Page created by Mario Caldwell

                 THE CITY UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK (CUNY)                3

                 ABOUT LAGUARDIA                                       4

                 COMMITMENTS, ACHIEVEMENTS                             5

                 REGIONAL AND SPECIALIZED ACCREDITATION               11

                 LAGUARDIA FACULTY AND STAFF                          11

                 LAGUARDIA STUDENTS                                   12

                 THE CAMPUS                                           13

                 CAPITAL PROJECTS                                     13

                 COMMUNITY                                            13

                 FINANCES                                             14

                 GOVERNANCE AND ADMINISTRATION                        14

                 ALUMNI                                               15

                 & SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT OF ACADEMIC AFFAIRS          15

                 APPLICATIONS AND NOMINATIONS                         17

SEARCH PROFILE: Provost & Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs        2
LaGuardia Community College, a public community           officers, faculty, and staff to enhance the College’s
   college in Long Island City, New York, and part of        academic programs, strengthen student success,
   the City University of New York (CUNY), seeks as its      and grow enrollment. The new Provost will also foster
   next Provost and Senior Vice President of Academic        a culture of academic innovation and inclusivity and
   Affairs (Provost) an experienced, collaborative,          support the professional development and growth of
   visionary academic leader who will work closely with      faculty and staff.
   new leader, President Kenneth Adams, fellow cabinet


   LaGuardia Community College is a distinctive              senior colleges, 7 community colleges, William E.
   institution within The City University of New York, the   Macaulay Honors College at CUNY, CUNY Graduate
   nation’s leading urban public university. Founded in      Center, CUNY Graduate School of Journalism, CUNY
   1847, CUNY counts 13 Nobel Prize and 26 MacArthur         School of Labor and Urban Studies, CUNY School
   (“Genius”) grant winners among its alumni. CUNY           of Law, CUNY School of Professional Studies, and
   students, alumni and faculty have garnered scores of      CUNY Graduate School of Public Health and Health
   other prestigious honors over the years in recognition    Policy. The University serves more than 275,000
   of historic contributions to the advancement of the       degree-seeking students. CUNY offers online
   sciences, business, the arts and a myriad of other        baccalaureate and master’s degrees through the
   fields. The University comprises 25 institutions: 11      School of Professional Studies.

SEARCH PROFILE: Provost & Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs                                                  3

   LaGuardia Community College, located in the Long          rapidly changing communities of Queens, the College
   Island City neighborhood of Queens, one of the            is poised to respond to and serve the students whose
   nation’s fastest-growing neighborhoods, educates          aspirations and accomplishments will shape New
   and supports more than 30,000 New Yorkers annually        York City’s future.
   through degree, certificate, and continuing education
   programs. The College believes in the transformative
   power of education—not just for individuals, but for        MISSION
   the community and the country—creating pathways             LaGuardia Community College’s mission is to educate
   for many kinds of achievement.                              and graduate one of the most diverse student
                                                               populations in the country to become critical thinkers
   Part of The City University of New York (CUNY), the
                                                               and socially responsible citizens who help to shape a
   College reflects the legacy of its namesake Fiorello
                                                               rapidly evolving society.
   H. LaGuardia, the former NYC mayor beloved for
   his championing the underserved. Since its doors
   opened in 1971, LaGuardia Community College                 CORE VALUES
   programs regularly are recognized as national               The institution’s values are woven into the culture of the
   models for pushing boundaries to give people of all         College and guide the decisions, actions, and behaviors
   backgrounds access to a high quality, affordable            of the LaGuardia community—what we choose to do,
   college education.                                          how we carry out our work in all parts of the institution,
                                                               and how we assess the outcome of our individual and
   The College values diversity, equity, and inclusion.        shared efforts.
   It provides a caring environment for immigrants
   of all nations and individuals of all backgrounds.          •   Learning: Believing that everyone can learn, we
   LaGuardia is powerful success engine for low-income             foster a creative and collaborative environment that
   and first-generation students. The College has                  stimulates the intellect, inspires the imagination and
   implemented an array of innovations, leading to a               enlarges our vision of the world.
   significant increase in graduation rates.
                                                               •   Opportunity: We invest in everyone’s capacity to
   LaGuardia Community College’s successes reflect                 fulfill their potential and continually advance through
   the hard work and dedication of its approximately               the exercise of individual talent and effort.
   2,000 full-and part-time staff, including approximately     •   Innovation: We strive for excellence through
   1,000 faculty, over 400 of whom are full-time. They             innovation, honoring the pioneering spirit of our
   lead and support more than 60 associate degree                  institution.
   programs and certificate programs. The College has
                                                               •   Diversity: We believe that diverse perspectives
   demonstrated long-term commitment to innovation in
                                                                   make us stronger and seek to learn from everyone’s
   academic instruction and in supporting the student
                                                                   unique experience and cultural inheritance.
                                                               •   Responsibility: We aspire to be a caring
   As the LaGuardia community begins to imagine the                community, holding ourselves individually and
   next fifty years adapting to meet the needs of the              collectively accountable to each other.

SEARCH PROFILE: Provost & Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs                                                     4
POINTS OF PRIDE                                           •   Recent graduates have transferred to some of
                                                                 the country’s most selective institutions, including
   •   In 2019, over 30,000 students from 158 countries
                                                                 Brown, Columbia, NYU, Johns Hopkins, Sarah
       came to LaGuardia Community College.
                                                                 Lawrence, Cornell, Pepperdine, Georgetown and
   •   LaGuardia’s 3-year graduation rate for first-             Vassar.
       time, full-time freshmen has increased from 22%
                                                             •   The innovative enhanced semester structure—
       for students entering in Fall 2013 to 32.2% for
                                                                 along with day, evening, weekend, online, and
       students entering in Fall 2017.
                                                                 hybrid courses—allows students to complete
   •   LaGuardia is ranked #5 among U.S. two-year                an associate degree in two years, with more
       colleges in economic mobility—moving low-                 certainty, saving them time and money.
       income people to the middle class and beyond—
                                                             •   LaGuardia has the largest Adult & Continuing
       in a Stanford University study.
                                                                 Education Division among CUNY Colleges.
   •   LaGuardia students are 45% more likely to
                                                             •   LaGuardia, a national voice on behalf of
       transfer to a 4-year college than community
                                                                 community colleges, has garnered major support
       college students nationally.
                                                                 from such leading funders as Goldman Sachs
   •   LaGuardia is the top producer of STEM graduates           Gives, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Robin
       among the CUNY community colleges and among               Hood, Henry Luce Foundation, The Carroll
       all the CUNY institutions graduates the third most        and Milton Petrie Foundation, and The Teagle
       STEM students.                                            Foundation.
   •   Over the past decade, the LaGuardia Community         •   LaGuardia is recognized as one of the U.S.
       College Foundation has raised more than $34               colleges and universities that produced the most
       million for scholarships, emergency funds and             2019-20 Fulbright U.S. Scholars, as two scholars
       new initiatives aimed at enhancing student                from the College received this prestigious award.


   LaGuardia Community College offers more than 60
   majors, certificates, and programs, as well as 70
   continuing education programs. These programs
   achieve remarkable results, based on commitments to
   student success that are shared across the institution.

   Over the past five years, LaGuardia’s outcomes have
   been consistently higher than the national averages,
   and retention and completion rates are steadily
   increasing. For example, LaGuardia’s most recent
   three-year graduation rate (for full-time students
   entering in Fall 2017), was 32.2 percent, up from 22.0
   percent for the entering class of 2013.

SEARCH PROFILE: Provost & Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs                                                     5

   LAGUARDIA IS AN ENGINE OF                                   support and opportunities offered by the Center for
   ECONOMIC MOBILITY                                           Teaching and Learning (CTL). Through a culture of
   A recent Stanford study reveals some colleges are           innovation and collaboration, LaGuardia provides
   particularly effective at propelling students from the      learning experiences in and out of the classroom that
   lowest economic brackets into the middle class.             challenge students and prepare them for success.
   LaGuardia ranked fifth of all two-year colleges
                                                               We are recognized by the National Institute for
   nationwide with high mobility rates, helping thousands
                                                               Learning Outcomes Assessment (NILOA) for the
   of low-income students join the middle class.
                                                               way we use ePortfolio throughout the curriculum,
                                                               from First Year Seminars to capstones. Academic
   LAGUARDIA PAYS SUSTAINED                                    support targets all LaGuardia students, including our
   ATTENTION TO HIGH-NEED STUDENTS                             Accelerated Study in Associate Program (ASAP), the
   Most of LaGuardia’s high-need students tend to be low-      Library, the Advisement Office, the Writing Center,
   income, first-generation collegegoers, who are enrolled     the Honors Program, tutoring labs, the Peer Advisor
   part-time. Half are immigrants. Many need basic skills      Academy, and CUNY EDGE, a university-wide student
   and English as a Second Language (ESL) instruction          support program. These are all factors in LaGuardia’s
   to prepare them for college-level work. To meet             improved retention and graduation rates.
   these needs, LaGuardia has created a strong First
   Year Experience for all students, led implementation
                                                               LAGUARDIA’S FACULTY VALUE
   of the nationally recognized ASAP student success
   model, built innovative pedagogical approaches for
                                                               HIGH-IMPACT PRACTICES
                                                               To advance student success, LaGuardia faculty
   developmental education, strengthened advisement,
                                                               engage students in high impact practices, those
   embraced peer tutoring programs, and integrated
                                                               practices that are known to engage students and
   technology into student learning.
                                                               increase the depth of their learning. LaGuardia
   While paying close attention to the academic needs          highlights undergraduate research, where students
   of low-income students, LaGuardia helps all students        apprentice as scholars and scientists.
   feel pride in their cultural heritages and emerging
                                                               One example: Supported by a 2014 First in the
   identities as citizens. LaGuardia supports many co-
                                                               World grant, a credit-bearing First Year Seminar
   curricular activities that help students build upon their
                                                               (FYS) was introduced. FYS integrates discipline-
   cultural identity in achieving success, including student
                                                               based curriculum with an introduction to college
   leadership programs, clubs, faculty seminars on
                                                               conventions, student tools, and advisement. During
   diversity and language acquisition, and integration of
                                                               FYS, students build core ePortfolios to collect and
   cultural themes into campus events.
                                                               display information about themselves and their
                                                               pathways to graduation, a practice which addresses
   LAGUARDIA HAS ESTABLISHED                                   Integrative Learning and digital and writing abilities.
   LEARNING EXPERIENCE                                         A second example: A five-year $4.6 million U.S.
   Student learning and achievement are central to             Department of Education grant secured in 2021 will
   LaGuardia’s Mission. The College provides both              create the Queens STEM Academy, a collaboration
   academic and non-academic support programs                  with Queens College that will enhance STEM learning
   across a wide spectrum of student needs. Faculty            for thousands of Hispanic and low-income students,
   and staff enthusiastically dedicate their energy and        supporting them from admission through transfer.
   creativity to providing superior learning experiences       The project will create STEM articulation agreements,
   to typically underserved students, many of whom are         implement joint degree programs, and facilitate
   members of low income, minority communities.                faculty exchange and shared transfer advisement.
                                                               Student Success Plans (SSPs) created in students’
   During the emergency transition to distance learning        electronic portfolios help support students’ success
   during the covid-19 pandemic, faculty adapted               by engaging them in developing academic and
   courses to ensure learning, thanks in part to the           career plans. These activities deepen the connection

SEARCH PROFILE: Provost & Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs                                                      6

   between student needs and academic planning.              LaGuardia’s Core Competencies also align well
   Students who were advised with Student Success            with the skills that employers say graduates need to
   Plans were retained at a rate of 84%.                     succeed in the workplace. Surveys by Gallup, Hart
                                                             Research Associates, and the National Association
   LAGUARDIA HAS IMPLEMENTED                                 of Colleges and Employers confirm the importance
   A HIGHLY REGARDED OUTCOMES                                of a widely accepted set of career readiness skills.
                                                             Alignment with such skills highlights the ways that
                                                             LaGuardia’s Core Competencies are vital to 21st
   There is a strong culture of assessment at the
                                                             century success in education and careers.
   College, and our faculty and staff are guided by the
   principles of continuous improvement. The College’s
   investment in outcomes assessment has led to an           LAGUARDIA SUPPORTS STUDENT
   innovative general education assessment culture.          SUCCESS THROUGH PEER MENTORING
                                                             AND ATTENTION TO WELLNESS
   The College’s Assessment Leadership Team (ALT)            The College recognizes the value of providing
   leads academic departments in strengthening               interactions between successful students and newer
   learning, while the Administrative and Educational        students, and many peer mentoring and tutoring
   Support (AES) Assessment Council leads the                programs are central to the student experience. Each
   assessment of the support units.                          semester, the College employs approximately 200
                                                             LaGuardia students to support a range of academic
   In 2012, Middle States accreditors cited LaGuardia’s
                                                             success activities.
   “strong institutional culture of assessment of student
   learning, as well as [its] demonstrated maturity          Peer Advisors are current LaGuardia students placed
   through multiple assessment cycles and meta-              in department-based advising roles throughout
   assessment.” The National Institute for Learning          the College and charged with supporting student
   Outcomes Assessment (NILOA) cited LaGuardia’s             success. They provide outreach and support to
   proven ability to use assessment to help faculty          students by navigating course selection, degree
   make changes that improve student learning. The           mapping, and other services. Since the transition to
   Bellwether Consortium of Community Colleges               distance learning, they were assigned to different
   recognized LaGuardia’s assessment work, naming            projects aimed at strengthening connection and
   LaGuardia a finalist for the national Bellwether Legacy   communication between the College and students.
   Award in 2019.
                                                             Student Success Mentors (SSMs) facilitate the
   LAGUARDIA’S CORE COMPETENCIES ALIGN                       First Year Seminar (FYS) and Capstone experience
   ACADEMIC AND CAREER CAPACITIES                            through the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL).
   In 2014, College governance approved a new set of         SSMs facilitate the lab component of the FYS, known
   Core Competencies, or Student Learning Outcomes           as the Studio Hour. SSMs receive extensive training to
   (SLOs), focused on complex thinking skills, to be         work in partnership with faculty and provide a range
   used in assessing not only General Education but          of support to students, including experience-based
   also disciplinary majors and co-curricular learning.      strategies for success.
   The new SLOs spotlight three Core Competencies:
                                                             Academic Peer Instruction (API) tutors are students
   Inquiry and Problem Solving, Global Learning, and
                                                             who have successfully completed one of the
   Integrative Learning, which students demonstrate
                                                             targeted “high risk” courses. API tutors audit these
   through written, oral, or digital communication.
                                                             courses and organize weekly out-of-class API group
   Building these Core Competencies helps students
                                                             study sessions open to all students in the course.
   succeed at LaGuardia and in advanced education at
                                                             Following the Supplemental Instruction model that has
   baccalaureate campuses and beyond.
                                                             demonstrated success nationwide, the API program
                                                             was instrumental in scaling co-requisite courses at

SEARCH PROFILE: Provost & Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs                                                   7

   In addition, LaGuardia supports the emotional and         learning and help students reach their academic or
   mental well being of students as a critical part of       vocational goals (HSE Bridge to College and Careers
   their success. The My LaGuardia app and website           Program, CUNY Fatherhood Academy, and CUNY
   encourage students to check in with the Wellness          Language Immersion Program). Students interested
   Center, accredited by the International Association of    in advancing their career skills can choose from
   Counseling Services. The Wellness Center provides         a variety of certificate programs in various fields,
   counseling and wellness services that support             including healthcare, technology, business, and
   and assist students in their intellectual, emotional,     construction.
   psychological, and social development while coping
   with the challenges of college and life. The Center       LaGuardia is known for its workforce development
   offers free and confidential counseling in a safe         programs, which prepare Queens residents for
   environment. Services include short-term individual       careers in high-demand sectors of the NYC economy,
   counseling, crisis intervention, workshops, outreach,     including healthcare, IT, and construction. In
   and referrals to community resources.                     cooperation with industry partners, ACE offers hands-
                                                             on occupational training, essential workplace “life”
                                                             skills, job placement, and student support. Students
                                                             who complete their training obtain industry recognized
   EDUCATION AND WORKFORCE                                   credentials and, in some programs, academic credit
   DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS                                      that can be applied to a LaGuardia degree.
   LaGuardia’s Adult & Continuing Education (ACE)
   Division is the largest such program in CUNY,             ACE’s Small Business & Entrepreneur Services
   generating more than 15,044 enrollments in 2019.          programs – which include the first Goldman
   ACE offers a broad range of unique programs that          Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses center located
   help pre-college and/or working students move             at a community college – provide education and
   forward to credit enrollment, better jobs, or a career.   specialized technical assistance to thousands of small
                                                             businesses while partnering with employers to create
   The ACE division offers non-degree programs which         talent pipelines, support incumbent workers, and
   are either fee-based, grant-funded, or contracted by      boost the local economy.
   employers or labor unions. They range from single
   sessions to yearlong training programs. There are         ACE serves local businesses by offering education
   currently 162 active course offerings in ACE. Offerings   and a diverse talent pool that can fill industry
   are revised frequently to meet community and              needs, along with resources and support for
   industry needs.                                           small businesses and startups. Founded in 2006,
                                                             NYDesigns supports the development of tech
   The ACE division serves as a conduit for students         startups. Companies in the incubator have three
   wishing to continue their educational journey in          years of private studio space and access to a
   a degree program. The ACE Advisement Office               network of mentors and advisers. NYDesigns
   provides extensive support to ACE students in             makers can prototype designs and ideas in a secure
   navigating college academics, including Admissions,       5,000-square-foot fabrication lab.
   Testing, FAFSA, and New Student Registration. In
   Fall 2019, 321 ACE students transitioned into degree
                                                             LAGUARDIA IS COMMITTED TO LEARNING
                                                             ORGANIZATION PRINCIPLES FOR ALL
   ACE utilizes many strategies to increase access to        Professional development at LaGuardia has evolved
   education for underserved communities. Adult Basic        into a sustained practice, linked to institutional
   Skills/ High School Equivalency (HSE) programs,           strategic planning and focused on improving student
   and most of the English as a Second Language              outcomes. Faculty join year-long seminar programs
   (ESL) courses –including the largest ESL program          offered through the Center for Teaching and Learning
   in NYC – are designed to prepare students for             (CTL), engaging them in rethinking their curriculum
   transition to credit courses. Several programs            to integrate effective pedagogy. This faculty
   provide contextualized instruction to promote student     development model proved so successful that CTL

SEARCH PROFILE: Provost & Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs                                                   8

   seminars have multiplied dramatically: nearly 200 of     assignments developed by faculty is housed within
   400 full-time faculty annually engage in sustained       CUNY Academic Works and is an Open Educational
   professional learning opportunities. CTL programs        Resource. The assignments in this repository,
   have consistently shown significant gains in course      which provide models for LaGuardia’s Core
   pass and retention rates, as well as gains in key        Competencies and Communication Abilities, have
   learning behaviors measured by the Community             been downloaded over 22,000 times.
   College Survey of Student Engagement, such as
   synthesizing information, learning to work effectively   CTL also supports professional development for
   with others, and thinking analytically.                  advisement and other frontline staff, including an
                                                            annual semester-long leadership program for mid-
   The CTL also offers an array of seminars and             level managers.
   workshops focused on promoting diversity, equity,
   and inclusion, and on bringing Global Learning           LAGUARDIA HAS BUILT AN EFFECTIVE
   competency and culturally relevant pedagogy              TECHNOLOGY INFRASTRUCTURE
   into the classroom and the campus. The unique            Regular input from stakeholders across the College
   (unduplicated) number of participants in the CTL         has yielded a dynamic digital learning environment
   mini-grants, seminars, and activities has averaged       for LaGuardia students. LaGuardia has over 320
   roughly 400 participants per year since 2014-15,         access points for WiFi connection, allowing students
   totaling 1,518. In 2019-2020, the unique number          to access the network anywhere onsite with multiple
   of total participants was 397. Of these, 145 were        devices simultaneously. All LaGuardia classrooms
   adjuncts. Faculty who co-lead and/or participate         are “smart,” and more than 2,000 workstations are
   in the CTL’s Learning Matters Mini-Grants and            available to students in common areas. Software
   seminars focus on developing strategies for              is available for students to use in open labs which
   improving learning. Among noteworthy outcomes            are available six days a week. For online and hybrid
   of such mini grants are assignments submitted to         courses, we offer students tools such as ZOOM,
   the Learning Matters Assignment Library, launched        Blackboard, etc. In addition, some classrooms have
   in 2017. This repository of peer-reviewed signature      been retrofitted for hybrid learning.

SEARCH PROFILE: Provost & Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs                                                9

   Business & Technology                                Humanities
   •   Accounting                                       •   Commercial Photography
   •   Business Administration                          •   Commercial Photography (certificate)
   •   Business Administration: Healthcare Management   •   Commercial Photography: Fine Arts Option
   •   Paralegal Studies                                •   Communication Studies
   •   Travel, Tourism and Hospitality Management       •   Digital Media Arts (certificate)

   Education & Language Acquisition                     •   Film and Television

   •   Education: Childhood Education Track             •   Fine Arts

   •   Education: Early Childhood Education Track       •   Fine Arts: Design Studies Option

   •   Education: Secondary Education Track             •   Industrial Design

   •   Education Associate: Bilingual Child             •   Music Performance

   •   Liberal Arts - Deaf Studies                      •   Music Recording Technology

   •   Liberal Arts - International Studies Option      •   New Media Technology

   •   Liberal Arts - Japanese Option                   •   Theatre

   •   Liberal Arts - Latin American Studies Option     •   Philosophy

   •   Liberal Arts - TESOL/Linguistics                 Mathematics, Engineering and Computer Science
   •   Spanish-English Translation                      •   Civil Engineering

   English                                              •   Computer Science

   •   Liberal Arts: Journalism Option                  •   Computer Technology

   •   Liberal Arts: Women, Gender and Sexuality        •   Electrical Engineering
       Studies                                          •   Mechanical Engineering
   •   Writing and Literature: Creative Writing Track   •   Mechanical Engineering: Earth System Science &
                                                            Environmental Engineering Option
   Health Sciences
                                                        •   Liberal Arts: Math & Science
   •   Dietetic Technician Program
                                                        •   Network Administration and Information Security
   •   EMT/Paramedic Program
                                                        •   Network and Information Security (certificate)
   •   Food Service Management Program
                                                        •   Programming and Software Development
   •   Human Services: Mental Health
   •   Nutrition and Culinary Management                Natural Science

   •   Occupational Therapy Assistant                   •   Biology

   •   Physical Therapist Assistant                     •   Environmental Science

   •   Practical Nursing (certificate)                  •   Physical Sciences: Chemistry

   •   Public and Community Health                      •   Physical Sciences: Physics

   •   Radiologic Technology                            Social Science
   •   Registered Nursing Program                       •   Criminal Justice
   •   Therapeutic Recreation                           •   Liberal Arts: History Option
   •   Veterinary Technology                            •   Liberal Arts: Political Science Option
                                                        •   Psychology

SEARCH PROFILE: Provost & Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs                                           10

   LaGuardia has integrated online learning systems        under the guidelines of the American Veterinary
   and student support systems, allowing the College       Medical Association (AVMA). The Paralegal
   to better track student interactions, giving faculty    Studies program is accredited by the American
   and staff essential data to continuously improve        Bar Association. The Occupational Therapy
   service delivery. The advising dashboard facilitates    Assistant program is accredited by the Council for
   engagement between students, faculty, and               Occupational Therapy Education of the American
   advisors. Single sign-on portals for students provide   Occupational Therapy Association (ACOTE). The
   easy access to student email and advisement             Practical Nursing Program is accredited and was
   tools. Finally, a recently revamped LaGuardia           approved in July 2004 by the New York State
   Mobile App makes the resources students need            Board of Regents, State Education Department,
   more accessible, connecting faculty, advisors, and      Office of the Professions (Nursing Education).
   students through automatic alerts, appointment          The EMT/ Paramedic program is accredited by
   scheduling, updates to individual class schedules,      the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health
   advising notes, and course search.                      Education Programs. All academic programs of
                                                           LaGuardia Community College are registered by the
   LaGuardia Community College is fully accredited         New York State Education Department.
   and approved by the Middle States Commission
   on Higher Education, with the next accreditation        In addition, we have two non-academic programs
   site visit being planned for March 2022. The            that are accredited -The Early Childhood Learning
   Nursing Program is accredited by the Accreditation      Center Programs Inc. (ECLC) accredited by the
   Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN). The         National Association for the Education of Young
   Physical Therapist Assistant program is accredited      Children and the Wellness Center, approved for
   by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical          accreditation by the International Accreditation of
   Therapy Education (CAPTE). The Veterinary               Counseling Services.
   Technology Program is accredited by the Committee
   on Veterinary Technician Education & Activities,


   LaGuardia faculty and staff are passionate, talented    •   Professional full- and part-time staff total 1,030.
   professionals, constantly reflecting upon their         •   The percentage of LaGuardia’s full-time faculty
   training, experience, practice, and goals to create         who are minorities (identified by CUNY as Black,
   challenging and engaging learning environments.             Hispanic, Italian American, Asian/Pacific Islander
   For many, the work they do is a calling, not a job,         or American Indian/Alaskan Native) has steadily
   as they cherish their connections with students and         increased to 44.4% during the past five years
   enjoy learning with them and from them. The faculty         and exceeds the CUNY Community College
   and staff are engaged in scholarly and artistic             average.
   activities that reflect their intellectual excitement
   and rigor, their commitment to disciplinary             •   From 2015-2020, the Academic Affairs Division
   knowledge and discovery, and their deep respect             received grant awards totaling over $24.5 million.
   for all the communities of New York City. The
   College has a full-time faculty of 383; 62% have a
   doctorate – more than twice the national average.

   •   Adjunct faculty, 551 experts in their fields,
       are drawn from throughout the New York City
       metropolitan region.

SEARCH PROFILE: Provost & Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs                                                  11
   LaGuardia students are the energizing force of the
   College. They seek knowledge, skills, and credentials
   to transform their own lives, as well as impact their
   families and communities. Their dedication to the
   journey of lifelong learning and the richness they bring
   to the classroom and campus life are what define

   Beyond their academic pursuits, LaGuardia students
   enjoy a wide range of co-curricular and extra-
   curricular activities. There are 39 active student clubs
   and organizations which students can join and lead.
   LaGuardia alumni take an active role by sharing
   their stories and resources with current students and
   developing lasting relationships with the College.

   •   Over 30,000 students from 158 countries come to
       LaGuardia each year.
   •   55% (18,533) are degree students, and 45%
       (15,044) are non-degree students in the ACE
       division.                                              •   In 2020, LaGuardia had a substantially higher
                                                                  than the percentage of students majoring in STEM
   •   Students reside not only in Queens (67%) but
                                                                  fields: 23.5%, which is almost 5% higher the
       in other boroughs of New York: Brooklyn (15%),
                                                                  CUNY community college average. LaGuardia
       Bronx (8%), Manhattan (7%), and Staten Island
                                                                  STEM students represent almost 20% of STEM
                                                                  students from all seven CUNY community
                                                              •   The top five majors by number of students are
   •   54% are full-time students, and 46% are part-time.         Nursing, Business Administration, Criminal
   •   Students’ credentials when entering LaGuardia              Justice, Liberal Arts: Mathematics and Science,
       are varied: High School Diploma (64%),                     and Psychology.
       Transfer (31%), and Test Assessing Secondary
       Completion, or TASC (5%).                              NON-DEGREE STUDENTS (ADULT
   •   LaGuardia is proud of the ethnic diversity of its      AND CONTINUING EDUCATION)
       students: 47% are Hispanic, 23% are Asian, 18%         •   LaGuardia ACE students tend to be older than
       are African American, and 11% are White. They              degree students: approximately 57% are over age
       speak 77 different native languages.                       30, and 42% are under age 30.
   •   59% of degree students are under age 23, and           •   ACE students enroll in a variety of educational
       41% are over age 23.                                       programs: Small Business Services (30%),
   •   The LaGuardia degree student population is 60%             Pre-College Academic Programs (23%), The
       female and 40% male.                                       English Language Center (14%), and Career
                                                                  Development Center (7%).
   •   More than 70% of students receiving aid and
       living independently earn less than $25,000 per        •   Of LaGuardia ACE students reporting their
       year. 68% of students receive financial aid.               ethnicity, 68% are Hispanic, 13% are African
                                                                  American, 12% are Asian, and 6% are White.
   •   Since 2013, the percentage of first-year students
       earning 30 credits or more increased to 17.3
       percent in Fall 2020. In addition, LaGuardia’s
       percentage was considerably higher than the
       CUNY community college average.

SEARCH PROFILE: Provost & Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs                                                  12
   LaGuardia Community College is conveniently located       The LaGuardia campus consists of four buildings—
   in the neighborhood of Long Island City, Queens, the      the E, M, C, and B Buildings—which span five of the
   most diverse borough in New York City. Long Island        six blocks between Van Dam Street and 28th Street,
   City (LIC) is just across the East River from Midtown     and between Thomson Avenue/Skillman Avenue and
   Manhattan and the Upper East Side. Once an                47th Avenue. Facilities are used not only by students
   industrial expanse of warehouses and factories, LIC       and members of the campus community but by
   has seen remarkable change in the past 20 years. Still    families and organizations in the neighborhood.
   in the midst of a major transformation, it is a vibrant
   area that has quickly become known as a major New
   York technology hub, with museums, restaurants,
   shops, and art studios. The LIC waterfront is now lined
   with new, upscale residential developments targeted
   at young professionals seeking luxury features and
   convenient access to Midtown.

   In the last five years, LaGuardia Community College       IN PROGRESS:
   received approximately $300 million for recently
                                                             •   Business, Entrepreneurial and Career Center, $15
   completed projects and commitments for capital-
                                                                 million. Estimated completion spring 2023
   funded projects currently in progress:
                                                             •   Center 3 Façade Replacement, $122.7 million.
                                                                 Estimated completion summer2022
                                                             •   Center 3 Infrastructure Upgrade, $83 million.
   •   Library Expansion & Renovation, Phase I, $15
                                                                 Estimated completion end of 2026
       million. Completed 2017
                                                             •   E Building Basic Sciences Lab Renovations,
   •   Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses
                                                                 $14.4 million. Estimated completion end of 2024
       Education Center, $6 million. Completed 2018
                                                             •   Fire Alarm Replacement in Shenker Hall (M
   •   E Building Fire Alarm, $3.4 million. Completed
                                                                 Building), $4.5 million estimated completion early
   •   M Building Boiler Replacement, $10 million.
                                                             •   Library Expansion and Renovation, Phase II,
       Completed fall 2021
                                                                 $18.2 million. Estimated completion end of 2024
   •   E Building Roof Replacement, $5 million.
                                                             •   IT Infrastructure Upgrade, $6.2 million. Estimated
       Completed spring 2021
                                                                 completion end of 2024

   LaGuardia is deeply embedded in Long Island               LaGuardia’s faculty and staff are committed to
   City, Queens, and New York City. The College has          engaging the community in a range of different ways,
   created supportive partnerships with institutions         such as opening the College’s pool to youth groups,
   including Goldman Sachs, Weill Cornell Hospital,          providing stages for local artists in the LaGuardia
   NBC, The Museum of Modern Art, MetLife, Boyce             Performing Arts Center, and helping small businesses
   Technologies, Morningstar, as well as major labor         grow through the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small
   unions, educational institutions, and community-          Businesses program and NYDesigns.
   based organizations.

SEARCH PROFILE: Provost & Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs                                                   13

   LaGuardia Community College’s 2019-2020                 •   LaGuardia’s percentage of tax-levy budget spent
   revenues were $273.7 million, primarily from city and       on student services, instruction, and departmental
   state funding, grants and contracts, and student            research increased to 66.6% over the five-year
   tuition and fees. Tuition is $2,400 per semester for        period.
   full-time students who are residents of the City of     •   LaGuardia’s research awards for 2020 were
   New York. Non-resident tuition for full-time students       $394,867, third among all CUNY community
   is $4,800 per semester.                                     colleges.
   •   Over the past decade, the LaGuardia Community       •   Led by Adult and Continuing Education,
       College Foundation has raised more than $34             LaGuardia’s grant totals top CUNY community
       million in contributions to support students.           colleges by a large margin.


   The first comprehensive governance plan of              KENNETH ADAMS, PRESIDENT
   LaGuardia Community College was created in 1978         Kenneth Adams is president of LaGuardia Community
   with the goal of translating into practical form the    College. Since his appointment in 2020, President
   ideals and mission of the College, built around a       Adams has led the College’s efforts to improve
   core belief in making the best of higher education      student success, strengthen its commitment to
   and professional opportunity available to those who     diversity, equity, and inclusion, and increase
   seek them.                                              government and philanthropic support.
   The 1978 governance plan embodied these                 In 2021, he launched a bold fundraising campaign
   principles:                                             to raise $15 million to help LaGuardia students and
   •   Governance of the College is participatory          Queens residents rise and recover from the COVID-19
       and shared among the faculty, the staff, the        pandemic. President Adams was previously dean
       students, the alumni, and the administration.       of workforce and economic development at Bronx
   •   The governance body provides an arena for           Community College/CUNY.
       the voices of elected representatives of all        Prior to joining CUNY, President Adams spent more
       constituencies to be heard.                         than 20 years leading economic and workforce
   •   The leadership of the governance body is            development organizations in New York State.
       elected by its members.                             He served as acting commissioner of the NYS
                                                           Department of Taxation and Finance, president and
   In line with these principles, the LaGuardia            CEO of Empire State Development, and commissioner
   Community College Senate draws its members from         of the NYS Department of Economic Development.
   the faculty, the staff, the alumni, and the student
   body, working in collaboration with the President of    He is a director of Opportunity America, the Queens
   the College and the administration to carry forth the   Chamber of Commerce Foundation, the Long Island
   LaGuardia mission.                                      City Partnership, the Research Foundation of CUNY,
                                                           and the Bronx Charter School for Excellence. He
   In addition to the Office of the President, the         has served on boards, commissions, councils, and
   other administrative units of the College include       advisory groups on behalf of five governors and two
   Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, Continuing           mayors.
   Education, Institutional Advancement, Information
   Technology, and Administration/Finance.                 President Adams received BA and MA degrees from
                                                           Middlebury College.
   The Professional Staff Congress/CUNY serves as
   the collective bargaining unit of instructional and
   support staff.

SEARCH PROFILE: Provost & Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs                                                 14

   LaGuardia’s alumni represent the thousands who           industries. Notable alumni include Elly Gross,
   were trained at the College and have gone on to build    Holocaust survivor, poet, and author; Ruben Diaz,
   a better New York and a better world. LaGuardia          Jr., Bronx Borough President; and Rudy Washington,
   alumni work as nurses, business executives, teachers,    Deputy Mayor under Mayor Rudolph Giuliani.
   and artists in a broad range of organizations and


   The Provost and Senior Vice President of Academic        LaGuardia, like other community colleges, has
   Affairs (Provost) is the chief academic officer of the   faced declining enrollment in recent years. The
   College. Reporting to the President, the Provost is      next Provost will bring knowledge of best practices
   responsible for the formulation and implementation of    in enrollment management, and collaborate with
   academic plans, policies, priorities, and innovation.    leaders at the executive level and in the academic
   In addition to providing academic leadership for         programs, student support services, and continuing
   the College, the Provost will work closely with the      education to strengthen enrollment and implement
   President and other Cabinet-level officers to advance    creative strategies for recruiting and retaining a
   the objectives of the College and its mission. The       diverse student body.
   Provost will be charged with promoting collaboration
   among divisions, departments, and programs to            It will be essential for the Provost to have an
   fulfill the College’s purpose to educate and support     approachable and welcoming demeanor that invites
   students on their path to graduation.                    conversation and engagement with all campus and
                                                            community stakeholders, and to build a culture in
   LaGuardia Community College seeks an academic
                                                            which all feel valued, respected and inspired. The
   leader dedicated to fostering the intellectual life of
                                                            Provost shall instill a spirit of teamwork, information-
   the College and student success who is forward-
                                                            sharing, mutual respect, trust, and transparency
   thinking and has a deep understanding of national
                                                            in decision-making. The Provost will be a leader
   and regional higher education trends, especially as
                                                            with the ability to develop creative ways to attract,
   they relate to community colleges. The Provost will
                                                            support, and retain high-quality and diverse faculty
   work closely with the Chairs and full-time and part-
   time faculty in shaping the direction and policies of    and academic staff.
   the academic departments, including the library,         The Provost has the opportunity to capitalize on the
   and must provide vision and leadership while
                                                            strength and dedication of LaGuardia’s faculty and
   advocating for academic innovation related to new
                                                            staff, to examine the current organizational structure,
   and emerging trends in higher education and labor
                                                            streamline roles and responsibilities, and improve
   market demand. This includes the use of technology
                                                            the resources and support available for continued
   in online, hybrid, and in-person courses to suit
                                                            professional growth. The new Provost should
   learners of all types.
                                                            champion a culture in which faculty achievements
   The Provost has the opportunity to work with faculty     are recognized, faculty development is supported,
   and staff to bolster the curricular and co-curricular    and faculty are held accountable to high
   programming to keep them current with a rapidly          professional expectations. This includes support
   changing world, and ensure effective approaches          for the development of scholarship, research, and
   focused on student retention, growth, and success.       pedagogical innovation.

SEARCH PROFILE: Provost & Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs                                                    15

   DESIRED QUALITIES AND CAPABILITIES                      •   Ability to recruit and retain a diverse faculty and
                                                               staff and a demonstrated commitment to their
   •   An earned doctorate or other appropriate
                                                               professional growth and development
       terminal degree
                                                           •   A record of providing support for teaching,
   •   Significant and progressively responsible
                                                               research, scholarship, and service
       experience in academic administration,
       preferably in a community college setting           •   A demonstrated record of sound fiscal and
                                                               resource management
   •   A distinguished record of teaching, service,
       scholarly achievement, research, and                •   Evidence of a respectful, consultative, and
       professional accomplishments                            accessible leadership style that will energize and
                                                               inspire the campus community
   •   An understanding of, commitment to, and
       respect for shared governance                       •   The ability to listen closely, make informed,
                                                               data-driven decisions firmly, and communicate
   •   Experience working in a multicultural/multiethnic
                                                               those decisions clearly and effectively in a timely
       environment with the ability to build bridges and
                                                               manner, as well as hold others accountable
       interact successfully with diverse constituent
       groups in fostering a climate of inclusivity        •   A high level of integrity, trust, and
   •   Understanding of the changing landscape of
       higher education and knowledge of current and       •   Experience connecting with the surrounding
       emerging best practices in community colleges           community and leveraging opportunities of the
                                                               region, including building relationships with
   •   Successful experience in strategic planning,
                                                               local businesses and other higher education
       enrollment management, program development,
                                                               institutions inside and outside of the CUNY
       and accreditation, including outcomes
                                                           •   Leadership experience in a highly unionized
   •   Experience managing and navigating the tenure
       and promotion processes
                                                           •   Experience in an urban setting
   •   Experience serving students from
       underrepresented communities

SEARCH PROFILE: Provost & Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs                                                  16

   LaGuardia Community College is being assisted            explicit permission of the candidate. This position
   by Academic Search. Prospective candidates may           is open until filled, but only applications received
   arrange a confidential discussion by contacting          by April 7, 2022, can be assured full consideration.
   Dr. Shirley Robinson Pippins at Shirley.Pippins@         To learn more about this dynamic and renowned or Andrea Cowsert at Andrea.          institution, please visit the LaGuardia Community Applications and             College website at
   nominations should be submitted electronically to Applications        CUNY encourages people with disabilities, minorities,
   must include a cover letter that addresses the           veterans and women to apply. At CUNY, Italian
   responsibilities and requirements described in this      Americans are also included among our protected
   position prospectus; a curriculum vitae; and a list      groups. Applicants and employees will not be
   of at least five professional references with contact    discriminated against on the basis of any legally
   information, including telephone and email, and a note   protected category including sexual orientation or
   indicating the candidate’s working relationship with     gender identity. EEO/AA/Vet/Disability Employer
   each. References will not be contacted without the

SEARCH PROFILE: Provost & Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs                                                 17
                      Academic Search is assisting LaGuardia Community College in this work.
                      For more than four decades, Academic Search has offered executive
                      search services to higher education institutions, associations, and related
                      organizations. Academic Search was founded by higher education leaders
                      on the principle that we provide the most value to partner institutions by
                      combining best practices with our deep knowledge and experience. Our
                      mission today is to enhance institutional capacity by providing outstanding
                      executive recruitment services, executive coaching, and transition support, in
                      partnership with our parent organization, the American Academic Leadership
                      Institute. For more information, visit

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                                                                        by providing the highest
                                                                                level of EXECUTIVE
                                                                                     SEARCH to our
                                                                                    higher education
                                                                                            partners. • 202.332.4049
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