Page created by Esther Goodman
                                                                         ISSN 2278 – 5701
                              RESEARCH ARTICLE


             Nagaraju B1, Sahar SH1, Ali Bolouri1, Neha Kushnoor Z1,

                   Zahra A1, Zothanmawia C1, Surendranatha A2*
 Doctor of Pharmacy, Visveswarapura Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, KIMS Hospital
and Research Centre, Bangalore-560002, India.
    Department of Pharmacology, Sri KV College of Pharmacy, Chickballapur 562101, India.

The use of Myristica fragrans as an anxiolytic agent has been mentioned in the ayurveda but
still no study has been reported. The present study was evaluated for its anxiolytic activity
using Open field model.In the open field test, the parameters measured were ambulation,
rearing, grooming, and fecal pellets.In the open field test the Myristica fragrans at doses of
25mg/kg and 50mg/kg significantly increased the number of ambulations and rearing. The
Myristica fragrans at doses 25mg/kg and 50mg/kg significantly decreased the number of
grooming and fecal pellets. Myristica fragrans showed anxiolytic activity in dose dependant
manner. Myristica fragrans at doses of 25mg/kg and 50mg/kg possess anxiolytic activity in
the model tested and was found that higher dose (50mg/kg) was more significant than lower
dose (25mg/kg). More investigations are necessary to prove the anxiolytic activity of
Myristica fragrans by other models. Further the molecule responsible for the anxiolytic
activity can be separated and identify the mechanism of action.

Key words: Myristica fragrans; Open field; ambulation, rearing, grooming, fecal pellets.

Anxiety is a normal response to stress, a           morbidity with depressive disorders [2]. The
feeling of apprehension or fear, combined           overall female to male ratio is 2:1. Although
with the symptoms of increased sympathetic          the maximum prevalence of generalized
activity. A clinical problem may arise if           anxiety and agoraphobia- panic is in 50-64
anxiety becomes persistent that interferes          age groups; the age of onset of most of
with everyday performance. Clinical                 anxiety disorders is in the young adulthood
symptoms of anxiety include panic disorder,         (twenties and thirties) [3]. Current
agoraphobia and other phobias and                   pharmacotherapy of anxiety revolves around
generalized anxiety [1]. The prevalence of          the use of synthetic molecules. However the
such syndromes in the general population is         drugs in current use are associated with the
about 10-20% and there is high rate of co           side effects such as drowsiness, impaired

           Volume 3 Issue 1   2013                    1
                                                                                ISSN 2278 – 5701
motor activity, and abusive tendencies. The         are α-pinene, sabinene, γ-terpinene and
search for new drugs with better                    safrole. Externally, the oil is used for
pharmacological       profiles    therefore         rheumatic pain and, like clove oil, can be
continues. The alternative systems of               applied as an emergency treatment to dull
medicines play an important role in the             toothache. Drops are put on a cotton swab,
development of safe and effective drugs             and applied to the gums around an aching
coming into the market.                             tooth until dental treatment can be obtained.
                                                    In France, it is given in drop doses in honey
Nutmeg      (In    Kannada-Jakayi/Jatiphala)        for digestive upsets and used for bad breath.
consists of dried kernels of seeds of               Drops are put on a sugar lump or in a
Myristica fragrans (Myristicaceae), an              teaspoon      of      honey     for    nausea,
evergreen tree about 10-20 m high,                  gastroenteritis, chronic diarrhea, and
indigenous to Moluccas Islands. The plant is        indigestion. Alternatively massage oil can be
now widely cultivated not only in Indonesia         created by diluting the essential oil in
and Malaysia but also in Ceylon and West            almond oil. This is sometimes for muscular
Indies (Greneda). In India it is cultivated in      pains associated with rheumatism or
Kerela and Tamil Nadu. Current world                overexertion. It is also combined with thyme
demand for Nutmeg stands at about 10,000            or rosemary essential oils. It should be noted
tons per annum of which about 75%                   that these are folk remedies. Nutmeg when
originates from Indonesia and 15 % from             ingested can be fatal and when applied to the
Greneda [4]. Nutmeg contains about 10%              skin it can be an irritant.
essential oil, which is mostly composed of
terpene hydrocarbons (sabinene and pinenes;         The ethanolic extract of Myristica fragrans
furthermore        camphene,        pcymene,        was reported in rabbits. Rabbits treated with
phellandrene, terpinene, limonene, myrcene,         ethanolic extract of nutmeg showed
together 60 to 80%), terpene derivatives            significantly lower levels of total
(linalool, geraniol, terpineol, together 5 to       cholesterol,      LDL-Cholesterol        and
15%) and phenylpropanoids (myristicin,              triglycerides. Levels of HDL-Cholesterol
elemicin, safrol, eugenol and eugenol               were not significantly different from that of
derivatives, together 15 to 20%). Of the            the control animals [5, 6]. Methanol extract
latter group, myristicin (methoxy-safrole,          of Myristica fragrans was reported to
typically 4%) is responsible for the                possess antiinflammatory activity. This
hallucinogenic effect of nutmeg. Both               illustrates that Myristica fragrans inhibits
nutmeg and mace contain about 2% of                 Nitric Oxide production and which is a
lignanes (diarylpropanoids), which are              mediator of inflammation [7]. It has been
nonvolatile dimers of phenylpropanoid               reported that the lignans from Myristica
constituents of the essential oil, e.g;             seeds possesses antioxidant activity against
dehydrodiisoeugenol.                                low density lipoprotein [8]. Myristica
                                                    fragrans seeds have also been reported to
In traditional medicine, nutmeg and nutmeg          reduce the volume and acidity of carbachol
oil were used for illnesses related to the          induced gastric secretion in fasting rabbits.
nervous and digestive systems. Myristicin           These results indicated that the extract can
and elemicin are believed to be the chemical        be used effectively in peptic ulcers [9].
constituents responsible for the subtle             Pharmacological effects of Ligroin extract
hallucinogenic properties of nutmeg oil.            of Myristica fragrans was evaluated in
Other known chemical ingredients of the oil         chicks. The extract caused significant
             Volume 3 Issue 1   2013                    2
                                                                            ISSN 2278 – 5701
increase in the duration of light and deep          conditions i.e. temperature of 20 ± 20C;
sleep. It was suggested that trimyristin            relative humidity 45-55 % and a 12 hour
present in the extract alters intensity and         light/ dark cycle. The animals were fed
duration sleep induced by Myristica                 standard mice pellet ad libitum under
fragrans [10]. The use of Myristica fragrans        hygienic conditions. All the protocols and
as an anti-anxiety agent has been mentioned         the experiments were conducted in strict
in the Ayurveda but still no study has been         compliance according to ethical principles
reported [11]. Ayurvedic literature insists         and guidelines provided by Committee for
the use of aqueous extracts in the                  the Purpose of Control and Supervision of
formulations; no experimental evidence is           Experiments on Animals (CPCSEA). The
reported regarding the testing of such              approval from the Institutional Animal
aqueous extracts. Hence aqueous extract of          Ethical         Committee        (Proposal
Myristica fragrans is being tested for the          No.IAEC/NCP/05/09) was taken prior to the
anti-anxiety activity using Open field test         study.
                                                    Open Field Test Model [12]
                                                    This test utilizes behavioral changes in the
Plant Extract, Drugs and other chemicals            rodents exposed to novel environment and
The aqueous extract of Myristica fragrans           has been used to detect anti-anxiety activity
was provided by Natsyn Catalysts, Tamil             under identical situations. Since the
Nadu. The strength of the extract was 1: 10         exposure to a novel environment is
meaning 1mg aqueous powder extract is               associated with emotionality, an anxious
equivalent to 10 mg of crude drug.                  animal is one, which shows reduced normal
According to the ayurvedic literature the           behaviors like rearing and grooming,
dose for anti-anxiety activity is 0.5-1 g of        concomitant with augmented automatic
crude drug/ human/day.4 Based on this, two          activity resulting in increased defecation
doses of aqueous extract of Myristica               agents and attenuated by anxiolytics. The
fragrans (25mg/kg and 50mg/kg) were                 open field test is simple test, sensitive and
selected for the study. The         marketed        reproducible and appears to be similarly
preparation of the Diazepam injection               influenced by different classes of anxiogenic
(10mg) Calmpose, (Ranbaxy Pvt Ltd) was              and anxiolytics agents. The test drug
used as standard reference drug. 1 ml of the        treatment was carried for 7 days and
injection was dissolved in the sterile water        standard drug was given 2 h prior to the
for injection and was used for the                  experiment as per the animal data contained
experiment. All other chemicals and                 in Table:1.
reagents used in this study were of analytical
grade.                                              Treatment

Experimental Animals                                The animals were acclimatized for a week
                                                    after    bringing    to   the     laboratory
Experimental study was carried out using            withneveryday handling. The animals were
Albino mice weighing between 18-35g. The            divided into four groups with ten animals in
animals were procured from Drug Testing             each group as follows:
Laboratory, Bangalore. All the animals were             • Group I: vehicle control
maintained under standard laboratory                    • Group II: Diazepam 2mg/kg p.o
             Volume 3 Issue 1   2013                   3
                                                                             ISSN 2278 – 5701
   •   Group III: Myristica fragrans
       25mg/kg p.o                                   RESULTS
   • Group IV: Myristica fragrans
       50mg/kg p.o                                   The lower dose of Myristica fragrans
No of days of drug treatment: 7 days                 (25mg/kg) showed significant increase
The open field is made up of plywood                 (P
                                                                                      ISSN 2278 – 5701

Table 1: Animal data used for the study in open field model
  Species                                                      Mice

  Strain                                                       Albino

  Age and sex                                                  1-2 months, male

 Body weight                                                   25-35g

 No of animals in each group                                   n=10

  No.of groups                                                 four

 Water                                                         ad libitum

 Vehicle for herbal drugs                                      Sterile water for injection

Table 2: Effect of aqueous extract of Myristica fragrans on behavioral aspects

               Effect of aqueous extract of Myristica fragrans on ambulations
  GROUPS            Control            Diazepam                Myristica fragrans     Myristica fragrans
                                      2mg/kg b.w                 25mg/kg b.w            50mg/kg b.w

 MEAN±SEM           33± 3.72         92.67±11.79***               71.17± 5.54*          94.83±9.30***

                  Effect of aqueous extract of Myristica fragrans on rearing

 MEAN±SEM          4.66± 0.80         16.33±1.11***                   12 ±2.74*              16±1.89***

                 Effect of aqueous extract of Myristica fragrans on grooming

 MEAN±SEM           10± 0.51           4.55±1.31**                4.83±1.22**            2.33±0.76***

               Effect of aqueous extract of Myristica fragrans on fecal pellets

 MEAN±SEM           7± 0.577           3.16±0.79**                    3.3±0.9**          2.50±0.34***

 Data was analyzed using one way ANOVA and Dunnett’s t test.
All the groups were compared with vehicle control, n=10
                                                                               ISSN 2278 – 5701

The importance of demonstrating preclinical           and may increase when anxiolytic drugs are
evidence of putative anti-anxiety activity            given [12]. In the present study it was found
cannot be minimised. Chronical anxiety                that the test drug Myristica fragrans at doses
includes generalised anxiety disorders,               of 25mg/kg and 50mg/kg significantly
phobias and panic attacks and their                   increased the number of rearings in dose
treatments are not restricted to anxiolytics          dependant manner indicating anxiolytic
but include antidepressants as well. It is also       activity as mentioned above. Grooming
not apparent that which type of anxiety is            behaviour genrally increases with fear or
been tested in a given paradigm. However,             anxiety in rodents and is an index of
the importance of these animal models of              behavioural adaptation to a stressful
anxiety in evaluation of new anxiolytics can          situation [13-15]. Anxiolytic drugs decrease
hardly be minimised. We have found an                 grooming in the open field test and in
open field test for evaluating anti-anxiety           present study groups receiving Myristica
activity. However, the final proof for                fragrans at doses of 25mg/kg and 50mg/kg
putative anxiolytic effect will come from the         signifiantly reduced the grooming in dose
clinical testing. The novel anxiolytics would         dependant manner. Defecation is also a good
never come to fore without rodents test in            indicator of emotionality in animals, and
the initial stages. There is a reason to believe      research shows that high emotionality is
that novel chemical entities will emerge              related to an increase in defecation [13-15].
from the plant kingdom in our search for              The increase in the defecation was found
newer, safer and more effective anti-anxiety          due to the heightened autonomic activity
agents. This is the first study demonstrating         where the Myristica fragrans at doses of
the anti-anxiety activity of the aqueous              25mg/kg and 50mg/kg reduced the number
extract of Myristica fragrans using open              of fecal pellets in dose dependant maner.
field test. Pretreatment for 7 days appeared          In the open field test the animals express
to induce optimal effects, and this is the            their anxiety and fear by decreasing
basis for the drug schedule used in the               ambulation and rearing. The Myristica
present investigation. On the contrary the            fragrans at doses of 25mg/kg and 50mg/kg
repeated administration of the diazepam               significantly increased the number of
induces       tolerance;    hence,     it   was       ambulations and rearing. The animals
administered acutely using a single dose.             express their anxiety and fear by increasing
In Open Field Test, Ambulation is related to          grooming behaviour and defecation due to
attempts to escape from the novel                     the heightened autonomic activity. The
environment, and is an important anxiety              Myristica fragrans at doses of 25mg/kg and
related behaviour in open field testing,              50mg/kg significantly decreased the number
which is sensitive to the action of anxiolytic        of grooming and fecal pellets.
drugs such as benzodiazepines [12]. In this
present study Myristica fragrans at doses of          CONCLUSION
50mg/kg and 25mg/kg significantly
increased the number of ambulation in dose            Myristica fragrans at doses of 25mg/kg and
dependant manner indicating the anxiolytic            50mg/kg possess anxiolytic activity in the
activity. Rearing is an aspect of exploratory         model tested and was found that higher dose
behaviour and genrally decreases when                 (50mg/kg) was more significant than that of
animal is placed in the novel environment,            lower dose (25mg/kg) when compared to
               Volume 3 Issue 1   2013                    6
                                                                                                  ISSN 2278 – 5701
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