Research Advances in the Application of Adipose-Derived Stem Cells Derived Exosomes in Cutaneous Wound Healing
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ADSCs-Exos in Cutaneous Wound Healing pISSN 1013-9087ㆍeISSN 2005-3894 Ann Dermatol Vol. 33, No. 4, 2021 REVIEW ARTICLE Research Advances in the Application of Adipose-Derived Stem Cells Derived Exosomes in Cutaneous Wound Healing Zeng Weiliang, Guo Lili Department of Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery, The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China Cutaneous wound healing has always been an intractable provided new opportunities for understanding how ADSCs- medical problem for both clinicians and researchers, with an Exos mediate intercellular communication in pathological urgent need for more efficacious methods to achieve optimal processes of the skin and therapeutic strategies for cutaneous outcomes morphologically and functionally. Stem cells, the wound repair. In this review, we focus on elucidating the role body’s rapid response ‘road repair crew,’ being on standby of ADSCs-Exos at various stages of cutaneous wound heal- to combat tissue injuries, are an essential part of regenerative ing, detailing the latest developments, and presenting some medicine. Currently, the use of adipose-derived stem cells challenges necessary to be addressed in this field, with the (ADSCs), a kind of mesenchymal stem cells with multipotent expectation of providing a new perspective on how to best differentiation and self-renewal capacity, is surging in the utilize this powerful cell-free therapy in the future. (Ann field of cutaneous wound healing. ADSCs may exert influen- Dermatol 33(4) 309∼317, 2021) ces either by releasing paracrine signalling factors or differ- entiating into mature adipose cells to provide the ‘building -Keywords- blocks’ for engineered tissue. As an important paracrine sub- Adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells, Exosomes, Wound stance released from ADSCs, exosomes are a kind of ex- healing tracellular vesicles and carrying various bioactive molecules mediating adjacent or distant intercellular communication. Previous studies have indicated that ADSCs derived exo- INTRODUCTION somes (ADSCs-Exos) promoted skin wound healing by affect- ing all stages of wound healing, including regulating in- The skin protecting various tissues and organs of the body flammatory response, promoting proliferation and migration from the external environment as a barrier is the largest or- of fibroblasts or keratinocytes, facilitating angiogenesis, and gan of the human body1. A skin wound caused by trauma, regulating remodeling of extracellular matrix, which have thermal or radiation injury consists of an area of disrupted tissue integrity, architecture and homeostasis. Skin wound Received November 11, 2020, Revised December 21, 2020, Accepted for healing is a complex and orderly dynamic physiological publication January 11, 2021 response process made by body after injury, usually in- Corresponding author: Guo Lili, Department of Cosmetic and Plastic cluding three stages: inflammation, cell proliferation and Surgery, The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University, No.1 Jianshe East Road, Zhengzhou, Henan 450052, China. Tel: 86-18860090407, migration, tissue remodeling2. A poor wound healing usu- Fax: 86-18860090407, E-mail: ally means hyperpigmentation, prolonged healing, scar ORCID: formation, long-lasting ulceration and other morphological This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative and functional abnormalities. Due to the importance and Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons. org/licenses/by-nc/4.0) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, complexity of wound healing, the research on this has distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work great theoretical and practical significance. Regenerative is properly cited. medicine is a new discipline paying attention to promot- Copyright © The Korean Dermatological Association and The Korean ing post-traumatic tissue regeneration and functional re- Society for Investigative Dermatology Vol. 33, No. 4, 2021 309
Z Weiliang and G Lili 3 construction . At present, the use of stem cells and related terial transportation and signal transmission, including spe- derivatives to promote skin wound healing has been wide- cific proteins, lipids, mRNA, microRNA (miRNA), and other ly studied in the field of tissue or organ repair4. Main stem signaling molecules11,12. Compared with ADSCs, ADSCs-Exos cell types involved include epidermal stem cells, endothe- are stabler in property, lower in antigenicity, easier to pre- lial progenitor cells, hematopoietic stem cells, bone mar- serve and transport; therefore, at present, extensive studies row mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs), adipose-derived stem have been carried out on their compositions, formations, cells (ADSCs), and embryonic stem cell (ESCs) (Fig. 1)5. functions and acting mechanisms13. Relevant studies have Although the application of stem cells in the treatment of shown that ADSCs-Exos can promote wound healing wound has been widely recognized, there are still some through different mechanisms, including regulation of in- shortcomings, such as uncertain differentiation, potential flammatory response, accelerating migration and pro- tumorigenicity, low long-term survival rate, difficult stor- liferation of fibroblasts or keratinocytes, promotion of an- age and transportation, limiting the further application and giogenesis, and regulation of extracellular matrix (ECM) re- propagation of stem cells in clinical wound repair6,7. modeling11. Here, the research progress in the application ADSCs are a kind of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) with of ADSCs-Exos in skin wound healing is reviewed. multipotent differentiation and self-renewal capacity, for the past few years, having gained increasing attention in ADIPOSE-DERIVED STEM CELLS regenerative medicine due to the advantages of easy ac- quisition, sufficient source and low immune rejection8. ADSCs existing in adipose tissues as pre-adipocytes, are a With the in-depth study of ADSCs, more and more evi- kind of MSCs with self-renewal ability and multidirec- dences show that the paracrine mechanism is the main tional differentiation potential, which are widely used in way for them to exert influences. ADSCs can secrete sub- ADSCs-enhanced fat grafting and ADSCs therapy. In 2001, cellular particles of lipid bilayer membrane with diameter Zuk et al.14 first cultured pluripotent stem cells from adi- 50 to 150 nanometers (nm), which are called adipose-de- pose tissue suspension by liposuction and named them rived stem cells derived exosomes (ADSCs-Exos)9,10. ADSCs- processed lipoaspirate cells. In 2004, these cells were un- Exos can regulate biological behavior by specifically bind- animously named ADSCs at the second annual meeting of ing to target cells to release their active substances for ma- the International Fat Applied Technology Society15. As is Fig. 1. The roles of main stem cell types involved in cutaneous wound healing. 310 Ann Dermatol
ADSCs-Exos in Cutaneous Wound Healing the case in BMSCs, ADSCs can differentiate into fat, mus- exosomes originate as intraluminal vesicles which are re- cle, cartilage, bone, and skin under specific conditions with leased by multivesicular bodies (MVBs) as exosomes into a particular set of induction factors. ADSCs have similar the extracellular space via the endosomal maturation path- surface markers, gene expression profile and biological way30. There are some specific proteins on the exosomes function to BMSCs, however, compared with BMSCs, membrane, such as membrane transport and fusion pro- ADSCs has the advantages of easy or less invasive to har- teins (GTPases, annexins and flotillin), proteins involved vest and sufficient source, which makes it a hot topic of in MVBs biogenesis (Alix and tumor susceptibility gene stem cell research16. In addition, some scholars suggested 101 proteins), tetramolecular transmembrane proteins that ADSCs had lower metabolic demands and were more (CD9, CD63, CD81), heat shock proteins (Hsps; heat resistant to the mechanical trauma of fat grafting, thus be- shock cognate 70 and Hsp90), which could be used as ing more robust compared to adipocytes17. Other studies surface markers to identify them31-33. At present, various also supported the theory that adding ADSCs may aug- kinds of cells secreting exosomes have been found, such ment fat graft survival by bolstering adipogenesis, support- as T cell, B cell, dendritic cell, Schwann cell, platelets, en- ing vasculature and diminishing cell apoptosis, which are dothelial cell, cardiomyocyte34. In addition, exosomes are key features of the regenerative properties of fat graft18,19. also found in the majority of, if not all, biological fluids, For the cellular secretory profile, ADSCs produce a more such as blood, urine, saliva, bile, cerebrospinal fluid, extensive range of chemokines, cytokines and protein breast milk, epididymal fluid, semen, ascites, amniotic flu- growth factors, therefore, in contrast to previously held id35,36. The contents of exosomes are a variety of specific theories that ADSCs would differentiate to actually replace biological small molecules, mainly including functional damaged cells, providing the ‘building block’ or ‘host re- proteins, lipids, mRNA, miRNA, cytokines and transcrip- placement,’ the paracrine effects of the secretome are now tion factors, which transmit biological information to all considered as more likely to orchestrate the events needed parts of the body through the exosomes-mediated adjacent tissue regeneration12,20-22. or distant intercellular communication37,38. Studies have shown that the contents of exosomes from different tissues CHARACTERISTICS AND FUNCTIONS OF and cells are different, and also different even the same EXOSOMES source39,40. It is generally believed that there are three kinds of mechanisms for exosomes to mediate intercell- Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are membranous vesicles re- ular communication: exosomes release ‘messenger sub- leased from the inside of the cell to the outside, having a stances’ into the cytoplasm after the phagocytosis of exo- phospholipid bilayer structure, with a diameter ranging somes and form vesicles again in receptor cells; after the from 50 nm to 5 micrometers (μm)23. EVs deliver its con- exosomes fuses with the plasma membrane, the ‘messenger tents to the recipient cells, thus changing the biological substance’ are released into the cytoplasm; the receptors behaviors of that, which not only involves normal physio- on the target cells membrane bind to the ligands on the logical processes, also the pathological one24. The con- exosomes11,41,42. tents of EVs depend on the source of the cell types, mainly including protein, lipids, DNA, mRNA, miRNA25,26. Accord- THE ROLE OF ADIPOSE-DERIVED STEM CELLS ing to the source and size, EVs can be divided into three DERIVED EXOSOMES IN SKIN WOUND subtypes: apoptotic bodies (diameter, 100 nm∼5 μm), HEALING microvesicles (diameter, 50 nm∼1 μm), and exosomes (diameter, 50∼150 nm)27. Apoptotic bodies are released Wound healing is an essential process that can restore the during apoptosis and usually contain organelles and DNA structure and function of injured skin or tissue, requiring fragments of maternal cells. Microvesicles are falling off multiple cells from several different lineages to coordinate from the cell membrane and released to the outside of the and produce a series of signals at different time43. The cell mainly through the ‘budding’ way. wound healing process involves a series of overlapping Exosomes are the smallest EVs with diameters ranging stages, including inflammatory, cell proliferation and mi- from 50 to 150 nm, showing a saucer shape under an gration, tissue remodeling44. None of conventional ther- electron projection microscope28. In 1983, Pan and John- apeutic approaches to improve healing, such as therapeutic stone29 firstly discovered the vesicles in mammalian retic- dressings, laser, hyperbaric oxygen, electrical stimulation, ulocytes from mature sheep and named it ‘exosomes’. is completely satisfactory, also not widely used in clinical Although the underlying mechanism of exosomes for- practice45-48. Although the underlying mechanisms of cuta- mation is not fully understood, it is generally believed that neous wound healing have not been fully clarified to date, Vol. 33, No. 4, 2021 311
Z Weiliang and G Lili the safety and efficacy of ADSCs-Exos in skin wound re- while, a chronic or excessive one leads to poor wound pair is increasingly being elucidated through some studies healing, including fibrosis, excessive scarring or inhibition in vivo and in vitro49,50. It has been confirmed that exo- of re-epithelialization. Chen et al. 53 found that the somes are widely involved the above three phrases of ADSCs-Exos demonstrated effects comparable to those of wound repair processes to achieve the quicker, better, their source cells in achieving improved graft retention by less-scar healing (Fig. 2)51. Here, we present an overview up-regulating early inflammation. Zhang et al.54 illustrated of the role of ADSCs-Exos at various stages of cutaneous that a single-exon circular RNA_0075932 in ADSCs-Exos wound healing and summarize latest research advances in induced inflammation and apoptosis in dermal keratino- this field. cytes of burned skin of obese persons by directly binding with Pumilio homolog 2 (PUM2) and promoting PUM2- Inflammatory phase mediated activation of NF-κB pathway (nuclear factor Inflammation is the body self-defense mechanism in re- kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells), of which sponse to harmful stimuli; and varying degrees of in- the results could help us understand why obese persons flammation, as the earliest response of wound healing, displayed a slower wound healing rate than the normal. usually occuring in 24 to 48 hours within a state of ische- Similarly, with a focusing on obese persons, in a study ex- mia, is characterized by redness, swelling, hyperemia, ploring the efficacy of adipose-derived stem cells con- exudation, leukocyte infiltration52. A moderate inflamma- ditioned media (ADSCs-CM) to counteract persistent in- tory response helps to accelerate wound repair by remov- flammation, Kruger et al.55 described the therapeutic po- ing inflammatory factors and cell debris, fighting infection, tential of ADSCs-CM to restore the inflammatory balance Fig. 2. The influence of ADSCs-Exos on different phases of cutaneous wound healing. ADSCs-Exos: adipose-derived stem cells derived exosomes, TNF-α: tumor necrosis factor-α, IL-1: interleukin 1, ROS: reactive oxygen species, VEGF: vascular endothelial growth factor, PDGF: platelet-derived growth factor, HGF: hepatocyte growth factor. 312 Ann Dermatol
ADSCs-Exos in Cutaneous Wound Healing 56 in immune-compromised obese individuals. Li et al. poration, taking advantage of natural availability and bio- confirmed that ADSCs-Exos overexpressing Nrf2 (nuclear compatibility of exosomes as extracellular miRNA trans- factor erythroid2-related factor2) could significantly stim- porting particles. Results showed that the engineered exo- ulate the healing of foot wounds in diabetic rats by inhibit- somes exhibited excellent effects on accelerating diabetic ing the inflammatory proteins expression and reactive oxy- wound healing by increasing re-epithelialization, angio- gen species production, which was associated with Nrf2- genesis, and vessel maturation in vivo, which would pro- induced oxidative stress reduction and apoptosis during vide a new idea for applying ADSCs-Exos to deliver future wound healing. drug substances and developing cell-free therapy for wound- healing treatments62. Cell proliferation and migration phase After being activated by trauma, fibroblasts accelerate In the second stage of wound healing, various growth fac- wound healing by proliferating extensively and synthesiz- tors in the traumatic microenvironment regulate angio- ing large amounts of ECM components such as collagen genesis, cell proliferation and migration. Simultaneously, and elastic fibers, which is the fundamental features of fibroblasts greatly proliferate and synthesize ECM, with wound proliferation. Hu et al.63 found that ADSCs-Exos the newly formed thin-walled capillary buds, thus forming were internalized by fibroblasts to influence cell migra- granulation tissue to provide new attachment scaffolds for tion, proliferation and collagen synthesis through promot- keratinocytes to settle down at later stages. Several studies ing the gene expression of N-cadherin, cyclin 1, proliferat- demonstrated the essential role of ADSCs in angiogenesis ing cell nuclear antigen, type Ⅰ and Ⅲ collagen. Zhang et which is necessary for newly formed granulation tissue to al.64 proved by in vitro and in vivo experiments that get adequate blood supply providing nutrients and oxygen. ADSCs-Exos promoted the proliferation and migration of Hoang et al.57 found that ADSCs-Exos could secrete cru- fibroblast stem cells, synthesis and secretion of collagen or cial growth factors mediating wound healing, like vascular other cell growth factors, where PI3K/Akt signal pathway endothelial growth factor A (VEGF-A) and platelet-derived played a vital role. Previous studies proved that the growth factor BB (PDGF-BB), which were indispensable in ADSCs-Exos could induce fibroblasts proliferation and mi- driving angiogenesis. Shi et al.58 found that exosomes de- gration by secreting fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF-2); rived from circular RNA_0000250-modified ADSCs in- and, the induction of cell migration was a dependent man- creased angiopoiesis and suppressed apoptosis in wound ner with the higher dose of exosomes was used, the faster skin of diabetic mice through inducing autophagy medi- migration rate was observed57. Similar to the role of miRNA ated by miRNA-128-3p/sirtuin 1 (SIRT1). In another mice in driving angiogenesis, it also promotes the proliferation experiment, ADSCs-Exos in combination with hyaluronic of fibroblasts. Choi et al.65 found that ADSCs-Exos treat- acid accelerated mouse wound healing through enhanc- ment of human dermal fibroblasts seemed to induce en- ing reepithelialization and vascularization, which was more richment of the miRNA within the fibroblasts that contrib- obvious than the group using exosomes alone59. As the ute to healing. At the same time, through miRNA chip representative content of exosomes, miRNA makes a sub- analysis, it was found that 292 kinds of miRNA changed stantial contribution to intercellular information transmission. during the process of ADSCs-Exos promoting the pro- Liang et al.60 observed that the ADSCs-Exos will transfer the liferation and differentiation of dermal fibroblasts, of which carried miRNA-125a into vascular endothelial cells (VECs) 199 were up-regulated and 93 were down-regulated. to down-regulate the expession of Delta-like ligand 4 (DLL4), Remodeling phase a angiogenesis inhibitor, thus promoting VECs prolifera- tion and angiogenesis. Kang et al.61 observed that exo- In the stage of tissue reconstruction, more fibroblasts dif- somes were released from ADSCs and able to increase the ferentiate into myofibroblasts; granulation tissue gradually migration and tube formation of human umbilical vein en- fiberizes; collagen increases gradually; and the wound be- dothelial cells (HUVECs), with the better effects of ADSCs gins to contract, eventually forming scar tissue. Through under preconditioning by endothelial differentiation med- animal experiments, Hu et al.63 found that injection of ium. Further studies exhibited that miRNA-31 in exosomes ADSCs-Exos in the early stage of wound healing could in- contributed to the migration and tube formation of HUVECs, crease the secretion of collagen I and III and promote and FIH-1 (factor-inhibiting hypoxia inducible factor-1), an wound healing, while the secretion caused by injection in antiangiogenic gene, was identified as the target of miRNA-31 the late stage decreased, which inhibited scar formation. in HUVECs61. In order to avoid the easy degradation of Pelizzo et al.66 described the effects of intradermal in- miRNA in wound microenvironment, some researchers jection of ADSCs-Exos in an experimental cutaneous wound tried to load miRNA into engineered ADSCs-Exos by electro- repair model. After ADSCs-Exos inoculation, well-regen- Vol. 33, No. 4, 2021 313
Z Weiliang and G Lili erated tissue with the presence of a complete epithelial therapeutics has been performing for many years, showing layer, dermal papillae and cutaneous annexes and re- good therapeutic outcomes on the whole45,71-73. There are stored connective matrix were obtained. Some cytokines lots of advantages in the applications of ADSCs-Exos, such and proteins are core elements in this stage, such as ma- as easy acquisition, sufficient source, convenient storage trix metalloproteinase (MMP), transforming growth factor or transportation, high long-term survival rate, quantitative (TGF)-β. Wang et al.67 found that ADSCs-Exos, in the late usage, avoiding immune rejection, no ethical problems. stage of wound healing, prevented fibroblasts from differ- Compared with the single cytokine, it also has greater tis- entiating into myofibroblasts and inhibited granulation tis- sue regeneration potential. Related studies have shown sue formation to reduce scar through increasing both the that the microenvironment has a certain impact on the ef- ratios of collagen III to collagen I as well as TGF-β3 to ficiency and activity of ADSCs-Exos, where hypoxia, in- TGF-β1 in a study of intravenous injection of ADSCs-Exos flammation, potential of hydrogen, and other intervention on full-thickness dorsal wounds of mice. In addition, they conditions can regulate the capacity to repair tissue74,75. confirmed that exosomes regulated ECM remodeling by Exploring appropriate microenvironmental conditions and activating the ERK/MAPK pathway in skin dermal fibro- the specific mechanism of their effects on the function of blasts and increasing the ratio of MMP3 to TIMP1, leading Exos will greatly improve the therapeutic potential of ADSCs- to a scarless wound healing. Yang et al.68 also found that Exos in wound healing. In short, with the in-depth study of high expression levels of miRNA-21 in ADSCs-Exo pro- the mechanism underlying the capacity of ADSCs-Exos to moted wound healing by enhancing MMP-9 expression promote wound healing, its mysterious veil will be gradu- and inhibiting TIMP2 expression, where the PI3K/AKT ally unveiled, which is helpful to develop the approach in- pathway worked. Moreover, high miR-21 expression lev- to a clinical reality as an alternative to cell-based therapy. els could downregulate TGF-β1 protein levels, thereby There is no doubt that it will have a broad clinical applica- reducing the formation of scars in the wound. In addition tion prospect in the field of skin wound repair. to fibroblasts, keratinocytes are also the main source of synthesis and secretion of ECM, therefore, there is a con- CONFLICTS OF INTEREST sensus that keratinocytes play a key regulatory role in wound healing, scar formation and tissue remodeling. Ma The authors have nothing to disclose. et al.69 established a skin injury model by treating human immortalized keratinocytes line (HaCaT) with hydrogen FUNDING SOURCE peroxide and proposed that ADSCs-Exos promoted the mi- gration of damaged keratinocytes to regulate ECM remod- This study was funded by the Science and Technology eling by activating Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway. Department of Henan Province, Zhengzhou, China (Grant Similarly, by constructing a HaCaT cells model and a No. 182102310086). The funder(s) had no role in the de- mouse wound healing model, Zhang et al.70 found that sign and conduct of the study; collection, management, ADSCs-Exos could accelerate the remodeling of wound analysis, and interpretation of the data; preparation, re- healing through accelerated keratinocyte migration and view, or approval of the manuscript; and decision to sub- proliferation by activating the AKT/HIF-1α axis. mit the manuscript for publication. CONCLUSIONS ORCID A considerable number of patients are still at a high risk of Zeng Weiliang, chronic wounds development with associated co-morbid- Guo Lili, ities of infection, sepsis, and osteomyelitis, although the majority of lesions repair quickly and completely using REFERENCES current standard-of-care approaches, thus remaining a con- siderable burden on medical systems around the world1. 1. Hay RJ, Johns NE, Williams HC, Bolliger IW, Dellavalle RP, Margolis DJ, et al. The global burden of skin disease in Despite a status that the research about specific mecha- 2010: an analysis of the prevalence and impact of skin nism underlying the ability of ADSCs-Exos to promote conditions. J Invest Dermatol 2014;134:1527-1534. wound healing is still in its infancy and no related drugs 2. Proksch E, Brandner JM, Jensen JM. The skin: an indispens- have been approved yet, it is undeniable that the sig- able barrier. Exp Dermatol 2008;17:1063-1072. nificance of ADSCs-Exos effects has presented a new op- 3. Park KM, Shin YM, Kim K, Shin H. Tissue engineering and portunity to study wound healing and clinic trails about its regenerative medicine 2017: a year in review. Tissue Eng 314 Ann Dermatol
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