Shut out: The barriers low-income households face in private renting - June 2017

Page created by Peter Sparks
Shut out: The barriers low-income households face in private renting - June 2017
Shut out:
The barriers low-income households
face in private renting

June 2017

1. Executive Summary

2. Introduction

3. Recommendations

4. What barriers do low-income families face?
    i. Housing market changes
    ii. Affordability and Local Housing Allowance
    iii. Housing benefit administration and the introduction of Universal
    iv. Landlord attitudes towards low-income households
5. Current and potential interventions
    i. Current solutions to solving barriers to PRS access
    ii. Potential solutions

6. Conclusion

                  Shut out: The barriers low-income households face in private renting   2
Executive summary

   “Every day I look at around 15 different estate agent sites online, trying to find
   properties. I find properties that would be suitable but they say no DSS, no
   pets, no smokers, no children. I speak to agents most days trying to plead
   my case and I buy local papers trying to find somewhere to live. But I have
   had no luck at all… God know what is going to happen to me, my son and
   my dog. The whole system is unfair, wrong and seriously needs to change.
   Landlords need to be more understanding with people receiving housing

   Mother of two, 46, former trainer for people with disabilities

A total of 4.5m households now live in              but we don’t know what else we can do’.”
privately rented housing.1 Over the last
20 years, the private rented sector (PRS)         The inability to access a new home after
has seen considerable expansion, and              losing a property in the private rented
has grown to overtake the social rented           sector has become one of the main
sector.2 But the evidence suggests that           drivers of homelessness. Research by
even at a time of significant growth, it has      Shelter shows that 78% of the rise in
become harder for people on low incomes           homelessness since 2011 has been due
to access the PRS. For people who rely            to households losing their previous private
on housing benefit to pay their rent, the         tenancy.3
barriers can be even higher. Many families
find they cannot afford a privately rented        The Government acknowledges that
home, or encounter landlords unwilling to         the rise in homelessness acceptances
let to housing benefit claimants.                 because of the end of an assured
                                                  shorthold tenancy “indicates that
As a result, Shelter’s advisers see               affordability is an increasingly significant
increasing numbers of clients who have            issue, as more households facing the end
run out of options. An adviser at Shelter’s       of a private tenancy are unable to find an
Bournemouth hub described how a family            alternative without assistance”.4
struggled to find a new home when the
landlord decided to sell.                         This briefing sets out the main barriers
                                                  to low-income households accessing
  “The wife was a deputy headmistress,            the PRS. It examines the wider housing
  the husband stayed at home with their           market context, affordability and Local
  four children. The family tried to find other   Housing Allowance rates, the attitudes
  private rented housing but the prices had       private landlords have towards low-
  gone up so much since they had moved            income tenants, and the upfront costs
                                                  and additional hurdles that bar tenants
  into their original place that they were no
                                                  who might have been able to afford
  longer in the sort of situation where it was
                                                  ongoing rents. The briefing examines what
  easy to get together the money upfront,         current schemes are in place to assist
  as well as affording the actual rent. So        people into accommodation, and sets
  things had really changed for them and          out recommendations for change. It is
  they said ‘we never go anywhere for help        based on a review of current literature and

                        Shut out: The barriers low-income households face in private renting     3
interviews with advisers at Shelter advice     Landlord attitudes towards low-
hubs all over England to understand            income households
what is going on in different areas of the
country.                                       There is significant reluctance among
                                               private landlords to let to LHA claimants.
                                               Although a large portion of the private
Major barriers to                              rental market has historically been hostile
accessing private rented                       towards housing benefit claimants, survey
housing                                        data suggests that landlord reluctance has
                                               increased. Welfare reforms, particularly
Housing market changes                         the restrictions on LHA levels, have
                                               contributed towards the reticence of
Housing market shifts, such as the inability   landlords to let to this group. Landlords
of first-time buyers to purchase a home        are also influenced by media depictions
and the shortage of social rented housing,     and other factors such as mortgage and
have led to an increasingly competitive        insurance rules barring letting to housing
private rental market. This competition        benefit claimants.
has seen rents rise and allowed landlords
to be choosier about who they let to.          Upfront costs and guarantors
Consequently, rents that were once
affordable have risen year-on-year, and        The upfront cost of private renting
housing benefit claimants are overlooked       prohibits low-income households from
in favour of professional tenants.             accessing the PRS and means that many
                                               are forced to borrow, starting a tenancy
Affordability and Local Housing                in debt. For households experiencing
Allowance                                      multiple moves, the repeated costs of
                                               fees, deposits and rent in advance can
Government changes to Local Housing            pull them further into debt. Our advice
Allowance5, particularly the four-year         services tell us that private landlords are
freeze on LHA rates, has caused benefit        increasingly asking for guarantors, who
rates to become increasingly misaligned        can be difficult for low-income households
with local rents. Research by Shelter          to secure.
shows that by 2019/20, four fifths (83%)
of England will be unaffordable to LHA         Limits to existing schemes
                                               Specialist PRS access schemes –
Housing benefit administration                 schemes in the statutory and voluntary
and Universal Credit                           sector to help low-income households
                                               access a private rental – have been
Housing benefit administration acts            effective in helping to house some
as a barrier, with potential delays to         applicants.
payments and the setup of rent paid in
arrears clashing with landlord business        However, limited resource means that
models. Wholesale reform of the housing        these schemes are often limited to
benefit system over the last 10 years has      statutory homeless families and are not
exacerbated landlords’ reluctance to let to    widely publicised or available. Such
housing benefit claimants.                     programmes have met barriers, including
                                               the failure of LHA rates to keep up with
The transition from housing benefit to LHA     market rents at the bottom end of the
dissuaded some landlords from renting to       market. This limits the ability of access
low-income households and the current          schemes to source properties that are
changeover to Universal Credit is causing      affordable for their clients, and in turn,
others to introduce blanket policies           reduces landlords’ appetite to participate
against claimants.                             in such schemes.

                       Shut out: The barriers low-income households face in private renting   4
PRS access schemes mostly do not, and          In this briefing, we suggest ways that the
cannot, aim to alter the structural barriers   Government and others could take action
faced by low-income tenants. Instead,          to reform some of these structural barriers,
they aim to help tenants within current        such as recalibrating LHA rates, making
structural constraints, often with financial   ambitious changes to deposit systems,
assistance.                                    and expanding welfare benefit advances.
                                               Combined, this could do more to radically
                                               address the barriers to the PRS faced by
                                               low-income tenants.

                        Shut out: The barriers low-income households face in private renting   5
Why do barriers to the                        accommodation.7

private rented sector                         •Local authorities are unable to use the
matter?                                       PRS to meet their statutory duties to
                                              secure accommodation for homeless
The inaccessible PRS is fuelling increased    families. More than 80% of local
homelessness. Growing numbers of              authorities say they have found it difficult
families are trapped for years in temporary   to help homelessness applicants access
accommodation because local authorities       private rented housing to prevent or
struggle to secure accommodation for          resolve homelessness.8
homeless households. It is leaving many
low-income tenants with no choice but to      •When people on low incomes do manage
accept poor conditions and bad landlords.     to find an affordable private rental, it’s
                                              likely to be at the very lowest end of
•A total of 14,420 households were            the market where standards are lower.
accepted by local authorities as homeless     Our advisers tell us that some families
between October and December 2016,            accept properties in desperation, and are
up by more than 50% since 2009.6 The          forced to endure poor conditions and bad
ending of a private tenancy is now the        landlords.
biggest cause of homelessness, as
families that have lost their home struggle   Low-income tenants are increasingly
to secure a new rental.                       limited to the private sector because
                                              there is no prospect of them getting
•At the same time, tens of thousands          on the housing ladder and there is a
of families are stuck in temporary            shortage of social housing. Therefore,
accommodation, unable to move into            more broadly, increasing the supply of
a settled home. In December 2016,             genuinely affordable housing must be part
nearly 76,000 households were living          of the solution. However, this will take
in temporary accommodation, of which          time and we need to make sure that in the
60,000 were families with children or         meantime, low-income households can
pregnant mothers. This is more than 10%       find somewhere to live. Solutions aimed
more than the year previously, and 58%        at the private rented sector are therefore
more since 2010 when just over 48,000         essential.
households were living in temporary

                       Shut out: The barriers low-income households face in private renting   6
                                                    landlord. Private landlords should have
1. The Government must end the freeze               access to Trusted Landlord Status
    on Local Housing Allowance and                  through a third party intermediary.
    restore rates to the 30th percentile of
    the rental market.                         5. The Government should allow more
                                                  tenants to access advance payments
2. There should be a fundamental review           from their benefits, including Child Tax
   of tenancy deposits. The Government            Credit and Working Tax Credit (and
   should consider examples from                  the equivalent in Universal Credit).
   New South Wales and New Zealand,               Repayments for benefit advances
   in which tenants lodging deposits              should be set at reasonable levels and
   are able to directly manage their              take into account claimants’ ability to
   deposits online. The Government                pay for essential items.
   should consider ways that tenants
   can transfer their deposits from            6. Mortgage lenders should stop barring
   one tenancy other and pay for their            landlords from renting to housing
   deposits in instalments.                       benefit claimants. UK housing
                                                  charities should monitor the use of
3. Employers should take up Shelter’s             legislation in the Republic of Ireland to
   rental deposit loan model to grant             stop landlords barring housing benefit
   employees interest-free loans to help          tenants from their properties.
   them secure a new rented property.
                                               7.   The Government should collect data
4. The Government must take action to               on local authorities’ use of bond/
   ensure Universal Credit does not result          guarantee schemes (or fund non-
   in landlords refusing to let to benefit          government organisations to collect
   claimants. This should include giving            this data) as it is currently unclear
   tenants a choice over whether their              how widespread and accessible these
   housing element is paid direct to their          schemes are.

                        Shut out: The barriers low-income households face in private renting   7
what barriers do low-income
households face?
There are a number of barriers stopping                          shortfalls in housing benefit to make
people from finding a home in the private                        landlords less willing to house LHA
rented sector and some of them interact                          claimants. Even if a household could find
to compound difficulties for low-income                          somewhere they can afford to rent, the
households. The changes in the housing                           large upfront costs involved in private
market, which have increased demand                              renting, including deposits and letting
in recent years, have interacted with the                        fees, makes the hurdles even higher.

  Locked out            High demand         LHA rates          Benefit              Prejudice             Extra
                                                            administration                              assurance

   More low income       High demand        LHA shortfalls     Universal credit     Pre-existing        Landlords will
 tenants aree finding   means landlords   decrease landlords’    and delays       prejudice against   only let to tenants
  it harder to access   can be choosier   appetite to rent to harden attitudes       low income       with high deposits
     private renting      about their        low income          against low          households       and guarantors
                            tenants          households       income housholds

Housing market changes                                           low income households must now find a
                                                                 private tenancy.
High house prices and loss of
social housing has increased                                     Shortages in available social housing also
demand in the PRS                                                mean that a large group of households on
                                                                 low incomes, who would have previously
House prices have continued to increase,                         been served by the social rented sector,
rising by 6.2% in the year to January                            must now find a private tenancy.
2017.9 Bank of England analysts found
that the primary driver of demand for                            Increased demand facilitates
private rented housing between 2008                              higher rents and choosier
and 2013 was the inability of people to                          landlords
borrow enough to buy a home.10 Tighter
credit conditions for first time buyers far                      Increased competition for private rentals
surpassed demographic change and                                 means landlords and letting agents can be
migration as creators of demand for the                          more discerning about who their tenants
private rented sector.11                                         are. A study of private landlords in South
                                                                 London found that “young professionals”
Meanwhile, the availability of social                            were considered the most desirable
housing has declined for a number of                             tenants because they were likely to
reasons, including the Right to Buy,                             need shorter term lets (allowing a higher
successive government’s inadequate                               turnover for new lettings and the ability to
funding for new supply and developers’                           increase rents) and were seen as “good
ability to negotiate down their affordable                       tenants”.13 The study predicted that the
housing contributions. Social housing                            segment of landlords catering to low-
lettings to new tenants in England                               income people would decline sharply over
declined from 364,000 per year to 212,000                        time as they turn to wealthier tenants.
per year between 1995/6 to 2014/15.12
This means that an increasing number of                          An adviser at Shelter’s London hub

                                 Shut out: The barriers low-income households face in private renting                       8
described the difficulty of having to “pitch”            time. Now it’s reversed, for the sort of
their clients to private landlords over and              property I let, the tenants will now get
above professional tenants.                              around £590 a month and I could let that
                                                         property out tomorrow for £650 at least.”14
  “Once you move outside of social housing
  where allocations take into account                Our London service also reported
  vulnerability, in the private rented sector,       increased incidents of “rental guzumping”,
  it’s just who is most likely to pay their rent     where a tenant who has already agreed a
  on time, who is the least business risk.”          tenancy with a landlord is “gazumped” by
                                                     another tenant who offers to pay more.
Our Greater Manchester advice service
told us that the city’s economic growth                  “We are hearing about rental gazumping
and increased attraction for wealthier                   around once a month. This is where a
tenants were making access harder for                    prospective tenant has had an agreement
low-income households.                                   the landlord, but someone else further
                                                         down the queue later that day or that
  “Because Manchester is becoming very                   week says they would be willing to pay
  quickly the second city, it’s becoming a               more than the advertised amount. The
  bit more like London, it’s pushing people              property goes to that tenant instead.”
  out of the centre… we are seeing demand
  rising for property and landlords are              Increased competition has also allowed
  capitalising on that. When 10 people want          landlords to raise rents. Consequently,
  a landlord’s property, they can practically        rents that were once affordable within
  name their price.”                                 the LHA rate have increased above it as
                                                     demand has risen.
In 2013, the DWP found that landlords
were not as reliant on the housing benefit           At the cheapest quartile of the market,
market as they had been in the past.                 rents for a one-bedroom property in
One large landlord and letting agent in              England rose on average by 2% every year
Portsmouth reported:                                 between 2011/12 and 2015/16. London
                                                     saw some of biggest rent increases,
  “It was all very stable like that for a long       with the cheapest average rents rising
Figure 1: Average monthly rents in the lowest quartile of the private rented
market in England18

          Lowest quartile rents (£) 2011/2012          Lowest quartile rents (£) 2015/2016


                                               475 495

       R oom in           1 B e d room      2 B e d room       3 B e d room      4 B e d room
   s h a r ed h o u s e    p r o p er t y    p r o p er t y     p r o p er t y    p r o p er t y

                            Shut out: The barriers low-income households face in private renting       9
on average by 6% a year for both one            Changes to housing benefit in
and two bedroom properties. In Bristol,         the PRS
average rents at the lowest end of the
market have also risen 6% a year for one-       Over the last 25 years, the welfare system
beds and for two-beds. In Luton, one-           used to support low-income tenants has
beds and two-bed rents have increased by        gone through a series of changes:
5% annually.15
                                                •The 1990s saw the introduction of
Nationwide, the increase in rents is            restrictions on eligible rents if the rent was
starkest for rooms in shared houses, with       more expensive than the mid-range of
rents increasing by nearly 4% annually          local properties.
over the time period. In London, rents
for rooms in shared houses saw annual           •In 2008, LHA was introduced to calculate
increases of 7%.16 A review by the Smith        housing benefit in the PRS. This provided
Institute recorded a council officer who        a fixed allowance based on location and
said that rooms in the PRS that were            family size. It paid tenants directly (rather
previously used to meet housing need            than to the landlord) a fixed rate, based on
were now let out to professional young          the median of the local market.
people who are able to pay higher rents.17
                                                •In 2011, LHA payments were restricted
                                                to the 30th percentile of the market and
Affordability and Local                         national ‘caps’ were introduced for LHA
Housing Allowance                               rates in accordance with the bedroom size
                                                of the property (e.g. £302.33 a week for a
Housing affordability is a measure of
                                                2-bedroom property).
whether or not someone can comfortably
pay for their housing on their income. An
                                                •In 2012, the Shared Accommodation
accepted rule of thumb to gauge whether
                                                Rate (SAR)19 was extended from people
housing is affordable is 30% or less of
                                                aged under 25 to people aged under 35.
income spent on housing costs. A more
nuanced version of affordability is whether
                                                •Since 2013, Universal Credit, which
or not people have enough of their income
                                                combines six working-age benefits
left over after paying housing costs to
                                                including LHA) has been rolling out across
meet their other needs. Changes to LHA
                                                the country. There are more than half a
have reduced tenants’ income, worsening
                                                million (520,000) households claiming
                                                Universal Credit – the Government does
                                                not give statistics on what proportion of
An adviser in Shelter’s Manchester hub
                                                these are in the PRS.
                                                •In 2016, LHA rates were frozen at
  “The LHA rate doesn’t cover the rent.         2015/2016 levels for four years.
  Most regularly, there is a shortfall they
  need to pay from their other benefits.”       The impact of the LHA changes
An adviser in Shelter’s Sheffield hub           Recent reform to LHA has deliberately
added:                                          limited claimants’ entitlements and as a
                                                result widened the shortfall between the
  “We’ve got a significant number of            rents charged by landlords at the bottom
  people reliant on benefits and they are       of the market and the amount of LHA that
  really struggling to access the PRS…          tenants can receive. Analysis by Shelter
                                                found that people face large shortfalls
  even if you can get a tenancy, there will
                                                between what their LHA rate will pay and
  sometimes be a shortfall in your benefits
                                                their rent right now. In 2017/18, in one
  and you’ll have to top up, but you won’t      in four areas of England (25%), a family
  be able to do that.”                          with one or two children living in a two-
                                                bedroom property must find an extra £100

                         Shut out: The barriers low-income households face in private renting    10
a month or more to make up the shortfall        •In 269 (83%) of areas there will be a gap
in their rent.20                                between LHA rates and the cheapest rents
                                                in England.
Families living in London face the greatest
shortfalls in the country, but this problem     •In 184 areas (56%) there will be a gap of
is not limited to the capital. In Cambridge,    more than £50 a month between LHA and
for example, the same family would be           private rents at the bottom quarter of the
expected to pay an additional £531.17 a         market.
month to top up their LHA in order to pay
the rent for one of the cheapest homes in       •In 117 areas (36%) there will be a gap of
the area. In Bristol, this family would face    more than a £100 a month.
a shortfall of nearly £217.51 a month.21
                                                •In 51 areas (16%) there will be a gap of
The LHA freeze will worsen existing             more than a £200 a month.
affordability pressures. Shelter has carried
out research to assess how deep these           •In 16 areas (5%) there will be a gap of
shortfalls will be by 2019/20 for a family in   more than £500 a month between LHA
need of a two-bedroom home.                     and private rents at the bottom quarter of
                                                the market.22
The analysis suggests that:

Figure 2: Areas in England where by 2019/20 there will be a shortfall between
two-bedroom LHA level and rents at the lowest quartile of the market23

•Further analysis looking at the whole          An advisor at our Merseyside advice hub
of Great Britain (England, Wales and            told us that where the PRS remained
Scotland) reveals that 1,069,517                affordable, it tended to be of far lower
households live in an area where there will     quality:
be a shortfall between the amount of LHA
they can claim, and the cost of renting           “There’s a bit of a subgroup of tenants of
one of the cheapest homes by 2020. Once           landlords who own multiple properties,
these households’ tenancies end, they             usually shared HMOs, where the tenant
may struggle to find a new one, and be            will literally go from one place to the next
put at risk of homelessness.24                    in the same landlord’s accommodations.

                        Shut out: The barriers low-income households face in private renting     11
“There’s never any tenancy agreement it’s       tax benefit. Each of these have impacted
  all a bit cash in hand, under the radar stuff   households’ ability to find a new private
  and we’ve had clients that have moved           rental by restricting how much money they
  three or four times, it’s all a bit odd.”       are eligible for.

The impact on younger people                      In particular, the benefit cap means
                                                  that families affected by the cap are
Most single, childless people under the           immediately excluded from many larger
age of 35 are only able to claim enough           properties or expensive locations. Under
LHA to cover the rent for a room in a             the original £26,000 cap, the effect was
shared house (the Shared Accommodation            minimal in places outside London. But
Rate, “SAR”). This means that the                 under the reduced £20,000 cap (£23,000
shortfall is particularly hard to meet for        in London), many more families will be
younger people. In many areas, people             restricted to a much smaller pool of
are often only eligible for a very small          affordable properties.
amount of benefit and their problems are
compounded by a lack of shared housing.           Previously, families living in two bedroom
In Warrington, for example, a single person       properties were not hit by the cap in any
would be eligible for just £212.35 per            area outside of London. Under the new
month (£49.55 per week). This means they          cap, such families with two young children
would have to find an additional £233.05          sharing a room in need of a two-bedroom
a month to cover the shortfall between            property are subject to the benefit cap
their LHA and the rent. In Oxford, under          in over half of areas in England. These
35s would have to find an extra £219.28           include all areas of London and large
a month to pay for a room.25 Often, the           cities, such as Bristol, Manchester, Leeds
only other benefit available for people to        and Birmingham; large towns, such as
dip into is their Jobseekers Allowance            Luton, Northampton, Plymouth and
(or the equivalent Standard Allowance in          Gloucester; and rural areas, such as Yeovil
Universal Credit.)                                and South Devon.26

Our Birmingham and Manchester services            Lack of negotiating power
highlighted the particular impact on under
35s.                                              LHA was introduced to encourage private
                                                  tenants to ‘shop around’ to find a lower
  “The low level of LHA rates mean that           rent. However, early evaluations of LHA
                                                  suggested this objective was not being
  a lot of people are excluded from parts
                                                  met. Later evidence suggests that tenants
  of the city. Single, under 35s struggle
                                                  lack negotiating power to lower rents
  because the LHA rate is £57 [a week].           and are frequently unable to find more
  There are very few places you’re going to       affordable options. The DWP’s 2014
  get for 57 quid.”                               evaluation of the LHA reforms showed
                                                  that in 2013, the majority of claimants
  “Single people just under 35 really             were unable to find long-term ways to
  struggle. It does begin to bite and it          reduce their rent. Just 16% of tenants had
  forces them to the bottom end of the            spoken to their landlord about lowering
  market where there are more rogue               the rent charged and only 12% of movers
  landlords.”                                     and 6% of non-movers had managed to
                                                  persuade the landlord to lower the rent.
The impact of other welfare                       Instead, tenants were spending less on
reforms                                           household essentials, which is likely to be
                                                  unsustainable in the long run.27
The effect of the LHA reforms cannot be
seen in isolation. Since 2010, previous           Targeted Affordability Funding
governments have enacted widespread               and Discretionary Housing
changes to the welfare system, including          Payments
the household benefit cap, the freeze on
other working age benefits, the restriction       MPs and peers have repeatedly
of child tax credits to the first two children,   confronted ministers on the shortfall
the abolition of the social fund and council      between LHA rates and local rents in

                         Shut out: The barriers low-income households face in private renting   12
Parliament.28 Ministers’ responses have        processing add tension to the relationship
been to highlight two schemes to mitigate      between the tenant and their landlord,
the LHA freeze: Discretionary Housing          reduce tenants’ bargaining power if they
Payments (DHPs) and the Targeted               are in arrears, and make it more difficult
Affordability Fund, which allows LHA rates     for tenants to ask their landlord to lower
to rise by up to 3% in the areas with the      their rent.31
largest shortfalls between rates and rents.
                                               Evidence has previously found that
However, both of these mitigations are         landlords have to accept non-standard
inadequate in addressing the shortage          practices when letting to the housing
of affordable properties in the PRS for        benefit market.32 This includes having
households that claim LHA. DHPs are by         to wait for housing benefit applications
their nature discretionary and tenants are     to be processed, with delays sometimes
therefore unable to rely on them. Shelter      taking weeks, rent being paid in arrears
clients have reported difficulties accessing   when normally advance payment would
DHP and in many cases, councils are            be required, and benefit payments being
failing to acknowledge requests. Our           made four-weekly, rather than by the
figures show that four in 10 clients (40%)     usual calendar month. A subgroup of
were waiting between a fortnight and four      landlords has evolved to adapt their
weeks for a response, while 15% were           business models to reflect these changes
waiting for more than four weeks.29            and specifically let to the housing benefit
The Government has recycled 30% of
the savings from the LHA freeze to use         While these problems were present
as Targeted Affordability Funding (TAF).       prior to the 2000s, housing benefit did
While TAF is welcome, it is clearly not        not present an insurmountable barrier
enough to mitigate the large shortfalls        to all landlords. Principally, once the
faced by households. Shelter’s research        claim was set up, rental income was
into the current gap between LHA and           guaranteed, with tenants able to request
local rents takes into account this year’s     that payments were made direct into
TAF distribution. Therefore, even with         their landlord’s bank account. Prior to
the mitigation of the TAF, in 2017/18,         the 2008 LHA reforms, the proportion of
households face a shortfall in 79% of          tenants choosing payments to be made
the country. Indeed, the method for            direct to the landlord ranged between
distributing TAF highlights its inadequacy:    20% and 60% throughout the country.34
in 2017/18, only areas where LHA rates         A Government review concluded: “For
matched less than 5% of the local              private landlords, although less tolerant
market qualified for TAF – this means          [than social landlords] of arrears, direct
that areas where 95% of the market was         payment to themselves offsets their
unaffordable did not qualify.30                general preference of not letting to tenants
                                               in receipt of [housing benefit].”35
Housing benefit
                                               The 2008 LHA reforms changed this to
administration and the                         only permit the payment of benefit to
introduction of Universal                      landlords for vulnerable tenants and those
Credit                                         in arrears of eight weeks or more. This
                                               greatly reduced the incentive to let to LHA
                                               claimants. A Government-commissioned
                                               review in 2010 found that private
There is evidence that difficulties in         landlords and local authorities agreed
administration and delays to payments          that the introduction of direct payments
under both locally-administered LHA and        had resulted in an increase in arrears.
nationally-administered Universal Credit       Landlords reported that ‘model’ tenants
are a barrier to accessing a private rental.   had become non-payers overnight. As a
                                               result, landlords spent a lot more time and
Housing benefit maladministration and          effort trying to secure rental payments.
delays to benefit payments have long-          Many landlords tried to mitigate the risk
presented a barrier to the PRS for tenants.    of arrears by barring LHA claimants. In
Studies have shown that delays to benefit      some areas dominated by the housing

                        Shut out: The barriers low-income households face in private renting   13
benefit market, landlords felt they were             claimants.
left with little choice but to sell up in the
area, restricting supply. Other landlords            Universal Credit contains some safety
increased requests for guarantors or                 mechanisms to protect landlords against
operated informal lists of blacklisted               rent arrears. Managed payments to
tenants.37                                           landlords and Alternative Payment
                                                     Arrangements (APAs) are available to
Universal Credit                                     provide assistance to Universal Credit
                                                     claimants who have difficulty budgeting on
Universal Credit was intended to normalise           a monthly basis. This allows the housing
benefit-receipt and reduce landlord                  cost element to be paid direct to the
discrimination.38 However, evidence                  landlord instead of the tenant. Government
instead suggests that Universal Credit has           guidance states that APAs should be
itself become a new barrier for claimants            available from the beginning of a claim, if
wanting to access the PRS.                           necessary, particularly where a tenant is
                                                     likely to struggle to pay their rent from their
Our Sheffield service described seeing               monthly UC payment which might lead
large numbers of people who were                     to homelessness. Being in temporary or
experiencing difficulties with their                 supported accommodation, or homeless,
Universal Credit claim.                              is a ‘tier-one factor’ causing a highly likely/
                                                     probable need for an APA.39
  “We are seeing people on Universal
  Credit all the time who are really                 However, research suggests that a lack
  struggling to get by because their claim           of knowledge is making it difficult for
  is utterly messed up. They didn’t get the          tenants to secure an APA without first
  money when they thought they were                  accruing arrears.40 Further arrears are
  going to get it or it’s not right or when it all   often accrued while an application for an
  comes in one big lump sum they are very            APA is being processed, putting tenants at
  confused about who they pay what to.”              further risk of eviction and homelessness.
                                                     Local authorities have also reported errors
Other advisers also report landlords                 in the processing of APAs, including
operating blanket bans on Universal Credit           applications disappearing, notifications
claimants.                                           arriving inconsistently and rejections often
                                                     containing no reasons.41
This was a problem reported by our
service in the East of England:                      Trusted Partner Pilots
                                                     Social landlords have been working with
  “In Great Yarmouth particularly, because           the DWP on a scheme to make it easier
  single people have moved onto Universal            for tenants to transfer to an APA before
  Credit, landlords are pulling out of the           they are in arrears. Transferring onto an
  market and it’s likely to be an issue across       APA means that that the payment of
  the county. Landlords have been in touch           the housing cost element can be paid
  with us but there’s little we can do… they         direct to the landlord. Under the ‘Trusted
  are not renewing tenancies and while               Partner Status’ pilot, landlords will be
  previously private landlords would work            able to identify vulnerable tenants who
  with the council to place more difficult           may struggle to cope with having rent
                                                     paid direct to them, and recommend an
  individuals into accommodation, that
                                                     APA. Applying APAs before tenants are in
  market has completely changed with the
                                                     arrears would prevent the threat of eviction
  introduction of Universal Credit.”                 and homelessness.
Our Bournemouth service reports a large              The ‘Trusted Partner’ pilots are, to date,
local private landlord on the South Coast,           only available to social landlords. But the
which is a major provider of housing to              problems with Universal Credit continue
LHA claimants, has said it will no longer            for private landlords too. Private landlords
take anyone on Universal Credit, and                 have reported difficulties attempting to
landlord associations have warned that               secure APAs for their tenants.42
their members are reluctant to take on UC

                          Shut out: The barriers low-income households face in private renting         14
Upfront costs and                                Holding deposits
guarantors                                       Many landlords require holding deposits,
                                                 often in cash, to take a property off the
                                                 market until the tenancy is signed or
                                                 the tenant moves in. Tenants are likely
The upfront costs of renting – rental
                                                 to lose this money if they pull out of an
deposits, letting agency fees and rent
                                                 agreement or fail a reference check. As
in advance – can prohibit low-income
                                                 holding deposits are not covered by the
households from securing a new property.
                                                 Deposit Protection Scheme and are often
Some tenants also face other upfront
                                                 handed over at speed to secure a letting,
barriers, such as requests for guarantors.
                                                 they are particularly susceptible to fraud.
                                                 There have been reports of unscrupulous
The previous government recognised the
                                                 agents taking multiple holding deposits
need to remove some of these upfront
                                                 from prospective tenants with no intention
costs, announcing in the 2016 Autumn
                                                 of renting out the property.45
Statement that it would ban letting fees for
tenants. It is also consulting on proposals
                                                 The previous government was proposing
to cap deposits and to enable tenants to
                                                 to permit agents to continue charging
pay their deposit in instalments over the
                                                 holding deposits on the basis that tenants
first few months of their tenancy.
                                                 could speculate on multiple properties,
                                                 leading to unnecessary and costly work
The existence of upfront costs                   for agents and landlords. However, it was
in the PRS                                       proposing to cap these deposits.46
In 2015, more than half (55%) of private
tenants were asked to pay rent in                How are upfront costs a barrier
advance, while 42% had to pay a deposit          to low-income tenants?
and 42% a letting agent fee. More than
                                                 The most common ways that tenants
a quarter (28%) had to pay a fee for
                                                 pay for upfront costs is from their current
credit checks.43 Low income tenants may
                                                 account and from savings. A total of 40%
be liable for the largest costs: Shelter’s
                                                 of renters who had moved said they had
private landlord survey found that two-
                                                 financed upfront costs from their current
thirds (61%) of private landlords who rent
                                                 account, over a third (35%) dipped into
to housing benefit claimants ask for one
                                                 their savings.47 However, borrowing is
month’s rent in advance, compared with
                                                 more common than average among
49% who do not have tenants on housing
                                                 families, female renters, younger renters,
                                                 and those receiving housing benefit.48
                                                 Shelter’s private tenant survey found
Not all landlords require upfront costs
                                                 “a clear association” between tenants
and some will waive deposits and credit
                                                 that did not move voluntarily and having
checks. However, an adviser at Shelter’s
                                                 to borrow to fund the move. This risks
Lancashire hub said this accommodation
                                                 leading families into unsustainable debt.
often tended to be in poor condition:
                                                 An adviser at our Sheffield hub reported
  “We do have some private landlords who         that some clients got into debt as a result
  are slightly more accessible and they          of upfront costs:
  might accept a small deposit and don’t
  require credit checks. We sometimes              “The demands of deposits/bonds, credit
  find it easier to access accommodation           checks, fees: our clients just haven’t got
  via that method. But a lot of the time, the      them and they get into debt.”
  accommodation that’s offered is not a flat
  or a house, it’s bedsit accommodation.         If low-income households do not have
  And even if it is a house or a flat,           immediate funds and are unable to
  unfortunately the conditions aren’t always     borrow, they may be prevented from
  that fantastic. In a lot of cases that seems   securing a new property. Shelter’s private
  to be the common trend.”                       tenant survey shows that LHA tenants
                                                 are more likely than other tenants to
                                                 be unable to access the PRS for this

                        Shut out: The barriers low-income households face in private renting    15
reason. Of the tenants who do not receive       Guarantors agree to be legally liable for
housing benefit, 3% have been refused           rent arrears and as such are attractive to
or prevented from moving into private           landlords looking to minimise their own
accommodation because they cannot               risks. People acting as guarantors have
afford the deposit or rent in advance. This     to meet certain criteria, normally earnings
figure rises to 10% for those claiming          and sometimes home-ownership.
housing benefit. Research by Crisis further
suggests that homeless people struggle          For example, an advisor at Shelter’s
to meet landlords’ requests for additional      Bristol hub reported that some landlords
financial safeguards and are consequently       had guarantor requirements for younger
unable to find anywhere to live.49              families.

An adviser at Shelter’s London hub                 “Another thing we have come across
identified a substantial group of tenants          with some landlords is that if they are a
that may just be able to afford on-going           younger family – so under 35 – they have
rent but are unable to overcome the                wanted some kind of guarantor. So that
hurdle of a deposit or one-month’s rent in
                                                   can be a barrier, particularly if people
                                                   don’t the family or friend connections to
                                                   find a guarantor.”
  “For an increasing number of our clients
  it is the first month’s rent and deposit
                                                Our research shows that landlords are
  and the fees [that is the main barrier]       more likely to require a guarantor from
  … Sometimes because the landlord              tenants who are claiming LHA. Of the
  has retained their deposit, sometimes         landlords that do not have tenants on
  because an issue over the deposit is          LHA, 16% ask for a guarantor. This rises to
  unresolved, or because they have gone         24% of those who have tenants on LHA.
  down to zero trying to retain their last      In 2013, a DWP survey looking into the
  property. People don’t just [leave their      consequences of the LHA reforms found
  home] when they start getting behind          that landlords were using “stricter vetting
  on their rent. They usually wait until they   practices”. “Where the receipt of money
  are in a couple of grand’s worth of debt.     upfront was no longer sufficient, landlords
                                                were using checks and guarantors”, the
  They’ve often tapped out a few credit
                                                study found.51
  cards thinking they can turn it around.”
                                                An adviser at our Dorset hub told us that
An adviser at our East of England hub           requirements for guarantors earning 36
highlighted the barrier of upfront costs for    times the monthly rent was routine:
people without any savings or very low
                                                   “Guarantors are a massive issue [the
                                                   requirement to have a guarantor earning]
  “It’s deposits, two month’s rent in
                                                   36 times the monthly rent seems quite
  advance, agency fees… it’s an enormous
                                                   normal. For example, there’s one agent
  lump of money that you need to secure
                                                   that says if housing benefit covers the full
  accommodation, and in some cases,
                                                   rent they do not need a guarantor, but if
  people just have nothing.”
                                                   there is any top up required they need
This suggests that there is a gap                  a UK homeowner earning 36 times the
in housing benefit policy; while the               monthly rent.”
entitlement is focused on people’s
ongoing rental liability, it does not           The ability to find someone who earns
recognise the additional costs of setting       enough to act as a guarantor is restricted
up a tenancy.                                   for people on low incomes and those
                                                who are homeless. Our survey of private
Guarantors                                      tenants found that of those tenants not
                                                in receipt of housing benefit, 2% were
An emerging trend has been for landlords        refused or prevented from accessing
to ask for guarantors from housing              private accommodation because they
benefit claimants as additional security.       could not obtain a guarantor. This

                         Shut out: The barriers low-income households face in private renting     16
increased to 8% for tenants on housing         high that households are discouraged
benefit.52                                     from taking them out. Budgeting loans
                                               are available for people who have
Our research found that homeless               claimed Income Support, income-based
households’ friends and family were            Jobseeker’s Allowance, income-related
also often living on low incomes, so the       Employment and Support Allowance or
informal support they were able to draw        pension credit for the last six months.
on to produce a guarantor, or borrow           Universal Credit claimants can claim a
money for a deposit to access a private        Budgeting Advance if their earnings are
rental, was limited.53 This research also      below £3,600 in the last six months for a
found that those who became homeless           couple or £2,600 for a single person.
quickly were less likely to be able to plan
for the move, gather savings or arrange for    The Government does not publish
someone to act as a guarantor.54               figures on how many people claim these
                                               advances, so we do not know how
Assistance with upfront costs                  frequently they are used. The very low
                                               earnings threshold means that only the
Discretionary Housing Payments are             very poorest claimants can receive these
available for those who need help with         loans, so many claimants are locked out
upfront moving costs, including deposits.      of claiming an advance. Additionally, the
However, a relatively small proportion         repayment for a UC budgeting advance
of DHP funding is used for this purpose        can be punitive; repayments can be up to
(10%), with the majority spent on keeping      40% of a claimants’ Standard Allowance.
people in their homes.55 DHPs are, by their    This may discourage tenants from
nature, discretionary, meaning tenants         requesting an advance.
cannot rely on them for support, and the
competing demands on DHP mean that
local authorities must ration assistance.54

Households struggling with deposits may        Landlord attitudes
qualify for financial assistance in the form   towards low-income
of deposit bond or guarantee scheme.           households
Responses to a survey by the Association
of Housing Advice Services (AHAS) in           Private landlords’ reluctance to let to
2010 found that nearly 80% of local            people on housing benefit is not a new
authorities offered a deposit guarantee        phenomenon. In 1995, the Joseph
scheme.56 There are no centrally collected     Rowntree Foundation noted that “finding
figures on the use of deposit bond             a landlord who will accept people who are
schemes.                                       on housing benefit or unemployed” was a
                                               problem for prospective tenants.57
Benefit advances
                                               Shelter’s survey of private landlords found
Low-income households, even those              that 63% of landlords would prefer not to
in work, are often unable to access            let to LHA claimants, with 42% operating
borrowing facilities and credit cards. This    an outright bar.58 Further, Shelter’s survey
is why interest-free benefit advances could    of private renters revealed that more than
be effective in helping these tenants pay      a fifth (21%) of those claiming housing
upfront costs such as deposits. They are       benefit said they had been discriminated
also a useful alternative to loan sharks       against because of their LHA status in the
and payday lenders. Payment in advance         last five years.59
is sometimes accepted in the place of
guarantors.                                    An adviser in our Greater Manchester hub
But currently, benefit advances are
restricted to the very lowest income              “There’s are still a lot of private landlords
households, and repayments are so

                        Shut out: The barriers low-income households face in private renting      17
Figure 3: Landlords: What is your policy on letting to housing benefit/LHA

 45%             42%





 10%                                                                                               8%

           I don't let to this   I'd prefer not to let I have no strong   I prefer letting to   Don't know
                group             to this group, but preference for or        this group
                                  occassionally do against letting to
                                                           this group

  that won’t deal with housing benefit                           on housing benefit but now with things
  mostly because of the delays, and                              like the household benefit cap, landlords
  the top ups which they feel they won’t                         know it’s going to get worse and they
  get… Over the last ten years, it’s grown                       are nervous about renting to people on
  massively, that problem. There used to                         benefits because things can change and
  be a level of security in getting someone                      what’s affordable for them one day isn’t

Figure 4: Number of times local authorities in England prevented and relieved
homelessness with an incentive paid to a private landlord60









               2009/10           2010/11     2011/12       2012/13        2013/14       2014/15    2015/16

                                 Shut out: The barriers low-income households face in private renting        18
affordable the next.”                          Shelter’s survey of private landlords found
                                                 that of those who preferred not to let to
An adviser in our Sheffield service              LHA claimants:
highlighted the widespread use of the term
‘no DSS’ in property adverts.                    •29% said this was because of stories
                                                 from the media and other landlords
  “There’s so many adverts for private
  rented that say ‘no DSS’ despite the fact      •21% said it was because they had let to
  that the DSS was scrapped donkey’s             LHA claimants in the past and had bad
  years ago. Especially the big estate           experiences with tenants paying rent
  agents. There are landlords that will
                                                 •14% said their mortgage companies did
  take people on benefits but then the
                                                 not allow it.62
  issue becomes the standard of those
  properties and the kinds of landlords that     Other surveys have suggested landlord
  we’re dealing with.”                           reluctance stems from fears about
                                                 rent arrears and delays in housing
Local authorities have powers to prevent         benefit processing.6364 An advisor at our
and relieve people’s homelessness                Birmingham hub said:
through the PRS. Often, councils use
incentive payments to persuade private              “Where landlords have got the choice
landlords to let to homeless households             across the city in terms of tenants, a lot of
and to persuade them to continue a
                                                    landlords would prefer not to take benefit
                                                    clients… We’re picking up on landlords
Figure 4 shows that the number of                   turning away benefit clients because they
households who had their homelessness               see them as more problematic and also
prevented or relieved with PRS landlord             with Universal Credit coming through,
incentives halved between 2009/10 and               they see that as another encumbrance.”
2015/16. In 2013, Cambridge University’s
Centre for Housing and Planning Research         Research suggests that landlords’
noted the reduction between 2009/10              decisions can be made for reasons other
and 2012/13 and questioned “whether              than risk management.65 These could
PRS access schemes are struggling in             be altruistic or paternalistic reasons.
the current economic circumstances”.61           Some households interviewed said that
Combined with a fall in the number of            landlords were not prepared to enter into
landlords willing to provide temporary           arrangements with tenants that they saw
accommodation to local authorities,              as abusive or bad practices. Examples
this strongly suggests that the PRS is           included landlords not letting to families
becoming less accessible to tenants              if they perceive it would be unsuitable as
on low incomes, even when supported              the home was too small or that it would
by a local authority and that landlords          take too much of their income. This was
who traditionally engaged in the housing         presented as being on the basis that it
benefit submarket are looking elsewhere          would be bad for the children or the family,
for tenants.                                     and they weren’t prepared to put them
                                                 in this situation, or be an ‘exploitative’

Reasons why landlords                            However, survey data also suggests that
are reluctant to let to LHA                      letting decisions may often be guided on
claimants                                        the basis of personal prejudices. Four in
                                                 ten landlords (41%) that do not delegate
Common reasons for prejudice against             fully to a letting agent admit that it is
housing benefit claimants include media          ‘natural for prejudices and stereotypes to
perceptions, bad experiences with                come into letting decisions’. Landlords’
tenants, rent arrears, market competition        own backgrounds can colour their
and mortgage requirements banning the            decisions. For example, landlords who
renting to housing benefit claimants.            have children at home themselves are
                                                 more open with their policies on letting to

                          Shut out: The barriers low-income households face in private renting      19
both children and LHA claimants.67             Banning discrimination against
                                               LHA claimants
Some instances of landlord discrimination
have attracted notoriety, none more            Under the UK Equalities Act, benefit
so than the buy-to-let landlord Fergus         claimant status is not one of the specified
Wilson, who has reportedly banned single       ‘protected characteristics’. However,
mothers, “coloured” people, victims of         groups such as women and disabled
domestic abuse, low income earners             people are often over-represented among
and plumbers from his properties.68 It is      LHA claimants, so it could be argued they
difficult to tell how common Mr Wilson’s       are subject to ‘indirect discrimination’.
practices are in the wider lettings market
– certainly few have chosen to be so           In 2016, the Republic of Ireland introduced
public. However, the fact that four in ten     a new clause in its equalities legislation to
landlords believe it is natural to be guided   specifically prohibit discrimination against
by prejudices and stereotypes suggests         tenants in receipt of housing assistance.
that this behaviour, while extreme, may not    Landlords and estate agents can be fined
be unique.                                     up to €15,000 if they breach the new law.
                                               There have been few publicised cases
Mortgages and insurance                        of fines for those caught flouting the
                                               law. However in March 2017, an estate
A total of 14% of landlords say they prefer    agent was reportedly fined 1,500 euros
not to let to LHA recipients because their     after telling a man “no rent allowance
mortgage or insurance policies stop them       accepted”.71 Charities in Ireland have
from doing so.69 This practice by mortgage     reported emerging instances of “indirect
providers appears to be widespread.            discrimination”, where people in receipt of
Research by 3mc, a mortgage broker, has        housing assistance are not discriminated
found that 66% of lenders in the buy-to-       against outright but landlords have put
let market bar landlords from renting to       additional barriers in place such as extra
tenants in receipt of housing benefit.70       deposits.72
These providers include TSB, Santander,
Virgin and Natwest, according to the           Although it seems like an attractive
research. Insurance premiums can also be       solution, barring landlords from refusing to
higher if landlords decide to let to housing   let to housing benefit tenants does nothing
benefit recipients.                            to address some of the biggest reasons
                                               (LHA rates and benefit administration)
                                               behind landlords’ decisions not to rent
                                               to LHA claimants. However, it would be
                                               helpful to collect information from Ireland
                                               to understand how effective the policy has

                       Shut out: The barriers low-income households face in private renting    20
Current and potential
Current solutions to                          schemes for homeless people. A total of
                                              153 schemes received funding under the
solving barriers to PRS                       programme, and coverage was broad
access                                        across the country.75

The barriers facing low-income                A number of organisations have called for
households have long been recognised          the expansion of ‘social lettings agencies’.
by local authorities and voluntary            These are a type of PRS access scheme:
organisations. Agencies have developed        lettings agencies specifically set up to help
programmes to help such households            low-income and homeless households
overcome barriers.73 Since the early          into the PRS and incentivise landlords to
2000s, local authorities have been            let to people claiming housing benefit.
encouraged to offer a wider range of          The Centre for Social Justice (CSJ) called
housing options to statutory homeless         for a £40m fund to aid the expansion of
households, making greater use of the         social lettings agencies and encourage
PRS to reduce the use of temporary            the introduction of new entrants.76 London
accommodation. Consequently, PRS              Mayor Sadiq Khan pledged to establish
access schemes have increasingly been         a London-wide social lettings agency.77
used to accommodate statutory homeless        The previous government’s Housing White
households, such as families with children,   Paper said ministers would “consider
who might previously have experienced a       whether social lettings agencies can be an
(potentially prolonged) period in temporary   effective tool for securing more housing
accommodation before accessing a social       for households who would otherwise
tenancy.74                                    struggle”.78

Some of the current methods to help low-      Challenges to expanding PRS
income tenants access the PRS are:            access schemes and social
                                              lettings agencies
•Cash rental deposit schemes
                                              One of the biggest challenges to
•Bond or guarantee schemes for rental         expanding PRS access schemes is
deposits                                      landlord reluctance to participate. Shelter’s
                                              private landlord survey shows that a
•Incentive payments to landlords to let to    substantial minority of landlords who
certain groups (e.g. homeless households)     will not rent to housing benefit claimants
                                              are adamant that nothing will change
•Assistance with rent in advance              their mind.79 A review of the PRS in
                                              South London concluded that because
•Social lettings agencies                     of the buoyancy of the local market,
                                              “any landlords willing to set up working
•Landlord and tenant matching schemes         arrangements with the local authority will
                                              be in a minority.”80 The shortfall between
•Support with claiming housing benefit        LHA rates and rents also limits the ability
                                              of PRS access schemes to source
•Tenancy floating support schemes             affordable accommodation for tenants,
                                              and to persuade landlords to let to people
•Private sector leasing schemes               on housing benefit.8182 Additionally, DCLG
                                              funding cuts have resulted in councils
Evidence suggests that such schemes are       rationing local service provision, impacting
relatively extensive, especially in London.   their ability to establish and maintain PRS
Crisis has previously received government     access schemes, particularly for those to
funding to administer the Private Rented      whom no statutory duty is owed.83
Sector Access Development Programme,
which expanded support for access             PRS access schemes, especially social

                       Shut out: The barriers low-income households face in private renting   21
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