Review Article Analysis and Classification of Mitigation Tools against Cyberattacks in COVID-19 Era
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Hindawi Security and Communication Networks Volume 2021, Article ID 3187205, 21 pages Review Article Analysis and Classification of Mitigation Tools against Cyberattacks in COVID-19 Era George Iakovakis, Constantinos-Giovanni Xarhoulacos, Konstantinos Giovas, and Dimitris Gritzalis Information Security and Critical Infrastructure Protection (INFOSEC) Research Group Dept. of Informatics, Athens University of Economics & Business, 76 Patission Ave., Athens GR-10434, Greece Correspondence should be addressed to Dimitris Gritzalis; Received 15 July 2021; Accepted 7 August 2021; Published 21 August 2021 Academic Editor: Konstantinos Rantos Copyright © 2021 George Iakovakis et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The COVID-19 outbreak has forced businesses to shift to an unprecedented “work from home” company environment. While this provides advantages for employees and businesses, it also leads to a multitude of shortcomings, most prevalent of which is the emergence of additional security risks. Previous to the outbreak, company computer networks were mainly confined within its facilities. The pandemic has now caused this network to “spread thin,” as the majority of employees work remotely. This has opened up a variety of new vulnerabilities, as workers’ cyber protection is not the same at home as it is in office. Although the effects of the virus are now subsiding, working remotely has embedded itself as the new normal. Thus, it is imperative for company management to take the necessary steps to ensure business continuity and be prepared to deal with an increased number of cyber threats. In our research, we provide a detailed classification for a group of tools which will facilitate risk mitigation and prevention. We also provide a selection of automated tools such as vulnerability scanners, monitoring and logging tools, and antivirus software. We outline each tool using tables, to show useful information such as advantages, disadvantages, scalability, cost, and other characteristics. Additionally, we implement decision trees for each category of tools, in an attempt to assist in navigating the large amount of information presented in this paper. Our objective is to provide a multifaceted taxonomy and analysis of mitigation tools, which will support companies in their endeavor to protect their computer networks. Our contribution can also help companies to have some type of cyber threat intelligence so as to put themselves one step ahead of cyber criminals. 1. Introduction Cyberattacks became increasingly sophisticated and menacing in the COVID-19 era. The coronavirus pandemic Within the context of computers and computer networks, an has challenged businesses, as they attempt to adapt to an attack is any plan to expose, alter, disable, destroy, steal, or operational and functional model which is heavily based on gain unauthorized access. A cyberattack is any sort of of- teleworking (working from home or other remote locations). fensive maneuver that targets computer information systems, Forcing companies to shift to a mainly digital business infrastructures, computer networks, or PC devices [1]. An model has opened them up to multiple new cybersecurity attacker may be a person or process that attempts to access risks. The reputational operational, legal, and compliance data, functions, or other restricted areas of the system without implications could be considerable if cybersecurity risks are authorization, potentially with malicious intent. In terms of neglected. The impact of COVID-19 on cyber risk is too high context, cyberattacks are often a part of cyberwarfare or and mitigation measures, which businesses can implement, cyberterrorism [2]. A cyberattack is often employed by na- must be effective [3]. The year 2020 will be marked as a tion-states, individuals, groups, society, or organizations and distinctively disruptive year, not only for the worldwide it may originate from an anonymous source. health crisis but also for the online life being digitally
2 Security and Communication Networks transformed, as exponential change accelerated at home and the following: Apache JMeter, LoadNinja, and Gatling. The work via cyberspace [4]. research indicates the most important advantages and A recent study held by Tanium underlined that there was disadvantages of the selected tools. a significant rise in cyberattacks due to the pandemic and In contrast to the aforementioned literature, our re- that the transition to remote work led to a delay in key search will present a great range of IT Security tools with an security projects [5]. According to ENISA [6], during the extensive analysis and classification with specific criteria for pandemic, cybercriminals have been seen fostering their the purpose of assisting users and organizations to fortify capabilities, adapting quickly, and targeting relevant victim their systems. groups more effectively (Figure 1). The increase in remote working requires expertise in cybersecurity, due to the greater exposure to cyber risk. 2.1. Scope of Our Work. The purpose of our publication is to Reports have shown that almost one in every two individuals assist in the increased treatment of computer security attack are deceived by a phishing scam while working at home [3]. incidents through the categorization of the mitigation tools Moreover, in most cases, an attack spreads from an infected we have done. Surely, COVID-19 has played an important user to other employees in their organizations and half of role in the increasing activity of malware since attackers can them have been affected by ransomware within the past 12 find a wider field to act on. As a major part of our work months [7]. revolves around presenting a multitude of products and In this research, we will introduce a mitigation analysis tools regarding vulnerability scanning, monitoring and of obtainable tools, which will support technical security logging, and AV Software, it was imperative to draw in- policies. Related work is presented in section “Related formation from the most immediate source available. Thus, Work.” The main contribution of our paper is in section we extracted information from product websites and “Mitigation Tools Analysis and Classification” where tools technical documents. are analyzed and classified in several ways. We are going to Τhe work we have done can help organizations and present an inventory of automated mitigation tools like companies effectively and efficiently protect their assets. It is vulnerability scanners, monitoring and logging tools, and critical for an organization to have a fast and effective means antivirus software. There will be a quick outline for each tool of responding, whenever any kind of computer security and table, which will provide useful information such as attack occurs on it or an intrusion is recognized [15]. For strong and weak points, cost, and scalability. Finally, section example, our classification can be a tool for Computer Se- “Conclusions” concludes with the analysis of the classifi- curity Incident Response Teams (CSIRTs). ENISA [16] cation results. points out how important the role of CSIRT is in dealing with security breach incidents at a national and international 2. Related Work level. As we know the goal of the CSIRT [15]—when an incident occurs—is to control and minimize any damage, In an attempt to cope with the exponential rise in cyber preserve evidence, provide quick and efficient recovery, threats, due to COVID-19, we are motivated to contribute prevent similar events in the future, and acquire knowledge to the research regarding cyberattack mitigation tools. Snell of threats against the organization. [8] cites utilities from specific security vendors that seek out The results and findings of mitigation tools can help unauthorized activity but allow safe transmissions onto the significantly in dealing with similar incidents in the future. network. As described by Alzahrani et al. [9], security tools CSIRTs concentrate on the coordination of incident han- are used to scan for these widespread vulnerabilities in web dling, thereby eliminating duplication of effort. Their focus is applications. Moreover, their paper evaluates them based to mitigate the potentially serious effects of a severe com- on security vulnerabilities and gives recommendations to puter security-related problem. To achieve this goal, they the web applications’ users and administrators aiming to concentrate their efforts on the capability to react to inci- educate them. The objective of Bekavac and Garbin dents and the resources to alert and inform its constituency, Praničević [10] is to compare and analyze the impact of web as well [17]. analytics tools for measuring the performance of a business A best-case scenario is vulnerabilities scanner results to model. A summary of web analytics and metrics tools is be shared between CSIRT for improved threat intelligence. also given, including their main characteristics, function- Businesses need to support their computer security capa- alities, and available types. Turuvekere and Pandit [11] bilities before they suffer from serious computer security focus on various attacks that are possible on a web ap- problems that can harm their mission, result in significant plication and compare various penetration testing tools. expense, and tarnish their image [17]. The wide range of Naga Sudheer et al. [12] discuss the features of automated tools we suggest in our research can help significantly in this and manual testing as well as analyzing three automated type of group. A CSIRT should also provide true business software testing tools: Selenium, UFT/QTP, and Watir. intelligence to its parent organization by virtue of the fol- This work highlights the differences between automated lowing [18]: and manual testing. The aim of Kaur and Kumari [13] research paper is to evaluate three software testing tools to Information collected regarding various current and determine their usability and effectiveness. Kołtun and potential threats and attacks which threaten the Pańczyk [14] help users choose the right tool, by comparing enterprise
Security and Communication Networks 3 Delivery Attacks against Fraudulent domains: SMS Attacks Email Fake testing the Teleworking phishing against health phishing apps infrastructure Apps: COVID-19 Tracker organizations Exploitation RDP Brute Drive-by Force compromise Backdoor & Trickbot Installation persistence Trojan Lokikbot AZORult Info Ransomware Samas, Trojan Stealer GradCrab on Objectives Actions Data Theft Financial Fraud Password Personal Ransom Disturbance Stealer Information theft Figure 1: Threat landscape mapping during COVID-19 [6]. Knowledge of general intruder attacks, trends, and Analysis and classification of mitigation tools that are corresponding mitigation strategies presented in this paper can improve threat intelligence. We Infrastructure and policy weakness and strength mention the following benefits [22]: comprehension: this information is based on incident Valuable insight and context: providing details on postmortems which risks are most likely to damage a company or The CSIRT Network [19] provides a forum where industry, as well as indicators to help prevent and members can cooperate, exchange information, and build identify future attacks trust. Members are able to discuss how to respond in a Improved incident response times: prioritizing alerts coordinated manner to specific incidents and how to handle allows an organization to respond faster to real threats cross-border incidents. Computer security incidents require and reduces the likelihood of significant consequences fast and effective responses from the organizations con- from a breach cerned. CSIRT are responsible for receiving and reviewing Improved communication, planning, and investment: incident reports and responding to them appropriately [20]. security teams can communicate real risks to the business Monitoring and logging tools that have been analyzed in our and focus on defending high-risk targets from genuine survey can actually help in this direction. Additionally, threats by investing in and preparing more security threat intelligence gives organizations an edge to stay one step ahead of attackers but the threat intelligence must be To create threat intelligence customized to information relevant and coupled with the right context [21]. systems, CSIRTs need to collect data internally. External
4 Security and Communication Networks sources should be monitored for threat data related to any attack types (XSS, SQLi, etc.) and the user can have components or tools used. Tools can be utilized, which can access into a vulnerability to get more information. automatically return relevant information that can provide (3) Apptrana: by providing services such as Applica- additional context for your analyses [23]. Therefore, it is tion Vulnerability Scanning, Web Application important to choose appropriate tools that will assist in the Firewall (WAF), and DDos Protection, AppTrana successful treatment of attacks. [28] addresses the shortcomings in existing cloud Figure 2 [24] shows an indicative workflow of an inci- security solutions. It offers comprehensive pro- dent management team. CSIRT should follow the steps while tection using only technology-based cookie cutter having the correct information. Our paper offers the solutions. guidelines through analysis and classification to choose the (4) Arachni: it [29] aims towards helping penetration proper tools for doing this procedure. testers and administrators evaluate the web appli- cation. It is a tool that supports all major operating 2.2. Mitigation Tools Analysis and Classification. In this systems (MS Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux), and section, we present the main contribution of our paper, due to its integrated browser environment, it can where mitigation tools are analyzed and classified in several support highly complicated web applications that ways. We aim to facilitate stakeholders to understand which make heavy use of technologies, such as JavaScript, tools better fit their needs. In section “Vulnerability Scanners HTML5, DOM manipulation, Ruby library, and Analysis,” we analyze 25 vulnerability scanners, while in AJAX. section “Classification of Vulnerability Scanners,” we classify (5) Burp Suite: it [30] tests Web application security. them based on 10 specific criteria. In sections “Monitoring The tool has three editions: A Community Edition and Logging Tools Analysis” and “Classification of Moni- free of charge but with limited functionality, a toring and Logging Tools,” we analyze and categorize 25 Professional Edition and an Enterprise Edition that monitoring and logging tools based on 8 criteria. In section can be both purchased after a trial period. It is “Antivirus Software Classification,” we classify 14 antivirus designed to provide a comprehensive solution for software tools according to 9 criteria. Additionally, we web application security checks. Besides the basic implement three decisions trees for each category of tools we functionality, the tool has more advanced options examined. The purpose of this paper is to give a roadmap for such as a repeater, a spider, a decoder, a comparer, stakeholders (CSIRT, CISO, IT professionals, simple users, an extender and a sequencer. It is written in Java etc.), choosing the appropriate tool. and developed by PortSwigger Web Security. A mobile application is also available that contains similar tools compatible with iOS 8 and above. 2.3. Vulnerability Scanners Analysis. A vulnerability scanner [25] is a program designed to assess computers, networks, or (6) Contrast: Contrast Security [31] is an updated se- applications for better-known flaws. They are used for curity tool that has embedded code analysis and vulnerability identification and detection arising from attack prevention directly into software. It protects misconfigurations or imperfect programming of a network- web applications against cyberattacks. There are based quality. Their function is similar to a firewall, router, sensors that work actively inside applications to web or application server, and so on. Modern vulnerability uncover vulnerabilities, while at the same time scanners provide authenticated and unauthenticated scans. prevent data breaches. Contrast Protect also avoids They also usually have the ability to customize vulnerability diagnosing false positives that waste valuable time reports as well as the installed software, open ports, cer- for security teams. tificates, and other host data which will be queried as a part (7) Detectify: it [32] accomplishes automated security of their workflow. A number of them are briefly presented as tests on databases, web applications and scans assets follows: for vulnerabilities, including OWASP Top 10 and (1) Acunetix: it [26] is an automated security testing DNS misconfigurations. There is a contribution of tool that checks for web application vulnerabilities over 150 chosen ethical hackers’ security findings such as SQL Injection and Cross-site scripting. It which are built into Detectify scanner as automated scans websites or web applications accessible via a tests. At this point it should be emphasized that web browser and uses the HTTP/HTTPS protocol. their submissions go beyond the known CVE li- Moreover, it is a tool that customizes web appli- braries and this is something special for modern cations including those utilizing JavaScript, AJAX, application security. and Web 2.0 web applications and can find almost (8) Digifort Detect: it [33] is a three-in-one product any file. tool. It discovers attack attempts and gives in- (2) AppSpider: it [27] offers interactive reports that formation about the time, the attacker’s identity prioritize the highest risk and streamline remedi- and the extent of the attack. It gathers application ation efforts, with links for deeper analysis. Thus, errors and detects security vulnerabilities an at- users are enabled to quickly get to and analyze the tacker could use to gain access to confidential most important data. Findings are organized by information.
Security and Communication Networks 5 Incident Management Workflow Escalation Incident (level one, two, Identification Categorization Response or three support) Closure Logging Prioritization Diagnosis Resolution (low, medium, And Recovery or high-priority) Figure 2: A generic incident management workflow [24]. (9) GamaScan: it [34] is a remote online web vulner- (13) NetSparker: it [38] uniquely identifies vulnerabil- ability assessment service delivered via SaaS. The ities such as SQL Injection and Cross-site scripting GamaSec Application Vulnerability Scanner detects in web applications and web API, proving they are not only web application weaknesses but also ap- real and not false positives, once a scan is finished. It plication vulnerabilities such as Cross-site scripting is Windows software and has an online service. (XSS), SQL Injection, and Code Inclusion. In ad- (14) Nexpose: its [39] vulnerability scanner performs dition to its graphical and intuitive HTML reports, various network checks for vulnerabilities. Nexpose it ranks threat priority and indicates site security monitors real-time vulnerabilities and acquaints posture by vulnerabilities and threat exposure as itself to new hazards with fresh data. In addition, it well. fixes the issue based on its priority. Furthermore, (10) ImmuniWeb: it [35], from Swiss firm High-Tech Nexpose scans new devices and assesses vulnera- Bridge, is based on machine learning and artificial bilities when they access the network. intelligence automation. For that reason, it has the (15) Nikto: it [40] is used to assess probable issues and ability to adapt to new and trending threats. It vulnerabilities. It carries out wide-ranging tests on identifies the most sophisticated defects in web web servers to scan various items such as hazardous applications and webpages. Besides, it is claimed to programs or files. It can scan multiple ports in one detect twice as many vulnerabilities than any au- sever. Moreover, Nikto verifies the server versions tomated solution would. A contractual SLA for whether they are outdated and checks for any ImmuniWeb provided by High-Tech Bridge specific problem that affects the server’s function- guarantees zero false positives to customers. ing. It scans protocols such as HTTP, HTTPS, and (11) N-Stalker: it [36] is a WebApp Security Scanner that HTTPd. searches for vulnerabilities, like SQL Injection, XSS, (16) OpenVas: it [41] serves as a central service that and other known attacks in web servers and web provides tools for both vulnerabilities scanning and application security. vulnerability management. Its services are free of cost. It supports various operating systems and is (12) Nessus: it [37] is a proprietary vulnerability scan- licensed under GNU General Public License (GPL). ner. It scans a wide range of technologies such as It is updated with the Network Vulnerability Tests, operating systems, databases, network devices, web on a regular basis. servers, hypervisors, and critical infrastructure. Tenable Research designs programs which are (17) Tripwire IP360: Tripwire IP360 [42] tool is devel- called plugins to detect new vulnerabilities and are oped by Tripwire Inc. The tool can easily spot written in the Nessus Attack Scripting Language network hosts, network configurations, applica- (NASL). Each plugin conveys vulnerability infor- tions, and vulnerabilities. It also uses open stan- mation and a set of remediation actions and tests dards to facilitate the risk management integration for the presence of the security issue. Each week and vulnerability into multiple business processes. new plugins are published by Tenable, Inc., and new (18) Retina CS: it [43] performs automated vulnerability ones are released within 24 hours of vulnerability scans for workstations, web servers, web applica- disclosure. In addition, this scanner haws the ability tions, and databases providing an assessment of to support configuration and compliance audits, cross-platform vulnerability and featuring config- SCADA audits, and PCI compliance. uration compliance, patching, compliance
6 Security and Communication Networks reporting, and so forth. In addition, it supports scanning is done through MBSA, it presents the virtual environments such as virtual app scanning user with suggestions regarding fixing the vulner- and vCenter integration. abilities. It also investigates computers for any (19) Qualys: it [44] enables organizations to achieve missing updates, misconfiguration, any security both vulnerability management and policy com- patches, and so forth. pliance initiatives cohesively. Built on top of Qualys Infrastructure and Core Services, the Qualys Clod 2.4. Classification of Vulnerability Scanners. In this section, Suite incorporates a number of applications, all of firstly vulnerability scanners are classified (Table 1). The which are delivered via the Cloud: Asset view, tools are classified according to the following criteria: (i) vulnerability management, continuous monitoring, strengths, (ii) weaknesses, (iii) free trial, (iv) cost/price, (v) web application scanning, malware detection, scalability, (vi) technical support, (vii) vulnerability assess- policy compliance, and so forth. ment, (viii) reports and analytics, (ix) ease of use, GUI (20) Probely: it [45] scans web applications to find offered, and (x) compatibility. The next part of the section vulnerabilities and security issues providing guid- includes the proposed decision tree. ance on how to fix them. Probely performs auto- Results showed that the majority of vulnerability scan- mated security testing by integrating into ners that we examined are easy to use and offer technical Continuous Integration pipelines, following an support, scalability, vulnerability assessment, reports, and API-First development approach, providing all analytics. Windows is the main operating system they features through an API. This tool covers thousands support, although an adequate number of them can support of vulnerabilities including OWASP TOP10. It is most platforms. In addition, users can find free trial editions also used to check specific PCI-DSS, ISO27001, in every tool we tested, whereas only Arachni, Nikto, HIPAA, and GDPR requirements. OpenVas, Retina CS, and Secunia, MBSA are open-source (21) Intruder: it [46] is used for scanning as soon as new tools. The corresponding decision tree is depicted in vulnerabilities are released. Integrations with Slack Figure 3. and Jira help notify development teams when newly discovered issues need fixing, and AWS integration 3. Monitoring and Logging Tools Analysis means IP addresses need to be synchronized to Monitoring and logging tools are types of software that scan. It makes vulnerability management easier for oversee activity and generates log files accordingly. Log files small teams and for that reason it is popular among can be created by servers, application, network, and security startups and medium-sized businesses. devices. Errors, problems, and other data are continually (22) Secunia Personal Software Inspector: it [47] is logged and saved for analysis. In order to detect issues mainly used to keep all the applications and pro- mechanically, system administrators, and operations, set up grams updated and notifies users when an insecure monitors on the generated logs. The log monitors scan the program in a PC is being identified. It also solves log files and explore for identified text patterns and rules that security vulnerabilities. indicate necessary events. Once an event is detected, the (23) SolarWinds Network Configuration Manager: it monitoring system can send an alert, either to a specified [48] offers a vulnerability assessment feature, which individual or to a different software/hardware system. claims to fix vulnerabilities using automation, as Monitoring logs facilitate to spot security events that oc- part of its Network Configuration Manager prod- curred or may occur. A number of them will be presented as uct. The software’s built-in configuration manager follows: enables users to monitor configuration changes, so (1) Solarwinds Network Performance Monitor (NPM): as to prevent vulnerabilities. Moreover, after Solarwinds [51] is a Windows-based tool, even detecting any violations to the system, it runs au- though it can monitor lots of devices. A web in- tomatic remediation scripts. Using this tool, users terface provides information about the devices are also enabled to set continuous audit of routers being monitored and helps do the configuration. and switches to monitor for compliance. Alerting and reporting are some of its features as (24) Comodos Hackerproof: it [49] tests website secu- well. Regarding general infrastructure monitoring, rity, by providing the daily vulnerability scanning, Solarwinds NPM fulfills that role in the Solarwinds to ensure that no security hole exists. It has PCI Orion suite of tools since it provides information scanning included and supplies a visual indicator to like availability, health status (temperature, power ensure safe transactions by the visitors. supply, etc.), and performance indicators (e.g., (25) Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA): it is interface utilization). [50] a free tool of Microsoft designed to secure a (2) Solarwinds Server and Application Monitor: Windows computer based on the specifications and Solarwinds SAM [52] provides deep insight into guidelines set by Microsoft. It is usually used by servers and applications. The tool comes with small-sized and medium-sized organizations for monitoring templates, customized to monitor managing the security of their networks. Once the custom applications, so as to help get setup quickly.
Table 1: Vulnerability scanners presentation. Ease of Reports Free Technical Vulnerability use, No. Tool name Strengths Weaknesses Cost/price Scalability and Compatibility trial support assessment GUI analytics offered Ease of use features and Lack of AD support and functionalities, quick setup static review process, does 1 Acunetix with a wide range of test, not allow web servers audit, Yes From 3.685€ Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Windows network, and web scan may be slow when run vulnerability scan over the internet Great job on scanning single The UI could be better, page apps as well as APIs, no 2 AppSpider maybe needs slightly better Yes By request Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Windows scan errors due to process dashboards Security and Communication Networks failure From 99$/ 3 AppTrana Quick, reliable, affordable Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes SaaS month Most Free (open- 4 Arachni Ease of use, free Yes Yes Yes Yes platforms source) supported Inspection/altering of HTTP requests/responses, Most Difficult setup for proxies, From 349€/ 5 Burp Suite comprehensive scans, works Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes platforms it uses tabs everywhere user/year great on private network supported without Internet connection Currently supported Easy to run scans, fast security technologies are Java, results, provides security Python, and .Net, missing SaaS or on- 6 Contrast Yes By request Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes dashboard with real-time web layer vulnerabilities premises metrics detection, e.g., detection of TLS vulnerabilities Fully automated testing, easy Does not detect business From 40€/ 7 Detectify Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes SaaS to use, extremely detailed logical flaws user/month Also discovers 8 Digifort Inspect misconfigurations, Yes By request Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes SaaS lightweight, friendly 24/7 support, good 9 GamaScan Only Windows-based Yes By request Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Windows dashboard, ease of use Does not consider business Clear instructions for fixing or website elements in 1000$/ 10 ImmuniWeb issues, straightforward and context, does not perform Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes SaaS month easy to use, affordable advanced pen tests or brute force tests 7
8 Table 1: Continued. Ease of Reports Free Technical Vulnerability use, No. Tool name Strengths Weaknesses Cost/price Scalability and Compatibility trial support assessment GUI analytics offered Good support, pinpoint web 11 N-Stalker Only windows-based Yes By request Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Windows application security scanner Easy to configure, good Nonresponsive UI, the 12 Nessus vulnerabilities database, good update of plugins takes Yes By request Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Windows reports some time Ease of use, great scanning From and crawling for large and Only Windows-based 4.995$/year 13 NetSparker complex singe page web apps, vulnerability handling is Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Windows (standard accurate findings and still a bit cumbersome edition) coverage Intuitive, end point agent Expensive, not so good From 22$/ Windows/ 14 Nexpose deployment and management Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes filtering capabilities asset Linux are easy, ease of use Does not find all Free (open- 15 Nikto Free, ease of use Yes No Yes Yes Unix/Linux vulnerabilities source) Long time to load, not Most Free (open- 16 OpenVas Free, user-friendly, ease of use dependable as database Yes Yes Yes Yes platforms source) fails often supported The ability to automate a Most Great scalability, many lot of IT regulatory stuff is 17 Tripwire IP360 Yes By request Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes platforms support options done well but is complex to supported setup Provides evaluation on the Sometimes the software Free (open- 18 Retina CS vulnerabilities found, deep Yes Yes Yes Windows gets stuck and runs slow source) analysis on networks Scanning areas monitored Easy installation, lots of by Qualys may take long, Windows/ 19 Qualys Yes By request Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes documentation, free training not well suited for modern Linux technologies From 69€/ Full details on scan results, 20 Probely Limited functionality Yes month (Pro Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes SaaS flexible GUI, API-driven license) From 145€/ Most Excellent support, proactive 21 Intruder Yes month (Pro Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes platforms scans, ease of use license) supported Security and Communication Networks
Table 1: Continued. Ease of Reports Security and Communication Networks Free Technical Vulnerability use, No. Tool name Strengths Weaknesses Cost/price Scalability and Compatibility trial support assessment GUI analytics offered Takes a long time to scan Secunia Personal Simple interface, ease of use, for outdated programs, Free (open- 22 Software used for updating insecure cannot modify the Yes Yes Yes Windows source) Inspector applications scanning schedule, often slow at scanning SolarWinds Most Network Lightweight, easy to 23 Expensive Yes From 2440€ Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes platforms Configuration configure, online training supported Manager Most Comodo’s Daily vulnerability scanning, From 499€/ 24 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes platforms Hackerproof ease of use year supported Microsoft Ease of use, free, good Does not offer in-depth Free (open- 25 Baseline Security Yes Yes Yes Yes Windows auditing tool security source) Analyzer (MBSA) 9
10 Security and Communication Networks Vulnerability Scanners Open source Budget By request Arachni, Nikto, OpenVas, RetinaCS, AppTrana, Detectify, ImmuniWeb, Secunia Personal Software Inspector, Probely, Acunetix, N-Stalker, NetSparker, AppSpider, Contrast, Digifort Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer Burp Suite, Nexpose, Intruder, SolarWinds Inspect, GamaScan, N-Stalker, (MBSA) Network, Configuration Manager, Nessus, Tripwire IP360, Qualys Comodo’s Hackerproof Windows based Most platforms supported SaaS Windows based Most platforms SaaS Windows based Most platforms supported supported Retina CS Secunia Burp Suite Personal Arachni AppTrana Acunetix Nexpose Software Detectify N-Stalker Intruder AppSpider Tripwire IP360 OpenVas Inspector ImmuniWeb NetSparker SolarWinds Contrast GamaScan Qualys Microsoft Probely Network Digifort Inspect Nessus Baseline Configuration Security Manager Analyzer Comodo’s (MBSA) Scalability- Scalability- Hackerproof Scalability- Technical Technical Scalability- Scalability- Technical Vulnerability support- Technical Technical support- support- assessment- Vulnerability support- support- Vulnerability Scalability-Technical Vulnerability Vulnerability Reports- assessment- Vulnerability Vulnerability assessment- support- assessment- assessment- GUI offered Reports- assessment- assessment- Reports- Vulnerability assessment- Reports- Reports- GUI offered GUI offered Reports- Reports- Reports- GUI offered GUI offered GUI offered GUI offered GUI offered Burp Suite, Nexpose, AppTrana Intruder, SolarWinds Microsoft Acunetix Arachni Detectify Network Contrast AppSpider Tripwire IP360 Baseline N-Stalker OpenVas ImmuniWeb Configuration Digifort Inspect GamaScan Qualys Security NetSparke Probely Manager, Comodo’s Nessus Analyzer (MBSA) Hackerproof Figure 3: Vulnerability scanners decision tree. (3) PRTG Network Monitor: this monitoring tool is having an easy-to-use responsive web interface. It considered to be simple to set up and easy to use. can be installed on either Windows or Linux OS PRTG [53] covers the whole monitoring spectrum, and offers several features like server monitoring, like network, bandwidth, server, and application network mapping, monitoring templates, alerting monitoring in an all-in-one solution including, (SMS, e-mail), reporting network configuration such as alerting (SMS, e-mail, Push notifications management, and network traffic analysis. Most of through mobile apps, etc.), robust reporting, and an these features are included in the base installation, intuitive web interface. It uses and relies on whereas some require a separate license purchase. agentless monitoring. PRTG can be used to monitor (7) Wireshark: it [57] is a widely used network pro- several types of devices including Linux, Windows, tocol analyzer. Some of this multiplatform run tool Cisco, HP, and VMware; however, it can only be features perform live capture and offline analysis, installed on Windows OS. as well as VoIP analysis. They also offer decryption (4) WhatsUp Gold: it [54] is an easy-to-use tool that support for many protocols. The output can be provides several features including discovery, configuration management, alerting, reporting, and exported to XML, PostScript , CSV, or plain text. Moreover, it compresses capture files with gzip ® monitoring of virtual environments. Some of these and decompresses them on the spot. It is used features are available in certain editions; WhatsUp mainly by many commercial and nonprofit en- Gold provides four different editions: Basic, Pro, terprises, government agencies, and educational Total, and Total Plus. Also, WhatsUp Gold can be institutions and it follows a project started by installed only on Windows OS and may not be as Gerald Combs (1998). customizable as Linux-based monitoring tools. (8) OP5 Monitor: it [58] is a network monitoring tool (5) Nagios XI: it [55] is a Linux-based solution that is based partly on Nagios (Naemon). Some of its flexible and powerful because the core can be ex- features include customizable dashboards, perfor- tended with plugins. It comes in two types: Nagios mance monitoring, alerting, reporting, web-based Core, which is free and open-source, and Nagios XI, configuration (unlike the default Nagios Core). which is the paid enterprise edition. Nagios XI Moreover, it is built to scale having a license (Ent+) simplifies and makes available (by default) many of that can monitor over 100 K devices. the things lacking in Nagios Core. Some of the (9) Zabbix: it [59] is an all-in-one network monitoring features available on Nagios XI include a much better solution. Although it supports agentless monitor- web interface, auto discovery, graphs, alerting (SMS, ing, the Zabbix server gets monitoring information e-mail), reporting, and configuration wizards. from the Zabbix agent (as a client-server model). (6) ManageEngine OpManager: it [56] is a compre- Some of the features provided by Zabbix are per- hensive IT infrastructure monitoring solution formance and application monitoring, web-based
Security and Communication Networks 11 configuration, auto discovery, alerting, and devices in a network so they can be monitored reporting. proactively. The tool mitigates the issue having (10) Icinga: it [60] is a network monitoring tool that interpreted problems first and initiates then an comes in two versions: Icinga 1 and Icinga 2. Icinga automatic predefined action. Another feature is provides features such as performance monitoring, that it permits remote control, remote support, alerting, reporting, extensibility through plugins. remote access, even remote meetings, by extending Icinga 1 resembles Nagios Core with added func- the ConnectWise suite. In addition, the “Patch tionality such as a better web interface, support for Management” allows protection of all systems with more databases, and easier plugin integration. It is simultaneous patching from a centralized compatible with Nagios plugins. Icinga 2 is a re- manager. write of Core and features a responsive web in- (16) Logic Monitor: it [66] is an automated SaaS terface. However, it reduces configuration (Software-as-a-Service) IT performance monitoring complexity and supports distributed monitoring. tool providing full visibility of the performance and (11) LibreNMS: it [61] is a free open-source network health of a network and their improvement. It monitoring tool and a fork of Observium. It pro- discovers IT infrastructure devices and monitors vides features such as graphs, auto network dis- them proactively, by identifying incoming issues by covery, alerting (SMS, e-mail, Slack, etc.), providing predictive alters and trend analysis. It configuration through web interface or command- includes a customizable dashboard, alerts, and line interface. It does not have a paid support, which reports. is available through several channels like commu- (17) LogFusion: it [67] handles text-based log dumps, nity forums, IRC, GitHub, and Twitter. event logs, remote logging, and even remote event (12) Spiceworks: its [62] inventory originally started out channels. Free and licensed versions are much of as a utility for scanning devices on the network and the same except for a couple of features such as reporting information on what was running on customizable columns and tabbed interface. them. It has a real-time alerting function and the (18) Netwrix Event Log Manager: On the freeware community has played a significant role to its version, it [68] handles the basic needs such as real- growth. Using Spiceworks Network Monitor, the time email alerting of critical events, some limited user views the status of various devices and services amount of alert criteria filtering, and some ar- and is alerted if particular values do not match the chiving ability (limited to 1 month). preset criteria. (13) Snort: it [63] is an open-source network intrusion (19) Splunk: it [69] is a log management program which detection system for Linux and Windows which encapsulates data from an entire range of devices performs packet logging on IP networks and real- across a network. Its core functionality can be time traffic analysis. This tool is composed of two expanded via add-ons and plugin apps. It can also major components: a detection engine that utilizes work fully on-site, hybrid on-site/cloud, or fully in a modular plugin architecture and a flexible rule cloud environment to ease remote management. language to describe traffic to be collected. It can (20) Tripwire Log Center: it [70] identifies and responds perform protocol analysis, content searching, and to threats as well as assuring that all devices and can be used to detect a variety of attacks and probes, traffic meet proper compliance and that extensive such as stealth port scans, CGI attacks, buffer backup and protection features are on top of log overflows, OS fingerprinting attempts, and SMB management and analysis. probes. (21) LogRhythm: it [71] is a program that gathers log (14) Datadog: it [64] is a monitoring easy-to-install tool data from applications and databases from all specially designed for hybrid cloud environments. sources. It is fully automated in a great deal of It offers performance monitoring of network, tools, management aspect, though it is still able to be apps, and services. It can also provide extensibility manually adjusted. through many API (Application Programming (22) SumoLogic: it [72] is a cloud-based tool that does Interfaces) with documentation, graphs, metrics, not restrict IT professionals to the operating en- and alerts, which the software can adjust dynam- vironment or a particular system. One of its features ically based on different conditions. Moreover, the is that forensics are run as separate threads which software can be downloaded and installed by can help isolate resource use in cloud space. agents, available for different platforms such as SumoLogic does segmentation, which offers the Windows, Mac OS, Several Linux distributions, convenience to add and remove whatever is nec- Docker, Chef, and Puppet. essary to have a customized solution for supporting (15) ConnectWise Automate: [65] formerly known as your environment without wasting resources. Labtech, it can keep track of IT infrastructure (23) EventTracker Log Manager: it [73] grabs all the devices from a single location. It discovers all security, application, and error logs for analysis and
12 Security and Communication Networks encompasses Linux, Unix, Syslog, and Windows for as long as possible. Installing antivirus software is often logs. It offers intuitive graphs and charts and a the foremost way for a user to secure his computer [80]. powerful visual front end. According to the information mentioned above, it is vital (24) Correlog: it [74] focuses on the real-time man- to install antivirus software. Below, there is helpful data agement aspect. The software evaluates every bit of regarding each antivirus software, which are classified using event information bringing to attention things of the following nine criteria: (i) strengths, (ii) weaknesses, (iii) concern. It combines a centralized control interface price, (iv) on-demand malware scan, (v) on-access malware for managing and collecting data as well. scan, (vi) website rating, (vii) malicious URL blocking, (viii) phishing protection, and (ix) behavior-based detection and (25) ELK Stack: ELK stands for three open-source the results are listed in Table 3. At the end, we present the projects: Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana. decision tree for this category of tools. Elasticsearch is a search and analytics engine. It appears that only a few antivirus software tools are Logstash is a server-side data processing pipeline totally free of cost and these tools are Bitdefender Free that collects data from multiple sources at the same Edition, Avast, Avira, and Sophos. We can also distinguish time, transforms it, and then sends it to Elas- that the examined antivirus tools that meet all criteria we ticsearch. Kibana helps users to visualize data with posed are McAfee, Symantec Norton, Webroot Secure- charts and graphs in Elasticsearch [75]. Lately, the Anywhere, Kaspersky, Trend Micro, and Bitdefender An- addition of Beats turned the stack into a four-legged tivirus Plus. Figure 5 depicts the decision tree. project. These different components are used to- gether for monitoring, troubleshooting, and se- curing IT environments (though there are many 3.3. The COVID-19 Era and Factor. In March 2020, the more use cases for the ELK Stack, such as business coronavirus was pronounced by WHO as a global pandemic. intelligence and web analytics) [76]. For many Until today (July 2021), the COVID-19 crisis has made organizations, the ELK Stack is an open-source prevention an urgent need and the lessons that humanity has alternative to other SIEM (security information and learned are, hopefully, enough to highlight the serious role of event management) systems [77]. A CSIRT can IT security and privacy. The dramatic experience of COVID- benefit from ELK stack because of the combination 19 in several countries, e.g., Brazil, India, Italy, Spain, and of tools that it uses. Also, ELK stack can be used for USA, to name a few, has outlined the importance of effective vulnerability management [78]. cybersecurity due to numerous successful cyberattacks. There is no surprise that, during the pandemic, more so- phisticated intrusion methods were detected and reported. 3.1. Classification of Monitoring and Logging Tools. In Ta- Organizations must take additional steps to achieve ble 2, the examined tools have been classified based on the security requirements by implementing stronger defenses following parameters: (i) strengths, (ii) weaknesses, (iii) free and better practices. This entails applying a collection of trial available, (iv) cost/price, (v) scalability, (vi) technical security solutions to prevent any attraction from threat support, (vii) reports and analytics, and (viii) ease of use, factors, as noticed during the COVID-19 pandemic and the GUI offered. At the end of this section, we present the crisis that followed. Sophisticated and highly organized corresponding decision tree. cybercriminals target organizations showing every day how From the monitoring and logging tools we examined, all vulnerable the systems are. For example, health organiza- have free trial versions and the vast majority of them are easy tions have become a prime target because advanced per- to use and offer scalability, technical support, report, and sistent threats (APT) try to obtain information for domestic analytics. Moreover, many of them like Zabbix, LibreNMS, research into COVID-19-related medicine [94]. Addition- Spiceworks, Snort, Netwrix Event Log Manager, and Splunk ally, attackers take advantage of collective fear to perform are open-source network systems. The decision tree is phishing campaigns using coronavirus as a trap [95]. Threat depicted in Figure 4. actors like hackers and state-backed attackers have been using an APT technique to gain a foothold on victim ma- chines and launch several types of malware attacks. In 2020, 3.2. Antivirus Software Classification. Commonly, malicious e-mail phishing attacks were more than 600% since the end software is blocked by antivirus materials through the of February 2020 [96]. And the situation keeps getting more identification of code signatures distinctive to different kinds difficult, so there is a need of keeping one step ahead from all of malware. Once the applications encounter a file with a these intruders. code string that matches one in their database for an already As there is no one-size-fits-all security solution, it is not known virus, they block its access to the intended victim’s feasible to address every cybersecurity challenge with a computer [79]. single method/technology/solution because every partic- In the fight between attackers and security researchers, ular system faces different threats, different vulnerabilities, the former endeavor is to break any defense mechanism by and different risk tolerances. No matter how much we masquerading, social engineering, or by impeding antivirus shield a system, human errors and weaknesses will always software from detecting, so that they can settle on as many be a threat. Unpredictable situations, such as the COVID- computers as possible and their malware can lay in the hosts 19 crisis, will create new challenges. There is an urgent need
Security and Communication Networks 13 Table 2: Monitoring and logging tools presentation. Ease of Reports Free trial Technical use, Νo. Tool name Strengths Weaknesses Cost/price Scalability and available support GUI analytics offered Easy to implement Solarwinds and customize, free Expensive, there are Network 1 fully functional some user interface Yes From 2440€ Yes Yes Yes Yes Performance demo, ease of issues Monitor (NPM) scalability Extensive and customizable Solarwinds platform, workflow Expensive, outdated Server and that allows 2 GUI, complex Yes From 2440€ Yes Yes Yes Yes Application monitoring architecture Monitor resources, can be integrated with open- source clients Very good structure and overview of your From 1200€ PRTG Network Runs only on 3 devices, ease of use Yes (PRTG500 Yes Yes Yes Yes Monitor windows and installation, very license) flexible Everything must be Device cards is a nice installed on- addition, easy premises, device 4 WhatsUp Gold Yes By request Yes Yes Yes Yes creation of roles and discovery dashboard, easy GUI could use some work Complete solution Advanced reporting for any type of server, should have some user interface is easy bulk server options, From 1995$ to understand and 5 Nagios XI interface becomes Yes (standard Yes Yes Yes Yes simple to customize, slow when it goes to edition) configuration many clients in the wizards simplify the system setup process 3D visualization of Everything must be the server, installed on- ManageEngine customizable and premises, cloud 6 Yes By request Yes Yes Yes Yes OpManager friendly user management interface, ability to requires a different map the workflow product Lightweight software, GUI should be free, filter function, better, might be Free (open- 7 Wireshark simultaneous Yes No Yes Yes confusing for new source) capturing on all the users network adapters Needs work in GUI to become more Great support team, user friendly, would fast and reliable with 8 OP5 Monitor work towards better Yes By request Yes Yes Yes remote collectors and automated tools to load sharing handle network devices Zabbix notification Free, stores data in and per-user view JSON format so other Free (open- Yes (not 9 Zabbix need to be Yes Yes Yes application can also source) free) enhanced, requires use it, friendly GUI lots of resources
14 Security and Communication Networks Table 2: Continued. Ease of Reports Free trial Technical use, Νo. Tool name Strengths Weaknesses Cost/price Scalability and available support GUI analytics offered Can monitor almost Setup can be tricky, everything, good 10 Icinga not so good Yes By request Yes Yes Yes Yes community forums technical support for support Helpful community, Free (open- 11 LibreNMS High memory usage Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes free, great GUI source) Free, extensible with other (not free) The program is 12 Spiceworks products, good basic Yes Free Yes Yes Yes Yes outdated monitoring, easy to use and understand Good feedback, free, Requires significant network packets are configuration and 13 Snort saved in log file either domain knowledge Yes Free Yes Yes Yes Yes displayed in the to set up, sometimes console gives false positives Agent installation Heavy learning can be automated, curve to several key advanced graph Up to 31$/ 14 Datadog features, not Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes functionality, high month available as on- level of premises solution customization Ability to automate agent installation and Some functionality manage system and requires plug-ins, vendor patch URL changes, on- ConnectWise deployment, ability 15 premises Yes By request Yes Yes Yes Yes Automate to offer self-service installation options to users, requirements, allows multiple complex to set up vendors to integrate with it High volume of Agentless, information and comprehensive, and multiple secure systems customization monitor service, options make it 16 Logic Monitor excellent online help Yes By request Yes Yes Yes Yes complex, steep and technical learning curve for support, great those not familiar workflow with monitoring management features tools and services Lightweight, handles Inadequate From 15$/ 17 LogFusion Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes most of log files customer support machine Free, all event log Netwrix Event Free (open- 18 data in a single view, Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Log Manager source) ensures compliance Not free for more Free, no development than the minimal work required to Free (open- 19 Splunk use, complex until Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes deploy, segmentation source) one gains of logs experience with it Very good Tripwire Log Reports can be more 20 monitoring, detailed Yes By request Yes Yes Yes Yes Center user-friendly reports
Security and Communication Networks 15 Table 2: Continued. Ease of Reports Free trial Technical use, Νo. Tool name Strengths Weaknesses Cost/price Scalability and available support GUI analytics offered Not so good back- Excellent web end technology, console, configurable 21 LogRhythm time and effort to Yes By request Yes Yes Yes Yes dashboards, quick learn how to use it searches properly Slow search for Good functions, log older information, ingestion from poor account From 90$/ 22 SumoLogic essential any source, Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes management, some month flexible search and inadequate UI reporting decisions Extremely powerful search, very good EventTracker support team, easy to Search can be 23 Yes By request Yes Yes Yes Yes Log Manager deploy agent complex collectors and generate reports Easy deployment, Not so good 24 Correlog Yes By request Yes Yes Yes Yes good reporting documentation Free to get started, Complex multiple hosting management options, real-time requirements, Open- 25 ELK Stack data analysis and Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes stability and uptime source visualization, issues, data centralized logging retention tradeoffs capabilities Monitoring and Logging Tools Open source Budget By request Solarwinds Network Performance Monitor WhatsUp Gold Wireshark (NPM) ManageEngine OpManager Zabbix Solarwinds Server and OP5 Monitor LibreNMS Application Monitor Icinga Spiceworks PRTG Network Monitor ConnectWise Automate Snort Nagios XI Logic Monitor Netwrix Event Log Manager Datadog Tripwire Log Center Splunk LogFusion LogRhythm ELK Stack SumoLogic EventTracker Log Manager Correlog Scalability- Scalability- Scalability- Technical Technical Technical support- support- support- Reports- Reports- Reports- GUI offered GUI offered GUI offered Solarwinds Network Performance Monitor (NPM) WhatsUp Gold LibreNMS Solarwinds Server and Application Icinga Spiceworks Monitor ConnectWise Automate Snort PRTG Network Monitor Logic Monitor Netwrix Event Log Manager Nagios XI Tripwire Log Center Splunk Datadog LogRhythm ELK Stack LogFusion EventTracker Log Manager SumoLogic Correlog Figure 4: Monitoring and logging tools decision tree.
16 Security and Communication Networks Table 3: Antivirus software presentation. On- On- Malicious Behavior- demand access Website Phishing No. Tool name Strengths Weaknesses Price URL based malware malware rating protection blocking detection scan scan Strong Fewer protection, features in From good scores in McAfee AntiVirus iOS, PC boost 19.99$/ 1 hands-on tests, Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Plus [81] web speedup device perfect score in works only in (year) antiphishing Chrome tests Blocks even brand-new Browser From Symantec Norton malware, low extension 39.99$/ 2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes AntiVirus Plus [82] impact on extras can be device system unreliable (year) resources Extremely light From Webroot No testing on system 29.99$/ 3 SecureAnywhere data from the Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes resources, device AntiVirus [83] top labs lightning fast (year) Accurate, From Can be Bitdefender password 25.99$/ 4 resource Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Antivirus Plus [84] manager, cheap device hungry subscription (year) One of the best performing From Kaspersky’s Kaspersky security 39.95$/ 5 full suites are Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes AntiVirus [85] packages, device better value supremely easy (year) to use Highly From Relatively ESET NOD32 configurable, 19€/ 6 expensive, not Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Antivirus [86] device access user for beginners control (year) Might slow Affordable Trend Micro you down, pricing, easy to 7 Antivirus + Security slightly Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes use, strong [87] limiting protection options Prevents nonwhitelisted Could programs from possibly From launching VoodooSoft whitelist 29.99$/ 8 when PC is at No Yes No No No Yes VoodooShield [88] malware device risk, new running prior (year) machine- to installation learning tool flags malware Malware can Exempt act freely until personal eliminated by 19.95$/ folders from 9 The Kure [89] reboot, does device No No No No No No being wiped, not offer 24- (year) live-chat tech hour tech support built in support From F-Secure Antivirus User-friendly, Prone to false 29.99$/ 10 Yes Yes No Yes No Yes [90] good value positives device (year)
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