Role and Responsibility of Nurses in Central Line - Insertion and Maintenance - Insertion ...

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Role and Responsibility of Nurses in Central Line - Insertion and Maintenance - Insertion ...
International Journal of Research and Review
                                                                                      Vol.8; Issue: 9; September 2021
Short Communication                                                           E-ISSN: 2349-9788; P-ISSN: 2454-2237

 Role and Responsibility of Nurses in Central Line -
            Insertion and Maintenance
       R. Surendra Naik1, Avadhesh Kumar Yadav2, Rajendra Kumar Sahu3,
                              Ram Niwas Sharma4
     Nursing Officer-A (MHM) (Officer In-Charge Surgical ICU), Mahamana Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya
                                  Cancer Centre Varanasi Uttar Pradesh 221005.
  Nursing Officer-B, Officer In Charge (Pediatric and Laser Surgery), Mahamana Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya
   Cancer Centre Varanasi Uttar Pradesh 221005, (A Unit of Tata Memorial Centre Mumbai, Department of
                                                Atomic Energy)
        Nursing Officer-A, M.Sc. (MHN), Mahamana Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya Cancer Centre Varanasi
                                             Uttar Pradesh 221005.
     Nursing Officer-B, Officer In Charge, Mahamana Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya Cancer Centre Varanasi
         Uttar Pradesh 221005, (A Unit of Tata Memorial Centre Mumbai, Department of Atomic Energy)
                                    Corresponding Author: Rajendra Kumar Sahu

ABSTRACT                                                   which can obstruct the airway, Tracheal injury,
                                                           Air emboli during venous puncture or removal
Introduction -A central venous catheter (CVC)              of the catheter, Pulmonary embolism, Local
is thin, a flexible tube (catheter) that is placed         cellulitis,   Catheter     infection,   Cardiac
into a large vein above the Heart. It may be               tamponade, Intravascular loss of guidewire,
inserted through A vein in the Neck, (internal             Hamo thorax, Phrenic nerve injury, Brachial
jugular) chest (subclavian vein. Axillary vein)            plexus injury, Cerebral infarct from carotid
groin (femoral vein), or through veins in the              artery cannulation, Bladder perforation, Bowel
arms known as a PICC, or peripherally inserted             perforation, Sterile Thrombophlebitis.
central catheters.                                         Post-procedural complications: Catheter-
Site- Internal jugular vein, subclavian vein,              related bloodstream infections – bacterial or
axillary vein, femoral veins, the best approach            fungal, Central vein stenosis, Thrombosis,
or access point for Central line insertion.                Delayed bleeding with multiple attempts in a
Indications - The indications for central venous           coagulopathic patient Clinical
access are broad and are often situational.                Significance - Ensure that sterile products are
Inability to obtain venous access in emergent              not contaminated and that there is no evidence
situations,     chemotherapy       administration,         of damage to the packaging. Follow sterile
medications      administration (Vasopressors.             procedures at all times. Central line infections
inotropic administration Total Parental nutrition          can be a serious and life-threatening illness.
administration, Hemodynamic monitoring are                 Always ensure that the catheter is appropriately
common indications for CVC insertion.                      placed through one or several methods:
Contraindication- Local cellulitis, Low platelet           radiographic evidence, measurement of CVP, or
count, Local infections, Thrombocytopenia,                 by analyzing a venous blood gas. Never use
Congenital anomalies, Trauma are common                    excessive force during any part of this
contraindications of CVC insertion.                        procedure. It will lead to damage to local
Complications        -    Numerous        potential        structures.
complications can occur during the procedural              Nursing Responsibility - After a CVC
placement of a central venous catheter, but also           placement, nurses are responsible for
as a result of the indwelling equipment.                   maintaining, monitoring, and utilizing central
Arrhythmias, Arterial puncture, Pulmonary                  venous catheters. The assigned nurse must
puncture      with     or     without     resultant        check complications such as infections,
pneumothorax, Bleeding – hematoma formation,               hematoma, thrombosis of the catheter, and signs

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Role and Responsibility of Nurses in Central Line - Insertion and Maintenance - Insertion ...
R. Surendra Naik Role and responsibility of nurses in central line – insertion and maintenance.

of pneumothorax and bleeding. Nurses are also                     Internal jugular vein, subclavian
responsible for ensuring that the site is                 vein, axillary vein, femoral veins, the best
maintained in a clean and sterile fashion. Daily          approach or access point varies always
inspection of the access site and device patency          depend up on patient condition and clinical
should be performed during nursing rounds. In             needs IJV or EJV this vein lie both sides of
particular, nursing officers must disinfect
                                                          neck this vein carry deoxygenated blood
injection ports, catheter hubs, and needleless
connectors with institutionally approved                  from head, face, and neck towards the heart
antiseptics.    Intravenous administration sets           both veins unite to subclavian vein, the
should be changed regularly per hospital policy.          Internal Jugular approach allows for
The site should be checked for bleeding,                  ultrasound Guidance approach While
hematoma formation, and signs of cellulitis,              following this approach insertion related
which include erythema, purulent drainage,                complication       reduced     ,disadvantages
and/or warmth. Dressings should be changed if             includes in this approach is arterial
visibly soiled. This must be performed with               puncture, infection rates is higher than
proper sterile technique.                                 subclavian approach the internal jugular site
                                                          more preferable for temporary dialysis
Keywords - CVC, Central Line, Central venous
                                                          purpose and this site not a first choice in
                                                          post tracheostomies or post vascular
                                                          surgical patients adjacent anatomy includes
         A central venous catheter (CVC) is               carotid artery ,phrenic and vagus nerves
thin, a flexible tube (catheter) that is placed           pulmonary apex, thoracic duct The External
into a large vein above the Heart. It may be              Jugular veins are located outside of the
inserted through a vein in the Neck,                      SCM, This veins are easily visible from the
(internal jugular) chest (subclavian vein.                surface making it easy to locate ,uses of
Axillary vein) groin (femoral vein), or                   External Jugular Veins is considered
through veins in the arms known as a PICC,                advanced skill the veins close to proximal
or peripherally inserted central catheters It’s           carotid artery, the adjacent anatomy
also called central venous line or central line           includes carotid artery, phrenic artery,
some catheters have 2 are 3 tubes (double                 pulmonary apex thoracic duct the Sub
are triple lumen catheters.                               clavian veins are lies below the clavicle
         A central venous catheter is an                  which is located above the 1st Rib An
invasive catheter that is peripherally                    extension of the large axillary vein ,it begins
inserted into the (veins large and small                  at outer border of the first Rib passage over
veins) mostly preferable in the internal                  the Rib extend to inner border of clavicle,
jugular and subclavian or femoral veins, the              for subclavian vein adjacent anatomy
term central line first described in 1929 after           includes      Right      Lymphatic        duct,
that venous access following rapidly                      costoclavicular ligament, first Rib Axillary
increased as like an important device that                veins is a continuation of brachial veins
mainly used in cardiac surgeries for central              cephalic veins continuous to becomes
venous pressure monitoring and pulmonary                  subclavian veins at Lateral border of first
artery pressure monitoring, Glenn pressure                Rib, Adjacent anatomy includes Cephalic
monitoring purposes useful central line                   vein, subclavian vein, First Rib ,clavicle
mostly for hemodynamic monitoring for                     femoral vein is the main vein in the leg and
critically ill patients in critical care units            accompanies to the femoral artery in the
Renal Replacement purpose for emergency                   femoral sheath, it stretches from the
resuscitation using in critical care units.               adductor canal to the internal jugular
                                                          ligament at which point it becomes the
Anatomy and physiology: Central venous                    external iliac veins the femoral nerve which
line mainly following three sites                         less outside the femoral sheath

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R. Surendra Naik Role and responsibility of nurses in central line – insertion and maintenance.

Indications                                                   Resuscitation of intravascularly depleted
         The indications for central venous                    patients
access are broad and are often situational
(1). In no particular order, they include:                Contraindication
 Inability to obtain venous access in                     Local cellulitis
    emergent situations.                                   Low platelet count
 For critically ill patients (ICU patients                Local infections
    with septic shock. Cardiac surgery                     Avoid intracranial pressure raised when
    patients mostly required in pediatric                     femoral approach required
    patients)                                              Patient Non-compliance
 For       chemotherapy        administration             Thrombocytopenia
    medications                 administration             Congenital anomalies
    (Vasopressors. inotropic administration                Trauma
    Total Parenteral nutrition administration                     Typically, patients who have an
 Hemodynamic monitoring, including                       international normalized ratio (INR) of
    central venous pressures. Glenn                       greater than 3.0 patients who have low
    pressures                                             platelets count less than 150000 this patient
 For venous interventions, including                     may have an increases Risk of bleeding It
    inferior vena cava filter placement, and              may be warned sign to transfuse platelets or
    cardiac surgery patients may need                     fresh frozen plasma the central line is
 For a long time, pain management                        contraindicated in coagulopathy’s patients,
 For hypertonic fluid administration
 For Emergency Renal Replacement

Sizes of Central line:

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R. Surendra Naik Role and responsibility of nurses in central line – insertion and maintenance.

Equipment                                                Sterile products:
        There are various types of                        Personal         protective    equipment:
manufactures central line catheters kits is                 including gloves, gown
available in different types of catheters                 ICU pack (small towel. Big towel.
basically required equipment are following                  Whole towel drape)
that ultrasound machine with linear probe                 Gown pack (sterile gown with rapper)
.camera cover, jelly, and personal protective             Surgical gloves are an appropriate size.
equipment’s (cap mask gown gloves shoo                    Gauze (4x4)
cover ) ICU pack which may include drapes                 Chlorohexidine, bactoprep
(small towel big towel whole towel drape)                 Sterile ultrasound probe covers with
gown pack sterile surgical gloves suture                    sterile ultrasound gel
material 10 cc syringe local(lignocaine2%)                Camera cover
sterile needle 100 ml normal saline gauze                 Biopath
pieces and Gamze pad central line Tigard                  "Lure locks" or catheter caps for each
rum proper biomedical waste management.                     lumen
                                                                 Central venous catheter kit, which
                                                         generally includes:
                                                          Central venous catheter (triple-lumen,
                                                            dual-lumen, or large bore single-lumen)
                                                          18-gauge introducer needle, with a
                                                          #11 blade Scalpel
                                                          Guidewire
                                                          Venodilator
                                                          Suture material (generally 3-0 silk
                                                            suture with a straight needle or a needle
                                                          Normal saline for locking purpose
                                                          2% lidocaine, small gauge needle (25 or
Non-sterile products:                                       27 gauge), syringe
 Cap surgeon                                             Ultrasound machine with a high-
 Mask with face shield                                     frequency linear transducer
 Biomedical waste bins (red yellow.                      Camera cover
  Block) for safe disposal of waste                       Jell for probe
 Sharp container

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R. Surendra Naik Role and responsibility of nurses in central line – insertion and maintenance.

ICU INTENSIVIST:                                                  Apply sterile drapes over the patient
       CVC insertion should be performed                  with the exposure of site only. Open the
by a proceduralist skilled in the technique               CVC kit in a sterile manner.
and a nurse to assist.                                            Before insertion assesses the site and
                                                          checks the landmark and identify the vein
                                                          and mark if Necessary.
                                                                  Instruct the patient to turn his or her
                                                          head slightly away from the insertion site.
                                                                  Apply local 2% Lignocaine. Place
                                                          the sterile probe over the ultrasound
                                                          equipment and locate the vessel.

                                                                  Place     the    patient     in    the
                                                          Trendelenburg position and apply bolster.
                                                          Clean the area with chlorhexidine 2%.
                                                                  Use Seldinger technique to puncture
                                                          the skin and advanced the needle while
                                                          maintaining slight negative pressure with a
                                                          syringe until the free flow of blood is
                                                          returned. Instruct the patient to hold his
Preparation                                                       Insert the guidewire into the needle
        First explain the need for central line           then remove the needle.
insertion and assess The patient and family                       Insert the dilator in the vessel with
understanding.                                            the help of a guidewire. Dilate the vessel
        Explain to family members about                   with the help of a dilator and observe the
central line procedure, benefits, and                     bleeding pattern. Hold the guidewire and
complications and obtain informed consent.                gently remove the dilator.
        Examine the patient's past medical                        Insert the central venous catheter
history example past surgeries related to the             with the help of a guidewire. Check the
chest neck are femoral region.                            backflow of each lumen and flush with
        Determine the patient medical                     normal saline all lumen. “Lure locks” may
history related to pneumothorax or                        be attached to the end of each port and clean
emphysema.                                                with 2% chlorhexidine solution.
        Assess the intended site (IJV. EJV.                       Fix the central venous catheter by
Subclavian. Axillary. femoral).                           placing sutures, a bio-patch should be
        Perform the procedure for this need               placed between the catheter hub and the
to arrange all equipment needed for                       skin, and a sterile occlusive dressing should
insertion of CVC line.                                    be placed over the catheter/skin entry site.
        Prepare ultrasound machines with                          Sterile drapes and soiled non-sharp
the linear probe with jelly and arrange all               products should be disposed of as per
personnel protective equipment (cap mask                  hospital policy. All sharps should be placed
glove sterile gown face shield).                          in sharps bins. The patient should be placed
        Place the waterproof pad beneath the              back into a position of comfort, and the
site to be accessed and make sure that                    Physician should verify that the line is
patient is in Trendelenburg position.                     appropriately placed within a central vein.
        Prepare the skin with an antiseptic                       Confirmation of catheter in situ
solution (2%chlorohexidine). Perform hand                 should be done by X-ray.
hygiene and apply sterile gown and gloves.

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R. Surendra Naik Role and responsibility of nurses in central line – insertion and maintenance.

       Document procedure details with                    efficacious, and potentially life-saving.
date and time in patients' records, maintain              However, certain clinical pearls should be at
asepsis as per infection control committee                the forefront of the proceduralist’s mind
guidelines.    A     Central     line-related             when performing this procedure.
bloodstream infection (CLABSI) chart                       Whenever possible, take the time to
should be maintained.                                         fully prepare for the procedure, and
                                                              assure that all necessary personnel and
Complications                                                 equipment are in the room and readily
        Numerous potential complications                      available. Lack of preparation will
can occur during the procedural placement                     compound any potential complications
of a central venous catheter, but also as a                   that may be encountered.
result of the indwelling equipment.                        Ensure that sterile products are not
                                                              contaminated and that there is no
Procedural complications:                                     evidence of damage to the packaging.
 Arrhythmias – typically ventricular or                      Follow sterile procedures at all times.
   bundle branch blocks due to guidewire                      Central line infections can be a serious
   irritation of the atria or ventricle                       and life-threatening illness.
 Arterial puncture                                        When using the IJ or SC site for
 Pulmonary puncture with or without                          access, be sure to obtain a stat portable
   resultant pneumothorax                                     chest x-ray immediately after line
 Bleeding – hematoma formation, which                        placement to ensure there is no
   can obstruct the airway                                    pneumothorax and that the line
 Tracheal injury                                             terminates in the superior vena cava.
 Air emboli during venous puncture or                     If one has a failed attempt at the IJ site
   removal of the catheter                                    and needs to seek access at another site,
 Pulmonary embolism                                          the ipsilateral subclavian is preferred,
 Local cellulitis                                            given      the     risk    of    bilateral
 Catheter infection                                          pneumothoraxes with an attempt at the
 Cardiac tamponade                                           contralateral internal jugular vein. One
 Intravascular loss of guide wire                            may anticipate this possibility by
 Hemothorax                                                  cleaning and prepping both the IJ and
 Phrenic nerve injury                                        SC site on the side of the procedure.
 Brachial plexus injury                                   If unsure of the placement of a
 Cerebral infarct from carotid artery                        guidewire within the vein, and limited
   cannulation                                                views on ultrasound, manometry is a
 Bladder perforation                                         useful tool to establish that the
 Bowel perforation                                           guidewire is within the venous system.
 Sterile Thrombophlebitis                                    However, in shock states, where arterial
                                                              pressure is low, this may be falsely
Post-procedural complications:                                reassuring.
 Catheter-related bloodstream infections                  Subclavian access does appear to have
   – bacterial or fungal                                      fewer infections but potentially higher
 Central vein stenosis                                       procedural complications, especially if
 Thrombosis                                                  performed by a clinician with limited
 Delayed bleeding with multiple attempts                     experience.
   in a coagulopathic patient                              The internal jugular, subclavian, and
                                                              femoral veins have higher success rates
Clinical Significance                                         and fewer complications when access is
        When performed       properly,      the               performed with ultrasound.
insertion of a central venous catheter is safe,

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                                        Vol.8; Issue: 9; September 2021
R. Surendra Naik Role and responsibility of nurses in central line – insertion and maintenance.

 The clinician must maintain hold of the                     complication rates increase when lines
  guidewire at all times while it is inside                   are left in too long.
  the patient. The wire can be lost inside
  the patient and may migrate into the                   Daily care of Patient with Central Line
  right ventricle or inferior vena cava,                  Daily inspection of the access site and
  leading     to    additional     invasive                 device patency should be performed
  procedures to recover the wire.                           during nursing rounds.
 Always ensure that the catheter is                      In particular, nursing officers must
  appropriately placed through one or                       disinfect injection ports, catheter hubs,
  several      methods:        radiographic                 and      needleless   connectors      with
  evidence, measurement of CVP, or by                       institutionally approved antiseptics.
  analyzing a venous blood gas.                           Intravenous administration sets should
 Never use excessive force during any                      be changed regularly per hospital policy.
  part of this procedure. It will lead to                 The site should be checked for bleeding,
  damage to local structures.                               hematoma formation, and signs of
                                                            cellulitis,         which          include
Nursing Responsibility                                      erythema, purulent drainage, and/or
After procedure                                             warmth.
 After a CVC placement, nurses are                       Dressings should be changed if visibly
   responsible for maintaining, monitoring,                 soiled. This must be performed with
   and utilizing central venous catheters.                  proper sterile technique.
 The assigned nurse must check                           Importantly, any manipulation of the
   complications such as infections,                        catheter site should be done using a
   hematoma, thrombosis of the catheter,                    sterile procedure. A bouffant cap, mask,
   and signs of pneumothorax and                            and sterile gloves must be worn to
   bleeding.                                                minimize infection.
 Nurses are also responsible for ensuring                The site should be cleaned with
   that the site is maintained in a clean and               approved antiseptics, allowed to dry,
   sterile fashion.                                         and a sterile occlusive dressing must be
 Beyond the immediate complications of                     replaced.
   the procedure itself, the nursing officer              At interprofessional team rounds, there
   must be immediately aware of any                         should be a daily discussion about
   ongoing        issues     and      delayed               whether or not the central venous
   complications.                                           catheter is still indicated. If deemed
 Their role in the interprofessional team                  unnecessary for further management, the
   is of monumental importance in                           central venous catheter should be
   maintaining the central venous catheter                  removed expeditiously.
   and recognizing potential complications.
 Clear communication between all team                   Safety Guidelines while central line care
   members is essential to appropriate                   1. Wash hands before doing any central
   patient care.                                            line care and wear gloves.
 The clinician should inform the nurse as               2. Always keep a clean and dry dressing
   soon as the proper placement of the                      over the central line.
   CVC is confirmed, and nursing should                  3. Follow the instructions for cleaning the
   wait for this confirmation before using                  cap and using the sterile equipment.
   the line to administer medications. Both              4. Always keep sharp objects away from
   the nurse and the clinician should be                    the central line.
   aware of and keep track of when the line              5. If the central line is hard to flush do not
   was placed. CVC's are temporary, and                     try to flush inform the intensivist.

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R. Surendra Naik Role and responsibility of nurses in central line – insertion and maintenance.

6. Maintain CLABSIS bundles record date                   REFERENCES
    of insertion and day of the catheter.                 1. Beheshti MV. A concise history of central
7. As per CDC guidelines use only sterile                    venous      access. Tech     Vasc    Interv
    to access catheters.                                     Radiol. 2011 Dec;14(4):184-5. [PubMed]
8. Immediately replace dressings that are                 2. BOLT         W,       KNIPPING        HW.
                                                             [Congratulations to Werner Forssmann on
    wet, solid. Or dislodged                                 winning the 1956 Nobel prize for
9. Perform routine dressing changes using                    medicine]. Med Klin. 1956 Dec 07;51(49):
    aseptic technique with clean or sterile                  2073-6. [PubMed]
    gloves                                                3. Konner K. History of vascular access for
10. Change gauze dressing at least every                     hemodialysis. Nephrol Dial Transplant.
    two days or semipermeable dressing at                    2005 Dec;20(12):2629-35. [PubMed]
    least every seven days                                4. http”//
11. For patients 18 years of age or older, use               2
    chlorhexidine impregnated dressing with               5. Ipe TS, Marques MB. Vascular access for
    FDA cleared label that specific a clinical               therapeutic plasma exchange. Transfusion.
    indication for reducing CLABSIS for                      2018 Feb;58 Suppl 1:580-589. [PubMed]
                                                          6. American Society of Anesthesiologists Task
    short-term non-tunneled catheters unless                 Force on Central Venous Access. Rupp SM,
    the facility demonstrating success at                    Apfelbaum JL, Blitt C, Caplan RA, Connis
    preventing CLABSIS with baseline                         RT, Domino KB, Fleisher LA, Grant S,
    prevention practices.                                    Mark JB, Morray JP, Nickinovich DG,
12. Change      administration        sets   for             Tung A. Practice guidelines for central
    continuous infusions no more frequently                  venous access: a report by the American
    than every 24 hours.                                     Society of Anesthesiologists Task Force on
13. If blood products or fat emulsions are                   Central Venous Access. Anesthesiology.
    administered change tubing every 24                      2012 Mar;116(3):539-73. [PubMed]
    hours                                                 7. Suess EM, Pinsky MR. Hemodynamic
14. Perform a daily audit to assess whether                  Monitoring for the Evaluation and
                                                             Treatment of Shock: What Is the Current
    each central line is still needed are not
                                                             State of the Art? Semin Respir Crit Care
15. Provide a checklist to the clinician to                  Med. 2015 Dec;36(6):890-8. [PubMed]
    ensure adherence to aseptic insertion
    practices.                                            AUTHORS’ PROFILE:
16. Use hospital-specific or collaborative-
    based performance measures to ensure                                   Mr. R. Surendra Naik
    compliance        with        recommended                              Nursing      officer-A   (MHM)
    practices.                                                             (Officer In-charge Surgical ICU)
                                                                           Mahamana Pandit Madan Mohan
17. Educate health care workers about                                      Malviya Cancer Centre Varanasi
    indications for a central line, proper                                 Uttar Pradesh 221005.
    procedures       for       insertion    and
    maintenance, and appropriate infection                                 Mr. Avadhesh Kumar Yadav
    prevention measures.                                                   Nursing officer-B, Officer in
                                                                           charge (Pediatric and laser
Acknowledgement: None                                                      Surgery)
                                                                           Mahamana Pandit Madan Mohan
Conflict of Interest: None                                                 Malviya Cancer Centre Varanasi
                                                                           Uttar Pradesh 221005, (A unit of
Source of Funding: None                                                    Tata Memorial Centre Mumbai,
                                                                           Department of Atomic Energy)

                       International Journal of Research and Review (                         259
                                        Vol.8; Issue: 9; September 2021
R. Surendra Naik Role and responsibility of nurses in central line – insertion and maintenance.

           Mr. Rajendra Kumar Sahu
           Nursing officer-A                         How to cite this article: R. Surendra Naik,
           M.Sc. (MHN)                               Yadav AK, Sahu RK Role and
           Mahamana Pandit Madan Mohan               responsibility of nurses in central line –
           Malviya Cancer Centre Varanasi            insertion and maintenance. International
           Uttar Pradesh 221005.                     Journal of Research and Review. 2021; 8(9):
                                                     252-260. DOI:
           Mr. Ram Niwas Sharma                      20210935
           Nursing officer-B, Officer in
           Mahamana Pandit Madan Mohan
           Malviya Cancer Centre Varanasi
           Uttar Pradesh 221005, (A unit of
           Tata Memorial Centre Mumbai,
           Department of Atomic Energy)


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