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RESEARCH ARTICLES Cite as: E. Speranza et al., Sci. Transl. Med. 10.1126/scitranslmed.abe8146 (2021). CORONAVIRUS Single-cell RNA sequencing reveals SARS-CoV-2 infection dynamics in lungs of African green monkeys Emily Speranza1,4, Brandi N. Williamson1, Friederike Feldmann2, Gail L. Sturdevant1, Lizzette Pérez- Pérez1, Kimberly Meade-White1, Brian J. Smith2, Jamie Lovaglio2, Craig Martens3, Vincent J. Munster1, Atsushi Okumura1, Carl Shaia2, Heinz Feldmann1, Sonja M. Best1, Emmie de Wit1* 1Laboratory of Virology, Division of Intramural Research, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Hamilton, MT 59840, United States of America. 2Rocky Mountain Veterinary Branch, Division of Intramural Research, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Hamilton, MT 59840, United States of America. 3Research Technologies Branch, Division of Intramural Research, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Downloaded from by guest on March 24, 2021 National Institutes of Health, Hamilton, MT 59840, United States of America. 4Laboratory of Immune System Biology, Lymphocyte Biology Section, Division of Intramural Research, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, United States of America. *Corresponding author. Email: Detailed knowledge about the dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 infection is important for uncovering the viral and host factors that contribute to COVID-19 pathogenesis. Old-World nonhuman primates recapitulate mild to moderate cases of COVID-19, thereby serving as important pathogenesis models. We compared African green monkeys inoculated with infectious SARS-CoV-2 or irradiated, inactivated virus to study the dynamics of virus replication throughout the respiratory tract. Interestingly, genomic RNA from the animals inoculated with the irradiated virus was found to be highly stable, whereas sub-genomic RNA, an indicator of viral replication, was found to degrade quickly. We combined this information with single-cell RNA sequencing of cells isolated from the lung and lung-draining mediastinal lymph nodes and developed new analysis methods for unbiased targeting of important cells in the host response to SARS-CoV-2 infection. Through detection of reads to the viral genome, we were able to determine that replication of the virus in the lungs appeared to occur mainly in pneumocytes, while macrophages drove the inflammatory response. Interestingly, monocyte-derived macrophages recruited to the lungs, rather than tissue resident alveolar macrophages, were most likely to be responsible for phagocytosis of infected cells and cellular debris early in infection, with their roles switching during clearance of infection. Together, our dataset provides a detailed view of the dynamics of virus replication and host responses over the course of mild COVID-19 and serves as a valuable resource to identify therapeutic targets. INTRODUCTION since the presence of genomic RNA (gRNA) alone does not A wealth of clinical and laboratory studies have been re- equate to productive virus infection, this study did not ad- ported concerning severe acute respiratory syndrome corona- dress whether this detection of RNA was the result of virus virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the causative agent of coronavirus replication in these cells. disease 2019 (COVID-19) (1, 2). A key issue among the many Beyond viral replication dynamics, a thorough study of unanswered questions that remain involves the dynamics of the host response to infection at the major site of virus repli- SARS-CoV-2 infection, including the identity of the cells that cation, the lungs, is needed to better understand potential support active virus replication and the immune cells that causes of organ damage and targets for therapeutic interven- contribute to the response to infection. Though multiple cell tion. The use of single cell technologies such as multi-param- types in the respiratory tract have been reported to express eter flow cytometry and single cell sequencing allow for the critical receptor needed for entry, angiotensin-converting analysis of individual cell states. Sequencing of single cells in enzyme 2 (ACE2), as well as the transmembrane protease, BALF (6) and upper respiratory tract swabs (7) collected from serine 2 (TMPRSS2) needed to initiate replication (3, 4), it is patients with COVID-19 has detected markers of severe dis- not clear which of these cell types is the site of SARS-CoV-2 ease in hospitalized individuals. Others have examined the replication. One study using a new algorithm (Viral Track) to immune response to infection by utilizing single cell sequenc- detect viral reads in single cell sequencing samples, suggested ing to profile peripheral blood mononuclear cell samples that both epithelial cells and macrophages contain viral RNA from patients with COVID-19 (8, 9). However, both ap- in human bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) (5). However, proaches have limited power to address the dynamics of First release: 11 January 2021 (Page numbers not final at time of first release) 1
infection, the host response in the lungs, the main site of vi- dpi for all animals and 5, 7, and 10 dpi for 4 of the animals rus replication, and disease pathogenesis. Furthermore, nei- we collected nose, throat, and rectal swabs. High amounts of ther strategy provides insight into the immune response in viral genomic RNA (gRNA) were detected in nose and throat the lung-draining lymph nodes. swabs after inoculation with SARS-CoV-2 and declined over The limitations of human studies with respect to time of time (Fig. 1 A-B). Rectal swabs were positive for gRNA at most sampling relative to exposure, differences in exposure dose time points for one animal with a severely reduced appetite and route, and capacity for analyzing tissues in-depth can be (AGM8) (Fig. 1C). overcome using animal models, albeit currently at the cost of Nasal swabs, although not throat or rectal swabs, from not fully replicating the severe disease observed in humans. control animals inoculated with gamma-irradiated virus con- Indeed, multiple animal models of SARS-CoV-2 infection are tained high amounts of gRNA at 1 dpi and were still positive being developed to test therapeutics and vaccines and to bet- at 3 dpi. To determine whether detection of subgenomic RNA ter understand the dynamics of COVID-19 disease progres- (sgRNA) would be able to distinguish between RNA originat- sion and the immune response to infection in a time-resolved ing from the inoculum from that derived from replicating vi- manner. Non-human primates are often used as models for rus, all swabs positive for gRNA were evaluated by Downloaded from by guest on March 24, 2021 infection and pathogenesis since they often recapitulate hu- quantitative real time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain man disease. African green monkeys are a commonly used reaction (qRT-PCR) to detect subgenomic RNA (sgRNA). Alt- non-human primate model for studies of respiratory viruses, hough sgRNA derived from infected, lysing cells in the cell including SARS-CoV (10). Recently, two studies showed that culture in which the virus stock was produced was present at inoculation of African green monkeys with SARS-CoV-2 re- high copy numbers in both inocula, sgRNA could not be de- sults in mild respiratory disease with virus detected in the tected in swabs collected from control animals. sgRNA was upper and lower respiratory tract, suggesting that African detected in nose and throat swabs from animals inoculated green monkeys are a suitable nonhuman primate disease with infectious virus (Fig. 1A and B), indicating that sgRNA model to study SARS-CoV-2 infection and host response dy- likely reflects that virus replication occurred and that gRNA namics (11, 12). is highly stable, especially in the nasal cavity. Infectious virus Here, we used traditional virological methods, single cell could be detected by virus titration early after inoculation in RNA sequencing, and immunohistopathology to address nose and throat swabs; no infectious virus could be detected some of the major questions about SARS-CoV-2 replication in rectal swabs (Fig. 1C). As a measure of virus replication in and host responses. Our combined approach, using inocula- the lower respiratory tract, we collected BALF from the two tion with infectious as well as inactivated SARS-CoV-2, deter- control animals at 1 and 3 dpi and at 1, 3, and 5 dpi from the mined which cell types are productively infected and assessed four SARS-CoV-2 infected animals euthanized at 10 dpi. the host response to virus replication in the lung. Together, gRNA could be detected on 1 and 3 dpi in one of the two con- the result is an emerging picture of the viral and immune trol animals; however, sgRNA could not be detected. High events associated with mild COVID-19 disease, aiding our un- copy numbers of gRNA and sgRNA were detected in BALF derstanding of the dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 infection with from the four infected animals evaluated, in line with detec- high resolution. tion of infectious virus through 5 dpi (Fig. 1D). RESULTS Virus replication is mostly confined to the lowery respir- atory tract in African green monkeys. Subgenomic RNA, but not genomic RNA, detection re- At 3 dpi, the two control animals and four of the SARS- veals active virus replication in the respiratory tract of CoV-2 infected animals were euthanized. The remaining four SARS-CoV-2 infected African green monkeys. SARS-CoV-2 animals were euthanized at 10 dpi. Upon nec- To study SARS-CoV-2 infection and its consequences, two ropsy, lungs were examined for gross lesions. No abnormali- groups of four African green monkeys were inoculated with ties were detected in the lungs of the two control animals. At a total dose of 2.6x106 50% Tissue Culture Infectious Dose 3 dpi, all four animals inoculated with active SARS-CoV-2 (TCID50) of replication-competent virus, while two control showed varying degrees of gross lung lesions and enlarged animals were inoculated with virus inactivated by gamma-ir- mediastinal lymph nodes (Table 1 and fig. S1B). By 10 dpi, one radiation. Clinical signs in the control animals were limited animal did not show gross abnormalities whereas the other to reduced appetite, likely as a response to repeated anesthe- three animals showed gross lung lesions and enlarged medi- sia and intubation, on 0 and 1 days post inoculation (dpi) (Ta- astinal lymph nodes (Table 1 and Fig.S1B). Tissue samples ble 1). Tachypnea was observed in five of eight animals from these animals were assessed for the presence of gRNA inoculated with infectious SARS-CoV-2. In these animals, dis- and sgRNA. Viral gRNA loads were highest in samples col- ease was mild to moderate and transient, with animals recov- lected from the lung lobes and were higher at 3 dpi than 10 ering between 5 and 9 dpi (fig. S1A and Table 1). At 1 and 3 dpi. Despite high copy numbers of sgRNA in lung tissue First release: 11 January 2021 (Page numbers not final at time of first release) 2
through 10 dpi, virus could only be isolated at 3 dpi (fig. S1C annotated with its likely cell identity (Fig. 3A). For the latter and Table S1), indicating that in tissue, sgRNA is a much analysis, we developed an algorithm to perform unbiased cell more sensitive detection method than virus isolation in tissue classification, which is a correlation-based method that uses culture. Analysis of other respiratory tract tissues showed transcriptional profiles from annotated lung tissue and de- that although gRNA can be detected in all tested sites early termines the most likely identity for an individual cell or a after inoculation, sgRNA can be detected consistently only in cluster of cells and learns from the local neighbor infor- the trachea and right bronchus (fig. S1D). mation for each cell its most likely identity. To validate the We also analyzed tissues of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract results, we built a marker gene set for each cell type of inter- for the presence of viral RNA. Only gRNA could be detected est, showing that the expected gene expression profile in the GI tract of several animals after inoculation with SARS- matched the cell type annotation (Fig. 3B). Using these as- CoV-2 at 3 dpi and 10 dpi. However, in AGM8, the animal signments, we compared the percentage of cells in each sam- with severely reduced appetite, high copy numbers of both ple belonging to each annotation and found an increase in gRNA and sgRNA could be detected in duodenum, jejunum, the number of pneumocytes (p-value of 10dpi to irradiated = ileum, cecum and colon (fig. S1E) and virus was isolated from 0.06) and dividing cells (p-value of 10dpi to irradiated = 0.04) Downloaded from by guest on March 24, 2021 the ileum and cecum (Table S1). Histologically, the intestinal as infection progressed (fig. S3). This is consistent with the tract from this animal appeared normal. However, immuno- histology results showing an influx of inflammatory cells and histochemistry (IHC) imaging revealed epithelial cells con- type II pneumocyte hyperplasia at 10 dpi (Fig. 2F). taining SARS-CoV-2 antigen in the ileum of AGM8 (fig. S2A- Since SARS-CoV-2 is a poly-adenylated virus, with such C). modification present in both the genome (gRNA) and the Histological analysis of the lungs of the two control ani- transcripts (sgRNA), we could map reads to both the African mals showed no abnormalities (Fig. 2 A-C). The lungs of the green monkey and the SARS-CoV-2 genomes and determine four animals inoculated with SARS-CoV-2 and euthanized at which cell types contained viral RNA. The single cell RNA se- 3 dpi showed subtle alveolar thickening, indicative of an early quencing (scRNA-Seq) data showed a similar pattern to the inflammatory response (Fig. 2 D-F). Viral antigen could be qRT-PCR data described, with the highest percentage of pos- detected by IHC in type I pneumocytes and alveolar macro- itive cells identified at 3 dpi and decreasing by 10 dpi (fig. phages of all four animals. Alveolar thickening was still visi- S1C). Further, no viral RNA was detected in the animals inoc- ble in the four animals inoculated with SARS-CoV-2 and ulated with gamma-irradiated virus (Fig. 3C and D). We then euthanized at 10 dpi. Two of these animals showed histo- parsed these data down to individual cell types. At 3 dpi, viral pathological changes consistent with interstitial pneumonia RNA could be detected in several cell types, with the macro- frequently centered on terminal bronchioles and early lesions phage population having the highest percentage of cells pos- in terminal airways, resembling obstructive bronchiolitis itive for viral RNA (Fig. 3E). The viral RNA in these cells could (Fig. 2 G-I). At this time, viral antigen could only be detected be due to virus replication, phagocytosis of infected cells, in type I pneumocytes and alveolar macrophages of one of abortive infections, or having virus particles partitioned with four animals (AGM10). Three of four mediastinal lymph cells during creation of gel-beads in emulsion in the 10X ge- nodes from the 10 dpi samples exhibited a mild to moderate nomics processing steps. To discriminate between cells sup- follicular hyperplasia and the lymph nodes of all four animals porting active virus replication versus those containing viral exhibited rare mononuclear cell immunoreactivity (fig. S2D- RNA due to other processes, we looked at the distribution of E). reads across the genome. Due to the 3′ bias of sequencing RNA sequencing of single cells identified pneumocytes with the 10X platform, we saw an expected enrichment of as the main site of productive virus replication. reads in the 3′ end (fig. S4A), with a bias to the location of On the day of necropsy, we collected sections of the lungs the nucleocapsid (N) gene in the genome. Additionally, in the of each animal that contained an active lesion, except in ani- pseudo-bulk data read pileups, we were able to detect small mals where gross lung lesions were not observed at necropsy enrichments of reads in specific areas at the most 3′ end of (Table 1). These sections were processed directly following all the transcripts, including open reading frame (ORF) 1ab, necropsy into single cell suspensions and single cell RNA se- as well as pileups in the first 5000 base pairs (bp) of the quencing was conducted using cDNA generated immediately ORF1ab region (fig. S4B). These points of enrichment in the without freezing or fixation of the cells, thereby allowing col- first 5000 bp matched to locations of non-canonical sgRNA lection of whole cell data. This allowed for high-quality single formed by a jump of the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase in cell data to be collected with a high fraction of reads in cells ORF1ab to N in the SARS-CoV-2 transcriptome and were sug- (> 80%) and a low fraction of cells enriched in mitochondrial gestive of actively replicating virus (13). Based on these find- genes (< 5%). Uniform manifold approximation and projec- ings, we examined each cell type for reads showing such tion (UMAP) was used to display the data with each cell evidence of subgenomic transcripts involving a region other First release: 11 January 2021 (Page numbers not final at time of first release) 3
than the N gene. We observed an expected ratio of gene to normalize by 10 dpi as the animals recovered (Fig. 4B). counts across the SARS-CoV-2 genome, where genes closer to To identify the major pathways whose genes were respon- N and longer genes had higher counts associated with them sible for the analytical differences between these two cell across all cell types. Only one annotated cell type, pneumo- populations, we performed a similar sub-cluster analysis on cytes, had an abnormally high proportion of cells that were the MARCO+ versus MARCO- cells (table S2). For the positive for the N gene and for ORF1ab when compared to all MARCO+ cells, there was a transcriptional shift at 10 dpi other cell types (Fig. 3F). This suggests that despite many cell along principal component 1 (PC1) (Fig. 4C). Using gene set types containing viral RNA, pneumocytes were likely the enrichment analysis, we found pathways associated with ly- dominant cell type supporting productive viral replication, as sosomes and extracellular matrix modification enriched higher than expected counts to ORF1ab is suggestive of high along this component, which are also enriched during active amounts of sgRNA and non-conical sgRNA. To examine this phagocytosis (fig. S6A). This suggests these macrophages hypothesis further, we performed IHC and in-situ hybridiza- were active in clearing cell debris from the infected lungs, tion (ISH) on lung tissues at 3 dpi. Although a few macro- potentially explaining why the macrophages stain for viral phages were positive for viral antigen by IHC (Fig. 2F), only antigen at this timepoint (Fig. 2I). Comparatively, along PC2, Downloaded from by guest on March 24, 2021 pneumocytes were positive by in situ hybridization (ISH) for we see a shift at 3 dpi and to a lesser extent at 10 dpi. The the viral genome, consistent with the notion that this is the genes associated with this component were enriched for pro- only cell type analyzed supporting active virus replication in inflammatory pathways, including the gene set of interferon- the lungs of African green monkeys (Fig. 3G). stimulated genes (Fig. 4C, fig. S6B). In distinction to the Infection-related changes occur in the transcriptional MARCO+ cells, we saw a shift for MARCO- cells along PC1, states of cells isolated from the lungs of African green mostly associated with pro-inflammatory pathways in sam- monkeys. ples at 3 dpi (Fig. 4D, fig. S6C). Along PC2 in the MARCO- To gain insight into the biological effects of SARS-CoV-2 cells, we see similar pathways that were found in the infection on diverse cells in the lungs, we examined the tran- MARCO+ cells along PC1, suggesting an active phagocytosis scriptional signatures in cells recovered from animals under state, as well as migratory genes (CD63) (fig. S6D and S6E). each of the viral-exposure conditions. To this end, we devel- This was observed both at 3 and 10 dpi (Fig. 4D). These data oped a new algorithm in which each population of cells was suggest that the macrophages were in an inflammatory state examined for a clustering bias in a pair-wise comparison at 3 dpi that was beginning to resolve by 10 dpi and that along individual principal components. We then used the MARCO- macrophages, but not MARCO+ macrophages, were principal component information and gene set enrichment primarily involved in cleanup of cells and cellular debris at 3 analysis to determine gene signatures driving the differences dpi. between two experimental groups. Using this method, we To assess interactions between macrophages and other found that macrophages showed large clustering biases in all cell types, we looked at a combination of the cluster identity the comparisons, suggesting they had the biggest transcrip- as compared to the individual cell identity. Using the same tional shift over the course of infection (fig. S5). The 10 dpi cell identity algorithm, and the clusters calculated by Seurat samples changes also showed changes in plasma cells and (16) we looked within individual clusters to identify which pneumocytes relative to 3 dpi, likely due to changes in cell cells had a strong macrophage gene marker. At 3 dpi, the clus- numbers as described above (fig. S5). ters associated with pneumocytes, fibroblasts, and endothe- The macrophage analysis was extended by selecting and lial cells all had strong gene markers for macrophages, re-analyzing cells that had either a macrophage or monocyte- suggesting these cells were being actively phagocytosed by like phenotype and further classified to cells with a more tis- the macrophages (Fig. 4E). This signature was mostly absent sue-resident phenotype, indicative of alveolar macrophages, by 10 dpi, possibly because the MARCO+ macrophages were or more monocyte-derived phenotype, indicative of intersti- picking up more dead cells and cellular debris by this time tial macrophages and monocytes using the expression of the rather than whole cells with replicating virus (Fig. 4F). macrophage receptor with collagenous structure (MARCO) Mediastinal lymph nodes are in an inflammatory state gene (Fig. 4A). The MARCO gene was selected as it is highly at 3 dpi expressed in alveolar macrophages and is absent in intersti- To relate these virus replication and inflammatory tial macrophages or monocytes based on previous data in hu- changes in the lungs to changes in secondary lymphoid tis- man lung samples (14). A comparison of the percentage of the sues, we sampled cells from the mediastinal lymph nodes. We MARCO+ to MARCO- cells showed that, at 3 dpi, there was a collected whole mediastinal lymph nodes from animals at the large influx of monocyte-derived cells, as most of the macro- time of necropsy and prepared the samples along with the phages detected at that time were MARCO-, consistent with lung tissue. We were not able to detect any viral RNA in the pathology findings in human samples (15). This shift began lymph node by single-cell RNA sequencing, despite a few First release: 11 January 2021 (Page numbers not final at time of first release) 4
mononuclear cells staining for viral antigen by IHC (fig. S2E). follicular helper genes that showed an expansion at 10 dpi in This could be due to low abundance of RNA, low sensitivity the lymph node (fig. S8C). These cells are often associated of the scRNA-Seq assay in its ability to detect lowly abundant with anti-inflammatory cytokines (such as IL-10) which again transcripts, or an inability to capture high abundance of non- further suggests that the inflammatory state observed in the lymphocyte populations from the lymph node when generat- lymph node and lung at 3 dpi is being cleared by 10 dpi. ing cell suspensions (17). Using an annotation strategy like DISCUSSION that used for lung cells, we could detect most of the major This study used large scale single cell sequencing in a non- cell populations of the lymph node, with most cells annotat- human primate model of SARS-CoV-2 infection. The benefit ing as T or B lymphocytes (Fig. 5A). Again, as with the lung, of using animal models to study SARS-CoV-2 lies in the ability the annotated cell types expressed known marker genes asso- to collect time-resolved datasets of the lungs instead of being ciated with their phenotype (Fig. 5B). The largest transcrip- limited to sampling at terminal timepoints (18, 19). Using tra- tional change observed across all the cell types was an ditional virological methods as well as scRNA-Seq, we have increase in interferon responsive genes at 3 dpi, suggesting begun to parse out the infection dynamics which occur as the an inflammatory state in the draining lymph nodes. This Downloaded from by guest on March 24, 2021 disease progresses and virus is eventually cleared in the Afri- transcriptional profile was resolved by 10 dpi and was absent can green monkey model of mild COVID-19. These findings in the lymph nodes from animals that received gamma-irra- are consistent with other studies done in African green mon- diated virus (Fig. 5C). The genes characterized in the set at 3 keys (11, 12), which share a similar disease pathology to that dpi include many classical type I interferon responsive genes seen with rhesus macaques (20) and cynomolgus macaques (Supplemental Table 2) that are up-regulated across many vi- (21). In all cases, the animals display mild disease signs lead- ral infections. ing to clearance of the virus and recovery. There was an increase in the percentage of dividing cells One unique aspect of this study was the inclusion of two (cells identified as in G2M or S-phase) among B cells (p-value animals inoculated with gamma-irradiated SARS-CoV-2, of 10 dpi to irradiated = 0.02) and plasmacytoid dendritic which renders the virus unable to replicate (22). Unlike pre- cells (p-value of 10 dpi to irradiated = 0.02) as infection pro- vious studies in non-human primate models of disease, this gressed (Fig. 5D). This is consistent with histology findings of enabled us to directly compare the detection of viral genomic lymph node hyperplasia later at 10 dpi (fig. S2D). Evaluation RNA from replicating vs. non-replicating virus. We found of antibody secreting cells revealed an increase in plasma that gRNA was highly stable even in the absence of replicat- cells (p-value of 10dpi to 3dpi = 0.03, Fig. 5E). The develop- ing virus and was detectable at 1 and 3 dpi in nose swabs and ment of plasmablasts at 3 dpi in animals that received SARS- BALF from the animals inoculated with gamma-irradiated vi- CoV-2 was lacking (Fig. 5F), potentially due to the inflamma- rus, whereas the sgRNA appeared to degrade quickly in tory state of the lymph node and early time of collection. swabs in the absence of virus replication. Such viral dynamics When looking at which cell type showed the strongest tran- could be due to gRNA being encapsulated or due to secondary scriptional changes, we found that even at 10 dpi, macro- structures which help prevent degradation (23). This has po- phages showed the strongest transcriptional shift when tential implications in patient testing, as positive gRNA re- compared to samples from animals inoculated with gamma- sults by PCR may not represent replication-competent SARS- irradiated virus (fig. S7A). Within the macrophage popula- CoV-2, especially since the highest amount of gRNA detected tion, we saw an up-regulation in a small subset of macro- in the samples from the animals inoculated with irradiated phages with markers for fully mature monocyte-derived virus were found in the nasal swabs currently used for most macrophages, such as Chitinase 1, at 10 dpi (fig. S7B). patient diagnostics. Our data suggests that PCR-based tests Further analysis of the T cells in the mediastinal lymph which specifically target SARS-CoV-2 sgRNA may provide a nodes and their relation to the lung T cell compartment was more realistic signature of replicating virus than detection of performed. To identify CD4 vs. CD8 T cells, we used a similar gRNA, improving models to determine patient infectivity (24, matching algorithm as above, using splenic T cells as back- 25). Since animals cleared sgRNA faster than gRNA the dura- ground (14). In both the lung and lymph node T cell compart- tion of time PCR-positive patients needs to remain in isola- ment, we observed an increase in the percentage of CD4+ T tion could potentially be reduced. cells in the lung (p = 0.003) and lymph node (p = 0.0026) at Using the African green monkey model, we have been able 10 dpi relative to irradiated control lungs (fig. S8A-B). We also to explore the dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 infection at the time saw a decrease in proportion of CD8+ T cells at 10 dpi relative of peak disease in the lungs when most virus replication is to irradiated control lungs (p = 0.0009) and lymph nodes (p occurring. Due to the nature of the 10X genomics platform = 0.008, fig. S8A-B). No change in the regulatory T cell com- and the poly-adenylation of the SARS-CoV-2 genome and partment was observed (fig. S8A-B). We were able to identify sgRNA, we were able to determine which cell types were pos- a small subset of cells enriched for genes associated with T itive for viral RNA in a method similar to previously First release: 11 January 2021 (Page numbers not final at time of first release) 5
published reports (5), though we did not include any other are reduced by the time infection is cleared. In contrast to the alignments beyond SARS-CoV-2. To expand upon detection of African green monkey model, the role of the interferon re- viral RNA reads, we looked at the distribution of the reads sponse has been proposed as a driver of disease if it is in- across the genome to determine if we could find a unique duced with delayed kinetics relative to peak virus replication pattern of alignment associated with replicating virus. Fur- (33, 34). Single-cell approaches in human peripheral blood ther investigation into the distribution of reads across the ge- monomuclear cells and BALF from patients stratified by nome suggests that productive virus replication is mostly COVID-19 severity have revealed that type I, II and III inter- occurring in infected pneumocytes, though the macrophage ferons are sustained at higher amounts in severe patients, population contained the highest percentage of cells positive while interferons declined in moderate patients over time for viral RNA. These data provide evidence that macrophages from symptom onset (6, 9, 35). In the African green monkey do not support efficient virus replication in vivo. A potential model, monocyte recruitment and interferon-stimulated gene reason that the macrophages could have such high viral RNA responses were temporally controlled along with virus repli- and immunoreactivity without supporting full replication is cation. These responses were diminished in the lungs during through phagocytosis of virus particles or infected cells or recovery and were not sustained in the lymph nodes beyond Downloaded from by guest on March 24, 2021 through abortive replication. This is similar to what has been the stage of peak virus replication. Therefore, the African observed with SARS-CoV infection, where macrophages can green monkey model reflects effective viral control and re- become infected but do not appear to support virus replica- veals transcriptional signatures within tissues associated tion (26). Interestingly, abortive replication could result in with protective responses. the production of aberrant replication products that induce This study presents early evidence of changes during a a proinflammatory response as has been shown for influenza mild SARS-CoV-2 infection in the African green monkey A virus in the lungs (27, 28). model. One obvious limitation of the animal model is that it In the conditions examined here, macrophages appeared does not recapitulate the more severe manifestations of to be the major drivers of inflammation in the lungs. This is COVID-19 disease. This is an apparent limitation of all cur- especially interesting as it has been suggested through the rent non-human primate models of SARS-CoV-2 infection study of healthy human tissue that macrophages interact (10–12, 20). Additionally, this study does not directly address with ACE2 expressing cells at higher frequencies than other the more specific development of an adaptive immune re- populations (4). Both the resident and monocyte-derived sponse due to lack of T or B cell receptor sequencing, espe- macrophages at 3 dpi were enriched for pro-inflammatory cially at 10 dpi. Further studies with this model should be genes, likely caused by having higher titers of virus in the performed to not only increase the sample size being tested, lungs driving the inflammatory state. Interestingly, the but also to include single cell sequencing of samples of the MARCO+, or tissue-resident, and MARCO-, or monocyte-de- upper respiratory tract such as nasal brushings and the addi- rived, macrophage populations showed distinct patterns of tion of T and B cell receptor sequencing for an in-depth char- gene expression in the 3 and 10 dpi samples. The MARCO+ acterization of the adaptive immune response. cells were enriched for interferon-stimulated genes at 3 dpi, Together, the data reported here provide unique insights but were enriched in pathways associated with pro-phago- into the dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 infection over time in the cytic lysosomes only at 10 dpi (29). This is surprising, as lungs and associated secondary lymphoid tissue, the identity MARCO+ macrophages have been found to be important in of the cells hosting replicating virus, and the transcriptional controlling a variety of lung infections (30, 31). Only the changes in these and other cells during this infectious pro- MARCO- cells at 3 dpi were enriched in genes associated with cess. Although the African green monkey model did not result migration and lysosomes, suggesting that, at 3 dpi, the non- in severe disease upon inoculation with SARS-CoV-2, it did alveolar macrophages were playing a more prominent role in allow for a deeper understanding of virus replication, host lung cleanup. Similar alterations have been observed in se- response dynamics, and gene signatures associated with a vere lung conditions such as chronic obstructive pulmonary successful resolution of infection. Together, these data can be disease (32). Follow-up experiments validating and investi- used to inform development of host-targeted therapeutics for gating which macrophage populations are responsible for in- SARS-CoV-2 infection. nate immune host defense and for clearing up the lung MATERIALS AND METHODS environment of cellular debris at different stages post-inocu- lation may help lead to unravel the causes of lung damage Study design and indicate potential targets for therapeutic intervention. In the search for a nonhuman primate model that recapit- Interferon stimulated genes represented dominant re- ulates severe COVID-19, we decided to inoculate African sponses in monocyte and macrophage populations in both green monkeys with SARS-CoV-2 since they are often used as the lungs and lymph nodes in the early stages of infection but models for respiratory virus infections and are known to First release: 11 January 2021 (Page numbers not final at time of first release) 6
develop acute respiratory distress syndrome when inoculated light and 12-hour dark). Animals were monitored at least with Nipah virus (34, 35). To evaluate the pathogenesis of twice daily throughout the experiment. Commercial monkey SARS-CoV-2 in African green monkeys, eight adult African chow, treats, and fruit were provided twice daily by trained green monkeys (4 males, and 4 females, body weight 3.5-6kg) personnel. Water was available ad libitum. Environmental were inoculated via a combination of intranasal (0.5 ml per enrichment consisted of a variety of human interaction, ma- nostril), intratracheal (4 ml), oral (1 ml) and ocular (0.25 ml nipulanda, commercial toys, videos, and music. The Institu- per eye) administration of a 4x105 TCID50/ml (3x108 genome tional Biosafety Committee (IBC) approved work with copies/ml) virus dilution in sterile Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle infectious SARS-CoV-2 strains under biosafety level 3 condi- Media (DMEM). Two control animals (1 male and 1 female, tions. Sample inactivation was performed according to IBC- body weight 4.5-5.5kg) were included in the study for com- approved standard operating procedures for removal of spec- parison. These animals were inoculated via the same routes imens from high containment (20, 22, 36, 37). with the same dose and volume of inoculum. However, the Virus and cells inoculum was gamma-irradiated to render the virus nonin- SARS-CoV-2 isolate nCoV-WA1-2020 (MN985325.1) (38) fectious (21). The animals were observed daily (19); the same (Vero passage 3) was kindly provided by the Centers for Dis- Downloaded from by guest on March 24, 2021 person assessed the animals throughout the study. The pre- ease Control and Prevention and propagated once in Vero E6 determined endpoint for this experiment was 3 days post in- cells in DMEM (Sigma) supplemented with 2% fetal bovine oculation (dpi) for the two control animals that were serum (Gibco), 1 mM L-glutamine (Gibco), 50 U/ml penicillin inoculated with irradiated virus and one group of four ani- and 50 μg/ml streptomycin (Gibco) (virus isolation medium). mals inoculated with infectious SARS-CoV-2, and 10 dpi for Next generation sequencing using Illumina MiSeq showed the remaining four animals inoculated with infectious SARS- that the used virus stock was 100% identical to the initial de- CoV-2. Clinical exams were performed on 0, 1, 3, 5, 7, and 10 posited GenBank sequence (MN985325.1) with 6 SNPs de- dpi on anesthetized animals. On exam days, clinical parame- tected in 1-4% of sequence reads, and no contaminants were ters such as body weight, body temperature, and respiration detected. Virus was gamma-irradiated with a dose of 2 MRad rate were collected, as well as ventro-dorsal and lateral chest using a JLS Model 484 Co-60 Irradiator to produce a non- radiographs. Blood and nasal, throat, and rectal swabs were infectious inoculum (22). Absence of infectious virus after collected during all clinical exams. Additionally, on 1, 3, and gamma-irradiation was confirmed in Vero E6 cells. Vero E6 5 dpi, animals were intubated and bronchoalveolar lavages cells were maintained in DMEM supplemented with 10% fe- were performed using 10-20ml sterile saline. After euthana- tal calf serum, 1 mM L-glutamine, 50 U/ml penicillin and 50 sia, necropsies were performed. The percentage of gross lung μg/ml streptomycin. lesions was scored by a board-certified veterinary pathologist Quantitative PCR and samples of the following tissues were collected: cervical RNA was extracted from swabs and BALF using the Qi- lymph node, conjunctiva, nasal mucosa, nasal septum, oro- aAmp Viral RNA kit (Qiagen) according to the manufac- pharynx, tonsil, trachea, all six lung lobes, mediastinal lymph turer’s instructions. Tissues (30 mg) were homogenized in node, right and left bronchus, heart, liver, spleen, kidney, RLT buffer and RNA was extracted using the RNeasy kit (Qi- stomach, duodenum, jejunum, ileum, cecum, colon, and uri- agen) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Five μl nary bladder. Histopathological analysis of tissue slides was RNA was used in a one-step real-time RT-PCR assay to detect performed by a board-certified veterinary pathologist blinded gRNA (forward primer 5′- to the group assignment of the animals. ACAGGTACGTTAATAGTTAATAGCGT-3′; reverse primer All animal experiments were approved by the Institu- 5′- ATATTGCAGCAGTACGCACACA-3′; probe 5′-FAM- tional Animal Care and Use Committee of Rocky Mountain ACACTAGCCATCCTTACTGCGCTTCG-3IABkFQ-3′) and Laboratories at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and sgRNA (forward primer 5′- carried out by certified staff in an Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care (AAALAC) In- CGATCTCTTGTAGATCTGTTCTC-3′; reverse primer 5′- ternational accredited facility, according to the institution’s ATATTGCAGCAGTACGCACACA-3′; probe 5′-FAM- guidelines for animal use, following the guidelines and basic ACACTAGCCATCCTTACTGCGCTTCG-ZEN-IBHQ-3′) (39, principles in the NIH Guide for the Care and Use of Labora- 40) using the Rotor-Gene probe kit (Qiagen) according to in- tory Animals, the Animal Welfare Act, United States Depart- structions of the manufacturer. In each run, standard dilu- ment of Agriculture and the United States Public Health tions of counted RNA standards were run in parallel to Service Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Ani- calculate copy numbers in the samples. mals. African green monkeys were housed in adjacent indi- Virus titration and isolation vidual primate cages allowing social interactions, in a Virus titrations were performed by end-point titration in climate-controlled room with a fixed light-dark cycle (12-hour Vero E6 cells. Cells were inoculated with 10-fold serial First release: 11 January 2021 (Page numbers not final at time of first release) 7
dilutions of swab and BALF samples. Virus isolation was per- protocols and the libraries were extracted from the AVL using formed on tissues by homogenizing the tissue in 1ml DMEM the Qiagen AllPrep DNA spin columns (Cat 80204). Samples and inoculating Vero E6 cells in a 24 well plate with 250 μl were then quantified and sequenced. Samples were se- of cleared homogenate and a 1:10 dilution thereof. One hour quenced on the NextSeq550 using the 10X suggested cycling. after inoculation of cells, the inoculum was removed and re- Processing of single-cell RNA sequencing data placed with 100 μl (virus titration) or 500 μl (virus isolation) Data were processed through the cellRanger pipeline to medium. Six days after inoculation, CPE was scored and the perform de-multiplexing and generate count tables. Align- TCID50 was calculated. ment was done against the African green monkey Ensembl Histopathology genome (ChlSab1.1) with the SARS-CoV-2 genome Histopathology, immunohistochemistry, and in situ hy- (NC_045512.2) included to be able to parse out reads associ- bridization were performed on African green monkey tissues. ated with the viral genome. Samples were then read into R After fixation for a minimum of 7 days in 10% neutral-buff- (V3.6.2) using Seurat (V3.1.5) (16). Since samples were col- ered formalin and embedding in paraffin, tissue sections lected across two different days (day 3 and day 10 post inoc- were stained with hematoxylin and eosin (HE). Immuno- ulation), we wanted to account for potential batch effects in Downloaded from by guest on March 24, 2021 histochemistry was performed using a custom-made rabbit the global dataset. For this reason, we then integrated the antiserum against SARS-CoV-2 N at a 1:1000 dilution, using samples using the IntegrateData function. Cells were filtered a CD68 clone KP1 mouse monoclonal antibody (Agilent Dako, that contained abnormally high mitochondrial genes (greater #M0814) at a 1:100 dilution to identify macrophages, and us- than 3 standard deviations above the median) and cells that ing Cytokeratin clone AE1/AE3 mouse monoclonal antibody were likely doublets were re-labeled (ratio of unique features (Agilent Dako, #M3515) at a 1:100 dilution to identify epithe- to unique mapped identifier (UMI) per cell < 0.15). Also, cells lial cells; antibodies were incubated with tissues for 1 hour. containing less than or greater than 3 standard deviations of Secondary antibodies Discovery OmniMap anti-Rabbit horse- UMI compared to the population total were removed to filter radish peroxidase (HRP) (Roche Tissue Diagnostics; cat# 760- for noise. Finally, the PCA and UMAP projections were calcu- 4311 predilute) or Discovery OmniMap anti-mouse HRP lated for the samples and clusters of cells were identified. (Roche Tissue Diagnostics; cat# 760-4310 predilute) were Lung and the lymph node samples were analyzed separately. then incubated with the tissues for 15 min. In situ hybridiza- Gene set enrichment analysis was performed using fgsea (42) tion was used for detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in selected and the MSig DB (43) c2cp gene sets. whole tissue sections of the lungs using the RNAscope VS Cell type identification using single-cell RNA sequenc- Universal AP assay (Advanced Cell Diagnostics Inc.) as de- ing data scribed previously (41) and using probe directed against the To determine the identity of either clusters of cells or in- SARS-CoV-2 spike (S) gene (cat# 848569). Stained slides were dividual cells, we developed an unbiased method that uses a analyzed by a board-certified veterinary pathologist. transcriptional profile of cells instead a few known marker Single-Cell RNA sequencing of lung and mediastinal genes. For the reference data, we used an annotated single lymph node samples cell sequencing dataset from (14). For each of the cell type Lung sections and mediastinal lymph nodes were taken at present in the dataset of lung or spleen tissue, we calculated the time of necropsy and processed. Cell suspensions were the differential gene expression using the FindMarkers func- generated by manually dicing tissue, enzymatically digesting tion in Seurat. To find genes strongly associated with each in RPMI-1640 containing 0.1 mg/ml Liberase TM (Sigma Al- individual cell type, we filtered the data to contain only those drich, 5401127001) and 0.02 mg/ml DNase I (Sigma Aldrich, genes with an average logFC (log fold change) greater than 1 11284932001) at 37°C, and then passing through a 100 μm fil- and where the difference in the percentage of cells in the cell ter (Becton Dickinson). Suspensions were subjected to ACK type of interest expressing the gene compared to the percent- lysis and final washes in phosphate buffered saline (PBS) con- age of cells in all other cell types expressing the gene was taining 0.1% MACS bovine serum albumin (Miltenyi 130-091- greater than 0.5. We used this gene set in either the lung or 386). 10,000 cells were prepared for 10X Genomics gel bead spleen of the human samples (14) to develop the marker gene emulsions. The 10X genomics version 3.0 chemistry was used. set and calculated the average expression of the marker gene cDNA for the individual cells was generated and libraries set in each cell type. This generated a matrix of the marker prepped according to the manufacturer’s protocol. After final genes to cell types. Then a correlation of the marker genes in libraries were generated, samples were inactivated for any the annotated data was compared to the individual cell or potentially remaining virus using 500 μl of AVL buffer (Qi- cluster in the African green monkey dataset. This generated agen) with 500 μl of ethanol with a sample volume of 140 μl. a score for the unknown cell or cluster to a known annota- After a minimum 10-min incubation, samples were removed tion. Using this method, we found that most clusters con- from the high-containment laboratory following standard tained predominately just one cell type. This is a similar First release: 11 January 2021 (Page numbers not final at time of first release) 8
method that was developed for the mouse cell atlas (44). The p-value for multiple testing. A p-value of 0.05 was considered results were validated by looking at the expression of the significant. Statistical tests for gene expression in single cell marker genes across the different cell annotations. Our ratios data was carried in Seurat V3.6. Graphs were generated ei- of cell populations was similar to other studies that have per- ther in ggplot2 (46) or in GraphPad Prism Version 8. formed similar tissue processing steps to collect lung cells from suspension without any enrichment for a given cell type SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS (14). When determining the identity on an individual cell level, an additional step was added to help correct falsely Figure S1. Clinical scores, gross lung lesions and viral loads in respiratory and identified cells. Using the k-nearest neighbors (knn) graph gastrointestinal tract of African green monkeys inoculated with SARS-CoV-2. Figure S2. Histological changes in intestinal tract and lymph nodes of African green generated in the FindNeighbors function in Seurat, for each monkeys infected with SARS-CoV-2. cell, its closest neighbors were determined. Once the nearest Figure S3. Percentage of cell types in the lung determined by single cell RNA neighbors were determined, the identities of these neighbors sequencing. were pulled out. If > 70% of the nearest neighbors had one Figure S4. Coverage of reads from the pseudo-bulk data across the SARS-CoV-2 genome. specific identity, the cell identity was reassigned as such. This Figure S5. Clustering bias across cell populations in the lungs. Downloaded from by guest on March 24, 2021 was run multiple times until a stable number of unidentified Figure S6. Gene set enrichment analysis of macrophages across the principal cells was found (determined by small changes in unknown components. cell identities). For those that were not able to be identified, Figure S7. Comparison of different cell populations in the mediastinal lymph node. Figure S8. Analysis of T cell populations in lung and mediastinal lymph node. the identity from the original transcriptional profile was Table S1. Virus isolation from tissues of African green monkeys inoculated with SARS- used. The cell proportions were found to be fairly consistent CoV-2 and euthanized at 3 and 10 days post inoculation. between individual animals, suggesting there were not addi- Data file S1. Raw data. tional strong batch effects. Data file S2. Gene correlations along principal components of the macrophages and ISG gene set. Finally, to identify clusters that were specifically cells un- dergoing rapid cell division, we used the CellCycleScore func- tion in Seurat to identify which cell cycle each cell was likely REFERENCES AND NOTES 1. M. Z. Tay, C. M. Poh, L. Rénia, P. A. MacAry, L. F. P. Ng, The trinity of COVID-19: in. 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