Security, Conflict and Cooperation in the Contemporary World Series Editors Effie G. H. Pedaliu LSE Ideas London, UK John W. Young University of ...

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Security, Conflict and Cooperation in the
          Contemporary World

               Series Editors
            Effie G. H. Pedaliu
                 LSE Ideas
               London, UK

             John W. Young
         University of Nottingham
            Nottingham, UK
The Palgrave Macmillan series, Security, Conflict and Cooperation in the
Contemporary World aims to make a significant contribution to academic
and policy debates on cooperation, conflict and security since 1900. It
evolved from the series Global Conflict and Security edited by Professor
Saki Ruth Dockrill. The current series welcomes proposals that offer inno-
vative historical perspectives, based on archival evidence and promoting an
empirical understanding of economic and political cooperation, conflict
and security, peace-making, diplomacy, humanitarian intervention, nation-
building, intelligence, terrorism, the influence of ideology and religion on
international relations, as well as the work of international organisations
and non-governmental organisations.

More information about this series at
Antonio Varsori · Benedetto Zaccaria

  Italy in the New
International Order,
Antonio Varsori                                 Benedetto Zaccaria
Department of Political Science, Law,           Department of Linguistics and
and International Studies                       Comparative Cultural Studies
University of Padova                            Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
Padova, Italy                                   Venice, Italy

Security, Conflict and Cooperation in the Contemporary World
ISBN 978-3-030-50092-4             ISBN 978-3-030-50093-1 (eBook)

© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer
Nature Switzerland AG 2020
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Switzerland AG
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1   How to Become a Great Power: Italy in the New
    International Order, 1917–1922                         1
    Antonio Varsori

Part I Italy and the Allies

2   Lloyd George, Italy, and the Making of a New World
    Order, 1916–1922                                      19
    William Mulligan

3   Italy Through British Eyes, 1919–1920                 41
    Giulia Bentivoglio

4   France and Italy in the Making of a New Central
    Europe, 1918–1922: Cooperation and Rivalry            59
    Frédéric Dessberg

5   Wilson’s Parallel Diplomacy: The American Red Cross
    and Italian Public Opinion, 1917–1919                 89
    Daniela Rossini


6    The King’s Diplomacy from World War I to Its
     Aftermath                                                 113
     Andrea Ungari

Part II Italy and the Vanquished Nations

7    Italy and Austria, 1918–1920: Overcoming
     Hereditary Enmity                                         137
     Maddalena Guiotto

8    Betraying the Allies? Italy, Hungary and the Béla Kun
     Intrigue                                                  167
     Valentine Lomellini

9    Public Opinion in the Weimar Republic and the Image
     of Post-War Italy, 1918–1922                              185
     Monica Fioravanzo

Part III   Italy and the New Europe

10   Searching for a Policy for the New Europe: Italy
     and the Eastern European Settlement at the Paris
     Peace Conference                                          205
     Francesco Caccamo

11   Encroaching Visions: Italy, Yugoslavia and the Adriatic
     Question, 1918–1920                                       229
     Massimo Bucarelli and Benedetto Zaccaria

12   Italy: The View from Moscow from 1917 to the Rise
     of Mussolini                                              255
     Elena Dundovich

13   Italy Faces the Birth of the League of Nations              281
     Italo Garzia

14   A Mutilated International Order                             309
     Georges-Henri Soutou

Index                                                            333
Notes on Contributors

Giulia Bentivoglio is a lecturer at the University of Padova. She is the
author of many articles on British and Italian foreign policy. Among her
publications are The Two Sick Men of Europe? Britain and Italy Between
Crisis and Renaissance, 1976–1983 (2018); La relazione necessaria. La
Gran Bretagna del Governo Heath e gli Stati Uniti (1970–1974) (2011).
Massimo Bucarelli (Ph.D.) teaches History of International Relations
and History of European Integration at ‘Sapienza’ University of Rome.
He has authored and edited several books and scholarly articles on Italian-
Yugoslav relations in the twentieth century. Among them are Mussolini
e la Jugoslavia 1922–1939 (2006); Aldo Moro, l’Italia repubblicana e i
Balcani (2011); Italy and Tito’s Yugoslavia in the Age of International
Détente (2016); L’Italia tra la guerra e la pace: il problema dell’inter-
vento italiano nella Prima Guerra Mondiale e le conseguenze negli assetti
adriatici e balcanici (2018).
Francesco Caccamo is Associate Professor of Eastern European History
at the University of Chieti. Italy’s policy in Eastern Europe is one of his
main fields of research. On this subject, he published L’Italia e la “Nuova
Europa” (1919–1920) (2000) and Odissea arbëreshe (2012), and co-edited
L’occupazione italiana della Jugoslavia (2008).
Frédéric Dessberg is Assistant Professor at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
University, assigned to the Military Academy of Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan.
He currently heads the ‘European Defence and Security’ Department at


the Military Academy Research Centre, is a member of UMR SIRICE
(Sorbonne), and holds a Jean Monnet European Chair. He specialises
in French policy in Central and Eastern Europe between the two World
Elena Dundovich is Full Professor of History of International Relations
in the Department of Political Science, University of Pisa. She teaches
courses in History of International Relations, History of Eastern Europe,
and Geopolitical Dynamics in the Post-Soviet Area. She is Director of the
Ph.D. School in Political Science. Among her publications are Bandiera
Rossa trionferà? (2017) and Cornobyl’. L’assenza (2012).
Monica Fioravanzo is Professor of Contemporary History at the
University of Padova. She has held visiting positions at the FU of Berlin,
IFZ of Munich, and Columbia University in New York. Among her publi-
cations are Italia e Germania dopo la caduta del Muro. Politica, cultura,
economia, edited with F. Focardi and L. Klinkhammer (2019); 1943.
Strategie militari, collaborazionismi, Resistenze (2015), and Mussolini e
Hitler: la Repubblica sociale sotto il Terzo Reich (2009).
Italo Garzia was Full Professor of History and International Relations
at the University of Bari, Italy. He has published extensively in the field
of the international activities of the Holy See, with particular focus on the
papacies of Benedict XV, Pious XI and Pious XII, and the birth of the
League of Nations. His scholarly interests also include Adriatic relations
and the foreign policy of Aldo Moro. His works include La Questione
Romana durante la prima guerra mondiale (1981), Pio XII e l’Italia
nella seconda guerra mondiale (1988) and L’Italia e le origini della Società
delle Nazioni (1995).
Maddalena Guiotto is a Researcher at the Fondazione Museo Storico
in Trento. She specialises in the history of Italian-Austrian and Italian-
German relations in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. She has
edited Italien und Österreich im Mitteleuropa der Zwischenkriegszeit/Italia
e Austria nella Mitteleuropa tra le due guerre mondiali (2018).
Valentine Lomellini is Associate Professor in History of International
Relations at the University of Padova, with a Ph.D. in Political Systems
and Institutional Changes. Among her most recent publications are La
grande paura rossa. L’Italia delle spie bolsceviche (1917–1922) (2015) and,

as editor, The Rise of Bolshevism and Its Impact on the Interwar Inter-
national Order (2020). She is currently working on the European State
response towards international terrorism during the Cold War.
William Mulligan is a Professor of Modern History at University
College Dublin. He has written widely on the First World War, including
The Origins of the First World War (2010) and The Great War for Peace
Daniela Rossini is Professor of American History at Roma Tre Univer-
sity. Her recent publications are: Woodrow Wilson and the American Myth
in Italy: Culture, Diplomacy and War Propaganda (2008); Donne e propa-
ganda internazionale. Percorsi femminili tra Italia e Stati Uniti nell’età
della Grande Guerra (2015); and (as co-editor) 1917. L’inizio del secolo
americano (2018).
Georges-Henri Soutou is Professor Emeritus at Paris-Sorbonne (Paris
IV) University and a member of the Institut de France. His works focus
particularly on the First World War, and Franco-German relations and the
Cold War. Major publications in this context are: L’Or et le Sang. Les buts
de guerre économiques de la Première guerre mondiale (1989); L’Alliance
incertaine. Les rapports politico-stratégiques franco-allemands, 1954–1996
(1996); La Guerre de Cinquante Ans. Les relations Est-Ouest 1943–1990
(2001); La Grande Illusion. Quand la France perdait la paix 1914–1920
(2015); and La guerre froide de la France 1941–1990 (2018).
Andrea Ungari is Full Professor in Contemporary History at Guglielmo
Marconi University and Adjunct Professor in Theory and History of
Political Parties at Luiss Guido Carli University, both in Rome. His
recent publications are La guerra del Re. Monarchia, Sistema politico e
Forze armate nella Grande guerra (2018) and the Atlante Geopolitico del
Mediterraneo 2019 (2019).
Antonio Varsori is Full Professor of History of International Relations
at the University of Padova, Italy. He is also a member of the Commis-
sion for the Publication of Italian Diplomatic Documents at the Italian
Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Among his most recent publications are
Radioso Maggio. Come l’Italia entrò in Guerra (2015), Storia inter-
nazionale. Dal 1919 a oggi (2nd edition, 2020), and, with Annalisa
Urbano, Mogadiscio 1948. Un eccidio di italiani fra decolonizzazione e
guerra fredda (2019).

Benedetto Zaccaria is currently a ‘Research Grant Holder’ in the
Department of Linguistics and Comparative Cultural Studies, Ca’ Foscari
University, Venice, Italy. He specialises in the History of International
Relations, with a focus on the Balkans and Eastern Europe. Among his
publications are The EEC’s Yugoslav Policy in Cold War Europe, 1968–
1980 (2016), La Strada per Osimo. Italia e Jugoslavia allo specchio (1965–
1975) (2018), and, with Antonio Varsori (eds.), Italy in the International
System from Détente to the End of the Cold War: The Underrated Ally

AA          Auswärtiges Amt
ACP         Archivio Conferenza della Pace
ACS         Archivio Centrale dello Stato
ADAP        Akten zur deutschen auswärtigen Politik
ADÖ         Außenpolitische Dokumente der Republik Österreich 1918–
AdR         Archiv der Republik
AJ          Arhiv Jugoslavije
ARC         American Red Cross
ASMAE       Archivio Storico Ministero degli Affari Esteri
AVPRF       Archiv Vnešnej Politiki Rossijskoj Federacii
BL          British Library
COMINTERN   Communist International
CPI         Committee on Public Information
DDF         Documents diplomatiques français
DDI         Documenti diplomatici italiani
DVP         Dokumenty Vnešnej Politiki SSSR
FO          Foreign Office
FRUS        Foreign Relations of the United States
ICRC        International Committee of the Red Cross
IWM         Imperial War Museum
LRCS        League of Red Cross Societies
NARA        National Archives and Records Administration
NPA         Neues Politisches Archiv
ÖStA        Österreichisches Staatsarchiv
PA          Parliamentary Archives


PAAA            Politisches Archiv des auswärtigen Amts
PCI             Partito Comunista Italiano
RA              Royal Archives
RKP             Russian Communist Party
SHS             Kraljevina Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca
SIS             British Secret Intelligence Service
SPD             Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands
TNA             The National Archives
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