Scotland delegates' handbook - Scotlandin UNISON NATIONAL DELEGATE CONFERENCE - UNISON Scotland

Scotland delegates' handbook - Scotlandin UNISON NATIONAL DELEGATE CONFERENCE - UNISON Scotland
ScotlandinUNISON                                        NATIONAL DELEGATE CONFERENCE
                                                        LIVERPOOL 2019

Scotland delegates’ handbook

• Message from Scottish convener • Scotland policy guide on all the
main issues • Who’s who? Briefings service and other contacts
• What’s happening guide • Liverpool information • Fringe events
• Inserts with seating plans

Scotland delegates' handbook - Scotlandin UNISON NATIONAL DELEGATE CONFERENCE - UNISON Scotland
           RUM RECEPTION
           Cuba: 60 years of revolution.
          Solidarity against the blockade,
              Trump and intervention
           Tuesday 18 June, 5.15pm, Hall IB (Upper Level)
           ■ Dr Enmanuel Vigil Fonseca, Volunteer in Cuba’s emergency medical brigades
           ■ Report back from Tracey Delany and Lilian Macer on Unison’s 2018 Cuba delegation
           ■ Francisco Dominguez, National Secretary, Venezuela Solidarity Campaign
           ■ Rob Miller, director, Cuba Solidarity Campaign
           ■ Chair: Roger McKenzie, Assistant General Secretary

                                                    2019 marks the 60th anniversary of the Cuban
                                                    Revolution, an opportunity to celebrate the gains
                                                    made by the Cuban people in health, education,
                                                    social welfare and internationalism.
                                                    However, these gains are under threat from
                                                    the government of Donald Trump which
                                                    has ratcheted up sanctions against Cuba to
                                                    unprecedented levels with the express intention
                                                    of increasing suffering to the Cuban people.
                                                    This fringe will hear from Dr Vigil Fonseca, a
                                                    Cuban medical volunteer who has worked in
                                                    emergency situations in Haiti, Ecuador, Western
                                                    Sahara and Sierra Leone during the Ebola
                                                    outbreak in 2014. It will also give an insight
           Dr Vigil with the
                                                    into the real threat of intervention in Cuba and
           Cuban team in Haiti                      Latin America and how you can make a stand
                                                    against it.
                                               Supported by

          ★ Havana Club Rum Cocktails provided ★

Front page photos clockwise from top left: Lanarkshire Health members demonstrating against
 the ISS company’s payroll change that would see workers working for three weeks and only
getting paid for two; Glasgow equal pay strikers celebrate victory; Dundee home carers’ ballot
blocks council plans to enforce changes to contracts and shift patterns; West Dunbartonshire’s
                               ‘Say No to Overwork’ campaign.
Scotland delegates' handbook - Scotlandin UNISON NATIONAL DELEGATE CONFERENCE - UNISON Scotland
LIVERPOOL 2019 CONFERENCE BRIEFINGS                               ScotlandinUNISON              3

Welcome to National Conference
from UNISON Scotland convener Lilian Macer
       elcome to all our
W      delegates and visitors
to Liverpool for UNISON’s
26th National Delegate
Conference (NDC).
                                     ‘ High quality public services
                                     are affordable and can be
                                     funded through fair taxation.
   This year, as we gather in        This is the basis for decent
Liverpool to set UNISON policy,      services provided by properly
we take the opportunity to reflect
                                     rewarded staff.’
on the range of activity we have
progressed in defence of our         pay round will be the most
members and the services they        crucial since the
provide, and to celebrate the        commencement of the British
achievements in 2018/19.             and Scottish governments'
  And one of those successes         policies of capping public-
is of course the Glasgow             sector pay, which have
Women's Equal Pay victory.           impoverished our members             Members accepted the pay
  We can all agree it's been a       since 2011.                        deal which saw 9% over 3
long road but we will finally see      Over the past year in            years and a removal of pay
money being rightly put back         Scotland we have continued         points for some members
into the pockets of Glasgow's        our focus on pay which has         increasing their overall pay
low-paid women.                      moved the pay agenda from          package.
  This represents compensation       the 1% pay cap.                      Our Local Government
for the pay lost due to a              In Health there was a huge       members had the most
discriminatory pay and grading       exercise of membership             successful members'
system in place for over 12          engagement to conclude an e-       engagement ever within the
years and will be one of the         ballot (for period 16 July - 14    largest UNISON bargaining
largest redistributions of wealth    August) on an A4C Refresh/Pay      group.
in Glasgow's history.                Uplift Package, concluded                      Continued on page 4
  UNISON Scotland has been           through the Scottish Terms and
standing side by side with           Conditions Committee and           Inside
these women who have been            funded by the Barnett              On the Fringe . . . . . . . . . . .2
truly an inspiration to all          consequential of a parallel deal   Welcome from Lilian . . . . . .3
members across Scotland.             agreed and implemented for
                                     England and Wales.                 Who’s who . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
  Last year I said that the 2018
                                                                        Scotland policy guide to all the
                                                                        main Conference debates . . .6
                                                                        What’s happening? A guide
Scottish Branches Meeting                                               for new delegates and old ones
Monday 17 June 5.30-6.30pm - An essential meeting to get                who were afraid to ask. . . .14
last minute news and updates.                                           Conference Briefings
Hall 1C (upper level) ACC Liverpool                                     and Website Team . . . . . .16
Kings Dock, Liverpool Waterfront, L3 4FP                                Handy hints for delegates . .16
Local Government Branches Meeting                                       Gordon’s Malawi charity . .17
Saturday 15 June 5.15-6.15pm                                            Liverpool info and map . . . .18
Hall 1C (upper level) ACC Liverpool                                     Seating plans are enclosed on
Kings Dock, Liverpool Waterfront, L3 4FP                                separate sheets.
Scotland delegates' handbook - Scotlandin UNISON NATIONAL DELEGATE CONFERENCE - UNISON Scotland
4    Scotland inUNISON L I V E R P O O L           2019 CONFERENCE BRIEFINGS

          Welcome to Conference from Lilian Macer
                        From Page 3                                  affordable and can be funded through
                          In the best ever digital ballot in         fair taxation. This is the basis for
                        UNISON, 91% voted in favour of the           decent services provided by properly
                        deal and in record numbers with a            rewarded staff.
                        41.9% return.                                  Within our international agenda we
                          Five branches achieved a 50% plus          continue through our campaigns to
                        return, one 60% plus. The pay offer          raise the human rights violations and
                        will deliver a 9.5% cost of living           the financial and social injustice
                        increase over three years.                   experienced by our sisters and
                                         In addition it provides a   brothers across the world.
                                       commitment to fully
                                       consolidating the living
                                       wage, with an
                                       established joint working
                                       group to negotiate and
                                                                     ‘Our conference is the
                                                                     opportunity for us to set
                                                                     our union's policy that will
                                                                     deliver benefits for our
                                         This is the best pay        members, the economy and
                                       deal in Local                 our communities.’
                                       Government in a
                                       decade.                          In December 2018 I was very
                                         In Further Education        fortunate to join the UNISON
                                       we achieved the fifth         delegation to Cuba.
                                       successive year where            I was truly inspired by the Cuban
    Lilian Macer is not renowned the pay rise was in                 people, their resilience, friendship and
    for long tedious speeches          excess of Scottish            commitment to the values we hold
    but, just in case, a platform      Government Public             close to our hearts.
    delegate settles down to a         Sector Pay Policy, with          And as a health worker I recognise
    nice cup of tea.                   the settlement of a three     that, since the revolution, Cuba has
                                       year pay deal with a set      developed a world class health
                        of core conditions of service                system that achieves developed
                          It was UNISON Scotland’s efforts           country demographic indicators, on a
                        that changed the Scottish
                                                                     fraction of the budget and despite
                        Government’s Public Sector Pay
                                                                     suffering more than 50 years of
                        Policy and our campaign continues
                                                                     blockade, something we in Scotland
                        until we see wage restoration for our
                                                                     should look to learn from.
                                                                        Our conference is the opportunity for
                          Delivering high quality public
                                                                     us to set our union's policy that will
                        services is what we do and through
                        our campaigning at every level we            deliver benefits for our members, the
                        have mitigated the worst excesses of         economy and our communities.
                        the impact of the government's social,          I look forward to seeing you and
                        economic and political policy choices.       listening to your contributions in the
                          At NDC this year, our message in           debates and focussed discussions
                        UNISON Scotland continues to be that         over the week of NDC. Enjoy
                        high quality public services are             conference.
Scotland delegates' handbook - Scotlandin UNISON NATIONAL DELEGATE CONFERENCE - UNISON Scotland
LIVERPOOL 2019 CONFERENCE BRIEFINGS              ScotlandinUNISON    5

Who’s who, or handy folk to know
 Lilian Macer and Elaine              President
 Duffy, Scotland Delegates            This year’s president, who will
                                      chair Conference, is Scotland’s
Lilian and Elaine are elected         own Gordon McKay from
as Scotland’s reps to                 Ayrshire and Arran Health. A
Conference by the union’s             mental health nurse for 30 years,
Scottish Council of branches.         Gordon has been involved with
See page 6 for details of what        the NEC since 2009.
they do at Conference and             Senior vice-president is Josie
how they can help.                    Bird who is an administrative
Lilian is from Lanarkshire            officer in Newcastle and secretary
Health Branch and is UNISON           of the Newcastle city branch. She
Scotland convener.                    has chaired the NEC’s finance and
Elaine, from Scottish                 resource management committee.
Electricity Branch, is Scottish
treasurer.                            Junior vice-president is Sian
                                      Stockham, a care support worker
                                      from Abergavenny. She has been
                                      a member of the NEC since 2005,
Mike Kirby, Scottish Secretary        where she holds the seat
                                      representing fellow low-paid
Mike Kirby is Scotland’s top
                                      women members in Wales.
full time official. Mike took
over as Scottish Secretary in
December 2010 after serving           Dave Prentis, General Secretary
as Scottish Convener -                Dave Prentis was elected in
Scotland’s lead lay activist -        2000 and then re-elected in
since the merger that                 2006, 2010 and 2015.
created UNISON in 1993.               Born and brought up in Leeds,
Mike was also for many years one of   he took a BA in history in
Scotland’s lay Regional reps to       London, followed by an MA in
National Conference. He was 2011/12   industrial relations at the
STUC President.                       University of Warwick. Dave is
                                      a member of the TUC General
                                      Council and its executive committee.
Alison Mitchell, Standing
Orders Committee Rep                   Scotland’s NEC members
 Alison Mitchell from South
 Lanarkshire Branch is
 Scotland’s rep on the Standing
 Orders Committee which sets
 out the business for the week.
 Alison will be the source of
 information on what’s going           Maggie Cook, Jim McFarlane, Kate
 on and whether your motion            Ramsden, Stephen Smellie and
 has any chance!                       Davena Rankin are Scotland’s elected
                                       National Executive members.
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6   ScotlandinUNISON L I V E R P O O L          2019 CONFERENCE BRIEFINGS

Scotland policy guide on all the main issues
           ilian Macer and Elaine Duffy were elected     re-prioritisation exercise. This will take place
       L   by the Scottish Council as UNISON
      Scotland’s delegates to Conference.
                                                         on Wednesday evening/ Thursday morning,
                                                         for Friday afternoon’s agenda (see page
         Branch delegates should use them as a           12). You can only re-prioritise motions on
      source of information and they have a key          the priority list.
      organisational role.                                 The Standing Orders Committee (SOC)
         They can help you liaise with other             has balloted regions, the NEC, self
      branches and regions. They will know how           organised groups, National Young Members’
      debates are organised, who to speak to             Forum and the National Retired Members’
      and, more importantly, how to get to speak.        Committee on what motions should be
         They will advise on Scottish policy and will    prioritised for debate.
                                       speak for
                                       UNISON            Scotland motions and amendments
                                       Scotland in       The following motions and amendments
                                       debates.          involving Scotland have been prioritised.
                                         Here, they      26. Menopause - UNISON has got this
                                       preview the       covered, Renfrewshire Part of Comp A,
                                       main debates      first on remaining order of business.
                                       at Conference,
                                       offering          62. UNISON De-recognition,
                                                         Aberdeenshire 46th on remaining order of
                                       comments and
                                       advice from a
                                       UNISON            70. Tackling the crisis in social care
Never try to move a point of order
                                       Scotland policy   UNISON Scotland amendment Part of
when Jane Aitchison is speaking.
                                       perspective.      Comp D on Friday morning.
                                         The briefing
      cannot mandate branches who may have               82. Colombia, West Dunbartonshire 24th on
      different policies, however it may assist          remaining order of business.
      delegates in taking an overview of                 84. Cuba 60, UNISON Scotland Part of
      Conference.                                        Comp F on Wednesday afternoon.
         Conference 2019 has 131 motions (two
      less than 2018) and 23 rule amendments             100. Make 2021 the Year of Disabled
      (up by nine on 2018).                              Workers, South Lanarkshire 48th on
         UNISON Scotland and Scottish branches           remaining order of business.
      have submitted 21 motions, seven of which
                                                         106. Jane Haining Memorial & Holocaust
      have reached the priority list, along with two
                                                         Study Tour, Renfrewshire 36th on
      amendments. Last year we had 14 motions on         remaining order of business
      the priority list.
       Re-prioritising                                   110. Review of the Devolution Protocol,
                                                         UNISON Scotland 11th on remaining
        The experience of recent years is that           order of business.
       Conference will manage to discuss 30 to 35
       or so of these motions.                           111. Energy climate change a just
        Therefore if your favourite is not discussed     transition and jobs for a low carbon
       below, it is unlikely to be debated first time    economy, UNISON Scotland amendment
       around and the only alternative will be in the    21st on remaining order of business.
Scotland delegates' handbook - Scotlandin UNISON NATIONAL DELEGATE CONFERENCE - UNISON Scotland
LIVERPOOL 2019 CONFERENCE BRIEFINGS                               ScotlandinUNISON       7

Scotland priorities
As a reminder for delegates the priorities for debate agreed at Scottish Council
on 13 April were...
10. Cuba 60 - Scotland
12. Review of the Devolution Protocol Scotland Region - Scotland
70. Tackling the Crisis in Social Care - Scotland amendment
111. Energy climate change a just transition and jobs for low
carbon economy - Scotland amendment
23. Menopause in the Workplace - National Women’s
62. UNISON De-recognition - Aberdeenshire
26. Menopause - South Lanarkshire
27. Rebuilding Collective Bargaining - North West
106. Jane Haining Memorial and Holocaust Study Tour -
81. Brazil - NEC
22. Smash the Gender Pay Gap - NEC                                 A disappointed Scott Donohoe is
                                                                   defeated by Conference at the
Organising and Recruitment: Motions 1 - 23                         Stone Scissors Paper game.

Facility time for activists is a
‘fundamental right’
     otions in this section of the agenda
M    will focus on the union’s organising
strategy ensuring we are fit to cope with
                                               Motion 2
                                               Growing the
                                               Union from
the onslaught of savage cuts to public         Northern
services. This section includes motions        Region follows     Frustration sets in as he loses
and amendments from 1 through to 21            on Wednesday.
and is supportable from a UNISON               This motion is
                                               focused on a
Scotland perspective.
                                               sustainable organising initiatives such as
Motion 1 Developing Organising                 Grovember to be planned and become
Resources in Branches and Regions              regular events, sharing good practice and
from the NEC is up on Wednesday. This          to explore the establishment of an
motion believes that to meet these             organising academy to train and support
challenges, the union needs to promote         our activists.
improved cooperation between branches          Motion 18 Young Workers Facility Time
and between regions to ensure that             from the National Young Workers Forum -
UNISON is more visible to the members          up on Tuesday afternoon - highlights that
and non-members.                               facility time is a fundamental right of trade
                                               unionists in the workplace.
In addition it also congratulates those
branches and regions that have pioneered       It ensures we support our members at
initiatives to foster closer working and to    disciplinaries, and that policies of the
increase the visibility of the union through   organisations our members work for are
resource centres, shop fronts, organising      scrutinised and negotiated effectively.
centres and mobile units.                                            continued on page 8
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8   ScotlandinUNISON L I V E R P O O L         2019 CONFERENCE BRIEFINGS

        From Page 7
       The motion calls for the development of           young worker focused programme of
       clear guidance, working with the National         properly resourced recruitment, organising,
       Young Members’ Forum to advocate the              and campaigning.
       negotiating of facility time for Young            It calls for a programme of events and
       Members Officers, sending this to every           campaigns involving the whole union, not
       branch upon completion.                           just Young Members, and supported by the
       It calls on the union to explore ways of          necessary organisation and financial
       ensuring facility time is distributed in ways     resources.
       that allow young members and Black,               It also recognises that Year of the Young
       women and LGBT members to participate             Worker represents the start of a renewed
       fully in the union and develop an                 longer-term commitment to developing
       organising strategy for 2020.                     young worker representation in UNISON.
                                  Motion 19 Year of      The undoubted progress being made will
                                  the Young Worker
                                                         be lost unless we embed our commitments
                                  – Creating a
                                                         in future work plans thereby creating a
                                  legacy for the
                                                         legacy that will ensure we have a vibrant
                                  future is from
                                                         union now and in the future.
                                  Eastern Region and
                                  is on the agenda for   Motion 21 Towards a more inclusive
                                  Wednesday. The         Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender
                                  motion recognises      (LGBT) Self-organised group, from
                                  the Year of the        Imperial College, is on Thursday. This
                                                         motion is in line with the regional policy
‘Steven Larkin panics when he Young Worker
                                  provides the ideal     position and should be supported. It puts in
realises that page 2 of his
                                                         place the policy adopted at the Scottish
speech is last night's bar order. opportunity to
                                  deliver an intensive   Council in April.

       Comp A: Menopause Charter to highlight
       and advise on good workplace practices
       Motion 23: Menopause and the Workplace            regions to ensure members have full
       from the National Women’s Committee will          access to all the employer support.
       be in Comp A where Scotland will have an
                                                         Motion 29: Apprenticeships from Yorkshire
       interest through motion 26 from
                                                         and Humberside is on Tuesday afternoon.
       Renfrewshire and, being first on the
                                                         The motion calls for the NEC to continue to
       remaining order of business or ‘the snake’, it
                                                         develop a strategic approach on
       should be heard early in the week, possibly
                                                         apprenticeships to ensure that they deliver
       on the first day.
                                                         positive outcomes for all and continue the
       UNISON has continually argued that                campaign to get employers providing Public
       employers have a responsibility to take into      Services to sign up to the UNISON
       account difficulties women may experience         Apprenticeship Charter Campaign to ensure
       during the menopause, not least under health      that candidates for Apprenticeships are
       and safety legislation, and to take account of    recruited from a wider range of under-
       these in sickness absence policies.
                                                         represented or disadvantaged groups, such
       This debate will call for a charter to be         as those from Black and minority
       established to support branches and               backgrounds and older workers.
Scotland delegates' handbook - Scotlandin UNISON NATIONAL DELEGATE CONFERENCE - UNISON Scotland
LIVERPOOL 2019 CONFERENCE BRIEFINGS                              ScotlandinUNISON          9

62: Call to condemn Cornerstone
‘union-busting’ derecognition
Motion 62 UNISON De-recognition               force Cornerstone to
from Aberdeenshire condemns the               sit down at ACAS
deplorable action of Cornerstone              and resolve this
Community Care in de-recognising              matter - and to name
UNISON for standing up for members            and shame all those
over pay, although it is unlikely to be       employers/ agencies
heard unless reprioritised.                   that are supporting
It calls on the union to support efforts to   union busting tactics.

68: Nelson Mandela’s life and values                                   Gordon McKay refuses
                                                                       Conference demands for a card
inspiring future generations                                           vote during his speech.

Motion 68 Nelson Mandela: inspiring           movement and that
future generations is from Liverpool          Nelson Mandela is an honorary
City. This motion, up on Friday, notes        UNISON president
that 2020 will be the 30 year                 It calls for support for other projects
anniversary of the release of Nelson          and events that aim to celebrate the life
Mandela from captivity and that his life      and values of Nelson Mandela and
and values are inspirational to us today      delegates may wish to donate to the
in our struggle for justice and equality.     Scottish campaign, already backed by
It further recognises with pride the role     UNISON Scotland, at
of trade unionists in the Anti-Apartheid

Comp D: Tackling the crisis in Social Care
Motions 70 and 71 on the crisis in            The Scottish amendment recognises
social care, with amendments, are             the work of the Scottish Fair Work
likely to form Composite D on Friday          Convention on the social care inquiry
including the Scottish amendment.             highlighting the precarious work within
The motion recognises that the social care    the sector.
sector faces a perfect storm in which the     The composite will call on the NEC to
impact of years of chronic underfunding       progress a number of campaign
has been worsened by increasing demand        priorities including proper funding to
and the knock-on impact of cuts to other      ensure longer term planning within the
key public services.                          sector.

80: Curbing Corporate Power
Motion 80 Curbing Corporate Power             A draft Binding Treaty on Transnational
from the NEC, is on Wednesday. This           Corporations (opposed by the UK) will
motion recognises that the revenues of        be negotiated in October by the United
the three largest corporations in the         Nations.
world, including Wal-mart, were higher        The motion calls on the NEC to work with
than the gross domestic product of 110        Public Services International to monitor
countries, 55% of all nation states, and      the progress of the treaty and campaign
that 66 individual people own as much         with UK civil society to raise public
wealth as 3.6 billion people.
                                                                  continued on page 10
Scotland delegates' handbook - Scotlandin UNISON NATIONAL DELEGATE CONFERENCE - UNISON Scotland

       From Page 9
       awareness of, and action in support of, the       Councils in Scotland, Wales and Northern
       treaty. It looks to build support for the         Ireland to win backing for the treaty within
       treaty within Parliament and pressurise the       the devolved administrations and to
       UK Government to change its position. It          advocate for the United Nations
       calls for support for the UNISON Regional         negotiations to make progress.

       84: Celebrating achievements of Cuban people
       Motion 84, Cuba 60, from Scotland will            achievements in health, education and
       be in Comp F on Wednesday.                        culture in the face of massive oppression
                                      The motion         by powerful northern neighbour the USA
                                      applauds the       and other reactionary forces. It calls for an
                                      achievement        end to the cruel and illegal blockade.
                                      by the people      It also encourages regions and branches
                                      of Cuba in         to visit Cuba in solidarity with the Cuban
                                      liberating         people and Cuban trade unions and
                                      their country      encourage branches, regions and nations
                                      and                of UNISON to affiliate to the Cuba
                                      sustaining it      Solidarity Campaign and the Scottish
                                      as a beacon        Cuba Solidarity Campaign.
                                      of socialism       UNISON Scotland is co-hosting a fringe
 Tony Slaven begs conference to       over the last      meeting on Cuba 60 on Tuesday at 5.15.
 support the 25 years review          60 years.          See page 2 for details.
 composite now that he's bought       It recognises      See reports from the UNISON Scotland
 the t-shirt                          remarkable         Cuba visit at

        96 and 97: EU Exit: Protecting the peace
        process and putting public services at core
       Motion 96. EU Exit and Protecting the              Any attempts to remove or weaken the
       Peace Process, submitted by Northern               backstop must be resisted.
       Ireland, is on Wednesday along with Motion         It calls on the NEC to continue to seek a
       97. At the time of writing the motion, the UK      future relationship between the UK and EU
       was still set to leave the EU on 29 March          that builds upon and strengthens the
       but the terms of its exit and whether it will      protections set out within the backstop
       exit at all remains very unclear.                  which protects the Good Friday Agreement
       The motion calls for the NEC, in conjunction       in all its parts and prevents a hard border
       with the Northern Ireland membership in            between the Republic of Ireland and
       particular, to continue to campaign against a      Northern Ireland.
       ‘no deal’ exit from the EU if Article 50 has       It also calls for the establishment of an
       been extended.                                     independent international body to monitor
       It calls for a deal that protects the rights of    the implementation of the peace agreement
       British and Irish citizens across these            and to ensure future decisions of both
       islands as part of the Common Travel Area          guarantor governments align with the
       and for the highest standards of equality of       provisions and intention of the Good Friday
       treatment for citizens in Northern Ireland         Agreement.
       regardless of their chosen identity.                                      continued on page 11
LIVERPOOL 2019 CONFERENCE BRIEFINGS                           ScotlandinUNISON             11

From Page 10
Motion 97 Public services and EU exit         employment rights at its core.
from East Midland, highlights that we, as     The NEC has not, at the time of writing
public service workers, are horrified at      the briefing, submitted an emergency
how the UK Government has conducted           motion or statement in relation to the EU
EU exit negotiations so far.                  Exit however the likelihood is that there
The turmoil in the Westminster                will be a motion
Parliament does not give workers any          or statement from
confidence that their best interests are      the NEC on this
being served whatever deal is ahead.          issue which will
It calls for a campaign for an EU exit deal   be debated on
that puts the protection and future growth    Thursday
of UK public services, equality and           morning.

100: 2021 Year of Disabled Workers
Motion 100 Make 2021 the Year of              with the National
Disabled Workers is from South                Disabled
Lanarkshire. The motion believes that         Members
one of UNISON’s strengths lies in its         Committee to         Sam Macartney pleads with
recognition of the value and unique           deliver a range of   Conference to help him find his
experiences disabled people bring to the      actions to           glasses.
workplace and to our union. UNISON            achieve the 2021
recognises that people are disabled by        Year of the
societal and environmental barriers rather    Disabled Worker.
than their medical condition.                 The motion is
It calls on the National Executive Council    48th on the
to make 2021 the Year of Disabled             remaining order
Workers in UNISON and to ask the TUC          of business so is
and other unions to support the initiative.   unlikely to be
                                              heard unless re-
As part of that Year the NEC should work      prioritised

Comp H: Justice for the                                            Mark Ferguson's bedtime story
                                                                   technique for his kids works for
                                                                   platform delegates too.
Windrush generation
Motions 103 and 104 on Justice for the        invitation of the then government, came
Windrush Generation form Comp H,              the generation named the ‘Windrush
and rightly the first motion on the agenda    Generation’.
on Tuesday.                                   The name came from the MV Empire
The motions highlight the injustice           Windrush which arrived at Tilbury Docks,
suffered by this generation from the          Essex, on 22 June 1948 bringing workers
current government. It is difficult to        from Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, and
imagine anything more demoralising than       other islands, as a response to post-war
the experience the ‘Windrush Generation’      labour shortages in the UK.
has undergone at the hands of the British     The entry in to the UK ended with the
Government in the past few years.             1971 Immigration Act, when
Arriving in the UK between 1942 and
1971 from the Caribbean islands, at the                            continued on page 12
12   ScotlandinUNISON L I V E R P O O L 2 0 1 9 C O N F E R E N C E B R I E F I N G S
        Justice for Windrush generation (continued)
        From Page 11
        Commonwealth citizens already living in the     It was also not clear that citizens needed to
        UK were given indefinite leave to remain        change their Caribbean passport to a
        and, after this, a British passport-holder      British one.
        born overseas could only settle in the UK if    The composite calls for a co-ordinated
        they firstly had a work permit and, secondly,   approach to ensuring this never happens
        could prove that a parent or grandparent        again and to ensure that they receive the
        had been born in the UK.                        recognition they deserve

        110: Review of UNISON’s Devolution Protocol
        Motion 110. Review of the Devolution            kingdom” of growing civic nationalism and
        Protocol is submitted by Scotland and at        regionalisation, the unsettled will for political
        11th on the remaining order of business,        change, and the growing plurality of politics,
                              has a chance of           which will have further implications for
                              being heard.              government and governance.
                              The motion                In turn, these are issues of plurality and
                              recognises and            diversification for the trade union to address
                              celebrates 20 years       in policy, organisation and resourcing, such
                              of the Scottish           as the more diverse models of procurement
                              Parliament however        and contracting, leading to more private/not
                              it also recognises the    for profit/community employers to organise
                              need for UNISON to        and service, and to redefine local and
                              reflect the changing      sectoral bargaining.
                              landscape within the      The Scottish Parliament and other devolved
                              devolved nations.         administrations have enhanced powers
                              The post Brexit           since UNISON Conference 2004 approved
                              political scene merely    the Devolution Protocol. The motion calls
                              heightens the             for a review of the Devolution Protocol
Irrefutable proof that Maggie
                              constitutional debate     which recognises the changing environment
Cook is a bag fetishist
                              in a “disunited           we all operate within.

        111: Just transition and jobs for a low carbon economy
        Motion 111 Energy climate change, a             and energy workers stranded without hope as
        Just Transition and jobs for a low carbon       the collapse of coal and manufacturing jobs
        economy is from the NEC and amended by          and industries did in the 1980s.
        Scotland but at 21 on the ‘snake’ it may not    The Scottish amendment 111.3 says the
        get heard unless re-prioritised.                Scottish Just Transition Commission, which
        The motion notes the growing concern in         includes trade union representatives, must
        the UK and worldwide about the ability of       give a voice to energy and other workers in
        governments to regulate and slow the            high carbon industries and should ensure
        growth of carbon emissions, climate change      that all Scottish Government policy
        and global warming.                             contributes to developing the energy,
        As an energy, environment and public            industrial and education policies needed for
        service union, our members and their            a Just Transition to a low carbon economy.
        families are directly affected.                 That must secure a future for energy
                                                        workers through creating new low carbon
        When our economy shifts it must be a just and   industries and technology, training current
        fair change that does not leave communities     and future workers in the necessary skills
LIVERPOOL 2019 CONFERENCE BRIEFINGS                           ScotlandinUNISON       13

121: Stop Universal Credit until fundamental
changes are made
Motion 121 Stopping Social Insecurity,       These should include campaigning to see
from the NEC, is on Friday and calls on      the ending the five week wait for the first
the National Executive Council to            payment, making the first payment within
campaign for the implementation of           seven days of the claim so claimants
Universal Credit to be stopped and for       have no need to take an advance and get
fundamental changes to be made.              into debt.

126: Key decisions on branch funding
Motion 126 Resourcing our branches –         review to be completed within two years.
A UNISON Priority is submitted by the        There will however be an immediate and
National Executive Council and is first up   amended funding scheme which will
on Wednesday morning.                        commence on the 1st January 2020.
This motion recognises the key work and      Look out for a fuller briefing on this
contribution of branches on behalf of our    important - and overdue - issue, along
members.                                     with the amendments, in the briefings at
The motion calls for a lay-member led        Conference.

Amendments to Rules
The Briefings Team will distribute a separate Scottish briefing on Rule Amendments to
delegates on the Wednesday of Conference.

                                                           onference is a serious business
Keep up with the Conference theme                     C    but that doesn’t mean we can’t
                                                      have a bit of fun too.
                                                        The Briefings Team has run a theme
                                                      over recent conferences including
                                                      ‘The Conference of the Rings’, ‘Star
                                                      Trek the Conference Generation’,
                                                      ‘Conference Royale’, ‘Lili Potter and
                                                      the Conference of Secrets’,’Glescalot’,
                                                      ‘Mike - The Greatest Fairy Tale never
                                                      Told’, ‘Avengers, the age of UNISON’
                                                      and last year’s ‘Lili Pan, A Scottish
                                                      Fairy Tale’. All have been praised for
                                                      their literary merit (we think).
                                                        This year’s eagerly awaited theme
                                                      remains a closely guarded secret.
14   ScotlandinUNISON L I V E R P O O L                 2019 CONFERENCE BRIEFINGS

     What’s happening?
          ith up to 3,000 delegates and visitors,             Rostrum Control will help.
     W    Conference can be a daunting prospect,
     especially if you don’t know what’s happening.
                                                              In any case it is best to tell them you want to
                                                              speak because they will have a list - and with
     But now you will, thanks to SiU’s handy guide.           amendments it is not always clear which seat you
                                                              should be in. It also helps to speak to the
     Scotland Meeting                                         Scottish Regional delegates first.
     Monday’s Scotland delegates’ meeting gives last
     minute information and discusses Scottish input. It is   Speakers can speak only once in a debate
     also your chance to push your issues (see p3).           (except for the right of reply). Movers get five
                                                              minutes. However, Conference sometimes
                                          Seating Plan        reduces this. You will get warning to chainsaw all
                                          There should        those bits you loved dearly out of your speech.
                                          be a seating        Subsequent speakers get three minutes.
                                          plan in this        Always start your speech by giving your
                                          pack. We            name and your branch.
                                          traditionally get   HANDY HINT: Have a brief closing remark ready
                                          at least one        in case you run out of time.
                                          seat wrong - so
                                          if you find         Right of Reply
                                          yourself sitting    The mover of a motion is allowed a Right of Reply at
                                          on someone’s        the end of the debate or before voting on an
                                          knee, it’s likely   amendment (but not both). This is a reply to points
Katrina Murray isn't too proud to         to be a mistake.    raised in the debate and cannot be abused by
seek more enthusiastic applause                               introducing new stuff (although many try it).
in the usual way                     Bar Code                 Voting
                                     No this is not a         Normally votes are taken by holding up brightly
                                     secret sign to           coloured cards and the president will decide
                                     get a drink.             whether a count is needed.
                                     Your credential
                                     card has a bar           If it is close, or a major issue is involved, the
                                     code which will          chair can call for a branch card vote. Delegates
                                     scan you in.             can also call for a card vote but only if 10% of us
                                     You must wear            shout out with voting cards up immediately. If this
                                     the card at all          is on an amendment, the debate is suspended
                                     times. Wearing           until the result is known.
                                     it at your waist         Branch card votes are stamped with the voting
And is well chuffed when she
                                     is not helpful to        entitlement of your branch and with either FOR or
gets it!
                                     the stewards,            AGAINST.
    will lead to delays and may end up with more              The correct number must be used for the
    than you expected being scanned!                          particular vote. Get a colleague to check it.

     Conference Guide                                         Procedure
     This prints all motions submitted. It also has more      Like any other formal meeting, Conference is run
     detailed useful information. You will also get a         by a series of rules. This often seems very
     booklet with composite motions, listed by letters        bureaucratic but the system ensures some
     of the alphabet (usually with the numbers of the         semblance of order is kept.
     motions in brackets).
                                                              The president chairs Conference and their ruling
     Speaking, speakers lists, timings                        on any issue is final.
     Seats for speakers FOR and AGAINST are                   See page 16 for rostrum lights, points of
     labelled at the front. If in doubt, staff at the         order and handy hints...
LIVERPOOL 2019 CONFERENCE BRIEFINGS                             ScotlandinUNISON           15

Rough Guide to Conference
A  fter years of being caught out by jargon and
   sneaky procedural wheezes, your SiU
scoop brings you a rough guide to help you out.
                                                   succeed in combining areas of agreement
                                                   through negotiation. You will get a
                                                   composites booklet before Conference and
                                                   new ones issued throughout the week.
Standing Orders Committee (SOC)
Comprises reps elected by each Region (ours        Suspending Standing Orders
is Alison Mitchell) and three from the NEC who     A super wheeze (needing a two thirds
organise the order of business, composites and     majority) to do something that’s not on the
so on. A report will be issued each morning on     agenda. To be avoided in most cases
the day’s business and probably future             because it cuts across agreed priorities and
business. This is really important to              of course stops Conference making
understanding what is going on. Sometimes          decisions.
their rulings are challenged but it rarely makes
sense to do so since the committee reflects
regions’ priorities.
                                                   Where a pile of
NEC Positions                                      similar motions and
Most motions haven’t got a chance of being         amendments are all
heard and will be referred to the NEC, or          moved one after the
somewhere. So it is worth looking to see what      other, there is an
position the NEC has taken on your motion.         all-in debate and we
                                                   vote on them one
Agenda and Priorities                              after the other at
The running order (you’ll get one at               the end.
Conference) is set after consultation with
regions on priorities. Motions are grouped         Reference Back
into ‘themes’ to avoid duplication and the risk    Reports, such as the We suggest being a bit
of voting against what we’d voted for earlier      annual report or        more prepared than Arthur
(yes we’ve done that before!).                     standing orders         Nicol and pulling your
                                                   report, are presented trousers up before you get
Friday priorities                                  to conference for       to the podium.
Come Friday (oh, come, come Friday), there is      approval. If someone
a chance to re-prioritise your pet motion that     is unhappy with part
was not reached. On Wednesday we will              of the report they can ask for ‘reference back’,
circulate branches with a form to pick their       meaning the committee or working group that
priorities for Friday afternoon. These will be     prepared the report should reconsider that
collated and go to the SOC which will set out a    section.
Friday pm agenda that reflects Conference’s
wishes. That can be an eye-opener!                 Remittance
                                                   When the NEC asks for a motion to be
Emergency motions                                  referred to them for further clarification,
Conference has to vote to hear emergency
                                                   elaboration, or investigation.
motions in the first place (after the SOC has
decided it is an emergency and is relevant         Scottish delegates
and competent). To qualify for an emergency,       Lilian Macer and Elaine Duffy are this year’s
it must have been impossible to submit the
                                                   Scottish Regional delegates. They are there to
motion’s subject matter before the deadline.
                                                   help, especially if you want to get into a
Composite                                          debate - they’ll tell you how, who to see, and
An amalgam of similar motions drawn together       if you’re not careful (or lucky), what to say!
into one motion that nobody likes! Not fair        Sincerely folks, they are an essential source of
really, because many composites do                 advice, information and help.

      Conference briefings and website service
            he Scottish Communications and Campaigns           promote motions within Scottish policy. In
      T     Committee, along with the Regional
                            Delegates, will issue daily
                                                               exceptional circumstances we can help from our
                                                               own resources with typing and communications
                            briefings during Conference        with branches, media etc back home.
                            week.                              Your contact is Jane Aitchison along with Kate
                            It is not a ‘News’ service after   Ramsden, recently promoted to Scotland in
                            the event (after all you were      UNISON editor after John Stevenson’s prolonged
                            there), it is for briefing         retirement. John will also be here on the fringes, in
Jane Aitchison and Kate     delegates before the event.        the background and behind the scenes and
Ramsden revel in being      However, we will issue some        incognito to offer transitional criticism assistance.
freed from the chains of                                       Other committee members will be helping out too.
                            special reports as a basis for
John Stevenson’s
                            branch reports back home.          It would be really helpful if speakers could let
                            We will also be updating the       the team know when they are speaking (so
        website with most of what goes out in print.           we can get a photo) and let us have a copy
        The service is also there to be used by branches to    of their speech for reports.


     Blinkin’ lights and points of order
     Timing for speeches is shown by
                                                                       Handy Hints
     lights on the rostrum...                                          Card Votes
       ... but even if you don’t notice the light, there is            l If you split your vote, make sure
       always some bright spark who will shout ‘time’,                   the figures add up. Get someone
       usually when they’re not agreeing with you.                       to check.
                                It can be useful to have an            l make sure you’ve SIGNED it.
                                ‘escape clause’ in your
                                                                       l and make sure the branch name is
                                speech to cut to so you can
                                finish on a good note.                   on it.
                                The lights mean...                     Get your photo in advance
                                Yellow: means the speaker
                                                                       l If you haven’t done it online, get
                                has a minute to go.
                                                                         your credential photo in advance.
                                Red: means ‘zip the lip’ now,
                                                                         Photo booths are few and far
                                not after you’ve made ten
                                                                         between. If in dire straits the
Pointing at the lights and      more points.
telling them not to go red just Green: means a point of
                                                                         Conference Information Desk may
won't work as a desperate                                                be able to help.
                                order has been raised and
Elaine Duffy found.             will be heard before the               Consideration
                                next speaker.
                                                                       l We hope the briefings will be of
     Points of Order
                                                                         some use to you. But for safety, do
     You can move ‘next business’, ‘adjournment’ or ‘private             not leave papers on the floor.
     session’ but the most used is ‘that the question be put’.
     The president must put this to Conference and, if                 l Don’t leave mobile phone ringers
     carried, we go straight to the right of reply, and the              on.
     vote on the motion or amendment. (The chair can                   l Don’t walk in front of the signers.
     caution there has not been enough debate.)
                                                                       l Lots of people will be pushing
     This move is especially helpful when there are a                    papers at you as you come to
     host of speakers for a motion and none against.                     Conference. Not taking one does
     You can only move most points of order if you haven’t               not make you a bad person!
     already spoken in the debate.
LIVERPOOL 2019 CONFERENCE BRIEFINGS                                   ScotlandinUNISON               17

Support Gordon’s presidential charity
to help Malawi mother and baby clinic
      NISON President Gordon                                                   sitting with his daughter watching
U     McKay has chosen a
mother and baby clinic in
                                                                               a programme on TV on the issue.
                                                                                  She reminded him that as
Manchinjiri, Malawi, as his                                                    president of UNISON he can help
Presidential Charity this year                                                 people on the breadline in sub-
and is asking branches across                                                  Saharan Africa and those working
the country to contribute.                                                     like himself in vital public services
  Gordon was elected UNISON                                                    in the UK.
president at the end of June’s                                                    Depending on how much money
national delegate conference. It’s                                             we raise this is what can we help
traditional for presidents to                                                  with:
nominate a charity and use their                                                  • New, bigger maternity wing
profile to raise some funds for                                                where they can carry out more
their chosen cause.                                                            ante and post-natal checks and do
  Already that generosity of                                                   more to prevent mother to child
Scottish branches has shone
through as a race night in
November in Glasgow raised
£4,000 - almost half of the cost of
                                         ‘What makes it even
                                         more special for me is
                                         knowing UK health
                                         workers support us.
                                                                               transmission of HIV
                                                                                  • Testing room to do more HIV
                                                                               testing, with privacy.
                                                                                  • Shelter for patients’ family who
a new wing to the centre.                                                      cook for the patients.
  It was followed by another fund-       Because you know                          • Ambulance so women with
raiser in April and later that month     what it is like’                      complications can be transported
Gordon and Fife Health’s Wilma                                                 to the main hospital, 24km away
Brown visited the clinic.
                                         BERTHA MASANGALE                          • Patients’ shelter while they are
  This government funded clinic has      miles away UNISON members have        waiting for medicines from the
a two bed labour ward where staff        heard of our clinic and care about    pharmacy.
deliver babies, carry out pre and        my work.                                 • A nursing station/rest room so
post-natal checks and take                 “Thank you from the bottom of       staff can get some rest
measures to prevent mother to child      my heart. And what makes it even         • Solar panels or generator. The
transmission of HIV.                     more special for me is knowing        clinic does not have electricity. It is
  Bertha Masangale, a midwife at         UK health workers support us.         on a list for electrification, but
the hospital said: “I love my job.       Because you know what it is like”     noone knows when that will
Helping women give birth is                Gordon said: “As a healthcare       happen.
wonderful. But we struggle to help all   worker I wanted to choose a               Cheques payable to UNISON.
the women who need us.                   presidential project that supported   Send to Joan Walker UNISON,
  “We know we could do so much           my health colleagues in Africa who    130 Euston Road London NW1
more for our families, which is why      provide health care in difficult      2AY Quote reference 0090137 or
we are so pleased you are helping        circumstances.”                       email to
us. It’s amazing that thousands of         His idea started when he was        get details for a BACS payment.

                             Get the Morning Star at conference
                                   he Morning Star is the only           and pensions for our members.
                              T    newspaper that reports daily on
                              the debates at conference and
                                                                            If you make a speech at
                                                                         conference there is a chance you’ll
                              reports them favourably.                   see your wit and wisdom reported
                                 Other daily newspapers are more         in the paper next day.
                              likely to attack the delegates who           The Morning Star will be on sale
                              demand an end to austerity and             each day at a stall in the exhibitions
                              argue for decent pay, conditions           area.

Liverpool: A history of struggle
   n 1323 Liverpool built a                                                               Liverpool fans to fight the
I  castle. It was used by
Edward III as a staging
                                                                                          23 year insult to working
                                                                                          class people of
post for his war on                                                                       establishment lies and
Scotland.                                                                                 demonisation following
In 1327 it all backfired                                                                  the deaths of 96 innocent
and the castle was used                                                                   Liverpool supporters in
to give shelter for people                                                                the Hillsborough tragedy.
fleeing from the Scots.                                                                   Eating out
It was knocked down to                                                                   In recent years Liverpool
build a church in 1715 at                                                                has seen a huge
the same time as Bonnie                                                                  transformation, especially
Prince Charlie’s dad was                                                                 in the docks area where
on a bit of an adventure to
take over Scotland again.     major role in the 1926       the venture imploded is a the Conference will be
Anyway, we won’t hold it      general strike.              longer story than we have held.
against them, other than      The North West also saw      room for here - other than Bars and restaurants are
to mention that Edinburgh     great injustice in the       to say that the union         all nearby but venture
(unlike Glasgow) has still    building workers strike of   faced enormous and            inland for a wider variety.
got its castle.               1972 that still leaves       bitter challenges.            We’ll be seeking some
                              actor Ricky Tomlinson        And of course, iconic         recommendations from our
Global city                   fighting to clear his name   trade union leader Jack       North West colleagues.
The city grew from global     from the conspiracy that     Jones hailed from these Scouse
trade, and sadly also         unjustly jailed workers      parts. A man who, as the
from the profits of slavery   like him at the time.                                      And you can’t go without
                                                           city’s youngest councillor,
just like Scotland’s          At the end of April the                                    tasting Scouse - the dish
                                                           went off to Spain in 1937
trading cities.               Criminal Cases Review                                      the Scousers are named
                                                           to fight for his socialism in
It became famous in           Commission finally                                         after - or vice versa.
                                                           the civil war and spent his
modern times the world        agreed to reconsider the     long life fighting injustice. Many variations are to be
over for the Beatles and      case.                                                      found of this warming
the other Merseybeat                                                                     stew. No further comment
phenomena.                                                                               is wise from a nation that
But it also grew as hotbed                                                               has sheep’s innards and
of working class struggle.                                                               turnips as its national
A struggle with                                                                          dish.
international roots as the                                                                Liverpool is also famous
port became a melting                                                                     for Steve Gray from the
pot for English, Irish,                                                                   Aberdeenshire Branch.
Scots and new                                                                             After many years in the
Liverpudlians from            Sadly, the 1980s brought
                              unrest in Toxteth bred out                                  land of the North East, he
around the world.
                              of poverty, racism and                                      has kept the strongest
Its Chinatown is the                                       Football
                              marginalisation.                                            Merseyside accent you’ll
oldest in Britain and the                                  Liverpool is also the home
                              Then there was the                                          hear at Conference.
black community can                                        of two iconic football teams
trace its roots back to the   controversial period from                                   So much so that some
                                                           that rose out of one.
18th century.                 1983-87 when the Militant                                   Weegies hearing him
                              dominated Labour council     Everton and Liverpool live
The famous dock strikes                                                                   announce himself as
                                                           across a park from each
                              set an illegal budget                                       ‘Steve Gray,
of 1911 and 1995-98 are                                    other and the rivalry is
well documented.              against cuts. Nalgo                                         Aberdeenshire Branch’ at
                                                           intense. But so is the
                              member Derek Hatton                                         Scottish Council think that
Liverpool saw a police                                     working class solidarity.
                              was the leader and how                                      Scouse is the Doric.
strike in 1919 and had a                                   Everton fans stood with
LIVERPOOL 2019 CONFERENCE BRIEFINGS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ScotlandinUNISON                                                                                       19

Hotels & Serviced Apartments                     Places of Interest
                                                                                                                               A                                                                              B                                                                                                  C                                                        D                                                       E                                   F
1 30 James Street and Carpathia
                                                  1 Albert Dock                                  B3
  Champagne Bar & Restaurant                B2
                                                  2 ACC Liverpool                                B4                                   49
2 62 Castle Street                          B2    3 Athenaeum                                    C2
3 Adagio Apart Hotel                        D2    4 The Beatles Story                     B3 and A2
                                                                                                                                         44                                                                                                  30
                                                  5 Beatles Legacy Statue                        A2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       63
4 Aloft Hotel and NYL Restaurant & Bar      B1                                                                                                                                                                                                         43
5 Base Serviced Apartments - Duke St        D3    6 Blackburne House                             E3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      50                                                  66    15                                                       Liverpool Hope University
                                                  7 Black-E Community Centre                     D4
6 Base Serviced Apart’s - Cumberland St     B1                                                                                                                                                                                               46                                                                                                                                         21               (Creative Campus).
                                                  8 The Bluecoat                                 C2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Everton FC.
7 Base Serviced Apart’s - Sir Thomas St     C1                                                                                  Aintree Racecourse.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Isla Gladstone Conservatory.
                                                  9 The British Music Experience                 A2                                                                                                                                                                                               59                                                            16
                                                                                                                                Southport.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Liverpool FC.
8 Base Serviced Apart’s - The Dock          C5                                                                        37                                                                                                                                   32
                                                 10 Camp & Furnace                               C5                             Another Place (Cast Iron
9 The Block                                 B4
                                                 11 Cains Brewery Village                        D5
                                                                                                                                Human Sculptures).
                                                                                                      1                                                                                                                             16                          15
10 BridgeStreet Liverpool ONE               C2   12 Cavern Club                                  B2                                                                                                 57                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        34
                                                                                                                                                                    30                                                                                                                                                      38                                           36
11 Britannia Adelphi                        D2   13 Cavern Walks                                 C2                                                                                                                                                             6
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Croxteth Hall &
12 Campanile                                C4   14 Chinese Arch                                 D3                                                                                                                                                                                    7
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Country Park.
                                                                                                                                               39                          64                                               4                                                                   54                                                                                                                                                 Knowsley Hall.
                                                 15 Central Library                              D1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        49
13 Crowne Plaza Liverpool City Centre       A1                                                                                                            48                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Knowsley Safari.
14 Days Inn                                 B2   16 Empire Theatre                               D1                           13               33                                         35                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       St Helens.

                                                 17 Epstein Theatre                              C2
15 Doubletree by Hilton & Spa Liverpool     B1
                                                 18 Everyman Theatre                             E3        27                                                                                                                                                                                                                        53    54         28
16 Dream Apartments                         B1                                                                                                                                                           61                                                                                                                46
                                                 19 Exhibition Centre Liverpool                  B4
17 EPIC Apart Hotel - Seel Street           C3
                                                 20 FACT                                         D3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              23           12 13 53 20                                                                                                                                                                                                62
18 EPIC Apart Hotel - Duke Street           C3
                                                 21 The Gateway Centre                           D1
19 EPIC Apart Hotel - Campbell Street       C3   22 Gustaf Adolf Kyrka (Nordic Church)           C4
                                                                                                                                                                                                         2                                        29                                                                                                                                                                                                                       61
20 Euro Hostel                              C2   23 The Hardmans’ House                          D3                                                                                            14                                                                                                                                                                    11                                                                                        60
21 Hallmark Inn Liverpool                   E2   24 International Slavery Museum                 B3   2                                    9                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    2
                                                 25 LIPA                                         E3                            5
22 Hampton by Hilton                        C4                                                                         4                                                                                                                                                                                    3                                              3
                                                 26 Liverpool Cathedral                          E4            38                                                                                                                                                                                                     48
23 Hard Days Night Hotel                    B2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             17
                                                 27 Liverpool Cruise Terminal                    A2
24 Hatters Hostel                           D2                                                                                                                 43                          60                                                                        32
                                                 28 Liverpool Cycle Tours                        C5                                                                                                                                                                                                    8
25 Heywood House Hotel                      B2                                                                                                                      51
                                                 29 Liverpool International Language Academy B2                                                                                                                                                                                                                            45                                                                                                21
26 Hilton Liverpool City Centre             B3                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   10                                                                                                                24
                                                 30 Liverpool John Moores University         B1
27 Holiday Inn Express - Albert Dock        B4                                                                                                                                                                                                                         SW   AY
                                                 31 Liverpool Medical Institution                E3                                            42                                                                                                         THOM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              AS STEER

28 Holiday Inn - Liverpool City Centre      D2   32 Liverpool ONE                                C2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        31
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   CUSTUSE PL

29 Hope Street Hotel &                           33 Liverpool Parish Church                      A1                                                                                                                                     AY                                                                                                 40

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    RS W
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                STEE                                                       41        19                                                                       52                                                         18
   The London Carriage Works                E3   34 Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine        E1                                                                                                                    THO                                                        42                        LL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ST                                                                                                      33
30 Hotel Indigo                             A1   35 Liverpool Town Hall                          B1                                                                                                                                                                                               CA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    M                                                                     20
31 Ibis Liverpool Albert Dock               B3   36 Liverpool Wake Park                          B5                                                                                                                    26                                                                                                                                                                                               34
                                                                                                            Belfast Ferries.                                                                                                                                                                                          56        18
32 Ibis Styles - Dale Street                B1   37 Mattel Play !                                B3         Lady Lever Art Gallery.                                      24                                                                                                                                                                                8
33 International Inn / Cocoon               E3   38 Mersey Ferries                               A2         Ness Gardens.
                                                                                                            Spaceport.                                                    39
                                                 39 Merseyside Maritime Museum                   B3   3     U Boat Story                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        3
34 International Inn Serviced Apartments    E3
                                                 40 Metquarter                                   C2
35 Jurys Inn                                B4                                                                                                                 56                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    59 29
                                                 41 Metropolitan Cathedral                       E2
36 The Liner Hotel                          D1                                                                                                                                1
                                                 42 Museum of Liverpool                          A2
37 Malmaison                                A1
                                                 43 Open Eye Gallery                             A2
38 Liverpool Marriott Hotel City Centre     C1   44 Passport Office                              A1
                                                                                                                                                                                                44                                                                                                                                                              5
39 Mercure Liverpool Atlantic Tower Hotel   A1   45 Philharmonic Hall                            E3                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          6
                                                                                                                                                                         37                                                                                                                                                                                                                       23
                                                                                                                                                                                      4                                                                                                                                                                                            14
40 The Nadler Liverpool                     C3   46 Playhouse Theatre                            C2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                25
41 Novotel Liverpool Centre                 C3   47 Princes Road Synagogue                       F4
                                                 48 Quakers Meeting House/                                          Tourist Information                                   27               57
42 Posh Pads                                C3                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       7
                                                    Prayer Room                                  C2
                                                                                                                    Merseyrail Stations                                                                       65                                                      22
43 Premier Suites                           B1
                                                 49 Royal Court Theatre                          C1
44 Premier Inn, Albert Dock                 B3                                                                      Merseytravel Information                                                                 35
                                                 50 Royal Liverpool University Hospital          F1
45 Premier Inn, Hanover Street              C2   51 RIBA North                                   A2                 Bus Stations                                                                              55                                                                  62

46 Premier Inn, Vernon Street               B1   52 St George’s Hall                             D1                                                                                             2                                                                                              BALTIC TRIANGLE
                                                                                                                    Lime Street National Rail
47 Pullman Hotel                            B4   53 St John’s Beacon Viewing Gallery             C2
                                                                                                      4             Hospital                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    4
48 Racquet Club                             A1   54 St John’s Market                             C2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     26
                                                 55 St Lukes Church                              D3                 NHS Walk-In Centre
49 Radisson Blu                             A1
                                                 56 Tate Liverpool                               A3
50 The Richmond Hotel                       C1
                                                 57 The Adventure Dock Co                        B4
51 The Shankly Hotel &                                                                                              Parking Disabled                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  47
   Bastion Bar and Restaurant               C1   58 The Three Graces -                                                                                                                                            47                                                              12
                                                    Royal Liver Building (inc The Venue),
52 Signature Living, Bold Street            D3      Cunard and Port of Liverpool Buildings       A2
53 Signature Living, Mathew Street          C2   59 Unity Theatre                                E3                 City Bike Stations

54 Signature Living, Victoria Street        C1   60 University of Liverpool - Foundation Bld     F2                 Tour Bus Stop                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Liverpool Hope University
                                                 61 University of Liverpool Guild of Students    F2                                                                                                                                                                                                                   28                                                                                              (Hope Park Campus).
55 Staybridge Suites                        B4                                                                      Taxi Rank                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         20 Forthlin Road. Al-Rahma Mosque.
                                                 62 Victoria Gallery and Museum                  F2
56 Staycity Serviced Apartments             C3                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Mendips. Penny Lane. Princes Park.
                                                 63 Walker Art Gallery                           D1       The information contained within this map is correct at the time of                                                                                                                                                   10                                                                                    Sefton Park Palm House.
57 Travelodge, Exchange St East             B1                                                            going to print. All locations are approximate. All liability for loss or                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Strawberry Field. Sudley House.
                                                 64 Western Approaches                           B1   5   damage caused by any act or ommission committed in reliance on                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        5
58 Travelodge, Liverpool Docks              C5
                                                 65 Wheel of Liverpool                           B4       the information in these maps is hereby excluded. March 2017

59 Travelodge, Old Haymarket                C1   66 World Museum                                 C1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11
                                                                                                          Front cover Photograph by Quintin Lake taken during
60 Travelodge, The Strand                   B2                                                            a 6,000 mile walk along entire coastline of Britain                                                                                                                                          58

                                                 Further information Tourist Information at Central                                                                                                                                                              8
61 Tune Hotel                               B2

                                                 Library, Map ref D1 or at the BME, Map Ref A2
62 YHA                                      C4
63 Z Hotel                                  B1   I
                                                                                                                                A                                                                             B                              36                                                                  C                                                        D                                                       E                                   F

                                                                 Liverpool Arena and Convention Centre (ACC)
                                                                 Kings Dock, Liverpool Waterfront, L3 4FP
ScotlandinUNISON                             NATIONAL DELEGATE CONFERENCE 2019
   Published by UNISON Scotland 14 West Campbell Street, Glasgow G2 6RX
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