Reward Optimization for Neural Machine Translation with Learned Metrics

Reward Optimization for Neural Machine Translation with Learned

                                                          Raphael Shu , Kang Min Yoo and Jung-Woo Ha
                                                                         NAVER AI Lab
                                     , {kangmin.yoo, jungwoo.ha}

                                                               Abstract                         can be used for comparing multiple MT systems.
                                                                                                Until recently, automatic MT evaluation relies on
                                             Neural machine translation (NMT) models are        matching-based metrics such as BLEU (Papineni
                                             conventionally trained with token-level neg-       et al., 2002), Meteor (Banerjee and Lavie, 2005),
arXiv:2104.07541v1 [cs.CL] 15 Apr 2021

                                             ative log-likelihood (NLL), which does not
                                                                                                and RIBES (Isozaki et al., 2010). These metrics
                                             guarantee that the generated translations will
                                             be optimized for a selected sequence-level         judge the quality of translations by comparing them
                                             evaluation metric. Multiple approaches are         to a set of reference translations. BLEU, the most
                                             proposed to train NMT with BLEU as the re-         popular metric in MT community, is a document-
                                             ward, in order to directly improve the met-        level statistical measure that evaluates each transla-
                                             ric. However, it was reported that the gain        tion using n-gram matching rate.
                                             in BLEU does not translate to real quality im-
                                                                                                   However, multiple recent studies (Callison-
                                             provement, limiting the application in indus-
                                             try. Recently, it became clear to the commu-       Burch et al., 2006; Mathur et al., 2020) show that
                                             nity that BLEU has a low correlation with hu-      BLEU and other matching-based metrics have lim-
                                             man judgment when dealing with state-of-the-       ited performances when judging among the state-
                                             art models. This leads to the emerging of          of-the-art systems. In particular, Mathur et al.
                                             model-based evaluation metrics. These new          (2020) demonstrates that when considering only
                                             metrics are shown to have a much higher hu-        a few top systems in WMT’19 metrics task (Ma
                                             man correlation. In this paper, we investi-
                                                                                                et al., 2019), the human correlation of almost all
                                             gate whether it is beneficial to optimize NMT
                                             models with the state-of-the-art model-based       automatic metrics drop to zero or negative territory.
                                             metric, BLEURT. We propose a contrastive-          BLEU is further shown to have the worst perfor-
                                             margin loss for fast and stable reward optimiza-   mance among several competitors. Consequently,
                                             tion suitable for large NMT models. In ex-         the authors call for stopping the use of BLEU and
                                             periments, we perform automatic and human          its variants. Indeed, Callison-Burch et al. (2006)
                                             evaluations to compare models trained with         has already warned the risk of BLEU, and pro-
                                             smoothed BLEU and BLEURT to the baseline           vided insights on when BLEU can go wrong. First,
                                             models. Results show that the reward opti-
                                                                                                BLEU is weak at permutation. Given a translation,
                                             mization with BLEURT is able to increase the
                                             metric scores by a large margin, in contrast       we can permute the n-grams and still get similar
                                             to limited gain when training with smoothed        BLEU scores. In practice, we may observe BLEU
                                             BLEU. The human evaluation shows that mod-         assigns a high score to a translation with unusual
                                             els trained with BLEURT improve adequacy           word orders. Second, the non-matching phrases
                                             and coverage of translations. Code is avail-       with no support in the reference are the gray zone
                                             able via              of BLEU. For non-matching phrases, BLEU is inca-
                                                                                                pable of detecting the existence of a critical mistake
                                                                                                that alters the meaning completely.
                                         1   Introduction
                                                                                                   Recently, multiple automatic metrics based on
                                         Although human evaluation of machine translation       trained neural models have emerged. For exam-
                                         (MT) systems provides extensive insights such as       ple, ESIM (Chen et al., 2017) is a model based
                                         adequacy, fluency, and comprehensibility (White        on bi-LSTM and average pooling, which can be
                                         et al., 1994), it is costly and time-consuming. In     tuned for predicting human judgment scores of
                                         contrast, automatic evaluation provides a quick        translation quality. Yisi-1 (kiu Lo, 2019) consid-
                                         and simple measure of translation quality, which       ers the distributional lexical similarity. BERTscore
(Zhang et al., 2020) evaluates the aggregated pair-               the reward, we gained limited improvement on
wise cosine similarity of token embeddings given a                BLEU scores, which is in line with past researches
hypothesis and a reference. All these models either               (Edunov et al., 2018). However, when optimizing
utilize BERT token embeddings or build based on                   BLEURT, we observe significant gains in BLEURT
BERT (Devlin et al., 2019). Studies have shown                    scores. In all datasets, the BLEURT scores are
that the model-based metrics indeed have higher                   increased by more than 10% on a relative scale.
human correlation. Mathur et al. (2020) reports                   The human evaluation shows that reward optimiza-
that the model-based metrics outperform BLEU in                   tion with BLEURT tends to improve the adequacy
almost all situations.                                            and coverage of translations. Finally, we present
   Given the significant success of recent develop-               a qualitative analysis on the divergence between
ment on model-based metrics, we are motivated                     BLEURT and BLEU. The contributions of this pa-
to examine whether it is beneficial to train or tune              per can be summarized as:
NMT models to directly optimize these new met-
rics. There are two folds of benefits. First, the                     1. We propose a constrastive-margin loss that
model-based metrics provide a smoother training                          enables fast and stable reward optimization
signal that covers the gray zone of non-matching                         with large NMT and metric models
phrases, where BLEU is less effective. Second and                     2. We found that the reward optimization with
most importantly, when optimizing a learned met-                         BLEURT is able to boost the score signifi-
ric 1 that is trained to match human judgments, it                       cantly. However, it hurts the BLEU scores.
may adjust NMT parameters to reflect human pref-                      3. The human evaluation shows that the resultant
erences on different aspects of translation quality.                     translations, even with lower BLEU, tend to
   In this paper, we report results of optimizing                        have better adequacy and coverage.
NMT models with the state-of-the-art learned met-
ric, BLEURT (Sellam et al., 2020). BLEURT uti-                    2     Reward Optimization for
lizes synthetic data for BERT pretraining, where                        Sequence-level Training
the BERT is asked to predict multiple criteria in-
cluding BLEU, BERTscore, and likelihoods of                       Given a source-target sequence pair (X, Y ∗ ) from
back-translation. Then, it is tuned with human                    the training set, let S(X, θ, N ) be a set of N can-
scores provided by WMT metrics shared tasks                       didate sequences generated by model pθ (Y |X),
(2017-2019). Specifically, we want to investigate                 which is reachable by a certain decoding strategy
whether optimizing a learned metric yields mean-                  (e.g. beam search). For neural machine transla-
ingful change to the translations, or it just learns to           tion, the goal of reward optimization is to solve the
hack the BERT model with meaningless sequences.                   following bi-level optimization (BLO) problem:
If the changes are meaningful, then we want to
                                                                                           max R(Ŷ ),              (1)
know what aspects of the translations are improved.                                          θ
   Given that both the BERT-based BLEURT and                              s.t.   Ŷ =    argmax log pθ (Y |X).      (2)
Transformer-based NMT models are large models                                           Y ∈S(X,θ,N )
with high GPU memory consumption, to facilitate
fast and stable reward optimization, we propose to                where R(·) is the reward of a sequence. Bi-level
use a pairwise ranking loss that differentiates the               optimization (Dempe, 2002; Colson et al., 2007) is
best and worst sequence in a candidate space. Un-                 a framework that formulates such a constrained op-
like the conventional risk loss (Shen et al., 2016), it           timization problem. The solution of the upper-level
does not require evaluating the model scores of all               (UL) problem is constrained to be the best response
candidates, therefore has a smaller memory foot-                  (i.e., argmax solution) of the lower-level (LL) prob-
print.                                                            lem. In the case of neural machine translation, the
                                                                  UL problem is to maximize a specific metric. The
   We evaluate optimized NMT models on four lan-
                                                                  LL problem constrains the solution to be the candi-
guage pairs: German-English, Romanian-English,
                                                                  date in the reachable set that has the highest NMT
Russian-English, and Japanese-English. Experi-
                                                                  model score. Here, we assume that each candidate
ments show that when using smoothed BLEU as
                                                                  has a unique model score, so that the argmax opera-
      Note that not all model-based metrics are trained to pre-   tor will not produce a set. This is referred to as the
dict human scores (e.g., BERTscore).                              lower-level singleton assumption (Liu et al., 2020),
the BLO problem will be much more complicated                   We may also choose to retain the candidate set
without such an assumption. In this paper, we de-             constraint, this leads to the risk loss:
fine R(Ŷ ) as the best-response reward. The BLO                                              h        i
                                                                       L(θ) = EY ∼p̃θ (Y |X) − R(Y ) ,
problem in this paper can be simply described as
best-response reward maximization.                                                       pθ (Y |X)
                                                                  p̃θ (Y |X) = P                       0
                                                                                                            .   (5)
   Recently, BLO gains popularity in tasks such as                                 Y 0 ∈S(X,θ,N ) pθ (Y |X)
hyper-parameter optimization (Maity et al., 2019),
                                                              In contrast to the policy gradient objective, the risk
architecture search (Souquet et al., 2020; Hou and
                                                              objective minimizes the expected cost of a finite
Jin, 2020) and meta-learning (Bertinetto et al.,
                                                              number of candidates, each cost is weighted by the
2019), where the problem is solved by constructing
                                                              normalized model probability p̃θ (Y |X). In liter-
the explicit gradient ∇θ R (Grazzi et al., 2020; Finn
                                                              ature, Shen et al. (2016) samples the candidates
et al., 2017; Okuno et al., 2018). These solutions re-
                                                              from the NMT model while Edunov et al. (2018)
quire at least first-order differentiability for the LL
                                                              uses the candidates found by beam search. Here,
problem. However, for machine translation, com-
                                                              we assume the cost is −R(Y ), which can also be
puting the explicit gradient is extremely difficult
                                                              defined otherly (e.g., 1 - BLEU). As there is a finite
given the fact that R(·) can be non-differentiable
                                                              number of candidates,
                                                                                  P the quantity can be com-
and Y is a discrete sequence.
                                                              puted exactly by Y ∈S −R(Y )p̃θ (Y |X), which
   Multiple reward optimization objectives includ-
                                                              is fully differentiable.
ing policy gradient and risk minimization have been
explored for NMT (Ranzato et al., 2016; Shen et al.,          Ranking Optimization Assume the candidates
2016). In fact, existing approaches can be seen as            in S(X, θ, N ) are sorted by their model scores in
solutions derived from approximated problems of               descending order. Rather than maximizing the ex-
BLO. We can classify existing approaches into two             pected reward, the second category of solutions
categories according to the approximation they use.           focuses on putting the candidates in the correct
                                                              order according to their rewards. This is a valid
Expected Reward Maximization The first cate-                  strategy as we can assume that a small change to
gory of solutions approximates the best-response              the parameter θ will not remove or add new se-
reward using the expected reward. We can relax                quences to the candidate set. The only way for
the candidate set constraint so that the LL solution          the hypothetical gradient ∇θ R to improve the best-
can take any sequence. Then, the original BLO                 response reward is to rerank the candidates so that
problem can be approximated by maximizing the                 a candidate with a higher reward will be placed at
expected reward:                                              the top. Therefore, the ranking problem is a proxy
                                h       i                     problem of the original BLO problem.
          J(θ) = EY ∼pθ (Y |X) R(Y ) .           (3)             Various methods are explored in this category.
                                                              Here, we denote YR∗ = argmaxY ∈S R(Y ) as the
This gives the exact form of the policy gradient ob-          candidate with the highest reward. The simplest
jective. Here, Eq. (3) describes an one-step markov           approach is to improve the model score of YR∗ with:
decision process (MDP) that treats the whole se-
quence Y as an action. The gradient of this ob-                            L(θ) = − log pθ (YR∗ |X).            (6)
jective can be computed explicitly by applying the            When the candidate set has only one sequence
log-derivative trick. In the case of autoregressive           (N = 1), the objective resorts to self distillation.
models, we often model the decoding process as                However, the model may optimize the loss by sim-
a multi-step MDP (Ranzato et al., 2016) with the              ply lowering the softmax temperature. To avoid
following objective:                                          this problem, we can substract Eq. (6) with a base-
                                                              line and form a margin loss. Tsochantaridis et al.
           X                          h            i          (2005); Edunov et al. (2018) described a multi-
  J(θ) =          Eyt ∼pθ (yt |y
Here, sθ (·) denotes the logits. The margin m is        Although the proposed loss is not optimizing the
computed with the reward difference, scaled by a        best-response reward R(Ŷ ) explicitly, we observe
hyperparameter α. The authors also described a          that both the best-response reward and the average
max-margin loss that uses the best competitor as        reward are improved over time.
baseline:                                                  The size of the candidate set N will impact the
                                                      behavior of Eq. (9). When N = 1, the loss pro-
 L(θ) = max 0, m − sθ (YR∗ |X) + sθ (Ŷ |X) ,           duces zero gradient as YR∗ = YR∼ . When N in-
    Ŷ = argmax pθ (Y |X),                              creases, the training becomes more stable as the
          Y ∈S\{YR∗ }                                   YR∗ and YR∼ will be less likely to change when the
                                                      candidate set is large enough.
    m = α R(YR∗ ) − R(Ŷ ) .                     (8)
                                                        4     Related Work
3   Contrastive-Margin Loss for Reward
    Optimization                                        Indeed, fine-tuning machine translation systems
                                                        with the target metric is a standard practice in sta-
As the policy gradient method optimizes the ex-         tistical machine translation (Och, 2003; Cer et al.,
pected reward without the candidate set constraint,     2008). For neural machine translation, existing
it may diverge from best-response reward maxi-          researches have attempted to improve rule-based
mization. Also, because it is difficult to construct    rewards (e.g., BLEU) with reinforcement learn-
the reward in the multi-step MDP setting, the risk      ing (Ranzato et al., 2016; Wu et al., 2018), risk
loss is favored in recent papers. Shen et al. (2016)    minimization (Shen et al., 2016; Edunov et al.,
and Edunov et al. (2018) found that the risk loss       2018), and other methods (Wiseman and Rush,
performs the best among various structured predic-      2016; Welleck and Cho, 2020). Wieting et al.
tion objectives. However, the risk loss in Eq. (5)      (2019) and Schmidt and Hofmann (2020) proposed
requires computing the model scores for all se-         metrics based on the similarity between sentence
quences in the candidate set, which has the size        embeddings, and optimize the text generation mod-
of at least 10 in practice. This significantly slows    els with the similarity scores.
down the training especially in our setting where          In this paper, we focus on optimizing NMT mod-
both the reward function and NMT model are large        els with learned metrics (e.g., BLEURT), which are
neural networks. The max-margin loss in Eq. (8)         trained with human judgment data because human
is the only objective that has a small memory foot-     perceives the translation quality in multiple criteria
print as it only computes the model scores of two       (e.g., adequacy, fluency and coverage) with differ-
candidates.                                             ent weights. If a single metric cannot accurately
   However, when optimizing the max-margin loss         match human preference, inevitably, we have to
with BLEURT, we found the training to be unstable.      mix different rewards and tune the weights with
When YR∗ has a low rank, the gradient of the max-       human annotators. In contrast, a learned metric
margin loss still penalizes the argmax solution Ŷ      might provide a balanced training signal that re-
even when Ŷ actually has a relatively high reward.     flects human preference.
As a result, a third candidate with a worse reward         Recent model-based metrics are all built using
may be placed at the top.                               BERT, which can guide the models to produce se-
   In this paper, we propose to use a more conser-      mantically sound translations. Different from our
vative variation of the max-margin loss, which we       approach, Zhu et al. (2020) and Chen et al. (2019)
refer to as contrastive-margin loss. Denote YR∼ as      attempt to directly incorporate BERT into NMT
the candidate with the worst reward in S(X, θ, N ).     models. However, reward training with learned
The constrastive-margin loss differentiates between     metrics can benefit more than just semantics, as
the best and worst candidate in the set with:           shown in the qualitative analysis of this paper.
 L(θ) = max 0, m − sθ (YR∗ |X) + sθ (YR∼ |X) ,          5     Experiments
    m = α R(YR∗ ) − R(YR∼ ) .                     (9)   5.1    Settings
                                                        Dataset We conduct experiments on four to-
As penalizing YR∼   is a much safer choice compared     English datasets: WMT14 De-En (Bojar et al.,
to penalizing Ŷ , the training will be more stable.    2014), WMT16 Ro-En (Bojar et al., 2016),
De-En   Ro-En   Ru-En   Ja-En                             1.0

         domain     Web     News    Web     Science
          #train    4.5M    608K     1M      2.2M                             0.5
          #test     3003    1999    2000     1812
       avg. words   28.5    26.4    24.6     25.7                             0.0
                                                                                          1.5     1.0     0.5                  0.0      0.5       1.0
Table 1: Corpus statistics including domain, number of                                             BLEURT score value
training and testing pairs and average number of words
                                                                Figure 1: Histogram of BLEURT scores produced by
                                                                baseline Transformers on mixed language pairs
WMT19 Ru-En (Barrault et al., 2019) and ASPEC                                 NMT     BLEU SBLEU BLEURT                       NMT    BLEU SBLEU BLEURT
Ja-En (Nakazawa et al., 2016). Table 1 reports the
                                                                              1.000 0.093 0.098 0.076                         1.000 0.058 0.062 0.060


corpus statistics. All datasets are preprocessed us-
ing Moses tokenizer except the Japanese corpus,                                       1.000 0.797 0.159                              1.000 0.695 0.192

                                                          BLEURT SBLEU BLEU

                                                                                                          BLEURT SBLEU BLEU
which is tokenized with Kytea (Neubig et al., 2011).
Bype-pair encoding (Sennrich et al., 2016) with a                                           1.000 0.186                                       1.000 0.243
code size of 32K is applied for all training data. For
De-En and Ro-En, we follow the default practice                                                   1.000                                             1.000
in fairseq to bind all embeddings. For WMT19
Ru-En task, we only use Yandex Corpus 2 as train-                                     (a) De-En                                       (b) Ja-En
ing data. For ASPEC Ja-En corpus, we perform
                                                                Figure 2: Correlation (Kendall’s τ ) between different
data filtering to remove abnormal pairs, where the
                                                                automatic metrics. The coefficients are computed over
number of source and target words differ by more                4-best candidates then averaged. NMT indicates the
than 50%.                                                       model score of baseline Transformers.
Model We use Base Transformer (Vaswani et al.,
2017) for De-En, Ru-En, and Ja-En tasks. For                    formers. The BLEURT scores have a mean of 0.18
Ro-En task, we reduce the number of hidden                      and a standard deviation of 0.48.
units to 256 and feed-forward layer units to 1024.
Other hyperparameters follow the default setting of            Training and Hyperparameters We start with
fairseq (Ott et al., 2018). We train the baseline              the baseline model parameters and use the
models for 100K iterations and average the last                contrastive-margin loss to finetune the parameters.
10 checkpoints. For Ro-En, however, we observe                 We use SGD with a learning rate of 0.0001. In
over-fitting before the training ends. Therefore, we           each training iteration, we perform beam search
average 10 checkpoints with the last checkpoint                to produce N candidates. As the beam size in the
having the lowest validation loss. Most experi-                inference time is 4, we set N = 10 so that the train-
ments were performed on NAVER Smart Machine                    ing can be stable. The margin hyperparameter m in
Learning (NSML) (Kim et al., 2018).                            Eq. (9) is chosen based on validation reward. We
                                                               found that m = 0.3 generally works for SBLEU
Reward In our experiments, we test with two re-                and m = 0.1 generally works for BLEURT in
wards: Smoothed BLEU (SLBEU) (Lin and Och,                     all datasets. As both the BLEURT model and the
2004) and BLEURT (Sellam et al., 2020). For                    Transformer have high GPU memory consumption,
computing the BLEURT score, we use pretrained                  we set a batch size of 100 sentences for BLEURT
BLEURT-Base model 3 that has 12 layers with 768                and 1024 tokens for the NMT model. The train-
hidden units, allowing a maximum of 128 tokens.                ing is distributed on 16 Nvidia V100 GPUs, which
As BLEURT predicts the quality score with a dense              typically converges within 1 ∼ 2 epochs. In our ex-
layer, the value of scores does not fall into a certain        periments, it takes around 80 minutes for running
range. Fig. 1 shows the histogram of BLEURT                    1000 iterations. We check the validation reward for
scores produced using mixed unique hypothesis-                 every 20 iterations and save the checkpoint with
reference pairs sampled from all datasets. The                 the highest best-response reward.
translations are generated using baseline Trans-
                                                                5.2                 Agreement between Different Metrics
  3                         In Fig. 2, we show the correlation between differ-
bleurt                                                          ent metrics on German-English (a) and Japanese-
0.26                                                                                             0.00                                       33.5
                                         0.07                            0.00
         0.24                            0.06                                                             0.05                                       33.0


         0.22                            0.05
                                                                         0.04                             0.10                                       32.5
         0.20                     top                             top    0.06                      top                             top               32.0                      top
                                  mean   0.03                     mean                             mean   0.15                     mean                                        mean
                0   1000   2000   3000          0   500 1000 1500 2000          0   1000   2000   3000           0   1000   2000   3000                     0        2000    4000
                     (a) De-En                        (b) Ro-En                       (c) Ru-En                        (d) Ja-En                                (e) Ja-En (R=SBLEU)

Figure 3: Validation reward (BLEURT) over iterations (X axis) when fine-tuning baseline Transformers using the
contrastive-margin loss (Eq. (9)). The upper line in each plot shows the reward value of the top candidate. The
lower line shows the mean reward value of top-10 candidates produced by beam search. The last plot shows the
training graph with SBLEU as the reward.

English (b) tasks. We measure Kendal’s τ of metric                                         of the reward has a large impact on the stability of
pairs of 4-best candidate translations sampled from                                        training.
baseline Transformers. We report the coefficients
averaged over 10K random samples. In the fig-                                              5.4      Automatic Evaluation Results
ure, we also show the correlation of baseline NMT                                          In Table 2, we report the automatic evaluation
model scores (i.e., length-normalized log probabil-                                        scores for NMT models optimized with different
ity) and other automatic metrics.                                                          rewards and compare them with baseline models.
   The correlation matrix reveals that when eval-                                          All translations are generated with beam search
uating the top few candidates produced by beam                                             with a beam size of 4. We report tokenized BLEU
search, the baseline NMT model scores have ex-                                             and BLEURT-Base scores for all language pairs.
tremely low correlation with both evaluation met-                                             We observe that when optimizing the BLEU
rics we consider. Therefore, if optimizing a certain                                       scores, the gain is limited. This result is in line
metric is beneficial, then there exists huge room for                                      with past researches (Edunov et al., 2018). How-
improvement. Results also show that BLEURT has                                             ever, when optimizing BLEURT as the reward,
a weak correlation with BLEU/SBLEU.                                                        the metric score is significantly improved. In the
                                                                                           case of Ja-En, the BLEURT score is relatively in-
5.3             Effects of Reward Optimization                                             creased by 31% when optimizing for it. In contrast,
Fig. 3 demonstrates the effects on validation re-                                          the BLEU score is only improved by 0.3% when
wards when fine-tuning baseline NMT models with                                            trained with SBLEU. For De-En, Ro-En and Ru-En
the proposed contrastive-margin loss (Eq. (9)). In                                         tasks, BLEURT training results in relative improve-
each plot, we show the best-response reward (top)                                          ment of 18% , 11% and 80% respectively.
and the average reward of top-10 candidates (mean)                                            The second observation is that the BLEU score
found by beam search. When optimizing BLEURT                                               starts to hurt when BLEURT is improved by a
(Fig. 3 (a-d)), we observe the reward training to be                                       large margin, which happens for De-En, Ru-En,
stable and the validation reward is improved sig-                                          and Ja-En tasks. This indicates that BLEURT has a
nificantly over time. For the low-resource dataset                                         drastically different preference on translations com-
Ro-En, we observe overfitting after training for                                           paring to BLEU. This phenomenon is particularly
2000 iterations.                                                                           significant on Ja-En task, where the BLEU score is
   When training with SBLEU as the reward, how-                                            reduced by as much as 8 points. To understand how
ever, we observe the validation reward to be less                                          the translations change to enhance BLEURT and
stable. In the case of Ja-En (Fig. 3 (e)), the SLBEU                                       even harm BLEU , we perform further qualitative
of the top candidate reaches the maximum value                                             analysis, which is summarized in Section 5.6.
after around 2000 iterations. For SBLEU, two se-
quences will end up with the same score if they                                            5.5      Human Evaluation
contain only a few different n-grams that do not                                           We perform human evaluations to examine how
match the reference. Unfortunately, due to the low                                         the reward training affects the real translation qual-
diversity of beam search, this is often the case. As a                                     ity. We conduct pairwise judgment with Amazon
result, the number of effective training samples will                                      Mechanical Turk, asking the workers to judge the
be much less than the batch size. The contradiction                                        quality of translations from random model pairs.
of training behavior indicates that the smoothness                                         For each dataset, we submit 50 evaluation tasks
De-En                 Ro-En                      Ru-En                   Ja-En
                   BLEU(%) BLEURT        BLEU(%) BLEURT             BLEU(%) BLEURT         BLEU(%) BLEURT
        Baseline    30.21      0.167       34.11         0.069        34.20      0.086       28.81      0.154
    R - SBLEU       30.98      0.164       34.47         0.071        35.11      0.094       28.92      0.174
   R - BLEURT       28.94      0.195       34.17         0.077        33.07      0.155       20.75      0.202

 Table 2: Automatic evaluation scores of the baseline Transformer and models optimized with different rewards

for each model pair, each task will be assigned to         each dataset in detail, we can see that the only con-
three different annotators. During our evaluations,        sistently outperforming criterion for the BLEURT
the workers are blind to the models. We also add           model is coverage. The results on adequacy and
“reference-baseline” pair as a control group to ver-       fluency are mixed depending on the dataset.
ify the validity of collected data, resulting in 600          To conclude, human evaluation gives a clear sign
jobs for each dataset. We filter the workers with          that the BLEURT training improves the coverage.
an approval rate threshold of 98% and ensure the           Although the improvement on adequacy is uneven,
workers having at least 1000 approval hits. For pair-      it proves that the translation quality can be im-
wise human evaluation, we perform experiments              proved even with decreased BLEU scores.
on three major datasets: De-En, Ru-En, and Ja-En.
The questionnaire can be found in Appendix.                5.6     The divergence between BLEU and
   Following White et al. (1994), we ask the annota-               BLEURT
tors to judge the adequacy (i.e. relevancy of mean-
                                                           In automatic evaluation, we observed a significant
ing) and fluency (i.e. readability) of translations.
                                                           divergence between BLEU and BLEURT. The re-
Additionally, we also ask annotators to judge the
                                                           ward training with BLEURT hurts BLEU in all
coverage of translations. A translation has lower
                                                           three major datasets. To understand the factors
coverage if it has missing meaning. Due to the
                                                           causing such divergence, we perform qualitative
difficulty of finding workers capable of speaking
                                                           analysis on sampled translations of the reward train-
the source language, we only ask workers to judge
                                                           ing model and compare them with the baseline re-
by comparing with reference translations. It is op-
                                                           sults. We randomly sample 10 translation results
tional to check the meaning of the source sentence.
                                                           for each dataset. Here, We only focus on the re-
On average, workers are spending 57 seconds for
                                                           sults where BLEUT scores strongly disagree with
completing a job.
                                                           smoothed BLEU. In particular, we only pick trans-
   The results are summarized in Table 3. For each         lations that increase BLEURT by at least 0.3 and
criterion, we first count the majority votes for each      decrease smoothed BLEU by at least 3%, com-
task. For instance, the result will be a win for           pared to baseline results. We carefully check the
“A-B” pair on adequacy if two or more workers              translations to see whether the quality is improved.
judge that A’s result has better adequacy than B’s         In the case of improving, we annotate the detailed
result. In the case of all three workers disagree with     category of improvement (e.g., semantics, order,
each other, we discard the sample. The rightmost           coverage, and readability). The result is summa-
column of the table shows the average token-level          rized as below:
edit distance between the results of the two models.
In the last section, we show the combined results                • [25/40] Improved quality (better semantics
across different datasets.                                         16/40, better order 6/40, better coverage 3/40)
   The token-level edit distance shows that fine-
tuning with BLEURT reward changes the transla-                   • [10/40] Similar quality
tions more aggressively than the SBLEU reward.                   • [ 5/40] Degraded quality
Based on the combined results, we observe that
the BLEURT model tends to outperform both the                 We found when BLEURT strongly disagree with
baseline and the SBLEU model on adequacy and               smoothed BLEU, the majority has improved qual-
coverage. No significant improvement in fluency            ity. In most of the cases, we observe the BLEURT-
is observed. This may indicate the NMT mod-                trained model picks words with a semantic meaning
els trained with NLL loss already have good flu-           closer to the reference. One of such examples is
ency. However, when comparing the models for               shown in Table 4. Other than semantics, we also
Adequacy               Fluency               Coverage
           Dataset    Evaluation Pair                                                                        Edit
                                         win       tie   loss   win       tie  loss   win       tie   loss
            De-En     bleurt-baseline    0.21     0.60   0.19   0.17    0.63   0.20   0.23     0.65   0.12   4.7
                      sbleu-baseline     0.29     0.63   0.07   0.23    0.70   0.07   0.23     0.68   0.09   2.7
                         bleurt-sbleu    0.24     0.59   0.17   0.24    0.55   0.21   0.20     0.55   0.25   4.9
            Ru-En     bleurt-baseline    0.26     0.56   0.19   0.22    0.56   0.22   0.25     0.57   0.18   4.3
                      sbleu-baseline     0.31     0.48   0.21   0.23    0.51   0.26   0.26     0.49   0.26   2.1
                         bleurt-sbleu    0.24     0.51   0.24   0.22    0.59   0.20   0.27     0.59   0.15   4.3
             Ja-En    bleurt-baseline    0.26     0.45   0.29   0.24    0.54   0.22   0.22     0.58   0.20   12.3
                      sbleu-baseline     0.18     0.61   0.21   0.18    0.64   0.18   0.16     0.71   0.13    5.6
                         bleurt-sbleu    0.33     0.38   0.29   0.23    0.50   0.27   0.29     0.45   0.26   11.4
         Combined     bleurt-baseline    0.24     0.54   0.22   0.21    0.58   0.21   0.23     0.60   0.17   7.1
                      sbleu-baseline     0.26     0.57   0.16   0.21    0.62   0.17   0.22     0.63   0.16   3.4
                         bleurt-sbleu    0.27     0.49   0.23   0.23    0.55   0.23   0.25     0.53   0.22   6.8

Table 3: Pairwise human evaluation results for De-En, Ru-En and Ja-En language pairs. The annotators are asked
to judge the adequacy, fluency and coverage of two translations from a random pair of models. We collect three
data points for each sample. For each criterion, we show the percentage of majority votes. Last column shows the
average token-level edit distance between results. The bottom section shows combined results across datasets.

 Ex 1     Improved semantics (Ru-En #1440)                      6      Conclusion
 REF      After the film screening and discussion about the
          recent scientific achievements , ...
 BASE     After watching the film and discussing modern
          scientific breakthroughs , ...                        In this paper, we optimize NMT models with
 OURS     After watching the film and discussing the latest
          scientific breakthroughs , ...
                                                                the state-of-the-art learned metric, BLEURT, and
                                                                examine the effects on translation quality with
 Ex 2     Risk relevant to rare words
 REF      Billy Donovan will be sixth coach of Zach             both automatic and human evaluation. To facil-
          LaVine .                                              itate fast and stable reward training, we propose
 HYP1     Donovan will be fifth coach of Zach Curry .           contrastive-margin loss, which requires computing
 HYP2     Donovan will be fifth coach of Zach Bryant .          model scores for only two sequences, in contrast to
          (BLEURT=0.008)                                        N sequences in the risk loss. Through experiments,
                                                                we found optimizing BLEURT results in signifi-
Table 4: Translation examples that demonstrate im-              cant gains in the score. However, in three over
proved semantics (Ex. 1) and BLEURT assigning un-
                                                                four language pairs, the improvement of BLEURT
expected scores when rare words are presented (Ex. 2).
The source sentences are omitted.
                                                                is coupled with degraded BLEU scores. By per-
                                                                forming the pairwise human evaluation, we found
                                                                the NMT models optimized with BLEURT tend to
                                                                have better adequacy and coverage comparing to
found examples showing BLEURT favors the trans-                 baseline and models tuned with smoothed BLEU.
lations with better word order or higher coverage.              The results show that the reward optimization is not
                                                                simply hacking the metric model with unrealistic
                                                                translations, but yield meaningful improvement.
Potential Risk While examining the translations,
we also found unexpected results where BLEURT                      Multiple recent studies (Wu et al., 2016;
is significantly higher/lower though the translation            Choshen et al., 2020) have indicated that BLEU as
quality is almost identical with the baseline. Ta-              a training signal does not contribute to the quality
ble 4 (Ex. 2) demonstrates a constructed example,               improvement of translations. Based on the results
where the only difference between the two hypothe-              of this paper, we argue reward optimization is still
ses is the last name. Although two translations may             beneficial if we choose the right metric that cor-
have a similar quality, the BLEURT scores differ                rectly reflects the human preference of translations.
significantly. As BLEURT takes the semantics into               Future work on systematic reward ensembling has
consideration, we found that it occasionally assigns            the potential to bring consistent improvement to
unexpected scores when rare words are presented                 machine translation models.
in the translations.
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Help us evaluate Russian-to-English translations.

Given the source text (in Russian), your task is to compare the two proposed translations (in English) and choose the better translation.

To make the comparison more objective, we have prepared three criteria.

      Coverage: How much of the information does the translation retain from the source text?
      Relevance: How relevant is the translation to the original text? Is there any unrelated meaning introduced in the translation?
      Fluency: How grammatical and fluent is the translation, regardless of the meaning? A translation may be irrelevant to the original text but still be considered fluent
      if language is natural and grammatically correct.

We have also prepared examples to help you understand the criteria better. We explain each criterion in more detail.

Coverage is evaluated by assessing how much source information is retained in the translation. A translation with perfect coverage will retain all meaning in the source
text. Whereas a sub-optimal translation may omit some of the original meanings. The worst translation will not convey any meanings in the original text.

The following example illustrates the concept of coverage:

                                    Text                                                                  Explanation
                                    Es gab aber auch Zustimmung zur Idee eines weiteren
Original Text (German)
              Perfect Coverage      But there was also approval of the idea of a further lockdown.
                                                                                                          The translation mentions the approval of a lockdown but fails to
              Partial Coverage      But the congress approved a lockdown.
Translation                                                                                               mention that it was an extension of an existing lockdown.
                                                                                                          Although the translation falls under the same topic as the original
              Minimal Coverage The nation was swept by Covid-19.
                                                                                                          sentence, the meaning is entirely different from the original text.


Relevance measures how much of the translated information is relevant to the original text. This criterion is used to gauge how precise the translation is. A good
translation should not introduce any additional information not mentioned in the original text.

A translation with good relevance contains information from only the source text. A translation with poor relevance may contain useless information not mentioned in the
source text. An irrelevant translation will contain no meanings in the original text.

Please note that it is possible for a translation with perfect coverage (refer above section) score poorly on the relevance criterion. Refer to the examples below for such a

                                    Text                                                                  Explanation
                                    Es gab aber auch Zustimmung zur Idee eines weiteren
Original Text (German)
                                                                                                          Explanation: All information in the translation is relevant to the
              Perfect Relevance But there was also approval of the idea of a further lockdown.
                                                                                                          source meainings
                                                                                                          The relevance is still perfect, because all translation is still
                                                                                                          relevant to the source text. However the same translation may
              Perfect Relevance There was an approval of a lockdown.
                                                                                                          score poorly in terms of coverage (not all meanings are well
                                                                                                          The translation introduces the subject 'congress', which did not
                                                                                                          exist in the source text. In this case, the translation has both poor
              Partial Relevance The congress approved a lockdown
                                                                                                          relevance (mentions 'congress') and coverage (no mention of
                                    The nation was swept by Covid-19.                                     The translation has nothing to do with the original text.

Fluency measures purely the linguistic quality of the translation and nothing else. This criterion should not reflect whether the translation is relevant to the original text or
has high coverage or not. Rate fluency only in terms of grammaticality and naturalness.

This means that a perfectly fluent translation may actually have zero relevance and zero coverage.

                                    Text                                                                  Explanation
                                    Es gab aber auch Zustimmung zur Idee eines weiteren
Original Text (German)
                                                                                                       This translation scores perfect in terms of relevance, coverage,
               Fluent               But there was also approval of the idea of a further lockdown.
                                                                                                       and fluecy.
                                                                                                       The expression 'approving' is not natural, and the article before
               Partially Fluent     But there was also approving of the idea of a additional lockdown.
Translation                                                                                            'additional' should be 'an'.
                                                                                                          This is perfectly fluent, regardless of how relevant or how much
               Fluent               The nation was swept by Covid-19.
                                                                                                          of the original meaning is retained.
               Not Fluent           What hi oh my this Ahf                                                The translation scores zero is all criteria.

This is a comparative study, so for each task, carefully compare the translations in terms of the aforementioned three criteria and and choose the better one, even if the
difference is marginal (avoid choosing the neutral option as much as possible).

Good luck, and thank you for participating in our study!

                                      Figure 4: Instruction page for pairwise human evaluation
View detailed instructions

    Note: Please read the detailed instructions (click the button above) carefully before starting the job. Not
    following the detailed instructions may get your work rejected. Thank you.

    Instruction: Compare the two translations below in terms of coverage, relevance and fluency. Use the
    reference translation as the guide. Knowledge of Russian is not needed at all. The ground truth reference
    translation will be given along with the source text.

    Source Text (Russian)

    сам боронин сообщил , что чувствует себя нормально , свои обязанности главы в ходе голодовки
    исполнял в полной мере .

    Reference Translation (English)

    This is a perfect translation of the source text.

    boronin himself said that he was feeling fine , and that he performed his duties as a head during the hunger
    strike to the full degree .

    Translation A (English)

    boronin himself reported that he felt normal , and that he fully performed his duties during the hunger strike .

    Translation B (English)

    boronin himself reported that he felt normal and that he had performed his duties during the hunger strike in full


    Reminder: Try to choose either A or B. Avoid the neutral option as best as you can.


    Which translation has better coverage (retaining original meaning)?

         A         Neither         B


    Which translation has better relevance (more precise)?

         A         Neither         B


    Which translation is more fluent (natural and grammatical)?

         A         Neither         B

    Comments (Optional)

    State any issues while completing the survey.


Figure 5: Work sheet for pairwise human evaluation. This figure displays an example page for Russian-English
language pair.
You can also read