Reproduction of the jumbo flying squid, Dosidicus gigas Orbigny, 1835 Cephalopoda
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SCI. MAR., 61 (Supl. 2): 33-37 SCIENTIA MARINA 1997 ECOLOGY OF MARINE MOLLUSCS. J.D. ROS and A. GUERRA (eds.) Reproduction of the jumbo flying squid, Dosidicus gigas (Orbigny, 1835) (Cephalopoda: Ommastrephidae) off Peruvian coasts* RICARDO TAFUR and MIGUEL RABÍ Instituto del Mar del Perú (IMARPE), P.O. Box 22, Callao, Peru. SUMMARY: A sample of 17,683 individuals of Dosidicus gigas was collected between 1991 and 1994 from Japanese and Korean fishery boats by on-board Peruvian observers. On the basis of a modification of the Nesis (1970) macroscopic scale, four stages of maturity for females and males were assessed. The mean mantle length at first maturity was 32 cm for females and 28 cm for males. For the period 1991 to 1994, the spawning peaks were identified using three different methods; the spawning progression (variation of the III stage over time), variation of the nidamental gland index ((LNG/ML)×100) and the gonadosomatic index (Gonad weight × 108/ML3). Spawning extends throughout the year, but the most important spawn- ing peak occurs during October to January, without variation between the years of study. Secondary peaks were identified during July and August. The variation in nidamental gland length in relation to mantle length provides an acceptable index to indicate when spawning occurs. Key words: Dosidicus gigas, Cephalopoda, Ommastrephidae, Southeast Pacific. RESUMEN: REPRODUCCIÓN DEL CALAMAR VOLADOR Dosidicus gigas (ORBIGNY, 1835) (Cephalopoda: Ommastrephidae) EN AGUAS DE PERÚ. – Una muestra total de 17,683 individuos de Dosidicus gigas fue recolectada durante el período 1991 a 1994, por observadores peruanos a bordo de las embarcaciones calamareras japonesas y coreanas que operan en aguas perua- nas. Sobre la base de una modificación de la escala macroscópica de madurez de Nesis (1970) se estudiaron cuatro estadios de madurez para hembras y machos. La longitud media del manto para la primera madurez se estimó en 32 cm para las hem- bras y 28 cm para los machos. Para el período de 1991 a 1994 se identificaron los picos de desove utilizando tres métodos: seguimiento de la progresión del desove (variación de la incidencia del estadio III en el tiempo), variación del índice de la glándula nidamental ((LNG/ML)×100) y el índice gonadosomático (peso de la gónada × 108/ML3). El desove ocurre duran- te todo el año, pero se presentan dos máximos, que acontecen de octubre a enero, sin observarse variación en el período estudiado. Máximos secundarios de menor intensidad fueron identificados entre julio y agosto. La variación de la longitud de la glándula nidamental en relación con la longitud del manto provee un aceptable índice para señalar la ocurrencia del desove. Palabras clave: Dosidicus gigas, Cephalopoda, Ommastrephidae, Pacífico suroriental. INTRODUCTION the oceanic waters adjacent to upwelling zones (Nesis, 1970, 1983; Ehrhardt, 1991; Ehrhardt et al., The Jumbo flying squid Dosidicus gigas 1983, 1986). (Orbigny, 1835) is widely distributed in the eastern To date, this ommastrephid squid represents the Pacific. Its distribution seems to be associated with most important pelagic invertebrate fishery in Peru. Large scale fishery was initiated in 1991 with the arrival of the Japanese and Korean jigging fleet. *Received May 1996. Accepted December 1996. Before then the species was studied from samples REPRODUCTION OF DOSIDICUS GIGAS OFF PERUVIAN COASTS 33
collected in the trawling fisheries where D. gigas Previous studies on the reproduction patterns of was caught as by-catch, from the small scale hand- related species of Ommastrephids indicate that some jigg fishery, and from samples collected in the of them present multiple spawning (Harman et al., Rhyusho Maru #25 cruise in 1980 which was the 1989) defined as the intermittent terminal spawning first cooperative Peruvian-Japanese cephalopod of semelparous animals with somatic growth occur- cruise using automatic jigging machines (Benites rence between separate spawning events (Rocha et and Valdivieso, 1986). al., 1996). During the 1980’s, the D. gigas catch was a signi- Our preliminary results of maturity progression ficative portion of the total catch of the former Soviet show different groups present in samples taken in Union trawling fleet which operated inside and out- the same fishery area. The reproductive strategy pat- side the Peruvian economic zone. The specific tern is not yet clearly defined. research in Peru on D. gigas started with the second cooperative Peruvian-Japanese exploratory cruise (Shinko Maru #2). The study and resource survey MATERIALS AND METHODS were developed between November and December of 1989 (JAMARC, 1991; Rubio and Salazar, 1992). A sample of 17,683 individuals of Dosidicus D. gigas has been reported in the commercial land- gigas (8,807 females and 8,876 males) was collect- ings since 1964, representing 30% of the total ed from April 1991 until December 1994 from the Peruvian cephalopod catch (MIPE, 1982). Between Japanese and Korean jigging fleet by the Peruvian 1991 and 1994 the total catch for the whole period was on-board fishery observers. The mantle length range 450,000 t obtained by the Japanese and Korean large was from 120 to 890 mm for both sexes. Samples of scale fleet. This fishery is managed only by quantity 10 males and 10 females were collected by each quotas in tons per boat and per the total fleet, quotas observer at every boat and fishery trip. The samples being awarded by tender. The fishery is an important were frozen on-board and were analyzed in the lab- economic income for the Peruvian government. oratory after defrosting at room temperature. To date, the most important management restric- Mantle length (ML), total weight (TW), mantle tion is the establishment of a protection zone into the weight (MW), ovary weight (OW), oviduct weight 30 nautical miles adjacent to the Peruvian coast, (OvW), nidamental gland weight (NGW), nidamental without any other biological parameters, such as gland length (NGL) were registered for each female. size or reproduction stages, being considered for the Maturity was assessed using a macroscopical maturi- management. The aim of this paper is to show pre- ty scale and presence of copulation marks on the buc- liminary results from the monitoring of the variation cal membrane was also recorded. The following data and periodicity of the reproductive cycle of D. gigas were recorded in males: Mantle length (ML), total within the sampled Japanese and Korean fleet fish- weight (TW), spermatophoric complex weight (SW), ing range of its wide distribution. testicle weight (GW) and spermatophoric sac weight Previous studies about the reproduction of D. (SSW). A macroscopical maturity scale was gigas were developed for the northern portion of its employed to assess male maturity. distribution (Nesis, 1970, 1983; Ehrhardt et al., For the macroscopical maturity scale a modifica- 1983, 1986; Ehrhardt, 1991). D. gigas was consid- tion of the Nesis (1970) macroscopical scale was ered with other ommastrephids as an essentially developed: one additional stage for the males scale oceanic spawning species (Nigmatullin and was considered and the 3rd and 4th stage for the Laptikhovsky, 1994). females scale were established with accuracy (Table Nesis (1970) defines the first specific maturity 1). The size at first maturity was calculated using a scale for D. gigas, and also proposes the possibility subsample for the cumulative percentage for both to find, at least, three different groups, able to be dis- sexes. tinguished by the photophore distribution due basi- The spawning peaks were identified by 3 differ- cally to the geographic isolation between the ent methods: Mexican and Central America groups in relation to 1) Spawning progression: Based on the propor- the South American ones. The present maturity pro- tion of the monthly occurrence of the 3rd stage of gression study could give more evidence to support maturity in males and females. the genetic isolation theory and show the spawning 2) Nidamental gland index (NGI) (modified after seasons in the Peruvian region. Soeda et al., 1959): 34 R. TAFUR and M. RABÍ
TABLE 1. – Macroscopical maturity scale used in Dosidicus gigas RESULTS Males Females The maximum mantle length observed was 725 mm for males and 890 mm for females, and the I. Immature I. Immature Testis transparent. Sperma- Nidamental gland short and minimum observed was 120 mm for males and 133 tophoric organ thin and translucid. Ovary transpa- for females. The mean mantle length at first matu- transparent. rent. rity for the total sampling period (1991-1994), was II. Maturation II. Maturation Cream testis. Spermato- Cream nidamental glands. 288 mm for males and 322 mm for females (Figs. phoric sac with some white Granulated ovary. 1 and 2). particles. III. Mature Spawning extends throughout the year, but the III. Mature Larger nidamental glands, most important spawning peak occurs from October Spermatophoric sac full of (20%-50% of the mantle spermatophores. Testis cavity). Ovary full of eggs, to January, significatively high in November, with- white and bigger. yellow colored. out variation between the years of study (Figs. 3 and IV. Spawned IV. Spawned 4). Secondary peaks were identified from July to Spermatophoric sac flaccid Nidamental glands flaccid with some sperm residuals. and reduced. Oviduct with August. Testis streaked. some eggs. The variation of the NGI in relation to the ML provides an acceptable indication of when spawning occurs (Fig. 5). As a intermittent or multiple spawn- ing species, the females seems to mature at two dif- NGI = NGL x100 , ferent modal sizes, hence perhaps at two different ML ages. The males mature in the same manner but ear- lier than the females (Figs. 3 and 4). where NGL is the nidamental gland length and ML is the mantle length. 3) Gonadosomatic index (GSI) (modified after Araya and Ishii, 1972): 8 GSI = Gw.10 3 ML where Gw is the gonad weight. Maturity coefficient (MCO) and nidamental gland index (NGI) were used in order to observe the relationship between the mantle length and the FIG. 1. – Mean mantle length at first maturity in D. gigas females, reproductive stage (Boyle and Ngoile, 1993). The during the 1991-1994 study period. MCO for females is expressed by the equation: (Gw + OOG).100 , MCO = TW – (Gw + OOG) where OOG is the weight of oviduct + oviducal gland, and TW is the total weight. The MCO for males is expressed by the equation: (Gw + SW) ×100 MCO = , (TW – (Gw + SW)) where SW is the spermatophoric complex weight FIG. 2. – Mean mantle length at first maturity in D. gigas males, and Gw is the weigth of the testicle. during the 1991-1994 study period. REPRODUCTION OF DOSIDICUS GIGAS OFF PERUVIAN COASTS 35
FIG. 3. – NGI and GSI variation from April 1991 to December 1994. The most important spawning peaks are marked with arrows. FIG. 6. – Relationship between maturity coefficient (MCO) and mantle length. Different size at mature aggregation groups observed during the 1991-1994 study period. DISCUSSION FIG. 4. – Maturity stages III + IV proportion (%) variation from The spawning and capsule laying in this species April 1991 to December 1994. The most important spawning peaks are, until now, not well documented events. Only are marked with arrows. some incidental spawns in on-board tanks have been observed, probably containing unfertilized eggs laid The same pattern is shown by the maturity coef- as defensive strategy (personal observation). ficient in males and females (MCO) in relation to The use of gonadosomatic indices can make the the ML (Fig. 6 a, b). This reproductive pattern was spawning evident, as well as indicate the geograph- observed in some specimens within the sample, ic area where it occurs and the variations of the being more evident during 1992 and early 1993. mean mantle size of maturity. For this study data obtained at the large scale fleet operating inside the Peruvian Economic Zone were used; with this infor- mation we could only study a fraction of the popu- lation that had been selected by the jigging equip- ment within the areas with the highest concentra- tions, where the commercial fleet was aggregated. Samples from other areas, like the adjacent coastal area (30 nautical miles) and outside the Peruvian Economic Zone (200 nautical miles) oceanic area were scarce and non significant. From the results of this paper we can extract two possibilities. Firstly, multiple spawning in D. gigas is possible based on the observation of the maturity stage and nidamental gland length varia- FIG. 5. – Relationship between nidamental gland index (NGI) and mantle length, two group aggregations observed during the 1991- tion in shorter and longer individuals, indicating 1994 study period. the possibility of somatic growth between the 36 R. TAFUR and M. RABÍ
intermittent spawning for the same population ACKNOWLEDGMENTS individuals. The second possibility implies the existence of two population groups differing in The authors acknowledge with thanks several size at maturity, a small-sized, early-maturing reviewers for the critical reading of the manuscript population and another group of large-sized, late- and editorial work. We also thank Dr. Angel Guerra maturing animals, mixed in the same fishery area. for his valuable help and suggestions. This possibility is supported by a similar case, the Indo-Pacific ommastrephid squid Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis (Nesis, 1993). The morphological REFERENCES differentiation of the mature females to define iso- Araya, H. and T. Ishii. – 1972. Population structure of common lated populations was mentioned by Nesis (1970, squid in the waters around Hokkaido. Res. Rep. Tech. Couns. 1983) for D. gigas, showing at least three groups Agr. For. Fish., 57: 192-205. Argüelles, J. – 1996. 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Joint survey report on Jumbo flying squid con- (Ehrhardt, 1991). ducted by IMARPE and Japan Marine Resources Research Center (JAMARC) by Shinko Maru #2 (In the waters Peruvian Whether these groups are genetically distinct is 200 mile zone, including adjacent waters, Nov. Dec. 1989). impossible to answer at present, but it is the neces- Tokyo. JAMARC 18: 1-58. MIPE – 1982. Anuarios Estadísticos del Ministerio de Pesquería. sary next step to be taken in the Dosidicus gigas Ministerio de Pesquería del Perú. Lima. studies. In the same way, the study of age using the Nesis, K.N. – 1970. Biology of the Peru-Chilean giant squid, Dosidicus gigas. Okeanology, 10:140-152. statolith daily ring reading is necessary to determine Nesis, K.N. – 1983. Dosidicus gigas. In: P.R. Boyle (ed.), if the distinctions in the growth patterns are actually Cephalopod life cycles, pp 215-231. Academic Press, London. Nesis, K.N. – 1993. 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(April 1996, Lisbon, Portugal) Rubio, J. and C. Salazar. – 1992. Prospección pesquera del calamar populations of D. gigas. The cumulative percent- gigante (Dosidicus gigas) a bordo del buque Japonés Shinko ages presented in figures 1 and 2 are based on Maru #2. Inf. Inst. Mar del Perú, 103: 3-32. Soeda, J., Araya, H., Otsuki, T., Ishii, T. and Morooka, M. – 1959. subsamples obtained during the period of study Investigations on squid resources. II. Survey Report Marine (1991-1994). Resources in Hokkaido Region, 15: 1-106. REPRODUCTION OF DOSIDICUS GIGAS OFF PERUVIAN COASTS 37
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