Setting up of Interactive Learning Network through EDUSAT for Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur Chhattisgarh

Page created by Beverly Chandler
Setting up of Interactive Learning Network through EDUSAT for Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur Chhattisgarh
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  Setting up of Interactive Learning Network through
    EDUSAT for Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University,
                  Raipur Chhattisgarh
                       INVITATION FOR BIDS FOR
      Setting-up of Satellite Interactive Terminals compatible with
   Chhattisgarh EDUSAT for the affiliated colleges of Pt. Ravishankar
Shukla University, Raipur, Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract
               and Establishment of Audio-Video Studio

                              Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur (C.G.) 492010
                                            TENDER NOTICE
No. 1135/Dev/ fulw/2015                                                            Raipur, Date 19-08-2015

Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur invites sealed tenders from the Reputed Firms/ Companies for
Setting-up of Interactive Learning Network (Satellite Interactive Terminals) for compatible Chhattisgarh
Edusat Network for the affiliated colleges, Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract and establishment
of Audio-Video Studio.
The tender document containing format for submitting         quotation, detailed specifications- terms and
conditions, instructions to the tenderers and list of equipments can be obtained from University website
( ) or Dy. Registrar Development Section from 1100 hrs to1600 hrs on payment of Rs. 1000
upto 18-09-2015.
       Tenders complete in all respects must reach on or before 18-09-2015 upto 4 p.m by speed post to
above mentioned address.

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Setting up of Interactive Learning Network through EDUSAT for Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur Chhattisgarh
Tender Sr. No:…………………….
                                                 Document Contains Pages 1 to -----

                      TENDER DOCUMENT

      Setting up of Interactive Learning Network
     through EDUSAT for Pt. Ravishankar Shukla
            University, Raipur Chhattisgarh
                     INVITATION FOR BIDS FOR
Setting-up of Satellite Interactive Terminals compatible with
Chhattisgarh EDUSAT for the affiliated colleges of Pt. Ravishankar
Shukla University, Raipur, Comprehensive Annual Maintenance
Contract and Establishment of Audio-Video Studio

            Tender Opens on 18.08.2015
   Last Date of Submission of Tender: 18.09.2015

                   Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University
                          Amanaka G.E.Road
                         Raipur (Chhattisgarh)
                             India – 492010
                         Phone 0771-2262540

Seal & Signature of the Auth. Sign.   Page 1 of 54
Setting up of Interactive Learning Network through EDUSAT for Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur Chhattisgarh
  Setting-up of Interactive Leaning compatible with Chhattisgarh Edusat for
      the affiliated colleges of Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur,
 Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract and Establishment of Audio-
                                   Video Studio

                     Ref. No. ______________________________
Mode of Bid Submission
Tendering Authority/Purchaser &           Pt. RavishankarShukla University
Place of Submission of Bid                Amanaka G.E.Road
Proposal                                  Raipur (Chhattisgarh)
                                          India - 492010
Last Date & Time of Submission of Tender/ 18.09.2015 during office hours
Bid                                       (Tender should reach only by Speed Post)
Date & Time of Opening of Technical Bid   22.09.2015 at 3:00 PM

  Bidding Document Fees (non-refundable): Rs. 1,000 (Rupees One Thousand only) by Demand draft in
                   favour of "Registrar, Pt Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur"

Name of the Bidding Company/Firm:

Contact Person (Authorized Bid
Correspondence Address:

Mobile No.:

Telephone & Fax Nos.:

Website & E-Mail:

                                 Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University
                                        Amanaka G.E. Road
                                Raipur (Chhattisgarh) India – 492010

Seal & Signature of the Auth. Sign.           Page 2 of 54
Setting up of Interactive Learning Network through EDUSAT for Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur Chhattisgarh
Abbreviations & Definitions ........................................................................................ 6

1. INVITATION FOR BIDS (IFB) & NOTICE INVITING BID (NIB) ........................... 8

2. PROJECT PROFILE & BACKGROUND INFORMATION .................................... 9

3. PRE-QUALIFICATION / ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA ............................................ 133

4. SCOPE OF WORK, DELIVERABLES AND TIMELINES ................................. 155

4.1     Detailed Scope of work (SoW) ..................................................................... 155

4.1.1      Implementation of SIT ............................................................................... 155

4.2     Testing.......................................................................................................... 155

4.3     Training ........................................................................................................ 165

4.4     Preventive Maintenance Services ................................................................ 165

4.5     Corrective Maintenance Services ................................................................. 166

4.6     Call Centre: .................................................................................................. 166

4.7     Major Roles & Responsibilities of PRSU/ Remote Colleges ........................... 16

4.8     Project Deliverables, Milestones & Time Schedule ........................................ 16

5. INSTRUCTION TO BIDDERS (ITB) .................................................................. 17

5.1.    Sale of Bidding/ Tender Document ................................................................. 17

5.2.    Pre-bid Meeting/ Clarifications ........................................................................ 17

5.3.    Changes in the Bidding Document ................................................................. 18

5.4.    Format and Signing of Bids: ........................................................................... 18

5.5.    Bid Security .................................................................................................... 18

5.6.    Deadline for the submission of Bids ............................................................. 190

5.7.    Opening of Bids ............................................................................................ 200

5.8.    Selection Method .......................................................................................... 200

5.9.    Clarification of Bids ....................................................................................... 200

5.10.      Evaluation & Tabulation of Technical Bid .................................................. 202

5.11.      Evaluation & Tabulation of Financial Bids ................................................... 22

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Setting up of Interactive Learning Network through EDUSAT for Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur Chhattisgarh
5.12.      Correction of Arithmetic Errors in Financial Bids ......................................... 23

5.13.      Price/ purchase preference in evaluation .................................................... 23

5.14.      Negotiations ................................................................................................ 23

5.15.      Exclusion of Bids / Disqualification .............................................................. 24

5.16.      Lack of Competition .................................................................................... 24

5.17.      Acceptance of the successful Bid and award of contract ............................ 25

5.18.      Information and publication of award .......................................................... 26

5.19.      Procuring entity’s right to accept or reject any or all Bids ............................ 26

5.20.      Right to Vary Quantities .............................................................................. 26

5.21.      Confidentiality.............................................................................................. 26

5.22.      Code of Integrity for Bidders........................................................................ 28

5.23.      Interference with Procurement Process ...................................................... 28

5.24.      Debarment from Bidding ............................................................................. 28


6.1.    Taxes & Duties ............................................................................................. 290

6.2.    Warranty ....................................................................................................... 290

6.3.    Limitation of Liability ..................................................................................... 290

6.4.    Force Majeure .............................................................................................. 290

6.5.    Termination .................................................................................................. 300

6.6.    Payment Terms and Schedule ....................................................................... 31

ANNEXURE 1: BILL OF MATERIAL (BOM) ........................................................... 322

ANNEXURE-2: TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ..................................................... 34

ANNEXURE-3: BIDDER’S AUTHORIZATION CERTIFICATE ............................... 411

ANNEXURE-4: TENDER FORM ............................................................................ 422

ANNEXURE-5: COVERING LETTER – TECHNICAL BID ..................................... 433

ANNEXURE-6: FINANCIAL BID COVER LETTER & FORMAT ............................... 44

ANNEXURE-7: FINANCIAL CAPABILITIES ............................................................ 47

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Seal & Signature of the Auth. Sign.   Page 5 of 54
Abbreviations & Definitions

Authorised            The bidder’s representative/ officer vested (explicitly, implicitly,
Signatory             or through conduct) with the powers to commit the authorizing
                      organization to a binding agreement. Also called signing officer/
                      authority having the Power of Attorney (PoA) from the
                      competent authority of the respective Bidding firm.
Bid/ eBid             A formal offer made in pursuance of an invitation by a procuring
                      entity and includes any tender, proposal or quotation in
                      electronic format
Bidder                Any firm /consortium participating in the procurement/ bidding
                      process with the procurement entity. In case of sole bidder, sole
                      bidder should qualify all terms and conditions of RFP and in case
                      of consortium, the consortium partners should jointly qualify all
                      the terms and conditions of RFP.
Bidding               Documents issued by the procuring entity, including any
Document              amendments thereto, that set out the terms and conditions of
                      the given procurement and includes the invitation to bid
BoM                   Bill of Material
Competent             An authority or officer to whom the relevant administrative or
Authority             financial powers have been delegated for taking decision in a
                      matter relating to procurement.
Day                   A calendar day as per IST.
FOR/ FOB              Free on Board or Freight on Board
Goods                 All articles, material, commodities, electricity, livestock, furniture,
                      fixtures, raw material, spares, instruments, software, machinery,
                      equipment, industrial plant, vehicles, aircraft, ships, railway rolling
                      stock and any other catePRSUy of goods, whether in solid, liquid or
                      gaseous form, purchased or otherwise acquired for the use of a
                      procuring entity as well as services or works incidental to the supply of
                      the goods if the value of services or works or both does not exceed that
                      of the goods themselves
ICT                   Information and Communication Technology.
IFB                   Invitation for Bids (A document published by the procuring entity
                      inviting Bids relating to the subject matter of procurement and any
                      amendment thereto and includes notice inviting Bid and request for
INR                   Indian Rupee
ISI                   Indian Standards Institution
ISO                   International Organisation for Standardisation
IT                    Information Technology
ITB                   Instruction to Bidders
LoI                   Letter of Intent
NCB                   A bidding process in which qualified bidders only from within India are

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allowed to participate
NeGP                  National e-Governance Plan of Government of India, Department of
                      Information Technology (DIT), Ministry of Communications and
                      Information Technology (MCIT), New Delhi.
NIB                   Notice Inviting Bid
Notification          A notification published in the Official Gazette
OEM                   Original Equipment Manufacturer
PAN                   Permanent Account Number
PC                    Procurement/ Purchase Committee
PQ                    Pre-Qualification
Procurement           The process of procurement extending from the issue of invitation to
Process               Bid till the award of the procurement contract or cancellation of the
                      procurement process, as the case may be
Procurement/          The acquisition by purchase, lease, license or otherwise of works,
Public                goods or services, including award of Public Private Partnership
Procurement           projects, by a procuring entity whether directly or through an bidder
                      with which a contract for procurement services is entered into, but
                      does not include any acquisition without consideration, and “procure”
                      or “procured” shall be construed accordingly
Project Site          Wherever applicable, means the designated place or places.
PRSU                  Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University
Services              Any subject matter of procurement other than goods or works and
                      includes physical, maintenance, professional, intellectual, consultancy
                      and advisory services or any service classified or declared as such by a
                      procuring entity and does not include appointment of any person
                      made by any procuring entity
SCERT                 State Council of Educational Research and Training, C.G., Raipur
Bidder (SP)           The bidder supplying necessary hardware, software and services
SIT                   Satellite Interactive Terminal
STQC                   Standardisation Testing and Quality Certification, Govt. of India
TIN                    Tax Identification Number
VAT/ CenVAT            Value Added Tax/ Central VAT
VSAT                   Very Small Aperture Terminal for satellite communication for
                       data, voice and video services
WO/ PO                 Work Order/ Purchase Order

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PRSU invites Tender/ bid proposals, who meet the minimum eligibility criteria as specified inthis bidding
document for the Supply, Installation, Integration and 5 years Operation and maintenance of Satellite
Interactive Terminals to various colleges affiliated to PRSU, as detailed in RFP document.

Name & Address of the Procuring           Name: Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University (PRSU)
Entity                                    Address: Amanaka, Raipur 492010 Chhattisgarh
Name & Address of the Project Officer   Name: ShriK.K.Chandrakar
In-charge (POIC)                        Designation: Registrar
                                        Address: Pt. RavishankarShukla University (PRSU),Amanaka,Raipur
Subject Matter of Procurement           Setting-up of Interactive Leaning compatible with Chhattisgarh Edusat
                                        for the affiliated colleges of Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University
Bid Procedure                           Single-stage: two part (envelop) open competitive Bid procedure at
Bid Evaluation Criteria (Selection      Least Cost Based Selection (LCBS)-L1
Websites for downloading Bidding         
Document, Corrigendum’s,                    Bidding document fee: Rs. 1,000 (Rupees One Thousand only) in
Addendums etc.                               Cash/ Demand Draft in favour of “Registrar, PRSU” payable at

Bid Security and Mode of Payment        Amount (INR): One Lac only
                                        Mode of Payment: Banker’s Cheque or Demand Draft or Bank
                                        Guarantee (in specified format), of a Scheduled Bank in favour of
                                        “Registrar, PRSU” payable at “Raipur”. The instrument should be valid
                                        till the validity period and a claim period of one month.

Period of Sale/Download of Bidding      19.08.2015 -18.09.2015
Document (Start/ End Date)
Submission of Banker’s Cheque/          Along with tender.
Demand Draft for Tender Fee, Bid
Security, and Processing Fee in
physical to PRSU*
Date/ Time/ Place of Technical Bid         Date: Date/ Time: 22.09.2015 at 3:00 PM
Opening                                    Time: 3:00 PM
                                           Place:. Administrative Block,Pt Ravishankar Shukla University,
Date/ Time/ Place of Financial Bid      Will be intimated later to the Technically qualified bidders
Validity                                90 days from the last date of bid submission
    1) Bidder/Tenderer (authorized signatory) shall submit their offer in hard copy
       formats both for technical and financial proposal. Tender document alongwith
       DD/Banker Cheque/ copy of Cash Receipt or for Tender Fees, PRSU Processing
       Fees and Bid Security should be submitted physically at the office of Tendering
       Authority through Speed post. In no case tender document will be received by
       hand. At the top of Tender envelope ,it must be be written "Tender for
       Interactive Learning Network through EDUSAT"
    2) In case, any of the bidders fails to physically submit the Tender with Demand Draft for Tender Fee,
       Bid Security up to 18.09.2015 their Bid shall not be accepted. The Banker’s Cheque/ Demand Draft
       for Bidding document fee, PRSU Processing Fee and Bid Security should be drawn in favour of
       “Registrar, Pt Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur.” payable at “Raipur” from any Scheduled
    3) PRSU will not be responsible for delay in submission due to any reason. For this, bidders are

Seal & Signature of the Auth. Sign.              Page 8 of 54
requested to submit the tender before 18.09.2015 only by speed post .No postal delay
       whatsoever may be the reason will be considered.
    4) The procuring entity reserves the complete right to cancel the bid process and reject any or all of
       the Bids.
    5) No contractual obligation whatsoever shall arise from the bidding document/ bidding process
       unless and until a formal contract is signed and executed between the procuring entity and the
       successful bidder.
    6) Procurement entity disclaims any factual/ or other errors in the bidding document (the onus is
       purely on the individual bidders to verify such information) and the information provided therein
       are intended only to help the bidders to prepare a logical bid-proposal.

                                                                                         Registrar (PRSU)

2.1.     Introduction
Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, founded in 1964 is Chhattisgarh’s largest and oldest university.
While celebrating Golden Jubilee, the university is focused on leveraging technology to benefit the
student community.

Extension of quality education to remote and rural regions becomes a Herculean task for a state
with tough and inaccessible terrain like Chhattisgarh. Since independence, India has seen
substantial increase in the number of educational institutions at primary, secondary and higher
levels as well as the student enrolment. But the lack of adequate rural educational infrastructure
and non-availability of good faculties in sufficient numbers adversely affect the efforts made in

Satellites can establish the connectivity between University campus with adequate infrastructure
imparting quality education and the large number of rural and semi-urban educational institutions
that lack the necessary infrastructure. Besides supporting formal education, a satellite system can
facilitate the dissemination of knowledge to the rural and remote population about important
aspects like health, hygiene and personality development and allow professionals to update their
knowledge base as well. Thus, in spite of limited trained and skilled faculties, the aspirations of the
growing student population at all levels can be met through the concept of tele-education.

Pt. RavishankarShukla University is in the process of implementing a tele-education network for the
benefit of the rural student community. The university would like to implement the Network
initially on the Chhattisgarh Edusat network which is operating from SCERT Campus, Raipur. The
Studio at the University campus would be connected to the Edusat Hub through leased-line.
2.2.     Project Objectives
The Tele-Education program for Pt. RavishankarShukla University would be in two Phases.

        Phase 1: Implementation of Tele-Education network to a set of identified colleges on the
         existing Chhattisgarh Edusat Network operating from SCERT.
     Phase 2: Implementing a dedicated network for PRSU and delinking the connectivity to
         Chhattisgarh Edusat, enhancement of Studio and implementing virtual class room setup at
         all colleges.

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 Phase 1:
        The phase one of Tele-education for PRSU is planned through the existing Chhattisgarh
Edusat Network. The University would use SCERT’s existing studio. University would conduct their
sessions while SCERT is not doing any program on time sharing basis. The satellite bandwidth for the
Edusat network is provided by ISRO.

Network Schematic for PRSU Phase 1 Implementation

Note: PRSU at its option could use the existing Studio facility initially till establishment of Studio in
their own campus.

Phase 2:
       During phase two, the university would implement their own studio at the university
premise. Those colleges who are not connected during phase one would get connected during phase
two. The studio at PRSU Campus will be connected to the SCERT Hub through leased line. PRSU
would purchase bandwidth directly from the telcos.

Network Schematic for PRSU Phase 2 Implementation

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Note: Phase 2 is not for immediate implementation. It forms a part of long term vision of PRSU

        2.3 Brief Technical Solution Requirements
The solutions proposed in the RFP are as under -
        1. Establishment of SIT at identified Colleges.
        2. Establishment of Studio at PRSU Campus.
        3. Provisioning of terrestrial link connectivity and bandwidth between PRSU and
           Edusat Hub located at SCERT, Chhattisgarh.

1. SITs at Identified Colleges:
    a) Implementation of SIT as per the specifications given in the RFP.
    b) The SIT should be compatible with the existing Edusat Hub Operational at SCERT
        Campus, Chhattisgarh

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2. Establishment of Studio:Studio to be established at PRSU Campus. To start with PRSU
   at its discretion start with the studio available at SCERT. Later when decided, this studio
   would be established.

3. Backhaul connectivity to Studio:
   Backhaul link between Studio at PRSU and Edusat Hub at SCERT and the other hardware
   required to establish the backhaul. This link would be purchased directly by the
   university. However, the selected bidder should support implementation of the link and
   do the integration / routing from Studio to SCERT Hub.

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3.1 A bidder participating in the procurement process shall possess the following minimum
    pre-qualification/ eligibility criteria.
Sl.   Basic                    Specific Requirements                                Documents
No.   Requirement                                                                   Required
1     Legal Entity             A) The bidder should be a Proprietorship - Copy of
                               firmduly      registered     either     under    the validRegistration
                               ChhattisgarhShops             &          Commercial Certificates
                               Establishments Act or any other Act of State/
                               Union, as applicable for dealing in the subject
                               matter of procurement (Note: A self-certified
                               declaration regarding the non-applicability of
                               registration to any Act should be submitted by
                               the bidder)                                          - Copy of Certificates
                               OR                                                   of incorporation
                               B) A company registered under Indian
                               Companies Act, 1956
                               C) A partnership firm registered under Indian
                               Partnership Act, 1932.
2     Financial                Annual       Turnover     from      IT/ITeS/Telecom CA Certificate
      Turnover from            servicesduring each of the last three financial withCA’s Registration
      IT/ITeS/                 years, i.e., from 2012-13 to 2014-15 (as per the Number & Seal
      Telecom                  last published audited balance sheets) of the AND
      Services                 bidder,should be average Rs. 5 crores.               As per Annexure-8
3     Financial: Net           The net worth of the Bidder in the last CA Certificate with
      Worth                    threefinancial year, i.e. from 2012-13 to 2014-15 CA’s Registration
                               (as per the last published audited balance Number & Seal
                               sheets),should be ‘Positive’ in each financial
                               year. In case, audited statement of FY2014-15
                               not available undertaking of CA shall
                               besubmitted and the turnover of FY 2011-12 will
                               be considered.
4     Technical                  A. The Bidder must have successfully As per Annexure-10
      Capability                    completed one projects of similar nature AND
                                    during the last three financial years from Work Completion
                                    2012-13 to 2014-15.                             Certificates from the
                               *Similar nature means:                               Work Order + Self
                               Setup of SITs at minimum 25 Institutions in a Certificate of
                               single order/single customer (single network).       Completion (CA
                                                                                    Certificate with CA’s
                                                                                    Registration Number
                                                                                    and Seal);
                                                                                    Work Order + Phase
                                                                                    Certificate from the
                                                                                    client showing
                                                                                    acceptance of

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Sl.   Basic                    Specific Requirements                               Documents
No.   Requirement                                                                  Required
                                                                                   completion of supply
                                                                                   and installation
                               B. The bidder must have experience of               PO and Work
                               implementing at least 50 SITs till date in India    Completion
                               C. The bidder must have experience of               PO and work
                               implementing SITs in state of Chhattisgarh or       completion
                               Madhya Pradesh during the last three years          certificates
                               D. The bidder must possess, on last date of bid     Copy of a valid
                               submission, a valid license for stocking and sale   license issued by DoT
                               of RF / VSAT Equipment.                             / Competent
5     Tax registration   The       Sole     bidder/Consortium         Partners     Copies of
      and clearance      shouldhave a registered number of:                        relevantcertificates
                         i. VAT/ CST where his business is located                 ofregistration VAT/
                         ii. Service Tax                                           CST clearance
                         iii. Income Tax / Pan number.                             certificate from the
                         The bidder should have cleared his VAT/ CST               Commercial Taxes
                         dues up to 31st December 2014 to                          Officer of the
                         theGovernment.                                            Circleconcerned
6     OEMQualification The OEM must be a registered company                        MAF as per Annexure
                         /officein India for last five financial years.            – 9 is mandatory
                         The OEM must have a service centre in India.
7     OEMQualification The VSAT Terminal equipment of proposed Letter from VSAT
      forVSATEquipment OEMshould be supported by Edusat Network OEM who has
                         Implemented at SCERT Chhattisgarh.                    implemented
                                                                               Chhattisgarh Edusat
                                                                               regarding conformity
8     Mandatory          The            Bidder            should         have The Bidder must
      Requisites         Manufacturers’authorization from the OEM for attach proof of
                         the equipment’s included in the proposed authorization by the
                         solution.                                             manufacturer or
                         OR                                                    country distributor in
                         The Bidder must be a manufacturer, distributor India, shall be
                         or bona-fide dealer of equipment’s included in enclosed as per
                         the proposed solution and furnish necessary Annexure-9: MAF
                         proof for the same in the specified format.
9     Manpower           The bidder must have had at least 30 technical CS Certificate with
      Strength of Bidder professionals (Diploma/ Degree holder in CS’s Registration
                         Engineering) on roll in each year during last Number/ Seal
                         three financial year from 2021-13 to 2014-15.         OR
                                                                               Letter from HR of the
                                                                               firm duly signed and
                                                                               sealed of the firm.

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Sl.     Basic                 Specific Requirements                            Documents
No.     Requirement                                                            Required
10.     Compatibility: All supplied equipment’s should be compatible with SCERT EDUSAT Network.

The bidder shall be required to supply, install and integrate the solution as per the scope of
work detailed below. O&M of the proposed solution shall be provided for a period of 5 years
from GO-LIVE.

The successful deployment of project requires the bidder to provide quality & timely
services to PRSU.

For successful implementation of the project, the Bidder shall depute one ProgramManager
from the date of signing of agreement as single point of contact (SPOC) for PRSU. Bidder
shall provide the contact numbers, e-mail id and other relevant details of the SPOC to PRSU.

4.1 Detailed Scope of work (SoW)
The bidder is required to undertake following activities under this RFP. The detailed scope of
work for each activity is explained in subsequent paragraphs of this RFP–

      1. Supply, Install, Integrate and Maintain SITs at identified colleges.
      2. Supply, Install, Integrate and Maintain Studio at PRSU Campus.

4.1.1 Implementation of SIT
        The SITs should be implemented at the identified college in the identified class room /
        auditorium / seminar hall. Space (Flat Surface) for implementation of VSAT antenna
        would be identified by the college which is within 125 feet for minimizing losses. The
        selected bidder is responsible for proper implementation without loose wires. The TV
        should be mounted at the identified location in the classroom and cable routed
        through the wall without loose ends and should not be hanging around.

4.2 Testing
         On completion of implementation of SIT, the selected bidder should test and
         demonstrate the audio video interaction between SIT and Studio to the identified
         site coordinator / incharge at the remote college.

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4.3 Training
Imparting the basic on-site training to designated officials so as to make them well
conversant with the functionalities and features of the SIT.

4.4 Preventive Maintenance Services
    Preventive Maintenance Should be carried once in a year either on a separate visit or
    during visit for corrective maintenance. Following steps should be adhered for
    preventive maintenance. If there is no corrective maintenance call logged during the
    year, vendor shall perform preventive maintenance within completion of the year.
       a. Conduct preventive maintenance (including inspection, testing, satisfactory
           execution of diagnostics and necessary repairing of the equipment).
       b. Cleaning and removal of dust and dirt from the interior and exterior of
       c. Preventive Maintenance Activities of components as per their
           manufacture’srecommendation/ advice.
       d. The Preventive Maintenance shall be carried out in Non-Prime Hours only under
           intimation to Purchaser.

4.5 Corrective Maintenance Services
    On identification of any problem with SIT, the site coordinator or central coordinator
    from the university would log a call at the call centre of the vendor. The vendor should
    provide corrective maintenance in 9 x 6 basis. Following activities are included in
    corrective maintenance service.
        a. Warranty and maintenance/troubleshooting of supplied hardware/software and
        support infrastructure problem including network (active / passive)
        equipment,security and rectification of the same.
        b. Troubleshooting of problems arising in the network and resolving the same.
        c. Documentation of problems, isolation, cause and rectification procedures for
        building knowledge base for the known problems.

4.6 Call Centre:
         The bidder is required to provide there call centre numbers for corrective
         maintenance. Alternatively, email, portal if any should be provided to PRSU for
         logging of corrective maintenance and preventive maintenance calls.

4.7 Major Roles & Responsibilities of PRSU/ Remote Colleges
The role of PRSU/ Remote Colleges in the successful implementation of the solution
includesdischarging the following responsibilities:
           a) Provide List of all the coordinators at Each colleges where SIT implementation
              is identified.
           b) Co-ordination with all stakeholders at Remote colleges for required
              permission and access.
           c) Provide requisite infrastructure required at project locations, arrangement of

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i.) Requisite infrastructure like space, building, raw electricity,
                     AirConditioning, furnitureetc. during project implementation.
                ii.) Arrange the necessary space for installation of VSAT antenna, andAudio
                     Video Equipment
             d) During the pre-implementation period i.e. site survey, providing the requisite
                siteinformation to the bidder so that the identification of a suitable
                installation site canbe completed by the bidder.
             e) Making due payments to the bidder promptly.
             f) Taking required permissions from SCERT for up linking and downlinking from
                the Edusat Hub

4.8 Project Deliverables, Milestones & Time Schedule
The milestones, deliverables and time schedule for the implementation of project shallbe as
      a) Delivery of SITs: 16 weeks from the date of release of Advance
      b) Installation and Commissioning of SITs: 4 weeks from the date of Delivery and Site
          Readiness declared from the Remote college.


5.1.     Sale of Bidding/ Tender Document
a) The sale of bidding documents shall be commenced from the date as mentionedin
   Notice Inviting Bids (NIB). The complete bidding document shall also be placed on the
   PRSU website.
b) The bidding documents shall be made available to any prospective bidder whopays the
   price as specified in NIB.
c) If the bidder downloads the document from the website, it should be paid along with
   tender submission in form of DD
d) Bidding documents purchased by Principal of any concern may be used by itsauthorised
   sole selling agents/ marketing agents/ distributors/ sub-distributors andauthorised
   dealers or vice versa.

5.2.     Changes in the Bidding Document

    a) At any time, prior to the deadline for submission of Bids, the procuring entity may
       for any reason, whether on its own initiative or as a result of a request
       forclarification by a bidder, modify the bidding documents by issuing an addendum
       inaccordance with the provisions below.
    b) In case, any modification is made to the bidding document or any clarification
       isissued which materially affects the terms contained in the bidding document,
       theprocuring entity shall publish such modification or clarification in the same
       manneras the publication of the initial bidding document.
    c) In case, a clarification or modification is issued to the bidding document,
       theprocuring entity may, prior to the last date for submission of Bids, extend

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suchtime limit in order to allow the bidders sufficient time to take into account
       theclarification or modification, as the case may be, while submitting their Bids.
    d) Any bidder, who has submitted his Bid in response to the original invitation,
       shallhave the opportunity to modify or re-submit it, as the case may be, within
       theperiod of time originally allotted or such extended time as may be allowed
       forsubmission of Bids, when changes are made to the bidding document by
       theprocuring entity:
       Provided that the Bid last submitted or the Bid as modified by the bidder shall
       beconsidered for evaluation.

5.3.     Format and Signing of Bids:
    a) Bidders must submit their bids in due time at University.
    b) All the documents should be digitally signed with the DSC of authorized signatory.
    c) A single-stage two-part/ cover system shall be followed for the Bid: -
            h. Technical Bid, including fee details, eligibility & technical documents
            i. ii. Financial Bid
    d) The Technical Bid shall consist of the documents as specified in the RFP shall be
       uploaded inscanned PDF format (Bidder’s are required to provide content list by
       fillingrelevant page no.’s in the bid document -

Sl.No.      Documents Type                      Document Format                     PageNo.
1           Covering Letter –Technical Bid
                                         On bidder’s letter head duly signed
                                         byauthorized signatory (as per
                                         Annexure – 6)
                                       Fee Details
2           Bidding document Fee(Tender Scanned copy of DD/ Banker’s
            Fee)                         Cheque
3           Bid Security                 Scanned copy of DD/ Banker’s
                                         Cheque/Bank Guarantee/ Fee

                                         Eligibility Documents
Sl.No.      Documents Type                      Document Format                     PageNo.
4           Tender Form                         As per Annexure-5
5           Bidder’s                            As per Annexure-4 and copy of
            AuthorizationCertificate along      Power ofAttorney/ Copy of board
            with acopy of board                 resolution
            resolution/Power of Attorney
            infavour of person signingthe
            Letter of Authoritystating that
            the Authorizedsignatory can
            sign thebid/contract on behalf
            ofthe firm

Sl.No.                                Documents Type&Format                         PageNo.
All the documents mentioned in the “Eligibility Criteria”, in support of the eligibilityas per

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the format mentioned against the respective eligibility criteria clause.
6         Legal Entity
7         Financial Turnover from IT/ITeS/Telecom services
8         Financial: Net Worth
9         Technical Capability
10        Tax registration and clearance
11        OEM Certification
12        Manpower Strength of Bidder

                                       Technical Documents

Sl.No.      Documents Type                                      Document Format       PageNo.
            BILL OF MATERIAL (BOM)                              ANNEXURE 1
            TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS                            ANNEXURE-2
            FINANCIAL BID COVER LETTER ONLY*                    ANNEXURE-7
            FINANCIAL CAPABILITIES                              ANNEXURE-8
*Please note that only the “Covering Letter of Financial bid” needs to be submitted along
withthe technical bid. Financial bid (commercials) needs to be submitted only on separate cover

Financial bid shall include the following documents: -

Sl.No.      Documents Type                  Document Format                      PageNo.
1           Financial Bid – CoverLetter     On bidder’s letter head duly
                                            signed byauthorized signatory
                                            as per Annexure-7
2           Financial Bid – Format          As per format in Annexure-7

    e) The bidder should ensure that all the required documents, as mentioned in
       thisbidding document, are submitted along with the bid and in the prescribed
       formatonly. Non-submission of the required documents or submission of the
       documentsin a different format/ contents may lead to the rejections of the bid
       submitted bythe bidder.

5.4.     Bid Security

Every bidder, participating in the procurement process will be required to furnish the bid
security as specified in the NIB.Bidder has to submit EMD of Rs.1.00 Lacs in the form of Bank
Draft in favour of Registrar, Pt. RavishankarShukla University, Raipur.

5.5.     Deadline for the submission of Bids
    a) Bids shall be received in office and up to the time and date specified in the Tender.

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5.6.     Opening of Bids
    a) The Bids shall be opened by the bid opening & evaluation committee on the dateand
       time mentioned in the NIB in the presence of the bidders or their
       authorisedrepresentatives who choose to be present.
    b) The committee shall conduct a preliminary scrutiny of the opened technical Bids
       toassess the prima-facie responsiveness and ensure that the: -
          a. Bid is accompanied by bidding document fee, bid security or bid
              securingdeclaration, and processing fee (if applicable);
          b. Bid is valid for the period, specified in the bidding document;
          c. Bid is unconditional and the bidder has agreed to give the
              requiredperformance security; and
          d. Other conditions, as specified in the bidding document are fulfilled.
          e. Any other information which the committee may consider appropriate.
    c) No Bid shall be rejected at the time of Bid opening except the Bids notaccompanied
       with the proof of payment or instrument of the required price ofbidding document,
       processing fee and bid security.
    d) The Financial Bid cover shall be kept unopened and shall be opened later on thedate
       and time intimated to the bidders who qualify in the evaluation of technicalBids.

5.7.     Selection Method
The selection method is Least Cost Based Selection (LCBS or L1) based on Net NPVdefined in

5.8.     Clarification of Bids
    a) To assist in the examination, evaluation, comparison and qualification of the Bids,
       the bid evaluation committee may, at its discretion, ask any bidder for a clarification
       regarding its Bid. The committee’s request for clarification and theresponse of the
       bidder shall be in person.
    b) Any clarification submitted by a bidder with regard to its Bid that is not in response
       to a request by the committee shall not be considered.
    c) No change in the prices or substance of the Bid shall be sought, offered, or
       permitted, except to confirm the correction of arithmetic errors discovered by the
       committee in the evaluation of the financial Bids.
    d) No substantive change to qualification information or to a submission, including
       changes aimed at making an unqualified bidder, qualified or an unresponsive
       submission, responsive shall be sought, offered or permitted.

5.9.     Evaluation & Tabulation of Technical Bid
    a) Determination of Responsiveness
       a) The bid evaluation committee shall determine the responsiveness of a Bid onthe
          basis of bidding document and the provisions of pre-qualification/
          eligibilitycriteria of the bidding document.
       b) A responsive Bid is one that meets the requirements of the bidding
          documentwithout any material deviation, reservation, or omission where: -

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i.     “deviation” is a departure from the requirements specified in thebidding
            ii.     “reservation” is the setting of limiting conditions or withholding
                    fromcomplete acceptance of the requirements specified in the
                    biddingdocument; and
            iii.    “Omission” is the failure to submit part or all of the information
                    ordocumentation required in the bidding document.
         c) A material deviation, reservation, or omission is one that,
            i.      if accepted, shall:-
                       1. affect in any substantial way the scope, quality, or performance
                          ofthe subject matter of procurement specified in the
                          biddingdocuments; or
                       2. limits in any substantial way, inconsistent with the
                          biddingdocuments, the procuring entity’s rights or the bidder’s
                          obligationsunder the proposed contract;
            ii.     if rectified, shall unfairly affect the competitive position of other
                    bidderspresenting responsive Bids.
         d) The bid evaluation committee shall examine the technical aspects of the Bid
             inparticular, to confirm that all requirements of bidding document have been
             metwithout any material deviation, reservation or omission.
         e) The procuring entity shall regard a Bid as responsive if it conforms to
             allrequirements set out in the bidding document, or it contains minor
             deviationsthat do not materially alter or depart from the characteristics, terms,
             conditionsand other requirements set out in the bidding document, or if it
             contains errorsor oversights that can be corrected without touching on the
             substance of theBid.

    b) Non-material Non-conformities in Bids
       a) The bid evaluation committee may waive any non-conformities in the Bid thatdo
          not constitute a material deviation, reservation or omission, the Bid shall
          bedeemed to be substantially responsive.
       b) The bid evaluation committee may request the bidder to submit the
          necessaryinformation or document like audited statement of accounts/ CA
          Certificate,Registration Certificate, VAT/ CST clearance certificate, ISO/ CMMi
          Certificates, etc. within a reasonable period of time. Failure of the bidder
          tocomply with the request may result in the rejection of its Bid.
       c) The bid evaluation committee may rectify non-material nonconformities
          oromissions on the basis of the information or documentation received from
          thebidder under (b) above.

    d) Technical Evaluation Criteria
       1) The technical evaluation shall be completed by the designated
           ProcurementCommittee as early as possible after opening of technical bids. It
           shallexamine the technical bid including the pre-qualification documents.
       2) Bid shall be evaluated technically based on the documents submitted by
           thebidder as asked in the RFP.

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3) The eligible bidders whose bid is determined to be substantially responsiveshall
            be considered to be qualified in the technical evaluation, unlessdisqualified
            pursuant to clause “Conflict of Interest” or “Disqualification”, andshall be
            informed, either in writing or by uploading the details on the
            websitesmentioned in the NIB, about the date, time and place of opening of
            theirfinancial bids..
         4) The firms which could not qualify in technical evaluation will be informed
            aboutthis fact. Their financial bid will not be opened and Bid Security refunded
            aftercompletion of the bid process i.e. award of the contract to the

    e) Tabulation of Technical Bids
       a) Technical Bids shall be tabulated by the bid evaluation committee in the form
          ofa comparative statement to evaluate the qualification of the bidders against
          thecriteria for qualification set out in the bidding document.
       b) The members of bid evaluation committee shall give their
          recommendationsbelow the table as to which of the bidders have been found to
          be qualified inevaluation of Technical Bids and sign it.
       f) The bidders who qualify in the technical evaluation shall be informed in
          writingabout the date, time and place of opening of their financial Bids.

5.10. Evaluation & Tabulation of Financial Bids
    a) The financial bids/ cover of bidders who qualify in technical evaluation shall
       beopened online at the notified time, date and place by the members of
       thedesignated Procurement Committee in the presence of the bidders or
       theirrepresentatives who choose to be present. Alternatively, the bidders may
       alsoview the financial bid opening status/ process as.
    b) The process of opening of financial bids/ covers shall be similar to that of
    c) The names of the bidders, the rates given by them and conditions put, if any, shallbe
       read out and recorded.
    d) Conditional Bids are liable to be rejected;
    e) L1 would be declared based on the TCO mentioned in the financial bid.
    f) To evaluate a bid, the tendering authority shall consider the following: -
       a. the bid price as quoted in accordance with bidding document.
       b. price adjustment for correction of arithmetic errors in accordance withbidding
    g) The offers shall be evaluated and marked L1, L2, L3 etc. based on TCO. L1 being the
       lowest offer and then others in ascending order.
    h) The bid evaluation committee shall prepare a comparative statement in tabularform
       in accordance with rules along with its report on evaluation of financial Bidsand
       recommend the lowest offer for acceptance to the procuring entity.
    i) The members of bids evaluation committee shall give their recommendationsbelow
       the table regarding lowest Bid and sign it.
    j) It shall be ensured that the offer recommended for sanction is justifiable looking
       tothe prevailing market rates of the goods, works or service required to be procured.

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5.11. Correction of Arithmetic Errors in Financial Bids
The bid evaluation committee shall correct arithmetical errors in substantially responsive
Bids, on the following basis, namely: -

      a) If there is a discrepancy between the unit price and the total price that is
         obtainedby multiplying the unit price and quantity, the unit price shall prevail and
         the totalprice shall be corrected, unless in the opinion of the bid evaluation
         committeethere is an obvious misplacement of the decimal point in the unit price,
         in whichcase the total price as quoted shall govern and the unit price shall be
      b) If there is an error in a total corresponding to the addition or subtraction
         ofsubtotals, the subtotals shall prevail and the total shall be corrected; and
      c) If there is a discrepancy between words and figures, the amount in words
         shallprevail, unless the amount expressed in words is related to an arithmetic error,
         inwhich case the amount in figures shall prevail subject to clause (a) and (b) above.

5.12. Price/ purchase preference in evaluation
Price and/ or purchase preference notified by the University (PRSU) and asmentioned in the
bidding document shall be considered in the evaluation of Bids and award of contract.

5.13. Negotiations
    a) Except in case of procurement by method of single source procurement
       orprocurement by competitive negotiations, to the extent possible, no
       negotiationsshall be conducted after the pre-bid stage. All clarifications needed to be
       sought,shall be sought in the pre-bid stage itself.
    b) Negotiations may, however, be undertaken only with the lowest bidder when
       therates are considered to be much higher than the prevailing market rates.
    c) The bid evaluation committee shall have full powers to undertake
       negotiations.Detailed reasons and results of negotiations shall be recorded in the
    d) The lowest or most advantageous bidder shall be informed in writing eitherthrough
       messenger or by registered letter and e-mail (if available). A minimumtime of seven
       days shall be given for calling negotiations. In case of urgency thebid evaluation
       committee, after recording reasons, may reduce the time, providedthe lowest or
       most advantageous bidder has received the intimation andconsented to regarding
       holding of negotiations.
    e) Negotiations shall not make the original offer made by the bidder inoperative.
       Thebid evaluation committee shall have option to consider the original offer in
       casethe bidder decides to increase rates originally quoted or imposes any new
       termsor conditions.
    f) In case of non-satisfactory achievement of rates from lowest or mostadvantageous
       bidder, the bid evaluation committee may choose to make a writtencounter offer to
       the lowest or most advantageous bidder and if this is not acceptedby him/her, the
       committee may decide to reject and re-invite Bids or to make thesame counter-offer

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first to the second lowest or most advantageous bidder, then to the third lowest or
       most advantageous bidder and so on in the order of theirinitial standing and work/
       supply order be awarded to the bidder who acceptsthe counter-offer. This
       procedure shall be used in exceptional cases only.
    g) In case the rates even after the negotiations are considered very high, fresh Bidsshall
       be invited.

5.14. Exclusion of Bids / Disqualification
    a) A procuring entity shall exclude/ disqualify a Bid, if: -
             i.   the information submitted, concerning the qualifications of the bidder,
                  wasfalse or constituted a misrepresentation; or
           ii.    the information submitted, concerning the qualifications of the bidder,
                  wasmaterially inaccurate or incomplete; and
           iii.   the bidder is not qualified as per pre-qualification/ eligibility
                  criteriamentioned in the bidding document;
           iv.    the Bid materially departs from the requirements specified in the
                  biddingdocument or it contains false information;
           v.     the bidder, submitting the Bid, his agent or any one acting on his
                  behalf,gave or agreed to give, to any officer or employee of the procuring
                  entity or other governmental authority a gratification in any form, or any
                  other thingof value, so as to unduly influence the procurement process;
           vi.    a bidder, in the opinion of the procuring entity, has a conflict of
                  interestmaterially affecting fair competition.
    b) A Bid shall be excluded/ disqualified as soon as the cause for its
       exclusion/disqualification is discovered.
    c) Every decision of a procuring entity to exclude a Bid shall be for reasons to
       berecorded in writing and shall be: -
           i.     communicated to the concerned bidder in writing;
           ii.    published on the State Public Procurement Portal, if applicable.

5.15. Lack of Competition
    a) A situation may arise where, if after evaluation of Bids, the bid evaluationcommittee
       may end-up with one responsive Bid only. In such situation, the bidevaluation
       committee would check as to whether while floating the NIB allnecessary
       requirements to encourage competition like standard bid conditions,industry
       friendly specifications, wide publicity, sufficient time for formulation ofBids, etc.
       were fulfilled. If not, the NIB would be re-floated after rectifyingdeficiencies. The bid
       process shall be considered valid even if there is oneresponsive Bid, provided that:-
           i.      the Bid is technically qualified;
           ii.     the price quoted by the bidder is assessed to be reasonable;
           iii.    the Bid is unconditional and complete in all respects;
           iv.     there are no obvious indicators of cartelization amongst bidders; and
           v.      the bidder is qualified as per the provisions of pre-qualification/ eligibility
                   criteria in the bidding document
    b) The bid evaluation committee shall prepare a justification note for approval by
       thenext higher authority of the procuring entity, with the concurrence of the

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c) In case of dissent by any member of bid evaluation committee, the next
       higherauthority in delegation of financial powers shall decide as to whether to
       sanctionthe single Bid or re-invite Bids after recording reasons.
    d) If a decision to re-invite the Bids is taken, market assessment shall be carried outfor
       estimation of market depth, eligibility criteria and cost estimate.

5.16. Acceptance of the successful Bid and award of contract
    a) The procuring entity after considering the recommendations of the bid
       evaluationcommittee and the conditions of Bid, if any, financial implications, trials,
       sample testing and test reports, etc., shall accept or reject the successful Bid. If
       anymember of the bid evaluation committee, has disagreed or given its note
       ofdissent, the matter shall be referred to the next higher authority, as per
       delegationof financial powers, for decision.
    b) Decision on Bids shall be taken within original validity period of Bids and timeperiod
       allowed to procuring entity for taking decision. If the decision is not takenwithin the
       original validity period or time limit allowed for taking decision, the matter shall be
       referred to the next higher authority in delegation of financialpowers for decision.
    c) Before award of the contract, the procuring entity shall ensure that the price
       ofsuccessful Bid is reasonable and consistent with the required quality.
    d) A Bid shall be treated as successful only after the competent authority hasapproved
       the procurement in terms of that Bid.
    e) The procuring entity shall award the contract to the bidder whose offer has
       beendetermined to be the lowest or most advantageous in accordance with the
       evaluation criteria set out in the bidding document and if the bidder has
       beendetermined to be qualified to perform the contract satisfactorily on the basis
       ofqualification criteria fixed for the bidders in the bidding document for the
       subjectmatter of procurement.
    f) Prior to the expiration of the period of bid validity, the procuring entity shall
       informthe successful bidder, in writing, that its Bid has been accepted.
    g) As soon as a Bid is accepted by the competent authority, its written intimationshall
       be sent to the concerned bidder by registered post or email and asked toexecute an
       agreement in the format given in the bidding documents on a non-judicial stamp of
       requisite value and deposit the amount of performance securityor a performance
       security declaration, if applicable, within a period specified inthe bidding documents
       or where the period is not specified in the biddingdocuments then within fifteen
       days from the date on which the letter of acceptanceor letter of intent is dispatched
       to the bidder.
    h) If the issuance of formal letter of acceptance is likely to take time, in themeanwhile a
       Letter of Intent (LOI) may be sent to the bidder. The acceptance ofan offer is
       complete as soon as the letter of acceptance or letter of intent is postedand/ or sent
       by email (if available) to the address of the bidder given in thebidding document.
       Until a formal contract is executed, the letter of acceptance orLOI shall constitute a
       binding contract.
    i) The bid security of the bidders who’s Bids could not be accepted shall berefunded
       soon after the contract with the successful bidder is signed and itsperformance
       security is obtained.

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5.17. Information and publication of award
Information of award of contract shall be communicated to all participating biddersand/or
published on the respective website(s) as specified in NIB.

5.18. Procuring entity’s right to accept or reject any or all Bids
The Procuring entity reserves the right to accept or reject any Bid, and to annul (cancel) the
bidding process and reject all Bids at any time prior to award of contract,without thereby
incurring any liability to the bidders.

5.19. Right to Vary Quantities
    a) If the procuring entity does not procure any subject matter of procurement
       orprocures less than the quantity specified in the bidding documents due tochange
       in circumstances, the bidder shall not be entitled for any claim orcompensation
       except otherwise provided in the bidding document.
    b) Repeat orders for extra items or additional quantities may be placed if it isprovided
       in the bidding document, on the rates and conditions given in thecontract. Delivery
       or completion period may also be proportionately increased.

    a) The limits of repeat order shall be as under: -
             i.       50% of the quantity of the individual items and 50% of the value of
                      original contract in case of works; and
             ii.      50% of the value of goods or services of the original contract.

5.20. Confidentiality
    a) Notwithstanding anything contained in this bidding document but subject to the
       provisions of any other law for the time being in force providing for disclosure of
       information, a procuring entity shall not disclose any information if such disclosure,
       in its opinion, is likely to: -
            i.      impede enforcement of any law;
            ii.     affect the security or strategic interests of India;
            iii.    affect the intellectual property rights or legitimate commercial interests
            iv.     affect the legitimate commercial interests of the procuring entity
                    insituations that may include when the procurement relates to a project
                    inwhich the procuring entity is to make a competitive bid, or the
                    intellectualproperty rights of the procuring entity.
    b) The procuring entity shall treat all communications with bidders related to
       theprocurement process in such manner as to avoid their disclosure to competing
       bidders or to any other person not authorised to have access to such information.
    c) The procuring entity may impose on bidders and sub-contractors, if there are anyfor
       fulfilling the terms of the procurement contract, conditions aimed at
       protectinginformation, the disclosure of which violates (a) above.

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