Reversible Immobilization of Free-ranging African Lions (Panthera leo) with Medetomidine-tiletamine-zolazepam and Atipamezole

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Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 42(2), 2006, pp. 432–436
                                                                                      # Wildlife Disease Association 2006

Reversible Immobilization of Free-ranging African Lions (Panthera
leo) with Medetomidine-tiletamine-zolazepam and Atipamezole
Magali Jacquier,1,6,7 Per Aarhaug,1 Jon M. Arnemo,2,3 Hans Bauer,4 and Brigitte Enriquez5 1 Elephant
Camp, BP 450 Garoua, Cameroon; 2 Section of Arctic Veterinary Medicine, Department of Food Safety and
Infection Biology, Norwegian School of Veterinary Science, PO Box 6204, NO-9292 Tromsø, Norway;
  Department of Forestry and Wilderness Management, Hedmark University College, NO-2480 Koppang,
Norway; 4 Institute of Environmental Sciences, Leiden University, PO Box 9518, Leiden, The Netherlands;
  Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, National Veterinary School of Maisons-Alfort, 7 Avenue du
Général de Gaulle, 94700 Maisons-Alfort, France; 6 Current address: MZT, PO Box 3863, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe;
  Corresponding author (email:

ABSTRACT:    A combination of medetomidine-              pam has been the drug combination of
tiletamine-zolazepam was used to conduct six             choice for immobilization (Kreeger et al.,
immobilizations of free-ranging lions (Panthera          2002). This combination has a wide safety
leo) in Waza National Park, Cameroon, during
1999 and 2000. Drugs were administered by                margin and few cardiopulmonary or ther-
dart injection at 0.0760.01 (mean6SD) mg/kg              moregulatory side effects, but as a result
of medetomidine and 1.860.5 mg/kg of                     of the long elimination half-life of tileta-
tiletamine-zolazepam. Chemical immobiliza-               mine and the lack of an antagonist,
tion was characterized by smooth inductions
                                                         recoveries are often prolonged. In combi-
(14.166 min), satisfactory analgesia, and mus-
cle relaxation. One animal was treated for               nation with medetomidine, however, the
bradypnea. No major alterations of physiologic           effective dose of tiletamine-zolazepam can
parameters (heart and respiratory rates, rectal          be reduced by as much as 75% in several
temperature) were seen during immobilization             species (Cattet et al., 1999; Caulkett et al.,
in the other lions. Relative arterial oxygen
saturation was measured in two animals and
                                                         1999; Kreeger et al., 2002) and the
revealed mild hypoxemia. The animals received            recovery time thereby significantly short-
atipamezole at 0.360.1 mg/kg intramuscularly             ened by antagonizing the effects of
for reversal of anesthesia. Recoveries were              medetomidine with atipamezole. Here,
uneventful. All animals were radiocollared,              we present data from the successful use
and no mortalities occurred during an 18-mo
follow-up period. Use of medetomidine-tileta-            of medetomidine-tiletamine-zolazepam
mine-zolazepam for anesthesia and reversal of            and atipamezole for reversible immobili-
anesthesia with atipamezole appear to be useful          zation of free-ranging lions.
for reversible immobilization of free-ranging               Six immobilizations were carried out on
lions.                                                   five lions in Waza National Park, Camer-
   Key words: Anesthesia, atipamezole, im-
mobilization, lion, medetomidine, Panthera               oon (10u509–11u409N, 14u209–15u009E)
leo, tiletamine, zolazepam.                              during the dry seasons of 1999 and
                                                         2000 as part of a current study on
   Ideally, drugs used for the capture of                behavioral ecology. These included two
free-ranging animals should rapidly in-                  males (lions 1 and 2; age, 6–12 yr;
duce reliable and reversible immobiliza-                 estimated body weight, 150–180 kg) and
tion. Various drugs and drug combinations                three females (lions 3, 4, and 6; age, 5–
have been used for immobilization of                     7 yr; estimated body weight, 90–150 kg).
free-ranging lions (Panthera leo), includ-               Lion 2 was immobilized a second time as
ing phencyclidine (Melton et al., 1987),                 lion 5. Animals were immobilized with
ketamine-xylazine (Herbst et al., 1985;                  a mixture of medetomidine (10 mg/ml;
Stander and Morkel, 1991), tiletamine-                   ZalopineH, Orion Pharma Animal Health,
zolazepam (King et al., 1977; Stander and                Turku, Finland) and tiletamine-zolazepam
Morkel, 1991), and medetomidine-keta-                    (500 mg dry substance; ZolétilH, Virbac
mine (Quandt, 1992; Bengis and Keet,                     SA, Carros, France). Standard doses of
2000). In large felids, tiletamine-zolaze-               from 8 mg to 10 mg of medetomidine and


from 200 mg to 250 mg of tiletamine-          a portable scale and sling for calculation of
zolazepam were administrated to males,        actual drug doses per kilogram of body
and doses of from 5 mg to 10 mg of            mass. At the end of the procedure,
medetomidine and from 125 mg to               atipamezole (5 mg/ml; AntisedanH, Orion
250 mg of tiletamine-zolazepam were           Pharma Animal Health) was admini-
given to females. The drugs were admin-       stered intramuscularly in the thigh at the
istered into the muscles of the hind limb     following atipamezole : medetomidine
using a CO2-powered dart gun (Dan-            (mg : mg) dose ratios: lion 1, 3.3; lions 2
InjectH ApS, Børkop, Denmark) and             and 3, 2.5; lion 4, 2.1; lion 5, 5.0; and lion
1.5 ml plastic air-pressurized darts with     6, 5.8. Animals were observed until full
2330-mm collared needles (Dan-InjectH).       recovery was evident (i.e., no residual drug
Lions were darted during daylight hours       effects and coordinated walking).
from a car at a range of from 12 m to 20 m       The first four immobilized lions were in
(Yardage ProH 500, Bushnell Corporation,      good health. Lion 5 was immobilized for
Overland Park, Kansas, USA). Lengths of       inspection of a wound on the right front leg,
procedures were recorded from the time        and lion 6 was immobilized for health
of darting until full recovery.               assessment because of poor body condition.
   After complete immobilization was evi-     The body mass was 120633 (80–165) kg
dent, with no signs of spontaneous move-      (mean6SD [range]). Calculated drug doses
ment, the lions were shaded and kept in       were 0.0760.01 (0.05–0.10) mg/kg of me-
lateral recumbency. Ophthalmic ointment       detomidine and 1.8 60.5 (1.3–2.7) mg/kg of
(Aureomycine SpeciaH 1%, Rhône-Pou-          tiletamine-zolazepam. Three lions required
lenc-Rorer, Paris, France) and a blindfold    additional drugs, which were injected in-
were applied. Each lion was clinically        tramuscularly during the immobilization:
examined. Heart rate was determined by        Lion 1 received 1.20 mg of medetomidine
stethoscopic chest auscultation in lions 1    and 62.5 mg of tiletamine-zolazepam, lion 4
through 4 and by pulse oximetry in lions 5    received 0.85 mg of medetomidine and
and 6 (NellcorH N-20P, Nellcor Inc.,          20.5 mg of tiletamine-zolazepam because
Pleasanton, California, USA) with the         of suboptimal placement of the dart, and
sensor (VetSatH, Nellcor) attached to the     lion 6 received 0.90 mg of medetomidine
tongue. Respiratory rate was determined       and 23.0 mg of tiletamine-zolazepam be-
by observing thoracic movements. Rectal       cause of a prolonged procedure. Atipame-
temperature was measured with a digital       zole was administered at the dose of
thermometer (Cooper, Melun, France).          0.360.1 (0.1–0.5) mg/kg.
Assessment of the depth of immobilization        Flight distances after darting were less
was based on signs of spontaneous move-       than 290 m. Induction time (i.e., time
ment; muscle relaxation was determined        from darting until recumbency) was
subjectively on the basis of lack of muscle   14.166.0 (6.6–22.2) min. Because of
tone in limbs. Because of the high ambient    dense vegetation, lion 1 was found
temperatures (up to 46 C), the animals        18.8 min after darting (recorded as in-
were frequently sprayed with water.           duction time). For lion 3, the induction
   Lions were radiocollared with VHF          time could not be recorded precisely but
transmitters (TelonicsH, Arizona, USA).       was less than 8.0 min. The signs of the
Blood and tissue samples were collected       drug effect generally occurred in the
for genetic, biochemical, and serologic       following order: tail down, ataxia, sitting
analyses. Dart wounds were treated, and       down, and then recumbency.
prophylactic, long-acting antibiotics were       Inductions were smooth, and all lions
administered intramuscularly (Oxytétracy-    became completely immobilized. Analge-
clineH 10%, Vetoquinol SA, Lure,              sia (assessed by pinching of the skin) and
France). Each lion was weighed using          muscle relaxation were adequate and

allowed minor surgical procedures, such              for wild lions (McKenzie and Burroughs,
as treatment of a superficial bullet wound           1993; Kreeger et al., 2002). When used in
for lion 5. Handling time (i.e., time from           combination with medetomidine, the
darting to administration of atipamezole)            mean effective dose of tiletamine-zolaze-
was 53.8618.4 (34.0–55.5) min, and time              pam in the present study could be re-
from administration of atipamezole until             duced to 1.8 mg/kg.
the animal was standing was 134.76133.1                 Induction times were similar or shorter
(14.6–338.8) min. Signs of recovery                  than those reported for other drug combi-
started with palpebral movements; move-              nations in lions. Depending on dose,
ment of ears, head, limbs; and finally,              xylazine-ketamine combinations allowed
attempts to sit and stand. Recoveries were           lions to be handled after 6 to 92 min
smooth, and no signs of overalertness,               (Herbst et al., 1985; Stander and Morkel,
muscle rigidity, incoordination, or vomit-           1991), and medetomidine-ketamine com-
ing were observed. Time from standing                bination allowed lions to be handled after
until the animal was able to walk in                 3.5 to 10 min (Quandt, 1992). Recovery
a coordinated manner was 88.7679.0                   was extended for the first three animals in
(13.0–206.2) min.                                    our study (lions 1–3, 232.36122.6 [98.3–
   Physiologic data were collected at 5-min          338.8] min; lions 4–6, 37.0625.3 [14.6–
intervals. Heart rates recorded at 5, 20, and        64.5] min). This probably resulted from
30 min after approaching the immobilized             higher doses of tiletamine-zolazepam
animal were 57613 (35–68), 56618 (33–                (lions 1–3, 2.160.5 [1.7–2.7] mg/kg; lions
72), and 54616 (31–68) beats/min, re-                4–6, 1.660.4 [1.3–2.0] mg/kg) and lower
spectively, and respiratory rates were 1862          doses of atipamezole (lions 1–3, 0.260.05
(16–20), 1663 (12–20), and 1862 (16–20)              [0.2–0.3] mg/kg; lions 4–6, 0.360.2 [0.1–
breaths/min, respectively. Rectal tempera-           0.5] mg/kg). We believe that the dose of
ture was 38.161.5 (35.8–39.8) C, 38.461.4            atipamezole should be at least 5.0 mg per
(36.3–40.2) C, and 38.061.4 (35.7–39.3) C            milligram of medetomidine in lions given
at 5, 20, and 30 min, respectively. Capillary        the drug combination used in this study.
refill times were less than 2 sec, and               This is the dose ratio used by Quandt
mucous membrane color was normal. Side               (1992) in lions immobilized with medeto-
effects were observed in lion 3, which had           midine-ketamine; however, additional im-
a respiratory rate as low as 9 breaths/min at        mobilizations are needed to better define
25 min after darting; this individual was            the appropriate dose of atipamezole for
treated with 5 mg of epinephrine intra-              the drug combination used in the present
muscularly (1.0 mg/ml; AdrenalineH, Ny-              study. Intramuscular injection of the
comed Pharma AS, Oslo, Norway). Relative             antagonist seemed to be appropriate in
arterial oxygen saturations for lions 5 and 6        our study, and no signs of resedation were
were, respectively, 94% and 96% after                observed. Quandt (1992) reported that
5 min, 87% and 92% after 20 min, and                 lions immobilized with medetomidine-
89% and 91% after 30 min. Lions were                 ketamine frequently recovered without
radiotracked, and on the day following               showing any signs of arousal before getting
immobilization, all were observed to have            up. Such spontaneous recoveries, which
resumed normal activities. All animals               under field conditions can be extremely
survived for at least 18 mo (Bauer, 2003).           dangerous for people handling the ani-
   In this study, medetomidine-tiletamine-           mals, were not seen during the present
zolazepam was a safe and effective immo-             study.
bilization combination for four of five free-           Physiologic parameters recorded in our
ranging African lions. When used alone,              study were similar to values reported in
the recommended doses of tiletamine-                 other studies (Quandt, 1992; Tomizawa,
zolazepam are between 4 and 5 mg/kg                  1997), with the exception of the study by

King et al. (1977), in which lions immo-       shortened by administration of atipame-
bilized with tiletamine-zolazepam had          zole. The sample size of the present study
higher heart rates (88 [64–120] beats/         is small, however, and further studies
min). Respiratory rates can be influenced      should be performed to characterize fully
by a variety of factors, including ambient     the efficacy and safety of this drug
temperature, body temperature, and             combination and the appropriate dose of
drugs. In our study, respiratory rates         antagonist in free-ranging lions.
dropped by as much as 60% to 85%                  We are very grateful to the Cameroonian
during immobilization compared to re-          Authorities and, in particular, to the
ported reference ranges of between 40          Ministry of Science, Ministry of Environ-
and 120 breaths/min in conscious animals       ment and Forests, and Ministry of Health.
resting in the shade (King et al., 1977). In   We thank the Center for Environmental
the present study, rectal temperatures         and Development studies in Cameroon,
remained stable during immobilization,         the University of Dschang, and in particu-
which is contrary to lions immobilized         lar, the staff of the Waza National Park, Ray
with medetomidine-ketamine, in which           Research Center, and Elephant Camp for
body temperature decreased gradually by        their assistance and moral support. We
0.9 C to 2.2 C in five individuals (Tomi-      thank the Norwegian Health Authorities
zawa et al., 1997). Mild, transitory hypox-    and Valerie Pernelle for formal and prac-
emia was detected in the two animals           tical help. Finally, we thank Virbac for
monitored with pulse oximetry. Hypox-          providing the ZolétilH used in this study.
emia also occurred in cheetahs (Acinonyx
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