SAS for Grocery Empowering grocers to engage customers at every turn

Page created by Roger Herrera
SAS for Grocery Empowering grocers to engage customers at every turn

SAS for Grocery

Empowering grocers to engage customers at every turn

The grocery industry has changed. To
withstand the onslaught of growing com-
petitive pressures, most grocers have
embraced store brands, prepared foods
and other higher-margin items, like cards,
gifts and books. Today’s consumers,
however, know more about products,
prices and retailers than ever before, and
they no longer respond to traditional
approaches to win and retain their loyalty.
If customers aren’t satisfied with your
prices and assortment, they may take
their business to your competitor across         Challenges
                                                 • Cost pressures. Grocers are facing
the street.
                                                   rising commodity prices for center store
                                                   items, food inflation and margin
How can you know your community and
                                                   pressures resulting from the economic
build rapport with your customers? How             conditions of the past several years.
can you attract, retain and grow custom-
                                                 • Increased competition. The range of
ers’ trust, business and loyalty? The
                                                   competitive options today – from
answers to these challenges may lie in
                                                   convenience to mega-retailers and
the vast stores of data grocers accumu-            hypermarkets – has fractured the
late from multiple sources.                        neighborhood grocery market.
                                                 • Data deluge. Grocers are drowning in
Unfortunately, most grocers are over-
                                                   data from a variety of sources – the
whelmed with data, and many are unable             baskets purchased, the raw number of
to use what they have to make the best             interrelated transactions, etc. – then
decisions for their brand. The bottom line         add to that loyalty card, syndicated,
is that customer and demographic data              demographic, geographic and
represents a gold mine of information,             dimensional data, etc.
but many grocers have long had to rely           • Changing customer demands.
solely on external parties to mine their           Growing price sensitivity, increased
data and make recommendations. But                 access to alternate channels, and
that’s a risky proposition, considering the        greater access to information makes
potential for losing customers, insight,           customer behavior and preferences
market share, competitive positions and            harder to predict and customer loyalty
profitability.                                     harder to secure.

What if you could know today’s and
tomorrow’s customers, and earn their          With vast experience in the grocery busi-
trust and business? What if you could         ness, SAS can power your business with
deliver a pleasant shopping experience        a step-by-step process to transform your
and provide a unique value? You can.          company with analytics to drive results
                                              across the grocery enterprise.
SAS for Grocery Empowering grocers to engage customers at every turn
Put the engaged consumer
                                               at the center
                                               of your business
The SAS® Difference                            How SAS Empowers
                                                              ®                                     Shopper insight offerings from SAS give
                                                                                                    you a more robust understanding of
Only SAS offers grocers fast results, with     Grocers                                              your customers, their preferences, buy-
modular solutions that let you start where                                                          ing behaviors, market baskets and affini-
your needs are greatest – with a service       SAS offers solutions that put the power
                                                                                                    ties. SAS Analytics help grocers create
offering or onsite business solution –         of analytics in the hands of the business
                                                                                                    more granular customer segments to
                                               user, very quickly enabling those folks
to drive better revenue, margins and                                                                support more targeted marketing pro-
                                               closest to the business to be more self-
localization, and then add on over time                                                             grams and perform market basket anal-
                                               sufficient and proactive in understanding
as your business grows and your needs                                                               ysis to optimize in-store product mix
                                               what drives their business and how to
change. SAS offers a full spectrum of                                                               and store organization.
                                               tune it for peak performance.
solutions for all your marketing needs:
                                                                                                    SAS Social Media Analytics enables you
• Shopper insights. Understand your            Understand and Engage Customers                      to act on intelligence gleaned from
  customers – their preferences, buying        with Robust Shopper Insights                         online conversations across professional
  behaviors, what they say about you in
                                               Grocers have long had more than                      and consumer-generated media sites. It
  social media, etc. – and use that
                                               enough customer data, and now new                    lets you attribute online conversations to
  insight to better attract, retain and
                                               sources, such as social media, are                   specific parts of your business, enabling
  grow customers and profits.                                                                       an accelerated response to shifts in the
                                               added to the mix. But what can that
• Assortment optimization. Quickly             data tell you about your customers and               marketplace. As an enterprise hosted
  determine an executable local                what they are buying?                                solution managed by SAS Solutions
  assortment by scoring products and                                                                OnDemand, SAS Social Media Analytics
  optimizing assortments based on who                                                               is tailored to your unique business chal-
  is buying what, in which stores.                                                                  lenges and enterprise goals.

• Inventory optimization. Ensure
   proper inventory and pack-out at the
   store level to maintain balanced
   inventory, a sufficient service level and
   an enhanced shopping experience.

• Demand forecasting. Automatically
  create, diagnose, model, execute and                                                        The
  reconcile forecasts across multiple
  merchandise levels and locations.

• Space optimization. Create optimal
  store and fixture space allocations so
  you can guarantee precise space
  utilization in new markets while
  increasing sales in existing stores.

                                                       Engaging today’s customers requires the ability to build trust and relationships.
SAS for Grocery Empowering grocers to engage customers at every turn
The SAS® Difference
                                                                                                (continued... )
                                                                                                • Price optimization. Understand
                                                                                                  purchase behavior/elasticity, and set a
                                                                                                  price that reinforces your brand and
                                           The                                                    go-to-market strategy while maintaining
                                                                                                  competitive balance to local influences.

                                                                                                • Promotion optimization and
                                                                                                  marketing resource management.
                                                                                                  Maximize margin and revenue through
                                                                                                  improved promotion planning with a
                                                                                                  retail workflow between marketing and
                                                                                                  product managers, comprehensive
                                                                                                   support for vendor deal management,
                                                                                                   collaboration and more.
         Key analytical capabilities empower grocers to actively engage customers.
                                                                                                • Campaign management and
                                                                                                  marketing optimization. Efficiently
                                                                                                  manage marketing campaigns by
                                                                                                  targeting specific consumers across
Benefits                                          • Discover not only which products are          multiple channels (print, Web, mobile,
• Integrate information from loyalty                typically bought together, but why.           etc.) using a variety of analytical models
  programs, transaction files, demo-
                                                  • Identify advocates of, and threats to,        (e.g., RFM).
  graphic appends and vendors into a
  single version of the truth.                      corporate reputation and brand.

• Gain valuable customer insights and             • Quantify interaction among traditional
  identify meaningful segments.                     media and social media activity, and
                                                    establish a platform for social CRM
• Understand which factors influence                                                         “We chose SAS because of their strong
  customer satisfaction, long-term cus-                                                      commitment to retail and analytical excel-
  tomer relationships and sales results.                                                     lence. This partnership will enhance our
                                                                                             guests’ shopping experience with the
                                                                                             implementation of SAS’ technology and
                                                                                             resources to provide improvements in
                                                                                             pricing, assortment and customer insight.”

                                                                                              Maura Hart
                                                                                              CIO, Winn-Dixie
Put the power of
                                          analytics at the heart
                                          of your business
“With stores spread throughout the       An Automated Approach to                      Make Better Use of Selling Space with
                                          Assortment Optimization                       Space Planning and Optimization
country, tastes and preferences can
vary drastically. Because SAS Space       Grocers often struggle to determine           Localizing merchandise assortments
                                          which products are needed in which            and successfully executing at the store-
Optimization is based on store-specific
                                          stores in what quantities to fit into what    shelf level tops every grocer’s agenda.
sales, the system allows us to allocate   physical space, while simultaneously try-     SAS Retail Space Management offers a
more space to the products our local      ing to better understand their customers,     streamlined, browser-based planogram-
customers want in each region to          product proliferation and cost of space.      ming solution for improving the use of
                                                                                        selling space, enhancing inventory pro-
meet their needs and avoid stock-
                                          SAS takes an automated, optimized             ductivity and extending space planning
outs. This has only become possible
                                          approach to assortment optimization,          power so store managers can collabo-
with SAS software.”                       helping you understand customer loyalty       rate with associates (e.g., category
                                          and preferences so you can determine          managers and vendors).
 Irja Simola                              the best assortment in each category to
 CIO, Grocery Retail, S-Group
                                          achieve your objectives while taking into     SAS Retail Space Management includes
                                          account your constraints (e.g., available     SAS Space Optimization, SAS Space
                                          space). The result is success in that elu-    Planning, SAS Collaborative Plano-
                                          sive “last mile,” where products ultimately   gramming and SAS StoreCAD Plus.
                                          must fit the space available. Assortment
                                          optimization as a service offering from       Benefits
                                          SAS makes a great first step for grocers      • Increase revenue and inventory pro-
                                          before tackling other areas.                     ductivity.

                                                                                        • More efficiently map assortments to
                                          • Improve margins and increase sales.
                                                                                        • Improve planogram performance
                                          • Reduce costs.
                                          • Include a better variety in assortments.
                                                                                        • Enhance planogram content, and
                                          • Increase customer satisfaction.               change communications.
SAS® Promotion Optimization lets you
Retail Forecasting                            Maximize Margins with Regular
                                                                                           maximize margin and revenue through
                                              Price and Promotion Optimization
Essential decisions about assortment,                                                      improved promotion planning. The solu-
price and promotion, and supply chain         Pricing has a dramatic effect on a gro-      tion’s promotional planning process
execution depend heavily on under-            cer’s margin. To get the price right, your   enables better workflow and communi-
standing consumer demand, and it is no        pricing and promotion strategies must all    cation between the marketing depart-
longer adequate to create this under-         align and support your company’s brand       ment and product managers, as well as
standing via outdated spreadsheets or         image. Setting such strategies requires      a more effective method for managing
back-of-the-envelope calculations. What       accurate, reliable information about not     product selection for use in marketing
is needed is a highly scalable platform       just what customers want now, but what       vehicles. It helps you determine which
that considers the range of factors driv-     they will want in the future.                items or groups of items to promote in
ing consumer behavior.                                                                     which locations, at what price points,
                                              SAS Regular Price Optimization helps         through which promotional vehicles
SAS Retail Forecasting predicts con-          you establish and maintain optimal           using advanced demand modeling and
sumer response to price changes and           everyday prices, while maximizing cate-      optimization techniques.
promotional activity in order to generate a   gory margin and volume goals based on
demand forecast at the store level. It’s      costs, regional demand and competitive       Benefits
specifically designed to forecast demand      price information. The solution allows for   • Develop and implement optimal pro-
for long- and short-lifecycle retail prod-    high-low product categories.                    motional plans.
ucts by considering critical causal factors
                                                                                           • Manage and optimize localized ver-
– price, promotions and marketing activ-      An intuitive interface lets merchants,
                                                                                             sions of promotions.
ity – and analyzing the effects across the    their assistants, category management
whole category. It’s for use by trading       teams and pricing analysts make timely       • Manage overlapping and conflicting
and supply chain divisions affected by        profit- and revenue-maximizing deci-           promotions.
price and promotional activity.               sions in the context of operational con-
                                                                                           • Manage for trade/vendor funds in
                                              straints. You can also predict the impact
                                                                                              promotion optimization.
Benefits                                      of proposed price changes on revenue,
• Maximize stock coverage while mini-         unit volume and profitability based on       • Predict incremental lift from planned
   mizing costs.                              elasticity, cross-elasticity and demand        promotions – both on promoted
                                              associated with different products.            items and across the store.
• Increase inventory turns.
                                                                                           • Maximize return on promotional
• Model future prices and promotions.         Benefits
                                                                                              investments, while also accounting
• Forecast effect on a whole category.        • Optimize pricing down to UPC level.
                                                                                              for cannibalization.
• Forecast space more accurately.             • Maximize category and volume goals.

                                              • Make profit- and revenue-generating
                                                decisions quickly in response to
                                                product performance, market oppor-
                                                tunities and competitive actions.
Greater customer loyalty,
                                          greater ROI
“With the help of SAS we have been       Deliver Marketing Effectiveness with         Increase ROI with Campaign
                                          Marketing Resource Management                Management and Marketing
able to reduce stockholding by at least
8 percent and reduce wastage by 3 to      Grocers purchase myriad marketing
                                          services, developing circulars, mailers,     As the cost of acquiring new customers
4 percent.”
                                          collateral, running campaigns and spon-      increases, grocers must focus acquisition
                                          soring events. Much of this is managed       efforts on customers with the highest
 Gail Richmond
 Manager, Branch Ordering Development,    in an ad hoc and uncoordinated manner        profit potential. In addition, implementing
 Waitrose                                 with emails, spreadsheets and other          an integrated communication strategy
                                          rudimentary tools. The result is market-     across all channels, while taking into
                                          ing inefficiencies, which lead to            account customer communication pref-
                                          increased costs, time-to-market delays       erences, is becoming essential.
                                          and weakened brand value.
                                                                                       SAS Marketing Automation lets you
                                          SAS and recent acquisition Assetlink         apply in-depth customer insight to your
                                          provide the most comprehensive solu-         merchandising and marketing decisions
                                          tion available for delivering marketing      by planning, testing and executing tai-
                                          effectiveness. The solution enables more     lored promotions and campaigns that
                                          efficient marketing programs planning        help you retain your highest-value cus-
                                          and budget allocation, with workflows        tomers and drive higher rates of new
                                          that encourage collaboration among all       customer acquisitions for a better return
                                          stakeholders – including vendors – and       on investment and a healthier bottom
                                          enable the definition, tracking, coordina-   line. The solution also helps you maxi-
                                          tion and execution of multichannel cam-      mize economic outcomes by making the
                                          paign tasks.                                 most of each customer communication.

                                          Benefits                                     In addition, you can increase marketing
                                          • Align marketing plans with overall         campaign ROI by determining the best
                                            strategy.                                  offers for individual customers and deliv-
                                                                                       ering analytic insight that takes into
                                          • Integrate program budgeting and
                                                                                       account business constraints, such as
                                            spending tracking.
                                                                                       contact policies.
                                          • Streamline program collaboration and

                                          • Catalog, store and reuse digital assets.
Benefits                                      About SAS
• Complete more campaigns, faster.            SAS is the leader in business analytics
• Achieve better targeting and response       software and services, and the largest
  rates by focusing on customers who          independent vendor in the business
                                              intelligence market. Through innovative
  matter most.
                                              solutions delivered within an integrated
• Continuously improve campaigns.             framework, SAS helps customers at
• Coordinate across multiple channels.        more than 50,000 sites improve perfor-
                                              mance and deliver value by making bet-
• Improve marketing ROI.
                                              ter decisions faster. Since 1976 SAS
• Understand the impact of changes.           has been giving customers around the
                                              world THE POWER TO KNOW®.
• Enhance your contact strategy.

SAS Marketing Optimization applies
mathematical techniques to maximize
campaign return, revealing how to make
the most of each customer contact. By
determining the best offers for individuals
and gaining insight into the impact of
changing business constraints (e.g., bud-
get, channel capacity, contact policies),
you can increase your campaign ROI.

• Improve marketing ROI.

• Understand the impact of changes.

• Enhance your contact strategy.

Only SAS provides the complete set
of capabilities needed for a customer-
focused marketing process. And
because one size does not fit all, SAS
offers a variety of deployment options
– on-premise, enterprise hosting and
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