Rules for Classification and Construction VI Additional Rules and Guidelines 12 - Environmental Protection
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Rules for Classification and Construction VI Additional Rules and Guidelines 12 Environmental Protection 1 Guidelines for the Environmental Service System Edition 2012
The following Guidelines come into force on 1 October 2012. Germanischer Lloyd SE Head Office Brooktorkai 18, 20457 Hamburg, Germany Phone: +49 40 36149-0 Fax: +49 40 36149-200 "General Terms and Conditions" of the respective latest edition will be applicable (see Rules for Classification and Construction, I - Ship Technology, Part 0 - Classification and Surveys). Reproduction by printing or photostatic means is only permissible with the consent of Germanischer Lloyd SE. Published by: Germanischer Lloyd SE, Hamburg
VI - Part 12 Table of Contents Chapter 1 GL 2012 Page 3 Table of Contents Section 1 General Information A. Scope and Application ............................................................................................................... 1- 1 B. Definition and Terminology ....................................................................................................... 1- 1 C. Documents to be Submitted ....................................................................................................... 1- 3 D. Further Rules and Standards to be Considered ........................................................................... 1- 3 E. Classification and Class Notation ............................................................................................... 1- 4 Section 2 Environmental Passport Design A. General ....................................................................................................................................... 2- 1 B. Emissions into the Sea ................................................................................................................ 2- 1 C. Emissions into the Air ................................................................................................................ 2- 2 D. Ship Recycling ........................................................................................................................... 2- 4 E. Certification of Additional Environmental Protection Properties .............................................. 2- 4 Section 3 Environmental Passport Operation A. General ....................................................................................................................................... 3- 1 B. Emissions into the Sea ................................................................................................................ 3- 1 C. Emissions into the Air ................................................................................................................ 3- 3 D. Certification of Additional Environmental Protection Properties .............................................. 3- 6
VI - Part 12 Section 1 B General Information Chapter 1 GL 2012 Page 1–1 Section 1 General Information A. Scope and Application On request, GL will also examine and document in the Environmental Passport - Design Certificate, the envi- 1. Scope ronmental protection properties of the ship exceeding the requirements outlined in D. and Section 2. 1.1 General 1.3 Environmental Passport - Operation These Guidelines aim to reduce the environmental impact of shipping beyond the requirements of the The Class Notation EP-O documents the environ- relevant mandatory regulations. The stricter require- mental operational performance of an individual ship. ments always take into account expected future regu- latory requirements. The relevant requirements are described in Section 3. The amount of operational emissions is documented in The goal shall be achieved by assessment and certifi- an emission inventory. The inventory, once estab- cation of technical processes and installations of man- lished and checked for completeness, accuracy and for datory international standards. The core elements of compliance with applicable IMO thresholds, except GL’s Environmental Service System are the Class where otherwise specified in these Guidelines, will be Notations: certified for an agreed time period by Germanischer EP-D (Environmental Passport – Design) Lloyd and has to be renewed periodically. Generally a one year period is recommended, however shorter and periods may be considered to suit the reporting re- quirements of the ship / operator, subject to minimum EP-O (Environmental Passport - Operation). data available for proper assessment. In addition an Environmental Passport - Operation Certificate is also an element of the scheme, c.f. 2. for Accidental emissions into the sea or into the air are details of application. not a subject of these Guidelines. Prerequisite for certification of the special environ- mental protection properties is meeting the following requirements: 2. Application – The properties can be achieved by means of These guidelines apply to all ships for which the Envi- commercially available processes and equip- ronmental Passport is ordered, on or after the publica- ment offering high quality and reliability. tion date of the guidelines, independent of the vessel’s age and size. – For the purposes of verification, technical stan- dards or reliable technical procedures / methods Ships with GL class will be assigned the Class Nota- do exist. tion EP-D upon verification of compliance with the Derived from the systematic analysis of developments requirements. in environmental protection and legislation, Ger- The Environmental Passport - Operation Certificate is manischer Lloyd continuously develops more strin- ship specific and may be issued irrespective of the gent environmental requirements for the implementa- vessel’s class. tion of new Environmental Service Systems. The Class Notation EP-O shall be granted for GL The development of the guidelines takes place under classed vessels exclusively. continuous supervision and advice of the GL "Techni- cal Committee Environment". 1.2 Environmental Passport - Design B. Definition and Terminology On meeting the technical requirements set out in Sec- For the purpose of the present Guidelines, the follow- tion 2, the ship may be assigned the Class Notation ing nomenclature applies. EP-D. This comprises of the Environmental Passport Certificate, in combination with certificates issued by Ballast Water means ambient outboard water includ- the flag state and further certificates, statements of ing suspended matter contained therein taken on board compliance and test certificates issued by GL and/or a ship to control trim, list, draught, stability or stresses other organizations, as appropriate. of the ship.
Chapter 1 Section 1 B General Information VI - Part 12 Page 1–2 GL 2012 BWM means Ballast Water Management and com- Incinerator means a shipboard facility designed for prises mechanical, physical, chemical and biological the primary purpose of incinerating solid waste gener- processes, either singularly or in combination, to re- ated during the operation of the ship. move, render harmless, or avoid the uptake or dis- charge of harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens MARPOL73/78 means International Convention for within ballast water and sediments. the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modi- fied by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto, including CFC means Chlorofluorocarbons. the Annexes I to VI. CO2 means Carbon Dioxide. MEPC means Marine Environment Protection Com- ECA stands for Emission Control Area, where the mittee. adoption of special mandatory measures for emissions from ships is required to prevent, reduce and control Montreal Protocol means the Montreal Protocol on air pollution from NOx or SOx and particulate matter Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, 1987, and or all three types of these emissions. the respective amendments between 1990 and 1999. EEDI means Energy Efficiency Design Index. MSC means Maritime Safety Committee. EEOI means Energy Efficiency Operational Indicator. NH3 means Ammonia. Emission means any release of substances from ships NOX means Oxides of Nitrogen. into the atmosphere or sea over a specified area and period of time subject to control by these Guidelines. NOX Technical Code means Technical Code on Con- FSS Code means International Code for Fire Safety trol of Emissions of Nitrogen Oxides from Marine Systems. Diesel Engines, adopted by Resolution 2 of the 1997 MARPOL Conference, as amended. Fuel Oil or Oil fuel means any fuel delivered to and intended for combustion purposes for propulsion or ODS means Ozone Depleting Substances defined in operation onboard a ship, including distillate and re- Article 1 of the Montreal Protocol. sidual fuels. ODP means Ozone Depletion Potential. The ratio of GWP means Global Warming Potential (relative the impact on ozone of a chemical compared to the measure of the heat absorbing ability of a certain impact of a similar mass of CFC-11. Thus, the ODP of greenhouse gas relative to that of the corresponding CFC-11 is defined to be 1.0. mass of carbon dioxide, where the GWP of CO2 is standardized to 1.0, with values being calculated over Oily Bilge Water means water which may be con- a 100-year time horizon). taminated by oil from maintenance work in machinery spaces or minor leaks. Liquids entering the bilge sys- Harmful Aquatic Organisms and Pathogens means tem may also contain detergents. aquatic organisms or pathogens which, if introduced into the sea including estuaries, or into fresh water Pax means passengers. courses, may create hazards to the environment, hu- man health, property or resources, impair biological SCR means Selective Catalytic Reduction. diversity or interfere with other legitimate uses of such areas. Sediment means matter settled out of Ballast Water within a ship. HCFC means Hydro Chlorofluorocarbons. Sewage means drainage and other wastes from toilets, IACS means International Association of Classifica- medical premises via wash basins, wash tubs and tion Societies. scuppers located in such premises, drainage from IBC Code means International Code for the Construc- spaces containing living animals or other waste waters tion and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous when mixed with the drainages defined above. Chemicals in Bulk. Sludge oil means sludge from the fuel oil or lubricat- ICE means Internal Combustion Engine. ing oil separators, waste lubricating oil from main or auxiliary machinery, or waste oil from bilge water IGC Code means International Code for the Construc- separators, oil filtering equipment or drip trays. tion and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk. SOX mean Oxides of Sulphur. IHM means Inventory of Hazardous Materials. STS means Sewage Treatment System IMO means International Maritime Organization. TBT means Tributyltin. IMDG Code means International Maritime Danger- ous Goods Code. VOC means Volatile Organic Compounds.
VI - Part 12 Section 1 D General Information Chapter 1 GL 2012 Page 1–3 C. Documents to be Submitted D. Further Rules and Standards to be Con- sidered 1. Documents to be submitted for Environ- mental Passport - Design 1. GL Rules and Guidelines Equivalent information shall be submitted to GL if the – Machinery Installations (I-1-2), Section 11, O.3. following documents are not issued by GL: – Guidelines on Ballast Water Management (VI- – All mandatory certificates according to 11-10) MARPOL 73/78 and Annexes as amended – Guidelines for Determination of the Energy – Documentation verifying compliance with Efficiency Design Index (VI-13-1) MARPOL 73/78 Annexes as applicable 2. National regulations – List of environmentally relevant equipment, and corresponding documents not covered by National regulations more stringent than described in MARPOL 73/78 these Guidelines remain applicable. – Measurement and assessment reports and docu- mentation issued by authorities and by recog- 3. International regulations and codes nized or accredited bodies All basic requirements to be fulfilled are based upon mandatory and non-mandatory international regula- – EEDI Statement of Compliance acc. to GL tions. A minimum set is defined by the following Guidelines for Determination of the Energy Ef- requirements: ficiency Design Index (VI-13-1), Section 2 MARPOL 73/78, Annex I-VI (if appl.), as amended: The following plans shall be submitted, if applicable: – Annex I, "Regulations for the Prevention of – Fuel oil management plan Pollution by Oil" – Ballast water management plan – Annex II, "Regulations for the Control of Pollu- – Garbage management plan tion by Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk" – Annex III, "Regulations for the Prevention of – Details of the refrigeration system Pollution by Harmful Substances Carried by Sea – Details of the fire fighting system in Packed Form" – Details of the incinerator system – Annex IV, "Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Sewage from Ships" – Details of the sewage system – Annex V, "Regulations for the Prevention of – Vapour emission control system, VOC Man- Pollution by Garbage from Ships" agement Plan – Annex VI, "Regulations for the Prevention of – Details for emission reduction technologies, Air Pollution from Ships" such as selective catalytic reduction (SCR) sys- – Resolution MEPC.184(59), "2009 Guidelines tems for Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems" The following certificates for noxious and/or danger- – Circular MEPC.1/Circ.671 "Guide to good Prac- ous cargoes shall be submitted if applicable: tice for Port Reception Facility Providers and – International Pollution Prevention Certificate for Users" the Carriage of Noxious Liquid Substances in – Resolution MEPC.212(63), "2012 Guidelines on Bulk the Method of Calculation of the Energy Effi- ciency Design Index (EEDI) for New Ships" – International Certificate of Fitness for the Car- riage of Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk – Resolution MEPC.214(63), "2012 Guidelines on Survey and Certification of the Energy Effi- – International Certificate of Fitness for the Car- ciency Design Index (EEDI)" riage of Liquefied Gases in Bulk – Resolution MEPC.215(63), "Guidelines for Calculation of Reference Lines for use with the 2. Documents to be submitted for Environ- Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI)" mental Passport - Operation – MEPC.1/Circ.684, "Guidelines for voluntary use Information on the emissions of the ship shall be sub- of the Energy Efficiency Operational Indicator mitted in a format suitable for electronic processing (EEOI)" only. Relevant documents and data are described in Section 3. SOLAS 74/88, as amended:
Chapter 1 Section 1 E General Information VI - Part 12 Page 1–4 GL 2012 – Chapter VII "Carriage of dangerous goods" 1.2 Character of Class Notation Environ- mental Passport-Operation Other conventions, as amended: The Class Notation EP-O will be assigned within the – "International Convention on the Control of Class Certificate and the Environmental Passport - Harmful Anti-Fouling Systems on Ships, 2001" Operation Certificate will be issued if all requirements of Section 3 are fulfilled. – "International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sedi- The emissions can be certified only for the period for ments, 2004" which the data is reported. An Interim Environmental Passport - Operation Certificate will be issued once – Resolution MEPC.197(62), "Guidelines for the the data collection systems have been established to Development of the Inventory of Hazardous GL’s satisfaction. This can be achieved by an "Im- Materials" plementation Survey". If any of the above Regulations is not applicable to the ship, it is also excluded for the purpose of these 2. Surveys and audits for maintenance of Guidelines. class All surveys for Environmental Passport - Design and Environmental Passport - Operation will be conducted in accordance to the GL Rules for Classification and E. Classification and Class Notations Surveys (I-0), Section 3. The provisions in GL Rules for Classification and 2.1 Surveys for Environmental Passport - Surveys (I-0), Section 2 apply. Design Notations of Environmental Passport - Design (EP-D) An initial survey as well as a renewal survey is re- and Environmental Passport - Operation (EP-O) are quired in accordance with the provisions of Regulation voluntary and may be assigned only to ships in GL 4 of Annex IV of MARPOL 73/78. Class. Additionally to MARPOL 73/78 surveys are con- ducted as required in Section 2, e.g. for refrigerant 1. Class Notation Environmental Passport - systems. Design The sewage treatment plant has to be examined and 1.1 Character of Class Notation Environ- satisfactorily tested in accordance with IMO Resolu- mental Passport - Design tion MEPC.159(55) to meet the operational require- ments referred to in Regulation 9.1.1 of Annex IV of The Class Notation EP-D will be assigned and in- the International Convention for the Prevention of cluded within the Class Certificate and the Environ- Pollution from Ships, 1973/78 as modified by Resolu- mental Passport - Design Certificate will be issued if tion MEPC.115(51). all requirements in Section 2 are fulfilled. 2.2 Survey and audits for Environmental If necessary, an interim Environmental Passport - Passport - Operation Design Certificate with a validity period of 5 months may be issued. The Environmental Passport - Design An initial survey is conducted. This consists of an and the corresponding Class Notation are valid until office and/or ship audit, if considered necessary. The the end of the current class period. In case of Envi- purpose of the audit is to confirm satisfactory imple- ronmental Passport - Design renewal for a further mentation of data collection and transmission proce- class period, the validity of Environmental Passport - dures; installation of equipment in accordance with D. Design and class period are identical. and Section 3. Compliance with quality management standards like ISO 9001 or ISM is a prerequisite to In the event that certain parts of the Environmental this audit for Environmental Passport - Operation. Passport - Design loose their validity, the notation will become invalid as a whole and the corresponding The periodical survey is conducted to verify the con- Class Notation EP-D will be withdrawn. If the neces- sistency and accuracy of reported data. The survey sary surveys and certifications are obtained subse- includes office visits or/and onboard visits to review quently, the validity of the Environmental Passport - relevant onboard documentation as required. Random Design Certificate and the Class Notation EP-D will checks of mandatory record books / files are con- be reinstated to their original validity period. ducted to verify accuracy of submitted data.
VI - Part 12 Section 2 B Environmental Passport Design Chapter 1 GL 2012 Page 2–1 Section 2 Environmental Passport Design A. General – 5 ppm monitor and alarm This Section describes the requirements to be fulfilled – Automatic discharge stopping device for the Class Notation EP-D. The technical require- ments in this section assess characteristics of envi- in accordance with the requirements for the equipment ronmental relevance of ship design and equipment. as detailed in the GL Rules for Machinery Installa- Following emissions are addressed: tions (I-1-2), Section 11, O.3. Holding tanks shall be provided for collecting oily a) Into the sea: bilge water prior to its discharge, transfer or disposal – Oil and oily mixtures ashore. The Holding tank capacity should have ade- quate capacity with regard to the intended type of – Noxious and/or dangerous cargo service of the ship, to provide the ship the flexibility – Sewage of operation in ports, coastal waters and special areas without the necessity to discharge or dispose. Guid- – Garbage ance on tank capacity is provided within the above mentioned Chapter of GL-Machinery Rules. – Ballast water – Anti-fouling systems 2. Noxious and/or dangerous cargoes b) Into the air: For the transportation of noxious and/or dangerous cargoes, the applicable requirements of Annex II and – Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Annex III of MARPOL 73/78, the IGC Code, the IBC – Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) Code and the IMDG Code shall be met. Compliance with these requirements shall be demon- – Sulphur Oxides (SOx) strated by means of the certificates listed in Section 1, – Ozone depleting substances (ODS) C.1., depending on the ship type and the kind of cargo. – Refrigeration systems 3. Sewage – Fire Fighting All requirements according to Annex IV of MARPOL – Shipboard incineration 73/78, Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Sewage for ships, apply to all ships. Compliance shall – Volatile Organic Compounds be verified with the International Sewage Pollution Prevention Certificate. c) Additional requirements: Discharge of sewage into the sea is prohibited unless – Inventory of Hazardous Materials any of the conditions of Regulation 3 or Regulation 11 Additional voluntary design features reducing emis- of Annex IV of MARPOL 73/78 is applicable. sions further than required according to these Guide- Standard dimensions of connections for shore dis- lines can be displayed in the Environmental Passport - charge shall be in accordance with the data given in Design Certificate at the request of the customer. Regulation 10 of Annex IV of MARPOL 73/78. All means of sewage treatment and the capacity of holding tanks on board shall be documented. B. Emissions into the Sea 4. Garbage 1. Oil and oily mixtures The requirements of MARPOL 73/78, Annex V Regu- Oil record books shall be provided in a form specified lations for the Prevention of Pollution by Garbage in Appendix III to Annex I of MARPOL 73/78. from Ships apply to all ships. The discharge of oily bilge water is prohibited, unless A Garbage Management Plan shall be established in the oil content does not exceed 5 ppm. accordance with Regulation 9 of Annex V of All ships shall be equipped with a: MARPOL 73/78 and kept on board. This plan shall provide procedures for the collecting, storing, process- – 5 ppm bilge water separator ing and disposing of garbage, including the use of the
Chapter 1 Section 2 C Environmental Passport Design VI - Part 12 Page 2–2 GL 2012 equipment on board. A designated person in charge of A ballast water treatment plant, approved by a flag carrying out the plan is to be appointed. administration according to IMO Resolution MEPC.174(58), and MEPC.169(57) respectively as Equipment shall be available on board for sorting, well as meeting the requirements of GL Rules for minimizing and storing the garbage prior to discharge Machinery Installations (I-1-2), Section 11, P.1.6 shall or incineration. be installed. A Garbage Record Book, comprising all relevant information of the discharge operations or completed 6. Anti-fouling systems incineration, shall be kept on board. All operations Application of biocide free anti-fouling paints is rec- and each completed page shall be signed according to ommended. Regulation 9 (3) of MARPOL Annex V and the asso- ciated Appendix. The application, re-application, installation or use of harmful anti-fouling systems containing organotin Every ship of 12 m or more in length overall shall compounds which act as biocides is prohibited as of display placards which notify the crew and passengers 1 January 2003. of the garbage disposal requirements of regulations 3 and 5 of Annex V of MARPOL 73/78. The certification of TBT-free anti-fouling systems on ships shall comply with the "International Convention Compliance with the above mentioned requirements is on the Control of Harmful Anti-Fouling Systems on confirmed by a Certificate concerning the Prevention Ships". of Pollution by Garbage, which is issued by GL 5. Ballast water C. Emissions into the Air All ships shall comply with the requirements of the International Convention for the Control and Man- The requirements refer to Annex VI, Regulations for agement of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments the Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships of (2004) as well as the associated IMO guidelines. MARPOL 73/78. Translocation of non-native organisms in ballast water These regulations shall not apply to: and sediments of all ships shall be limited to a mini- mum. During ballasting, the uptake of organisms and – Emissions necessary for the purpose of securing sediments shall also be minimized by suitable precau- the safety of a ship or saving life at sea, or tionary measures. – Emissions resulting from damage to a ship or its Uptake and discharge of ballast water shall be care- equipment; see Annex VI, Regulation 3 of fully planned. Sediments in ballast water tanks shall MARPOL 73/78. be removed during routine cleaning and disposed safely in adequate reception facilities, ensuring that 1. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) / Energy Efficiency such sediments do not impair or damage the environ- As concluded in the 2nd IMO GHG Study, ment, human health, property or resources. MEPC 59/INF10, greenhouse gases emitted by inter- Ballast water shall be carried in segregated ballast national shipping contributed an equivalent of about water tanks. 2.7 % to the global CO2 emissions in 2007. Discharge of untreated ballast water is prohibited, IMO developed the EEDI as a technical measure to except for special cases approved by the flag state successively improve a ship’s efficiency. The index and/or port state administration. indicates the ship specific CO2 emission per cargo capacity and distance sailed. A ballast water management system comprising tanks for ballast water and the associated piping, pumping For the assignment of the EP-D notation an EEDI- and treatment system shall be established to imple- Certificate is a requirement for the ship types defined ment the treatment (or other method accepted as being in the Energy Efficiency Regulations of MARPOL equivalent). Annex VI as amended and as described in GL Guidelines for Determination of the Energy Efficiency A ship-specific ballast water management plan shall Design Index (VI-13-1). be drawn up in accordance with IMO Resolution A.868(20) and IMO MEPC Res. 127(53) – "Guide- Compliance with the above mentioned requirements is lines for ballast water management and the develop- confirmed by the EEDI Statement of Compliance, ment of ballast water management plans" (G4). which is issued by GL. The Ballast Water Management Plan is examined in 2. Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) accordance with the GL Guidelines on Ballast Water Management (VI-11-10) for compliance with the IMO The requirements refer to MARPOL Annex VI, NOx resolutions and with other relevant requirements of the Technical Code 2008. The requirements apply to die- class. sel engines with a power output of more than 130 kW.
VI - Part 12 Section 2 C Environmental Passport Design Chapter 1 GL 2012 Page 2–3 The requirements do not apply to marine diesel en- Design and arrangement requirements for fuel tanks gines used solely for emergency purposes, such as are provided in GL Rules for Machinery Installations diesel engines in lifeboats and emergency diesel en- (I-1-2), Section 10, B. and Section 11, G.10. and 11. gines. It is recalled (c.f. Section 1, D.2.) if national or re- Operation of each marine diesel engine to which these gional regulations more stringent than MARPOL Guidelines apply is prohibited unless the emission of Annex VI are required, these regional regulations nitrogen oxides (calculated as the total weighted emis- remain applicable. sions of NO2) from the engine is within the following Exhaust gas cleaning systems may be used to reduce Tier II limits according to MARPOL Annex VI: the emissions of SOx, provided that the requirements – 14.4 g/kWh when n is less than 130 rpm of Resolution MEPC.170 (57) – "Guidelines of Ex- haust Gas Cleaning Systems" are met. – 44.0 *n-0.23 g/kWh when n is 130 or more but Any alternative technical solution according to less than 2000 rpm MARPOL Annex VI, Regulation 14 for SOx reduction – 7.7 g/kWh when n is 2000 rpm or more is permitted provided such technical solution is at least as effective in terms of emission reduction as required where n is the rated engine speed measured in crank- by Resolution MEPC.184(59), "2009 Guidelines for shaft revolutions per minute (rpm). Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems", taking also into ac- count MEPC.1/Circ.671 "Guide to good Practice for The operation of a marine diesel engine exceeding the Port Reception Facility Providers and Users". applicable limit is prohibited unless an exhaust gas cleaning system or any other equivalent method, as 4. Ozone depleting substances (ODS) approved by GL in accordance with the NOx Techni- cal Code 2008, is applied to the engine in order to 4.1 Refrigeration systems reduce on-board NOX emissions to at least the limit specified above. General information concerning the construction and installation of refrigerant systems is provided by GL Testing, survey and certification of marine diesel Rules for Refrigerating Installations (I-1-10). engines to ensure compliance with the NOx emission The following requirements are applicable to refriger- limits shall be carried out according to the NOx Tech- ant plants used for cargo refrigeration, gas re- nical Code 2008. liquefaction, air conditioning, provision cooling and Any alternative technical solution according to Annex catering systems on all ships. VI, Regulation 4 for NOx reduction is permitted pro- The requirements are not applicable to any stand-alone vided the requirements are fulfilled. refrigerant or air conditioning systems, such as those found in galleys, pantries, bars, crew accommodation On request and on a voluntary basis, the average or technical spaces. weighted NOx emission value can be calculated from onboard measurements, if practicable. The measure- Refrigerant systems shall be filled with environment ments shall be performed according to the require- friendly refrigerants. The use of natural refrigerants ments of the NOx Technical Code 2008. The meas- such as NH3, CO2 and others is recommended. urements shall be carried out by an accredited control The use of ozone-depleting refrigerants is not allowed. laboratory that is competent in the field of emission Exception will be made to the hydro- measurements on internal combustion engines and chlorofluorocarbons (HCFC) in existing ships until boiler plants running on gaseous and liquid fuels (e.g. 1 January 2020. The global warming potential (GWP) accredited under the terms of EN ISO/IEC 17025, as of any refrigerant used on board shall not exceed applicable). The results shall be presented in a meas- 3800. urement report in accordance to ISO 8178-6 (2000). Refrigerant systems shall be arranged with a suitable The technical file of any marine diesel engine contain- means of protection to prevent the release of any sub- ing at least the information specified in section 2.4 of stantial quantity of the refrigerant. the NOx Technical Code 2008 shall be approved and Consumption, disposal and leaks of refrigerants shall kept on board. Emphasis shall be laid on the descrip- be documented. tion of a practicable system of onboard NOx verifica- tion procedures which form the basis for periodical For each system, the annual refrigerant leakage rate surveys. shall not exceed 10 % of its total charge. A continuous monitoring system for leak detection 3. Sulphur Oxides (SOx) appropriate for the type of refrigerant shall be pro- vided in dedicated refrigeration machinery spaces. An The requirements refer to Revised MARPOL Annex alarm shall be given when the refrigerant concentra- VI, Regulation 14 as amended by Resolution tion exceeds the lowest measurable limit. The alarm MEPC.176(58) and apply to all ships. shall be linked to the general machinery alarm system.
Chapter 1 Section 2 E Environmental Passport Design VI - Part 12 Page 2–4 GL 2012 Maintenance procedures shall include regular function Type approval in accordance with IMO Resolution testing of leak detection systems. MEPC.76(40) is necessary for all incinerators installed on board. Maintenance, servicing and repair work shall be car- ried out without releasing any substantial quantity of The incineration of garbage shall be documented in refrigerant. the Garbage Record Book. For the purpose of refrigerant recovery, at least one The incineration of oily residues and oily wastes shall refrigerant compressor of each system shall be capable be documented in the Oil Record Book. of evacuating the system into a liquid receiver or gas cylinders dedicated to this purpose. The capacity of the refrigerant receiver or the gas cylinders shall not D. Ship Recycling be less than a full charge of the largest refrigerant system. Additionally, recovery units shall be provided In 2009 the International Convention for the Safe and to evacuate residual quantities from a refrigerant sys- Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships ("Hong tem either into the liquid receiver or into gas cylinders Kong Convention") was adopted. The aim of this con- dedicated to this purpose. Recovery units may be vention is to improve the applied working practice permanently installed or of a mobile type. regarding occupational safety and environmental protection related to ship recycling. A significant requirement of the convention is the generation of an 4.2 Fire fighting Inventory of Hazardous Materials (IHM) for all ships. The requirements of IMO Resolution MSC.98 (73), An Inventory of Hazardous Materials for all ships is to the International Code for Fire Safety Systems (FSS be prepared based on MEPC.197(62) – "Guidelines Code), apply to all ships. for the Development of the Inventory of Hazardous Materials". The requirements apply to fixed fire extinguishing systems and to portable fire extinguishers. Compliance with the above mentioned requirements is confirmed by means of the Statement of Compliance Fire-fighting systems should be provided with envi- on the Inventory of Hazardous Materials, which is ronment friendly fire-fighting substances. The use of issued by GL. natural substances such as CO2, argon, nitrogen, water etc. is recommended. The use of halogenated hydrocarbons (Halon) as fire E. Certification of Additional Environmental fighting substances is not permitted. Protection Properties Alternative substances to Halon are permitted, pro- On request, GL may also examine and document in vided that they have a GWP of less than 4000. the Environmental Passport - Design Certificate other additional environmental protection properties of the ship exceeding the requirements B. and C., if: 5. Vapour emission control systems – these are required by national regulations, The requirements of the revised Annex VI Reg. 15 and/or and IMO “Standards for Vapour Emission Control – technical verification thereof is possible beyond Systems” (MSC/Circ.585) apply to all vapour emis- any doubt by means of recognized testing pro- sion collection and control systems installed on board. cedures The requirements refer to all tankers intended for the Details of the scope and execution for the testing and transportation of volatile products in bulk, such as certification procedures will be decided by GL in each gasoline, other petroleum products, organic chemicals individual case. and crude oil. Test certificates, statements of compliance and certifi- The requirements are not applicable to floating pro- cates of GL will be included in the Environmental duction, storage and offloading vessels (FPSO). Passport - Design Certificate to document the elevated environmental standard of the ship. All tankers which are subject to vapour emission con- trol shall be provided with a vapour emission collec- Additional environmental protection properties may tion and control system approved by GL. These tank- be but are not limited to: ers shall use such a system during the loading of the – biocide-free coatings; said cargoes. – cleaning of exhaust gases from particulate mat- ter; 6. Shipboard incineration – technically advanced wastewater and / or sew- The requirements of MARPOL 73/78, Annex VI, age treatment plants needed to meet special re- Regulation 16, apply to all shipboard incinerators and gional legislation (e.g. Alaska Law); to their usage. – pollution-free stern-tube seals
VI - Part 12 Section 3 B Environmental Passport Operation Chapter 1 GL 2012 Page 3–1 Section 3 Environmental Passport Operation A. General i – voyage leg number 1. Scope of application n – total number of voyage legs This Section describes the requirements to be fulfilled A schematic overview of emissions and data catego- for the Environmental Passport - Operation Certificate ries is provided as annex to this section. and Class Notation EP-O. The operational emissions addressed are released during the normal ship’s opera- The amount of emissions are summarised in an emis- tion. Compliance with specific operational procedures, sion inventory displaying the total amounts of the employment of technical equipment, recording and respective emissions, accumulated for the specified monitoring of operational data is stipulated. period of time. The following operational emissions are mandatorily Data acquisition and calculated values are based on considered for Environmental Passport - Operations: existing onboard documentation. In order to assess and evaluate the operational emissions, related data in a) Into the sea: a concise, complete and accurate form is required. – Oil or oily mixtures Data shall be submitted using a GL-defined electroni- cally retrievable format. A pre-formatted Excel data – Garbage table containing the required parameters will be pro- – Ballast water vided. The table has to be completed by the ship crew, however, the ship operating office is finally responsi- b) Into the air: ble for the data transfer to GL. – Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Note: – Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) Optionally, GL will provide a more advanced software – Sulphur Oxide (SOx) tool – called GL-EmissionManager - which will assist – Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) in emission monitoring, data acquisition and evalua- tion and of obtained emission data. The following operational emissions are considered additionally on a voluntary basis for Environmental Passport - Operations (c.f. D.): B. Emissions into the Sea – Oil to water interfaces – Sewage 1. Oil and oily mixtures – Antifouling 1.1 Scope of application – Noxious and/or dangerous cargo In accordance with Annex I to MARPOL 73/78 and Quantitative emission assessment is based on direct IMO Resolution MEPC.107(49) Guidelines and emission measurement or via calculation using related Specifications for Pollution Prevention Equipment for consumables. Machinery Space Bilges of Ships this subsection ad- dresses the requirements for reducing the impact on The calculation of emission is based on the following the marine environment by bilge water discharges formalised mathematical expression valid for emission from vessels. X generated: Residues of cargo oil or chemicals are not within the n voyage leg scope of this subsection. EX = ∑ E x,i i=1 1.2 Requirements The discharge of the effluent without dilution is pro- Where: hibited, unless it does not exceed 15 ppm oil content. E – amount of emission The discharge operating hours or discharged volumes of the following equipment and adjacent peripherals X – type of emission shall be logged:
Chapter 1 Section 3 B Environmental Passport Operation VI - Part 12 Page 3–2 GL 2012 – 15 ppm oily water separator (OWS) (any com- If a shipboard incinerator is used, the estimated bination of a separator, filter and coalescer, or amount per waste category incinerated should be single unit designed to produce an effluent with logged. This information should also include solid and oil content not exceeding 15 ppm) liquid hazardous waste where applicable (Ref.: ship- board waste catalogue or European waste catalogue – 15 ppm monitor and alarm and MARPOL categories). If a higher standard is used for treating bilge water (e.g. 5 ppm) the corresponding technical documenta- If incinerator ash is disposed shore side, information tion has to be submitted. with regard to the amount and the heavy metal content of the respective batch shall be provided. 1.3 Data evaluation 2.3 Data evaluation Based on the reported oily water separator operating hours the amount of oil by volume discharge is calcu- The total amount of garbage is calculated based on the lated. The maximum permitted value of 15 ppm is individual garbage categories as reported. used for calculation. If a higher OWS standard is in operation (5 ppm), the value of 5 ppm is accounted for The mathematical expression for assessing the total the calculation. volumes of waste recorded is: The mathematical expression for assessing the maxi- 6 mum oil content in bilge water discharged is: j ∑ Vi = ViSea + ViAir + ViLand j=1 VOil = V Pump capacity of OWS ⋅ COil ⋅ t where: where: – j is the waste category acc. to MARPOL and – VOil is the oil volume in l – Vi are the corresponding amounts of waste dis- charged in m3. – V Pump capacity of OWS is the OWS pump capacity in l/h 3. Ballast water – COil is the remaining oil content in ppm and – t is the pump operating time in h. 3.1 Scope of application This Chapter covers requirements of the International If a continuous monitoring and data storage system for Convention for the Control and Management of Ships’ the oil content is installed, the calculation of dis- Ballast Water and Sediments (2004), IMO charged oil volume via the in-situ measured oil con- BWM/CONF/36, and associated IMO guidelines, tent will be accepted by GL, as an alternative evalua- aimed at the prevention of re-locating non-native, tion method, too. pathogenic aquatic organisms via ballast water and sediment uptake and discharge operations. 2. Garbage 3.2 Requirements 2.1 Scope of application To facilitate the assessment and administration of This Section covers the requirements for the preven- ballast water exchange (and treatment procedures, if tion of garbage disposal at sea as set forth in Annex V applicable), any operation carried out shall be logged to MARPOL 73/78 Regulations for the Prevention of in the Ballast Water Record Book in accordance with Pollution by Garbage from Ships. the entries in Appendix II to the Convention (IMO BWM/CONF/36). In order to accurately monitor amounts of the solid and hazardous (liquid and solid) waste accumulated, a If any exemption on ballast water exchange or treat- description of waste generated is required. Data re- ment is applicable, this should be documented also. cording is accepted in the form of the Garbage Record Book, as outlined in the Appendix to Annex V of Actions taken to comply with any additional measures MARPOL 73/78. It is recognised that the figures pro- (e.g. when the vessel is trading in areas where addi- vided are based on estimates. tional measures based on national legislation apply or when designated areas are identified where ballast 2.2 Requirements water exchange should be carried out) should also be recorded in the Ballast Water Record Book. All operations as documented in the Garbage Record Book, comprising the relevant information of the All operations as documented in the Ballast Water discharge criteria shall be reported. Record Book shall be reported to GL.
VI - Part 12 Section 3 C Environmental Passport Operation Chapter 1 GL 2012 Page 3–3 3.3 Data evaluation E CO 2 = ∑ FCi, j ⋅ C F CO 2 j i The total amount of ballast water is drawn up based on the individual Ballast Water Record Book entries as where: reported. – ECO2 is the mass of the CO2 emission t At present, no further evaluation of the ballast water procedures nor their efficiency is being performed. – FCi,j denotes the consumption of fuel type j on voyage leg i t – CFCO2 is the CO2 conversion factor derived from C. Emissions into the Air IMO Resolution MEPC.212(63) according to the fuel type burned. 1. Carbon dioxide (CO2) emission With the above mentioned data the EEOI for a ship may be calculated acc. to MEPC.1/Circ.684 for a 1.1 Scope of application period representing the typical operational pattern of the ship. CO2 emissions under these Guidelines refer to the chemical reaction when burning carbon containing ship fuels. On the basis of the acquired data an EEOI Certificate may be issued one year after initial survey and after The fuel consumption of all installed internal combus- the first periodically survey. The EEOI Certificate is tion engines, gas turbines, boilers and incinerators valid for one year. The EEOI value for the ship re- shall be determined. mains until the subsequent year or the next periodical survey. The Energy Efficiency Operational Indicator (EEOI) may be calculated as indicator for operational trans- port efficiency acc. MEPC.1/Circ.684 based on sub- mitted data of each voyage leg as outlined in 1.2. 2. Nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions Within the context of this Chapter the term 'fuel' is 2.1 Scope of application defined as any carbon containing liquid, gaseous, or solid combustible material, e.g. HFO, MGO, LNG, This chapter refers to NOx emissions generated from coal, etc. consumed during ships operation. internal combustion processes. The fuel consumption for incineration shall be covered The results of NOx emission determination vary de- as well. The CO2-emissions from burned garbage or pending on the accuracy and/or method of data acqui- any waste streams are not covered by this Guideline. sition. Parameters including engine design, engine load, fuel type and quality result in a different total 1.2 Requirements mass emitted. For the determination of a ship’s CO2-emissions the Three different options are provided for the acquisi- following parameters shall be recorded for every voy- tion and evaluation of NOx-emissions from marine age leg: diesel engines subject to regulation 13 of Annex VI to MARPOL 73/78: – Total fuel consumption (i.e. main engine(s), aux. engine(s), boiler(s)) including the respective fuel – on board measurement and monitoring method type – calculation based on main- and auxiliary engine – Time and geographical position for start and load data completion of each fuel change over and begin- ning as well as end of voyage legs – acquisition of total fuel consumption parameter, operating hours and specific NOx values as de- – Amount of transported cargo in the appropriate rived from the engine’s NOx-technical file unit depending on ship type and purpose, e.g. cargo mass, lane meters, pax, TEU, volume) NOx-emissions generated from continuous combustion processes - like boilers - are relatively constant com- – Distance sailed pared to reciprocating combustion engines. 1.3 Data evaluation According to Excise Duty on Emissions of NOx 2011, Circular no. 14/2011 S, Excise Duty Codes NX and The content of the carbon dioxide released with the NO, Oslo, 7 January 2011 the amount of NOx by exhaust gas during the voyage leg will be determined burned fuel type emitted from boilers during operation from the above mentioned parameters as follows: is stipulated as follows:
Chapter 1 Section 3 C Environmental Passport Operation VI - Part 12 Page 3–4 GL 2012 2.2 Requirements NOx value Unit Fuel type The first compliance option is the on board determina- 9.6 kg (NOx) / t HFO tion of NOx as mentioned above. The average weighted NOx emission value can then be calculated. 4.5 kg (NOx) / t hard coal The measurement device shall be in accordance with 3.6 kg (NOx) / t light oil the requirements of the NOx Technical Code 2008 and the equipment shall be certified by a Recognized Or- marine gas ganisation. The testing of the measuring device must 3.6 kg (NOx) / t oil/diesel have been carried out by an accredited measurement laboratory that is competent in the field of emission 3.6 kg (NOx) / t heavy distillate measurements on internal combustion engines and bio fuel, virgin boiler plants running on gaseous and liquid fuels (e.g. 1.8 kg (NOx) / t fuel (dry accredited under the terms of EN ISO/IEC 17025, as solids) applicable). The results of the tests shall be provided in a test report duly signed by the responsible labora- bio fuel, tory. 2.4 kg (NOx) / t recycled wood (dry solids) The data derived from the NOx onboard measurement device shall be reported and made available electroni- natural gas, cally. 1.7 g (NOx) / Sm3 gas boilers If onboard measurement devices are not fitted than the natural gas, following parameters shall be reported for each voy- 2.8 g (NOx) / Sm3 converted age leg: boilers – Total fuel consumption in LPG, gas (i.e. main engine(s), aux. engine(s), boiler(s)) 2.0 g (NOx) / Sm3 including the respective fuel type boilers – Operating hours of the aggregates (preferable LPG, 3 with engine load statistics) 3.4 g (NOx) / Sm converted boilers – Operating hours of boilers including fuel type For turbines a specific amount of NOx/kWh emitted 2.3 Data evaluation during operation is defined as: If an on-board measurement and monitoring method is not available, NOx-emissions are calculated on the NOx value Unit Fuel type basis of the rated power output per main and/or auxil- iary engine operated. The respective values will be derived from the EIAPP Certificates available on Turbines board the ship for the respective engines. 16 g (NOx) / Sm3 gas From the NOx-data for the specific load points in the EIAPP-Certificate the one that is closest to the calcu- 25 kg (NOx) / t liquid energy lated mean power value per voyage leg is used. product If the keel of the ship was laid before 1 January 2000, no EIAPP-Certificate or comparable and no specific Low NOx turbines NOx-values are available, a generic NOx value will be taken. This generic value for this purpose is defined as 1.8 g (NOx) / Sm3 gas 30 % above the Tier I standard limit curve depending on engine rated speed. For the determination of the ermitted mass of NOx the Note following equations should be used: Sm3 means standard cubic meter, i.e. at 15 °C and 1 FCi bar. Pi = SFCi ⋅ t In addition to the above, NOx values for continuous combustion design data of the manufacturer are ac- where: cepted. – Pi is the average engine load in kW Nitrogen oxides released as a result of shipboard waste incineration processes are not covered by this – FCi denotes the fuel consumption during one guideline. voyage leg i in t
VI - Part 12 Section 3 C Environmental Passport Operation Chapter 1 GL 2012 Page 3–5 – SFCi is the specific fuel consumption in g/kWh Any alternative technical solution according to MARPOL Annex VI, Regulation 14 for SOx reduction – t operating hours of the respective aggregate is permitted provided such technical solution is at least ENOx can be determined in a second step: as effective in terms of emission reduction as required by Resolution MEPC.184(59), "2009 Guidelines for Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems", taking also into ac- n engines n voyages count MEPC.1/Circ.671 "Guide to good Practice for E NO x = ∑ ∑ Pi,k ⋅ sNO x k ⋅ t i k =1 i =1 Port Reception Facility Providers and Users". where: Oxides of Sulphur released as a result of shipboard waste incineration processes are not covered by this guideline. – ENOx denotes the mass of the NOx-emissions in kg 3.2 Requirements – Pi is the average engine load in kW The sulphur content of any fuel oil used on board, as documented by its supplier (Annex VI, Reg.18), shall – sNOx is the NOx-value from the EIAPP- be reported for each leg of the voyage. Determination Certificate in g NOx/kWh and of SOx emissions requires acquisition of the following – ti are the operating hours of the respective ag- parameter: gregate – Total fuel consumption per type of fuel – Time and geographical position for start and 3. Sulphur oxide (SOx) emissions completion of fuel change over 3.1 Scope of application – Distance sailed The requirements in this subsection refer to all ships – Geographical position subject to Regulation 14 of revised Annex VI to MARPOL, as amended by resolution MEPC.176(58). If exhaust gas cleaning systems are used to reduce the emissions of SOX, compliance with the requirements The sulphur content of any fuel oil used on board of Resolution MEPC.170(57), as amended by Resolu- ships in general shall not exceed: tion MEPC.184(59), "Guidelines of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems", and their effectiveness in terms of – 3.50 % of mass on and after 1 January 2012 emission reduction as required by this Annex, includ- – 0.50 % of mass on and after 1 January 2020 ing any of the standards set forth in regulations 13 and 14 shall be demonstrated by reporting the (continuous) While ships are operating within an (Sulphur) Emis- emission monitoring data collected over a meaningful sion Control Area, the sulphur content of fuel oil used period of time. on board ships shall not exceed: Guidance on demonstration of compliance on SOx – 1.00 % of mass on and after 1 July 2010; and emissions are provided in Resolution MEPC.184(59), "Guidelines of Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems", also – 0.10 % of mass on and after 1 January 2015 for the washwater monitoring data recording and the It is also recalled (c.f. Section 1, D.2.) if national or washwater residues, if applicable. regional regulations more stringent than MARPOL Annex VI, Reg. 14 are required, these regional regula- 3.3 Data evaluation tions remain applicable. Assuming a constant fuel consumption and no change A fuel oil management system shall be installed to in sulphur content over a voyage leg i the total emis- document: sions of sulphur oxides will be calculated according the following equation: – Maximum sulphur content of the fuel oil in- tended for combustion purposes as delivered to the ship, according to above mentioned criteria. nengines n Fuels n voyages ESOx = ∑ ∑ ∑ FCi, j,k ⋅ CFSOx ⋅ CSi, j,k – Representative fuel oil samples taken from the k =1 j=1 i =1 ship’s bunker manifold. – Records of any purchase order. where: – Bunker delivery notes are kept on board and – ESOx is the mass of the SOx emission in t retained for at least three years. – FCi denotes the fuel consumption on voyage leg i – The samples of fuel oil are kept on board and in t retained for at least twelve months from the date of delivery. – CS is the sulphur content of the fuel used in m/m
Chapter 1 Section 3 D Environmental Passport Operation VI - Part 12 Page 3–6 GL 2012 – CF SOx is the SOx conversion factor derived from 1.2 Requirements molar mass equation and is: 1.998 Oil to water interface detectors for a rapid and accu- rate monitoring and logging of oil levels are to ensure 4. Ozone depleting substances the detection of eventual leakages in a timely and sustainable manner. Data shall be submitted to GL in 4.1 Scope of application an electronically retrievable format for every voyage leg. The following requirements are applicable to refriger- ant plants used for cargo refrigeration, gas re- liquefaction, air-conditioning, provision cooling and 1.3 Data evaluation catering systems on all ships subject to the require- ments of Annex VI to MARPOL 73/78. Recorded data indicating the amounts of lost oil or refill shall be reported. The requirements are not applicable to any stand-alone refrigeration or air conditioning systems, such as those found in galleys, pantries, bars, crew accommodation 2. Sewage or technical spaces. 2.1 Scope of application 4.2 Requirements This Section addresses operational aspects of reducing An up to date refrigerants log book shall be made adverse effects to the marine environment by sewage available on board the ship. discharges as set forth in Annex IV to MARPOL 73/78; "Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Consumption should be broken down according to Sewage from Ships". refrigerant group and type. Also the ODS type shall be documented in compliance with revised MARPOL 2.2 Requirements Annex VI, Reg. 12, which will enable monitoring of the ODS according to CFC-11 equivalent. The following parameter shall be documented for at least every voyage leg: 4.3 Data evaluation – Date, hour and geographic position for every Methods other than drawing up entries from the re- discharge operation performed frigerant log book and/or ODS Record Book for the data evaluation are currently not applied. – Speed – Quantity of untreated sewage discharged – Quantity of treated sewage discharged (where D. Certification of Additional Environmental applicable) Protection Properties This Section refers to a reporting of environmental – Permeate discharge related emission data on voluntary basis. The follow- – Sewage Record Book ing requirements are not a mandatory part for the certification for Environmental Passport - Operation. 2.3 Data evaluation 1. Oil to water interface Based on the reported sewage treatment system (STS) operating hours the amount of sewage discharge is 1.1 Scope of application calculated. In accordance with Annex I to MARPOL 73/78; The mathematical expression for assessing the sewage "Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Oil" amount is: this subsection addresses the requirements for reduc- ing the impact on the marine environment by oil dis- VSewage = V Pump capacity of STS ⋅ t charges from vessels. Oil to water interface includes any mechanical or where: other equipment where seals or surfaces may release small quantities of oil to the sea. Examples include - VSewage is the sewage volume in m3 stern tubes, controllable pitch propellers, stabilizers and so forth. - VPump capacity of STS is the STS pump capacity in m3/h The prevention of pollution during transfer of oil cargo is not covered here. - t is the pump operating time in h
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