S2G Ventures Healing America - A Future Food System for our Farmers, Consumers and Planet - USDA

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S2G Ventures Healing America - A Future Food System for our Farmers, Consumers and Planet - USDA
S2G Ventures
Healing America – A Future Food System for our Farmers, Consumers and Planet

© 2021 Seed 2 Growth
S2G Ventures Healing America - A Future Food System for our Farmers, Consumers and Planet - USDA
S2G Ventures Healing America - A Future Food System for our Farmers, Consumers and Planet

A Food System that Heals – Our Country, People, and Planet
 Everybody eats.
 This simple truth positions the food system to solve complicated problems – from bridging the urban and rural divide in the
 United States to providing profitable solutions to addressing climate change. It can also help to build a more resilient, hea lth y
 population, which is paramount in the times of a public health crisis.

                    COUNTRY                                                                                                         PEOPLE                                                                                                           PLANET

                    Everyone Eats                                                                                                   Eating Climate Change                                                                                           Soil Health… and Wealth

                   800k+                                                                                                           4x                                                                                                               100m m
                    Jobs adde d during COVID from groce ry re tail and                                                              Rate that sustainability-linke d brands are growing                                                             Me tric tons of CO 2 that U.S. cropland could
                    de live ry platform s (from March through July)                                                                 com parative ly to othe rs                                                                                      pote ntially se que ste r, com pare d to 8.4m m MT now

                    Farmers are the Frontline                                                                                       Cheaper Healthcare                                                                                              Water

                   155                                                                                                             80%                                                                                                              ~70%
                    The am ount of pe ople the ave rage farm e r fe e ds                                                            Of consum e rs be lie ve functional foods he lp                                                                 Of global fre shwate r withdrawals that agriculture
                    today com pare d to 26 in 1960                                                                                  pre ve nt or de lay the onse t of som e dise ase s                                                              is re sponsible for utilizing

  Sou rce (s): S2G Re se a rch , Fa rm Fla vor, Soil He a lth a n d Ca rb on Se q u e stration in US Crop la n d s: A Policy An a lysis b y Léop old Bia rd e a u , Re b e cca Cre b b in -Coa te s, Ritt Ke e ra ti,Sa ra Litke , a n d Horte n cia Rod rígu e z, In stitu te of Food Te ch n ologist

© 2021 Seed 2 Growth                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         2
S2G Ventures Healing America - A Future Food System for our Farmers, Consumers and Planet - USDA
S2G Ventures Healing America - A Future Food System for our Farmers, Consumers and Planet

S2G Ventures
Founded in 2014. Located in Chicago and San Francisco.

We invest holistically                                         We back and support                     We act as a hub – convening
from soil to shelf.                                            trailblazing entrepreneurs.             diverse partners and perspectives.

Of managed capital across seed, venture, and
                                                               Portfolio Companies
                                                                                                        250+ 250+
                                                                                                        Co-investors including   Strategic relationships
growth stage companies across the food chain                                                            40 corporates            with key players in
                                                                                                                                 food production,
                                                                                                                                 processing, and

Of capital catalyzed and added to the system

overall outside of direct S2G investments                       Select Portfolio Companies             Se le ct Partne rship s

Focuse d on sustainab le food and ag inve sting as
                                                                                                       $125mm partnership between S2G and CDPQ to
                                                                                                       invest in climate friendly food and ag
one of the large st and m ost active ve nture and
growth fund s in the ind ustry

  Sou rce (s): S2G Re se a rch

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S2G Ventures Healing America - A Future Food System for our Farmers, Consumers and Planet

A movement already underway …
that can be accelerated with policy
Consum ers, entrepreneurs, scientists and farm ers are
creating the biggest transform ation in the Food System
since World War II. Science is transform ing the com putation,
biology, physics, and chem istry of food production – helping
design a system that is healthier and m ore sustainable for
consum er and m ore profitable for farm ers.
Across the S2G portfolio, com panies are hard at work to                                                 Our
build the future of food and agriculture:                                                             Portfolio
• $9 billion in food and ag tech start-up funding in 2019.                                             at Work
  This represents 0.5% of risk capital invested as a
  percentage of Gross Output GDP, com pared to 3.1% in
  financial services, 3.6% in healthcare, and 12.8% in
  inform ation technology
• S2G challenges private m arkets to join us in catalyzing
  $10 billion of additional investm ent in Food and AgTech
  innovation over the next 3 years to close the current
  funding gap and build a 21st-century global food system
  that is m ore resilient, healthier, and m ore sustainable

  Sou rce (s): S2G Re se a rch , Pitch b ook, USDA ERS

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S2G Ventures Healing America - A Future Food System for our Farmers, Consumers and Planet

The Food System - Growing Transformation
                        The Farmer                                                                                                                                                                                                            The Consumer
 Urge nt Ne e d to Incre ase Profitability with Sustainability                                                                                                                                                                      Younge r, He althie r and m ore Digital

  Farm Bankruptcies                                              Data                                                                                                                                             Younger                                                        Access

  20%                                                            8x                                                               Ove r the last de cade , consum e r’s
                                                                                                                                  purchasing be havior with food has
                                                                                                                                  ske we d towards a m ore com ple x se t
                                                                                                                                  of que stions, be yond price and taste ,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  72                                                             59%
  Incre ase during 2019, this                                     Incre ase in farm -le ve l data                                 to include conce pts such as e thics,                                           Million m ille nnials in the U.S.,                             Ye ar-ove r-year growth in food
  num be r has be e n m itigate d by                              ge ne ration on ave rage in the                                 source , e nvironm e ntal conside rations,                                      the large st consum e r class in                               and be ve rage sale s through
  $37.2bn in Fe de ral dire ct farm                               ne xt 10 ye ars                                                 and the farm e r.                                                               U.S. history                                                   U.S. re tail e com m e rce
  paym e nts (2x> Auto bailout)
                                                                                                                                  Ove r a sim ilar tim e fram e , farm e rs have
                                                                                                                                  continue d to face a tight agricultural
  Indoor Ag                                                      Soil Health                                                      e conom y. Farm e rs are se arching for                                         Clean Label                                                    Assurance
                                                                                                                                  stronge r profitability, and while the re

  3.5x                                                           75%                                                                                                                                              6x                                                             90%
                                                                                                                                  has be e n an unpre ce dented growth in
                                                                                                                                  ne w agricultural te chnologie s,
                                                                                                                                  adoption of prom ising ne w
                                                                                                                                  te chnologie s re m ains low.
  Growth in U.S. annual le ttuce                                  Of land is substantially                                                                                                                        Growth of cle an labe l products                               Of Top 100 CPG Brands losing
  gre e nhouse production in the                                  de grade d with significant                                                                                                                     com pare d to conve ntional                                    m arke t share
  past 5 ye ars                                                   contribution from agriculture

  Sou rce (s): S2G Re se a rch & An a lysis, Pitch b ook, USDA ERS, USDA Ag Ce n su s 2017, “US Fa rm Ba n kru p tcie s Re a ch Eigh t Ye a r High ” Forb e s, IPBES Glob a l Asse ssm e n t Re p ort on Biod ive rsity, Un ite d Na tion s, Gold m a n Sa ch s, e Ma rke te r

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S2G Ventures Healing America - A Future Food System for our Farmers, Consumers and Planet

Post COVID, the Food System is Accelerating this
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Channel Digitization
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ~8% online groce ry pe ne tration (as a % of total
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 groce ry) from COVID-19, up from ~4% from last ye ar
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                225 m illion farm IOT installm e nts by 2024, up from
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ~15 m illion in 2017
        45% of the global population is
        com prise d of Mille nnials and                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Convergence of Food and Health
        Ge n Z                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  90% of COVID-19 adm issions involve d at le ast one
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 com orbidity – obe sity, type 2 diabe te s, e t al.

More than 50% of Am e ricans                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Com putation is a se cular tailwind with a 300,000x
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 incre ase in big data proce ssing spe e d since 2012
are Mille nnial, Ge n Z or post-                                   Consumers are                                         The                   The food system
Ge n Z (166 m illion pe ople
are 39 or younge r)                                              driving the change                                  Fe e dback                 adapts to m e e t
                                                                                                                       Loop                                                                                                                                  Global Decommodification
                                                                 in the food syste m                                                             the consum e r
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Pote ntial le ve ling off in the corn and soybe an supe r
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 cycle growth that has occurre d ove r the last 20 ye ars
67% of Mille nnials and Ge n Z
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                During COVID, plant-base d m e ats gre w significantly
have alre ady change d be havior                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 and sale s as of July we re 90% highe r ye ar-ove r-ye ar
to de ce le rate clim ate change

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Commingling Climate and Profit
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                $1 trillion in ESG inve stor asse ts (Q2 2020 flows up
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 72% ye ar-ove r-ye ar)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                6.8x EV / re ve nue m ultiple for ESG e ne rgy com panie s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 com pare d to 1.7x for broade r e ne rgy m arke t

  Sou rce (s): S2G Re se a rch , Brookin gs, Food Dive , McKin se y, Ga rtn e r, Ce n te rs for Dise a se Con trol a n d Pre ve n tion , “Morb id ity a n d Morta lity We e kly Re p ort”, Ap ril 8, 2020, Op e n AI, Morn in gsta r Re se a rch , YPu lse

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S2G Ventures Healing America - A Future Food System for our Farmers, Consumers and Planet

Pillars of a Future Food System
      Rural                    1     Rural Broadband                       Dark Real Estate        9             Supply
      Renaissance                                                                                               Chains

                          2    Healthy Soil is                Controlled Environm ent Ag for               8
                               Made in Am erica               Consum ers and Supply Chains

                           3   Profit Per Acre                Moving Production Closer to              7
                                                                           Consum ption

                                                                                                           A Food Syste m that can se rve as a
                                              Food as an Extension of the
                                         4                                                                 bridge by supporting he althy
                                              Hippocratic Oath
                                                                                                           pe ople and com m unitie s, foste ring
                                              Food as Preventative Medicine            6                   strong, sustainable farm
                       as National
                       Security                                                                            ope rations, and prom oting clim ate
                                                5    Breeding for Health                                   he alth by he lping farm e rs profit by
                                                                                                           m oving to the front line of clim ate
© 2021 Seed 2 Growth
                                                                                                           change .                                  7
S2G Ventures Healing America - A Future Food System for our Farmers, Consumers and Planet


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S2G Ventures Healing America - A Future Food System for our Farmers, Consumers and Planet

1           Rural Broadband
                                                                                          … im pact rural com m unitie s’                                                    … and e xpose fragility in m any
   Gaps in broadband…                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Policy Considerations
                                                                                          e conom ic pote ntial…                                                             parts of Am e rica

                              1 in 4                                                                      2x and 3x                                                                                 2,300+                                                        By stre ngthe ning rural broadband
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  infrastructure to e nsure inte rne t conne ction
       Rural Am e ricans do not have                                                         Digitally-conne cte d busine ss                                                     During COVID-19, fre e Wi-Fi                                                     for all Am e ricans, the country will be be tte r
        rural broadband cove rage ,                                                        e arn 2x re ve nue pe r e m ploye e                                                    locations offe re d by the                                                      pre pared to de al with future crise s.
           according to the FCC                                                                and are 3x m ore like ly to                                                      Am e rican Conne ction Proje ct
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Incre ase d funding to bring broadband
                                                                                                       cre ate jobs                                                                 Broadband Coalition                                                           conne ctivity to all com m unitie s and im prove
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  m apping of broadband cove rage , including
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  im provem ents that are ge are d to m e e t

                         Top 10?                                                                                   1 in 5                                                                                     3x                                                  com m unity-level ne e ds and de m and, is a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  sound inve stm e nt that will he lp conne ct
       By som e analyse s, the U.S.                                                          Rural busine sse s only use                                                      The digital e conom y is growing                                                    com m unities across the country and solidify
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  the ir e conom ic opportunities.
     doe s not e ve n rank am ong the                                                      basic digital tools, like ly due to                                                 roughly 10% pe r ye ar, ne arly
       top te n countrie s with the                                                             challe nge s of lim ite d                                                        3x as fast as the ove rall                                                       The White House should le ad and im prove
       faste st broadband spe e ds                                                              broadband cove rage                                                                       e conom y                                                               fe de ral age ncy coordination e fforts to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  e nsure robust inve stm e nts in broadband
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  proje cts and m apping are e ffe ctive for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  com m unities.
                 Access solves for …                                                                             Resilience                                                                     Dependability

  Sou rce (s): S2G Re se a rch , FCC, Sp e e d Te st, De loitte , “Un lockin g th e Digita l Pote n tia l of Ru ra l Am e rica” b y Am e rica n In n ova tors, Fa rm Bu re a u , “Me a su rin g th e Digita l Econ om y” b y Bu re a u of Econ om ic An a lysis

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S2G Ventures Healing America - A Future Food System for our Farmers, Consumers and Planet

1          Rural Broadband – What It Means For Farmers
              Data                                                                                  Access to Capital                                         Risk Management

              As agriculture goe s from data poor to                                                Re al-tim e de cision m aking has be e n                  Farm ing is m anaging risk –
              data rich, it e nable s pre cision and                                                lim ite d whe n it com e s to addre ssing                 production, m arke t, financial,
              digital agriculture te chnologie s.                                                   financial re source s and tools.                          institutional, and ope rations.
              While inte rne t acce ss and conne ctivity issue s                                    Conne ctivity and data would provide the                  While not all risks can be solve d, conne ctivity
              e xte nd far be yond agriculture, it is a ke y                                        te chnology to allow farm e rs the ability to             m ay im prove the m anage m e nt of ke y
              e nable r of te chnology that allows farm e rs to:                                    provide on-farm , in-se ason transpare ncy to             agricultural risks:
                    Re duce costs through be tte r insights on                                     le nde rs for diffe re ntiated cost of capital acce ss:        Data transpare ncy for Fe de ral Crop
                     ke y are as such as we athe r, crop he alth, and                                  In the U.S., capital acce ss for farm e rs is               Insurance provide rs to fore cast the e nd of
                     dise ase de te ction                                                               large ly base d on le ve rage able asse t                   the se ason risk (loss re se rving value , claim
                    Ide ntify the ‘how’ and ‘whe n’ for ke y                                           owne rship - the farm or farm e quipm e nt                  adjustm e nts, yie ld loss e stim ate s, e t al.)
                     de cisions, such as irrigation and fe rtilize r                                   Enable a m ore e fficie nt m anne r of cash-               Innovative risk m anage m e nt tools for
                     application                                                                        flow base d le nding on re nte d acre s for                 farm e rs to be tte r allocate re source s, labor,
                    Enable on-farm de cisions to im prove                                              m ore productive ope rations                                and tim e throughout the se ason
                     profitability and yie ld                                                          Support innovative financial te chnology                   Produce rs be ne fit whe n the re is data
                                                                                                        tools                                                       available to he lp de te rm ine accurate loan
                                                                                                                                                                    rate s, disaste r paym e nts, and othe r
                                                                                                                                                                    financial inform ation

                                                 8x+                                                                      54%                                                       ~10%
               Incre ase in farm -le ve l data ge ne ration                                             Of U.S. cropland is re nte d ve rsus                      Of corn and soybe an farm e rs trade d
                 on ave rage ove r the ne xt 10 ye ars                                                   owne d, according to the USDA                                    in future s contracts

  Sou rce (s): S2G Re se a rch , Gold m a n Sa ch s, USDA ERS, Risk in Agricu ltu re b y USDA ERS

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S2G Ventures Healing America - A Future Food System for our Farmers, Consumers and Planet

2          Healthy Soil – Made in America
For most Americans, their house                                 Farmer Wealth                         Farmer Profitability             Policy Considerations
is the most important asset that
they’ll ever own. For farmers, it is                                                                                          From a policy pe rspe ctive, gove rnm ent
                                                          Investing in soil health, and                                       should inve st in program s and se rvice s that
the soil. Soil provides a reservoir                      other long -term conservation        Growing soil organic matter     m ake it e asie r and m ore profitable for
of water and nutrients and allows                         practices, may further align          and improving other soil      farm e rs to practice conse rvation.
farmers to understand the health                          landowners and renters to           characteristics may increase    De ve loping datase ts that de -risk and
                                                                                                                              de m onstrate the profitability be nefits of
of their field visibly or through                             maintain better land                   the crop yield           im ple m e nting ce rtain practice change s can
scientific means (level of                                   stewardship practices                                            ultim ate ly support m ore wide spre ad
nutrients to pH levels).                                                                                                      adoption of innovative conse rvation
                                                                                                                              approache s, practices and syste m s.
At the same time, USDA NRCS                                  Deteriorating soil health
                                                                                             Fully functioning soil has the   The U.S. De partm e nt of Agriculture should
has estimated the total cost of                                                              maximum crop production at       e stablish a clim ate task force and e nsure
                                                         accelerates the price disparity
erosion due to agriculture costs                                                             the lowest cost, but erosion     input from an advisory board re pre senting a
                                                         between the underlying asset
                                                                                             impacts compaction, loss of      dive rse group of private partne rs, including
$44 billion per year, while globally                     price of the farm and farmland
                                                                                                soil structure, nutrient      stake holde rs re pre se nting ve nture capital
the planet has lost half of its                                     productivity                                              and start-ups working on the se issue s. The
                                                                                             degradation, and soil salinity
                                                                                                                              private se ctor is a significant drive r whe n
topsoil in the last 150 years. By
                                                                                                                              de ve loping tools at scale that producers will
building better soil, profitability                                                                                           ne e d to profitably im plem ent im prove d
and wealth can return to the                                               American Made Soil Health                          conse rvation practices.
American family farmer.

  Sou rce (s): S2G Re se a rch , NRCS, World Wild life

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S2G Ventures Healing America - A Future Food System for our Farmers, Consumers and Planet

3         Profit Per Acre
                            By shifting from ‘Yield ’ to ‘Profitability ’, farm e rs m ay focus on be tte r outcom e s that im p rove the
                         p rofitab ility of the ir b usine sse s, while sim ultane ously yie lding be tte r soil he alth and clim ate outcom e s.
     Traditional commodity markets are massive and efficient, but they are not                        One e xam ple of the profitability opportunity for farm e rs in IP m arke ts:
     incentivized by farmer profitability. At the same time, consumers are driving                    organic m arke ts are growing 12x faste r than conve ntional m arke ts, but U.S.
     a significant demand in organic and other identity preserved (“IP”) products                     organic production is curre ntly unable to m e e t that de m and. Inste ad, a large
     (grass-fed, free range, et al) at grocery retail. IP markets lack transparency,                  pe rce ntage of organic ingre dients are im porte d. The re is a profitability
     risk management tools, price discovery, and other tools to help farmers                          opportunity for U.S. farm e rs to m e e t growing de m and for organic
     bring products to market.                                                                        ingre die nts.

     Today, there are only small, niche markets where priced carbon exists as a
     revenue stream for farmers; however, carbon has the potential to become                          With bipartisan support for the Growing Clim ate Solutions Act, the re is
     the next cash crop. It would allow farmers to access a new revenue stream                        m om e ntum building for carbon farm ing at the fe de ral le ve l. Howe ve r, for
     that is not currently available to them, provide access to more liquid                           carbon farm ing to be a scale d practice , it ne e ds to be vie we d as re al and
     markets, and incentivize positive land stewardship practices from renters                        cre dible by the industry, landowne rs, and ope rators.
     and owners.

     Margin Protection for Federal Crop Insurance was introduced in 2016 and is                       The private se ctor has incre ase d its focus on profit pe r acre , the re by
     one of the first risk management products designed by USDA’s Risk                                focusing on m argin inste ad of re ve nue (price x yie ld), and is m oving quickly
     Management Agency to focus on insuring the farmer’s operating margin.                            by building ne w financial, digital, and pre cision te chnologie s for farm e rs. This
     Federal risk management has historically focused on yield and revenue for                        ope ns opportunity for the private and public se ctors to work collaborative ly
     various very sensible reasons.                                                                   to im prove ove rall profitability of the Am e rican farm e r.

                                   An Ingraine d ‘Yie ld ’ Culture                                              Moving towards a ‘Profitability’ Culture
  Sou rce (s): S2G Re se a rch , USDA RMA

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3          Profit Pe r Acre (cont.)

“            The principle challenge, to me, is changing the mindset from thriving
             on 300 to 500 acres , rathe r than just surviving on 3,000 to 5,000 .
             We all gre w up thinking we we re outstanding farm e rs, and we we re
             succe ssful be cause I produce 80-bushe l be ans. Now we ne e d to think
             about I'm succe ssful be cause I ne t $200 an acre .

                                                                                                      Ken Dallmier
                                                                                                      Pre side nt of Clarkson Grain
                                                                                                      Com pany of Illinois

  Sou rce (s): Fa rm Progre ss

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as National Security

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4       Cheaper Healthcare & Food as an Extension of the Hippocratic Oath
          Current State of Affairs                          Consumer Bankruptcies                                 How Consumers Finance                                    Food as an Extension of the
           in Healthcare Spend                              Caused by Medical Issues                              their Medical Necessities                                    Hippocratic Oath

            $3.5 trillion                                               66.5%                                                 60%                                                         75%
    Spent on health expenditures;                          Of all bankruptcies were tied                       Of the U.S. population must                                 Of healthcare budget was
      despite higher per capita                             to medical issues, either in                      completely drain their savings                             spent on chronic disease, with
    spending the U.S. has relative                         cost or time away from work                          in order to pay off medical                              a majority being nutritionally -
        lower life expectancy                                                                                               debt                                            related and preventable

                       1.5x                                        ~530,000                                                1 in 10                                                         80x
         Growth in healthcare                              Families across the country                        Adults delay medical care due                                 ROI (medical savings per
       spending compared to the                           turn to bankruptcy each year                          to cost, with an average                                    patient / food spend per
          growth of the GDP                              because of medical issues and                        hospital stay costing $15,734                                patient) by prescribing food
                                                                       bills                                                                                              and education for diabetics (1)

      Convergence of food and                                                                                        Redirect to More
                                                                  Economic Issues
         health may help…                                                                                          Productive Spending

  Source(s): S2G Research, Committee for a Responsible Budget , Forbes, CNBC, Medical Economics , Fighting Chronic Disease , “Prescribing food as a specialty drug”, New England Journal of Medicine Catalyst, 2018
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4        Food as an Extension of the Hippocratic Oath –
         The Healthcare and Food Industries are Coming Together
                         W almart and H umanaVit al it y                                     Kroger is Testing ‘Food as     HCSC and Blue Cross Blue
                         Partner for F irst- o f- it s- Kin d                                Medicine’ with Food            Shield Institute team up on
                         H ealthie r F ood Program to                                        Prescriptions for Customers    new healthy food delivery
                         I nc entiviz e W ellness                                                                           service

                                                                        Geisinger –                             Nestle Health Science
                                                                        Prescribing Food as a                   acquires personalized
                                                                        Specialty Drug                          medicine platform

  So u rce (s): Wa lm a rt, Su p e rm a rke t Ne ws, Me d City Ne ws, Ge isin ge r, Nu tra
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4           Food as an Exte nsion of the Hippocratic Oath

                   “        The concept of food as medicine isn’t new,
                            but it’s largely anecdotal and under -
                            delivers. We can actually translate food
                            into medicine. We know what it takes to
                            grow things that are clinically proven to be
                                                                                                           “    It is unacce ptable for anyone to suffe r
                                                                                                                from poor he alth be cause the y can’t ge t
                                                                                                                e nough nutritious food to e at.

                                                                                                                The association be twe e n good he alth and
                            more nutritious for a very specific health
                                                                                                                he althy food is indisputable , and if we
                            outcome.                                                Both

                            Really, the opportunity to bestow health
                            and longevity to billions worldwide is not
                                                                                industrie s
                                                                                 calling for
                                                                                                                want to m ake our com m unitie s the
                                                                                                                he althie st in the nation, it is crucial that we
                                                                                                                conne ct pe ople with the re source s the y
                                                                                                                ne e d to achie ve total he alth.
                            in the hands of the healthcare industry, it’s
                            in the hands of the food industry.

                                              Sofia Elizondo                                                          Bernard J. Tyson
                                Co-found e r & COO, Brightse e d                                               Chairm an & CEO, Kaise r Pe rm ane nte

  Sou rce (s): S2G Re se a rch , BioSp a ce

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5         Food as Preventative Medicine
While drugs are focused on                                                                      Key Considerations                                                   Key Considerations
treatment of specific human                                                                                                                                                                                                              Policy Considerations
                                                                                                  in Healthcare                                                         in Nutrition
health conditions, food and
medical foods have proven to be                                                                                                                                                                                                ‘Food as m e dicine ’ would be ne fit from

effective means of managing                                                                                 90%                                                             1 in 10                                            furthe r re se arch and analysis to be tte r
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               inform the Die tary Guide line s for Am e ricans
and preventing specific issues –                                                            Of COVID-19 admissions                                          Adults meet U.S. federal fruit                                     as it de ve lops nutritional re com me ndations
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               during its ne xt proce ss.
most prevalently nutrition -                                                                  involved at least one                                          or vegetable daily serving
related chronic health conditions                                                            comorbidity – obesity,                                              recommendations                                               A stronge r body of re se arch could also be
                                                                                             type 2 diabetes, et al.                                                                                                           use d to im prove training for m e dical
such as type 2 diabetes, obesity,                                                                                                                                                                                              profe ssionals, including nutrition training in
and congestive heart failure.                                                                                                                                                                                                  m e dical school, as doctors are ke y truste d
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               advisors whe n patie nts are se e king die tary
There is significant opportunity                                                                            75%                                                +0.35 servings                                                  and nutritional advice .
for Congressional engagement                                                          Of the healthcare budget was                                          Of produce consumed per                                            Enhance d coordination be twe e n fe de ral
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               nutrition re se arch age ncie s and re ne wing a
to promote policies that support                                                      spent on chronic diseases, the                                         resident per day for each
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               priority for nutrition at USDA’s pre m ie r
the use of food as a prophylactic                                                      majority being nutritionally -                                     additional meter of shelf space                                      com pe titive re se arch arm , the Agriculture
treatment of extensive, nearly                                                               related diseases                                              devoted to fresh vegetables (1)                                     and Food Re se arch Initiative , would signal its
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               im portance and e ncourage pote ntial
ubiquitous human health                                                                                                                                                                                                        applicants to think cre ative ly about
conditions.                                                                                            Healthcare                                                             Nutrition                                        innovation in this fie ld of work.

  So u rce (s): S2G Re se a rch , Ce n te rs for Dise a se Con trol a n d Pre ve n tion , “Morb id ity a n d Mo rta lity We e kly Re p o rt”, Ap ril 8, 2020, Figh tin g Ch ro n ic Dise a se , CDC, Ca m b rid ge Un ive rsity Pre ss
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6       Breeding for Health
                             Current State of Affairs                                                     Policy Considerations

            Consumer preferences are changing rapidly and are                              By creating a policy and regulatory environment that
            increasingly uncompromising around nutrition,                                  fosters innovation and new agricultural technologies,
            price, flavor, and other attributes, which has led to                          the U.S. food system will continue to be a leader
            an uplift in more conscious consumption. However,                              among the world in ag innovation.
            the current food system needs to keep up in its
                                                                                           Congress and the executive branch must re -
            ability to meet these demands, including new
                                                                                           prioritize investments in the government’s food and
            agricultural and ingredient innovation.
                                                                                           agricultural research agencies. Additionally,
            Historically, breeding has been centered around                                developing opportunities focused on ag
            input traits, such as making a crop more resilient to                          technologies will push us towards future
            drought or pests. The next generation of breeding is                           innovations.
            beginning and will continue to focus efforts on
                                                                                           The U.S. regulatory system should not impede the
            output traits – nutrition, flavor, functionality,
                                                                                           investment in and development of new technologies,
            affordability, and other attributes of growing
                                                                                           such as gene editing, that will likely improve crop
            importance to consumers.
                                                                                           breeding for next generation traits by a magnitude

  Source(s): S2G Research
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6         Breeding for Health (for People and Planet)
                                               Consumers                                                                                                                                             CPG and Food Companies

                    7 of 10                                                    73%                                                                                                               98%                            70%
             Consum e rs are                                         Consum e rs are                                                                                                        Of companies are               Of companies have
             incre asing the ir                                      paying m ore for                                                                                                     reformulating at least         reformulated products
          consum ption of plant-                                   he alth and we llne ss                                    Innovation in                                               some of their products               to reduce salt
             base d prote ins                                         food attribute s                                                                                                                                         and/or sugar
                                                                                                                            agriculture can
                                                                                                                           suit the ne e ds of
                        65%                                                      7%                                           both partie s                                                      50%                            50%
           Of consum e rs want                                        Expe cte d growth                                                                                                   Loss in profits from             Of CPG growth is
         functional be ne fits from                                 be twe e n 2018 and                                                                                                  grocers between 2012           expected to come from
           the ir food and drink                                        2023 in global                                                                                                   and 2017, sparking the         sustainability-marketed
                                                                    ‘cle an labe l’ m arke t                                                                                             hunt for differentiation              products

          Equity through affordable                                                 Address food insecurity                                                Improve challenged farm                                  Increase production for
          health and wellness traits                                                   and malnutrition                                                           economics                                           growth in population

                                                                                       Benefits from consumers, agriculture, and CPGs coming together
  So u rce (s): S2G Re se a rch , Food Na viga tor, Food In d u stry Exe cu tive , Food Dive , Bu sin e ss Wire , PR Ne ws Wire , McKin se y, Re frige ra te d a n d Fro ze n Fo o d s
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Supply Chains

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7             Moving Production Closer to Consumption
COVID-19 meaningfully impacted the                                                                                                                                                             Policy Considerations
key pressure points in the food supply                                                                                   The Supply Chain                 The Consum e r
chain and caused fear across the
supply chain – from agriculture                                                                                                                                                       COVID-19 e xpose d risks in local, re gional, and
companies to the consumer. It caused                                                                           1,300 to 1,500                              40-50%                     global food syste m that would be ne fit from
                                                                                                                                                                                      furthe r re se arch into pre ssure points along
large food and agriculture companies
                                                                                                            Ave rage m ile s food trave ls          De cre ase in distribution in     the food supply chain.
to start rethinking their supply chain in
                                                                                                          from farm to fork – the syste m            re tail be twe e n whe n the     During COVID-19, produce rs that sold into
an effort of improved resiliency.
                                                                                                         is de pe nde nt on transportation          pande m ic be gan and the         re staurant and food se rvice locations face d a
The global food system has many                                                                                 ove r long distance s                    m iddle of the ye ar         significant drop in de m and whe n those
perishable products, but it functions as                                                                                                                                              e stablishm e nts we re force d to te m porarily
                                                                                                                                                                                      close . A m ore agile food syste m could be ne fit
a just-in-time economy where food                                                                                                                                                     both produce rs and food se rvice , by having
inventories are intentionally kept at low
levels. It causes vulnerability to
                                                                                                                                     25%                       5%                     the fle xibility to re dire ct the ir product into
                                                                                                                                                                                      groce ry re tail syste m s.
unanticipated variations in demands.                                                                        Labor shortage would cause           Ne gative im pact on the U.S. pork
                                                                                                                                                                                      Policym ake rs should continue to incre ase
                                                                                                               49% re duction in food             supply from a single shut down      financial support and ince ntive s for local and
With transportation system shutting                                                                           production, according to             from a m ajor pork supplie r’s     re gional produce rs, including those at FSA
down in the early days of COVID, three                                                                            NISAC’s (1) m ode l                 facility during COVID-19        and Farm Cre dit. Exam ple s include
vulnerabilities that were exposed were:                                                                                                                                               supporting barn finance for local e gg
       Food to re tail distribution                                                                                                                                                  produce rs or supply chains for local
                                                                                                                                                                                      produce rs to se ll into groce ry or food se rvice .
       Agricultural inputs to farm s (e .g., se e ds,                                                                          Resilience                Dependability
        anim al fe e d, fe rtilize r)
       Farm products to proce ssors, package rs, spot
        m arke ts, and e xporte rs

    Note (s): (1) Na tion a l In fra stru ctu re Sim u la tion & An a lysis Ce n te r; Sou rce (s): S2G Re se a rch , ATTRA, NISAC, Re u te rs

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8          Controlled Environment Ag for Consumers and Supply Chains
Controlle d e nvironm e nt agriculture can work alongside conve ntional m e thods to offe r consum e rs and sup p ly chain
constitue nts m ore re silie nt, sustainab le , local, high-quality products. By utilizing diffe re nt m e thod s and form ats, ind oor and
gre e nhouse p rod uce rs can alle viate syste m ic nutrition and food acce ss challe nge s, while m itigating clim ate and othe r
p roduction risks. Furthe r, controlle d e nvironm e nt m ay alle viate logistical constraints of today’s syste m .
In the future , controlle d e nvironm e nts m ay de m onstrably im prove m arke t acce ss to affordab le , high-q uality, and nutritious
p roduce . Howe ve r, scaling controlle d p rod uction will re quire collaboration and partne rship across e ntre p re ne urs,
policym ake rs, scie ntists, and othe rs critical in he lping CEA re ach a viable scale .

                                                Policy Considerations                                     Cumulative impact if vegetables and herbs
                                                                                                                 shifted to ~13% CEA by 2025
 Controlle d e nvironm e nt agriculture would be ne fit from furthe r                                 U.S. food stake holde rs large ly stand to be ne fit, with notable
 re se arch, analysis, and focus from the USDA to he lp guid e its traje ctory                           positive e xte rnalitie s achie ve d ove r a five -ye ar pe riod.
 and de ve lop m e nt in the future . A stronge r body of re se arch could also
 be use d to inform crop advance m e nt, e ne rgy and input cost,
 sustainab ility m e asure m e nt, and othe r attribute s of CEA.                             Shift to Greater Localization                Reduced Resource Use + Waste

 Enhance d coord ination and com m unication with spe cific fe d e ral
 age ncie s, such as the De p artm e nt of Ene rgy for lighting te chnology in
 controlle d e nvironm e nt agriculture facilitie s.
                                                                                              2.3bn                        9                   1.3                     330
                                                                                              Additional               Trillion-m ile         Billion of            Billion fe we r
 We also sup p ort im p roving acce ss to capital within USDA le nd ing and
                                                                                              production           re duction in food         produce             gallons of wate r
 risk program s for CEA.
                                                                                            capacity (in lbs.)             m ile s             save d                    use d

  Sou rce (s): S2G Re se a rch (Ba se d on S2G An a lysis a n d Ma rke t Assu m p tion s)

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9          Dark Real Estate
Tailwinds from COVID-19 include greater interest in                                  While the hype of controlled environment agriculture continues
controlled environment agriculture development and an                                     to accelerate, greenhouse is an existing, large market
increased focus on repurposing commercial real estate. At                                        opportunity with significant room to grow
the same time, commercially, these technologies are
                                                                                      Crops grown under glass or other protection   Number of Farms     Square Footage
becoming more viable and there is an opportunity to
reimagine vacant real estate across urban centers as food                             Aquatic plants                                             331          1,308,064

production facilities.                                                                Bulbs, corms, rhizomes, and tubes     - dry                347          1,682,858

                                                                                      Cutting, seedings, liners and plugs                       1,356        37,173,863
Repurposing commercial real estate such as legacy
                                                                                      Floriculture                                            17,051        869,496,529
manufacturing facilities and warehouses is an opportunity to
promote jobs in urban areas, redefine “local” food systems,                           Flower seeds                                               294           495,223

and optimize resource efficiencies. Creative approaches that                          Greenhouse fruits and berries                              846         11,708,439

leverage opportunity zones, private market participants and                           Greenhouse tomatoes                                       7,974        63,929,576
government bodies can help manage the infrastructure cost                             Other greenhouse vegetables                               7,198        48,634,529
and deliver value across stakeholder groups.                                          Mushrooms                                                 1,261        36,281,409

Expanding commercial-scale agriculture production to urban                            Nursery stock crops                                       4,302       308,879,616

and suburban areas is also additive to traditional, outdoor                           Tobacco transplants                                        267          3,259,696
agricultural production. As discussed in the prior slides, it                         Vegetable seeds                                            599          8,972,753
supports stronger controlled environment agricultural                                 Vegetable transplants                                     2,058        29,859,523
economics and offers a viable alternative to imports.                                 Total                                                   43,884      1,421,682,078

                                                                                      Average sq ft/farm                                       32,396

  Sou rce (s): S2G Re se a rch , USDA Ag Ce n su s 2017

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9       Dark Re al Estate

“        Producing food without arable land constraints would provide
         numerous benefits including increased food production, particularly of
         fresh and local food; employment opportunities for urban
         populations , e stim ate d to account for up to 75 pe rce nt of the global
         population by 2050; and the strate gic use of soil re source s for food
         production that is m ost suitable or ne ce ssarily m ust be soil-base d.
                                                                                   Ariel Kagan and
                                                                                   Jenna Riemenschneider                 ,
                                                                                   Authors of Opportunitie s in Controlle d Environm e nt
                                                                                   Agriculture b y the Food Institute at Swe tte Ce nte r for
                                                                                   Sustainable Food Syste m s at Arizona State Unive rsity

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A Future Food Systems That Doesn’t Just Feed but Heals
      Rural                    1     Rural Broadband                       Dark Real Estate        9             Supply
      Renaissance                                                                                               Chains

                          2    Healthy Soil is                Controlled Environm ent Ag for               8
                               Made in Am erica               Consum ers and Supply Chains

                           3   Profit Per Acre                Moving Production Closer to              7
                                                                           Consum ption

                                                                                                           A Food Syste m that can se rve as a
                                              Food as an Extension of the
                                         4                                                                 bridge by supporting he althy
                                              Hippocratic Oath
                                                                                                           pe ople and com m unitie s, foste ring
                                              Food as Preventative Medicine            6                   strong, sustainable farm
                       as National
                       Security                                                                            ope rations, and prom oting clim ate
                                                5    Breeding for Health                                   he alth by he lping farm e rs profit by
                                                                                                           m oving to the front line of clim ate
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Meet S2G Ventures
At S2G Ventures, we’re harnessing the power of food innovation to create
better outcomes for people and the planet. We believe food needs to be
produced in a way that considers human and environmental health just as
much as taste and profit – and we back trailblazing entrepreneurs across the
food supply chain with the big ideas to make that dream a reality.

Contact Us
                                                                                        Sanjeev Krishnan           Dan Ripma
                                                                                        Managing Director &        Senior Associate
                                                                                        Chief Investment Officer

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