SHOW CATALOGUE - Exclusively Shows

Page created by Bobby Joseph
SHOW CATALOGUE - Exclusively Shows
The UK’s premier showcase of housewares,
tabletop and small domestic appliance brands
SHOW CATALOGUE - Exclusively Shows
Get in touch with the                                               Contents
Exclusively Housewares team                                         General Show Information                           4
                                                                    Trend Talks                                        6
Will Jones                                                          A–Z list with stand numbers                        8
                                                                    Floorplan                                          9
Chairman of Brooke House Exhibitions and
Chief Operating Officer of BHETA                                    Brand Showcase                                    10
t +44 (0)121 237 1130 or +44 (0)1275 393038                         Exhibitor Entries A–Z                             11
e                                                    Buyers’ Guide                                    141
                                                                    Trails                                           156
Simon Boyd                                                          Brand Guide                                      159
Operations Director
t +44 (0)1635 297755
e                             Thank you!
Lindsey Hoyle                                                       Our thanks this year go to:
Director of Sales
t +44 (0)7810 542602

Nicola Adams-Brown                                                  For their sponsorship of the Buyers’ Lounge.
General Enquiries and Admissions
t +44 (0)121 237 1130

Pam Ballone
Marketing & PR
t +44 (0)1905 429343                                                For their sponsorship of the shows’ roving and
e                            fixed-point tea & coffee service.

Richard Watts
Brand Showcase
t +44 (0)7961 976491
e                          For their sponsorship of the show bags.

Exclusively Housewares is an ACID Accredited Exhibition and has
a zero tolerance of plagiarism in order to create a safer trading
environment for exhibitors, visit us on stand number EH137.
The publishers cannot accept responsibility for claims made by
exhibitors, incorrect entries, inaccuracies or omissions.           For their sponsorship of the restaurant.
© Brooke House Exhibitions Ltd.

Run by the industry, for the industry                               Run by the industry, for the industry

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SHOW CATALOGUE - Exclusively Shows
General information                                                       Welcome to the show!
EXHIBITION DATES & OPENING HOURS                                          Thank you for attending Exclusively Housewares
Tuesday 11th June 2019, 9.00am to 5.30pm                                  and sister show Exclusively Electrical. If this is
Wednesday 12th June 2019, 9.00am to 4.30pm                                your first visit, then we hope you enjoy the
ORGANISERS                                                                ‘Exclusively’ experience!
Exclusively Housewares is organised on behalf of the members of the
British Home Enhancement Trade Association (BHETA).                       We are very proud that the Exclusively shows continue to be
Federation House, 10 Vyse Street, Hockley, Birmingham B18 6LT             a fantastic showcase for the industry. The two shows create a
Tel: +44 (0)121 237 1130                                                  unique platform from which you can easily review the styles
Fax: +44 (0)121 237 1133                                                  and trends in the pipeline for housewares, tableware and small
Email:                                   domestic and kitchen appliances.
BUYERS’ LOUNGE                                                            This year we are again using the Atrium of the Gallery Hall,
Sponsored this year by EKO, this is for the exclusive use of visitors     above Exclusively Electrical; this is the location of your Press
and located on the Gallery opposite stands EH440 and EH442.               Office, Brand Showcase and the ‘On Trend Display’.
Free internet access and complimentary light refreshments are
available throughout the show.                                                                  Look out for Recommended Product Design
CANVASSING                                                                                      On-Trend icons around the show and
Canvassing for business by any unauthorised person or non-exhibiting                            through the catalogue. Once again, trend
company is strictly prohibited and will result in immediate expulsion                           forecasters Scarlet Opus have been hard
from the venue.
                                                                                                at work identifying products at the show
CATERING                                                                  that represent key consumer and design trends for our industry.
Complimentary lunch will be served between 1pm and 3pm in the
Luncheon Room located on the Gallery level opposite stand EH436.
                                                                          They are also running guided ‘Trend Tours’ during the show, a
Lunch will offer a choice from a hot buffet or a lighter sandwich         fantastic chance to explore and understand the trends evolving
snack. Complimentary tea and coffee is available at the top of the        from season to season. Just visit the ‘On Trend’ display area if
stairs leading from the Gallery to the Mezzanine level and from           you’d like to join in and we will book you on one.
trolleys, sponsored this year by Doulton Walter Filters, circulating on
the show floor.                                                                                   On the exhibitors main entry you may
In addition, light refreshments are available throughout the day in                               notice a few new icons for 2019, these are
the Buyers’ Lounge on the Gallery. The ‘Food Bar’, located on the         for trails - just follow the stands displaying the icons or look
Gallery level, is the venue’s own paid-for facility.                      them up on page 156.
All levels of the Business Design Centre can be reached via the lift in   On behalf of all our exhibitors, thank you for your support
the foyer. Disabled toilet facilities are on each level.                  and interest.
Located on the Gallery level.                                             The Exclusively Housewares Team
The organiser’s office is located on the Mezzanine level adjacent to
stands EH212/EH214.
Unauthorised photography is not permitted.
PRESS OFFICE, TRENDS DISPLAY AREA AND BRAND SHOWCASE                      From left to right: Will Jones, Simon Boyd, Lindsey Hoyle, Pam
This area is located on the Atrium Level of the Exclusively Electrical    Ballone, Nicola Adams-Brown, Richard Watts and Helen Farnell.
Gallery Hall. Access to the Gallery Hall is adjacent to stand EH456.
SECURITY                                                                  Run by the industry, for the industry
Visitors are requested to wear their badges at all times.

                                    4                                                                       5
SHOW CATALOGUE - Exclusively Shows
TREND TALKS                                                       Highly recommended TREND DISPLAYS
                                                                  These beautiful displays are compiled from products identified
2019 sees FREE trend talks on both days from trend                as “Recommended-on Product Design on Trend” – that is the
forecasters Scarlet Opus and the food people.                     products that Scarlet Opus believe will have high consumer
                                                                  demand, and likely to be hot sellers. The displays are hosted
TIMES FOR BOTH DAYS                                               by Scarlet Opus Trend Interpreter’s and they will talk you
10.30am           Scarlet Opus                                    through the displays.
11.15am           the food people
                                                                  Trend knowledge will de-risk your purchasing and
Location                                                          provide a more certain future.
Trend Hub, in the Atrium above Exclusively Electrical
                                                                  Images taken from the 2018 displays.

FREE Trend talks with Scarlet Opus
What to expect
Scarlet Opus will talk through 3 trends; Satori, Fellowship and
The Traveller, which will influence interiors over the next 18-
24 months. Knowing what consumers want next, will enable
you to buy more of what will sell, de-risking your buying.
Reflecting the trends when merchandising will encourage
sales further. Trend knowledge let’s retailers be the best they
can be and enjoy a more certain future.

FREE Trend talks with the food people
What to expect
“the food people” will share the most relevant future food
and drink future trends which will have an impact on every
visitor and exhibitor attending the show over the course of the
next 2 years. Charles Banks from the food trends adds “The
problem for business today is that food moves fast, very fast
and often the consumer is moving faster still. Understanding
what the next vegan, the next street food or the next Korean
is, is critical for business”.

Run by the industry, for the industry

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SHOW CATALOGUE - Exclusively Shows
Exclusively Housewares A-Z                                                            Exclusively Housewares Floorplan
Addis Housewares Ltd                EH292    Ladelle UK Ltd                  EH282    The Business Design Centre spans three levels – the ground
Aerolatte Ltd                       EH319    Le Chateau Textiles Ltd          EH257
Albero Forte Composite SL           EH158    Le Creuset UK Ltd                EH213   floor, the Mezzanine and the Gallery. Exclusively Electrical can
Amefa (UK) Ltd                      EH408    LSA                              EH447   be found in the Gallery Hall – accessed off the Gallery level.
Anniversary House                   EH238    Mason Cash, Price & Kensington &
Apollo Housewares Ltd               EH232    Ravenhead,                       EH150
Arthur Price                        EH144    Mepal BV                         EH120
Auteur Ltd                          EH265    Metaltex (UK) Ltd                EH212
Aydya Limited                       EH154    Meyer Group Limited             EH293
B&I International Ltd               EH234    Microplane International

                                                                                                                                              STAIRS UP

                                                                                                                                                                      STAIRS UP

Barista and Co                      EH427    GmbH & Co KG                     EH246
BergHOFF UK Ltd                     EH440    My Gifts Trade                   EH316
BHETA                               EH458    Navigate Ltd                    EH325
Bira                                EH457    Neat Ideas Ltd                  EH353
Black + Blum Ltd                    EH341    Nogent 3 Etoiles                 EH414
Black and Decker –                           Nordic Ware                     EH303
Benross Marketing Limited           EH347    Orthex Group                    EH405
Bodum (UK) Ltd                      EH442    OXO                              EH215

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            BUYERS’ LOUNGE
Boska Cheesewares & Chocowares      EH317    Patterson & Rothwell Ltd         EH413
Brabantia (UK) Ltd                  EH446    Pendeford Housewares             EH431
Burton McCall Ltd                   EH249    PHA Kitchessentials Ltd          EH128
Candlelight Products Ltd            EH436    Planit Products Ltd              EH231
Captivate Brands                    EH409    Polder Products LLC             EH300
Casa & Casa Ltd                     EH426    Premier Housewares Ltd          EH225
Charles Bentley & Son Ltd           EH346    Remoska S.R.O.                   EH416
CIE Europe                          EH450    Robert Welch Designs Ltd        EH309
City Look Imports Ltd               EH283    Royal Doulton                    EH311
Creative Products Ltd               EH306    Sabco Oakwood                   EH422
David Mason (Design) Limited        EH276    Sabichi Homewares Ltd            EH214

                                                                                                      ORGANISER’S OFFICE
De Buyer Industries SAS             EH412    Scott Brothers Ltd               EH434

                                                                                                                                                                                                   PRESS OFFICE

Denby Brands Ltd                    EH352    Scoville                        EH223
Dexam International Ltd             EH438    SIGG Switzerland Bottles AG     EH449
DNC UK Ltd                          EH203    Simplehuman (UK) Limited        EH456
Doulton Water Filters               EH258    Sistema UK Ltd                   EH343
Dutch Creative Brands               EH236    Smash Global Limited             EH451
EasiYo Products (UK) Ltd            EH428    Smidge                           EH100

                                                                                                                           STAIRS UP

                                                                                                                                                                                       STAIRS UP

Eaziglide                           EH220    Sorbo                            EH270           POINT

E-cloth                             EH406    Spontex                         EH206
Eddingtons Ltd                      EH321    Starplast UK Ltd                 EH415
EKO Utility (UK) Ltd                EH445    Stor S.L                         EH421
Elia International Ltd              EH294    Swan Products Ltd               EH400
EP Brands c/o SNIPS                 EH233    Swiss Diamond                    EH315
Eurosonic Group Limited             EH248    T S UK Ltd (Tontarelli)         EH404
EVO Lifestyle Products              EH287    T&G Woodware Ltd                EH263
Fackelmann Brands UK                EH448    Talleres Toyma S.L               EH418
Falcon Products Ltd                 EH138    Tatay                           EH452
Fiskars                             EH219    Taylor’s Eye Witness Limited     EH241
FKA Brands Ltd                      EH314    Tefal                           EH264
Forma House Ltd                      EH411   The Cookware Company             EH142
GEH Limited                         EH277    The DRH Collection Limited      EH204
Greener Cleaner                     EH430    Tower                           EH402
H & L Russel Ltd                    EH433    Tradestock Limited               EH327

Hachette UK Publishing Group        EH429    Tramontina                      EH256
Haus Marketing & Distribution Ltd   EH229    Typhoon & Viners                 EH152
Huski Home                          EH280    U Group Ltd                     EH209
I Grunwerg Ltd                      EH136    UK Thermos Limited               EH104
ICB NV                              EH284    Ultimate Products                EH267
International Cookware Ltd          EH444    Ultimate Products                EH337

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Through to Exclusively Electrical
Jean Dubost SAS                     EH407    Valerie Graham Ltd               EH240
Jeray (Sales) Ltd                   EH140    Valerie Graham Ltd              EH299
                                                                                                                                       THE VILLAGE GREEN                          GROUND LEVEL
Joseph Joseph Ltd                   EH295    Wegter Consumenten B.V.         EH244
JWP Ltd                             EH156    Western House Ltd                EH126
Kambukka                            EH254    What More UK Ltd                 EH110
Kilner                              EH146    Whitefurze Ltd                  EH305
KitchenCraft                        EH454    Whitford Ltd                    EH423
Knightsbridge PME Ltd               EH302    Zwilling J.A. Henckels Ltd      EH202
Kuhn Rikon UK Ltd                   EH253
                                                                                                                                           MAIN ENTRANCE
                                                                                                                    FOOD                              SECOND LEVEL
For a full listing of all the brands represented at the show, please see page 159.
    New Exhibitor                          8                                                     New Exhibitor                                              9
SHOW CATALOGUE - Exclusively Shows
The Brand Showcase is dedicated to promoting Exclusively
Exhibitors products to the British Lifestyle Press & UK
Media Influencers, providing journalists the opportunity to
see brand highlights quickly and effectively without having
to take up too much of their day. The Brand Showcase is
located in the atrium above Exclusively Electrical.

              We found the showcase so useful for
                  sourcing ideas so thank you!

                           Claire McAteer
                            That’s Life!

   Thanks for having me. It’s such a great event to have an
          easy overview of everything that’s out there.
                                                                 Addis Housewares Ltd
                          Jenny Tregoning
                         STYLIST MAGAZINE
                                                                 t   01656 664455
 Exclusively Brand Showcase was so serene and manageable,        c   Janine Davies
      enabling me to take time to fully appreciate the great,    w
                  innovative products on offer.
                        Michelle Minnaar
          Greedy Gourmet, 2017 food blogger of the year

    Some fantastic time-saving solutions to make each day
      that little bit easier. Having the latest trends grouped
                 together made it so much easier.
                                                                 The focus for this year’s show is space-saving and eco-living.
                         Alison Davidson
                                                                 Addis will be showcasing their new and award-nominated
                    House Beautiful Magazine                     product, the fold-flat laundry basket. The ultimate in space-
                                                                 saving design, this collapsible laundry basket folds flat when
                                                                 not in use for easy storage and can be stored in-between
                                                                 your washing machine or in a kitchen cupboard and boasts a
                                                                 large 38L capacity with convenient carry handles. On show
                                                                 will be the launch of the new eco range of products all made
                                                                 from 100% recycled household plastic. All items are made in
                                                                 the UK and come with a 10-year guarantee.

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SHOW CATALOGUE - Exclusively Shows
Aerolatte Ltd                                                      Albero Forte Composite SL
EH319                                                              EH158
t   01923 851185                                                   t   +34 965 567 319
e                                             e
c   Alan Green                                                     c   Carlos Albero
w                                              w

aerolatte®, the incredibly frothy coffee company. Twenty           Plasticforte corporate policy is focused on teamwork, looking
years ago, Alan and Gary, founders of aerolatte®, were in          after employees and building good relationships with our
search of the best solution for making perfect frothy milk for     customers. What make us different is our strong commitment
cappuccino, caffe latte, milkshakes and hot chocolates. They       to get a large range of colours. To meet this goal we pay
found it. Their passion for great frothy milk drinks became a      attention to decoration and colour trends in order to adapt all
global business as the creation of ‘the original steam-free milk   our products to be perfectly placed. All rooms in your home
frother’ changed the home coffee experience forever. And           will be enhanced by Plasticforte.
as true coffee lovers, they didn’t stop there. The aerolatte®
range has expanded considerably and now embraces
innovative equipment & accessories to brew and decorate
coffee in a variety of ways, helping the consumer achieve
professional results at home, simply and easily.

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SHOW CATALOGUE - Exclusively Shows
Amefa (UK) Ltd                                                    Anniversary House
EH408                                                             EH238
t   0114 254 2530                                                 t   01202 590222
e                                      e
c   Richard Carr                                                  c   Holly Forder
w                                               w

Amefa has being setting tables around the world since 1931        Anniversary House is one of the UK’s leading manufacturers
with cutlery that illuminates tables with the latest colour and   and distributors of cake decorations and disposable table
design trends from everyday to fine dining. Part of the Amefa     top, with a comprehensive range of design-led products
group is the Richardson Sheffield brand, an innovative British    including handcrafted sugarcraft, candles, cake toppers,
knife brand since 1839, producing domestic kitchen and chef       cookie cutters and much more! This year they are thrilled to
knives; both brands supply to over 50 countries worldwide.        be showcasing their new Peter Rabbit™ licensed collection.
NEW CUTLERY – Eclat Pastels. Enter a kaleidoscope of new          The home baking-led range focuses on Beatrix Potter’s
bold pastel shades in ice cream hues to brighten your table       original lovable characters that have charmed and enchanted
and add a pop of colour to your home. NEW KNIVES –                us for generations. Launch lines include a Cookie Cutter Set,
Scandi: a natural carbonised ash wood with an ergonomic           Resin Figurine Cake Topper, Cupcake Cases, Sugarcraft
handle design, integrated with high-quality MoV stainless         Cake Toppers which are handmade in the company’s Dorset
steel, full tang and precision fine taper ground blades.          facility, and Cello Bags for gifting those home-baked treats.

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SHOW CATALOGUE - Exclusively Shows
Apollo Housewares Ltd                                          Arthur Price
EH232                                                          EH144
t   0845 6618 161                                              t   01543 257 775
e                               e
c   Dave Richardson                                            c   Tony Melia
w                                 w

We at Apollo Housewares continually strive for new and         The partnership and product range with Arthur Price
innovative products and design. 2019 sees the launch of        and Monsoon continues to grow, with the introduction
our new Custard Yellow design which contrasts beautifully      of Champagne Mirage which is taken from the original
with our Mist Grey launched last year. The range consists of   hammered design and is decorated with a luxurious yet
quality Woodware and stylish designs. Visit our stand during   subtle Champagne-coloured titanium coating which has
the show to see the comprehensive range of bread bins,         been identified as the new precious metal colour for 2019.
chopping boards, egg cabinets and much more.                   This wonderful new collection is available in 44-piece,
                                                               32-piece and 16-piece combination cutlery sets and 6 great
                                                               gifting options.

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SHOW CATALOGUE - Exclusively Shows
Auteur Ltd                                                      Aydya Limited
EH265                                                           EH154
t   01869 338751                                                t   01382 800 683
e                                 e
c   Kirstie Pendry                                              c   Zia Rehman
w                                     w

Here at Auteur, we are the UK home of Corkcicle, Stojo,         Aydya Ltd will display two of their brands. AnySharp, the
Soma, Hip, bobble and Roll’eat. Our motto is that we tell       World’s Best Knife Sharpeners: Safer by design, will work
the best brand stories and have a passion for innovative,       with all your steel knives, including serrated blades (not
design-led products with a purpose that not only do their bit   micro-toothed serrations) and can be used by anyone to
to help the environment but that also turn heads wherever you   get professional results. We have many celebrities and
go. With a variation of products, from the collapsible Stojo    professionals endorsing our products. We welcome you
reusable and ultra-portable cup, to Hip, the new flatter way    to visit us and watch our knife-sharpening demonstrations.
of drinking water on the go, to sustainable and beautiful       Ion8 – leak-proof water bottles – present their 2019 range
design-led filtration with Soma, we champion sustainability.    of Red Dot Award-winning reusable water bottles. Available
Join our mission to ditch disposables.                          in a variety of sizes, designs, prints and colours, they are
                                                                manufactured in a wide selection of double-walled steel and
                                                                Tritan styles. Ion8 also have a full hydration system with their
                                                                range of filters, infusers and shakers.

                             18                                                                19
B&I International Ltd                                            Barista and Co
EH234                                                            EH427
t   01204 846404                                                 t   01202 619 500
e                                   e
c   Ijaz Ahmed                                                   c   James Gray
w                                    w

We have been manufacturing and distributing kitchenware          Barista & Co are a UK born and bred coffee gifts, accessory
and cookware articles under our own brand name                   & product brand, based on the South Coast of England.
Buckingham and also customers’ own label since 1994.             Founded in 2013 by husband and wife team James and
Over the years we have built a successful relationship           Louise Gray, we have one objective: to make speciality
with established importers and multi-nationals around the        coffee accessible to all. Barista & Co are passionate about
world. From our head office in the UK, local offices in China    coffee and take pride in making the finest professional tools
and India, our team along with manufacturing partners            for home baristas for those who share that passion and want
allows us to fulfil our customers’ requirements. The ability     to craft outstanding coffee in the comfort of their own home.
to manufacture quality products to our own specification at      The belief of Barista & Co is that coffee doesn’t need to be
competitive prices is a major factor within the development of   excluding: it should be for all; no secret club of complexity.
the company.

                              20                                                               21
BergHOFF UK Ltd                                                     BHETA
EH440                                                               EH458
t   01908 049 345                                                   t   0121 237 1130
e                             e
c   Paula Leggett                                                   c   Will Jones
w                                       w

BergHOFF is a world-renowned award-winning specialist in            BHETA is the leading UK trade association for manufacturers,
innovative kitchenware. Our products are designed in Belgium        suppliers and distributors in the home enhancement market.
and loved in homes around the world. From feature-packed            As the owner and organiser of the Exclusively Shows, BHETA
cookware to barbecues and food storage solutions, our               works hard on behalf of suppliers, retailers and media to
passion for affordable quality is mirrored across all categories.   offer them the opportunity to network with vital contacts
This summer, one of the stars on the BergHOFF stand is Leo!         within the industry. Visit our stand to find out how BHETA’s
Originally comprising a selection of fun and funky tools &          online Retailer Zone is the trusted destination for retailers
gadgets, Leo now covers a huge design-led range, from               looking to source new product ideas. Through it, buyers can
storage, chopping boards and best-selling coloured knives           search for supplier, product or brand information. Finally,
to bang-on-trend On The Go, including bento box, water              talk to us about the successful BHETA ‘Meet the Buyer’ days
bottle and dual lunch pot. New this year is Leo cookware            that can offer you, and your colleagues, unique networking
with soft-touch handles, on show alongside BergHOFF’s 2018          opportunities to meet with new suppliers in one day at a
cookware hit, the versatile cast aluminium GEM.                     location of your choice.

                               22                                                                23
Bira                                                             Black + Blum Ltd
EH457                                                            EH341
t   0121 446 6688                                                t   0207 633 0022
e                                        e
c   Jeff Moody                                                   c   Angelica Mastronardo
w                                         w

Bira is proud to represent thousands of independent retail       Black + Blum create original products that people love to
businesses across the UK, offering savings on essential          use every day and are proud to own. They endeavour to
business services and strength in numbers fighting for a level   create objects of enduring value and practicality that age
playing field for independent retail businesses. As Bira’s       well and are built to last. As well as brilliant design, they are
buying group, Bira Direct offers members exclusive discounts,    passionate about sustainability and doing their part to protect
preferential terms and access to over 2,000 brands, all          the environment. Their range consists of premium food and
centrally invoiced, saving you time and money. If you’d like     drink on-the-go designs: lunch boxes, charcoal-filtered water
to find out more about Bira membership or Bira Direct, come      bottles, thermoses and accessories. • Celebrate design •
and visit us on stand EH457.                                     Embrace a zero-waste lifestyle, reduce the single-use plastic
                                                                 pollution plighting our planet • Be healthy, prepare your
                                                                 own fresh ingredients and encourage portion control • Save
                                                                 money, reduce the need to purchase expensive takeout food
                                                                 & bottled water.

                              24                                                                25
Black and Decker - Benross Marketing                               Bodum (UK) Ltd
EH347                                                              EH442
t   07710 710874                                                   c   07557 734204
e                                        e
c   Jon Brennan                                                    c   Louise Hickling
w                                                w

Benross Marketing are the UK’s leading distributor of              2019 is a special year for BODUM: we will celebrate that it
consumer goods, encompassing SDA, heating, cooling                 is 75 years since BODUM was founded. During the 50s the
and seasonal as well as toys and gadgets. They are also            very first product was MOCCA, the siphon/vacuum coffee
holders of licence and distribution agreements with some           maker; we invented a special filter which we still use today.
of the UK’s most trusted and recognised consumer brands            After MOCCA came PEBO, which was very successful; now
including Silentnight, Mill Heat, Polaroid and their most          both are at the very core of the slow-coffee trend. In 1974 we
recent addition, Black+Decker. Their new range of fully            introduced our French press; since then, people all over the
B+D-branded Laundry, Manual Cleaning and Bins offer not            world make their best cup of coffee the ‘French-press-way’.
only great value but also the highest levels of quality that the   During the 90s, we continued developing better products for
consumer has come to expect from one of the world’s most           the kitchen, tabletop and for brewing the best cup of coffee
recognisable brands.                                               or tea. Some of our best lines have been our double wall
                                                                   glasses which we will also introduce this year in durable
                                                                   polycarbonate for outdoor use especially.

                               26                                                                27
Boska Cheesewares & Chocowares                                     Brabantia (UK) Ltd
EH317                                                              EH446
t   0031 172 611502                                                t   01275 810 600
e                                        e
c   Patrick Colijn                                                 c   David Slater
w                                                  w

Boska loves food! What you love, you want to cherish with          In 2019, Dutch interior design brand Brabantia celebrates its
the right food tools. Cheese and chocolate are our all-time        100th anniversary. Great-grandfather Van Elderen produced
favourites. You can enjoy them cut, sliced, grated, curled         his first milk cans and jugs in his small factory in Brabant in
or melted as fondue. Our story started over 120 years              1919. Little did he know that he was laying the foundation for
ago with Blacksmith Willem Bos making his first cheese             an internationally loved household brand. In those 100 years,
tools for cheese professionals. In 2000 we started with            Brabantia has won a special place in the homes and hearts
designing cheesewares for home use, like fondue sets,              of millions, with products that are so delightful they turn daily
cheese boards, knives and slicers. Along the way we fell in        chores into cherished rituals. And because they are stylish,
love with chocolate and we introduced Chocowares and the           well made and designed to be recycled, you can love using
revolutionary Fondue Set Marie, the first double boiler fondue     them as long as you want, without feeling guilty when you
set. We know how to enjoy cheese, just as we know how to           finally let them go. That’s ‘Designed for Living’.
enjoy chocolate. One thing is for sure: both taste best with the
right tools and the right people.

                               28                                                                 29
Burton McCall                                                     Candlelight Products Ltd
EH249                                                             EH436
t   0116 234 4611                                                 t   01709 723 000
e                                       e
c   Kylie Vaughan                                                 c   Debbie Isles
w                                       w

Our prestigious portfolio of brands will be launching a host of   With nearly 50 years of expertise in the tableware market,
new products to be on display at the show. Visit the stand to     The Wentworth Tableware Company is a highly professional
see new lines as well as iconic classics from our brands which    organisation where our customer is the number one priority.
include; Bamix, Microplane, Fissler, CamelBak, Stanley,
Aladdin, Victorinox, Zoku, Olde Thompson, Peugeot and

                              30                                                               31
Captivate Brands                                                    Casa & Casa Ltd
EH409                                                               EH426
t   01386 421 622                                                   t   0131 564 0300
e                                e
c   Matt Sampson                                                    c   Shahzad Qadir
w                                         w

This is Captivate Brand’s first Exclusively Housewares with         The desire of consumers for quality and innovation at
Venn, Kitchen Pantry, The Bakehouse & Co and Artisan Street         affordable prices has led Casa & Casa™ to strive for just
(new for SS 2019) plus the official launch of an exciting new       that – delivering modern products that exceed expectations
Mary Berry licensed range! Available AW19, the collection           in design, style, function and price. Our strong foundations
includes the extensive Signature dinnerware & serveware             as a family business has driven our appreciation of modern
(white fine china with beaded design) and English Garden            living and influenced our products to suit the needs of our
giftware. The Signature range includes tabletop accessories         contemporary lifestyles.
like chopping & serving boards, table runners and textiles.
Each English Garden giftware piece (including jugs, bowls &
mugs) has a single delicate colour motif inspired by Mary’s
love of all things horticultural with birds and flowers. Like all
Captivate’s ranges, it combines durable professional quality
& optimum practicality.

                               32                                                                 33
Charles Bentley & Son Ltd                                        CIE Europe
EH346                                                            EH450
t   01509 232757                                                 t   07973 897377
e                                     e
c   Naomi Steel                                                  c   Allan Copeland
w                                       w

Charles Bentley is a global supplier of stylish and fantastic    Finding storage space in the home is an issue for all of us. CIE
home, garden and leisure products. What we believe in            under the Compactor brand has a solution for every room in
is simple: there’s no place like home. It’s that feeling of      the home. Our soft storage ranges incorporating our vacuum
belonging, the happiness that comes with spending time           storage totes offer a good-looking storage solution. As the
with your loved ones in the place that you love the most.        largest manufacturer of patented vacuum storage bags in
That’s why we go above and beyond to help you discover           Europe, our factory in Spain produces a wide range of sizes
the perfect products for the home. We pride ourselves in         and options. We will be showing new ranges of clothes rails
our unrivalled reputation for product design and great           in metal and wood. Our Xtend range of wardrobe storage is
British innovation, and a big part of our philosophy is only     a great space-saver. In addition, we have storage boxes and
selling products that we have discovered, created or made        baskets for the kitchen and bathroom. We will be launching
ourselves. Each product is put through its paces until we’re     Bestlock Black. Bestlock is our patented suction system that is
satisfied and it’s only then that we’ll put our name on it and   also available in a chrome finish.
give our seal of approval.

                               34                                                               35
City Look Imports Ltd                                             Creative Products
EH283                                                             EH306
t   01772 704 080                                                 t   01476 564 230
e                                   e
c   Alice Whitter                                                 c   Mark Hall
w                                           w

City Look Imports Ltd is a UK-based importer and distributor      Here at Creative Products we try to see products with a fresh
of high-quality kitchen textiles, ceramics and accessories. All   pair of eyes and our aim is to supply products that offer
of our products are designed in the UK and sourced carefully      intelligent solutions for tackling everyday tasks, products that
from around the world. With a strong passion for design           have a wide appeal, products that are strong in design with
and a commitment to lifestyle, the Cooksmart brand is a           simple, clean packaging. Importantly for you, products that
creative mix of inspirational and practical kitchen textile and   sell! Creative Products will be showcasing an exciting range
accessory essentials. Our new design introductions for 2019       of new products at Exclusively Housewares 2019. Moving
include: Country Floral, Spotty Dotty, Beside the Seaside, a      away from plastic packaging, we will be introducing fresh
fun novelty range and a range of matching tea towels and          sustainably sourced eco-friendly paper packaging where
mugs. We will be showcasing our new Cooksmart collection          possible. New products include Fly Away, Plasma Lighter,
including exciting new printed and embellished designs along      Grill Mesh, Squidgy Thing and Chop to Pot. Come and see
with new Christmas designs.                                       them along with bestsellers Original Steamer, BBQ Pan and
                                                                  Festive Mermaid Cushions.

                              36                                                                 37
David Mason (Design) Limited                                      De Buyer Industries SASr
EH276                                                             EH412
t   01246 260 500                                                 t   +33 329 300 794
e                         e
c   Nicholas Cowan                                                c   Hélène Lefevre
w                                      w

DMD was established in 1962 by the Cowan Family who               The French company de Buyer has been manufacturing
are still very active in the daily running of the business. The   professional kitchen and pastry utensils since 1830,
business has always prided itself on its product design,          preserving the traditions of French gastronomy. It offers
innovation and a creative flare. DMD and its brand ‘The           over 2000 items: steel, stainless steel, copper and non-stick
English Tableware Company’ are never afraid to push the           cookware, Mandolin slicers, silicone moulds, pastry utensils,
boundaries of design and develop products away from the           mills, etc. The company exports worldwide to more than 95
traditional, and our latest collection is no exception. Our       countries and continues to provide high-quality products for
Looking Good range launched at the start of this year has         professionals and gourmet consumers.
some new additions arriving very soon. These include a Tea
for one, Trinket box, Spectacles holder and Desk tidy. We
have also made additions to our very popular Bee Happy
range. Come and see what’s new on our stand.

                               38                                                               39
Denby Brands Ltd                                              Dexam International Ltd
EH352                                                         EH438
t   01773 740 700                                             t   01730 811 888
e                                   e
c   Karen Bates                                               c   Howard Bradley
w                                      w

When you buy Denby you buy products with soul and             At the heart of your kitchen since 1957, Dexam continues to
purpose: hand-crafted, considered and made-to-last ceramics   bring you a wide selection of essential food preparation and
and homewares which are versatile, beautiful and durable.     serving items, just as you would expect from an established
New this year is ‘Studio Grey’ which combines artisan with    kitchenware brand. We also pride ourselves on an increasing
urban in a cool mix of greys for casual dining and new        range of eco-friendly products, not least our iconic British
fashion entertaining. A new addition to the Monsoon Home      made Forest and Forge knives. From our School of Wok
Collection by Denby is ‘Mandala’, a striking new tableware    collection, allowing enthusiastic chefs to master the art of
collection in fine china, and from Denby James Martin are     authentic Asian cooking in the comfort of their own home,
new multi-functional porcelain serving sets.                  to our new distributorship, New Soda. From Scion Living, a
                                                              trendy, fashionable brand, bringing joy to kitchens across
                                                              the country, to Charles Viancin inspired by the beauty of
                                                              the French Alps, improve your experience in the kitchen and
                                                              beyond and get cooking with Dexam.

                             40                                                            41
DNC UK Ltd                                                       Doulton Water Filters
EH203                                                            EH258
t   01932 836 420
e                                     t   01782 664420
c   Claire Samuel                                                e
w                                            c   Yvonne Allen

Polar Gear is created by DNC UK Ltd, a leading British           To enjoy the best possible drinks wherever you go, start
company in reusable food and drink products. DNC are             by using a Doulton water filter for top-quality, great-tasting
proud to have created high-quality insulated lunch and           tap water. Drinking water filters are an easy way to enjoy
picnic bags for 20 years, and today the range has grown to       clean, fresh water in the home and on the go, from counter-
become a go-to choice for a wide range of hydration, hot         top solutions that sit next to the sink and connect to the
and cold food on-the-go containers and hot cups. Polar Gear      existing kitchen tap, through to under-counter inline systems
bottles, bags and lunch boxes are fully tested to EU standards   with a dedicated drinking water tap. filtadapt® is the new
and ideal for everyday use for all the family.                   contemporary, high-efficiency drinking water filter. Designed
                                                                 for adaptability, with a 360° swivel spout for versatile
                                                                 positioning on the counter and a modular design with
                                                                 interchangeable coloured body sleeve and cap, the Doulton
                                                                 TASTE portable filter bottle is ideal for use when filling up
                                                                 where there is concern with water quality.

                              42                                                               43
Dutch Creative Brands                                          E-cloth
EH236                                                          EH406
t   01299 250 480                                              t   01892 893131
e                            e
c   Tracey Murray                                              c   Paul Rundle
w                                w

Family-owned, world-renowned Dutch Creative Brands             e-cloths clean all hard surfaces using just water. They remove
specialises in the development, production and distribution    grease, dirt and over 99% of bacteria without the use of
of innovative housewares products under three brands.          chemicals. The health and environmental benefits of cleaning
Vacu Vin, the leading innovative barware brand, offers over    with water alone are very real and tangible, which is why
two hundred wine, beer, cocktail and barware accessories       all of our products are endorsed by Allergy UK. When dirty,
distinguished by their originality and innovative design.      they can be hand or machine washed at up to 90°C and
Tomorrow’s Kitchen combines innovative kitchen and tabletop    are guaranteed for 3 years. The superb performance of most
products designed to meet the needs of today’s kitchens and    e-cloth products has been independently tested and verified
the demands of tomorrow’s. The Wine Show is a collection of    by the Good Housekeeping Institute, which is why they carry
innovative products that every wine enthusiast needs to have   the GHI Approved logo.
and will love to use.

                             44                                                              45
EasiYo Products (UK) Ltd                                           EAZIGLIDE
EH428                                                              EH220
t   01332 850468                                                   t   0116 286 7000
e                                        e
c   Paula Norcup                                                   c   Mo Bham
w                                                 w

Delicious yogurt made fresh by you! The EasiYo Yogurt Maker        eaziglide began with a small group of friends who shared a
has no moving parts or electronics and is compact and easy         love of cooking and eating good food. To advance non-stick
to clean. With a variety of EasiYo Yogurts to choose from,         coatings, we developed a new toughening system to handle
each sachet contains quality milk powder, natural flavours         high-damage resistance and to improve food release, making
and live active cultures so you can easily make your own           products more durable and cooking easier. Since then, we’ve
delicious fresh yogurt. Simply mix an EasiYo yogurt sachet         created an extensive range of products all featuring the
with room temperature (15–20°C) water and place in the             unique Neverstick coatings.
EasiYo Yogurt Maker. After just 8 hours (or overnight) you will
have created 1kg of delicious thick and creamy yogurt. Easy
to make. No artificial ingredients or stabilisers. Contains live
cultures. Thick and creamy. Source of calcium. Gluten-free.
Suitable for vegetarians.

                               46                                                              47
Eddingtons Ltd                                                 EKO Utility (UK) Ltd
EH321                                                          EH445
t   01488 686 572                                              t   01525 611001
e                                     e
c   Adam Smith                                                 c   Brian Walmsley
w                                       w

From the outset, Eddingtons built a reputation for finding     Welcome to EKO! EKO re-imagines the home, with an
innovative & quirky kitchen tools & gadgets for our            exciting portfolio of products designed with beauty and
customers in the UK, Ireland and increasingly overseas         intelligence in their heart. Specialities include award-winning
markets. These could feature under our Eddingtons brands       recycling and sensor bins, and a growing range of innovative
or selected from the extensive ranges offered by our Global    housewares. EKO is a family business founded by James
Brands with whom we work exclusively in the UK. Driven         Chen in 1997, with outstanding capabilities in product design,
by consumer demand, the UK market is seeing a growing          engineering and manufacturing. In 2018, EKO won the
trend in ‘Sustainable Living’, and at Exclusively Housewares   Canton Fair Gold Design Award and at this year’s Exclusively
Eddingtons will be showcasing a selection of world-class       Housewares exhibition will be featuring a remarkable
brands delivering quality, on-trend products for the eco-      pipeline of innovation in multiple categories. EKO now
conscious consumer. Brands include Bee’s Wrap, If You Care,    supplies both EKO-branded and OEM products to leading
pokitio™ & Full Circle, together with our 2019 Christmas       retailers and hospitality customers in over 100 countries. EKO
collection and a preview of the 2020 Epicurean Melamine        Home Re-imagined.
                                48                                                           49
Elia International Ltd                                           EP Brands c/o SNIPS
EH294                                                            EH233
t   020 8998 2100                                                t   07714 584033
e                                             e
c   Helen Duffy                                                  c   Steve Plat
w                                               w

Elia International Ltd have been supplying the UK and            Snips produces innovative tools for the home, accessible
international retail markets for many decades with stylish       to everyone, of top quality, inspired by Italian cultural,
and innovative tableware. Sharply focused on product             technological and production tradition, anticipating
development, Elia offer an exceptional choice of quality         consumers’ needs and desires, with maximum attention to
products. Alongside their already comprehensive selection        ethical and environmental values. The success factors are
of cutlery, chinaware, beverage, barware and fine crystal        linked to the product design approach and total control over
collections, Elia will be showcasing their luxury Chroma         the production and distribution chains. Snips anticipates
cutlery gift range at this year’s show. Sleek black gift boxes   consumers’ needs, offering problem-solving products with
with vivid splashes of colour, on the inside you can find        a touch of irony, freshness and originality in the design,
Liana in a cool lime green, Serene in a bright blue, Motive in   increasing market value with items that are innovative, safe,
vibrant magenta, Halo in burnt orange, Zephyr in gunmetal        high quality and with high service content. Snips is a direct
grey and Siena in bold red. Contemporary and stylish, these      production manufacturer.
lovely sets would be a welcome gift for anyone.

                              50                                                               51
Eurosonic Group Limited                                        EVO Lifestyle Products
EH248                                                          EH287
t   0161 831 7879                                              t   00884 254013
e                                    e
c   Stephen Ward                                               c   James Tant
w                                             w

ESG: Eurosonic Group is an international homewares             Evo Lifestyle Products are the UK distributor for America’s
company based in Manchester, England, specialising in          Favourite Sponge, Scrub Daddy! The one-of-a-kind sponge
homeware supplies. With amazing brands and licenses            has texture-changing properties just by adjusting water
being presented this year such as The Hairy Bikers, Prochef,   temperature. It becomes soft and malleable in warm water for
Wilkinson 1888 Enso and Carnaby Street, ESG’s stand is         light cleaning, and firm and abrasive in cold water for tough
guaranteed to have something for everyone’s tastes. Our        scrubbing. The scrubber is also scratch-resistant on over 20
highly trained team allows a one-stop shop for product         surfaces including stainless steel, glass and car paint and
sourcing and developments.                                     is top-rack dishwasher-safe for sanitising. Scrub Daddy has
                                                               become a regular on Mrs Hinch’s Instagram and is taking
                                                               the cleaning influencing world on social media by storm! We
                                                               will be exhibiting the full Scrub Daddy range including Scrub
                                                               Mommy, Scrub Daddy Colours and Daddy Caddy at this
                                                               year’s show.

                              52                                                              53
Fackelmann Brands UK                                           Falcon Products Ltd
EH448                                                          EH138
t   01922 743 586                                              t   01706 224 790
e                               e
c   Clare Gardner                                              c   Gary Downham
w                                       w

Founded in 1919, Fackelmann is a leading global                With a newly located stand at the show entrance, a striking
manufacturer and distributor of kitchen tools and gadgets,     display of functionality, style and innovation will create a
baking, home, leisure and bathroom products. With over 40      warm welcome for visitors. Amidst a host of distinguished
different business units around the world, Fackelmann Brands   brands will be Falcon Products’ own flagship Bake-O-Glide™
UK Ltd markets and distributes a number of brands including:   brand with some exciting new concepts ready to be unveiled.
Fackelmann, Furi, Wiltshire, Stanley Rogers, Dr Oetker and     Bake-O-Glide™ has been at the heart of the company’s
Zenker. This year we will be showcasing our glass fibre        business for decades and features a selection of non-stick,
silicone bakeware range as well as our new bio-based range     reusable cooking and baking liners, along with a wide
of tools and gadgets.                                          range of other innovations such as extra-thick oven liners,
                                                               silicone baking mats & roll-out mats. New lines will also
                                                               feature European brands such as We Love Pasta, Pulltex and
                                                               Marcato, including the striking limited-edition Otello pasta
                                                               maker and the fabulous Arancinotto.

                             54                                                             55
Fiskars                                                          FKA Brands Ltd
EH219                                                            EH314
t   01782 204141                                                 t   01732 354828
e                                     e
c   Mark Follett                                                 c   Myles Lowden
w                                        w

Our 370 years of history are proof of our commitment to          We are FKA Brands Ltd, and our aim is to keep you feeling
quality. Fiskars products are ingeniously functional, uniquely   good. Our market-leading brand Salter has been a staple
user-friendly, impressively long-lasting and aesthetically       of the UK market since 1760 and we continue to innovate in
iconic. We believe the kitchen should be the heart of every      both kitchen and bathroom scales. This year we will present
home. That’s why we design products that help you savour         our extended kitchen range, including our new line-up of
life’s most delicious moments. From preparation to the plate,    salt & pepper mills and our premium range of kitchen scales
our kitchen tools make cooking simply more enjoyable.            designed in conjunction with Heston Blumenthal.
They’re easy to use, easy to clean and easy to store, which
makes them easy to love! The latest range developments
include Titanium Knives with their LZR-EDGE technology and
25-year warranty, and the Norden Steel Cookware featuring
the Thermium™ mineral treatment used in the cast iron
collection, also with 25-year warranty.

                               56                                                             57
Forma House Ltd                                                     GEH Limited
EH411                                                               EH277
t   020 8646 3883                                                   t   01728 833400
e                                          e
c   Simon Maghnagi                                                  c   Nick Squire
w                                            w

Dreamfarm is a place where ideas grow, and every millimetre         Proud to exhibit the Tala and Chef Aid brands, Tala is one
of everything they design exists for a reason – their aim is to     of the top consumer-recognised brands in our industry,
make the world’s best kitchen tools and gadgets. NEW FOR            continuously providing beautiful, quality and functional
2019: attractive and practical, the Ortwo grinder is simple         kitchenware for the home since 1899. With our Performance
to operate, whether being used by one hand or two. With             Bakeware gaining recognition by the month, we continue to
two smooth beech wood handles, a clear glass container              expand the range with relevant new pieces. The Performance
and a ceramic grinding mechanism, this smart grinder mill is        range is truly manufactured to last. Chef Aid continues to
equally brilliant for spices, salts and seeds. It comes unfilled,   grow, not only in the UK but across Europe. Chef Aid offers
so can be filled with whatever seasonings are preferred.            an extensive range of products for the kitchen and home.
Exclusively distributed in the UK by Forma house, the team          In addition to all your regular favourites we have added an
will be introducing line extensions to the innovative Ortwo         innovative new Contain Range. We offer exceptional service
grinder at the show, alongside a complete presentation of the       levels across all our brands.
Dreamfarm range.

                               58                                                               59
Greener Cleaner                                                  H & L Russel Ltd
EH430                                                            EH433
t   01306 881546                                                 t   01268 889000
e                              e
c   Megan Smith                                                  c   Duncan Pratt-Thompson
w                                             w

Greener Cleaner® is now made from 100% recycled                  H & L Russel was established in 1981, supplying coat
plastic, sourced from waste plastic, helping to reduce           hangers, soft storage, vacuum bags, laundry, clothes
single-use plastic. Greener Cleaner® is the only eco choice      care, kitchen utensils, garment rails and shoe racks to a
in the cleaning utensil market and with no compromise on         broad spectrum of UK businesses from independents to
performance, featuring brushes that are durable with tough       supermarkets, from hotels to department stores. Choose from
bristles – ideal for removing tough dirt and grime when          over 400 core housewares products or alternatively we can
washing dishes, floors and other household surfaces. Its grips   help bring your own designs to fruition with our bespoke
and handles are environmentally friendly and ergonomically       product expertise. Customise and enhance your coat hangers
designed to ensure cleaning is effortless. NEW! Greener          using our printing, engraving and name-plating service.
Cleaner® gives back. 1% of all our net sales are donated to      We are passionate about sustainability, first receiving FSC
charitable organisations through 1% for the Planet, helping to   accreditation for our wood products back in 1997. We are
tackle plastic pollution and protect our oceans.                 ‘Packaging Waste’ and WEEE compliant and operate a
                                                                 recycling system on site.

                              60                                                              61
Hachette UK                        Haus Marketing & Distribution Limited
EH429                              EH229
t   +44 20 3122 6000               t   01782 572 910
e   e
c   Rachel Batley                  c   Paul Shelley

                                   Representing the very best worldwide brands for your kitchen
                                   and home. Our passion – to focus on high-quality and
                                   respected names that will last a lifetime. HAUS has welcomed
                                   exciting new brands to its profile this year, making it easier
                                   for you to create a professional experience of quality in your
                                   own kitchen. Our enthusiasm, backed by great brands, can
                                   work alongside your team to create excitement and success
                                   around products, collections and newness.

                            62                                   63
Huski Home                                                         I Grunwerg Ltd
EH280                                                              EH136
t   01322 901025                                                   t   0114 275 6700
e                                      e
c   Lisa Scott                                                     c   Ben Grunwerg
w                                       w

NEW to Exclusively Housewares, Huski Home is a family-run          Our Pioneer vacuum-ware ranges are created with function
company that creates biodegradable homewares and puts              and durability in mind, whilst always on trend with cool
sustainability at the top of the priority list. Products include   designs and stylish finishes. Constructed with the finest 18/10
Eco-Friendly Rice Husk Travel Cups, Rice Husk Lunchboxes,          stainless steel, they are guaranteed to keep drinks hot for up
Coconut bowls and 100% Natural Straws. Huski Home                  to 8 hours and cold for up to 24 hours. From sports flasks
are proud to join the ranks of retailers pledging to reduce        and travel mugs to food flasks and lunchboxes, we have it all.
their environmental impact so that together we can see a           Pioneer vacuum flasks are made with a stainless-steel double
changeable future.                                                 wall with an inner reflective stainless steel layer to prevent
                                                                   heat energy from radiating outwards. We are also proud
                                                                   to showcase our new and popular DrinkPod eco-range of
                                                                   reusable coffee cups. Stylish, colourful and environmentally
                                                                   friendly, they’re ideal replacements for single-use plastic cups
                                                                   and a must-have this summer!

                               64                                                                 65
ICB NV                                                            International Cookware Ltd
EH284                                                             EH444
t   +32 1436 9280                                                 t   01564 786 030
e                                            e
c   Evelien Bergen                                                c   Harleen Johal
w                                                w

ICB is the innovative producer and distributor of Nostik®         2019 sees the launch of new shapes to the Pyrex Cook &
cooking and household products, a brand that offers a             Freeze glass storage range, square and round. The full range
guarantee of quality and innovation. Nostik® represents a         will now be made from pressed borosilicate glass, which is
wide range of non-stick products, such as reusable baking         heat-resistant up to 300°C. All products from this range are
and protective sheets, extendable baking trays and so             suitable for use in the microwave and dishwasher and come
much more, all bearing the Teflon™ quality label. To the          with a 10-year guarantee.
consumer, NoStik® represents quality and innovation and is
the reference in the consumer market when it comes to non-
stick applications. Come and visit our stand and discover our
newest products: high-quality crisper baskets, reusable freezer
bags and the hottest new designs!

                              66                                                               67
Jean Dubost SAS                                                     Jeray (Sales) Ltd
EH407                                                               EH140
t   +33 (0) 4 73 51 91 91                                           t   01494 766 566
e                                         e
c   Laurence Arthaud                                                c   Jeremy Lowe
w                                              w

Jean Dubost was set up in 1920 in Viscomtat village near            Jeray’s have supplied the trade with barware and drinking
Thiers, the capital of French cutlery for 6 centuries. Jean         accessories for over 65 years. With great brands such as Bar
Dubost has been designing, producing and crafting an                Bespoke, Final Touch, Mixology and Vinology, choose from a
extensive range of flatware sets and kitchen knives for four        range of over 200 barware products including the new Final
generations. Elegant tabling, fine details, precision of cutting,   Touch Gosip multi-use personal straw.
it’s all Jean Dubost’s know-how and being, emanating from
its collections of flatware sets and cutlery. The same gestures
have been repeated for almost a century: precise and
delicate, bringing all the quality to our products. The source
of inspiration is everyday life, lifestyles and our travel books.
This source is multiple, enriched by everyone’s experience; it
gives Jean Dubost a modern mind, resolutely turned towards
the future.

                                68                                                               69
Joseph Joseph Ltd                                                 JWP Ltd
EH295                                                             EH156
t   020 7261 1800                                                 t   01282 688 080
e                                e
c   Andrew Stocks                                                 c   Milu Baptista
w                                          w

Joseph Joseph love solving everyday problems through              As well as showcasing ‘ECO’ from Lock&Lock, the 2019
intelligent design. Whatever the challenge, or where in the       Kitchen Innovation award winner, JWP will launch many
home it occurs, we apply the same inventive thinking to           new products from Lock&Lock. Fusionbrands®, back in the
everything we do. Our mission is to create desirable products     JWP stable of top kitchenware brands, will launch ‘Bend
that enhance everyday life and stay true to our philosophy        It Brush’, a unique glass cleaner that won the GIA (Global
of creating ‘Brilliantly Useful Design’. This season we will be   Innovation Award) at the Chicago Housewares Show earlier
launching new products within the kitchen storage category        in the year. If you are looking for quality, innovation, design
as well as an exciting range of egg products and the new          and sustainability, then look no further than JWP. We have a
Totem Waste Recycling launch. Come and visit our stand to         unique range of hydration that nobody would ever want to
take a look at the new ranges.                                    throw away, and possibly the best range of glass preserving
                                                                  jars from Italy called Lock-Eat®.

                              70                                                                 71
Kambukka                                                          Kilner
EH254                                                             EH146
t   32 11890506                                                   t   0151 486 1888
e                                  e
c   Sabrina Ruzzi                                                 c   Sean Kelly
w                                              w

Express your thirst! Kambukka designs trendy drinking             Much-loved British homewares brand Kilner® celebrates 177
solutions for people on the go. Our consumers consciously         years of providing iconic designs and high-quality products
choose bottles that fit their active lifestyle and personality.   that continue to embody the timeless style of the classic
That way, they can express their thirst for more: adventures,     Kilner® Jar. Primarily known for preserving and pickling home-
fun and action. Kambukka products are so easy in use,             grown fruit and vegetables, Kilner® has grown the brand
and after a while you just can’t imagine a life without them.     to demonstrate innovation and creativity with the extended
Kambukka enables a smooth drinking experience with                Create and Make range, and has benefitted from the rising
its patented smart product features. A lid that suits every       popularity of storing in glass over plastic. Not only has
occasion, a design that’s 100% leak-proof and bottles that        Kilner® become essential for the kitchen, but it has become a
are easy to clean thanks to their Snapclean® feature. You see,    statement of style around the home.
with ten years of experience under our belt, we know exactly
how to meet the needs of different kinds of consumers all
around the world.

                              72                                                                73
KitchenCraft                                                      Knightsbridge PME Ltd
EH454                                                             EH302
t   01536 207710                                                  t   020 3234 0049
e                              e
c   Katrina Lawton                                                c   Pat Trunkfield
w                                        w

If you’re looking for a one-stop kitchenware, tableware and       Founded in 1956, PME has been innovating and creating
homeware supplier, then KitchenCraft cover it all. We supply      products for the cake decorating and home baking market for
a constant stream of high-quality inspiring kitchen, dining and   more than 60 years. With a catalogue of over 2100 products
drinking products for the home in all key categories including    spanning the entire spectrum of the category, PME has the
tools, gadgets, cookware, bakeware, tableware, serveware,         widest selection to pick from to best suit your customer. This
barware, preserving, cake decoration, knives, tea and coffee      year we exhibit on-trend, exciting new releases.
accessories, and gifts across a variety of brands such as
MasterClass, BarCraft, Artesa, La Cafetière, London Pottery,
BUILT, Mikasa, Maxwell & Williams, Colourworks, Chef’n
and Rabbit plus many more. Established back in 1850 as
a family business, we now form part of Lifetime Brands Inc.,
a global provider of homewares products with a resource
network second to none.

                              74                                                                75
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