Retinal Vascular Changes in Pre-Diabetes and Prehypertension
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Reviews/Commentaries/ADA Statements R E V I E W A R T I C L E Retinal Vascular Changes in Pre-Diabetes and Prehypertension New findings and their research and clinical implications THANH TAN NGUYEN, MBBS1 therapy may also reduce retinopathy re- JIE JIN WANG, MMED, PHD1,2 quiring laser treatment (7). TIEN YIN WONG, MD, PHD1,3 Hypertensive retinopathy Like diabetic retinopathy, classic hyper- CLASSIC RETINAL T he retinal vasculature can be tensive retinopathy is well characterized. viewed directly and noninvasively, VASCULAR CHANGES The clinical signs include generalized and offering a unique and easily acces- focal arteriolar narrowing, arterio-venous sible “window” to study the health and Diabetic retinopathy nicking, increased retinal arteriolar light disease of the human microcirculation In individuals with diabetes, the classic reflex (copper or silver wiring), flame- in vivo. In the last decade, advances in primary retinal vascular complication— and blot-shaped retinal hemorrhages, digital retinal photography and imaging diabetic retinopathy—is well described cotton wool spots, and, in severe cases, techniques have allowed precise charac- (1). Diabetic retinopathy signs are optic disc swelling (8,9). The association terization of subtle retinal vascular broadly divided into nonproliferative and of these retinal signs with blood pressure changes in large populations. These ret- proliferative retinopathy. The prevalence is consistent and seen in both adults (10 – inal changes can be broadly divided into of diabetic retinopathy increases with 20) and children (21), even in individuals four groups: 1) classic retinal vascular duration of diabetes. The Australian Dia- without clinical hypertension (13–15, changes in diabetes and hypertension betes, Obesity and Lifestyle Study (Aus- 22–24). (i.e., diabetic and hypertensive retinop- Diab) showed that the prevalence of athy), 2) isolated retinopathy signs in diabetic retinopathy is less than 10% in ADVANCES IN ASSESSING individuals with diabetes or hyperten- those with diabetes duration of less than 5 RETINAL VASCULAR sion (e.g., microaneurysm, retinal hem- years but more than 50% in those with 20 CHANGES — Digital retinal photog- orrhage, or cotton wool spot), 3) years or longer diabetes (2). The two ma- raphy and new imaging technology have changes in retinal vascular caliber, and jor risk factors of diabetic retinopathy are now allowed more precise assessment of 4) changes in retinal vascular architec- hyperglycemia and hypertension, with the subtle changes seen in the retinal ture (e.g., retinal tortuosity). hyperlipidemia as a possible third major microvasculature (22,25–28). One key New studies in large populations now risk factor. The importance of hypergly- development has been methods to objec- show that retinal vascular changes are cemia has been confirmed in epidemio- tively quantify retinal vascular caliber. common in the general population and logical studies (3), as well as two pivotal Historically, narrowed retinal arteriolar may precede the subsequent develop- clinical trials: the DCCT (Diabetes Con- caliber, an early hypertensive retinopathy ment of overt diabetes and hypertension. A trol and Complications Trial) in patients sign, has been difficult to measure using consistent pattern of associations is also with type 1 diabetes (4) and the UKPDS the clinical ophthalmoscope (29). Parr, Hubbard, and colleagues (22,30,31) de- emerging, showing that specific retinal vas- (UK Prospective Diabetes Study) in pa- veloped techniques to measure retinal cular changes may be related differently to tients with type 2 diabetes (5). The UK- vascular caliber from photographs and hyperglycemia and blood pressure. PDS also showed that blood pressure summarized these as the arterio-venous In this review, we summarize recent control reduces the risk of retinopathy in- ratio (AVR). These techniques are now studies on the retinal vascular changes dependent of glycemia levels (6). New used in large epidemiological studies seen in diabetes and hypertension and data from the FIELD (Fenofibrate Inter- (20,22,25,27,28) and have substantial re- speculate on potential research and clini- vention and Event Lowering in Diabetes) producibility. cal implications. Study now suggest that lipid-lowering Recent studies suggest the interpreta- tion of the AVR may be overly simplistic. ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● A smaller AVR was thought to reflect gen- From the 1Centre for Eye Research Australia, University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia; the 2Centre for eralized retinal arteriolar narrowing, since Vision Research, University of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia; and the 3Singapore Eye Research venular caliber was assumed to be rela- Institute, National University of Singapore, Singapore. Address correspondence and reprint requests to Tien Yin Wong, MD, PhD, Centre for Eye Research tively constant (22). Thus, when a low Australia, University of Melbourne, 32 Gisborne St., Victoria 3002, Australia. E-mail: twong@ AVR was associated with elevated blood pressure (18,32) and cardiovascular out- Received for publication 15 April 2007 and accepted in revised form 20 June 2007. comes such as stroke (33,34) and coro- Published ahead of print at on 26 June 2007. DOI: 10.2337/dc07-0732. nary heart disease (35), the associations Abbreviations: ARIC, Atherosclerosis Risk In Communities; AVR, arterio-venous ratio. A table elsewhere in this issue shows conventional and Système International (SI) units and conversion were initially thought to reflect general- factors for many substances. ized arteriolar narrowing. Newer analy- © 2007 by the American Diabetes Association. ses, however, suggest a smaller AVR may 2708 DIABETES CARE, VOLUME 30, NUMBER 10, OCTOBER 2007
Nguyen, Wang, and Wong not only reflect narrower arterioles but also wider venules (36,37). Furthermore, arteriolar and venular calibers appear to reflect different pathophysiological pro- cesses (37,38). Liew et al. (38,39) have suggested the need to control for venular caliber in sta- tistical models of arteriolar caliber, and vice versa, as venular caliber explains ⬃30% of the variability in arteriolar cali- ber (38)—presumably from shared ge- netic and ocular factors (22). Improvements in imaging software have also led to quantification of other architectural changes in the retinal vascu- lar network (36,37), as well as “batch pro- cessing” of retinal images (20,22, 25,27,28). There remain technical chal- lenges. For example, the impact of mag- nification error (i.e., eyes of different re- fraction) requires further study (40). ISOLATED RETINOPATHY SIGNS Figure 1—Prevalence of retinopathy in nondiabetic populations (A) and nondiabetic and non- Epidemiology hypertensive populations (B). AusDiab: Australian Diabetes, Obesity and Lifestyle Study (year There is increasing evidence that typical began: 1999 –2000, n ⫽ 2,177, aged ⱖ25 years) (2); ARIC (year began: 1987–1990, n ⫽ 10,954, lesions of diabetic retinopathy (microan- aged 48 –73 years) (22); BDES: Beaver Dam Eye Study (year began: 1988 –1990, n ⫽ 4,926, aged eurysms, hemorrhages, and cotton wool 43– 84 years) (15); BMES: Blue Mountain Eye Study (year began: 1992–1994, n ⫽ 3,654, aged spots), termed isolated retinopathy signs, 49 –97 years) (13); CHS: Cardiovascular Health Study (year began: 1989 –1990, n ⫽ 2,050, aged are now recognized to be more common 67–97 years) (14), Hoorn (year began: 1989 –1992, n ⫽ 626, aged 50 –74 years) (23), Rotterdam than previously thought in people with- (year began: 1990 –1993, n ⫽ 6,191, aged 55–99 years) (44), and Funagata (year began: 2000 – out diabetes and hypertension (41– 43). 2002, n ⫽ 1,481, aged ⱖ35 years) (24). Recent studies using retinal photography to document these signs suggest preva- Risk factors and pathophysiology isolated retinopathy in people without di- lence rates in the general population of The underlying risk factors and patho- abetes (50) supports the hypothesis that 5–10% (2,13–15,22–24,44) (Fig. 1A) physiology of isolated retinopathy signs inflammatory processes may also be a and 2.6 – 8.6% among those without dia- in nondiabetic and normotensive individ- possible pathway that underlies early sub- betes or hypertension (13–15,22–24) uals are poorly understood. Associations clinical microvascular disease in the pre- (Fig. 1B). Prospective study data have fur- of these retinopathy signs with increasing diabetes or prehypertension state. ther shown that up to 10% of individuals age (15,45), elevated blood pressure aged ⱖ40 years without diabetes may de- (8,13–15,44,47– 49), and hyperglycemia Associations with risk of diabetes, velop these isolated retinopathy signs (24,44,47,48) have been found. Other hypertension, and cardiovascular within 5 years (16,45). possible risk factors include hyperlipid- diseases Two studies have reported on the emia (17,23,48), higher BMI (23,24), and A clinically relevant question is whether prevalence of retinopathy in individuals systemic inflammation (48,50). We can signs of isolated retinopathy in individu- with pre-diabetes. In the AusDiab Study, speculate that isolated retinopathy signs als without diabetes are markers of the retinopathy signs were seen in 6.7% of in normotensive and nondiabetic individ- future risk of diabetes (i.e., do these pa- individuals with impaired glucose toler- uals may represent early microvascular tients require monitoring for the develop- ance or impaired fasting glucose (46), damage from a combination of risk fac- ment of diabetes). The evidence here is whereas in the Diabetes Prevention Pro- tors, including blood pressure and abnor- not consistent. While previous studies gram this was seen in 7.9% of individuals mal glucose metabolism, which may suggest that detectable retinopathy pre- with impaired fasting glucose (5.3– 6.9 reflect an underlying process of develop- cedes the onset of type 2 diabetes by 4 –7 mmol/l) or impaired glucose tolerance, ing clinical diabetes or hypertension. years (54), new prospective data from the who had no history of diabetes (47). Animal models and human studies Blue Mountains (45,55), the Atheroscle- These isolated retinopathy signs may suggest that chronic inflammation and rosis Risk In Communities (ARIC) (56), be transient. Population studies show that glucose-induced arteriolar endothelial and Beaver Dam (57) studies reported no between 40 and 70% of these isolated ret- dysfunction are related to development of increased risk of diabetes in nondiabetic inopathy signs seen at baseline are not classic diabetic retinopathy (51–53). The individuals with signs of retinopathy. present 3–5 years later (45,48). association of inflammation and signs of However, there are two notable excep- DIABETES CARE, VOLUME 30, NUMBER 10, OCTOBER 2007 2709
Retinal vascular changes Table 1—Associations of retinal vascular changes with diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular diseases Retinal vascular signs Associations Populations References Retinopathy Impaired fasting glucose ARIC (67) Obesity Hoorn (23) Blood pressure ARIC, AusDiab, BDES, BMES, CHS, (2,13–15,22–24,44) Funagata, Hoorn, Rotterdam Incident hypertension BDES (57) Incident diabetes ARIC, BDES (56,57) Heart disease BDES, CHS, ARIC (14,59,114) Nephropathy ARIC, CHS (60,61) Cerebrovascular disease ARIC, CHS, BDES (14,33,34,114–117) Retinal arteriolar narrowing Blood pressure Funagata, BDES, BMES, Rotterdam, (10,22,24,32,37,87) ARIC, CHS Blood pressure in children SCES, SCORM (21) Measures of atherosclerosis Rotterdam (37) Waist-to-hip ratio ARIC (67) Incident hypertension ARIC, BMES, BDES, Rotterdam (58,88–90) Incident diabetes ARIC, BDES (64,65) Coronary heart disease CHS (98) Retinal venular dilatation Impaired fasting glucose ARIC, MESA (20,67) Measures of atherosclerosis Rotterdam (37) Obesity in children SCORM (69) Waist-to-hip ratio ARIC (67) Hypertriglyceridemia ARIC (67) Incident obesity BMES (118) Incident hypertension BMES (39) Incident impaired fasting glucose Rotterdam (66) Cerebrovascular diseases Rotterdam, CHS (96–98) Carotid artery disease Rotterdam (37) AusDiab, Australian Diabetes, Obesity and Lifestyle Study; BDES, Beaver Dam Eye Study; BMES, Blue Mountain Eye Study; CHS, Cardiovascular Health Study; MESA, Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis; SCES, Sydney Childhood Eye Study; SCORM, Singapore Cohort Study of Risk Factors for Myopia. tions. First, in the Beaver Dam Study, that isolated microaneurysms, hemor- sion and prehypertension, are sum- among individuals aged ⬍65 years at rhages, and cotton wool spots predict the marized in Table 1. baseline, signs of retinopathy were asso- development of clinical cardiovascular ciated with an increased 15-year inci- and cerebrovascular events independent Associations with diabetes and pre- dence of diabetes (odds ratio [OR] 3.68 of traditional risk factors (Table 1). Vari- diabetes [95% CI 1.23–10.96]) (57). Second, in ous population-based studies have shown Consistent associations of retinal venular the ARIC Study, among participants with associations of isolated signs of retinopa- caliber with hyperglycemia, diabetes, and a family history of diabetes, signs of reti- thy with the risk of stroke (33), congestive its complications are now emerging (20). nopathy were also associated with an in- heart failure (59), renal dysfunction Prospective data from three population- creased 3-year risk of diabetes (2.3 [1.0 – (60,61), and measures of atherosclerosis based cohorts have shown that changes in 5.3]) (56). Thus, the literature suggests (14,62,63). In the ARIC Study, the pres- retinal vascular caliber may predict the that isolated signs of retinopathy in indi- ence of retinopathy was associated with a development of type 2 diabetes (64,65) viduals without diabetes are not necessar- threefold higher risk of congestive heart and impaired fasting glucose (66). In two ily markers of future diabetes risk, except failure in those without previous coro- early analyses, an association between possibly in younger individuals and in nary heart disease (relative risk 2.98 [95% smaller retinal AVR and incident diabetes those with a family history of diabetes. CI 1.50 –5.92]) (59). This later associa- was found in the ARIC Study (OR 1.71 Similarly, there is conflicting evi- tion suggests that microvascular disease [95% CI 1.13–2.57]; comparing smallest dence that isolated signs of retinopathy may be important in the development of to largest AVR quintile) and the Beaver are markers of future hypertension risk. diabetic cardiomyopathy in the absence Dam Study (1.53 [1.03–2.27]; comparing Data from the Beaver Dam Study showed of established coronary artery disease. smallest to largest AVR quartile) (64,65). that among nonhypertensive individuals, Subsequently, the Rotterdam Study dem- those with signs of retinopathy had a onstrated that these associations reflected higher incidence of hypertension (OR RETINAL VASCULAR wider retinal venular caliber rather than 1.48 [95% CI 1.05–2.07]) (57), but these CALIBER — The associations and clin- narrower arteriolar caliber (1.23 [1.02– findings are not supported by other stud- ical significance of early retinal vascular 1.47]; per SD increase in venular caliber) ies (15,45,58). caliber changes in individuals with diabe- (66). Reanalysis of the ARIC and Beaver There is now substantial evidence tes and pre-diabetes, as well as hyperten- Dam studies confirms this finding 2710 DIABETES CARE, VOLUME 30, NUMBER 10, OCTOBER 2007
Nguyen, Wang, and Wong (T.Y.W., unpublished data). Thus, it ap- ber, there is now substantial evidence that Associations with cardiovascular pears that wider retinal venular caliber is a hypertension preferentially affects retinal diseases marker of chronic hyperglycemia and the arteriolar caliber (83) (Table 1). It has In addition to their associations with dia- pre-diabetes state and reflects the early long been known that generalized retinal betes and hypertension, changes in retinal microvascular changes that occur in the arteriolar narrowing is an early character- vascular caliber have also been linked to a development of diabetes. istic sign of hypertensive retinopathy range of cardiovascular diseases (Table 1). Wider retinal venular caliber has also (8,84,85). More recent studies using Wider retinal venular caliber has been as- been linked to the metabolic syndrome quantitative measurements of retinal vas- sociated with carotid artery disease (37), and its components (20,37,67). In the cular caliber have now demonstrated a magnetic resonance imaging– detected la- Blue Mountains Study, wider retinal graded association of narrowed retinal ar- cunar infarcts and white matter lesions venular caliber was associated with the terioles with increasing blood pressure in (96), and clinical stroke events (97,98). In 5-year incidence of obesity among indi- different populations of various racial/ the Cardiovascular Health Study, wider viduals of normal weight at baseline (OR ethnic groups and age-groups (10,20, retinal venular caliber was predictive of 1.8 [95% CI 1.0 –3.1]; comparing largest 22,24,32,37,86,87). incident coronary heart disease (rate ratio to lowest venular caliber quintile) (68). 3.0 [95% CI 1.6 –5.7]; comparing largest Of greater significance are prospec- Similarly, in children aged 6 – 8 years, to smallest venular caliber quartile) and tive findings from four populations that wider retinal venular caliber was also as- incident stroke (2.2 [1.1– 4.3]), whereas sociated with higher BMI (69), suggesting show retinal arteriolar narrowing is a pre- narrower arteriolar caliber was predictive that retinal venular caliber may be influ- clinical marker of hypertension risk. The of incident coronary heart disease (2.0 enced by metabolic disorders early in life. ARIC Study (OR 1.62 [95% CI 1.21– [1.1–3.7]; comparing smallest to largest There is also evidence that wider venular 2.18]; comparing smallest to largest AVR arteriolar caliber quartile) (98). These caliber is associated with various micro- quintile) (58), the Beaver Dam Study findings suggest that both wider venular vascular complications of diabetes, not (1.82 [1.39 –2.40]; comparing smallest to caliber and narrower arteriolar caliber only diabetic retinopathy (70,71) but also largest AVR quartile) (88), the Blue may be markers of early subclinical car- diabetic nephropathy (72). Mountains Study (2.6 [1.7–3.9]; compar- diovascular disease. Despite these observations, the ing smallest to largest arteriolar caliber pathophysiological processes underlying quintile) (89), and the Rotterdam Study CHANGES IN RETINAL the association of wider retinal venular (1.38 [1.23–1.55]; per SD decrease in ar- VASCULAR ARCHITECTURE — caliber with hyperglycemia, diabetes, and teriolar caliber) (90) all reported that New imaging methods have allowed the its complications are unclear. It has been among individuals without hypertension measurement of other architectural speculated that retinal venular widening at baseline, those with narrowed retinal changes in the retinal microvasculature. may be the result of increased blood flow arterioles had a higher risk of hyperten- Hypertension, for example, has been as- associated with hyperglycemia (73) and sion in the subsequent 3–10 years, inde- sociated with an increase in the retinal retinal hypoxia (74). Alternatively, it may pendent of baseline blood pressure levels, arteriolar length-to-diameter ratio also reflect inflammatory processes impli- BMI, and other known hypertension risk (99,100), increased retinal venular tortu- cated in the pathogenesis of impaired glu- factors. osity (99), reduced branching angle at ar- cose metabolism (75), supported by These observations support the hy- teriole bifurcations (101), and reduced epidemiological findings of wider retinal pothesis that peripheral vascular resis- microvascular density (99,101,102). venules with elevated systemic inflamma- tance, reflected by retinal arteriolar Some of these retinal changes have tory markers (17,20,37,76). Experiments narrowing, is an important contributing also been shown to be associated with in- have demonstrated that local inflamma- factor for hypertension development creased cardiovascular risk. For example, tory processes lead to wider retinal venu- (91). Added support to this hypothesis the Beaver Dam Study demonstrated that lar calibers. For example, administration comes from a recent genome-wide link- suboptimal arteriolar bifurcation and de- of lipid hydroperoxide in the vitreous of age analysis from the Beaver Dam Study, creased arteriolar tortuosity are associated rats leads to an increase in the retinal with coronary heart mortality (103). which demonstrated that associations of venular diameter (77). Similarly, admin- retinal arteriolar diameter to multiple ge- istration of Escherichia coli endotoxin in IMPLICATIONS FOR netic loci are linked to regulation of blood human eyes has been reported to increase RESEARCH AND CLINICAL retinal venular diameter (78). Finally, ret- pressure, endothelial function, and vas- MANAGEMENT — It is now well inal venular dilation may be related to en- culogenesis (92). Thus, retinal arteriolar recognized that individuals with impaired dothelial dysfunction, reflecting an narrowing may be considered a surrogate glucose metabolism or pre-diabetes have increased production of nitric oxide (79) marker of an individual’s genetic predis- higher mortality from cardiovascular dis- secondary to higher levels of cytokines position to hypertension development ease (104 –106). Similarly, individuals (80), seen often in association with im- (93). with high to normal blood pressure or paired glucose metabolism (81,82) and Finally, a recent study has shown that prehypertension (107) are more likely to diabetes (81). the association between higher blood develop cardiovascular events (108,109). pressure and retinal arteriolar narrowing To permit appropriate preventative strat- is detectable in healthy children aged 6 – 8 egies, there is therefore great interest in Associations with hypertension and years (21), reinforcing the concept that early detection of individuals with pre- prehypertension the effects of higher childhood blood diabetes and prehypertension. In distinct contrast to the association of pressure may have an adverse effect on This review suggests that retinal im- hyperglycemia with retinal venular cali- the microcirculation (94,95). age analysis offers a novel noninvasive DIABETES CARE, VOLUME 30, NUMBER 10, OCTOBER 2007 2711
Retinal vascular changes measurement of early changes in the vas- nal vascular changes using new imaging on cardiovascular events in 9795 people culature—not detectable on routine clin- techniques offers great potential to ad- with type 2 diabetes mellitus (the FIELD ical examination—that may allow the vance our understanding of the early study): randomised controlled trial. Lan- identification of individuals at risk of di- pathophysiological pathways of diabetes cet 366:1849 –1861, 2005 8. Wong TY, Mitchell P: Hypertensive ret- abetes and hypertension and their subse- and hypertension development. Recent inopathy. N Engl J Med 351:2310 –2317, quent complications. Retinal vascular studies support the concept that the reti- 2004 imaging might also permit physicians to nal vasculature provides a summary mea- 9. Wong T, Mitchell P: The eye in hyper- optimize management of individuals with sure of lifetime exposure to various tension. 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