Review Peripheral nervous system involvement in systemic lupus erythematosus: a review of the evidence

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Review Peripheral nervous system involvement in systemic lupus erythematosus: a review of the evidence

              Peripheral nervous system involvement in systemic
                lupus erythematosus: a review of the evidence
                     A. Bortoluzzi1, E. Silvagni1, F. Furini1, M. Piga2, M. Govoni1

  Department of Medical Sciences, Section   ABSTRACT                                      ripheral neuropathies (PN) recognises a
of Rheumatology, University of Ferrara      In the past years the peripheral nervous      non-SLE aetiology (1).
and Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria       system (PNS) involvement in systemic          The 1999 American College of Rheuma-
Sant’Anna, Cona, Ferrara, Italy;
                                            lupus erythematosus (SLE) has received        tology (ACR) provided the definitions
  Rheumatology Unit, University Clinic
and AOU of Cagliari, Italy.                 little attention despite its potential sig-   for 7 peripheral manifestations related
                                            nificant impact. The true prevalence of       to SLE (2), but a revisiting of this clas-
Alessandra Bortoluzzi, MD, PhD
Ettore Silvagni, MD                         PNS in SLE reported in studies is vari-       sification including small fibre neuropa-
Federica Furini, MD                         able and strongly influenced by Ameri-        thy has been advised by some Authors
Matteo Piga, MD, PhD                        can College of Rheumatology (ACR)             (1, 3). This review will focus on epide-
Marcello Govoni, MD                         case definition that includes seven PNS       miology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, clini-
Please address correspondence to:           manifestations (acute inflammatory de-        cal features and treatment of peripheral
Dr Alessandra Bortoluzzi,                   myelinating polyradiculoneuropathy,           neuropsychiatric SLE (NPSLE).
Dipartmento di Scienze Mediche,             autonomic disorder, mononeuropathy,
Sezione di Reumatologia,                    myasthenia gravis, cranial neuropa-           Epidemiology
Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria
Sant’Anna di Ferrara,
                                            thy, plexopathy and polyneuropathy).          The true prevalence of PNS involve-
Via Aldo Moro 8,                            Other peripheral manifestations, such         ment in SLE reported in studies is high-
44124 Cona, Italy.                          as chronic inflammatory demyelinating         ly variable and strongly influenced by
E-mail:                    polyradiculoneuropathy and small fibre        ACR nomenclature. The case definition
Received on October 9, 2017; accepted       neuropathy, not included in the ACR           included acute inflammatory demyeli-
in revised form on February 28, 2018.       nomenclature, have not been well char-        nating polyradiculoneuropathy (Guil-
Clin Exp Rheumatol 2019; 37: 146-155.       acterised in SLE. The aim of this review      lain-Barrè syndrome, GBS), autonomic
© Copyright Clinical and                    is to focus on epidemiology, pathogen-        disorder, single/multiple mononeuropa-
Experimental Rheumatology 2019.             esis, diagnosis and clinical features         thy, myasthenia gravis (MG), cranial
                                            of all possible different expressions of      neuropathy, plexopathy and polyneu-
Key words: peripheral nervous               PNS involvement in SLE, with the final        ropathy (2).
system, neuropsychiatric lupus              objective to profile the patient’s clinical   The importance of the PNS involve-
erythematosus, cranial neuropathy,          characteristics.                              ment was clearly recognised once again
myasthenia gravis, polyneuropathy,                                                        in the new 2012 Systemic Lupus Inter-
small fibre neuropathy                      Introduction                                  national Collaborating Clinics (SLICC)
                                            Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)            classification criteria for SLE (4); here
                                            is an autoimmune-mediated disease,            the neurologic criterion was substan-
                                            characterised by the production of au-        tially implemented by including a larg-
                                            toantibodies and immune-complexes             er number of neurologic manifestations
                                            deposition that can affect multiple or-       of SLE related to a PNS involvement -
                                            gans and systems including both the           like mononeuritis multiplex, peripheral
                                            central (CNS) and peripheral nervous          or cranial neuropathy – not included
                                            system (PNS).                                 in the original 1997 revised classifica-
                                            In past decades many studies have evalu-      tion criteria for lupus (5). Most of the
                                            ated the CNS manifestations, while only       studies that evaluated the NP involve-
                                            a limited number focused on the PNS           ment in SLE, applying the 1999 ACR
                                            ones. To date, little is known about the      nomenclature, are typically retrospec-
                                            actual prevalence and the demographic         tive cohort and consider together the
                                            and specific immunological factors of         peripheral and central involvement (4).
                                            peripheral neuro-lupus. In addition the       The prevalence of PNS complications
                                            final attribution of PNS involvement to       ranged between 2 and 10%, with a high-
                                            SLE is a relevant and challenging clini-      er predominance of polyneuropathies
Competing interests: none declared.         cal issue because up to one third of pe-      (2–3%) and mononeuropathies (single

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or multiple: 0.5–1%), compared to rare        Recent advances in pathogenesis             tions of molecules released by nocic-
or unusual events like GBS (0.1%),            of PNS involvement in SLE                   eptors and distinct afferent stimulation
MG (0.1%) and plexopathy (
PNS involvement in SLE / A. Bortoluzzi et al.

Fig. 1. Pathogenesis of peripheral nervous system involvement in systemic lupus erythematosus.
Different pathogenetic mechanisms could explain large and small fibre neuropathy. The figure illustrates some emerging key concepts.
Neurogenic inflammation: (1) In humans, an increased number of proinflammatory cytokines (IL-1-Beta, IL-6, TNF-alpha) is reported in nerve biopsy
from patients with painful neuropathies, especially in patients with vasculitic neuropathies. IL-1-Beta, IL-6, TNF-alpha are directly sensed by nociceptors
which express the cognate receptors. Nociceptors can release different neuropeptides such as calcitonin gene-related protein and substance P resulting in
vasodilatation and increasing vascular permeability. (2) The mediators released from sensory neurons in periphery directly attract and activate immune in-
nate cells (dendritic, mast cells) and adaptative immune cells such as T lymphocytes.
Autoantibodies: (3) Nodes of Ranvier may be, interestingly, a vulnerable target for autoimmunity due to the intrinsically elevated number of potential
antigens and because of the crucial permeability of blood nerve barrier in nodal and juxtaparanodal structures. A process of molecular mimicry may act as
the starting motif to target different specific antigens within nerve structure.
Mechanisms implicated in small fibre neuropathy (4) Length-dependent small fibre neuropathy: immunoglobulin deposit on the surface of nerves and
the activation of dermal vascular endothelium lead to decreased intraepidermal nerve fibre density of unmyelinated fibres. (5) Non-length-dependent gan-
glionopathy: the hypothesised pathogenetic mechanisms include the presence of anti DRG-antibodies, apoptosis of the DRG nucleus or axons and reduced
apoptosis of anti-neuronal directed T-cell.
DRG, dorsal root ganglion; IL-1β, interleukin 1-beta; IL-6, interleukin-6; TNF-α, tumour necrosis factor alpha.

trates in polyneuropathies (23) and a                Risk factors and attribution for                     whole PNS events judged not-SLE re-
vasculitis-associated pattern of ischae-             PNS involvement in SLE                               lated. Mononeuritis multiplex was most
mic and inflammatory damage in vas-                  In SLE, the correct attribution of NP                likely to be SLE-related in agreement
culitic neuropathy (24-26).                          events is of outstanding importance for              with the new classification criteria for
In SLE patients, sparse histopathologic              the patient’s care and also to define both           SLE that deemed this kind of manifes-
data reported chronic axonal degenera-               pathogenic mechanisms and therapeutic                tation to be very specific.
tion with reduction of myelinated and de-            interventions (28-30). Oomatia report-               Among clinical and demographic data,
myelinated fibre density, demyelination,             ed that from a total of 123 SLE patients             comparing patients with and without
inflammatory changes with mononuclear                with PNS manifestations, 33.3% were                  PNS involvement, an older age at onset
infiltration among nerve fibres, immune              not attributable to SLE, due to other                of the disease and a higher SLICC/ACR
complexes deposition and vasculitis with             non-SLE aetiologies like infectious or               Damage Index (SDI) are traits that are
thickening of the vessel wall, cellular in-          metabolic (1). Florica et al. (10) report-           associated with PNS involvement at-
filtration and intimal changes (27).                 ed a similar result with 39.6% of the                tributed to SLE (1, 10).

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Polyneuropathy                                Table I. Classification of large fibre neuropathy.
Large fibre neuropathy are divided by
                                                                          Classification of large fibre neuropathy
electrodiagnostic studies into axonal or
demyelinating neuropathies, and fuction-      By damaged structure    By functional involvement       By pattern of trunk nerve involvement
ally in sensory, motor or sensorimotor             - axonal                    - sensory                         - polyneuropathy
(1). The pattern of trunk nerve involve-       - demyelinating                  - motor            - multineuropathy (multiple mononeuropathy)
ment defines the distinction in poli-, mul-                                 - sensorimotor                      - mononeuropathy
ti- and mononeuropathy (Table I).
Polyneuropathy is the most frequent           up, which suggested adopting a mainte-             or more nerves could be concomitantly
PNS manifestation in SLE, inducing            nance therapy.                                     affected (41). The involvement of the
altered sensitivity, atrophic changes or                                                         medial longitudinal fascicle is also de-
pain. Muscle strength is typically in-        Cranial neuropathy                                 scribed in SLE, resulting in internuclear
volved later in the process, with weak-       Optic neuropathy (II cranial nerve -               ophthalmoplegia (42). VI CN is the most
ness of toes extension, ankle dorsiflex-      CN), the most frequent cranial neuropa-            frequently affected among oculomotors
ion (enhanced by walking on heels) and        thy described in SLE (about 1% in SLE              (40). A micro-thrombotic vasculopathy
altered proprioception causing frequent       cohorts), will not be discussed because            related to antiphospholipid antibodies
falls. The most common form in SLE            it is part of CNS (as well as the olfac-           has been advocated as a possible patho-
is a symmetric distal axonal sensory or       tory nerve).                                       genetic mechanism; viral infections be-
sensorimotor neuropathy. The axonal           Most common cranial neuropathies are,              fore developing clinical signs are some-
forms typically follow a classic stock-       in order of frequency, the eighth, the             times reported. An overall good clinical
ing-glove pattern of distribution with a      oculomotor (third, fourth and sixth),              outcome for CN neuropathies has been
slow proximal spreading.                      the fifth and seventh nerve pairs (33).            reported (40). Treatment protocols re-
The diagnosis of polyneuropathy im-           In the Florica cohort 12.5% (26 pts)               quire glucocorticoids alone (at 1 mg/kg
plies a combination of clinical symp-         of the PNS-SLE were found to have a                per day of prednisone equivalents) or
toms, signs and electrodiagnostic find-       concomitant cranial neuropathy, with a             in combination with cyclophosphamide
ings. Nerve conduction studies (NCS)          rare involvement of III, V, VI and VII             in refractory cases (34, 43) (Table IV).
and needle electromyography are essen-        CN (10), data confirmed by Xianbin et              Relapses may occur and a maintenance
tial to make a correct differential diag-     al. (12.7% of PNS manifestations) (8).             therapy is useful, using long-term corti-
nosis and to monitor response to therapy.     Hanly et al. reported a prevalence rang-           costeroids and chronic immunosuppres-
In axonal forms, treatment guidelines         ing from 4.3 to 7.4% of all NP events              sant regimens; anticoagulation can be
suggest to use neurotrophic agents (tri-      (38). Brey et al. described a 2.2% over-           considered in antiphospholipid-positive
cyclic antidepressants, serotonin-norep-      all prevalence in their SLE population             patients (33, 41) (Table IV). PEX is a
inephrine reuptake inhibitors, as dulox-      (39), with the predominance of trigemi-            useful therapeutic approach in progres-
etine and venlafaxine and anticonvulsi-       nal involvement.                                   sive palsy (44). A number of retrospec-
vants such as gabapentin and pregabalin       The differential diagnosis of cranial              tive studies described several cases of
(31, 32)) and glucocorticoids (33). Car-      neuropathies includes Lyme disease,                spontaneous recovery of oculomotor
bamazepine is used in refractory cases.       neuro-sarcoidosis, MG, and mid-brain               involvement (45).
The association of immunosuppressant          or base-of-skull pathologic processes
therapies (azathioprine, mycophenolate        (2); diagnostic workup for CN involve-             Mononeuropathy single/multiple
mofetil, cyclophosphamide) should be          ment in SLE involves electrodiag-                  Non-compression mononeuropathy is
considered in severe forms (34) while         nostic studies (electromyography and               a vasculitic neuropathy characterised
high dose intravenous immunoglobu-            electroneurography). Blink reflex can              by the damage in one or more (multi-
lins (IVIG), plasma exchange (PEX), or        be examined to investigate functional              plex forms) nerves. Vasculitic insult in-
rituximab are reserved to selected and        integrity of V and VII CN; Hess chart              volves vasa nervorum with subsequent
refractory cases (35) (Table IV). The         could help in distinguishing the correct           Wallerian degeneration of nerve fibres
only controlled clinical trial designed       oculomotor involvement.                            secondary to ischaemic infarction due
in SLE patients for severe neuropathy         VIII is the most frequently affected CN            to occlusion of blood vessels caused by
showed that intravenous cyclophos-            in SLE, resulting in both symptomatic              leukocytoclastic vasculitis. Endoneuri-
phamide treatment was more effective          and asymptomatic sensorineural hear-               al immune complex deposition in sural
than pulses of steroids (36), but only 7      ing defects (22). Deafness or sudden               nerve biopsy in SLE neuropathy patient
cases of polyneuropathy were enrolled.        sensorineural hearing loss, dtziness and           would suggest their possible role in the
Stojanovich confirmed the efficacy of         tinnitus are the most common symp-                 demyelinating process and axonal dam-
a low-dose regimen of cyclophospha-           toms (40).                                         age (27). A positive association with
mide versus methylprednisolone in PNS         Oculomotor involvement causes di-                  antiphospholipid antibody and cryoglo-
manifestations (37), but more than 50%        plopia or blurred vision (nausea and               bulinaemia is also suggested (17, 46).
of the patients, previously improved,         vomiting could be present) with pupil              Clinically mononeuropathy can mani-
had a subsequent relapse during follow-       diameter alterations in some cases; one            fest as “wrist drop” in case of radial

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involvement or “foot drop” in presence       occasionally described in association       tion and debris-laden macrophages in
of sciatic or peroneal involvement, but      with SLE (55–57). Diagnostic criteria       endoneurium are enhanced (61). Elec-
manifestations can also occur in other       include supportive evidence by nerve        trophysiological studies (including sen-
nerves like tibial, ulnar and medial         conduction block, slowing of conduc-        sory and motor nerve conduction stud-
(47). Electrophysiology usually shows        tion velocity and prolongation of distal    ies), spine magnetic resonance imaging
a typical focal or multifocal pattern of     latency. Nerve conduction abnormali-        (MRI) and CSF analysis support the
involvement. As suggested by EULAR           ties may be subtle in early stages and      diagnosis, while nerve biopsy is useful
recommendations for the management           may need repetition (2). Given the          in selected cases (59).
of NPLSE, specific therapy depends           usual post-infectious nature of the dis-    Randomised controlled trials demon-
upon the nature of the underlying patho-     ease, the first therapeutic approach for    strated the effectiveness of glucocorti-
genetic process (33). The reduction of       the GBS involves the use of high dose       coids, IVIG, and plasmapheresis in up
inflammation around the epineurium is        IVIG or PEX, in addition to respira-        to two-thirds of CIDP (62, 63), but stud-
the primary goal of treatment. Induc-        tory and cardio-respiratory supporting      ies are needed to characterise prelimi-
tion therapy includes systemic gluco-        measures. Otherwise, steroids and im-       nary patterns of response to treatment.
corticoids, IV cyclophosphamide (48);        munosuppressants like cyclophospha-         IVIG represent the first-line treatment;
in refractory cases, rituximab, IVIG,        mide could be an important treatment        in IVIG-resistant diseases a response to
PEX, azathioprine or mycophenolate           option in lupus-related GBS (58).           PEX was found in 66% of cases and to
mofetil as a maintenance therapy have        Chronic inflammatory demyelinating          glucocorticoids in 58% of cases (64).
been used (49) (Table IV).                   polyradiculoneuropathy (CIDP) is an         Among 6 patients with CIDP second-
                                             immune-mediated non-length-depend-          ary to SLE (65), Vina et al. found an
Inflammatory demyelinating                   ent neuropathy (prevalence of 1–7 per       improvement greater than 50% (in sub-
poliardiculoneuropathy                       100,000 people) characterised by pro-       jective report of everyday function and
Acute inflammatory demyelinating             gressive symmetric or asymmetric de-        objective neurological examination) in
polyradiculoneuropathy or GBS is an          myelinating polyneuropathy (although        patients treated with IVIG within 1 year
acute, inflammatory and demyelinat-          axonal variants could be present) and       from onset of symptoms. Poor IVIG-
ing syndrome of spinal root, peripheral      albumin-cytologic dissociation on cer-      responders were patients with a later
and occasionally cranial nerves (2).         ebro-spinal fluid (CSF) examination.        IVIG course and atypical clinical pat-
In a retrospective study of 1,100 GBS        It was often thought to be the chronic      tern. It is reasonable that a more aggres-
patients, SLE was diagnosed only in 7        counterpart of GBS (59). The ACR case       sive treatment approach could result in
cases (50). The prevalence of GBS in         definition for NPSLE does not include       improving the autoimmune processes
SLE patients ranges between 0.6–1.7%         this condition although SLE could be        on the basis of CIDP. In refractory dis-
of cases, mainly during the course of        an autoimmune cause of CIDP, as well        eases or to reduce the need for IVIG,
the disease. The pathogenesis of GBS         as infections (Hepatitis B or C, HIV),      immunosuppressants in association to
as a manifestation of active SLE is not      inflammatory diseases (connective tis-      steroids (59) and even rituximab can be
clearly defined and both cell-mediated       sue diseases, inflammatory bowel dis-       effective (66) (Table IV). No evidence-
and humoral processes are implicated.        eases, thyrotoxicosis) and other het-       based guidelines are available for main-
The co-occurrence with infections, fre-      erogeneous conditions (lymphomas,           tenance therapy that would be advisable
quently observed in immunosuppressed         diabetes mellitus, transplants, inherited   for the majority of patients.
patients, could represent another rel-       neuropathies, nephrotic syndrome).
evant pathogenetic factor. Autoantibod-      Compared to GBS, CIDP rarely in-            Small fibre neuropathy
ies reacting with specific neural tissues,   volves bulbar tract or autonomic system     Small fibre neuropathy is frequently
such as myelin components, may be            and presents maximal symptoms in usu-       associated with painful burning sen-
produced as part of the broad spectrum       ally more than eight weeks, while GBS       sations; however, its association with
of SLE- associated autoantibodies; re-       reaches nadir within four weeks from        SLE is not always defined, and this con-
cently dysfunctional autophagy, a pro-       the onset. Autoantibodies to Schwann        dition was not included in 1999 ACR
cess linked with SLE pathogenesis and        cells and myelin sheath proteins are part   case definitions for NPSLE.
type I – Interferon production (51–53),      of the pathogenetic mechanism in CIDP       Causes of small fibre neuropathy are
is under investigation in animal models      (17); autoantigens are recognised by a      multiple and heterogeneous (Table II)
mimicking GBS (54). GBS is charac-           phenomenon of molecular mimicry, as         and no further clinical characteristics
terised by rapidly progressive mono-         well as in GBS (26) and neurofascin,        distinguish SLE patients. Half of the
phasic course (
PNS involvement in SLE / A. Bortoluzzi et al.

Table II. Causes of small fibre neuropathy (adapted from Themistocleous et al. (67)).

                 Primary                                          Secondary                              Conditions related / matters of debate

     idiopathic small fibre neuropathy          impaired glucose tolerance, diabetes mellitus              complex regional pain syndrome

         burning mouth syndrome                    infections (HIV, hepatitis C, influenza)                    subtypes of fibromyalgia

genetic forms (Fabry’s disease, Tangier’s,          drugs (antiretrovirals, Metronidazole,                      chronic pain syndrome
 NAv1.7 mutations, NAv1.8 mutations,               Nitrofurantoin, Linezolid, Bortezomib,
   familial amyloid polyneuropathy)            Flecainide, statins, alcohol, vitamin B6 toxicity,
          TNF-alpha inhibitors)
		                                                  autoimmune diseases (coeliac disease,                  painful channelopathies (inherited
		                                             sarcoidosis, rheumatoid arthritis, SLE, Sjögren’s       erythromelalgia; paroxysmal extreme pain
		                                            syndrome, vasculitis, inflammatory bowel disease)        disorder; familial episodic pain syndrome)
		                                                           chronic kidney disease                               restless leg syndrome
		                                                          vitamin B12 deficiency                           neurodegenerative conditions
		                                                   dyslipidaemia, metabolic syndrome
		                                                        paraneoplastic syndromes
		                                                  monoclonal gammopathy/amyloidosis

Table III. A purpose of diagnostic criteria for small fibre neuropathy in diabetes mellitus (69).

                   Possible                                            Probable                                          Definite

 presence of length-dependent symptoms      presence of length-dependent symptoms,                      presence of length-dependent symptoms,
and/or clinical signs of small fibre damage   clinical signs of small fibre damage,                    clinical signs of small fibre damage, normal
		                                                   and normal sural NCS                              sural NCS, and altered IENF density at the
			                                                                                                    ankle and/or abnormal quantitative sensory
			                                                                                                        testing thermal thresholds at the foot

NCS: nerve conduction study; IENF: intraepidermal nerve fibre.

bre involvement or autonomic nerv-                 PN when electrodiagnostic studies are                degeneration in the area of maximal
ous system dysfunction and to confirm              normal (33). More recently, corneal                  vulnerability to different causes. In the
positive signs as allodynia, hyperal-              confocal microscopy (CCM) has been                   second group neuropathic pain occured
gesia, hyperpathia or the presence of              purposed as a diagnostic non-invasive                with a patchy, asymmetric or proximal
coexisting autonomic impairment with               tool for early nerve damage in diabetic              pattern. In skin biopsy, the proximal leg
atrophy, dryness or oedema of the sur-             patients (72).                                       was unorthodoxically more affected
rounding area of the skin. Standard di-            Recent studies have suggested small                  than the distal leg, suggesting a dif-
agnostic methods include Quantitative              fibre neuropathies occur in SLE pa-                  ferent nervous target, which involves
Sensory Testing (QST) and skin biopsy              tients more frequently than other PNS                DRG (75, 76).
(Table III) (68, 69).                              manifestations described in ACR case                 Pathogenetic mechanisms of this selec-
QST in a non-invasive method that ex-              definitions (1), but available data are              tive damage to A-delta and C-fibres are
plores the function of unmyelinated and            scarce.                                              still largely unexplained; a specific im-
thinly myelynated afferent nerves as-              Goransson et al. (73) described a prev-              munoglobulin deposit (peripherin-IgG
sessing responses to pressure, pinprick,           alence of 13% of SLE patients with                   (77) and antisulfatide antibodies (78))
vibration, heat; it requires the active            biopsy-proven small fibre neuropathy.                on the surface of nerves or an activa-
collaboration of the subject and can-              Tseng et al. found a reduction in IEN-               tion of dermal vascular endothelium are
not differentiate between central and              FD in 82% of SLE patients, compared                  counted, resulting in vulnerability or
peripheral causes of sensory loss (70).            to healthy controls (74). Oomatia et al.             apoptosis of nerves (79). Elevated pro-
Skin biopsy assesses morphological al-             characterised 5.9% of SLE patients with              inflammatory cytokine-mediated dam-
terations, investigating intraepidermal            PN in their John Hopkins SLE cohort                  age and microglial-activation have also
nerve fibre density (IENFD), showing               and small fibre neuropathies occurred                been advocated (80, 81) (Fig. 1).
reduction in number of fibres crossing             in 17.1% of cases, 6.1% length-depend-               In non-length-dependent ganglionopa-
the dermal-epidermal junction, but also            ent and 11% non-length-dependent                     thy anti DRG-antibodies, apoptosis of
alterations in structure of fibres and ax-         (1). In the first group neuropathic pain             the DRG nucleus or axons or reduced
onal swelling. So far the quantification           developed in the distal feet, with a                 apoptosis of anti-neuronal directed T-
of IENFD is the efficient technique to             “stocking-glove” distribution. Skin bi-              cells have been described (82), (Fig.
prove diagnosis, showing a decreased               opsy showed decreased intraepidermal                 1). Birnbaum evaluated MRI morphol-
IENFD (71) and it is indicated in di-              nerve fibre density of unmyelinated                  ogy of DRG in small fibre neuropathy,
agnostic work-up of SLE patients with              fibres suggesting a distal-most axonal               Sjögren’s syndrome and underlined

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Table IV. Summary of treatment options available for peripheral nervous system involvement in systemic lupus erythematosus.

           PNS manifestation                            First-line treatment approach                          Treatment of refractory cases

 polyneuropathy                                         neurotrophic agents (tricyclic                                carbamazepine
		                                            antidepressants, SNRI (duloxetine, venlafaxine),            high dose IVIG, PEX, Rituximab (33,35)
		                                           anticonvulsivants (gabapentin, pregabalin)) (31,32)
		                                       glucocorticoids (1 mg/kg/day of prednisone equivalent) (33)
		                                            severe forms: immunosuppressants (azathioprine,
		                                        mycophenolate mofetil, cyclophosphamide) (33,34,36,37)

 cranial neuropathy                        glucocorticoids (1 mg/kg/day of prednisone equivalent)            cyclophosphamide (34,43)
		                                                  with long-term dosage reduction (33)          immunosuppressants as maintenance treatment (33)
		                                             spontaneous recovery possible for oculomotor         anticoagulation in presence of aPL-ab (33,41)
		                                                            involvement (45)                                        PEX (44)

mononeuropathy single/multiple             systemic glucocorticoids (1-2 mg/kg/day of prednisone              Rituximab, IVIG, PEX (49,92)
		                                        equivalent or pulses of methylprednisolone 500/1000 mg               mycophenolate mofetil (49)
		                                        for 3-5 days with long-term dosage reduction) (33,48,49)                  azathioprine (49)
		                                                    IV cyclophosphamide (33,48,49)

acute inflammatory demyelinating         high dose IVIG (58,92)                                          glucocorticoids (1 mg/kg/day of prednisone
 polyradiculoneuropathy (GBS)                   PEX (58)                                                 equivalent or pulses of methylprednisolone
		                               cardio-respiratory supporting measures                                1000 mg for 3 days) and immunosuppressants –
			                                                                                                                cyclophosphamide (58)

chronic inflammatory demyelinating                         IVIG (62,64,65,71,92)                          immunosuppressants in association with
  polyradiculoneuropathy (CIDP)                                  PEX (59,63)                                      glucocorticoids (59)
		                                                glucorticoids (1 mg/kg/day of prednisone                          Rituximab (66)
		                                                        equivalent) (59,62,64,65)

 small fibre neuropathy                        neurotrophic agents (tricyclic antidepressants,                  immunosuppressants (80)
		                                            SNRI (duloxetine, venlafaxine), anticonvulsivants                       IVIG (67,84)
		                                                     (gabapentin, pregabalin)) (80)                           psychological support (67)
		                                                        topical anaesthetics (67)

autonomic nervous system dysfunction specific symptomatic therapy (88)                                              IVIG, PEX (88)
			                                                                                                              immunosuppressants (89)

 myasthenia gravis                              symptomatic treatments (anticholinesterase              Rituximab, eculizumab, cyclophosphamide,
		                                           agents, cardio-respiratory supporting measures).                       IVIG, PEX (91,92)
		                                            glucocorticoids (1-1.5 mg/kg/day of prednisone
		                                                  equivalent or pulses of 500-2000 mg
		                                              of methylprednisolone for 3-5 days or 10-20
		                                             mg/day of prednisone equivalent followed by
		                                             dosage increase of 5 mg/day per week until 1
		                                                   mg/kg/day) plus azathioprine (91).
		                                              other immunosuppressants (cyclosporine A,
		                                         methotrexate, micophenolate mofetil, tacrolimus) (91).

              plexopathy                                    glucocorticoids? (94)

PNS: peripheral nervous system; SNRI: serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors; IVIG: intravenous immunoglobulins; PEX: plasma exchange;
aPL-ab: antiphospholipid antibodies; IV: intravenous; GBS: Guillain-Barrè syndrome; CIDP: chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy.

pathological alterations of ganglions,            pathic small fibre neuropathy (75, 83,                SLE patients (85, 86), maybe because
describing an increase in their size,             84). Prognosis is characterised by slow               symptoms of autonomic dysfunction
T2-signal and gadolinium-enhance-                 progression of the disease with a chron-              are non-specific and vary remarkably;
ment (83).                                        ic pain condition.                                    moreover, tests to detect autonomic
Medication includes antidepressants,                                                                    dysfunction are not routinely employed
anticonvulsants, topical anaesthetics             Rare syndromes                                        in clinical practice. Criteria for diag-
and analgesics. Poor data are available           Autonomic nervous system                              nosis of ANS are provided in glossary
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diseases and are limited to case reports.         ing the precise prevalence of autonomic               by 1999 ACR classification (2, 87).
Recently, a randomised controlled trial           nervous system (ANS) dysfunction,                     The general management of ANS dys-
with IVIG has been designed in idio-              variously reported in 6 to 93% of all                 function depends on the clinical sever-

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