Sentinel - Seven Acres Jewish ...

Page created by Yolanda Gibson
Sentinel - Seven Acres Jewish ...
Pauline Sterne Wolff Campus                                                             Av 5781
Jean and Jerry Moore Center
for Jewish Living

                                  Sentinel                                         Summer 2021
                                                                                  Houston, Texas

                                                      OUR SEVEN
                                                    ACRES AND THE
                                                      RETURN TO
                                                   GROUP ACTIVITIES
                                                  Special guest Torah Scribe Katherine Bower
                                                  explained the Torah repair process to Medallion
                                                  residents Shirley Cooper, Doris Perlberg, Barbara
                                                  Mishael, Yolande Dauber, Bernard Rich and
                                                  Chaplain Rabbi Avigayl Young.

Volunteer and Chair of the Religious Committee
Bobby Livitz is happy to return to his longtime
practice of conducting morning minyan for the
residents in the Seven Acres Chapel.
Sentinel - Seven Acres Jewish ...
Please Help Us Honor and Nurture, Together
            by Joining Seven Acres’ Annual Membership Campaign

    Dear Friends,

    What makes a meaningful life? At Seven Acres Jewish
    Senior Care Services, we make good on our promise to
    help seniors live the way they want to live. This means
    caring for the whole person in body, mind, and spirit.
    It’s the foundation for our work to enhance the quality
    of life, health, and well-being.

    Through your past commitment and generosity, Seven Acres has been able to be there for whatever
    life brings. We know that aging is a gift, and the key to aging well is having the right support
    and resources in place. Our commitment to our residents is unwavering, and we remain ready
    to reimagine new ways to help them receive quality care throughout any challenge.

    Your contribution is needed today, more than ever, to help support the elder and elder disabled
    who call Seven Acres “home”. We believe the highest level in charitable giving is caring for the
    most vulnerable in our society. With your help, our residents can live longer and live better.

    We hope you will consider joining us by making your annual membership gift today. If you have
    already contributed to the 2021 Annual Fund...thank you!

    With gratitude,

    Richard J. Alphonso, CEO				                Darryl A. Nelson, President and COO
    The Financial Advisory Group			             The Financial Advisory Group

                                                                  Pauline Sterne Wolff Campus
                                                          Jean and Jerry Moore Center for Jewish Living
                                                         The Medallion Jewish Assisted Living Residence
                                                                  6200 North Braeswood Blvd.
                                                                      Houston, Texas 77074

              To donate online please visit
Sentinel - Seven Acres Jewish ...

To all our Families, Friends and Supporters,

It is my great privilege and honor to accept the office of President of the Board of
Trustees, following in the footsteps of the thirty dedicated presidents who have
served before me since 1943. I am particularly grateful to Brad Rauch and the rest
of the Board for paving the way for me as I embark on this important undertaking.

I am incredibly impressed by how our Board and staff have managed to weather
the many storms that have befallen Seven Acres in the last few years. We came
back from Hurricane Harvey with reconstruction and a renewed resolve to
best serve the elderly of our community. And now the pandemic has been so
devastating for everyone, but especially for our vulnerable senior population.
Fortunately, we have not had a resident contract Covid-19 on our campus since
January and we can attribute that to the stringent protocols that were put in place
early on. We can credit, not only our incredible Board and staff, but our Medical
Director and Health and Human Services for their expert guidance during this           Michael Feinstein,
unprecedented time.                                                                    President, Board of Trustees

Now with most of our residents and staff vaccinated, we can begin to breathe a sigh of relief and get back to the
business of caring for our residents while keeping them socially engaged, which is so important for their well-
being. Beginning this month, visitors are able to visit with their loved ones in their rooms during designated
visiting hours without advance scheduling. Group activities are again taking place with our wonderful volunteers
coming in to help coordinate services, cooking, art and more. Recently, we have resumed our Sunday afternoon
programming that residents can attend with their families.

I am very encouraged to see Seven Acres and The Medallion getting back to what we used to call “normal”. In
that vein, it is time for us to begin looking to the year ahead. We have set a date for our annual gala that will
take place at the Hilton Americas-Houston on Saturday evening February 5, 2022, and we are thrilled to be able
to celebrate with you all together in person again. We will be closing our 2020-2021 annual campaign on August
31, 2021. We sincerely hope that you all join us by participating again this year.

In the coming months I am looking forward to working with the staff, volunteers and the Board in spreading the
good word about Seven Acres and making sure that our residents continue to receive the top-quality care we
are known for. On behalf of the Board of Trustees, I send greetings and sincere wishes that you all are doing well
and staying safe and healthy. Have a wonderful summer!

With kindest regards,

Michael Feinstein
President, Board of Trustees

Sentinel - Seven Acres Jewish ...
Bradley Rauch Honored as Outgoing President at 78th Annual Meeting
                Michael Feinstein Elected Thirty-First President

   B   radley Rauch was honored as outgoing President of the
       Board of Trustees at Seven Acres Jewish Senior Care
   Services’ Annual Meeting which took place virtually on
                                                                   Past president Judy Yambra gave the Nominating Committee
                                                                   report and thanked retiring Board members Ginger Kaplan,
                                                                   Rex Solomon, Glenda Regenbaum, Stephanie Loeser, Rhoda
   Sunday afternoon, June 6. The Zoom meeting, co-chaired          Saka, Sylvia Mayer, and John Hess for their service to Seven
   by Sandy and Dr. Bob Light, featured a tribute program that     Acres. She also welcomed new Board members Tomas
                                                                   Ackerman, Barbara Bratter, Michelle Cororve Fingeret, Roger
   honored the memory of late CEO Malcolm P. Slatko, who
                                                                   Greenberg, and Debi Mishael. In addition, she announced
   served Seven Acres for over forty years. Michael Feinstein      the names of the dedicated and long serving Board members
   was sworn in as Seven Acres 31st president along with the       who we lost this year. They are Alan Rauch, S. Conrad Weil
   2021-2022 Board of Trustees.                                    Jr, Leonard Tatar, and Sharla Wertheimer.
   Remarks were offered by CEO Barry Goldstein. “Today we say      The slate of officers for 2021-22 are: President, Michael
   a huge thank you to Brad Rauch who has been our steadfast
                                                                   Feinstein; Vice Presidents, Adam Burck, Gary Greenberg, Dr.
   support during these challenging times, and we know that
   he will continue to be an active and involved member of         Paul Horwitz, and Sandy Light; Treasurer, Lee Straus; Assistant
   our Seven Acres family. I also wish to express my great         Treasurer, Richard Kaplan; Secretary, Scott Jacobson; Assistant
   appreciation for all the mentoring and support given to me      Secretary, Bonnie Winograd; Parliamentarian, Leslie Karpas;
   by our late CEO, Malcolm P. Slatko. I will always be thankful   and Historian, Helen Wils.
   for the advice and guidance that he showed me during the
   many years that we worked together as a team.”                  Outgoing President Brad Rauch gave his annual report and
                                                                   thanked the Board of Trustees for their support in making
   Board Chair Bobby Lapin brought greetings from the              his administration such a successful one. “I want to thank
   Jewish Federation of Greater Houston. “I want to offer          all of our officers and Board Members who have helped me
   congratulations to Brad, Barry and the entire Seven Acres       over the years. Likewise, the loss of Malcolm this past year
   team for navigating this unprecedented and challenging          has been very difficult for not only me, but everyone in the
   year so skillfully and with such care. Seven Acres cares for    Seven Acres family. He has been the heart and soul of the
   our seniors by delivering a first rate standard of care that    Home for so long.”
   is characterizd by dignity and respect and makes all in the
   community so proud.”                                            “I want to thank all of our amazing and loyal donors, they
                                                                   are the ones that really help to keep this place providing the
   He also spoke about working alongside Malcolm Slatko.           services and care that our elderly need and deserve. Also,
   “Through the years that Malcolm and I worked together on        I want to recognize the Jewish Federation. Our partnership
   various projects I saw that regardless of the challneges we     with the Federation through these last three years has been
   may have faced, he always generously deployed his vision,       especially critical to us to get through the aftermaths of
   energy and good heart toward the same singular goal of          Harvey and now the Covid pandemic.”
   ensuring quality care for our seniors. His legacy will endure
   for many years to come.”                                         “I look forward to working with the staff, continuing
                                                                    to spread the good word about Seven Acres and
  The highlight of the afternoon was a program honoring             making sure that our residents continue to receive
  Malcolm Slatko for his service to Seven Acres. A short            the top quality care we are known for.”
  remembrance was given by Malcolm’s wife, Leslie, who                                               - Michael Feinstein
  spoke about how he began his career in gerontology and
  eventually came to serve the Houston community as the CEO        Incoming President Michael Feinstein has served on the
  of Seven Acres. She also shared stories and memories about       Board for five years and has co-chaired several of the annual
  what Seven Acres meant to Malcolm. “Malcolm’s priority           galas. “I’m honored to follow in the footsteps of Brad and
  was always the residents and the staff. He wanted to make        all the other past presidents of Seven Acres,” he stated
  sure that Seven Acres was a ‘home’ for the residents and he      as he accepted the office of President. “I am also inspired
  cared for them as if they were his own parents. He adored        by Malcolm Slatko’s dedication to Seven Acres and to the
  and respected the staff because they too were committed to       Jewish Community and will endeavor to continue his legacy
  caring for the ‘Bubbies’ and ‘Zaides’. Please take a minute to   of honoring our mothers and our fathers. I look forward
  remember the conversation where Malcolm inspired you to          to working with the staff, continuing to spread the good
  want to give your time and your energy to the ‘Bubbies’ and      word about Seven Acres and making sure that our residents
4 ‘Zaides’ of our community.”                                      continue to receive the top quality care we are known for.”
Sentinel - Seven Acres Jewish ...
Every two weeks, we publish an informative blog on our website under the title “Wisdom of the Ages.” We have chosen topics that are
helpful for those looking for senior housing solutions for themselves or their loved ones, as well as other topics that are of interest to the
senior community. Check out “News and Information,” on to read all of our blogs under “Wisdom of the Ages”.

S   enior living communities come in
    many shapes, sizes and names, so
finding the right living arrangement
                                                for socializing during daily scheduled
                                                life enrichment activities. Residents
                                                may also benefit from transportation
                                                                                                to speech, physical and occupational
                                                                                                therapies, memory care, and end-of-
                                                                                                life care.
can feel overwhelming. But once it’s            for outings to religious services, local
no longer safe for your loved one to            stores, theaters, museums and more.             Still not sure which option suits your
live independently, the time has come           Some facilities, like Seven Acres,              aging loved one? Consider the benefits
to decide which option is best for your         feature an on-campus chapel when                of a continuing-care retirement
aging parent: assisted living or skilled        many gatherings and observances can             community (CCRC), such as Seven
nursing?                                        be shared by the resident community.            Acres and The Medallion in Houston,
                                                                                                Texas. Such communities may offer
Generally speaking, residents at                Assisted living communities have                many different types and levels of
assisted living communities receive             scheduled times for licensed nursing            senior care—from The Medallion’s
assistance with activities of daily             staff, but while accessible and on call,        assisted living to Seven Acres’ skilled
living (ADLs), while still handling most        they may not always be present on site.         nursing care to memory support
activities on their own. In a long-term                                                         and rehabilitation services—all on
care setting (also known as skilled             In contrast, long-term care or skilled
                                                                                                the same campus. As residents’ care
nursing), residents receive 24/7 nursing        nursing facilities are better suited
                                                                                                needs increase over time, they can
care and assistance with most, if not           for a loved one who requires 24-
                                                                                                move seamlessly between levels
all, ADLs. Let’s examine the differences        hour supervision and specialized
                                                                                                of care without having to leave the
between the two a little closer.                medical care or daily therapy services
                                                                                                comfort and familiarity of the staff
                                                in a skilled-care setting. Skilled nursing
                                                                                                and community they call home. For
Assisted living is a great option for your      services can be used for short-term
                                                                                                families, this means there’s no need
loved one if they can no longer live            stays following hospitalization, surgery,
                                                                                                to research different communities
safely at home by themselves but only           injury or another significant decline
                                                                                                as their loved one’s needs change.
require minor nursing assistance and            in health and capabilities, such as a
                                                                                                And, the family can avoid the trauma
help with daily activities. They will be        stroke event. During short-term stays,
                                                                                                experienced by the resident for whom
encouraged to live as independently             care typically focuses on rehabilitative
                                                                                                change is now more difficult than in
as they can while given the needed              services to prepare residents to return
                                                                                                their younger years. Thus, selecting
assistance with ADLs, such as bathing,          to their previously independent
                                                                                                such a community will provide peace of
grooming, toileting assistance and              lifestyle.
                                                                                                mind for older adults and their families,
medication management, with staff               For many, a skilled nursing community
                                                                                                no matter what the future may hold.
available round-the-clock to encourage          becomes their permanent home.
                                                                                                If you would like to tour Seven Acres or
independence yet be nearby to monitor           Residents benefit from much-needed
                                                                                                The Medallion or speak with someone
and assist.                                     assistance with ADLs as well as
                                                                                                about your loved one’s needs, contact:
Residents typically stay in private             24/7 specialized medical care and
or semi-private apartment-style                 monitoring, provided by licensed                 Seven Acres Jewish Senior Care
homes and can bring their furniture             practical nurses (LPNs) on duty 24               Services
and belongings to re-create a                   hours a day. Residents typically share           LaTonya Autrey, Clinical Business
familiar, home-like environment.                a semi-private room and eat their                Director,
Larger apartment homes can even                 meals in a common dining area.                   at or
accommodate couples aging together.             These communities usually have an                713-778-5712
Apartments usually feature a living             assortment of daily scheduled activities
and dining area, small kitchen and              as well.                                         The Medallion Jewish Assisted
private bath. While seniors can prepare                                                          Living Residence
their own meals, common dining                  A registered nurse (RN) is on duty for
                                                at least eight hours of each day, seven          Stephanie Barrocas, Director of
rooms offering healthy meals are also
                                                days a week. Residents frequently have           Community Relations,
available and help prevent nutritional
                                                severe medical conditions with high              at or
deficits common in seniors living alone.
Spacious common areas are also the              care needs, from ventilator care and             713-778-5702
norm, with plentiful opportunities              respiratory therapy and IV medications
Sentinel - Seven Acres Jewish ...
Seven Acres Residents Welcome Back Volunteers
                                                    As Seven Acres opens up to welcome more volunteers into the building,
                                                    we have resumed cooking class with Ellie. On her first day back, Chef
                                                    Ellie made scones with the residents. The next week the class made
                                                    individual zucchini quiches. Welcome back, Ellie and the Seven Acres

                                                  Chef Ellie helped Rita
                                                  Behrendt pour the
                                                  quiche dough into the
                                                  muffin tin.

                                                                           Resident Grace Shieh rolled out the dough for
                                                                           the zucchini quiches.

    Nikki Nachenberg had just begun volunteering to lead a     Volunteer and family member, Laine Maier now comes to
    beading class when the pandemic shut everything down.      Seven Acres once a week to play Black Jack with all the
    Nikki is now back and working hard with her enthusiastic   card playing residents. Among them is Laine’s proud dad,
    residents who have produced some outstanding beaded        resident Bob Altshuler.
    necklaces. Welcome back, Nikki!

                                                  Above: Laine Maier dealt a Black Jack hand to residents, from left
                                                  clockwise: Alevtina Agafornova, Beverly Pustilnik, Lila Prager and Bob

                                                  At left, above: volunteer Nikki Nachenberg helps Ellis Rushefsky with a
                                                  beaded necklace.

                                                  Below, left: Ms. Nachenberg helps Lyly Nguyen.

Sentinel - Seven Acres Jewish ...
s and Guests to Participate in Group Activities
    Large gatherings are, once again, a common occurrence at Seven Acres. The morning minyan in the chapel is back led
    by voluneer Bobby Livitz. Chaplain Rabbi Avigayl Young is teaching group classes on the Miller Unit. The residents are
    gathering together to hear live music from Cantor Tunitsky and Motzy Ben Bassat. Our Fourth of July celebration was the
    first time in many months that families and friends were able to join their loved ones to hear great music from Ivory Touch
    and enjoy an ice cream sundae together. The program was sponsored, as it has been for many years, by Stan Shniderson.
    Stan’s wife Irma, of blessed memory, was born on the Fourth of July. When she became a Seven Acres resident, the July
    4th event became her special birthday party.

    Jordana Hoffman was thrilled to be
    able to celebrate the Fourth of July this
    year with her mom, Lila Prager.

    Below: Rabbi Avigyal Young leads a          Left to right, on the floor: Life Enrichment Director Jill Newman, Tammi Altshuler, Bob
    Shabbat program with the residents on       Altshuler, Stan Shniderson, CEO Barry Goldstein, and Seven Acres President Michael Feinstein.
    the Miller Unit every Friday afternoon.     On the stage are musical entertainers, Ivory Touch - Steve and Diana Warner.

                                                                                                                    Music is in the air!
                                                                                                                    Above: Cantor Vadim
                                                                                                                    Tunitsky comes often
                                                                                                                    to play his violin for the

                                                                                                                    At left: The residents
                                                                                                                    gathered      in    the
                                                                                                                    auditorium to celebrate
                                                                                                                    Israel Independence Day
                                                                                                                    with music by Motzy
                                                                                                                    Ben Bassat.
Sentinel - Seven Acres Jewish ...
Thank you to those who have already donated to Seven Acres’ Annual Fund M
     support us again this year by visiting our website at
     and professional care to our vulnerable seniors during these most challenging
    1943 FOUNDER’S CIRCLE                  Mr. and Mrs. Gary Glober         Mr. and Mrs. Alan Cohn
    Financial Advisory Group               Mr. and Mrs. Donald Graubart     Mr. Don Coleman
                                           Ms. Elinor Greenblatt            Mrs. Sybil Crane
    VISIONARY                              Mrs. Harriet Grossman            Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Cweren
    Mrs. Theba Feldman                     Mr. and Mrs. David Hecht         Dr. and Mrs. Nachum Dafny
    Mr. Bernard Fuchs                      Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hecht        Mr. and Mrs. Donald Daum
    Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Smith              Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Herz, Jr.     Mr. and Mrs. John R. Day
    Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Solomon            Mrs. Lorraine Horwitz            Ms. Jennifer M. Dean
                                           Ms. Sharon Katz                  Mr. Ryan Devido
    PILLAR                                 Mr. Jacob Lascar                 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dietrich
    Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Bloome         Mr. and Mrs. Ariel Leibovitz     Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dokell
    Mrs. Rita Blumenfeld                   Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Levy        Ms. Nancy Epstein
    Mr. and Mrs. Larry Buck                Mr. and Mrs. Irving Pozmantier   Mr. Alan Feiveson and
    Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Caplan          Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Rauch        Ms. Marsha Hurwitz
    Mr. and Mrs. Buster Freedman           Mrs. Mallory Robinson            Mr. and Mrs. Howard Feldman
    Mr. Leonard Goldstein and              Mr. and Mrs. David Rose          Dr. and Mrs. Harold Fields
     Ms. Helen Wils                        Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Rubenstein    Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Finder
    Mr. and Mrs. Barry Kahn                Mr. and Mrs. Scott Rubenstein    Ms. Myrna Fisch
    Mrs. Amy Kapiloff                      Mr. and Mrs. Ian Sack            Mr. Owen Fisher
    Mr. and Mrs. Norman Loewenstern        Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Stein       Mr. and Mrs. Woody Fox
    Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Margolis          Dr. and Mrs. Michael Wexler      Mr. and Mrs. Steve Fradkin
    Mr. James D. Nevik                     Dr. and Mrs. Jerry Wilkenfeld    Mr. and Mrs. Milton Frankfort
    Mr. and Mrs. Robert Osman              Dr. and Mrs. Barry Winston       Mrs. Bernice Friedlander
    Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Perwien            Dr. and Mrs. Edward Yosowitz     Ms. Joy Friedman
    Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Rosenberg                                       Dr. and Mrs. Jan Fuerst
    Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shoss              GUARDIAN                         Mrs. Lillian Gaylor
    Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Shoss              Mr. and Mrs. Al Abramczyk        Mr. and Mrs. David Gerber
    Mr. Barry Silverman and Ms. Shara 		   Dr. Joel Abramowitz              Mrs. Wadiha Gilbert
     Fryer                                 Ms. Rochelle S. Alexander        Mr. and Mrs. William S. Goldberg
    Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sondock             Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Altman       Mr. Zeev Goldberg
    Dr. and Mrs. Sergio Soroka             Mrs. Tammi Altshuler             Mr. and Mrs. Jay Golub
    Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Spector            Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. Arfa     Mr. Bruce Gottlieb
    Mr. and Mrs. Lee Straus                Dr. and Mrs. David I. Arlen      Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Gross
    Mr. Mose David Wyde                    Mr. Mike Barajas                 Mr. and Mrs. Gary Gurwitz
    Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Yambra             Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bazarsky     Mr. and Mrs. Don Harris
    Mr. Alan Zuber                         Mr. and Mrs. Boris Bekelman      Mr. and Mrs. Teddy Hart
    Mr. and Mrs. Harry Zuber               Mr. Henry Bercutt                Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Hurwitz
                                           Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Bergman      Mr. and Mrs. Harris Jacobs
    BENEFACTOR                             Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Berkman       Dr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Jaffe
    Ms. Sheila Aron                        Mr. and Mrs. Sam Block           Mrs. Miriam Joachim
    Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Block          Ms. Patricia M. Bonnot           Mr. Stuart Kane
    Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Brown               Mr. and Mrs. Alan Brochstein     Dr. and Mrs. Alan Kaplan
    Mrs. Marilyn Caplovitz                 Mrs. Marilyn Caplovitz           Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Kaplan
    Mr. Arnoldo Efron and Ms. Luisa        Mr. Frank L. Carrabba            Mrs. Jennie Karotkin
     Kluger                                Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Caruso    Dr. and Mrs. Charles Katz
    Mr. and Mrs. Steve Estrin              Mr. and Mrs. Erik Chen           Mr. and Mrs. Barry Kaufman
Sentinel - Seven Acres Jewish ...
Membership campaign for September 1, 2020 through August 31, 2021. Please
 ate. We are so grateful for every donation which helps provide compassionate
g times.
     Mr. and Mrs. Mel Kleiman           Honorable Adam Silverman          Mr. and Mrs. Michael Feinstein
     Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kopel         Mr. Jack Sinuk                    Mr. and Mrs. Jon Feiwell
     Dr. and Mrs. Herman Lapin          Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Spector   Mrs. Dodie Gaber
     Mr. and Mrs. Gideon LaPushin       Mr. Bruce Stein                   Mr. German Genin
     Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Larner        Dr. Anna Steinberger              Mr. and Mrs. Sidney K. Gerber
     Mr. Richard Leibman                Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stomel        Mrs. Joyce Gilbert
     Dr. and Mrs. Steve Leventhal       Ms. Linda Rauch Susman            Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Goldman
     Dr. and Mrs. George Leventon       Ms. Marleen Roosth Swerdlow       Mr. and Mrs. Jose Gomez
     Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Levine        Ms. Tina Tilles                   Mr. Ronald Grabois
     Ms. Sharon E. Levit                Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Tiras          Mr. and Mrs. Harold N. Haber
     Mr. and Mrs. Randy Levy            Mr. and Mrs. Jon Totz             Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hart
     Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Lewis      Dr. and Mrs. Nathan Wasserstrum   Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hoffer
     Mr. Joseph Listengart              Mr. and Mrs. Steven E. Weil, Sr.  Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hollingsworth
     Mr. Bruce Loeser                   Mr. and Mrs. Alan C. Weiner       Dr. Alfred Kahn
     Mr. and Mrs. Garey Marks           Mr. Jack Weingarten               Mrs. Amelia Kleiman
     Mr. and Mrs. Hans Mayer            Mr. and Mrs. Miles Wertheimer     Mrs. Nora Laufman
     Ms. Sylvia Mayer                   Michael Wiesenthal                Mr. and Mrs. Edward Liebman
     Mr. and Mrs. Philip Mintz          Mr. Jerry Wische and Ms. Mitzi 		 Mrs. Reba Magids
     Dr. John Montgomery                 Shure                            Mr. Gary Melamed
     Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Naparst        Ms. Linda Wolf                    Mr. William S. Moses
     Dr. and Mrs. Leslie Nowitz         Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Woolf        Mr. Viktor Nevik
     Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nussenblatt   Mrs. Lorraine Wulfe               Mrs. Kazumi Ishimura Oka
     Dr. David Odle                     Mrs. Judy Zainfeld                Mr. and Mrs. Brett Perlman
     Mr. Bill Orlin                     Drs. Eugenie and Leonard Zwelling Mr. Aaron Poscovsky
     Ms. Beth Paschal                                                     Mr. Joseph S. Rice
     Mr. and Mrs. Jim Phillips          FRIEND                            Ms. Karla Rivas
     Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pickelner      Ms. Myrna Aber                    Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rockoff
     Ms. Carolyn Plessner               Ms. Betty Babendure               Mr. and Mrs. Allen Rosenzweig
     Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Pollon          Ms. Mary D. Baker                 Ms. Joan Ross
     Mr. Walter Pye                     Ms. Sally Barber                  Mr. and Mrs. Salomon Schein
     Mr. and Mrs. David Regenbaum       Mrs. Martha Barvin                Rabbi and Mrs. Jack Segal
     Mr. Gerard Robins                  Mrs. Shirley Bloom                Ms. Miriam Selig
     Mr. and Mrs. M. Russ Robinson      Mr. and Mrs. Burton Bluestone     Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Siegel
     Ms. Doris Rodriguez                Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Bricker         Mr. and Mrs. Sherwin Siff
     Mr. Irving Rose                    Mrs. Helen Brounes                Mr. and Mrs. Dan Silverman
     Dr. and Mrs. Larry Rose            Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Buck          Ms. Alice Small and Mr. Terry Seitz
     Rabbi and Mrs. David Rosen         Ms. Sheila Camberg                Mr. David Smolensky
     Mr. and Mrs. Jay H. Rosen          Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Chandler, Jr. Ms. Mary Ann Wacker
     Dr. and Mrs. Sheldon Rubenfeld     Mr. and Mrs. Merv Chess           Mr. Charles Wiese and
     Mrs. Marlene Rubin                 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Copland        Ms. Janice Rubin
     Mrs. Sandra Schimmel               Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Cutler        Ms. Joyce Wilkenfeld
     Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Shain      Ms. Sara W. Daniels               Mrs. Elise Windland
     Dr. Stephen Shanfield and          Mrs. Marian Daum                  Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Zimmerman
      Ms. Alicia Leff                   Ms. Annette Davis                 *Listing reflects donations to
     Mr. Ilya Shnur                     Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dolgoff       July 13, 2021. Seven Acres’ fiscal
     Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Shoss          Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Eagle        year: Sept. 1, 2020 - Aug. 31, 2021
Sentinel - Seven Acres Jewish ...
a symbol of distinction

                                                                 The Medallion Honors its “Star Residents”
                                                  A new program has been introduced at the Medallion that takes place at every
                                                  resident council meeting where a new “Star Resident” will be announced. Each
                                                  “star” will receive a bouquet of balloons and will have his/her apartment door
                                                  adorned with a wreath and a sign that reads “Star Resident Lives Here”. The first
                                                  star resident chosen was Barbara Mishael who was picked because she always
                                                  goes above and beyond for her fellow residents and is there to lend a hand. At
                                                  the most recent resident council meeting, Barbara passed the Star Resident title
                                                  to Rita Danziger who was chosen because she comes to every activity and is very
                                                  friendly and social. She will have the wreath and sign hanging on her door until
                                                  next resident council when a new “Star Resident” is chosen.

                                                  Barbara Mishael, standing, passed the Star Resident title to Rita Danziger at the most
                                                  recent Residents Council meeting.

                                   Favorite Activities Return with In-Person Instructors
     Recently the residents were able to welcome back cooking instructor Shoshana Isaacson from “the out of town cook”.
     For the first class in so many months, they made easy no-bake cappuccino chocolate cheesecake cups in honor of the
     upcoming holiday of Shavuot. Residents got to prepare and then enjoy eating their handiwork!

     They also welcomed back a favorite lecturer, Rabbi Moishe Traxler, who gives the Monday afternoon Torah Study class.
     Rabbi Traxler has faithfully zoomed his class every week since COVID started, but this was the first time in many months
     that the residents enjoyed the class in person. The residents were not told ahead of time that Rabbi Traxler was coming to
     the building so this was a great surprise!

     Chef Shoshana helped Celia Kantor put the finishing Mah Jongg is back!!! The residents now have a weekly game on the calendar. Left
     touches on the cappuccino chocolate cheesecake.     to right are Yolande Dauber, Doris Perlberg, Selma Silverberg and Shirley Landsberg.
in assisted living
                                    Springtime Brought Fun Outdoor Activities
 The Medallion Residents Enjoy “Pizza ‘n’ Picnic in the Park”
 On a gorgeous day this spring, the residents ventured down to the
 entrance of the Seven Acres campus to the Kagan Rudy Park for
 a pizza picnic. They were accompanied by a large group of staff
 who helped coordinate getting everyone to the park and assisted
 once they were settled. “It was a nice outing at the park with the
 residents,” remarked Carol Burks, The Medallion Director of Nursing.
 “We had so much fun and we need to do it again and again.”

 Our own Chef Noel prepared a choice of pre-made fruit salad
 or tabouleh salad, with cookies for dessert, all served in “picnic
 style” containers. Pizza was ordered from Saba’s kosher pizza. COO Marsha Cayton and resident Ben Patel enjoyed
 The residents who went thoroughly enjoyed it! The weather was their pizza lunch in the Kagan Rudy Park.
                          The residents returned to the park
                          again in June for a picnic to celebrate
                          “International Picnic Day.”
                               At left: Marcene         At right: Chaplain,
                               Goldman was              Rabbi Avigayl
                               accompanied by her       Young joined Evelyn
                               daughter, Gayle,         Berkowitz and the
                               who was visiting         other residents for
                               from the Pacific         the picnic .

 Spring Brought a New Medallion Garden
 Spring was in the air when the residents of the
 Medallion began a brand-new project to enjoy
 outdoors. Medallion Executive Director Marsha Cayton
 and campus consultant Frank Strohl have created a
 garden carved out of the front flower beds to the left
                                                                                             Staff member Fridala
 of the front door. Sod was placed with a wooden border                                      Barrett helps residents
 around it and the beds were raised for easy access for                                      Rita Danziger and
 the residents.                                                                              Florence Weitzner
                                                                                             plant seeds among
 Small vegetables such as cucumbers and cherry                                               the marigolds. COO
 tomatoes are among the vegetables being planted as                                          Marsha Cayton is in
 well as dill, parsley and oregano, all planted from seed.                                   the background.
 Marigold flowers were planted to repel bugs. “This is
 such an exciting project for our residents,” Cayton said
 as she explained the purpose of the gardening project.
 “We want them to have a real connection to nature and
 they loved getting dirt on their hands!”
                                             Fitness Tests for Healthy Aging
                                                                     The rehab department of Seven Acres and The Medallion is
                                                                     dedicated to the well-being of every resident on the campus. Rehab
                                                                     Director Julie Limon has recently begun to administer baseline
                                                                     fitness tests to residents at the Medallion to measure their flexibility,
                                                                     agility, strength and endurance. In six months, she and Wellness
                                                                     Coordinator Althea Scott will retest them to compare how they fare
                                                                     over time. Ms. Limon takes their height, weight and age and plugs
                                                                     in the results to a computer program that compares the resident to
                                                                     others in her or his age bracket. The tests consisted of an Arm Curl
                                                                     Stand test holding a 3 pound weight, a 2-Minute Step test showing
                                                                     how many high steps can be performed in 2 minutes. There is also
                                                                     a Sit-and-Reach test done seated in a chair, an 8-Foot Up-and-Go
                                                                     walking test and a flexibility test with one arm reaching over the
                                                                     back and one arm reaching up the back from behind (Back Scratch
                                                                     test). Residents participated voluntarily and all of them performed
     Julie Limon measured Shirley Cooper’s ability to do the Chair   extremely well for their age. Let’s see how they can improve over
     Sit-and-Reach test which measures flexiblity.                   the next six months!

     Flo Slatko was able to perform the         Barbara Mishael performs the Arm Curl        The 2-Minute Step Test was a “piece of cake “ for
     8 -Foot Up-and-Go Test with ease.          Test spectacularly using a 3 lb. weight.     Ada Caplan.
                                                                                                                  Sleep and Aging
                                                                                                             Julie Limon conducted a short
                                                                                                             workshop to discuss sleep and
                                                                                                             aging. Here are a few of her
                                                                                                             1. Try to wake up and go to bed
                                                                                                             at the same time every day.
                                                                                                             2. Expose yourself to sunlight for
                                                                                                             10-30 minutes each day outdoors
                                                                                                             to help reset your biological
                                                                                                             3. Get regular exercise and keep
                                                                                                             4. Seven to nine hours of sleep is
                                                                                                             optimal for a healthy older adult.
12                                                                                                           5. Limit screen time before bed.
                                      Pool Re-Opening Goes Swimmingly
   The residents of The Medallion Jewish Assisted Living                 was given sunglasses and flower leis to wear. Wellness
   Residence are thrilled to get back into the swim of things,           Coordinator Althea Scott brought several pairs of brightly
   literally. On June 15 they attended the grand re-opening              colored swim shoes to share with any residents who signed
   party for the therapy pool and gym. It was co-hosted by               up to participate for water therapy. Ms. Scott got into the
   SelectCare, the rehabilitation department that oversees all           pool to promote the benefits of water exercise to everyone
   therapy programs on the campus.                                       and encourage them all to sign up for her classes.

   The full therapy department showed up to greet the residents          Chef Noel Tobias provided summertime snacks that included
   and toss around a few beach balls. Staff and residents dressed        a delicious watermelon slushie punch. Everyone truly had a
   in their best beach or pool themed outfits and everyone               BALL!

                                                             Co-chairs and Honorees for the 2020 Gala. Left to right: 2020 Gala co-chairs
                                                             Max and Susan Reichenthal, honoree Evelyn Reichenthal, honoree Judy
                                                             Yambra, co-chairs Andrea and David Stein.

   The SelectCare staff (standing) joined the residents in playing a lively game of beach ball. Left to right: Debi Sokoloff, John Hamilton,
   Loribeth Hauffe, Julie Limon, Adrian Torres, Cesar Pulido, and Althea Scott. Seated, left to right: Selma Silverberg, Evelyn Berkowitz,
   Phoebe Brown, Florence Weitzner, Barbara Mishael, Ocupational Therapist Jasmita Patel, and Bernice Zieben.

                                                   Evelyn Berkowitz visited with Speech
                                                   Therapist Loribeth Hauffe.
   Wellness Coordinator Althea Scott                                                              Seven Acres/Medallion COO Marsha
   oriented Barbara Mishael to the pool.                                                          Cayton toasts resident Doris Perlberg.

Seven Acres Funds and Tributes
                           Annette and Dan Gordon       Dr. and Mrs. Al Solomon         Irene and Brian Binash
                           Everlasting Care Fund          Kaki and Larry Buck           Diana Brackman and
                           IN MEMORY OF                 Judy and Al Weycer              Alan Becker
                           Lenora “Lee” Turk Ladin        Sally and Charles Roberts     Kaki and Larry Buck
                             Paula and Rick Stein       HAPPY    BIRTHDAY TO            Robin and Lu Dorfman
                           Benjamin O. Leff Religious Stuart Aaron                      Sherry and Lenny Dubin
                           Holiday Fund                   Kaki and Larry Buck           Cindy and Gary Greenberg
                           IN HONOR OF                  Barbara   and Stuart Aaron      Punkin and Walter Hecht
     We Thank              Michael Katzeff                Kaki and Larry Buck           Jackie and Malcolm Mazow
                             Judy and Jon Harris        Don  Aron                       Suzanne Miller
     You for Your                                         Kaki  and Larry Buck          Joy and Dickie Pulaski
                           Annette and Dan Gordon
                                                        Amy Bernstein                   Jonathan Rauch
     Generosity!           Everlasting Care Fund
                                                          Sally and Charles Roberts     Lynette Rauch
                           IN MEMORY OF
                                                        Benjamin Brochstein             Stewart and Louise Rosenthal
                           Lenora “Lee” Turk Ladin
                                                          Kaki and Larry Buck           Beth and Lee Schlanger
                             Paula and Rick Stein
                                                        Larry Buck                      Eileen and Burt Skolnik
                           Benjamin O. Leff Religious     Sue Sue and Don Aron          Carolyn Solar
                           Holiday Fund                 Robert Caplan                   Teri and Lee Straus
     Tribute Gifts         IN HONOR OF                    Cindy and Les Fox             Judy and Ronnie Yambra
     received after        Michael Katzeff              M.M. Feld, Jr.                  Brenda and Ed Yosowitz
                             Judy and Jon Harris          Kaki and Larry Buck         Janice Rubin
     June 30, 2021         Winnie Isaacs                Jay Kaplan                      Sherwin Rubin
     will be               Ann and Richard Goldfarb       Jennie Karotkin             IN MEMORY OF
     acknowledged          Miriam Leff                  Marvin Katz                   Jodi Lynn Braham
                             Judy and Jon Harris          Kaki and Larry Buck           Vicki and Lawrence Levy
     in our next           David Seligman               Sharon Katz                   Hilford Joseph Chesnick, Sr.
     publication.            Sally and Lenard Berkowitz   Kaki and Larry Buck           Lynn and Jerry Yellen
                           Serna Tavyev                 Lee Ladin                     Florence Citarel
                             David Tavyev                 Lila Rauch                    Deb and E.J. Nowinski
                           Judith Weingart              Bubba Levy                    Elizabeth Cocke
                             Alicia Leff and Stephen      Kaki and Larry Buck           Teri and Dave Miller
                             Shanfield                  Fred Rosen                    Rosemarie Devido
                           Bertie Hart Oneg Shabbat       Kaki and Larry Buck           Joan Kaplan
                           Sing-Along Fund              Brenda Rubenstein             Jerry Fishel
     For your              IN MEMORY OF                   Kaki and Larry Buck           Karen and Buster Freedman
     convenience, you      Theo Blue                    Michael Rubenstein            Gerald Getz
     may make your           Phyllis and Paul Hart        Kaki and Larry Buck           Michelle Bahr
                           Stacey Kallman               Lee Schlanger                   Kaki and Larry Buck
     tribute online at       Phyllis and Paul Hart        Kaki and Larry Buck           Arlene and Alan Gerger   Malcolm P. Slatko            Dan Silverman                   Beth and Marty Gold
                             Phyllis and Paul Hart        Kaki and Larry Buck           Joan and Larry Katz
                           Tommy Tow                    Bruce Stein                     Mallory Robinson
                             Phyllis and Paul Hart        Dede Weil                     Marsha Wallace
                           General Fund                 IN HONOR OF                     Judy and Ronnie Yambra
                           HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO         Bradley Rauch                 Alfred Groner
                           Kaki and Larry Buck            Patricia and Mark Rauch       Alice Small and Terry Seitz
                             Barbara and Stuart Aaron   David Seligman                Jodie Hoffer
                             Sue Sue and Don Aron         Barbara and Stuart Aaron      Lynne Lipsitz
                           Carol and Desey Desenberg Bruce Stein                      Zona Hoffman
                             Sally and Charles Roberts    Joyce Ahearn                  Lynn and Jerry Yellen
                           Sharon and Lewis Krantz        Sue Sue and Don Aron        Winnie Isaacs
                             Lynn and Jerry Yellen        Bobbi and Tom Asarch          Mady Amsterdam

Sandy and Lucky Burke           Jennifer and Robert Reichek Diana Brackman and
  Judy and Danny Danziger         Regina Rogers                 Alan Becker
  Marlene and Alan Efron          Marlene and Norman 			 Ann Cashiola
  David and Jodi Gold             Rosenthal                     Neidra Davis
                                                                                               In Memoriam
  Mindy Goldman                   Linda and Jerry Rubenstein    Alan and Sherrie Eisenman
  Helen Wils and Leonard          Devora Rubin                  Marcia Feldt Bates
  Goldstein                       Lynn Segal                    Fran Friedman
  Martin and Deborah Kagan        Shara Fryer and Barry 			 Ann and Kenny Friedman              Margie Arseno
  Andrea and Aaron Kahle          Silverman                     Arlene and Alan Gerger
  Sherrie and Richard Kaplan      Betty and Steve Silverman     Susie and Jay Golding           Kam Braslavsky
  Chloe Kendall                   Alice Small and Terry Seitz   Loretta and Harold Goldstein    Shmul Feldman
  Barbara and Geoffrey Koslov     Valorie and Rick Steinhart    Helen Wils and Leonard
  Karen and Jerry Lea             Teri and Lee Straus           Goldstein                         Stella Hall
  Richard Leibman                 Teri and Tim Streusand        Barbara Golub
  Bernice and Jordan Loftus       Linda Susman                  Marilyn Hassid
                                                                                                Winnie Isaacs
  Carolyn Plessner                The Rauch Family Trust        Mallory Hoffman                  Renee Maltz
  Barbara and Jim Rubenstein      Marsha Wallace                Sandy and Richard Jackson
  Rosalyn Saron                   Cherry Whitley                Barbara and Ray Kalmans        Jeral Lynn Morris
  Karen and Armin Weinberg        Carol and Michael Wilk        Fran and Mark 		                Agnes Rolnick
  Irene Weingarten                Brenda and Ed Yosowitz        Katzenellenbogen
Estelle Jucker                  Renee Maltz                     Barbara and Geoffrey Koslov     Connie Sekaly
  Helen and Andy Spector          Diana Crispin                 Vicki and Lawrence Levy
                                                                                                David Seligman
Susan Krovetz                     Richard Leibman               Lynne Lipsitz
  Kaki and Larry Buck             Lynn and Jerry Yellen         Sidney and Ione Moran          Merle Ann Teacle
Lenora “Lee” Turk Ladin         Agnes “Aggie” Ann Rolnick       Barbara and Mark Paull
  Sue Sue and Don Aron            Judge Patrice Barron          Lynn and Hyman Penn            Judith Weingart
  Mark Berins                   Blanche Rose                    Ann and Daniel Rogers          Solomon Williams
  Doris Bernard                   Lynne Lipsitz                 Rhoda and Steve Saka
  Carolyn and Ron Bernell         Lynn and Jerry Yellen         Beth and Lee Schlanger
  Bonnie and Gary Blumberg      Molly and Leon Rovick           Herman Schultz
  Joanne and Donald Brodsky       Elaine Ackel                  Lori and Stuart Speer
  Kaki and Larry Buck           William Schultz                 Justin Stein
  Alyse and Robert Caplan         Lynne Lipsitz                 Maureen and Larry Wainer
  Lynn Edelman                    Carol and Michael Wilk        Bonnie Winograd
  Kelli Cohen Fein and Martin   David Seligman                  Phyliss and Herbert Wizig
  Fein                            Kaki and Larry Buck         Dr. Marvin Speer
  Esther and Woody Fox            Maralyn Cohen                 Helen Wils and Leonard
  Renee Gerber                    Carol Dochen                Goldstein
  Nancy and Gary Glesby           Alan and Sherrie Eisenman     Sally and Charles Roberts
  Sandy and Randy Herzstein       Andrea Eisenstein             Marsha Wallace
  Arlene and Marshall 		          Judy Myers                    Carol and Michael Wilk
  Hoffman                         Donna and Hunter Thomas Shirley Stein
  Jennie Karotkin                 Irene Wexler                  Joyce Ahearn
  Kathy and Tim Knott             Judy and Ronnie Yambra      Leonard Tatar
  Sharon and Lewis Krantz       Barbara Schlanger Selzer        Lindy and Jason Lent
  LADCO                           Karen and Buster Freedman Lynne Lipsitz
  Diane and Ronnie Lepow          Alice Small and Terry Seitz Mimi Toubin
  Randy and Joni Levy             Lynn and Jerry Yellen         Barbara and Stuart Aaron
  Lainie and David Mincberg     Malcolm P. Slatko             Donald G. Veleber
  Carole Pasternack               Julie Anbarchian              Dennis Laviage
  Ann Plantowsky                  Sue Sue and Don Aron        Hy Warshaw
  Carolyn Plessner                Avalon Advisors, LLC          Barbara and Stuart Aaron
  Marilyn Presser                 Marilynne and Alford 			    Henry Wedelich
  Patricia and Mark Rauch         Bleeker
                                                                     continued on page 18
President........................... Michael Feinstein
                                                                           Chief Executive Officer...... Barry Goldstein
                                                                           Editor................................. Stephanie H. Kleiner

6200 N. Braeswood Blvd.
Houston, Texas 77074

Tributes continued, from page 15
  Susie Marshall                Jack Selber                 IN HONOR OF                              Eva and Mike Loeb
Judith Weingart                   Kaki and Larry Buck       Graduation of Max Loeb                   Kristine Lytle
  Marc Grossberg                Jo Capito Fund                Eva and Mike Loeb                      Judy Myers
  Leda and Mike Karchmer        IN HONOR OF                 Graduation of Jacob Sacks                Ellen and Butch
  Patti and Larry Maltz         Bruce Stein                   Eva and Mike Loeb                    Rosenberg
  Stephanie Page                  Andi and Sandy Gaitz      Graduation of Ryan Sacks                 Anita Rothschild
  Lanie and Jerry Rose          IN MEMORY OF                  Eva and Mike Loeb                      Susan and Ed Septimus
  Ellen and Butch Rosenberg     Jo Capito                   IN MEMORY OF                             Pat and Paul Simons
  Elaine and Jay Silver           Lynn and Hyman Penn       Minnie Z. and Walter T. Jones            Jean Victor
Henry A. Wertheimer             Lenora “Lee” Turk Ladin       Eva and Mike Loeb                      Mike Weingart
  Barbara and Stuart Aaron        Arlene Gaitz              Mike Loeb                              Helen Mintz
Jennifer Lee Zuber              Minnie Z. and Walter T.       Francine and Brad Beckman              Rochelle Skibell
  Alice Small and Terry Seitz   Jones Arts & Craft Fund       Sally and Lenard Berkowitz           Judith Weingart
  Lynn and Jerry Yellen         HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO          Michelle and Brad Brookner             Eva and Mike Loeb
SPEEDY RECOVERY TO              Charlotte and David Jones     Tina Erales                          Sue Cororve Family
Irwin Barg                        Eva and Mike Loeb           Janet and Mickey Frost               Grandparents’ Day
  Kaki and Larry Buck           April and Jay Loeb            Allison Gagnon                       HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO
Barbara Horwitz                   Eva and Mike Loeb           Brian and Michael 		                 Elena Pelsinger
  Lynn and Jerry Yellen         HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO             Guehring/Miller                        Mike Weingart
Ginger Kaplan                   Mary Loeb                     Mallory Hoffman                      IN MEMORY OF
  Helen Wils and Leonard          Eva and Mike Loeb           Nancy Israel                         Lenora “Lee” Turk Ladin
  Goldstein                     Jay Loeb                      Jimmy and Shelley Kessler              Joyce Garfinkel
                                  Eva and Mike Loeb           Laura and Marc Lempert                 Erica and Benjy Levit
                                                                                                     Jane and Jon Pollock

                           Save the Date !!
                  Saturday, February 5, 2022
                    Seven Acres 2022 Gala
                   Hilton Americas-Houston
    Let’s Celebrate Together Again!!
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