Saying Goodbye and Looking Ahead - Covering the Ocean View School District

Page created by Wanda Reynolds
Saying Goodbye and Looking Ahead - Covering the Ocean View School District
Education + Communication = A Better Nation
              Covering the Ocean View School District
Volume 18, Issue 105                                                                                                  May 2022

                       Saying Goodbye and Looking Ahead

                        A special Demolition Ceremony was held recently to say goodbye to Park View School.
    Park View was a K-8 school that opened in 1969 and closed in 1989. OVSD is tearing down the school to make way for green,
      open space for the community to enjoy, adjacent to Murdy Park and Ocean View Little League fields. Thank you to all the
  dignitaries, former students and staff of Park View and members of the Ocean View Little League that attended our special event.

Saying Goodbye and Looking Ahead - Covering the Ocean View School District
                 District & Schools Receive
                 CA Pivotal Practice Awards
                     When California required schools to              Oak View and Westmont stood out for their innovative
                  offer distance learning due to the COVID-19      approach to providing additional in-person instruction to
                  pandemic, the California Department of           targeted students who would normally have been at home
                  Education (CDE) sought to recognize              completing work independently.
                  and celebrate schools for their innovative          Star View was lauded for their approach to combining
                                                                   parent education and teacher professional development
Dr. Carol Hansen practices in the 2020-21 school year. The 2022
 Superintendent   California Pivotal Practice Award Program,       to ensure adults had a toolkit of strategies to support
                  or CAPP, was unveiled this year in place         the social emotional development and well-being of each
  of the California Distinguished Schools program, which           student.
  typically honors high-performing campuses. We are proud             Vista View was recognized for their commitment to
  to announce that Mesa View, Oak View, Star View, Vista           include students at home via Zoom with students present
  View, Westmont, and the District have been recognized as         in person to provide direct instruction and to mitigate
  California Pivotal Practice (CAPP) Award winners!                students working independently at home.
      Mesa View was recognized for their focus on attendance          The District was honored for its social emotional
  activities that included a postcard campaign with                continuum and mental wellness supports provided.
  handwritten notes mailed home and their “Traveling               This included access to specialized staff and training
  Eagle of the Week” recognition which involved the Eagle          for teachers on ways to provide welcoming, inclusive
  mascot (aka the Principal and Assistant Principal) driving       classrooms and supports for students online or in
  to a student’s home to hand deliver an award for being           person.
  responsible, respectful, or reflective.                             Congratulations to the 2022 CAPP Award winners!

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Saying Goodbye and Looking Ahead - Covering the Ocean View School District
Board of Trustees

               Gina                    Patricia                   Jack C.                     John                      Norm
          Clayton-Tarvin                Singer                   Souders                     Briscoe                   Westwell
             President              Vice-President                 Clerk                     Member                    Member

OVSD Providing Green Space in Huntington Beach
By Gina Clayton-Tarvin, President, Board of Trustees                           In March, we bid farewell to Park View School, which
     The Ocean View School District (OVSD) strives to be a                  had been closed since 1989. We are not selling the
  good neighbor and to help improve the quality of life for                 property to make way for high density development.
  our residents whenever possible. Recently, we have had two                Instead, we are removing old school buildings to provide
  opportunities to do just that.                                            expansive green space, which will be a nice compliment to
     OVSD is proud to be the largest provider of green space                Murdy Park and the Ocean View Little League fields next
  in Huntington Beach and we have partnered with the                        door.
  City of Huntington Beach to provide seven pocket parks                       The District is so pleased to be able to expand and/
  throughout the community. In April, the new and improved                  or enhance these parks for residents to enjoy for years to
  Glen View Park reopened with upgraded playground                          come. Thank you to my fellow Board Members for looking
  equipment, active play areas, and beautiful, open green                   at the big picture and for making decisions in the best
  space.                                                                    interest of our greater community.

                      Celebrating the new and improved Glen View Park are OVSD Board President Gina Clayton-Tarvin,
         Huntington Beach City Council Member Kim Carr, OVSD Superintendent Dr. Hansen, OVSD Board Vice President Patricia Singer.

Covering the Ocean View School District                                                                                           May 2022   3
Saying Goodbye and Looking Ahead - Covering the Ocean View School District
                                                                                                  Education + Communication = A Better Nation
                                                                                                                   Covering the
                                                                                                           OCEAN VIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT

                                                                                                  FOUNDER/PUBLISHER: Kay  Coop
   Kay Coop                                                                                       562/493-3193 •
                                                                                 Net a Ma dison   ADVERTISING SALES: 562/493-3193
                                                                         Netragrednik             CONTENT COORDINATOR: Barbra Longiny
                                                                                                  GRAPHIC DESIGNER/PRODUCTION: Emily Ung
       We are very excited about our new            In this issue you will read articles
                                                                                                  COPY EDITORS: Kate Karp, Anna Zappia
    publication layout and hope you are          about Outdoor Learning, First Grade              SOCIAL MEDIA: Nancy Lueder
    too. After combining Fountain Valley/        Animal Researchers, Learning the                 Netragrednik by Neta Madison
    Ocean View/Westminster School                Judicial System, Earth Day, An                                       @SchoolNewsRC
    Districts in one publication for 18          Innovative Book Club, and so much
    years this is the first issue with each      more...                                                              SchoolNewsRollCall
    having their own publication.                   We have included a word search
       Dr. Hansen begins this issue on           contest on page 24 (all ages may
    page 2 with her message of schools           enter).                                                                23 YEARS
    being honored for their innovative              Our next issue is June 8.                     SCHOOL NEWS ROLL CALL, LLC
    practices.                                                                                    P.O. Box 728, Seal Beach, CA 90740
                                                                                                  Copyright © 2006, School News Roll Call, LLC
                                                                                                  Reproduction in whole or in part without written
                                                                                                  permission is strictly prohibited unless otherwise stated.
                                                                                                  Opinions expressed by contributing writers and guest
                                                                                                  columnists are their views and not necessarily those of
                                                                                                  School News Roll Call. This publication is privately
                                                                                                  owned and the right is reserved to select and edit content.
                                                                                                  The Ocean View School District does not endorse the
                                                                                                  advertisers in this publication.

                                                                                                             Learn about
                                         Grandma,                                                 World History • US History
                                         Why Do                                                     Videos • Art • Music
                                         You Have                                                       Study Habits

                                         Cracks In                         History is about learning and                                   FR EE
                                                                           understanding the past. The past                               Enjoy!
                                         Your Face?                        does not change, but interpretations                        Histor y B
                                         By Kay Coop                                                                                    Teacher s
                                                                           do. One cannot erase history and                             Students
                                         Illustrated by Melanie Florio
                                                                           expect to remember the past.
              Now Available on                                                

Saying Goodbye and Looking Ahead - Covering the Ocean View School District
Saying Goodbye and Looking Ahead - Covering the Ocean View School District
City of Huntington Beach Office of the Mayor                               Huntington Beach Public Library
         2000 Main St., Huntington Beach, CA 92648 • 714/536-5553             7111 Talbert Ave., Huntington Beach, CA 92648 • 714/374-5338
                  Hello everyone!                                     Lots of Activity Choices
                     This year is already moving quickly and          By Melissa Ronning, Senior Youth Services Librarian
                  we’re excited in Surf City for the all the great          While May is a programming break month for the
                  amenities we’ve added lately.                         Children’s Dept., we still have a few things on our calendar!
                     The City has added more Mobi Mats at the           Check out the following activities that will be fun for the
                  beach and at Dog Park in Central Park. These          whole family.
                  mats make it easier for our older residents               Did you know that Huntington Beach is home to five
Barbara Delgleize and visitors, as well as those with disabilities,     library branches? Throughout the month of May, we invite
     Mayor        to safely access the sand and get closer to the       you to visit all of our locations and learn more about our
                  water’s edge.                                         history. Stop by any of our branches and literacy offices to
     In addition, we have new park improvements including,              pick up a prize along with a Travelogue and get it stamped!
  new playground and restrooms at Central Park, as well as              Complete the entire Travelogue by visiting all the locations,
  a new elevated path to walk along the edge of the lake with           and be entered into a raffle for one grand prize! Turn
  ease! Other improvements have been made to Glen View,                 in your completed Travelogue by May 31st. Grand prize
  Sun View and Lake parks.                                              winners will be announced June 5.
     If you’ve driven or walked on the path along Pacific                   We also invite you to explore the heritage of Asian
  Coast Highway, construction continues at Bluff Top Park.              American and Pacific Island cultures through our first-
  Installation of wooden lodge pole fencing is complete.                ever kits celebrating this
  Installation of concrete sidewalk adjacent to PCH will                cultural recognition month!             Explore the heritage of
  be done this month. Widening of the asphalt path and                  Asian/Pacific American
                                                                        Heritage Craft Kits for Kids
                                                                                                           Asian American and Pacific Island
  landscape improvements will begin soon, and we anticipate
  project completion prior to the Memorial Day holiday.                 are designed to encourage                  cultures... kits are
     We continue to keep our residents in the know!                     exploration, hands-on                     available starting on
  Visit for the latest and greatest               activity, and promote
                                                                        tinkering and intentional
                                                                                                                Saturday, May 14, 2022.
  information about Huntington Beach!
                                                                        interaction between children
                                                                        ages 6-10 and their caregivers. Kits are available on a
                                                                        first-come-first served basis from the Central Library

              Summer                                                    Children’s Desk and at HBPL Branch Libraries during
                                                                        library open hours, starting on Saturday, May 14, 2022.

       Surf Camps                                                           Do you like to play games? Stop by the Central Library
                                                                        on May 14th or 15th and play a life sized version of the game
                                                                        Tsuro. Tsuro is a simple game of laying a tile before your
                                                                        own token to continue its path on each turn. The goal is
                                                                        to keep your token on the board longer than anyone else’s,
                                                                        but as the board fills up this becomes harder because there
         essons                                                         are fewer empty spaces left. This game is easy to introduce
Private L ilable                                                        to new players, lasts about 15 minutes, and works for any
 Also Ava

                                                                        number from 2 to 8.

                    For kids ages 5-15
                 June 13-September 2
             11th St. in Huntington Beach

                                    SIGN UP AT
                     OR CALL US AT 310-910-9099

Saying Goodbye and Looking Ahead - Covering the Ocean View School District

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Saying Goodbye and Looking Ahead - Covering the Ocean View School District
MemorialCare Miller Children’s & Women’s Hospital Long Beach
                Does Your Child have Allergies… Or is it a Cold? Here’s How to Find Out.
                       May is National Asthma and Allergy                The symptoms and severity of allergies varies in
                    Awareness Month and it’s around the time          children. Ranging from minor irritation to anaphylaxis, a
                    you start seeing running noses and itchy          potentially life-threatening allergic reaction.
                    eyes. But is it a cold or allergies? Here are        The Allergy Program at the Children’s Pulmonary
                    some tips to figure it out:                       Institute at MemorialCare Miller Children’s & Women’s
                       • Check the mucus, allergies tend to be 		     Hospital Long Beach pediatric allergists use allergy tests to
                         thin and clear. Colds tend to be yellow      identify allergens that may be causing your child’s allergies.
                         or green and thick.                          The allergy tests performed are:
Randhawa, M.D.,        • Allergies  tend to come on suddenly 		          • Skin Prick Testing
 medical director,       when your child is exposed to a trigger 		      • Intradermal Allergy Testing
    Children’s           and lasts a while. Cold symptoms often          • Patch Allergy Testing
    Pulmonary            start gradually and are done within             • Serum Allergy Testing (Blood Testing)
                         two weeks.                                      From the results of these tests our pediatric allergists
Miller Children’s &    • Typically,  a fever won’t be present in 		   can decide what type of medications or treatments, if any,
Women’s Hospital         allergies, but colds come with a low-		      may be needed. While allergies can’t be cured, treatments
   Long Beach            grade fever.                                 can help relieve allergy symptoms and induce tolerance.
                       • If your child has watery or itchy eyes,         By identifying the allergen, changes can be made in the
  		                     it might be an allergic reaction.            child’s home and living space to potentially improve their
  		                     Watery and itchy eyes aren’t usually a       health.
  		                     cold symptom.                                   To learn more visit

                                       2801 Atlantic Ave., Long Beach, CA 90806
                                 800-MEMORIAL (636-6742) •

Saying Goodbye and Looking Ahead - Covering the Ocean View School District
Early Learning Preschool Program
                         17131 Emerald Ln., Huntington Beach • 16692 Landau Ln., Huntington Beach • 8251 Heil Ave., Westminster
                                                         714/847-2551 X 1107 •

                Its Hatching Season                                           and soon be a chicken and then taken back to Golden View
                       This month our preschool program                       Elementary School farm where they began. Students are
                   is learning about nature and life cycles.                  also excitedly awaiting the arrival of some ducks, more
                   Teachers have reviewed the life cycles of                  chicks, and pheasants. By getting these hands on, in person
                   frogs, butterflies, and chickens. This past                experiences students are able to learn through various
                   week Ms. Kathy’s classroom at Oak View                     modalities as well as life skills on taking care of other living
                   Preschool welcomed Sunny, a very energetic                 things around them. This will be sure to leave a lasting
                                                                              impression in their lives. We are so grateful students have
 Sue Broderson and joyful baby chick. Students were so
   Principal on    excited as they got to see the entire life                 the opportunity to learn through exploration here in the
Special Assignment cycle develop before them from egg, chick                  Ocean View School District Preschool Programs.

      Learning through Exploration is Fun!

Covering the Ocean View School District                                                                                            May 2022   9
Saying Goodbye and Looking Ahead - Covering the Ocean View School District
Circle View Elementary (K–5)
                              6261 Hooker Dr., Huntington Beach, CA 92647 • 714/893-5305 •

                Outdoor Learning!                                       fosters their sense of wonder. Students learned about
                   Our 5th graders recently returned from               atmosphere and gases, lights and lasers, electricity and
                their overnight field trip to AstroCamp!                magnetism, and more. There were also STEM activities,
                They spent three days and two nights in                 hikes, a sky coaster, and so much fun. Our 5th grade
                beautiful Idyllwild. AstroCamp’s outdoor                teachers organize and prepare our 5th graders for this
                science program definitely gave our students            fantastic experience, and we are so grateful to our
                an experience that will stay with them                  AstroCamp Parent Committee for all their fundraising
                for the rest of their lives. The camp has               efforts. It takes a big team to bring our students to
 Jessica Haag
   Principal    students explore the sciences of physics                AstroCamp and we are so happy to be able to return this
                and astronomy, develop as individuals, and              year!

                                                 Students in the snow at AstroCamp.

College View Elementary (K–5)
                              6582 Lennox Dr., Huntington Beach, CA 92647 • 714/847-3505 •

                 First Graders are Animal Researchers!                   animal’s habitat, special features, adaptations, and physical
                 By Jill Schulten, First Grade Teacher                   characteristics. The students had deep discussions about
                     Do you know the difference between a                how the animals’ special adaptations help them survive in
                 turtle and a tortoise? Do flamingo’s knees              nature. They created several different Thinking Maps to
                 really bend backwards? How do pandas hold               organize their information. Upon finishing their research,
                 their bamboo when eating? Well, the first               they used their findings to write about their animal. They
                 graders at College View know the answers                completed their research by making a fun animal art craft.
                 to these questions and more! In their                   The students loved sharing what they learned about their
 Elaine Burney
    Principal    literacy groups, they did an in-depth study             animal with the rest of the class. The first graders are
                 of tortoises, panda bears, flamingos, and               looking forward to next learning about outer space. Way to
                 hippopotamuses. They learned about each                 go Fabulous Firsties at College View School!

Covering the Ocean View School District                                                                                   May 2022   11
Golden View Environmental Science School
                           17251 Golden View Ln., Huntington Beach, CA 92647 • 714/847-2516 •

                Golden View
                Celebrates Culture
                and Diversity
                     Families at
                 Golden View had the
                 opportunity to share
                 all about the cultures
 Lori Florgan    around the world!
   Principal     While families prepared
                 beautiful displays that
 were celebrating the food, clothing,
 and traditions, students and their
 families had the opportunity to
 learn interesting facts and engage in
 meaningful conversations about the
 countries represented. There were
 a total of 18 countries represented
 around the campus. In addition to the
 knowledge and food shared, dancers
 performed the traditional dances of
 the Hawaiian Islands for the crowd
 and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu was modeled
 for others to enjoy. It was a wonderful
 night highlighting the beautiful
 diversity of our school and community!

Harbour View Elementary (K–5)
                             4343 Pickwick Cr., Huntington Beach, CA 92647 • 714/846-6602 •

                Fifth Grade Mock Trial                                   their stand on the issue. The long-term environmental
                     Learning the judicial system at any age             impact along with economic ramifications were addressed
                 is a complicated topic. Fifth grade teacher,            and scrutinized by our future law-abiding citizens. The
                 Mrs. Goldbach, took this challenge on! Her              students saw that there are two sides to every issue and
                 students were broken into teams, researched             finding a solution is challenging. A jury made-up of the
                 and made a claim on a very relevant issue               students’ previous teachers heard the prosecution and
                 facing our world today – Gas or Electric                defense then deliberated reaching a verdict. Mrs. Goldbach
                                                                         was the presiding judge and the students dressed up for
Francesca Ligman Vehicles? The teams developed their
    Principal    arguments, opening statements, created                  the mock trial. The motivation and investment of the
                 witnesses with appropriate credentials                  students was astounding; an experience 5th graders will
                 presenting facts and evidence to support                never forget.

Covering the Ocean View School District                                                                                May 2022   13
Hope View Elementary (K–5)
                              17622 Flintstone Ln., Huntington Beach, CA 92647 • 714/847-8571 •

                Community Caring Events                                  community has been outstanding supporting our goals. The
                    Over the course of the school year at Hope           students pictured here, from Mrs. Sjogren’s 5th grade class,
                 View we have monthly community of caring                are all smiles as they collect the second round of donated
                 events. Hope View’s most recent Community               items. As we continue to build on our community events,
                 of Caring project had another successful                we are thankful for the support of our families as they help
                 run over the month of April. Our Hawks                  us build in a level of giving back. Next up we have a beach
                 have been collecting gently used clothes and            clean up to close out the school year and further help our
                                                                         community. Way to go Hawks for all or your efforts on
Christina Luckey housewares to support a local philanthropy.
    Principal    After three deliveries and one to go, our               making this another successful monthly event!

                 Mrs. Sjogren’s students collecting our April Community of Caring supplies for a local Philanthropy.

Lake View Elementary (K–5)
                               17451 Zeider Ln., Huntington Beach, CA 92647 • 714/842-2589 •

                Every Day’s Earth Day
                    Lake View is a STEAM school
                 that stresses improving the
                 environment. To recognize and
                 celebrate Earth Day, Lake View
                 had many activities that focused
                 on being responsible global
       Jill      citizens.
 Van Der Linden     One activity was an upcycle/
    Principal    recycle event. Students rotated
                 between six different stations,
  upcycling items such as paper towel rolls, corks,
  egg cartons and water bottles. They made some
  decorative items that they took home to use in
  a new way. In another rotation, students went in
  groups collecting trash on the school campus.
  Students could not stop talking about how
  they had so much fun while helping Earth be
  healthier. Our TK/kinders had a “garden party.”
  Students planted seeds to grow veggies in an
  aboveground planter and then celebrated in
  their classroom with a feast of berries, grapes,
  carrots and apple juice. In a fourth-grade
  classroom, students participated in a livestream
  event sponsored by the California Academy of
  Sciences. During this event, students became
  “planet heroes” and designed solutions and an
  action plan involving food choices and reducing
  food waste.
      Throughout all of these activities, students
  were empowered through learning about
  challenges Earth is encountering and being
  active parts of the solutions we need.

Covering the Ocean View School District                                                                          May 2022   15
Marine View Middle School (6–8)
                            7721 Juliette Low Dr., Huntington Beach, CA 92647 • 714/846-0624 •

                Kindness Week                                            where students were able to take notes filled with
                   May brings our annual celebration of                  kindness quotes, sayings, and phrases. The campus
                Kindness Week for Marine View Middle                     was decorated by our leadership class with positive
                School. The week started with each                       affirmations and kindness quotes. Throughout the
                student and staff member adding a leaf to                week, students were given kindness challenges each day
                our kindness tree. The leaves were filled                which included checking in on friends, loving the earth,
                with kindness quotes, affirmations, and                  sharing compliments and gratitude for others, helping
                acts of kindness. The week continued                     at home, and practicing self-care. The campus radiated
Sara Schaible
   Principal    with events such as “take what you need”                 kindness!

Mesa View Middle School (6–8)
                               17601 Avila Ln., Huntington Beach, CA 92647 • 714/842-6608 •

                Archery!                                                middle schools. Our PTSO has been supportive in helping
                    Mesa View has been thrilled to introduce            with start-up supplies, and Mrs. Ortiz also worked hard to
                 archery as an after-school competitive club            secure grants.
                 for students this year! With the support of               These modern-day Robin Hoods—or maybe Merida
                 our assistant principal. Mr. Ortiz, and one            is more this generation’s style!—are doing an amazing
                 of our teachers, Adrian Polizu, Mesa View              job building a unique skill that supports discipline,
                 has been supporting about 20 students in               concentration, and physical and emotional stamina.
                                                                        Students learn to care for the equipment, focus on a
Jadyn Grunbaum learning about archery.
    Principal       Students work hard after school two to              singular task, and work as a team.
                 three days a week, honing their skills with               We hope to expand the program next year to include
  the goal of competing against other local middle schools              more students and possibly more schools in OVSD, as the
  in the area, including Westminster at Stacey and Johnson              skills involved in archery go well beyond the physical.

Covering the Ocean View School District                                                                                May 2022   17
Oak View Elementary (K–5)
                                  17241 Oak Ln., Huntington Beach, CA 92647 • 714/842-4459 •

                OV Book Club                                             Mrs. Reichenthaler and Mr. Pate, meet in the gym and
                  High School Junior, Jessica Chan had a                 read together, engage in fun activities, and just hang
               vision of a new club for Ocean View High                  out. It has been a magical experience! On April 30th,
               School this year. Based upon her love of                  the OV Book Club along with some parents got on a bus
               reading that was fostered since she was in                and headed to Downtown Los Angeles for a culminating
               elementary school, she dreamed of passing                 field trip together! They visited the Last Bookstore,
               that love on to our Mighty Owls. Starting                 rode the Angel’s Flight historic trolley, and ate lunch
                                                                         at the Grand Central Market. It was a beautiful day in
Jenna Landero in October of 2021, a core group of over
   Principal   15 high schoolers came to Oak View every                  LA! Both Oak View Elementary and Ocean View High
               Monday afternoon to read James and the                    School look forward to reading and exploring more of
  Giant Peach together with a group of over 30 4th and                   our world through books and immersive field trips in
  5th grade students. Each week our students, led by                     the future!

               The more that you read, the more things you will know.
                 The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.
  					                                                                            —Dr. Seuss

Spring View Middle School (6–8)
                              16662 Trudy Ln., Huntington Beach, CA 92647 • 714/846-2891 •

 Alfredo Torres

                                                      Students working during Spring View’s Lead Day
                     Students LEAD Day lesson was about being kind to each other.
                     Stories of caring for one another as students, as a community was shared.
                     The impact of caring or being kind to each other has on us as humans.
                     Students enjoyed writing “Kind” words and shared with each other.

                                                       The message “Be kind”
                            Students wrote notes and posters for students and staff to be kind to each other.
     Students had an opportunity to share why they selected the words of kindness.
     Students shared how this can impact the lives of a classmate or another student on campus.
     Students had an opportunity to select classmates and practice being kind.
     Students stated that they felt good when someone said something nice to them.
     Students are encouraged to continue sharing kindness words and acts for the remainder of the school year
     and to make this a common practice.

Covering the Ocean View School District                                                                          May 2022   19
Star View Elementary (K–5)
                                  8411 Worthy Ln., Midway City, CA 92655 • 714/897-1009 •

                Reading Goal                                             about animals with a visit to a real farm. 1st graders
                   Star View School Welcomed in the spring               studied animal and instinct life cycles and observed
                with many engaging learning opportunities                the process of metamorphosis. 2nd graders enjoyed an
                and exciting events including a school-                  enriching field trip to Segerstrom Center to see the play
                wide celebration in March when the school                the Secrets of Space. Third graders were busy with their
                reached our reading goal of 1 million minutes            novel study of Charlotte’s Web.
                read. The Entire School enjoyed a pizza lunch               The 4th grade hockey team is preparing for their
                on the grass and the students painted the                tournament as part of the Anaheim Ducks SCORE
 Paul Kraft
  Principal     principal’s hair pink!                                   program. Finally, 5th grade students have been busy doing
                   Kindergarten and transitional                         hands-on science learning about soil and erosion, water on
                kindergartners capped off their learning                 Earth, and our solar system.

                                           Star View students painted Principal Kraft’s hair pink.

Village View Elementary (K–5)
                                 5361 Sisson Dr., Huntington Beach, CA 92649 • 714/846-2801•

                  The Gold Rush landed at Village View
               on April 22nd as 49ers flooded the campus
               dressed in western attire. Three lucky
               upper grade classrooms rotated through
               10 different hands-on learning stations
               including: panning for gold, making
 Tami Benane   arrowheads, assembling pioneer toys,
   Principal   beading necklaces, braiding reed headbands,
                                     grinding oats, hand
                                     washing clothes and
                                     shaving. Authentic
                                     Native American
                                     instructors and                                                   Sticks game
                                     more than 20 parent
                                     volunteers assisted
                                     the students as they
                                     experienced the
                                     multiple learning
                                     stations. This memory-
                                     making event brought
                                     the Gold Rush to life for
                                     everyone involved and
                                     will be treasured for a
          Washing clothes

                                                                                                        Bead game

                            Sticks game                                                              Panning for gold

Covering the Ocean View School District                                                                                 May 2022   21
Vista View Middle School (6–8)
                                  16250 Hickory St., Fountain Valley, CA 92708 • 714/842-0626 •

                Learning by Doing                                                                     One of the biggest highlights for our
                     One of the many things                                                        students was when they took boat rides
                 that we pride ourselves                                                           to study the fish in their native habitat,
                 on as a Falcon Family                                                             and placed probes into the ocean for
                 is the ability to offer                                                           added visibility. Testing its pH and
                 our students many real-                                                           chemistry taught them first hand about
                 world experiences. For                                                            what was happening to the water on our
                                                                                                   planet. The students feel that this class
Dr. Rasheedah example, our science
     Gates       department offers multiple                                                        and its lessons were so engaging, and
    Principal    opportunities for the                                                             so much fun, that it didn’t feel like they
                 students to interact with                                                         were actually completing coursework!
 the world around them, and with a                                                                 The moments on these trips to the
 specific focus on how we can help to                                                              Pacific Coast definitely helped to form
 sustain life on our planet.                                                                       core memories for our Falcons.
      This school year, the marine biology                                                            We are excited to be offering such a
 students in Ms. Morrissey’s class have                                                            robust program under the lead of our
 focused on learning about life and                                                                school’s science teacher, Ms. Morrissey.
                                                            Testing PH in Ocean Water              The Vista Falcons soar!
 sustainability. Numerous field trips have
 allowed them to dissect mackerel
 fish, take boat rides on the ocean,
 study plankton, clean up our
 coast, and learn about the impact
 they can have on the planet itself.
      Some of the most meaningful
 moments in the class were based
 upon the excitement that the
 students felt about being able
 to take these trips to the actual
 places they had studied. Many
 students were inspired by what
 they had learned on these trips,
 because the pathway through
 the field of science in high
 school and college can be made
 much clearer through hands-on
 experience.                                                                  Boat Ride to Examine Ocean Life

                  Examining Ocean Life Forms                                      Students Studying Plankton They Caught from the Ocean

Westmont Elementary (K–5)
                                    8251 Heil Ave., Westminster, CA 92683 • 714/847-3561 •

                    Westmont 2nd Graders “Measure Up!”
                       Westmont 2nd graders have been learning              different school playground structures were. Students
                    about measurement during the month of                   formed teams and collaborated in using rulers, yardsticks,
                    April. Whether it be measuring in non-                  and tape measures to check their estimations. They
                    standard units, centimeters, or inches,                 measured the height of the swingset, the slide, the lunch
                    students practiced making estimates and                 benches, the balance beams, and even their teacher and
                    checking their predictions. The students in             principal’s heights were measured. You could hear the
                    Ms. Charnitski’s class took to the playground           exchange of math language as students shouted out, “1 foot
Sharon Ahlman
Interim Principal   and used a variety of different measuring               is 12 inches so if it is 3 feet or a yard, it must measure 36
                    tools to see how high, long, and wide                   inches!” Measure on, 2nd grade!

                                Students used many yardsticks to measure the length of the parallel bars.

Covering the Ocean View School District                                                                                      May 2022   23
Daniel’s Review                                                             David’s Review
                   Best Friends Forever?                                                       A Tortoise and Love
                    Title: Pea, Bee, & Jay: Farm Feud                                            Title: Esio Trot
                    Author: Brian “Smitty” Smith                                                 Author: Roald Dahl
                    Best friends                                                                 Esio Trot is about
                 Pea (a pea), Bee                                                             a very shy man
                 (a bee), and Jay (a                                                          named Mr. Hoppy
                 bird) are back in                                                            and the woman he
   Daniel H.     this fourth book of                                            David H.
                                                                                              likes, Mrs. Silver.
                 the Pea, Bee, & Jay                                                          Mrs. Silver loves her
  series! Pea and Bee are arguing                                             beloved pet tortoise Alfie and will
  so Jay decides to go find new best                                          do anything to make him grow.
  friends. Then Pea and Bee try                                               Mr. Hoppy comes up with a clever
  to find new best friends too. At                                            plan to make Alfie bigger and have
  the same time, there is a hungry                                            Mrs. Silver fall in love with him.
  snake who wants to eat them all! I really liked this funny                  Read this book to find out what
  book with cute characters who are silly and have good                       happens and if his plan works. I
  hearts. Read this book to find out what happens to them                     liked this story so much that I’ve read it multiple times!
  and also to learn the lesson that you should never forget                   If you like tortoises and a little bit of love, you should
  about the friends you have.                                                 definitely read this book.

Daniel is in second grade and he likes to spend time with his family        David is in fourth grade and he loves to read and play piano. He
playing board games, reading, and playing sports like tennis, soccer, and   likes math and outdoor activities such as rock climbing, tennis, and
basketball.                                                                 basketball.

                  Curious George Goes to the Zoo—Word Search Contest
                            Rules! One word in the list is NOT in the word search.
                When you have completed the word search, one word will be left and that word you
                email to: (Please put Ocean View in the subject line)

            Entries must be received by July 15, 2022                                     Thank you Barkate Orthodontics
      From the correct entries one name will be drawn to win                                 for sponsoring our games.
        a $20 gift certificate redeemable at Barnes & Noble.                        

  Amazing                          Leaves
  Animals                          Park
  Climbed                          Party
  Curious                          Rhino
  Danced                           Water
  Fun                              Wild
  George                           Wonderful
  Giraffe                          Zoo
  Headquarters                     Zookeeper
                                 Congratulations to Debbie Chiong & Huong Luynh
                                           Winners of our March Word Search Contest!

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