School of Nursing and Allied Health - IT BEGINS WITH BUCKS

Page created by Ruben Lawson
School of Nursing and Allied Health - IT BEGINS WITH BUCKS
School of Nursing
and Allied Health
Head of School and
Associate Head of School
Candidate pack             IT BEGINS
School of Nursing and Allied Health - IT BEGINS WITH BUCKS
School of Nursing and Allied Health - IT BEGINS WITH BUCKS
Welcome                                               4
Our history                                           6
Key facts                                             8
Core Strategies                                       9
Our mission                                          10
Our values                                           11
Recent success                                    12-13
Organisation structure                               14
School structure                                     15
Campuses                                          16-17
University partnerships and reach                    18
Job description head of school                       19
head of school Person specification               20-21
Job description associate head of school             22
associate head of school Person specification		   23-24
Working at bucks                                     26
How to apply                                         27
School of Nursing and Allied Health - IT BEGINS WITH BUCKS
    Buckinghamshire New University is a modern                a University that is highly connected, permeable,
    university, with a proud 125-year history and             student- and customer-focused, business-oriented,
    heritage of transforming our students’ lives. Our         strategically aligned and impactful.
    richly diverse student body has a high proportion
    of students drawn from ethnic minorities and from         We will build our reputation on a sector-leading,
    low participation areas. We build social capital as       flexible, inclusive, enquiry-based and employer-
    well as skills and competences to help our students       informed education, designed around the needs
    reach their full potential and succeed in their chosen    of our students and of the economy. Key to our
    careers and professions.                                  success will be growth in domestic and international
                                                              student numbers. We will develop our research and
    We have a distinctive, high-quality educational offer     knowledge exchange activities, securing research
    coupled with well-developed regional, national            degree awarding powers, and generating impact
    and international partnerships. Our staff are adept       with reach and significance to benefit our partners
    in using employment-focused and skills-based              and communities. We will be a University that
    teaching in a learning community which features           always meets its social responsibilities. To deliver
    small class sizes with highly interactive research-       our Strategy, we will better align our resources,
    informed teaching and employment-related studies.         developing and implementing new strategies for
                                                              our people, technology, finance and estate. We will
    This is reflected in the University being awarded         develop our commercial activities to strengthen
    Silver in the Teaching Excellence Framework to            and diversify our income. We will grow a culture of
    recognise the quality of our teaching. We are proud       excellence in customer service.
    to have risen 90 places to rank joint 29th in the UK
    for student satisfaction in the Complete University       The growth in the health and social care industry
    Guide 2020. In the National Student Survey, our           nationally, coupled with the recent COVID-19
    average student satisfaction is consistently in the       pandemic, has highlighted the importance of the
    upper quartile of all UK Universities, and satisfaction   NHS and the health and social care professions
    with the Students’ Union consistently places us           to the nation. As a result, and considering the
    within the top five in the UK.                            University’s excellent geographical location and
                                                              its relationship with the region’s NHS Trusts, we
    Like other institutions in the sector, our external       have recently reviewed our health and social care
    environment poses significant challenges. However,        provision, to ensure we continue to build on our
    this is an exciting time to join the University as we     already strong position in this area of the education
    implement our new strategy, Impact 2022. We               market. This also will ensure the University responds
    are making excellent progress in transforming             effectively to current and future NHS and Social Care
    the University, ensuring it remains financially           workforce planning requirements.
    sustainable, agile and responsive, whilst maintaining
    our principal aim of transforming the lives of all our    The recently established Institute for Health and
    students for the better. We have improved student         Social Care will serve as a “front door” to all our
    retention and expanded our student recruitment            health provision at Bucks. The University has very
    through a vigorous programme of portfolio growth,         strong links with Health Care trusts and health care
    including a highly successful Foundation Year. Our        providers in the region and it has recently established
    partnership and apprenticeship programmes have            the Bucks Health and Social Care Academy. This
    seen significant expansion, including our successes       is a fantastic opportunity to help shape the health
    in winning (c.£8m) nursing apprenticeship tenders         agenda in the region and across the UK. The Institute
    across London and the Home Counties. Our                  and the Academy will both help to ensure that our
    Registered Nurse Degree Apprenticeship and Nursing        work in primary, social, intermediate and secondary
    Associate Apprenticeships are highly successful, with     care is further developed and set in the context of
    in excess of 450 apprentices on these programmes.         national, regional and local workforce requirements
                                                              and is supported by education frameworks
    Our strategy, Impact 2022, is rooted in a shared          developed in partnership with local colleagues and
    understanding of our values and our historic mission      businesses. The focus on health provides an exciting
    - to be a vibrant, inclusive community that inspires      opportunity to ensure links are strengthened with
    learning, develops potential, widens participation and    our NHS Trusts and FE colleges to co-create and
    ambitiously transforms lives. We already know much        deliver, relevant work-based training programmes.
    of the direction we will take. We aim to become
School of Nursing and Allied Health - IT BEGINS WITH BUCKS
As a result of recent internal promotions within the Institute, the opportunity has
arisen to expand our leadership positions in Nursing and Allied Health as follows:

Head of School – Nursing and                              Associate Head of School –
Allied Health                                             Nursing and Allied Health
The Head of School will play a key role within            You will play a key role within the School of Nursing
the University, providing the highest standards of        and Allied Health and lead a team of Academics
academic leadership and management of the School          as part of the School’s leadership team. You will
of Nursing and Allied Health. You will ensure the         work closely with the Head of School and other
School’s education, research and enterprise activities    colleagues to play a key role in ensuring the
are aligned with the strategic objectives of the          School delivers an outstanding student experience,
University’s Strategic Plan (Impact 2022) and with        educational excellence and an effective curriculum
those of the Institute of Health and Social Care.         and education portfolio. Along with the Head of
                                                          School, you will be responsible for ensuring that
You will forge external networks and work                 the School delivers the required strategic priorities
closely with stakeholders to ensure the growth            and key performance indicators as set out in the
and sustainability of the School, in line with the        University’s Strategy.
University’s priorities. You will lead the development
and delivery of the School’s strategic business plan,     Reporting to the Head of School, you will actively
and prioritise and deliver the key performance            contribute to the strategic direction of the School,
indicators, as set out in the University’s strategy.      with a strong emphasis on operational delivery. You
You will build on the quality and successes already       will assume School-wide responsibility for either the
achieved by the School and continue to lead the           education or research and enterprise portfolios.
culture change, to deliver high levels of academic
excellence.                                               You will be an effective team player, able to engage
                                                          with students, staff and external stakeholders, to
You will lead a team of Associate Heads of Schools        secure engagement and support for the School’s
and Associate Professors to build a School                objectives and priorities. You will have experience of
leadership team that delivers an outstanding              leading a team in the Health and Social Care setting.
student experience, educational excellence and an
effective curriculum and education portfolio. You will    You will role model our values and bring professional
champion quality and the healthcare professions,          credibility, excellent customer service, and
ensuring the highest standards of student experience      influencing skills to work closely with the School
and learning, and inspire and motivate your team to       leadership team and colleagues in the School of
achieve excellent performance.                            Nursing and Allied Health.

Reporting directly to the Provost and Deputy-             Professor Gavin Brooks
Vice Chancellor, you will provide personal vision,        Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor
direction, strategic and operational leadership for the
School of Nursing and Allied Health. You will work
closely with the Director for the Institute of Health
and Social Care, relevant professional regulatory and
statutory bodies as well as other colleagues in health
and social care within the University and the sector.

You will be courageous, innovative, bold,
passionate, commercially minded, possess excellent
communication skills, with a track record of
successfully leading an academic team in health and
social care. You will have significant experience in
aspects of health and social care, with the relevant
accreditation and professional qualifications.

You will role model our values and bring professional
credibility to the School and University and
demonstrate excellent stakeholder and influencing
skills to work closely with the University Executive
Team and the University Management Group.

  If you believe you have the qualities and attributes we seek, we would be delighted to hear from you.
School of Nursing and Allied Health - IT BEGINS WITH BUCKS
Our University motto is ‘Arte et
                                         Industria’ - by art and industry.

             The Schools of Science, Art and Technical
                             Instruction were opened.       1893

                                                                   Tuition was given to ex-soldiers and sailors of the First
                                                            1920   World War. It was then known as Chepping Wycombe
                                                                   Technical Institute and School of Art.
    After the Second World War, increased demand for
      technical education led to the College of Further     1963
    Education being opened on a new site in Alexandra
                                                                   High Wycombe College of Art and Technology merged
                                                            1975   with Newland Park College of Education to form
                                                                   Buckinghamshire College of Further Education.
              The college became one of the UK’s new
          independent Higher Education Corporations.        1989

                                                            1992   The college became a polytechnic

    Missenden Abbey was purchased by the University.        1995
                                                                   Buckinghamshire College was awarded University
                                                                   College status by the Government, in recognition of
                                                            1999   its high standards of teaching, training and research,
                                                                   and became Buckinghamshire Chilterns University
       University title was achieved and the new name,             College.
       Buckinghamshire New University was approved,         2007
       meaning that the institution was now officially a
                                                                   An additional site was established in Uxbridge, west
                                                            2009   London, providing state of the art theaters for the
                                                                   nursing division.
         The Gateway building at the High Wycombe
    Campus won an architectural award from the Royal        2010
                        Institute of British Architects.
                                                                   Buckinghamshire UTC was given the go-ahead by
                                                            2011   the Government. The UTC is jointly led by Aylesbury
                                                                   College and Bucks New University.

                    Relaunch of our Aylesbury Campus        2019
School of Nursing and Allied Health - IT BEGINS WITH BUCKS
School of Nursing and Allied Health - IT BEGINS WITH BUCKS
Key facts
    Financial results year ended 2010-19 £m
    Financial results year ended 2018-19                                                 £m

    Income:                                                                              58.5
    Employee costs:                                                                      (31.0) (incl. restructuring costs)
    Other operating expenses:                                                            (28.1)
    Other Gains & Losses & Share of Operating Deficit of Joint Ventures:                 (1.9)
    Deficit for the Year:                                                                (2.5)
    Actual loss gain in respect of pension schemes:                                      (5.2)
    Total comprehensive income for the year                                              (7.7)
    Capital Expenditure                                                                  (3.6)
    (gross i.e. incl. grant funded items – in the accounts grants are held separately)

    Student profile 2018-19
    Total registered enrolments:                                                         10,751
    Full-time undergraduate:                                                             7,835
    Part-time undergraduate:                                                             1,399
    Total undergraduate:                                                                 9,234
    Full-time postgraduate:                                                              458
    Part-time postgraduate:                                                              1,059
    Total postgraduate:                                                                  1,517
    Female: Male (%)                                                                     52:48
    Non BME: BME (%)                                                                     64:36

    Student composition breakdown
    Bucks:                                                                               6,197
    Partners (UK):                                                                       4,099
    Partners: (Overseas):                                                                455
    Total:                                                                               10,751

    Student age groups 2018-19
    Age 16-20:                                                                           3,650
    Age 21-25:                                                                           2,468
    Age 26-29:                                                                           981
    30+ years:                                                                           3,652

    Staff profile September 2018
    Permanent staff:                                                                     598
    Permanent academic staff:                                                            253
    Permanent professional service staff:                                                345
    Associate Lecturers:                                                                 89
    Atypicals:                                                                           361
    Female: male (per cent):                                                             57:43
    Non BME: BME (%)                                                                     83:17
School of Nursing and Allied Health - IT BEGINS WITH BUCKS
Core strategies:
Impact 2022 and beyond
                                                                          Core Strategies

                                                                   Education                      Research &
                                                                                              Knowledge exchange

                    Social Responsibility
                    and Reputation
 Strategic Themes


                    Customer Service                                           People

                    One University


                                                                             Strategic Resources

Our new University strategy will create a University that             The region covered by Buckinghamshire Thames Valley
is highly connected, permeable, student and customer-                 LEP is the 4th best within the UK for competitiveness,
focused, business-oriented, strategically aligned and, above          reflecting the extent of business start-ups and the depth
all, impactful. We will build our reputation as a sector-             of the knowledge based economy. Working with business
leading, flexible, inclusive, enquiry-based and employer              we will develop our knowledge exchange activity and our
informed education, designed around the needs of our                  REF impact, drawing on the county’s unique potential as
students. We will develop our research and knowledge                  a hub of infrastructure spend and development, including
exchange activities, securing research degree awarding                HS2, the East-West rail link, the Oxford-Cambridge Arc,
powers, and generating impact with reach and significance             the Aylesbury garden town, Heathrow expansion and our
to benefit our partners and communities. We will be a                 unique links with the Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS
University that always meets its social responsibilities.             Trust.

To deliver our strategy we will better align our resources,
developing and implementing new strategies for our
people, technology, finance and estate. We will develop
our commercial activities to strengthen and diversify
our income. We will grow a culture of excellence in
customer service. We will develop strategic partnerships,
drawing on the advantages of our unique position within
Buckinghamshire and our proximity to London.
School of Nursing and Allied Health - IT BEGINS WITH BUCKS
     Our strategic vision builds on our historic mission,     works for everyone regardless of their background
     to provide education within a vibrant, inclusive         or circumstances; is inclusive and enquiry-based,
     community that inspires learning, develops potential,    informed by research, arousing curiosity and helping
     and widens participation in order ambitiously to         students build answers to deeply rooted questions;
     transform lives. By 2022, we aim to have realised our    is informed by employers, providing students with
     vision to be a University with sector-leading impact,    skills for life, able to meet the global challenges
     renowned for an education that is flexible, built        of the 21st century; and is ethical and sustainable,
     around the needs of its students, and vocationally-      from a University that always meets its social
     based, ensuring their career success.                    responsibilities; to students, staff, and society.

     We aim for our students and staff to love being          The strategic plan will present a nested hierarchy of
     at the University, proud of an organisation that         aligned and coherent strategies, with our principal
     helps them to grow, to develop and to make a             strategy underpinned by core strategies in relation to
     real difference. We will become a University that        Education and Research and Knowledge Exchange,
     is financially strong, built on growth in student        and underpinning strategies to develop thematic
     numbers. With an excellent reputation for student        priorities in customer service, One University,
     experience and outcomes, delivering as a strategic       commercial - and our resources - people, finance,
     partner, and building skills in our communities.         estates, and digital.

     Our priorities will be to deliver innovative and life    We will assess the success of our strategic plan
     changing education that is accessible to all learners;   against a clear and simple set of key performance
     expand the reach of the University working in            indicators and targets.
     partnership with learners, communities, partners,
     employers and the wider society; deliver research        We aim to achieve a recurrent annual surplus of
     and innovation that impacts and enhances lives           7-10%, underpinned by growth in student numbers
     and society; ensure the University is a learning         to 7,000-7,500 FTE. We will manage the University
     organisation that continuously excels and improves       prudently and within our means, holding staff costs
     organisational effectiveness; and deliver financial      to less than 50% of income, and liquidity in excess
     sustainability through efficiencies, growth,             of 150 days. We will improve our reputation to 80th
     expansion, and investment.                               or better in aggregate across league tables. We will
                                                              plan to achieve TEF Gold, based on NSS scores of
     Our core priority, education, will be underpinned        better than 85%, and retention and highly skilled
     by clear value propositions, not just to provide an      employment indicators above benchmark.
     excellent student experience, but an education that
our values

Recent successes
     At Bucks, we create the conditions for success with a learning community that has small class sizes, is highly
     interactive and has research informed teaching, and focused employment-related studies.

     The University has been awarded Silver in the TEF to recognise the high quality teaching and learning we
     deliver. Some of our recent successes include:

     NSS 2020                                                   For our Adult Nursing programmes, Bucks ranks:

                                                                –    3rd in the UK for students agreeing the timetable
     –   Buckinghamshire New University is once                      works effectively for them.
         again in the top quartile for higher education
         institutions in the UK, according to the 2020          –    6th for students feeling part of a community of
         National Student Survey, exceeding the sector               staff and students.
         average across most of the questions. We are
         in the top 20 of all UK Universities, when all 27      –    5th in the UK for being clear on how student
         questions in the survey are averaged.                       feedback has been acted on.

     –   Overall satisfaction at the University rose by 2%      For our Mental health nursing programmes,
         in a year and is above sector average at 83%,          Bucks ranks:
         with the total number of courses achieving 100%
         overall satisfaction rising from five to seven.        –    3rd in the UK for overall satisfaction.

     –   We’re proud that Bucks Students’ Union is in           –    2nd in the UK for student satisfaction with their
         the UK’s top three for representing students’               learning opportunities.
         academic interests in the National Student
                                                                –    3rd in the UK for student satisfaction with
         Survey (NSS). Those who engage in the Union’s
                                                                     teaching on their course.
         programmes and activities do better in their
         studies. (*Our analysis shows that those engaging      –    4th in the UK in terms of student satisfaction with
         with the Students’ Union enjoy a 3% higher                  the learning community.
         progression rate than other students, TEF 2018).

Complete University                                    Times & Sunday Times Good
Guide 2021                                             University Guide 2020
–   Our Nursing courses are ranked in the UK’s top     –   Bucks cemented its position in the top six
    35 for student satisfaction.                           across more than 40 universities in London
                                                           and the South East for Teaching Quality and
–   In London and the South East, Bucks is a top           Student Experience in the Good University
    10 University for the amount we spend on               Guide.
    academic services (3rd) including libraries,
    IT and computing facilities – for which we         –   Top 40 in the UK for graduate salaries (37th)
    also rank 15th nationally – and for student
    satisfaction (9th). We’re also proud that in our   –   Top 40 in the UK for Student Experience (39th)
    region, our Nursing programmes rank 7th for
                                                       –   Climbed ten places to rank 19th best in
    student satisfaction.
                                                           England & Wales for Social Inclusion

Guardian University                                    –   8th nationally for the smallest gap in black
                                                           attainment; first in London; and second to
Guide 2020                                                 the University of Oxford in the South East,
                                                           reflecting our commitment to reducing
–   93% of the subjects offered at Bucks (all but          attainment gaps across our student population.
    one) improved in the latest release of the
    league table, the best performance of any          –   Diverse student community:
    of the 121 providers appearing in the overall
    rankings.                                          –   Rank 3rd for the proportion of mature students

–   Bucks’ courses improved their rankings on          –   Rose 9 places for the proportion of students
    average by 15 places in the subject tables.            from ethnic minorities (23rd);

–   Our fashion degree programmes, which               –   Rank 16th for the proportion of working class
    include Fashion Design and Textile Design              students.
    courses, have been named the best in London
    and the South East. They also rank 5th best        –   We are proud to be the first University in
    nationally in the independently compiled               the UK to be awarded a Gold Award for
    league tables.                                         our commitment to CSR (corporate social
                                        University Executive Team


                            Pro Vice-
                           Chancellor             Director of Finance          Director of HR                      Registrar

                           Academic Schools and Course Portfolios

           Art, Design &          Aviation &                Media & Creative                      Business, Law &
           Performance             Security                   Industries                            Computing

                               Aviation, Events
           Art & Design           & Tourism                   Film and TV                            Computing

          Performance &         Security and                                         Cyber Security              Bucks Business
              Dance              Resilience                 Music and Sound                                         School
                                and Military                    Design
                                                                                        Software                      Game
                                 Institute of                                          Engineering                 Development

                                Health Care &               Human & Social                      Nursing & Allied
                                 Social Work                  Sciences                              Health

                                Social Work &                 Psychology                         Adult Nursing
                               Integrated Care

                                                            Social Sciences                      Child Nursing
                              Community Health
                                 and CPPD                                                  Mental Health Nursing
                                                          Applied Health and
                                                          Exercise Sciences
                                                               (Sports)                Operating Department Practice
School of Nursing & Allied Health
                          Leadership Team
                                                                    Head of School

                            Associate Head of School                                              Associate Head of School
                                Lead - Education                                                Lead – Research & Enterprise

                         Associate Professor                         Associate Professor                       Associate Professor
                   Placement & Work-based Learning              Operating Department Practice                   Quality Assurance

                   School of Nursing & Allied Health
Associate Head of School                                            Head of School                                                   Associate Head of School
    Lead - Education                                                                                                               Lead – Research & Enterprise

                      Associate Professor                        Associate Professor                           Associate Professor
                       Quality Assurance                    Operating Department Practice                Placement & Work-based Learning

     Academic Lead -           Academic Lead -            Academic Lead -          Academic Lead -           Academic Lead -            Academic lead
   Nursing Programmes         Nursing Research         Retention & Attainment       Recruitment           Resources & Logistics        apprenticeships

                                                                                                             Professional Lead -        Apprenticeship
   Nursing Programmes         Professional Lead -       Professional Lead -       Professional Lead -
                                                                                                                   adult                 Partnership
      Co-ordinator              Mental Health                Children            Learning Disabilities
                                                                                                                 vacant                  Manager x 4

                                                                                                              Programme Lead –
                     Programme Lead –            Programme Lead –             Programme Lead –
                                                                                                             Fd Nursing Associate
                BSc (UCAS & Apprenticeship)         PG Dip/MSc            FD Assistant Practitioner
                                                                                                           (UCAS & Apprenticeship)

                                                          Aylesbury (Years)          Locality Lead NAA –        Locality Lead NAA –        Locality Lead NAA –
Year Lead – 1     Year Lead – 2       Year Lead – 3
                                                                Lead                      Uxbridge                  Aylesbury                    Oxford

             BAME                                Service user                                        Student wellbeing
                                                                                                                              Digital champion
           CHAMPION                               champion                                               champion
                                                                                                                                                           15     .
     Our main campus sits prominently in the centre          Bucks Students’ Union is housed on site, along
     of High Wycombe and continues to develop in             with a student bar, cafés and an entertainment
     line with the University’s strategic direction. High    venue. The University has three self-catering halls
     Wycombe has a vibrant, friendly and inclusive           of residence in High Wycombe which provide 885
     atmosphere. Students benefit from new and               single study bedrooms.
     evolving facilities that enable them to achieve their
     potential, both practically and academically.           The Human Performance, Exercise & Wellbeing
                                                             Centre opened in 2015 to bring together our existing
     Over the last few years, we have invested heavily       health and sports provision with new undergraduate
     in renovating and expanding the High Wycombe            programmes. The Centre also houses a sports
     Campus to provide students with cutting-edge            injury and physiotherapy clinic open to the public,
     resources and facilities.                               a human performance laboratory and a three-lane
                                                             running track with motion-capture technology.
     Our state-of-the-art building, the Gateway, won
     a RIBA Award in 2010 and comprises a learning
     resource and technology centre, events hall, gym,
     sports science laboratory, dance, drama, music and
     video production studios, a library and meeting
Uxbridge Campus
                                                          Our Uxbridge Campus opened its doors to students
                                                          in 2009. It is the home of our prestigious nursing
                                                          and health care practice courses and is based in
                                                          the centre of Uxbridge. The School of Nursing &
                                                          Allied Health benefits from the fantastic facilities
                                                          this campus offers, including an impressive range of
                                                          specialist medical equipment and high-tech learning
                                                          facilities such as clinical skills rooms and simulation

                                                          The campus is contained within one building and
                                                          students enjoy the same friendly and inclusive
                                                          atmosphere that flows throughout the University.
                                                          Permanent representatives of Bucks Students’ Union
                                                          are based at Uxbridge, and it also has its own café.

                                                          A shuttle bus runs regularly between our High
                                                          Wycombe and Uxbridge campuses, ensuring students
                                                          are able to benefit from facilities on both sites.

Aylesbury Campus
Our newest campus continues our vision of offering
education that equips students with the skills that
employers are looking for.

University Campus Aylesbury Vale is a partnership
between Aylesbury Vale District Council and
Buckinghamshire Education, Skills and Training
(BEST), which was jointly formed by the University and
Buckinghamshire College Group.

The new campus provides access to degree level
courses and professional development programmes,
allowing individuals to access employer-led education
and training locally, and for employers to work in
partnership with us to meet their needs.

Based at the head of the Grand Union Canal basin, next
to the Waterside Theatre in Aylesbury, UCAV includes
specialist and general teaching facilities.

                                                         Missenden Abbey
                                                         Missenden Abbey is a dedicated conference and
                                                         events venue set in ten acres of beautiful grounds in
                                                         Great Missenden, Buckinghamshire.

                                                         This unique part of the Bucks estate is also used
                                                         as a training facility and hosts Bucks-accredited
                                                         postgraduate and professional short courses.

                                                         Missenden Abbey was originally founded in 1133 by
                                                         a group of Augustinian Canons from Arrouaise in
                                                         Northern France.

                                                         After being forfeited to the crown following the
                                                         dissolution of the monastery and changing hands a
                                                         number of times throughout its impressive 800-year
                                                         history, it became an impressive part of the Bucks
                                                         New University estate in the 1990s.
     and reach
     The University has extensive connections with             50-strong business support team on the High
     industry and employers across the public and              Wycombe campus. It offers space to two other
     private sectors, in the region, UK and internationally.   businesses relevant to its mission, and continues to
     In addition to informing the content of curricula         extend its partnerships with other organisations that
     across the institution and providing opportunities for    are able to support knowledge exchange.
     work placements and live briefs, Bucks uses these
     connections to generate a range of knowledge              Apprenticeships are also a fast growing element of
     exchange activities that produce positive impact on       the University’s services to business, with significant
     the business and generate income for the University.      income projected across higher and degree
     Bucks is one of the few smaller institutions to           apprenticeships in both the public and private
     receive a Higher Education Innovation Fund                sectors.
     allocation from Research England and has also
                                                               Business incubators are currently being built
     been successful in securing funding from Erasmus+,
                                                               in University premises at Aylesbury and High
     Horizon2020, and the LEP to support knowledge
                                                               Wycombe, relating to health and social care and
     exchange activities.
                                                               digital sectors, with a third in creative industries
     Supported by a central Research and Enterprise            planned for the near future. A health accelerator
     team, all Schools have targets for income generation      programme with Bucks Healthcare NHS Trust and
     from enterprise and research activity, and develop        an innovative partnership accelerator programme
     solutions for organisations relevant to the sectors in    with Imperial College London, and the Francis Crick
     question. The University provides space for the local     Institute amongst others, also ensure the University’s
     Growth Hub and regional business membership               growth and its impact on growing and nurturing fast
     organisation, Bucks Business First, to locate its         growth knowledge businesses.
Job Description
Head of school
     Job Title: Head of School

     School/Directorate: School of Nursing and Allied Health                                  Grade: Competitive (spot salary)

     Location: Uxbridge/High Wycombe, with travel between sites expected                      Hours: 37 (FT)

     Responsible to: Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor

     Responsible for: Line management of all School staff; Associate Professors, Associate Head(s) of School

     Purpose of Job:
     The Head of School plays a key role within the University, providing the highest standards of academic leadership for,
     and management of, the School of Nursing and Allied Health. Having a keen awareness of the commercial environment
     within which higher education operates, the successful candidate will ensure that the School’s education, research and
     enterprise activities are aligned with, and are fully developed to meet, the strategic objectives of the Institute of Health
     and Social Care and the wider University. The Head of School will liaise with, and be responsive to, external and internal
     stakeholders, including the relevant professional bodies, to ensure the School delivers on the University’s strategic prior-
     ities and all key performance indicators. They will combine a focus on strategy with an emphasis on operational delivery
     and be an effective advocate for new ways of working. They will be an effective communicator, able to secure the en-
     gagement of students and staff, and able to build a leadership team in support of their academic ambitions and vision. A
     champion for the student experience, the Head of School will create a culture in which educational excellence flourishes
     and student feedback and engagement are valued in equal measure.

Main Duties & Responsibilities of the role:
1.     To provide the highest standards of academic leadership across all areas of the School’s activities;

2.     To ensure the academic functions of the School, including education, research and enterprise, are delivered
       effectively, meeting the University’s strategic objectives and all relevant key performance indicators;

3.     To ensure that the School operates with a high degree of commercial awareness across all its areas of

4.     To liaise with internal and external stakeholders to ensure the School’s business is developed and optimised
       to meet the University’s strategic priorities and all key performance indicators;

5.     To ensure that the School’s educational portfolio is continually renewed, developing new and reforming
       existing programmes to meet all relevant recruitment targets and indicators of quality and excellence,
       including employer engagement;

6.     To ensure that there is an active and developing research culture in the School that effectively engages
       academic staff and students and informs the provision of education;

7.     To ensure that there is an active and developing culture of enterprise activity, that effectively engages
       relevant employers, staff and students;

8.     To ensure the School meets all income targets and operates within the constraints of the annual budget;

9.     To contribute actively to the academic life of the Institute of Health and Social Care and the wider
       University, participating in strategic decision-making, or discursive fora as appropriate;

10. To ensure that the School actively and constructively engages and develops partnership working with the
    Institute of Health and Social Care, other Schools, Professional Services and the Students’ Union;

11. To assume thematic, cross-institutional responsibilities as appropriate and as determined with the Vice-
    Chancellor or Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor; and

12. To undertake other duties as appropriate as specified by the Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor.
Person Specification
     Head of School

     E – Essential   D = Desirable   A = Application   T = Test I = Interview

       Education, Qualifications & Training                                         E/D   Means of Testing
       Masters level qualification                                                  E     A

       PhD or equivalent                                                            D     A

       Relevant teaching qualification/fellowship of the HEA                        E     A

       Professional registration as a Nurse or other relevant health professional   E     A

       Knowledge & Experience                                                       E/D
       Awareness of the commercial environment within which higher educa-
                                                                                    E     I
       tion operates

       Awareness of the strategic external environment for Nursing and Allied
       Health, including the regulatory and compliance requirements, of rele-       E     I
       vant PSRBs

       Experience of engaging external stakeholders within Health Care to
                                                                                    E     I
       enhance service delivery

       Experience of providing high-quality academic leadership within higher
                                                                                    E     A/I

       Experience of effectively enhancing the student experience and student
                                                                                    E     I

       Experience of effectively leading and/or managing change                     E     I

       A successful track record in relation to education, research and/or pro-
                                                                                    E     A/I
       fessional practice

       Experience of building high performing teams                                 E     I

       Experience of effective budgetary management                                 D     I

       Experience of successfully developing and delivering academic strategies     D     I

       Experience of successful portfolio development and renewal                   E     A/I

       Experience of successfully developing a research culture                     D     A/I

       Experience of successfully developing enterprise activity                    D     A/I

       Experience of successful cross-institutional leadership                      D     A/I
Person Specification
Head of School (continued)

E – Essential   D = Desirable    A = Application   T = Test I = Interview

  Skills                                                                    E/D
  Excellent communication and networking skills, that enable you to
  secure trust and engagement and establish credibility with students and   E     A/I
  staff at all levels

  Excellent problem-solving skills and able to work on own initiative       E     A/I

  Excellent ICT skills and experience of using new technologies             E     A/I

  Well-developed leadership and management skills                           E     A/I

  Special Requirements                                                      E/D
  Positive and pro-active approach to customer service                      E     A/I

  Ability to meet designated targets including KPIs and income generation   E     A/I

  Ability to co-ordinate and manage complex activities                      E     A/I

  Ability to work to deadlines                                              E     A/I

  Ability to work under pressure                                            E     A/I

  Willingness to travel between campuses                                    E     A/I

Job Description
     Associate Head of school

          Job Title: Head of School

          School/Directorate: School of Nursing and Allied Health                                  Grade: Competitive (spot salary)

          Location: Uxbridge with travel between sites expected                                    Hours: 37 (FT)

          Responsible to: Head of School

          Responsible for: Line management of School staff (in conjunction with the Head of School)

          Job Purpose:
          The Associate Head of School plays a key role within the School of Nursing and Allied Health. They will combine strong
          academic leadership and management with an awareness of the commercial environment within which higher education
          and healthcare operate. The Associate Head of School will assume School-wide responsibility for either the education
          portfolio, or the research and enterprise portfolio, as determined by agreement with the Head of School. They will be
          responsible for ensuring that, within their remit, the School’s activities are aligned with, and fully developed to meet, the
          strategic objectives of the Institute of Health and Social Care and the wider University. They will actively contribute to
          the School’s strategic ambitions, combining this with a strong emphasis on operational delivery. They will be an effec-
          tive team player, able to engage with students, staff and external stakeholders, and secure their full contribution to, and
          support of, the School’s objectives.

     1.     To provide high-quality academic leadership within their area of responsibility;

     2.     To work closely with, and under the direction of, the Head of School;

     3.     To contribute effectively to the line management of staff within the School, ensuring that staff are set
            realistic but stretching targets, talent is nurtured, poor performance is addressed, and staff are developed,

     4.     To ensure, within their area of focus – either the education or research and enterprise activities of the
            School – that the academic functions of the School are delivered effectively, meeting the University’s
            strategic objectives and all relevant key performance indicators;

     5.     To develop within the School a high degree of commercial awareness across all its areas of activity;

     6.     To work with the Head of School to ensure that the School meets all income targets and operates within
            the constraints of the annual budget;

     7.     To contribute actively to the academic and professional life of the School, the Institute of Health and Social
            Care and the wider University, participating in strategic decision-making, or discursive fora as appropriate;

     8.     To ensure that the School actively engages and develops partnership working with the Institute of Health
            and Social Care, other Schools, Professional Services and the Students’ Union;

     9.     To undertake other duties as appropriate as specified by the Head of School or Provost and Deputy
Person Specification
Associate Head of School

E – Essential   D = Desirable   A = Application   T = Test I = Interview

  Education, Qualifications & Training                                         E/D   Means of Testing
  Masters level qualification                                                  E     A

  PhD or equivalent                                                            D     A

  Relevant teaching qualification/fellowship of the HEA                        E     A

  Professional registration as a Nurse or other relevant health professional   E     A

  Knowledge & Experience                                                       E/D
  Awareness of the commercial environment within which higher educa-
                                                                               E     I
  tion operates

  Awareness of the strategic external environment for Nursing and Allied
  Health including the regulatory and compliance requirements, of relevant     E     I

  Experience of engaging external stakeholders within Health Care to
                                                                               E     I
  enhance service delivery

  Experience of providing high-quality academic leadership within higher
                                                                               E     A/I

  Experience of effectively enhancing the student experience and student
                                                                               E     I

  Experience of effectively leading and/or managing change                     D     I

  A successful track record in relation to education, research and/or pro-
                                                                               E     A/I
  fessional practice

  Experience of building high performing teams                                 D     I

  Experience of effective budgetary management                                 D     I

  Experience of successfully developing and delivering academic strategies     D     I

  Experience of successful portfolio development and renewal                   E     A/I

  Experience of successfully developing a research culture                     D     A/I
Person Specification
     Associate Head of School (continued)

     E – Essential   D = Desirable    A = Application   T = Test I = Interview

       Experience of successfully developing enterprise activity                 D     A/I

       Skills                                                                    E/D

       Excellent communication and networking skills, that enable you to
       secure trust and engagement and establish credibility with students and   E     A/I
       staff at all levels

       Excellent problem-solving skills and able to work on own initiative       E     A/I

       Excellent ICT skills and experience of using new technologies             E     A/I

       Well-developed management skills                                          D     A/I

       Special Requirements                                                      E/D

       Positive and pro-active approach to customer service                      E     A/I

       Ability to meet designated targets including KPIs and income generation   E     A/I

       Ability to co-ordinate and manage complex activities                      E     A/I

       Ability to work to deadlines                                              E     A/I

       Ability to work under pressure                                            E     A/I

       Willingness to travel between campuses                                    E     A/I
working at bucks
     This is an exciting time to join the University. At     –   family/Friendly benefits
     Bucks we recognise that our employees are our
     greatest assets. We are in the process of shaping       –   leadership and Management Development
     and launching our new strategy Impact- 2022 and             programme
     the successful candidate will be key to achieving the
                                                             –   attractive learning and development provisions
     successes within the strategy. We have in place an
     excellent Leadership programme – Bucks Leaders          –   holistic and comprehensive wellbeing
     which focuses on developing a high performing and           programme.
     effective organisation. The Successful candidate will
     benefit from:                                           –   For more information please visit our website
     –   a competitive salary

     –   local government pension scheme

     –   generous annual leave allowance
how to apply
To apply please send a CV which should include:
–   educational and professional qualifications;
–   full employment history with the most significant positions;
–   responsibilities held, relevant achievements
–   information on budgets held and staff managed
–   current salary including any relevant benefits.

You should also include a personal statement that demonstrates your ability to meet the job specification

Please include in a separate document, the names and addresses of three referees. Referees will not be
approached until the final stages and not without prior permission from candidates.

These documents should be sent by email to: by Thursday 1 October 2020.
Please quote reference no. 20721 for the Head of School position and reference no. 20728 for the Associate Head
of School position on all correspondence.

For a confidential discussion about the role and the expectations, please contact Professor Gavin Brooks,
Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor, via email

Interviews will be held on the Friday 16 October 2020 for the Associate Head of School position and the
Wednesday 21 October 2020 for the Head of School position.

High Wycombe Campus
Queen Alexandra Road
High Wycombe
Buckinghamshire HP11 2JZ

Aylesbury Campus
Walton Street
Buckinghamshire HP21 7QG

Uxbridge Campus
106 Oxford Road
Middlesex UB8 1NA

Telephone: 0330 123 2023
Fax: 01494 524 392
International: +44 1494 605 259






This publication was produced by Buckinghamshire New University in September 2020
© Buckinghamshire New University 2020
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