Review Article Hair cell regeneration from inner ear progenitors in the mammalian cochlea
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Am J Stem Cells 2020;9(3):25-35 /ISSN:2160-4150/AJSC0112726 Review Article Hair cell regeneration from inner ear progenitors in the mammalian cochlea Shasha Zhang1, Ruiying Qiang1, Ying Dong1, Yuan Zhang1, Yin Chen5, Han Zhou5, Xia Gao5, Renjie Chai1,2,3,4,5 1 Key Laboratory for Developmental Genes and Human Disease, Ministry of Education, Institute of Life Sciences, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China; 2Co-Innovation Center of Neuroregeneration, Nantong University, Nantong 226001, China; 3Institute for Stem Cell and Regeneration, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, China; 4 Jiangsu Province High-Tech Key Laboratory for Bio-Medical Research, Southeast University, Nanjing 211189, China; 5Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, Affiliated Drum Tower Hospital of Nanjing University Medical School, Jiangsu Provincial Key Medical Discipline (Laboratory), Nanjing 210008, China Received April 17, 2020; Accepted June 10, 2020; Epub June 15, 2020; Published June 30, 2020 Abstract: Cochlear hair cells (HCs) are the mechanoreceptors of the auditory system, and because these cells cannot be spontaneously regenerated in adult mammals, hearing loss due to HC damage is permanent. However, cochleae of neonatal mice harbor some progenitor cells that retain limited ability to give rise to new HCs in vivo. Here we review the regulatory factors, signaling pathways, and epigenetic factors that have been reported to play roles in HC regeneration in the neonatal mammalian cochlea. Keywords: Cochlea, inner ear progenitor, hair cell regeneration, transcription factor, signaling pathway Introduction tors, regulatory factors and signaling pathways regulate HC regeneration. Sensorineural hearing loss, one of the most common health problems around the world, is Inner ear progenitors in the neonatal cochlea mainly caused by cochlear hair cell (HC) dam- age or loss [1]. In non-mammalian vertebrates, In recent years, researchers have found that such as birds and fish, HCs can be spontane- the SCs of the cochlea have certain ability for ously regenerated from supporting cells (SCs) proliferation and differentiation, and as de- after damage [2-4]. However, HCs in the adult scribed above, these cells can first divide and mammalian cochlea cannot be spontaneously then differentiate into HCs or they can trans- regenerated, and only neonatal cochlear HCs differentiate directly into HCs [10, 17]. White et have a limited capacity for regeneration [5, 6]. al. isolated P27+ transgenic neonatal mouse cochlear SCs and tested the ability of the cell Damaged mammalian vestibular organs can cycle re-entry and HC regeneration [10]. The also generate new HCs from SCs in limited presence of both BrdU+ and BrdU- regenerated numbers [7-9]. It has been reported that pro- HCs indicated that SCs can generate new HCs genitor cells can be isolated from the auditory through both direct differentiation and mitotic and vestibular organs of the inner ear and can pathways [10, 18]. form spheres and self-renew in vitro [10-13]. HCs are regenerated through two mechanis- Leucine-rich repeat-containing G-protein cou- ms. In mitotic regeneration, inner ear progeni- pled receptor 5 (Lgr5), a Wnt signaling down- tors re-enter the cell cycle, divide mitotically, stream target gene, has been reported to be a and then differentiate into new HCs. In direct progenitor/stem cell marker in many other tis- trans-differentiation, inner ear progenitors swi- sues [19, 20]. Chai et al. and Shi et al. both tch cell fate and directly differentiate into new reported that cochlear Lgr5+ cells, a subset of HCs [14-16]. We will focus in this review on the SCs including inner pillar cells, inner border mechanisms through which transcription fac- cells, third-row Deiters’ cells, and the lateral
Hair cell regeneration HCs in vitro in a similar man- ner as Lgr5+ progenitors [25]. The same number of isolated Lgr6+ cells generates signifi- cantly more Myosin7a+ HCs compared to Lgr5+ progeni- tors, while Lgr5+ progenitors form more cell spheres than Lgr6+ cells in vitro [26], which suggests that Lgr6+ cells have greater ability for differentia- tion and lesser ability for pro- liferation compared to Lgr5+ progenitors. Another reported inner ear progenitor marker is Frizzled9, which is a Wnt re- Figure 1. Illustration of the mammalian cochlea. The red cells are HCs, and ceptor gene. Frizzled9 is ex- the green cells are Lgr5+ progenitors. IHC, inner hair cell; OHC, outer hair pressed in inner phalangeal cell; GER, greater epithelial ridge; LER, lesser epithelial ridge; DC, Deiters’ cells, inner border cells, and cell; OPC, outer pillar cell; IPC, inner pillar cell; IPhC, inner phalangeal cell; IBC, inner border cell. third-row Deiters’ cells in neo- natal cochlea, and Frizzled9+ cells could regenerate HCs greater epithelial ridge (Figure 1), are the inner both in vivo and in vitro. Moreover, Frizzled9+ ear progenitors in the neonatal mouse cochlea cells have a similar capacity for proliferation, [21, 22]. These Lgr5+ progenitors have been differentiation, and HC generation as Lgr5+ shown to regenerate HCs in the neonatal progenitors [27]. cochlea both in vivo and in vitro, and Wnt sig- naling induction either by Wnt agonists or in In summary, the discovery of inner ear progeni- β-catenin overexpression transgenic mice pro- tors has provided a new approach for cell trans- motes the proliferation of Lgr5+ progenitors plantation therapy. As mentioned above, there and HC regeneration [21, 23]. are two mechanisms for HC regeneration. One is trans-differentiation in which the inner ear In another study, Jan et al. used reporter mice progenitors switch cell fate to become HCs, and for Axin2 gene, which is a downstream negative the other is mitotic regeneration in which inner feedback gene of the Wnt signaling pathway ear progenitors proliferate and then differenti- [24], and showed in both in vitro cell culture ate into new HCs. Many transcription factors and in vivo animal experiments that Axin2+ and signaling pathways are reported to be in- tympanic border cells have similar characteris- volved in the development of the inner ear, and tics as cochlear progenitors. These cells can several factors have been shown to be involved proliferate into cell colonies and can be differ- in HC regeneration in the neonatal mouse entiated into SCs and HCs. Moreover, the ability cochlea, including Atoh1, p27Kip1, pRb, Foxg1, of these Axin2+ cells to proliferate and differen- and the Wnt, Notch, Hedgehog, and Ephrin sig- tiate can be induced by Wnt agonists and sup- naling pathways (Figure 2). pressed by Wnt inhibitors, similar with Lgr5+ progenitors. Therefore, it is suggested that HC regeneration: transcription factors and Axin2+ cells might also be a potential source of regulatory factors progenitors for treating hearing disorders. Atho1 (also called Math1) is a helix-loop-helix Recently, two other genes have been reported transcription factor that is essential for HC dif- to be novel inner ear progenitor markers. The ferentiation. The expression of Atoh1 is visi- first is Lgr6, which is also a Wnt-signaling do- ble from embryonic day 14.5 in the cochlea. wnstream target gene. Lgr6+ cells, which only Deletion of the Atoh1 gene leads to the failure include inner pillar cells in the neonatal mouse of HC formation, while its overexpression in- cochlea, are a subpopulation of Lgr5+ progeni- duces ectopic HCs [28, 29]. Atoh1 also plays tors, and Lgr6+ cells can generate Myosin7a+ important roles later during inner ear develop- 26 Am J Stem Cells 2020;9(3):25-35
Hair cell regeneration Figure 2. The regulation of HC regeneration in the neonatal mammalian cochlea after HC damage. HCs are regener- ated through mitotic regeneration-in which progenitors re-enter the cell cycle, mitotically divide, and then differenti- ate into new HCs-or through direct trans-differentiation in which progenitors switch cell fate and directly differentiate into new HCs. ment in HC survival and maturation [30, 31]. neonatal cochlea leads to the proliferation of In neonatal mice, Atoh1 is also important by pillar cells without cell fate conversion [42-44], promoting HC regeneration, and ectopic acti- which suggests that other factors are required vation of Atoh1 induces new HCs generation in to induce the differentiation of SCs into HCs. young postnatal mice [32, 33]. Moreover, in the young adult deafened guinea pig model, forc- pRb is a retinoblastoma protein encoded by the ed expression of Atoh1 induces HC regenera- retinoblastoma gene Rb1 and plays important tion and decreases the hearing threshold [34]. roles in cell cycle exit, differentiation, and sur- However, only a subset of these cells is able to vival [45, 46]. And it has been shown that dele- give rise to new HCs, and they do so only at tion of Rb1 gene leads to the cell-cycle re-entry early postnatal stages. of both embryonic and postnatal mammalian HCs [47-49]. In neonatal mice, inactivation of Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors (CKIs) are pRb in SCs results in cell cycle re-entry of both divides into two families, the Cip/Kip family and pillar and Deiters’ cells and an increase in the the Ink4 family, which play roles in governing number of pillar cells. The nuclei of Rb-/- mitotic cell cycle transitions and maintaining postmi- pillar and Deiters’ cells were observed to mi- totic state of numerous cell types [35, 36]. grate toward the HC layer and these cells divide p19Ink4d (Cdkn2d) and p21Cip1 (Cdkn1a) have near the epithelial surface, similar to the SCs been shown to be required in maintenance of in the regenerating avian cochlea. However, the postmitotic state of HCs [37, 38]. p27Kip1 there are no newly regenerated HCs, and SC (Cdkn1b), begins to be expressed in prosenso- death followed by HC loss occurs [50]. ry cells during the embryonic development of the mammalian cochlea, and it persists at high Foxg1 (formerly called BF-1), one of the fork- levels in SCs of the mature organ of Corti [39, head box family proteins, is involved in mor- 40]. Deletion of the p27Kip1 gene in the mouse phogenesis, cell fate determination, and prolif- cochlea results in continuous cell proliferation eration in many tissues, especially in the brain in the postnatal and adult mouse cochlea and [51-55]. Foxg1 knockout mice die in the peri- to the appearance of supernumerary HCs and natal period and show shortened cochleae wi- SCs [39, 41]. Deletion of p27Kip1 in SCs of the th multiple extra rows of HCs and SCs along 27 Am J Stem Cells 2020;9(3):25-35
Hair cell regeneration with vestibular defects [56, 57]. It was recently SC mitotic division and direct trans-differentia- reported that conditional knockdown of Foxg1 tion. In contrast, Notch activation maintains in SCs and progenitors in neonatal mice induc- SCs in a quiescent state, thereby inhibiting es their direct trans-differentiation, but not regeneration of HCs [67, 68]. In the mamma- their proliferation, and subsequently leads to lian postnatal cochlea, the Notch inhibition by extra HCs [58]. γ-secretase inhibitor upregulates Atoh1 expres- sion and results in the trans-differentiation of HC regeneration: signaling pathways adjacent SCs into HCs [69, 70]. Li et al. report- ed a direct interaction between the Notch and During cochlear development, the canonical Wnt signaling pathways, that Notch inhibition Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway regulates cell induces mitotically generated HCs in mamma- proliferation, cell fate decision, and HC differ- lian cochleae via activating the Wnt pathway entiation, and Wnt signaling activation induces [71]. In addition, Notch and Wnt co-regulation inner ear progenitor proliferation and HC regen- promotes SC proliferation and HC regenerati- eration in both mammalian and non-mammali- on in both the cochlea and utricle in neonatal an vertebrates [59, 60]. The inhibition of Wnt mice [72, 73]. A particularly exciting finding is signaling in the embryonic mouse cochlea by that a genetic reprogramming process involv- small molecule inhibitors or in transgenic mice ing β-catenin activation, Notch1 deletion, and reduces the proliferation of prosensory cells Atoh1 overexpression is established and can [61]. Conversely, Wnt signaling activation pro- promote extensive SC proliferation followed by motes the prosensory domain formation and mitotic HC regeneration [74]. increases the number of HCs [62]. As men- tioned above, Lgr5 and Lgr6, the Wnt signaling Hedgehog signaling is important for the forma- downstream targets, are expressed in embry- tion of the dorsoventral axis of the inner ear, onic and neonatal inner ear progenitors [22, and plays important roles in the prosensory 25]. And these progenitors can act as inner domain formation [75], the progenitor prolifera- ear progenitors both in vivo and in vitro due to tion, and HC differentiation during inner ear their ability of self-renew, proliferation, and dif- development [76]. The cell fate of progenitors, ferentiation into HCs [21, 23, 63, 64]. In neona- whether differentiate into vestibular cells or tal cochlea, both Wnt agonists treatment and auditory cells, is depend on the balance be- β-catenin overexpression promote the prolifer- tween Wnt and Hedgehog signaling [77, 78]. ative capacity of Lgr5+ progenitors and subse- A few studies have reported the roles of Hed- quent HC formation, whereas Wnt antagonists gehog signaling in mammalian HC regenera- treatment reduce the proliferation and HC re- tion. Hedgehog signaling induces SC prolifera- generation ability of Lgr5+ progenitors [23, 62, tion and HC regeneration in the postnatal rat 65]. Wnt activation also causes the Axin2+ tym- cochlea after neomycin treatment [79], and panic border cells to proliferate and differenti- Sonic Hedgehog recombinant protein effecti- ate into HCs and SCs in newborn mice [24]. vely promotes in vitro sphere formation, prolif- The combined expression of β-catenin and At- eration, and differentiation of Lgr5+ progeni- oh1 in Lgr5+ cells increases the HC regenera- tors isolated from the neonatal cochlea. Hed- tion capacity of the postnatal cochlea by ten- gehog signaling was also proved to induce SC fold, and these newly regenerated HCs can sur- proliferation and HC regeneration in neomyc- vive until adulthood [66]. However, the com- in damaged cochlea by using transgenic R26- bined expression of β-catenin and Atoh1 can- SmoM2 mice which constitutively activate Hed- not induce HC regeneration in the adult mam- gehog signaling in the SCs leads to [80]. malian cochlea. Ephrins and their receptors Ephs also play role Because Notch signaling pathway plays impor- in HC regeneration. EphA4 receptor is expres- tant roles in HC differentiation during inner ear sed in HCs, while Ephrin-B2 is present in SCs, development, many researchers have exam- and this complementary pattern of expression ined its roles in HC regeneration in postnatal is necessary for the establishment of the com- cochlea. In both the zebrafish lateral line and partment boundary between HCs and SCs [81]. mature avian basilar papilla, inhibition of Notch Jean Defourny et al. demonstrated that mam- signaling increases HC regeneration through malian HCs can be directly generated from SCs 28 Am J Stem Cells 2020;9(3):25-35
Hair cell regeneration by inhibition of ephrin-B2 signaling. Using ei- Future perspectives ther ephrin-B2 conditional knockout mice, shR- NA-mediated gene silencing, or soluble inhibi- Although HC regeneration can be induced by tors, they found that downregulation of ephrin- many factors and signaling pathways in the B2 signaling at late embryonic stages after HC neonatal mammalian cochlea, HCs cannot be production, results in translocation of SC into regenerated in the adult mammalian cochlea HC layers and subsequent cell fate switch from and current technologies are still quite far from SC to HC [81]. Interestingly, throughout inner restoring hearing functions in the HC-damaged ear development, Ephrin-B2 and Notch are ex- mammalian cochlea. Thus, further research is pressed in similar SC types [82]. Moreover, needed to find ways to induce HC regenerati- Ephrin-B2, whose expression is induced by on in both the neonatal and adult mammalian Notch signaling, is reported to be a direct Not- cochlea. ch signaling downstream target [83]; therefo- re, Ephrin-B2 might be required following Not- First, more pathways and important factors, ch lateral inhibition in order to segregate the including those that might regulate the prolif- SCs from adjacent HCs. eration and differentiation of stem cells and progenitors, such as FGF, BMP4, and Hippo sig- HC regeneration: epigenetic regulation naling pathway, should be explored in the study of HC regeneration. The FGF signaling pathway Epigenetic factors have recently emerged as has been shown to be important in inner ear important regulators in both inner ear develop- development and to be related to the otic plac- ment and in HC regeneration. In the neuro- ode induction and the otic vesicle development masts of developing zebrafish larva, inhibition [85-87]. Deletion of the FGF receptor 1 (Fgfr1) of the histone-modifying enzyme lysine-specific gene in the inner ear results in decrease of the demethylase 1 (LSD1) disrupts cell prolifera- number of proliferative prosensory cells and tion, induces apoptosis, and reduces the num- subsequent decrease of the numbers of HCs bers of sensory HCs and SCs [84]. And epigen- and SCs [88, 89]. The roles of the FGF signaling etic regulation of Atoh1 was reported to guide pathway in HC regeneration has been explored HC development in the developing mouse co- in the utricles of chickens and the lateral lines chlea [10]. Inhibition of histone acetyltransfer- of zebrafish [90-93]. Many reports has shown ase activity reduces H3K9 acetylation at the that BMP4 plays important roles in mammali- Atoh1 locus and therefore prevents Atoh1 an and non-mammalian inner ear development mRNA increase and subsequent HC differen- [94-100], and it is recently reported that BMP4 tiation. Interestingly, the H3K4me3/H3K27me3 can also antagonize HC regeneration in the bivalent chromatin structure, observed in pro- avian auditory epithelium [101]. The Hippo/Yap genitors, persists at the Atoh1 locus in perina- signaling pathway plays important roles in de- tal SCs [10], suggesting the important roles of velopment, homeostasis, and regeneration in such structures in HC regeneration. many tissues and cancer cells [102-106], and it has been reported that Hippo/Yap controls Histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitor treatment proliferation and differentiation of lung and of HC-damaged chicken utricles reduces prolif- plays key roles in regeneration and fibrogenes- eration of SCs, but does not affect HC regener- is after kidney injury. In zebrafish lateral line, ation [63]. Similarly, inhibition of HDAC activity Yap1 plays important roles in HC differentia- in HC-damaged zebrafish larvae also reduces tion. Knockdown of Yap1 in developing zebraf- SC proliferation and subsequent HC regenera- ish affects development of the lateral line sys- tion [23]. Bmi1, a Polycomb group protein and a tem and recapitulates the Prox1a deficiency in component of the Polycomb repressive com- mechanosensory cells of neuromast [107]. All plex 1, maintains the proliferative capacity of of the above factors and signaling pathways SCs by sustaining high levels of Wnt signaling in can be used as good candidates for further HC the neonatal mouse cochlea. In neonatal Bmi1- regeneration study in the mammalian inner ear. deficient cochleae, SCs fail to re-enter the cell As mentioned above, many epigenetic regula- cycle in response to HC damage, and the in tors such as LSD1, histone modifications, and vitro sphere-forming ability of Bmi1-deficient HDAC inhibitors, which have been studied in cochlear progenitors is also reduced [11]. inner ear development and HC regeneration in 29 Am J Stem Cells 2020;9(3):25-35
Hair cell regeneration non-mammalian organisms, are also very good gram of China (2017YFA01039000), the Str- candidates for studying HC regeneration in the ategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese mammalian inner ear. Academy of Science (XDA16010303), the Na- tional Natural Science Foundation of China Second, the interactions of multiple pathways (Nos. 81970892, 81970882), the Jiangsu Pro- in cell proliferation and HC differentiation sh- vince Natural Science Foundation (BK2019- ould be explored. As mentioned above, some 0062, BE2019711), Boehringer Ingelheim Ph- research has studied the cross talk between arma GmbH, the Fundamental Research Funds two or more signaling pathways and factors for the Central Universities (2242020R40137), [72-74], but these studies are far from regener- the Excellence Project of Southeast University, ating HCs and repairing inner ear damage in the Open Research Fund of the State Key adult mammals. Laboratory of Genetic Engineering, Fudan And lastly, the maturation and survival of new- University (No. SKLGE1809) and Shenzhen ly generated HCs and HC regeneration in adult Fundamental Research Program (JCYJ2019- mammals still remains a challenge. Bradley 0814093401920). Walters et al. found that combining p27Kip1 dele- Disclosure of conflict of interest tion with ectopic Atoh1 expression surmounts age-related decline of HC regeneration from None. SCs, leading to conversion of SCs to HCs in mature mouse cochleae and after noise dam- Address correspondence to: Dr. Renjie Chai, Co- age [108]. Moreover, co-activation of GATA3 or Innovation Center of Neuroregeneration, Nantong Pou4f3 and Atoh1 promoted conversion of SCs University, Nantong 226001, China; Key Laboratory to HCs in adult mice and activation of Pou4F3 for Developmental Genes and Human Disease, alone also converted mature SCs to HCs in vivo Ministry of Education, Institute of Life Sciences, [108]. In another recent report, Yilai Shu et al. Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China. Tel: reported that transient co-activation of cell cy- +86-25-83790971; Fax: +86-25-83790971; E-mail: cle activator Myc and inner ear progenitor gene; Dr. Xia Gao, Department of Notch1 induces proliferation of diverse adult Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, Nan- cochlear sensory epithelial cell types, and en- jing Drum Tower Hospital, 321 Zhongshan Road, ables adult SCs to respond to transcription Nanjing 210096, China. Tel: +86-25-83304616- factor Atoh1 and efficiently trans-differentiate 61131; Fax: +86-25-83304616-61131; E-mail: into HC-like cells [109]. Although it is excited to see these two recent reports that HC could now be regenerated from SCs in adult mice by References genes and signaling regulation, the regenera- tion efficiency and the maturation of regener- [1] Wagner EL and Shin JB. Mechanisms of hair ated HCs remains still a problem. More efforts, cell damage and repair. Trends Neurosci 2019; such as other genes and signaling co-regula- 42: 414-424. tion, apoptosis inhibition and maturation in- [2] Corwin JT and Oberholtzer JC. Fish n’ chicks: duction of newly regenerated HCs, should be model recipes for hair-cell regeneration? Neu- made in the future. ron 1997; 19: 951-954. [3] Tucci DL and Rubel EW. Physiologic status of In summary, much effort has been put into regenerated hair cells in the avian inner ear exploring the mechanisms of HC regeneration following aminoglycoside ototoxicity. Otolaryn- in the mammalian inner ear, and many factors gol Head Neck Surg 1990; 103: 443-450. [4] Cotanche DA and Dopyera CE. Hair cell and and signaling pathways have been shown to supporting cell response to acoustic trauma in play important roles in the neonatal cochlea. the chick cochlea. Hear Res 1990; 46: 29-40. However, these studies are still far from re- [5] Bermingham-McDonogh O and Rubel EW. Hair generating HCs and repairing HC damage in cell regeneration: winging our way towards a adult mammals, which is the ultimate research sound future. Curr Opin Neurobiol 2003; 13: objective in this field. 119-126. [6] Brigande JV and Heller S. Quo vadis, hair cell Acknowledgements regeneration? Nat Neurosci 2009; 12: 679- 685. This work was supported by grants from the [7] Forge A, Li L, Corwin JT and Nevill G. Ultrastruc- Major State Basic Research Development Pro- tural evidence for hair cell regeneration in the 30 Am J Stem Cells 2020;9(3):25-35
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