RI: the name of the game - Lowdown from FSC and RIAA conferences

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RI: the name of the game - Lowdown from FSC and RIAA conferences

          RI: the name
           of the game

Lowdown from                      What PRI in
FSC and RIAA   Spotlight on ESG    Person is
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RI: the name of the game - Lowdown from FSC and RIAA conferences
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RI: the name of the game - Lowdown from FSC and RIAA conferences

                                                 RESPONSIBLE INVESTMENT
                                                 ASSOCIATION AUSTRALIA

                                                 Miriam Bell reports on the growing trend
                                                 towards ESG and responsible investment.

                                                 20 FINANCIAL SERVICES
                                                       COUNCIL CONFERENCE
                                                       Leading-edge speakers covering topical
                                                       content with a ‘Towards Wellbeing’ theme.

UP FRONT                                             FEATURES
04 EDITORIAL                                        12 PROFILE
     Transitional licensing is about to begin.             Darren Howlin compares TVs and
                                                           investment research.
     Updates from the New Zealand market.           18 RUSSELL INVESTMENTS
                                                           SPONSORED CONTENT
                                                           Shining the spotlight on ESG trends.

                                                    24 HARBOUR INVESTMENTS
                                                           Lower interest rates and the ‘New
                                                           Normal’ for investors.

ASSET rounds up the
main people stories
from the past month.
REGULARS                                             PROFILE
                                                     Former journalist
                                                     Neville Glaser has
28 P
    RACTICE MANAGEMENT                              his report-writing
     The ‘would you rather?’ of life insurance       down pat.
     with Russell Hutchinson.
     David van Schaardenburg on OCR
     cuts and their impacts for investment
     Asset allocation and the benefits of the
     life-stages approach.

RI: the name of the game - Lowdown from FSC and RIAA conferences
     From the editor

        New regime
                     upon us
                                                   you’ll need to meet new record-keeping
                                                   requirements, too.
                                                      There have been some dire predictions
                                                   that advisers would drop out of the
                                                   industry in droves, so it was good to see
                                                   that in a recent survey of Financial Advice      HEAD OFFICE
                                                   NZ members, most intended to stick it out        1448A Hinemoa Street, Rotorua
                                                                                                    PO Box 2011, Rotorua
                                                   and almost half said their own business          P: 07 349 1920
                                                   would take on at least a transitional            F: 07 349 1926
                                                   licence to become a FAP.                         E: philip@tarawera.co.nz
                                                      Only 7% said they still hadn’t thought
                                                   about it or understood it – a fortunately        Philip Macalister
                                                   small percentage but still high considering
                                                   the limitations on time.                         EDITOR
                                                                                                    Susan Edmunds
                                                      If you’re not sure what to do, there are an
                                                   increasing number of resources available,        SUBEDITOR
                                                   such as the FMA’s website, the Financial         Dawn Adams
                                                   Advice NZ helpdesk or services offered by
                                                   providers such as Advisery at Asteron Life.      Miriam Bell, Russell Hutchinson, Michael
                                                      It’s in advisers’ interests to ensure they    Lang, David van Schaardenburg
                                                   get the process under way as soon as
                                                   possible. Financial Advice NZ points out
                                                                                                    Amy Bennie
                                                   that, if you’re planning to have your own
                                                   licence, you should check your details are       ADVERTISING SALES
                                                   correct on the FSPR as a first step.             Amanda Ellery
                                                                                                    P: 027 420 2083
                                                      But it’s in everyone’s interest to ensure     E: amanda@tarawera.co.nz
                                                   that as many advisers as possible
        By the time you read this, the                                                              SUBSCRIPTIONS
                                                   transition to the new regime. New Zealand
      start of transitional licensing for          needs more advice, not less. With more           Jill Lewis
                                                                                                    P: 07 349 1920
      the new financial advice regime              public trust and confidence, the industry        E: jill.lewis@tarawera.co.nz
                                                   should flourish – but it can only do that if
          will be only weeks away.                 the advisers stick it out to take advantage      ASSET is published by Tarawera
                                                                                                    Publishing Ltd (TPL). TPL also publishes
                                                   of the opportunities ahead.
        Advisers will have until June to make                                                       online money management magazine
     an application for a transitional licence.                                                     Good Returns
     From that point, if they want to keep                                                          and TMM – The Mortgage Mag
     offering advice they will need to apply for
     a full licence or fit under someone else’s                                                     All contents of ASSET Magazine are
     financial advice provider (FAP) umbrella.                                                      copyright Tarawera Publishing Ltd.
                                                                                                    Any reproduction without prior written
        For many advisers, particularly RFAs,                                                       permission is strictly prohibited.
     this regime will mean significant changes.
        You’ll have a code of conduct, you’ll                                                       ISSN 1175-9585
     need to show you meet competence              Susan Edmunds
     requirements equal to level five, and         Editor

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                                                                                                          don't miss an issue
                                                                                                      by changing your address.
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RI: the name of the game - Lowdown from FSC and RIAA conferences

Introducing AIA Vitality
ambassador: Ian Jones
In a career that spanned                           In March 2017, a few short weeks before            It’s Ian’s holistic approach to his own
                                                his 50th birthday, Ian completed the               lifestyle and his family’s that makes him
some 11 years, Ian Jones                        Taupo Ironman, one of the most gruelling           such a wonderful ambassador for AIA
played over 100 games for the                   multisport events in the world. “Little by         Vitality, understanding the importance of
                                                little, step by step, if you do the small things   eating well, exercising, thinking well and
mighty All Blacks – 79 of those                 … you can achieve great results.” A Sky            planning for a healthy life.
test matches.                                   Sports commentator and busy husband
                                                and father, it’s impressive he still finds the
   What’s more, Ian scored 14 tries and         time for events like this. “I’ve played at the
made 38 appearances in the early years          very top of elite sport. But for me, my sport         AIA Vitality: rewarding
of Super Rugby where he captained the           has never defined me. My family is what               healthy choices
Chiefs. At the time of his retirement, Ian      defines me. Being a father and a husband              AIA Vitality is a scientifically-backed
was the second most capped All Black to         helps to put things in perspective.”                  health and wellbeing program that
have ever played. A true sporting legend,          Ian also finds time to give back to                supports your clients to make
Ian is also someone that understands what       the community through philanthropy.                   healthier lifestyle choices.
it’s like to balance the struggle of health     Alongside his wife, he set up "Eddie’s                AIA Vitality's approach will take your
and wellbeing.                                  Meals", a community food kitchen they                 clients on a journey to better health,
   After Ian retired from professional rugby,   host every Friday night with free food,               where they get to know their health,
he found that his physical and mental           where everyone is welcome. Initially they             improve it and enjoy the rewards for
health declined: “I thought I’d take some       imagined providing for the homeless or                doing so.
time out but that didn’t work so well for       those short of food, which of course they
me. My body started to ache, my mental          do, but soon realised those in need come in           AIA Vitality is available with an
state wasn’t so good, and I wasn’t that         many different guises. "A lot of the people           eligible AIA insurance policy. For
                                                in this room can afford a meal at home, but           more information please visit
fun to be around.” Ian decided that he
                                                many are simply lonely and need company               aia.co.nz/vitality or talk to your AIA
needed to continue his health journey,
                                                and interaction with other people –                   Business Development Manager.
so he got involved in adventure and
multisport racing.                              basically a reason to come out," says Ian.

RI: the name of the game - Lowdown from FSC and RIAA conferences

                                                              ASB sells Aegis
                                                      ASB has sold its investment                has been a key consideration

         continue                                     administration and custody
                                                                                                 with MMC committed to investing for
                                                                                                 long-term success, and committing
                                                       businesses, Aegis Limited                 to offer employment to all Aegis
          Liquidators for financial                                                              employees,” he said.
                                                       and Investment Custodial                                        Aegis’ employees
          adviser Barry Kloogh’s
                                                           Services Limited.                                            and customers
       companies are considering                                                                                          have been
                                                      They have been bought by MMC.                                         informed of
         whether the rights to his                    It comes after a recent strategic review                               the sale.
       trail commissions could be                   of Aegis.                                                                  ASB will
                                                      ASB’s executive general manager,                                       continue
       sold to help recover money                   private banking, wealth and insurance                                   to use the
               for creditors.                       Adam Boyd said that provided an                                         Aegis platform.
                                                    opportunity to gauge the best options for
        The businesses were placed into             Aegis’ continued success.
     liquidation by the High Court at the end         “Aegis is a good business which
     of August.                                     requires continued investment and
        It came after an investigation by the       strategic management focus to
     Serious Fraud Office, as a result of           ensure its customers continue
     information supplied by the Financial          to receive excellent levels of
     Markets Authority.                             service in the future. As part
        The companies owe more than                 of this review, we came to
     $12.5 million.                                 understand that Aegis would be
        The Official Assignee, in its first         best placed to grow and serve
     liquidators’ report, said it was not           the interests of its customers
     practicable to estimate how long the           under a new owner with a
     process could take and it was in the           specialised focus.
     early stages of administration of the            “Essential to the success of
     liquidations of Financial Planning Ltd,        Aegis is its people, and that
                                                                                                                    Adam Boyd
     which traded as Breathe Financial, and
     Impact Enterprises Ltd.
        Breathe Financial was a registered

                                                         FMA: Where’s
     financial provider whose clients were
     advised on an investment plan by Kloogh,
     the liquidators noted.
        “The liquidator will need to review and

                                                       value for money?
     verify the purchase of each investment
     currently showing as a custody asset.
     Initial sample investigations have shown
     that the actual funds provided by one
     investor may have been used for other
     purposes (eg to repay earlier investors),
     or co-mingled with other funds.
                                                        KiwiSaver providers can                    Year-on-year the average fee charged to
                                                                                                 members increased 13%, to $132.26.
        “For each investor, an investment           expect pressure to show what                   The FMA said, despite its expectation
     that appears in the records in their
     name, may actually be purchased with
                                                    value they're giving members,                that there would be competitive pressure
                                                                                                 on fees, they had moved very little over the
     another investor’s funds or a mixture          after an analysis prepared for               year to the end of March.
     of investors’ funds. The scale of co-
     mingling and funds misapplied is not
                                                   the Financial Markets Authority                 "We will be asking KiwiSaver providers
                                                                                                 to demonstrate how they are providing
     known at this stage and will be the           showed they charge higher fees                value for money for their members, which
     subject of investigation. This will involve
     the liquidator having to assess hundreds,
                                                   than comparable British funds.                includes explaining their investment
                                                                                                 style and how higher fees are justified for
     potentially thousands of transactions           The report, produced by actuaries           services such as active fund management
     to verify claims by investors to assets       MJW, was included with this year's            or responsible investment funds."
     currently held with the custodian             KiwiSaver report.                               The report has already prompted
     on trust.”                                      It showed that New Zealand fees were        change – Westpac announced it would
        The liquidators have already been          higher than those of the UK across all        cut its monthly administration fee from
     given records for a “substantial number”      fund types except the most conservative       $2.25 to $1 and reduce the management
     of investors and banking records for          active funds.                                 fee on its cash, default, conservative,
     companies going back to 2012.                   KiwiSaver members were paying FUM-          moderate, balanced and growth funds by
        The custodian and wrap platform have       weighted average fees for active funds of     0.1 percentage points.
     been placed on notice that they should        1.14% compared to 0.4% in Britain. Passive      Kiwi Wealth cut its fees the day after the
     not pay out any of the custody assets         funds sat at 0.67% and 0.29%, respectively.   period the FMA included in its report.
     pending an investigation by the liquidator.

RI: the name of the game - Lowdown from FSC and RIAA conferences
 launches new
 advice model
  Milford Asset Management
 is offering a new way to pay
advisers for KiwiSaver advice.
                                                                           opens fund
   Under its new model, advisers can be                             Generate is no longer just a                         growth funds and 38% in cash, default,
paid either a $150 upfront consultation                                                                                  conservative and fixed interest funds.
                                                                   KiwiSaver manager – it has                              More than three-quarters (78%) of
fee for giving advice or the client can
pay the adviser out of their funds under                            now opened a new fund.                               Generate’s members got some or all
management.                                                                                                              of this years’ $521 annual Government
                                                                   Generate has launched its first non-                  KiwiSaver contribution versus 64% for the
   If the latter option is chosen, a 20
                                                                KiwiSaver managed fund the Focused                       whole of KiwiSaver.
basis point fee on the sum invested
                                                                Growth Trust, which is based on its $1.6                   "These two important factors alone
is paid from the KiwiSaver member's
                                                                billion KiwiSaver Focused Growth Fund.                   should materially improve the outcomes
account to the adviser.
                                                                   The KiwiSaver fund has been                           at retirement for those KiwiSaver
   Michael Robson, Milford head of
                                                                successful on a performance basis, but                   members, and shows the value of advice,"
intermediary distribution, says "advisers
                                                                the manager had done well supporting                     Tongue says.
need to be paid for the advice given".
                                                                its members.                                               Tongue said the new fund has been
”There is a cost to giving advice and this
                                                                   Generate chief executive Henry Tongue                                   launched as: “We have
is a way of remunerating advisers."
                                                                says the firm has given KiwiSaver                                            had a lot of members
   To make this cost neutral Milford will
                                                                advice to nearly all of its 74,000                                            and advisers asking
also rebate its management fee by the
                                                                members. He says 84% of members’                                              us for a non-KiwiSaver
same amount. Robson says this is fair
                                                                savings being in growth funds                                                 version of this fund.
as the fund manager no longer has to
                                                                and only 16% in conservative                                                  They want a fund that
service the member.
                                                                funds. This compares                                                          invests that same way
   Robson says the advice fee will be
                                                                well to the whole of                                                          but they don’t want
clearly disclosed on each KiwiSaver
                                                                KiwiSaver which                                                               the money locked in
members statement each month. This
                                                                has only 33% in                                                               until they turn 65.”
makes the fee transparent and ensures
members are aware it is being paid to
the adviser.
                                                           Advisers not dropping out: Financial Advice NZ
                                                             Financial Advice NZ says a survey of                       provider (FAP), 21% said they intended to
                                                           members shows advisers are planning to                       join a large licensed FAP – either a current
                                                           stick it out into the new regime.                            aggregator or a dealer group – and 12% said
                                     Michael                 About 80% of respondents had already                       their employer was becoming licensed.
                                     Robson                determined how they would give financial                       Just 12% said they had yet to make up
                                                           advice under the new licensing regime.                       their mind about what route to take, while
                                                             Of those, 48% said their own firm was                      7% said they hadn’t thought about it or didn’t
                                                           becoming a licensed financial advice                         understand enough yet.

  Let’s work together.
  If you’re an Authorised Financial Adviser,                                  as well as industry awards. Which makes
  Milford has a new facility that lets you work                               it an ideal choice for your clients.
  with us. It means you can access the Milford                                If you’d like to know more, please
  KiwiSaver Plan on behalf of your clients.                                   get in touch on 0800 662 975 or
  As you may know, our KiwiSaver Plan comes                                   wholesale@milfordasset.com
  with an impressive track record of returns,                                                                                         A wealth of expertise.

  Past performance is not a guarantee of future returns. Please read the Milford Product Disclosure Statement at milfordasset.com.

RI: the name of the game - Lowdown from FSC and RIAA conferences

                                                                                                     For the latest
                                                                                                     people news go to

     If you have a new appointment email details and a picture to editor@goodreturns.co.nz

         Trustees Executors has made                 of $4.5 billion.                                developing a strong culture of best practice
                                                       Robert Sloan has been appointed to the        conduct in the MIS sector.”
        a number of key appointments                 newly created role of chief risk officer.          It has also appointed Victoria Grace and
              over recent weeks.                       He is currently head of capital markets       Graeme Kirkpatrick as directors.
                                                     disclosure at the Financial Markets                Ryan Bessemer is also joining the board
         It has appointed Geoffory Rimmer to         Authority. Prior to joining the FMA Sloan       as a director. The three new directors will
       the new role of chief operating officer,      spent 14 years working for major New            join current board member Matt Sale.
       with responsibility for overseeing the        Zealand, UK and United States law firms         Former directors Sarah Roberts and
       company’s daily operations and business       advising clients on M&A and equity              Mark Darrow have stepped down from
       strategy. Establishing goals for sustained    transactions in the energy, transport and       their roles.
       performance and growth across Trustees        defence sectors.                                   Kirkpatrick has an international
       Executors business units will be one of his     “We are delighted to have appointed           background in banking and financial
       key priorities.                               two high-calibre senior executives to help      services. He has held senior positions at
         Rimmer has more than 25 years’              drive our growth agenda and oversee our         PwC, Deloitte, AIB and JPMorgan.
       experience in the Australian trustee          management of risk and compliance,"                Grace has been working closely with
       and financial services sector, and has        chief executive Ryan Bessemer said.             Trustees Executors over the last 12
       deep leadership experience in strategic         “Geoff is an accomplished and very            months, driving a number of key corporate
       planning, finance, operations, sales and      strategic executive who will assist me to       initiatives involving digital technology
       marketing, business development and           develop and execute our growth strategy,        assessment and investment.
       M&A.                                               which is underpinned by distributed
         He was previously executive                            ledger technology.
       general manager of trustee                                     “With his deep
       and wealth services at Equity                                  understanding of
       Trustees, an ASX-listed                                         the regulatory and
       trustee company. Prior to                                        compliance framework
       this he was the founding                                           in New Zealand, Robert
       chief executive of Financial                                         will bring a strategic
       Services Partners, a top-20                                           and technical focus
       dealer group which had                                                to our supervision
       funds under administration                                            business, whilst

                               Robert Sloan                                                                   Victoria Grace

RI: the name of the game - Lowdown from FSC and RIAA conferences
FMA ADDS TO LEADERSHIP TEAM                                                                     GASCOIGNE
       The Financial Markets                    and insurance.
                                                  She leaves a senior role at the UK                LEAVES PM
 Authority (FMA) has made two
                                                                                                   CAPITAL ROLE
                                                markets and conduct regulator, the
 senior appointments, including                 Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).
                                                  Bolingford has worked for the FCA               Aaron Gascoigne, the executive
    filling the newly-created                   for almost 20 years, most recently as          director of Kiwi Investment Partners,
                                                                                               which represents Australian manager
   role of director of banking                  head of cross-cutting policy and head
                                                of supervision for retail banking groups.      PM Capital in New Zealand, has taken
          and insurance.                        She also recently spent two years at the       on a new role with a sharebroking firm.
                                                UK Treasury, leading capital markets and          With a career in financial services
   Sarah Vrede joins as director of capital
                                                prudential policy.                             spanning two decades, Gascoigne
markets and has more than 20 years’
                                                  Bolingford will relocate to New Zealand to   brings Australasian and European
public and private sector experience in
                                                assume her new role in January 2020. She       experience in funds management and
financial and capital markets.
                                                will be based in Auckland.                     investment advice to Forsyth Barr.
   Most recently she was the head of
                                                  Chief executive Rob Everett said: “I            Forsyth Barr managing director Neil
the NZ Debt Management Office within
                                                am excited to be hiring leaders of such        Paviour-Smith said the company was
Treasury. Vrede was appointed a Fellow
                                                calibre into my team. These are important      excited to have someone of Gascoigne’s
of the Institute of Finance Professionals
                                                additions into the leadership group as we      calibre and experience joining the
(INFINZ) earlier this year in recognition
                                                look towards a greatly expanded regulatory     Auckland team.
of her significant contribution to New
                                                remit. It is great to see such enthusiasm         “Aaron has a wealth of experience
Zealand’s capital markets.
                                                for the work of the FMA as we serve New        in advising clients and investment
   She will join the FMA in early November
                                                Zealanders by applying conduct regulation      management. He has a track record of
and be based in Wellington.
                                                across sectors and markets within financial    building strong client relationships and
   Clare Bolingford will join the FMA
                                                services."                                     businesses,” he said.
in a new role of director of banking

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RI: the name of the game - Lowdown from FSC and RIAA conferences

  By Footprint

       Key to Bridging
        the Wills Gap
             A new Kiwi company is expanding the service profile for
              advisers while tackling a longstanding problem in New
           Zealanders’ approach to personal finance and future planning.

        Footprint offers an innovative                                                             costs of their Wills.

           digital Wills service and                     WHAT FOOTPRINT                               “As a responsible adviser it is up to me to
                                                                                                   make the introduction to Footprint. I pay for
      is collaborating with advisers to                  OFFERS ADVISERS                           it as a ‘thank you’ to my clients for arranging
                                                      • Help to protect their clients by           their insurance with me. For a lot of families,
            start the conversation                      providing Wills                            $100 for a Will is something they have to
                  with clients.                       • A dedicated point of contact               budget for, and by meeting the cost I can
                                                      • Regular service check-ins                  ensure my clients don't have a qualm about
     The urgency of the need is proven by a           • Step-by-step guides for advisers and       getting a Will and don’t procrastinate. I’ve
  May 2019 survey of 1,100 New Zealanders               their clients                              never had any pushback and it helps clients
  which found that only 37 percent of full-time       • Reporting on client referrals and take-    overcome the misconception that they need
  workers have a Will, despite the cost and             up so advisers know which of their
                                                                                                   to take time out of their day and go to a
  effort involved having plummeted through              clients created or updated their Wills.
                                                                                                   lawyer’s office. In most cases a Will can be
  digital innovation.                                   This also has the benefit of providing
                                                                                                   made online quickly and easily because it’s
     Footprint CEO Angela Vale says after               evidence that estate planning support
                                                                                                   not a complicated document.”
  taking a while to find its feet with advisers,        was offered to clients
  the company has adapted to the necessary            • Comprehensive Footprint collateral         EASE, ACCESS
  levels of service and support. “We have             • The option to collaborate on trials to     AND AFFORDABILITY
  refined our service by bringing in the right          help improve conversion ratios and            To lead the adviser support programme
  people to make sure we deliver on the                 client service                             Footprint has appointed Emma Richards as
  value proposition.                                                                               sales and service manager. Ms Richards says
     “Our focus is on working with advisers                                                        many advisers are already doing great work
  to provide a value-add. They refer clients         Registered financial adviser Paul de Klerk,   in the estate planning arena, and Footprint’s
  for Wills services as part of their full         principal of Paul de Klerk Financial            job is to make the work of Wills easy for
  consultative service across all aspects of       Advisors Ltd, refers clients to Footprint. To   advisers and attractive and affordable for
  financial planning.”                             deliver extra value to clients he covers the    their clients.

Paul de Klerk and
                                                                                                                                Angela Vale.

  “Our aim is to have advisers pre-position      whose chief executive Sudesh Jhunjhnuwala
our services with clients. Some advisers are     brought in Footprint to upskill employees.
among the 81 percent of Kiwis who don’t          The majority of staff admitted to not having              Making a Will is
necessarily understand estate planning fully,    written a Will, mostly because they hadn’t
which is understandable as it is a specialist    had time to get around to it.                        not difficult or time-
area in its own right, and we are working on
that knowledge gap.
                                                 FOOTPRINT LEARNING LABS
                                                    Footprint provides its corporate clients with
                                                                                                      consuming but it is a
  To understand more closely what advisers
need, Footprint is currently running a trial
                                                 employee Learning Labs either on-site or at a
                                                 convenient location nearby. Our consultants
                                                                                                       today conversation,
with a number of advisers. Ms Vale says
more grounding in the challenges facing
                                                 teach staff all the ‘need-to-knows', such as:           not a retirement
advisery businesses will only improve the
                                                   • What is an asset
                                                   • What is an Estate                                 conversation.
Footprint service.                                 • Why you need a Will and what can happen
                                                     if you don’t have one                              Mr de Klerk says he has a “very open”
                                                   • What is an Executor and what do they do
        I think every                              • What is involved in Estate Administration,
                                                                                                    relationship with Footprint but doesn’t
                                                                                                    receive referrals in return for passing on
 financial adviser who                               tasks and costs
                                                   • How to avoid leaving loved ones without
                                                                                                    clients. He says Footprint is “not a burden of
                                                                                                    a process – it’s simple, easy to use and to
  deals with insurance                               access to funds while your estate is
                                                     being administered
                                                                                                    understand. Ninety-nine percent of my clients
                                                                                                    are in similar situations to one another, so I
 has a responsibility to                         A COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE                            can say to them ‘here's how the Will works
  bring up the issue of                              Ms Vale says Footprint is conscious that
                                                 the advisery market is intensely competitive,
                                                                                                    and why it's a good idea’. My advice is around
                                                                                                    highlighting the consequences of not having
       Wills.                                    and advisers need a point of difference.
                                                 “Incorporating Wills as part of the advice
                                                                                                    a Will in place. Footprint is a really good thing
                                                                                                    for financial advisers because it’s so easy for
                                                 programme feeds into the industry’s Code           clients to go online and take care of it.”
   “We are very experienced with corporates      of Conduct. Advisers are also able to secure
                                                                                                        As Ms Vale says, “The Will only performs
so we know how to make the messaging             good rates for clients because we pass
                                                                                                    one part of the life finance equation. How
relevant to people’s lives. We can help          discounts on, and we are seeing a trend
                                                                                                    bank accounts and insurance policies are
advisers cover off FAQs with clients, and        towards advisers paying for clients’ Wills
                                                                                                    set up and how your property is owned can
our guides and monthly reporting are also        because there is a low cost of acquisition and
                                                 it is a good way to differentiate their service    all affect the funds that are available to your
comprehensive, so advisers can be confident
                                                 and take due care of clients.                      loved ones while your estate is being settled.
about quality of advice and meeting
obligations to regulators.                           “We don’t want to step into advisery           Too many people have been left penniless
   “We already do on-site Learning Labs for      businesses but see a much stronger value           in that interim period. That’s why these are
our corporate clients on employee benefits,      proposition in being a good commercial             conversations for today and why our work
and there could be similar labs in future        partner. The more successful advisers are,         with advisers and employers like Sudima
for advisers that are accredited and count       the more people are protected. Thinking            Hotels is so important.”
towards their required annual training quota.”   ahead, there is no reason why an adviser who           To find out more about how Footprint can
   One of the companies investing in Learning    wants to specialise in estate planning could       work with your business, contact
Labs is national hotel group Sudima Hotels,      not, and Footprint could be white-labelled.”       www.myfootprint.co.nz

  By Susan Edmunds

          Spotlight on
          New Zealand
                       Research IP founder Darren Howlin says good
                    research is about breaking investment outputs down
                                  to understand their parts.

        Investment researcher Darren                … investment is the same. You know what
                                                    the output is, the PDS, talking to portfolio
      Howlin says investment products               managers, the marketing teams.                         The PDS is the
       aren’t too dissimilar from TVs                 “The research piece is deconstruction.
                                                    The PDS is the TV screen, we want to know          TV screen, we want
       – the output to the consumer                 how you got there. What processes were
                                                    involved in whatever investments are inside
                                                                                                      to know how you got
      depends a lot on the make-up of
          the components within.
                                                    that portfolio, the different asset classes
                                                    determine how you get the picture on
                                                    the screen.”
    It might not be the comparison that                                                             its own fund manger of the year awards.
                                                      Before setting up Research IP, Howlin
  springs to mind most readily for those in                                                            Howlin had been interested in buying
                                                    was a research manager at Lonsec,
  the industry but the analogy is indicative of                                                     FundSource but said he and the NZX could
                                                    national research manager for Professional
  Howlin’s background.                                                                              not come to an agreement on price. “They
                                                    Investment Services, and worked for Suncorp
    An electrical engineer by training, he          as a product research adviser.                  did what they had to do.” Zenith reportedly
  started his career with the Australian Defence      Research IP has been making noise on this     bought FundSource for about $340,000. The
  Force, doing “interesting things” that he’s not   side of the Tasman this month, launching its    NZX had valued its assets at the end of 2017
  really at liberty to discuss in the media.        expanded operation in New Zealand.              at $435,000.
    Basically, he says, it amounted to                Until the sale of FundSource it had been         He said the Research IP launch could have
  breaking everything down to its processes         providing qualitative reports to the NZX        happened sooner. “But sometimes it’s better
  and systems and understanding the                 operation and powering its FundSource           to let a little bit of water go under the bridge.”
  building blocks.                                  awards, which highlighted the country’s best       He is also in the process of locking in
    “Take a TV. TVs have changed a lot over         performing fund managers.                       an expanded team and said some of the
  the last 20 years, from CRT to plasma, to           At launch, Research IP offered 58 managed     people who will join the business are still
  LCD to LED. The quality for the picture keeps     fund qualitative research reports and more      on gardening leave in positions where
  getting better and better at time goes by         than 700 one page snapshots. It will also run   they cannot be seen to be making any

professional moves yet.                                                                            to look at finance companies as an example,
   Howlin said the move was a continuation of
what Research IP had already been doing in
                                                          Research IP                              I think they had half of New Zealand’s wealth
                                                                                                   sitting in them at one point.”
the New Zealand market.
   “One of the key things that has been part
                                                     will have a core                                 But he said while products would change
                                                                                                   and people would move in and out of the
of our rollout into New Zealand has been          offering that is freely                          industry and between companies, in essence
making sure that our technology is set up                                                          investment products were always about
specifically for the New Zealand market.          available to financial                           the key asset classes. “Equities, bonds,
That’s part of the reason for the timing being
what it is.”                                       advisers and direct                             property still make up the world. Nothing
                                                                                                   has really changed there despite everything
   Some of the technology has been used
in the Taiwanese market, where Research
                                                     investors.                                    that’s happened.”
                                                                                                      Advisers would continue to be important,
IP provides services to the Taiwanese            “Aaron [Drew] and Chris have the best             he said, and should focus on what they did
Government. It has been operating there          understanding of the New Zealand                  best.
since 2013, led by Kevin Kan, who heads          marketplace of all of us but their service is        Research IP also provides consulting
sister company Square One Research. “We          different to the type of service that Research    services to Australian financial advice groups
had to do some tailoring for the New Zealand     IP puts into the market place.”                   and financial advisers, with over $2 billion
market. In Taiwan, we have information on           Howlin said the investment world had           under advice and growing. Over $600 million
over 3,000 managed funds … the universe          changed over the time he had been part of         of this is invested via managed accounts,
isn’t that big in New Zealand even if you do     it. “You definitely have asset classes that       with the balance residing in advice group
include all the Australian fund managers who     were the darlings of their time and don’t exist   approved products.
have New Zealand-compliant funds.”               anymore. You                                         Howlin said: “With the regulatory landscape
   Square One Research and Research IP are       only have                                         constantly changing, financial advice groups
key partners in the Taiwan Government’s                                                                     are now bolstering investment
voluntary top up retirement saving system                                                                      committees with independent
called the Fund Rich Service (FRS). Since                                                                       experts like us. We don’t just sit
launching in January 2017, the FRS has                                                                             on an investment committee,
grown to US$2 billion ($3.15 billion) and                                                                          we assist advisers to solve
there are more than 140,000 active investors                                                                        and implement systems and
using the service. More than 35% of users                                                                           services which allows financial
have fortnightly or monthly regular savings                                                                         advisers to do what they do
plans linked to their accounts. The Taiwan                                                                          best; help their clients, rather
Government’s FRS leverages Research IP’s                                                                            than filling their day with
Search-Research-Transact capability.                                                                                administration.”
   He said qualitative research was an                                                                                He said many advisers
important part of the New Zealand                                                                                   called on Research IP services
proposition and was less scalable. “That’s a                                                                      because they were dealing
bit more important In the New Zealand and                                                                          with increasing amounts of
Australian market.”                                                                                                 paperwork and administration
   Howlin said it was important to him that                                                                        that had become a distraction
the product was open to financial advisers                                                                         taking them away from working
and to retail investors.                                                                                          with their clients.
   “Research IP will have a core offering that                                                                       He said roboadvice would be
is freely available to financial advisers and                                                                    part of the future – Research
direct investors. This will enable people to                                                                     IP is developing its own AI
have access to key information and ratings,                                                                      solution. But he said it would help
helping them to make important investment                                                                        advisers with some of their heavy
decisions. The only requirement to access                                                                        lifting, rather than replace them.
the service is an email address.”                                                                                   “People go to people to talk to
   Howlin said the New Zealand research                                                                                  people.”
market was changing again. “Zenith has
acquired FundSource – there’s a brand there
but a limited amount of knowledge
of the New Zealand market.
Obviously, Morningstar
had a long relationship
with the market but
the key person who
understood the
market best has
moved on.”
   Chris Douglas
moved from
Morningstar to

   Darren Howlin                                                                                                                           Melanie Purdey
  By Miriam Bell

         There’s a strong appetite for investments that deliver social and
        environmental impact and that trend is set to grow exponentially,
        reports Miriam Bell from the frontlines of this year’s Responsible
                 Investment Association Australasia conference.

    PART OF THE SOLUTION                                                                                       FOR SECTOR
   It seems a contradiction in terms: Z Energy
is a fossil fuel company and yet its CEO, Mike               It is about truly
Bennetts, says sustainability is at the heart of
all they do.                                             committing to ESG
   That’s because since a company reset back
in 2010, which identified and articulated their         and all the benefits
core values, Z has actively worked to play
their part in helping New Zealand transition to
                                                          that flow from it
a low-carbon future.
   Kicking off the speakers at the RIAA
                                                          rather than just
conference, Bennetts talked about their                 paying lip service to
efforts – as a company and part of the
wider community – to perform well in the               the idea in order to be
environmental, social and governance (ESG)
space.                                                     compliant.
   “We have always recognised that we are
part of the problem but we want to move to
being a part of the solution.”
                                                                    Z Energy’s
   So Z plans to reduce their operational                          Mike Bennetts
emissions by 2020 and voluntarily offsets
what they haven’t been able to reduce                 there are things that we can do and we are              Matt Whineray
through investment in permanent forestry,             engaging with New Zealanders around that.
                                                                                                               Increasing pressure on corporates from
he said.                                              We have to collaborate and get some actions
                                                                                                            investors, regulators and consumers means
   This means that, as a business, Z is carbon        going around this stuff.”
                                                                                                            that there has been a lifting of sustainability
neutral. While this might be challenging, it is          To play its part, Z has invested almost
                                                                                                            expectations – and standards – in the finance
not the biggest problem.                              $30 million in building New Zealand’s first
   “It’s how we deal with the emissions from          commercial-scale biodiesel plant, which
                                                                                                               This led to the establishment of the NZ
the petrol, diesel and aviation fuels that we         turns tallow, a by-product of the agricultural
                                                                                                            Sustainable Finance Forum earlier this
sell to our customers which equates to about          industry, into high quality biodiesel.
                                                                                                            year and it is now hard at work producing
9% of New Zealand’s total carbon emissions.              It has also invested in a majority stake in
                                                                                                            a roadmap for the finance sector to help it
   “Dealing with that is a different story. But       retail electricity provider Flick Electric and
                                                                                                            become more sustainable.
                                                      in Mevo, an electric ride-sharing company
                                                                                                               NZ Super Fund CEO Matt Whineray is the
                                                      indicative of the changing nature of how
                                                                                                            co-chair of the forum. Speaking at the RIAA
                                                      people get from point A to B.
                                                                                                            conference, he said the forum’s work is not
                                                         Bennetts said that ESG is not just a fad,
                                                                                                            about how to direct capital to sustainable
                                                      rather it’s a solid business-call to make: get it
                                                      right and you will manage risk as well as have
                                                                                                               “It is about the whole financial system, from
                                                      better access to debt and equity funding.
                                                                                                            insurance to banking investment and what
                                                         Additionally, ESG is something that
                                                                                                            can be done to ensure that standards are
                                                      investors are increasingly keen on.
                                                                                                            raised and the sector lives up to them.
                                                         “Four years ago no-one knew what ESG
                                                                                                               “It is no longer enough to just have a policy.
                                                      was. Now it is very much a feature of the
                                                                                                            There’s a very active context and there’s lots
                                                      conversation with our investors. And it’s no
                                                                                                            of conversations about how it is all being
                                                      longer just about what the compliance people
                                                                                                            managed and how to incorporate the risks.”
                                                      have told them to ask.”
                                                                                                               But such dialogue is necessary, as is the
                                                         At Z, which is a part of the NZ Climate
                                                                                                            work of the forum, because climate change
                                                      Leaders Coalition, they believe that it’s
                                                      critical to be responsive to community                risk is now actionable and urgent and we have
                                                        concerns, he said.                                  to do something about it, Whineray said.
                                                            “It is about truly committing to ESG and           The forum, which is made up of
                                                           all the benefits that flow from it rather than   representatives from a range of “actor groups”
                                                            just paying lip service to the idea in order    and observers from the regulators, is standing
                                                              to be compliant.”                             on the shoulders of initiatives that have
                                                                   While there are challenges for           gone before.
                                                                 businesses, Bennetts believes                 “We are breaking the goals down further,
                                                                  it is important for companies             questioning why things can’t be done now,
                                                                   to get started on ESG before it          and linking then to outcomes. But our priority
                                                                   becomes compulsory.                      areas are leadership and accountability,
                                                                      “You need to work with your           data importing, and redirecting and
                                                                 suppliers and reach out to the             prioritising capital.”
                                                               community as well. Remember                     Whineray said they were looking at matters
                                                             listening is good: most things get solved      from across the spectrum, including how
                                                           by dialogue, not shouting.”                      to think about sustainability in the context
                                                                                                            of advice and fiduciary obligations, and
                                                                                                            considering how they connected.

                                                   Mike Bennetts
  By Miriam Bell

    “Our interim report, which will have ideas         which explored active ownership at the
  and pathways, is due out at the end of               RIAA conference.
  October. Then we’ll need engagement and
  feedback to turn those goals into procedures.
                                                          Devon Funds Management portfolio
                                                       manager Nick Dravitzki said that, on behalf of
                                                                                                                Let’s not make
    “From this we can work out what you need           their investors, they carry out both informal
                                                       and formal engagement over ESG issues with
                                                                                                          excuses [around ESG]:
  to do to improve and change the behaviour of
  actors in the financial sector. But I think we all   companies they work with, like Fletchers and        we will end up in an
  need to engage proactively, not just react.”         Air New Zealand.
                                                          “It is a constant process for us as an active    incremental spiral if
                                                       investor. Collaborative engagement is often
                                                                                                                we do.
       Locally, there has                              a part of this as it can be more effective than
                                                       indirect engagement.”
        been a shift                                      “One example of this is Climate Action
                                                       100+ which is an investor initiative that tries      Australasian Centre for
    away from excuses                                  to influence companies to make positive             Corporate Responsibility's
                                                       changes to their climate impact. It is striking
  for not doing ESG to a                               how much impact it has and how much time                 Brynn O’Brien
   focus on how we are                                 companies spend trying to respond.”
                                                          BMO Global Asset Management’s Alan                 O’Brien said to deal with this they make
                                                                                                          use of a double-barrelled resolution method
     integrating ESG                                   Fitzpatrick agreed that there is a role for
                                                       collaborative engagement and that there            where an amendment to the original

       and making a                                    has been a big uptick in the number of such
                                                       initiatives being used.
                                                                                                          resolution takes place and then other ESG
                                                                                                          resolutions are proposed as part of that.
      difference.                                         But he noted that most of this engagement          “We use shareholder resolutions to protect
                                                                                                          company interests from ESG risks and for
                                                       is behind doors. “Increasing ownership in
                                                       companies and using voter rights is also a         broader political purposes to break through
         Habour Asset                                  way to engage with them to a great degree.         for political change in areas where there has

       Management’s Jorge                                 “It’s an efficient model to engage with
                                                       companies – especially as with some
                                                                                                          been a political vacuum.”
                                                                                                             The balance of how these issues are
           Waayman                                     companies it is very difficult to engage with      considered needs to be changed, O’Brien said.
                                                       people who can enact effective change, not            “There is a lot of excuse making from the
                                                                                                          financial sector about why they can’t do
                                                       just a gatekeeper.”
                                                          Shareholder resolutions are another avenue      anything. We need to flip the bias in favour
     Shareholders have also started to take            that can be used to advance ESG causes in          of the urgency of ESG issues. Let’s not make
  a much more active role in ensuring the              companies and to enact change.                     excuses: we will end up in an incremental
  companies they invest in are operating                  Australasian Centre for Corporate               spiral if we do.”
  responsibly and more sustainably.                    Responsibility executive director Brynn               Other forms of active ownership employed
     This is known as active ownership and,            O’Brien said there are differences between         by companies representing investors include
  much like impact investing itself, it is a rapidly   New Zealand and Australia in this regard.          offering advice, pushing for more explicit
  growing trend.                                          In New Zealand an individual can do a           disclosure of ESG policies, and working with
     One of the key aspects of active ownership        shareholder resolution but, in Australia, 100      government on policies and the environment
  is engagement, according to a panel session          shareholders need to do it together.               they sit in.

ESG TREND WATCHING                                                                                    New Zealand and
  There’s been a widespread shift in            looking at putting ESG funds together – but         Australia are fairly
                                                                                                  advanced, with people
thinking about ESG: no longer is it merely      there’s zero regulation or compliance and
something nice for businesses to have, it’s     little interest.”
now something clients want and look for.
  At the RIAA conference panel on ESG
                                                   Another common issue pointed out by the
                                                panel is the way companies disclose on ESG        really starting to take
trends and insights, this change in thinking
about ESG generally was one of the key
                                                and the related potential for “greenwashing”,
                                                which can make a company appear more
                                                                                                  ESG into account.
themes to emerge.                               environmentally friendly than it actually is.
  Habour Asset Management investment               MFS Investment Management senior                Refinitiv's Jamie Coombs
analyst Jorge Waayman said that                 managing director Marian Poirier said
responsible investing policies are big news     there is a lack of consistency in disclosure       The inconsistent disclosure trend
around the world.                               which makes it difficult to compare ESG          appears to be pronounced in New Zealand,
  "Locally, there has been a shift away from    credentials. Further, sometimes people           according to a big analysis of disclosure
excuses for not doing ESG to a focus on         are doing it, even if they don’t have the        and offset practices in New Zealand’s
how we are integrating ESG and making a         right terminology.                               investment market carried out by Harbour.
difference.                                        To deal with this, it’s necessary to have       Waayman said they found that less than
  “There are big issues – both                  multiple data sources and to analyse it          half of companies in their sample disclosed
environmental and social – that we need to      yourself, she said. “As corporate reporting      their emissions.
lean into and unpick. So we need to think       improves it lifts the sector and gives you the     “Because a lot of the data is self-reported
about how we manage ESG programmes              opportunity to select what is best for you.      we looked at how many of the companies
and where do we need to progress to             But don’t just take one example, get more,       had externally verified their data. Only seven
with them.”                                     and challenge people.”                           out of the 25 companies had done so. So
  But while growing numbers of companies                                                         New Zealand is lagging behind the global
try to incorporate ESG into all that they                                                        scene and needs to pick up the pace there.”
do, pick up of the concept varies widely                                                           That’s because the new reality is that ESG
between countries.                                                                               has become mainstream and needs to be
  Across the Asia Pacific region there are                                                       integrated into all aspects of investing.
very different levels of investor engagement                                                       Poirier said while the risks do need to be
and knowledge in different countries,                                                            managed, it is a big opportunity. “Passive
Refinitiv’s performance director Asia, Jamie                                                     management is not the best way to
Coombs, said.                                                                                    integrate ESG – but active management
  “New Zealand and Australia are fairly                                                          means it is necessary to do the research
advanced, with people really starting to take                                                    and to really engage.”
ESG into account. But South East Asia is a
very different story. Some of our clients are

                                                                                                  Jorge Waayman


       on ESG
       Responsible Investing (RI) is                    How should a money                          management industry. Where once RI
                                                                                                    consisted of naïve investment screens and
    a term we are hearing more in                   manager decide on the shared                    only analysed equities, new datasets and
     the media. It's used to loosely                 values of all the underlying                   approaches are now used to implement

      describe a range of investing                          investors?                             sophisticated ESG strategies for a range of
                                                                                                    financial securities. Issues of transparency
                                                       RI initially began in a religious context,   and information disclosure are becoming
  strategies that include, but are not              based on the principles of “love thy            more prevalent; investors want to know
   limited to, environmental, social                neighbour”. Ideas promoted included             how their money is invested. The increased
                                                    divestment from alcohol, tobacco, weapons       availability of quantitative data now allows
  and governance (ESG) integration                  and gambling – the original “sin” stocks.       investors to both strategise and measure
  and socially responsible investing                Over time, RI developed with the addition       their portfolio characteristics.
                                                    of civil rights, international politics and        In 2015, we developed a product for a client
                  (SRI).                            environmental sustainability into the mix.      that would track a benchmark whilst reducing
    Both terms share the same goal: to move            Integrating ESG factors into investment      the overall carbon exposure of the portfolio
  money away from the “bad” guys and                research is comparatively new and can           and simultaneously minimising active risk
  towards business that is “good” for society.      include issues such as climate change,          and trading costs. The strategy ultimately
                                                    employee rights, modern slavery and             evolved into our Low Carbon Fund, a low cost
      Move money from the bad                       diversity. The purpose is to consider the ESG   global equity offering that can be used by
                                                                                                    investors to reduce their carbon footprint.
      guys and towards business                     footprint of a company and how these non-
                                                    financial issues can contribute to the bottom
       that is good for society.                    line of a company.
    The desire to invest responsibly by
  organisations and individuals depends              Investors want to know how
  on various values or ethical motivating             investment professionals
  factors. It is these differences that make the     are considering ESG in their
  definition and approach to RI so difficult. The
  challenge is that values and ethics are hard
  to define and thus very subjective, something        Some commentators believe that the
  the investment community finds hard               trend in investor demand for ESG solutions
  to conceptualise.                                 is disrupting the status quo of the asset

Interestingly, our decarbonisation research                                                                    a research-based approach are required in
                                                            RUSSELL INVESTMENTS                                   order to proactively meet market demands
shows that many companies with large
                                                          DECARBONISATION STRATEGY                                and generate solutions that ultimately
carbon footprints also have large investments
in renewable energy. The original carbon                                                                          benefit investors.
strategy would exclude these securities
by ignoring climate-proactiveness metrics                                                                             Successful ESG strategies
of the underlying firms. In 2016, Russell                                                                                 require creativity,
Investments added clean energy and ESG                                                                                   transparency and a
tilts to the strategy; both of which are directly                                                                     research-based approach.
related to the overall low carbon tilt and allow
for a more sophisticated investment strategy.
   Research into responsible investment
at Russell Investments has been a case of
                                                                                                                          Russell Investments became a
ongoing enhancement. Recent research
                                                                                                                        signatory of the United Nations
includes a study on the relevance of material
                                                                                                                        governed Principles of Responsible
ESG scores that are weighted based on the
                                                                                                                        Investment (PRI) in 2009, and
exposure of the company to the specific                                                                                 subsequently joined the ESG
type of ESG risk. Furthermore, Russell                  requires innovation. Markets are rapidly                        discussion with world leading
Investments has also begun to engage in                 evolving, along with investor needs.                            proponents of RI. In our 2019
water research, identifying opportunities                 Gone are the days where simple (and naïve)                    UNPRI assessment we scored A or
around integrating water-sustainability                 exclusions of securities sufficed, or where                     A+ ratings in the 10 categories in
metrics into portfolios.                                strategies were not backed by robust market                     which we are assessed.
   We believe that implementing RI and ESG-             analysis. At Russell Investments, we are
specific solutions for our investors’ portfolios        confident that creativity, transparency and

    Russell Investments Low Carbon
    Global Shares Fund
    The Russell Investments Low Carbon Global Shares
    Fund provides investors with a sustainable investment
    solution that supports the management of climate
    change risk and the transition to a low carbon

    For more information about our responsible
    investing solutions please contact:

    Matthew Arnold
    t: 09 359 3576
    e: marnold@russellinvestments.com
    w: russellinvestments.co.nz

       For more information on the funds and solutions available to you and your clients, please visit russellinvestments.co.nz. This publication provides general
  information only and should not be relied upon in making an investment decision. In particular, you should seek independent financial advice and read the relevant
     Product Disclosure Statements available by contacting Russell Investment Group Limited on 09 357 6633 or 0800 357 6633 or at russellinvestments.co.nz.

  By Miriam Bell

          Back to
         the future
                  Delegates at this year’s Financial        services could enhance New Zealand’s
               Services Council conference were told        wellbeing and nurture diversity and
               that success for the sector, in a rapidly    leadership. Miriam Bell was among
               changing environment, will require getting   them as they discussed a roadmap for
               a lot of the basics right for customers.     growth for advice, advisers and the
               They also considered ways that financial     wider population.

THE AGE of wellbeing
     Business needs to face up                    income earners.
                                                     “But 60% of those involved didn’t think they
   to the fact that the world has                 would have saved enough for retirement                      It’s not about
transformed: these days ensuring                  and one of the big anxieties was around not
                                                  having enough for emergencies. It was clear            working harder, it’s
    the wellbeing of employees
  and customers is the best way
                                                  that lifting financial productivity and savings
                                                  was a key ingredient of wellbeing.”                      about working
  to embrace change and boost
                                                     A critical aspect of doing so is financial
                                                  literacy. On average, New Zealanders’
                                                                                                         smarter. That will
            productivity.                         financial literacy is not good, particularly in
                                                  comparison to similar countries like Australia.
                                                                                                            help to boost
   That was one of the key messages to
emerge from a wide-ranging panel session on
                                                     Mulholland said to improve this a                    productivity.
                                                  consistency of approach is required. “There
wellbeing on the first morning of the Financial   needs to be a focus on KiwiSaver to help
Services Council’s annual conference.             build financial literacy. The work of the            MinterEllisonRuddWatts'
   Prompted by the current focus on
wellbeing, which is exemplified by the
                                                  Commission for Financial Capability needs to          Christine Brotherton
                                                  be supported.”
Government’s Wellbeing Budget, the theme             While the work towards building financial      intergenerational thing. Those in the know
of the conference is “Towards Wellbeing”.         literacy is starting, New Zealand has a long      need to help those who are not.”
   In line with this, the panel session           way to go, he said. “We need to start with           For Mantis, the financial literacy of lower
explored multiple issues relevant to              children and think about how we educate           income groups is a concern. She said BNZ
wellbeing, including mental health,               them on money and finances? It’s an               works with community financial programmes
digital technology and social media, the                                                            aimed at such groups to provide help around
changing world of work, productivity and                                                            budgeting plans, managing debt and making
environmental considerations.                                                                       use of KiwiSaver.
   But perhaps, not surprisingly, the central                                                          “There does need to be more education for
wellbeing issue of the panel session was                                                            children and in schools too. To improve the
financial wellbeing.                                                                                financial wellbeing of New Zealanders, we
   ANZ’s managing director of wealth                                                                need to start thinking about it and helping
Craig Mulholland said their research                                                                more people to get educated on it.”
around wellbeing revealed that people feel                                                             When it comes to the financial sector itself,
good when they have an active savings                                                               the panel session highlighted that there are
programme and don’t have to borrow for                                                              important conversations to be had about
everyday needs.                                                                                     better business practices which will benefit
   This was not dependent on income per se,                                                             employees and customers and support
he said. “You could have a high-income                                                                   their wellbeing.
earner with lots of debt and no                                                                             Resilience expert Kathryn Jackson
savings and they weren’t as happy as                                                                       said it’s critical for companies to equip
a lower income earner with no debt                                                                           employees to deal with stress and
and some savings.                                                                                              pressure and to build resilience.
   “It’s about having control of your                                                                               And MinterEllisonRuddWatts
destiny, knowing what you want to                                                                                   HR director Christine Brotherton,
achieve and how you want to achieve                                                                                   whose company has embraced
it. Financial wellbeing comes down                                                                                    a four-day working week, said
to being able to save and pay your                                                                                    it is about trying new things
bills without getting into debt.”                                                                                    because the old ones are not
   BNZ CEO Angela Mentis agreed                                                                                     working.
that savings, along with wealth,                                                                                     “People are under pressure
does contribute to wellbeing.                                                                                     and productivity is not good. For
She said their wellbeing index                                                                                      better customer outcomes think
provided some interesting                                                                                              about changing focus from
insights into this.                                                                                                      what employees are doing to
   “There was a wide spread                                                                                                achieving the outcome you
of financial hardship and                                                                                                   want. It’s not about working
distress in New Zealand and it                                                                                              harder, it’s about working
was particularly pronounced in 18-                                                                                         smarter. That will help to
29-year olds, in women and in single                                                                                  boost productivity.”

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