Seeing the Voice of the Customer: Metaphor-Based Advertising Research

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M E TA P H O R - B A S E D A D V E R T I S I N G R E S E A R C H

 Seeing the Voice of the Customer:
Metaphor-Based Advertising Research

                                  Gerald Zaltman
                                 Robin Higie Coulter

Reprinted from the JOURNAL OF ADVERTISING RESEARCH, Vol. 35, No. 4, July/August 1995

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M E TA P H O R - B A S E D A D V E R T I S I N G R E S E A R C H

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M E TA P H O R - B A S E D A D V E R T I S I N G R E S E A R C H

                                                  Seeing the voice
GERALD ZALTMAN                                    of the customer: met-
AND                                               aphor-based
ROBIN HIGIE COULTER                               advertising research
                                                  Although improvements in traditional quantitative and qualitative
                                                  research techniques have enhanced our ability to collect timely,
                                                  valid, and reliable data, and to analyze these data with greater in-
                                                  sights, advertising practitioners continue to search for and experi-
                                                  ment with alternative methodologies. We offer seven basic prem-
                                                  ises for improving advertising research and copy development
                                                  and then introduce the Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique,
                                                  ZMET. ZMET is designed to surface the mental models that drive
                                                  consumer thinking and behavior and characterize these models
                                                  in actionable ways using consumers, metaphors. We suggest that
Joseph C. Wilson                                  ZMET is a promising means for improving advertising research.
  Professor of Business

Harvard University

                                                      mprovements in traditional               tion and further engaging their
                                                      quantitative and qualitative             thought processes.
                                                      techniques have enhanced our          4. Help codify and organize non-
                                                  ability to collect timely, valid,            verbal data better.
                                                  and reliable consumer data and            5. Facilitate the presentation of
                                                  to analyze these data with greater           findings by researchers in ways
                                                  insight. Many of these improve-              that more closely resemble the
                                                  ments are rooted in advances in              end products their clients must
                                                  the electronic capture of informa-           develop, e.g., visual advertis-
                                                  tion, in new statistical procedures,         ing.
                                                  and in greater computational
                                                  capacity. However, despite these            These needed improvements
                                                  advances, significant challenges         are nowhere more evident than
                                                  persist in understanding consum-         with the development of effective
                                                  ers, thoughts, feelings, and behav-      advertising copy. This important
                                                  iors. In particular, market research     task requires copy developers and
                                                  methods need to improve in ways          the intended audience for advertis-
                    ROBIN HIGIE COULTER           that:                                    ing copy to share the same under-
                    Associate Professor
                                                                                           standing about the ad message.
                                                   1. Provide deeper understanding         For an audience to process and
                     of Marketing
                    University of Connecticut
                                                      about consumers as a basis for       understand a message and then
                                                      advertising and other market-        contemplate purchase, the message
                                                      ing-mix decisions.                   must capture rational and emo-
                                                   2. Do a better job of eliciting         tional meanings which comingle at
                                                      latent and emerging needs.           multiple levels of thought (Dama-
                                                   3. Provide better guidance for          sio, 1994). The message must also
                                                      capturing consumers, atten-          resonate not only with surface
                                                                                           knowledge but also with deeper
                                                  The authors wish to acknowledge the      meanings associated with the topic
                                                  significant support provided by the      of interest. Thus, developing effec-
                                                  Division of Research of the Harvard      tive copy requires research meth-
                                                  Business School.                         ods that open windows into the

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consumer’s mind and that access         difficult for advertisers to capture     the cognitive peripheral vision of
relevant rational and emotional is-     consumers, attention and infor-          both researchers and their clients.
sues and their interplay. Although      mation-processing time. Getting             Traditional qualitative tech-
many quantitative and qualitative       consumers, attention increasingly        niques still pose problems when
methods are useful in understand-       requires managers and advertis-          codifying and quantifying how
ing how to communicate with             ers to have deeper understanding         consumers think about a firm’s
existing and potential customers,       about consumers so that they have        offerings and how marketing
advertising practitioners continue      a richer foundation for building         communications affect consumer
to search for and experiment with       creative communication strate-           responses. A manifestation of this
alternative methodologies.              gies and executions. Deep insights       problem occurs in communica-
   Our purpose is to introduce the      are also a source of competitive         tions between researchers and their
Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation            advantage (beyond their value in         clients such as advertising creative
Technique, ZMET, a patented             stimulating creativity) because          staffs and product designers. The
research tool designed to (1) sur-      they are usually less commonly           language of traditional research is
face the mental models that drive       available to one’s competitors.          almost exclusively verbal (in-
consumer thinking and behavior,                                                  cluding quantitative symbols).
and (2) characterize these models                                                Creative staffs, on the other hand,
in actionable ways using consum-                                                 must generally communicate with
ers, metaphors. ZMET uses con-            . . . important opportunities          consumers using nonverbal and
sumers, visual and other sensory                                                 especially visual cues. Thus there
                                         to learn from consumers are
images and employs qualitative                                                   is often a mismatch between the
methods to elicit the metaphors,                 missed by ignoring              verbocentric data collection and
constructs, and mental models that            nonverbal channels of              reporting language researchers
drive consumers, thinking and                                                    commonly use and the nonverbal,
                                           communication as part of
behavior. Quantitative analyses of                                               multisensory languages advertisers
the data provide information for               the research process.             and others must use to communi-
advertising, promotions, and other                                               cate effectively with consumers.
marketing-mix decisions. Before                                                     Hence, there is a need for a
we proceed with a fuller descrip-                                                method that elicits consumer in-
                                           While technological advances
tion of ZMET, we briefly discuss                                                 formation via multisensory chan-
                                        have made traditional research
several challenges facing advertis-                                              nels. This method would have the
                                        techniques more useful, consum-
ing researchers and then provide                                                 advantage of increasing research-
                                        ers, voices are still constrained, for
seven basic premises for improv-                                                 ers, understanding of consumers,
                                        example, by the issues and ques-
ing advertising research.                                                        thoughts, feelings, and behaviors
                                        tions framed by survey designers
                                                                                 as related to their products and
                                        and focus-group moderators and
Challenges Facing                                                                services. Additionally, researchers
                                        by the manner in which consum-
Advertising Researchers                                                          would be able to better commu-
                                        ers are allowed to respond. Addi-
                                                                                 nicate with their clients who, in
                                        tionally, the framework in survey
   Consumers, lives are becoming                                                 turn, could produce more creative
                                        research and in most qualitative
more complex. Their needs and                                                    advertising and promotional ma-
                                        techniques is verbo-centric, i.e., it
states of mind are changing more                                                 terials to tap consumers, mental
                                        is primarily, if not exclusively, ori-
frequently, they are faced with                                                  models.
                                        ented around words, particularly
more and more options concerning
                                        in their narrow, literal sense. This
products and services and delivery                                               Seven Basic Premises
                                        imposes another important con-
systems, and nonpurchase-related                                                 for Improving
                                        straint--incomplete communication
demands are vying for their atten-                                               Advertising Research
                                        from consumers--since most hu-
tion. Thus, many consumers are                                                   and Copy Development
                                        man communication is nonverbal.
experiencing a time famine as they
                                        Thus, important opportunities to
attempt to deal with their needs,                                                  Before presenting ZMET as a
                                        learn from consumers are missed
sort out their purchase options, and                                             response to these challenges it is
                                        by ignoring nonverbal channels of
attend to multiple responsibilities.                                             useful to review several premises
                                        communication as part of the re-
   One consequence of this time                                                  with strong support in the social
                                        search process. Heavy reliance on
famine is that it is increasingly                                                and biological sciences and in the
                                        verbo-centric techniques narrows
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humanities. These interrelated        in the context of human evolution         sound images, olfactory images,
premises are underutilized bases      and written language developed            and so on.
for improving our capacity to         even more recently. Thus, the hu-
understand the voice of the con-      man brain did not evolve to favor          The second insight comes from
sumer. Research methods rooted        verbal functions, especially not        Steven Pinker (1994), director of
in these premises are more likely     written communication functions.        the Center for Cognitive Neurosci-
to elicit valid and usable market     Rather, emphasis was placed on          ence at MIT. He notes that con-
information, especially for com-      the elaborate production of non-        trary to popular wisdom, thoughts
munication purposes.                  verbal channels of communication.       are merely couched in words when
   Most Communication Is              (For an interesting perspective on      it becomes necessary to convey
Nonverbal. The first premise is       this see Fincher, 1976; Glucks-         them to others:
that most human communication         berg, 1988; and Synnott, 1991.)
is nonverbal (Burgoon et al., 1989;   This is not surprising since most         Is thought dependent on words?
Knapp, 1980; Seiter, 1988; Weiser,    stimuli reaching the brain are            . . . The idea that thought is the
1988; Mehrabian, 1971; Bird-          nonverbal and most mental images          same thing as language is an
whistell, 1970). One of the classic   people use in daily life are visual       example of what can be called a
works on nonverbal communica-         (Kosslyn et al., 1990).                   conventional absurdity . . . there
tion is Edward T. Hall’s The Silent      It is important to add that non-       is no scientific evidence that lan-
Language which identifies 10          verbal communication includes             guages dramatically shape their
primary message systems involved      paralanguage, or the tone, pitch,         speakers, way of thinking.
in human communication. Only          and other speech qualities that de-
one system--interaction--and then     termine whether we literally mean          Thus a second premise is that
only part of that system involves     what we say (generally not) or just     thoughts are images, and only
verbal language. All other systems    the opposite or even something          infrequently verbal images. Con-
involve nonlinguistic forms of        else (Gibbs, 1994). Paralanguage        sequently, it is important to en-
communication (Hall, 1959).           can in fact be very subtle with ma-     able consumers to represent their
   Although no formal research        jor differences in meaning being        images in nonverbal terms, thus
provides direct documentation, the    conveyed quite effectively by dif-      bringing researchers “closer” to
rule of thumb among communica-        ferent subtleties (Poyatos, 1993).      the state in which thoughts occur
tions specialists is that about 80    Literal verbal language is certainly    and thus able to learn more about
percent of all human communica-       important and the task facing           them. Although verbal language
tion is nonverbal. Much of the        market researchers is how to deal       is an indispensable part of this
meaning of verbal language also       with both verbal and nonverbal          process, it is linked directly with
is determined by nonverbal cues       language more effectively.              specific nonverbal images. The
(Poyatos, 1993). Moreover, when          Thoughts Occur as Images.            combination of verbal language
there is an apparent contradiction,   Thoughts typically occur as non-        and nonverbal images (in contrast
nonverbal cues tend to be believed    verbal images even though they          to verbal language only or even
over verbal ones (Knapp, 1980).       are often expressed verbally. Thus      primarily) helps consumers convey
   The growing understanding          the way in which thoughts occur         to researchers deeper and more
of the role of all basic senses in    may be very different from the          varied internal representations or
learning and communication pro-       way in which they are communi-          meanings.
cesses reinforces the assumption      cated. Consider the following two          Metaphors as Essential
that nonverbal communication is       insights. The first is provided by      Units of Thought. The third
dominant (Montagu, 1986; Stoller,     neurobiologist Antonio R. Dama-         premise is that metaphors are the
1989; Howes, 1991). An important      sio (1994):                             key windows/mechanisms for
part of this understanding is the                                             viewing consumer thought and
growing knowledge of the role           [Brains] still have no mind, if       feelings and for understanding
of interactions (called synesthe-       they do not meet an essential         behavior. “The essence of a meta-
sia) among sensory modalities in        condition: the ability to dis-        phor,” according to Lakoff and
our “making sense” of our world         play images internally and to         Johnson, “is understanding and
(Marks, 1978; Classen, 1993). It        order those images in a process       experiencing one kind of thing in
is also of significance that verbal     called thought. The images are        terms of another” (1980). For the
language developed only recently        not solely visual; there are also     most part, it is only through their

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metaphors that we can understand                                                   mental models which are the inter-
consumer thinking and behavior                                                     related ideas (concepts or con-
and thus learn how to develop               Often, important stories               structs) held by an individual or
and market goods and services               are latent or hidden and               group about a market experience.
successfully. Even behavior and            surfacing them is a special             Often, important stories are latent
thoughts are themselves metaphors                                                  or hidden and surfacing them is a
for one another. In fact, there is         challenge for researchers.              special challenge for researchers.
an emerging consensus that meta-                                                     A mental model of consumer
phors are the essential units of                                                   thinking contains the dominant
thought and of communication                                                       constructs (factors, variables)
(Ortony, 1993).                                                                    that drive consumer thought and
   Metaphors are not only ways of         viduals can communicate their vi-        action. However, knowing only
hiding and expressing thoughts,           sual metaphors is via pictures, for      the constructs is like knowing
they actively create and shape            example, photographs, pictures in        what cities one would like to visit
thought. We cannot know anything          magazines, drawings, or artwork.         without having an itinerary and
unless it is perceived as an in-          Pictures typically represent basic       road map for going from one to
stance of one thing and not another       concepts and therefore are useful        the other. The connections among
(Lakoff, 1987). Thought is more           tools for understanding consumers,       constructs represent the reasoning
inherently figurative than it is liter-   thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.       processes whereby one construct
al (Gibbs, 1994). Consequently, by        Pictures, then, can serve as entry       affects another. These reasoning
paying more attention to the visual       points for exploring other consum-       processes are the most funda-
and other sensory metaphors cus-          er concepts and represent a natural      mental and important units we
tomers use to express their images,       and efficient way for consumers          can have for segmenting markets.
researchers can learn more about          to convey higher order constructs        Moreover, knowing how con-
their thoughts and feelings.              (Weiser, 1988; Ball and Smith,           structs interact via various reason-
   Sensory Images as Meta-                1992). Some clinical psycholo-           ing mechanisms allows us to know
phors. A fourth premise is that           gists use a client’s photographs as      which constructs might be the best
our senses provide important              a central part of the therapeutic        vehicles for influencing others and
metaphors. The senses are “. . . the      counseling process (Entin, 1981;         which constructs might be affected
gates and windows to the mind,            Krauss and Fryrear, 1983; Weiser,        unintentionally by efforts to influ-
through which all new informa-            1988), and art therapy has a long        ence other constructs.
tion passes; so that there can be no      tradition as a clinical tool. Thus, as     A challenge for managers is to
thoughts, ideas, conceptions in our       researchers, it appears that access-     animate to bring to life appropriate
head that do not derive originally        ing visual as well as other sensory      stories or mental models among
from our experience of surface            (e.g., tactile, auditory) images         consumers. Since stories are meta-
stimuli impinging on our bodies”          would provide useful insights into       phors for knowledge and often
(Humphrey, 1992). Accordingly,            consumers, thoughts, feelings, and       describe one’s reasoning process,
sensory-based metaphors are po-           behaviors.                               specific metaphors are important
tentially important devices for un-          Mental Models as Repre-               sources of insight about consum-
derstanding consumers, thoughts           sentations of Stories. A fifth           ers. Specific metaphors are also
and behavior. Current thinking            premise is that consumers have           laden with symbols and imagery
in several fields that cognition is       mental models which represent            that might be used creatively
grounded in embodied experience           their knowledge and behavior. An         in implementing decisions that
supports the salience of sensory          integral part of this premise is that    will animate or bring appropriate
images as metaphors (Johnson,             “. . . the major processes of memo-      reasoning processes and mental
1987; Gibbs, 1994; Damasio,               ry are the creation, storage, and re-    models to life. It is important,
1994; McAdams and Bigand,                 trieval of stories” (Schank, 1990).      therefore, to have a research tool
1993; Varela et al., 1991).               Stories, of course, are metaphors        that identifies or elicits the im-
   Many metaphors are mental              for knowledge. They provide the          agery consumers use to tell their
images and, as discussed, the             relationships between constructs         stories.
majority of these images are visual       and as such can be captured by             Deep Structures of Thought
(Arnheim, 1969; Kosslyn et al.,           researchers and displayed as dia-        Can Be Accessed. All con-
1990). One means by which indi-           grams. These diagrams represent          sumers have relevant conscious

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thoughts that they need special        of sensation: “. . . thinking takes     in thinking. There is also a top-
help in articulating. Addition-        place in the realm of the senses”       down processing of information.
ally, all consumers have relevant      (Arnheim, 1969). An uncon-              In this case, existing concepts
hidden thoughts: ideas they are        scious cognitive process maps the       and abstract thought stored in
not aware of possessing but are        physiology of sensory perception        memory influence our images and
willing to share once discovered.      onto abstract thinking. Abstract        metaphors (image schema) which,
A sixth premise is that these          thought, then, is necessarily an        in turn, influence what sensory
hidden or deep structures can be       extension of sensory experience.        stimuli we perceive and how we
accessed. A variety of techniques         Figure 1 presents, in a neces-       do so. Thus higher level percep-
such as those used in art therapy,     sarily approximate “as if” way,         tions influence the interpretation
and especially phototherapy, can       the connection between sensory          of lower level, sensory perceptions
be very effective in surfacing such    perception and concepts. Sensory        (Goldman, 1986).
thoughts (Weiser, 1993; Ziller,        perceptions are transformed into           Because metaphors reveal our
1990).                                 images which, in turn, are translat-    thoughts, and shape them as well
                                       ed into metaphors which describe        (Black, 1993), metaphorizing may
  What a person notices [in a          these images. The metaphors are         even be the central or most ele-
  picture! will always mirror          then mapped onto abstract thought       mental creative force of the imagi-
  the inner map that she or he is      and/or specific concepts. This is       nation and hence can be a source
  unconsciously using to organize      a process known as bottom-up            of ideas. Since human thought
  and understand what the senses       processing in which information         appears to be metaphorbased
  are perceiving (Weiser, 1993).       flows from small perceptual pieces      (Danesi, 1990; Ortony, 1993), it is
                                       to larger ones (Goldman, 1986).         not surprising that mental models
  The Comingling of Reason             Abstract thoughts are stored in         are best elicited and understood
and Emotion. A seventh prem-           memory and are connected to             through metaphors, especially
ise is that it is both more accurate   specific concepts as we engage          visual metaphors. Importantly,
(from a neurological standpoint)
and more productive (from a copy
development standpoint) to con-
sider emotion and reason as forces     Figure 1
which comingle. Hence as deep          Mapping of Sensory Perceptions onto Abstract Thought
thought structures are surfaced, we
must consider reason and emotion
together rather than stressing one
over the other. Consequently we
need techniques that elicit both,
particularly when they are linked
to one another (de Sousa, 1987;
Varela et al., 1991).

Framework for
Understanding Sensory
Perception and Thinking

  These premises and still other
research suggest that abstract
thought is grounded in the senses
(Arnheim, 1969; Danesi, 1990;
Classen, 1993; Humphrey, 1992).
In fact, the world of thought is
modeled in terms of the world

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                                         products, and companies, brand          The personal interview involves
                                         equity, product concepts and de-        a guided conversation which we
. . . metaphors are especially           signs, product usage and purchase       believe can yield more valid, more
    important for eliciting a            experiences, life experiences,          reliable, and, importantly, more
                                         consumption context, and attitudes      relevant insights than traditional
  mental model shared by a               toward business. Clearly, these is-     structured interview approaches
  market segment or group.               sues are important for the develop-     (Holstein and Gubrium, 1995;
                                         ment of strategic communications        McCracken, 1988; Mishler, 1986).
                                         agendas and for the development         Because ZMET has consumers
                                         and implementation of advertising       collect their own pictures, the con-
metaphors are acquired through           copy and executional elements.          sumers (not the researchers) are in
a socialization process so that,         In the following sections we            control of the stimuli used in the
at some level, their meaning is          describe ZMET, use an interview         guided conversation.
shared within a culture or commu-        from a study on intimate apparel           The guided conversation is a
nity. Thus, metaphors are especial-      to illustrate various ZMET steps,       personal, one-on-one interview
ly important for eliciting a mental      and then use data generated in          that takes approximately two
model shared by a market segment         the study to demonstrate how the        hours, and it is audiotaped. The
or group.                                findings might be used to develop       two-hour time frame and the
   Based upon these premises and         ad copy and executional elements.       interview format afford an op-
framework, we suggest that there         Further, we provide a discussion        portunity for a properly trained
is need for a research tool that:        of reliability and validity issues as   interviewer to learn not only about
                                         they relate to ZMET.                    people’s initial thoughts (much as
  Taps nonverbal channels of                Implementing the Tech-               might be obtained by a structured
  communication in a manner that         nique. Typically 20 individu-           questionnaire or focus group) but
  produces rich, deep, and repre-        als are recruited to participate        also about the deeper meaning
  sentative insights about consum-       in a project. After qualifying for      of a topic. The guided conversa-
  ers.                                   participation (based on screeners),     tion includes a variety of steps,
  Makes use of metaphors which           participants are given a set of in-     only a subset of which are used
  are fundamental to learning and        structions and guidelines about the     in any particular project. Inclu-
  communication.                         research topic, e.g., a brand name,     sion of steps in any particular
  Generates core constructs and          a corporate identity, a service         project and the manner in which
  the reasonings that connect            concept, product use, or product        they are implemented are based on
  them to form the mental models         design. They are instructed to          the nature of the problem and the
  driving consumer thought and           take photographs and/or collect         intended use of the data. We use an
  action.                                pictures (from magazines, books,        interview with Elizabeth, a par-
  Provides information in a way          newspapers, or other sources) that      ticipant in a study about intimate
  which is highly useful to copy         indicate what the topic means           apparel, to illustrate 10 ZMET
  developers, creative staffs, prod-     to them. A personal interview is        steps. A variety of probes based
  uct-design teams, strategic plan-      scheduled approximately seven to        on art therapy theory and practice,
  ning groups, and other ultimate        ten days hence. Participants typi-      although not used in this example,
  users of market research.              cally engage in five to six hours of    also have proven to be extremely
                                         preparation for the interview. Our      useful in many projects.
  All of this, of course, has to be      experiences indicate that study            Step 1, Storytelling, provides
done while meeting appropriate           participants, regardless of such        participants with an opportunity
standards of validity, reliability,      demographic characteristics as          to tell their stories. Because hu-
timeliness, and cost effectiveness.      formal education, age, or occu-         man memory and communication
                                         pational experience, successfully       is story-based (Schank, 1990)
                                         engage in each step of the process      and participants have been think-
The Zaltman Metaphor                     even those (e.g., sensory images        ing about the topic for a week to
Elicitation Technique                    and the summary image) that a           10 days, it is not surprising that
                                         priori may seem difficult because       participants come to the inter-
  ZMET is useful in understand-          the tasks are unfamiliar.               view with a particular agenda or
ing consumers, images of brands,             The Guided Conversation.            story they want to tell. Elizabeth

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brought in 13 images and de-             1988; Valette-Florence and Rapac-
scribed how each of her pictures         chi, 1991). The Kelly Repertory
related to this type of intimate         Grid Technique is an effective                To understand what
apparel. For example, one of             method of eliciting constructs               something is, it is also
Elizabeth’s photographs was of           which underlie thinking and ac-
a microwave oven with a tele-            tion. The interviewer uses the                 necessary to know
phone (its cord very twisted) on         Kelly Grid technique (identifying                what it is not.
it. Elizabeth said that this picture     how any two of three stimuli are
served to illustrate the twisted, hot,   similar but different from the third
uncomfortable feeling of wearing         stimulus) to elicit constructs from
this particular article of intimate      participants. In other words, the       used to obtain an understanding of
apparel.                                 Kelly Grid technique surfaces the       the deeper meanings of physical
   In Step 2, Missed Issues and          variables that participants use to      discomfort and beauty as related
Images, the interviewer asks the         make sense about, or literally “sort    to Elizabeth’s wearing of this
participant to describe any issues       out,” the meaning of a product          garment. Elizabeth reported that
for which she or he was unable           category, a specific brand, or other    some components of the garment
to find a picture and to describe a      consumption-related situation.          made her physically uncomfort-
picture that would represent the            The laddering procedure is es-       able which in turn made her feel
issue. This is an important step         pecially useful for eliciting causal    imprisoned. In addition, she noted
because it allows the participant        patterns among the constructs           that the vase represented tallness
to address issues that might have        identified by the Kelly Grid tech-      and thinness and that the flowers
come to mind either after gather-        nique. Laddering, a set of thought      represented beauty; both of these
ing the pictures or during the inter-    probes, tends to surface variables      factors related to the elegance that
view process. Elizabeth indicated        in a means-end chain consisting         she could feel when wearing this
that she would have liked to take        of attributes, consequences, and        garment.
a photograph of a “nice painting         values, thereby providing a set            In Step 5, Most Representative
with a scratch on it, or a glass with    of causally connected constructs.       Image, Elizabeth indicated that
a crack” to represent a tear in the      Using both techniques together          the picture that most represented
article of intimate apparel.             is an effective mechanism for           her feelings was her picture of two
   In Step 3, Sorting Task, the par-     getting consumers to articulate         African masks that had necklaces
ticipant is asked to sort his or her     the constructs and the relation-        around their elongated necks,
pictures into meaningful piles and       ships among constructs (Reynolds        shown in Exhibit 2. She reported
to provide a label or description        and Gutman, 1988). Moreover,            that the masks expressed both the
for each pile. There are no restric-     the techniques complement one           positive (elegance) and negative
tions on the number of piles or the      another: the Kelly Grid increases       (constrained) feelings that she had
number of pictures in each pile.         the likelihood of surfacing rel-        about wearing this article of cloth-
The sorting task is useful because       evant constructs, and the laddering     ing.
it helps to establish the major          technique increases the likelihood         In Step 6, Opposite Image, the
themes or constructs relevant to         that associated ideas and relevant      interviewer asks the participant
the participant. Elizabeth sorted        connections among constructs are        about pictures that might describe
her images into five groups reflect-     being understood.                       the opposite of the task they were
ing both positive and negative              To illustrate we provide one         given. To understand what some-
feelings: (1) elegant, (2) conform-      of Elizabeth’s triads. During the       thing is, it is also necessary to
ing, (3) constricted, (4) tortured,      Kelly Grid, Elizabeth randomly          know what it is not. Indeed, there
and (5) twisted up.                      selected three pictures, shown in       is convincing argument that any
   Step 4, Construct Elicitation,        Exhibit 1. She indicated that the       concept or construct contains the
employs a modified version of            two pictures on the left (trees with    footprint or trace of its opposite
the Kelly Repertory Grid tech-           bands around the trunks and fenc-       meaning (Brunette and Wills,
nique and the laddering technique        ing tightly wrapped in cellophane)      1989). When the interviewer asked
(Kelly, 1963; Shaw and McKnight,         represented physical discomfort         Elizabeth what images conveyed
1980; Gutman, 1982; Lewis and            and the other picture (flowers in       the opposite of her image of inti-
Klein, 1985; Reynolds and Whit-          a nice vase) represented beauty.        mate apparel, she responded with
lark, 1995; Reynolds and Gutman,         The laddering process then was          a flock of birds soaring around the

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                                                                                  wants to include in the summary
Exhibit 1                                                                         image and then on the participant’s
“Intimate Aparel” Triad for Elizabeth                                             direction creates the digital image.
                                                                                  The digital image management
(The Kelly Repertory Grid Technique
                                                                                  process contains many special
                                                                                  effects options and enables the
                                                                                  participant to rearrange or alter the
                                                                                  subject, foreground, background,
                                                                                  or specific elements including col-
                                                                                  or, object sizes, shapes, positions,
                                                                                  and even textures appearing within
                                                                                  pictures to be more expressive
                                                                                  of the concept. The use of digital
                                                                                  imaging is intended to stimulate
                                                                                  or at least help to express thinking
                                                                                  rather than to develop an aestheti-
                                                                                  cally pleasing image or an image
skies (representing freedom to do        intimate apparel included: the taste
                                                                                  that is creative for its own sake.
as they pleased).                        of medicine, but not dessert; the
   In Step 7, Sensory Images, the        feel of sandpaper and silk, but not        Elizabeth’s digital image, Ex-
participant is asked to use other        of cream; the sound of static, but       hibit 3, consisted of components
senses to convey what does and           not that of a waterfall; the smell of    of five of her pictures and visually
does not represent the concept           sulfur, but not of roses; the color      depicted her story about intimate
being explored. People think             brown, but not red; the feeling of       apparel, which she described as
by means of all their senses,            anxiety, but not of peacefulness.        follows:
and sensory thoughts are im-             The meaning of each image is
ages (MacDougall, 1992; Howes,           explored with each participant to          The background is a flowing
1991; Bone and Jantrania, 1992;          surface relevant constructs.
                                                                                    chocolate colored dress that
Danesi, 1990; Classen, 1993);               In Step 8, The Mental Map,
thus, we believe that such im-           the interviewer reviews all of the         illustrates freer movement,
ages are important to capture and        constructs discussed and asks the          smooth, silky, and beautiful.
analyze. Each individual tells what      participant if the constructs are ac-      The gash through the dress
is and is not the taste, touch, smell,   curate representations of what was         represents a run or a tear and
color, sound and emotional feel-         meant and if any important ideas           the frustration, wasted money,
ing related to the concept being         are missing. Then the participant          embarrassment, and appre-
explored. Elizabeth’s nonvisual          creates a map to illustrate the con-       hension associated with that.
sensory images of this article of        nections among important con-              The cookie cutter in the center
                                         structs as they relate to the topic.
                                                                                    illustrates conformity wear-
                                         An abridged (for presentation
                                         purposes) version of Elizabeth’s           ing what everyone has to wear,
Exhibit 2
                                         mental map is illustrated in Figure        no freedom of choice, women
Elizabeth’s Most                                                                    having to be a certain way. The
Representative Image                                                                mask in the cookie cutter’s head
                                            In Step 9, The Summary Image,
(African Masks)                          the participant creates a summary          illustrates two diverse feelings
                                         image or montage using his or her          when wearing the article of inti-
                                         own images (sometimes augment-             mate apparel-first, the elongated
                                         ed by images from an image bank)           neck indicates a sense of feeling
                                         to express his or her important
                                                                                    taller, thinner, and elegant; in
                                         issues. Digital imaging techniques
                                         facilitate the creation of the digital     the second, the necklaces repre-
                                         image.                                     sent feelings of physical dis-
                                            To begin the process, a graphics        comfort and being constricted.
                                         technician scans into the computer         The tangled garden hose in the
                                         the pictures that the participant          cookie cutter’s mid-section rep-
M E TA P H O R - B A S E D A D V E R T I S I N G R E S E A R C H

Figure 2
Mental Map of Intimate Care

  resents the anxieties associated    feelings:                                 fume, the doorbell rings and
  with wearing the item. Finally,                                               he arrives with champagne
  St. Catherine’s wheel around          It’s a rainy spring day, and I’m        and roses.
  the cookie cutter represents the      feeling a little sad. Some new
  torture and physical discomfort       age music is playing on the            Identification of Key
  of wearing the item.                  stereo. The telephone rings,          Themes. Once all of the
                                        and a friend who I hadn’t seen        interviews are completed, the
  People think differently when                                               research team reviews each
they think “in motion” than             in months is on the line. My
                                                                              interview transcript to identify
when they think in still images         mood changes at the sound             key themes or constructs. The
or pictures. In Step 10, The            of his voice. He asks me out          identification of themes or con-
Vignette, the participant is asked      to dinner and says he’ll come         structs (i.e., summary categories
to create a vignette or short                                                 or overarching ideas capable
                                        to get me in an hour. I look
video that helps to communicate                                               of a range of different values and
                                        in my drawers for my most             dimensions) is an onerous task.
important issues related to the
                                        elegant intimate apparel and          However, several streams of re-
topic under consideration. Eliz-                                              search, particularly categorization
                                        then into my closet for a sexy
abeth’s vignette about wearing                                                theory (Rosch, 1978) and theories
this article of intimate apparel        dress. I put them on and feel         of emotion (Izard, 1977; Plutchik,
expressed her more positive             beautiful. As I put on my per-        1980), have provided guidance in

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                                                                                Project 15, a brand equity study
Exhibit 3                                                                       for a snack food, was less involv-
Elizabeth’s Digital Image of Intimate Apparel                                   ing. Twenty-seven constructs were
                                                                                mentioned by at least two of the
                                                                                ten participants, and the number of
                                                                                constructs mentioned by any one
                                                                                participant ranged from twelve to
                                                                                twenty-four; the average was sev-
                                                                                enteen. Also, with regard to Proj-
                                                                                ect 15, the 18 constructs included
                                                                                in the map were mentioned by at
                                                                                least five of the ten participants.
                                                                                   Coding the Data. Once the list
                                                                                of key themes has been developed,
                                                                                data are coded in terms of paired-
                                                                                construct relationships. A construct
                                                                                pair is the causal relationship be-
                                                                                tween two constructs. For exam-
                                                                                ple, the construct pair “being at-
                                                                                tractive/unattractive to others” and
                                                                                “having/lacking selfconfidence”
                                                                                suggests that one’s perceived level
                                                                                of attractiveness to others affects
                                                                                one’s self-confidence. Typically,
                                                                                construct pairs are elicited from
                                                                                the Storytelling, Missed Issues and
understanding the important issues       key themes or constructs derived       Images, and Construct Elicitation
related to categorizing tangibles        from the examination of interview      steps.
and feelings, respectively. Based        transcripts serves as the starting        Constructing the Consen-
on this theoretical grounding,           point for coding participants, re-     sus Map. In an attempt to under-
social scientists involved with          sponses. The construct list may be     stand the “three mosts,” i.e., most
qualitative data have established        supplemented during the course of      of the thinking of most people
guidelines for developing clas-          coding should previously unidenti-     most of the time, we analyze the
sification schemes and coding of         fied constructs be found (Spiggle,     occurrence of the construct pairs
data (Glasser and Strauss, 1967;         1994).                                 across participants (Noblit and
Lincoln and Guba, 1985; Miles               The number of constructs gener-     Hare, 1988), and these data are
and Huberman, 1984; Strauss and          ated varies from project to project,   used to create the consensus map.
Corbin, 1990). Recently, Spiggle         and from participant to partici-       Specifically, two criteria are used
(1994) elaborated on issues re-          pant, depending on the level of        for including constructs and con-
lated to analyzing qualitative data,     the participants, involvement with     struct pairs in the consensus map-
specifically focusing on categori-       the topic of interest. For example,    -the number of participants who
zation, abstraction of categories,       regarding Project 20, usage experi-    mention a construct or theme and
comparison of instances within the       ences with new technologies, 50        the number of participants who
data, and dimensionalization of          constructs were mentioned by a         mention a relationship between
the data. This area of research has      least 5 of the 21 participants (see    two constructs. These criteria
been particularly valuable in the        Table 1). The number of constructs     consistently are used to derive the
analysis of ZMET data.                   mentioned by any one partici-          consensus map in a ZMET project.
   All ZMET constructs are bi-           pant ranged from 21 to 43; the            The actual number of mentions
polar, for example, satisfaction         average was 33. Also with regard       necessary for either a construct or
encompasses both “very satisfied”        to Project 20, the 26 constructs       a construct pair to be included on a
as well as “very dissatisfied” and       included in the consensus map          consensus map varies per project,
the range of responses between           were mentioned by at least 11 of       depending upon the number of
those two “endpoints.” The list of       the 21 participants. In contrast,      participants involved and the na-

M E TA P H O R - B A S E D A D V E R T I S I N G R E S E A R C H

                                                                         ture of the project (i.e., the extent
Table 1                                                                  to which consumers have narrow
Number of Participants in 20 Most Recent Projects Required               or broad-based understandings of
to Generate 80 Percent or More of the Consensus Mapa                     and feelings about the research
                                                                         topic). Table 1 (column 4) indi-
                                                                         cates that the number of constructs
                                                                         retained in the consensus map for
                                                                         the 20 projects ranged from 18
                                                                         (Projects 16 and 19) to 59 (Project
                                                                         5). Typically, for a construct to be
                                                                         included on the consensus map, it
                                                                         must have been mentioned by at
                                                                         least one-third third of the partici-
                                                                         pants and a construct pair must
                                                                         have been mentioned by at least
                                                                         one-quarter of the participants. As
                                                                         a consequence, the consensus map,
                                                                         on average, captures 80 percent of
                                                                         the constructs mentioned by each
                                                                            The consensus map generated
                                                                         from these data is a diagram show-
                                                                         ing the linkages among the elicited
                                                                         constructs. Direct and indirect
                                                                         connections between constructs
                                                                         (or themes) represent a reasoning
                                                                         chain or thinking process show-
                                                                         ing how one idea leads to another.
                                                                         These associations are important
                                                                         because addressing one construct
                                                                         will have a ripple or multiplier
                                                                         effect on those with which it is
                                                                         causally connected.
                                                                            A somewhat abridged example
                                                                         of a consensus map involving the
                                                                         experience of wearing an item
                                                                         of intimate apparel is shown in
                                                                         Exhibit 5. Each construct is bi-
                                                                         polar, that is, “physical comfort”
                                                                         signifies both physical comfort
                                                                         and discomfort. The consensus
                                                                         map shown is based on 25 partici-
                                                                         pants, and illustrates the construct
                                                                         pair relationships mentioned by
                                                                         at least 5 participants. The arrows
                                                                         on the consensus map represent
                                                                         links between constructs. Some
                                                                         constructs are originating points
                                                                         (shown as circles on the map) in
                                                                         a reasoning process and lead to
                                                                         other constructs, and other con-
                                                                         structs are destination or ending
                                                                         points (shown as rectangles on

                                                     Journal of ADVERTISING RESEARCH - JULY/AUGUST 1995   45
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Table 1
Number of Participants in 20 Most Recent Projects Required to Generate 80 Percent or More of
the Consensus Mapa

the map) in a reasoning process.         understanding of how these two               terlude--want to feel pretty.”
Connector constructs (shown              constructs affect projection of self
as diamond shapes on the map)            image, elegance, happiness, sexi-             Thus, although the consensus
serve as transmitters or linkages        ness, having a coordinated look,           map clearly indicates negatives as-
between originator, destination,         being perceived as attractive to           sociated with this garment, in par-
and other connector constructs.          others, and self-confidence:               ticular physical discomfort and its
Because originator and connector                                                    consequences, there are numerous
constructs trigger other constructs,        “. . . special details . . . are fun-   themes that serve as the starting
care should be taken to address             -they add to the total outfit and       point for developing meaningful
these issues in communication               help me to express myself. “            advertising copy and executional
strategies.                                 “. . . when you’re all dressed up       elements.
  The intimate apparel consen-              you feel like a queen--elegant,            Observations about the
sus map (Figure 3) illustrates              royal, expensive in [garment]           Consensus Maps. After the
the relationships among relevant            with a nice sheen, soft, sheer,         data are processed to develop the
constructs that have particular             and maybe a design.”                    consensus map, participant files
relevance for the development of            “. . . when you’re dressed up,          are selected at random and the
ad copy for “variety of product             [garment] makes you feel confi-         number of constructs mentioned
designs” and “garment quality.”             dent.”                                  by each successive file but not
Comments made by participants               “. . . fancy lingerie is sexy,          mentioned by the previous file(s)
in the study help to provide an             pretty, nice, racy--romantic in-        is noted. That is, we answer the

M E TA P H O R - B A S E D A D V E R T I S I N G R E S E A R C H

question, “How many new con-            consequences--”anger,” “concern,”       ent characteristics, the particular
structs are added by each random-       “physical imprisonment,” and            problem being addressed, and
ly selected file?” Table 1 contains     “emotional discomfort”--in the          the purpose of the research. For
information about consensus maps        visual dictionary for the study on      instance, different criteria may be
from 20 recent applications (some       intimate apparel. Additionally, the     appropriate and/or be given more
applications did not call for con-      sensory dictionary includes non-        or less weight when a tool is being
sensus maps). The data in Table 1       visual sensory images (e.g., taste,     used for exploratory rather than
(columns 5, 6, and 7, respectively)     touch, and smell) that participants     confirmatory purposes. Even the
indicate the number of randomly         have used to describe a key con-        basic concepts of validity and reli-
selected participant files needed to    struct or theme and sensory imag-       ability are defined or operational-
account for 80 percent, 90 percent,     es that participants have indicated     ized differently, depending on the
and 100 percent of the constructs       do not describe the key construct       aim of the research, assumptions
identified on the consensus maps.       or theme. Finally, the digital im-      about the nature of facts, and the
For example, as related to Project      ages and vignettes provide the          researchers’ goals (Lauder, 1984).
3, at least 80 percent of the con-      participants’ own summary repre-        Indeed, many have cautioned that
structs in that project’s consensus     sentations of important themes and      we use appropriate criteria (not
map were captured after the fourth      construct relationships.                criteria established for, for ex-
participant (randomly selected);           These data are presented in a        ample, survey research) to assess
at least 90 percent of the con-         number of forms depending on            qualitative research (Holstein and
structs were captured after the fifth   client interests and needs. For         Gubrium, 1995; Wallendorf and
participant and 100 percent were        example, the visual, sensory, and       Belk, 1989).
captured by the eighth participant.     digital images along with vignettes       ZMET is a hybrid methodology
On average, it took six participant     are presented in an interactive CD.     grounded in a broad body of lit-
files to account for 100 percent        This data configuration enables         erature which lends support to the
of the constructs identified on the     the user to “click” on a construct      technique’s validity and reliability.
consensus maps. In essence, every       presented on a screen and see a         For example, the use of photogra-
interview selected at random after      sample of visual and other sensory      phy as a research tool (Worth and
the sixth (on average) serves as        metaphors that represent how con-       Adair, 1972) has a 50-year history
validation for the elicited con-        sumers understand and/or experi-        that crosses many disciplines, and
structs. Thus, there is a high level    ence that construct. The images         the validity and reliability of pho-
of consensus among participants in      are coupled with the participant’s      tography as a general research tool
each of the projects.                   vocal description of the relevance      has been discussed extensively by
                                        of the pictures, tactile sensations,    Denzin (1989). Additionally, the
    Illustrating Important Con-         and so forth. Additionally, this data   in-depth personal conversation
structs and Construct Rela-             form allows the user to click on a      has significant merit in its own
tionships. The important con-           line connecting two constructs and      right (Mishler, 1986; McCracken,
structs and construct relationships     see images representing especially      1988), and other research conduct-
are illustrated in a variety of ways.   important reasoning or thinking         ed by Griffin and Hauser (1992),
For example, visual and other           processes linking them. Digital         Silver and Thompson (1991),
sensory dictionaries, as well as        images created by participants          Robinson (1991), and Fern (1982)
digital images and vignettes, help      along with their audio description      suggests that personal interviews
to communicate the metaphors            of their summary pictures also can      are more efficacious than focus
participants associate with the key     be accessed. Illustrating these data    groups. Further, the validity and
constructs. The visual diction-         on video, in addition to or in lieu     reliability of the Kelly Repertory
ary includes pictorial images that      of the interactive CD, is an option.    Grid and laddering technique as
represent constructs and reasoning                                              means for eliciting constructs are
chains that are important to par-                                               also well-established (Kelly, 1963;
                                        Evaluating ZMET                         Gutman, 1982; Reynolds and Gut-
ticipants. Thus, for example, the
picture of the trees with the bands                                             man, 1988; Shaw and McKnight,
                                          The task of evaluating a new
around the trunks and the picture                                               1980).
                                        technique is as important as it is
of the fencing tightly wrapped in                                                 It is also important to note that
                                        demanding. The appropriate evalu-
cellophane (Exhibit 1) might illus-                                             the ZMET research team plays an
                                        ative criteria for any technique
trate “physical discomfort” and its                                             important role in providing valid
                                        vary with the technique’s inher-

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and reliable data. In particular, the    fore, point-of-purchase advertis-       research approach.
staff develops a purposive sam-          ing and product display strategies         Second, the technique is very la-
pling plan and exchanges insights        needed to be reconsidered.              bor intensive. Post-interview data
with interviewers both during and                                                analyses, the creation of animated
after data collection. Throughout           Product-purchase and product-        versions of selected vignettes, and
the procedure, we employ steps              usage experiences interact and       the development of a final report
to establish credible qualitative           hence overall communication          involving sensory dictionaries is
research based on the guidelines            strategy had to be reconsidered.     demanding. Relatedly, the process
set forth by Wallendorf and Belk            Consumer perceptions of a            of managing images and creating
(1989), Webb et al. (1981), Miles           company did not match how            an interactive CD and associated
and Huberman (1984), Lincoln                key managers understood their        videotape requires expertise with
and Guba (1985), Kirk and Miller            public image.                        certain hardware and software.
(1986), and Strauss and Corbin              An advertising concept con-             Third, although ZMET identi-
(1990). Specifically, we: (1) en-           tained two important dimensions      fies important factors influencing
gage participants in a personal, in-        that had not been uncovered          consumers and clarifies both the
depth conversation that averages            previously.                          positive and negative experience
two hours in length, (2) triangulate        A more useful way to think           of these factors, it does not provide
across methods as evident by the            about creating advertising copy.     (because of sample size) estimates
multiple steps used in the ZMET             A unique way of advertising a        of the percentage of a larger popu-
interviews, (3) regularly interact          new product concept.                 lation who feel negatively and
with interviewers to discuss the            A new understanding of how           positively. Further, quantitative
interview structure, constructs             consumers perceive innovations.      estimates of the relative strength
elicited, etc., (4) triangulate across      A new positioning for an exist-      of association between constructs
researchers, reviewing the inter-           ing product.                         are not possible.
view transcripts and audiotapes                                                     Finally, the pictures participants
of the participants, and (5) have           Although ZMET addresses              bring to the interview and the vari-
participants verify the constructs       many limitations of other tech-         ous sensory images they discuss
elicited, and those not elicited,        niques it has limitations of its own.   are representative of the kinds of
during the interview.                    First, proper data analysis requires    images they find familiar and are
  To date, our research has in-          researcher familiarity with the dis-    likely to elicit certain concepts.
volved over 1,400 consumers.             ciplinary foundations of the tech-      They are not, however, a substitute
During the course of our research,       nique. This is more than a modest       for creative thinking about visual
clients have shared proprietary          start-up cost for the researchers       and other images that could be still
data previously collected on their       and being unfamiliar with these         more impactful in activating the
respective topics using standard         literatures can result in misuse of     common mental model (consensus
quantitative and qualitative tools.      the tool and data. Additionally, in-    map).
These clients have indicated that        terviewers have an important role
ZMET has provided results consis-        during data collection, since each      Conclusion
tent with the results other methods      step can be introduced in different
produced, but also added value by        ways and individual differences           Market researchers can develop
surfacing unique insights which          among participants may call for         tools that provide still more usable
the clients considered to be impor-      somewhat different approaches.          and valid knowledge about the
tant. For projects that focused on       Skill is required to make the           marketplace by making use of the
issues that had not been previously      judgment of when and how to do          premises discussed at the outset
investigated, companies found the        this. Further, interviewers play an     of this article. These premises
ZMET data useful in a number of          integral role in the analysis of each   are derived from diverse fields of
ways. A sample of action-produc-         participant’s data. Thus, ZMET in-      inquiry in the social and biological
ing insights that clearly have ad        terviewers require special training     sciences
copy implications (although that         beyond that associated with typical       and in the humanities about
may not have been the driving            personal interviewing. Also, the        how people make sense of and
force behind the research) include:      graphics imaging technicians must       communicate about their personal
  ß A product believed to be an          be well versed in digital-imaging       and social worlds. The technique
impulse purchase is not and, there-      technologies as well as the basic       introduced here draws upon these

M E TA P H O R - B A S E D A D V E R T I S I N G R E S E A R C H

fields and illustrates how efforts                Birdwhistell, R. L. Kinesics and       de Sousa, Ronald. The Rationality
to engage consumers in nonverbal                  Context: Essays on Body Motion         of Emotion. Cambridge, MA: The
communication and understand the                  Communication. Philadelphia, PA:       MIT Press, 1987.
meaning of metaphors can elicit                   University of Pennsylvania Press,
rich stories from which representa-               1970.                                  Entin, A. D. “The Use of Pho-
tive mental models can be extract-                                                       tographs and Family Albums in
ed. These mental models reveal                    Black, Max. “More About Meta-          Family Therapy.” In Questions and
basic reasoning processes and
                                                  phor.” In Metaphor and Thought,        Answers in the Practice of Fam-
provide deep, useful insights about
                                                  2d ea., Andrew Ortony, ed. New         ily Therapy, A. Gurman, ed. New
consumers and their latent and
emerging needs. Such insights can                 York, NY: Cambridge University         York, NY: Brunner Mazel, 1981.
provide developers of advertising                 Press, 1993.
copy and creative staff guidance                                                         Fern, Edward F. “The Use of
for capturing consumer attention                  Bone, Paula F., and Swati Jantra-      Focus Groups for Idea Generation:
and engaging their thought pro-                   nia. “Olfaction as a Cue for Prod-     The Effects of Group Size, Ac-
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                                                  3 (1992): 289-296.                     Response Quantity and Quality.”
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                                                  Brunette, Peter, and David Wills.      1 (1982): 1-13.
 GERALD ZALTMAN is the Joseph C. Wilson
 Professor of Business Administration, Har-
 vard University. He has a Ph.D. in sociology
 from the Johns Hopkins University and an
                                                  ScreenlPlay: Derrida and Film
 MBA degree from the University of Chicago        Theory. Princeton, NJ: Princeton       Fincher, J. Human Intelligence.
 He has authored or edited 27 books and
 over 100 journal articles Dr Zaltman has re-
                                                  University Press, 1989.                New York, NY: G. P. Putnam’s
 ceived the American Marketing Association’s                                             Sons, 1976.
 Richard D Inwin Distinquished Educator
 Award, the Association for Consumer              Burgoon, Judee K.; David B.
 Research’s Fe low Award, and the Knowl-          Buller; and W. Gill Woodall.           Gibbs, Raymond W., Jr. The Poet-
                                                  Nonverbal Communication: The           ics of Mind: Figurative Thought,
 edge Utilization Society’s Scientific Achieve-
 ment Award. He has been cited in numerous
 surveys as one of the leading thinkers in        Unspoken Dialogue. New York,           Language, and Understanding.
                                                  NY: Harper and Row, 1989.              New York, NY: Cambridge Uni-
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 professor of marketing in the School of
                                                                                         versity Press, 1994.
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                                                  Sense: Exploring the Senses in         Glasser, Barney G., and Anselm L.
 School of Business, University of Pittsburgh.    History and Across Cultures. New       Strauss. The Discovery of Ground-
 Her research interests include advertising
 effects, research methods, and consumer          York: Routledge, 1993.                 ed Theory. Chicago, IL: Aldine,
 decision-making Professor Coulter has been                                              1967.
                                                  Damasio, Antonio R. Descartes’
 pubished in such Journals as the Journal of
 Applied Psychology, the Journal of Advertis-
 ing, the Journal of Advertising Research,        Error: Emotion, Reason, and the        Glucksberg, Sam. “Language and
                                                  Human Brain. New York, NY: G.          Thought.” In The Psychology of
 and the Journal of Retailing. Howes, David,
 ed. The Varieties of Sensory Experience:
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                                                  P. Putnam’s Sons, 1994.                Human Thought, R. J. Sternberg
 Toronto Press, 1991.                                                                    and E. E. Smith, eds. Cambridge,
                                                  Danesi, Marcel. “Thinking Is           Great Britain, 1988.
                                                  Seeing: Visual Metaphors and the
              References                          Nature of Abstract Thought.” Se-       Goldman, Alvin I. Epistemology
                                                  miotica 80, 3/4, (1990): 221-237.      and Cognition. Cambridge, MA:
Arnheim, Rudolf. Visual Thinking.                                                        Harvard University Press, 1986.
Berkeley, CA: The University of                   Denzin, Norman K. The Research
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                                                                     Journal of ADVERTISING RESEARCH - JULY/AUGUST 1995    49
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