SAFEWAY (Albertsons Companies, Inc Guaranty) - OFFERING MEMORANDUM - LoopNet

Page created by Martin Shaw
SAFEWAY (Albertsons Companies, Inc Guaranty) - OFFERING MEMORANDUM - LoopNet
S A FE WAY ( Alberts o ns C o m p a ni es , I n c Gu a ra n t y )
14 51 Ri t c h i e H i ghway - ARN OLD, MARYLAND 21 01 2                                                                                                                                                  OFFERING MEMORANDUM

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ACTUAL PROPERTY
This information has been secured from sources we believe to be reliable, but we make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. References to square footage or age are approximate.
Buyer must verify the information and bears all risk for any inaccuracies. Marcus & Millichap is a trademark of © 2016 Marcus & Millichap. Activity ID: Z0331252                                                                                      1
SAFEWAY (Albertsons Companies, Inc Guaranty) - OFFERING MEMORANDUM - LoopNet
Fi n an ci al Overvie w
14 51 Ri t c h i e H i ghway - ARN OLD, MARYLAND 21 01 2

                                                                                                                                                                                          PRIMARY TERM
                                                                                                                                                          Lease Year                               Increase            Monthly Rent         Annual Rent
     PRICE                                               $18,533,000
                                                                                                                                                11/1/2017                 10/31/2018                    -                  $83,688          $1,004,250
     CAP RATE                                            5.50%                                                                                 11/1/2018                  10/31/2019                 1.50%                 $84,943          $1,019,314

     NOI                                                 $1,004,250                                                                            11/1/2019                  10/31/2020                 1.50%                 $86,217          $1,034,603
                                                                                                                                               11/1/2020                  10/31/2021                 1.50%                 $87,510          $1,050,123
     PRICE PER SQUARE FOOT                               $408.77                                                                                11/1/2021                 10/31/2022                 1.50%                 $88,823          $1,065,874
     RENT PER SQUARE FOOT                                $22.15                                                                                11/1/2022                  10/31/2023                    -                  $88,823          $1,065,874
                                                                                                                                               11/1/2023                  10/31/2024                    -                  $88,823          $1,065,874
     YEAR BUILT                                          2008
                                                                                                                                               11/1/2024                  10/31/2025                    -                  $88,823          $1,065,874
     APPROXIMATE LOT SIZE                                3.54 Acres                                                                            11/1/2025                  10/31/2026                    -                  $88,823          $1,065,874

     GROSS LEASEABLE AREA                                45,338                                                                                11/1/2026                  10/31/2027                    -                  $88,823          $1,065,874
                                                                                                                                               11/1/2027                  10/31/2028                 7.50%                 $95,485          $1,145,815
     PARKING SPACES                                      280                                                                                   11/1/2028                  10/31/2029                    -                  $95,485          $1,145,815
     TYPE OF OWNERSHIP                                   Fee Simple                                                                            11/1/2029                  10/31/2030                    -                  $95,485          $1,145,815
                                                                                                                                               11/1/2030                  10/31/2031                    -                  $95,485          $1,145,815
                                                         Albertsons Companies,
     LEASE GUARANTOR                                                                                                                           11/1/2031                  10/31/2032                    -                  $95,485          $1,145,815
                                                         Incorporated (Inc)
                                                                                                                                               11/1/2032                  10/31/2033                 7.50%                $102,646           $1,231,751
     LEASE TYPE                                          Absolute-Net                                                                          11/1/2033                  10/31/2034                    -                 $102,646           $1,231,751
     ROOF AND STRUCTURE                                  Tenant Responsible                                                                    11/1/2034                  10/31/2035                    -                 $102,646           $1,231,751
                                                                                                                                               11/1/2035                  10/31/2036                    -                 $102,646           $1,231,751

    LE ASE SUMMAR Y                                                                                                                            11/1/2036                  10/31/2037                    -                 $102,646           $1,231,751
     LEASE COMMENCEMENT DATE                             11/1/2017
                                                                                                                                                            Lease Years                            Increase            Monthly Rent         Annual Rent
     LEASE EXPIRATION DATE                               10/31/2037
                                                                                                                                               11/1/2037                  10/31/2042                 7.50%                $110,344          $1,324,132
     LEASE TERM                                          20 Years                                                                              11/1/2042                  10/31/2047                 7.50%                $118,620          $1,423,442
     TERM REMAINING                                      20 Years                                                                              11/1/2047                  10/31/2052                 7.50%                 $127,517         $1,530,200

                                                         1.5% Years 2-5,                                                                       11/1/2052                  10/31/2057                 7.50%                $137,080          $1,644,966
                                                         7.5% Every 5 Starting Year 11                                                         11/1/2057                  10/31/2062                 7.50%                $147,361          $1,768,338
                                                                                                                                               11/1/2062                  10/31/2067                  TBD                  FMV/12              FMV
     OPTIONS TO RENEW                                    8, 5-Year
                                                                                                                                               11/1/2067                  10/31/2072                  TBD                  FMV/12              FMV
     FIRST RIGHT OF REFUSAL                              Yes - Commencing in Year 5
                                                                                                                                               11/1/2072                  10/31/2077                  TBD                  FMV/12              FMV
This information has been secured from sources we believe to be reliable, but we make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. References to square footage or age are approximate.
Buyer must verify the information and bears all risk for any inaccuracies. Marcus & Millichap is a trademark of © 2016 Marcus & Millichap. Activity ID: Z0331252                                                                                     2
SAFEWAY (Albertsons Companies, Inc Guaranty) - OFFERING MEMORANDUM - LoopNet
I n v e st m ent Overvi ew
 14 51 Ri t c h i e H i ghway - ARN OLD, MARYLAND 21 01 2

 Marcus & Millichap is pleased to present this Safeway supermarket                                           • Safeway Supermarket in Arnold, Maryland | Five Miles from Annapolis
 in Arnold, Maryland; which is just five miles from Annapolis. Safeway
 is operating under a 20-year absolute-net lease with zero landlord                                          • Brand New 20-Year Absolute-Net Lease | Zero Landlord Responsibilities
 responsibilities. There are 1.50 percent annual rent increases in years
 two through five, and 7.50 percent rent increases every five years                                          • Strong Rent Increases | 1.50 Percent Annual Increases in Years Two Through Five | 7.50
 beginning in year 11. The lease is backed by a corporate guaranty from                                        Percent Rent Increases Every Five Years Beginning in Year 11
 Albertsons Companies, Incorporated (Inc), who registered more than
 $60 billion in revenue across 2,324 supermarkets nationwide.
                                                                                                             • Corporate Guaranty | Albertsons Companies, Incorporated (Inc) | Number 49 on June
 The subject property is situated at the signalized, hard corner                                               2017 Fortune 500 List | Number Three on June 2017 Forbes America’s Largest Private
 intersection of Governor Ritchie Highway/Route-2 and Arnold Road.                                             Companies
 More than 67,000 vehicles pass through this intersection daily.
 Governor Ritchie Highway/Route-2 is the main thoroughfare through                                           • Healthy Unit Level Financials | Low Rent-to-Sales | Tenant Reports High Sales Per Square
 Arnold, which provides direct access to both Annapolis and Baltimore.                                         Foot | Contact Listing Broker for Details
 Safeway has been operating at this location for nearly a decade. The
 tenant reports strong unit level performance with high sales per                                            • Signalized, Hard Corner Intersection of Governor Ritchie Highway/Route-2 and Arnold
 square foot and a low rent-to-sales ratio; contact the listing broker for                                     Road | More Than 67,00 Vehicles Per Day (VPD) Direct Access to Annapolis and Baltimore
 more information. This asset also benefits from affluent demographics.
 The average household income in the one-mile radius is more than
                                                                                                             • Affluent Demographics | Average Household Income is Greater Than $146,900 in the One-
 $146,900 and more than $123,800 in the five-mile radius.
                                                                                                               Mile Radius | $123,800 in the Five-Mile Radius
 Additional tenants in the immediate vicinity include: CVS, McDonald’s,
 Exxon, Branch Banking & Trust (BB&T), TD Bank, Subway, 84 Lumber,                                           • Additional Tenants in the Immediate Vicinity Include: CVS, McDonald’s, Exxon, Branch
 BMW of Annapolis, Mini Cooper of Annapolis, and many more.                                                    Banking & Trust (BB&T), TD Bank, Subway, 84 Lumber, BMW of Annapolis, Mini Cooper of
                                                                                                               Annapolis, and Many More

 This information has been secured from sources we believe to be reliable, but we make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. References to square footage or age are approximate.
 Buyer must verify the information and bears all risk for any inaccuracies. Marcus & Millichap is a trademark of © 2016 Marcus & Millichap. Activity ID: Z0331252                                                                            3
SAFEWAY (Albertsons Companies, Inc Guaranty) - OFFERING MEMORANDUM - LoopNet
Ten an t Overview - S AFE WAY
14 51 Ri t c h i e H i ghway - ARN OLD, MARYLAND 21 01 2

In 1915, M.B. Skaggs, an ambitious young man in the small town of American Falls,
Idaho, purchased a tiny grocery store from his father. M.B.’s business strategy, to
give his customers value and to expand by keeping a narrow profit margin, proved
spectacularly successful. By 1926 he was opening 428 Skaggs stores in 10 states.
M.B. doubled the size of his business in 1926, when he merged his company with
322 Safeway (formerly Selig) stores and formed Safeway, Incorporated (Inc). M.B.
Skagg’s value vision still drives Safeway today, though on a dramatically larger
scale. In January 2015, Safeway merged with Albertsons, creating one of the largest
food and drug retailers in the country. With Safeway stores in 19 states, the Safeway
team is proud to carry on the tradition that M.B. Skaggs began nearly 100 years ago
in American Falls, Idaho.

Albertsons is one of the largest food and drug retailers in the United States with a
strong local presence, but on a national scale. As of February 25, 2017, the company
operated 2,324 stores across 35 states and the District of Columbia under 20 well-
known banners, including Albertsons, Safeway, Vons, Jewel-Osco, Shaw’s, Acme,
Tom Thumb, Randalls, United Supermarkets, Pavilions, Star Market, Carrs and
Haggen. Albertsons operates in 122 Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) in the
United States. The company is ranked number one or number two by market share
in 66 percent of those Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs). Albertsons focuses on
providing their customers with a service-oriented shopping experience, including
convenient and value-added services through 1,786 pharmacies, 1,227 in-store
branded coffee shops, and 385 adjacent fuel centers. The company employs nearly
273,000 talented and dedicated employees serving on average 34 million customers
each week.

                                    TENANT PROFILE
                       TENANT TRADE NAME Safeway
                                      OWNERSHIP Private
                                             TENANT New Albertson’s, Incorporated (INC.)
                                                             Albertsons Companies, Incorporated
                           LEASE GUARANTOR
                   NUMBER OF LOCATIONS 2,324
                             HEADQUARTERED Boise, Idaho
                                           WEB SITE
                                  SALES VOLUME $59.7 Billion (2016)
                                                             #49 on Fortune 500 (2017), #3 Forbes
                                                             America’s Largest Private Companies
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ACTUAL PROPERTY
This information has been secured from sources we believe to be reliable, but we make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. References to square footage or age are approximate.
Buyer must verify the information and bears all risk for any inaccuracies. Marcus & Millichap is a trademark of © 2016 Marcus & Millichap. Activity ID: Z0331252                                                                                       4
SAFEWAY (Albertsons Companies, Inc Guaranty) - OFFERING MEMORANDUM - LoopNet
A lb e r t sons Comp a ni es , I nc

   F ounded in  i n 11939
                      9 3 9 aandn d b based
                                        as e d i n inB oBoise,
                                                          i se , I d aIdaho,
                                                                        h o , A l bAlbertsons
                                                                                    e rt so ns Co mpanie Companies,
                                                                                                                  s , Inc (LLC “Albe(“Albertsons”,
                                                                                                                                      rt s o ns ” , o r t he or“ Cothe
                                                                                                                                                                            y ” ) is the 2ndis the    2ndtrlargest
                                                                                                                                                                                                la r gest    a ditionatraditional
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        l gr ocer in grocer
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      the Unitedin the   United
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Sta tes
   ser vi ngserving
              o v er 3 4overmi l l 34
                                   i o n million
                                         c u s t o m ecustomers
                                                         rs p e r we e kper    an dweekg ene ratand inggenerating
                                                                                                           $ 6 0 billio n$60in s billion
                                                                                                                                  ale s annually.            J anuar y 2In
                                                                                                                                             in salesInannually.            0 1January     2015,mer
                                                                                                                                                                               5 , Alber tsons       Albertsons
                                                                                                                                                                                                        ged with Sa merged
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       fewa y, with    Safeway,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                cr ea ting          creating
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           a best-in-cla    ss a
   o rgani  za ti o n  d e d i c a t e d t o  b ri n g i n g  a  b  e t t e r sh  o p  p  i ng  expe   rie  nc  e t o  c us t o me rs   ac ro s s  t he c  o
  best-in-class organization dedicated to bringing a better shopping experience to customers across the country. The Company’s powerful combination of strongunt  r y. T he  Co  mpa  n y’s power     ful combina    tion  of str ong   loca l pr esence  a nd
   n ati onal s c a l e, va s t r a n g e o f b ran d s an d p ro d u c t s, and s e r v ic e - o rie nt e d s t af f e nable t he m t o me e t e v o lv ing shopping pr efer ences.
  local presence and national scale, vast range of brands and products, and service-oriented staff enable them to meet evolving shopping preferences.
  AsAs of
        of June
           Ju n e 22017,
                      0 1 7 , ththe                          rat e d 2 , 3 22,329
                                         m p a n y o p eoperated
                                  e C oCompany                                 9 s t o restores
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                                                                                                                                                                              h lo n g oper            operating
                                                                                                                                                                                               ting histor            histories.
                                                                                                                                                                                                              ies. Alber   tsons ha Albertsons
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   strategica l l ythrough
                       th r o u g haaseries
                                         s e ri e sofo fstrategic
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                                                                                                       re c e ntyears       int oaa$2.8
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   andas asofo fQ1Q1 2017
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                                 th e CCompany             a d aalready
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                                                                                 e n e rat e d $ 7$771.7          million
                                                                                                      7 1 .7 millio            in adjusted
                                                                                                                       n in adjus     t e d EBIT EBITDA.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     #1 / #2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     #1   #2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        By market share
                              2nd largest                                                                   Operates in                                                           34 million                         in 66% of the
                              traditional                            2,300+                               35 states                         $59.7 billion                         customers                            122 MSAs
                             grocer in the US                     retail stores                     including Washington, DC
                                                                                                                                                annual sales                           per week                        in which it operates

                                      $                                                                                                                                           4th largest                           Home delivery in
                             $2.8 billion                       500 new items
                                                                                                    Ex perienced management
                                                                                                                                             Currently ex ecuting                e-commerce                           8 of top 10
                                                                                                       with 32 years
                             adj. EBITDA                                                                                                    $800 million                           platform                           US markets
                                   in FY 2016
                                                                  launched every year
                                                                                                     in retail on average                  synergy realization plan                    in the US                       by end of FY 2017

                               One of the largest
                                                                1,700+ in-store                           380+ fuel                       28 distribution                      18 food and                              largest brand
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  of USDA-certified
                               retail employers
                             273,000 jobs                         pharmacies                              stations                           centers                         beverage plants                            organic products

                                                                                                               COMPANY BANNERS

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ACTUAL PROPERTY
This information has been secured from sources we believe to be reliable, but we make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. References to square footage or age are approximate.
Buyer must verify the information and bears all risk for any inaccuracies. Marcus & Millichap is a trademark of © 2016 Marcus & Millichap. Activity ID: Z0331252                                                                                            5
SAFEWAY (Albertsons Companies, Inc Guaranty) - OFFERING MEMORANDUM - LoopNet
A lb e r t sons Credi t Pr o fi l e
   14 51 Ri t c h i e H i ghway - ARN OLD, MARYLAND 21 01 2

   A lbert s o ns C om pa nies, Inc i s one of the l arg est f o o d ret a i l ers a n d t h e seco n d l a rg est t ra d i t i o n al g r o c e r s i n t h e U n i t e d S t at e s .

 N ot e:
 •      S t ore counts bas ed on pub lic a ll y a va ila b le in f o r m a t io n
ACTUAL  Walmart   , Cos tco, and Tra ge t g r o c e r ys a le s b a s e d o n a p e r c e n t a ge o f t o t a l sa l e s a s o f t he l a t e st f i sca l y e a r.
 •      K r oger and Al berts ons s al e s e xc lu d e f u e l s a le s o f ~$14 b illio n a nd ~ $ 3 bi l l i o n, r e spe ct i v e l y                                                                                                       ACTUAL PROPERTY
   This information has been secured from sources we believe to be reliable, but we make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. References to square footage or age are approximate.
   Buyer must verify the information and bears all risk for any inaccuracies. Marcus & Millichap is a trademark of © 2016 Marcus & Millichap. Activity ID: Z0331252                                                                                       6
SAFEWAY (Albertsons Companies, Inc Guaranty) - OFFERING MEMORANDUM - LoopNet
S a f e way
 14 51 Ri t c h i e H i ghway - ARN OLD, MARYLAND 21 01 2

                                                                                                                                        Healthy Unit Level Financials | Low Rent-to-Sales | Tenant Reports High
Brand New 20-Year Absolute-Net Lease | Zero Landlord Responsibilities
                                                                                                                                        Sales Per Square Foot

Signalized, Hard Corner Intersection of Governor Ritchie Highway/Route-2 and                                                           Affluent Demographics | Average Household Income is Greater Than $146,900
Arnold Road | More Than 67,00 Vehicles Per Day (VPD)                                                                                   in the One-Mile Radius

 This information has been secured from sources we believe to be reliable, but we make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. References to square footage or age are approximate.
 Buyer must verify the information and bears all risk for any inaccuracies. Marcus & Millichap is a trademark of © 2016 Marcus & Millichap. Activity ID: Z0331252                                                                            7
SAFEWAY (Albertsons Companies, Inc Guaranty) - OFFERING MEMORANDUM - LoopNet
A er i al O verview
14 51 Ri t c h i e H i ghway - ARN OLD, MARYLAND 21 01 2

This information has been secured from sources we believe to be reliable, but we make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. References to square footage or age are approximate.
Buyer must verify the information and bears all risk for any inaccuracies. Marcus & Millichap is a trademark of © 2016 Marcus & Millichap. Activity ID: Z0331252                                                                            8
SAFEWAY (Albertsons Companies, Inc Guaranty) - OFFERING MEMORANDUM - LoopNet
Area Overview & Demographics
14 51 Ri t c h i e H i ghway - ARN OLD, MARYLAND 21 01 2

                 174                                                                                   100        Jacobsville
  Fort Meade
                                                                                       Pasadena                                                       177
                                                                                                                                           5 MIL
                                                              97                                                                                ER
                   Odenton                                                                             2

                                            32                                                                                      3 MILE                  Gibson Island
                                                                                                        Severna                            RA
                                 Gambrills                   Arden-On-The-Severn                         Park                                  US

                                                                   178             Herald Harbor
                                                                                                                                  1 MIL
                                                                                                                                       E               Cape St Claire
                                                                                                    Sherwood                                              Woods Landing
                                                                                                     Forest                                          50
                                                                                                                                     2                                    Skidmore
                                                                                              The Downs
                         3       424                                                                                                                             Whitehall                                                              18
                                                                                                  178                                Manresa                      Manor
                             Crofton                                            97

                              450                                                                                    50
                                                                                                     Parole                    70                                                                        50
                                                                                                                       450 Annapolis                                                                                          Stevensville

                                                                                                                  665                                                                                                                           Chester    50

               3                                          50
                                                                                                  Donovans                                                                                                                                           552
      50                                                                             Riva           Riva

                                                     424                                    Edgewater                           Hillsmere
                                                                                                                                 Shores                                                                                Kent Island

                                       1-Mile          3-Mile          5-Mile                                                   1-Mile          3-Mile          5-Mile                                     1-Mile                           3-Mile   5-Mile
 Population                                                                               Households                                                                               Household (HH) Incomes
 2000 Population                       3,570            43,107          106,093           2000 Households                        1,191           15,009           39,212           2017 Average HH Income $146,913                      $128,566 $123,830
 2010 Population                       3,648            44,709          112,851           2010 Households                        1,243           15,735           42,076           2017 Median HH Income  $124,691                      $106,526 $101,214
 2017 Population                       3,867            45,510           117,774          2017 Households                        1,316           15,960           43,887           2017 Per Capita Income $49,997                        $45,087  $46,144
 2022 Population                       3,648            44,709          112,851           2022 Households                        1,363           16,404           45,339

This information has been secured from sources we believe to be reliable, but we make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. References to square footage or age are approximate.
Buyer must verify the information and bears all risk for any inaccuracies. Marcus & Millichap is a trademark of © 2016 Marcus & Millichap. Activity ID: Z0331252                                                                                           9
SAFEWAY (Albertsons Companies, Inc Guaranty) - OFFERING MEMORANDUM - LoopNet
Market Overview - Arnold/Annapolis
14 51 Ri t c h i e H i ghway - ARN OLD, MARYLAND 21 01 2

Arnold is a suburb of Annapolis, located on the scenic
Broadneck peninsula. The city contains many scenic
riversides with cliffs and beaches, providing plenty of places
for leisure and sightseeing. There are 12 marinas in Arnold.
Arnold Park hosts a playground and provides open ball fields for
sporting. Additionally, Arnold Park is home to the Wilmer Stone
White Oak, Maryland’s State Tree.

Annapolis served as the seat of the Confederation Congress and
was temporarily the national capital from 1783–1784. General George
Washington came before the body in the Maryland State House and
resigned his commission as commander of the Continental Army. A month
later, the Congress ratified the Treaty of Paris of 1783, ending the American
Revolutionary War, with Great Britain recognizing the independence of the
United States. Today, Annapolis is Maryland’s State Capital and home of
Saint John’s College, founded 1696, as well as the United States (US) Naval
Academy, established 1845.

Downtown Annapolis is famous for its historic inns and scenic streets.
Along those streets are some of the finest restaurants the region has to
offer. Maryland Avenue is long-treasured as one of downtown Annapolis’
best spots for shopping, dining, and experiencing the culture. Eastport in
Annapolis is a place unto itself, with yachts, art galleries, residents, spas,
and restaurants. The bridge into Eastport takes travelers from downtown
Annapolis into the neighborhood. Additionally, the Annapolis Towne Centre
is a consumer-utopia, featuring an assortment of restaurants, shops and
more, all in one convenient location.

 Home to the United States (US) Naval Academy, “Naptown” is influenced by the military and collegiate traditions that
 come with having a major military and world class academic institution within the city boundaries. As the undergraduate
 college of the country’s naval service, the Naval Academy prepares young men and women to become professional officers
 of competence, character, and compassion in the United States (US) Navy and Marine Corps. Naval Academy students
 are midshipmen on active duty in the United States (US) Navy. They attend the academy for four years, graduating with
 bachelor of science degrees and commissions as ensigns in the Navy or second lieutenants in the Marine Corps. Naval
 Academy graduates serve at least five years in the Navy or Marine Corps. From Commissioning Week, to home sporting
 events including Navy Football, to class reunions that sprinkle the weekends throughout the calendar, Annapolis is never
 too far from Navy’s influence.

This information has been secured from sources we believe to be reliable, but we make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. References to square footage or age are approximate.
Buyer must verify the information and bears all risk for any inaccuracies. Marcus & Millichap is a trademark of © 2016 Marcus & Millichap. Activity ID: Z0331252                                                                            10
Ma rc us & Mi l l ichap h ereby advises a ll pros pe c t iv e pu rc h a s e rs of Ne t L e a s e d p r o p er t y as f o l l o w s :

T he in f or ma t ion c o ntained in this Mark eting Bro c h u re h a s b e e n o b ta in e d fro m so u rc e s w e b e lie v e to b e rel i ab l e. H o w e v e r, M ar cu s & M i l l i ch ap h as n o t an d w i l l
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A s th e B u ye r of a net leased property, it is th e B u y e r ’s re sp o n sib ility to in d e p e n d e n tly c o n fir m th e a c c u r acy an d co m p l e t e n e s s o f al l m at e r i al i n f o r m at i o n
be fore comple t in g any purchase. This Mark etin g B ro c h u re is n o t a su b stitu te fo r y o u r th o ro u g h d u e d i l i g e n ce i n v e s t i g at i o n o f t h i s i n v e s t m e n t o p p o r t u n i t y.
M a r c u s & Millic h a p expressly denies any obliga tio n to c o n d u c t a d u e d ilig e n c e e x a m in a tio n o f th is Pro p e r t y f o r Bu y e r.

A ny proje ct ion s , opinions, assumptions or estim a te s u se d in th is Ma rke tin g B ro c h u re a re fo r e x a mp l e o n l y an d d o n o t r e p r e s e n t t h e cu r r e n t o r f u t u r e
pe r for man ce of t h is property. The value of a net le a se d p ro p e rty to y o u d e p e n d s o n fa c to rs th a t sh o u ld b e e v al u at e d b y y o u an d y o u r t ax , f i n an ci al an d l e g al
a dvi s ors .

B uye r an d B u ye r ’s tax, financial, legal, and constru c tio n a d v iso rs sh o u ld c o n d u c t a c a re fu l, in d e p e n d e n t i n v e s t i g at i o n o f an y n e t l e as e d p r o p e r t y t o d e t e r m i n e
t o you r s at is f a ct ion with the suitability of the pr o p e rty fo r y o u r n e e d s.

Li k e all re al e s t a t e investments, this investment c a r rie s sig n ific a n t risks. B u y e r a n d B u y e r ’s le g a l a n d finan ci al ad v i s o r s m u s t r e q u e s t an d car e f u l l y r e v i e w al l
l e g al a n d f in a n c ial documents related to the pro p e rty a n d te n a n t. Wh ile th e te n a n t’s p a st p e rfo r m a n c e a t t h i s o r o t h e r l o cat i o n s i s an i m p o r t an t co n s i d e r at i o n ,
i t i s n ot a gu ara n t ee of future success. S imilarly, th e le a se ra te fo r so me p ro p e rtie s, in c lu d in g n e w ly - c o n s t r u ct e d f aci l i t i e s o r n e w l y - acq u i r e d l o cat i o n s , m ay
be s e t ba s e d on a tenant’s projected sales with little o r n o re c o rd o f a c tu a l p e rfo r m a n c e, o r c o m p a ra b l e r e n t s f o r t h e ar e a. Re t u r n s ar e n o t g u ar an t e e d ;
t he te n a n t a n d an y guarantors may fail to pay th e le a se re n t o r p ro p e rty ta x e s, o r m a y fa il to c o mp ly wi t h o t h e r m at e r i al t e r m s o f t h e l e as e ; cas h f l o w m ay
be i n t e r ru pt e d in part or in whole due to mark et, e c o n o m ic, e n v iro n m e n ta l o r o th e r c o n d itio n s. R e g a rd l e s s o f t e n an t h i s t o r y an d l e as e g u ar an t e e s , Bu y e r i s
r e spon s ible f or c onducting his/her own investiga tio n o f a ll ma tte rs a ffe c tin g th e in trin sic v a lu e o f th e p ro p e r t y an d t h e v al u e o f an y l o n g - t e r m l e as e, i n cl u d i n g
t he like lih ood of lo cating a replacement tenant if th e c u r re n t te n a n t sh o u ld d e fa u lt o r a b a n d o n th e p ro p e r t y, an d t h e l e as e t e r m s t h at Bu y e r m ay b e ab l e t o
n egot iat e wit h a potential replacement tenant c o n sid e rin g th e lo c a tio n o f th e p ro p e rty, a n d B u y e r ’s le g a l ab i l i t y t o m ak e al t e r n at e u s e o f t h e p r o p e r t y.

B y a cc e pt in g t h is Mark eting Brochure you agre e to re le a se Ma rc u s & Millic h a p R e a l E sta te I n v e stm e n t S e r v i ce s an d h o l d i t h ar m l e s s f r o m an y k i n d o f cl ai m ,
c ost, e xpe n s e, or liability arising out of your inv e stig a tio n a n d / o r p u rc h a se o f th is n e t le a se d p ro p e rty.
(Albertson s C o m p a ni es , I nc Gu a ra n t y )
      14 5 1 Ri tc hie Hig hway - ARNOLD, MARYLAND 2 1 0 1 2

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