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Acta Medica Mediterranea, 2018, 34:937


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 Department of Psychological, Pedagogical and Educational Sciences, University of Palermo, Italy - 2Clinic of Child and Adolescent
Neuropsychiatry, Department of Mental Health, Physical and Preventive Medicine, Università degli Studi della Campania “Luigi
Vanvitelli”, Italy - 3Centro di Riabilitazione La Filanda LARS; Sarno, Italy - 4Sciences for Mother and Child Health Promotion,
University of Palermo, Italy - 5Department of Surgical and Biomedical Sciences, University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy - 6Department
of Health Sciences, University “Magna Graecia”, Catanzaro, Italy - 7Department PROSAMI, University of Palermo, Italy -
 Childhood Psychiatric Service for Neurodevelopmental Disorders, CH Chinon, France

*Equal contribute for Authorship


      Anxiety disorders represent the more common psychiatric disorder in developmental age and it is estimated that a third of ado-
lescents satisfy the criteria for an anxiety disorder at the age of 18.
      Many researches show that the disorders of anxiety in childhood are associated with anxiety disorders in adulthood, depressive
disorders and use of psychoactive substances.
      Suffering from anxiety disorders, such as specific phobia, agoraphobia, social anxiety or panic disorder, represents a strong
predictor for the development of other psychiatric disorders
      consequential. In the literature the debate on the weight of environmental factors and genetic factors
      in determining the development of anxiety disorders is ongoing.

      Keywords: social phobia; Separation anxiety.

      DOI: 10.19193/0393-6384_2018_4_142
Received November 30, 2017; Accepted January 20, 2018

Introduction                                                         environmental factors and genetic factors in deter-
                                                                     mining the development of anxiety disorders is
      Anxiety disorders represent the more common                    ongoing.
psychiatric disorder in developmental age and it is                        Some factors can determine the onset and main-
estimated that a third of adolescents satisfy the crite-             tenance of anxiety disorders in developmental age
ria for an anxiety disorder at the age of 18.                              such as genetic, temperamental and environ-
      Many researches show that the disorders of                     mental factors, which include also the parenting and
anxiety in childhood are associated with anxiety dis-                educational styles.
orders in adulthood, depressive disorders and use of                       As in adults, anxiety in children is also charac-
psychoactive substances.                                             terized by specific thoughts, such as thoughts that
      Suffering from anxiety disorders, such as spe-                 concern the fear that “bad things” happen to loved
cific phobia, agoraphobia, social anxiety or a disor-                ones, or thoughts about the fear of not making it.
der of panic, represents a strong predictor for the                  Anxiety can also find expression in children through
development of other psychiatric disorders conse-                    the body in the form of somatic symptoms such as
quential. In the literature the debate on the weight of              headache, vomiting, abdominal pain or limbs, or a
reduction in attention span and appearance may be           attainment and behavior that varies according to the
observed in the child of distraction and listlessness.      various evolutionary phases”, and a detailed anamne-
      The DSM-5 describes anxiety disorders in a            sis with respect to the “presence and influence of risk
specific category, and along the continuum of the life      factors and environmental / relational contexts”. In
cycle: the same categories refer to infancy, adoles-        these cases, it is opportune to evaluate the impor-
cence and age adulthood.                                    tance and role of the “Temperament and attachment”.
      The anxiety disorders in childhood and adoles-        Temperament can be defined as a precocious and
cence are increasingly widespread and afferent to           constant behavioral style, able to influence the per-
psychology services and child neuropsychiatry, caus-        sonality and since it is a genetic part of the personali-
ing discomfort not only in the child, but in the whole      ty, it could represent one of the mechanisms through
family. An excessive load of anxiety interferes with        which the transmission of psychopathological vul-
many aspects of life of the child: from the ability to      nerability from one generation to the next takes place
make new friends, to school results, to harmony             for as much discomfort anxious(24-39).
familiar.                                                          The treatment for anxiety involves a work of
      Anxiety disorders are characterized by perva-         research and assessment of expectations and habitual
sive feelings of worry or anxiety with obvious physi-       cognitive schemes and of a consequent search for
cal symptoms that are difficult to control and mani-        alternative and more functional patterns. In recent
fest to most people days for at least 6 months.             years, in this field a lot of space has been given to
      In children and adolescents, anxiety manifests        both the cognitive and the cognitive therapies. thera-
itself primarily with concerns relating to school com-      py focused on the intolerance of uncertainty or the
mitments or services in general, such as sports com-        standard therapist. The first focuses on the factors
mitments, or social commitments.                            contributing to the development of the disorder,
      There may be a tendency towards perfectionism         including negative beliefs about the danger and
that generates a state of tension, which it can cause       uncontrollability of the hemorrhage, the positive
either excessive effort or avoidance behavior.              metacognitive beliefs about rumination as effective
Anxiety, worry, or physical symptoms cause clinical-        doping mode and some behavioral aspects such as
ly significant distress either impairment of social,        attempts to avoid rumination and control of his own
educational, or other important areas of functioning.       thoughts. The second one, on the other hand, inter-
The child anxious, in fact, constantly lives a vague        venes on the reduction of anxiety and rumination,
feeling of oppression, "a burden", associated to an         helping the patients to improve their ability to toler-
attitude of expectation of an event experienced as          ate, face and accept the inevitable uncertainty of
unpleasant and unexpected(1-23).                            everyday life. The strategies and techniques used
                                                            include, for example, training awareness of one's
      Diagnosis and treatment in anxiety disorders          anxiety states, in vivo and imaginative exposures, the
      The diagnosis of anxiety disorders is performed       cognitive structuring of irrational beliefs and prob-
using the DSM-5. This manual establishes the crite-         lem-solving exercises(24-39).
ria for the diagnosis of each of the types of anxiety
disorders. If these criteria are satisfied for at least 6         Generalized anxiety Disorder (GAD)
months, the diagnosis can be considered valid. From               With regard to Generalized Anxiety Disorder
But when anxiety disorders often coexist with other         (DAG), it is characterized for anxiety and worry
psychiatric disorders, the diagnosis can be compli-         (excessive waiting), which are manifested by the
cated. For example, almost 60% of patients with dis-        most days for at least 6 months, related to a number
orders of generalized anxiety have, accompanied to          of events or of activity (such as work performance or
the latter, also the panic disorder or depressive disor-    scholastic), generalized precisely. The individual has
ders(24-39).                                                difficulty controlling the worry and anxiety, yes con-
      The diagnosis therefore presupposes a careful         siders excessive by intensity, duration or frequency
reflection on some concepts such as that of                 with respect to the real probability or impact of the
“Continuity and discontinuity of anxiety disorders in       feared event. This disorder is associated with three or
children and adults”, “border between normal and            more of the following symptoms: restlessness (feel-
pathological anxiety, such as the need to turn to anxi-     ing thesis, with nerves a skin), fatigue, difficulty con-
ety as a continuum which expresses itself with vary-        centrating or memory lapses, irritability, muscle ten-
ing degrees of functional, cognitive, somatic and           sion and changes in sleep (difficulty falling asleep or
Anxiety disorders in developmental age                                                                    939

maintaining sleep, or restless and unsatisfactory                Social phobia
sleep). What makes it possible to draw a border                  The Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia) is
between pathological and not, is the excessive             characterized by a fear or marked anxiety about one
dimension concerns and negative impact on psy-             or more social situations in which the individual is
chosocial functioning individual. In addition to Panic     exposed to possible examination of others. Examples
Disorder, moreover, Generalized Anxiety Disorder is        include social interactions (eg, having one conversa-
characterized by anxious symptoms sweetened in             tion, meet unknown people), be observed (eg, while
their intensity but protracted over time and, therefore    eating or drink) and perform a performance in front
equally debilitating. According to the World Health        of others (eg, make a speech)(61-65).
Organization suffers of generalized anxiety disorder             What really fears the individual is the possibili-
5% of the world population, especially women. Only         ty of act in such a way as to manifest its symptoms
a third of those who suffer from it, however, turn to a    of anxiety, which will be evaluated negatively
mental health specialist, in as the physical symptoms      (because embarrassing, humiliating, they will lead to
of anxiety often lead patients to turn to other figures    rejection or result offensive to others). As with many
professionals (eg primary care physician, internist,       anxiety disorders, anxiogenic situations are avoided
cardiologist, pulmonologist, gastroenterologist)(40-48).   either endure with discomfort from the patient. Fear,
                                                           anxiety and avoidance to diagnose social anxiety
      Separation anxiety                                   must last more than 6 months and must be dispropor-
      The main feature of Separation Anxiety               tionate to the real threat posed by the situation.
Disorder is excessive anxiety manifested by the child      Moreover, the subjects who suffer from it can result
when he must separate from someone in the family           unassertive or excessively submissive, they can
he is deeply tied (usually the figure maternal). This      avoid eye contact and speak aloud low; they can also
state of anxiety must be inadequate at the level of        be shy, be less open in conversations and reveal little
development and appear for the first time in the first     of themselves(66-70).
six years of life. THE subjects suffering from separa-           When we talk about school phobia (or school
tion anxiety have of usually a normal behavior as          exertion) we refer to a disorder in which the level of
long as they are in presence of the parent or primary      anxiety and fear to go and stay at school are such as
figure of attachment, but they manifest intense anxi-      to significantly compromise a regular school atten-
ety in the when they are separated from it.                dance and cause short and long-term sequelae. The
Furthermore they tend to express unrealistic fears         consequences may relate to emotional, social devel-
and persistent with regard to the occurrence of cata-      opment, acquisitions, difficulties in relationships
strophic events that can separate them forever from        with the family. Subsequently there may be difficul-
parents. Children with separation anxiety disorder         ties in working and may increase the risk of an
are afraid of being killed or kidnapped or to incur        important impairment of the person’s health. School
some serious accident or illness if they are far from      waste should not be confused with the unjustified
the parents, or that to parents can happen something       absence from school, the latter being a behavior in
bad when they are far away(49-52).                         which anxiety and fear are absent. Excessive atten-
      They usually avoid staying alone even for a few      dance at school is associated with antisocial behavior
minutes. They can manifest an intense reluctance to        and lack of interest in school education.
go to school, as this involves a separation from the             The boy who suffers from school refusal can be
mother or, more generally, from the primary attach-        absent from school from the beginning of the day, or
ment figure. Children with separation anxiety often        can go to school and then, after a few hours, ask to
have difficulty at bedtime and may insist for some-        return home. During school hours the child stays at
one to stay with them until they fall asleep. When         home, a trustworthy and safe environment, can take
they find themselves to be separated from the parents      care of other activities, including tasks, in a serene
can manifest physical symptoms such as headache,           way. This disorder affects 1-5% of school-age chil-
vomiting; ask to call the parents and be brought           dren without gender differences, from the data pre-
home. The anxiety disorder of separation can some-         sent in literature seems more frequent in some deli-
times develop after some stressful life event (for         cate evolutionary changes such as the inclusion in
example, the death of a relative or of a pet, a disease    the elementary school (5-6 years) and the transition
of the child or of a relative, a change of school, a       to middle school (10 -11 years)(66-70).
move to another area, or an immigration)(53-60).
940                                                                           Agata Maltese, Francesco Cerroni et Al

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