  ✔ Teacher to generate hard copy of Beach Conditions
    Data Recording Sheet from core lesson 5 in week 1                                Name:
  ✔ Teacher to give each student hard copies of the
    modelled tables and graphs
  ✔ Teacher to provide an Information Scaffold for each
Lesson Sequence - Week 2                     English         Mathematics                    Science                                   Geography                                      PDHPE                  Optional Activities

  Core Lesson 2 – 30-45 minutes x 2
                                                                                             Beach Profi
                                                                                            Hazards En le and
  Beach Profile and Hazards Encyclopedia Inquiry Task:
  Students are to research the following information
  about the Marine Creature you have been working on:                                                   cyclopedia
  ✔ Scientific Drawing (Science Task)
                                                                           Beach Profi  le and                                    Common Na
                                                                                                                                               me of Marin

                                                                                                                                 Scientific Na             e Creature:

                                                                                              l o
                                                                                                                                               me of Marin
  ✔ Common name
                                                                                rd s E n c yc                                    Scientific Sk
                                                                                                                                                           e Creature:

  ✔ Scientific name
  ✔ location of where the species is found (colour on the
    map)                                                                                    of Marine Crea
                                                                           Common Name Marine Creature:
                                                                                    c Na me of
  ✔ environment it is found (fresh/salt water, vegetation,                 Scientific Sketc
    type of waterway)
  ✔ interesting features
  ✔ features that may make it hazardous to humans
  ✔ Beach Profile and Hazards Encyclopedia Sheet                                                                           Interesting
                                                                                                                                       Features (in
                                                                                                                           •                        clude any fe
                                                                                                                                                                 atures that ar
                                                                                                                                                                               e   hazardous
                                                                                                                                                                                               to humans)

                                                                                                                                                hazardous to
                                                                                                                               tures that are
                                                                                              Features (inclu     •y fea
                                                                                                              de an
                                                                                •                                  •

                                                                                 •                              •

                                                                                 •                             •




Lesson Sequence - Week 2                      English       Mathematics                  Science                  Geography            PDHPE               Optional Activities

  Core Lesson 3 – 60 minutes                                Optional Task                                                     Resources

  Task: Features of a River System                          Experiment-River Systems                                          ✔ An Amazing Discovery!
                                                                                                                              ✔ - amazing discovery
  Label the parts of the river system. Students will need   Teacher to build up a mountain range to the coast profile with
                                                                                                                              ✔ - sticker mapping activity
  to research these terms:                                  sand or similar material. You will be using watering can or
                                                                                                                              ✔ Features of a River System - Plan It, Twinkl
  ✔ channel                                                 similar to model the impact of rain on the mountain range.
  ✔ confluence                                              You may want to film the class experiment for
  ✔ delta
                                                            future reference
  ✔ estuary
  ✔ floodplain                                              Explicit Direct Teacher Questioning and Discussion:
  ✔ levee                                                   ✔ Describe the shape of the landscape from the highlands to
  ✔ meander                                                   the coast - Highlands steep, flood plain and delta flat, and
  ✔ mouth                                                     reaches coast
  ✔ gorge                                                   ✔ Where is the source of the river? - Highlands
  ✔ source                                                  ✔ What do you think will happen to the river system if it rains
  ✔ waterfall                                                 in the highlands? - flows down the river system to the coast
                                                            Teacher puts a little bit of water on the highlands
                                                            ✔ As the water moves down the river system from the
                                                              highlands, what feature is created? - tributaries form
                                                            ✔ What is happening to the sand/dirt? - being picked up in
                                                              the current and washed downstream - erosion
                                                            ✔ What is the water movement called? - current
                                                            ✔ What is happening to the current when it hits the flood
                                                              plain? - current slows and forms meanders - deposition
                                                            ✔ What is happening to the sand/dirt when it hits the flood
                                                              plain? - it stops and builds up on the flood plain
                                                            ✔ What will happen to the water when it hits the delta? -
                                                              spreads out and little tributaries and creeks form to the
                                                            ✔ Teacher to pour more water on the highlands.
                                                            ✔ What will happen if the highlands get lots of rain? -
                                                            Teacher to pour bigger volume of water.
Lesson Sequence - Week 2                  English       Mathematics                  Science                  Geography                                           PDHPE                                                        Optional Activities

  Core Lesson 4 – 30-45 minutes                         Core Lesson 5 – 60 minutes

  Explicit Teaching: Flags and The Think Line           Inquiry Task: Use scenario planning sheets with a list
                                                        of resources for each scenario.
                                                                                                                            Rock Pool Safety Scenario
  Explain the concept of:
                                                                                                                             Your family is visiting the patrolled beach
  ✔ FLAGS acronym - Write the meaning of FLAGS in       In small groups; you will be given a scenario. You will              today. We have decided to go for a walk
                                                                                                                             on the rock platforms to explore the rock

    students notes                                      need to present to the class in a format of your choice              pools. Your mum told you and your little
                                                                                                                             sister not to pick anything up out of the
                                                                                                                             rock pools. Your little sister sees a pretty,

  ✔ Watch the videos about rip currents and The Think   eg. presentation, make a video or podcast, create an                 orange octopus with blue rings and
                                                                                                                             decides to give it a pat. She gets bitten.
                                                                                                                             The bite did not hurt that much but she
    Line                                                infographic:                                                         starts to feel numb around the face and
                                                                                                                             cannot breathe very well.

  ✔ Discuss the following points as a class
                                                        ✔ A short description of the scenario                                What are the risks to the victim, rescuer

                                                                                                                                                                           Beach S
                                                                                                                             and bystanders?
  ✔ List the ways the ways you can prevent getting                                                                                                                                What are the risks in bringing the person

    caught in a rip current
                                                        ✔ What are the risks to the victim, rescuer and                                                                           to safety?
                                                                                                                                                                                                               afety Sc
                                                          bystanders?                                                        How are you going to find assistanceIttois the scho                                                                   enario
  ✔ Options for returning to shore                                                                                           help the victim?                     two frien        ol holid
                                                                                                                                                                              ds are go ays! You and yo
                                                        ✔ How are you going to find assistance to help the                                                       your frienOnce
                                                                                                                                                                               d’s the
                                                                                                                                                                 years old nextm
                                                                                                                                                                                         ing to th
                                                                                                                                                                                     um and
                                                                                                                                                                             ). Youthing
                                                                                                                                                                                                               urwill be the
                                                                                                                                                                                                            h with
                                                                                                                                                                                                      ger sis
                                                                                                                                                                with yo
                                                                                                                                                                          ur two fri ve entered the ter (3
  Resources                                               victim?                                                                                               away fro
                                                                                                                                                               body su the red and ye
                                                                                                                                                                                      en ds onto
                                                                                                                                                                                                   the sand r
                                                                                                                             What strategy are you going to useunexpe ng for about 20 w flags. After
                                                        ✔ What strategy are you going to use to bring the                    to bring the victim to safety? What
                                                                                                                                                              into a rip
                                                                                                                                                                        cted wa
                                                                                                                                                                                  ve has ca minutes; an
  ✔ FLAGS acronym                                                                                                            assistance will you need?                    cuHow
                                                                                                                                                              and tries rre      nt.could        ed your
                                                                                                                                                                                     Yo this event
                                                                                                                                                                         to swim ur friend is scar end

                                                          victim to safety? What assistance will you need?                                                   starting               ba
                                                                                                                                                                       to get ve ck to shore. He
                                                                                                                                                                                  ry tired
  ✔ How to spot a rip                                                                                                                                        What ar

                                                        ✔ What are the risks in bringing the person to safety?                                              and bysta
                                                                                                                                                                     e the ris
                                                                                                                                                                                ks to the vic
                                                                                                                                                                                              tim, resc
  ✔ How to survive a rip

                                                        ✔ Once the victim is safe, what will be the next thing
                                                                                                                      River Saf
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           What ar
  ✔ The Think Line                                                                                                                                                                                                                  e th
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          to safety e risks in brin
                                                          you will do?                                                                                           How are
                                                                                                                                                                help the
                                                                                                                                                                             you goin
                                                                                                                                                                                         g to find
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ?                ging the

                                                        ✔ What other ways could you bring the person to                       Name:
                                                                                                                                               r decide to ot on
                                                                                                                                                                                                               e to

                                                                                                                                  ur brothe                 sp                                                         Once th
                                                                                                                      You and yo s at the swimming o the
                                                          safety?                                                     some frie
                                                                                                                       the river
                                                                                                                                 to sw  ing off  the rope
                                                                                                                                                      m theW
                                                                                                                                                             rivha t str at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       next thin
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                e victim
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 g you wi
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         is safe,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ll do?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  what wi
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ll be the
                                                                                                                                             up                             eg
                                                                                                                                  get back                 to nk  s             y are yo
                                                                                                                       water. To mb up the steep ba            brin   gen
                                                                                                                                                                        th e victim      u go  in g to use
                                                                                                                                st cli                  woasod  . Wh
                                                                                                                                                              sis                     to
                                                        Resources                                                       yo u mu
                                                                                                                                    lined with
                                                                                                                        which are rs friend swims ba
                                                                                                                                                     ad           ta nce will
                                                                                                                                                              ck to the
                                                                                                                                                                                         sa fe
                                                                                                                                                                                 you need ty? What
                                                                                                                         your brothe gets his leg stuck gh of                                                       How co
                                                                                                                                       he                  s enou                                                           uld this
                                                                                                                                       wo  od . He just ha           ath ing  .                                                      event be
                                                                                                                                                                bre                                                                            prevente
                                                                                                                          some dead e water to keep
                                                        Scenario planning sheets                                          his head
                                                                                                                                        t mo bil e ph one recep
                                                                                                                                                                    tio n at                                                                            d?

                                                                                                                           There is no
                                                                                                                                      ming spot.
                                                                                                                           the swim                                          er                                           the perso
                                                                                                                                                               tim, rescu                                     in bringing
                                                                                                                                                   to the vic                                       the risks
                                                                                                                                        the risks                                      What are
                                                                                                                            What are
                                                                                                                                         nders?                                        to safety
                                                                                                                             and bysta

                                                                                                                                                                  istance to                                       wi     ll be the
                                                                                                                                                      to find ass                                       safe, what
                                                                                                                                        you going                                             victim is
                                                                                                                               How are                                               Once the               ?
                                                                                                                                        victim?                                                 you will do
                                                                                                                               help the                                              next thing

                                                                                                                                                                   use                                                          d?
                                                                                                                                                        u going to                                                   prevente
                                                                                                                                              gy are yo             at                            thi   s event be
                                                                                                                                  What strate victim to safety? Wh                      How could
                                                                                                                                  to bring the ll you need?

Lesson Sequence - Week 2                   English      Mathematics   Science   Geography   PDHPE   Optional Activities

  Geography 45mins

  Task: River System Experiment source (highlands) to
  the coast.
  Introduce River Systems with the video – An Amazing
  Discovery! (Murray-Darling Basin Authority)
  ✔ An Amazing Discovery!
  ✔ Amazing discovery resource
  ✔ Sticker mapping activity – good teacher resource

             Read supplementary
            texts from other books
           and media relating to this
            lesson such as being at
           the beach, being lost and
              dangerous animals.
Lesson Sequence - Week 3   Combined       English            Mathematics   PDHPE   Optional Activites

                                  Learning and

   Home                               Week 1        Week 2   Week 3                Resources
Lesson Sequence - Week 3                     Combined                  English                     Mathematics                                      PDHPE                                                                                                      Optional Activites

  Science, English, HSIE & Mathematics                      Resources

  Daily Task: Daily Beach Report 5x10-15                    ✔ - Bureau of Meteorology
  minutes                                                   ✔ - webcam of a beach -            Daily Beach Rep
                                                              Search words: webcam (name) beach/river                                                                                       beach.

  This is a duplicate task with Mathematics, HSIE and                                                               Create a Beach
                                                                                                                                  Daily Be
                                                                                                                                   Report for your
                                                                                                                                                   local or chosen
                                                                                                                                      describing word

                                                            ✔                               Make sure you use
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ch Repo
  Science. You may want to have each student or pairs       ✔
                                                                                                                    • www.coastalw
                                                                                                                     • www.willyweat
                                                                                                                     • www.magicsea
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Create a
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Make su ach Report for yo
                                                                                                                                                                                                         re you us
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   e describi ur local or chosen
  collect beach conditions data on the “Daily Beach
                                                                                                                     •                                                                                            ng words          beach.
                                                                                                                                                                              • www.
                                                            ✔ Daily Beach Task Instructions and Report Template       • www.coastalw
                                                                                                                                                                                               • www.w

  Report”. Students may present a report each day. You      ✔ Beach Conditions Data Recording Sheet
                                                                                                                                                                                               • www.
                                                                                                                                                                                              • www.
                                                                                                                                                                                              • www.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  u ■ cool
                                                                                                                                                                                                     ■co astalwatc
  may also want to record the beach conditions data on
                                                                                                                       Today’s conditions                 o
                                                                                                                                                              C               ■ hot                      ■ cool
                                                                                                                                       (oC)                                                          ■ warm
                                                                                                                       Air Temperature                     o
                                                                                                                                                              C               ■ hot                                                     ■ still
                                                                                                                                           (oC)                                                            ■ windy
                                                                                                                        Water Temperature                                     ■ gale

                                                            Extension: purchase a school weather station; Teacher

  the “Beach Conditions Data Recording Sheet” to find
                                                                                                                        Wind Conditions
                                                                                                                        Wind Direction                                                      Today’s
                                                                                                                        Rainfall                                                           Air Tempera

                                                            to create a spreadsheet to record school weather
                                                                                                                                                                                                           ture ( oC)
                                                                                                                        (Since 9am)

  patterns of beach conditions, create graphs, tables and
                                                                                                                                                                                           Water Tem
                                                                                                                                                               m                                        perature o                   o
                                                                                                                        Wave Height (m)                                                   Wind Con                  ( C)                           ■ hot
                                                                                                                                           0.00m)                                                      ditions (km                  o
                                                                                                                         (To tenth metre/                                                Wind Dire                   /hr)
                                                                                                                                                               m                                      ction                                       ■ hot               ■ warm
                                                                                                                         Swell Height (m)                                                                                          km/ spilling

                                                            report data each day
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ■     hr

  infer patterns.                                                                                                         (To one tenth of metre)                                              plunging
                                                                                                                                                                                            ■fall                                                 ■ gale              ■ warm                  ■ cool
                                                                                                                                                                                        (Since 9am waves                           ■ choppy
                                                                                                                                                      ■ surging                                                                                                       ■ windy                ■ cool
                                                                                                                         Type of wave                                                        ■ even )
                                                                                                                                                      ■ flat                           Wave Hei                                   mm
                                                                                                                                                                                                    ght (m)                                                                                  ■ still
                                                                                                                         How does it look?                                            (To tenth
                                                                                                                                                                                                   metre/ 0.00

  ✔ Name of Beach
                                                                                                                          UV prediction                                               Swell Hei                   m)             m
                                                                                                                                             or not                                               ght
                                                                                                                          Why would you go                                           (To one tent (m)

                                                            Teacher Resources
                                                                                                                                                                                                     h of metre)
                                                                                                                          go to this beach today?                                   Type of wav                                 m
                                                                                                                                              row                                                   e
                                                                                                                           Forecast for tomor                                      How doe

  ✔ Air Temperature
                                                                                                                                                                                               s it look?               ■ surging
                                                                                                                           Temperature                             km/hr          UV predictio                         ■ flat
                                                                                                                                                                                                   n                                                  ■ plunging
                                                                                                                           Wind Speed                                             Why wou
                                                                                                                            Wind Direction                                       go to this you go or not                                            ■ even
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              waves             ■ spilling

                                                            ✔ Dr Rob Brander (UNSW) - Where do Waves Come
                                                                                                                                                                       mm                     beach tod

  ✔ Water Temperature                                                                                                                                                            Forecast                  ay?
                                                                                                                            Rainfall                                   m                     for tomorro                                                                        ■ choppy
                                                                                                                            Wave Height                                         Tempera                      w
                                                                                                                                                                       m                   ture
                                                                                                                            Swell Height                                       Wind Spe
                                                                                                                                                                                            ed                               o

  ✔ Wind Conditions                                           From?                                                          UV prediction
                                                                                                                             Predict whether
                                                                                                                             would go to the beach
                                                                                                                                                                               Wind Dire
                                                                                                                                                                              Wave Hei



                                                            ✔ Dr Rob Brander (UNSW) - Where do Waves Come
                                                                                                                                                                             Swell Hei

  ✔ Wave Height
                                                                                                                                                                                        ght                               m
                                                                                                                                                                             UV predictio
                                                                                                                                                                                           n                              m
                                                                                                                                                                            Predict whe
                                                                                                                                                                            would go ther you
                                                                                                                                                                                       to the bea

  ✔ UV prediction                                             From?                                                                                                                                 ch

  ✔ How does it look?                                       ✔ Dr Rob Brander (UNSW) - The Beach Survival Guide                 Name:

  ✔ Why would you go or not go to this beach today?         ✔ Surfing Online - Types of Waves (for surfing)                                                             Name:

  ✔ Forecast for tomorrow                                   ✔ Surf Lifesaving Queensland - Waves
                                                            ✔ SLS Beachsafe - Rip currents
  Extension for Mathematics
                                                            ✔ The Beach Rat - 4 Simple Ocean Observations to
  Using the school weather station, create a weather          Improve Your Surfing
  report for the school.
You can also read