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SentEmojiBot: Empathising Conversations Generation with Emojis Akhilesh Ravi, Amit Yadav, Jainish Chauhan, Jatin Dholakia, Naman Jain, and Mayank Singh Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar Gujarat, India Abstract of a chatbot’s response (Ritter et al., 2010; Zhang et al., 2018; Mazaré et al., 2019; Rashkin et al., The increasing use of dialogue agents makes 2018; Lin et al., 2019). However, these works have arXiv:2105.12399v1 [cs.CL] 26 May 2021 it extremely desirable for them to understand been able to generate responses by focusing purely and acknowledge the implied emotions to re- on textual responses. spond like humans with empathy. Chatbots using traditional techniques analyze emotions Research shows that facial expressions plays a based on the context and meaning of the text key role in clearly communicating the message of and lack the understanding of emotions ex- the speaker (Busso et al., 2004). They help the lis- pressed through face. Emojis representing fa- tener to clearly resolve the ambiguity in emotions, cial expressions presents a promising way to intention and tonality of the message. Modern ap- express emotions. However, none of the AI plication softwares have introduced Emojis, the systems utilises emojis for empathetic conver- sation generation. We propose, SentEmojiBot, animated faces with expressions, as an alternative based on SentEmoji dataset, to generate em- to facial expressions in chat rooms to eliminate the pathetic conversations with a combination of ambiguity related to the response of the user. Pre- emojis and text. Evaluation metrics show that vious works have analysed and supported the sig- BERT-based model outperforms the vanilla nificance of emojis in social media conversations transformer model. A user study indicates that through improved performances in understanding the dialogues generated by our model were un- NLP tasks such as sentiment, emotion, and sarcasm derstandable and adding emojis improved em- pathetic traits in conversations by 9.8%. detection (Felbo et al., 2017; Wood and Ruder, 2016; Li et al., 2019). Even though we find rich 1 Introduction literature that use emojis to improvise semantic un- derstanding of text, to the best of our knowledge, Humans acknowledge the feelings of their inter- locutor while responding with caring attitude to achieve an engaging and comforting conversation. This behaviour is termed as empathetic respond- ing (Rashkin et al., 2018). With the onset of tech- nologies such as chatbots and voice assistants, hu- mans have started to expect empathetic responses from the machine-mediated automatic communi- cation systems (Reeves and Nass, 1996). Many studies have proved that empathetic responses re- sults in better outcomes from both goal-oriented and informal conversations. (Levinson et al., 2000; Wentzel, 1997; Bickmore and Cassell, 2001; Kim et al., 2004; Fraser et al., 2018). In recent years, re- searchers have been successful in generating mean- ingful responses (Zhou and Wang, 2018; Wang and Wan, 2018; Zhou et al., 2018; Hu et al., 2017) and Figure 1: Comparison of responses from various sys- embedding empathetic behaviour in the semantics tems: 1) Siri, 2) Rashkin et al. (2018), 3) Our model
erage utterance length of 15.2 words. The dataset has 10 fundamental emotional categories. These categories are mutually exclusive from each other, in terms of appraisal, antecedent events, probable behavioural response and physiology (Kowalska and Wróbel, 2017). Figure 2 presents an exam- ple of conversation snippet from the SE dataset. “Emotion” tells about the implied emotion in the conversation. “Context” sets a situation for conver- sation based on the emotion. In every conversation, “Speaker” refers to human and “Listener” refers to Figure 2: Example of a conversation snippet with mul- automated dialogue agent. Each dialogue is consid- tiple utterances from SE dataset ered as one utterance and each utterance contains we did not find any work that uses emojis to en- an emoji to either highlight the speaker’s emotion hance the generation of empathetic responses in or generate empathetic response from the listener. automated communication systems. In this paper, we formalise the task of generating 3 Methodology empathising responses using emojis by proposing This section discusses the experimental setup and SentEmojiBot, a model trained on textual conversa- the architecture of SentEmojiBot (Figure 3). tions and emojis data. We present the experiments with appropriate evaluation methods to prove the 3.1 Data Preparation significance of emojis in conveying empathising In a conversation, people only have the information messages. Figure 1 shows an example of a chatbot about the utterances, with their interlocutor, that interface where Speaker(human) initiates the con- have been discussed in the past in order to anal- versation. The figure compares various systems and yse and convey their response in return. Hence, clearly shows the positive impact of empathising we concatenate utterances prior to the listener’s re- text and emojis through the gradual improvement sponse, from the SE’s conversations as the “context in empathetic behaviour from Siri to SentEmoji- utterance” and the listener’s response as the “re- Bot. SentEmojiBot is a BERT-based model that sponse utterance”. The context utterance is fed as generates responses based on the emotion and con- an input to the model to obtain response utterance text of the text. In our experiments, the BERT as an output. In total, there are 53,372 context- based model outperformed the vanilla transformer response utterance pairs. We do not use emotion model. Moreover, a user survey shows that Sen- and context in the training process and do not con- tEmojiBot added relevant emojis to conversations sider speaker’s response as the “response utterance” which improved the empathising behaviour of the because speaker drives the conversation for the lis- responses by 9.8%, compared to purely text-based tener and expects a response in return. Also, in the response. Hence, our work showcases the possibil- real world deployment of SentEmojiBot, listener is ity of building natural, engaging, and empathetic expected to be an automated model output whereas dialogue agents over the traditional text-based lan- speaker is expected to be a human. We tokenised guage models. the context utterance using the BertTokenizer (Wolf Our main contributions are SentEmojiBot - a et al., 2019) and the sequence length is set to 100. pipeline for generating empathetic responses with The result is fed to the language models described emojis, and a user-study showing an increase in below to get an empathetic response. empathetic behaviour when emoji is added to a textual traditional response. 3.2 Generating “Response Utterance” 2 Dataset To generate an empathetic text response, we per- form experiments on retrieval-based systems con- We utilise SentEmoji (hereafter ‘SE’) dataset re- sisting of Transformers. In retrieval-based systems, leased by Ravi et al. (2020) containing empathetic the model selects the best possible response from a responses with emojis. The dataset contains 24,850 set of candidate responses. The following method- conversations and 79,190 utterances, with an av- ology has been formalised by Rashkin et al. (2018).
Figure 3: Architecture of SentEmojiBot • BERT-based: We used BERT (Devlin et al., context (hx ) and candidates (hy ) (Yang et al., 2018) as the base architecture to encode can- 2018). The learning rate is set to 8 × 10−4 , didates (hy ) and contexts (hx ). The model with an Adamax optimizer. The model is fine- is fine-tuned over pre-trained weights (Wolf tuned for 25 epochs with a batch size of 128. et al., 2019) on SE dataset, all layers are trained for 12 epochs with a batch size of 16, We provide the “context utterance” as an input and an embedding layer of size 300, the learning predict the next most probable “response utterance” rate of 5 × 10−5 , and the Adamax optimizer. from the model. The model chooses a response according to a softmax on the dot product (hx ·hy ) • Vanilla Transformers-based: We use two out of all candidates. We minimise the negative log- transformer encoders separately embedding likelihood of selecting the correct response. The context (hx ) and candidates (hy ) (Yang et al., utterances from the SE dataset were split into three 2018). The learning rate is set to 8 × 10−4 , parts: training data (80%), validation data (10%) with an Adamax optimizer. The model is fine- and test data (10%). The number of training epochs tuned for 25 epochs with a batch size of 128. was decided to avoid over-fitting on the data and due to resource constraints. We provide the “context utterance” as an input and predict the next most probable “response utterance” 3.3 Incorporating Emoji from the model. The model chooses a response Once we have a text-based response, we append the according to a softmax on the dot product (hx ·hy ) relevant emoji at the end. We achieve this task by out of all candidates. We minimise the negative log- identifying the emotion of the generated response likelihood of selecting the correct response. The from language models using CNN-based classifier utterances from the SE dataset were split into three and then selecting the most relevant emoji based parts: training data (80%), validation data (10%) on the emotion as shown in Table 1. and test data (10%). The number of training epochs • Identifying emotion: Figure 3 shows the ar- was decided to avoid over-fitting on the data and chitecture of the CNN-based emotion classi- due to resource constraints. fier inspired from Kim (2014). We trained the • BERT-based: We used BERT (Devlin et al., emotion classifier on the “Context” of each 2018) as the base architecture to encode can- conversation as an input and their correspond- didates (hy ) and contexts (hx ). The model ing “Emotion” labels in the SE dataset as an is fine-tuned over pre-trained weights (Wolf output. We chose “Context” attribute of each et al., 2019) on SE dataset, all layers are conversation instead of the utterances because trained for 12 epochs with a batch size of 16, “Context” summarises the content of the con- an embedding layer of size 300, the learning versation without directly revealing the details rate of 5 × 10−5 , and the Adamax optimizer. of the conversation. Figure 2 shows an exam- ple of context and emotion pair. We split the • Vanilla Transformers-based: We use two dataset into 72-8-20 for train-validation-test transformer encoders separately embedding split required for the evaluation and tuning.
Average Model P@1,100 BLUE Score Transformer 4.38 3.65% BERT 5.78 36% Table 2: Automatic evaluation metrics on the test set on the words associated with the emoji, we chose to use Word2Vec embeddings for the generated textual response instead of BERT embeddings. This technique helps in provid- ing the same space to sentence and emoji em- bedding. Finally, the emoji with maximum cosine similarity with sentence embedding is taken as the most relevant emoji from the bucket. We add the emoji at the end of the sentence to generate an empathetic response. Table 1: Distribution of conversations in each emotion and the group of emojis relevant to an emotion Although, the emotion classifier provide us the emotion imbibed in the generated sentence, still the emotion may not be explicit enough We trained the model with an Adam optimizer to add an emoji. Thus, only when the cosine at a learning rate of 0.001, and a decay of similarity is above a threshold, the emoji is 10−6 for two epochs with a batch size of 128 added. This way, we avoided adding emo- using cross-entropy loss. After training, we jis to all sentences, and hence avoided their used the emotion classifier with the generated unrealistic and excessive use. text from language models to obtain the ap- propriate emotion related to the sentence. 4 Evaluation • Getting relevant emoji: After getting the generated sentence’s emotion, we need a rele- Automated Metrics: Following the practice of ear- vant emoji which can be embedded in the text. lier works in dialogue generation (Li et al., 2015; Using the emotion from the classifier, we ob- Wen et al., 2015), we compared the model gen- tain a group of emojis which signify the output erated response with the actual response using emotion. We obtain this bucket of emojis us- the BLEU scores. The BLEU scores (average ing Table 1. Table 1 is obtained by mapping of BLEU-1, BLEU-2, BLEU-3, and BLEU-4) of the most commonly used emojis to their corre- all the samples in the test set were averaged for sponding emotion (Novak et al., 2015). After Transformer and BERT based models. Then, we obtaining the bucket, the next step is to get computed the P@1,100 (Rashkin et al., 2018) to the most relevant emoji from the bucket since evaluate the performance of the response-retrieval the bucket may contain more than one emo- systems. Table 2 summarises the results and shows jis per emotion. To select the most relevant that BERT-model outperforms the Transformer- emoji, we compare the cosine similarity be- based approach in terms of both the metrics. tween each emoji’s embedding and sentence On evaluating the emotion classifier, we embedding of the generated response. achieved the micro accuracy of 55.4%, macro We obtain the emoji’s embedding using accuracy of 54.6%, and macro F1-score of 55.9%. Emoji2Vec (Eisner et al., 2016) and the word According to Liu (2018), extracting emotions is the embeddings for the sentence embedding us- biggest challenge in identifying the emoji. Hence, ing pre-trained Word2Vec (Demeester et al., our results are consistent with the experiments 2016). Sentence embedding is generated by Liu (2018). Even though the results can be using the method proposed by Arora et al. improved with advanced models, our pipeline is (2016). Since Emoji2Vec generates embed- an attempt to formalise the problem statement and dings using a pre-trained model of Word2Vec provide its significance.
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