Employee Benefit Summary - EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2021 - Montgomery County ...

Page created by Franklin Collins

                    Benefit Summary
                     EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2021

                          MEDICAL,        D E N TA L ,
                          V I S I O N , D RU G , F S A ,
                          LIFE INSURANCE,
                          403(b) & 457(b),
                          AND RETIREMENT

                     Benefits Plan Highlights for 2021
                     ¡¡ There will be no changes to insurance vendors for 2021.
                     ¡¡ The tobacco-user surcharge and attestation will be discontinued.
                     ¡¡ CareFirst and Kaiser Permanente will offer MCPS employees and
                        dependents hearing aid coverage of up to $1,500 per ear every
                        36 months.

Employee and Retiree Service Center ¡ 45 W. Gude Drive, Suite 1200, Rockville, MD 20850
                      301-517-8100 ¡ w ww.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/departments/ersc
Board of Education

                           Mrs. Shebra L. Evans

                           Ms. Brenda Wolff
                           Vice President

                           Ms. Jeanette E. Dixon

                           Dr. Judith R. Docca
                           Mrs. Patricia B. O’Neill
We inspire learning by
providing the greatest     Ms. Karla Silvestre
public education to each
and every student.         Mrs. Rebecca K. Smondrowski

                           Mr. Nicholas W. Asante
MISSION                    Student Member
Every student will have
the academic, creative     Montgomery County
problem solving, and       Public Schools (MCPS)
social emotional skills    Administration
to be successful in        Jack R. Smith, Ph.D.
college and career.        Superintendent of Schools

                           Monifa B. McKnight, Ed.D.
CORE PURPOSE               Deputy Superintendent
Prepare all students to
thrive in their future.    Henry R. Johnson, Jr., Ed.D.
                           Chief of Staff

CORE VALUES                Derek G. Turner
                           Chief of Engagement, Innovation, and Operations
Relationships              Janet S. Wilson, Ph.D.
Respect                    Chief of Teaching, Learning, and Schools

                           850 Hungerford Drive
                           Rockville, Maryland 20850
Montgomery County Public Schools
2021 Employee Benefit Summary for Active Employees
Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) provides a comprehensive benefit plan for employees,
retirees, and their eligible dependents. As an eligible MCPS employee, you have a variety of benefit
options from which to choose, including benefits to protect your health, your income, and your future.
The Employee Benefit Summary provides an overview of the benefits available to eligible active
employees, effective January 1, 2021. This summary includes information about eligibility for MCPS
benefits, a list of benefit costs, opportunities to reduce benefit costs through the Wellness Initiatives
program, and important contact information. It also includes instructions for accessing the online Benefits
Enrollment System (BES) during Open Enrollment, for new employees enrolling in benefits for the first
time, and for employee experiencing a qualifying life event during the plan year.
Keep in mind that this is a summary of the MCPS benefit plan and is intended to help you understand and
properly enroll in the plan. Full benefit plan details are available on the Employee and Retiree Service
Center (ERSC) website at www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/departments/ersc. The website includes
summary plan and evidence of coverage documents, along with links to provider websites.
During Open Enrollment, ERSC staff is available to assist you via email or by telephone Monday–Friday,
from 7:30 a.m.–4:45 p.m. Staff is available throughout the year to assist you via email or by telephone
Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m.–4:15 p.m. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, ERSC is closed for in-
person service until further notice. Our email address and telephone number are below:
Montgomery County Public Schools
Employee and Retiree Service Center
45 West Gude Drive, Suite 1200
Rockville, Maryland 20850

Important Notice
You are not enrolled automatically in the MCPS employee benefit plan. New employees must enroll online within 60 days following
employment or wait for a future Employee Benefits Open Enrollment, typically held for four weeks beginning in early October, with
coverage effective January 1 of the following year. To enroll online, new employees must log in to the Benefits Enrollment System
(BES) by visiting the Employee Self Service (ESS) web page at:
From there, click the Benefits enrollment for new employees link, log in with your Outlook username and password, and follow
the onscreen instructions.
During Open Enrollment, employees visit the ESS web page and click the Open Enrollment link to log in to the BES and make
changes to their benefits. Outside of Open Enrollment, employees who experience a qualifying life event or return from long-term
leave must visit ESS and click the Benefits enrollment/changes due to a qualifying life event link to log in to BES and re-enroll in
or make changes to their benefits.
BES also can be used at any time to designate and change beneficiaries for basic employee term life insurance.
Table of Contents
About Your Benefits ................................................................................................................... 1
Who is Eligible ............................................................................................................................................. 1
     Eligible Dependents .............................................................................................................................. 1
     Disabled Dependents ............................................................................................................................ 1
When Benefits Coverage Begins .................................................................................................................. 2
     Special Rule for 10-Month Employees ................................................................................................. 2
Enrolling New Dependents ........................................................................................................................... 2
Changes in or Cancellation of Coverage....................................................................................................... 3
     Loss of Non-MCPS Coverage .............................................................................................................. 4
Paying for Coverage ..................................................................................................................................... 4
When Benefits Coverage Ends ..................................................................................................................... 4
     Special Rule for 10-month Employees ................................................................................................. 4
Continuation of Benefits (COBRA) .............................................................................................................. 5
Insurance Coverage While on Leave ............................................................................................................ 5
Out-of-Area Coverage .................................................................................................................................. 6
Coordination of Benefits ............................................................................................................................... 6
     Birthday Rule ........................................................................................................................................ 6
Enrollment in Medicare ................................................................................................................................ 6
Enrollment Basics ....................................................................................................................... 8
Using the Online Benefits Enrollment System (BES) .................................................................................. 8
Submitting Supporting Documentation ........................................................................................................ 8
Your Benefits at a Glance .......................................................................................................... 9
Wellness Initiatives ................................................................................................................... 10
Biometric Health Screenings ...................................................................................................................... 10
Health Risk Assessments ............................................................................................................................ 10
Disease Management Program for CareFirst Members .............................................................................. 10
Medical Coverage ..................................................................................................................... 11
Point-of-Service Plan .................................................................................................................................. 11
     CareFirst BlueChoice Advantage POS Plan ....................................................................................... 11
Health Maintenance Organizations ............................................................................................................. 12
     CareFirst BlueChoice HMO ............................................................................................................... 12
     Kaiser Permanente HMO .................................................................................................................... 12
Preventive Care Services ............................................................................................................................ 13
Other Benefit Plan Coverage ................................................................................................... 19
Dental Coverage........................................................................................................................ 19
CareFirst Preferred Dental Plan (PPO) ....................................................................................................... 19
Aetna Dental Maintenance Organization (DMO) ....................................................................................... 20
 Kaiser Permanente Dental Plan................................................................................................................... 20
 Vision Coverage ........................................................................................................................ 22
 Davis Vision Plan ....................................................................................................................................... 22
 Kaiser Vision Plan ...................................................................................................................................... 23
 Prescription Drug Coverage .................................................................................................... 23
 CVS/Caremark Prescription Plan................................................................................................................ 23
 Kaiser Permanente Prescription Plan .......................................................................................................... 27
 Life Insurance............................................................................................................................ 28
 Employee Life Insurance ............................................................................................................................ 28
      Basic Employee Term Life Insurance................................................................................................. 28
      Optional Employee Term Life Insurance............................................................................................ 28
 Dependent Term Life Insurance ................................................................................................................. 29
      Basic Dependent Term Life Insurance .................................................................................................. 29
      Optional Dependent Term Life Insurance .......................................................................................... 29
 Flexible Spending Accounts .................................................................................................... 29
 403(b) Tax Shelter Savings and 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plans .............................. 31
     Applying for Distribution of Funds from 403(b) and/or 457(b) Accounts After Retirement ............. 32
 Well Aware: Employee Wellness Program ............................................................................... 32
 Retirement Benefits .................................................................................................................. 32
 Social Security ............................................................................................................................................ 32
 Pension Plans .............................................................................................................................................. 33
 Postretirement Health Benefits ................................................................................................................... 33
 Employee Benefit Rate Charts ................................................................................................. 34
About Your Benefits                                          Social Security number and
                                                             valid birth certificate or valid birth
WHO IS ELIGIBLE                                               registration and
You are eligible to enroll in the employee                   shared or joint custody agreement (court
benefit plan if you are a permanent MCPS                      validated) up to age 18
employee regularly scheduled to work 20 hours
or more per week. If your spouse has health               Adopted Children, Foster Children, Children in
coverage through the MCPS employee benefit                Guardianship or Custodial Relationships:
plan and you are a covered dependent, you may                Social Security number and one of the
not enroll for coverage as an individual under                following:
the MCPS employee benefit plan.
                                                              o   adoption documents (court validated)
                                                              o   guardianship or custody documents
Eligible Dependents                                               (court validated)
You may choose to cover your eligible dependents              o   foster child documents (county, state, or
under the MCPS employee benefit plan. Eligible                    court validated)
covered dependents must be enrolled in the same
benefits plan in which you are enrolled.                  Disabled Dependents
                                                          Any disabled dependent child remains eligible
Eligible dependents include your—
                                                          for medical and prescription coverage until the
   spouse, and                                           end of the month in which he/she turns 26. A
                                                          disabled dependent remains eligible for dental,
   eligible children who meet the following age          and vision coverage until the end of the month in
    requirements:                                         which he/she turns 24. Disabled dependents
    o     until the end of the month in which they        remain eligible for life insurance coverage until
          turn 26 for medical and prescription            September 30 following his/her 23rd birthday.
          coverage                                        However, your disabled dependent child(ren)’s
    o     until the end of the month in which they        coverage may be continued beyond these age
          turn 24 for dental and vision coverage          limits if—
    o     until September 30 following their 23rd            he or she is permanently incapable of self-
          birthday for life insurance coverage                support because of intellectual disability or
The documentation you submit to show                          physical disability, or he/she became
eligibility of a spouse or child(ren) must include            disabled, and
but is not limited to the following:                         the disability occurred before he or she
Spouse:                                                       reached age 19.
                                                          It is your responsibility to notify MCPS of the
   Social Security number and
                                                          child’s incapacity and dependency to be
   valid marriage certificate or current joint tax       considered for continuous benefits coverage. If
    return (signed by both parties or a copy of           MCPS is not notified prior to—
    the confirmation of electronic submission)
                                                             the dependent’s 26 th birthday, medical and
Newborn or Biological Children:                               prescription benefits will be cancelled;
                                                             the dependent’s 24th birthday, dental and
   Social Security number and
                                                              vision coverage will be cancelled; and
   valid birth certificate or valid birth
                                                                             EMPLOYEE BENEFIT SUMMARY
       September 30 following the dependent’s 23rd          the chart below to see when your coverage
        birthday, life insurance will be cancelled.          would begin:

    Unless otherwise terminated in accordance with
    the plan terms, coverage will continue as long as        If you submit your         Your coverage will
    the disabled child is incapacitated and                  online enrollment:         begin on:
    dependent. You will be asked to provide the plan         On or before January 20    February 1
    administrator with proof that the child’s
                                                             Between January 21 and
    incapacity and dependency existed prior to age                                      March 1
                                                             February 20
    19. Before the plan administrator agrees to the
    extension of coverage, the plan administrator            On February 21             April 1
    may require that a physician chosen by your
    health plan examines the child. The plan
    administrator may ask for ongoing proof that the         Special Rule for 10-Month
    child continues to be disabled. If you do not            Employees
    provide proof that the child’s incapacity and            If you are a 10-month employee reporting at the
    dependency existed prior to age 19, as described         beginning of a school year, your coverage will
    above, coverage for that child will end at the end       begin October 1 if you enroll by September 20.
    of the month in which he/she turns age 26 for            If you enroll from September 21 to October 20,
    medical and prescription coverage, at the end of         your coverage will begin November 1. You must
    the month in which he/she turns age 24 for               enroll within 60 days of initial employment.
    dental and vision coverage, and on September
    30 following his/her 23rd birthday for life              ENROLLING NEW DEPENDENTS
                                                             Your new dependents are not covered or
    If you change your medical plan, you will be             enrolled automatically under the benefit plan—
    required to submit new medical documentation             you must take action to enroll new dependents in
    to the new health plan provider for review.              your plan. You may enroll a new eligible
                                                             dependent in your benefit plan during Open
    Coverage ends if you predecease your disabled
                                                             Enrollment or when you experience a qualifying
    dependent, except as provided under federal
                                                             life event.
    Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation
    Act (COBRA) legislation.                                 Please note that you must enroll your new
                                                             dependent through ERSC, not through the
    WHEN BENEFITS COVERAGE                                   benefit plan provider.
    BEGINS                                                   When you enroll a dependent in your plan,
    New employees must enroll in benefits via the            whether as a new employee, during Open
    online Benefits Enrollment System (BES) within           Enrollment, or due to a qualifying life event, you
    60 days of initial employment or wait until a            are required to use the BES. (See Enrollment
    future Open Enrollment to enroll online. (See            Basics in this booklet for benefits enrollment
    Enrollment Basics in this booklet for benefits           instructions.) You will be required to provide
    enrollment instructions.) Coverage begins on the         supporting documentation.
    first day of the month following the month that
                                                             Refer to the chart below for information about
    you enroll, provided you submit your online
                                                             enrolling an eligible dependent if you experience
    enrollment by the 20th day of the month.
                                                             a qualifying life event. It includes important
    If you enroll online after the 20th day of the           deadlines and documentation you are required to
    month, your benefits coverage begins on the first        submit. Note: All documentation must be
    day of the second month. For example, let’s              translated to English prior to submitting it to
    assume you are hired on December 23. Refer to            ERSC.

Qualifying Life Event              Forms Required                               Deadline to Add
Newborn/adopted child              Social Security number*                      60 days from the date of birth or adoption
                                   Birth certificate/registration* or
                                   Legal court documentation
Legal guardianship/custody         Social Security number*                      60 days from the court award of legal
                                   Legal court documentation                    guardianship

Spouse                             Social Security number                       60 days from the date of marriage
                                   Marriage certificate
Loss/gain of coverage              Insurance cancellation form or               60 days from the date of loss/gain of
                                   COBRA notice                                 coverage

* If you cannot provide a Social Security number and a birth certificate or birth registration within the 60-
  day time frame, you may enroll your newborn with evidence that you have applied for a social security
  number and a birth certificate or birth registration. You must provide the social security number and birth
  certificate or birth registration to ERSC upon receipt. Failure to provide this information in a timely
  manner will result in termination of coverage.

Coverage for your newborn/newly adopted                          work event. Qualifying life or work events
dependent child(ren) will be retroactive to the                  include:
date of birth, adoption, or legal guardianship
when forms are submitted within the 60-day                             Marriage/divorce
time frame.                                                            Birth of child; adoption or legal
If ERSC receives all required documentation by                          guardianship
the 20th of the month, coverage for your new                           Death
dependent will begin on the first day of the
following month. If ERSC receives the forms                            Aging off plan
and necessary documents after the 20th of the                          Change of work status (e.g., you are a .4
month, coverage for your new dependent will                             paraeducator, not benefits eligible, and your
start on the first day of the second month.                             hours increase to .6—you now are benefits
If you do not enroll your new dependent within                          eligible)
the 60-day time frame listed above, you must                           Loss of non-MCPS coverage
wait until a future Open Enrollment to enroll
him or her using the BES.                                        Changes due to qualifying life or work events
                                                                 may be made during the plan year, as described
                                                                 in the section Enrolling New Dependents.
OF COVERAGE                                                      You may cancel your coverage at any time, but
                                                                 you may not cancel your dependent’s coverage
In general, you are not permitted to make                        without proof that the dependent has coverage
changes to your benefits plan during the plan                    elsewhere.* Also, while you may add or drop
year. You may make changes to your benefits                      yourself, a spouse, or dependent(s) from your
plan during the annual Open Enrollment held                      benefits plan outside of Open Enrollment due to
each fall.                                                       a qualifying event, you may not make changes to
Certain benefit changes may be made during the                   your benefits plan outside of Open Enrollment.
plan year if you experience a qualifying life or                 This means you may not change insurance plans

                                                                                         EMPLOYEE BENEFIT SUMMARY
    or cancel individual components of your benefit          benefits coverage will be effective the first of
    plan during the plan year.                               the month following your enrollment.
    If you choose to cancel coverage outside of
    Open Enrollment, you must cancel the entire              PAYING FOR COVERAGE
    employee benefit plan—with the exception of              You pay for your health plan coverage with
    life insurance coverage(s).                              premiums deducted from your paycheck on a
    To cancel or change coverage due to a                    pretax basis. Your premiums are deducted
    qualifying life event outside of Open                    before income and payroll taxes are calculated,
    Enrollment, you must visit the Employee Self-            and your deductions are taken in equal amounts.
    Service web page at                                      The detailed cost is shown on your ePaystub.
    www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/departments/er                  Ten-month employees have deductions
    sc/employees/employee-self-service/ and click on             taken from 20 paychecks during the school
    the Benefits enrollment/changes due to a                     year.
    qualifying life event link. You have 60 days
    from the date of the qualifying event to enroll             Twelve-month employees have deductions
    and submit the required supporting                           taken from 26 paychecks.
    documentation to ERSC. You must either                   Refer to the rate chart at the end of this
    upload this information to the BES when you              document for the base health coverage costs for
    enroll or mail it to ERSC.                               2021.
    If ERSC receives all required documentation by
    the 20th of the month, changes to or cancellation        WHEN BENEFITS COVERAGE ENDS
    of your coverage will become effective on the
    first day of the following month. If ERSC                If you terminate employment with MCPS,
    receives the forms after the 20th of the month,          benefits coverage for you and any covered
    changes to your coverage will become effective           dependents ends on the last day of the month
    on the first day of the second month.                    you terminate employment.

    If you do not enroll and provide the necessary           Dependent life insurance coverage for a
    documentation within the 60-day period, you              dependent child automatically ends on
    must wait until a future Open Enrollment to              September 30 following the child’s 23rd
    make any changes using the BES.                          birthday. For dental and vision plans, benefits
                                                             coverage for a dependent child automatically
    Remember: It is your responsibility to                   ends at the end of the month in which he/she
    promptly notify ERSC of any changes to your              turns age 24. For medical and prescription plans,
    personal information (e.g., name or address)             a dependent child’s coverage automatically ends
    or coverage needs.                                       at the end of the month in which he/she turns
                                                             age 26.
    *It is recommended that you notify ERSC
    promptly because removing a dependent could
    change your coverage level and reduce your               Special Rule for 10-month
    cost. You must provide evidence of other                 Employees
    coverage in order to drop a dependent from               If you are a 10-month employee and you
    coverage.                                                terminate employment with MCPS at the end of
                                                             a school year, your coverage continues through
    Loss of Non-MCPS Coverage                                September 30 because you have prepaid for
    You may enroll in an MCPS-provided benefits              benefits through the summer.
    plan during the plan year if you or your benefits-
    eligible dependents lose coverage provided by a
    business or organization other than MCPS. Your

CONTINUATION OF BENEFITS                                 required premium will result in cancellation of
(COBRA                                                   coverage.

If your coverage ends, you and your dependents           Please be advised that if you terminate your
may be eligible to continue coverage as provided         coverage while on leave and, after returning to
under COBRA.                                             work at a later day, wish to re-enroll in benefits,
                                                         you must do so using the BES within 60 days of
You and/or your dependents may become                    returning to active work status. You must re-
eligible for coverage under COBRA if you                 enroll in the same coverage you had prior to
terminate employment or you and/or your                  going on leave. If you marry, have a child, or
dependents become ineligible for coverage                adopt a child while on leave, they may be added
under the MCPS benefits plan. You may                    to your plan when you return from leave via the
continue coverage by paying the full cost of             BES. You will need to provide the appropriate
coverage plus a 2 percent administrative fee for         documentation.
a period legally-mandated by COBRA
regulations (generally 18–36 months).                    In most cases, you cannot continue your
                                                         participation in a flexible spending account
MCPS does not share the cost of COBRA                    (FSA) while on leave. Your FSAs are cancelled
coverage. A COBRA rate chart can be found on             as of the last deduction taken once you are on
the ERSC website. You will receive a qualifying          leave, and you must reenroll within 60 days of
event notice (QEN) from the MCPS third party             returning from leave. You can incur expenses up
administrator.                                           to the date your leave begins and have until
                                                         April 30 following the plan year to submit
INSURANCE COVERAGE WHILE                                 claims for reimbursement.
ON LEAVE                                                 While on an approved leave of absence
If you are on an approved leave of absence, you          protected by the Family and Medical Leave Act
may elect to continue or terminate your coverage         (FMLA), you may choose to re-enroll in an
under the MCPS employee benefit plan.                    FSA. To do so, complete and submit MCPS
Depending on the type and duration of your               Form 450-3, Flexible Spending Account Election
leave of absence, you may be required to pay             to have your FSA contributions direct billed to
either the employee share or the full cost of            you.
coverage. For most unpaid leave categories,
                                                         If you fail to reenroll in the employee benefit
there is not an MCPS subsidy, and you are
                                                         plan within 60 days of returning to active work
responsible for 100 percent of the cost of
                                                         status, you must wait until a future Open
insurance while on leave. More information
                                                         Enrollment. In order to reenroll for basic
regarding leave of absence policies is available
                                                         employee life insurance or optional employee
on the ERSC website at
                                                         and optional dependent life insurance, you and
                                                         your spouse must provide evidence of
                                                         insurability and be approved by MetLife.
You may elect to terminate coverage by
                                                         If you are absent from work without approved
indicating your choice on the appropriate BES
                                                         leave, you still are required to pay health
screen(s). If you wish to continue coverage
                                                         insurance premiums. If in any given pay period
while on leave, no action is required.
                                                         you do not have sufficient funds to cover the
You can continue life insurance coverage                 cost of your insurance premiums, the premiums
without continuing medical, dental, vision, or           will be withheld from your next paycheck. In the
prescription coverage. If you elect to continue          event of a longer unapproved absence from
life insurance coverage, you will be billed by the       work, you will be billed the full cost premium
MCPS Division of Controller. Failure to pay the          rate. Please keep in mind that you could

                                                                           EMPLOYEE BENEFIT SUMMARY
    jeopardize your eligibility to continue health          CareFirst BlueChoice does not have
    insurance coverage if you are absent without            participating doctors or facilities, the plan
    approved leave. For additional information              provides out-of-network benefits.
    about leave of absence policies, visit the ERSC
    website at                                              COORDINATION OF BENEFITS
    sc/employees/leave/                                     If you or one of your dependents is covered by
                                                            more than one insurance plan, there is an order
    OUT-OF-AREA COVERAGE                                    of benefits determination established by the
                                                            National Association of Insurance
    If you are enrolled in the Kaiser Permanente            Commissioners. The primary plan will be the
    Health Maintenance Organization (HMO)                   first to consider the medical services rendered
    medical plan, any eligible dependents that reside       for coverage. Any medical care not covered by
    or attend school outside the service area of the        the primary plan in full will be considered for
    HMO will be covered only for urgent care or             payment by the secondary plan.
    emergency services.
                                                            Your employee plan is your primary coverage
    You are covered anywhere in the world for               over any other plan that covers you as a
    emergency and urgent care with your Kaiser              dependent spouse.
    Permanente plan. If you regularly travel to
    another service area where you will receive             Birthday Rule
    Kaiser Permanente care, you can get a                   If dependent children are enrolled for insurance
    health/medical record number and a kp.org               coverage with both biological parents (one
    account to seamlessly receive care. When                MCPS plan, one non-MCPS plan), the primary
    travelling in an area outside of any Kaiser             insurance plan for the children is determined by
    Permanente service area, you can get care at a          the birthday of the parents.
    MinuteClinic® and you will be charged your
                                                            The plan of the parent with the birthday that
    standard copay or coinsurance. Learn more at
                                                            comes first in the calendar year (month and day
    kp.org/travel. Refer to the HMO summary plan
                                                            only) is primary for the child(ren). This order of
    document for details.
                                                            benefits determination for dependent children is
    If you are enrolled in the CareFirst BlueChoice         known as the birthday rule.
    HMO, any dependent or employee who resides
                                                            All medical plans offered by MCPS use the
    or attends school outside the service area will
                                                            birthday rule for primary insurance plan
    only be covered for urgent care or emergency
                                                            determination. The birthday rule does not apply
    services. You have access to the Away From
                                                            to stepchildren. Primary care for dependent
    Home Care (AFHC) Program that provides
                                                            stepchildren is determined by the courts.
    benefits for participants residing outside of the
    HMO home service area for 90 days or more.
    Some areas of the country do not participate in         ENROLLMENT IN MEDICARE
    the AFHC Program. Members must reapply to
                                                            As an active MCPS employee, if you and/or
    the Program every year. To take advantage of
                                                            your covered dependent(s) are eligible for
    the AFHC Program or to reapply, you should
                                                            Medicare due to age, illness, or disability, you
    contact CareFirst BlueChoice at 1-888-452-6403
                                                            may defer Medicare Part B enrollment without
    for more information and enrollment procedures.
                                                            penalty as long as you are covered by any active
    If you are enrolled in the CareFirst BlueChoice         MCPS medical plan. Deferring Medicare
    Advantage Point of Service (POS), you have              enrollment will save you the cost of additional
    access to both a local and national network of          monthly Medicare Part B premiums while
    doctors and facilities. In the event that you           maintaining your MCPS medical coverage.
    and/or your dependents seek care where                  Enrollment in Medicare Part B will not provide

additional medical coverage beyond what
already is included in all MCPS medical plans.         Enrollment Basics
Therefore, employees typically defer Medicare
Part B enrollment until retirement when deferral
                                                       USING THE BENEFITS ENROLLMENT
no longer is permitted.
                                                       SYSTEM (BES)
If you and/or your qualified dependent(s) defer
                                                       Employees who wish to enroll in or make
Medicare enrollment, you still will be required
                                                       changes to their benefits either when first hired,
to enroll in Medicare Parts A and B when you
                                                       during an annual Employee Benefits Open
retire and no longer are covered by the active
                                                       Enrollment, or when experiencing a qualifying
employee health plan. Enrollment in Medicare
                                                       life event or returning from long-term leave
must coincide with your retirement date and is
                                                       must make their elections using the BES. To
arranged by contacting the Social Security
                                                       access and use the system, visit the Employee
Administration at least three months prior to
                                                       Self-Service (ESS) web page at
your retirement. At the time of your retirement,
you must submit a copy of the Medicare card(s)
to ERSC with your retirement papers.
Conveying this information to ERSC will                If you are a new employee, click on the Benefits
initiate the necessary process to update your          enrollment for new employees link. Those
benefit enrollment and notify the insurance            making changes during Open Enrollment click
carriers.                                              on the Open Enrollment link. Those
                                                       experiencing a qualifying life event click on the
All retirees and dependents covered by any
                                                       Benefits enrollment/changes due to qualifying
MCPS retiree medical plan are required to enroll
                                                       life event link. Then, log in using your Outlook
in Medicare Parts A and B when first eligible to
                                                       username and password and follow the onscreen
remain covered by the MCPS plan. Once
enrolled, Medicare will be your primary
insurance, and the MCPS medical plan provides          The BES allows you to quickly and easily
secondary coverage as a supplement to                  review, update, and confirm your benefit
Medicare.                                              elections; elect a medical or dependent care
                                                       flexible spending account (FSA); and designate
If you and/or your dependent(s) become
                                                       your life insurance beneficiaries. Since it is
Medicare eligible at any time due to end-stage
                                                       online, there are no paper forms to fill out or
renal disease (ESRD), you must notify ERSC at
                                                       send in. You simply make your elections and
                                                       submit them with a series of clicks.
Detailed information about post-retirement
health coverage and Medicare is provided during        SUBMITTING SUPPORTING
the Retirement Informational Sessions offered          DOCUMENTATION
by ERSC and also is included in the Retiree
Benefit Summary, which is available online at          Employees adding a dependent to their benefit
www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/uploadedFiles/             plan—whether during Open Enrollment or due
retiree_benefit_summary_current.pdf.                   to a qualifying life event—must submit the
                                                       necessary supporting documentation to ERSC.
                                                       Supporting documentation may be uploaded
                                                       during the online enrollment process via the
                                                       BES or mailed or delivered in one of the
                                                       following ways:

                                                                         EMPLOYEE BENEFIT SUMMARY
       Email: ERSC@mcpsmd.org
       Mail: 45 W. Gude Drive, Suite 1200,
        Rockville, Maryland 20850
       Pony mail: ERSC at 45 W. Gude Drive
       Fax: 301-279-3651 or 301-279-3642
    If you choose to submit supporting
    documentation via the BES or email, you must
    submit an electronically signed Adobe PDF file.
    When submitting hard copies of supporting
    documentation, please write your name and
    employee identification number in the upper
    right corner of each page.

Your Benefits at a Glance
The chart below is a brief overview of your benefit options for 2021. For more information, refer to the
appropriate section in this benefits summary.
Benefit                                  Your Options
Protecting Your Health
Point-of-Service (POS) Health Plans       CareFirst BlueChoice Advantage (POS)

Health Maintenance Organizations          CareFirst BlueChoice HMO
(HMO) Health Plans                        Kaiser Permanente HMO

Prescription Drug                         CVS Caremark Prescription Drug
                                           (only available to CareFirst BlueChoice plan participants)
                                          Kaiser Permanente Prescription Drug
                                           (only available to Kaiser Permanente plan participants)

Dental                                    CareFirst Preferred Dental Plan (PPO)
                                          Aetna Dental Maintenance Organization (DMO)
                                          Kaiser Permanente Preventive Dental Coverage
                                           (included in medical plan; available only to Kaiser Permanente medical plan
Vision                                    Davis Vision (provided through CareFirst)
                                          Kaiser Permanente Vision Plan
                                           (included in medical plan; available only to Kaiser Permanente medical plan
Wellness Initiatives                      Health Risk Assessments
                                          Biometric Health Screenings
                                          CareFirst disease-management programs for diabetes, high cholesterol,
                                           and hypertension
Protecting Your Income
Flexible Spending Accounts                Medical spending account (up to $2,750/year)
                                          Dependent care account (up to $5,000/year or $2,500/year if filing separately)
Basic Term Life Insurance                MetLife—
                                          Employee (83 percent paid by MCPS)—2 times annual salary
                                          Dependent (paid by MCPS)—$2,000/spouse, $1,000/each eligible dependent
                                           child up to age 23
Optional Life Insurance                  MetLife—
                                          Employee—1 times annual salary (paid by employee)
                                          Dependent—$10,000/spouse or each eligible dependent child (paid by
Protecting Your Future
Defined Contribution Plans               Fidelity—Elect a percentage or flat amount of your salary to contribute to each
403(b) Tax Shelter Savings Plan 457(b)   account, up to annual IRS limits (available at www.netbenefits.com/mcps)
Deferred Compensation Plan
Defined Benefit Pension Plans            By completing the appropriate forms, you are enrolled in state and/or county-
                                         sponsored pension plans.

                                                                                         EMPLOYEE BENEFIT SUMMARY
                                                              Note to CareFirst BlueChoice plan members:
    Wellness Initiatives                                      If your primary care physician completes your
                                                              health screening, he/she must complete and sign a
                                                              CareFirst Health and Wellness Evaluation form.
    To develop a culture of wellness within MCPS,             Instructions for accessing the online form are
    the Wellness Initiatives program was established          available on the Wellness Initiatives for
    as part of the school system’s benefit program.           Employees web page at
    Expanding the efforts of the MCPS employee                www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/departments/er
    wellness program, Well Aware, the program is              sc/employees/benefits/wellness-initiatives.aspx.
    intended to educate employees about their health
    while offering incentives to those who                    Note to Kaiser Permanente plan members:
    participate. Wellness Initiatives is in accordance        You must log in to the Kaiser Permanente website
    with Montgomery County Education                          at www.webmdhealth.com/kp/750/landing to
    Association (MCEA), Service Employees                     confirm your participation in the Wellness
    International Union (SEIU) Local 500, and                 Initiatives program and determine if you must
    Montgomery County Association of                          meet any additional requirements.
    Administrators and Principals (MCAAP)/
    Montgomery County Business and Operations                 HEALTH RISK ASSESSMENTS
    Administrators (MCBOA) contracts.
                                                              Health risk assessments are online surveys that
    Each year, if you are covered by an MCPS-                 ask basic health and lifestyle questions to
    provided medical insurance plan through                   provide you with a baseline of your current
    CareFirst or Kaiser Permanente, you can reduce            health status. If you complete a health risk
    your contributions to your health insurance by            assessment by the deadline, your contribution to
    completing a biometric health screening and/or            your health insurance will be reduced by 1
    an online health risk assessment. You must                percent.
    complete them between the first day of fall
    Open Enrollment and the Friday before the                 Your online health risk assessment must be
    next Open Enrollment begins a year later.                 completed through the medical plan in which
    Once you have completed your biometric health             you are enrolled. If you have not already done
    screening and/or health risk assessment, the              so, you will need to create an online account
    incentive(s) will go into effect January 1 of the         with your medical plan. To set up your account,
    calendar year that follows the deadline.                  visit your medical plan’s website (listed below)
                                                              and complete a simple registration process:
    BIOMETRIC HEALTH SCREENINGS                               •   CareFirst—www.carefirst.com/mcps
    Biometric health screenings monitor for disease           •   Kaiser Permanente—www.kp.org
    and assess risk for future medical problems. By
                                                              MCPS will not receive the results of your
    completing a biometric health screening of your
                                                              biometric health screening or health risk
    blood pressure, blood sugar, body mass index
                                                              assessment. Your health insurance carrier will
    (BMI), and cholesterol, you will be eligible for a
                                                              only indicate whether you have completed your
    1 percent increase in MCPS contributions
                                                              screening and/or assessment. Your personal
    toward your health insurance. This means that
                                                              information is protected by the federal Health
    your contribution to your health insurance will
                                                              Information Portability and Accountability Act.
    be reduced by 1 percent if you complete the
    biometric screenings within the above time
    frame. Your health screening may be completed             DISEASE-MANAGEMENT PROGRAM
    by your primary care physician or at one of your          FOR CAREFIRST MEMBERS
    medical plan’s health screenings sponsored by
                                                              Montgomery County Public Schools employees
    Well Aware.
                                                              who are covered by CareFirst have the option of
participating in a disease-management program                 o   Now with 24/7 member services
to better control and manage their diabetes, high                 support, excluding Thanksgiving,
cholesterol, and/or hypertension (high blood                      Christmas, and some Federal holidays)
pressure). The program includes health coaching
and participation incentives.                             Health Maintenance Organization (HMO)
If you have one or more of these conditions, you
                                                             CareFirst BlueChoice HMO
are eligible to enroll in the program. Your
copayments for diabetic supplies and                          o   Now with 24/7 member services
medications prescribed for these conditions will                  support, excluding Thanksgiving,
be waived after 12 months if you have—                            Christmas, and some Federal holidays)
   maintained your participation in the                     Kaiser Permanente HMO
    program, and
   complied with program requirements by                 POINT-OF-SERVICE PLAN
    using medications prescribed to treat your
                                                          A POS plan combines features of an HMO and
    conditions exactly as your doctor has
                                                          an indemnity plan. You receive care in one of
    instructed without missing any days.
                                                          two ways. There is an in-network HMO-like
To enroll in the program, CareFirst members               component offering a full range of services
with one or more of the above conditions should           provided or authorized by your primary care
do the following:                                         physician or by an in-network specialist. In
                                                          addition, there is an out-of-network component
   Telephone CareFirst Member Services at                similar to traditional indemnity insurance. The
    1-800-545-6199 and ask to enroll in a health          out-of-network benefit provides payment for
    coaching program. You will be connected               treatments received from non-network
    with Healthways, an independent company               physicians or specialists after the coinsurance
    that administers health improvement                   and a yearly deductible are met. You also will be
    services.                                             responsible for any amount above the usual,
   Provide your name, date of birth, and                 customary, and reasonable (UCR) charges
    address to verify your identity.                      determined by the plan.
   Determine a date and time to have your first          The POS plans do not require you to obtain a
    health coaching call.                                 referral to visit a participating in-network
                                                          physician or specialist for medically necessary
   Accept your health coach’s first call and             care.
    discuss your personal goals.
   Participate in follow-up calls, as established        CareFirst BlueChoice Advantage
    by you and your coach.                                POS Plan
                                                          The BlueChoice Advantage POS plan offers in-
                                                          and out-of-network benefits and has the added
Medical Coverage                                          advantage of access to either the local
                                                          BlueChoice network or the national
                                                          BluePreferred (PPO) network.
You may choose one of the following medical
plan options:                                             Benefits of BlueChoice Advantage—
                                                             Access to more than 1 million providers
Point-of-Service (POS) option:
   CareFirst BlueChoice Advantage POS

                                                                            EMPLOYEE BENEFIT SUMMARY
       No Primary Care Physician (PCP) selection           BlueChoice online search function at
        required                                            www.carefirst.com/mcps or by telephoning
                                                            1-800-545-6199. Your PCP will provide medical
       No PCP referral required to see a specialist        care and may refer you to a network specialist,
       Pay copays when you receive care from an            as necessary. However, the plan is an open
        in-network provider                                 access plan, and referrals are not necessary to
                                                            see an in-network specialist. Prior authorization
       Preventive services, including well child           is necessary for certain coverage such as
        visits, annual adult physicals, and routine         laboratory and X-ray services. Each covered
        cancer screenings                                   family member may select a different PCP. You
    When care is rendered in Maryland, D.C., or             must select a PCP prior to your first appointment
    Northern Virginia, use the CareFirst BlueChoice         by contacting CareFirst BlueChoice directly
    network. If outside the service area, use the           online or by phone at 1-800-545-6199.
    BluePreferred network to receive the highest
                                                            Diabetic supplies are covered under the
    level of coverage and pay lower out-of-pocket
                                                            prescription drug benefit administered by
                                                            CVS/Caremark. Specialty care benefits are
    Members seeking care outside the CareFirst              covered as follows:
    service area will lower costs by using national            Chiropractic Manipulation: 20 visits/year,
    BluePreferred providers. You will still have the            $20 copay/visit
    option to seek care outside of the network, but
    will pay a higher out-of-pocket expense if you             Diabetic Education/Training: $20
    do.                                                         copay (benefits are paid at 100 percent of
                                                                the allowed amount)
    If you receive services from a provider outside
    of the BluePreferred network, you will have                Physical, Speech, and Occupational
    to—                                                         Therapy: 30 visits/year, $20 copay/visit
       pay the provider’s actual charge at the time           Away From Home Care (AFHC)*
        you receive care, and
                                                            *AFHC is an out-of-area program that provides
       file a claim for reimbursement.                     benefits for CareFirst BlueChoice plan
                                                            participants residing outside of their home
    HEALTH MAINTENANCE                                      network service area for 90 days or more. Some
    ORGANIZATIONS                                           areas of the country do not participate in AFHC.
                                                            Members must reapply to the program every
    A health maintenance organization (HMO) plan            year. To take advantage of the AFHC program
    offers a full range of services provided by your        or to reapply, members should contact
    PCP or by an in-network specialist. You may             CareFirst BlueChoice at 1-888-452-6403 for
    receive benefits only for medical services and          more information and enrollment procedures.
    supplies received from a network provider,
    except in a true emergency. However, you do             Kaiser Permanente HMO
    not have to meet a deductible before the plan           Kaiser Permanente brings your doctors,
    pays benefits.                                          specialists, pharmacy, labs, X-rays, and medical
                                                            facilities under one plan. There are more than 33
    Refer to the HMO comparison chart outlined              medical centers within the MCPS service area.
    later in this document for further details.             Included are 14 Urgent Care locations, six of
                                                            which are Advanced Urgent Care centers open
    CareFirst BlueChoice HMO                                24/7. You have the choice of more than 1,600
    CareFirst BlueChoice is an individual practice          physicians in 50+ specialties from which to
    HMO where you select a PCP from a list of               choose. You may receive information about
    participating doctors through the CareFirst
locations at www.kp.org/locations or by
telephoning 1-800-777-7902. Medical centers
are staffed by doctors, nurses, and specialists
and offer a wide range of services such as
pharmacy, laboratory, X-ray, ambulatory
surgery, and health education. We encourage
you to select a center and PCP that best meets
your needs when you enroll in the plan. If you
do not choose a center, Kaiser Permanente
automatically will assign a center nearest to your
residence of record. You may change your
doctor anytime.
When scheduling an appointment, be sure to ask
for your PCP. You may call and change your
PCP or medical center location at any time.
Each of your covered family members may
select a center and PCP of their choice. Your
PCP is responsible for coordinating all health
needs including hospital and specialty care if
needed. If you enroll in the Kaiser Permanente
HMO, your prescription drug benefits and
diabetic supplies are provided under this plan.
Kaiser Permanente covers diabetic supplies and
provides certain discount specialty services.
Refer to the HMO comparison chart for more
information about the HMO plans.

As a result of the Patient Protection and
Affordable Care Act, certain preventive care
procedures no longer will have copays when
they are provided by in-network providers,
regardless of your medical plan choice. The
specific procedures provided for adults and
children are listed separately in the following
charts. Preventive care procedures not listed
specifically will be covered by in-network
providers with copays outlined in the HMO and
POS comparison charts on the following pages.
Out-of-network coverage remains unchanged,
and copays are listed in the POS comparison
chart later in this document.

                                                          EMPLOYEE BENEFIT SUMMARY
 Preventive Services Covered with Zero Copay for Adults*
 Preventive Service Covered                                   Who is Eligible, Additional Details
 Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Screening                          one-time screening for men of specified ages who have ever smoked
 Alcohol Misuse Screening and Counseling                      all adults
 Aspirin Use                                                  men and women of certain ages
 Blood Pressure Screening                                     all adults
 Cholesterol Screening                                        adults of certain ages or at higher risk
 Colorectal Cancer Screening                                  adults over 50
 Depression Screening                                         all adults
 Type 2 Diabetes Screening                                    adults with high blood pressure
 Diet Counseling                                              adults at higher risk for chronic disease

 HIV Screening                                                all adults at higher risk
 Immunizations for:                                           doses, recommended ages, and recommended populations vary
      Hepatitis A
      Hepatitis B
      Herpes Zoster
      Human Papillomavirus
      Influenza
      Measles, Mumps, Rubella
      Meningococcal
      Pneumococcal
      Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis
      Varicella
 Obesity Screening and Counseling                             all adults
 Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) Prevention Counseling   adults at higher risk
 Tobacco Use Screening                                        all adults and cessation interventions for tobacco users, expanded
                                                              counseling for pregnant tobacco users

      * Using in-network providers only


Preventive Services Covered with Zero Copay for Women *
Preventive Service Covered                                         Who is Eligible, Additional Details
Annual well-woman visit                                            all women
Syphilis Screening                                                 all pregnant women, all adults at higher risk
Anemia Screening                                                   pregnant women, on a routine basis
Bacteriuria Urinary Tract or Other Infection Screening             pregnant women
BRCA Counseling about Genetic Testing                              women at higher risk
Breast Cancer Mammography Screenings                               women over 40, every 1 to 2 years
Breast Cancer Chemoprevention Counseling                           women at higher risk
Breast Feeding Interventions                                       women (to support and promote breast feeding)
Breast Feeding Support, Supplies, and Counseling                   women (to support and promote breast feeding)
Cervical Cancer Screening                                          sexually active women
Chlamydia Infection Screening                                      younger women and other women at higher risk
Contraceptive Methods and Counseling (FDA-approved**),             all women
      Female Condom (OTC)
      Diaphragm (P) with Spermicide (OTC)
      Sponge (OTC) with Spermicide (OTC)
      Cervical Cap (P) with Spermicide (OTC)]
      Spermicide (OTC)
      Oral Contraceptive (P)
           Combined Pill
      Patch (P)
      Vaginal Contraceptive Ring (P)
      Shot/Injection (P)
      Morning After Pill (over 17 years of age OTC; under
           17 years of age P)
      IUD (P)
      Implantable Rod (inserted by doctor)
      Sterilization Surgery
      Sterilization Implant
(OTC) Over the Counter
(P) Prescription Required
Folic Acid Supplements                                             women who may become pregnant
Gonorrhea Screening                                                all women at higher risk
Gestational Diabetes Screening                                     pregnant women
Hepatitis B Screening                                              pregnant women at their first prenatal visit
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Counseling and                  all women, on an annual basis
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Testing                                 all women
Interpersonal and Domestic Violence Screening and                  all women
Osteoporosis Screening                                             women over age 60 depending on risk factors
Rh Incompatibility Screening                                       all pregnant women and follow-up testing for women at higher risk
Sexually Transmitted Infections Counseling                         all women, on an annual basis

      * Using in-network providers only
      ** Includes surgical, prescription, medical, and OTC services/products. Sterilization is considered a contraceptive method.
        Abortion IS NOT considered a contraceptive method.
                                                                                                  EMPLOYEE BENEFIT SUMMARY

 Preventive Services Covered with Zero Copay for Children*
 Service                                                      Who is Eligible, Additional Details
 Alcohol and Drug Use Assessments                             adolescents
 Autism Screening                                             children at 18 and 24 months
 Behavioral Assessments                                       children of all ages
 Cervical Dysplasia Screening                                 sexually active females
 Congenital Hypothyroidism Screening                          newborns
 Developmental Screening                                      children under age 3, and surveillance throughout childhood
 Dyslipidemia Screening                                       children at higher risk of lipid disorders
 Fluoride Chemoprevention Supplements                         children without fluoride in their water source
 Gonorrhea Preventive Medication for the Eyes                 all newborns
 Hearing Screening                                            all newborns
 Height, Weight, and Body Mass Index Measurements             children of all ages
 Hematocrit or Hemoglobin Screening                           children of all ages
 Hemoglobinopathies or Sickle Cell Screening                  newborns
 HIV Screening                                                adolescents at higher risk
 Immunization Vaccines for:                                   children from birth to age 18; doses, recommended ages, and
       Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis                        recommended populations vary
       Haemophilus Influenzae Type B
       Hepatitis A
       Hepatitis B
       Human Papillomavirus
       Inactivated Poliovirus
       Influenza
       Measles, Mumps, Rubella
       Meningococcal
       Pneumococcal
       Rotavirus
       Varicella
 Iron Supplements                                             children ages 6 to 12 months at risk for anemia
 Lead Screening                                               children at risk of exposure
 Medical History                                              all children, available throughout development
 Obesity Screening and Counseling                             children of all ages
 Oral Health Risk Assessment                                  young children
 Phenylketonuria (PKU) Screening for Genetic Disorder         newborns
 Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) Prevention Counseling   adolescents at higher risk
 Tuberculin Testing                                           children at higher risk of tuberculosis
 Vision Screening                                             children of all ages

      * Using in-network providers only

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