Rise. Digital economy on the - The next big boom: RHB

Page created by Sandra Henry
Rise. Digital economy on the - The next big boom: RHB
JUNE 2021
                                                                 ISSUE 11

           The next big boom:
           Digital economy on the
           page 2

To catch a rising star -   The places we’ll go!   Top 10 Performing
Why the time to invest     What's next in your    UT Funds
in esports is now.         wander list?           page 26
page 8                     page 18
Rise. Digital economy on the - The next big boom: RHB

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                                              RHB Bank Berhad 196501000373 (6171-M)
Rise. Digital economy on the - The next big boom: RHB

                      our faces to the sun.
                                                        Thank you for joining us in this June issue of MERGE.
                                                        Although things are once again a little gloomy with the rising
                                                        COVID-19 numbers in Asia, hope is on the horizon as we
                                                        watch life returning back to normalcy in the US and the UK
                                                        with mass vaccinations. Now more than ever, we should start
                                                        thinking about “what’s next?” for life after the pandemic.

                                                        As investors, “what’s next?” is                          Of course, as we watch the world
                                                        a familiar buzzword as we are                            returning to normalcy, travel-
                                                        always looking for the next big                          deprived Malaysians are dreaming
                                                        thing to invest in. In this issue,                       of their next vacations. We have
                                                        let’s get ahead of the crowd by                          asked fellow Malaysians about
                                                        identifying nascent industries that                      their top post-pandemic travel
                                                        are expected to shake the global                         destinations and will be introducing
                                                        economy with the introduction of                         a few hidden gems. In fact, we
                                                        5G and brace ourselves for a new                         will also be introducing a travel
                                                        wave of digitalisation.                                  helpmate, the RHB Multi Currency
                                                                                                                 Account, which you can use to
                                                        Also shaping the future are                              hedge your holiday currencies
                                                        Millennials, who are now the                             against exchange rate fluctuations.
                                                        world’s largest demographic
                                                        cohort. This is why esports, which                       We hope that this issue of MERGE
                                                        came of age with the Millennials,                        will give you lots to dream about
                                                        has catapulted seemingly out of                          and build on for the future. Let’s all
                                                        nowhere into the mainstream.                             keep our faces to the sun, and move
                                                        Find out why this formerly niche                         towards a brighter future, together.
                                                        segment is now poised to be one
                                                        of the biggest growth stories for
                                                        the future.

                                                                                                                 Rakesh Kaul
                                                                                                                 Head of Group Retail Banking
                                                                                                                 Malaysia and ASEAN
                                                                                                                                                                        MERGE FOREWORD

MERGE Issue 11
Publisher RHB Bank Berhad 196501000373 (6171-M), Level 15 Tower Three, RHB Centre, Jalan Tun Razak, 50400 Kuala Lumpur. Editorial Abdul Sani Abdul Murad.
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Rise. Digital economy on the - The next big boom: RHB

                                                         The next big boom:
                                                         Digital economy on the
                                                         rise.                Netflix. Grab. Lazada. Work-from-
                                                                              home (WFH). Video conference.
                                                                                                                     conventional to digital is rapidly
                                                                                                                     changing the way we do things -
                                                                              These names and phrases have           how businesses are structured,
                                                                              become second nature to us, more       how consumers obtain services,
                                                                              so over the past year. They are also   information and goods and how
                                                                              part of a new wave of digitalisation   governments need to adapt to
                                                                              that is changing the global economy.   new regulatory challenges. It also
                                                                                                                     changes how we invest.
                                                                              The digital economy is the new

                                                                              economy, sustaining global             What’s a digital economy, exactly?
                                                                              productivity growth, development       The term was coined by a Japanese
                                                                              and prosperity. According to           professor and research economist
                                                                              the World Economic Forum, an           (with amazing foresight) during
                                                                              estimated 70% of new value created     Japan’s recession in the 1990s.
                                                                              in the economy over the next
                                                                              decade will be based on digitally
                                                                              enabled platforms. The world is
                                                                              changing before our eyes, and with
                                                                              that change comes growth and
                                                                              investment opportunities.

                                                                              This development didn’t just
                                                                              materialise recently as a new
                                                                              idea, but rather, it was the next
                                                                              logical stage in the evolution of
                                                                              the economy. The evolution from
Rise. Digital economy on the - The next big boom: RHB

The digital economy is an economy     The digital economy, which has been
based on digital computing            growing by leaps and bounds in
technologies, where business          recent months, is expected to make
is conducted through markets          up 22.6% Malaysia’s gross domestic
based on the internet, mobile         product (GDP) and create 500,000
technology and the internet of        jobs by 2025. To achieve this, RM21
things (IoT). It is underpinned by    billion will be invested through
the increasing use of information     the National Digital Network
and communication technologies        (JENDELA) plan over the next five
across all business sectors to        years. The plan was formulated to
generate productivity, grow wealth    provide wider coverage and better
and enhance our wellbeing.            quality of broadband experience for
                                      the Rakyat in preparation for 5G
Malaysia is part of the global        technology.
digital economy. By the end of this
decade, Malaysia will become a        We’re currently in the first phase
high-value-added economy and          of JENDELA (2020 – 2022), which
a net exporter of home-grown          will see the retirement of 3G
technologies and digital solutions,   telecommunications technology.
according to the road map set out     Under the second phase, 5G will be
in the Malaysia Digital Economy       deployed in full in line with the 12th
Blueprint. The Malaysia Digital       Malaysia Plan, providing a digital
Economy Blueprint’s vision is to      boost to the economy.
be a regional leader in the digital
economy and achieve inclusive,
responsible and sustainable
socioeconomic development.
                                      The Malaysia Digital Economy
                                      Blueprint’s vision is to be a regional
                                      leader in the digital economy.

                                                                               MERGE THE NEXT BIG BOOM – DIGITAL ECONOMY ON THE RISE.
Rise. Digital economy on the - The next big boom: RHB

                                                         Get plugged in                          The gig economy

                                                         We’ve been forced to work               The developments in the digital        Besides the newer gig jobs such
                                                         remotely over the past year,            realm and concurrent drop in the       as e-hailing drivers, parcel and
                                                         and it’s likely that many of us         cost of internet access have opened    food delivery, Airbnb hosts and
                                                         will continue to do so long after       up the floodgates for money-           influencers, there are more
                                                         Covid-19 becomes a distant              making opportunities. Social media     traditional gig jobs that have
                                                         memory. Most office-based work          influencers are raking in millions,    become more prominent. Writers,
                                                         can be carried out from anywhere.       while freelance graphic designers      accountants, sound engineers
                                                                                                 can be hired from anywhere in the      and programmers can now offer
                                                         Malaysia ranks slightly above the       world, all from the comfort of their   their services through freelancer
                                                         global average in the percentage        homes.                                 platforms.
                                                         of people working from home,
                                                         according to a 28-country survey        The digital economy will be driven,    As of October 2020, 26% of the
                                                         conducted by Ipsos. 1 As at             in part, by the increasing number      Malaysian labour force, or about 4
                                                         December 2020, 65% of polled            of these ‘gig’ workers. Non-           million people, are gig workers and
                                                         Malaysians said they worked from        standard or gig work consists of       the number is growing. 2 Platforms
                                                         home, compared to the global            income-earning activities outside      like Grab and Gigworks provide a
                                                         average of 50%. This figure is          of standard, long-term employer-       viable solution for Malaysians to
                                                         largely due to the movement             employee relationships. These can      start gig work almost immediately.
                                                         restrictions, but is likely to remain   be part or full-time, temporary or     Statistics show that the gig economy
                                                         roughly the same as Malaysians -        project-based, and can be paid by      tends to attract more young adults:
                                                         especially the younger generation       the hour, with a monthly wage,         25-34 years (46.2%) and 35-44
                                                         entering the workforce – who            or by project.                         (32.5%). Based on a report by a
                                                         place more emphasis on work-life                                               talent outsourcing and consultancy
                                                         balance and flexibility. This is same   Gig work is highly dependent on        group KellyOCG, 84% of hiring
                                                         for businesses too, as they adopt       digital technology. Employees          managers in Asia Pacific outsource
                                                         a more asset-light approach to          are not tied to one company or         to freelancers as a means to save
                                                         reduce overhead costs. With WFH         occupation; the incomes they get       cost, stimulate innovation and keep
                                                         arrangements, a large physical          commensurate with the number           a competitive advantage.
                                                         office becomes optional and             of jobs they take on. They are free
                                                         transport costs and paid medical        to work at any time as long as the
                                                         leave, which are often subsidised,      deadlines are adhered to. With
                                                         are reduced as well. Employees no       platforms like PayPal, they can
                                                         longer need to spend hours each         accept payments from anywhere
                                                         day on the commute, reducing            in the world.
                                                         work-related stress.
Rise. Digital economy on the - The next big boom: RHB

The Malaysian government is helping the gig economy with
incentives involving gig workers’ welfare in the National Economic
Reform Plan (Penjana) package worth RM75 million. Via Penjana,
the Government will facilitate policies to support the growth of the
gig economy and the welfare of gig economy workers through:

                                      Gig economy protection and upskilling

                                      A matching grant of up to RM50         Provide MDEC with RM25 million
                                      million for gig economy platforms      for the Global Online Workforce
                                      who contribute for their gig workers   (GLOW) program which will train
                                      towards PERKESO’s employment           Malaysians to earn income from
                                      injury scheme of up to RM162 and       serving international clients while
                                      EPF’s i-Saraan contribution of up to   working online from home.
                                      RM250 yearly.

Flexible work
arrangements initiatives

                                      Individual income tax exemption of
                                      up to RM5,000 to employees who
                                      receive a handphone, notebook
                                      and tablet from their employer
                                      (effective 1st July 2020).
Further tax deduction for employers
which implement Flexible Work         Special individual income tax relief
Arrangements (FWAs) or undertake      of up to RM2,500 on the purchase
enhancement of their existing FWAs    of handphone, notebook & tablet
(effective 1st July 2020).            (effective 1st June 2020).
                                                                                                                   MERGE THE NEXT BIG BOOM – DIGITAL ECONOMY ON THE RISE.

                                      With the increasing number of Malaysians working from
                                      home, SOCSO will also provide coverage for workers
                                      involved in accidents while working at home under the
                                      Employment Injury Scheme.

                                      Along with Penjana, the launch of RM100 million Ministry
                                      of Higher Education’s Penjana Career Advancement
                                      Programme (KPT-CAP) is rather timely, giving fresh
                                      graduates the option, and knowledge, to start their
                                      careers in gig work.
Rise. Digital economy on the - The next big boom: RHB

                                                         Capitalising on rapid growth

                                                         As investors, we look for potential
                                                         growth. To give an idea of the
                                                         massive growth of businesses that
                                                         have become synonymous with the                                           500
                                                         digital economy, we’ll go back to the                                              Investment growth for tech sector weight in MSCI ACWI
                                                                                                                   of Investment

                                                         beginnings of Netflix.
                                                         The company started out in
                                                         1998 as an online DVD rental                                              300

                                                         business, and in 2007 introduced                                          400
                                                         the gamechanger: streaming.

                                                         By 2010, it was available through                                         300
                                                         PS3, Xbox360, or an Apple device.
                                                                                                   Growth of

                                                         As a reflection of just how much                                          100
                                                         Netflix has changed the way we                                            200
                                                         watch TV, the company won the
                                                         Emmy Engineering Award in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    May 14
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Mar 12
                                                                                                                                                             Nov 07

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Aug 17
                                                                                                                                                                       Dec 08

                                                                                                                                                   Oct 06

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Oct 19
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Apr 13
                                                                                                                                                                                         Feb 11
                                                                                                                                          Sep 05

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Sep 18
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Jun 15
                                                                                                                                                                                Jan 10

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Jul 16

                                                         2012, awarded to individuals or
                                                         organisations that made a profound
                                                         impact on the industry. In terms                                            0
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    May 14
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Mar 12
                                                                                                                                                             Nov 07

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Aug 17
                                                                                                                                                                       Dec 08
                                                                                                                                                   Oct 06

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Oct 19
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Apr 13
                                                                                                                                                                                         Feb 11
                                                                                                                                          Sep 05

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Sep 18
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Jun 15
                                                                                                                                                                                Jan 10

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Jul 16

                                                         of subscribers, in Q3 2011 the                                                                                  Tech sector                                  All other sectors
                                                         platform had 21.5 million users.
                                                         In Q3 2020, in the midst of the
                                                         pandemic that turned us into binge-                                                                             Tech sector                                  All other sectors

                                                         watching couch potatoes, that
                                                         figure ballooned to 203.66 million. 3
                                                         While you might feel it’s a little late
                                                         to get on the Netflix bandwagon,
                                                         there are many more such
                                                         opportunities. If you’re looking for                                                                         6%                                      24%
                                                         an opportunity to get in at the start,
                                                         Grab Holdings, a major proponent
                                                                                                                                                      2005                                                                       2020
                                                         of the gig economy, is expected to                                                                                                                   24%
                                                         go public on the NYSE this year.
                                                                                                                                                      2005                                                                       2020
                                                         The expected growth of the                                                                         94%                                                                       76%
                                                         digital economy and the related
                                                         developments results in the
                                                                                                                                         All other sectors in MSCI ACWI                                    Tech sector weight
                                                         increase in demand for ICT services                                                                94%                                                          76%in MSCI ACWI
                                                         and products. Technology has
                                                                                                                                   Source : Morningstar, FactSet 30 Sept 2020. For illustrative purposes only. The figures shown relate to
                                                         outpaced the broader equity market                                        past performance. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of current or future result.
                                                         in recent years.                                                                All other sectors in MSCI ACWI                                    Tech sector weight in MSCI ACWI
Rise. Digital economy on the - The next big boom: RHB

                                                        FAANG growth over a five-year period







                    2018                                      2019                                       2020                                      2021
  Source : Google Finance

To make it easier for investors                          RHB i-Global Sustainable                                  The millennials (1980 – 1996) and
to highlight relevant stocks,                            Disruptors Fund is a Shariah-                             Gen-Y (1997 – 2000s) make up
the acronym “FAANG” refers                               compliant fund based on a bottom-                         the largest demographic, and the
to the stocks of five prominent                          up approach, focusing on innovation                       Principal Global Millennial Equity
US tech companies: Facebook,                             from a diverse number of securities                       Fund aims to capitalise on their
Amazon, Apple, Netflix and Google                        within the Dow Jones Islamic                              habits and lifestyle choices. This
(Alphabet).                                              Markets World Index. It gives                             segment is currently changing
                                                         investors the chance to capitalise                        how businesses interact with their
As we can see in the chart, FAANG                        on the key beneficiaries of long-                         customers and disrupting the global
stocks have appreciated 205% over                        term structural growth themes                             economic landscape by seizing new
a five-year period, with a sharp                         like digitalisation, the financial                        platforms to construct personalised
growth of 137% since the start of                        evolution, feeling good, healthcare                       networks of friends, colleagues and
the global lockdown in March 2020.                       innovation, and the energy                                affinity groups.
                                                         revolution. Its approach is flexible,
While you could invest in individual                     unconstrained by any particular                           With all these choices available,
stocks or companies, that comes                          style, sector or region, and includes                     your Relationship Manager can help
with its own risks and challenges.                       investments in emerging markets.                          you create a portfolio tailored to
There is a selection of funds that                                                                                 suit your goals. Discuss your options
will let you get a foot in the door                      The Affin Hwang World Series                              with your Relationship Manager.
and take some of the risk off your                       – Next Generation Technology                              If you aren’t currently an RHB
shoulders. These funds offer you                         Fund capital appreciation in global                       customer, we’d love to have you on
access to the key elements that                          equities over a medium to long-term                       board. Provide us with your contact
make up the backbone of the digital                      horizon, investing in life-changing                       details and we’ll get in touch, or just                 MERGE THE NEXT BIG BOOM – DIGITAL ECONOMY ON THE RISE.
economy: artificial intelligence (AI),                   disruptive tech, including artificial                     drop by any of our branches.
cloud computing, electric vehicles,                      intelligence, 5G, cloud computing,
the IoT, 5G communications and                           electric vehicles. A broader focus
technology services. RHB offers a                        beyond the established mega
wide range of funds to choose from,                      names provides exposure to high
no matter what your investment                           growth companies that are behind
goals are.                                               the world’s latest technological

Sources: 1 IPSOS Press release: Pandemic’s Impact on Malaysian Workforce, 20 Jan 2021 2 The Sun Daily, Rise of gig economy, Sofea Azahar, 8 Oct 2020 3 Business of Apps,
Netflix Revenue and Usage Statistics (2021), Mansoor Iqbal, 9 March 2021
Rise. Digital economy on the - The next big boom: RHB

                                                                                                                To catch a rising star -

                                                                                                      Why the time to invest

                                                                                                                     now .
                                                                                                          in esports is

                                                                           Esports, after so many years of      traditional private equity firms       Newzoo, a leading provider of
                                                                           being underestimated, has become     joined in the fray, making more        games and esports analytics,
                                                                           an attractive market for strategic   investments in 2018 than in the        believes that the lockdown
                                                                           investors (investors looking for     previous four years combined 2.        measures across the world have
                                                                           synergies and integration) and                                              accelerated changes in the games
                                                                           financial investors (investors       The esports market revenue was         market as the younger generation is
                                                                           looking for financial growth)        valued at USD947.1 million in          leaving behind social media for the
                                                                           alike. According to Deloitte and     2020. The pandemic has increased       more interactive experiences that
                                                                           The Esports Observer in a joint      the popularity of gaming in general,   gaming offers. Newzoo forecasts
                                                                           report, the sector saw a huge leap   as people sought social interaction    the number of video game players
                                                                           in investments between 2017          via the social aspects of online       to increase to 3.07 billion in 2023
                                                                           and 2018 1. More significantly,      gaming during the lockdown.            from 2.7 billion in 2020.

Malaysia’s highest-earning esports player has total
prize earnings of USD1.89 million to date, eclipsing
the prize earnings of some of our professional
badminton players.

                                                                                                              For example, Riot Games
                                                                                                              (owned by Tencent Holdings Ltd)
                                                                                                              and Valve run successful leagues
                                                                                                              for their most popular games,
                                                                                                              League of Legends and DOTA 2,
                                                                                                              respectively. When publishers of
                                                                                                              GaaS and free-to-play games turn
                                                                                                              their titles into esports games,
                                                                                                              the benefits include increased
                                                                                                              exposure for the title - both online
                                                                                                              and offline, and additional revenue
                                                                                                              streams from competition-themed
                                                                                                              in-game content.

                                                                                                              Simultaneously, the emergence of
                                                                                                              dedicated online streaming services
                                                                                                              such as Twitch and Huya in the
                                                                                                              2010s allowed esports to expand
                                                                      What is esports exactly?                its audience and support regularly
                                                                                                              scheduled broadcasts. Online
                                                                      So, what is esports? Esports stands     viewership grew and the prize pool
                                                                      for electronic sports and essentially   for esports grew in tandem.
                                                                      refers to organised competitive
                                                                      video games. Although video games       Now, esports tournaments are
                                                                      and video game matches have been        being played in stadiums and
                                                                      around since the 1970s, esports         attract audiences from around the
                                                                      only began to gain traction in the      world. The major tournaments and
                                                                      2010s. During this period game          leagues offer prize pools in the

                                                                                                                                                     MERGE TO CATCH A RISING STAR - WHY THE TIME TO INVEST IN ESPORTS IS NOW?
                                                                      publishers transitioned to a “games     millions and are organised around
                                                                      as a service” (GaaS) model, which       the most popular games like League
                                                                      incentivised them to support a          of Legends, DOTA, Fortnight,
                                                                      competitive scene as marketing          Counterstrike, Call of Duty,
                                                                      extensions of their products.           Overwatch, FIFA and Madden NFL.

                                                                                                              In 2019, American teenager Kyle
                          Global Player Forecast                                                              Giersdorf won the Fortnite World
                                                                                                              Cup at Arthur Ashe Stadium in
                                                                                       2.95   3.07
                                                                                2.81                          New York City, together with prize
 Number of players (Bn)

                                            2.26      2.42                                                    money of USD3 million, eclipsing
                          1.99     2.11
                                                                                                              Tiger Woods’ PGA prize of USD2
                                                                                                              million when he won the Masters
                                                                                                              Tournament the same year. Close
                                                                                                              to home, Yap “xNova” Jian Wei,
                                                                                                              Malaysia’s highest-earning esports
                                                                                                              player has total prize earnings of
                          2015     2016     2017     2018     2019      2020    2021   2022   2023            USD1.89 million to date 3, eclipsing
                                                                                                              the prize earnings of some of our
                                                                                                              professional badminton players.

                          Source : Newzoo Global Games Market Report 2020

                                                                                  What makes esports such a
                                                                                  compelling investment story?

                                                                                   Esports viewership


                                                                           Number of viewers (m)
                                                                                                           450                                                                                                     291
                                                                                                                                                                        222         200
                                                                                                                                         115        160
                                                                                                           150                 114                                                                                 286
                                                                                                                                                                                    197      215      240
                                                                                                                                                               143      173
                                                                                                                               90        120        121
                                                                                                                              2014       2015      2016       2017      2018       2019      2020     2021e    2024e
                                                                                                                        Esports enthusiasts (m)        Occasional viewers (m)

                                                                                                           Source : Newzoo Global Esports Market Report 2014-2020, Newzoo Global Esports and Live
                                                                                                           Stream Market Report 2021

                                                                                  Esports has seen rapid growth in viewership over the past few years from
                                                                                  204 million viewers in 2014 to 435 million viewers in 2020, representing a
                                                                                  compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 13.5% per annum. To give context
                                                                                  to the size of the esports audience, Twitch, the online platform where most
                                                                                  esports are streamed has more viewers than HBO, Netflix and CNN.
                                                                                  What makes this segment even more exciting is that this growth is just the
                                                                                  tip of the iceberg. With a viewership of 435 million out of 2.7 billion people
                                                                                  playing video games in 2020, there is a lot of room for esports viewership
                                                                                  to grow. Newzoo is expecting the number of viewers to grow 32.6% to
                                                                                  577 million viewers by 2024.

                                                                                                                        Esports Revenue Streams
                                                                                                                        Global 2021


                                                                                                   Revenue (USDm)

                                                                                                                                          +13.4%           126.6
                                                                                                                                           YoY            +22.6%            66.6
                                                                                                                                                           YoY             +13.8%           32.3            25.1
                                                                                                                                                                            YoY             +50.4%       +25.7%
                                                                                                                                                                                             YoY          YoY

                                                                                                                    Sponsorship           Media           Publisher      Merchandise        Digital     Streaming
                                                                                                                                          Right             Fees          & Tickets

                                                                                                                                                             Revenue stream

                                                                                                                        Source : Newzoo Global Esports and Live Stream Market Report 2021

                                          Esports Revenue
As viewership has grown, so has
sponsorship and therefore revenue
for this segment. The bulk of esports
revenue comes from sponsorship
                                         Revenue (USDm)

which is expected to hit USD641                                                                                     1084
million in 2021. Sponsorship of                                                                 958       948
esports is expected to continue to
grow, particularly driven by the
growth in non-endemic sponsorship                                325
by brands eager to connect to                             194
esports’ unique audience.

There are two types of sponsorships.                      2014   2015   2016   2017   2018     2019       2020     2021e     2024e
Endemic sponsorships are made
by brands that create the products
used to produce and play esports,         Source: Newzoo Global Esports Market Report 2014-2020, Newzoo Global Esports & Live Stream
such as Razer, Logitech and Intel.        Market Report 2021

                                                                                                                                       MERGE TO CATCH A RISING STAR - WHY THE TIME TO INVEST IN ESPORTS IS NOW?
Non-endemic sponsors are brands
that produce products not vital          Esports has seen its revenues
to esports, including mainstream         grow from USD194 million in
consumer brands like Coca-Cola,          2014 to USD948 million in 2020
Vodafone and Toyota.                     representing a CAGR of 30.2% per
                                         annum. Thanks to expected growth
Endemic sponsorships have historically   in viewership and sponsorship,
made up the bulk of esports              Newzoo expects esports revenue
sponsorship, but this changed in         to grow at a CAGR of 14.4% per
2020 when non-endemic sponsors           annum to USD1.6 billion in 2024.
began to pull ahead4. These brands
sought to connect to the esports fan     Investors are definitely taking
base which comprises Millennials,        notice of these growth rates.
the world’s largest cohort, who have     The big turning point for esports as
largely turned away from traditional     an investment vehicle came in 2018
sports and media. This audience is       when investments in the industry
very attractive to consumer brands       jumped to USD4.5 billion in 2018
because it is young, (37% are males      compared to USD490 million in
aged 21 to 35, 16% are females           20177. 2018 is also significant as
aged 21 to 355) and have relatively      more traditional investors, such as
high purchasing power (61% of US         private equity investors, began to
esports viewers earn more than           invest in this sector, signalling its
USD50,000 per year6).                    entry into the mainstream.

                                                                           The future of esports                                                         Esports in Malaysia
                                                                           Many investors used to believe           Esports came of age in the digital   Esports is especially popular in
                                                                           that esports was not a long-term         era and as a digital native, it is   Asia, with China, Japan and South
                                                                           trend. However, judging by the           poised to continue to ride the       Korea being esports pioneers,
                                                                           recent significant increase in           waves of technological change        together with the US. However,
                                                                           investments in the industry,             to greater heights. In fact, PWC     a 2015 Newzoo report showed
                                                                           esports is probably here to stay.        analysts believe that esports is     that the Southeast Asian countries
                                                                           As it is esports is already being        going to be more than a long-        are also embracing esports. In fact,
                                                                           accepted by international sports         term trend and will evolve from      the 2019 SEA Games was the
                                                                           bodies. It became a medal event in       a growing live sport with high       first time esports became a medal
                                                                           the 2019 SEA Games and will also         entertainment characteristics into   event at an Olympic recognised
                                                                           be a medal event at the 2022 Asian       a leading factor in pop culture      multi-sport competition.
                                                                           Games in Hangzhou, China. In the         that has a significant impact on
                                                                           Paris 2024 Olympics, esports will        all games 8. Here are three ways     In Malaysia, video games are seen
                                                                           be used to enable fans to connect        esports will continue to grow        as an activity for the young and
                                                                           with the athletes by competing           and evolve in tandem with future     are frowned upon by parents as
                                                                           virtually with athletes in events like   changes in technology.               a waste of time and a distraction
                                                                           sailing, cycling and rowing. All these                                        from the all-important pursuit of
                                                                           mean that there will be increased                                             good grades. However, former
                                                                           interest and sponsorships flowing                                             Minister of Youth and Sports,
                                                                           to this industry.                                                             Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman,
                                                                                                                                                         himself only in his mid-twenties,
                                                                                                                                                         championed esports in Malaysia.
                                                                                                                                                         Under his leadership, the Strategic
                                                                                                                                                         Plan for Esports Development
                                                                                                                                                         2020-2025 was unveiled in 2019
                                                                                                                                                         to turn Malaysia into an esports
                                                                                                                                                         hub in Southeast Asia. “I will try my
                                                                                                                                                         best to bring whatever facilities,
                                                                                                                                                         investments and development
                                                                                                                                                         there is so that esports gamers and
                                                                                                                                                         players will have a place,” he said9.

                                                                                                                                                         Thanks to these initiatives, Malaysia
                                                                                                                                                         will see the opening of the largest
                                                                                                                                                         esports facility in Southeast Asia
                                                                                                                                                         in 2021. Located in Quill City
                                                                                                                                                         Mall, the facility called the EBN

                                                                                                                                                         Esports City offers 65,000 square
                                                                                                                                                         feet of space equipped with the
                                                                                                                                                         latest technology and support
                                                                                                                                                         system to host world-class
                                                                                                                                                         esports tournaments, events
                                                                                                                                                         and conventions.

Mobile Gaming
One future avenue of growth is         2020 gives us a glimpse into the
mobile gaming, which is currently      future of the mobile gaming esports
only in its infancy. Mobile gaming     scene. PUBG Mobile, a mobile game
can only get bigger as out of the      introduced in 2018 became the
2.7 billion gamers worldwide,          most-watched mobile esports title
2.5 billion play games on their        and is now the number four esports
mobile phones compared to              game via hours watched in 202011.
1.3 billion players on a PC and        Another mobile game Free Fire,
0.8 billion players on a console 10.   saw impressive viewership numbers
The mobile phone is the most           for the Continental Series, its 2020
affordable of the three types of       global championship event. In Asia
gadgets used to play video games,      specifically, the Continental Series
and thus is expected to garner         drew in over 2.5 million peak
the biggest number of players          viewers during the grand finals12.
and audience. The pandemic saw         This viewership number is
an increase in mobile gaming,          encouraging, considering that
and the challenge would be for         the finals of the 2020 League of
the gaming industry to retain these    Legends World Championships,
new gamers. The introduction of        the most-watched esports event
5G connectivity, widely expected       of 2020 chalked up 3.8 million
to take place in the next few years,   peak viewers13.
will increase connectivity and
support more sophisticated
games on the mobile phone.
                                       The introduction of 5G connectivity, widely
                                       expected to take place in the next few years,
                                       will increase connectivity and support more
                                       sophisticated games on the mobile phone.

                                                                                       MERGE TO CATCH A RISING STAR - WHY THE TIME TO INVEST IN ESPORTS IS NOW?

                                                                           When esports and
                                                                           real sports meet
                                                                           Another expected area of growth
                                                                           is in the merging of real sports
                                                                           and esports. This is expected to
                                                                           happen as virtual reality technology
                                                                           becomes more ubiquitous. Although
                                                                           virtual reality is not expected to
                                                                           become mainstream for another
                                                                           5-10 years, we can get a glimpse
                                                                           of this future in Zwift.

                                                                           Zwift is an online gaming platform
                                                                           dedicated to indoor cycling.
                                                                           Thanks to the pandemic, cyclists
                                                                           have discovered Zwift as a way
                                                                           to make indoor cycling more fun.
                                                                           Subscribers to Zwift gain access to
                                                                           a virtual cycling world with multiple
                                                                           courses, group rides, and even
                                                                           races, and it has attracted both
                                                                           professional and amateur riders
                                                                           alike. Zwift as an esport is still in
                                                                           its infancy but shows promise.
                                                                           Since its inception in 2015,

                                                                           Zwift has seen the debut of a
                                                                           professional cycling esports
                                                                           league (KISS Super League) in
                                                                           2019 and in December 2020,
                                                                           the first-ever UCI Cycling Esports
                                                                           World Championship was held
                                                                           on Zwift.

Live streaming and
gaming video content
The third area of growth, that may        Live streaming had an audience            Live Streaming and
not strictly be considered esports,       of 662.7 million in 2020 and this         Gaming Video Content
is live streaming and gaming video        audience is expected to grow to           Games Live Streaming Audience
                                          920.3 million in 2024. In light of the    Global 2019, 2020, 2021, 2024
content (GVC). While esports refers
to professional tournaments, live         new developments in live streaming,
                                          Newzoo has expanded its annual            CAGR: +9.2%
streaming and GVC encompasses
                                                                                    Live Streaming Audience 2019 - 2024
the content created around                Global Esports Market Report into
gaming, both professional and             the Global Esport and Live Streaming
non-professional. There is a              Market Report in 2021.                                                           920.3
significant audience overlap between                                                                              728.8
the live streaming and esports            The future of esports looks bright.                     593.2
markets, although their content and       As more and more people turn to

                                                                                   Audience (m)
monetization strategies differ. Many      video games for entertainment
non-professional gamers, like Tyler       and social connections, esports will
Bevins who is known as Ninja, have        continue to evolve and expand to
built a following via online streaming.   become a key component of the
                                          entertainment industry of the future.                   2019    2020      2021   2024

                                                                                    Source : Newzoo Global Esports and Live Stream
Live streaming had an audience of 662.7 million                                     Market Report 2021

in 2020 and this audience is expected to grow to
920.3 million in 2024.

                                                                                                                                     MERGE TO CATCH A RISING STAR - WHY THE TIME TO INVEST IN ESPORTS IS NOW?

                                                                           How do we invest in esports?

                                                                           As a sector that is still in its infancy,                Electronic Arts Inc. There are also                       investment themes. Accordingly,
                                                                           with great growth prospects for the                      esports-themed ETFs such as the                           the fund has investments in
                                                                           medium to long term, now is a great                      Roundhill BITKRAFT Esports &                              Electronic Arts Inc and Square
                                                                           time to invest in esports to fully                       Digital Entertainment ETF (NERD                           Enix amongst others.
                                                                           participate in the growth potential                      ETF) and the VanEck Vectors Video
                                                                           of this sector. How do we as                             Gaming and eSports UCITS ETF                              The Principal Global Millennial
                                                                           investors get a piece of the action?                     (ESPO ETF) listed in the US.                              Equity Fund aims to gain exposure
                                                                           We can invest in the diverse range                                                                                 to the Millennial generation
                                                                           of businesses within the esports                         However, if you would like to avoid                       by investing in global equities
                                                                           ecosystem namely teams, event                            the complications of purchasing                           which captures the spending
                                                                           management, developers, third                            different shares and ETFs in                              and lifestyle choices of this
                                                                           party coordinators, media platforms                      different markets around the world,                       demographic cohort, which is
                                                                           and advertising, consumer products                       RHB offers you exposure to esports                        currently the world’s largest. As
                                                                           and gaming hardware producers.                           investments via the Manulife Global                       gaming and esports form part of
                                                                                                                                    Thematic Fund and Principal Global                        the Millennial lifestyle, the fund
                                                                           Although many investments in                             Millennial Equity Fund.                                   has investments in these areas.
                                                                           esports are still done via private
                                                                           equity and venture capital funds,                        The Manulife Global Thematic Fund                         To find out more about the esports
                                                                           the segment is becoming more                             invests in global equity along multiple                   investments made by these funds,
                                                                           mainstream and there many stocks                         themes that are behind the structural                     and how they can enhance your
                                                                           listed in international markets with                     shifts of our ever-changing world.                        current portfolio, do not hesitate to
                                                                           exposure to the esports ecosystem.                       The fund is actively managed and                          contact your Relationship Manager.
                                                                           Major esports stocks are Tencent                         unconstrained by region, sector or
                                                                           Holdings Ltd - the largest gaming                        market capitalisation. Digital life,
                                                                           company in the world, Activision                         which includes esports, has been
                                                                           Blizzard Inc, Razer Inc and                              identified as one of the fund’s key

                                                                           Sources: 1 The Rise of Esports Investment, Deloitte Corporate Finance LLC and The Esports Observer, April 2019. 2 The Rise of Esports Investment, Deloitte Corporate
                                                                           Finance LLC and The Esports Observer, April 2019. 3 Esportsearnings.com, Yap “xNova” Jianwei - Dota 2 Player, accessed 20 May 2021. 4 Globaldata.com, Global esports
                                                                           sponsorship sector dominated by non-endemic brands worth $584m, 19 January 2021. 5 The Rise of Esports Investment, Deloitte Corporate Finance LLC and The Esports
                                                                           Observer, April 2019. 6 The Rise of Esports Investment, Deloitte Corporate Finance LLC and The Esports Observer, April 2019. 7 The Rise of Esports Investment, Deloitte
                                                                           Corporate Finance LLC and The Esports Observer, April 2019. 8 PWC.de, Investors: High demand in esports attracts big brands from various industries, 2020. 9 New Straits
                                                                           Times, Malaysia to be Esports hub in Asia: Syed Saddiq, 6 August 2018. 10 Newzoo.com, Three Billion Players by 2023: Engagement and Revenues Continue to Thrive Across
                                                                           the Global Games Market, 25 June 2020. 11 Pocketgamer.biz, PUBG Mobile esports generated 200 million hours of viewing in 2020, 23 April 2021 12 Sportskeeda.com. Free
                                                                           Fire: FFCS Asia creates record with peak viewership of over 2.5 million, 26 December 2020. 13 Dotesports.com, The most watched esports events of 2020, 24 December 2020.


                                                              The places we’ll go!
                                                              What’s next in your
                                                              wander list ?
                                                              “Where do you want to            “What I need is a good dose of Vitamin          “Thailand! First on my list. It’s so near
                                                              go once the pandemic is          Sea! I want to be walking on white-sand         and yet so far. I miss the tom yum, pad
                                                                                               beaches, swimming with the fishes,              thai and mango sticky rice! No doubt,
                                                              over?” This is a question        exploring beautiful corals and enjoying         there are plenty of good Thai restaurants
                                                              that has been cropping up        a luxurious spa at a beach resort. I don’t      in KL but enjoying Thai food at my favou-
                                                              in conversations all over        care if it’s in Malaysia or overseas, I just    rite beach resort in Koh Lipe is the next
                                                              the country and in fact, the     want to get my Vitamin Sea after I get my       level of enjoyment!” - Jessica
                                                                                               vaccination!” - Amanda
                                                              world. Everyone misses                                                           “I cancelled my trip to Melbourne back in
                                                              travelling, so when we posed     “The first place I want to visit is Hokkaido,   mid-2020 due to the pandemic. It was
                                                              this question in an informal     Japan to discover the magnificent natural       a sad decision, but later is better than
                                                              survey, our travel-deprived      scenery, villages along the coastlines and      never. It looks like I can probably proceed
                                                                                               fresh seafood such as kani (crab), ikura        with my plan real soon. Can’t wait to
                                                              correspondents were eager        (salmon roe) and uni (sea urchin). I’m          catch the sunrise on a hot air balloon ride
                                                              to talk about their dream        already drooling just thinking about it.        over the Yarra Valley vineyards with my
                                                              vacations. Small wonder,         I also can’t wait to soak in a hot spring       family.” – Kay
                                                              as just the idea of travel and   while gazing out into the serenity of
                                                                                               nature” - Alvin                                 Based on our conversations, we found
                                                              planning a trip, can boost                                                       that a few destinations proved to be
                                                              our happiness.                                                                   exceptionally popular, namely:
                                                                                                                                               • A beach vacation
                                                                                                                                               • Thailand
                                                                                                                                               • Japan
                                                                                                                                               • Australia

                                                                                                                                               Do you agree with these destinations
                                                                                                                                               topping our list? Do see if your choice
                                                                                                                                               of destination matches the rest of
                                                                                                                                               our readers! But read on to discover

                                                                                                                                               hidden gems to be discovered at these
                                                                                                                                               destinations on your next trip.

The beach vacation

The beach vacation seems to be the
most popular destination amongst
those we surveyed. Some are
yearning to go back to a favourite
destination, such as Mary, who
is looking forward to returning
to Langkawi, where her family
vacations almost every year.

“My son loves the beach,
he can just spend the entire
holiday there. There are
also other activities such as
cable car rides, river cruises
to mangrove forests and
island hopping to keep a child
occupied. We usually spend
a whole week there,”
- Mary shares wistfully.

                                                                                                                              MERGE THE PLACES WE’LL GO! WHAT’S NEXT IN YOUR WANDER LIST?

                                                                                              Source: www. naga-pelangi.com

                                     Frequent visitors to Langkawi may         The Naga Pelangi is the first
                                     feel that they’ve seen all it has to      perahu besar built in decades by
                                     offer. If so, you should go for the       the shipwrights of Duyong Island,
                                     one-of-a-kind sailing experience          Trengganu in a unique Malay
                                     to be had aboard the picturesque          wooden boat-building tradition
                                     Naga Pelangi. The Naga Pelangi is         that is thousands of years old. Like
                                     one of the legendary Pinas-type           the boats, this art is also fading
                                     “perahu besar” or big boat, a Malay-      away. Sailing around the waters of
                                     style sailing boat, that is sadly going   Langkawi on the Naga Pelangi, it
                                     extinct. These speedy boats sailed        is not difficult to take a step back
                                     the South China Sea for centuries,        in time and imagine yourself an
                                     with the last few still in operation      ancient mariner who sailed the
                                     up until the 1980s.                       Malay archipelago thousands of
                                                                               years ago or a swash-buckling pirate
                                                                               of the South China Sea.

                                                              Those looking forward to an
                                                              overseas beach vacation seem
                                                              to be looking for a new and wow
                                                              experience. The Maldives seem
                                                              to be the destination of choice,
                                                              particularly for newlyweds who
                                                              have had to postpone their
                                                              honeymoons. “We had to postpone
                                                              our plans to honeymoon in the
                                                              Maldives,” says Sara.

                                                                                                                                                       Source: www.conradmaldives.com

                                                                                                                                                       Source: www.conradmaldives.com

                                                              “Nevertheless I’ve narrowed down my choice of resorts to the              The Conrad is already known for
                                                                                                                                        its underwater restaurant Ithaa.
                                                              Anantara Kihavah Maldives Over Water Pool Villa, St. Regis Over
                                                                                                                                        It has now topped itself with the
                                                              Water Villa or the W Maldives. I’ll proceed with whichever resort         introduction of the world’s first
                                                              that is available once travel is permitted,” - Sara                       undersea villa. The Muraka is a
                                                                                                                                        two-storey residence featuring
                                                                                                                                        a master bedroom submerged
                                                                                                 The Maldives is definitely the         over 16 feet below sea level. The
                                                                                                 ultimate beach vacation, topping       master bedroom is an architectural
                                                                                                 the bucket lists of countless travel   masterpiece that doubles up as
                                                                                                 publications. Not only does it have    your own private underwater
                                                                                                 natural beauty in spades, it also      wonderland. You will undoubtedly
                                                                                                 has some of the most spectacular       spend many enchanted hours
                                                                                                 resorts and restaurants built to       watching the fishes, rays, sharks
                                                                                                 showcase the beauty of its oceans.     and turtles frolic and play via floor-
                                                                                                 One of the most spectacular of         to-ceiling windows in the walk-in
                                                                                                 these is The Muraka at Conrad          closet, bathroom, shower, bedroom
                                                                                                 Maldives Rangali Island.               and dedicated viewing theatre.


“It’s one of my favourite places to visit. I enjoy the culture,
and I love the food. I also love the Japanese attention to detail
- from the little sparrow sculptures along a railing in Osaka Castle
Park to the different manhole cover designs in every city.” - Jing

                                    Without a doubt, Japan is a favourite   What has this onsen done to
                                    destination for Malaysians. Many        receive these accolades? This
                                    seem to be getting their Japan fix by   welcoming onsen is considered
                                    patronising Japanese franchises in      the most beautiful onsen in Beppu
                                    Malaysia. Recently we saw 2-hour        and is one of the onsens that
                                    lines as people waited to enter a       welcome tattooed customers in
                                    newly-opened Japanese discount          its public baths.
                                    chain in Bukit Bintang. Similarly,
                                    there is always a long line at the      Hyotan Onsen offers 8 types
                                    newly-opened branch of a Kyoto-         of public baths for men and women,      MERGE THE PLACES WE’LL GO! WHAT’S NEXT IN YOUR WANDER LIST?
                                    based coffee shop in Kuala Lumpur.      including beautiful waterfall baths
                                                                            featuring waterfalls coming out
                                    There is so much to see and do          directly from the hot springs on the
                                    in Japan. It is so rich in tradition,   property. There are 14 different
                                    yet also ultra-modern, even             private family baths for those who
                                    futuristic. To top it all off, Japan    want a little privacy. Hyotan Onsen
                                    has a distinctive pop culture found     also offers sand baths, heated by
                                    nowhere else in the world. One          the steam from hot springs, which
                                    of the quintessential Japanese          is said to be gentler on the bathers.
                                    experience is the onsen or hot
                                    spring baths and onsen towns dot        As a finishing touch, Hyotan Onsen
                                    the country. However, there is only     offers jikogumushi cuisine if you
                                    one onsen that has received the         are feeling peckish after exploring
                                    coveted three Michelin stars, and       all the baths it has to offer.
                                    that is Hyotan Onsen in the onsen       Jigokumushi is a cooking technique
                                    town of Beppu.                          unique to the region, which uses the
                                                                            steam from the hot springs to cook
                                                                            food while preserving the delicacy
                                                                            of its natural flavours.

                                                                                                           Source: www.snowtomamu.jp

                                                                                          If you aren’t fond of the heat, you
                                                                                          may prefer to head to the Tomamu
                                                                                          Ice Village in Hokkaido. This
                                                                                          village appears almost magically
                                                                                          at Tomamu in winter when the
                                                                                          temperature drops below -30°C.
                                                                                          The village features 11 ice domes
                                                                                          spread over 3.2 hectares. Here you
                                                                                          can eat, drink and be merry as the
                                                                                          shops serve up delicious Tomamu

                                                                                          milk and fruits, while an Ice bar
                                                                                          serves colour-changing cocktails,
                                                                                          in chilled ice glasses. Everything
                                                                                          is made of ice – from the furniture
                                                                                          to the glasses and bowls used in
                                                                                          the shops. This village features
                                                                                          an ice church, perfect for a fairy
                                                                                          tale wedding, and an ice hotel
                                                                                          furnished with crystalline furniture
                                                                                          hewn from ice. Even in the heart
                                                                                          of this winter wonderland, we
                                                              Source: www.snowtomamu.jp
                                                                                          cannot escape the Japanese love
                                                                                          for baths. Hotel guests can enjoy
                                                                                          an outdoor onsen, encased in ice
                                                                                          while surrounded by a wintry
                                                                                          forest wonderland.


Chee takes a more practical
approach and would prefer to go
somewhere a little closer to home
assuming there are still COVID-19       “I would go to Thailand because it’s the fastest and easiest
rules to adhere to. Thailand is one     to get to. My friends from other countries would also choose
of his favourite destinations, and
he visits the country annually,
                                        to go to Thailand, making it the perfect destination for a
sometimes even making a trip            regional gathering.” - Chee
twice a year. Bangkok is one of his
favourite destinations where he
finds that there are still much to be
discovered in each neighbourhood.

                                                                                        Source: www.thefloathouseriverkwai.com

                                                                               Couples have their choice of
                                                                                                                                 MERGE THE PLACES WE’LL GO! WHAT’S NEXT IN YOUR WANDER LIST?
                                                                               different themed romantic dinners.
                                                                               One popular dinner experience is
                                                                               the Shipwrecked-in-Style dinner,
                                                                               where diners are taken on a yacht
                                                                               to be “shipwrecked” on a secluded
Source: www.sarojin.com
                                                                               sand isle to dine under the stars
                                                                               with a 360-degree view of the
                                        Beyond the bright city lights of       Andaman Sea.
                                        Bangkok, there is still so much
                                        to see and experience, from hot        But it is the Waterfall Dinner that
                                        air balloon rides over Chiangmai,      has garnered the most accolades,
                                        treepod dining in Ko Khud, and         being named one of the top three
                                        floating luxury resorts on the River   honeymoon experiences in 2017.
                                        Kwai. However, an experience           At the Waterfall Dinner, couples
                                        not to be missed, especially by        will find themselves dining in a lush
                                        honeymooning couples or those          jungle paradise next to the Sai Rung
                                        on a romantic getaway is the           (Rainbow) Waterfall, illuminated
                                        private dinners at The Sarojin,        by the magical glow of hundreds of
                                        a luxury resort in the coastal         candles while being serenaded by
                                        resort town of Khao Lak.               the night songs of the jungle.


                                                              Australia is another country near
                                                              and dear to the heart of
                                                              Malaysians. Many have spent their
                                                              university years there or have
                                                              relatives who have migrated there.
                                                              Unlike many Malaysians who flock
                                                              to Melbourne, Stan would prefer
                                                              to visit Perth where he spent his
                                                              university days. “It’s a smaller
                                                              and more relaxed city compared
                                                              to Melbourne,” he says. Perth is
                                                              known for its vineyards, however,
                                                                                                                                                          Source: www.rottnestexpress.com.au
                                                              Stan lets us in on a little known
                                                              Western Australian secret.

                                                              A hidden gem in Perth is Rottnest
                                                                                                       “Perth has some of the best beaches in Australia. There are so many
                                                              Island, affectionately called Rotto      beautiful white sand beaches with clear blue waters.” - Stan
                                                              by the locals. There are plenty
                                                              of water activities to be had on
                                                              this car-free island as there are       Australia is also synonymous with       are part of a UDT Supercar driving
                                                              63 beautiful beaches to explore.        road trips, with scenic routes          tour. On this tour, a group of 12-24
                                                              However, the biggest attraction         crisscrossing the country. Ultimate     people will go on a road trip with
                                                              on Rottnest Island is the adorable      Driving Tours (UDT) elevates            a fleet of 6 - 12 supercars on the
                                                              quokka. Dubbed the ‘happiest            road trips to an art form for the       world’s most famous roads. What
                                                              animals on earth’ because of their      motoring enthusiast, where the          is a supercar you ask? Well, a car
                                                              cheeky smiles, the quokka can only      driving is as much a highlight of the   has to be at the very least be able
                                                              be found on Rottnest Island. These      tour as the breathtaking scenery,       to accelerate from 0-100kph in
                                                              friendly and curious creatures          luxury accommodations and award-        3.5 seconds to qualify for the UDT
                                                              roam the island freely. Although        winning restaurants. Imagine            fleet. UDT also offers self-drive
                                                              they are a protected species and        driving across one of Australia’s       tours where you select a supercar
                                                              it is prohibited to touch or feed       iconic routes in a Lamborghini          and drive along a highly curated,
                                                              them, it is possible to sidle up next   one day, a Porsche the next and an      pre-planned route. Whatever you
                                                              to a friendly quokka for the cutest     Aston Martin after that. There’s no     decide, this will surely be the road
                                                              selfie on earth.                        need to tax your imagination if you     trip of a lifetime!

                                                                                                                                                         Source: www.ultimatedrivingtours.com

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further in 1Q2022. If you are          travel plans. He or she will also
planning to go to Thailand, RHB        be happy to share how the RHB
also recommends that you pick up       Multi Currency Account can help
some Thai Baht as the Thai Baht is     to enhance your business, wealth
expected to appreciate if borders      and global lifestyle. We hope you
open between Malaysia and              have lots of fun planning for your
Thailand.                              future travel and that the RHB
                                       Multi Currency Account will help
                                       to enhance your travel experience.

                                                                             MERGE THE PLACES WE’LL GO! WHAT’S NEXT IN YOUR WANDER LIST?

                                   TOP 10
                                   UT FUNDS
                                   Lipper ranking as at 31 May 2021.
                                   The Lipper Ratings provide an instant measure of
                                   a fund’s success. Funds are ranked against their
                                   Lipper peer group classifications each month for
                                   1-month, 6-month, 1-year, and overall periods.
                                   These ratings are based on an equal-weighted average

                                   of percentile ranks of the five Lipper Leaders metrics:                                                                                              1 Month (%)        6 Months (%)              1 Year (%)
                                   Total Return, Consistent Return, Preservation,                                       RHB Gold And General
                                   Expense, and Tax Efficiency. To see details
                                                                                                                                                                                         13.3 23.8                                   20.8
                                   about each metric, go to lipperleaders.com

                                                                                                                                                                          1 Month (%)            6 Months (%)          1 Year (%)
                                                                                                                Manulife India
                                       Equity                                                                   Equity MYR                                                    9.2                  10.2                 25.6
                                                                                                                                                             1 Month (%)            6 Months (%)          1 Year (%)
                                                                                                      RHB Gold RM
                                                                                                                                                                 7.7                  10.1                   5.6

                                                                                                                                                   1 Month (%)         6 Months (%)          1 Year (%)
                                                                                             RHB China-India
                                                                                             Dynamic Growth                                            6.4                 4.6                   15.4

                                                                        05           RHB Shariah China                                 1 Month (%)        6 Months (%)              1 Year (%)

                                                                                     Focus MYR                                             4.6                  7.5                  20.8

                                                                                                                           1 Month (%)           6 Months (%)          1 Year (%)
                                                                               RHB Asia Consumer
                                                                                                                               4.5                   4.4                12.0

                                                                                                                 1 Month (%)        6 Months (%)          1 Year (%)
                                                                        RHB European Select
                                                                                                                      3.8             13.1                 15.5

                                                                                                        1 Month (%)    6 Months (%)          1 Year (%)
                                                                  TA European Equity
                                                                                                              3.0         11.2                   17.0

                                                                                                1 Month (%)    6 Months (%)         1 Year (%)

                                                           TA South East Asia Equity                 2.9             5.8             12.4

                                                                                       1 Month (%)    6 Months (%)     1 Year (%)

                                                     TA Dana Global 50
                                                                                            2.9           9.1            10.3
                                                                                                                                                        • Investors are advised to read and understand the contents
                                                                                                                                                          of the respective product-offering documents or prospectus
                                                                                                                                                          before investing. Among others, investors should consider
                                                                                                                                                          the fees and charges involved. The price of units and
                                                                                                                                                          distributions payable, if any, may go down as well as up.
                                                                                                                                                          Top Performing Unit Trust Funds are distributed by RHB
                                                                                                                                                          (ranked by 1 Year’s Performance Growth %). Data is sourced
                                                                                                                                                          from Lipper as at 31 May 2021.
                                                                                                                                                        • Asset Type is based on Lipper classifications
                                                                                                                                                        • Terms and conditions apply
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