Say NO to Heathrow expansion - The human face How the expansion

Page created by Paul Reynolds
Say NO to Heathrow expansion - The human face How the expansion
w w w. h i l l i n g d o n . g o v. u k   News from your council
                                                      Heathrow consultation special

Say NO to
Heathrow expansion
Ways to         The human face How the expansion         Focus on loss of homes,
say ‘NO!’         of the fight   will affect you       more noise and more pollution
Say NO to Heathrow expansion - The human face How the expansion
                                                                                                elcome to this

                                                                                W               special edition of
                                                                                                Hillingdon People,
                                                                                    which we have published as
                                                                                    part of our campaign to raise
                                                                                    awareness about the impact
           Heathrow consultation special                                            of the proposed third runway
                                                                                    at Heathrow Airport.
                                                                                         If the third runway is built, as well as the
                    3 General council news                                          devastating effect on those who will lose their homes
                                                                                    and schools, the increased levels of air pollution and
                                                                                    traffic, two million people (ten times the current
                                                                                    number) will be affected by aircraft noise.
                                                                                         The council’s position (with all party support) is
                                                                                    that the expansion of Heathrow will decimate villages
                                                                                    in the south of our borough, which is also an area of
                    4 What is happening?                                            local heritage, and produce an estimated additional
                                                                                    three million tonnes of CO2 emissions every year
                                                                                    which will have a direct effect on the health of those
                                                                                    left living around the expanded airport.
                                                                                         However, the impacts on our borough and on our
                                                                                    residents will be much wider than just those parts of
                                                                                    Hillingdon around the airport. In the north of the
                                                                                    borough in areas such as Ickenham, Ruislip, Eastcote
                    6 What expansion will mean for homes,                           and Harefield, we will see increases in air traffic, noise
                        pollution and noise levels                                  and pollution. In other parts of Hillingdon we will
                                                                                    see increases in traffic and across the whole borough,
                                                                                    with more people arriving in Hillingdon through the
                                                                                    airport, we may see an increase in demand for our
                                                                                    services, to the detriment of local people.
           This is a special edition of Hillingdon People.                               This is why we are taking such a strong view on
           The regular Hillingdon People                                            the proposals and why I would ask all residents,
           will resume at the start of March.                                       whichever part of our borough you live in, to take
                                                                                    part in the consultation and register your opposition
                   After reading, please recycle this magazine to the proposal.
                                                                                         Some have said that the economic benefits
                                                                                    outweigh the environmental issues. Of course the
                              Editorial enquiries                                   airport brings national economic benefits and we are
                      Hannah Collins 01895 250828                                   not opposed to air travel, but in an already crowded
                                        area with such a high number of homes, there is no
                                                                                    room for Heathrow to increase in size. At the
                           Advertising enquiries                                    moment, on balance, Heathrow is a financial liability
                       Lynette Jones 01895 250575                                   for the people of Hillingdon and expansion would
                                               increase this burden and could result in higher
                       Published by London Borough of Hillingdon © 2008             Council Tax or diminished services.
                       Design Phil Burton 01895 250670 Printed by The Print Factory      The consultation documents are so complicated
                       Hillingdon People, 3E/07 Civic Centre,
                       High Street, Uxbridge, UB8 1UW.                              that the council, working closely with NoTRAG (the
                       Products and services advertised in this magazine            residents group set up to oppose the third runway) and
                       are not necessarily endorsed by the council.
                                                                                    the 2M group (which represents the 12 local authorities,
                                                                                    covering two million people who will be affected by
                                                                                    the third runway) and our local MPs, has produced its
                                                                                    own, simpler response card so that people have the
                                                                                    chance to make their views known to government.
                                                                                         This special edition of Hillingdon People sets out
                                                                                    some of the details of what is being proposed and
                                                                                    how you can have your say. I urge all residents to
                                                                                    make your voice heard and say no to any further
                                                                                    expansion at Heathrow.

             For a copy in large print or on
                tape, call 01895 277834                                                Cllr Ray Puddifoot, Leader of the Council

2•               Heathrow Special
Say NO to Heathrow expansion - The human face How the expansion
general council news
Apple reward for school design                                                                                                     inbrief

                                                                                        PHOTO COURTESY OF GAZETTE NEWSPAPERS
A ‘playful’ school design has
won the council an award.                                                                                                      Dog owners
  The design                                                                                                                   encouraged to be
achievements of Ruislip                                                                                                        more responsible
High School in Sidmouth                                                                                                        Dog owners are
Drive, has won the                                                                                                             reminded of new control
Green Apple award for                                                                                                          orders introduced by the
the council.                                                                                                                   council in January.
  The ‘Built Environment                                                                                                          Anyone not complying
and Architectural Heritage                                                                                                     with the following may
Award’ was presented for                                                                                                       receive a fixed penalty
the site by Professor                                                                                                          notice or be taken to
David Bellamy OBE at the                                                                                                       court:
House of Commons.               cylindrical corner building   prestigious design award                                            Dogs must not foul in
  Judges said:                  and transparent access        for the council’s efforts to                                     any part of the borough
“Environmentally friendly       point leading to a three-     create a sustainable and                                         where the public has
materials and techniques        storey atrium. It is truly    truly inspiring learning                                         access (certain blind and
help the building to            an innovative and             environment. We feel                                             disabled people are
integrate into the              practical structure.”         that our continuous                                              exempt); Dogs must be
landscape.The design is           Margaret Gustafsson,        drive for high quality                                           kept on a lead within
described as playful and        Principal Urban Design        design has really achieved                                       three metres of any road
environmentally                 Consultant, said: “We are     this, and are extremely                                          where there are moving
conscious with a central        so pleased that Hillingdon    proud of the result in                                           vehicles.This does not
lecture theatre, a              Council wins this             Ruislip High School.”                                            include parks, open
                                                                                                                               spaces, river
Cash to Celebrate Centenary                                                                                                    embankments, canal
                                                                                                                               towpaths etc.; Nuisance
                                                                                                                               dogs must be kept on a
                                                                                                                               lead when an authorised
                                                                                                                               officer asks.
                                                                                                                                  The new orders are in
                                                                                                                               line with national initiatives
                                                                                                                               to encourage responsible
                                                                                                                               dog ownership.
                                                                                                                                  For more information
                                                                                                                               call 01895 250155 or
                                                                                                                               e-mail envhealth-
                                                                                                                               schools recognised
                                                                                                                               Several schools in the
Scouts came from groups across the borough to celebrate a £1,000 donation from                                                 borough have been
the council to mark their centenary.                                                                                           singled out for excellent
                                                                                                                               Ofsted inspections
Older people encouraged to sign up for                                                                                         throughout the year.
                                                                                                                                 Ofsted inspectors visit
special parking spaces                                                                                                         schools and educational
                                                                                                                               providers to see how well
Older drivers are               bays in several council       to pay and display                                               they are providing services
encouraged to sign up           owned car parks across        machines.Those wishing                                           for children.Ten schools
for a parking badge,            the borough.                  to use the bays will need                                        were given the highest
which will give them              The designated bays         to display a Brown Badge                                         rating of ‘outstanding’.
access to parking               will be close to exits and,   and pay at the machine
spaces just for them.           where possible, nearest       as normal.
  The over 65s can apply
for a Brown Badge so            Contacts
they can park in specific
                                To apply for a badge or for more information contact
                                Chris Barton on 01895 250 926 or visit

                                                                                                                                   Heathrow Special                    •3
Say NO to Heathrow expansion - The human face How the expansion
heathrow expansion

                     What is ha
                     The government is consulting on proposals to make more use of
                     Heathrow airport. The proposals include building a third runway
                     an additional passenger terminal and increasing the number of
                     flights using the other two runways.
                                                                                              The human face
                     The latest proposals are for a third runways could be used for take offs
                                                                                              of the fight
                     runway north of the A4 with             and landings at the same time.           Geraldine
                     passenger terminals and links to          The council is urging people to        Nicholson is
                     road and rail services. More than       join the campaign against further        Chairwoman of the
                     700 homes in Sipson would have to       expansion at the airport, along          No Third Runway
                     be demolished to make way for the       with residents’ action groups            Action Group
                     runway and there would be more          NoTRAG and other councils in             (NoTRAG), formed
                     pollution in the borough.               the 2M group.                            in 2002 to
                       Plans to make increased use of          You can register your views in         represent residents across
                     the existing runways would also         several ways, detailed below, with the   Hillingdon who do not want to see
                     result in more noise as both            deadline at the end of the month.        Heathrow expanded. She is
                                                                                                      encouraging all residents to take
                                                                                                      part in the consultation because
                     Five ways to say ‘NO!’                                                           expansion will affect everyone in
                                                                                                      the borough, regardless of where
                                                                                                      they live.

                     SAY                 for free                                                        Geraldine said: “It doesn’t matter
                                         Show your support for the campaign by returning the          who you are, young or old, there is
                                         response card sent to every house in the borough by the      nowhere in this borough you can
                                         council to the FREEPOST address by February 15 and           escape the effects of the Heathrow
                                         we will forward this to the government.                      expansion. After six years I still can’t
                                                                                                      make sense of how anyone dare

                     SAY                 locally                                                      contemplate such devastation.
                                         Write to your local councillor at: Civic Centre, High           “People across the borough need
                                         Street, Uxbridge, UB8 1UW.                                   to understand while they won’t all
                                                                                                      find themselves under a flight path,
                                                                                                      schools, roads, health services, and
                                                                                                      housing will be severely affected.

                                                                                                      The north of the borough will have
                     SAY                 nationally                                                   more flights and more noise. It has
                                         Write to your local Member of Parliament at the
                                         House of Commons.                                            been steadily increasing, I have
                                                                                                      certainly noticed that when I have
                                                                                                      been in the north of the borough.”
                                                                                                         She explained the demolition of
                                                                                                      houses in Sipson would affect

                     SAY                 in public                                                    everywhere in the borough,
                                         Attend a public meeting about the expansion at 7pm           including areas which currently do
                                         on January 31 at the Civic Centre.                           not suffer the effects of the airport:
                                                                                                      “Closing just one school and the
                                                                                                      severe detrimental impact on three
                                                                                                      others puts pressure on schools in

                     SAY                 on your own                                                  the north of the borough as there is
                                         Be imaginative. Say ‘no’ in your own unique way like         nowhere to build new schools here.
                                         making a poster and displaying it in your window. See           “700 homes will be demolished;
                                         the back page.                                               putting pressure on housing, the rest

 4•                        Heathrow Special
Say NO to Heathrow expansion - The human face How the expansion
heathrow expansion
appening?                                  How will the expansion affect you?
of us won’t want to be here either.
Health services will be overburdened,
there has been no health impact
assessment undertaken.
  “The southern parts of West
Drayton and Hayes will have
increased noise and pollution, the
proposal is for an extension
equalling Gatwick in size, bringing
the new airport to within metres of
thousands of homes.”                       Harlington                              • The loss of runway alternation on
  She added there would be an              • Severe noise from landings and          the two existing runways would
extra 23 million cars on the roads           take-offs overhead at third runway.     lead to more aircraft overhead
and these would use local roads to         • Noise from take-offs on the             when the airport is operating on
access a new 10,000 space car                existing north runway when the          westerly runways.
park, while the M4 spur would                airport is operating on easterly
come so close to gardens in                  runways as a result of ending the     Sipson
Harlington she felt around 400               Cranford agreement restricting        • Destruction of an entire village to
homes would be uninhabitable.                departures from this runway.            make way for third runway.
Plans to abolish the Cranford

                                                                                     Fact file
Agreement would mean Longford              Harmondsworth
and Cranford Cross no longer get           • The village will be surrounded by
any peace during the day.                    the airport.
  Geraldine is also concerned the          • Severe noise from landings and         • One in three people using
runway would not stay at 2,500m              take-offs at third runway                Heathrow never leave the airport,
long as the short runway would                                                        they are simply changing flights.
only cater for 70% of the demand           Longford                                 • One in five flights made are short
and will not fulfil the airport’s needs.   • Severe noise from aircraft on the        haul and could be made by rail.
  She said the report compiled by            ground getting ready to take off       • Only around 40% of passengers
NATS (National Air Traffic Services)         from the north runway to the             using the airport are business
raised issues relating to how the            east. Residents are currently            travellers.
third runway would work in                   protected from this activity by
relation to flights in and out of the        the Cranford agreement.                • The consultation document says
                                                                                      the extra flights could generate up
London airport network, including          • The loss of runway alternation           to 53.4 million road users by 2030,
RAF Northolt. NATS states more               would mean aircraft taking off           twice the number we have now.
research needs to take place.                overhead on the north runway
  Geraldine’s final comment was              for a much bigger part of the day      • The proposal would increase the
that the government’s economic               when the airport is operating on         movements in and out of the
                                                                                      airport from 480,000 to 702,000
case has not been proved. It is              westery runways - there would            by 2030, the equivalent of building
predicted operational                        be no changeover at 3pm.                 a new airport the size of Gatwick.
improvements would mean 9,000
jobs are lost in the first ten years of    Ruislip, Northwood                       • An extra 60,000 flights a year
a new runway becoming                      and Harefield                              could be fitted in if runway
operational. A London Chamber of           • The third runway would mean              alternation was ended, which
                                                                                      would mean residents living
Commerce survey from 2006                    more aircraft flying overhead on         under flight paths would no
showed 78% of companies were                 their approach when the airport          longer have less noise when the
against the expansion of Heathrow.           is operating on easterly runways.        runways alternate at 3pm.

                                                                                                 Heathrow Special                  •5
Say NO to Heathrow expansion - The human face How the expansion
heathrow expansion

                     Focus on...
                     Focus on... homes                         extended, and Harlington would be          Heritage sites are also at risk,
                     More than 700 homes in Sipson             surrounded on three sides by the         along with acres of green belt land
                     will be demolished if the plans go        airport.There could also be a major      and nature conservation areas.
                     ahead.This is in addition to a            road through Cherry Lane cemetery.       Four grade two listed buildings
                     school and churches and will mean            The various villages in the area      will be within the area to be
                     a whole community is wiped off            rely on each other and the loss of       demolished. Around 22% of the
                     the map.                                  Sipson could leave other                 Harmondsworth Conservation
                       Around 3,000 people would lose          communities without vital amenities.     Area will be lost if the buildings
                     their homes, with many of them            The remaining villages would be          go ahead.
                     having lived in them all their lives.     surrounded by the airport with long        The expansion area covers one
                     Several buildings of historic interest,   established roads and footpaths          scheduled ancient monument, the
                     among them an ancient church              being demolished, cutting them off.      14th century tithe barn in
                     dating to the 11th century, will be       Many houses will be left on the          Harmondsworth, and another three
                     under concrete if the runway is           edge of the airport.They will be         are in the wider corridor.The site is
                     given the go-ahead.                       offered no compensation but the          also an area of high archaeological
                       William Byrd School will be at the      quality of life for the residents will   activity and there are 102 listed
                     eastern end of the runway if it is        be greatly reduced because of the        buildings in the area looked at in
                     built and could be demolished if it is    presence of the enlarged airport.        the consultation document.

 6•                        Heathrow Special
Say NO to Heathrow expansion - The human face How the expansion
heathrow expansion
                                      The two lowest decibel levels (yellow) are deemed to be ‘acceptable’ by the government.
                                            The map shows how much noise there is that is louder than the acceptable levels.
Focus on... noise                         The consultation uses data               Heathrow on public transport,
Increased noise is one of the key      suggesting people get annoyed at            which will reduce the numbers of
arguments against the expansion of     57 decibels but a new study                 people in their own cars on the
the airport.The extra runway           suggests the level has reduced to           roads.The consultation document
would mean new flight paths, which     50 decibles, meaning more than              predicts there could be up to
would mean areas of the borough        two million people will be in the           53.4million road users by 2030,
which have been unaffected by the      area affected by Heathrow noise,            twice the number there are now.
airport would now be.                  ten times the current number.                 Targets for reducing carbon
   At the moment, 70% of flights in       The new ‘footprint’ for people will      emissions and climate change
to and out of Heathrow are into        cover most of the borough and               would appear to be in direct
prevailing winds, which tend to be     stretch from Slough and Maidenhead          competition with the desire to
from the west or south west.This       in the west to Battersea and                expand at Heathrow.There has
means planes going into the airport    Clapham Common in the east.                 been no assessment of how the
approach from the east and take           The Cranford Agreement, which            extra CO2 emissions produced
off into the west (westerly).          was signed by ministers in 1952,            through the third runway will affect
   Overnight there is alternation      means take offs to the east from the        the climate.
between the westerly and easterly      northern runway are generally not             Greenpeace has estimated an
flightpaths to give residents some     allowed.This means people living in         additional three million tonnes of
respite, an agreement signed in        Cranford, at the end of the runway,         CO2 will be produced by the
1952, to reduce the disruption to      are protected against take off noise.       runway, the equivalent to the entire
residents at the end of the runway.    If this were to be removed, residents       emissions output of Kenya. Aviation
   The third runway would mean         would have the noise of aeroplanes          accounts for 13% of all climate
more flights over the north of the     throughout the day.                         change emissions in the UK but
borough when the airport is                                                        transport secretary Ruth Kelly, has
operating on easterlies. With
mixed modes (planes using both
                                       Focus on... pollution                       said the pollution levels will stay
                                                                                   within EU legal limits.
runways) there would be easterly       The environmental impact of                   Ending runway alternation would
departures on the north runway         expansion is clear – more flights           mean there is more nitrogen oxide
resulting in more noise in             mean more pollution.                        air pollution over Longford.This
Longford and Harlington. The loss        The extra flights also means more         could increase by up to 5% but it
of runway alternation would            people using the airport, which will        would reduce the same gas by
mean there would be no quiet           lead to increased traffic, meaning          similar levels in areas to the east of
periods for residents in these         more emissions from cars.The DfT            the area.
areas. Areas in the south of the       consultation relies on new planes             Longer commutes could also
borough would also be overflown        producing less emissions and new            come from jobs created by the
and subject to air noise, while        technology reducing the levels of           expansion as there is relatively full
areas near the proposed sixth          carbon produced by vehicles.                employment in the immediate area
terminal would also be subject to        The government is also hoping             meaning employees would have to
ground noise.                          more people will travel to                  travel further to get to their jobs.

                                                                                                  Heathrow Special                     •7
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NO                                       Heathrow
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