Return To Workplace - City of Phoenix

Page created by Marion Mcgee
Return To Workplace - City of Phoenix
The Weekly Connection Newsletter for City of Phoenix Employees • June 10, 2021

             COVID-19 NEWS                                Return To Workplace
                                                          This week begins Phase II of the Return to the
Employee COVID-19 Vaccine: The city’s designated          Workplace Plan and we hope this positive
COVID-19 vaccine dispensing site for employees AND        transition is going well for you. Whether you have
their household members 12 years and older is             been working in the office or teleworking, this
located at the city of Phoenix Employee Driver            phase is designed to reconnect our workgroups
Training Academy (EDTA), 3535 S. 35th Ave., south of      while maintaining protocols to keep everyone
Lower Buckeye Road. Visit COVID Vaccine Resources         safe. If you have been teleworking, please notice
to make an appointment.                                   the safety precautions in place, including Plexiglass
COVID-19 Vaccine Safety                                   in key areas around city facilities, messaging on
Award Incentive: All city                                 electronic monitors in city buildings, including
employees who take the                                    elevators, automated paper towel dispensers and
COVID-19 vaccine in 2021 are                              plenty of signage to help you navigate safely.
encouraged to submit a                                    Please take a moment to see our Employee
completed COVID vaccine card                              Welcome Back to the Workplace video. Lots of
to track the percentage of                                great information!
workforce vaccinated for the
                                                          The City Manager is continuing the mask
city to reach its 50% employee vaccination goal.
                                                          requirement in common areas of city buildings,
Employees submitting completed vaccine cards
                                                          including elevators, in city vehicles with more than
showing the dates of all required doses are eligible to
                                                          one employee, among others. More information is
receive a Vaccine Safety Award of $75. Visit COVID
                                                          available on InsidePHX.
Safety Awards Procedures for details.
                                                          Welcome back and enjoy reconnecting with your
Lost Vaccine Card: If you’ve misplaced your COVID
vaccine card, you may be able to view and print your
vaccine record through the Arizona Department of
Health Services.
Two COVID-19 Testing Opportunities:
 -> Employee Healthcare Clinic, 1 N. Central Ave.
PCR live virus nasal swab tests for employees only,
weekdays from 7 a.m. - 5:40 p.m., by appointment
only. Click on the Banner Health Clinic Link and
select “COVID Virus Testing – City of Phoenix.”

 -> Concentra Phoenix Airport Medical Center, 1818
E. Sky Harbor Circle North, Suite #150.
Free Rapid COVID tests for employees and their
household members on Tuesdays and Thursdays. To
schedule an appointment, have employee ID and call
Return To Workplace - City of Phoenix
Jobs of the Week                                 Become a AmeriCorps VISTA

            Recreation Programmer                         The city of Phoenix is
             $15.98 - $23.33/hour                         now accepting
                                                          AmeriCorps VISTA
This position is responsible for providing recreational   applications for 7
programming and facility coordination services. Re-       positions with the
sponsibilities include planning, organizing, schedul-     Housing Department,
ing, coordinating and implementing in-person and          Office of Sustainability,
virtual recreational activities, events and classes       Mayor’s Office and the
based on the recreational needs of the community.         Office of Environmental Programs! Details on how
Recreation Programmers have supervisory duties            to apply or email Ashley Henderson.
over part-time recreation leaders, recreation instruc-
tors, recreation aides and volunteers. Other duties
include maintaining an inventory of keys and equip-
ment, maintaining financial and activity records, cash               Bus Stop Changes
handling and electronic or online registration/
reservation programs and systems. This position is
responsible for programming activities for youth,                                        Heading back to the
teens, adults and seniors of all abilities. Currently,                                   office? Welcome
there are multiple full-time vacancies in the Parks                                      back to your
and Recreation Department.                                                               commute! Your
                                                                                         Express or RAPID bus
Requirements: Associate degree in recreation, lei-                                       stop location may
sure studies or area of recreational specialization                                      have changed.
and one year of recreation experience.
For more information about this position, visit the       In October 2020, bus stops in downtown Phoenix
city’s employment website online or log into              were changed to accommodate the South Central
eCHRIS.                                                   Extension/Downtown Hub and Central Station
                                                          construction projects. Visit the Pardon our Progress
                                                          webpage to find out if your stops changed. If you
      Check out the latest job openings here.             have additional questions, please e-mail customer
                                                          service, call 602-253-5000 or TTY 602-251-2039.
      Check out the entire job database here.

              Did You Know?                                          Leave Donations

Labor Relations fosters cohesive and collaborative        The following employees are accepting leave
relationships between labor and management while          donations. Use eCHRIS to make your donation:
maintaining and administering MOU’s and MOA’s.               Amber Dimas—Planning & Development
Want to learn more about what the new labor                  Daniela Chavez—Finance
agreements mean for you specifically? Visit the Labor
Relations page on the HRConnection website, where            Anthony Rodriguez—Parks and Recreation
you will find 2021-2023 Wage, Benefit, & Work Rules          Monyea Gandy—Parks and Recreation
Summaries for each unit.
                                                          For a complete list of all employees accepting leave
If you are not sure which employee unit you are           donations, visit the Leave Donation website.
assigned to, please reach out to the Human
Resources liaison for your department.
Return To Workplace - City of Phoenix
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) Pride Month is
                                            currently celebrated each year in the month of June to honor the 1969
                                            Stonewall Uprising in Manhattan. The Stonewall Uprising was a catalyst
                                            for the modern day worldwide gay rights movement.
                                             In the United States the last Sunday in June was initially celebrated as
                                             "Gay Pride Day," but the "day" soon grew to encompass a month-long
                                             series of events. Today, LGBTQ Pride celebrations include pride parades,
                                             picnics, parties, workshops, festivals and memorials for those in our
community who have been lost to hate crimes or HIV/AIDS. The purpose of the commemorative month is to
recognize the impact that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals have had on history locally, nationally,
and internationally. The LGBTQ Employee Alliance (LGBTQ-EA) would like to invite its members and allies to
participate in this year’s Pride events, which include:
   June 11: Pride Night with the Arizona Diamondbacks at Chase Field when they take on the Los Angeles Angels.
   June 14 – July 2: LGBTQ Pride Flags display in the City Hall Atrium. The display will feature the Rainbow Pride
    Flag, generally considered the most recognizable symbol of Pride. However, you’ll learn that there are more
    than 20 LGBTQ Pride Flags that represent different identities within the
    broader queer community.
   June 17: LGBTQ Film Discussion Double Feature: Love the Sinner and After
    Stonewall. Register in eCHRIS for this virtual event using Course Number:
    LGBT12. Diversity credit earned with attendance.
   June 23: LGBTQ–EA Membership Meeting at noon.

                                 You’re Invited: Brown Bag Series

        How to Become An Influential Leader, Part II: Be an Effective Leader | Thursday, June 17, 11:30 A.M.
 If you missed it, this session was rated 2nd highest at the 2021 Govapalooza Virtual Conference
 in March! Phoenix Hispanic Network realizes many could not attend, so here’s another
 This session will focus on key skills needed for becoming an influential leader in today’s
 government workforce. The decisions you make will define your career success and how others
 view you. Will you leave a lasting impression on your peers and inspire others to work towards
 greatness? Discover how to have influence in this webinar.
 Will Gonzalez, City of Phoenix Executive Court Administrator, a charismatic leader who practices the power of
 influence in his career, will speak to specific skills required to perform at the highest levels in achieving success. To
 join the event, register now.

                                              Support the Suns

                       To support the Phoenix Suns in the NBA Playoffs, City Manager Ed Zuercher has invited city
                       employees to dress in Suns’ gear and colors on game days. The official team colors are
                       purple, orange, black, gray, and yellow – so you have a lot of options to show hometown
                       Please check with your supervisor first to make sure it’s appropriate for your work situation.
                       Any city employee who normally wears a uniform should continue to do so.
Return To Workplace - City of Phoenix
                                                             YOU CAN:
                                                              Learn about our Climate Action
                                                              Plan and its goals
THE FUTURE OF PHOENIX                                           Hear from Community & Economic

                                                                 Development and Planning &
                                                                  Development Departments
                                                                       Ask our expert panel your questions

                                                                         about Air Quality, Electric
                                                                           Vehicles, and Electrification
                                                                              and Grid Capacity

 JUNE 16TH | 11 AM - 1:30 PM

                               AGENDA AND SPEAKERS:
                               • Intro to Climate Action Plan - Office of Environmental Programs
                               • Presentations:
                                    Climate and Business – Christine Mackay, Director,
                                    City of Phoenix Community and Economic Development
                                    Planning and Development – Jason Blakley - Assistant Director, Planning and
                                    Development and Stephen Dudley - Building Official, Planning and Development
                                    Air Quality - Phil McNeely, Director, Maricopa County Air Quality Department
                                    Electric Vehicles - Caryn Potter, Utility Program Manager, Southwest Energy
                                    Efficiency Project and Karen Apple, Electric Vehicle Program Manager,
                                    City of Phoenix Office of Sustainability
                                    Electrification and Grid Capacity - Kathy Knoop - Energy Innovation Advisor, APS
                               • Panelist Discussion
                                    Speakers as panelists

                               During registration, participants can submit
                               questions for the panelist.

                               For more information visit
                               If you have any questions contact

                    Help plan the
                 Future of Phoenix
                                               REGISTER ONLINE AT PHOENIX.GOV/CLIMATE
Return To Workplace - City of Phoenix
                                                             YOU CAN:
                                                              Learn about our Climate Action
                                                              Plan and its goals
THE FUTURE OF PHOENIX                                           Hear from the Water Services Department

WATER                                                             Learn about drought contingency
                                                                   plans and water conservation from
                                                                     local professionals

AND                                                                        Ask our expert panel your
                                                                             questions about the
                                                                                 future of water in Phoenix

 JUNE 17TH | 5:00 - 6:30PM

                                AGENDA AND SPEAKERS:

                                • Intro to Climate Action Plan - Office of Environmental Programs
                                • Water 101 - Troy Hayes, Director, City of Phoenix Water Services Department
                                • Phoenix’s Water Portfolio - Cynthia Campbell, Water Resources Advisor,
                                  City of Phoenix Water Services Department
                                • Breakout Room Presentations:
                                         Drought Contingency - Sarah Porter, Director, Kyle Center at ASU
                                         Water Conservation - Warren Tenney, Executive Director of the
                                         Arizona Municipal Water users Association (AMWUA)
                                • Panelist Discussion and Questions - The Future of Water in Phoenix
                                  Speakers as panelists

                                During registration, participants can choose a
                                breakout room presentation to attend and
                                submit questions for the panelist.

                                For more information visit
                                If you have any questions contact

                    Help plan the
                 Future of Phoenix
                                               REGISTER ONLINE AT PHOENIX.GOV/CLIMATE
Return To Workplace - City of Phoenix Return To Workplace - City of Phoenix Return To Workplace - City of Phoenix Return To Workplace - City of Phoenix
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