Page created by Virgil Graves

                                “As a market-leading global recruitment group our purpose is clear - we power
                                people and organisations to fulfil their unique potential – and that’s what we’ve
                                been doing for over 33 years.

                                People are at the heart of everything we do from the job seeker, to the hiring
                                manager, to those who bring them together. Our candidates and clients see us
                                as a trusted advisor, helping them to fulfil career aspirations and build exceptional
                                teams over the long-term.

                                We do this through our collaborative culture and non-commission model which
                                ensures that candidate and client needs are front and centre.

                                Our candidates know that we’ll take the time to listen and advise them on the next
                                step in their career. It’s these relationships that enable us to offer our clients the
                                best talent on the market and that’s why they return to us again and again. We’re
                                also experts in the disciplines we recruit for enabling us to provide insight into
                                hiring and salary trends.

                                While our reach is global, we remain committed to providing our clients with local
                                market insight. We look to hire the best local talent to ensure we can offer a deep
ROBERT WALTERS,                 understanding of the local culture and market conditions. This sets us apart from
                                the competition and helps us remain a trusted recruitment partner to the world’s
                                leading businesses.”

                                Robert Walters
                                Robert Walters plc

             OF OUR BUSINESS
             IS FOCUSED ON
             RECRUITMENT, 31%
             ON CONTRACT
   Locations we operate in

BRAZIL          JAPAN         SPAIN
To discover hiring and salary trends across the world, read our Global Trends on page 10 or
download our books covering:
• Australia & New Zealand                    • Japan
• Brazil                                     • Middle East & Africa
• Canada                                     • South Korea
• Europe                                     • United Kingdom
• Greater China & South East Asia
                                                Download your copy today by visiting

In an increasingly complex global recruitment market, the          WHAT MAKES US DIFFERENT?
Robert Walters Group builds great teams for our clients by         Bespoke, consultative service
offering an end-to-end recruitment service, on a local, regional
or global basis.
                                                                   1. Commitment to quality
OUR CORE DISCIPLINES INCLUDE:                                      We focus on building long-term, high-quality relationships
• Accounting & Finance                                             with clients and candidates. We consult and advise, helping
• Banking & Financial Services                                     our candidates make the right career move. This builds trust
                                                                   and loyalty and ensures we continually have the industry’s
• Engineering                                                      top talent for our clients.
• Human Resources
• Legal                                                            2. Specialists
• Marketing                                                        We hire from industry to ensure our consultants are
• Sales                                                            specialists in the disciplines they recruit for. They also
• Secretarial & Support                                            bring with them strong personal relationships and industry
                                                                   networks enabling them to find hard to reach talent with
• Supply Chain & Procurement
                                                                   niche skill sets.
• Technology
Robert Walters has found                              I have found                         We had a dedicated team
         us some great people.                           Robert Walters to be                      from Robert Walters who
       They’re fast, friendly and                       professional, thorough                        provided consistency
           very well connected.                        and responsive. They’ve                         and a great level of
         I’ve worked with many                         introduced us to quality                    expertise in their relevant
       recruiters over the years                       candidates who closely                         disciplines. The team
         but the Robert Walters                        match our requirements                     clearly communicated the
        team are without doubt                         and as a result we have                       recruitment process to
               my favourite.                            made successful hires.                      us and provided sound
                                                                                                  advice around the market,
         Michael Acton Smith,                            Henry Loo, VP Data                       candidate experience and
         Co-founder & CEO,                                Management and                                  expectations.
             Calm, USA                                   Analytics, DBS Bank,
                                                             Hong Kong                            Sam Reynolds, Senior HR
                                                                                                   Advisor, ARTC, Australia

3. No individual commission                                        5. Innovation culture
We operate a team-based profit share system which, we              We were the first recruiter to launch a recruitment process
believe, sets us apart from the vast majority of our               outsourcing business and we continue to lead the way with
competitors as it ensures the interests of both the client and     industry-first sponsorships and brand development such as our
candidate remain our number one priority. There is also no         sponsorship of the British and Irish Lions.
ownership of candidates ensuring clients always see the
best talent we have available.
                                                                   6. Long-term business focus
                                                                   Our strategy is one of organic growth through international
4. Our people and culture                                          expansion and discipline diversification. We invest in markets for
We promote long-term, international careers helping us to retain   the long-term and maintain our presence, even in tough times.
our top people which provides continuity for our clients. We’re
proud to say our senior management team is home-grown with
                                                                   7. End-to-end recruitment service
an average tenure of 17 years.
                                                                   We offer clients a true end-to-end recruitment service, from
                                                                   permanent, contract and interim recruitment through to
                                                                   recruitment process outsourcing.

 INTRODUCTION                                               AFRICA
Global Trends................................... 10
Regional Trends................................ 12          SOUTH AFRICA
                                                           OVERVIEW....................................... 44
 REGIONAL OVERVIEWS                                        Accounting & Finance.................... 48
Australia & New Zealand.................. 14               Banking & Financial Services........ 49
Europe.............................................. 16    Legal................................................ 51
Greater China................................... 18
Japan & South Korea....................... 20               REST OF AFRICA
North America.................................. 22         OVERVIEW....................................... 52
South East Asia................................ 24         Central & Southern Africa.............. 57
United Kingdom............................... 26           East Africa....................................... 58
                                                           North Africa..................................... 59
 MIDDLE EAST                                               West Africa...................................... 60
OVERVIEW....................................... 30
Accounting & Finance.................... 36
Banking & Financial Services........ 37
Information Technology................. 39
Legal................................................ 40
Marketing & Retail.......................... 42
Sales................................................ 43

                  SALARY SUR
                  AUSTRALIA VEY 2019
                             & NEW ZEALA
                   SALARY SURV
                               EY 2019

                     SALARY SURVEY 2019
                SALARY SUR
                EUROPE    VEY 2019

                 SALARY SURV
                 GREATER CHIN 2019
                SALARY        A & SOUTH EA
                        SURVEY             ST ASI  A
                JAPAN            2019

                  SALARY SURV
                  MIDDLE EAST EY 2019
                              & AFRICA
                   SALARY SURV
                   SOUTH KORE 2019
                 SALARY SURVEY
                 UNITED KINGDO 19

Drawing on our local knowledge and expertise across six continents we’ve
produced a series of books covering:
• Australia & New Zealand                • Japan
• Brazil                                 • Middle East & Africa
• Canada                                 • South Korea
• Europe                                 • United Kingdom
• Greater China & South East Asia

Download your copy today by visiting
                EDITION OF THE GLOBAL
8   Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019
ABOUT THE                                Our Salary Survey is based on the
                                         analysis of permanent, interim and
SALARY SURVEY                            contract placements made across each
                                         of our geographies and recruitment
Welcome to the 20th edition of the       disciplines during 2018, and our
Robert Walters annual Salary Survey.     predictions for the year ahead.

As the first recruitment company to      GET IN TOUCH
produce a comprehensive overview of      If you would like to find out more about
global salaries and recruitment trends   salaries and recruitment trends in
across the world, we are pleased to      your industry, call one of our specialist
share the latest edition with you.       consultants today. Contact details can
                                         be found at the back of this book.

                                                           ABOUT THE SALARY SURVEY   9

                                          investment and hiring across all sectors     programmes and hiring was up across
                                          as the business-friendly government          the region.
                                          eased employment regulations.
                                                                                       South East Asia experienced a buoyant
                                          Businesses in Belgium expanded and           recruitment market in 2018, with rapid
                                          hiring in Germany and Ireland increased      growth across Indonesia, Philippines,
                                          across multiple disciplines. In Spain,       Thailand and Vietnam. This was driven
                                          we saw greater demand for bilingual          by foreign direct investment and
                                          candidates, especially for accounting        the continued entry of multinational
                                          and human resources roles.                   companies. In comparison, hiring in
                                                                                       Singapore and Malaysia was modest
                                          The positive economic climate led            and stable as companies sought fewer
                                          to a candidate driven market in the          but better-skilled professionals.
                                          Netherlands, with candidate shortages
                                          especially acute at the junior to mid-       In Japan, local and foreign companies
                                          level. Switzerland remained the outlier      competed for bilingual candidates with
                                          with only minimal shifts in hiring           international experience, putting pressure
GILES DAUBENEY, DEPUTY                    volumes in 2018.                             on this already scarce talent pool. Overall
CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER                                                                the market remained candidate driven
                                          In the UK, employers faced candidate         and this will continue in 2019.
GLOBAL OVERVIEW                           shortages as professionals proved
“Overall the global hiring market was     reluctant to switch roles due to the         Greater China experienced strong
buoyant in 2018, with most markets        uncertainty surrounding Brexit. The          economic growth in 2018, boosting
reporting an increase in hiring due       technology industry continued to grow
to positive economic conditions and       and hire aggressively.
employer confidence. Many markets
continued to face candidate shortages,    Across Africa, there was a surge in                With talent shortages set to
especially in relation to bilingual       demand for returning professionals with            continue in 2019, we advise
professionals and those with specialist   international experience as businesses            companies to streamline their
digital skills.                           sought to implement international best
                                                                                           recruitment processes to avoid
                                          practice and support government
Across Europe, the recruitment market     nationalisation policies. Businesses in              losing out on top talent.
went from strength to strength in         the Middle East also focused on hiring
2018. In France, we saw an increase in    local talent in support of nationalisation
10   Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019
employer confidence and hiring activity     region, there was widespread demand                       to avoid losing out on top talent. Hiring
across the region.                          for risk, compliance and legal talent.                    managers should also clearly articulate
                                                                                                      the company’s mission, strategy and
The Australia and New Zealand markets       Regulatory pressure in the UK and                         values at interview stage to differentiate
showed steady growth and modest             Australia led to high demand for                          themselves from the competition. In
salary increases in 2018, although          compliance and risk professionals and                     addition, for scarce skill sets, employers
pressure is growing for a long-awaited      this is set to continue in 2019.                          are advised to hire ambitious, fast
uptick in salaries in 2019.                                                                           learners, even if they are not an exact fit
                                            In Germany and Ireland, we expect to                      for the job description.
KEY TRENDS                                  see even greater demand for regulatory
Global shortage of digital skills           professionals across risk, audit,                         Retaining staff will remain a top
The global demand for digital and           compliance and legal, as the UK is                        priority in 2019 so, on top of paying
technology skill sets continued apace       scheduled to exit the EU in 2019.                         competitive salaries, employers should
and shows no sign of slowing in 2019.                                                                 continue to invest in learning and
                                            Advice to employers                                       development, benefits packages,
In Australia, digital transformation        With talent shortages set to continue                     flexible working and employer
was prevalent across many industries        in 2019, we advise companies to                           branding.”
leading to sustained demand for             streamline their recruitment processes
development and digital specialists.
Similarly, in South East Asia,
digitalisation remained a key trend                   THE GLOBAL DEMAND
with cyber security, big data and AI                  FOR DIGITAL AND
specialists highly sought after.                      TECHNOLOGY SKILL
                                                      SETS CONTINUED
In San Francisco, blockchain and
cryptocurrency were growth areas,                     APACE AND SHOWS
and start-ups utilising machine learning              NO SIGN OF SLOWING
and AI continued to attract talent as                 IN 2019.
candidates sought to be on the cutting
edge of technological advancements. In
Japan, roles related to data utilisation,
AI development/deployment and
infrastructure, rapidly increased across
all industries.

Across Greater China, demand for
top-tier talent experienced in high-
tech and digital transformation
projects outstripped supply. Candidate
shortages were also a concern for the
UK’s growing technology industry as
businesses faced stiff competition for
software developers and engineers.

Risk and compliance talent in high
While hiring across the banking and
financial services sector varied by

                                                                     GreaterChinaexperiencedstrongeconomicgrowthin2018,boostingemployerconfidenceandhiringactivityacrosstheregion. 11

With our presence spanning 29 locations across six continents our
specialist teams offer in-depth knowledge of the sectors they recruit for.
In this section our regional managing directors share their insights on
hiring and salary trends in 2018 and their predictions for the year ahead.

Our regional overviews include:

•   Australia & New Zealand
•   Europe
•   Greater China
•   Japan & South Korea
•   North America
•   South East Asia
•   United Kingdom

INTRODUCTION                                 INFRASTRUCTURE DRIVING
“The Australia and New Zealand               DEMAND                                        Our presence in Australia &
markets continued their trajectory of        The skylines of most major cities             New Zealand:
steady growth in 2018, without ever          in Australia and New Zealand are
threatening to break out into all-out        currently dotted with cranes, as national     •    Adelaide
booms.                                       infrastructure projects continue. Civil       •    Auckland
                                             engineers and project managers will           •    Brisbane
Salary growth has generally been             be highly sought after in 2019 to help        •    Chatswood
modest for the past three years and          deliver new roads, railways, hospitals,
                                                                                           •    Melbourne
pressure is gradually building for a         schools, stadiums and hotels. We
possible uplift in wage levels in 2019.      expect an increase in demand for              •    Parramatta
                                             ancillary roles too, such as architects,      •    Perth
Several industry sectors are                 interior designers and lawyers with           •    Sydney
experiencing high demand for qualified       relevant contract expertise.                  •    Wellington
talent in specialisms where there
is limited supply. The most notable          TECH POWERING GROWTH
pressure points apply to specific roles in   In the technology space, we will see        cyber security professionals, who are
infrastructure, technology, and banking      demand for numerous IT specialists          already in short supply. Organisations
and financial services.                      continue unabated in 2019. High-profile     from every industry and sector will
                                             security breaches and regulatory            continue their digital transformations,
                                             scrutiny are increasing the value of        leading to sustained demand for
14   Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019
development and digital specialists.       recruitment market remained buoyant in     Overall, heading into 2019, we believe
Likewise business intelligence,            2018. As Australians head to the polling   the Australian and New Zealand hiring
automation and data management             booths in 2019, employers will hope        market remains in good shape.
professionals will be sought to help       that the next government does not put
companies rebuild services and             the brakes on hiring flexible workforces   Many of the ingredients are in place for
products around customer behaviour.        to deal with short-term supply issues.     a positive year and, after a few years
                                                                                      of modest wage rises, pressure is
FINANCE REGULATION                         As in Washington and London, anti-         gathering for a long-awaited uptick in
TIGHTENS                                   immigration rhetoric has reverberated      salaries.”
The banking and financial services         along the corridors of power in
sector in Australia felt the sting of      Wellington and Canberra during 2018.       James Nicholson
media criticism and public discontent                                                 Managing Director
during 2018, as revelations of                                                        Australia & New Zealand
misconduct were laid bare by the
Royal Commission. Consequently, the               The skylines of most major
regulatory crackdown will continue                cities in Australia and New
in 2019, with the number of risk                 Zealand are currently dotted
and compliance roles substantially                 with cranes, as national
outstripping supply.                                 infrastructure projects
Given the shortage of local talent in
many sectors, 2019 is shaping up to be
a challenging year for hiring managers.    Some employers fear their growth
Part of the answer will lie in the power   could be stifled by further restrictions
of networks: knowing where the market      upon hiring overseas talent. In 2019,
is heading, who the talent is, where to    we hope economic pragmatism will
find them and how to secure them.          prevail over populism.

The other essential part will be to
think long-term: hiring and training
graduates with the right aptitude, as
well as upskilling existing personnel.
For example, with new or emerging
roles such as conduct risk managers
there are very few experienced
specialists in the market. Employers
may need to respond by training
existing personnel to identify and
mitigate risk.

In New Zealand there was concern
that the new government may dent
business confidence, however the

2018 TRENDS                                 for engineering and supply chain
“The European recruitment market            professionals was also high thanks to         Our presence in Europe:
went from strength to strength in           large-scale investment in new plants          •    Belgium
2018. Overall hiring levels were high,      and factories. As a consequence, HR,          •    France
underpinned by a growing economy,           legal and finance professionals were in       •    Germany
increased investor confidence in            high demand.
                                                                                          •    Ireland
the eurozone and UK-based roles
                                                                                          •    Luxembourg
transferring to the region due to           The continued economic upturn in
Brexit, all of which led to businesses      the Netherlands led to an extremely           •    Netherlands
aggressively hiring new talent.             candidate driven market at all levels of      •    Portugal
                                            seniority, with shortages most apparent       •    Spain
In France, the strong market conditions     at the junior to mid-level. In an attempt     •    Switzerland
of 2017 continued into 2018 with            to attract talent early, high-potential
companies actively recruiting across        students were beginning to be offered
the market. The economic climate            contracts for finance and banking roles     for bilingual candidates, especially for
was reinforced by a business friendly       whilst still at university.                 accountants and customer services
government easing employment                                                            specialists.
regulations. This bolstered confidence      In Belgium, recruitment levels remained
leading to investment across all sectors.   high as businesses expanded in              Hiring levels increased in Ireland
In particular, the number of construction   response to the positive economic           resulting in high demand for candidates
projects increased. The demand              climate. There was also strong demand       across multiple specialisms.
16   Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019
In response, businesses focused              The biggest issue for the region will be    driven, with hiring managers needing
on reducing time to hire, improving          keeping up with demand as candidate         to move quickly and be more flexible in
employer brand, staff retention and          shortages are already present and are       order to secure top talent. As pressure
benefits packages whilst offering more       expected to intensify over the next         on talent pools continues to increase,
remote and flexible working options.         12 months.                                  employers will need to raise salaries
                                                                                         of highly sought-after professionals in
Switzerland saw minimal shifts in hiring     In the Netherlands, hiring shortages will   order to remain competitive.
volumes in 2018 with only a couple of        become more acute across all sectors
pockets of increased activity. The luxury    but will also move upward in seniority.     In Ireland, the job market will remain
sector had a more positive outlook in        Within finance, the standardisation         strong, with hiring continuing across
comparison to 2017 and the financial         of financial processes will decrease        most sectors. Britain’s departure from
services industry saw an increase in         the demand for operational and              the EU will lead to an extremely high
corporate banking hiring from both local     transactional professionals and increase    demand for regulatory professionals
and international companies.                 the demand for candidates with strong       across the risk, compliance, legal and
                                             analytical capabilities.                    finance sectors, leading to a persistent
Confidence in the German economy                                                         skills shortage. Securing and retaining
continued to rise which led to significant   The demand for new hires in France          top talent will mean offering competitive
hiring activity across a vast array of       shows no sign of slowing down, but          salaries, but employers will also need
disciplines. In Frankfurt, banking and       this must be considered within the          to focus on promoting their brand and
financial services hiring across risk,       context of growing skills shortages         company culture.
audit, finance, compliance, legal and        which will once again drive up salaries.
regulation increased as roles were           HR professionals are most likely to be      In Spain, the employment market
transferred from the UK due to Brexit.       highly sought after, as in all sectors      will continue to be buoyant as IT and
Outside of financial services, we saw a      companies are becoming acutely              engineering businesses continue to hire
continued trend for digitalisation both in   aware of the need to retain employees,      at great pace. We also expect to see
marketing and technology.                    especially those at a senior level.         more hiring activity across finance, legal
                                                                                         and HR as many small businesses grow
In 2018 Spain benefited from the             In Belgium, we expect organisations         and larger players try to defend their
positive macroeconomic situation in          to continue to expand and create            market position.”
Europe. Hiring was strongest in the          new jobs. The demand for bilingual
information technology, manufacturing,       candidates will remain high, especially     Antoine Morgaut
energy and construction sectors where        in the Brussels region. The Belgian         CEO
businesses focused on hiring engineers       labour market will remain candidate         Europe & South America
and digital transformation specialists.
English speaking professionals were
highly sought after as companies
strengthened their accounting and
human resources functions.

Europe is expected to continue its
strong economic growth in 2019,
resulting in a favourable recruitment
market with confidence remaining high
among professionals and employers.

“In 2018, we witnessed strong                MAINLAND CHINA
economic growth across the Greater           Supported by various national initiatives     Our presence in Greater China:
China region and an overall optimistic       such as Manufacturing 2025, Belt and
outlook which drove an increase in           Road and ‘Internet Plus’, Mainland            •    Beijing
hiring activity.                             China’s outbound investment and               •    Shanghai
                                             development of innovative technology          •    Suzhou
Technology is fundamentally changing         maintained an upward trajectory in            •    Southern China
the hiring landscape across the region       2018. Demand for top-tier talent in high-     •    Hong Kong
as businesses seek to digitalise             end technology such as virtual reality
                                                                                           •    Taipei
and become more technologically              (VR), AI, Internet of Things (IoT) and
advanced. Hiring managers are                machine learning dramatically exceeded
competing to secure recruits from            supply as businesses fought to attract
a limited pool of candidates with            individuals with relevant experience.       both regionally and globally. As a
experience in high-tech and digital                                                      result, many companies across a wide
transformation projects. IT professionals    Mainland China is now one of the            range of industries have been seeking
in several specialist areas, including AI,   leading global investors in digital         professionals who are both familiar
business intelligence, cyber security,       technologies and e-commerce.                with global business and proficient in
automation and analytics continued to        Previously, China’s e-commerce              English, putting the level of demand
be in high demand throughout 2018.           industry had a stronger domestic            for bilingual talent at an all-time high,
                                             focus but we are now seeing                 in particular for those with international
                                             e-commerce businesses expanding             experience.
18   Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019
At the same time, the Southern China      TAIWAN                                   LOOKING AHEAD
region is now known as Mainland           Taiwan continued to grow at a steady     Professionals who thrive on change
China’s open innovation centre and is     pace as it has done over the past        stand to gain the most in 2019, as
home to technological leaders as well     decade. The country also sustained       organisations continue to embrace
as many digital start-ups. The heavy      strong export momentum in 2018           new ways of working, led by digital-first
investment in data and research centres   and there were signs of recovery in      strategies. At the same time, digital
has driven demand for talent, not only    the retail sector. Job volumes grew      technologies have already dramatically
from other parts of Mainland China but    considerably across multinational and    impacted the culture around work and
also other countries in Asia and across   local companies in 2018.                 the evolution of “smart workplaces”.
the world.                                                                         Employers should consider adopting
                                          The Taiwan government is                 new digital technologies and platforms
HONG KONG                                 implementing a Green Energy Industries   to create positive employee
Hong Kong started 2018 with robust        and Technological Innovation plan to     experiences, helping to attract and
economic growth and buoyant               boost renewable energy development,      retain employees, in particular
recruitment levels, supported by solid    leading to international wind power      millennials.
global demand for Hong Kong products      turbine makers and installers setting
and services, a rebound in visitor        up regional operational headquarters     Staff retention will continue to be a top
numbers and a strong economy in           in Taiwan. This is driving demand for    priority for all organisations in 2019
Mainland China. At the same time, the     HR, engineering and supply chain         and we advise that, in addition to
Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Bay             professionals.                           paying competitive salaries, companies
Area and the Belt and Road initiatives                                             need to examine multiple factors,
are encouraging strategic partnerships    Despite a growing skills shortage,       such as corporate culture, employer
within the region and a flow of talent    pay increases remained conservative      branding, learning and development
between Hong Kong and Mainland            for professionals who stayed in the      opportunities, career progression and
China.                                    same role. This can be attributed to     international mobility in order to retain
                                          the stability and maturity of Taiwan’s   the best talent.”
Financial institutions and companies      job market; professionals have grown
across different industries sought to     accustomed to this degree of wage        Matthew Bennett
actively increase headcount, with         stagnation.                              Managing Director
businesses often hiring for several                                                Greater China
positions at once, in contrast to the
previous five years when simultaneous
recruitment was only seen in niche

There continued to be strong
demand for professionals with the
technical expertise to help companies
implement digitalisation projects.
Skill sets in highest demand included
cloud computing, big data, DevOps,
e-commerce, analytics, cyber security
and fintech.


JAPAN                                       such as autonomous driving and smart
“In 2018, there was high and sustained      supply chain.                                Our presence in Japan & South
demand for bilingual professionals with                                                  Korea:
international experience, as Japanese       Whilst AI continued an upward trend, the
companies sought to ‘go global’             demand for talent remained high in 2018      •    Osaka
bolstered by their confidence in the        as companies sought various skill sets,      •    Seoul
domestic economy. Foreign companies         including professionals experienced in       •    Tokyo
with operations in Japan sought to          building data-informed strategies and
attract the same professionals, putting     client liaison roles.
pressure on this already scarce talent                                                 demand fall for clerical staff across some
pool.                                       Automation specialists were highly         companies, particularly large financial
                                            sought after as many companies looked      institutions.
We saw the government’s vision for a        to leverage cutting-edge technologies
smart society, Society 5.0, begin to take   such as Robotic Process Automation         Elsewhere, we saw an uplift in demand
shape as the number of roles related        and machine learning to increase           for sales and marketing staff in the
to data utilisation, AI development/        efficiency and improve employees’ work-    consumer goods and hospitality
deployment and infrastructure, rapidly      life balance.                              industries, as tourist numbers grew
increased across all industries. As                                                    in the lead up to the 2020 Olympics.
the country geared up to rollout 5G         With automation giving employees more      However, hospitality companies
by 2020, we saw an increase in job          time to focus on work with a direct        struggled to hire bilingual specialists as
openings related to IoT technologies        impact on the bottom line, we saw          demand increasingly outstripped supply.
20   Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019
The Integrated Resort Implementation         conglomerates are making substantial      started focusing on automation and
Bill also came into force which will         investments in creating new roles,        smart factories as possible solutions to
eventually result in large-scale hiring      especially in the semiconductor and AI    increased labour costs and the
across the hospitality industry as           sectors, which are considered the most    consequent decline in profit margins.
companies make plans to develop              important components of the Fourth        This led to a notable increase in hiring
facilities such as casinos, hotels and       Industrial Revolution.                    in these areas, resulting in a rise in
exhibition centres.                                                                    demand for professionals with expertise
                                                                                       in AI and deep learning. We expect
The sustained labour shortage will                    The sustained labour             these trends to continue in 2019.”
continue to drive a competitive job                 shortage will continue to
market in 2019 giving jobseekers greater             drive a competitive job           Jeremy Sampson
opportunities and leverage.                          market in 2019 giving             Managing Director
                                                       jobseekers greater              Japan & Korea
As a result, employers will need to excite              opportunities and
candidates with their company’s vision                      leverage.
and growth potential as well as offer
competitive compensation, learning and
development opportunities and a clear        A planned increase in the minimum
career path to attract the best talent.      wage and the implementation of the
                                             52-hour work week began to affect
We also advise companies to streamline       businesses across the country in the
their recruitment processes to avoid         second half of 2018. As a result, we
losing top talent to competitors with        have seen a significant increase in
quick interview and selection processes.     demand for HR professionals with
                                             compensation and benefits experience
SOUTH KOREA                                  and we expect this to continue in 2019.
Despite challenging conditions, such
as the US-China trade war and the            With the minimum wage set to rise by
widening interest rate gap between           over 10% in 2019, many companies
South Korea and the US, foreign direct
investment (FDI) reached a record high
in 2018. This boost in FDI was driven by
a boom in the semiconductor market,
increased investment in the financial
sector and eased geopolitical risks
following the US-North Korea summit.

Domestic production and the number of
jobs are expected to increase as large
amounts of reported FDI have been
made in the form of greenfield projects.

Keeping pace with the government’s
job creation policy, South Korean

SAN FRANCISCO                               Salaries increased by around 5-7% in
2018                                        2018 and while it’s too early to predict if     Our presence in North
“Recruitment levels in the San Francisco    it will continue to rise at the same pace       America:
Bay Area in 2018 were exceptionally         in 2019, we certainly do not expect
high, driven by business growth and a       compensation levels to decline.                 •    Los Angeles
candidate short market.                                                                     •    New York
                                                                                            •    San Francisco
Technical talent was in highest demand,     Venture capital firms will continue to
with senior software engineers extremely    inject new capital into the early and           •    Toronto
sought after. Experienced designers,        growth stage start-up ecosystem in
product marketers and HR/people             2019.
operations professionals were in short                                                    As competition for top talent continues
supply, while demand for finance and        Whilst the number of vacancies in             to escalate, companies should focus on
business operations talent remained         people operations was in sync with            streamlining their recruitment processes.
consistently high.                          the number of jobseekers in 2018, we          Employee retention will remain a
                                            expect this to change in 2019 as more         challenge for tech firms in the
Blockchain and cryptocurrency               companies look to hire for this function.     San Francisco Bay Area as competing
were growth sectors, and start-ups                                                        companies will continue their attempts
utilising machine learning and artificial   We anticipate that senior engineers,          to lure staff away with lucrative
intelligence continued to attract talent.   especially engineering leaders, will          compensation packages.
Fintech, edtech, and healthtech were        remain the most challenging candidates
also active hiring sectors.                 to hire.
22   Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019
Mission-driven companies will have a          only increased by about 2-5%. In 2018,         in IFRS legislation. General counsel and
better chance of attracting and retaining     fringe benefits like flexible working hours,   compliance managers looked to secure
candidates, but no company is immune          gym membership and free food have              practice-trained lawyers with expertise in
to the disruption of candidate churn.         been embraced by many organisations,           IIROC and SEC regulations, as Canadian
                                              however they may need to be more               asset management firms continued to
Overall, we expect a hiring boom in           creative when trying to compensate and         expand into the US.
2019, with unrelenting competition            retain key staff in 2019.
for top talent. Emerging technologies                                                        Inflation hit 3% in Canada and brought
like blockchain, machine learning,            We expect to see robust hiring levels in       salary increases of just above that for
and autonomous vehicles will keep             the first half of 2019, driven by tax cuts     most professionals. Those moving
attracting candidates who want to be          and increased government spending.             jobs saw average salary increases of
on the cutting edge of technological          This will cause salaries to inch upwards       7-11%. Tax, internal audit and regulatory
advancements.                                 next year. However, potential increases        compliance professionals saw increases
                                              in trade tariffs could destabilise financial   closer to 11-15%.
NEW YORK                                      markets and lead to a fall in sales for
2018                                          major companies, resulting in hiring           2019
Record levels of low unemployment             freezes or wage stagnation as we move          In 2019, ‘Big 4’ trained CPAs 18-24
and a decade of economic growth               into 2020.                                     months out of practice will be in high
in the US meant that competition for                                                         demand, due to their highly desirable
qualified candidates continued, with          TORONTO                                        hybrid skill set of external audit plus
candidates sometimes entertaining             2018                                           hands-on accounting experience,
three or four job offers at a time. The       An influx of start-up technology               particularly at the controller/VP finance
candidate shortage forced companies           companies, the expansion of the                level.
to improve their efforts to retain talented   real estate investment market and a
workers, resulting in more flexible work      continued focus on improving controls          Lawyers with strong M&A deal
environments and other benefits not           and governance within large financial          experience in burgeoning sectors like
common a few years ago.                       institutions led to a buoyant recruitment      pharmaceuticals, cannabis, IT and real
                                              market in Toronto. Professionals in            estate, as well as compliance officers
2019                                          accounting and finance, as well as legal       with dual Canadian and US regulatory
Demand for compliance and legal               and compliance, were in high demand.           knowledge will also be in demand.
professionals in banks, as well as risk
management specialists in hedge funds         Increasingly seen as the ‘Silicon              Hiring managers will need to streamline
and buy-side companies, will be high.         Valley North’, demand for STEM                 interview processes to ensure they keep
In technology, data science and cyber         graduates with the ability to work in a        millennial candidates, or they will risk
security will continue to be key hiring       start-up environment was high. When            losing them to nimble start-ups that
areas.                                        recreational cannabis became legal in          move at a rapid pace and often offer
                                              October 2018, companies in cannabis            equity even for junior to mid-level staff.”
Sales and marketing will continue to          production and distribution grew rapidly
drive hiring in commerce, primarily at        and sought out any qualified candidates        Simon Bromwell
the junior to mid-level with businesses       with professional experience in the            Managing Director
struggling to hire at these levels in 2019.   sector.                                        North America
Hiring managers will need to maintain
a sense of urgency in the recruitment         Financial reporting accountants with
process to secure top talent.                 large scale consolidations experience
Despite the tight labour market and a         were in demand, as firms grappled with
decade of low unemployment, salaries          tighter reporting deadlines and changes

2018: A DYNAMIC GROWTH                    Hiring in Malaysia and Singapore was
LANDSCAPE                                 stable and modest in 2018 compared             Our presence in South East Asia:
“In 2018, hiring across South East        to the other South East Asian markets.
Asia was buoyant, with rapid growth       In these more established markets,             •   Indonesia
across the maturing economies and a       companies sought fewer but better              •   Malaysia
noticeable evolution in hiring needs in   skilled professionals whose expertise          •   Philippines
the more established markets.             and experience could add significant           •   Singapore
                                          value. We expect this to continue in           •   Thailand
Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand and      2019.
                                                                                         •   Vietnam
Vietnam all showed strong levels
of hiring as organisations sought to      STRONGER INDUSTRIAL
expand their teams to fuel continued      PRESENCE
growth. The continued entry of            South East Asia’s role as an industrial      This stimulated demand for
multinational companies and foreign       hub within Asia looks set to grow            professionals with industrial experience
direct investment were key drivers of     due to a greater injection of foreign        across a range of roles, including
growth in these markets. We saw stiff     investment into the region, particularly     engineering, manufacturing, supply
competition for skilled and experienced   from China. In 2018, a number of new         chain, sales and marketing, finance and
talent in 2018, and we expect these       entrants set up operations and existing      human resources.
markets to maintain their robust growth   players expanded their footprint,
momentum in 2019.                         bolstering confidence and hiring activity.

24   Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019
CONTINUED PUSH TOWARDS                        HIRING ADVICE                                To overcome skill shortages in certain
DIGITAL                                       Businesses in the region are placing         sectors, companies should also expand
Digitalisation remains a key trend            more focus on employee retention by          their pool of candidates and reach out
influencing hiring across the region          investing in training, offering benefits     to local professionals residing overseas.
and sustaining the high demand for IT         such as flexible working arrangements        Our ‘Return Home’ campaigns –
talent. The growth of cyber security, big     and providing attractive counter-offers      Pulang Kampung (Indonesia), Balik
data and artificial intelligence has driven   for their top talent. As such, employers     Bayan (Philippines), Balik Kampung
the need for IT specialists in these niche    looking to hire skilled professionals will   (Singapore) and Come Home Phở
areas.                                        need to do more to secure the talent         Good (Vietnam) – have helped
                                              they want.                                   businesses in the region identify and
The impact of digitalisation, however,                                                     hire overseas returning professionals
reaches far beyond the technology                                                          with the necessary expertise, skill sets
sector and we have seen significant                                                        and international experience.
demand for professionals with relevant               Businesses are looking to
digital capabilities. This includes                  expand out of the country             2019: A POSITIVE OUTLOOK
marketers with digital and e-commerce               and this has driven demand             There are several elections being
expertise, supply chain and logistics                for “glocal” talent, or local         held across South East Asia in 2018
experts with knowledge in automation                   talent with international           and 2019, and these typically have
and machine learning and HR                                  experience.                   some impact on recruitment activity.
professionals with experience using the                                                    Assuming political stability, we expect
latest HR technologies.                                                                    the recruitment markets in South East
                                                                                           Asia to maintain their dynamic growth
AN EVOLUTION IN HIRING                        This includes providing a competitive        in 2019.”
NEEDS                                         salary and benefits package, acting
Across the region, we have seen an            swiftly and maintaining good                 Toby Fowlston
increased effort by companies to hire         communication throughout the                 Managing Director
local talent, in part due to government       recruitment process. Most importantly,       South East Asia
policies and recommendations. At the          it’s about showing genuine interest in a
same time, businesses are looking to          candidate’s future, and demonstrating
expand outside of the country and this        how he or she will be an integral part of
has driven demand for “glocal” talent, or     the organisation.
local talent with international experience.
For less mature markets, employers
often sought professionals with
experience working in more developed
markets to lead growing teams.

Companies, particularly those in the
more mature markets, are also looking
to refine and optimise their
recruitment processes and we have
seen a larger number of companies
moving to recruitment process
outsourcing solutions.


2018 TRENDS                                    centres outside of London. Manchester,
“Despite high demand for specialist            Leeds and Birmingham have been                Our presence in the UK:
and highly skilled mid-level and senior        particularly successful in positioning
professionals, employers had to contend        themselves as regional ‘tech-hubs’,           •    Birmingham
with a UK-wide candidate shortage              attracting talent that would have             •    Bracknell
across most disciplines. Uncertainty           historically migrated to London.              •    Leeds
around Brexit appeared to be creating                                                        •    Liverpool
a fear of ‘last in first out,’ which in turn   The technology industry was one of            •    London
meant candidates were less willing to          the fastest-growing markets across the
                                                                                             •    Manchester
move roles as swiftly as they had in           whole of the UK and given the innovative
previous years.                                and highly skilled nature of the industry     •    Milton Keynes
                                               there was an ongoing shortage of              •    St Albans
The UK remained a ‘two-speed                   suitably qualified candidates.
economy’ with London-based financial
services firms experiencing slow growth        The demand for software developers          paying premiums for experienced
due to Brexit-related concerns, while          and engineers was especially high,          lawyers across most skill sets.
non-financial services companies               leading to inflated salary expectations
outside of London experienced much             amongst candidates.                         The demand was in part due to a lack
faster growth. This was partly due to the                                                  of lawyers at the 2-4 years PQE level.
volume of large companies setting up           Hiring across the legal sector became       This was caused by a reduction in the
secondary offices and shared service           increasingly competitive leading to firms   number of trainees being hired a few
26   Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019
years ago, coupled with the increase in        is likely to continue. Technology aligned   order to support areas of growth within
European regulations, creating a spike         companies and venture capital-backed        the business.
in demand for both in-house and private        start-ups show no sign of slowing
practice lawyers. In fact, a number of         down, and the rate at which they            Our recommendation to candidates who
venture capital-backed start-ups hired         continue to attract investors will be a     are looking for a new role would be to
their first legal counsel in 2018.             big pull for candidates who are looking     embrace digitalisation and innovation to
                                               to future-proof their careers. Hiring in    ensure they remain current and relevant
In commerce and industry, demand               the technology sector will remain high      to changing working practices.
for finance professionals remained             in areas such as Manchester, Leeds
strong across the UK at all levels from        and Birmingham with further expansion       In-demand professions or specialist roles
part-qualified accountants through             expected in these regions.                  will continue to command premiums,
to finance directors. As candidates                                                        but general salary inflation will be subject
now understand their worth they are                                                        to, and defined by, the outcome of Brexit
increasingly pushing for commercial or                                                     and other variable macroeconomic
strategic roles rather than core reporting            The outcome of Brexit will           conditions.”
positions.                                            be the key determinant of
                                                       hiring market conditions            Chris Hickey
Due to uncertainty around Brexit,                     in 2019, especially for the          CEO
banks and financial services firms                     financial services sector.          UK, Middle East & Africa
took a relatively cautious approach
to recruitment characterised by
replacement hiring. Compliance,
risk and audit were exceptions, with           We advise businesses facing candidate
professionals in these areas highly            shortages to be flexible and consider
sought after due to pressure from              hiring professionals with transferable
regulators.                                    skills. Companies should consider
                                               taking on candidates who are ambitious
In comparison to the previous year we          and fast learners, even if they are not
saw salaries rise faster in 2018 but on        an exact fit for the job description, in
the whole increases were not significant
unless professionals were working in a
market short of qualified professionals,
such as technology or compliance.

The outcome of Brexit will be the key
determinant of hiring market conditions
in 2019, especially for the financial
services sector. However, despite Brexit,
there will be pockets of intense hiring
activity within financial services driven by
demand for skills such as compliance,
risk and audit. We will also continue to
see traditional finance functions hiring
at all levels as general business growth

In this section we delve deeper into the hiring and salary trends
we expect to see across our local markets in 2019.

The locations covered are:
●●   Middle East
●●   South Africa
●●   Central & Southern Africa
●●   East Africa
●●   North Africa
●●   West Africa

     Middle East

The Middle East experienced a positive year with a significant increase
in hiring across the region compared to previous years.

Companies continued to focus on recruiting local talent as part of their nationalisation
programmes across the region. This led to fewer relocations by international
professionals and, in some cases, added to the departure of expats from the region.

An increase in hiring was seen across retail, sales, marketing and technology as
businesses looked to expand. Many local and international financial services firms also
expanded their teams, with growth in hiring highest in Kuwait City, Riyadh and Dubai.

Countries within the Gulf underwent extensive changes due to the introduction of
VAT and while a rise in demand for tax specialists was predicted, in reality these
requirements were outsourced to companies with experienced tax teams. Instead,
demand for traditional accountants and analysts continued to dominate the market.

The UAE still serves as one of the most important regions in the Middle East for its
contribution to the economy. The greatest demand was for junior-mid-level professionals,
particularly for accountants, project managers and sales managers. Construction dispute
lawyers were in highest demand as construction projects continued to be launched across
Dubai and Saudi Arabia. Salaries remained steady in the UAE at the mid-junior level,
whilst salaries at the senior end decreased due to the surplus of senior professionals.

Saudi Arabia went through a period of huge change, due to the implementation
of the Saudi government’s 2030 visionary plan. Two years into this plan and we have
already seen huge momentum in the recruitment market, with particular focus on the public-
health sector. As part of this plan, a large part of the population was mobilised for work
and for the first time in some regions and sectors, we saw women in the workplace.
                                                                                              Companies continued to
Kuwait remained busy, with a particularly buoyant job market within
                                                                                               focus on recruiting local
financial services. This is a bright corner of the Middle East and although
                                                                                                 talent as part of their
it does not receive the same press coverage as its larger neighbours,
                                                                                             nationalisation programmes
from a recruitment point of view it has out-performed the region.
                                                                                                   across the region.

30   Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019
2019                                             Multinationals will continue to open
                                                            In 2019, demand will increase in                 their regional headquarters in the
                                                            the Middle East for government                   UAE as this is the only truly expat-
                                                            sector related roles – notably IT,               friendly location for the region. This
                                                            legal, finance, banking and HR.                  will bring further opportunities for
                                                            Meanwhile, demand for legal                      all head office professionals.
                                                            professionals is expected to
                                                            remain steady across the Gulf.                   The job market in Saudi Arabia will
                                                                                                             continue to be busy for government roles;
                                                            Digitalisation will be at the forefront in       we expect the private sector to follow suit
                                                            2019, as companies look to optimise              and recover in 2019. Sectors such as IT,
                                                            performance, which will create an                manufacturing, logistics, finance, banking
                                                            atmosphere of excitement and activity.           and education will be key benefactors.

                                                            In the UAE, the growing demand for               The rush to hire good-quality Gulf
                                                            nationals will continue to dominate the          candidates will create increased
                                                            market as many companies aim to                  candidate movement, especially in
                                                            comply with Emiratisation legislation.           Saudi Arabia. However, candidates
                                                            As a result, local market knowledge              need to be wary of too many moves too
JASON GRUNDY,                                               will be a key differentiator for all             quickly on their CV, to avoid permanent
MANAGING DIRECTOR,                                          professionals across the region.                 damage to their career prospects.

 Middle East Job Index

            UAE - Jobs up                                                                                       Multinationals will continue to
   1        38% year-on year                                                                                  open their regional headquarters
                                                                                                                 in the UAE, bringing further
                                                                                                               opportunities for all head office
            Saudi - Jobs up                                                                                             professionals.
   2        111% year-on-year

                                                                            2                1

*All statistics are drawn from Robert Walters industry research
*For more detalied information on the Robert Walters Middle East Job Index please contact the Dubai office
                                                                                                                                              Middle East 31

                                         The oil and gas sector began hiring        The Saudi government has
                                         again after a period of recovery and       predicted a 7.4% increase in
                                         market slowdown since 2016. there          total spend for 2019, which
                                         was a notable increase of temporary        will likely increase companies’
                                         fixed-term contracts for project finance   confidence to hire. This, coupled
                                         roles. As with previous years, salaries    with stringent Saudization
                                         remained relatively stable in 2018.        policies, will mean that firms will
                                                                                    look to reduce their expatriate
                                         Demand was high for candidates             headcount in favour of locals who
                                         who could fill traditional roles, namely   have international experience.
                                         finance managers, financial controllers    Saudi national hiring has doubled
                                         and tax specialists. The 'Big 4' were      in 2018 and we expect this
                                         actively recruiting for audit and tax      trend will continue into 2019.
                                         roles across the GCC. Professionals

                                         with a background in tax were also
                                         highly sought after for in-house roles.

                                         In 2019, the positive UAE economy
                                                                                    The implementation of VAT
                                                                                    in Bahrain in the beginning of
                                                                                    2019 will undoubtedly increase
                                                                                    the number of tax manager
     TO A JOB OFFER WHEN NOT             will accelerate the jobs market            roles, with large companies and
     ACTIVELY LOOKING                    growth, primarily driven by                the 'Big 4' all competing for
                                         recovering oil prices, the active          similar types of candidates.
                                         trade and tourism environments
                                         and a pick-up in investment
ACCOUNTING & FINANCE                     ahead of Expo 2020 in Dubai.
2018 was a steady year for finance
recruitment in the UAE, defined by       We expect that demand will be high            Stringent Saudization policies will
the number of expats who have            for financial analysts, management            mean that firms will look to reduce
either left the UAE or have sent         accountants, business controllers,             expatriate headcounts in favour
their families home. There was           finance managers, chief accountants            of locals who have international
an increased demand for UAE              and project accountants in 2019. We                       experience.
nationals, in particular for niche       will also see a number of roles being
roles such as internal audit risk.       created within compliance and risk.
32   Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019
BANKING & FINANCIAL                       and capital requirements. As a result      As most industries have embarked
SERVICES                                  of this extra workload, we expect          on a digital transformation
The key focus in 2018 for the             an increase the number of technical        journey, candidates who have
banking sector has been around            finance roles in the first half of 2019.   led or been part of large digital
stress testing, which was reflected in                                               projects will find opportunities
recruitment trends and hiring levels.     The Basel III amendments (also             easier to come by, especially in
                                          referred to as Basel IV) to credit         the banking and retail industry.
We saw a renewed focus from               and operational risk are likely to
banks to assess the robustness and        be implemented in the UAE. This            Information security is a key
effectiveness of their anti-money         is expected to result in a reduction       area of hiring as businesses are
laundering and sanctions compliance       in the capital adequacy ratios for         maturing and starting to recognise
programs. This is partly due to the       most banks. The methodology                the importance of having secure
next Financial Action Task Force (FATF)   to calculate the amended                   environments. Robotics, AI
review that is due in the UAE in 2019.    numbers will require adjustments           and machine learning have an
                                          to systems as well as collection           increasingly important role within
Although most banks performed             of additional data requirements,           technology functions and candidates
well in terms of governance,              thus increasing recruitment needs          with experience in these areas will
training and assurance, there             across the middle office.                  be highly sought after, especially
was a shortfall in monitoring, with                                                  those from North America and
three of the eight banks potentially      While many salary groups across the        Europe. At the junior end of the
requiring some remedial work.             industry sectors will remain steady,       market, candidates with a strong
                                          initial indications are that we may see    mix of interpersonal and technical
With the International Financial          modest increases in key corporate          skills were consistently in demand.
Reporting Standard (IFRS) that            governance roles within the GCC
came into effect on 1st January           as demand outstrips supply.                Strong commercially focused
2018, most banks were able to meet                                                   technology professionals with true
the date of initial implementation.       INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY                     business partnering experience
However, more refined processes           Technology functions within                had salary increases of around 10-
will have to be completed in 2019         organisations are playing a greater        15%. Senior roles within financial
before IFRS 9 becomes business            and more integral part in businesses'      services continue to pay the most.

as usual. The interdependency             strategies in the Middle East. This
between the IT, finance and risk          is creating high levels of demand
functions also highlights the need for    for senior technology professionals
a revised governance framework.           who come with strong commercial
                                          experience, primarily from mature
Banks in the UAE have many
leasing arrangements that will fall
under the scope of the new IFRS
                                          markets. Whilst the trend in other
                                          specialisms has been to look for
                                          talent within the region, many
16 standard that comes into effect        senior IT professionals in 2018 have
on 1st January 2019. All elements of      been brought in from international
a bank, including branches, ATMs,         locations. We expect to see
IT infrastructure and outsourcing         this trend continue in 2019.
arrangements, will have to be                                                         Of professionals would take on
assessed to evaluate the impact on                                                    a new role for a better salary
their financial statements, operations
                                                                                                                 Middle East 33
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