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This draft is the result of the ongoing information from the CDC, DOE, DOH and the Miller School District COVID Task Force. There will be an ongoing review of this plan with modifications being highlighted with each revision. Our goal is for our students and staff to attend school safely while providing the most optimal education possible for our students. Our survey showed strong support for our students returning to school in the fall. Faculty and staff must be supported and given every opportunity to protect themselves and the children that they teach. Our students are very important to us and students thrive in a safe structured and nurturing environment. We will strive to teach our students through a shared commitment from students, teachers, families, and staff to prevent the spread of COVID – 19. The South Dakota Department of Education and South Dakota Department of Health have developed guidance for the opening of schools with all students having the opportunity attending a regular schedule. However, we realize as the state relaxes restrictions, the risk of infection and the school guidelines may need to change. What the Miller School District will do: The district attendees will follow social distancing protocol where possible. Students and staff will be highly encouraged to wear masks. Mitigate risk/ spread by encouraging physical distancing, proper hand hygiene, sanitation, hallway flow and spacing of students in common areas. Be aware of illness/symptoms in the student body and contact a student’s family immediately if a student exhibits symptoms. Monitor positive COVID-19 and its spread in the school community and follow the recommendation of health officials regarding modified school schedule, in-school adjustments, or school closures. Improve our digital opportunities to meet the needs of our students using distance learning as it arises. What families can do: Administer the Daily Symptom Screening Checklist. Keep your children home when having a fever, cough, cold or flu symptoms. Have your well child return to school after the symptoms have subsided 48 hours, with no temperature for 24 hours without aid of fever reducing medication. Encourage family members to congregate at the bus stop and sit together while riding the bus. Understand that guidelines are determined by health, educational professionals in an effort to care for your child(ren), considering the physical environment, time spent in school and the potential risk of the health of our students, staff and families. Miller School District Restart Plan 2
Talk to your child(ren) about the changes they may notice at school, reinforcing that these measures are in place to preserve their health, and the health of others. Create a family plan: o In case your child is sent home from school/bus due to high fever, being ill or is required to be quarantined or isolated. o In the event that school closes for a 14-day quarantine. As always, please reinforce the importance of respecting the responsibility of teachers and staff to maintain order in the classroom, the hallway, and at all school functions. Prepare to adapt to change. Recognize that you can choose traditional face-to-face school or distance learning options, and still remain actively enrolled in the Miller School District. Understand that we are here to assist you with your child’s educational needs. Know that you as the guardian and parent have the right to keep your child home at any time as you assess risk as it relates to your family. Miller School Status Model School is Open School is Open School is Closed Traditional Learning Blended Learning Remote Learning Delivery Low Risk and Low More Risk and Moderate Highest Risk Spread Spread Substantial Spread Schools Open Schools Open with Building closed to Masking highly increased safety students recommended measures. School implements Social Distancing Masks may be 100% distance required learning If our district is seeing cases Blended learning Students will be able and we can continue with plan will be to receive lunch and full traditional learning, implemented breakfast. Parents staff and students may be Increase isolation will need to pick up asked to wear masks. measures by the at the school. building/ classroom Decisions on all staff reporting vs. Closing buildings will be handled by the Superintendent’s office. Miller School District Restart Plan 3
Health Protocols Traditional Learning Blended Learning Remote Learning Delivery Low Risk More Risk Highest Risk Staff Staff Building is closed to Face-coverings Face-coverings may students. highly recommended be required when Superintendent will Health screening and students are in communicate when temperature checks school. we can return to must be completed Health screening and face-to-face learning. at home temperature checks Students must be completed Face-coverings at home highly recommended Students Health screening and Face-coverings temperature checks highly recommended must be completed at Health screening and home temperature checks must be completed at Temperature checks home by school personnel Temperature checks when symptoms are by school personnel observed. when symptoms are Temperatures observed. greater than 100.0 Temperatures will be sent home greater than 100.0 Students will be will be sent home. isolated for parent Students will be pick-up. isolated for parent Student may return pick-up when symptoms. Student may return have subsided for 48 when symptoms hours including 24 have subsided for 48 hours without aid of hours including 24 fever medication. hours without aid of If our district is fever medication. seeing cases and we Bus students will be can continue with taken to school and full traditional isolated for parent learning, staff and pick-up students may be asked to wear masks. Miller School District Restart Plan 4
Educational Delivery Traditional Learning Blended Learning Remote Learning Delivery Low Risk More Risk Highest Risk Traditional face-to- Blended learning Building closed to face instruction plan will be students. Actively enrolled in implemented. Students will learn the Miller School Blended learning 100% of the time District. will have half of the through distance Contract required if students present in learning. choosing to attend the classroom while Packets will not be online classes. half of the students delivered due to risk. will be attending All learning will be class through the through the distance online platform. learning platform. Students attendance in both settings will be required. New schedule of attendance online and face-to-face instruction will be communicated when needed. Miller School District Restart Plan 5
Instructional Information Traditional Learning Blended Learning Remote Learning Delivery Low Risk More Risk Highest Risk Google Classroom Inform parents/ Inform parents/ and Microsoft Teams families to the move families of the move are the distance to blended learning. to closure. learning platforms Utilize the online Utilize distance that will be used. learning while in learning through Staff will integrate class or out of class Google Classroom distance learning schedule. and Microsoft into regular Instruct students on Teams. instruction. schedules/ Continued staff responsibilities and development of attendance. Google Classroom and Microsoft Teams. Physical Distancing of Group Size Traditional Learning Blended Learning Remote Learning Delivery Low Risk More Risk Highest Risk Staff will reconfigure Staff will reconfigure Not applicable, classroom to protect to protect students school is closed. students as space as space allows. allows. Social distancing Social distancing where possible. where possible. Face masks may be Highly recommend required. Minimize wearing face movement where covering. possible (classes, Schedule movement hallways, common where possible areas) (classes, hallways, No Assemblies and common areas). No field trips Staggered recess, lunch, and specials schedules. Miller School District Restart Plan 6
Cleaning Protocol Traditional Learning Blended Learning Remote Learning Delivery Low Risk More Risk Highest Risk Increased cleaning of Increased cleaning of Schools will be surfaces surfaces. thoroughly cleaned, Nightly disinfecting Nightly disinfecting disinfected, and of classrooms and of classroom and secured until common areas. common areas. reopening. Hand sanitizing Hand sanitizing liquid in rooms and liquid in rooms and common areas. common areas. Sanitation wipes or Sanitation wipes or sprays provided in sprays provided in every classroom. every classroom. Access to Buildings Traditional Learning Blended Learning Remote Delivery Learning Low Risk More Risk Highest Risk Visitors Visitors Not No visitors past entry point. No visitors past entry point. applicable, Limited visitor access (by Limited access (by school is appointment; official appointment; official closed school business only) school business only) Face covering is highly Face covering may be recommended. required. Late arrival: Late arrival: o Guardian will bring o Guardian will bring student not further student no farther than the vestibule. than vestibule. Early pick-up: Early pick-up: o Guardian will enter o Guardian will enter the vestibule and the vestibule and wait for student. wait for student. Facility use agreement will be available. Transportation Miller School District Restart Plan 7
Traditional Learning Blended Learning Remote Learning Delivery Low Risk More Risk Highest Risk Face-covering is highly Face-covering is highly No student recommended. recommended. transportati Hand sanitizer on bus. Hand sanitizer on bus. on, school is Bus stops: Bus stops: closed. o Socially distancing. o Social distancing. o Students will have o Students will have an assigned seat. an assigned seat. Buses and district Buses and district vehicles will be sanitized vehicles will be sanitized after each use. after each use. Food Service Traditional Learning Blended Learning Remote Learning Delivery Low Risk More Risk Highest Risk Face masks are Face masks may be Not applicable, highly required. School is closed. recommended. Breakfast and lunch Students will be able Breakfast and lunch are served in the to receive lunch and are served in the commons, safety breakfast. Parents commons, safety precautions will be will need to pick up precautions will be taken. at the school. taken. Cashier will be Cashier will be positioned behind a positioned behind a plexiglass shield. plexiglass shield. Activities/ Facility Use Traditional Learning Delivery Blended Learning Remote Low Risk Learning More Risk Highest Risk Activities in full session. Modified participation Activities Regular spectator utilizing suspended attendance. CDC/SDDOH/SDHSAA until further Pre-participation screening and local guidelines notice. before practices/ events. Tiered Attendance Miller School District Restart Plan 8
Equipment/surface/room o First, parents sanitized after each practice o Next, siblings or event. o Then, student Face-coverings are highly body recommended for coaches o Finally, the and managers public Face-coverings are highly Streaming service recommended on buses and provided where in school vehicles. applicable Hand sanitizing by all Pre-participation participants during each screening before water break. practices/ events. Face-coverings may be required for all coaches and managers. Face-covering may be required on buses and in all school vehicles. Hand sanitizing by all participants during each water break. Activities and Sports: Testing regimens, specific guidelines regarding mass gatherings, and response to a student or team member testing positive for COVID-19 (including contact tracing) are all currently under review, and guidance will come from CDC and state and local health departments. Limited testing availability, lack of resources for contact tracing, and expanding knowledge of the characteristics of COVID-19 transmission could all result in significant changes to the recommendations below. The NFHS, and SDHSAA expect to disseminate this information as it becomes available. All Miller School District Activities and Sports: Miller School District Restart Plan 9
Traditional Learning Delivery, Low Risk: All Activities and Sports are open as normal. Practices/ Events/ Travel may resume at all levels and activities. Regular Spectator Attendance. Blended Learning Delivery, More Risk: Practice with Limited Travel and Limited Events. Essential and preferred are allowed at events (parents). Remote Learning, Highest Risk: No School means No Practice and No Events/Closed due to unsafe conditions. Travel: When using a bus or school vehicles, students and staff will sit appropriately spaced as possible within the bus or vehicle. All who ride the bus/ vehicle will sit in the same seat to and from the activity. Transportation Considerations: Face coverings while in a school vehicle is highly recommended. Transportation staff will clean and disinfect high contact areas between runs/routes. Hand sanitizer will be available in each bus/school vehicles. Each vehicle will be disinfected thoroughly at the end of each trip. Students will be socially/physically distanced as possible – family members may sit multiple to a seat. Health and Safety Measures for all Conditioning, Practice, and Contests regardless of risk: A. Screen for signs of COVID-19: All rostered individuals will be screened for signs/symptoms of COVID-19 prior to a workout. Screening includes a temperature check. Responses to screening questions for each person should be recorded and stored securely and in compliance with privacy laws so that there is a record of everyone present in case a student develops COVID-19. Any person with symptoms of COVID-19 will not be allowed to participate and should contact his or her primary care provider or other appropriate health-care professional. People at risk for COVID-19 should consult with their medical provider regarding participation in activities or athletic events. B. Protocol for Confirmed Close Contact and Positive Cases: ALL indications of positive cases and confirmed close contact (within 6 feet for at least 15 minutes of time starting two days prior to symptom onset) must come through the South Dakota Department of Health. Any Department of Health verified close contact must follow SDDOH guidelines. Currently, those guidelines require a 14-day quarantine from the date of contact away from school and daily screening of symptoms. Any Department of Health verified positive case must follow SDDOH guidelines. Currently, those guidelines require the individual to self-isolate for 10 days from the first onset of symptoms and must be fever free for 24 Miller School District Restart Plan 10
hours without the use of fever-reducing medications. Trainer must be involved in re-entry prior to participation. Schools must notify the SDHSAA of any verified close contact or positive cases of rostered individuals via the SDHSAA School Zone. No personally identifiable information will be contained in the notification to the SDHSAA. All information will be treated in compliance with HIPAA and FERPA from the member school and the SDHSAA. C. Practice good hygiene Athletes, coaches, officials, and staff should wash their hands with soap and water or use hand sanitizer, especially after touching frequently used items or surfaces. Individuals should wash their hands for a minimum of 20 seconds with warm water and soap before touching any surfaces or participating in workouts or contests. Avoid touching your face. Sneeze or cough into a tissue or the inside of your elbow. Disinfect frequently used items and surfaces as much as possible. All are encouraged to wear face coverings while in public and when social distancing is not possible. Appropriate clothing/shoes should be worn at all times in the weight room to minimize sweat from transmitting onto equipment/surfaces. No pre-game and post-game handshakes/high-fives/fist bumps in any activity. Students must be encouraged to shower and wash their workout clothing immediately upon returning. Concessions: Each district is asked to follow the COVID-19: FOOD CONCESSION STAND FOR SCHOOL AND TEMPORARY EVENTS put out by the SD Department of Health. Head Table: Only essential workers will be allowed in this area. Managers, statisticians, trainers, etc must sit in the bleachers to allow for social distancing at the head table. Bench area or sideline: Only coaches and athletes will be allowed on the bench or sideline to allow for social distancing (Medical personnel can be an exception on the sideline). Benches will be spread apart as much as possible. If there are not enough chairs in the bench area, the extra players must sit in the bleachers behind the bench. Masks for players not playing are recommended but not required. All athletes should use hand sanitizer, provided at the head table, before entering and exiting the playing court. Other Guidelines: Guidance regarding social distancing and hygiene will be posted at facility entrances and high traffic areas. Miller School District Restart Plan 11
Encourage and support the use of masks by spectators. Spectators at the game will be a local decision. The host school MUST inform the visiting school in advance if any restrictions are in place as early as possible. If schools want to save sections for social distancing, those should be clearly marked and advertised. Facility cleaning guidance for the summer should be continued throughout the school year. SDHSAA will determine if a contest is a “no contest” or “forfeit”. This will be outlined in the SDHSAA Fall Sports/Activities Task Force Plan. Goals for school should be consistent: o Do what is best for ALL kids. o Do what is best to start and end each season. Follow in-season modifications outlined by SDHSAA and let visiting schools know of procedures to follow when traveling to the host school at least a day or two in advance. 2020-2021 Miller School District Online Learning Contract Program Expectations and Guidelines Student will remain enrolled full-time in the Miller School District. Families will need to provide internet access and the school will provide a computer. Miller School District Restart Plan 12
A signed computer User Agreement must be on file in the school office. Instruction will be provided through South Dakota Virtual Schools. Students who are eligible for special services will continue to receive those services as determined by the team. Student will be allowed to participate in extracurricular activities, pending eligibility. Online School with South Dakota Virtual Schools has recommendation of commitment of a quarter, semester or 1-year depending on the program. Quality completion of work assigned will be required for final grades and course credit. If a student does not abide by these expectations, truancy will be filed when applicable and/or the distance learning option could be rescinded. Any variation of this must be appealed to the superintendent for approval. I have reviewed and understand the above guidelines and expectations of the Miller School District Distance Learning Program. I understand, if I do not follow through with this agreement truancy may be filed and I will no longer be allowed to take part in distance learning. Student Printed Name and Signature Date Parent/Guardian Printed Name and Signature Date Administrator Printed Name and Signature Date 8/30/2020 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION & HEALTH GUIDANCE The Department of Education is partnering with the Department of Health and K-12 school leaders to provide guidance for reopening and daily operations in SY 2020-21, recognizing that schools will need to be flexible and adjust to changing conditions. Special thanks to the K-12 practitioners who are assisting in this process. STARTING WELL DOCUMENTS: All documents provided to schools by the SD Department of Education and SD Department of Health. Reopening Schools Checklist. Miller School District Restart Plan 13
Bus Guidelines. Miller School District Restart Plan 14
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STUDENT SYMPTOM SCREENING CHECKLIST Parents must complete a daily symptom screening check by answering these questions before sending their child to school. Has your child had close contact (within 6 feet for at _______ ______ least 15 minutes) with a confirmed case of COVID- YES NO 19? Does your child have chills or a fever of 100.4 or _______ ______ greater? YES NO _______ ______ Does your child have new or worsening cough? YES NO Does your child have shortness of breath or _______ ______ difficulty breathing? YES NO _______ ______ Is your child experiencing fatigue? YES NO Does your child have unexplained muscle or body _______ ______ aches? YES NO Does your child have a headache (not related to a _______ ______ known health condition i.e. migraines)? YES NO _______ ______ Does your child have a new loss of taste or smell? YES NO _______ ______ Does your child have a sore throat? YES NO Has your child been experiencing nausea or _______ ______ vomiting? YES NO _______ ______ Does your child have diarrhea? YES NO *Based on CDC guidelines from 5-13-20 If YES to ANY of the questions DO NOT SEND YOUR CHILD TO SCHOOL. Please seek guidance from your medical provider. Contact your school to inform them of your child’s symptoms. You may also contact the South Dakota Department of Health at 1-800-592-1861 with questions. If NO to ALL questions, go to school. Miller School District Restart Plan 17
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