Slow-onset Processes and Resulting Loss and Damage - An introduction - ADDRESSING LOSS AND DAMAGE FROM SLOW-ONSET PROCESSES - An ...

Slow-onset Processes and Resulting Loss and Damage - An introduction - ADDRESSING LOSS AND DAMAGE FROM SLOW-ONSET PROCESSES - An ...
Publication Series


Slow-onset Processes
and Resulting
Loss and Damage –
An introduction
Slow-onset Processes and Resulting Loss and Damage - An introduction - ADDRESSING LOSS AND DAMAGE FROM SLOW-ONSET PROCESSES - An ...
Table of contents

4                               22
Summary of                      Loss and damage
key facts and                   due to slow-onset
definitions                     processes

6                               22
                                What is loss and damage?
9                               What losses and damages           IMPRINT
Slow-onset                      can result from slow-onset
                                processes?                        Authors
processes and their                                               Laura Schäfer, Pia Jorks, Emmanuel Seck,
key characteristics             26                                Oumou Koulibaly, Aliou Diouf
                                What losses and damages
9                               can result from sea level rise?   Idy Niang, Bounama Dieye, Omar Sow, Vera
What is a slow-onset process?                                     Künzel, Rixa Schwarz, Erin Roberts, Roxana
                                31                                Baldrich, Nathalie Koffi Nguessan
What are key characteristics    Loss and damage                   Editing
                                                                  Adam Goulston – Scize Group LLC
of slow-onset processes?        in Senegal due to
                                sea level rise                    Layout and graphics
14                                                                Karin Roth – Wissen in Worten
What are other relevant
terms for the terminology on    35                                January 2021
slow-onset processes?           Outlook
                                                                  The authors thank Denis Mombauer, Vositha
                                                                  Wijenayake, Kairos Dela Cruz, Imran Hasan,
14                              36                                Faizal Cader, Anjatiana Radoharinirina, Martina
Which phenomena fall under
the category of slow-onset      Bibliography                      Solofofiaviantsoa, Vitu Chinoko, Khampha
                                                                  Keomanichanh, Senashia Ekanayake and Boucar
                                                                  Diouf for their valuable input and feedback
                                                                  during the preparation and review of this paper
16                                                                or during interviews. We extend our acknowl-
Box: Sea level rise                                               edgments to Flora Hartmann who supported the
                                                                  literature review for this paper. The authors are
17                                                                also grateful to their colleagues Carolin Becher,
                                                                  Janina Longwitz und Hanna Fuhrmann for their
Box: Slow-onset processes in
IPCC reports

                                                                  Germanwatch e.V. – Office Bonn
                                                                  Kaiserstr. 201, D-53113 Bonn, Germany
                                                                  Phone +49 (0)228 / 60 492-0, Fax -19

                                                                  Laura Schäfer –

This publication is supported by Engagement Global with
funding from the German Federal Ministry for Economic
Cooperation and Development. Germanwatch is responsible for
the content of this publication.

Supported by                    With funding from the
List of tables and figures
    List of a
                    bbre                                                  11                              13
                        via                                               Table 1: Key characteristics    Figure 1: Slow-onset
                           ti        on
                                                                          of climate related slow-onset   processes’ chain of effects for
                                          s                               processes and rapid-onset
                                                                                                          sea level rise

    AR4 IPCC Fourth Assessment Report                                     18                              Figure 2: The continuum of
                                                                          Table 2: Slow-onset-related     slow-onset processes and
    AR5 IPCC Fifth Assessment Report
                                                                          terminology used in relevant    sudden-onset events
    COP Conference of the Parties to the                                  IPCC reports since 2007
        United Nations Framework Convention on
        Climate Change                                                    27                              Figure 3: Historical and
  ENDA Environment Development Action Energy,                             Table 3: Loss and damage        projected global average sea
 Energy Environment and Development Programme                             from sea level rise             level rise
    ESL Extreme Sea Level
    GDP Gross Domestic Product
                                                                                                          Figure 4: Total number of
  GMSL Global mean sea level                                                                              mentions of slow-onset
 GMSLR Global mean sea level rise                                                                         processes, extreme weather
                                                                                                          events, and drought in IPCC
    IOM International Organization on Migration                                                           AR5, WG II
   IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
   LECZ Low-elevation coastal zone
                                                                                                          Figure 5: Total number of
  OCHA Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs                                                mentions of slow-onset
    RCP Representative (Emission) Concentration Pathway/Scenario                                          processes, extreme weather
                                                                                                          events, and drought in IPCC
   SIDS Small Island Developing States                                                                    SR 1.5 °C
    SLR Sea level rise
  SR1.5 IPCC Special Report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5 °C                                    20
        above pre-industrial levels                                                                       Figure 6: Mentions of specific
                                                                                                          slow-onset processes in the
 SRCCL IPCC Special Report on climate change, desertification, land                                       IPCC AR5, WG II
       degradation, sustainable land management, food security, and
       greenhouse gas fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems
   SREX IPCC Special Report on Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and                                   Figure 7: Mentions of specific
        Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation                                                    slow-onset processes in IPCC
 SROCC Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing                                           SR 1.5 °C
UNCLOS United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea                                                    24
                                                                                                          Figure 8: Overview of loss
 UNDRR United Nations Office on Disaster Risk Reduction                                                   and damage due to slow-
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization                                   onset processes

UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
 UNHRC United Nations Human Rights Council
   UNU United Nations University
  USAID United States Agency for International
    USD US Dollar
    WIM Warsaw International Mechanism for
        Loss & Damage
4 | Summary of key facts and definitions


KEY FACTS                                                                                        AND

   What is a        The effects of climate change can    all levels up to the global scale. Slow-
                    be divided into two categories       onset processes’ characteristics can
                    according to the temporal scale      be well understood when compared
    process?        over which they occur and the        with rapid onset events, in the climate
             differing speed of manifestation of their   context typically referred to as extreme
             impacts: slow-onset processes and rap-      weather events. Rapid-onset events are
             id-onset events. To date, in the climate    single, discrete events with a clearly
             context, no officially acknowledged         identifiable beginning and/or end and
             definition of slow-onset processes          that occur or reoccur in a matter of days
             has been established. For this paper,       or even hours at a local, national, or
             slow-onset processes are understood         region scale (UNHCR 2018).
             as phenomena caused or intensified
             by anthropogenic climate change that        This paper considers increasing Which
             take place over prolonged periods of        mean temperatures, sea level phenomena
             time – typically years, decades, or even    rise, ocean acidification, glacial
                                                                                            fall under the
             centuries – without a clear start or end    retreat, permafrost degradation,
             point (see UNFCCC 2012, UNU 2017,           salinisation, land and forest deg-
                                                                                            category of
             UNHRC 2018, IPCC 2007 and 2012).            radation, and desertification, slow-onset
             Slow-onset processes evolve through         as well as loss of biodiversity, processes?
             gradual transformations - creeping or       as slow-onset processes (see
             incremental changes that can generate       UNFCCC 2017, UNU 2017). The paper
             severe, cumulative and potentially          puts a special emphasis on the distinct
             irreversible impacts on ecological and      slow-onset process of sea level rise,
             human systems. Impacts take place at        which is one of the most urgent such
Summary of key facts and definitions | 5

             processes in Senegal, our case study        a higher number of non-economic than
             country. Droughts are a special case        economic losses and damages.
             and not included in the list of these
             processes. Droughts result from a pat-      Slow-onset processes are interlinked
             tern of extreme weather that persists for   and mutually reinforcing. They all lead
             some time (e.g. a season) and can be        to a damage and/or loss of ecosystems
             classified as an extreme climate event      and their services, leading to a decrease
             (IPCC 2014c).                               and loss of biodiversity. Slow-onset pro-
                                                         cesses and the losses and damages they
     What losses    Loss and damage is under-            cause can be drivers of human mobility
    and damages     stood as “adverse impacts of         (Rigaud et al. 2017). Migration as an
                    human-induced climate change         adaptation strategy or way of dealing
   do slow-onset
                    that cannot be avoided by            with loss and damage, however, can lead
processes cause?    mitigation or adaptation, or         to further non-economic losses, such as
                    that will not be avoided in the      loss of culture and traditions, language,
             future by adaptation due to insuffi-        social networks, identity and commu-
             cient resources” (Mace/Verheyen 2016:       nity cohesion (Campbell/Warrick 2014).
             198). A main distinction can be made        Research showed that slow-onset cli-
             between economic loss and damage            mate changes are more likely to induce
             (including [a] physical assets and [b]      increased migration and displacement
             income) and non-economic loss and           than rapid-onset changes (Kaczan /
             damage (including [a] material and          Orgill-Meyer 2020). Research also hints
             [b] non-material forms). The analysis       that, similar to rapid-onset events, slow-
             for this paper (see section 3) showed       onset processes and resulting losses
             that all slow-onset processes cause a       and damages particularly affect vulner-
             high number of different losses and         able people in countries of the Global
             damages; sea level rise and land and        South (Warner/van der Geest 2013, Zorn
             forest degradation lead to the greatest     2018). This is also partially due to the
             number of losses and damages. This          fact that slow-onset processes, as well
             includes economic damage to physical        as climate-related rapid-onset events,
             assets (e.g. infrastructure and property)   and related hazards perpetuate collec-
             and income (e.g. losses for fisheries and   tive and individual vulnerabilities (van
             aquaculture, losses in livestock and        der Geest/Schindler 2017). These parts
             agriculture production, and losses for      of the population are more vulnerable
             tourism). It also includes non-economic     to a hazard’s damaging effects (because,
             loss and damage in its material form        for instance, their livelihood depends on
             (e.g. damage to ecosystems and their        fewer assets and their consumption is
             services, and loss of land area or terri-   closer to subsistence levels) but have
             tory) and non-material form (e.g. loss of   lower coping capacity (because, for
             heritage, identity, health, and local and   instance, they cannot rely on savings to
             indigenous culture). In the analysis the    buffer the impacts and may need longer
             selected slow-onset processes caused        to rebuild and recover).
6 | Introduction

                   What is the background of this
                   paper and the series?
                   The effects of climate change can be divided into two
                   categories according to the temporal scale over which
                   they occur and the differing speed of manifestation of
                   their impacts. There are rapid-onset events, typically
                   referred to as extreme weather events in the climate
                   context (e.g. cyclones and heatwaves). Meanwhile, there
                   are slow-onset processes unfolding slowly and gradu-
                   ally over years, decades, or centuries (e.g. sea level rise,
                   ocean acidification, and desertification). Both types of
                   events substantially impact people’s lives, cause loss
                   and damage, hinder enjoyment of human rights, and
                   drive human mobility. The first priority should there-
                   fore be to prevent or minimise this potential damage
                   through effective mitigation, adaptation, and risk-re-
                   duction measures. Prevention or minimisation of all
                   loss and damage is, however, no longer possible; cli-
                   mate change is already leading to unavoidable losses
                   and will increasingly do so in the future. Taking this into
                   account, it appears essential to address the unavoidable
                   residual loss and damage, especially those for coun-
                   tries particularly vulnerable to climate change impacts.
Introduction | 7

In contrast with extreme weather events, addressing                             weather events. A number of gaps and challenges
losses and damages caused by slow-onset processes                               in coping with and managing slow-onset processes
is still neglected in the climate change context, both                          and related loss and damage can explain this. These
at the national and international levels.                                       include a lack of common understanding of the termi-
                                                                                nology related to slow-onset processes, and a lack of
Neglecting the issue undermines the scale of the chal-                          data and knowledge on the losses and damage slow-
lenge. Scientists conclude that in the long term, more                          onset processes cause (particularly at the local level).
people will be affected by slow-onset processes than                            These also include a lack of clarity about the question
by extreme weather events. The example of sea level                             of how countries currently deal with these losses, and
rise (SLR) effectively illustrates the problem’s global                         finally a lack of clarity regarding adequate measures
dimension. By 2050, sea level rise will threaten 300                            to deal with losses and damage from slow-onset pro-
million people living in low-lying coastal areas as                             cesses. The IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and the
they live on land below projected annual flood levels                           Cryosphere thus states that, ‘[m]ore work is needed
(Kulp/Strauss 2019). Estimates of global economic                               to explore the range of activities available to respond
losses from coastal flooding due to SLR amount to                               to L&D [loss and damage] resulting from slow onset
> 4 % of world GDP (Schinko et al. 2020). For low-lying                         processes in the scope of the SROCC report (...)’ (IPCC
developing countries and Small Island Developing                                2019a: 630).
States (SIDS), however, its effects will be particularly
severe, and in some cases existential. Based on cur-
rent greenhouse gas emissions, researchers assume                               What is the objective of the
most atolls will become uninhabitable before the                                paper series on addressing loss
mid-21st century. Already today, SLR is causing sub-                            and damage from slow-onset
stantive non-economic losses. In Senegal, our case                              processes?
study country, the effects of sea level mixed with
other anthropogenic factors are threatening the World                           This series responds to the above-described chal-
Heritage Site of Saint-Louis. Other communities are                             lenges. This first paper introduces slow-onset
already submerged, despite adaptation measures.                                 processes and resulting losses and damages. The
Thousands of people have already been displaced,                                second analyses the status quo, challenges, and gaps
and many more will follow in the future. Of Saint-Louis                         in addressing losses and damages from slow-onset
territory, 80 % will be at risk of flooding by 2080 and                         processes at the national and international levels.
150,000 people will have to relocate (Government                                Finally, the third paper analyses financial tools and
of Senegal/World Bank 2013). Most of West Africa’s                              instruments to address losses and damages from slow-
coastal cities, home to 105 million people, face a sim-                         onset processes. Through the analyses, we seek to
ilar threat.                                                                    foster awareness of the urgency to act in this area, and
                                                                                provide input for processes at the national and inter-
Despite this urgency, the political Loss and Damage[1]                          national levels. This is with the aim of finding tangible
debate on national and international level and related                          and feasible solutions to address loss and damage
measures to address losses and damage often still                               from slow-onset processes. The series is prepared in
have a focus on dealing with the impacts of extreme                             the context of the ‘Multi-Actor Partnership on Climate

1   We use the term ‘loss and damage’ or ‘losses and damages’ (lowercase letters) to refer to harm from adverse effects of climate change and ‘Loss
    and Damage’ (capitalized letters) for the political debate, particularly under the UNFCCC (see e.g. IPCC 2019a). For a definition of ‘loss and damage’
    see section three.
8 | Introduction

and Disaster Risk Financing’[2] project. It includes a case                  phenomena fall under the category of slow-onset pro-
study from the partner country Senegal and contains                          cesses? A separate box describes how the IPCC uses the
insights from the other partner countries of Malawi,                         terminology. Subsequently, it summarises key charac-
Madagascar, Laos, the Philippines, and Sri Lanka.                            teristics of slow-onset processes, also in comparison
                                                                             with rapid-onset events. The introduction to these
                                                                             characteristics is deliberately kept detailed, as they
What does this first part, ‘Slow-                                            form the basis for analysis of potential financial tools
onset Processes and Resulting Loss                                           and instruments for dealing with loss and damage
and Damage – An introduction,’                                               under the specific consideration of these character-
cover?                                                                       istics in the third part of the series. In a second step,
                                                                             this paper presents losses and damages due to slow-
This part starts the series by navigating the maze                           onset processes. It details the different types of losses
of words that emerged in the context of slow-onset                           and damages (economic and non-economic) resulting
processes. It clarifies the questions of: What are slow-                     from slow-onset processes in general and for the spe-
onset processes? What are other relevant terms for the                       cial case of SLR. The final section gives insights on the
terminology around slow-onset processes? and Which                           losses and damages in Senegal due to SLR.

2   The Multi-Actor-Partnership on Climate and Disasters Risk Financing in the Context of the InsuResilience Global Partnership project is carried
    out by a consortium of civil society organization. The main focus of the project is capacity development and the establishment/expansion of
    multi-actor dialogue platforms at national and global levels in order to promote the development and implementation of gender-equitable,
    poverty-oriented and human rights-based approaches to climate risk financing. The project is carried out in Malawi, Madagascar, Laos, Philippines,
    Sri Lanka, Senegal, Caribbean by implementing partners from the project countries. The overall coordination is led by CARE Germany with
    Germanwatch and Munich Climate Insurance Initiative (MCII). The project is supported by Engagement Global with funding from the German
    Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. For more information and a detailed project summary see:
Slow-onset processes and their key characteristics | 9


                 What is a slow-onset process?

                 Climate change causes and/or exacerbates natural
                 hazards that pose a threat to, among other things,
                 human security, sustainable development, and
                 human rights (Schäfer, Künzel & Jorks 2020). Climate
                 change’s adverse impacts can be divided into two
                 categories based on their temporal rate of occurrence
                 and the differing speed at which their impacts appear.
                 There are rapid-onset events, in the climate context
                 typically also referred to as extreme weather events.
                 These include cyclones or heatwaves. The duration of
                 these discrete events is typically measured in hours,
                 days, or months (UNHRC 2018). There are also cli-
                 mate change effects unfolding slowly and gradually
                 over years, decades, or centuries (UNFCCC 2012).
                 These include e.g. sea level rise and are referred to
                 herein as slow-onset processes. This categorisation
                 stems from the original terminology used in the Bali
                 Action Plan (2007), which classifies direct climate
                 impacts either as ‘acute’ or ‘chronic’ (UNFCCC 2008).
                 While ‘acute’ impacts are described as ‘short-term’
                 and ‘highly severe,’ ‘chronic’ impacts are charac-
                 terised as ‘entirely anthropogenic’ and ‘gradual.’
10 | Slow-onset processes and their key characteristics

No official definition of slow-onset processes              impact, rapid-onset events and slow-onset processes
has been established to date in the climate con-            differ in a large number of characteristics.
text. International organisations, including the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC),           Table 1 summarises the key characteristics of slow-
the United Nations Framework Condition on Climate           onset processes compared to these of rapid-onset
Change (UNFCCC), the International Organisation for         events. Beyond these key characteristics, which distin-
Migration (IOM), and the United Nations Office for          guish slow-onset processes from rapid-onset events,
Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR), have used several          there are further typical attributes and features of
terms to describe the climate change-related phenom-        slow-onset processes important for understanding
enon of slow-onset processes and related impacts.           their nature.
They include: slow-onset events, creeping changes,
slow incremental changes, slow-onset hazards, slow-         a) Interlinked and mutually enforcing nature
onset perils, slow-onset effects of climate change,         of different slow-onset processes
chronic climate impacts, and slow-onset impacts (see        The progress of one slow-onset process is often highly
IPCC 2012, IPCC 2007, UNFCCC 2008 & UNHRC 2018,             interlinked with that in others, such as SLR and salinity
IOM 2020, UNU 2017). Even in IPCC reports, the term         intrusion, leading to loss of soil fertility and a change
is not used consistently. In relevant IPCC reports and      in delta ecosystems. Slow-onset processes, thus, are
special reports since 2007, 13 different types of slow-     highly interconnected and sometimes exacerbate
onset terminology can be identified as having been          or trigger one another. Temperature rise and glacier
used without a definition and often used without a          retreat, for instance, are two slow-onset processes
description of the phenomena the term encompasses           that are simultaneously among the main contributors
(see box ‘Slow-onset processes in IPCC reports’).           to SLR (Carbon Brief 2019). SLR, however, is a major
The following paragraphs will therefore provide a           contributor to land degradation and loss of biodiver-
detailed description of the characteristics of slow-        sity. For example, marine intrusion at just 1 m of sea
onset processes, concluding with a definition of the        level would severely impact protected areas (0–58.3 %
phenomenon.                                                 loss), ecoregions (0–90.0 % loss), and endemic species
                                                            (41–50 % loss) across New Guinea (Legra 2009).

What are key characteristics of                             b) Interlinked nature of rapid-onset events
slow-onset processes?                                       and slow-onset processes
                                                            Slow-onset processes can occur coincidently, simulta-
Slow-onset process’ characteristics can be approached       neously, or sequentially with rapid-onset events. This
through comparison with those of climate-related            leads to even more substantial disruption of natural
rapid-onset events. Rapid-onset events are single, dis-     and human systems due to simultaneous manifesta-
crete events with a clearly identifiable beginning and/     tion of multiple hazards and impacts. Consequences
or end and that occur or reoccur in a matter of days        include increased rates of SLR together with increases
or even hours at the local, national, or regional scale     in severe rainfall, storm surges, and associated
(UNFCCC 2012, IOM 2020). Slow-onset processes, how-         flooding (IPCC 2019a: 624). Other examples are SLRs’
ever, lack a clearly identifiable start or end and are of   relationship with so-called extreme sea level (ESL)
a gradually evolving, creeping, or incremental nature       events, which (excluding tsunamis) result from trop-
(IOM 2020). Their severity only manifests through           ical or extra-tropical cyclones, as a combination of
environmental transformation or degradation over a          high tides and storm surges, and in many cases a
long period – usually years, decades or even centuries      dynamic wave component. Little et al. (2015) acknowl-
(UNHRC 2018). Impacts take place at all levels up to        edge this dual role of regional SLR and tropical cyclone
the global scale. Beyond the timeframe and level of         frequency and intensity changes for future flood risk
Slow-onset processes and their key characteristics | 11

              Table 1: Key characteristics of climate related slow-onset processes
              and rapid-onset events

                                             Rapid-onset event                               Slow-onset process
               Type of event/                                                           Gradual, creeping, incremental
                                       Single, discrete events
               process                                                                  process

                                                                                        Slowly unfolding over years,
                                                                                        decades, or centuries
                                       Occur within days or hours
                                                                                        Might accelerate over time (e.g. SLR)
               Timeframe                                                                Gradual manifestation

                                       Clearly identifiable start and end               Creeping and gradual, no clearly
                                       point                                            identifiable start and/or end point

                                                                                        Slow-onset processes, per se, are
                                                                                        foreseeable phenomena, but:
                                                                                        (1) they interact with anthropogenic
                                       Not foreseeable regarding their fre-             parameters and external stressors,
               Predictability          quency and intensity                             resulting in uncertainty about con-
                                                                                        crete impacts;
                                                                                        (2) their manifestation differs at the
                                                                                        local level
                                       Highly visible impacts                          Damage through creeping environ-
                                                                                       mental transformation or degradation               Source: Author,
                                       Major damage in a very short time
               Impacts                                                                                                                    based on
                                       Limited to a specific geographical              Gradual impact over a longer period                information
                                       area                                            of time                                            from IOM 2020,
                                                                                                                                          UNFCCC 2012,
                                                                                        Potentially spread out over larger
               Level of                Appears at local, national, and                                                                    UNHCR 2018,
                                                                                        geographical areas up to the global
               impacts                 regional scale

(IPCC 2019a: 624). Buchanan et al. (2017) addressed                          the expected annual number of present-day 100-year
this issue across different level of extremes, focusing                      events (i.e. events currently with a 1 % chance of occur-
on the United States. Importantly, they found SLR                            rence in any given year) by 2050 under a moderate
would result in stronger increases in the number of                          SLR scenario (representative concentration pathway
moderate (or high-frequency) events in some places,                          [RCP] 4.5)[3]. This highlights how SLR and, in partic-
such as the East Coast cities of Charleston or New York.                     ular, the accompanying changes in ESL, will lead to a
Other areas, such as Seattle on the West Coast, would                        rapid increase in flood risk over the next few decades.
experience a more rapid increase in the number of rare                       Other interrelations of SLR with other physical pro-
extreme (or low-frequency) events. On average, across                        cesses include decadal-scale variability in ocean
all study sites, there would be a 25-fold increase in                        circulation (e.g. Firing et al. 2004), often associated

3   The IPCC described RCP 4.5 as an intermediate scenario. Emissions in RCP 4.5 peak around 2040, then decline. According to the IPCC, RCP 4.5
    requires that carbon dioxide emissions start declining by approximately 2045 to reach roughly half of the levels of 2050 by 2100.
12 | Slow-onset processes and their key characteristics

with large-scale climatic patterns such as the Pacific                          of soils, groundwater, and surface waters. These haz-
decadal oscillation (Bromirski et al. 2011), as well as                         ards can lead to direct impacts, such as damage or loss
interannual variability, such as occurs during phases                           of coastal ecosystems and their services due to land
of the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (NOAA 2017).                                being permanently underwater. They can also lead to
                                                                                indirect impacts, such as loss of health due to loss of a
c) Cascading nature of slow-onset processes                                     source of calories from coastal ecosystems.[6] Figure 1
As stated, changes in one of an ecological system’s                             displays the chain of effects for SLR.
components (e.g. sea level) can cause cascading
impacts and bring about numerous consequences,                                  d) Hybrid nature
such as food insecurity or displacement. It must fur-
ther be noted that one slow-onset processes impact                              Most slow-onset processes-induced impacts cannot
(e.g. SLR) may trigger a multitude of hazardous                                 be solely attributed to these processes; rather, they
impacts (e.g. coastal erosion, salinity intrusion, leading                      are simultaneously influenced by other anthropo-
to soil fertility loss and delta ecosystem change).                             genic parameters (Raymond et al. 2020). Slow-onset
Additionally, as described under the above points a                             processes therefore can be shaped by internal char-
and b, slow-onset processes are highly interconnected                           acteristics of the different systems and external
and are interrelated with rapid-onset events. Owing                             confounding factors, such as longstanding stressors
to these interdependencies, slow-onset processes                                (e.g. overexploitation of natural resources). These fac-
can be described as underlying cascading effects,[4]                            tors’ interaction with slow-onset processes shows the
which are complex, multi-dimensional, and constantly                            complexity of managing the associated risks. A litera-
evolving over time. An example of such an effect is                             ture review (Matias 2017) identified natural resource
that mean temperature rise leads to biodiversity loss                           extraction and exploitation, pollution, land use change,
in coral reefs. Since corals also fulfil the function of                        industrialisation, and force majeure, among others, as
protecting coasts from waves, their loss due to bleach-                         external factors exacerbating slow-onset processes’
ing-induced mortality also increases flooding risk,                             impacts (Matias 2017: 8). For example, floods due to
which SLR already exacerbates (IPCC 2019a: 624).                                rising sea levels may be exacerbated by both natural
                                                                                and anthropogenic vertical land movement due to, for
Slow-onset processes also lead to risks to and impacts                          instance, overexploitation of groundwater or post-gla-
on ecosystems, people, human activities, and the built                          cial rebound (see NOAA 2017, NASA 2020). However,
environment (IPCC 2019a). According to the IPCC’s                               studies of trend attribution have provided relevant
conceptual framework, hazards, vulnerability, and                               information about the influence of climate change
exposure are the major drivers of changes in disaster                           on some slow-onset processes including SLR, and
risks and of impacts when risk is realised (IPCC 2014,                          increasing temperatures (James et al. 2019). It was
2016). The severity of impacts therefore depends                                demonstrated that anthropogenic activity has influ-
strongly on the level of vulnerability[5] and exposure to                       enced global warming, and also regional warming on
certain slow-onset processes. With SLR, one potential                           six contents. On top of that, the global increase in SLR
chain of effects is the intensification of coastal haz-                         has also been attributed to anthropogenic greenhouse
ards such as enhanced flooding, and the salinisation                            gases (Bindoff et al. 2013).

4   A ‘cascading effect’ is an overall impact scenario timeline in which initial impacts can directly or indirectly trigger other unforeseen, adverse phe-
    nomena and sequences of events that lead to consequences of significant magnitude and damages inflicted on elements at risk, such as physical,
    social, or economic disruption (cf. Pescaroli & Alexander 2015).
5   According to the IPCC (2018: 67) ‘vulnerability and exposure are dynamic, varying across temporal and spatial scales, and depend on economic,
    social, geographic, demographic, cultural, institutional, governance, and environmental factors.’
6   ‘Risk’ refers to potential negative impacts of climate change where something of value is at stake, recognising the diversity of values. Risks depend
    on hazards, exposure, vulnerability (including sensitivity and capacity to respond), and likelihood. (IPCC 2018).
Slow-onset processes and their key characteristics | 13

Figure 1: Slow-onset processes’ chain of effects for sea level rise

                     GLOBAL &                     COASTAL                         DIRECT AND
                     REGIONAL                     HAZARDS                         INDIRECT IMPACTS
                     MEAN SLR
CLIMATE              Sea level hazards              E.g. temporary or               E.g. damage or loss of

CHANGE                 Local mean SLR               permanent sub-
                                                    mergence of land,
                                                                                    coastal and marine eco-
                                                                                    systems, and their services
                       Local extreme SLR            enhanced floo-                  E.g. loss of health due to a
                                                    ding, salinisation              loss of source of calories
                                                                                    from coastal ecosystems
                                                                                    (fish proteins)

                                                                     NON-CLIMATE                       VULNERABILITY
                                                                     ANTHROPOGENIC                     AND
                                                                     DRIVERS                           EXPOSURE
                                                                         E.g. settlement               (environmental and
                                           Source: Author, based
                                                                         patterns, human-              human dimensions)
                                            on information from          induced ecosystem
                                                     IPCC 2019a,         degradation
                                                 pp. 326 and 375

e) Tipping points and permanent shifts
Slow-onset processes and their impacts span a broad            freshwater wetlands to one dominated by mangroves
range of natural systems. Failing to manage their asso-        occurred suddenly, following a single storm surge
ciated risks may lead to the ecological thresholds or          event (Ross et al. 2009).
tipping points of systems being crossed (IPCC 2012).
This can result in nonlinear instabilities in a system         Based on the previous application of terminology in
and domino-like, potentially irreversible damages,             differing contexts, as well as further characterisations
because ‘once an ecological threshold is crossed,              such as those mentioned above, for this paper, slow-
the ecosystem in question is not likely to return to its       onset processes are understood as phenomena caused
previous state’ (CCSP 2009). Two examples of major             or intensified by anthropogenic climate change that
SLR-related tipping points are the potentially irrevers-       take place over prolonged periods of time – typically
ible retreat of the Greenland Ice Sheet, which could           years, decades, or even centuries –without a clear start
lead to ≤7 m of SLR, and the West Antarctic Ice Sheet,         or end point. Slow-onset processes evolve through
which could lead to 3 m. There is also some indication         gradual transformations – creeping or incremental
that interactions among rapid-onset and slow-onset             changes that can generate severe, cumulative, and
events may result in thresholds being crossed. For             potentially irreversible impacts on ecological and
example, a study in the US state of Florida found that         human systems at all levels (see, for example, IOM
once sea level reached a critical level, the transition        2020, UNFCCC 2012, UNU 2017, UNHRC 2018, IPCC
from a landscape characterised by upland forests and           2007 & 2012).
14 | Slow-onset processes and their key characteristics

What are other relevant terms for                          The Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
the terminology on slow-onset                              (OCHA) uses this term for drought, and notes that
processes?                                                 broader global challenges such as climate change,
                                                           urbanisation, food and energy price spikes, and irreg-
As mentioned, a number of different terms are              ular migration can, in combination, ultimately result
applied in the context of slowly, gradually evolving       in more slow-onset emergencies.
climate-related phenomena. Another term frequently
used synonymously with slow-onset processes as
used in this paper is ‘slow-onset events’ (see Cancun      Which phenomena fall under the
Adaptation Framework 2010). From our perspective,          category of slow-onset processes?
use of the term ‘event’ is misleading and inade-
quate, as it suggests a ‘discrete occurrence of a single   For slow-onset processes, there is neither an official
phenomenon that can be clearly identified in time’         definition nor a list of phenomena grouped under this
(UNU 2017), as opposed to the gradual natural and          category of climate change impacts. The following
human-induced changes. We therefore do not use the         classifications exist:
term in this publication series.
                                                           • IPCC reports (2019, 2018, 2014, 2012) group the
The areas of disaster risk reduction and humanitarian        following phenomena under the terminology
action also deal with slowly evolving processes (both        of slow-onset processes/slow-onset climate
climate-related and non-climate-related), but with a         impacts/slow-onset perils/slow-onset hazards:
focus on their impacts. This is reflected in the termi-      ocean changes, SLR, glacier retreat, mountain and
nology used. UNDRR uses ‘slow-onset disaster’ and            polar cryosphere changes, ocean acidification,
this is also established in the Sendai Framework.            permafrost thaw, rising mean temperatures and
UNDRR understands it as a disaster “that emerges             variability in temperature and water, desertifica-
gradually over time. Slow-onset disasters could be           tion, precipitation changes, ecosystem changes,
associated with, for example, drought, desertification,      land degradation, and drought (see box ‘Slow-
sea-level rise, epidemic disease” (UNDRR 2015: 12).          onset processes in IPCC reports’ for details).)
The IPCC defines disasters as “severe alterations in the   • The Conference of the Parties to the United Nations
normal functioning of a community or a society due           Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP)
to hazardous physical events interacting with vulner-        Decision 1/COP.16 contains a list of slow-onset
able social conditions, leading to widespread adverse        processes considered particularly relevant for
human, material, economic, or environmental effects          the UNFCCC’s mandate, including, ‘sea level rise,
that require immediate emergency response to satisfy         increasing temperatures, ocean acidification, gla-
critical human needs and that may require external           cial retreat and related impacts, salinization, land
support for recovery.” (IPCC 2012: 558). Based on this       and forest degradation, loss of biodiversity and
understanding, slow-onset processes do not cause a           desertification’ (UNFCCC 2012: 3).
disaster by themselves. They can result in a slow-onset
disaster when combined with societal vulnerabilities
                                                           • UNU includes SLR, coastal erosion, salinisation,
                                                             ocean acidification, temperature rise, desert-
and lack of preparation and response measures.               ification, and changing rainfall patterns in its
                                                             categorisation. Droughts are categorised as a spe-
The term ‘slow-onset emergency’ is frequently used           cial case, since their manifestation and respective
in humanitarian action. It is defined as an emergency        response measures often resemble sudden-onset
that “does not emerge from a single, distinct event          events (UNU 2017).
but one that emerges gradually over time, often based
on a confluence of different events” (OCHA 2011: 3).
Slow-onset processes and their key characteristics | 15

For this paper, we consider increasing mean tem-            distinct slow-onset process of SLR, which is one of
peratures, sea level rise, ocean acidification, glacial     the most urgent process in Senegal, our case study
retreat, permafrost degradation, salinisation, land         country. Droughts are a special case and not included
and forest degradation, and desertification, as well        in the list. These result from a pattern of extreme
as loss of biodiversity, as slow-onset processes. The       weather that persists for some time (e.g. a season)
Annex gives a detailed definition for each of these         and can be classified as an extreme climate event
events. This paper particularly emphasises the              (IPCC 2014c).

Figure 2: The continuum of slow-onset processes and sudden-onset events

Source: Huggel 2016
16 | Slow-onset processes and their key characteristics


      Global mean sea level rise (GMSLR) refers to        under all RCPs at the end of the 21st century,
      the worldwide average rise in mean sea level        including those compatible with achieving the
      (UNFCCC 2012). Sea level change can be both         Paris Agreement’s long-term temperature goal
      global and local (relative sea level changes).      of well below 2 °C. The IPCC (2019a) projected
      It is caused by different processes, such as a      the GMSL will rise between 0.43 m (RCP2.6) and
      change in ocean volume (e.g. through melting        0.84 m (RCP8.5) by 2100 relative to 1986–2005.
      glaciers and ice sheets or expanding volume         Beyond 2100, sea level will continue to rise for
      due to temperature increase), or by salinity        centuries due to continuing deep ocean heat
      changes (IPCC 2018). The sum of glacier and         uptake and mass loss of the Greenland and
      ice sheet contributions is now the dominant         Antarctic ice sheets, and will remain elevated
      source of GMSLR (IPCC 2019a). During the last 3     for thousands of years. The IPCC scenarios
      million years, the global mean sea level (GMSL)     are based on rather conservative calculation
      has exceeded 5 m above present levels, when         models. Vermeer and Ramsdorf (2009) pub-
      global mean temperature was ≤2 °C warmer            lished a semi-empirical estimate of 1.00–1.40 m
      than in pre-industrial times (IPCC 2014c: 1140).    for the period 1990–2100, depending on the
      The rate of GMSLR since 1900 has been faster        RCP. This is significantly more than the IPCC’s
      than during any comparable period over at           corresponding values. Recent publications
      least the last 2,800 years (Kopp et al. 2016a).     even recognised that a GMSLR > 2 m is possible
                                                          even if global mean temperature rise is limited
      Future SLR is highly dependent on the RCP           to 2 °C by the end of the 21st century (Bamber
      followed. However, it is projected to be faster     et al. 2019).

      Figure 3: Historical and projected global average sea level rise

      Source: USGCRP 2018
Slow-onset processes and their key characteristics | 17

The rate of SLR varies spatially across the          in sediment supply from rivers due to dam
world, owing to a variety of factors (Church et      building also influence local relative sea level.
al. 2004; Nicholls/Cazenave, 2010). Thermal          These activities are more relevant to SLR than
expansion, ocean dynamics, and land ice loss         global climate change in some areas (Ericson et
contributions will generate regional depar-          al. 2006). Densely populated deltas are partic-
tures of about ± 30 % around the GMSLR (IPCC         ularly vulnerable to such activities due to their
2019a). Temperature and salinity changes can         geological nature (Hinkel et al. 2014). Human-
contribute significantly to regional sea level       induced local relative changes in sea level can
change (Church et al. 2010). Gravitational and       therefore be a key source of uncertainty about
rotational effects from changes in ice masses        the risks coastal areas face (ibid.).
and ocean circulation also influence the rise’s
regional distribution. These effects lead to the
rise being higher in the tropics than at high lat-
itudes (Hinkel et al. 2014).

Moreover, changes in local relative sea level
substantially vary because of biophysical and
geological processes such as vertical land
movements and changes in ocean circulation
patterns. Human activities such as extraction
of groundwater or oil, mining, and changes


Unlike extreme weather events, slow-onset            throughout the reports and are often used
processes as a category are not defined in IPCC      without a description of types of processes
reports. A comparison of different reports finds     grouped under them. The following table sum-
a variety of slow-onset-related terminology.         marises the varying terminology used in relevant
The terms, however, are not used consistently        IPCC Reports and Special Reports since 2007.
18 | Slow-onset processes and their key characteristics

Table 2: Slow-onset-related terminology used in relevant IPCC reports since 2007

                                          Types of processes
                 Term                                                                   IPCC Report
                                         described under term
                                   Ocean changes, sea level rise, glacier retreat,
 Slow-onset processes              mountain and polar cryosphere changes, as         SROCC, p. 88
                                   well as ocean acidification

 Slow-onset perils                 Sea level rise, drought, and permafrost thaw      AR5, WG II, p. 1445

                                   Rising temperatures and variability in tem-
                                                                                     AR5, WG II, p. 115
 Slow-onset hazard                 perature and water (AR5)
                                                                                     SREX, p. 80
                                   Drought, desertification (SREX)
                                   Recurrent droughts (AR5, SREX)
                                   “(…) slow-onset events may lead to                AR5, WG II, p. 809
                                   increased displacement, disrupted food
 Slow-onset events/                chains, threatened livelihoods (high con-         SR 1.5, p. 67
 Slow-onset climate events         fidence), and contribute to exacerbated           SRCCL, pp. 16, 513, 755
                                   stresses for conflict” (SR Land)
                                                                                     SREX, p. 88
                                   Term used without description of processes
                                   in SRCCL and SR 1.5

 Slow-onset disaster               Term used without description of processes        AR4, WG II, p. 382

                                   Changes in precipitation, changes in ecosys-
                                   tems, land degradation, desertification (SR
 Slow-onset impacts/               Land)
                                                                                     AR5, WG II, pp. 885, 553
 Slow onset climate                ‘Slow onset climate impacts and risks can
 impacts/                          exacerbate or otherwise interact with social      SR 1.5, p. 456
 Impacts of slow-onset             conflict corresponding with movement at
                                                                                     SRCCL, p. 690
 climate change                    larger scales’ (SR Land)
                                   Term used without description of processes
                                   in SRCCL

 Slow-onset climate change         Term used without description of processes        SRCCL, p. 513

                                   ‘Climate change is typically viewed as a slow-
 Slow-onset problems               onset, multigenerational problem’
                                                                                  SREX, p. 452

                                   ‘The disaster risk research has paid more
                                   attention to sudden-onset hazards and disas-
                                   ters such as floods, storms, tsunamis, etc.,
 Creeping changes                  and less on the measurement of creeping      SREX, pp. 88, 94
                                   changes and integrating the issue of tipping
                                   points into these assessments (see also
                                   Section 3.1.7).’

 Slow incremental change           Sea level rise                                    AR4, WG II, p. 798

 SROCC (IPCC 2019a), SRCCL (IPCC 2019b), SR 1.5 (IPCC 2018), AR5 WG II (2014a+b), SREX (IPCC 2012), AR4,
 WG II (IPCC 2007)

Source: Author
Slow-onset processes and their key characteristics | 19

For this paper, a word analysis was conducted                         Assessment Report, both types are mentioned
to understand how slow-onset processes are                            at a similar frequency (extreme weather events
reflected in the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report                         = 2,143; slow-onset processes = 2,192). In the
(WG II: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability)                       IPCC Special Report, slow-onset processes (578)
and the IPCC Special Report Global Warming                            are mentioned slightly more often than extreme
of 1.5 °C (2018). The first graph shows the total                     weather events (332). In comparing these types of
number of mentions of slow-onset processes[7]                         events/processes, we must note only four types of
compared with that of extreme weather events[8]                       extreme weather events are counted, while there
 and drought as a special case. In the IPCC Fifth                     are nine types of slow-onset processes.

Figure 4: Total number of mentions of slow-onset processes,
extreme weather events, and drought in IPCC AR5, WG II

     PROCESSES                                                                                                 2192

          WEATHER                                                                                            2143

         DROUGHT                                                          1128

                           0      200      400      600       800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000

                                                                                  Source: Author, based on IPCC 2014a and b

Figure 5: Total number of mentions of slow-onset processes,
extreme weather events, and drought in IPCC SR 1.5 °C

     PROCESSES                                         578

          WEATHER                           332

         DROUGHT                       220

                           0      200      400

                                                                                         Source: Author, based on IPCC 2018

7, 8 See list of specific processes at the end of this box.
20                                                        BIODIVERSITY                      GLACIAL
                                                          LOSS                              RETREAT

                                                          SALINISATION                      OCEAN

Regarding the number of mentions for specific             LAND AND
                                                          FOREST                            INCREASING
slow-onset processes, both IPCC reports show a            DEGRADATION                       TEMPERATURE
broad coverage of SLR, followed by ocean acidi-
                                                          DESERTIFICATION                   SEA LEVEL RISE
fication and/or increasing temperature. All other
processes receive minimal mention.
                                                          OF PERMAFROST

Figure 6: Mentions of specific slow-onset
processes in the IPCC AR5, WG II

              17                                                                  568


     0               50         100     150   200   250         300

                                                                Source: Author, based on IPCC 201 a and b

Figure 7: Mentions of specific slow-onset
processes in IPCC SR 1.5 °C

     0               50         100     150   200   250

                                                                      Source: Author, based on IPCC 2018
Slow-onset processes and their key characteristics | 21

We must note that, since 2019, the IPCC pub-           Special Report on Climate Change and Land
lished two reports that particularly address           (2019b). A more detailed analysis would be
slow-onset processes: the IPCC Special Report          needed to look into what exactly is discussed
on the Ocean and Cryosphere (2019a) and the            for the different areas.


      The following terms were used for slow-          ■ Land and forest degradation (including
      onset processes and extreme weather                land degradation, forest degradation)
      events.                                          ■ Desertification

                                                       ■ Biodiversity loss (including loss of
      ■ Sea level rise (also: SLR)

      ■ Increasing temperature (including tem-         EXTREME WEATHER EVENTS
        perature increase, temperature rise)
                                                       ■ Tropical cyclones and other extreme
      ■ Ocean acidification                              storms (including cyclone, hurricane,
                                                         typhoon, tropical storm, extreme storm)
      ■ Glacier retreat (including glacier
        shrinkage, glacier melt, glacier mass loss)    ■ Heat wave (including extreme heat
                                                         [event]), heat event)
      ■ Permafrost degradation (including
        decreases in the extent of permafrost,         ■ Floods (including flooding [not including
        thawing of permafrost, permafrost                coastal flooding due to SLR])
        thawing, permafrost melting, permafrost
                                                       ■ Heavy rainfall (including extreme
      ■ Salinisation
22 | Loss and damage due to slow-onset processes


                                                   What is loss and damage?
                                                   The impacts of slow-onset processes, such as SLR,
                                                   can already be felt around the globe. Science clearly
                                                   shows these impacts will substantially worsen with
                                                   further global warming (IPCC 2018). While the first and
                                                   most essential step to avoid future climate change
                                                   impacts is to effectively reduce greenhouse gas emis-
                                                   sions, historical greenhouse gas emissions and locked
                                                   in investments in fossil fuel industries have already
                                                   committed us to a certain level of climate impacts.
                                                   Moreover, not all climate change impacts can be suc-
                                                   cessfully prevented or minimized by adaptation or risk
                                                   reduction measures, whether because of financial,
                                                   technical, or physical constraints.[9] Hence, climate
                                                   change will lead to losses and damages induced by
                                                   slow-onset processes as well as extreme weather

                                                   9    The IPCC (2014) differentiates between hard adaptation limits (those
                                                       that will not change, for instance, thresholds in physical systems or
                                                       exceedance of the physiological capacity of individual organisms
                                                       or communities to adapt to changes), and soft adaptation limits
                                                       (which could change over time, for instance, economics, technology,
                                                       infrastructure, laws and regulations, or broader social and cultural
Loss and damage due to slow-onset processes | 23

                                                             damage due to slow-onset processes. In this context,
                                                             it must be note that multiple factors contribute to a
                                                             specific loss or damage. Besides anthropogenic emis-
                                                             sions, natural modes of climate variability, as well as
                                                             other drivers that influence exposure and vulnera-
                                                             bility, need to be considered.

                                                             A main distinction can be made between economic and
                                                             non-economic losses and damages. Climate change
                                                             hazards cause loss and damage of items (resources,
                                                             goods, and services) that are commonly traded in
                                                             markets. Examples include property and infrastruc-
                                                             ture. Affected people, however, also experience loss of
                                                             material and non-material items that cannot be traded
                                                             (Serdeczny 2018). Examples include loss of cultural
With no official definition, this paper understands loss     identify, human health, and lives. Non-economic loss
and damage as, “adverse impacts of human-induced             and damage can take material (e.g. lives, biodiver-
climate change that cannot be avoided by mitigation          sity, and territory) and non-material (e.g. identity and
or adaptation, or that will not be avoided in the future     physical and mental health) forms (Morrissey/Oliver-
by adaptation due to insufficient resources” (Mace/          Smith 2013). For this paper, we differentiate between
Verheyen 2016: 198). According to Verheyen (2012),           economic loss (including [a] physical assets and [b]
there are three types of loss and damage: avoided,           income) and non-economic loss (including [a] material
unavoided, and unavoidable. This reflects that the           and [b] non-material forms).
extent of loss and damage considerably depends on
mitigation and adaptation efforts that can avoid loss
and damage, or lead to unavoided loss and damage             What losses and damages can result
due to technical, financial, or political constraints and    from slow-onset processes?
limits. Yet there is also loss and damage that cannot
be averted via mitigation or adaptation measures;            Slow-onset process will cause a wide range of eco-
including loss and damage due to slow-onset pro-             nomic and non-economic losses and damages. The
cesses that have already begun, such as SLR (Schinko         following figure is based on a literature review con-
et al. 2016).                                                ducted for this paper. It provides a comprehensive
                                                             overview of the potential losses and damages resulting
Loss and damage can be caused by extreme weather             from the slow-onset processes including increasing
events (e.g. typhoons or floods) and slow-onset pro-         mean temperatures, SLR, ocean acidification, glacier
cesses (e.g. glacial melting), as well as events triggered   retreat, permafrost degradation, salinisation, land and
by a combination of the aforementioned (e.g. glacial         forest degradation, desertification, and biodiversity
melting leading to glacial lake outburst floods). This       loss. Annex 1 gives details specific loss and damage
paper focuses on unavoided and unavoidable loss and          for each slow-onset process.
24 | Loss and damage due to slow-onset processes

                                                       Figure 8: Overview of loss and damage due to slow-onset processes

                                                                                                                                                            Economic loss and damage
                                               Physical assets                                                                       Income

                                             Damage and loss of                                                                    Loss for fisheries
                                     infrastructure and property                                                                   and aquaculture

                                                                                                                                   Losses in livestock

                                                                                                                                   Economic loss of
                                                                                                                                   agriculture production

                                                                                                                                   Reduction and loss of
                                                                                                                                   crop productivity

                                                                                                                                   Losses for the
                                                                                                                                   tourism sector


                                                      EA L

                                                                                                TU G
                                                    ID AN

                                                   TR CIA

                                                                                              RA IN

                                                                                                             N ES

                                                  AC E

                                                                                            PE S
                                                 RE A

                                                                                                           IO R
                                                                                          M EA

                                                                                                         AT FO
                                                                                        TE NCR

                                                                                                       AD ND


                                                                                                    GR D A

                                                                                                  DE AN


                                                                                                               SS IV
                                                                                                             LO IOD


                                                                                                                                             RO N

                                                                                                                                           AF IO

                                                                                                                                        RM AT
                                                                                                                                      PE RAD
                                           Increased morbidity/
                                                                                                                                   OF EG

                                  mortality, potential loss of live

                                    Damage to ecosystems and
                                 their services (e.g. protection)*
Non-economic loss and damage

                                            Decrease and loss of

                                            Decrease and loss of
                                          freshwater availability                                                                    Non material

                                                          Loss of                                                                  Loss of (cultural)
                                                        land area                                                                  heritage
                                                   Productive land
                                                                                                                                   Loss of

                                                                                                                                   Loss of
                                   Areas for tourism and recreation

                                                         Loss of                                                                   Loss of local and
                                                        territory                                                                  indigenous knowledge

                                 *including coastal and marine ecosystems

                               Source: Author – see Annex for full list of literature
Loss and damage due to slow-onset processes | 25

The figure makes no claim of completeness and               slow-onset process), Birkmann and Welle (2015) show
although it is based on an extensive literature review,     that, owing to societies’ higher vulnerability and low
slow-onset processes might lead to loss and damage          adaptive capacities, an overwhelming majority, 90 %,
not yet covered by research; thus no scientific evi-        of low-income countries face a high or very high risk of
dence is yet available. Based on the current status quo     loss and damage due to slow-onset processes, while
of research on slow-onset processes and resulting loss      only 5 % of high-income countries face such risks.
and damage, the figure shows:
                                                            Slow-onset processes can hinder enjoyment of inter-
•   different slow-onset processes cause a high             nationally guaranteed human rights, such as adequate
    number of different losses and damages – eco-           food, water, health, and housing, as well as the right of
    nomic and non-economic types                            self-determination and to take part in cultural life and
• the different slow-onset processes analysed cause         enjoy one’s culture. Hindrance comes in ways such as
    a higher number of non-economic than economic           loss of land, which particularly harms indigenous com-
    losses and damages                                      munities (HRC 2018: 16). Consequently, slow-onset
• the interlinked and mutually enforcing nature of          processes put those already in vulnerable situations
                                                            at the greatest risk of suffering human rights harms as
    different slow-onset processes, in that all slow-
    onset processes lead to a damage and/or loss            a result of the process’ adverse effects (HRC 2018: 17).
    of ecosystems and their services, leading to a
    decrease and loss of biodiversity                       Slow-onset processes and the losses and damages

• sea level rise and land and forest degradation lead       they cause can be drivers of human mobility. Migration
                                                            as an adaptation strategy or way of dealing with loss
    to the highest number of losses and damages
                                                            and damage, however, can lead to further non-eco-
Research alludes to the fact that, similar to rapid-onset   nomic losses, such as loss of culture and traditions,
events, slow-onset processes and resulting losses and       language, social networks, identity and community
damages particularly affect vulnerable people in coun-      cohesion (Campbell/Warrick 2014). Climate change is
tries of the Global South (Warner/van der Geest 2013,       by now recognised as a key driver of human mobility
Zorn 2018). These people are more vulnerable to the         (e.g. 2016 United Nations Summit for Refugees and
damaging effects of hazards (because, for instance,         Migrants, Global Compact on Migration, Global
their livelihood depends on fewer assets, their con-        Compact for Refugees, and UNFCCC Task Force for
sumption is closer to subsistence levels) yet they have     Displacement). This applies to both rapid-onset events
lower coping capacity (because, for instance, they          and slow-onset processes. There is, however, still a
cannot rely on savings to buffer the impacts and may        knowledge gap regarding climate change’s direct influ-
need more time to rebuild and recover). This is also        ence on human mobility. We must note that migration
partially due to the fact that slow-onset processes, as     is a multi-causal phenomenon and the impacts of
well as climate-related rapid-onset events, and related     SLR or extreme weather events are only some of the
hazards perpetuate collective and individual vulnera-       many factors relevant in households’ or individuals’
bilities (UNU 2017:37). These processes exert continual     decisions to move (Stapelton et al. 2017). A limit for
pressure on people and their livelihoods, so that even      voluntary individual or collective decisions to migrate
less-severe events can propel them more quickly into        is, however, reached when a place or country becomes
a situation of acute humanitarian need. If livelihoods      uninhabitable, such as when rising sea levels neces-
are not restored or strengthened through recovery           sitate it. A recent review (Kaczan/Orgill-Meyer 2020:
and development activities, smaller hazards can over-       283) found that regarding elevated temperatures and
whelm households, resulting in a vicious cycle and          drought (which we do not classify as a slow-onset
manifested slow-onset disasters (OCHA 2011). For SLR        processes), “slow-onset climate changes are more
and drought (the latter of which we do not classify as a    likely to induce increased migration than rapid-onset
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