RIG H TS GUI DE LONDON 2020 - Berla & Griffini Rights Agency

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RIG H TS GUI DE LONDON 2020 - Berla & Griffini Rights Agency
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RIG H TS GUI DE LONDON 2020 - Berla & Griffini Rights Agency
Film &
                                                             Table ofTV Deals
                                                                                                     PAGE                                                                                                                PAGE
FILM & TV DEALS                                                                                                      MIRA BOOKS
Robin Carr............................................................................................3-5            Jacquelyn Mitchard ...............................................................................40
Sherryl Woods .....................................................................................6-7               Bryn Turnbull ........................................................................................40
Susan Mallery..........................................................................................8             Sara Ackerman ...................................................................................... 41
Other Deals ............................................................................................9            Mike Chen ............................................................................................42
                                                                                                                     J.T. Ellison ..............................................................................................43
RECENTLY PUBLISHED TITLES                                                                                            Jane Gilmartin .......................................................................................43
Tarryn Fisher .......................................................................................... 10          Alka Joshi ..............................................................................................44
Emily Belden ......................................................................................... 11            Kerry Kletter ..........................................................................................45
Mike Chen ............................................................................................ 12            Ellen Meister .........................................................................................45
J.T. Ellison .............................................................................................. 13       Brenda Novak .......................................................................................46
Allison Brennan ..................................................................................... 14             Robyn Carr ............................................................................................ 47
Judy Melinek & T.J. Mitchell .................................................................. 15                   Sarah McCraw Crow .............................................................................48
                                                                                                                     Rick Moina...........................................................................................48
PARK ROW BOOKS                                                                                                       Beverly Long .........................................................................................49
Pam Jenoff............................................................................................. 16           Sheila Roberts ..................................................................................49-50
Sarah Penner ......................................................................................... 17            Brianna Wolfson....................................................................................51
Kimberly Belle ....................................................................................... 18            Elysia Whisler ........................................................................................52
Mary Kubica.......................................................................................... 19             Karen Harper ........................................................................................52
Nancy Jooyoun Kim ..............................................................................20                   Heather Graham ...................................................................................53
Ann Shin ...............................................................................................20           Debra Webb .........................................................................................54
Gretchen Anthony ................................................................................. 21’               Sharon Sala ...........................................................................................54
Samantha Montano ............................................................................... 21
Catherine Adel West .............................................................................22                  HQN BOOKS
Erin Khar ...............................................................................................23          Julia London ..........................................................................................55
Jennifer Basye Sander ............................................................................ 24                Gena Showalter .....................................................................................56
                                                                                                                     Susan Mallery........................................................................................57
HANOVER SQUARE PRESS                                                                                                 Sarah Morgan ........................................................................................58
Judy Melinek & T.J. Mitchell ..................................................................25                    Lori Foster .............................................................................................59
Tom Clancy, Steve Pieczenik & Jerome Preisler......................................26                                RaeAnne Thayne ............................................................................. 59-60
Steven Hartov........................................................................................27              Maisey Yates ....................................................................................60-61
Charles Rosenberg ................................................................................28                 Michelle Major ......................................................................................62
Heather Hansman .................................................................................29                  Cara Bastone .........................................................................................63
Mitch Weiss & Holbrook Mohr .............................................................29                          Brenda Jackson .....................................................................................63
Kelsey Miller .........................................................................................30            Mona Shroff ..........................................................................................64
Jamie Green .......................................................................................... 31            Synithia Williams ...................................................................................65
Samuel M. Katz ..................................................................................... 31              Jo McNally ............................................................................................65
Rick Ross...............................................................................................32           Jennifer Snow ........................................................................................66
Timothy Bella ........................................................................................ 32            Lee Tobin McClain ................................................................................67
Dan Abrams and David Fisher ...............................................................33                        Diana Palmer ........................................................................................68
Paul Hammerness & Margaret Moore....................................................34                               Linda Lael Miller ...................................................................................69
Jennifer Basye Sander & Jo Coudert .......................................................34                         B.J. Daniels.......................................................................................69-70
                                                                                                                     Delores Fossen .................................................................................70-71
GRAYDON HOUSE                                                                                                        Patricia Davids ......................................................................................71
Seraphina Nova Glass ...........................................................................35                   Marta Perry ...........................................................................................72
Judithe Little ..........................................................................................35          Maisey Yates, Caitlin Crews, Nicole Helm, Jackie Ashenden .................72
Kristin Rockaway ...................................................................................36
Hester Fox ............................................................................................. 37
Molly Fader ...........................................................................................38
Wendy Francis ......................................................................................39

RIG H TS GUI DE LONDON 2020 - Berla & Griffini Rights Agency
Film & TV Deals
  New York Times and USA TODAY                                         Robyn Carr                                                              20 million books
        bestselling author
                                                                                                                                                by Robyn Carr
                                                                 A Virgin River Novel                                                               sold!
                         VIRGIN RIVER (Book 1 in the series)
                         Welcome back to Virgin River with the book that started it all…

                         Wanted: Midwife/nurse practitioner in Virgin River, population six hundred. Make a                                        Now a Netlix
                         difference against a backdrop of towering California redwoods and crystal-clear rivers.                                  original series!
                         Rent-free cabin included.

                         When the recently widowed Melinda Monroe sees this ad she quickly decides that the remote mountain town of Virgin
                         River might be the perfect place to escape her heartache, and to re-energize the nursing career she loves. But her high
                         hopes are dashed within an hour of arriving: the cabin is a dump, the roads are treacherous and the local doctor wants
                         nothing to do with her. Realizing she’s made a huge mistake, Mel decides to leave town the following morning.
 On-sale: April 2007
Contemporary Romance
Mass-Market Paperback;   But a tiny baby, abandoned on a front porch, changes her plans…and a former marine cements them into place.
384 pages; $6.99 U.S.;
    Rights: World  Melinda Monroe may have come to Virgin River looking for escape, but instead she inds her home.
Rights Available:
• Asian Territories: (excluding Indonesia)                         • Danish
• All Eastern European Territories (excluding Czech Republic,      • Hungarian
  Estonia, Lithuania, Slovenia, Slovakia and Russia)               • Polish
                                                                   • Portuguese — Portugal

                                On-sale: May 2007          On-sale: June 2007       On-sale: November 2008       On-sale: February 2009      On-sale: March 2009
                              Contemporary Romance       Contemporary Romance       Contemporary Romance         Contemporary Romance       Contemporary Romance
                              Mass-Market Paperback      Mass-Market Paperback      Mass-Market Paperback        Mass-Market Paperback      Mass-Market Paperback
                               384 pages; $6.99 U.S.      384 pages; $6.99 U.S.      384 pages; $6.99 U.S.        416 pages; $6.99 U.S.      384 pages; $6.99 U.S.
                                   Rights: World              Rights: World              Rights: World                Rights: World              Rights: World

       On-sale: April 2009       On-sale: January 2010     On-sale: February 2010        On-sale: March 2010        On-sale: January 2011     On-sale: February 2011
     Contemporary Romance       Contemporary Romance       Contemporary Romance         Contemporary Romance       Contemporary Romance       Contemporary Romance
     Mass-Market Paperback      Mass-Market Paperback      Mass-Market Paperback        Mass-Market Paperback      Mass-Market Paperback      Mass-Market Paperback
      416 pages; $6.99 U.S.      384 pages; $7.99 U.S.      384 pages; $7.99 U.S.        416 pages; $7.99 U.S.      352 pages; $7.99 U.S.      368 pages; $7.99 U.S.
          Rights: World             Rights: World              Rights: World                 Rights: World             Rights: World              Rights: World

      On-sale: March 2011       On-sale: November 2011      On-sale: January 2012        On-sale: March 2012         On-sale: May 2012        On-sale: November 2012
     Contemporary Romance       Contemporary Romance       Contemporary Romance         Contemporary Romance       Contemporary Romance       Contemporary Romance
     Mass-Market Paperback      Mass-Market Paperback      Mass-Market Paperback        Mass-Market Paperback      Mass-Market Paperback      Mass-Market Paperback
      368 pages; $7.99 U.S.      336 pages; $7.99 U.S.      352 pages; $7.99 U.S.        384 pages; $7.99 U.S.      384 pages; $7.99 U.S.      320 pages; $7.99 U.S.
         Rights: World              Rights: World              Rights: World                Rights: World              Rights: World              Rights: World

RIG H TS GUI DE LONDON 2020 - Berla & Griffini Rights Agency
Film & TV Deals
                                               Robyn Carr (Cont’d.)
                                        VIRGIN RIVER SERIES RIGHTS SOLD:

Virgin River and Shelter Mountain        Virgin River and Shelter Mountain          Whispering Rock Rights Sold: (Cont’d.)
Rights Sold:                             Rights Sold:                               • French (J’ai Lu)
• Australia (HarperCollins Australia)    • Portuguese – Europe (HarperCollins       • German (HarperCollins Germany)
• Czech (Euromedia Group)                  Ibérica)                                 • Italian (HarperCollins Italia)
• Dutch (HarperCollins Holland)          • Slovak (Ikar)                            • Norwegian (HarperCollins Nordic)
• Finnish (HarperCollins Nordic)         • Slovenian (GDC d.o.o.)                   • Polish (HarperCollins Polska)
• French (J’ai Lu)                       • Spanish (HarperCollins Ibérica)          • Portuguese – Europe (HarperCollins
• German (HarperCollins Germany)         • Swedish (HarperCollins Nordic)             Ibérica)
• Hebrew (Tchelet)                       • Turkish (Epsilon Yayincilik Hizmetleri   • Slovenian (GDC d.o.o.)
• Hungarian (Muvelt Nep Konyvkiado)        Ticaret Sanahi)                          • Spanish (HarperCollins Ibérica)
• Italian (HarperCollins Italia)         • UK (HQ)                                  • Turkish (Epsilon Yayincilik Hizmetleri
• Large Print (Thorndike Press)                                                       Ticaret Sanahi)
• Norwegian (HarperCollins Nordic)       Whispering Rock Rights Sold:               • Swedish (HarperCollins Nordic)
• Polish (HarperCollins Polska)          • Australia (HarperCollins Australia)      • UK (HQ)
• Portuguese – Brazil (HarperCollins     • Dutch (HarperCollins Holland)
  Ibérica)                               • Finnish (HarperCollins Nordic)

Second Chance Pass and Temptation        Angel’s Peak, Paradise Valley, Forbidden   Bring Me Home For Christmas
Ridge Rights Sold:                       Falls and Moonlight Road Rights Sold:      Rights Sold:
• Australia (HarperCollins Australia)    • Australia (HarperCollins Australia)      • Australia (HarperCollins Australia)
• Dutch (HarperCollins Holland)          • Dutch (HarperCollins Holland)            • Dutch (HarperCollins Holland)
• Finnish (HarperCollins Nordic)         • Finnish (HarperCollins Nordic)           • Finnish (HarperCollins Nordic)
• French (J’ai Lu)                       • French (J’ai Lu)                         • German (HarperCollins Germany)
• German (HarperCollins Germany)         • German (HarperCollins Germany)           • Italian (HarperCollins Italia)
• Italian (HarperCollins Italia)         • Italian (HarperCollins Italia)           • Norwegian (HarperCollins Nordic)
• Norwegian (HarperCollins Nordic)       • Norwegian (HarperCollins Nordic)         • Spanish (HarperCollins Ibérica)
• Polish (HarperCollins Polska)          • Portuguese – Europe (HarperCollins       • Swedish (HarperCollins Nordic)
• Portuguese – Europe (HarperCollins       Ibérica)                                 • UK (HQ)
  Ibérica)                               • Spanish (HarperCollins Ibérica)
• Spanish (HarperCollins Ibérica)        • Swedish (HarperCollins Nordic)
• Swedish (HarperCollins Nordic)         • UK (HQ)
• UK (HQ)

Wild Man Creek, Harvest Moon, Hidden     A Virgin River Christmas Rights Sold:      Promise Canyon Rights Sold:
Summit, Redwood Bend, Sunrise Point      • Australia (HarperCollins Australia)      • Australia (HarperCollins Australia)
and My Kind of Christmas Rights Sold:    • Dutch (HarperCollins Holland)            • Dutch (HarperCollins Holland)
• Australia (HarperCollins Australia)    • Finnish (HarperCollins Nordic)           • Finnish (HarperCollins Nordic)
• Dutch (HarperCollins Holland)          • French (J’ai Lu)                         • French (J’ai Lu)
• Finnish (HarperCollins Nordic)         • German (HarperCollins Germany)           • German (HarperCollins Germany)
• French (J’ai Lu)                       • Italian (HarperCollins Italia)           • Italian (HarperCollins Italia)
• German (HarperCollins Germany)         • Norwegian (HarperCollins Nordic)         • Norwegian (HarperCollins Nordic)
• Italian (HarperCollins Italia)         • Polish (HarperCollins Polska)            • Portuguese – Europe (HarperCollins
• Norwegian (HarperCollins Nordic)       • Spanish (HarperCollins Ibérica)            Ibérica)
• Spanish (HarperCollins Ibérica)        • Swedish (HarperCollins Nordic)           • Spanish (HarperCollins Ibérica)
• Swedish (HarperCollins Nordic)         • UK (HQ)                                  • Swedish (HarperCollins Nordic)
• UK (HQ)                                                                           • UK (HQ)

RIG H TS GUI DE LONDON 2020 - Berla & Griffini Rights Agency
Film & TV Deals
                                                                 Robyn Carr                                                        TV Rights
                                                                                                                                 picked up by
                                                        Sullivan’s Crossing Series                                                Reel World
                         THE COUNTRY GUESTHOUSE (Book 5 in the series)
                         A summer rental, a new beginning…

                         Hannah Russell’s carefully crafted plans for her life have been upended without warning. When her best friend died
                         suddenly, Hannah became guardian to a ive-year-old named Noah. With no experience at motherhood, she’s terriied
                         she’s not up to the challenge. She and Noah need time to get to know each other, so she decides to rent a country
                         house with stunning views on a lake in rural Colorado.

                         When they arrive at the house, they are greeted by the owner, a handsome man who promises to stay out of their way.
                         But his clumsy Great Dane, Romeo, has other ideas and Noah immediately bonds with the lovable dog. As Hannah
                         learns to become a mother, Owen Abrams, who is recovering from his own grief, can’t help but be drawn out of his
On-sale: January 2020    solitude by his guests.
   Women’s Fiction
336 pages; $26.99 U.S.   But life throws more challenges at this unlikely trio and they are tested in ways they never thought possible. All three will
    Rights: World        discover their strengths and, despite their differences, they will ight to become a family. And the people of Sullivan’s
                         Crossing will rally around them to offer all of the support they need.

                         #1 New York Times bestselling author Robyn Carr delivers an emotional and triumphant novel about the ierce
                         power of a mother’s love.

                         Comparison Titles: The High Club by Mary Kay Andrews, Winter In Paradise by Elin Hilderbrand

                                                                    Sullivan’s Crossing Series Titles
                         Title:                              Price              Format              Page Count        Pub Month/Year          Rights
                         What We Find                        $26.99 U.S.        Hardcover           352 pages         April 2016              World
                         Any Day Now                         $26.99 U.S.        Hardcover           336 pages         May 2017                World
                         The Family Gathering                $26.99 U.S.        Hardcover           352 pages         May 2018                World
                         The Best Of Us                      $26.99 U.S.        Hardcover           336 pages         January 2019            World

                         Sullivan’s Crossing Series Rights Sold:
                         • Australia (HarperCollins Australia)                       •   Portuguese — Brazil (HarperCollins Brasil)
                         • Book Club (Bookspan)                                      •   Romanian (Grup Media Litera)
                         • Dutch (HarperCollins Holland)                             •   Spanish (HarperCollins Ibérica)
                         • German (HarperCollins Germany)                            •   Swedish (HarperCollins Nordic)
                         • Italian (HarperCollins Italia)                            •   UK (HQ)
                         • Large Print (Thorndike Press)

                         WHAT WE FIND (Book 1 in the series)
                         Join Robyn Carr, #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Virgin River and Thunder Point series, as she
                         explores the healing powers of rural Colorado in a brand-new story of fresh starts, budding relationships and
                         one woman’s journey to inding the happiness she’s long been missing

                         Between the urban bustle of Denver and the high-stress environment of a career in neurosurgery, Maggie Sullivan has
                         hit a wall. When an emergency, high-risk procedure results in the death of a teenager, Maggie inds herself in the middle
                         of a malpractice lawsuit—and experiencing levels of anxiety she’s never faced before. It’s in this desperate moment that
                         Maggie’s boyfriend decides he can’t handle her emotional baggage, and she’s left alone, exhausted and unsure of what
                         her future holds. One thing is certain, though: she needs to slow down before she burns out completely, and the best
                         place she can think to do that is Sullivan’s Crossing.
 On-sale: April 2016
   Women’s Fiction
      Hardcover          Named for Maggie’s great-grandfather, the land and charming general store at the crossroads of the Colorado and the
352 pages; $26.99 U.S.   Continental Divide trails have been passed down through the generations and now belong to Maggie’s estranged father,
    Rights: World        Sully. Though raised by her mother and stepfather after her parents divorced, Maggie has always adored Sully—despite
                         his hands-off approach to fatherhood. When she shows up unannounced in Sullivan’s Crossing, he welcomes her with
                         opens arms, and she relishes the opportunity to rebuild their relationship.

                         But when Sully has a sudden heart attack, Maggie’s world is rocked once again. Consumed with his care, she’s relieved
                         to ind that Cal Jones, a quiet and serious-looking camper, has been taking over many of Sully’s responsibilities as he
                         recuperates. Still, Maggie is suspicious of this mysterious man’s eagerness to help—until she inds out the true reason for
                         his deliberate isolation.

                         Though Cal and Maggie each struggle with loss and loneliness, the time they spend together gives Maggie hope for
                         something brighter just on the horizon…if only they can learn to ind peace and healing—and perhaps love—with each

RIG H TS GUI DE LONDON 2020 - Berla & Griffini Rights Agency
Film & TV Deals
 Sherryl Woods is a #1 New York Times
  and USA TODAY bestselling author
                                                             Sherryl Woods
                                                                                                                                   Picked up by
        of more than 100 books
                                                          Sweet Magnolias Series                                                      Netlix!

                         STEALING HOME (Book 1 in the series)
                         For the Sweet Magnolias, friendship lasts a lifetime…

                         Maddie Townsend might live in a town called Serenity and have the best friends a woman could ask for, but her life is
                         overturned when her husband leaves her for a younger woman. With her sixteen-year-old son refusing to speak to his
                         father, her talkative fourteen-year-old suddenly gone silent and her six-year-old daughter heartbroken from the change,
                         Maddie has a lot to contend with. On top of it all, after years outside the workforce, she must dust off her business skills
                         to take charge of her best friends’ newest project—planning the town’s only itness spa for women.

                         When her son’s developing anger issues begin to affect his passion for baseball, Maddie knows she must step in to
                         help. She didn’t expect to develop feelings for her son’s coach, the handsome Cal Maddox, and to learn he has feelings
On-sale: February 2007   for her, too. But gossip travels quickly in a small town, and Maddie and Cal’s relationship may threaten both their
  Women’s Fiction
Mass-Market Paperback    reputations and careers.
384 pages; $6.99 U.S.
    Rights: World        Then again, he could be the one man in all of South Carolina who can help her ind serenity after all.

                                                                      Sweet Magnolias Series Titles
                         Title:                         Price             Format                      Page Count        Pub Month/Year        Rights
                         Stealing Home                  $6.99 U.S.        Mass-Market Paperback       384 pages         February 2007         World
                         A Slice Of Heaven              $6.99 U.S.        Mass-Market Paperback       384 pages         March 2007            World
                         Feels Like Family              $6.99 U.S.        Mass-Market Paperback       400 pages         April 2007            World
                         Welcome To Serenity            $7.99 U.S.        Mass-Market Paperback       416 pages         December 2008         World
                         Home In Carolina               $7.99 U.S.        Mass-Market Paperback       384 pages         April 2010            World
                         Sweet Tea At Sunrise           $7.99 U.S.        Mass-Market Paperback       400 pages         May 2010              World
                         Honeysuckle Summer             $7.99 U.S.        Mass-Market Paperback       384 pages         June 2010             World
                         Midnight Promises              $7.99 U.S.        Mass-Market Paperback       384 pages         July 2012             World
                         Catching Fireflies             $7.99 U.S.        Mass-Market Paperback       384 pages         August 2012           World
                         Where Azaleas Bloom            $7.99 U.S.        Mass-Market Paperback       384 pages         September 2012        World
                         Swan Point                     $14.95 U.S.       Trade Paperback             368 pages         August 2014           World

Stealing Home, A Slice Of Heaven, Feels Like Family and                         Home In Carolina, Sweet Tea At Sunrise, Honeysuckle
Welcome To Serenity Rights Sold:                                                Summer, Midnight Promises, Catching Fireflies,
• Audio (Brilliance)                                                            Where Azaleas Bloom and Swan Point Rights Sold:
• Australia (HarperCollins Australia)                                           • Audio (Brilliance)
• Book Club (Bookspan)                                                          • Australia (HarperCollins Australia)
• Czech (Metafora)                                                              • Book Club (Bookspan)
• Danish (HarperCollins Nordic)                                                 • Dutch (HarperCollins Holland)
• Dutch (HarperCollins Holland)                                                 • French (HarperCollins France)
• Finnish (HarperCollins Nordic)                                                • Indonesian (Gramedia)
• French (HarperCollins France)                                                 • Italian (HarperCollins Italia)
• Indonesian (Gramedia)                                                         • Large Print (Thorndike)
• Italian (HarperCollins Italia)                                                • Spanish (HarperCollins Ibérica)
• Large Print (Thorndike)                                                       • UK (HQ)
• Lithuanian (Svajoniu Knygos)
• Norwegian (HarperCollins Nordic)
• Polish (HarperCollins Polksa)
• Spanish (HarperCollins Ibérica)
• Swedish (HarperCollins Nordic)
• UK (HQ)

RIG H TS GUI DE LONDON 2020 - Berla & Griffini Rights Agency
Film & TV Deals
                                                       Sherryl Woods (Cont’d.)
                                                                                                                                Cheaspeake Shores
                                                     A Chesapeake Shores Novel                                                   premiered as a
                                                                                                                                Hallmark Channel
                         LILAC LANE (Book 14 in the series)                                                                     TV movie in 2016
                         Chesapeake Shores has always represented home and family for the O’Briens, but in
                         Lilac Lane, the community extends its healing powers to a woman recovering from
                         overwhelming grief.

                         Single mom Kiera Malone struggled for years to raise her three children in a small town on the coast of Ireland. Just
                         when she’s let down her guard and allowed herself to love again, her iancé suffers a fatal heart attack and leaves her
                         alone yet again. Overwhelmed by her loss, she’s persuaded to visit her father, Dillon O’Malley, and her daughter, Moira
                         O’Brien, in Chesapeake Shores. With the promise of family ties and a job at O’Brien’s, her son-in-law’s Irish pub, she
                         takes what seems like the biggest risk of her life.

Contemporary Romance     As it turns out, though, crossing the ocean is nothing compared to moving into a charming cottage on Lilac Lane, right
352 pages; $26.99 U.S.   next door to Bryan Laramie, the moody chef at O’Brien’s, who doesn’t do anything the way Kiera believes it should
On-sale: November 2017   be done. Their kitchen wars quickly become the stuff of legends in Chesapeake Shores, and the town’s matchmakers
    Rights: World        conclude where there’s heat, there’s sure to be passion.

                         As these two deal with their wounded pasts and discover common interests, they might just ind the perfect recipe for

                                                                    A Chesapeake Shores Novel
                         Title:                                Price             Format                    Page Count    Pub Month/Year     Rights
                         The Inn At Eagle Point                $7.99 U.S.        Mass-Market Paperback     400 pages     April 2009         World
                         Flowers On Main                       $7.99 U.S.        Mass-Market Paperback     400 pages     May 2009           World
                         Harbor Lights                         $7.99 U.S.        Mass-Market Paperback     400 pages     June 2009          World
                         A Chesapeake Shores Christmas         $16.95 U.S.       Gift Hardcover            288 pages     October 2010       World
                         Driftwood Cottage                     $7.99 U.S.        Mass-Market Paperback     384 pages     April 2011         World
                         Moonlight Cove                        $7.99 U.S.        Mass-Market Paperback     384 pages     May 2011           World
                         Beach Lane                            $7.99 U.S.        Mass-Market Paperback     368 pages     June 2011          World
                         An O’Brien Family Christmas           $16.95 U.S.       Gift Hardcover            288 pages     October 2011       World
                         The Summer Garden                     $7.99 U.S.        Mass-Market Paperback     384 pages     February 2012      World
                         A Seaside Christmas                   $16.95 U.S.       Gift Hardcover            288 pages     October 2013       World
                         The Christmas Bouquet                 $16.95 U.S.       Gift Hardcover            368 pages     October 2014       World
                         Dogwood Hill                          $8.99 U.S.        Mass-Market Paperback     384 pages     January 2015       World
                         Willow Brook Road                     $8.99 U.S.        Mass-Market Paperback     384 pages     October 2015       World

The Inn At Eagle Point, Flowers On Main             Driftwood Cottage, Moonlight Cove,                   A Seaside Christmas and The Christmas
and Harbor Lights Rights Sold:                      Beach Lane, An O’Brien Family Christmas              Bouquet Rights Sold: (Cont’d.)
• Australia (HarperCollins Australia)               and The Summer Garden Rights Sold:                   • Portuguese – Brazil (HarperCollins
• Book Club (Bookspan)                              • Audio (AudioGo)                                      Brasil)
• Dutch (HarperCollins Holland)                     • Australia (HarperCollins Australia)                • Spanish (HarperCollins Ibérica)
• Estonian (Ersen Ou Eram)                          • Book Club (Bookspan)                               • UK (HQ)
• Finnish (HarperCollins Nordic)                    • Dutch (HarperCollins Holland)
• French (HarperCollins France)                     • Finnish (HarperCollins Nordic)                     Dogwood Hill and Willow Brook Road
• Greek (Harlenic)                                  • French (HarperCollins France)                      Rights Sold:
• Indonesian (Gramedia)                             • Large Print (Center Point)                         • Australia (HarperCollins Australia)
• Large Print (Center Point)                        • Norwegian (HarperCollins Nordic)                   • Book Club (Bookspan)
• Norwegian (HarperCollins Nordic)                  • Portuguese – Brazil (HarperCollins                 • Dutch (HarperCollins Holland)
• Polish (HarperCollins Polska)                       Brasil)                                            • Large Print (Center Point)
• Romanian (Grup Media Litera)                      • Spanish (HarperCollins Ibérica)                    • Portuguese – Brazil (HarperCollins
• Spanish (HarperCollins Ibérica)                   • Swedish (HarperCollins Nordic)                       Brasil)
• Swedish (HarperCollins Nordic)                    • UK (HQ)                                            • Spanish (HarperCollins Ibérica)
• Turkish (Ephesus)                                                                                      • UK (HQ)
• UK (HQ)                                  A Seaside Christmas and The Christmas
                                           Bouquet Rights Sold:                                          Lilac Lane Rights Sold:
A Chesapeake Shores Christmas Rights Sold: • Audio (Brilliance)                                          • Audio (Harlequin Audio)
• Audio (AudioGo)                          • Australia (HarperCollins Australia)                         • Australia (HarperCollins Australia)
• Australia (HarperCollins Australia)      • Book Club (Bookspan)                                        • Book Club (Bookspan)
• Book Club (Bookspan)                     • Dutch (HarperCollins Holland)                               • Dutch (HarperCollins Holland)
• Dutch (HarperCollins Holland)            • Finnish (HarperCollins Nordic)                              • Large Print (Center Point)
• French (HarperCollins France)            • Large Print (Center Point)                                  • Spanish (HarperCollins Ibérica)
• Large Print (Center Point)                                                                             • UK (HQ)
• Romanian (Grup Media Litera)
• UK (HQ)
RIG H TS GUI DE LONDON 2020 - Berla & Griffini Rights Agency
Film & TV Deals
#1 New York Times and USA TODAY
        bestselling author
                                                             Susan Mallery
                                                                                                                               In development
                         CHRISTMAS ON 4TH STREET                                                                                by Hallmark!
                         There’s nowhere better to spend the holidays than with New York Times bestselling author
                         Susan Mallery in the town of Fool’s Gold, where love is always waiting to be unwrapped…

                         Noelle Perkins just got a second chance at life, and she intends to make the most of it. That’s why she’s opening her
                         own store in Fool’s Gold, California. The Christmas Attic celebrates everything that’s magical about her favorite season.
                         Business is booming, and as a bonus, gorgeous army doctor Gabriel Boylan has offered to help out during the holiday

                         Gabriel’s memories of Christmas past contain more sour grapes than sugarplums, thanks to his drill sergeant father.
                         Spending the holidays with his family while he recuperates from an injury sounds as appetizing as last year’s eggnog.
On-sale: October 2013
                         Still, there are some enjoyable distractions in town, including sunny, sexy Noelle…and the red-hot mistletoe kisses they
Contemporary Romance
    Gift Hardcover       can’t stop sharing.
336 pages; $16.95 U.S.
    Rights: World        Gabriel didn’t think he was made for happily-ever-afters. But when fate hands you a love as sweet and surprising as this,
                         only a fool could refuse….
                         Rights Available to Christmas On 4th Street:             Rights Sold to Christmas On 4th Street:
                         • All Asian territories (excluding Indonesia)            • Australia (HarperCollins Australia)
                         • All Eastern European territories                       • Dutch (HarperCollins Holland)
                           (excluding Russia, Estonia and Lithuania)              • German (HarperCollins Germany)
                         • Denmark                                                • Italian (HarperCollins Italia)
                         • France                                                 • UK (HQ)
                         • Finland
                         • Norway
                         • Poland
                         • Portugal
                         • Sweden

RIG H TS GUI DE LONDON 2020 - Berla & Griffini Rights Agency
Film & TV Deals

                   Reel World
  Netlix                           Hallmark

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Chu Studios           HBO
Productions        (TV Rights)

  Focus              Two Jack        ABC
 Features          Productions    (TV Rights)

RIG H TS GUI DE LONDON 2020 - Berla & Griffini Rights Agency
Recently Published
                                                             Tarryn Fisher
                         THE WIVES
                         Imagine that your husband has two other wives.                                                           Instant
                                                                                                                                 New York
                         You’ve never met the other wives. None of you know each other, and because of this unconventional       Bestseller!
                         arrangement, you can see your husband only one day a week. But you love him so much you don’t
                         care. Or at least that’s what you’ve told yourself.

                         But one day, while you’re doing laundry, you ind a scrap of paper in his pocket—an appointment reminder for a
                         woman named Hannah, and you just know it’s another of the wives.

                         You thought you were ine with your arrangement, but you can’t help yourself: you track her down, and, under false
                         pretenses, you strike up a friendship. Hannah has no idea who you really are. Then Hannah starts showing up to your
On-sale: January 2020
       Thriller          coffee dates with telltale bruises, and you realize she’s being abused by her husband. Who, of course, is also your
  Trade Paperback        husband. But you’ve never known him to be violent, ever.
336 pages; $16.99 U.S.
    Rights: World
                         Who exactly is your husband, and how far would you go to ind the truth? Would you risk your own life?

                         And who is his mysterious third wife?

                         Comparison Titles: The Wife Between Us by Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen,
                                            The Perfect Girlfriend by Karen Hamilton, The Last Mrs. Parrish by Liv Constantine,
                                            Behind Closed Doors by B.A. Paris

    Book                 The Wives Rights Sold:
    of the               • Audio (Harlequin Audio)                           •   Large Print (Thorndike)
  Month Club             • Australia (HarperCollins Australia)               •   Polish (Wydawnictwo Kobiece)                Over 110,000
  December               • Croatian (Mozaik knjiga)                          •   Romanian (Editura Trei)                     copies sold!
    pick!                • Czech (Dobrovsky)                                 •   Russian (AST Publishers)
                         • Dutch (Karakter Uitgevers)                        •   Swedish (HarperCollins Nordic)
                         • Hebrew (Ahavot Publishing)                        •   UK (HQ)
                         • Italian (Newton Compton)

               The next trade paperback by Tarryn Fisher, The Wrong Family, will be available in January 2021.

Praise for The Wives:
“Fans of Gillian Flynn’s Gone Girl will revel in The Wives…Fisher’s story, like the score of a film, builds to an emotional and
psychological crescendo that will keep readers on their toes until its final page.”                                          —USA TODAY

“An intriguing plot takes some sharp twists in the search for the elusive truth in this fast-reading domestic thriller.”             —Booklist

“Fisher is a slick writer who keeps a tight rein on her lightning-fast plot, and the lengths that her feisty narrator goes to in order to
reclaim her life make for salaciously satisfying reading…a writer to watch.”                                                 —Kirkus Reviews

“Fisher smoothly inserts moments of self-doubt, longing, paranoia, and triumph into her unsettling narrative as she draws the reader
into Thursday’s conflicted and increasingly complicated life. Suspense fans will be rewarded.”                      —Publishers Weekly

“You’ll have whiplash until the very end. The Wives will leave the most sure-footed reader uneasy until the last word is read.”
                                                                         —Colleen Hoover, New York Times bestselling author of Verity

“I couldn’t put it down once I opened the page. Nail-biting, heart-clenchingly good from the start, with characters that you both root
and cringe for. I loved every word. Six stars.”               —Alessandra Torre, New York Times bestselling author of The Ghostwriter

Recently Published
                                                               Emily Belden
                         HUSBAND MATERIAL
                         A young widow must face the grief she’s always set aside when an unexpected delivery throws her life into disarray

                         Twenty-nine-year-old Charlotte Rosen has a secret: she’s a widow. Ever since the fateful day that leveled her world,
                         Charlotte has worked hard to move forward. Great job at a hot social media analytics company? Check. Roommate with
                         no knowledge of her past? Check. Adorable dog? Check. All the while, she’s faithfully data-crunched her way through
                         life, calculating the probability of risk—so she can avoid it.

                         Yet Charlotte’s algorithms could never have predicted that her late husband’s ashes would land squarely on her doorstep
                         ive years later. Stunned but determined, Charlotte sets out to ind meaning in this sudden twist of fate, even if that
                         includes facing her perfectly coiffed, and perfectly dificult, ex-mother-in-law—and her husband’s best friend, who
                         seems to become a ixture at her side whether she likes it or not.
On-sale: January 2020
  Women’s Fiction
  Trade Paperback        But when her quest reveals a shocking secret, Charlotte is forced to answer questions she never knew to ask and to
304 pages; $15.99 U.S.   consider the possibility of forgiveness. And when a chance at a new life arises, she’ll have to decide once and for all
    Rights: World
                         whether to follow the numbers or trust her heart.

                         Comparison Titles: Playing With Matches by Hannah Orenstein, I Owe You One by Sophie Kinsella,
                                            The Proposal by Jasmine Guillory

                         Husband Material Rights Sold:
                         • Audio (Harlequin Audio)
                         • Large Print (Center Point)
                         • UK (Harper360)

Praise for Husband Material:
“Charming.”                                                                                                                   —Publishers Weekly

“Sensitive, thoughtful, and touching.”                                                                                            —Library Journal

“Tackling thorny questions of widowhood and dating after trauma, Belden’s (Hot Mess, 2018) second novel is witty, full of heart, and
blindingly au courant. Packed with pop-culture references, it will appeal to fans of Sophie Kinsella, Rosie Walsh, and Plum Sykes.
Belden writes twists and turns to keep readers hooked, and wraps up Charlotte’s journey of self-discovery with a pretty bow.”

“In this touching, witty, and timely book, Emily Belden deftly explores the complexities of human relationships in our increasingly
tech-obsessed world. By turns heartbreaking and laugh-out-loud funny, Husband Material beautifully demonstrates that you can’t
reduce love to a bunch of 1s and 0s.”                                          —Kristin Rockaway, author of How To Hack a Heartbreak

Recently Published
                                                                Mike Chen                                                          Television
                                                                                                                                 Rights picked
                         A BEGINNING AT THE END
                                                                                                                                  up by HBO!
                         How do you start over after the end of the world?

                         Six years after a global pandemic wiped out most of the planet’s population, the survivors are rebuilding the country,
                         split between self-governing cities, hippie communes and wasteland gangs.

                         In postapocalyptic San Francisco, Moira, a former pop star, now in hiding, has created a new identity to inally escape
                         her past—until her domineering father launches a sweeping public search to track her down. Desperate for a fresh start
                         herself, jaded event planner Krista navigates the world on behalf of those too traumatized to go outside, determined to
                         help everyone move on—even if they don’t want to. Rob survived the catastrophe with his daughter, Sunny, but lost
                         his wife. When strict government rules threaten to separate parent and child, Rob needs to prove himself worthy in the
   MIRA BOOKS            city’s eyes by connecting with people again.
On-sale: January 2020
   Science Fiction
     Hardcover           Krista, Moira, Rob and Sunny are brought together by circumstance, and their lives begin to twine together. Then reports
400 pages; $26.99 U.S.   of another outbreak throw the fragile society into panic, forcing the friends to inally face everything that came before—
    Rights: World
                         and everything they still stand to lose. Because sometimes having one person is enough to keep the world going.

                         Comparison Titles: Wool by Hugh Howey, How To Stop Time by Matt Haig, The Book Of M by Peng Shepherd

                         A Beginning at the End Rights Sold:
                         • Audio (Harlequin Audio)
                         • UK (Harper360)
Praise for A Beginning At The End:                                                                                                  STARRED
“This postapocalyptic slice-of-life novel from Chen delivers big emotions… By foregrounding family, Chen manages                    reviews!
to imbue his apocalypse with heart, hope, and humanity. Sci-fi fans will delight in this lovingly rendered tale.”
                                                                              —Publishers Weekly, STARRED review

“A Beginning at the End is the best kind of dystopian novel: one rooted deeply in the hearts of his [Chen’s] characters and emphasizing
hope and connection over fear. Chen has a true gift for making the biggest of worlds center around the most complex workings of
hearts, and his newest is compelling, realistic, and impossible to put down.”                                 —Booklist, STARRED review

“Sometimes it is not the violent battles of post-apocalyptic stories that pull readers in; it is the emotional connection of humanity
finding their way. Chen’s (Here and Now and Then) prose lights a brilliant, fragile path through the darkness.”
                                                                                                          —Library Journal, STARRED review

“…Imaginative premise, likable characters, and an uplifting ending. A refreshingly non-dystopian end-of-the-world story…”
                                                                                                                      —Kirkus Reviews

“Not just an apocalyptic thriller, but also a timely reminder of what is most important in life—family, love, and hope.”
                                                                                               —Peng Shepherd, author of The Book of M

“If you’re tired of grim, grueling apocalypses with high body counts and bleak horizons, A Beginning at the End offers an intimate,
surprisingly gentle vision of post-disaster humanity, less concerned with how we might survive than with why—and for whom.”
                                                    —Alix E. Harrow, Hugo Award-winning author of The Ten Thousand Doors of January

“Human beings are the worst, but they’re also the best—and A Beginning at the End is a brilliant story about how the best parts of
ourselves won’t be stopped by a little something like the apocalypse.” —Sam J Miller, Nebula-Award-winning author of Blackfish City

Recently Published
 New York Times bestselling author                                 J.T. Ellison
                         GOOD GIRLS LIE
                         Goode girls don’t lie…

                         Perched atop a hill in the tiny town of Marchburg, Virginia, The Goode School is a prestigious prep school known as a
                         Silent Ivy. The boarding school of choice for daughters of the rich and inluential, it accepts only the best and the brightest.
                         Its elite status, long-held traditions and honor code are ideal for preparing exceptional young women for brilliant futures at
                         Ivy League universities and beyond. But a stranger has come to Goode, and this ivy has turned poisonous.

                         In a world where appearances are everything, as long as students pretend to follow the rules, no one questions the
                         cruelties of the secret societies or the dubious behavior of the privileged young women who expect to get away with
                         murder. But when a popular student is found dead, the truth cannot be ignored. Rumors suggest she was struggling with
    MIRA BOOKS           a secret that drove her to suicide.
On-sale: January 2020
Psychological Suspense
   Trade Paperback;      But look closely…because there are truths and there are lies, and then there is everything that really happened.
464 pages; $16.99 U.S.
     Rights: World
                         J.T. Ellison’s pulse-pounding new novel examines the tenuous bonds of friendship, the power of lies and the
                         desperate lengths people will go to, to protect their secrets.
                         Good Girls Lie Rights Sold:
                         • Audio (Harlequin Audio)
                         • Australia (HarperCollins Australia)
                         • Korean (We Book)
                         • Large Print (Thorndike Press)
                         • UK (Harper360)

                                           Other titles by J.T. Ellison: Lie To Me and Tear Me Apart

Praise for Good Girls Lie:
“[A] high-tension thriller…Alternating points of view raise the suspense, blurring the lines between what’s true and false.”
                                                                                                   —Publishers Weekly, STARRED review

“An intriguing plot, featuring a final twist, shows what can happen when hidden truths are revealed.”                                        —Booklist

“Ellison…has created a complex, convoluted plot that mystery fans will savor.”                                                       —Library Journal

“J.T. Ellison skillfully unwinds a complex tale of lies, deception, and murder spiced up with backstory and well-fleshed out characters.”
                                                                                                            —New York Journal of Books

“Good Girls Lie is an entertainingly twisted coming-of-age tale, pitting the desire for privacy against the corrosiveness of secrecy and
taking an often harrowing look at how wealth and power can lull recipients into believing they’re untouchable.”                 —BookPage

Recently Published
 New York Times bestselling author                          Allison Brennan
                         THE THIRD TO DIE (Book 1 in the series)
                         An edgy female police detective… An ambitious FBI special agent…

                         Together they are at the heart of the ticking-clock investigation for a psychopathic serial killer. The bond they forge in
                         this crucible sets the stage for high-stakes suspense.

                         Detective Kara Quinn, on leave from the LAPD, is on an early morning jog in her hometown of Liberty Lake when she
                         comes upon the body of a young nurse. The manner of death shows a pattern of highly controlled rage.

                         Meanwhile in DC, FBI special agent Mathias Costa is stafing his newly minted Mobile Response Team. Word reaches
                         Matt that the Liberty Lake murder its the proile of the compulsive Triple Killer. It will be the irst case for the MRT.
   MIRA BOOKS            This time they have a chance to stop this zealous if elusive killer before he strikes again. But only if they can igure out
On-sale: February 2020
        Thriller         who he is and where he is hiding before he disappears for another three years. The stakes are higher than ever before,
      Hardcover          because if they fail, one of their own will be next…
464 pages; $26.99 U.S.
    Rights: World
                         Comparison Titles: Long Road To Mercy by David Baldacci, Never Tell by Lisa Gardner,
                                            The Kept Woman by Karin Slaughter
                         The Third To Die Rights Sold:
                         • Audio (Harlequin Audio)
                         • Bookclub (Bookspan)
                         • Czech (Grada Publishing)

Praise for The Third To Die:
“A strong and damaged protagonist as compelling as Lisbeth Salander.”                                                               —Kirkus Reviews

“The first in Brennan’s new series… and fans will look forward to the next installment.”                                                   —Booklist

“Leave all the lights on, you’ll be turning the pages as fast as you can.”
                                                                       —Catherine Coulter, New York Times bestselling author of Labyrinth

“Riveting, terrifying, and simply fantastic. Brennan ratchets up the tension to the breaking point. This is classic crime fiction at its
best…from the queen of the thriller.”                                        —J.T. Ellison, New York Times bestselling author of Lie to Me

“Allison Brennan does it again! An edge-of-the-seat, can’t-put-it-down thrill ride of a story… Once you start reading, you won’t be able
to stop!”                                                                             —Marcia Clark, bestselling author of Snap Judgment

Recently Published
          New York Times
         bestselling author
                                             Judy Melinek and T.J. Mitchell
                         FIRST CUT
                         A young rookie medical examiner. A suspicious case. An underworld plot only she saw coming.

                         For San Francisco’s newest medical examiner, Dr. Jessie Teska, it was supposed to be a fresh start. A new job in a new
                         city. A way to escape her own dark past.

                         Instead she faces a chilling discovery when an opioid-overdose case contains hints of something more sinister. Jessie’s
                         superiors urge her to close the case, but as more bodies land on her autopsy table, she uncovers a constellation of
                         deaths that point to an elaborate plot involving drug dealers and Bitcoin brokers.

                         Drawing on her real-life experiences as a forensics expert, Judy Melinek teams up with husband T.J. Mitchell to deliver
 HANOVER SQUARE          the most exhilarating mystery of the year. Autopsy means “see for yourself,” and Jessie Teska won’t stop until she has
On-sale: January 2020
                         seen it all—even if it means that the next corpse on the table could be her own.
      Hardcover          About the Author: Judy Melinek, M.D. was an assistant medical examiner in San Francisco for nine years, and
368 pages; $26.99 U.S.   today works as a forensic pathologist in Oakland and as CEO of PathologyExpert Inc. She and T.J. Mitchell met as
    Rights: World
                         undergraduates at Harvard, after which she studied medicine and practiced pathology at UCLA. Her training in forensics
                         at the New York City Ofice of Chief Medical Examiner is the subject of her and T.J’s irst book, the memoir Working
                         Stiff: Two Years, 262 Bodies, and the Making of a Medical Examiner.

                         Comparison Titles: Speaking In Bones by Kathy Reichs, Carved In Bone by Jefferson Bass

                         First Cut Rights Sold:
                         • Audio (Harlequin Audio)
                         • Australia (HarperCollins Australia)
                         • Bookclub (Bookspan)
                         • Complex Chinese (Babel Publishing Group)
                         • Czech (Grada Publishing)
                         • Large Print (Thorndike)
                         • Polish (Grada Publishing)
                         • Polish (Wydawnictwo Filia)
                         • UK (Harper360)
Praise for First Cut:
“A strong series launch…While Jessie’s gutsy personality will endear her to readers, it’s the meticulous detail that distinguishes this
novel…Fans of Patricia Cornwell’s Kay Scarpetta will be pleased.”                                                      —Publishers Weekly

“All the charm, gruesome detail and surprising empathy that made Working Stiff such a delight brought back in a novel. An impressive
opener to a series that deserves to run and run.”              —Alex Marwood, author of The Wicked Girls and The Killer Next Door

“Scalpel sharp. First Cut allows a peek into the autopsy room through the eyes of a pro.”
                                                              —Kathy Reichs, author of the Bones series of Temperance Brennan novels.

“Who better to deliver a genuinely compelling mystery than real-life medical examiners? Fans of CSI and Forensic Files will devour this
well plotted story.”                                                             —Karin Slaughter, New York Times bestselling author

Park Row Books
                         Park Row Books was launched in 2016 and is dedicated to publishing
                         an exclusive list of voice-driven and thought-provoking books across
                          a variety of genres, from mainstream literary fiction and book club
                                  fiction to literary suspense and narrative nonfiction.

 New York Times bestselling author                          Pam Jenoff
                         From the New York Times bestselling author of The Lost Girls of Paris and The Orphan’s Tale comes a
                         powerful tale of courage and friendship, inspired by the harrowing true story of the brave people who
                         survived the Holocaust by hiding in the tunnels beneath the streets of Krakow, Poland.

                         Manuscript Available: June 2020

  On-sale: May 2021
   Historical Fiction
 Trade Paperback with
352 pages; $18.99 U.S.
     Rights: World

        Other Pam Jenoff titles available: The Kommandant’s Girl, The Diplomat’s Wife, The Ambassador’s Daughter,
           The Winter Guest, The Last Summer At Chelsea Beach, The Orphan’s Tale and The Lost Girls Of Paris

                         The Lost Girls Of Paris (February 2019) Rights Sold:
                         • Audio (Harlequin Audio)             • Hebrew (Yediot Aharonot           • Portuguese – Brazil
                         • Australia (HarperCollins               Books)                             (HarperCollins Brasil)
                           Australia)                          • Hungarian (Agave)                 • Romanian (Grup Media Litera)
                         • Book Club (Bookspan)                • Italian (Newton Compton)          • Russian (AST Publishers)
                         • Simpliied Chinese (Yilin Press)     • Korean (Zahn Publishing)          • Serbian (Laguna)
                         • Croatian (V.B.Z. Ltd)               • Large Print (Thorndike Press)     • Slovene (Založba Ucila)
                         • Czech (Dobrovsky)                   • Lithuanian (Tyto Alba)            • Spanish (HarperCollins Ibérica)
                         • Dutch (Karakter)                    • Macedonian (Sakam Knigi)          • Slovak (Albatros Media)
                         • German (Aufbau)                     • Norwegian (Cappelen Damm)         • Swedish (HarperCollins Nordic)
                         • Greek (MINOAS S.A.)                 • Polish (Proszynski Media)         • Turkey (Pegasus)
                                                                                                   • UK (HQ)
                                  New York
                                    Times                              Film Rights
                                                                                                                Over 500,000
                                 Bestseller for                        optioned to
                                                                                                                copies sold!
                                  21 Weeks!                          Focus Features!

Praise for The Lost Girls of Paris:
“[A] terrific, fast-paced novel… This is a mesmerizing tale full of appealing characters, intrigue, suspense, and romance.”
                                                                                                                      —Publishers Weekly

“[A] gripping WWII-era tale… Jenoff breathes life into the tale of a committed “Band of Sisters” who displayed boundless courage in
the face of historically dire circumstances, creating a compelling and exciting read.”                                      —Booklist

“Pam Jenoff’s meticulous research and gorgeous historical world-building lift her books to must-buy status. Her latest interweaves the
gritty World War II exploits of England’s female spies with the post-war struggle of damaged survivors trying to build new lives in the
fallout of tragedy. An intriguing mystery and a captivating heroine make The Lost Girls of Paris a read to savor!”
                                                                  —Kate Quinn, New York Times bestselling author of The Alice Network

“[A] terrific, fast-paced novel… This is a mesmerizing tale full of appealing characters, intrigue, suspense, and romance.”
                                                                                                                      —Publishers Weekly

“[A] gripping WWII-era tale… Jenoff breathes life into the tale of a committed “Band of Sisters” who displayed boundless courage in
the face of historically dire circumstances, creating a compelling and exciting read.”                                      —Booklist

“Jenoff brings serious girl power to this story of brave women and the war.”              —Cosmopolitan, Best Book Club Book of 2019

                                            Park Row Books
                                                               Sarah Penner
                         THE LOST APOTHECARY                                                                                       DEBUT
                         At the back of a dark alleyway in 18th century London, a hidden apothecary caters to an unusual          AUTHOR
   THE LOST              kind of clientele. Nella’s tiny shop does not appear on any map, and in fact, its location can only
                         be discovered through a whisper network of desperate women—women who have been tormented
                         and wronged by the men in their lives; women who would rather kill than continue to submit to
                         their cold-hearted husbands and fathers.

• COVER COMING SOON •    Once a respected healer and dispenser of natural medicines, Nella redeined herself after her own experience with a
                         heinous betrayal. Now, she uses her knowledge of plants and herbs for darker purposes—selling well-disguised poisons
                         to ladies of all classes, risking her own safety to help fellow women murder terrible men. Nella has only two rules for her
                         customers: irst, her poisons can never be used to harm other females; and second, the name of each client, victim, and
 On-sale: March 2021     poison of choice gets recorded in Nella’s formal register as insurance. But when an eleven-year old customer unwittingly
  Historical Fiction
     Hardcover           reveals the location of the hidden shop to authorities, Nella inds herself not only running for her life, but trying to
352 pages; $27.99 U.S.   protect the secrets of the many women in London whose names are written in her book.
    Rights: World
                         Two hundred years later, Caroline spends her tenth wedding anniversary in London alone, reeling from the recent
                         discovery of her husband’s inidelity. While mudlarking on the River Thames, Caroline discovers a small glass vial and
                         suspects she’s found a link to the never-solved “apothecary murders” that haunted London during the 18th century.
                         Soon afterwards, Caroline’s husband arrives in London unexpectedly and within days, he falls critically ill. Law
                         enforcement inds Caroline’s research notes on Nella and her poisons, and Caroline is accused of trying to follow in an
                         ancient serial killer’s footsteps.

                         Although her investigation into Nella is still far from complete, Caroline realizes that unmasking the lost apothecary
                         is probably her best hope of saving herself. But Nella was a wise woman and a master of disguise, and as Caroline
                         untangles one inal mystery about the apothecary murders, she sees that some secrets are best left buried.

                         Like Fiona Davis’s The Address, The Lost Apothecary connects two women from different eras who have been
                         scarred, indelibly, by men—and who are determined to do something about it. With chapters that alternate
                         between Caroline’s hunt for answers in the present and Nella’s high-stakes poisoning scheme in the past, this
                         riveting debut is perfect for super-fans of Kate Morton and Susanna Kearsley.

                         Comparison Titles: The Address by Fiona Davis

                         The Lost Apothecary Rights Sold:
                         • Czech (HarperCollins Polska)                                •   Portuguese – Europe (HarperCollins Ibérica)
                         • Dutch (HarperCollins Holland)                               •   Slovak (Fortuna Libri)
                         • German (HarperCollins Germany)                              •   Spanish (HarperCollins Ibérica)
                         • Italian (HarperCollins Italia)                              •   Spanish – Latin America (HarperCollins Español)
                         • Polish (HarperCollins Polska)                               •   Swedish (HarperCollins Nordic)
                         • Portuguese – Brazil (HarperCollins Brasil)

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