J&I - Simply - Serco Group Plc

Page created by Josephine Day
J&I - Simply - Serco Group Plc
                            Our charity   Helpline         Officers
                            champions     sets Sail       honoured

                            pages 5-7     page 15        pages 16-17
FOR THE J&I FAMILY                               ISSUE 9 • FEBRUARY 2019

                     the best!
J&I - Simply - Serco Group Plc
WELCOME                                                                                                                             FOCUS ON OUR AASC CONTRACT WIN
                                                                                                                                        Winning the new Asylum Accommodation and Support Services Contract (AASC) is huge
      Exciting times ahead                                           Wow, what a start to the year the J&I family has had. On 8
                                                                     January I signed the contract for the new AASC bid which we
                                                                                                                                        for Serco. It involved between 20 and 30 people at any given time and took just over a year
      as our family is growing                                       won for both the North West and the Midlands regions.              to secure. J&I and you thought it would be great to hear first hand from some of those
                                                                                                                                        involved in the process – here are their verdicts, warts and all…
      We have another bumper edition of J&I and you                  Worth £1.9 billion over 10 years, this is the biggest contract
                                                                     Serco has won in its history. Needless to say, I’m immensely
                                                                                                                                        Hard work pays off with huge win…
      magazine for you, with so many exciting things
      happening. Our family is growing, which is fantastic           proud and would like to thank Alan Stannard, Jenni Halliday
      for us all and the future of J&I.                              and all our colleagues who worked tirelessly on the bid.
                                                                     However, it is with a sad heart that we will be losing our
      But, as always, you find time to think about others            colleagues from Scotland and Northern Ireland as we were           JENNI HALLIDAY Contract Director
      and how we can improve things or make a difference.            unsuccessful in retaining it. They will transition to work under
      Our charity pages are humbling – well done to you all,         Mears Group, the new supplier. We are committed to working         First of all, a huge THANK-       could understand what the          have lost count of the
      please keep the stories flooding in. On our HSE page           with you to ensure a smooth transition.                            YOU to all of you for your text   frontline staff did. There were    number of times I was asked:
      we have focused on the “E”, Environment, and some                                                                                 messages, emails and phone        times when (quite rightly) the     “Have you heard yet?”
      of the great work we do alongside our FM colleagues            This year is going to be huge for us with further bids             calls congratulating us on the    solution team challenged
                                                                     happening, you can read more about this on pages 10 and            AASC win in the North West        how we did things, but I do        Day after day, week after
      to make a difference to the areas we work in – not only                                                                                                                                                week until December 21 we
      recycling, but saving money by changing the way we             11 where Steve Wheeler outlines our plans and we hear from         and Midlands and East of          have to admit it sometimes                                                             Jenni Halliday
                                                                     his team. If you would like to become involved as part of a        England regions.                  felt a little bit like they were   waited in anticipation that it
      do things.                                                                                                                                                                                             was going to be that day. I
                                                                     bid team, please put yourselves forward, you can read more                                           telling me my baby was ugly.
      It’s great to have a feature on a different area of the        about the experience on the following pages from some of           Obviously, I am absolutely                                           can only describe this part as      the COMPASS contract in
                                                                                                                                                                          Now this was not a good
      Serco business, so thank you to Faye Shaw, MD of               our operational colleagues who were drafted in for the AASC        delighted with the wins.                                             an emotional roller-coaster.        creating the platform for
                                                                                                                                                                          feeling when I know how
      Corporate Shared Services, for giving us an insight            bid. It’s hard work, with some late nights and time spent away     However, I have a very                                               Not sure I could go through         us to be successful in both
                                                                                                                                                                          hard the COMPASS team
      into her world and sharing the improvements they               from home and often taking you out of your comfort zone,           heavy heart in that I am not                                         something like this again.          retaining our North West
                                                                                                                                                                          has worked to turn round the
      are looking to put in place to make things easier for          but I promise you it will broaden your skill set and open you      retaining my team in Scotland                                                                            Region and winning the
                                                                                                                                                                          contract. But I soon got over      The two-week period over
      ourselves when we need to use their services. To be            up to new and future opportunities.                                and Northern Ireland. We                                                                                 Midlands and East of England
                                                                                                                                                                          myself and started to see how      Christmas, knowing what
      fair, without them we wouldn’t get paid!                                                                                          will ensure we exit with                                                                                 Region, who I look forward to
                                                                                                                                                                          the solution was developing.       we had won but being in
                                                                     Before I sign off, I can’t go with saying how proud I am of        excellence and continue to                                                                               welcoming to the J&I family.
      So, on to our competition winners from the last                you all. I recently had the pleasure of spending time with our     support our people in every       What I found invaluable            the “standstill period” AND
                                                                                                                                                                                                             having to put on my poker           I have the same feeling for
      magazine. Congratulations to Lyndsey Hall, Admin               Pulse Award Global winners and those teams nominated               way so they can transfer as       was being able to provide
                                                                                                                                                                                                             face was difficult. How my          my team in Scotland and
      Support Officer from HMP & YOI Doncaster for                   across the J & I family. We had more than 99 nominations           smoothly as possible to the       subject matter expert (SME)
                                                                                                                                                                                                             relationship managed to get         Northern Ireland. In lots
      identifying the Facemash as 1. Penny Garnett, 2.               which, considering when I joined in 2015 we had only nine          new provider.                     support to the bid to ensure
                                                                                                                                                                                                             through the bid cycle and           of ways, the two contracts
      Ian Johnston, 3. June Ward and 4. Darren Davis.                submissions, shows we have come a long way in appreciating                                           we captured best practice
                                                                                                                                        For the first time in my career                                      those last two weeks before         worked together and failure
      The hidden words in the crossword were “Happy                  each other and the great work we do on a daily basis. When                                           from the existing contract,
                                                                                                                                        I have been on a journey                                             the big announcement is a           to retain this region is in no
      Christmas” and the lucky winner is Roseanne                    spending time with some of the winners, the comment “I was                                           and to ensure we voiced
                                                                                                                                        where we were bidding for                                            miracle. Thank you Sarah            way reflective of everyone’s
      Williams, Scheduling and IMB Clerk at HMP                      just doing my job” came up so many times. What you all do                                            any lessons learned so as
                                                                                                                                        the re-procurement of our                                            Parkinson for your patience         hard work and unfailing
      Thameside. Your £25 vouchers will be winging their             is remarkable, looking after people placed in our care at the                                        not to fall foul again going
                                                                                                                                        new contract alongside                                               and understanding (I’m not          dedication. I know that
      way to you both.                                               most vulnerable times of their lives – you’re the reason I love                                      forward. Though what I didn’t
                                                                                                                                        continuing to deliver the                                            sure she could go through it        this attitude will carry our
      As always, keep the stories coming in via your Comms           this job. Thank you for                                                                              tell the supporting SMEs                                               Scotland and Northern
                                                                     everything you do.                                                 existing one.                                                        again either!).
      Champs and enjoy the read.                                                                                                                                          was how many storyboards                                               Ireland colleagues through
                                                                                                                                        The control freak in me           they would have to write           I am immensely proud of             any challenges they may face
                                                                     Julia Rogers
                                                                                                                                        wanted to ensure I was across     for the responses to the           what we have achieved on            in the future.
    OUR NINTH EDITION FEATURES:                                      MD J&I
                                                                                                                                        both. Surprise! Along comes       Invitation to Tender (ITT).
                                                                                                                                        a little thing called “Ethical    I can’t recall it being too        LISA DYSCH Property Operations Manager
    How we won the AASC contract                                03
                                                                                                                                        Walls”. Apparently, breaching     often that they thanked me
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Back in November 2017, I was
    Big year ahead for Bid teams                                10                                                                      this agreement is not an          for the opportunity to be
                                                                                                                                                                                                             given the opportunity to join
                                                                                                                                        option and so it made things      on the bid team during that
                                                                                                                                                                                                             the AASC bid team. And I
    Armistice Day centenary marked                              13                                                                      somewhat difficult and not        part of the process! Funnily
                                                                                                                                                                                                             really was very excited. Firstly,
                                                                                                                                        as straightforward as I would     enough, they did thank me
    Focus on Corporate Shared Services                          14                                                                                                                                           it meant I could help shape
                                                                                                                                        have liked. First hurdle of       for the opportunity when the
                                                                                                                                                                                                             how the future contract
                                                                                                                                        many to come, but we got          NW and Midlands win was
    EPFs are a big hit                                          18                                                                                                                                           would be delivered and
                                                                                                                                        ourselves to a position where     announced on January 8.
                                                                                                                                                                                                             secondly, I had never been on        Lisa Dysch
    Trained colleagues are here to help                         21                                                                      we were all comfortable.                                             a bid team before, so it was
                                                                                                                                                                          So, our Best and Final Offer
                                                                                                                                        When the bid team started to      (BAFO) was submitted and           a great chance to learn new
    Competitions                                                24                                                                                                        we waited with bated breath        skills and experience.
                                                                                                                                        form, many of them were new                                                                              solution architects and
                                                                                                                                        to COMPASS, so I spent many       for the very long-awaited                                              steering groups (and don’t
    Plus, much more                                                                                                                                                                                          The launch of AASC
                                                                                                                                        an hour briefing them on the      outcome of our submission.                                             get me started on the sheer
                                                                                                                                                                                                             introduced me to the
                                                                                                                                        mechanics of the COMPASS          November 29 was                                                        volume of three-letter
    Please enjoy the read and provide us with feedback, not only on this edition but on what you would like in future                                                                                        daunting world of black hats,
    publications. And if you have a story, please send it in to jandifeedback@serco.com.                                                contract, organising visits       announcement day. Well that
                                                                                                                                                                                                             investment committees,               ● CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
                                                                                                                                        out into the field so they        came… and… went again. I
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J&I - Simply - Serco Group Plc
FOCUS ON OUR AASC CONTRACT WIN                                                                                                                                           FOCUS ON CHARITY
    LISA DYSCH                         CRAIG KAY Demand & Capacity Manager                                                                     ALAN STANNARD                 We take a look at more of the great things our people have done for charity…
    Property Operations                                                                                                                        Capture Lead – AASC
                                       When I was first asked if          documents, not to mention                                                                           Behind Brave The Shave at
                                       I would spend the next 12          the internal governance that                                        Bidding the AASC                HMP Dovegate
    ● FROM PAGE 3
                                       months on the bid team for         underpins all of this to keep                                       contracts was very              HMP Dovegate “Braved the
    acronyms). But in time, and        the new AASC contract I was        us on track. Late nights and                                        challenging and asked a lot     Shave” to support a former
    with the help of a great bid       quite enthusiastic and up          working away from home                                              of everyone involved.           colleague with cancer.
    management team, these all         for the challenge. My initial      became the norm, but the
    became part of daily life.                                                                                                                There were many late nights,    Margaret Wright, a former
                                       thoughts were how bad can          vision of potentially winning
                                                                                                                                              many weekends checking          Security Officer, retired
                                       it be? We couldn’t possibly        Serco’s biggest ever contract
    As SMEs, we were asked                                                                                      Craig Kay
                                                                                                                                              answers and writing up          in March 2018 and was
                                       repeat the same mistakes           kind of keeps you awake at
    and consulted on everything                                                                                                               information packs, and          diagnosed with breast
                                       from the COMPASS bid in            night regardless.
    COMPASS related. The                                                                                                                      far too many takeaways          cancer in July.
                                       2012 and if I can play a part in
    challenges and questioning                                            Working on the bid promotes         done efficiently. I would       consumed in the bid room
                                       ensuring we don’t, then I’m in.                                                                                                        With chemotherapy needed,
    on the current delivery were                                          agile working, which allows         recommend anyone working        as we worked our way
    sometimes difficult not to                                                                                                                                                Margaret was afraid of losing
                                       I didn’t really have any           maximum flexibility and             on a current contract that      through the proposal.
    take personally. There were                                                                                                                                               her hair, so her daughter
                                       expectations going into the        minimum constraints. The            is coming up for renewal
    lengthy discussions and                                                                                                                   This is one of the largest      Julie Pratley, who works in
                                       bid, but what I didn’t envisage    fact we could experiment and        to join the bid team should
    heated debates on how the                                                                                                                 and most complex bids we,       HMP Dovegate’s Intel Unit,
                                       is that we would need to           apply new ways of working           the opportunity arise. I feel
    contract would be delivered                                                                                                               as a business, have ever        told her mum she would
                                       write three million words          was fantastic and eliminated        having SMEs on the bid team
    – how, who, where, when, for                                                                                                              submitted, but what shone       also shave her head – and
                                       and submit more than 2,500         the barriers of getting work        adds significant value.
    what price. Lots of meetings,                                                                                                             through from everyone           raise money for charity at the
    conference calls, workshops,                                                                                                              involved throughout the         same time.
                                       WAYNE ROBERTS Service User Welfare and Partnerships Lead
    modelling and re-modelling.                                                                                                               process was a commitment        Julie’s colleagues also                                                      Julie Pratley and her
                                       When Jen first floated             “your baby is ugly”.                best possible bid, working      to delivering the best          showed their support, with                                                   mum Margaret Wright
    And then came the writing,                                                                                                                proposals we could, while
    136 questions per region,          the idea of joining the bid                                            ridiculously hard and at                                        six of them also having their
                                                                          We realised we would all                                            always focusing on the need     heads shaved to raise more
    requiring 136 responses            team for the AASC contract,                                            times, crazy hours.
                                                                          have to accept criticism on                                         to deliver the best service     than £1,700 for Macmillan
    averaging 3,000 words. Did         I didn’t need to give it
                                                                          the work we were producing,         If anybody asks me whether      to the asylum seekers in our                                      day and was overwhelmed           Dovegate friends and work
    we sign up to this? Where          much thought. I hoped my                                                                                                               Cancer Support.
                                                                          but that we shouldn’t take          they should join a bid team     care.                                                             by the support she received       colleagues. A chocolate
    do we start? But, armed            experience of working on the
                                                                          any offence and that it was         I would wholeheartedly                                          Margaret attended on the          from around 200 of her            cake was also raffled.
    with training and guidelines       asylum contract (in its many                                                                           Despite all the hard work,
                                                                          just part of the process to         recommend it, simply for the
    and supported by the bid           guises) since 2002 would                                                                               there was hardly a cross
                                                                          ensure we delivered the best        experience. If anybody asks
    writers, we set off on a           bring some benefit to the bid                                                                          word from anyone, even in
                                                                          possible bid. This advice           me to do it again, I would
    painful, intense but highly        and, with a bit of luck, I could                                                                       the middle of the night as
                                                                          came in very useful when we         have to give it some serious
    satisfying journey.                work for the same company                                                                              we uploaded hundreds of
                                                                          discovered the volume of            thought – I wouldn’t want
                                       across two contracts for the                                                                           documents under increasing
    Did I enjoy the experience?                                           writing we would have to do         to risk my 100 per cent win
                                       first time.                                                                                            time pressures.
    Would I do it again? Would                                            and the very short time we          rate. Maybe in another 10
    I recommend it? There were         Despite being told                 had to do it in (I wrote the        years…!                         It was a pleasure to work
    a few times I might have           consistently that this was         equivalent of a full novel in                                       with the entire team to bid    Roz Oliver is shaved by Craig
    answered this differently.         the “biggest bid Serco             two weeks).                                                         and win these enormous         Pratley, Julie’s husband                            Carl Wright                       Paul Proctor
    When I was stuck in traffic        had ever worked on” and                                                                                contracts, and I am very
                                                                          During the various reviews
    again on the M6 or working         how “significant” and                                                                                  proud to have been part
                                                                          of the writing that followed                                                                                                                               Selfless and caring bride to be Emma
    late to meet submission            “transformational” a winning                                                                           of the ongoing story of
                                                                          (Pink, Red, Amber, Green,                                                                                                                                  Gregory from HMP Lowdham Grange
    dates or staring at a blank        bid would be, the biggest                                                                              COMPASS moving into the
                                                                          Gold) it’s fair to say we all had                                                                                                                          braved the scissors to have 15 inches cut
    screen trying to answer a          pressure to be successful on                                                                           new world of AASC.
                                                                          plenty of ugly babies! But,                                                                                                                                from her crowning glory.
    question.                          this bid was the pressure I
                                                                          following numerous rewrites,
                                       put on myself and a desire to                                                                                                                                                                 Emma explained that the hair will be given
    But there was also banter                                             we ended up with a set of
                                       continue the fantastic work                                                                                                                                                                   to the Little Princess Trust, which will go
    and laughter and care and                                             responses everybody was
                                       we have carried out on the                                                                                                                                                                     towards a wig for a young girl “who will
    I even managed to give up                                             happy with.
                                       COMPASS contract.                                                                                                                                                                                    hopefully love her new hair, just as
    smoking during the process.                                           The thing I will remember
                                       The best piece of advice                                                                                                                                                                                much as I did,” said Emma.
    So yes, it’s been a roller-                                           most from my time on the
    coaster and a somewhat             we received early in the bid                                                                                                                                                                             “I’m still in shock, as I’ve never
                                                                          bid (apart from winning,
    emotional ride, but yes to all     process came from Neil                                                                                                                                                                                    had short hair before, but
                                                                          obviously!) is the amazing
    these questions.                   Spurway, Chief Solutions                                                                                                                                                                                  what’s important is a little
                                                                          team we worked with. We
                                       Officer, who explained that                                                                                                                                                                              girl will be over the moon and
    Jen Halliday, I thank you for                                         all came together and
                                       when you are part of a bid                                                                                                                                                                              rocking her new wig, probably a
    the opportunity.                                                      gave everything we had to           Wayne Roberts                   Alan Stannard                  Emma Gregory before…            during…   … and after
                                       team you must accept that                                                                                                                                                                            lot better than I ever did!”
                                                                          ensure we produced the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ● MORE CHARITY ON PAGES 6 AND 7

4   l J&I AND YOU FOR THE J&I FAMILY                                                                                                                                                                                                             J&I AND YOU FOR THE J&I FAMILY      l5
J&I - Simply - Serco Group Plc
                                                                                                             PECS colleague Charlotte
                                                                                                             Liddell at Kingston Crown
                                                                                                             Court organised a charity
                                                                                                             raffle in aid of armed forces
                                                                                                             charity SSAFA and animal
                                                                                                             charity Blue Cross.
                                                                                                             There were some great prizes
                                                                                                             including Nandos vouchers,
                                                                                                             chocolates, perfumes and
                                                                                                             a £100 Specsavers voucher,
                                                                                                             with more than £700 raised to
                                                                                                             be split between the charities.

                                                                                                                                                  The most recent group of Prisoner           which they can lend a hand and make a        HMP Kilmarnock,
                                                                                                                                                  Custody Officer recruits at HMP             difference.                                  said: “I am fully
                                                                                                                                                  Kilmarnock provided some valuable                                                        committed to
                                                                                                                                                  help to Whiteleys Retreat, a haven based    Whiteleys were delighted to take up
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ensuring we give back to
                                                                                                                                                  near Alloway.                               their offer of help, as they rely strongly
                                                                                                                                 Members of                                                                                                the community in which we work, and in
                                                                                                                                                                                              on the community to help carry out
    Edmund Christie with some of the                                                                                             the Kingston     Whiteleys provides free, short,                                                          which most of our employees live.
                                                                                                                                                                                              essential works on their substantial
    youngsters on his Kids Corner show                                                                                           Crown Court
                                                                                                                                                  therapeutic breaks for children and their   30-acre site.                                “I am very proud of this group of new
                                                                                                                                                  families with cancer and life-altering                                                   recruits, who have given up their time
                                                                                                                                                  illnesses.                                  A group of 23 recruits happily gave their
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           to help such a worthwhile centre.
     Edmund Christie from                boost their confidence and        with Kids On The Green, a                                                                                          energy and enthusiasm to some much-
                                                                                                                                                  As part of their induction into Serco and                                                Corporate social responsibility is high
     HMP Thameside owns a                self-esteem.                      charity created for children                                                                                       needed groundwork and repairs and
                                                                                                                                                  HMP Kilmarnock, each group of new                                                        on our agenda at HMP Kilmarnock and
     radio station called Love The                                         following the Grenfell                                                                                             enjoyed every minute.
                                         For their efforts, they receive                                                                          trainees set out to find a worthwhile                                                    we will continue to strive to support our
     Beat Radio.                         a certificate, a new book,        Towers disaster.                                                                                                   Michael Guy, the Contract Director at        local community where we can.”
                                                                                                                                                  cause in the local community, with
     His flagship show is Kids’          a bookmark and a sticker.         If you would like your child
     Corner, where children read         Their photos are taken and        to take part in the show, go                                         CCM Stacey Kirby (Hatfield         women. After talking it           delighted with the idea.         What do you do when
     their books live on air. The        put on all social media and       to www.lovethebeatradio.                                             Remand Court) PECS                 through with friends and          In addition to essential         Santa rings the Absence
     aim is to encourage children        the station’s website.            com and select the Kids’                                             wanted to set up a Christmas       family, Stacey decided to take    products, donors were            Line and you have more
     to read more and in turn,           Edmund is also working            Corner tab for all the details.                                      charity drive with a difference,   the plunge and approached         encouraged to include            than 100 children waiting for
                                                                                                                                                so a Facebook post about an        Operations Manager                a Christmas card for the         presents?
                                                                                                                                                Australian charity initiative      Michelle Harper-Thomas with       recipient, to let those women
      Throughout 2018, myself            We as a football team             run by one of the prison’s        After the game, when we            called It’s In the Bag proved      the idea.                                                          You call on Santa’s sister of
      and two others from HMP            and close friends thought         Physical Education Officers       told AC Wollaton’s manager                                                                              know someone is thinking of      course!
                                                                                                                                                just the thing.                    Michelle helped Stacey set        them and cares about them.
      Lowdham Grange’s Facilities        the best way to help our          Alistair McLean.                  Roberto what the cause was
                                                                                                                                                The concept is simple: find a      up the initiative, called Love                                     Education Manager Nancy
      team, Jamie Humphries and          friend was to set up local        On the prison side we had         for and why we were doing                                                                               Donations started to roll in,
                                                                                                                                                handbag you no longer use,         in a Bag, and advertised it                                        Elkins stepped up and filled
      Alex Clarson, raised funds         fundraisers and awareness         a mixture of facilities staff,    these events, he donated a                                                                              bags were filled to bursting
                                                                                                                                                fill it with essentials such as    throughout Area 2. With the                                        Santa’s boots just in the “St
      for the Teenage Cancer             events.                           managers, wing officers,          further £1,000 to the trust,                                                                            point with donations and
                                                                                                                                                shampoo, sanitary products,        additional help of CCM Anne                                        Nick” of time.
      Trust, writes James Davis.         We started off with an            teachers, non-operational         which myself, the organisers                                                                            some even had extra special
                                                                                                             and the Teenage Cancer             face wipes and tissues and it      Gray (Luton Magistrates           expensive treats inside. Once    Here she is pictured with
                                         inflatable 5k run. This event     and operational staff.                                               will be donated to vulnerable      Court) and DCCM Carra
      At the start of last year, our                                                                         Trust are very grateful for.                                                                            all collected, Stacey and        Mrs Christmas, Bev Fearn,
                                         was set up and arranged           We gave £10 per person                                                                                  Fisher (Peterborough
      secretary for the Saturday                                                                                                                                                                                     Michelle met Denise from         who does a fantastic job
                                         through my local football         to play in the match and          The last event of the                                                 Crown Court), Stacey went
      football team was diagnosed                                                                                                                                                                                    Stepping Stones and Diane        in organising this seasonal
                                         team, Calverton Miners’           Leica Fleetham and Lorna          year saw us do an advent                                              on Facebook asking for
      with testicular cancer, which                                                                                                                                                                                  from SAHWR to hand over          event for the children of
                                         Welfare FC. Everyone who          Weetman arranged a raffle         calendar and selection box                                            donations, while posters were
      then spread throughout                                                                                                                                                                                         86 bags, plus some extra         colleagues at the prison.
                                         ran in this event was given       – a further £500 was bagged       collection for the patients on                                        displayed in courts
      his body – he was 19 at the        a sponsor by the charity to       for the trust.                                                                                                                            wrapped presents donated
      time and the doctors gave                                                                              the Teenage Cancer Trust                                              and depots across the
                                         go out and raise funds. This                                                                                                                                                by HMCTS staff from
      him a 50 per cent chance                                             Next, my Saturday and             ward.                                                                 contract.
                                         individual event saw us raise                                                                                                                                               Peterborough Courts.
      of survival. After several                                           Sunday football sides             We also presented a cheque                                            Stacey liaised with two local
                                         more than £1,000.                 joined forces to face a                                                                                                                   It was a truly monumental
      months of chemotherapy                                                                                 for £2,790 which we had                                               domestic violence-based
                                         For the second event, we set      charity-based team called                                            Michelle Harper-Thomas, left,                                        effort from everyone and we
      and medication, he has                                                                                 raised throughout the year.                                           charities – Stepping Stones
                                         up a football match between       AC Wollaton. Again, we all                                           and Stacey Kirby handing over                                        would like to thank Stacey
      managed to pull through                                                                                I’d personally like to thank                                          in Luton and St Albans and
                                         the staff at HMP Lowdham          donated £10 per player and                                           bags and presents to Diane                                           and all those who helped by
      and is now back working                                                                                everyone who helped and                                               Hertsmere Women’s Refuge
                                         Grange and local side             we played under the lights at                                        from St Albans and Hertsmere                                         donating and collecting these
      and back involved with the                                                                             donated in these events.           Women’s Refuge                     (SAHWR) in Hertfordshire
                                         Avenue Car Sales. This was        Calverton’s home ground.                                                                                                                  bags for such a worthy cause.
      football team.                                                                                                                                                               – who were absolutely

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J&I - Simply - Serco Group Plc

      The Pulse Awards are always a
                                               Our amazing award winners go above and beyond to deliver our Serco values
      highlight in the Serco calendar and
      in 2018 we can say the J&I family
      certainly shone brightly – we had 99
      nominations across our Contract, the
      best EVER.
      The awards showcase our values of
      Care, Pride, Innovation and Trust and
      we deliver against these by giving
      superb services to the people in our
      In 2018, we had seven Divisional
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Colleagues at the Manchester afternoon tea…
      Winners who attended an event
      hosted by CEO UK & Europe Kevin
      Craven at the Botanical Gardens in
      Kevin said: “The Pulse Awards
      are always the highlight of the
      year for me as they are a fantastic
      opportunity to recognise our
      colleagues who go above and
      beyond in delivering vital public       Representatives of the Caribbean Support teams                                                 Tracy Crompton with Kevin Craven, left, and Rupert Soames
      services every day.
      “We have a unique culture in Serco       GLOBAL AWARDS                  Terence Wicker and              of days, changed his views.    the make-up of cell blocks’
      – we’re passionate about doing the                                      Marion Rising, Prisoner                                        constituents. A fantastic
                                               Serco CEO Rupert Soames        Escort and Custody              Dave Oakes, Damiene
      right thing and behaving in the right                                                                                                  example of innovation.                                              … and in London
                                               celebrated our Global          Services                        Britton and Tim Kear,
      way.                                     Awards winners following                                       HMP Ashfield                   Tracy Crompton,
                                                                              When a distressed young
      “There’s no better way than the Pulse    the Leadership Conference      offender entered their          When Dave and Damiene          COMPASS North West                                                  J&I AFTERNOON TEAS             HMP Dovegate, HMP
      Awards to showcase how our people        in January. We had five        care at Chelmsford Crown        had an idea for an             There wasn’t a dry eye in the                                                                      Lowdham Grange, HMP
      live our values in the way they work,    fantastic winners.                                             application to help security   house when Tracy collected                                          As always, MD Julia
                                                                              Court, Terence and Marion                                                                                                                                         & YOI Doncaster and
      delivering superb public service                                                                        staff understand offender      her award. She cared for                                            Rogers likes to take the
                                               The Caribbean Support          listened to his story and                                                                                                                                         COMPASS NW.
      every day and making a positive                                                                         relationships, they came       a service user who had                                              opportunity to spend
                                               teams                          provided him with the
      difference to people’s lives.”                                                                          to IT Manager Tim. Tim         terminal cancer, arranging                                          time with all our people       Both events were
                                               You will have read about       support he needed. During
                                                                                                              developed this into the        a hospice place for her and                                         who were nominated. So,        supplied with delicious
      Trust Awards                             this in previous editions of   his trial, they gave up their
                                                                                                              MORAL (Managing                visiting her, even on her                                           for those who didn’t win       savouries and cakes and a
                                               J&I and You. We deployed       lunch breaks to chat with
      l The Caribbean Support teams,                                                                          Offenders’ Relationships,      days off. When the service                                          a Divisional or a Global       chance to mix and mingle
                                               132 people over a year to      him and advise him on how
         Justice & Immigration                                                                                Associations and Location)     user passed away, Tracy                                             Award, she hosted              with other people from
                                               make improvements and          to manage going forward.
                                                                                                              process and application,       organised an appropriate                                            afternoon teas in London       different contracts. Julia
      l John Martindale, HMP & YOI             support our colleagues         They gave him belief in                                                                         Terence Wicker and Marion Rising
                                                                                                              which hugely reduces the       Islamic funeral with the local                                      and Manchester in              took the opportunity to
         Doncaster                             overseas.                      himself and, over a period
                                                                                                              time taken to understand       mosque.                                                             January – a further event      speak to every individual
      l Sarah Amin and Darren Rough,                                                                                                                                                                             will take place later this     and thank them for the
                                               John Martindale, HMP
         COMPASS SNI team                                                                                                                                                                                        month in Glasgow.              work they do on a daily
                                               & YOI Doncaster
      Care Awards                              Last year, when a group of                                                                                                                                                                       basis.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 The London event
      l Tracy Crompton, COMPASS                20 intoxicated prisoners                                                                                                                                          was held in Browns in          Those who attended felt
        North West                             started attacking two                                                                                                                                             Victoria and attended          valued and appreciated
                                               other prisoners with pool                                                                                                                                         by Contract Directors          and spoke of their
      l Zafar Miohammed, COMPASS
                                               cues, mops and brushes,                                                                                                                                           and their teams from           passion about
      l Terence Wicker and Marion              John put himself in the                                                                                                                                           Yarl’s Wood, PECS,             working for
        Rising, Prisoner Escort and            line of fire. He protected                                                                                                                                        HMP Ashfield and               Serco, a
        Custody Services                       the two prisoners and                                                                                                                                             HMP Thameside. The             great time
      Innovation Awards                        escorted them off the cell-                                                                                                                                       Manchester event               was had
                                               block for treatment, while                                                                    John Martindale, centre, with Rachel Oleisky who nominated
      l Dave Oakes, Damiene Britton and                                                                                                                                                                          was in Malmaison,              by all.
                                               simultaneously containing      Left to right, Tim Kear, Damiene Britton and Dave Oakes        him and HMP & YOI Doncaster Director Jerry Spencer
         Tim Kear, HMP Ashfield                                                                                                                                                                                  with colleagues from
                                               the situation.

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     2019 is a huge year for business development
     and growth in J&I. Here, Steve Wheeler,                                decision on the winner due        Gatwick Immigration              is due to be re-competed          five years, together with          Serco, with outside specialists    across business units. Some
                                                                            around December.                  Removal Centre: using            in 2020. The Scottish             these six large resettlement       recruited only where               important changes were
     Strategic Growth Director, looks at the key                                                              our Yarl’s Wood expertise,       competition will run from         prisons, there are also re-        absolutely necessary to plug       made in November to allow
     activities through 2019 and introduces us to                           Home Office Satellite             we bid this in 2018 but the      March to September this           competes due of four of the        important gaps or provide          us to retain this expertise
                                                                            Tracking (HOST): a new
     key members of the team…                                               service to provide tracking
                                                                                                              customer chose to cancel         year, with the winner being       existing privately-run prisons,    unique skills.                     in J&I. As a result, various
                                                                                                              the competition while it         announced around January          including ours at Lowdham                                             members of the Solutions
                                                                            and monitoring services for       reconsidered its IRC strategy.                                                                        The bids are always led by a
                                                                                                                                               2020. Serco has previously        Grange and Ashfield. In the                                           team (who design how we
     Big year ahead as Bid                                                  foreign national offenders,
                                                                            who are non-detained and
                                                                            living in the community but
                                                                                                              A new competition is
                                                                                                              expected to be run between
                                                                                                                                               operated all of the UK
                                                                                                                                               contracts and we are keen
                                                                                                                                                                                 following five years, a further
                                                                                                                                                                                 seven privately run prisons will
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Capture Lead from within J&I
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    with important input from
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       will use the tools, people
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       and processes to operate

     teams target contracts                                                                                   March and September with         to re-enter the market with       be re-competed.                    various J&I subject matter
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       the contract) and a number
                                                                            subject to deportation orders.    a contract award in spring                                                                            experts. Our Capture Leads
                                                                                                                                               new, specially developed                                                                                of Senior Bid Managers (who
                                                                                                              2020. We remain keen to be       equipment.                        We have also been                  are already well known around
                                                                            This would support                                                                                                                                                         manage the bid process) have
     The biggest news has to be                                                                               involved.                                                          considering whether to bid         J&I – Alan Stannard (AASC),
                                         PECS Gen IV: the re-bid of our     immigration enforcement                                                                                                                                                    been transferred into J&I to
     the AASC contract which we                                                                                                                Wellingborough                    on the Probation Community         Simon Thomas (PECS), James
                                         existing Prisoner Escorting        across the UK. First stage                                                                                                                                                 specialise in our bids.
                                                                                                              Scottish Electronic              Resettlement Prison: the first    Rehabilitation Companies           Wilkinson (HOST & Scottish
     were awarded on 8 January.          and Custody Services contract      bids were submitted in            Monitoring: as with HOST,        of six new prisons announced      which would be competed            EM), Steve Hewer (Gatwick)         At the same time, we have also
     This is huge, not only for the      which moves prisoners              January. Negotiations             this re-bid is viewed as         by the Ministry of Justice.       across the second half of the      and Graham Blair (Prisons).        recruited Alan Kittle Associates
     J&I family, but all of Serco. The   between police stations,           continue through to spring        part of a suite of tagging       This 1,600-place prison is        year.                                                                 to lead our bid writing, working
     Serco team worked brilliantly       prisons and the courts.            then equipment testing                                                                                                                  The rest of the team on each
                                                                                                              opportunities in the UK.         being competed from May to                                                                              closely with the UK&E Bid
     on our bid throughout.                                                 before a final bid in August.                                                                        The Bid teams to pursue these      bid are drawn from across
                                         The main bidding work                                                This also includes the main      September with the winner                                                                               Writing team. How we write the
                                                                            Announcement of the winner        England & Wales electronic                                         opportunities are assembled        UK&E and have previously
     Our other bids in 2019 are:         continues through the first half                                                                      announced around the end                                                                                bid response is key to scoring
                                                                            will be around January 2020.      monitoring contract, which                                         from across J&I and the rest of    moved from bid to bid
                                         of 2019 with the customer’s                                                                           of December. Over the next                                                                              the best marks.

       Meet the team
                     Steve Wheeler                                          has previously worked for two international sales companies and                     Matthew Preston                                     Serco, he has worked in Business Development as a Solutions
                       STRATEGIC GROWTH DIRECTOR                            had a long and prestigious career with the Royal Mail working                        SENIOR SOLUTIONS LEAD                              Director and a Bid Director, been Transformation Director for a
                                                                            with Buckingham Palace, Palace of Westminster, directly with all                                                                        major new contract mobilisation and Contract Director running
                        I joined Serco from Central Government in           three political parties and across central government.                                 Matt joined Serco in 2012 and currently works    our London Borough of Southwark and London Borough of
                        2009, having spent the previous 30 years in                                                                                                on PECS IV. In a former life, he worked as a     Richmond contracts for a number of years.
                        a variety of senior policy and promotional                                                                                                teacher, in a windmill factory, for the Prison
                                                                                            Kirsty Ross
                       roles across many Government departments.                                                                                                Service and for a small IT consultancy before
                                                                                             J&I ADMINISTRATOR                                                                                                                       Alan Kittle
                     During this time, I advised various Ministers                                                                                         deciding that bidding was a relaxing way to make a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      SENIOR WRITER
                  and was customer for a number of procurements. I                              Kirsty joined Serco in October 2003, working   living. He has previously worked on bids across UK & Europe,
       was also involved in the renegotiation of hugely loss-making                             as a PA to the Communications Director. She    most recently for an extended period working on opportunities                           Alan is the Senior Writer for Kittle Associates
       Government contracts for nuclear clean-up that dwarfed even                             gained experience working on the acquisition    in defence.                                                                             and will be leading the overall team. He
       COMPASS or PECS.                                                                       of ITNET and joined the transformation team                                                                                             established the company in 2014 after
       Since being at Serco, I have held several business
                                                                                            based in Birmingham for five months in 2005.                        Harriet Broadfield                                                  spending 19 years in the Home Office, the
                                                                            After a short career break, being a stay at home mum, she                            SENIOR BID MANAGER                                              last seven of which included acting as Serco’s
       development roles and worked on bids of varying scale and
                                                                            returned to Serco in September 2013 where she took up her                                                                               customer for the operation of immigration removal centres.
       complexity. I have overall responsibility for our growth strategy                                                                                           Harriet was the Senior Bid Manager on
                                                                            current role as J&I Administrator supporting the Strategic
       and for the execution of our key bids. I love the vibrancy                                                                                                  AASC bids in 2018. She has more than 17          As a team of bid writers, Kittle Associates have been supporting
                                                                            Growth Director and the Bid teams that report to him.
       of J&I and feel genuinely excited about the opportunities                                                                                                   years’ experience of bidding – starting at       Serco for the last two years on various projects. The new
       immediately in front of us. These have the potential to                                                                                                    Capita in 2001, moving to Serco (Home Affairs     arrangement cements the relationship further to provide
       transform not just J&I’s business but that of Serco overall.                         Alison Bastow                                                                                                           long-term support. Their offices are in Henley-on-Thames in
                                                                                                                                                                Technology in Gloucester) in 2008, then on to
                                                                                             SENIOR BID MANAGER
                                                                                                                                                          QinetiQ in 2014 before returning to Serco in 2017.        Oxfordshire, and the team includes writers, researchers, an
                       Colin Brown                                                            Alison started her Serco career as a PA in       Over the course of her career, she has worked on many and            account manager and an administrator.
                        STRATEGIC GROWTH MANAGER                                              Citizen Services 14 years ago. After moving      varied bids including BBC television licensing and teachers’
                                                                                             to Bid Management, she progressed through         pensions at Capita, European Space Agency and Home Office            The Strategic Growth team also includes:
                         Colin joined Serco in July 2017 as an Account
                                                                                            the ranks to become a Senior Bid Manager last      cyber programmes at QinetiQ, and RAF Fylingdales at Serco.
                         Manager working with the Ministry of Justice                                                                                                                                               Katie Lloyd, Senior Bid Manager on Gatwick IRC. Worked on
                        (MoJ). He has since moved into the role of                                                                                                                                                  the previous Gatwick bid and has extensive bid knowledge
                       Strategic Growth Manager supporting the J&I
                                                                                                                                                                Dave Lester
                                                                            She has worked on some of the large back office local authority                                                                         across Serco including for Police services.
                                                                                                                                                                 SOLUTIONS LEAD
                    Strategic Growth Director with the resourcing           and contact centre contracts. She has also worked across
       and management of bids, governance, performance                                                                                                                                                              Gary Mills, Solutions input on PECS. Previously in Serco
                                                                            defence and completed a short stint in Sydney working with                             The Solutions Lead on HOST, Dave
       reporting and opportunity management via Customer                                                                                                                                                            Consulting, he also worked on the Home Office immigration
                                                                            the ASPAC team on the Arthur Gorrie Prison bid. This gave her                          has spent the past 18 years working on
       Relationship Management, while continuing to perform some                                                                                                                                                    escorting bid and London cycle hire.
                                                                            great experience for moving into her current role on our Prisons                      outsourced services and technology enabled
       of his previous account management responsibilities. Colin           Bidding programme.                                                                  transformation in bids, projects and delivery. At   Ian Scrupps, Solutions and SME input on AASC and PECS.

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Second festival planned                                                                                                                     Stock solutions
     after event’s success                                                                                                                       are a black
     Reading Consultant David           Sirens to start a wide-ranging
     Kendall and Librarian Tom
     Barker organised HMP
                                        discussion on what it means to
                                        be free.
                                                                                                                                                 belt winner
     Ashfield’s first arts and                                                                                                                   The COMPASS team of Luke Collier,
                                        Prudence Staites makes things
     literature festival, Ashfest.                                                                                                               Jamie Bailey, Niaomi McMurrie,
                                        out of chocolate, including
                                                                                                                                                 Ashleigh Large and Craig Kay – led
     The three-day event attracted      a portrait and a record that
                                                                                                                                                 by Ed Jervis – has just completed a
     artists and authors from a         plays! In the newly refurbished
                                                                                                                                                 major operational excellence black
     range of disciplines, including    bakery, she took 15 men
                                                                                                                                                 belt project.
     pianist Clare Hammond              through the construction of a
     (BBC Radio 3 young musician        hamburger made of fondant                                                                                The project was designed to look at
     of the year), writer Erwin         and sugar. The men really                                                                                how Serco stocks the properties on
                                                                                                                             Cell workout
     James (editor Inside Time)         enjoyed the workshop and                                                                                 the portfolio and how the inventory
     and author LJ Flanders (Cell       appreciated the opportunity                                                                              items are managed.
     Workout). The 18 events were       to do something outside their
     attended by a third of the         normal routine.                                                                                          The team designed a range of
     prison population.                                                                                       The closing event was              solutions to make sure the new
                                        Poet and comedian Mr Gee                                              with Michael Darlow who            processes and systems became
     Tom Barker said: “Part of          spent an afternoon in the                                             directed two episodes of the       established and adopted by all
     the rationale behind the           library with a group of 20                                            groundbreaking documentary         field teams. The field teams are
     festival was to provide the        prisoners. His focus was on                                           series World At War in the         now doing an excellent job and
     men with time and space for        breaking through the barriers                                         1970s. Michael spoke about         making sure the correct levels of
     reflection and maybe even          we sometimes put up to                                                the episode on genocide. Not       stock are used while, at the same
     the inspiration to think from a    protect ourselves and get                                             the easiest subject to end a       time, ensuring complete contract
     new, different perspective.”       to “true talk”. As a former                                           festival with, but strangely it    compliance and continuing to look
                                        joke writer for Russell Brand,                                        proved as inspiring as the first   after the service users.
     This was clearly realised in       his tales of life between LA
     philosopher Andy West’s                                                                                  event. Michael spoke of the        “I am so proud of the COMPASS
                                        and London were hilarious,                                            painstaking work done to get
     thought experiments                but also sincere stories of                                                                              team. They are an incredible bunch
     examining questions                                                                                      interviews with both victims       of people who continue to deliver
                                        someone trying to work out                                            and perpetrators of the Nazi
     emerging from Greek                who they were and their                                                                                  unbelievable results, no matter how
     mythology. The first group                                                                               death camps. It was a sombre       hard their environment is,” said Ed    Next to the memorial, left to right,
                                        place in the world. The men                                           hour, but all felt enriched by
     discussed which of the             warmed to him and began to                                                                               Jervis.                                Iman Mohumed Miah, Rupert
     seven deadly sins they                                                                                   the experience of someone                                                 Soames, Reverend Anja Thomson
                                        open with their stories – each    Mr Gee
                                                                                                              who connected us with history      “There is no way we could deliver
     would eradicate from the                                                                                                                                                           and Sir “Dusty” Miller
                                        shared something profound                                             and made it real for us.           a result like this unless the people
     world if they had the choice,      from their own lives.
     a discussion that quickly                                            Michael Darlow, contained                                              were committed, determined and
                                                                                                              The feedback to the sessions       care – at COMPASS, this culture
     zoomed in on shame and
     what it means to feel shame.
     The next group used the
                                        David Kendall said: “Ashfest
                                        was a series of events but I
                                        was struck by how the first,
                                                                          echoes of each other.
                                                                          “I’ve heard Erwin speak
                                                                                                              was so positive, a second
                                                                                                              Ashfest is planned for the
                                                                                                                                                 exists in bucket loads. I would like
                                                                                                                                                 to thank the project team and the
                                                                                                                                                                                        Armistice Day centenary marked
                                                                          several times before, both          Spring.                            leadership for their commitment
     story of Odysseus and the          with Erwin James, and the last,                                                                                                                 HMP Ashfield marked the            Sir “Dusty” Miller Air          while a reading, The Lost
                                                                          inside and outside of                                                  and support.”                          centenary of Armistice Day         Marshall KBE RAF gave the       Unknown, was being read
                                                                          prison. Some elements of                                                                                      as colleagues, prisoners           Kohima Epitaph before a         by a resident. The final
                                                                          his talk reoccur – 20 years’                                           Not only have the team
                                                                                                                                                 introduced a new way of working        and guests congregated             two-minute silence which        poem, My Boy Jack, was
                                                                          incarceration for a double                                                                                    near an area now called The        ended with the bugler           also read by a resident.
                                                                          murder, being saved by                                                 and a complete performance
                                                                                                                                                 management structure, the project      Forget Me Not Garden.              playing the Reveille.
                                                                          writing, and his becoming a                                                                                                                                                      The closing address was
                                                                          Guardian journalist.                                                   has also delivered significant         The opening address was            The Iman Mohumed Miah           read by Rupert Soames and
                                                                                                                                                 savings. The new way of working        conducted by Reverend              read They shall not grow        Reverend Anja Thomson
                                                                          “Erwin is always a great                                               has created a benefit in excess of     Anja Thomson.                      old.                            gave the blessing.
                                                                          speaker, but it’s the                                                  £450,000 in just one year. These
                                                                          willingness of the audience                                                                                   The parade was brought to          Serco CEO Rupert Soames         The parade was then
                                                                                                                                                 savings form part of an even-wider
                                                                          to really listen that is key. His                                                                             attention and the last post        then unveiled a memorial –      dismissed and everyone
                                                                                                                                                 effort by the COMPASS team to
                                                                          message is that you can build                                                                                 was played by the bugler           a sphere of the world on a      drifted back to their
                                                                                                                                                 make commercial improvements
                                                    Clare Hammond         yourself bit by bit into a better                                                                             – a prisoner who had               stone plinth.                   normal daily routine feeling
                                                                                                                                                 to the way they run their working
                                                                          person, but there will be              Prudence Staites’ workshop                                             been practising getting it         Wreaths and crosses were        enlightened, humbled and
                                                                          knockbacks.                                                                                                   perfect.                           laid around the memorial        proud.
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                                                                                                                                            Former inmate
        Backbone of the business at your service                                                                                            leads discussion
        Corporate Shared Services        to deliver a quality, value-for-   to “the cloud” and we are
        (CSS) is the backbone of         money service.                     investing in a new service                                      on identity
        service delivery for Serco and                                      management solution,                                            HMP Kilmarnock welcomed
                                         Finance Services: provide
        our services are fundamental                                        Service Now, which will                                         North Ayrshire social worker
                                         finance support for
        to the overall success of the                                       dramatically improve the                                        Allan Weaver as guest speaker
                                         contracts in the UK and Asia
        business.                                                           way you contact our service                                     at a Conversation Cafe event for
                                         Pacific (AsPac) and deliver
                                                                            teams.                                                          colleagues and prisoners.
        Whether that’s implementing      transaction processing
        innovative, cost-effective IT    for the UK&E, Middle East          I’ll focus on some of these                                     Allan has written an
        solutions or developing a        and AsPac. They work with          changes across our service                                      autobiography, So You Think You
        fit-for-purpose supply chain,    the finance teams and the          lines in future issues of J&I                                   Know Me?, in which he writes
        Serco is looking to us to        business to provide month-         and you, and importantly,                                       about being an ex-offender and
        bring pioneering solutions       end closures, budgeting            what this means for you, so                        Faye Shaw    an inmate of Barlinnie Prison
        and ways of working that         and forecasting as well            watch this space.                                               on two occasions. He is now is
        enable you, our customers of     as processing and paying                                                                           a social work team leader in his
        our services, to focus on your   invoices, expenses and our         What’s next for CSS?             the way we interact            home town of Saltcoats.
        own job – delivering cost-       customers’ invoices.               Having successfully delivered    with our customers and
                                                                            these changes, we are now in     building stronger customer     As a local hard case, Allan took
        effective transformational       Always improving                   a stronger position to set out   partnerships through several   no prisoners. In his compelling
        public services.                 We are proud of the services       our ambitions for the future.    new customer satisfaction      book, he tells of a chaotic early
        Who exactly are Corporate        we deliver and the positive        Our vision is to introduce                                      life and violent episodes, with
        Shared Services?                 difference we make.                standard and innovative                                         teachers, social workers and
        in CSS, there are four           However, we are also fully         shared services, globally,       Our vision is very much        authority figures failing “to get to
        key service lines: IT            aware there are areas of           over the next four years and     centred around improving       know him” to discover what his
        Services, People Services,       CSS that require focus and         earlier this month I shared      the delivery of our services   offending was all about.
        Procurement and Finance          attention. Over the last           this vision with the extended    and the only way to do
                                                                                                             this is by getting closer      The event’s format focused on the
        Services.                        year, we have made several         CSS leadership team,                                            Road to Crime documentary Allan
                                                                                                             to you, our customers,                                                Bev Fearn is here to help
                                         changes that will allow us         pictured below.                                                 created followed by a Q and A
        IT Services: provide and                                                                             understanding exactly what
                                         to interact with you in a                                                                          session based on his experiences
        support your essential IT                                           To set us on this path, we       you need from us. Over the
                                         completely different way.                                                                          on both sides of the criminal
        services such as laptops,
        email, mobile phones and         We are in the final
                                         stages of two large re-
                                                                            identified several exciting
                                                                            priorities for 2019 including
                                                                                                             next few months, we will
                                                                                                             be working on new ways of      justice system.                         Colleague info helpline sets Sail…
        network connectivity. We                                            enabling automation and          gathering your feedback and    The event was a continuation of
        ensure you have all of the       organisations within IT            robotics across some of                                                                                 A Staff Advice and Information (Sail) hotline     years’ service, are on a daily learning curve.
                                                                                                             requirements, so please help   the previous week’s Prisoners
        technology and access you        Services and Procurement,          the more complex systems,                                                                               has been launched at HMP Lowdham                  The policies and procedures change, the
                                                                                                             us improve our service by      Week topic of “Who do you say I
        need to carry out your role      we have improved our SAP           freeing up staff to focus on                                                                            Grange, with the experienced Bev Fearn on         regime changes, our workload increases.
                                                                                                             completing any surveys that    am?” which looked at identity and
        effectively and securely.        environment by moving it           service delivery, improving                                                                             hand to answer any queries.                       This phone line will ensure that if a colleague
                                                                                                             may come your way!             how this can be flexible over time.                                                       needs to know something, they can just pick
        People Services: provide                                                                                                                                                    What is Sail?
                                                                                                                                            The event was organised by PCO                                                            up the phone and find the answer, rather
        advice and support to                                                                                                                                                       Sail is a project set up to help colleagues,
                                                                                                                                            Mark Sneddon, along with the                                                              than pressure other busy departments and/
        employees and managers                                                                                                                                                      both old and new, find information to help
                                                                                                                                            Chaplaincy team.                                                                          or managers – ensuring other areas can
        in Serco. People Services                                                                                                                                                   them carry out their regular routine duties.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      carry on with their daily tasks.
        work with HR to deliver                                                                                                                                                     This service can provide them with simple
        services such as resourcing                                                                                                                                                                                                   Who can access this service?
                                                                                                                                                                                    information such as the address and
        and on-boarding, learning                                                                                                                                                                                                     Any colleague within the establishment.
                                                                                                                                                                                    telephone number of an establishment they
        management, travel and                                                                                                                                                                                                        Should the phone line not be staffed there is
                                                                                                                                                                                    need to assist a prisoner. It can provide help
        fleet as well as managing the                                                                                                                                                                                                 a facility to leave a message and a response
                                                                                                                                                                                    in completing tasks they are struggling with.
        pay of our 24,000 UK-based                                                                                                                                                                                                    will be given as soon as possible afterwards.
                                                                                                                                                                                    There is an endless list of information and
        colleagues.                                                                                                                                                                 advice available to all colleagues – all at the   What sort of requests have you received?
        Procurement: look after                                                                                                                                                     end of a phone.                                   The first question was good. An officer
        the way Serco buys goods                                                                                                                                                                                                      was struggling to help a foreign national
                                                                                                                                                                                    Why is it necessary?
        and services and how we                                                                                                                                                                                                       prisoner find an address and phone number
                                                                                                                                                                                    All our new recruits receive full training
        manage our suppliers. They                                                                                                                                                                                                    for the Afghan Embassy. This was quickly
                                                                                                                                                                                    during their ITC induction. However, the
        make sure we have the right                                                                                                                                                                                                   resolved and the officer was very thankful.
                                                                                                                                                                                    one thing that cannot be taught is life skills
        suppliers on board so our                                                                                   The extended CSS team                                           and how to deal with challenging situations.      l Bev Fearn can be contacted on extension
        contracts and teams are able                                                                                                                                                All of us, even those with more than 20           444.

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J&I - Simply - Serco Group Plc
Exceptional officers                                                                                                                                                         ROLL
     are honoured…                                                                                                                                                                HONOUR
                                                                                                                                                                                  COM Paul Richardson
     HMP Lowdham Grange          “While we all
     held a special afternoon    understand that at                                                                                                                               COM Stu Collins
     tea to honour the           times this job can be
     exceptional work and        challenging, it was nice                                                                                                                         COM Dave Clayton
     bravery of its officers.    to feel appreciated
                                                                                                                                                                                  PCO Dave Brydon
                                 in this special way. It
     The event was attended
                                 highlighted the fantastic                                                                                                                        PCO Richard Ramsden
     by Kevin Craven, CEO of
                                 team spirit we have at      Vance Bacon-Sharratt                                                                          Paul Richardson
     Serco UK and Europe,                                                           Shaun Clibbery   Darren Smith                                                                 PCO Nathan Pike
                                 this establishment.”
     who presented the
     awards, Julia Rogers,                                                                                                                                                        PCO Gavin Hammond
     MD Serco Justice and
     Immigration, and Wyn                                                                                                                                                         PCO Darren Smith
     Jones, Operational                                                                                                                                                           PCO Trevor Johnson
                                                                                                                                                                                  PCO Rob McAdams
     Director Mark Hanson
     explains why the officers                                                                                                                                                    PCO Kieran Thacker
     were commended.
                                                                                                                                                                                  PCO Luke Filtness
     “The staff faced a
     series of challenging                                                                                                                                                        PCO Matthew Yates
     events and they worked
                                                                                                                                                                                  PCO Jake Coles
     together as a team to
     ensure the prison ran                                                                                                                                                        PCO Vance
     smoothly, I was very                                                                                                                                                              Bacon-Sharratt
     proud of them all.”
                                                                                                                                                                                  PCO Richard Clarke
     COM Stuart Collins,
     one of the colleagues                                                                                                                                                        PCO Michael Sharman
     recognised at the
     event, said: “I thought                                                                                                                                                      PCO Bryn Hope
     the commendation                                                                                                                                                             PCO Stephen Repton
     event was a great
     way of recognising                                                                                                                                                           PCO Gary Cope
     the fantastic work
     colleagues do at HMP                                                                                                                                                         PCO Pete Chojnacki
     Lowdham Grange.                                                                                                                                                              PCO Shaun Clibbery
                                                                                                                                                                                  PCO Andrew Epton
                                                                                                                                                                                  PCO Mac Kennelly
                                                                                                                                                                                  PCO Dwayne Brown
                                                                                                                                                                                  PCO Dave Gander
                                                                                                                                                                                  PCO Jayne Cross
                                                                                                                                                                                  PCO Hollie Wilson
                                                                                                                                                                                  PCO Tom Carley

                                                              Michael Sharman                                                                                                     PCO Tony Sheehan
                                   Jake Coles                                                                                                                                     PCO Sharnie
                                                                                                                    Hollie Wilson receives her certificate from, left to               Broughton
                                                                                                                    right, Kevin Craven, Julia Rogers and Mark Hanson

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J&I - Simply - Serco Group Plc
                                                                                                                                                                                 ICT Lead Nigel Cook discusses improving processes and
     Our Employee Partnership Forums (EPFs) are                                                                                                                                  productivity at Yarl’s Wood…
                                                                         HMP THAMESIDE                     KILMARNOCK                      COMPASS
     going from strength to strength. Here, we
     reflect on their successes in 2018…                                 l Thameside marked
                                                                         the relaunch of their EPF
                                                                                                           l The EPF took on
                                                                                                           board opinion on meal
                                                                                                                                           l To boost reward and
                                                                                                                                           recognition, the EPF introduced
                                                                                                                                                                                 Camera cabinet idea is a winner
                                                                         by creating a variety of                                          a monthly vote and a quarterly
     From survey success to
                                                                                                           temperatures and                                                      Yarl’s Wood IRC has been          then after we agreed on            of use and flow when getting
                                                                         promotional material              introduced “keep warm”          rewards ceremony. Each month,         using body cameras since          a simple, robust design,           keys, radio and now their
                                                                         such as posters, mouse            bags for colleague meals.       a shortlist of nominations is taken   early 2015. All operational       we approached Contract             body camera.

     colleague fun days…                                                 mats, lanyards and coffee
                                                                         cups. The EPF has begun
                                                                         monthly meetings with
                                                                                                           The EPF also had a very
                                                                                                           successful charity quiz night
                                                                                                                                           to the EPF for a communal vote.
                                                                                                                                           The winners of the awards for the
                                                                                                                                           four values are then taken to CLT
                                                                                                                                                                                 frontline colleagues wear
                                                                                                                                                                                 these cameras and we record
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Director Steve Hewer and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Facilities Manager Giuseppe
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      We have removed the cause
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      of the bottleneck, allowing

     forums are a big hit                                                                                  which raised more than                                                an average of 45 hours of         Alfieri.                           better use of colleague
                                                                         representation from various                                       for an employee of the month          footage a month.
                                                                                                           £1,000 for                                                                                              We explained we could              time in the gatehouse.
                                                                         departments.                                                      selection.
                                                                                                           the Ayrshire                                                          The main benefit of building      create this custom cabinet         Above all, we now have clear
                                                                                                           Sands                           l As a result of this, the EPF        this body camera cabinet          very cheaply and it would          accountability as checks
       HMP ASHFIELD                       SECURE CONTRACTS               HMP & YOI
                                                                                                           charity.                        gained a feel for the issues          was to allow staff to self-       fit in well in the Traka room.     can be completed as and
       l Organised and ran a full         l Raised the profiles of       DONCASTER                                                         important to colleagues across        assign a body camera,             They both gave the go-             when required. Since the
       staff event during the summer,     saying thank you and                                             l The EPF planned an annual     the contract and created an           taking responsibility for their   ahead.                             introduction of this cabinet
                                                                         l The EPF’s increasing            pantomime and Christmas
       the first for five years.          rewarding employees who        reputation was demonstrated                                       action plan to make a minimum         equipment.                        We knew we were working            we have had no missing
                                          have gone beyond the day                                         bowling nights which            of one change a month (big                                                                                 cameras.
       l Organised, sorted and                                           when colleagues told the                                                                                Originally, more than 80          on a tight budget, so utilised
                                          job, be it with a personal                                       expanded to three nights to     or small), to improve the
       distributed Christmas                                             Butler Trust about the forum                                                                            body cameras were stored,         what we had already onsite.        Having this cabinet mounted
                                          hand-written Serco values                                        meet demand.                    lives of everyone. Over the
       hampers to all Serco                                              when they visited the jail                                                                              charged and issued from our       We used offcuts of wood            in the same room as our
                                          thank-you card or reward       researching                       l The EPF was relaunched        last 10 months, and with the          gatehouse.                        and clear plastic from a           Traka key and radio systems
       colleagues in the contract.
                                          vouchers.                      good news                                                         engagement and support of                                               previous project.                  has created a centralised
                                                                                                           with a new chair, James                                               The member of staff coming
       l Recorded the biggest                                            stories.                                                          senior management, a host of                                                                               location for all equipment
                                                                                                           Hodge, and already is                                                 on shift would request a          We added fans from old
       completion rate of the                                                                                                              positive changes have been seen.                                                                           required by operational staff.
       ViewPoint survey in the
                                          PECS                           l The profile of the EPF has      planning some exciting                                                camera via the officer based      PCs, fan covers from old UPS
                                                                         been raised with a large          projects for 2019.              l To promote healthy living, the      in the gatehouse, who would       devices, strip LED lights left     It also assists operationally
       contract’s recent history. This    l Reformed the EPF in early                                                                                                                                                                                 as twice a day the Duty
                                                                         poster with photos of all EPF                                     EPF introduced “Fruity Tuesdays”      need to log into the system,      over from another project,
       has been on the back of a          2018. This has become the                                                                                                                                                                                   Operations Manager needs
                                                                         members at the Gatehouse,                                         in SNI whereby each office is         manually issue the camera         two computer chassis
       solid ViewPoint action plan        driving force to spreading                                       YARL’S WOOD                                                                                                                                to check all cameras are
                                                                         the forum’s introduction at all                                   provided with a stock of seasonal     and hand it to member of          intrusion switches to activate
       and a drive by the EPF to get      messages throughout                                                                                                                                                                                         accounted for.
                                                                         ITCs, and a question box in                                       fruit once a week. The fruit bowls    staff.                            the lights when the door
       colleagues to have their say.      the contract and creating                                        l Among the great events
                                                                         the Gate area.                                                    have gone down incredibly well                                          opens and retractable ID           Having the touch screen next
                                          change.                                                          held were a colleague fun                                             We had an opportunity to
                                                                                                                                           – colleagues felt so healthy in                                         badge holders to make sure         to the cabinet allows them
       LOWDHAM GRANGE                                                    l Priority has been given         day, a Christmas family         fact, that in October the EPF SNI     review this process when
                                          l Members of the EPF                                                                                                                   we refreshed the entire           the doors auto closed.             to see who has what camera
                                                                         to health and safety issues,      day and a Christmas             organised a Halloween blood
       l Arranged a music festival        actively promoted the                                                                                                                  body camera system. We            It was then all painted black      and if any are missing or
                                                                         which the EPF raise through       colleague buffet.               drive and 17 fabulous people
       for colleagues and their           ViewPoint survey, resulting                                                                                                            recognised that the current       to match the Traka cabinet         faulty. This helps drive the
                                          in a 66 per cent response      the proper channels.                                              nominated themselves to donate                                                                             importance of colleague
       families. This was a low-                                                                           l ViewPoint was                                                       process was causing a             style. It took two days to add
                                          rate for PECS, 810 surveys     Staff engagement events                                           a pint of                                                                                                  accountability for their body
       budget gathering on a field                                                                         completed by a high                                                   bottleneck for our staff          all the cabling, body camera
                                          completed out of 1,212         promoted ViewPoint and                                            blood to                                                                                                   cameras.
       with a lorry as a stage and                                       encouraged staff to have their    percentage of staff and                                               coming on duty, who could         chargers and finally mount
                                          colleagues, one of the                                                                           support the
       local bands playing. There                                        say.                              EPF reps now have a two-                                              easily get their own keys         a touch screen to the side         If you are interested in a
                                          highest ever seen. This is a                                                                     NHS.
       were food vans, a gin bar,                                                                          hour slot in every new ITC                                            and radio from the Traka          of the cabinet to allow daily      similar cabinet being created
       a bucking bronco and a             huge success considering       l Colleague engagement            training.                                                             cabinets, but the process         checks.                            for your contract, please
       children’s entertainer. Director   the new online format which    has improved with the help                                                                              slowed when getting a body                                           email Steve Hewer or Nigel
                                          may have been an initial       of the EPF. Some working          l A memorial garden             FM                                                                      Taking out the people hours
       Mark took to the stage and                                                                                                                                                camera.                                                              Cook.
                                          barrier.                       conditions have been              has been established in a                                                                               (just over a week), the total
       treated the staff to his version
                                                                         improved, for example             quiet area of the centre        l For all the teams, having an        So, myself and my team got        cost to build this system
       of Suspicious Minds.
                                                                         getting the Gatehouse             with a beautiful oak bench      EPF rep to communicate success        together to improve the           was £20 – we paid £14 for
       l Held a family day with a ride    DOVEGATE                       redecorated, while the            in memory of our dear           stories from other sites has          process by building a fully-      the black paint to match
       in a three-cell vehicle, dog                                      health and safety of                                              helped to motivate and increase       fledged working cabinet.          the other Traka equipment
                                          l Several members of the                                         colleagues who have sadly
       displays and presentations                                        colleagues dealing with mail                                      engagement.                           Initially, the idea of how it     and £6 for the thermostat
                                          EPF have a real passion                                          passed away. This area has
       for each area. This proved a                                      has improved by ensuring                                                                                would work and where it           that activates the fans when
                                          for colleague recognition,                                       been planted with trees         l The biggest success for FM
       popular event which will be                                       PPE was provided. An EPF                                                                                would go came to me while         the cabinet gets above 25°.
                                          forming a committee with a                                       and plants and is open          was the launch of the J&I FM
       repeated annually.                                                member even went out of                                                                                 sitting in my car at traffic      Everything else was from
                                          standardised policy which                                        for all colleagues to visit     EPF in 2018 where the reps from
                                                                         her way to ensure the local                                                                             lights!                           equipment we had onsite.
       l Organised a campaign to          enables all colleagues to be                                     and place flowers. This         all contracts come together
       Bring Your Own Box to stop         recognised for their hard      council filled in the potholes    memorial garden has been        to discuss issues and improve         The next day I spoke to Dave      The cabinet has now been
       the use of polystyrene food        work and ensure the unsung     in the road leading to the        very well received.             engagement and communication          Turner, our very talented         in place since early June last
       containers.                        heroes aren’t missed.          prison.                                                           across the contracts.                 carpenter from Facilities,        year. Colleague feedback is
                                                                                                                                                                                 about some design options,        good, mainly about the ease

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