Seasoned Loans Structured Transaction Trust, Series 2021-1 ("SLST" 2021-1)

Page created by Bernard Miranda
Seasoned Loans Structured Transaction Trust, Series 2021-1 ("SLST" 2021-1)
Seasoned Loans Structured Transaction
Trust, Series 2021-1 (“SLST” 2021-1)
May 2021

Information contained in this presentation is current as of May 2021.

For further information on this transaction see the SLST 2021-1 Offering Circular on

                                                                                     © Freddie Mac    1

   Notice to all Investors:
   The information contained in the attached materials has been prepared solely for informational purposes and is preliminary and subject to final structural, accounting, tax and legal review as well as final
   changes to the composition of the underlying mortgage loans. Consult with your own legal, accounting and tax advisors as you deem necessary in order to make an independent determination regarding the
   attached materials.

   This document is not an offer to sell any Freddie Mac securities. Offers for any given security are made only through applicable offering circulars and related supplements, which incorporate Freddie Mac's
   Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2020, filed with the SEC on February 11, 2021; all other reports Freddie Mac filed with the SEC pursuant to Section 13(a) of the Exchange Act
   since December 31, 2020, excluding any information "furnished" to the SEC on Form 8-K; and all documents that Freddie Mac files with the SEC pursuant to Sections 13(a), 13(c) or 14 of the Exchange Act,
   excluding any information "furnished" to the SEC on Form 8-K. Content in this presentation is not reflective of current market/spreads and is not indicative of any future Freddie Mac offerings. This
   presentation should be used for information purposes only.
   The information contained in the attached materials (the “Information”) is preliminary and subject to change. The Information does not include all of the information relating to the pool of mortgage loans
   described herein (the “Mortgage Loans”), or the securities to be issued and collateralized by such Mortgage Loans (the “Securities”). As such, the Information may not reflect the impact of all structural
   characteristics of the Securities. The assumptions underlying the Information, including structure and the composition of the Mortgage Loans, may be modified from time to time to reflect changed
   circumstances. This document may be amended, superseded or replaced by subsequent term sheets, “roadshow” materials and the term sheet that describes the updated pool information and will be
   superseded by an offering circular or private placement memorandum, as applicable, prepared by Freddie Mac, which will describe the final terms and conditions of the Securities (together the “Offering
   Documents”). Prospective purchasers should review the applicable Offering Documents discussed in this presentation. The final Offering Documents will contain data that is current as of their respective
   publication dates and after publication may no longer be complete or current. Final Offering Documents may be obtained from BofA Securities by calling 1-800-294-1322.
   The Information is preliminary and subject to final structural, accounting and legal review as well as final changes to the composition of the Mortgage Loans. The analyses, calculations and valuations herein
   are based on certain assumptions and data provided by third parties that may vary from the actual characteristics of the Mortgage Loans relating to the Securities. None of the Dealers or Freddie Mac has
   verified these analyses, calculations or valuations. Material contained within the Information may also be based on assumptions regarding market conditions and other matters as reflected herein, and such
   assumptions may not coincide with actual market conditions or events. None of the dealers or Freddie Mac has undertaken to update or amend the Information since the date it was issued. More current
   information may be available publicly from other sources.
   The Securities will be offered when, as and if issued. In particular, you are advised that these Securities, and the Mortgage Loans, are subject to modification or revision at any time prior to issuance or
   availability of the final applicable Offering Document. Any decision to invest in the Securities described herein should be made after reviewing the final applicable Offering Document, conducting such
   investigations as the investor deems necessary and consulting the investor’s own legal, accounting, and tax advisors in order to make an independent determination of the suitability and consequences of an
   investment in or acquisition of the Mortgage Loans and related Securities.
   The investment described in this presentation is a complex financial product. These Securities are complex instruments intended for sale only to sophisticated investors who understand and assume the risks
   involved with the purchase thereof. The risks associated with the Securities may significantly reduce an investor’s expected yield and expected return of principal, and/or reduce an investor’s ability to sell or
   obtain market value information about the Securities. Investors should independently evaluate the risks associated with the Securities and consult their own professional advisors. These risks may include, but
   may not be limited to the following:
   ▪   The performance of the Mortgage Loans may be correlated with economic or other factors that may diminish the value of the Securities.
   ▪   The performance of the Mortgage Loans and the value of the Securities may be largely dependent on the performance history and servicing of the Mortgage Loans.
   ▪   The value of the Securities may be diminished by market conditions unrelated to the performance of the Securities.
   This document shall not constitute an underwriting commitment, an offer of financing, an offer to sell, or the solicitation of an offer to buy, any Securities described herein, which shall be subject to the Dealers’
   internal approvals. No transaction or services related thereto is contemplated without the Dealers’ subsequent formal agreement. The Dealers are not acting as a fiduciary, advisor or agent.
   Prior to entering into any transaction, you should determine, without reliance upon any Dealer or its affiliates, the economic risks and merits, as well as the legal, tax and accounting characterizations and
   consequences of the transaction, and independently determine that you are able to assume these risks. In this regard, by acceptance of these materials, you acknowledge that you have been advised that (a)
   the Dealers are not in the business of providing legal, tax or accounting advice, (b) you understand that there may be legal, tax or accounting risks associated with the transaction, (c) you should receive legal,
   tax and accounting advice from advisors with appropriate expertise to assess relevant risks, and (d) you should apprise senior management in your organization as to the legal, tax and accounting advice (and,
   if applicable, risks) associated with this transaction and the Dealers’ disclaimers as to these matters.
   The Information may not be forwarded or provided by you to any other person. An investor or potential investor in the Securities (and each employee, representative, or other agent of such person or entity)
   may disclose to any and all persons, without limitation, the tax treatment and tax structure of the transaction (as defined in United States Treasury Regulation Section 1.6011-4) and all related materials of any
   kind, including opinions or other tax analyses, that are provided to such person or entity. However, such person or entity may not disclose any other information relating to this transaction unless such
   information is related to such tax treatment and tax structure.
   The information contained in the attached materials is preliminary and subject to final structural, accounting, tax and legal review as well as final changes to the composition of the underlying Mortgage

                                                                                                                                                                                                    © Freddie Mac            2

  1. Program Summary

  2. Transaction Timeline

  3. Collateral and Structure

  4. Key Transaction Features

  5. Servicing and Program Support

  6. Historical Deal Performance and Model Data

  7. Historical Cohort Performance

  8. Data Stratifications

  9. SLST Transaction Comparison

  10. Freddie Mac Key Contacts

                                                  © Freddie Mac   3
1. Program Summary

                     © Freddie Mac   4
Program Summary

▪    Freddie Mac’s $809 million SLST 2021-1 securitization is the company’s twelfth transaction backed by re-performing and moderately
     delinquent single-family mortgage loans (“RPLs”).

            »     The underlying mortgage loans (the "Mortgage Loans") were either previously securitized in Freddie Mac Participation
                  Certificates ("PCs") or Freddie Mac Uniform Mortgage Backed Securities ("UMBS") and then bought out of the respective PC or
                  UMBS by Freddie Mac, or retained by Freddie Mac in whole loan form since their acquisition

▪    Program Objectives

            »     Reduce Less Liquid Assets via economically reasonable transactions

            »     Provide flexibility to manage the market and credit risk on primarily modified, inconsistent pay RPLs

            »     Provide term financing to RPL credit investors via a securitization structure that is non-recourse and non-mark-to-market

            »     Promote broad investor participation for guaranteed senior certificates

            »     Give subordinate investors flexibility and control for customized servicing solutions, subject to FHFA RPL servicing requirements
                  which prioritize non-foreclosure resolutions, including modifications

▪    Loans will be deposited into a Freddie Mac trust (the “Trust”) which will issue the Securities, including guaranteed senior certificates (the
     “Guaranteed Certificates”) and non-guaranteed subordinate certificates (the “Subordinate Certificates”)

            »     Freddie Mac auctioned the right to purchase the Subordinate Certificates and such right was awarded to 510 Residential Loan
                  Acquisition III LLC (the "Purchaser")

            »     The initial servicer (the “Securitization Servicer”) will be Specialized Loan Servicing LLC (“SLS”)

            »     The Purchaser:

                        »     may engage a different servicer post closing; and

                        »     will appoint a collateral administrator (the “Collateral Administrator”) to oversee the servicing, management and
                              disposition of the Mortgage Loans by the Securitization Servicer in accordance with the Pooling and Servicing Agreement

Note: See Offering Circular for definitions and further details

                                                                                                                                       © Freddie Mac    5
SLST 2021-1 Transaction Summary

▪   The transaction will include a Supplemental Guarantor Oversight Fee of 0.200% per annum paid to the Guarantor from the Trust on each
    Distribution Date until the Guarantee Expiration Date

▪   Approximately 2.30% of the Mortgage Loans were unable to be tested to determine whether they were originated as high-cost loans in
    unlimited assignee liability states, as identified in the PSA; however, the regulatory compliance-related and high-cost loan-related
    representations in the PSA solely with respect to such mortgage loans will not expire at the end of the Warranty Period

▪   Approximately 34.68% of the Mortgage Loans were ever on a Temporary Forbearance Plan, as reported to Freddie Mac

▪   While the CARES Act continues to apply with respect to mortgage loans in the SLST transactions, beginning with SLST 2021-1, servicers will
    also be required to (i) comply with any subsequent federal legislation that amends, supplements or replaces the CARES Act, and (ii) adhere
    to any foreclosure or eviction moratorium related to the COVID-19 pandemic imposed by FHFA or by applicable federal legislation that would
    apply to mortgage loans owned or securitized by Freddie Mac

▪   The term “PDP” will be used to describe any mortgage loan that was subject to a Freddie Mac payment deferral program (e.g., a Deferred
    Payment Modification or Payment Deferral solution, including to resolve a COVID-19 related or disaster-related hardship), prior to issuance of
    the securities. Mortgage Loans subject to a PDP are notated as “DPM” in the data tape

                                                                                                                               © Freddie Mac         6
Retained Portfolio and Less Liquid Assets

▪     As of March 31, 2021, Freddie Mac’s total retained portfolio balance was $174.5 billion, which is comprised in part of Less Liquid Assets(1)

▪     A significant portion of Less Liquid Assets are single-family residential mortgage loans, which are the focus of both loan sales and
      securitization efforts

▪     A varying amount of these assets are bought out of MBS and into the retained portfolio monthly

▪     Freddie Mac has been actively reducing these assets via economically reasonable transactions

                                                                                                 3/31/2020                         3/31/2021                 Year over Year Change
                                                                                               ($ in Billions)                   ($ in Billions)                  ($ in Billions)

                    Re-performing Loans and Performing
                                                                                                     $24.6                            $17.2                              $(7.4)
                    Modified Loans (2)(3)

                    Single-Family Unsecuritized Seriously
                                                                                                     $8.2                              $9.3                              $ 1.1)
                    Delinquent Loans(3)

                      Total                                                                          $32.8                            $26.6                              $(6.3)

(1) Less Liquid Assets include single-family RPLs and seriously delinquent loans, multifamily unsecuritized mortgage loans not in the securitization pipeline, certain Freddie Mac mortgage-related securities
and non-agency mortgage-related securities not guaranteed by the GSEs
(2) Includes loans that are 30 and 60 days delinquent
(3) Source: Freddie Mac Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 2021

                                                                                                                                                                                       © Freddie Mac             7
Freddie Mac Seasoned and Legacy Loan Activity
Approximately $80 Billion from 2011 through April 2021

                 MBS - Fully Guaranteed Securitizations                                                                           SCRT - RPL Senior/Sub
                           Re-Performing and Modified Pools                                                                Guaranteed Seniors / Non-guaranteed Subs
                              $30.0 billion settled since 2011                                                                 $31.3 billion settled since Q4 2016
                         Primarily 6+ months clean pay history                                                                Minimum 6+ months clean pay history
                              Serviced to Freddie Mac Guide                                                                    Not serviced to Freddie Mac Guide
                                         No forborne UPB                                                                              Includes forborne UPB
                                      No servicing change                                                                   Freddie Mac selects servicer for the trust

                                            NPL Sales                                                                          SLST - RPL Structured Sales
                                  SPO and EXPO Offerings                                                                   Guaranteed Seniors / Non-guaranteed Subs
                               $8.7 billion settled since 2014                                                                  $9.9 billion settled since Q4 2016
                             Primarily 12+ months delinquent                                                         Primarily inconsistent pay RPLs and moderately DQ NPLs
                           Not serviced to Freddie Mac Guide                                                                   Not serviced to Freddie Mac Guide
                                     Includes forborne UPB                                                                            Includes forborne UPB
                                 NPL buyer selects servicer                                                                Buyer of subs selects servicer for the trust(1)

(1) The initial purchaser of the Subordinate Certificates may choose to transfer servicing after the Closing Date.

Source: Press Releases on

                                                                                                                                                                     © Freddie Mac   8
2. Transaction Timeline

                          © Freddie Mac   9
Transaction Timeline

               March 2021                                    April 2021                         May 2021

     S   M     T    W    T    F    S                S   M    T    W    T    F    S    S    M    T    W    T      F    S
         1     2    3    4    5    6                                   1    2    3                                    1
     7   8     9    10   11   12   13               4   5    6    7    8    9    10   2    3    4    5    6      7    8
    14   15    16   17   18   19   20              11   12   13   14   15   16   17   9    10   11   12   13     14   15
    21   22    23   24   25   26   27              18   19   20   21   22   23   24   16   17   18   19   20     21   22
    28   29    30   31                             25   26   27   28   29   30        23   24   25   26   27     28   29
                                                                                      30 31


                                               SLST 2021-1 - Transaction Key Dates
              Initial Disclosure Date (close of business)                                  03/31/2021
              Cut-Off Date (close of business)                                             04/30/2021
              Data Room Opens                                                              05/03/2021
              Pool Finalized Date                                                          05/07/2021
              Pre-Access Qualification Due Date                                            05/13/2021
              Bid Due Date (by 11:00 am Eastern Time)                                      05/17/2021
              Bid Award/Trade Date                                                         05/17/2021
              Deposit Due Date (by 2:00 pm Eastern Time)                                   05/19/2021
              Expected Pricing of Certificates                                             05/20/2021
              Securitization Issuance/Closing Date                                         05/27/2021

                                                                                                               © Freddie Mac   10
3. Collateral and Structure

                              © Freddie Mac   11
SLST Collateral – 2020/2021 Deals

                                                                       Description                          SLST 2020-1      SLST 2020-2          SLST 2020-3    SLST 2021-1
                                                                                                              at Settle        at Settle            at Settle      at Settle
                                                As of Date                                                  June 30, 2020   August 31, 2020   October 31, 2020   April 30, 2021
                                                % Modified                                                      100%             89%                89%               66%
                                                % Freddie Mac PDP Only(1)                                         0%              6%                 5%                8%
                                                % Adjustable-Rate Mortgage Loan                                 0.0%             2.7%              0.7%               3.3%
                                                Loan Count                                                      6,026           10,185             4,486             6,814

                                                Total UPB (including forborne UPB) in millions of USD           $948            $1,508              $638              $809
                                                Forborne UPB in millions of USD                                  $64             $105                $41               $35
                                                % UPB Forborne                                                  6.8%             7.0%              6.4%               4.3%
                                                % of Loans with a Forbearance (non-interest bearing) UPB       34.7%            44.5%              45.3%             33.8%
                                                % of Loans in a Temporary Forbearance Plan and Current          4.8%             3.7%              5.0%               1.5%
                                                % of Loans in a Temporary Forbearance Plan and Delinquent      21.7%            11.8%              12.9%              5.7%
                                                Avg. Loan Size in thousands of USD                              $157             $148               $142              $119
                                                Weighted Average Note Rate at Origination(2)                    5.8%             6.2%              5.9%               5.7%
                             Note Rate

                                                Weighted Average Current Note Rate(2)                           4.6%             4.7%              4.7%               5.0%
                                                Weighted Average Effective Note Rate(3)                         4.2%             4.4%              4.4%               4.8%
                                                Weighted Average Terminal Note Rate(2)(4)                       4.6%             4.7%              4.8%               5.1%
                                                Weighted Average Terminal Effective Note Rate(3)(4)             4.3%             4.4%              4.5%               4.8%
                                                Weighted Average Loan Age from Origination (months)              151              160                159               160
                                                Weighted Average Loan Age from Modification (months)              54               50                 42                34
                                                Weighted Average Remaining Term to Maturity (months)             405              367                370               326
                                                Weighted Average Updated LTV (FHFA Indexed)                      60%             60%                57%               51%
                             LTV/Credit Score

                                                Weighted Average AVM Current LTV                                 62%             65%                58%               49%
                                                % of Loans with AVM Current LTV > 105%                          4.2%             4.9%              3.6%               1.0%
                                                Weighted Average BPO Current LTV                                 70%             71%                65%               54%
                                                % of Loans with BPO Current LTV > 105%                          9.5%            10.2%              8.4%               3.5%
                                                Non-Zero Weighted Average Credit Score at Origination            674              667                673               677
                                                Non-Zero Weighted Average Current Credit Score                   588              607                612               605
                                                % of Loans in Judicial Foreclosure State                       46.1%            45.2%              51.4%             46.1%
                                                % of Loans with MI                                             17.9%            15.7%              15.5%             15.5%
                                                % of Loans with Step-Rate at Modification                      14.3%            15.1%              11.6%              5.5%
                                                Weighted Average Number of Months Clean Pay History                3                3                  3                 3
                                                % of Loans with 1-5 Months Clean Pay History                     28%             40%                42%               48%
                                                % of Loans with 6-11 Months Clean Pay History                    31%             21%                16%               21%
                             Pay History

                                                % of Loans with 12+ Months Clean Pay History                      2%              2%                 3%                2%
                                                % of Loans that are Current                                      60%             63%                61%               70%
                                                % of Loans that are 30-59 Days Delinquent                        20%             22%                25%               21%
                                                % of Loans that are 60-89 Days Delinquent                        10%             11%                10%                8%
                                                % of Loans that are 90+ Days Delinquent                          10%              4%                 4%                1%
                                                Servicer                                                         SLS             SPS             Shellpoint           SLS

(1)   % Freddie Mac PDP modification is a subset of % Modified
(2)   Note rates are weighted by Interest Bearing Unpaid Principal Balance only
(3)   Note rate multiplied by the ratio of the aggregate Interest Bearing Unpaid Principal Balance over the aggregate Unpaid Principal Balance
(4)   Weighted average of the fixed-rate or maximum step-rate over the life of each Mortgage Loan. Excludes any adjustable-rate Mortgage Loans.

                                                                                                                                                                                  © Freddie Mac   12
Indicative SLST 2021-1 Transaction Structure

                                         Freddie Mac provides certain representations and warranties on the Mortgage Loans

                                                                                                 Trust issues
                                                                                                 classes of
                                                                                                 Guaranteed                                             Class A-1*
                                    Mortgage                                                     Certificates                                           Class A-2*
                                    Loans                                                                                                               Class AF
                                    transferred                                                                                                 (“Guaranteed Certificates”)


                                                                                                                                                        Class M*
                                                                                                                                                        Class B*
                                                                                                                                               (“Subordinate Certificates”)
                                                                                                 Trust issues
                                                                                                 classes of
                                                                                                                                                           Class XS*
                                                                                                                                                      (“Excess Servicing
                   Servicer will service the                                                                                                             Certificates”)
                   Mortgage Loans according to
                   a Pooling and Servicing
                   Agreement                                                                                                                  *Exchangeable Certificates are
                                                                                                                                              illustrated here; MACR certificates
                                                                                                                                              will also be issued
Note: The Trust will also issue Residual Certificates and a Mortgage Insurance Certificate (the “Class MI Certificate”). The Class MI Certificate is entitled to Mortgage insurance Proceeds received from
Mortgage Loans, will be retained by Freddie Mac and is not offered hereby. The Class MI Certificate will not represent an interest in any REMIC.

                                                                                                                                                                                      © Freddie Mac          13
Indicative SLST 2021-1 Structure

                                                                                                  Indicative Structure Overview(1)

                                                                              Initial  Approximate                                    Principal                                Mandatory Guarantor
                                Initial Class                                                                            WAL
 Base        Offered                                                          Credit   Initial Class                                   Window                                     Repurchase
                             Principal/Notional              % UPB                                                      (years)                        Coupon Type                                                       Class Type
 Class        Class                                                        Enhancement   Coupon                             (2)       (months)                                  Date/Stated Final
                                  Amount                                                                                                   (2)
                                                                                %            %                                                                                  Distribution Date

               A-1              $558,198,967                69.00%               8.00%                2.750%              4.78          1-120                Fixed                      May 2031                 Guaranteed/Sequential

AF(3)(4)       A-2              $186,066,323                23.00%               8.00%                2.750%              9.99        120-120                Fixed                      May 2031                 Guaranteed/Sequential

                 A              $744,265,290                92.00%               8.00%                2.750%              6.08          1-120                Fixed                      May 2031

                 M               $24,269,520                 3.00%               5.00%                5.000%              4.70          40-75        Fixed/Net WAC(5)                   April 2061                       Subordinate

                 B               $40,449,201                 5.00%               0.00%               10.000%             16.17         75-348        Fixed/Net WAC(5)                   April 2061                       Subordinate

  N/A           XS             $808,984,011(6)                  N/A               N/A                   N/A                N/A            N/A                  (7)                           N/A                  Excess Servicing Strip

               SUB               $64,718,721                 8.00%               0.00%                8.125%             11.87         40-348         Fixed/Net WAC                     April 2061                  Subordinate/MACR

                MI             $125,688,020(6)                  N/A               N/A                   N/A                N/A            N/A                 N/A                            N/A                   Mortgage Insurance

 Total                          $808,984,011               100.00%

(1) Figures shown are as of April 30, 2021
         Pricing Assumptions                              VPR                                            CDR                           Severity                       Optional Redemption/Clean-Up Call

              SLST 2021-1               Ramp from 3% to 6% over 36 months               Ramp from 0% to 2% over 36 months                30%                                       Not Exercised

(3) The Class AF Certificates, which will not be an offered Class on the Closing Date, will be deposited into a REMIC and tranched sequentially into the Class A-1 and Class A-2 Certificates
(4) If the Guaranteed Certificates have not been redeemed by the Majority Representative in connection with its Optional Redemption Right or otherwise paid in full by the Distribution Date in May 2031, then effective on the Distribution Date in
    June 2031 and thereafter, the coupon of the Class AF Certificates will become a floating rate coupon at a per annum rate, not less than 0.000%, equal to the lesser of (i) SOFR plus 2.000% and (ii) 7.000%
(5) The Class Coupon of the Class M and Class B Certificates for each Distribution Date will be a per annum rate equal to the lesser of (i) 5.000% and 10.000%, respectively, and (ii) the related Subordinate Certificates Net WAC for such
    Distribution Date. To the extent the Class Coupon of the Class M or Class B Certificates is limited by the related Subordinate Certificates Net WAC, such Certificates will be entitled to Coupon Cap Shortfalls for such Class of Certificates
(6) Class Notional Amount
(7) The Class XS Certificates are entitled to the Excess Servicing Amount received on the Mortgage Loans

                                                                                                                                                                                                            © Freddie Mac             14
Preliminary Guaranteed Senior Certificates

                                                                             Indicative Preliminary Guaranteed Senior Offerings(1)
 Base                 Offered               Maximum Initial Class                   Approximate Initial                  WAL          Principal Window
                                                                                                                                                                          Class Type
 Class                 Class              Principal/Notional Amount                  Class Coupon %                    (years)(2)        (months)(2)
                         A-1                       $558,198,967                              2.750%                      4.78              1-120                           Sequential
                        A-1B                       $558,198,967                              2.500%                      4.78              1-120                Sequential, Strip Down/MACR
                        A-1C                       $558,198,967                              2.250%                      4.78              1-120                Sequential, Strip Down/MACR
   A-1                  A-1D                       $558,198,967                              2.000%                      4.78              1-120                Sequential, Strip Down/MACR
                        A-1E                       $558,198,967                              1.750%                      4.78              1-120                Sequential, Strip Down/MACR
                       A-1G                        $558,198,967                              1.500%                      4.78              1-120                Sequential, Strip Down/MACR
                       A-1IO                      $174,437,177(3)                            4.000%                      4.78               N/A                       Interest Only/MACR
                         A-2                       $186,066,323                              2.750%                      9.99             120-120                          Sequential
                        A-2B                       $186,066,323                              2.500%                      9.99             120-120               Sequential, Strip Down/MACR
                        A-2C                       $186,066,323                              2.250%                      9.99             120-120               Sequential, Strip Down/MACR
   A-2                  A-2D                       $186,066,323                              2.000%                      9.99             120-120               Sequential, Strip Down/MACR
                        A-2E                       $186,066,323                              1.750%                      9.99             120-120               Sequential, Strip Down/MACR
                       A-2G                        $186,066,323                              1.500%                      9.99             120-120               Sequential, Strip Down/MACR
                       A-2IO                       $58,145,725(3)                            4.000%                      9.99               N/A                       Interest Only/MACR
                          A                        $744,265,290                              2.750%                      6.08              1-120                     Pass-Through/MACR
                         AB                        $744,265,290                              2.500%                      6.08              1-120              Pass-Through, Strip Down/MACR
                         AC                        $744,265,290                              2.250%                      6.08              1-120              Pass-Through, Strip Down/MACR
    A                    AD                        $744,265,290                              2.000%                      6.08              1-120              Pass-Through, Strip Down/MACR
                         AE                        $744,265,290                              1.750%                      6.08              1-120              Pass-Through, Strip Down/MACR
                         AG                        $744,265,290                              1.500%                      6.08              1-120              Pass-Through, Strip Down/MACR
                        A-IO                      $232,582,902(3)                            4.000%                      6.08               N/A                       Interest Only/MACR
                       Total                       $744,265,290

(1) Figures shown are as of April 30, 2021. The Mandatory Guarantor Repurchase Date for all classes is May 2031
         Pricing Assumptions                           VPR                                          CDR                    Severity        Optional Redemption/Clean-Up Call

             SLST 2021-1              Ramp from 3% to 6% over 36 months            Ramp from 0% to 2% over 36 months         30%                     Not Exercised

(3) Class Notional Amount

                                                                                                                                                                       © Freddie Mac       15
SLST 2021-1 A-1D: Projected Bond Cashflow Comparison

                                                                              Pricing Speed Bond Comparison
                                                                                                            Principal Window                 Pricing
                         Class                              Coupon              WAL (years)(1)                                                                    Pricing Date
                                                                                                               (months)(1)                  Spread(2)
      SLST 2021-1 A-1D                                        2.000%                     4.78                       1 – 120                   N/A            5/20/2021 (Expected)

      SCRT 2021-1 MA                                          2.000%                     5.10                       1 – 147                  58 bps                  4/8/2021
      SLST 2020-3 A-1C                                        2.000%                     4.91                       1 – 120                  80 bps                 11/18/2020

                                   Guaranteed Senior Class Factor(1)                                                           Attributes of SLST 2021-1 Class A-1D
                                                                                                                               ▪ Guaranteed by Freddie Mac

       60%                                                                                                                     ▪ Fixed Rate Coupon

       40%                                                                                                                     ▪ The Class A-1D final maturity date is at
                                                                                                                                 year 10
                                                                                                                               ▪ The Majority Representative may call the
                                                                                                                                 deal at years 4, 5, 7 and annually

                                                                                                                                 thereafter. In such case, the Class A-1D
                    SLST 21-1 A-1D Factor 100% PPS                           SCRT 21-1 MA Factor 100% PPS                        Certificates will receive 104%, 103%, and
                                                                                                                                 100% of the Class Principal Amount,
                    SLST 20-3 A-1C Factor 100% PPS                                                                               respectively

(1)              Pricing Assumptions                               VPR                                   CDR                     Severity           Optional Redemption/Clean-Up Call

                                                        Ramp from 3% to 6% over
                 SLST 2018-2 and later                                                     Ramp from 0% to 2% over 36 months      30%
                                                               36 months
                                                                                                                                                              Not Exercised
                                                        Ramp from 5% to 8% over
            SCRT 2021-1 (Groups M and H)                                                   Ramp from 0% to 1% over 36 months      25%
                                                               24 months

(2) Represents pricing level (spread to interpolated yield curve) as of the respective pricing date

                                                                                                                                                                        © Freddie Mac   16
SLST 2021-1 A-2D: Projected Bond Cashflow Comparison

                                                                              Pricing Speed Bond Comparison
                                                                                                            Principal Window                 Pricing
                         Class                              Coupon              WAL (years)(1)                                                                    Pricing Date
                                                                                                               (months)(1)                  Spread(2)
      SLST 2021-1 A-2D                                        2.000%                     9.99                      120 – 120                  N/A            5/20/2021 (Expected)

      FHMS K128 A-2                                           2.020%                     9.72                      107 – 119                 14 bps                 4/21/2021
      SLST 2020-3 A-2C                                        2.000%                    10.00                      120 – 120                 65 bps                 11/18/2020

                                                                                                                               Attributes of SLST 2021-1 Class A-2D
                               Guaranteed Mezzanine Class Factor(1)
                                                                                                                               ▪ Guaranteed by Freddie Mac

                                                                                                                               ▪ Fixed Rate Coupon

       40%                                                                                                                     ▪ The Class A-2D final maturity date is at
                                                                                                                                 year 10
                                                                                                                               ▪ The Majority Representative may call the
                                                                                                                                 deal at years 4, 5, 7 and annually

                                                                                                                                 thereafter. In such case, the Class A-2D
                    SLST 21-1 A-2D Factor 100% PPS                           FHMS K128 A-2 0% CPY                                Certificates will receive 104%, 103%, and
                                                                                                                                 100% of the Class Principal Amount,
                    SLST 20-3 A-2C Factor 100% PPS                                                                               respectively

(1)              Pricing Assumptions                               VPR                                   CDR                     Severity           Optional Redemption/Clean-Up Call

                                                        Ramp from 3% to 6% over
                 SLST 2018-2 and later                                                     Ramp from 0% to 2% over 36 months      30%
                                                               36 months
                                                                                                                                                              Not Exercised
                      FHMS K128                                                                 0% CPY

(2) Represents pricing level (spread to interpolated yield curve) as of the respective pricing date

                                                                                                                                                                        © Freddie Mac   17
4. Key Transaction Features

                              © Freddie Mac   18
Performance Triggers and Structural Features


  Mortgage Loan                   For any Distribution Date if the Non-Current Mortgage Loan Percentage exceeds 150% of the current Credit Enhancement, the trigger is breached
  Percentage Trigger

                                  The Subordinate Certificates will not receive distributions of principal while the Credit Enhancement (initially 8.00%) is below the target Credit
  Minimum Credit
                                  Enhancement of 13.00%. Prior to paying interest to the Subordinate Certificates, principal is paid to the Class AF (1) Certificates to maintain Credit
                                  Enhancement at the greater of (i) 8.00% and (ii) the highest Credit Enhancement achieved on any prior or the current Distribution Date (capped at

  Mandatory Guarantor             The obligation of the Guarantor to purchase the Class AF Certificates at the Mandatory Guarantor Repurchase Price if the Majority Representative
  Repurchase                      does not exercise its Optional Redemption Right on or before the Distribution Date in May 2031. The amount paid by the Guarantor will be used to pay
  Obligation                      the remaining Class Principal Amounts and any accrued and unpaid interest of the Class A-1 and Class A-2 Certificates

                                  The Majority Representative may, at its option, redeem the Class AF Certificates, the Class MI Certificate and the Subordinate Certificates on the
                                  Distribution Dates in May 2025, May 2026 and May 2028 and in May each year thereafter at a price equal to the sum of:
                                          (i) for the Class AF Certificates, 104%, 103% and 100%, respectively, of the aggregate Class Principal Amount thereof, plus any accrued and
                                          unpaid interest thereon;
  Optional Redemption
                                          (ii) for the Class MI Certificate, the Class MI Fair Market Value Price; and
                                          (iii) for the Subordinate Certificates, 100% of the aggregate Class Principal Amount thereof, plus any accrued and unpaid interest due for such
                                          Distribution Date

                                  Beginning on August 1, 2021, the Collateral Administrator may direct or provide consent to the Securitization Servicer to sell any of the Mortgage Loans
                                  that are 180 days or more delinquent (each a “Seriously Delinquent Mortgage Loan”) to any third party unaffiliated with the Securitization Servicer,
                                  Collateral Administrator or Majority Representative in an arm’s length transaction at any time without restriction so long as:
                                          ▪    Such sale would result in an economic benefit to the Certificateholders
  Loan Sale Right
                                          ▪    Seriously Delinquent Mortgage Loans sold in any calendar year do not exceed 5% of the total number of Mortgage Loans as of the
                                               preceding year-end
                                          ▪    Seriously Delinquent Mortgage Loans sold do not exceed a cumulative number of 10% of the total number of Mortgage Loans as of the
                                               Cut-Off Date

                                  10% Clean-Up Call may be exercised by the Majority Representative or the holder of more than 50% of the Class B Certificates or the Securitization
  Clean-Up Call

(1) Principal payments distributed to the Class AF Certificates will be allocated to the Class A-1 and Class A-2 Certificates sequentially if no Guarantor Nonpayment Event exists and pro rata (based on their
respective Class Principal Amounts) if a Guarantor Nonpayment Event exists
Note: See Offering Circular for definitions and further details

                                                                                                                                                                                       © Freddie Mac              19
Majority Representative and Retention Requirements

▪    The Retained Certificateholder will at all times be the “Majority Representative” unless:

      »    the Retained Certificateholder sells more than 50% of the Class Principal Amount of any outstanding class of Retained Certificates;

      »    the Class Principal Amounts of the Retained Certificates are all reduced to zero; or

      »    any of the Retained Certificates are sold in violation of the Pooling and Servicing Agreement

     If any of the above occur, the Retained Certificateholder will no longer be the Majority Representative and there will be no successor Majority
     Representative appointed (i.e., there will be no Majority Representative)

▪    Any Majority Representative will have the:

       » Optional Redemption Right;
       » Right to exercise the Clean-up Call; and
       » Right to terminate the Collateral Administrator and the obligation to replace the Collateral Administrator

▪    Retention Requirements

       » The Retained Certificateholder      will be required to retain 100% of the Class M, Class B and Class XS Certificates (the “Retained
            Certificates”), and any related MACR Certificates exchanged therefor, for at least 3 years post-closing

       » From year 4 to year 7 post-closing, the Retained Certificateholder will have the right to sell all (but not less than all) of the Retained
            Certificates to a single subsequent purchaser

       » After year 7 post-closing, the Retained Certificateholder will have the right to sell some or all the Retained Certificates if certain sales
            thresholds are met

Note: See Offering Circular for definitions and further details

                                                                                                                                   © Freddie Mac    20
5. Servicing and Program Support

                                   © Freddie Mac   21
Servicing Practices for COVID-19

COVID Impacted Borrowers

▪   The Securitization Servicer must (i) comply with the CARES Act (and any subsequent federal legislation that amends, supplements or
    replaces the CARES Act), and (ii) adhere to any foreclosure or eviction moratorium related to the COVID-19 pandemic imposed by FHFA or
    by applicable federal legislation that would apply to loans owned or securitized by Freddie Mac

▪   The Securitization Servicer will comply with the CARES Act by providing forbearance to customers who notify the Securitization Servicer and
    affirm that they are experiencing a COVID-19 related hardship. No documentation is required to qualify for a COVID-19 forbearance

▪   Customers on a COVID-19 Forbearance Plan are not charged late fees, NSF fees, additional interest (beyond the regular accrued interest) or
    other fees during the forbearance period

▪   The Securitization Servicer has a comprehensive outreach program to customers on COVID-19 Forbearance Plans, including call
    campaigns, letters, and emails to impacted customers

▪   CARES Act forbearances will be available for borrowers with hardships until the end of the national emergency or December 31, 2020,
    whichever comes first, or as otherwise required by the CARES Act

▪   If a borrower is on a forbearance plan for less than 180 days, the Securitization Servicer will continue to extend the forbearance period as
    appropriate, in 30 or 90 day increments, up to the term required by the CARES Act

Investor Reporting

▪   The Securitization Servicer will continue to report the borrower delinquency status via investor reporting based on actual payments received
    while on a forbearance plan, which will show the borrower as delinquent for any payments not made during the forbearance period

                                                                                                                                  © Freddie Mac    22
Servicing and Collateral Oversight

The Collateral Administrator, if any, and Guarantor each have responsibilities for management of the collateral and servicing.

                                                       COLLATERAL ADMINISTRATOR

▪   General oversight of the Securitization Servicer

▪   Consent, withhold consent or waive the right to consent to the Securitization Servicer’s:

           »    Strategy for implementing foreclosure alternatives and administration of defaulted loans

           »    Property valuations and sale of any REO properties

           »    Litigation settlement offers

▪   Review alleged Material Breaches, Collateral Deficiency Losses and Existing Lien Losses, and issue Notices of Breach or Indemnification
    to Freddie Mac


▪   Securitization Servicer provides monthly data to Freddie Mac as Guarantor

▪   Guarantor monitors remittance data and may request additional documentation to evaluate Securitization Servicer’s compliance with the
    Pooling and Servicing Agreement

▪   If a servicing defect is identified, the Guarantor may determine if it is the result of a servicing violation, and whether or not it can be

           »    Where the defect can be remedied, the Securitization Servicer will be required to remedy the defect within the servicing
                correction period of 90 days

           »    Where the defect cannot be remedied (e.g., extinguishes the lien, etc.), the Securitization Servicer may be issued a servicing
                remedy letter that may include a servicing remedy amount

▪   The servicing remedy amount is determined by the Guarantor and is payable by the Securitization Servicer to compensate for damages,
    expenses and losses resulting from the servicing defect

                                                                                                                                 © Freddie Mac   23
Post Securitization Servicing Requirements

                         Modification and Loss Mitigation                                                                                   Third Party Servicer

  Eligibility                                                                                           ▪     Securitization Servicer can’t acquire lender placed insurance from
  ▪     To be eligible, borrower must (1) be 60+ days delinquent or (2)
        have provided sufficient information on loss mitigation                                         ▪     If Securitization Servicer obtains property valuation, preservation or
        application and Securitization Servicer determines that the                                           disposition services from affiliate, then the Securitization Servicer
        borrower is at risk of imminent default                                                               may not receive incentive based compensation and the costs of
                                                                                                              services must be reasonable and at market levels
                                                                                                                                             Cap on Advances
  ▪     Any modification must meet the following criteria:                                              ▪     Any advance amount exceeding a cap will require advance notice to
                                                                                                              the Guarantor and Collateral Administrator and a non-objection from
                  »      No more than 1 modification every 12 months, and
                                                                                                              the Guarantor in order to be reimbursable
                         no more than 2 total after the Closing Date(1)
                                                                                                                                        Valuation Requirements
                  »      No principal forgiveness for any loan where
                         resulting post-mod MTMLTV(2) (using interest                                   ▪     Securitization Servicer must comply with the valuation waterfall
                         bearing balance) is less than 105%                                                   below when determining the valuation to be used in evaluating loss
                                                                                                              mitigation alternatives
                  »      No principal forbearance for any loan where
                                                                                                                »       Step 1: Obtain BPO and Home Value Explorer® (“HVE®”)
                         resulting post-mod MTMLTV(2) (using interest
                         bearing balance) is less than 80%
                                                                                                                »       Step 2: If the BPO value is within +/- 15% of the HVE® value,
  ▪     No short payoff (including forbearance amounts) unless                                                          then the Securitization Servicer must use the BPO valuation
        eligibility criteria above is met and the Securitization Servicer
        determines such action to be in the best interest of the                                                »       Step 3: If an HVE® value is not available or the BPO value is
        Certificateholders                                                                                              greater than or equal to +/- 15% of the HVE® value, then the
                                                                                                                        Securitization Servicer must obtain a second BPO value
  ▪     Securitization Servicer may not solicit performing borrowers for                                                from a non-affiliated broker
        loss mitigation
                                                                                                                »       Step 4: If the Securitization Servicer is required to order a
  ▪     Payment deferrals are modifications under the terms of the PSA                                                  second BPO valuation, then the Securitization Servicer must
                                                                                                                        use the higher of the two BPO valuations

(1) So long as there is a Majority Representative, the Collateral Administrator may consent to more than 1 modification every 12 months and more than 2 total after the Closing Date
(2) MTMLTV is the mark to market loan-to-value ratio based on the interest bearing unpaid principal balance of the related Mortgage Loan and the current market value of the related mortgaged property, as
described in the Valuation Requirements above

                                                                                                                                                                                   © Freddie Mac              24
SLST Program Support

▪   Financing for Guaranteed Classes
         »    Freddie Mac can offer repo financing for SLST guaranteed tranches (except IOs) to approved counterparties
         »    SLST Guaranteed Certificates are eligible for financing under the BNY Mellon MBS Tri-party Repo
         »    Acceptable collateral to pledge to certain of the FHLBs – Pittsburgh, Boston, New York, Atlanta, Chicago, Des Moines, San Francisco,
              Topeka, Indianapolis, Cincinnati and Dallas

▪   Models & Data Vendors
         »    Bloomberg:
                   »    Password: “SSAP ” then enter “SLST20211” in box and press 
                   »    Natively supports pricing speed: 100 PPS: through the API and BDP
                               “SLST 2021-1  YT NEW 100 PPS ”
                   »    Model projections: BTM will call a version of the Bloomberg Transition Model fit to similar collateral
                               “SLST 2021-1  BCMV ”
         »    Yield Book
                   »    Prepay Model: Model V21.6 fits for voluntary prepayment speeds to production
                   »    Analytics: Agency OAS is comparable to RPL SLST OAS
         »    Historical Cohort Data
                   »    A mapping file is available to track loan performance pre and post securitization for SCRT and SLST loans in the Single Family
                        Loan Level Dataset (SFLLD)
                   »    Access to the SFLLD:
                   »    Reperforming Loan ID Match FAQ:
         »    Loan-Level Data (Post-Issuance)
                   »    US Bank Trust Gateway: Provides monthly loan-level remittance data
                   »    CoreLogic: Redistributes loan-level remittance data
                   »    1010data: Redistributes loan-level remittance data in the form of an aggregated dataset (stacked for each deal and month)
                           »    SCRT/SLST dataset path: pub.fin.risk_share.fhlmc_rpl.monthly

                                                                                                                                    © Freddie Mac   25
SLST Investor Types(1)

Guaranteed Certificates                                                                                  Non-Guaranteed Certificates

                                   FHLB, 2.4%
                                                          Other(2), 0.1%
                REIT, 1.7%


                                                     Bank/Credit Union,
                                                           40.7%                                                                              REIT, 43.3%
                                                                                                                            Private Equity,
                Money Manager,

 (1) As determined by market value and reflected as of issuance for all SLST transactions from SLST 2018-1 to SLST 2020-3
 (2) “Other” is comprised of Dealers and Hedge Funds

                                                                                                                                                 © Freddie Mac   26
6. Historical Deal Performance and Model Data

                                                © Freddie Mac   27
SLST 2021-1 Projected Model Speeds

    Rate %


                                                        Yieldbook Model                   Bloomberg Model              SLST Pricing Speed

    Rate %


                                                        Yieldbook Model                   Bloomberg Model              SLST Pricing Speed

                                                                                                VPR                               CDR                     Severity
                           Pricing Assumptions
                                                                                Ramp from 3% to 6% over 36 months   Ramp from 0% to 2% over 36 months      30%

Note: SLST Pricing Speed, Bloomberg and Yield Book Model VPRs begin in month 1 of the transaction
(1) Using Yield Book Model as of May 13, 2021

                                                                                                                                                        © Freddie Mac   28
SLST Historical Speeds

                                                          1-Month CPR By Months After Issuance(1)






                  1     2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

                                 SLST 2018-1                                      SLST 2018-2                                     SLST 2019-1
                                 SLST 2019-2                                      SLST 2019-3                                     SLST 2020-1
                                 SLST 2020-2                                      SLST 2020-3                                     SLST 2021-1 (Pricing Assumption)

                                                                             SLST 2021-1 – WAL Table(2)

                                 Class                          60% PPS                  80% PPS                  100% PPS              120% PPS           140% PPS
              SLST 2021-1 A-1 Certificates                          5.52                     5.14                      4.78                4.44                4.12
              SLST 2021-1 A-2 Certificates                          9.99                     9.99                      9.99                9.99                9.99

(1) Total prepayments and defaults as of April 2021 remittance data for SLST 2018-1 through SLST 2020-3. Data source: Bloomberg
(2) Based on preliminary cashflow projections at various percentages of the SLST 2021-1 Pricing Assumption VPR ramp
Each period indicates month end data

                                                                                                                                                                © Freddie Mac   29
SLST Historical Cashflow

                                                                             % Scheduled Payments Made
                                                                                By Calendar Month (1)(2)









                                                          SLST2017-1            SLST2017-2           SLST2018-1           SLST2018-2           SLST2019-1
                                                          SLST2019-2            SLST2019-3           SLST2020-1           SLST2020-2           SLST2020-3

(1) Weighted by ending total UPB as of April 2021 remittance data (3/31/2021 cutoff date)
(2) It is assumed that: (a) if a loan is modified or liquidated in the current cycle, no payment is made; and (b) actual number of payments made is calculated as the number of months due date moved forward
compared to the prior cycle

                                                                                                                                                                                    © Freddie Mac               30
7. Historical Cohort Performance

                                   © Freddie Mac   31
Cohort Stratifications(5)

                       Description                                                                                             Modified(1)              Non-Modified(1)                   All(1)
                       Loan Count                                                                                               44,191                     16,729                        60,920
                       % of Loans Modified                                                                                       100%                         0%                          80%
                       % of Loans on a Forbearance Plan                                                                          0.3%                       0.3%                          0.3%

                       Total UPB (including forborne UPB) in millions                                                           $7,756                     $1,932                        $9,688
                       Forborne UPB in millions                                                                                  $365                         $1                          $365
                       % UPB Forborne                                                                                            4.7%                       0.0%                          3.8%
                       % of Loans with a Forbearance Modification                                                                22%                        0.0%                          18%
                       Average Loan Size                                                                                       $175,515                   $115,487                      $159,031
                       Weighted Average Mortgage Rate at Origination (2)                                                         6.0%                       5.8%                          6.0%

                       Weighted Average Current Mortgage Rate(2)                                                                 4.3%                       5.8%                          4.6%
                       Weighted Average Effective Mortgage Rate(3)                                                               4.1%                       5.8%                          4.4%
                       Weighted Average Remaining Maturity (months)                                                               414                        237                           378

                       Weighted Average Loan Age from Origination (months)                                                        113                        113                           113
                       Weighted Average Age Since Modification (months)                                                           33                         N/A                            26
                       Weighted Average LTV at Origination                                                                        79                          76                            78
      LTV / Credit

                       Weighted Average Updated LTV based on FHFA Index(4)                                                        76                          58                            72

                       Weighted Average Credit Score at Origination                                                               677                        695                           681
                       % of Loans with I/O Term at Origination                                                                    0%                          0%                           0%
                       % of Loans with Mortgage Insurance                                                                        26%                         22%                          25%
                       Average Number of Months Clean Pay                                                                          2                           2                             2
                       % of Loans w/ 1-5 Months Clean Pay History                                                                65%                         64%                          65%
         Pay History

                       % of Loans w/ 6-11 Months Clean Pay History                                                                0%                          0%                           0%
                       % of Loans w/ at Least 12 Months Clean Pay History                                                         0%                          0%                           0%
                       % of Loans that are 30-59 Days Delinquent                                                                 25%                         25%                          25%
                       % of Loans that are 60-89 Days Delinquent                                                                 10%                         11%                          10%
                       % of Loans that are 90+ Days Delinquent or REO                                                             0%                          0%                           0%

(1)   Cohort is constructed from Freddie Mac's Single-Family Loan-Level Dataset, with certain assumptions as of June 2016, using loans with characteristics similar to those in the SLST program
(2)   Note rates are weighted by Interest Bearing Unpaid Principal Balance
(3)   Note rate multiplied by the ratio of the aggregate unpaid interest bearing balance over the aggregate unpaid principal balance of the mortgage loans as of the prior month
(4)   Updated LTVs were estimated based on the FHFA Home Price Index values available at that time
(5)   Freddie Mac’s Single-Family Loan-Level Dataset does not include adjustable-rate mortgage loans

                                                                                                                                                                                      © Freddie Mac   32
Cohort Historical Performance by Rate Type

(1) Cohort excludes repurchases. Data set includes loans that are similar in characteristics/delinquency status to those in the SLST program, based on the cohort on page 32
(2) Delinquent interest at liquidation is excluded from the severity in SFLLD in order to be consistent with SLST remittance and reporting
(3) It is assumed that: (a) if a loan is modified or liquidated in the current cycle, no payment is made; (b) actual number of payments made is calculated as the number of months due date moved forward compared
to the prior cycle; and (c) numbers are aggregated for the current and delinquent loans separately, then averaged together assuming the initial delinquency percentage is scaled to 35% to mirror this pool (the
cohort was 35% as of June 2016)

                                                                                                                                                                                    © Freddie Mac           33
8. Data Stratifications

                          © Freddie Mac   34
SLST 2021-1 Stratifications (as of April 30, 2021)

Product Type                                                                                            Current Mortgage Rate (%)

                                        Number of        Aggregate Unpaid      Aggregate Unpaid                                                Number of                Aggregate Unpaid      Aggregate Unpaid
                                      Mortgage Loans    Principal Balance ($) Principal Balance (%)                                          Mortgage Loans            Principal Balance ($) Principal Balance (%)
Fixed-Rate                                        6,321            738,015,563                 91.23    Less than or equal to 2.500                            49                   8,395,515                  1.04
Step-Rate                                           241             44,237,666                  5.47    2.501 to 3.000                                        203                 22,830,014                   2.82
Adjustable-Rate                                     252             26,730,782                  3.30    3.001 to 3.500                                        287                 41,222,892                   5.10
Total:                                            6,814            808,984,011                100.00    3.501 to 4.000                                        865                152,698,519                  18.88
Unpaid Principal Balance ($)                                                                            4.001 to 4.500                                        783                132,256,528                  16.35
                                                                                                        4.501 to 5.000                                        821                123,741,229                  15.30
                                         Number of        Aggregate Unpaid      Aggregate Unpaid        5.001 to 5.500                                        630                 77,229,704                   9.55
                                       Mortgage Loans    Principal Balance ($) Principal Balance (%)    5.501 to 6.000                                        879                 86,079,979                  10.64
0.01 to 100,000.00                                 3,646           201,670,821                  24.93
                                                                                                        Greater than or equal to 6.001                      2,297                164,529,633                  20.34
100,000.01 to 200,000.00                           2,039           289,409,799                  35.77   Total:                                              6,814                808,984,011                 100.00
200,000.01 to 300,000.00                             773           186,870,539                  23.10   Minimum:                                            2.000
300,000.01 to 400,000.00                             275            93,630,078                  11.57   Maximum:                                           12.250
400,000.01 to 500,000.00                              64            27,820,222                   3.44   Weighted Average*:                                  4.973
Greater than or equal to 500,000.01                   17              9,582,553                  1.18   *Weighted by Interest Bearing Unpaid Principal Balance only.
Total:                                             6,814           808,984,011                 100.00
Minimum:                                        5,003.89
Maximum:                                      721,466.28
                                                                                                        BPO Current Loan-to-Value (%)
Average:                                      118,723.81
Current Credit Score                                                                                                                           Number of         Aggregate Unpaid      Aggregate Unpaid
                                                                                                                                             Mortgage Loans     Principal Balance ($) Principal Balance (%)
                                        Number of        Aggregate Unpaid      Aggregate Unpaid         Less than or equal to 50.00                       4,334           388,434,199                  48.02
                                      Mortgage Loans    Principal Balance ($) Principal Balance (%)     50.01 to 60.00                                      861           121,721,417                  15.05
Not Available                                       326            25,430,308                   3.14    60.01 to 70.00                                      648           109,738,843                  13.57
401 to 450                                            6              1,051,600                  0.13    70.01 to 80.00                                      402            75,835,527                   9.37
451 to 500                                           160            18,231,751                  2.25    80.01 to 90.00                                      270            51,103,721                   6.32
501 to 550                                         1,085           129,004,951                 15.95    90.01 to 100.00                                     130            26,482,031                   3.27
551 to 600                                         2,001           236,464,382                 29.23    100.01 to 110.00                                     67            16,002,099                   1.98
601 to 650                                         1,821           222,436,291                 27.50    110.01 to 120.00                                     41              8,379,590                  1.04
651 to 700                                         1,088           134,329,887                 16.60    120.01 to 130.00                                     23              3,917,597                  0.48
701 to 750                                           261            34,729,927                  4.29    130.01 to 140.00                                     13              3,213,620                  0.40
751 to 800                                            61             6,784,124                  0.84    140.01 to 150.00                                     10              1,720,519                  0.21
801 to 850                                             5               520,790                  0.06    Greater than or equal to 150.01                      15              2,434,851                  0.30
Total:                                             6,814           808,984,011                100.00    Total:                                            6,814           808,984,011                 100.00
Non-Zero Minimum:                                    417                                                Minimum:                                           0.52
Maximum:                                             822                                                Maximum:                                         303.75
Non-Zero Weighted Average:                           605                                                Weighted Average:                                 54.45

                                                                                                                                                                                   © Freddie Mac         35
SLST 2021-1 Stratifications (as of April 30, 2021)

AVM Current Loan-to-Value (%)                                                                          Remaining Term to Maturity (months)

                                       Number of         Aggregate Unpaid      Aggregate Unpaid                                                Number of       Aggregate Unpaid      Aggregate Unpaid
                                     Mortgage Loans     Principal Balance ($) Principal Balance (%)                                          Mortgage Loans   Principal Balance ($) Principal Balance (%)
Less than or equal to 50.00                       5,024           467,747,839                  57.82   Less than or equal to 240                        3,579           291,653,122                  36.05
50.01 to 60.00                                      805           132,288,717                  16.35   241 to 300                                         396            55,270,382                   6.83
60.01 to 70.00                                      491            94,540,982                  11.69   301 to 360                                         203            36,639,372                   4.53
70.01 to 80.00                                      279            59,167,512                   7.31   361 to 420                                         602            99,180,359                  12.26
80.01 to 90.00                                      123            30,059,125                   3.72   421 to 480                                       2,034           326,240,776                  40.33
90.01 to 100.00                                      48            11,719,523                   1.45   Total:                                           6,814           808,984,011                 100.00
100.01 to 110.00                                     21              7,253,052                  0.90   Minimum:                                             3
110.01 to 120.00                                     10              2,706,068                  0.33   Maximum:                                           479
120.01 to 130.00                                      5              1,082,627                  0.13   Weighted Average:                                  326
130.01 to 140.00                                      3              1,191,894                  0.15   Occupancy Type at Origination
140.01 to 150.00                                      3                806,714                  0.10
Greater than or equal to 150.01                       2                419,960                  0.05                                      Number of        Aggregate Unpaid      Aggregate Unpaid
                                                                                                                                        Mortgage Loans    Principal Balance ($) Principal Balance (%)
Total:                                            6,814           808,984,011                 100.00
                                                                                                       Principal Residence                          6,407           765,747,820                  94.66
Minimum:                                           0.00
                                                                                                       Investment Property                            253            25,508,063                   3.15
Maximum:                                         282.00
                                                                                                       Second Home                                    154            17,728,128                   2.19
Weighted Average:                                 48.70
                                                                                                       Total:                                       6,814           808,984,011                 100.00
Loan Age from Modification Date(1) (months)
                                                                                                       Loan Purpose at Origination
                                       Number of        Aggregate Unpaid      Aggregate Unpaid
                                     Mortgage Loans    Principal Balance ($) Principal Balance (%)                                        Number of        Aggregate Unpaid      Aggregate Unpaid
                                                                                                                                        Mortgage Loans    Principal Balance ($) Principal Balance (%)
Not Modified                                     3,254           274,921,996                  33.98
                                                                                                       No Cash-out Refinance                        2,442           289,367,779                  35.77
Less than or equal to 12                         1,291           193,658,106                  23.94
                                                                                                       Purchase                                     2,474           285,284,190                  35.26
13 to 24                                           719           102,112,837                  12.62
                                                                                                       Cash-out Refinance                           1,894           234,190,621                  28.95
25 to 36                                           392            58,678,204                   7.25
                                                                                                       Refinance - Not Specified                        4               141,420                   0.02
37 to 48                                           295            46,509,834                   5.75
                                                                                                       Total:                                       6,814           808,984,011                 100.00
49 to 60                                           224            34,668,878                   4.29
61 to 72                                           145            19,218,033                   2.38    Property Type at Origination
73 to 84                                           124            17,574,641                   2.17
                                                                                                                                          Number of              Aggregate Unpaid        Aggregate Unpaid
Greater than or equal to 85                        370            61,641,482                   7.62                                     Mortgage Loans          Principal Balance ($)   Principal Balance (%)
Total:                                           6,814           808,984,011                 100.00
                                                                                                       Single Family                                    5,682             652,758,501                     80.69
Minimum:                                             0
                                                                                                       Planned Unit Development                           681             113,075,738                     13.98
Maximum:                                           218
                                                                                                       Condominium                                        306              35,500,052                      4.39
Weighted Average:                                   34
                                                                                                       Manufactured Housing                               142               7,421,087                      0.92
                                                                                                       Cooperative                                          2                 178,742                      0.02
                                                                                                       Unknown                                              1                  49,891                      0.01
                                                                                                       Total:                                           6,814             808,984,011                    100.00

        (1) Calculation uses the most recent modification date

                                                                                                                                                                            © Freddie Mac           36
SLST 2021-1 Stratifications (as of April 30, 2021)

Geographic Concentration of the Mortgaged Properties (State)                                       Clean Pay History (months)*

                                    Number of        Aggregate Unpaid      Aggregate Unpaid                                               Number of        Aggregate Unpaid      Aggregate Unpaid
                                  Mortgage Loans    Principal Balance ($) Principal Balance (%)                                         Mortgage Loans    Principal Balance ($) Principal Balance (%)
California                                      417            74,667,567                   9.23   None                                             2,027           239,149,544                  29.56
New York                                        400            74,331,777                   9.19   1 to 5                                           3,342           384,882,310                  47.58
New Jersey                                      291            50,918,887                   6.29   6 to 11                                          1,310           170,496,301                  21.08
Florida                                         387            49,559,347                   6.13   Greater than or equal to 12                        135            14,455,856                   1.79
Texas                                           453            40,062,627                   4.95   Total:                                           6,814           808,984,011                 100.00
Others                                        4,866           519,443,808                  64.21   * Calculated using the MBA method.
Total:                                        6,814           808,984,011                 100.00
                                                                                                   Current Delinquency Status*
Forborne UPB Percentage (%)
                                                                                                                                             Number of     Aggregate Unpaid      Aggregate Unpaid
                                    Number of        Aggregate Unpaid      Aggregate Unpaid                                                Mortgage Loans Principal Balance ($) Principal Balance (%)
                                  Mortgage Loans    Principal Balance ($) Principal Balance (%)    Current                                           4,520          537,138,894                  66.40
None                                          5,131           535,283,596                  66.17   30 to 59 Days Delinquent                          1,347          152,716,142                  18.88
0.01 to 10.00                                 1,117           161,373,515                  19.95   60 to 89 Days Delinquent                            431           57,142,352                    7.06
10.01 to 20.00                                  222            38,874,663                   4.81   90 to 119 Days Delinquent                            87           11,035,428                    1.36
20.01 to 30.00                                  153            32,933,196                   4.07   Bankruptcy – Current                                267           32,695,573                    4.04
30.01 to 40.00                                  152            33,192,861                   4.10   Bankruptcy – 30 to 59 Days Delinquent               120           13,405,179                    1.66
40.01 to 50.00                                   17              3,008,439                  0.37   Bankruptcy – 60 to 89 Days Delinquent                42            4,850,444                    0.60
Greater than or equal to 50.01                   22              4,317,743                  0.53   Total:                                            6,814          808,984,011                 100.00
Total:                                        6,814           808,984,011                 100.00   * Calculated using the MBA method.
Minimum:                                       0.00
Maximum:                                      94.24
Weighted Average:                              4.33

Number of Remaining Steps of Step-Rate Mortgage Loans

                                    Number of        Aggregate Unpaid      Aggregate Unpaid
                                  Mortgage Loans    Principal Balance ($) Principal Balance (%)
0                                               197            35,872,492                  81.09
1                                                26              4,566,592                 10.32
2                                                14              3,258,159                  7.37
3                                                 4                540,423                  1.22
Total:                                          241            44,237,666                 100.00

                                                                                                                                                                       © Freddie Mac         37
SLST 2021-1 Stratifications (as of April 30, 2021)

Temporary Forbearance Plan                                                                           Clean Pay History (months) of Mortgage Loans in a Temporary Forbearance Plan*

                                   Number of        Aggregate Unpaid      Aggregate Unpaid                                                  Number of        Aggregate Unpaid      Aggregate Unpaid
                                 Mortgage Loans    Principal Balance ($) Principal Balance (%)                                            Mortgage Loans    Principal Balance ($) Principal Balance (%)
No                                           6,370            750,462,585                 92.77      None                                               342            46,258,316                  79.05
Yes                                            444             58,521,426                  7.23      1 to 5                                              95            11,369,167                  19.43
Total:                                       6,814            808,984,011                100.00      6 to 11                                              6               866,902                   1.48
                                                                                                     Greater than or equal to 12                          1                27,041                   0.05
                                                                                                     Total:                                             444            58,521,426                 100.00
Temporary Forbearance Plan Start Date                                                                * Calculated using the MBA method.

                                   Number of           Aggregate Unpaid      Aggregate Unpaid        Current Delinquency Status of Mortgage Loans in a Temporary Forbearance Plan*
                                 Mortgage Loans       Principal Balance ($) Principal Balance (%)
March 2020                                        6                1,057,959                  1.81                                             Number of     Aggregate Unpaid      Aggregate Unpaid
April 2020                                       36                5,256,283                  8.98                                           Mortgage Loans Principal Balance ($) Principal Balance (%)
May 2020                                         39                5,903,637                 10.09   Current                                             101           12,002,055                  20.51
June 2020                                        23                2,681,418                  4.58   30 to 59 Days Delinquent                            139           19,268,468                  32.93
July 2020                                         7                  523,228                  0.89   60 to 89 Days Delinquent                            115           15,794,721                  26.99
August 2020                                      12                1,276,074                  2.18   90 to 119 Days Delinquent                            87           11,035,428                  18.86
September 2020                                   17                1,669,125                  2.85   Bankruptcy – Current                                  1              261,055                    0.45
October 2020                                     18                2,579,940                  4.41   Bankruptcy – 30 to 59 Days Delinquent                 1              159,699                    0.27
November 2020                                    29                3,948,292                  6.75   Total:                                              444           58,521,426                 100.00
December 2020                                    46                4,761,871                  8.14   * Calculated using the MBA method.
January 2021                                     41                5,547,838                  9.48
February 2021                                    63                8,500,144                 14.52
March 2021                                       56                7,871,559                 13.45
April 2021                                       48                6,507,755                 11.12
May 2021                                          3                  436,303                  0.75
Total:                                          444              58,521,426                 100.00

                                                                                                                                                                         © Freddie Mac         38
SLST 2021-1 Stratifications (as of April 30, 2021)

Index (Adjustable–Rate Mortgage Loans Only)                                                                    Months to Next Rate Adjustment Date (Adjustable–Rate Mortgage Loans Only)(1)

                                      Number of        Aggregate Unpaid      Aggregate Unpaid                                                          Number of         Aggregate Unpaid      Aggregate Unpaid
                                    Mortgage Loans    Principal Balance ($) Principal Balance (%)                                                    Mortgage Loans     Principal Balance ($) Principal Balance (%)
1 Year CMT                                        174            15,793,297                  59.08             1                                                   30                3,351,411                 12.54
1 Year LIBOR                                       66              9,340,125                 34.94             2                                                   27                2,557,694                  9.57
6 Month LIBOR                                      11              1,579,171                  5.91             3                                                   24                2,652,323                  9.92
3 Year CMT                                          1                 18,188                  0.07             4                                                   28                3,029,294                 11.33
Total:                                            252            26,730,782                 100.00             5                                                   23                2,294,566                  8.58
                                                                                                               6                                                   21                1,944,549                  7.27
                                                                                                               7                                                   21                2,589,909                  9.69
                                                                                                               8                                                   11                1,116,033                  4.18
                                                                                                               9                                                   17                2,079,357                  7.78
Gross Margin (Adjustable–Rate Mortgage Loans Only)                                                             10                                                  13                1,232,710                  4.61
                                                                                                               11                                                  20                1,951,190                  7.30
                                      Number of             Aggregate Unpaid      Aggregate Unpaid
                                    Mortgage Loans         Principal Balance ($) Principal Balance (%)         12                                                  17                1,931,746                  7.23
                                                                                                               Total:                                             252              26,730,782                 100.00
2.001 to 2.500                                        70              10,201,579                  38.16
                                                                                                               Weighted Average:                                    6
2.501 to 3.000                                       179              16,258,399                  60.82
3.501 to 4.000                                         1                  75,084                   0.28
4.501 to 5.000                                         1                 152,863                   0.57
5.501 to 6.000                                         1                  42,857                   0.16
Total:                                               252              26,730,782                 100.00
Minimum:                                           2.150
Maximum:                                           5.625
Weighted Average:                                  2.583

Periodic Rate Adjustment Cap (Adjustable–Rate Mortgage Loans Only)                                             Periodic Adjustment Frequency (Adjustable–Rate Mortgage Loans Only)

                                      Number of           Aggregate Unpaid      Aggregate Unpaid                                                       Number of         Aggregate Unpaid      Aggregate Unpaid
                                    Mortgage Loans       Principal Balance ($) Principal Balance (%)                                                 Mortgage Loans     Principal Balance ($) Principal Balance (%)
1.000                                                  6               919,414                   3.44          6                                                   11                1,579,171                  5.91
2.000                                                246            25,811,367                  96.56          12                                                 240              25,133,422                  94.02
Total:                                               252            26,730,782                 100.00          36                                                   1                   18,188                  0.07
Weighted Average:                                  1.966                                                       Total:                                             252              26,730,782                 100.00

       (1) Calculation based on the related Adjustable-Rate Mortgage Loan’s initial reset date, next payment due date and periodic adjustment frequency

                                                                                                                                                                                    © Freddie Mac         39
SLST 2021-1 Stratifications (as of April 30, 2021)

Lifetime Minimum Rate (Adjustable–Rate Mortgage Loans Only)                                          Lifetime Maximum Rate (Adjustable–Rate Mortgage Loans Only)

                                   Number of           Aggregate Unpaid      Aggregate Unpaid                                           Number of           Aggregate Unpaid      Aggregate Unpaid
                                 Mortgage Loans       Principal Balance ($) Principal Balance (%)                                     Mortgage Loans       Principal Balance ($) Principal Balance (%)
2.001 to 2.500                                   70              10,201,579                  38.16   7.501 to 8.000                                    1                  158,546                  0.59
2.501 to 3.000                                  179              16,258,399                  60.82   8.001 to 8.500                                    1                   77,961                  0.29
4.501 to 5.000                                    1                 152,863                   0.57   8.501 to 9.000                                    5                  609,975                  2.28
6.001 to 6.500                                    1                  75,084                   0.28   9.001 to 9.500                                   17                1,398,781                  5.23
8.001 to 8.500                                    1                  42,857                   0.16   9.501 to 10.000                                  61                6,108,704                 22.85
Total:                                          252              26,730,782                 100.00   10.001 to 10.500                                 44                4,596,974                 17.20
Minimum:                                      2.150                                                  10.501 to 11.000                                 49                5,579,566                 20.87
Maximum:                                      8.125                                                  11.001 to 11.500                                 31                4,007,127                 14.99
Weighted Average:                             2.594                                                  11.501 to 12.000                                 17                2,001,954                  7.49
                                                                                                     12.001 to 12.500                                  9                  886,083                  3.31
                                                                                                     12.501 to 13.000                                 10                  961,220                  3.60
                                                                                                     13.001 to 13.500                                  4                  235,253                  0.88
                                                                                                     13.501 to 14.000                                  1                   18,188                  0.07
                                                                                                     14.001 to 14.500                                  2                   90,450                  0.34
                                                                                                     Total:                                          252              26,730,782                 100.00
                                                                                                     Minimum:                                      7.875
                                                                                                     Maximum:                                     14.125
                                                                                                     Weighted Average:                            10.665

                                                                                                                                                                         © Freddie Mac         40
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