Acid Rain in the Adirondacks: A Time of Change!

Page created by Katherine Chandler

                     Acid Rain in the Adirondacks:
                                                        A Time of Change!

            ignificant progress has been             transported many miles before they are                A few years later, Congress passed the
            and continues to be made in              deposited. These compounds are either            Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990
            the reduction of acid rain emis-         converted to sulfuric and nitric acids in        (CAAA). Title IV set forth EPA’s Acid
            sions. Some have viewed this             the air, or are deposited directly to the soil   Rain Program and established a national
            environmental issue as resolved          and then converted to these acids. In sen-       cap on utility emissions expected to result
by Congress with the mandated controls               sitive ecosystems, acid deposition can           in an estimated SO2 emissions reduction
under the Clean Air Act Amendments of                acidify waters and soils. An ecosystem is        of 10 million tons (40%) from 1980 lev-
1990 (CAAA). But in places like the                  considered sensitive to acid deposition if       els in two phases. By 2010, NOx emis-
Adirondacks, acidification of lakes and              it does not have an adequate buffering           sions would be reduced by approximately
watersheds continues, seemingly unabat-              capacity in its soils to counter the acids.      10 percent (2 million tons) from 1980
ed. What can we look forward to? What                Areas in New York State identified as con-       levels. A system of marketable allowances
must happen? This article discusses recent           taining sensitive ecosystems include the         was the centerpiece of the Acid Rain Pro-
scientific findings, control efforts, New            Adirondack Mountains, the Catskill               gram (Bennett 1998). EPA was mandat-
York initiatives, and proposed further               Mountains, the Rensselaer Plateau, and           ed by the CAAA to provide Congress
Congressional action. In this time of                the Hudson Highlands (NYSDEC                     with a report on the feasibility and effec-
change, the critical needs to document               1996).                                           tiveness of an acid deposition standard to
the effectiveness of controls through the                 Over the years, New York State has          protect sensitive and critically sensitive
monitoring and analysis of atmospheric               worked hard to reduce air emissions              aquatic and terrestrial resources. As a
deposition, lake chemistry and forest                which contribute to acidic deposition,           result, the Acid Deposition Standard Feasi-
indicators are discussed. Finally, the need          including passage of the first acid deposi-      bility Study was issued in October 1995.
for further Federal controls, in light of            tion control act in the nation in 1984.          In 1994, Canadian federal and provincial
New York’s initiatives are highlighted and           The New York State Legislature realized          energy and environment ministers issued
the opportunities for you, the public, to            then that New York could not solve the           a Statement of Intent to develop a long-
remain informed on our progress to pre-              acidic deposition problem by itself, due to      term acid rain strategy for Canada for
serve and protect our environmental her-             the significant impact of air emissions          post-2000. Consequently, the report
itage for future generations are offered.            originating primarily in midwestern              Towards a National Acid Rain Strategy was
    Acid deposition has been identified              states. The DEC reported in its Final            issued in October 1997. Most recently, in
since the mid-1970s as a serious threat to           Environmental Impact Statement on the            1998, the U.S. National Acid Precipita-
New York State’s waters and forests. Emis-           Sulfur Deposition Control Program that           tion Assessment Program (NAPAP)
sions of sulfur dioxide (SO2) and oxides             83% of the sulfur deposition which               issued its Biennial Report to Congress: An
of nitrogen (NOx) come primarily from                occurred in the southwestern Adiron-             Integrated Assessment presenting the first
the combustion of fossil fuels and can be            dacks originated outside of New York             evaluation of the costs, benefits and effec-
                                                     State. The acid deposition control pro-          tiveness of the Acid Deposition Control
     Karen Roy is a Project Analyst at the Adiron-   gram also sought to establish an Environ-        Program covering the results of the first
dack Park Agency.                                    mental Threshold Value at which no sig-          year 1995.
     Walter Kretser is Program Manager of the        nificant damaging chemical or biological              These reports (1995-1998) lead to
Adirondack Lakes Survey Corporation.                 effect of acid deposition had been report-       several major conclusions. First, that the
     Howard Simonin is a Unit Leader at the
                                                     ed, and above which there was a high             pollution allowance trading program has
Department of Environmental Conservation Divi-
                                                     probability that adverse effects would           been a success. Sulfur dioxide emissions
sion of Fish and Marine Wildlife Resources in
Rome, New York.                                      occur. A value of 20 kilograms of sul-           have been reduced, and sulfate deposition
     Edward Bennett is with the Division of Air      fate/hectare/year was selected for sensitive     has decreased. The administrative and
Resources, Department of Environmental Conser-       receptor areas, the largest being the            implementation costs of the program are
vation, Albany.                                      Adirondack Park.                                 less than a traditional regulatory “com-


mand and control” approach. The actual         Status of Adirondack Lakes and                 The result of this unique cooperative
cost of the program is substantially less      Streams                                        effort was the acquisition of an unparal-
than projected at the time of adoption of           Paleoecological studies involving         leled, extensive chemical, biological and
Title IV. Secondly, despite the successes of   analysis of Adirondack lake sediment           physical data base of 1469 (52%) of the
the innovative regulatory scheme, the          cores collected during the 1980s showed        ponded waters in the region. In 1984, the
reports conclude that the overall cap in       that many of the study lakes became            USEPA National Acid Precipitation
emissions is too high to accomplish the        acidic only in the previous 10-50 years,       Assessment Program also collected physi-
primary goal, which was to protect sensi-      during the time when air pollution and         cal and chemical data on 155 Adirondack
tive resource areas from the harmful           acidic deposition levels were highest due      lakes as part of the Eastern Lakes Survey
effects of acid rain. The national cap on      to rapid industrialization. Other studies      (ELS). The results of these two investiga-
emissions of sulfur dioxide from power         have similarly documented that fish pop-       tions indicated that acidification of
plants must be further reduced. The            ulation declines and losses of entire pop-     Adirondack waters was indeed a serious
reports also agree that nitrogen oxide         ulations occurred in many lakes within         problem. Approximately 24% of the
emissions are also a significant contribu-     the same time period. Acidification affects    ALSC waters and 12% of the ELS survey
tor and must also be addressed.                more than small, high-elevation lakes. Big     waters (greater than 4 ha in size) had pH
     The good news is that emissions of        Moose Lake in the southwestern Adiron-         values >5.0.
sulfur dioxide have been reduced, and as       dacks is an example of an important lake            In its Report to Congress in 1995,
a result acidic deposition of sulfate has      which has been impacted in recent              EPA reported that 19% of their target
decreased approximately 25 percent. This       decades by acidic deposition and has lost      population of Adirondack lakes were
has led to lower levels of sulfate in          important fish populations. Historical         acidic in 1984, based on their surveys of
Adirondack lakes and streams, approxi-         records from this 1,286-acre water body        waters larger than 10 acres. The ALSC
mately 15-20% in monitored waters. The         document healthy fish in the lake and in       report included lakes less than 10 acres in
bad news is that we have not observed the      nearby streams during the 1930s. Surveys       their extensive survey of 1,469 lakes and
large scale improvements in the acidity of     conducted in the 1980s in the North            found that 24% of Adirondack lakes are
Adirondack waters that we had anticipat-       Branch Moose River Watershed (which            seriously acidic, meaning that they have a
ed. Part of the reason is that in addition     includes Big Moose Lake), however,             pH of less than 5.0 and approximately
to decreases in sulfate in rainwater, there    showed a serious loss of many fish popu-       half of the waters in the Adirondacks can
have also been decreases in calcium, mag-      lations (Schofield and Driscoll 1987).         be classified as sensitive to acidic deposi-
nesium and other basic compounds in                 Acid-sensitive species occur in all       tion based on ANC values. The distribu-
rainwater which help to neutralize the         major groups of aquatic organisms (Fig-        tion of sensitive waters (ANC >40 µeq/L)
sulfate. These decreases occurred because      ure 1). Amphibians, aquatic insects, zoo-      in the Adirondack region is shown in Fig-
we have greatly reduced the particulate or     plankton, and algae are negatively affect-     ure 2. ANC or Acid Neutralizing Capaci-
soot portion of air pollution, and in the      ed by the increased acidity which is seri-     ty is a combined chemical measure of
process we have reduced certain com-           ously compromising aquatic biodiversity        how well a lake can neutralize acid inputs.
pounds which previously helped to neu-         resulting in effects on the food web. For      An ANC of >40 indicates a water that is
tralize the acidity of our rain and snow       example, loons, eagles, otters and mink,       vulnerable to episodic acidification. This
(Simonin 1998). When examining re-             all of which prey on fish, are impacted by     is significant because it demonstrates that
gional trends in surface water recovery        the loss of fish populations. Lakes that       a high percentage (48%) of water bodies
from acidification in North America and        once were destinations for brook trout         in the Adirondacks are unable to absorb
Europe, Stoddard et al. (1999) found lack      fishermen, like Brooktrout Lake, T Lake,       current levels of acid rain without becom-
of recovery in three regions of North          Deep Lake, and Lake Colden, among              ing critically acidic, thereby jeopardizing
America (midwestern North America,             others, are today too acidic to support        aquatic life.
south/central Ontario and the Adiron-          sport fish populations.                             In 1998 the National Acid Precipita-
dack/Catskill mountains). The trend pat-            Between 1984 and 1987, the Adiron-        tion Assessment Program’s report to Con-
terns in these regions are similar to those    dack Lakes Survey Corporation (ALSC),          gress confirmed that Adirondack lakes
observed in the Nordic countries of            a joint partnership of the NYS Depart-         had not “turned the corner” on recover-
Europe in the 1980s, where recovery is         ment of Environmental Conservation             ing chemistry. While the report found
now occurring. They suggest that larger        (NYSDEC) and the Empire State Electric         that over the last 15 years, lakes and
decreases in sulfur deposition and/or a        Energy Research Corporation (ESEER-            streams throughout many areas of the
longer response time (lag) may be needed       CO), embarked on an intensive survey           United States had experienced decreases
before similar recovery occurs in these        effort to better characterize the biological   in sulfate concentrations in response to
regions of North America.                      and chemical status of Adirondack Lakes.       decreased emissions and deposition of

                                                             ADIRONDACK JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES • SPRING/SUMMER 2000 27

                     Figure 1. Critical pH for selected taxa in lakes and streams.
    White bars show favorable pH ranges for each type of organism; shaded bars show less favor-
    able ranges; no bar indicates ranges which do not support populations of the organism.

       Yellow Perch
       Brook Trout
       Lake Trout
       Smallmouth Bass
       Rainbow Trout
       Common Shiner
       American Toad*
       Wood Frog*
       Leopard Frog*
       Spotted Salamander*

                                      6.5               6.0               5.5                 5.0              4.5              4.0
    From National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program, 1991. 1990 Integrated Assessment Re-
    port. NAPAP Office of the Director, Washington, D.C.
    *Embryonic life states. **Selected Species

sulfur, in contrast, the majority of Adiron-   Adirondack region, and the Report to           these reductions will lead to lower con-
dack lakes had remained fairly constant        Congress estimates that 70% of the target      centrations of toxic chemicals in Adiron-
while sensitive Adirondack lakes have con-     population lakes are at risk of episodic       dack biota (Simonin and Meyer 1998).
tinued to acidify (NAPAP 1998).                acidification at least once during the year.
    In addition to sensitive lakes, the        Nitrogen is more of a factor than sulfur in    Status of Adirondack Forests
Adirondack region includes thousands of        episodic acidification.                            Many factors affect forest health in
miles of streams and rivers which are also          Mercury toxicity is another important     harsh mountain environments like the
sensitive to acidic deposition. Over half of   related issue for aquatic ecosystems of the    Adirondacks. It is, however, becoming
these Adirondack streams and rivers may        Adirondacks. Acidification has made mer-       increasingly evident that acidic deposition
be toxic during spring snowmelt, due to        cury and other metals more mobile, and         is a critical factor, not only here but in
high aluminum concentrations and the           mercury, in particular, has bioaccumulat-      other parts of the country. The 1998
acidic water conditions created during         ed in fish from acidic waters. Emissions of    NAPAP Report concluded that both sul-
episodes. Aquatic life is adversely impact-    air toxics, such as mercury, are also being    fur and nitrogen have caused adverse
ed. Watersheds which experience episodic       reduced as a result of the Clean Air Act       impacts on certain highly sensitive forest
acidification are very common in the           Amendments of 1990. The hope is that           ecosystems in the United States, particu-


larly high-elevation spruce-fir forests.           as drought and cold weather, or pest       that is, levels above critical load limits for
Recent reports from the U.S. Geological            invasion.”                                 aquatic systems. As a result, 95,000 lakes
Survey found that soil-calcium depletion                                                      in southeastern Canada will remain dam-
was linked to acid rain and reduced forest           These findings are supported by the      aged by acid rain.
growth in the eastern United States              forest monitoring data collected over the        Since the issuing of these scientific
(Lawrence and Huntington 1999). In               last 14 years on Whiteface Mountain.         reports, there have been a number of pro-
Canada, areas with the slowest tree growth       Forest ecologists Drs. Eric Miller and An-   posed legislative responses, beginning with
were found to be the areas where the total       drew Friedland of Dartmouth College,         Senator Moynihan’s Acid Rain Control
acidic deposition exceeded the critical load     New Hampshire, collaborate with re-          Bill (S.1097), introduced to the 105th
for that area. Critical load is defined as the   searchers from other universities focused    Congress in 1997. The Adirondack Park
amount of acid deposition that a water-          on high elevation (>600m) forests and        Agency provided testimony in support of
shed is able to tolerate while allowing          their sensitivity to acidic deposition and   this bill praising key components: addi-
95% of the lakes to maintain a pH of 6.0         acidic cloud water. Their studies demon-     tional reductions for sulfur dioxide; limits
or higher ( The Acidifying Emissions Task        strate red spruce decline and significant    on nitrogen oxide emissions; a report on
Group 1997). EPA’s latest publication on         changes in the soil cycling of nitrate.      environmental indications for the Adiron-
acid rain (EPA 1999) states :                                                                 dack Park; and the necessary tracking net-
        “Acid deposition, combined with          Further Emissions Reduction Needed           work (APA 1998). This bill was re-intro-
   other pollutant and natural stress fac-           EPA has predicted that based on their    duced in 1999 by Senators Moynihan and
   tors, can damage forest ecosystems.           best available computer model projec-        Schumer (S.172) with a companion bill
   Damage could include increased                                                             in the House by Congressmen Boehlert
                                                 tions, and assuming full (Phase I and II)
   death and decline of Northeastern red                                                      and Sweeney (H.R. 25). It is supported by
                                                 implementation of the Clean Air Act
   spruce at high elevations and                                                              the entire NYS Congressional delegation.
                                                 Amendments reductions in sulfur emis-
   decreased growth of red spruce in the                                                          In October 1999, Governor Pataki
   southern Appalachians. In some cases,
                                                 sions, the number of acidic waters in the
                                                 Adirondacks is expected to increase rather   directed DEC Commissioner Cahill to
   acid deposition is implicated in
                                                 than decrease. In other words, even with     require New York’s electric generators to
   impairing a tree’s winter hardening
                                                 full Phase II implementation sulfate         further reduce acid rain causing emissions
   process, making it susceptible to win-
                                                 decreases scheduled to start this year       to protect sensitive areas like the Adiron-
   ter injury. In other cases, acid deposi-
   tion seems to impair tree health              (2000), EPA projects that the problem of     dacks. This directive requires that electric
   beginning with the roots. As acid rain        acidic deposition in the Adirondacks will    generators in the state reduce SO2 emis-
   moves through soils, it also can strip        continue to get worse.                       sions to 50% beyond the Phase II levels of
   nutrients from the soil and increase              Significant additional reductions in     the Federal Clean Air Act . By agreement
   the presence of aluminum ions, which          both nitrate and sulfate deposition are      with the Ozone Transport Commission,
   are toxic to plants.                          needed to simply stabilize, much less        New York also is committed to requiring
        Long-term changes in the chem-           reverse, the acidic deposition problem in    an additional 40% reduction in summer-
   istry of some sensitive soils may have        the Adirondacks. In its 1995 Report to       time NOx emissions by 2003 to help
   already occurred. In some regions,            Congress, EPA projects that an additional    fight smog. Under Governor Pataki’s new
   nitrogen deposition in forests can lead       40-50% reduction over those currently        directive, New York would require these
   to nitrogen saturation, which occurs          required are needed to simply return the     emissions reductions year-round, rather
   when the forest soil has taken up as          number of acidic Adirondack lakes to         than just in summer (New York State
   much nitrogen as possible. Saturated,                                                      Executive Chamber 1999). This will help
                                                 1984 levels. Using the same computer
   the soil can no longer retain nutrients                                                    reduce the severity of the acid pulse dur-
                                                 models, EPA predicts that without addi-
   and they are leached away. Nitrogen                                                        ing spring snowmelt.
                                                 tional emissions reductions, the number
   saturation has been observed in a
   number of regions including North-
                                                 of acidic lakes in the Adirondacks will
   eastern forests, the Colorado Front           roughly double by 2040. The 1998             Tracking Ecosystem Change is Critical
   Range and the mountain ranges near            NAPAP report reiterated these findings.          There are three major areas to track:
   Los Angeles, California. Effects also             Canada’s National Acid Rain Strategy     atmospheric deposition; surface water;
   have been seen in Canada and                  found that even with full implementation     and forest indicators. For each area, the
   Europe. This phenomenon can create            of the Canadian and U.S. programs in         responsibility of monitoring is shared
   nutrient imbalances in the soils and          2010, almost 800,000 km² in southeast-       among many and in all cases the funding
   roots of trees, leaving them more vul-        ern Canada — an area the size of France      is not adequate to secure long-term track-
   nerable to the effects of air pollutants      and the United Kingdom combined —            ing. These data collecting programs are
   such as ozone, climatic extremes such         will receive harmful levels of acid rain;    vital to determining trends in the data (are

                                                              ADIRONDACK JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES • SPRING/SUMMER 2000 29

                                   ANC Distribution in ALSC

           N = 1469

    = ANC > 40.00 (µeq/L)
    = ANC >40.00 (µeq\L)

 Figure 2, ALSC 1999


indicators going up, down or staying the         deposition to measure. For example, at       ALSC survey data are now 13-16 years
same?). For all three areas, it is necessary     Huntington Forest, dry deposition was        old with no funding in place to re-visit
to have an adequate number of monitor-           found to be 55% of total nitrate deposi-     these waters.
ing stations and to develop an uninter-          tion during the Integrated Forest Study.
rupted long-term record in order to detect       At Whiteface Mountain, where cloud           Tracking forest ecosystems
trends. Methods and data need to be              deposition is common, rainwater account-          The Whiteface site is the longest-
coordinated and shared (NEG/ECP                  ed for 38%, dry deposition 25%, and          recorded forest ecosystem study in the
1998). Lastly, more secure funding for           cloudwater 37% of total nitrate deposi-      northeastern US with the most significant
these programs needs to be somehow               tion. Dry deposition monitoring exists in    historical impact of sulfur pollution. Yet
assured.                                         New York, but different techniques are       recent funding reductions have caused a
                                                 used among collection stations and the       shut-down of monitoring plots. The near-
Tracking atmospheric deposition                  monitoring programs are threatened by        est remaining long-term forest monitoring
     In a recent presentation on the critical    lack of funds. It took a public relations    site is at Hubbard Brook, New Hamp-
value of high-quality long-term monitor-         appeal to prevent the closing of the         shire. Due, in part, to the high rates of air
ing, Dr. Kathleen Weathers cited work            longest-record dry deposition monitoring     pollution loading experienced by high ele-
from the Hubbard Brook Experimental              station in New York State (APA 1996).        vation forests of the Adirondacks, these
Forest. Trends in the pH of rainfall there       Further, there has been only one long-       ecosystems have accumulated 80% more
have been tracked since the 1960s. It took       term monitoring site (Whiteface Moun-        sulfur than the low-elevation forest at
over 15 years before a statistically signifi-    tain) for cloudwater deposition, and fund-   Hubbard Brook. Therefore, studying
cant trend line could be drawn through           ing for this program is on the decline.      Hubbard Brook alone as the single long-
the data, which showed it to be rising or                                                     term forest ecosystem study representing
improving. During that time, however,            Tracking lake chemistry                      the northeastern forests will not be ade-
there were periods where precipitation pH            The extensive data collected by the      quate to explain or predict what is occur-
appeared to be dropping sharply and              Adirondack Lakes Survey and the EPA          ring in Adirondack forests. As previous
other times showing no change. The les-          Eastern Lakes Survey in the mid-80s and      research has clearly demonstrated, Adiron-
son was that shorter time periods were           the implementation of the Clean Air Act      dack high-elevation ecosystems play an
different from each other as well as differ-     Amendments of 1990 clearly indicated         important “early warning” role for the
ent from the actual long-term trend              that there was a need for a more intensive   entire Northern Forest Region, due to
(Weathers 1999).                                 effort to monitor chemical trends and        their demonstrated sensitivity to changes
     It is critically important, therefore, to   changes in a representative sub-sample of    in both chemical and physical climates.
continue to monitor acid deposition in           Adirondack waters. A sub-set of 52 lakes     To adequately assess the effectiveness of
New York State and establish whether             representing five of the six major Adiron-   the Clean Air Act Amendments on forest
actual reductions in acid deposition occur       dack lake hydrologic classes were selected   health in the northeast (especially high-
as a result of the emission reductions that      in 1992 as long-term monitoring sites and    elevation forests like the Adirondacks)
have been projected over the next decade.        are sampled monthly. Sixteen of the 52       long-term observations of forest element
Even though large changes in deposition          lakes were part of a previous program ini-   cycling response to reduced atmospheric
are expected, only one of the five national      tiated in 1982.                              sulfur loading must be continued. High-
acid deposition networks that existed in             The Adirondack Long-Term Moni-           elevation mountain forests are one of the
the 1980s remains. This is the National          toring Program continues today as a joint    signature ecosystems of the Adirondack
Acid Deposition Program (NADP), and              venture of the ALSC in cooperation with      Park comprising 22% of the Adirondack
sampling at some stations in this network        Syracuse University with support from the    Park, thus representing a sizable resource.
has already been discontinued. The New           NYSDEC, New York State Energy                Reduced tree growth and forest ecosystem
York Acid Deposition Monitoring Net-             Research and Development Authority           health are critical considerations on both
work is therefore increasingly important,        and the USEPA Office of Research and         state and private lands in the Adirondack
both because it covers important areas of        Development. Reduced budgets over the        Park.
the state such as the western Adirondacks        last several years, however, have limited         In summary, accurate measurements
not addressed by the national networks,          valuable interpretive efforts and not        of deposition and ecosystem responses are
and also because it may eventually be the        allowed for adequate distribution of data    essential to evaluate policy changes or
only network operating in the state (NYS-        to the general public, the environmental     changes in energy use (i.e., the effect of
DEC 1996).                                       community, and legislative staffs in New     decreasing or increasing emissions should
     Dry deposition and cloudwater depo-         York and Washington as well as neighbor-     be reflected in what is delivered to the sur-
sition are also very important parts of total    ing states and provinces. The original       face of the earth). This information is

                                                              ADIRONDACK JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES • SPRING/SUMMER 2000 31

equally important for ecosystem science,       References                                               Stoddard, J.L., Jefferies, D.S., Lukewille, A.,
where quantifying inputs is critical to             Adirondack Park Agency 1998. Testimony         Clair, T.S., Dillon, P.J., Driscoll, C.T., Forsulus,
interpreting effects and predicting future                                                         M., Johannessen, M., Kahl, J.S., Kellogg, J.H.,
                                               of Richard H. Lefebvre, Chairman, NYS Adiron-
                                                                                                   Kemp, A., Mannio, J., Montelth, D.T., Mur-
outcomes. On a more global scale, in light     dack Park Agency before the Subcommittee for
                                                                                                   doch, P.S., Patrick, S., Rebsdorf, A., Skjelkvale,
of lagged recovery and the complicating        Clean Air, Wetlands, Private Property and
                                                                                                   B.L., Stainton, M.P., Traaen, T., van Dam, H.
factors of climate variability, Stoddard and   Nuclear Safety of the Senate Environment and
                                                                                                   Webster, K.E., Wieting, J., and Wilander, A.
                                               Public Works Committee, October 6, 1998,
others (1999) highlight “ the importance                                                           1999. Regional trends in aquatic recovery from
                                               regarding the Acid Deposition Control Act           acidification in North America and Europe.
of continued coordinated international
                                               (S.1097) sponsored by New York Senators             Nature 401(7):575-578.
monitoring to assess the success of acidic     Alfonse D’Amato and Daniel Patrick Moynihan.
deposition control measures”.                                                                           The Acidifying Emissions Task Group 1997.
                                               [Online] Available:       Towards a National Acid Rain Strategy. Report
                                               adirondackparkagency/                               submitted to the National Air Issues Coordina-
Conclusion                                          Adirondack Park Agency 1996. Resolution        ting Committee, Environment Canada, Ottawa,
     Full implementation of the 1990           Adopted by the Adirondack Park Agency Con-          Ontario, 98 pp.
Clean Air Act Amendments will not              cerning EPA’s Closing of a Key Acid Deposition           U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Acid
occur until 2010. Significant additional       Monitoring Station at Endfield, New York. April     Rain Division 1995. Acid Deposition Standard
reductions in both nitrate and sulfate         16, 1996, Ray Brook, NY. [Online] Available:        Feasibility Study Report to Congress. Office of Air
deposition are needed to simply stabilize       and Radiation (6204J), EPA-430-R-95-001a,
the acidic deposition problem in the                Bennett, E.P. 1998. Acidic deposition — the    October 1995.
Adirondacks. In order to simply return         interplay of regulatory control programs. Envi-          U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
                                               ronmental Science & Policy 1:239-247.               1999. Progress Report on the EPA Acid Rain Pro-
the quality of water in the Adirondack’s
                                                    Lawrence, G. and T.G. Huntington 1999.         gram. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
water bodies to 1984 levels, a level at                                                            Air and Radiation EPA430-R-99-011, Novem-
which approximately 19% were already           Soil-Calcium Depletion Linked to Acid Rain
                                               and Forest Growth in the Eastern United States.     ber 1999, 21 pp. [Online] Available: http://-
acidic, reductions of nitrogen oxides and                                                
                                               U.S.Geological Survey WRIR 98-4267, 12 pp.
sulfur dioxide must be reduced by an           [Online] Available:
additional 40-50% over those levels                 National Acid Precipitation Assessment Pro-
                                                                                                        Weathers, K. 1999. Conference presentation
already required at full implementation.                                                           Environmental Monitoring, Evaluation and Pro-
                                               gram 1998. Biennial Report to Congress: An Inte-
Full implementation will not occur until                                                           tection in New York: Linking Science and Policy
                                               grated Assessment. [Online] Available: http://-     Critical Monitoring and Research Needs Panel.
2010. Since EPA predicts that without                New York State Energy Research and Develop-
such additional emissions reductions the       96.htm                                              ment Authority, December 7-8, 1999, Albany,
percentage of acidic Adirondack lake will           New England Governors/Eastern Canadian         NY.
roughly double by 2040, this means that        Premiers, 1998. Acid Rain Action Plan. [Online]
aggressive action is called for now. A num-    Available:           Web Site Resources
ber of conservation and landowner groups            New York State Department of Environ-          EPA’s Acid Rain Division (Clean Air Markets
have established positions to further          mental Conservation 1999. New York State            Division):
                                               Atmospheric Deposition Monitoring Network. Wet
reduce acid rain. Many people ask what                                                             National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program:
                                               Deposition 1987-1995 Report. Albany, NY.
they can do as individuals. We suggest                                                   
                                                    New York State Executive Chamber, Octo-
that besides conserving energy in your                                                             96.htm
                                               ber 14, 1999. Press release: Governor Takes
home, office and automobiles and pur-          Action to Protect New York from Acid Rain:          U.S. Geological Survey:
chasing clean electric power, you can let      Requires Further Reductions in Acid Rain-Caus-      rain/
your representatives in Washington know        ing Pollution. [Online] Available: http://www.-     Clean Air Status and Trends Network: www.epa.-
your deep concern about the acid precip-    gov/acidrain/castnet
itation problem in the Adirondacks and              Schofield, C.L and C.T. Driscoll 1987. Fish    Legislative sites (NYS and US)
elsewhere. Encourage these lawmakers to        species distribution in relation to water quality   New England Governors/Eastern Canadian Pre-
                                               gradients in the North Branch of the Moose          miers:
support legislation limiting sulfur dioxide
                                               River Basin. Biogeochemistry 3:63-85.               New York State Adirondack Park Agency: www.-
and nitrogen emissions. The environmen-
                                                    Simonin, H. 1998. The Continuing Saga of
tal, visibility and human health benefits of
                                               Acid Rain. Wild in New York, Spring. New York       New York State Department of Environmental
further emissions reductions go beyond         State Conservationist. Albany NY pp 4-5.            Conservation Atmospheric Deposition Monitor-
the Adirondack Park.                                Simonin, H.A. and M.W.Meyer 1998. Mer-         ing Network:
     For more information, feel free to        cury and other air toxics in the Adirondack         baqs/acidrain/index.html
contact us. We suggest the World Wide          region of New York. Environmental Science &         Adirondack Lakes Survey Corporation: (in
Web references provided.                       Policy 1:199-209.                                   progress)

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