Page created by Jesse Carr

Name of person filling out this Assessment: Joe Bell (Facilities Officer), Fleur MacCready (Welfare Officer) and Nigel
                                       Cunniffe (Chairman) of Frodsham JFC

                                     Date of Completion: 26th March 2021

               Review Date: As and when guidance is updated from the Government and/or The FA
Impact x Likelihood = Risk
    Impact        Score            Health and safety effect                       Likelihood       Score                 Expected frequency

                                                                                                               Reasonable to expect that the event WILL
    Critical/             Multiple deaths of participants and members of            Almost
                    5                                                                                5     undoubtedly happen/recur, possibly frequently and
  Catastrophic                            the public, etc.                          Certain
                                                                                                                    is probable in the current year

                                                                                                           Event is MORE THAN LIKELY to occur, will probably
                            Death of a participant and member of the              Probable /                 happen/recur, but is not a persisting issue. Will
     Major          4                                                                                4
                                           public, etc.                             Likely                 possibly happen in the current year and be likely in
                                                                                                                            the longer term

                          Serious injury (acute, chronic or life-changing)                                 LITTLE LIKELIHOOD of event occurring. Not likely in
   Moderate         3        to a participant or member of the public              Possible          3         the current year, but reasonably likely in the
                                  requiring medical intervention.                                                           medium/long term.

                                                                                                               Event NOT EXPECTED. Do not expect it to
                          Minor injury such as a bump or bruise that may
     Minor          2                                                              Unlikely          2      happen/recur. Extremely unlikely to happen in the
                                     require first aid treatment
                                                                                                              current year, but possible in the longer term.

 Insignificant/           A day to day issue/problem but negligible harm                                      EXCEPTIONAL event. This will probably never
                    1                                                        Very Unlikely /Rare     1
   Negligible                              would result.                                                         happen/recur. A barely feasible event.

Level of Risk       Overall Rating              How the risk should be managed

HIGH RISK           15-25                       Immediate Management Action

MEDIUM RISK         9-14                        Plan for Change

LOW RISK            1-8                         Continue to Manage

        Overall risk rating: Impact x Likelihood = Risk

                5         5    10      15        20       25

                4         4    8       12        16       20

Likelihood      3         3    6       9         13       15

                2         2    4       6         8        10

                1         1    2       3         4        5

                          1    2       3         4        5


This risk assessment takes into account the latest Government Guidance as of 23 March 2021. It will be altered as Government
Guidance changes along with any additional Guidance supplied by The FA. Any significant updates will be communicated explicitly
with parents.

What are the      Who might      Impact   Likelihood    Risk   Existing control measures            Planned, additional control             Who is        When will they   Impact   Likelihood    Risk
 hazards?         be harmed       Score      Score     Score    to allow for training to               measures if required             responsible for   be completed      Score      Score     Score
                  and how?                                             take place                                                       enacting these         by?
                                                                                                 The coach will brief each
                                                               No spectators are allowed player prior to any session
                                                               other than 1 parent or carer starting and reiterate the
                                                               per child/player.                 importance of the 2m. The
                                                                                                 coach will remind players
                                                               Social distancing of at least throughout the session.
                                                               2m will be adhered to where
                                                               possible. Facemasks to be If there are incidents of players
                                                               worn          where        social purposely breaking the 2m social
                                                               distancing is not possible.       distancing rule; the player will be
                                                                                                 told to sit out of training and
                                                               Each coaching session will parents asked to take them
                                                               begin and end with 20 home                  and      ensure       full
  TRAINING:                                                    seconds handwashing using understanding.
 Close contact                                                 alcohol based handwash.
                  Participants                                                                                                                              During all
  with others                                                  Coach is to monitor quality Coaches will make dynamic risk
                     could         3          4         12                                                                                  Coach           Training         3          2          6
causes virus to                                                and direct if needed.             assessments if there are any
                    contract                                                                                                                                Sessions
     spread                                                                                      injuries weighing up the risk of
  throughout                                                   Players s h o u l d a v o id harm if untreated with the risk
    families                                                   d i r ec t c on ta c t a n d are of transmitting Covid-19
                                                               not to spit and will be
                                                               reminded regularly.               Additional     spectators      not
                                                                                                 permitted       until     advised

                                                                                                 Club    will provide  Team
                                                                                                 Managers with handwash,
                                                                                                 gloves & masks as and when

What are the      Who might      Impact   Likelihood    Risk   Existing control measures to     Planned, additional control                 Who is        When will they   Impact   Likelihood    Risk
 hazards?         be harmed       Score      Score     Score   allow for training to take       measures if required                    responsible for   be completed      Score      Score     Score
                  and how?                                     place                                                                    enacting these         by?

                                                               Players are to not to share     Any coaches, players and
  Cont. from                                                   personal items including        parents/carers who exhibit CV
    page 4                                                     water bottles, and clothing,    symptoms (or in a household with
                                                               they should be kept separate    someone who does) do not
                                                               at least 2metres.               attend training and self-isolate as
                                                                                               per Gov instructions.

                                                               Equipment used during the        Coach will remind all players of
                                                               session will be minimal to       the      need        to      avoid
                                                               avoid transmission.              touching/picking up the ball. Any
                                                                                                persistent instances of touching
                                                               Any cones         or other       the ball the player(s) will be told
                                                               equipment used will be set       to sit out of training and parents
                                                               out and collected in by the      asked to take home and ensure
                                                               coach removing the need for      full understanding.
                                                               players to touch equipment
                                                               with their hands.                Coaches will be provided with
                       All                                                                      full PPE (gloves/masks) in
  TRAINING:                                                    All equipment used will be       addition to first aid kit. In case of
                  Participants                                                                                                                              During all
Transmission of                                                wiped        down      with
                     could         3          4         12                                      player injury, defer player to              Coach           Training         3          2          6
COVID-19 from                                                  disinfectant before and
                    contract                                                                    parent/carer. With serious                                  Sessions
   touching                                                    after the training session.
                   COVID-19                                                                     injury, full PPE to be worn and
  equipment                                                    Players will be tasked with
                                                               bring along own hand-            removed/disposed of
                                                               sanitiser.                       afterwards.

                                                               Players and coaches should
                                                               avoid     where    practical,    Coach instructed to wash hands
                                                               picking up the ball. Throw       thoroughly/disinfect and bag
                                                               ins will not be practiced or     waste accordingly.

What are the      Who might      Impact   Likelihood    Risk   Existing control measures to            Planned, additional   Who is            When will they   Impact   Likelihood   Risk
 hazards?         be harmed       Score      Score     Score   allow for training to take place        control measures if   responsible for   be completed     Score    Score        Score
                  and how?                                                                             required              enacting these    by?
                                                               If goalkeeping practice or
                                                               shooting is to be undertaken,
                                                               the goalkeeper must wear
  Cont. from                                                   goalkeeper gloves and no other
    page 5                                                     players or coach should use
                                                               their hands on the ball.

                                                               If anyone becomes unwell
                                                               with a new, continuous cough or
                                                               a high temperature, or loss of
                                                               taste or smell they must be sent
                                                               home and advised to follow the
                                                               COVID-19:       guidance       for
                                                               households      with      possible
                                                               coronavirus infection guidance.

                                                               PPE should be worn by any adult
                                                               caring for the player while they
  TRAINING:       Participants                                                                                                                   During all
                                                               await collection if a distance of 2
Suspected case       could         3          3          9                                                                       Coach           Training          3         2           6
                                                               metres cannot be maintained
 of COVID-19        contract                                                                                                                     Sessions
                                                               such as an injury
during Training    COVID-19
                                                               In an emergency call 999 if they
                                                               are seriously ill or injured or their
                                                               life is at risk. Do not visit the GP,
                                                               pharmacy, urgent care centre or a

What are the     Who might   Impact   Likelihood    Risk   Existing control measures to           Planned, additional control        Who is            When will they   Impact   Likelihood   Risk
 hazards?        be harmed    Score      Score     Score   allow for training to take place       measures if required               responsible for   be completed     Score    Score        Score
                 and how?                                                                                                            enacting these    by?
                                                           If a player develops Covi-             If a player/coach is home
                                                           19 symptoms, they should be            testing with a LFD kit and
                                                           sent home immediately and              tests positive they must
                                                           advised to self-isolate for 10 days.
                                                                                                  isolate and undertake a
                                                           Their fellow household members
                                                           should self-isolate for 10 days.       confirmatory PCR test. If this
                                                                                                  is negative they can return to
                                                           Where a player or coach tests          training, if positive they must
                                                           negative from a test, they can         isolate as above. All guidelines
                                                           return to training and the fellow      must be adhered to
                                                           household members can end
                                                                                                  regardless of home testing
                                                           their self-isolation.
                                                                                                  which is voluntary
                                                           Where a player or coach tests
Cont from page                                             positive and social distancing has
       6                                                   not been adhered to so that there
                                                           has been close or direct contact
                                                           (within 1 metre for 1 min or
                                                           within 2metres for 15mins or
                                                           more), the rest of the team will
                                                           be advised to self- isolate for 10
                                                           days. Other household members
                                                           do not need to self-isolate unless
                                                           they develop symptoms.

What are the      Who might       Impact   Likelihood    Risk   Existing control measures to   Planned, additional control     Who is            When will they   Impact   Likelihood   Risk
 hazards?         be harmed        Score      Score     Score   allow for training to take     measures if required            responsible for   be completed     Score    Score        Score
                  and how?                                      place                                                          enacting these    by?
                                                                Parents are to be advised
                                                                that players should avoid
                                                                using public transport to
                                                                travel to and from training.
   TRAINING:           All
                                                                                                                                                   Before and
transmitting or   participants
                                                                Player/coachess must not                                                            after all
  coming into        could          3          3          9                                                                    Parents/Players                       3         2           6
                                                                share lifts unless from the                                                         Training
  contact with      contract
                                                                same household.                                                                     Sessions
COVID-19 from      COVID-19
                                                                Players must
                                                                comprehensibly handwash
                                                                before and after training
                                                                The Club will provide all      Should it be required virtual
                                                                documents including this       online training will be made
                                                                risk assessment to all         available.
                                                                managers for them to
                                                                forward to their parents.
                    not being
                  aware of the                                                                                                                     During all
Communication                                                                                                                      Coach
                     guidance       3          3          9                                                                                        Training          3         2           6
  means that                                                                                                                   Parents/Players
                    leading to                                                                                                                     Sessions
 players do not
                      risk of
   follow the
                  of COVID-19

What are the   Who might   Impact   Likelihood    Risk   Existing control measures to allow      Planned, additional       Who is         When will they   Impact   Likelihood   Risk
 hazards?      be harmed    Score      Score     Score   for training to take place              control measures if   responsible for    be completed     Score    Score        Score
               and how?                                                                          required              enacting these          by?

                                                         All Managers to advise Club
                                                         Secretary of each Training Session in
                                                         order that spot checks can be
                                                         carried out to ensure all are
                                                         adhering to the Club's Rules
 Cont. from
   page 8

                                                         Managers (Home and Opposition)
                                                         should familarise themselves with
                                                         latest FA advice:

COMPETITIVE                  3          3         9      https://www.thefa.com/news/202                                                                       3         2          6
 MATCHES                                                 1/mar/24/fa-guidance-for-return-
 GUIDANCE                                                to-grassroots-football-20210324

                                                          All attending Managers,
                                                          parents/guardians, coaches and                               Home Manager        Before/during
                                                          players to be directed to                                                         each game
                                                          www.frodshamjfc.co.uk/, this RA
                                                          and/or welfare and covid officers
                                                         for advice.


Steve Jones (Exec Schools Liaison
 Officer) is the nominated Covid
 Officer and can be contacted on
 07393 384770. Steve has produced
 a short video outlining required
 precautions on equipment, set-up
 and social distancing that should be
 viewed by all participants before
 the game.

 Any coach, player or referee should
 not participate in a match if they
 have any of the following
     High temperature (above
     New continuous cough
     Loss or change to sense of
      smell or taste

Social distancing should be
maintained where possible.

Players must us their own water
bottle and not share with others

Players must avoid unnecessary
touching of equipment i.e. corner
flags, goalposts etc

Player should try to avoid spitting. If
they need to sneeze, use a tissue or

upper sleeve and not touch their

Players must not cough into the
face of an opponent or match
official at close range.

Set plays – players should be
encouraged to action these swiftly
and not prolong the play. Corners
should also be taken promptly.

Physical celebrations including goal
celebrations should be avoided.

Pre and post-match handshakes
must not take place.

Referees cannot tie player’s

Players should wash their hands
with hand-sanitiser at the earliest
opportunity, after being substituted
and and/or each half. A hygiene
break during the game may be

Referees not to use flags or coin
toss before/during the match and
to ensure they have made contact
with Steve Jones before the game

Version History
Version    Date of Version                      Drafted/Amended by (Name and Club Role)
   1         09 July 2020                               Joe Bell, Facilities Officer
  2         08 August 2020                                Joe Bell, Facilities Officer
  3         27 August 2020                                Joe Bell, Facilities Officer
  4       24 September 2020                               Joe Bell, Facilities Officer
  5         26 March 2021                Joe Bell, Facilities Officer and Fleur MacCready, CWO.



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