Shed Various Lights on a Low-Light Image: Multi-Level Enhancement Guided by Arbitrary References
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Shed Various Lights on a Low-Light Image: Multi-Level Enhancement Guided by Arbitrary References Ya’nan Wang* Zhuqing Jiang* Chang Liu Kai Li Aidong Men Haiying Wang Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications {wynn,jiangzhuqing,chang liu,xiaoyao125656,menad,why} arXiv:2101.00813v1 [cs.CV] 4 Jan 2021 Abstract With rapid development of deep learning, various meth- ods have been proposed to enhance low-light images. Re- It is suggested that low-light image enhancement re- cent algorithms in [1, 4, 6, 10, 13, 14, 18, 20] enhance low- alizes one-to-many mapping since we have different def- light images to a fixed brightness, that is, the algorithms initions of NORMAL-light given application scenarios or learn brightness difference of training data pairs. Thus, they users’ aesthetic. However, most existing methods ignore are inflexible and enhance images without diversity. Such subjectivity of the task, and simply produce one result with methods ignore the subjectivity. In [21], the light level is fixed brightness. This paper proposes a neural network adjusted by a strength ratio, but it may not be an wieldy for multi-level low-light image enhancement, which is user- descriptor for users since the relationship between the per- friendly to meet various requirements by selecting different ceived light level and the strength ratio is non-linear. [7] images as brightness reference. Inspired by style transfer, models user preferences as vectors to guide the enhance- our method decomposes an image into two low-coupling ment process, yet the preparation of preference vectors is feature components in the latent space, which allows the complicated. Furthermore, except for brightness informa- concatenation feasibility of the content components from tion, color information is also learned in the vector, which low-light images and the luminance components from ref- leads to color distortion. erence images. In such a way, the network learns to extract In this paper, we propose a deep learning algorithm scene-invariant and brightness-specific information from a for multi-level low-light image enhancement guided by set of image pairs instead of learning brightness differ- arbitrary images as brightness references. Inspired by ences. Moreover, information except for the brightness is style transfer, we assume that an image consists of a con- preserved to the greatest extent to alleviate color distortion. tent component and a luminance component in the latent Extensive results show strong capacity and superiority of space, which is proved to be reasonable in our experiments. our network against existing methods. Specifically, content components refer to scene-invariant in- formation during the enhancement, while luminance com- ponents represent brightness-specific information. 1. Introduction A similar but nontrivial theory is Retinex [8], which decomposes an image into two sub-images, namely re- Nowadays, taking photos is convenient with omnipres- flectance and illumination. It enhances low-light images by ence of cameras on multiple devices. However, photos often adjusting the illumination, and then recombine it with cor- suffer degradations due to the environment and equipment responding reflectance. In contrast, our feature components limitations, such as low contrast, noise, and color distortion. are low-coupling, which allows a new image generated by Since vision perception is related to application scenarios concatenating two feature components from different im- and users’ aesthetic, image enhancement should be guided ages. by these factors to improve quality of photos. Although ex- isting professional software provides tools for manipulating Our main contributions are summarized as follows: photos to help users get their visually pleasing images, these 1) The proposed network decomposes images into content tools are either user-unfriendly or working inferior. Thus, a components and luminance components in the latent space, low-light image enhancement method that meets different which are independent of each other. The feature compo- needs is essential. nents of different images are concatenated to perform low- light image enhancement guided by arbitrary references. * The first two authors contribute equally to this work. 2) Our network achieves multi-level enhancement mapping
trained with paired images. In the training datasets, each low-light image only has one corresponding normal-light image. By comparison, existing methods trained with such datasets simply produce a one-to-one result. 3) Extensive experiments demonstrate strong capacity on various datasets. Furthermore, the network offers diverse outputs according to different brightness references. 2. Methodology The goal of low-image enhancement is to learn a map- ping from an image to a normal-light version. However, the Figure 1: A schematic disgram of assumption 2. The image NORMAL light level is within a range rather than a discrete pair (x, y) with irrelevant content is decomposed and con- value from both qualitative and quantitative point of view. catenated in the latent space to generate an enhancement Thus, it is suggested the enhancement is a one-to-many result of x. mapping given application scenarios or users’ aesthetic. To achieve multi-level low-light image enhancement, we make (cx , lx ) and (cy , ly ) respectively, and then cx and ly are con- basic assumptions in Sec.2.1. Then the network structure catenated to reconstruct an enhancement result of x. The re- and loss function used to optimize the network are described sult preserves original scene-invariant information of x and in detail in Sec.2.2 and Sec.2.3 respectively. introduces target brightness from y. By taking different ref- 2.1. Assumptions erence images as guidance, multi-level low-light image en- hancement is achieved. The key to testify the assumptions is Assumption 1 An image can be decomposed into two fea- learning an encoder E and a decoder G using convolutional ture components in the latent space, namely the content neural networks. component and the luminance component. Let ~x = {x1 , x2 , . . . , xn } be a set of images with dif- 2.2. Architecture ferent light levels in the same scene. For each image xi , Our model is designed to enhance a low-light image to fi is its feature vector in the latent space, which consists of corresponding normal-light versions. We present the net- a content component c and a luminance component li . In work structure in Fig.2. It consists of an encoder E, a fea- our assumptions, c is invariant for light levels i, while li is ture concatenation module and a decoder G, which form a specific for i. In other words, a pair of corresponding im- U shape. The network takes two images as input, including ages (xi , xj ), where i 6= j, are encoded by an encoder E a low-light image Ii and a reference image Ir . During train- to generate feature vectors fi = E(xi ) and fj = E(xj ). ing, Ir and Ii are identical in content, while in testing, Ir is In the latent space, fi and fj are decomposed into (ci , li ) an arbitrary image. The same E is used for both inputs. and (cj , lj ). Next, ci and lj are concatenated to form a new Our network employs down-sampling part of U-Net [12] 0 0 feature vector fi , then fi = fj . The reconstructed image of as the encoder E, followed by a global average pooling, 0 fi by a decoder G is the same as xj . In this way, multi-level which respectively encodes Ii and Ir as feature vectors fi mapping is performed by extracting luminance components and fr . Correspondingly, the decoder G is up-sampling part from images with diverse light levels. of U-Net to reconstruct the feature vector. Details about the Assumption 2 Two feature components with fixed dimen- feature concatenation module are then provided, which is a sions are low-coupling. crucial part of our network. The above ~x is challenging to acquire in practice, so it The Feature Concatenation Module is considered to use images that are content-irrelevant with Its function is to regroup components from two input fea- the low-light images as a guideline. This paper executes ture vectors, so that the output vector contains all desired the multi-level low-light image enhancement task guided information. Specifically, fi and fr are fed into the feature by arbitrary images as brightness references regardless concatenation module, and their components are concate- of scenes. Thus, the components are expected to be low- nated to obtain a new feature, which consists of ci and lr . coupling, so as to concatenate two images without involv- Finally, the model produces the concatenation feature map ing information independent of brightness in the reference through a fully connection layer and dimension expansion image. As shown in Fig.1, let (x, y) be an image pair with operation, which has the same resolution and channels as different scenes, where y is an image as brightness refer- corresponding feature map in the encoding stage. ence. The goal of the task is learning a mapping from x to The low-light image is enhanced by introducing lr while 0 a corresponding version x which is as bright as y. Specif- retaining ci . This way alleviates the problem of color dis- ically, the feature vectors of x and y are decomposed into tortion and accords with essence of the task, that is, only
Luminance Component Luminance Component Feature for Low-Light Image for Reference Image Encoder Decoder Concatenation Module Content Component Content Component for Low-Light Image for Reference Image Figure 2: The architecture of the proposed method. It consists of an encoder E, a feature concatenation module and a decoder G. The same E is used for two inputs. light level changes. Feature loss The feature loss is designed for feature-to- As stated in the assumptions, input feature vectors feature mapping. It is expected that feature components are decomposable, and decomposed components are low- can be reconstructed after passing through the decoder and coupling. Therefore, the proposed method uses loss func- encoder. To this end, we use content feature loss and lu- tions described in Sec.2.3 to limit fixed dimensions of minance feature loss to constrain and learn reconstruction the vectors to include brightness information alone, and and extraction processes of feature components. The fea- remaining dimensions include other information such as ture loss is expressed as: color, structure and details. These two kinds of information Lf = Lf c + Lf l (2) are non-overlapping. 2.3. Loss Function Here, Lf c and Lf l are respectively the content feature loss and the luminance feature loss. Specifically, the content To perform the task, we propose several differentiable feature loss is defined as: losses to restrict image-to-image and feature-to-feature pro- cesses. The following three components of losses are mini- Lf c = k cp − ci k2 (3) mized to train our network. where ci and cp represent the content components of the Reconstruction loss In the image-to-image process, we low-light image and the prediction. k · k2 is the L2 error. compute the reconstruction loss. The L1 error is used to The content feature loss, on the one hand, ensures that the measure distance between the prediction and the ground content component is unchanged after enhancement, and on truth. The reconstruction loss can be expressed as: the other hand encourages the feature to be consistent with the original after decoding and encoding. Next, we refer Lr = k G(ci , lr ) − Ir k1 (1) to the definition of the triplet loss to define the luminance feature loss as: where Ii and Ir are respectively low-light and reference Lf l = [D(lp , lr ) − D(lp , li ) + α]+ (4) normal-light images, ci is the content component decom- posed by Ii , and lr is the luminance component decom- where li , lr , and lp respectively represent the luminance posed by Ir . Pixels of all channels in the inputs of the net- components of the low-light image, reference image, and work are normalized to [0, 1]. the prediction. [·]+ is a rectifier. The loss is the value in The loss ensures that the network decomposes image the rectifier when it is greater than 0; otherwise, the loss is pairs (Ii , Ir ) with the same content into identical content 0. D(·) is the squared Euclidean distance between feature components and different luminance components, which is vectors. α is a margin and is set to 0.08 by taking average achieved by reconstructing the feature vector composed of distances between the luminance components of 20 image ci and lr into an image consistent with Ir . pairs, which are randomly selected from the dataset.
Table 1: Low-light image enhancement evaluation on the LoL dataset. The best result is bolded for PSNR and SSIM. Method CRM Dong LIME MF Retinex-Net MSR NPE GLAD KinD MIRNet Ours [19] [2] [5] [3] [18] [13] [15] [16] [21] [20] PSNR↑ 17.20 16.72 16.76 18.79 16.77 13.17 16.97 19.72 20.87 24.14 27.90 SSIM↑ 0.64 0.58 0.56 0.64 0.56 0.48 0.59 0.70 0.80 0.83 0.86 We choose triplet form rather than the L2 metric used in 3. Experiments the content feature loss. The reason is that lp is expected to be similar to lr and different from li on account of speci- In this section, we begin with dataset and implementa- ficity of the luminance component. tion details for training. The proposed method is compared with state-of-the-art methods according to extensive qual- Content consistency loss Next, the content consistency itative and quantitative experiments. Moreover, the ability loss is employed to restrict the enhanced image to be the to generate multi-level enhancement results is demonstrated same as the original low-light image except for the light with arbitrary brightness references. level. Images are first mapped to the HSV color space. Op- timization process penalizes the cosine distance of H and Dataset S channels between the prediction and the low-light image. LoL dataset [18] is involved in training. It consists of 500 The content consistency loss is expressed as: image pairs, where each pair contains a low-light image and its corresponding normal-light image. The first 485 image Lc = Lc H + Lc S (5) pairs are for training and the remaining are for testing. Implementation Details Here, Lc H and Lc S respectively represent the cosine Our network is implemented with Tensorflow on an loss of H and S channel expressed as: NVIDIA 2080Ti GPU. The model is optimized using Adam Lc H = 1 − ∠(Hp , Hi ) (6) optimizer with a fixed learning rate of 1e-4. Batch size is set to 8. We train the model for 1000 epochs with the whole image as input. For data augmentation, a horizontal or verti- Lc S = 1 − ∠(Sp , Si ) (7) cal flip is randomly performed. Besides, a 100×100 image patch is stochastically located from each low-light image where ∠(, ) is an operation to calculate cosine similar- and is replaced with an image patch at the same position in ity. Hi and Hp are the H channel of the low-light image the ground truth. The weight λ is set to 2. and prediction, respectively. Similarly, Si and Sp are the S The network is trained in an end-to-end manner. During channel. the training, a low-light and a reference image are taken We support such color space mapping based on the fol- as input. After passing through our model, an enhanced lowing experiments. If the H and S channels of the low- image is generated, which is also fed into the encoder. The light image are combined with the V channel of the content feature concatenation module produces feature components matching normal-light image, and then mapped back to the of three images to calculate the feature loss. RGB space, the result is nearly the same as the normal-light image. It proves that the similarity of the H and S channels 3.1. Performance Evaluation between the prediction and the low-light image is able to Our method is evaluated on widely used datasets, includ- measure whether scene-invariant information changes after ing the LoL, LIME [5], DICM [9], NPE [15] and MEF enhancement. [11] datasets. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm Cosine loss is adopted instead of the L1 loss for the fol- is demonstrated by qualitative and quantitative comparison lowing reasons. First, the L1 metric has been calculated in with several state-of-the-art methods, such as KinD [21], the RGB color space, which fails to figures whether the di- MIRNet [20] and PieNet [7]. For PieNet, only numerical rections of pixel values are the same. In addition, it is exper- result published by the author is used for quantitative com- imentally observed that the enhanced image color is closer parisons since source code is non-available. For the LIME, to the ground truth when using the cosine loss compared to NPE and MEF datasets, we merely conduct qualitative ex- the L1 loss. periments due to the lack of the ground truth. Total loss The proposed network is optimized using the to- tal loss: 3.1.1 Quantitative Comparison Lt otal = Lr + λLf + Lc (8) In quantitative comparison, PSNR and SSIM [17] are cal- where λ is a weight of corresponding loss term. culated as evaluation metrics. Generally, high value indi-
(a) Input (b) LIME [5] (c) Retinex-Net [18] (d) GLAD [16] (e) KinD [21] (f) MIRNet [20] (g) Ours (h) Ground Truth Figure 3: Visual comparison with ground truth. Our result is more satisfactory than others in terms of brightness and colors. (a) Input (b) LIME [5] (c) Retinex-Net [18] (d) KinD [21] (e) Ours Figure 4: Visual comparison without ground truth. The first column images are respectively from the MEF, NPE, DICM and LIME datasets and under different lighting conditions. cates better results. For a fair comparison, we compare ploy the default training set and test set. Table1 reports the proposed model with methods trained on the same data. PSNR/SSIM results of our method and several others on Furthermore, methods involved in the comparison all em- the LoL dataset. The best result is bolded for each met-
Reference Input Figure 5: Muti-level enhancement results. The ability of our network to generate multiple enhancement versions for the same low-light image is demonstrated. ric. As we can see from the table that our network sig- 3.1.2 Visual and Perceptual Comparisons nificantly outperforms all the other methods. Notably, the proposed model achieves 3.76dB better than MIRNet on the Figures 3 and 4 give visual comparisons on low-light im- LoL dataset, which is currently optimal. There are two main ages from five datasets, which are under different light- reasons. First, the way of feature concatenation retains the ing conditions. As shown in Fig.3, by comparing with scene-invariant information of the low-light image to the the ground truth, our method not only enhances dark re- greatest extent, which alleviates color distortion. Second, gions but also makes colors of the enhanced image closer well designed loss functions improve the performance of to the ground truth. In the absence of ground truth, as can our network. be seen from results of different methods shown in Fig.4, our method is more natural in appearance, making images look more realistic. In contrast, other methods either fail to enhance images or suffer from more or less degrada-
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