Requirements for the use of pseudonymisation solutions in compliance with data protection regulations - GDD eV

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Requirements for the use of pseudonymisation solutions in compliance with data protection regulations - GDD eV
Rolf Schwartmann / Steffen Weiß (Ed.)

Requirements for the use of
pseudonymisation solutions
in compliance with data
protection regulations
A working paper of the Data Protection Focus Group of the
Platform Security, Protection and Trust for Society and
Business at the Digital Summit 2018
Rolf Schwartmann / Steffen Weiß (Ed.)

                                                                                                                                     Benjamin Walczack
Requirements for the use of pseudonymisation                                              Johannes Landvogt
                                                                                                                                     Independent Centre for Data
                                                                                          The Federal Commissioner for Data
solutions in compliance with data protection                                              Protection and Freedom of
                                                                                                                                     Protection Schleswig-Holstein

regulations                                                                               Information (BfDI)                         Author:
                                                                                                                                     Data Protection Focus Group
                                                                                          Prof. Dr. Michael Meier
A working paper of the Data Protection Focus Group of the                                                                            of the Digital Summit
                                                                                          University of Bonn/German
Platform Security, Protection and Trust for Society and Business                          Informatics Society (GI)                   Chairman of the Focus Group:
at the Digital Summit 2018                                                                                                           Prof. Dr. Rolf Schwartmann
                                                                                          Dr. Frank Niedermeyer
                                                                                          Federal Office for Information Security
Chairman of the Focus Group:                 Walter Ernestus                              Robin L. Mühlenbeck
Prof. Dr. Rolf Schwartmann                   The Federal Commissioner for Data            Cologne Research Centre for Media
Cologne Research Centre for Media            Protection and Freedom of                    Law - Cologne University of
Law - Cologne University of Technology       Information (BfDI)                           Technology
Member of the Data Ethics Commission         Nicolas Goß                                  Jonas Postneek
of the Federal Government                    eco - Association of the Internet Industry   Federal Office for Information
Coordination:                                                                             Security
                                             Michael Herfert
Steffen Weiß, LL.M.                          Fraunhofer-Society for the Promotion         Frederick Richter, LL.M.
German Society for Data                      of Applied Research                          Data Protection Foundation (Stiftung
Protection and Data Security                                                              Datenschutz)
                                             Maximilian Hermann
(GDD)                                                                                                                                 Contact:
                                             Cologne Research Centre for Media            Dr. Sachiko Scheuing
Members:                                     Law - Cologne University of Technology       Acxiom Germany GmbH                         Steffen Weiß
Prof. Dr. Christoph Bauer                    Dr. Detlef Houdeau                           Irene Schlünder                             German Society for Data
ePrivacy GmbH                                Infineon Technologies AG                     Technology and Method Platform for          Protection and Data Security
Patrick von Braunmühl                                                                     Networked Medical Research (TMF)            Heinrich-Böll-Ring 10
                                             Angelika Hüsch-Schneider
Bundesdruckerei GmbH                         Deutsche Telekom AG                          Sebastian Schulz                            53119 Bonn, Germany
Dr. Guido Brinkel                            Clemens John                                 Federal Association for E-
Microsoft Germany GmbH                                                                    Commerce and Distance Selling               Phone: +49 228 96 96 75 00
                                             United Internet AG
                                                                                          Germany (bevh)                              Email:
Susanne Dehmel
                                             Annette Karstedt-Meierrieks                                                    
Federal Association for                      Association of German                        Dr. Claus D. Ulmer
Information Technology,                      Chambers of Industry and                     Deutsche Telekom AG
Telecommunications and                       Commerce (DIHK)                              Dr. Winfried Veil
New Media e.V. (BITKOM)
                                                                                          Federal Ministry of the Interior            German Society for Data
                                             Daniel Krupka                                                                            Protection and Data Security
Philip Ehmann                                                                                                                         e.V.
                                             German Informatics Society (GI)              Dr. Martina Vomhof
eco - Association of the Internet Industry
                                                                                          German Insurance Association
                                                                                                                                    Version 1.0, 2018
Requirements for the use of pseduonymisation solutions
     in compliance with data protection regulations
     A working paper of the Data Protection Focus Group of the Platform Security,
     Protection and Trust for Society and Business at the Digital Summit 2018


Pseudonymisation as a bridge between informational and
entrepreneurial self-determination

Machines should make life safer, lighter, more pleasant and longer. The human being,                In 2018, the Focus Group continued its work and presents this working paper. It stipulates
respectively his/her intelligence is the starting point of the AI. The technology is intended       requirements for the use of pseudonymisation solutions in compliance with data protection
to imitate human behaviour through mechanical work and understanding in order to apply              regulations. At the same time, it represents a necessary intermediate step from the
it independently on this basis, if necessary. For this purpose, huge amounts of data are            whitepaper on the way to a proposal for a code of conduct for pseudonymisation which
processed with the aim of identifying patterns from the data, evaluating them and drawing           the Focus Group intends present at the Digital Summit in 2019 and which will help industry
conclusions from them.                                                                              to achieve greater investment security.
"Artificial intelligence - a key to growth and prosperity." This is the title of the 2018 Digital   My sincere thanks is owed to to all the members of the Focus Group for their intensive,
Summit of the Federal Government. Germany is strong in the digital economy and should               constructive and efficient work. Special thanks go to Mr Steffen Weiß for coordinating the
become a leader in the AI. The strategy is right. However, it is bound by legal guidelines.         Group's work so expertly and prudently.
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) provides a reliable legal framework for
innovative technologies and applications, including in the field of AI. It lays down rules on
the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free
movement of such data. “The revision of the e-privacy regulation is intended to
complement this protection concept.” This is the clear commitment of the Federal
Government within its Key Issues Paper as part of Germany’s digital strategy.
In order to make personal data economically usable, the GDPR relies on
                                                                                                    Cologne, November 2018
pseudonymisation. Pseudonymisation serves two functions – one that it is intended to
                                                                                                    Professor Dr. Rolf Schwartmann
protect personal data, the other to facilitate its economic use at the same time. The core
                                                                                                    Head of the Data Protection Focus Group of the Platform Security, Protection and Trust for Society and
of pseudonymisation is to replace a person's identity data with a specific string, as it is         Business at the Digital Summit 2018 and member of the Federal Government's Data Ethics Commission
the case with a vehicle registration number. Disclosing a person’s identity from the
pseudonym takes place according to fixed rules.

The Focus Group on data protection of the Platform Security, Protection, and Trust                  * Available at:
For Society and Business has already published a white paper which presents guidelines
for the legally secure use of pseudonymisation solutions, taking into account the GDPR.
Requirements for the use of pseduonymisation solutions
in compliance with data protection regulations
A working paper of the Data Protection Focus Group of the Platform Security,
Protection and Trust for Society and Business at the Digital Summit 2018

                                                                                    Table of contents

                                                                               A.   Introductory remarks................................................................................... 8

                                                                               B.   Legal classification of pseudonymisation ....................................... 8

                                                                               C.   Requirements for pseudonymisation ................................................. 9

                                                                               D.   Technical-organisational requirements for
                                                                                    the pseudonymisation .............................................................................. 12

                                                                               E.   Best practices ............................................................................................... 26
Requirements for the use of pseduonymisation solutions
         in compliance with data protection regulations
         A working paper of the Data Protection Focus Group of the Platform Security,
         Protection and Trust for Society and Business at the Digital Summit 2018

                                                               whitepaper on pseudonymisation above.          serves primarily to reduce risks within the    a processing.
    A. introductory remarks                                        Following the presentation of the legal    meaning of Art. 32 GDPR. In view of the
    The aim of this guideline is to support                    classification    of    pseudonymisation       legal requirements pursuant to Art. 25         C. Requirements for
                                                               (Section B.), this guideline elaborates        GDPR      for    "Privacy   by    Design",
    those responsible for data processing in                                                                                                                    pseudonymisation
    the legally compliant implementation of                    (Section C.) the prerequisites for a legally   pseudonymisation ensures that personal
    pseudonymisation measures by means of                      secure pseudonymisation process as well        information can be decoupled from other
                                                                                                                                                             Every pseudonymisation must comply with
    corresponding specifications. Already in                   as      the    requirements      that      a   data at an early stage.                        certain conditions in order to be legally
    the whitepaper for the Digital Summit                      pseudonymisation must typically fulfil                                                        compliant in the sense of the GDPR.
    20171 the "Data Protection Focus Group of                  (Section D.).                                  2. Pseudonymisation to facilitate
                                                                                                                 a processing or the processing              1. Assignment of responsibilities
    the Platform Security, Protection and Trust
                                                                                                                 for another purpose                         For     the    monitoring       of    the
    for Society and Business” has stressed the                                                                                                               pseudonymisation process, a person,
    importance of pseudonymisation.
                                                               B. Legal classification of                     According to the GDPR, pseudonyms can
                                                                                                                                                             e.g. a specialist manager should be
         An essential characteristic of a                         pseudonymisation                            also enable certain data processing
                                                                                                                                                             appointed. the person should be able
    pseudonymisation is that pseudonyms can                                                                   because of the associated risk reduction.
                                                                                                                                                             to provide the necessary technical and
    no longer be assigned to the person                        Pseudonymisation alone does not make           These are in particular the cases of a so-
                                                                                                                                                             legal         understanding             of
    specifically concerned without the                         data processing lawful. It is merely a         called “compatible further processing” in      pseudonymisation. The role of this
    involvement of additional information. In                  building block to ensure that a data           accordance with Art. 6 para. 4 GDPR,           person is to take responsibility for
    this respect, pseudonymisation protects                    processing is in accordance with the           meaning that a subsequent change of            important decisions. He/she should be
    citizens whose personal data are                           GDPR. It is therefore always necessary to      purpose regarding the processing of            involved in the in a position to create a
    processed from unwanted identification. In                 have a legal basis for processing personal     personal data is considered compatible         uniform            approach             of
    contrast     to    anonymisation2,     pseu-               data. The requirements of Art. 6 GDPR          with the initial purpose of processing.        pseudonymisation       at    the    data
    donymised data can be traced back to the                   ("lawfulness of processing") must be               Whether a new processing purpose is        controller/processor. Besides, he/she
                                                               complied with, as in the case of special       compatible with the original purpose and       should have the opportunity to draw on
    individual (re-identification). The strength
                                                               categories of personal data those of Art. 9    whether further processing can therefore       know-how from within or outside the
    of pseudonymisation depends on how
                                                               GDPR ("processing of special categories        be based on the original legal basis is the    organisation. The controller/processor
    high the risk, the costs and the time
                                                               of personal data").                            result of weighing different criteria          remains responsible for fulfilling the
    required for a direct or indirect
                                                                   Essentially, pseudonymisation can be       mentioned in Art. 6 para. 4 GDPR. One          tasks and duties of the GDPR.
    identification by third parties are to be
    estimated.                                                 applied in two instances:                      criterion in favour of compatibility of
                                                                                                              purposes is the existence of suitable          2. Applicability and legal
         The pseudonymisation of data is useful
                                                               1. Pseudonymisation       as    a              guarantees,       which     may    include        admissibility
    when compiling statistics in conformity
                                                                  technical protective measure                encryption or pseudonymisation (Art. 6         Depending on the application of
    with the law, for the implementation of
    research projects, as well as for the                      Pseudonyms are necessary, for example,         para. 4 lit. e GDPR). Even in the context
                                                               if critical data processing needs to be        of a balancing of interests pursuant to Art.   pseudonymisation, different conditions must
    implementation of advertising measures.
                                                               specially protected against inadmissible       6 (1) lit. f GDPR, a pseudonymisation          be observed.
    Special      application    scenarios    for
    pseudonymisation are listed in the                         access. In this case, pseudonymisation         may have a positive effect and legitimise

1                                2   Anonymisation is a different procedure.
Requirements for the use of pseduonymisation solutions
         in compliance with data protection regulations
         A working paper of the Data Protection Focus Group of the Platform Security,
         Protection and Trust for Society and Business at the Digital Summit 2018
                                                                                                               concerned             about          the         purpose, the controller will inform the data
  a. In the case of pseudonymisation as a                   legitimate interest of the controller must be      pseudonymisation carried out. In                 subject accordingly, if possible. The
     measure for the realisation of an                      examined in particular.                            addition, the data subject must be               information must at least include a
     appropriate protection of personal data                                                                   informed in this context, if necessary,          reference to the origin of the data and to
                                                            The   type    and     quality     of      the      of his right to object with which he/she         possible identification if the data subject
     within the meaning of Art. 32 GDPR,
                                                            pseudonymization is of particular                  can prevent his originally collected             provides the information required for its
                                                            importance in both case variants.                  data from becoming part of a                     identification (see Art. 11 para. 2 GDPR).
                                                                                                               compatible further processing (Art. 6
                                                                                                               para. 4 lit. d)).
     the requirement for pseudonymisation
                                                                                                                                                                4. Rules for merging with
     will, as a rule, result from a risk
                                                                                                             c. If a responsible party has received                individual information of
     assessment including the criteria                      3. Information of data subjects -
                                                                                                                pseudonymised data from a third party              certain persons (re-
     specified in Art. 32 GDPR (state of the                transparency - and possibilities
                                                                                                                and the responsible party can no                   identification)
     art, implementation costs, type, scope,                to object
                                                                                                                longer easily identify the data subject,        If the results of the pseudonymous data
     circumstances       and     purpose      of            The data subject should also be informed
                                                                                                                the responsible party shall at least            processing are to be merged with the
     processing as well as level of risk for the            adequately when processing of his/her
                                                                                                                provide the general information via its         individual data of data subjects or are to be
     rights of the person concerned).                       data based on pseudonyms. This can be
                                                                                                                own website that pseudonymous data              traced back to the data subject (re-
     Especially critical data processing must               done, for example, via data protection
                                                                                                                are being processed. The origin of the          identification), this can either be part of the
     be     provided with       a        strong             notices or policies. The legal options
                                                                                                                data and the existence of the right of          originally planned processing or an
     pseudonymisation (see D. for technical                 regarding the data subject’s rights, such as
                                                                                                                access have to be named.                        additional service based on the evaluation
     and organisational requirements).                      the right to object or the right of access are
                                                                                                                                                                of the compatible further processing.
                                                            to be granted to him.
                                                                                                             d. The data subjects' rights under
b. If pseudonymisation is to be used to
                                                                                                                Chapter III of the GDPR (right of               a. If pseudonymisation is used as a
   enable the processing or further                         a. In the case of pseudonymisation for
                                                                                                                access,         rectification,     deletion,       protective measure within the framework
   processing of personal data, this can be                    protection purposes, the general
                                                                                                                restriction       of    processing,     data       of legitimate data processing, which is
   done either by compatible further                           information provided during data
                                                                                                                portability and objection) have to be              basically also permissible with plain data
   processing in accordance with Art. 6 para.                  collection will be sufficient. Objection
                                                                                                                fulfilled in full by the controller - also in      of the data subjects, no further
   4 GDPR or by balancing the interests in                     rights or consent requirements are
                                                                                                                relation to the stored pseudonym - if              permission is required to trace
   accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR.                 determined here in accordance with the
                                                                                                                the controller can identify the natural            pseudonyms back to individuals in
   In the case of further processing pursuant                  legal conditions for the originally
                                                                                                                person linked to a pseudonym. The                  addition to the original legitimation for
   to Art. 6 para. 4 GDPR, the legal                           planned processing.
                                                                                                                controller, however, consults the data             data processing.
   requirements of the article must be
                                                                                                                subject whether a re-identification
   cumulatively examined and balanced.                      b. If a pseudonymous further processing,            related to the pseudonym is desired.              b.    If pseudonymisation is a measure to
   Depending on the characteristics of the                     for example for compatible purposes,
   individual test points (lit. a) to e)), further                                                                                                                make a further processing possible, the
                                                               takes place, the data subject should be       If a data subject requests access and the
   processing may or may not be permissible.                                                                                                                      legitimation according to Art. 6 para. 4
                                                               informed about it in principle. The           controller cannot identify the data subject          GDPR extends only to the further
                                                               other purpose and its scope should be         using the pseudonym, because it does                 processing of the data, but not to re-
  When balancing the interests within the                      explained to him/her. In this case, it is     not know certain information about the               identify a data subject with a pseudonym.
  meaning of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR, the                   advisable to inform the person                data subject which is necessary for this             In these cases, the re-identification
Requirements for the use of pseduonymisation solutions
     in compliance with data protection regulations
     A working paper of the Data Protection Focus Group of the Platform Security,
     Protection and Trust for Society and Business at the Digital Summit 2018

  therefore requires the provision of a                  D.1.2 Discoverability                         D.1.5 Data collection                             D.1.10 Entropy
  consent mechanism for the data                        A pseudonym is discoverable if it is           Data material consisting of several data          A measure of the indeterminacy of a
  subjects which meets the requirements                 possible to deduce the identity data of the    sets from possibly different sources or           sequence. For example, ten independent
  of Art. 7 GDPR. This also applies to                  associated person from the pseudonym.          years, which is to be evaluated for               coin tosses (head/number) provide ten bits
  processing on the basis of a balancing                This may require a secret cryptographic        statistical purposes and for this reason is       of entropy. If a sequence is calculated from
  of interests pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 lit.          key that is only available to certain users.   to be pseudonymised.                              an initial value ("seed") using a pseudo-
  f GDPR.                                                                                                                                                random number generator, it can never
                                                        D.1.3 Enumeration/brute-force attack           D.1.6 Dataset                                     reach a higher entropy than the initial value.
5. documentation                                        If all details (including the cryptographic    An information belonging to a person              A cryptographic key should have an entropy
The prerequisites for a legally secure                  keys used) of a pseudonymisation process       which contains identity and content data          of at least 100 bits.
pseudonymisation as well as the process                 are known, the corresponding identity data     and which must be pseudonymised.
steps for carrying out a pseudonymisation               can be determined from an existing
must be documented. This can be done                    pseudonym by an enumeration/brute-force        D.1.7 Data trustee
either      by       an       independent               attack (also "complete exhaustion" or "trial   See Trusted Third Party.
pseduonymisation concept or by a general                encryption"). For this purpose, all relevant
description when documenting technical-                 identity     data     is     subjected    to   D.1.8 l-diversity
organisational measures for a processing.               pseudonymisation and compared with the         A (pseudonymised) data collection offers l-
                                                        existing pseudonym.                            diversity, if there are at least l different
D. Technical-                                               For example, if f is a crypto-graphic      forms of content data for each group of
   organizational                                       hash function and the value y = f(name) is     identical identity data contained in it. l is a
   requirements for                                     known, but ‘name’ is unknown, the value        natural number.
   pseudonymisation                                     f(name) can be calculated for all names in
                                                        question and compared with y in order to       D.1.9 One-way function
D.1 Definitions                                         determine ‘name’.                              Function f, which is easily calculable but
                                                                                                       difficult to reverse; it should be practically
The following terms are used in the
                                                        D.1.4 Block cipher                             impossible to draw conclusions from a
following sections. The short explanations
                                                        Block cipher is an encryption method           function value y to x with f(x) = y.
of the terms serve to explain their use in
the following and may not satisfy the                   which transforms a data block of fixed
                                                        length (e.g. 128 bits) into a block of the     Remark:
requirement of complete definitions.
                                                        same      length    depending     on     a     For a one-way function it is necessary that
                                                        cryptographic key. The most common             the definition range of f is very large,
D.1.1 k-Anonymity
                                                        block encryption method today is the AES       otherwise the value f(x) could be
A (pseudonymised) data collection offers
                                                        (Advanced Encryption Standard), which          calculated and compared with y for all
k-anonymity if the identity data of each
                                                        encrypts 128-bit blocks using a 128-,192-      possible x. For an example see:
individual person still contained therein
                                                        bit or 256-bit key.                            Enumeration attack/brute-force attack.
matches at least k - 1 other persons. K is a
natural number here.
Requirements for the use of pseduonymisation solutions
      in compliance with data protection regulations
      A working paper of the Data Protection Focus Group of the Platform Security,
      Protection and Trust for Society and Business at the Digital Summit 2018

D.1.11 HMAC                                                                                             D.1.18 Cryptographic key                       D.1.23 Record Linkage
See: Cryptographic checksum.                                                                            A character string that is used to transform   In specialist literature, the merging of data
                                                        D.1.15 Control number
                                                                                                        a set of data using a cryptographic function   records of a pseudonymised data collection
                                                         See: Pseudonym.
D.1.12 Homonym error                                                                                    (encryption or signature). Depending on        on the basis of linkable pseudonyms is
A    homonym       error occurs    when                                                                 the application, the key must be kept          referred to as record linkage.
                                                        D.1.16 Cryptographic
pseudonymisation procedures that provide                                                                secret.
                                                               hash function
linkability falsely lead to the same                                                                                                                   D.1.24 Re-identification
                                                         A hash function is a function that assigns a
pseudonyms from different persons.                                                                      D.1.19 Pseudonym                               See Discoverability.
                                                         string of any length to a string of fixed
                                                                                                        A character string that replaces the
                                                         length (about 256 bits). A cryptographic
D.1.13 Identity data                                                                                    identity data of a person and thus             D.1.25 Synonym error
                                                         hash function also has the property of a
All data relating to a person that make it                                                              represents this person. The identity data      Occurs       when,    in     a      linkable
                                                         one-way function. If, in addition, it is
possible to identify the person in more                                                                 of a pseudonym should, if at all, only be      pseudonymisation procedure, identity data
                                                         practically impossible to find two different
detail.                                                                                                 inferred under strictly defined conditions     of the same person incorrectly lead to
                                                         input values that provide the same function
                                                                                                        (see Discoverability).                         different pseudonyms, although this was not
                                                         value, one speaks of a collision-resistant
D.1.14 Content data                                                                                                                                    intended.
                                                         hash function. Internationally standardized
In a data collection, essentially all data that          cryptographic hash functions are MD5,
                                                                                                        D.1.20 Pseudonymisation list
do not belong to the identity data.                                                                     A list that compares identity data and         D.1.26 Linkability of pseudonyms
                                                         SHA256 or SHA-3.
Nevertheless, a personal reference can be                                                               pseudonyms. A pseudonymisation list             A pseudonymisation procedure ensures
established from content data if they are,                                                              can be used to determine a person's            the linkability of pseudonyms if identity data
                                                        D.1.17 Cryptographic
for example, unique and this information                                                                pseudonyms directly from an individual's       for the same person generally lead to
can be linked to a person.                                                                              identity data and vice versa to determine      identical or similar pseudonyms. The ps-
                                                         A bit sequence of fixed length (about 256
                                                                                                        an individual's identity data from an          eudonym, respectively the data records of
                                                         bits) that is calculated from a character
Remark:                                                                                                 individual's pseudonym.                        the person are then "linkable": Identical
                                                         string of any length using a cryptographic
Sometimes there may be overlaps                                                                                                                        pseudonyms can usually be used to identify
                                                         key. If the key is known, the checksum can
between content data and identity data,                  be used to determine the integrity of the
                                                                                                        D.1.21 Pseudonymisation stages                 identical persons.
e.g. in the data collection for a study to               string. Without knowledge of the key, it is    If a pseudonym is not created directly
investigate statements about dependency                                                                 from the identity data, but in mutually        Remarks:
                                                         impossible to create a valid cryptographic
on age or occupation on certain                          checksum for a character string. An            independent stages, one speaks of              The linking of pseudonymised data        with
characteristics. In this case, age and                   internationally standardized cryptographic     pseudonymisation lstages.                      persons without knowledge of              the
occupation would (also) be counted                       checksum is calculated using the HMAC          Remark:                                        pseudonymisation procedure or             the
among the content data.                                  algorithm ((Keyed- Hash Message                A pseudonymisation in several stages           pseudonymisation table is not meant      and
                                                         Authentication Code).                          takes place, for example, with the             must be avoided.
                                                                                                        participation of one or more trust bodies.
                                                                                                                                                       In the case of linkable pseudonyms,
                                                                                                        D.1.22 Pseudonymisation procedure              homonym or synonym errors can
                                                                                                        A procedure which generates a                  nevertheless occur.
                                                                                                        pseudonym from the identity data of a
Requirements for the use of pseduonymisation solutions
     in compliance with data protection regulations
     A working paper of the Data Protection Focus Group of the Platform Security,
     Protection and Trust for Society and Business at the Digital Summit 2018
                                                                                                       implementation of a pseudonymisation
D.1.27 Encryption                                       d. Pseudonyms only if there is a need for      requires various process steps, which           D.2.2.1   Pseudonymisation lists
A method which converts a plaintext into a                 them; otherwise anonymization               typically are:                                  A pseudonymisation list is used to assign
ciphertext depending on a cryptographic                 Depending on the context, different types                                                      pseudonyms to identity data using a table.
key. The inversion, i.e. to restore the                 of pseudonyms can be used:                     D.2.2 Creation of a pseudonym                   The pseudonyms have no relation to the
plaintext from the encrypted text, is called                                                                 (pseudonymisation of the                  identity data, neither from functional nor a
decryption.                                              ▪     Personal-pseudonyms, which are                data record)                              content perspective.
                                                               used instead of identity data such as   Every pseudonymisation begins with the
D.1.28 Trusted third party                                     name, ID number or mobile phone         creation of pseudonyms that connect data        Example 1:
A body which is independent of the data                        number are displayed                    sets with associated natural persons. The       Pseudonyms are
controller in terms of space and                         ▪     Role-pseudonyms, where one or           pseudonym may be used to re-identify a          numbered
organisation. The only task of the trusted                     more persons are assigned to a          data set, must be kept separately and           consecutively.
third party is to support the conversion of                    pseudonym (e.g. IP number)              protected by technical and organisational
identity data into pseudonyms.                           ▪     Relationship-pseudonyms, in which       measures.                                       Identity data         Pseudonym
Remark:                                                        a     person uses        a different        With the data to be pseudonymised, a
                                                                                                                                                       Peter Müller
If necessary, several trust authorities can                    pseudonym           for         each    distinction is made between identity data
                                                                                                                                                       born                    2022917
be involved in a pseudonymisation                              (communication) relationship, e.g.      of the persons involved and content data.
process, which create the pseudonyms in                        different nicknames                     A strict separation between the two types
                                                                                                                                                       in Cologne
several pseudonymisation stages.                         ▪     Role-relationship-pseudonyms,           of data is not possible in all cases, so that   Maria Schulze
                                                               which are a combination of the two      content data can also contain information       born                    2022918
D.1.29 Allocation table                                        pseudonym types                         about a person (e.g. gender, occupational       03.05.1959
See pseudonymisation list.                               ▪     Transaction-pseudonyms, in which        group and year of birth) and thus an            in Hürth
                                                                                                                                                       Max KIein
                                                               a new pseudonym is used for each        identification of a data subject is possible.
                                                                                                                                                       born 31.10.1967         2022919
D.2 Measures                                                   transaction, which is used, for             The type of pseudonymisation chosen
                                                                                                                                                       in Bornheim
                                                               example, in online banking.             can have a fundamental influence on the
D.2.1 General information                                                                              user's scope of action. With a strong
In the case of pseudonymisation, basic                  In general, the linkability of personal        pseudonymisation, more critical data
principles are to be observed which must                pseudonyms is considered higher than           processing can usually be sufficiently
be observed for every procedure:                        that of role or relationship pseudonyms.       protected       than     with     a    weak
                                                        Even less is the linkability of role-          pseudonymisation. It is also true in the
a. Knowledge, only if necessary                         relationship pseudonyms and trans-             area of compatible further processing that
                                                        action pseudonyms; in principle they           with stronger pseudonymisation a given
b. Delete data, whenever possible                       cannot be linked. Basically, the less          compatibility of the intended further
                                                        pseudonymisation can be linked, the            processing with the original purpose can
c. Avoiding the accumulation of too much                greater is the possible anonymity of the       be assumed.
   knowledge in one place (e.g. plain text              data for third parties. A low linkability          There are basically two procedures
   data and pseudonymised data about a                  increases     the    strength   of   the       available for creating a pseudonym:
   person)                                              pseudonymisation at the same time. In          Pseudonymisation lists and pseudonyms
                                                        addition, the technical-organisational         by calculation methods.
Requirements for the use of pseduonymisation solutions
         in compliance with data protection regulations
         A working paper of the Data Protection Focus Group of the Platform Security,
         Protection and Trust for Society and Business at the Digital Summit 2018
                                                                                                            4. If several data suppliers are involved in    Formation of a cryptographic
    Example 2:                                                  that with n possible pseudonyms, a             the pseudonymisation process and if a        checksum:
    Pseudonyms are generated                                    collision occurs after the square root of                                                   Pseudonym = HMACK(ID).
    randomly or pseudo-                                         n formed pseudonyms with a                    re-identification of the data supplier on     HMAC = a Keyed Hash Message
    randomly.                                                   probability of 50%. So, if the                the basis of a pseudonym should be            Authentication Code, like RFC2104.
                                                                pseudonyms are chosen as ten-digit            possible, the identity of the data supplier
    Identity data            Pseudonym                          decimal numbers, after 10000                  can also be pseudonymised and placed          Comments:
                                                                randomly generated pseudonyms with            in front of the pseudonyms of the
    Peter Müller                                                                                                                                            1. The entropy of K should be at least 100
                                                                a probability of 50%, two identical           persons.
    born                       2184578                                                                                                                         bits.
                                                                pseudonyms are created (keyword
                                                                "birthday paradox"3).                       D.2.2.2 Pseudonyms through
    in Cologne                                                                                                                                              2. To calculate the pseudonym, not all
    Maria Schulze                                                                                                   calculation methods
    born                       3654425                      3. The random function offered by a             Another possibility is to calculate the            identity data need to be used. In general,
    03.05.1959                                                 programming language should not be           pseudonyms from identity data using an             it is sufficient to make a selection of the
    in Hürth                                                   used as the source of randomness             algorithm.                                         identification data so that the person can
    Max Klein
                                                               (e.g. the function rand() in the                  The transformation process has to             be identified in the data collection to be
    born 31.10.1967            8745124
                                                               programming language C). For                 consider a state-of-the-art procedure (e.g.        pseudonymised. See also section E.2.
    in Bornheim
                                                               example, the iterated output of a            the Federal Office for Information
                                                               cryptographic hash function can be           Security’s guideline TR- 02102-11 or the        3. The entire output of the calculation is not
    Comments:                                                  used as a random source:                     ENISA guideline on crypto procedures) in           needed to generate the pseudonym. See
                                                                                                            order to avoid weak points of an encryption        note 2 from section D.2.2.1.
    1. When the pseudonyms are numbered                         A1 = Hash(A0),                              which could lead to the disclosure of a
       consecutively, it may be possible to                     Pseudonym1 = Bit 1 to 40 of A1              person.                                           4. Although a cryptographic hash
       draw conclusions about the identity                                                                       In order not to be able to deduce the        function is a one-way function, it is not
       data. For example, if the output data is                 A2 = Hash(A1),                              identity data (ID) from the pseudonym, the        sufficient to calculate the pseudonym
       sorted alphabetically. Or at what time                   Pseudonym2 = Bit 1 to 40 of A2              calculation must depend on a certain              exclusively using the hash function, for
       the    pseudonyms        were   created                                                              parameter, a so-called cryptographic key.         example via
       (example: Spanish registration plates                    A3 = Hash(A2),                                   Calculation methods can be the                 ▪    Pseudonym = Hash(PID)
       provide information about the initial                    Pseudonym3 = Bit 1 to 40 of A3              following:
       registration of the vehicle).                                                                                                                        If a pseudonym is present, the PID whose
                                                                                                            Encryption with an encryption                   hash value gives the pseudonym could be
    2. With random pseudonyms, the length                       A0 is a genuine random value to be          method:                                         determined by an exhaustive search of all
       of the pseudonyms should not be too                      chosen by the pseudonymisation              Pseudonym = EK(ID).                             possible values for PID. In Germany,
       short,    otherwise collisions   and                     authority with an entropy of at least 100   Here EK refers to the encryption with a         depending on the composition of PID, this
       homonym errors can occur. The rule of                    bits. For the selection of the number of    block cipher algorithm, such as AES, with       search would be limited to a maximum of 80
       thumb is,                                                bits (here 40) see note 2.                  the key K.                                      million hash value calculations.

Requirements for the use of pseduonymisation solutions
     in compliance with data protection regulations
     A working paper of the Data Protection Focus Group of the Platform Security,
     Protection and Trust for Society and Business at the Digital Summit 2018

5. In a data collection, the identity data
   may     be      replaced      by    several
   pseudonyms that are calculated from
   different attributes of the identity data.


Pseudonym1 =
EK(health insurance number)

Pseudonym2 =
EK(Name | Birthday | Place of birth)

Pseudonym3 = EK(birth name |
birthday | place of birth)

6. The generation and administration
   (e.g. distribution, storage, use,
   deletion) of secret parameters
   (cryptographic keys) must be realized
   by state-of-the-art technical and
   organisational measures.

7. The security of the chosen pseudo-
   nymisation      procedure     can    be
   increased by defining suitable intervals
   - depending on time or data volume -
   in which a secret parameter
   (cryptographic key) is exchanged.
   Depending on the type of procedure
   chosen and the risk for those affected,
   several pseudonymisation stages can
   also be built in to exclude detectability
   (so-called "over-encryption").
Requirements for the use of pseduonymisation solutions                                                                                                                                                     23
     in compliance with data protection regulations
     A working paper of the Data Protection Focus Group of the Platform Security,
     Protection and Trust for Society and Business at the Digital Summit 2018

D.2.2.3 Multi-stage and mixed                                                                            D.2.2.4 Advantages and disadvantages of different pseudonymisation methods

                                                        5. V forwards the data records with the          Method             Advantages                                                Disadvantages
The security of a pseudonymisation
procedure can be increased if the creation                 new pseudonyms P2 to a collector C.
                                                                                                                             1. No key management                       1. Poor scalability (table        can
of pseudonyms is carried out by several                                                                                         required                                   become very large)
independent         bodies.          Both               6. C uses the pseudonyms P2 to merge                                                                            2. Table  must       be       protected
pseudonymisation lists and calculation                     the received data records by means of                                                                           permanently

methods can be used.                                       record linkage.                                                                                              3. Pseudonymiser needs permanent
                                                                                                                                                                           access to the whole table

                                                        7. The data are to be evaluated at points                                                                       4. Discoverability requires access to
                                                                                                           Assignment                                                      the entire table
                                                           X, Y and Z (from different points of
                                                                                                             tables                                                     5. Linkability requires access to the
1. A, B and C collect data from individuals                view). For this purpose, C filters the data                                                                     entire table
   (A, B and C can be, for example,                        collection and compiles the necessary                                                                        6. Access to the table implies
   medical practices that collect patient                  data records for X, Y and Z from the                                                                            linkability   and    discoverability
                                                           data collection.                                                                                                (linkability and discoverability are
   data).                                                                                                                                                                  not separately controllable)
                                                                                                                                                                        7. Access     based on         roles
2. A, B and C form data sets with the help              8. From the (partial) data collection for X                                                                        requires   role-specific    table
   of a calculation method and a                           (and also for Y and Z) the pseudonyms                                                                           copies

   cryptographic key K1 (which is available                P2 are removed and replaced by new                                                                           1. Key management required (if
                                                                                                                             1. Good scalability,      no    table
   at all data collection points).                         pseudonyms P3, which result from a                                   management                                 necessary further secret or public
                                                           pseudonymisation list LX, which                                   2. Control of knowledge of secret             parameters are needed)

                                                           assigns the pseudonyms P3 to the                                     parameters allows access control
3. A, B and C deliver the pseudonymised
                                                                                                                                to calculation rules
   data records to a trusted third party.                  pseudonyms       P2.    The     pseudo-
                                                                                                                             3. Different       parameters        for
                                                           nymisation lists LX, LY and LZ for X, Y
                                                                                                                                pseudonymisation, linkability and
                                                           and Z are different and independent of          Calculation
4. V forms new pseudonyms P2 from the                                                                                           discoverability    are    possible,
                                                           each other.                                       method             therefore separately controllable
   obtained pseudonyms P1 using a
                                                                                                                             4. Only the cryptographic keys need to
   calculation method and a cryptographic
                                                                                                                                be securely protected
   key K2 for the data records and                      Remark:
                                                                                                                             5. Role-based access via roll-
   replaces the obtained pseudonyms P1                  By generating different lists it is ensured
                                                                                                                                specific parameters is easily
   with the new pseudonyms P2.                          that not several data evaluators can merge                              possible
                                                        the data collections made available to them                          6. Purpose limitation via technical
                                                        on the basis the pseudonyms contained in                                parameters provides linkability
                                                                                                                                and discoverability based on
                                                        these collections.
                                                                                                                                specific purposes
Requirements for the use of pseduonymisation solutions
     in compliance with data protection regulations
     A working paper of the Data Protection Focus Group of the Platform Security,
     Protection and Trust for Society and Business at the Digital Summit 2018
                                                                                                         D.2.4 Documentation of technical               D.2.6 Loss of purpose for
D.2.3 Separate storage of the                                It should be avoided that a person is             and organisational measures                    processing
      cryptographic key                                  assigned to multiple roles. This also                 for non-assignability                    The purposes and duration of the
                                                         applies to administrators. Any exceptions       Technical-organisational measures to           pseudonymisation procedure shall be
D.2.3.1 Access control                                   must be justified and documented.               ensure that a pseudonym cannot be              determined in advance and the measures
        (authorization concept)                              Access to a cryptographic key must be       assigned to identity data, for example in      for the termination of the procedure,
A separate storage of the cryptographic                  restricted to an absolute minimum of            the case of missing legitimation, must be      including the technical implementation of a
key requires a documented authorization                  trustworthy     persons     (need-to-know       documented. This can be done in a              data deletion, be documented.
concept. At least two different roles must               principle).                                     pseudonymisation concept. The concept              If the purpose for a pseudonymisation
be defined:                                                  The possibility of re-identification        must be integrated into an IT security         no longer applies, e.g. the data is no
1) The role with access authorization to                 should not exist in the department of an        management system (e.g. ISO/IEC                longer needed, pseudonymised data must
the key for re-identification;                           organisation in which content data              27001). The IT security management             be deleted or anonymised in accordance
2) The role with access to the                           belonging to a pseudonym are processed.         system has to be documented and its            with data protection regulations. Such
pseudonymised content data.                              Any exceptions must be justified and            effectiveness regularly reviewed.              anonymisation cannot usually be achieved
                                                         documented.                                                                                    by deleting the pseudonyms, but must take
     It is recommended to define the                                                                     D.2.5 Rules for disclosure                     place as an independent procedure for
following roles for a pseudonymisation                   D.2.3.2 Four-eyes principle                     Since a re-identification of identity data     which special requirements apply which
procedure:                                               Any access to a cryptographic key for the       may          be        possible      during    cannot be dealt with in detail here. In the
                                                         re-identification of identity data must         pseudonymisation, a planned disclosure         case of anonymisation, it must also be
1. Provide data                                          follow the four-eyes principle. This can be     of a pseudonym must be regulated. To this      checked at regular intervals whether the
                                                         solved technically or organisationally.         end, a documented definition of cases of a     data can still be classified as anonymous.
2. Pseudonymise data and re-identify                     Furthermore, none of the persons                desired disclosure is needed. The process      If a data subject has a right to delete
   it, if necessary                                      involved should have access rights to both      of re-identifying the data subject must also   his/her data, this right refers to personal
                                                         the cryptographic key, the pseudonym            be logged. The record must show which          data and pseudonymised data, not to
3. Collect data and merge them                           and the associated content data. If the         persons carried out the re-identification.     anonymous data. Legal retention periods
   using pseudonyms ("record                             four-eyes principle is not possible, at least   No conclusions about the identity data on      must be observed.
   linkage")                                             the access to the cryptographic key must        which a pseudonym is based may be
                                                         be logged individually.                         drawn from the recording. Therefore, the
4. Evaluate data                                                                                         scope of the logging must be restricted.
                                                                                                         Log data may only be stored for a limited
It is mandatory that roles 2 and 4 exist                                                                 time.
separately from each other.
Requirements for the use of pseduonymisation solutions
     in compliance with data protection regulations
     A working paper of the Data Protection Focus Group of the Platform Security,
     Protection and Trust for Society and Business at the Digital Summit 2018
                                                                                                         E.2 Selection of identity data                   ▪    Writing and typing errors or
                                                         3. treatment methods. Data suppliers            All attributes relating to a person that allow        transposed numbers
E. Best practices                                                                                        the person to be more closely identified         ▪    Change of name due to wedding or
                                                            include doctors, hospitals and death
                                                                                                         belong to the identity data of the person.            divorce
E.1 Linkable
                                                            registers. Some of the data extend over      These could be for example:                      ▪    Different spellings of the first name
pseudonymisation methods
                                                            long periods of time and may even                                                                  (e.g. Hans/Johannes, Inge/ Ingrid)
A pseudonymisation process provides
                                                            originate from different federal states,     ▪    First name, family name and maiden          ▪    Change of residence
linkable pseudonyms if identical or similar
                                                            as the patients may have changed their            name                                        ▪    Change of name of a locality due to
pseudonyms are generated for persons
                                                            place of residence. Meaningful studies       ▪    Gender                                           a territorial reform
with the same or similar identity data. In
                                                            can only be created on the basis of          ▪    Date and place of birth                     ▪    Ignorance of an attribute
this case, data records can be merged
                                                            linkable pseudonyms.                         ▪    Place of residence                               (e.g. place of birth)
using pseudonyms. Linkable methods are
                                                                                                              and nationality                             ▪    and much more.
important for long-term studies, for
                                                         Note:                                           ▪    Number of siblings
example, or if the data sets come from
                                                                                                         ▪    Occupation or                               If the case occurs that a person is assigned
different sources and are to be merged for
                                                         If there are several pseudonyms in the               occupational group                          different pseudonyms at different times or
one study. The process of merging by
                                                         data collection for a data set (see note 5 in   ▪    Health insurance or identity card           from different places, one speaks of a
means of linkable pseudonyms is referred
                                                         Section D.2.2.2), the data sets can be               number                                      synonym error. In this case, the
to in specialist literature as record linkage.
                                                         linked if only one of the pseudonyms            ▪    and much more.                              pseudonym can no longer be linked to this
                                                         matches.                                                                                         person.
                                                                                                         E.2.1 Identity data for the                           The synonym error rate can be reduced
                                                                                                         calculation of pseudonyms                        by the following measures:
1. For studies on the legal probation of
   offenders, the content data (offence,                                                                 The identity data of a person can be used,
                                                                                                         as described in Section D.2.2.2, to              ▪    Omission of an attribute when
   sentence, age, etc.) are collected in a
                                                                                                         calculate the pseudonym to the person.                calculating the pseudonym, for
   database. For data protection reasons,
                                                                                                             It has to be taken into account that              example, only the year of birth is used
   the entries may not have any personal
                                                                                                         when using a cryptographic function to                instead of the complete date of birth.
   reference. Authorities are regularly
   obliged to delete data on previous                                                                    calculate the pseudonyms, the same               ▪    Restriction of the name to the initial
   convictions of persons after legally                                                                  identity data will provide the same                   letter or letters (i.e. the first three)
   prescribed periods of time. However, in                                                               pseudonyms, but even minor deviations in         ▪    Use of a name or phonetic code
   order to carry out long-term studies on                                                               the identity data will lead to completely             instead of the name (see for example
   the recidivism of offenders, the data                                                                 different pseudonyms. Reasons for a         ölner_Phoneti
   material could be analysed using                                                                      change of the pseudonyms can be:                      k)
   linkable pseudonyms.                                                                                                                                   ▪    Use of the municipality code number
                                                                                                                                                               instead of place of residence or birth
2. The German epidemiological cancer                                                                                                                      ▪    and much more.
   registries collect pseudonymised data
   sets on cancer patients in order to                                                                                                                    If, on the other hand, different people
   investigate the success of different                                                                                                                   receive the same pseudonym at different
Requirements for the use of pseduonymisation solutions
    in compliance with data protection regulations
    A working paper of the Data Protection Focus Group of the Platform Security,
    Protection and Trust for Society and Business at the Digital Summit 2018
                                                        Comments:                                       For example, it is conceivable that there is
times or from different places, this is
                                                                                                        only one floor tiler in the postal code area      1. Larger values for k and l represent a
referred to as a homonym error. If the
                                                        1. In the case of a high synonym error rate,    65432. This would then undoubtedly be                greater anonymity in this context.
pseudonyms are calculated from the
                                                           values are generally underestimated          identifiable in the data collection. However,     2. k-Anonymity and l-Diversity can be
identity data, homonym errors always
                                                           (e.g. the relapse rate in a legal            even if there are several floor tilers with the      achieved by aggregating the attributes in
occur if the identity data from which the
                                                           probation study or the mortality rate in a   postal code 65432, it would have to be               the identity data.
pseudonyms are calculated match for both
                                                           specific treatment method).                  ensured that these do not all have a
    The homonym error rate can be                       2. With a high homonym error rate, values       certain characteristic in common, for              Examples:
                                                           are generally overestimated.                 example a certain illness, because
reduced by the following measures:
                                                        3. A reduction of the synonym error rate        otherwise one would immediately know               ▪    Instead of "tiler", "craftsman" is
                                                           usually results in an increase of the        from a person of whom one knows that he                 indicated as the occupation.
▪   Adding additional attributes for the
                                                           homonym error rate - and vice versa.         is a floor tiler by profession and has the         ▪    All postal codes in the data collection
    calculation of the pseudonym, e.g.
                                                        4. A compromise between synonym error           postal code 65432 that he suffers from this             that begin with 654 are added
    the complete date of birth can be
                                                           rate and homonym error rate strongly         illness.                                                together. Instead of 65432, 654xx is
    used instead of only the year of birth.
                                                           depends on the underlying or expected             For a pseudonymised data collection                then stored in the data collection.
▪   Use      of    long-lasting     unique
                                                           data collection. Accordingly, the            k-anonymity and l-diversity must therefore
    characteristics    for      calculating
                                                           attributes of the identity data to be used   be guaranteed.                                     3. k-anonymity and l-diversity shall be
    pseudonyms, such as the pension
                                                           for the calculation of the pseudonyms             A data collection offers k-anonymity if          established by the pseudonymising
    insurance or health insurance
                                                           are to be selected.                          the identity data of each individual person           body (see Section D.2.3.a). For this
                                                                                                        contained in it overrides at least k - 1 other        purpose, the pseudonymising entity
▪   and much more.
                                                        E.2.1 Identity data in the                      persons.                                              must have access to the attributes of the
                                                              content data                                   A data collection offers l-diversity if          identity data contained in the content
                                                        In pseudonymised data collections, the          there are at least l different forms of               data.
                                                        content data may still contain identification   content data for each group of identical
                                                        data, provided that this can be of              identity data contained therein.
                                                        significance for the intended research               k and l are natural numbers.
                                                        using the data collection. For example,
                                                        gender, age, place of residence (as a five-
                                                        digit postal code) or occupation may be of
                                                        interest. In certain cases, however, it may
                                                        be possible to identify individuals solely on
                                                        the basis of the identity data contained in
                                                        the content data.
Requirements for the use of pseduonymisation solutions
     in compliance with data protection regulations
     A working paper of the Data Protection Focus Group of the Platform Security,
     Protection and Trust for Society and Business at the Digital Summit 2018

                                                         a separate transmission path from the
E.3 Involving a trusted third                                                                            If the pseudonym was created from the
                                                         data suppliers directly to the data
party                                                                                                    identity data by a pseudonymisation list,
                                                         collection      entity.    The      separate
The      security    of    pseudonymisation              transmission path can be of a physical          it is necessary for the discoverability
procedures is generally increased if the                 nature; however, the content data can           that the pseudonymisation list used was
roles mentioned in Section D.2.3.a are                   also pass through the trusted third party       not deleted.
separated organisationally and locally. A                and be encrypted using an encryption            For multi-stages and mixed processes,
trusted third party receives the data                    procedure in which only the data collection     all cryptographic keys and
collection of the data supplier(s),                      entity is able to decrypt the data.             pseudonymisation lists used for
generates the pseudonyms and forwards                                                                    creation are required for discoverability.
them to the data collection entity. The data             E.3 Discoverability of                          In the example scenario from section
collection entity then merges the data                       pseudonyms/re-identification                D.2.2.3, a re-identification of a
received using the pseudonyms. The data                  Under certain circumstances, it may be          pseudonym P3, which is present at the
collection entity then passes them on to                 necessary to trace the associated person        data evaluator X, would be possible as
the data evaluator(s). In this way, neither              or his or her identity data from a              follows:
the data collection entity nor the data                  pseudonym.
evaluator come into contact with the                         In the event that the pseudonym has         1. X returns the pseudonym P3 to S
identity data at any time.                               been created by a calculation procedure
                                                                                                         2. S determines the pseudonym P2
    After pseudonymisation at the trusted                from the identification data, it is necessary
                                                                                                            from P3 using the list LX.
third party, the trusted party may be                    for discovery that the cryptographic keys
obliged to delete the identity data                      used have not been deleted. If the              3. S returns the pseudonym P2 to V
irretrievably if there is no need to re-                 formation of the pseudonyms was based           4. V calculates the pseudonym P1 from
identify the pseudonyms (see sections                    on an encryption process, the pseudonym            P2 using the key K2.
D.2.5 and E.4). After completion of the                  can be decrypted immediately in order to
entire procedure, the trusted third party                access the identity data. If the pseudonym      5. V returns the pseudonym P1 to an
may be obliged to delete the cryptographic               was formed by a crypto-graphical                   authorized authority that has
keys used.                                               checksum, it is not possible to discover           knowledge of the key K1.
    For the trust third party there is no need           the identity data directly. However, if the
to know the content data, but only the                   key K used has not been deleted, the
                                                                                                         The authorized authority determines
identity data in the case of a linkable                  identity data can be determined by a
                                                                                                         the associated identity data from P1
pseudonymisation procedure. It is                        complete exhaustion of all relevant
                                                                                                         using the key K1.
therefore advisable to set the content data              identity data (see comment 4 in Section
to                                                       D.2.2.2).
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