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CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY REPORTER S p e c i a l No 4 T h u r s d ay 3 D e c e m b e r 2015 V ol cxlvi M EM B E R S O F U N I V E R S I T Y BODI E S R EPR ES E N TAT I V E S O F T HE UNI VE RS I T Y (‘OFFIC E R S N U M B E R ’ , PART S I I AND I I I ) M IC HA E L M A S T E R M 2 0 1 5 PUBLISHED BY AUT HORIT Y
[S pecial N o . 4 M EM B E R S O F U N I V E R S I T Y BODI E S R EPR ES E N TAT I V E S O F T HE UNI VE RS I T Y P a rt II: M e m b e r s of University Bodies Nominating and appointing bodies: abbreviations 1 Faculty Boards and Degree Committees 19 Septemviri, Court of Discipline, University Tribunal 1 Committees 28 Summary Court 2 Trustees, Managers, Awarders, of Funds, Council, Audit Committee, Finance Committee 2 Scholarships, Studentships, Prizes, etc. 33 General Board of the Faculties 2 Representatives of the Colleges for Election of Other Committees of the Central Bodies 2 Members of the Finance Committee 52 Boards of Electors to Professorships 6 P a rt III : R e p r e s e ntat i v e s of the University Advisory Committees for Elections to Professorships 6 Boards of Electors to offices other than Professorships 7 1. Representative Governors, etc. 53 Syndicates 8 2. Representative Trustees associated with Boards 10 the University 54 Councils of the Schools 11 3. Cambridge Enterprise Ltd: Board of Directors 54 Appointments Committees 12 no tice by th e ed ito r This issue of the Officers Number comprises a revised version of Part II and Part III and includes data received up to 16 November 2015. The next issue (Members of University Bodies, and Representatives of the University, Parts II and III) will be published in the Lent Term 2016. Part I (University Officers) will be published separately. no tes (1) The mention of a year after a name or a set of names in Part II means, unless it is otherwise specified, that retirement from membership is due on 31 December of that year. (2) Colleges are indicated by the following abbreviations: Christ’s CHR Homerton HO Robinson R Churchill CHU Hughes Hall HH St Catharine’s CTH Clare CL Jesus JE St Edmund’s ED Clare Hall CLH King’s K St John’s JN Corpus Christi CC Lucy Cavendish LC Selwyn SE Darwin DAR Magdalene M Sidney Sussex SID Downing DOW Murray Edwards MUR Trinity T Emmanuel EM Newnham N Trinity Hall TH Fitzwilliam F Pembroke PEM Wolfson W Girton G Peterhouse PET Gonville and Caius CAI Queens’ Q
S pecial N o . 4] OFFICERS NUMBER, PART II – MICHAELMAS TERM 2015 1 PART II: MEMBERS OF UNIVERSITY BODIES Nominating and appointing bodies: abbreviations C University Council CSAH Council of the School of Arts and Humanities CSBS Council of the School of the Biological Sciences CSCM Council of the School of Clinical Medicine CSHSS Council of the School of the Humanities and Social Sciences CSPS Council of the School of the Physical Sciences CST Council of the School of Technology FC Finance Committee of the Council GB General Board of the Faculties Faculty Boards etc., as follows: AHA Architecture and History of Art AMES Asian and Middle Eastern Studies Biol Biology BM Business and Management Cl Classics CompST Computer Science and Technology Div Divinity Econ Economics Educ Education Engg Engineering Engl English ESG Earth Sciences and Geography HPS History and Philosophy of Science, Board of HSPS Human, Social, and Political Science Hst History Law Law Math Mathematics Med Clinical Medicine MML Modern and Medieval Languages Mus Music PC Physics and Chemistry Phil Philosophy Vet Veterinary Medicine X Co-opted, or appointed by the body concerned Septemviri The Rt. Hon. Igor, Baron Judge of Draycote, M (Chair), 2015; Prof. Dame Sandra June Noble Dawson, SID, Prof. Dame Athene Margaret Donald, CHU, Prof. Geoffrey Christopher Ward, HO, 2015; Prof. Dame Carol Black, N, Prof. Christine Mary Rutherford Fowler, DAR, 2016; vacancy. Court of Discipline [Panel (a)] Dr David Murray Fox, JN, Ms Louise Ann Merrett, T, Dr Philippa Jane Rogerson, CAI, 2015; [Panel (b)] Prof. Catherine Sarah Barnard, T, Ms Nicky Blanning, JN, Prof. William John Clegg, SE, Dr Jonathan Mark Evans, CAI, Prof. Ian Michael Hutchings, JN, Dr Katrina Carol Plaisted-Grant, JN, Dr Penelope Jayne Watson, EM, Dr Alan Thomas Winter, CHR, 2015; [Panel (c)] Mr Minaam Abbas, JN, Ms Marie-Sophie Beil, K, Mr Sandip Bhuckory, G, Ms Emily Chan, SID, Mr Rohan Giblin, R, Mr Sujit Gnanakumar, CC, Mr William Hewstone, HO, Mr Thomas Hogg, JE, Mr Daniel Kozelko, DOW, Mr Jack Lewis, TH, Mr Soterios Loizou, HH, Mr Arun Malik, CL, Mr James Mathieson, CHU, Ms Nadia O’Shaughnessy, M, Ms Thea-Luise Precht, DAR, Mr Kshitij Sabnis, T, Mr Joseph Tarbert, Q, 2015. University Tribunal [Panel (a)] Prof. Neil Howard Andrews, CL, Dr David Murray Fox, JN, Ms Louise Ann Merrett, T, Dr Stephanie Palmer, G, His Hon. Judge David Pearl, F (Chair), Dr Philippa Jane Rogerson, CAI, 2015; [Panel (b)] Prof. Patrick Jacques Nicole Baert, SE, Dr Jude Mary Browne, K, Prof. Loraine Ruth Renata Gelsthorpe, PEM, Dr Howard Hughes, JN, Ms Anne Jarvis, W, Mr James Matheson, SE, Dr Helen Elizabeth Thompson, CL, Prof. Richard Robert Weber, Q, 2015; two vacancies.
2 OFFICERS NUMBER, PART II – MICHAELMAS TERM 2015 [S pecial N o . 4 Summary Court Prof. Anthony David Yates, R (Chair), 2015; Prof. Eilis Veronica Ferran, CTH (Deputy Chair), 2015; Ms Nicky Blanning, JN, 2015; [member in statu pupillari] Mr Rohan Giblin, R, 2015. Council The Chancellor and the Vice-Chancellor; [Elected as Heads of Colleges] Prof. Michael Richard Edward Proctor, K, Prof. Ian Hugh White, JE, 2016; Mr Stuart Laing, CC, Prof. Susan Smith, G, 2018; [Elected as Professors or Readers] Prof. Anne Christine Davis, K, Prof. Fiona Eve Karet, DAR, 2016; Prof. Ross John Anderson, CHU, Dr Susan Marian Oosthuizen, W, 2018; [Elected as members of the Regent House] The Revd. Jeremy Lloyd Caddick, EM, Dr Margaret Evelyn Glendenning, Dr David Arthur Good, K, Dr Rachael Padman, N, 2016; Dr Richard Anthony, ED, Dr Ruth Lisa Chadwick Charles, N, Dr Nicholas John Holmes, T, Dr Alice Jill Hutchings, 2018; [student members] Mr Chad Allen, K, Ms Priscilla Mensah, G, Mr Cornelius Roemer, T, 30 Jun 2016; [members in class (e)] Prof. Dame Shirley Pearce, Ms Sara Weller, 2016; Mr Mark Lewisohn, CHR, Mr John Shakeshaft, T, 2018; Secretary: the Registrary. Statutory Committees of the Council Audit Committee Mr Mark Lewisohn, CHR (Chair), 2017; [b] Dr David Arthur Good, K, 2015; Dr Ruth Lisa Chadwick Charles, N, 2016; [c] Mr Peter Doyle, Q, Ms Janet Legrand, TH, 2015; Mr John Aston, Ms Catherine Spitzer, 2016; [X] Dr Thomas Keith Carne, K, Prof. Nigel Kenneth Harry Slater, F, 2015; Secretary: the Registrary; Assistant Secretary: Dr Clara Anne East, W. Finance Committee The Vice-Chancellor (Chair); [elected by representatives of the Colleges] Mr Rory Buchanan Landman, T, 2015; Mr Simon Summers, CTH, 2016; Ms Lesley Margaret Thompson, LC, 2017; [appointed by the Council] Dr Richard Anthony, ED, Ms Sherry Coutu, Dr Richard Foster, CHR, 2018; vacancy; [appointed by the General Board] Prof. Robert Charles Kennicutt, CHU, 2018; [appointed by Grace of the Regent House] Prof. Christoph Hubert Loch, PEM, 2015; Prof. Duncan John Maskell, W, 2018; vacancy; [co-opted by the Finance Committee] Ms Ruth Cairnie, Mr Robert Chote, Q, 2016; Secretary: the Registrary; the Director of Finance, the Academic Secretary, the Director of Estate Strategy, and the Head of the Registrary’s Office attend. General Board of the Faculties The Vice-Chancellor (Chair); [CSAH] Prof. Martin John Millett, F, Prof. Christopher John Young, PEM, 30 Sep 2018; [CSBS] Prof. Abigail Lesley Fowden, G, 30 Sep 2017; [CSCM] Prof. Patrick Henry Maxwell, T, 2018; [CSHSS] Prof. Philip Michael Allmendinger, CL, 2016; Dr Helen Elizabeth Thompson, CL, 30 Sep 2017; [CSPS] Prof. Robert Charles Kennicutt, CHU, 2016; [CST] Prof. Richard William Prager, Q, 2017; [appointed by the Council] Dr Rachael Padman, N, Prof. Graham John Virgo, DOW, 2016; Prof. Anne Christine Davis, K, Dr David Arthur Good, K, 2018; [student members] Mr Chad Allen, K, Mr Robert Cashman, JN, 30 Jun 2016; Secretary: the Academic Secretary. Other Committees of the Central Bodies Committees of the Council (Membership is to 31 December of the year shown unless otherwise stated) Applications Committee (Applications for allowances; mainly in respect of examinations) The Revd. Jeremy Lloyd Caddick, EM (Chair), 2016; [C] Dr Albertina Albors-Llorens, JN, Dr Paul Desmond Flynn, SID, Dr Andrew Fry, PET, 2016; Dr Judith Bunbury, ED, Dr Owen Edwards, W, Prof. Christopher Li-Hur Huang, MUR, Dr Stuart Martin, M (Deputy Chair), Dr Perveez Mody, K, 2017; Secretary: Mr Duncan Peter Finlay McCallum, W. Benefactions and External and Legal Affairs, Advisory Committee on The Vice-Chancellor (Chair); Mr Stuart Laing, CC, 2016; Prof. Fiona Eve Karet, DAR, 2016; Dr Richard Anthony, ED, Mr John Shakeshaft, T, 2016; [student member] Mr Cornelius Roemer, T, 30 Jun 2016; Secretary: the Registrary; Assistant Secretary: Mr David Parsons, Q. Business Committee The Revd. Jeremy Lloyd Caddick, EM, Dr Nicholas John Holmes, T, Dr Susan Marian Oosthuizen, W, Dr Rachael Padman, N, Prof. Anthony David Yates, R (Chair), 2016; [student member] Mr Chad Allen, K, 30 Jun 2016; Secretary: the Head of the Registrary’s Office; Assistant Secretary: the University Draftsman.
S pecial N o . 4] OFFICERS NUMBER, PART II – MICHAELMAS TERM 2015 3 Other Committees of the Central Bodies (continued) Committee Membership and External Nominations, Advisory Committee on The Vice-Chancellor (Chair); the Deputy Chair of the Council; [member of the Council in class (a)] Prof. Susan Smith, G, 2016; [member of the Council in class (b)] Dr Susan Marian Oosthuizen, W, 2016; [members of the Council in class (c)] Dr David Arthur Good, K (Deputy Chair), 2016; vacancy; the Registrary, the Academic Secretary, and the Head of the Registrary’s Office attend; Secretary: Ms Mary Dezille, LC. Honorary Degree Committee The Vice-Chancellor (Chair); Dr Ruth Lisa Chadwick Charles, N, Prof. Fiona Eve Karet, DAR, Dr Susan Marian Oosthuizen, W, Prof. Dame Shirley Pearce, Prof. Ian Hugh White, JE (Deputy Chair), 2016; vacancy; the Registrary, the Head of the Vice-Chancellor’s Office, and the Ceremonial Officer attend; Secretary: Dr James Alexander Knapton. Human Remains Advisory Panel [C] Prof. Mark Christopher Elliott, CTH, 2017; Prof. Martin Kenneth Jones, DAR, Prof. Dame Jean Thomas, CTH (Chair), 2019. Investment Board The Vice-Chancellor; Dr Richard Foster, CHR, 2015; Mr Ross Reason, R, 2016; Mr Peter Readman, TH (Chair), 2017; Ms Tilly Franklin, JE, Mr Jeremy Hosking, CTH, Ms Johanna Kyrklund, 2018; the Director of Finance attends; Secretary: the Registrary, or deputy. Remuneration Committee The Vice-Chancellor; Ms Sara Weller (Chair), 2016; Prof. Ian Hugh White, JE, 2016; Prof. Fiona Eve Karet, DAR, 2016; Dr Rachael Padman, N, 2016. Risk Steering Committee Prof. Duncan John Maskell, W (Chair); the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research), 2015; the Chair of the Audit Committee, Mr Mark Lewisohn, CHR, 2016; Prof. Robert Charles Kennicutt, CHU, 2015; Dr Susan Marian Oosthuizen, W, Dr Rachael Padman, N, 2016; the Director of Finance attends; Secretary: Dr Clara Anne East, W. Supervision of the Student Unions, Committee for the [C] Prof. Mark Christopher Elliott, CTH, 2015; The Revd. Jeremy Lloyd Caddick, EM, Dr Thomas Keith Carne, K (Chair), Prof. Fiona Eve Karet, DAR, 2016; [Senior Tutors’ Committee] Dr James Kelly, Q, 2015; [Bursars’ Committee] Dr Richard Anthony, ED, 2015; [GB] Prof. Richard William Prager, Q, 2015; the President of CUSU, the CUSU Co‑ordinator and General Manager, the President and Manager of the Graduate Union, the Junior Proctor, the Junior Pro‑Proctor, the UAS Finance Manager, and a member of the Legal Services Office attend; Secretary: Dr Kirsty Anne Allen, JN; Assistant Secretary: Ms Ceri Benton. Committees of the General Board (Where no year is shown membership is until the first meeting of the Lent Term 2016) Education Committee (Educational matters) The Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education) (Chair); [GB] Prof. Loraine Ruth Renata Gelsthorpe, PEM, 2015; Dr Claire Yvonne Barlow, N, Dr David Arthur Good, K, Dr Noel Anthony Rutter, JE, Prof. Christopher John Young, PEM, 2016; vacancy; [Senior Tutors’ Committee] Dr Paul Nigel Hartle, CTH, Mr Andrew Ronald Jefferies, G, 2015; [Board of Graduate Studies] Dr Rachael Padman, N, 2016; vacancy; the Education Officer of CUSU; the Graduate Student Member of the General Board; Secretary: Ms Alice Margaret Benton, W. Committee on the Membership of Committees Ms Emma Machteld Clara Rampton, 2016; Prof. Philip Michael Allmendinger, CL, Prof. Abigail Lesley Fowden, G, Prof. Martin John Millett, F, Dr Rachael Padman, N, 2016; Secretary: Ms Deborah Ann Jones. Museums Committee [GB] Dr Jennifer Chase Barnes (Chair), Prof. Richard William Prager, Q, 2017; Prof. Martin John Millett, F, 2018; the Directors and Curators of the Museums ex officio; Ms Kate Elizabeth Carreno, DOW; Secretary: Dr Elle Bateman. Panel for Review Committee for the Results of Examinations for Postgraduate Qualifications The Vice-Chancellor’s deputy, Prof. David John Ibbetson, CLH (Chair); Dr Mark Gianni Chinca, T, Prof. Ian Paterson, JE, Prof. Peter Robinson, CAI, Prof. Jacqueline Lilian Scott, Q, 2015; Dr Zoe Helen Barber, DOW, Prof. Clare Elizabeth Bryant, Q, Prof. Richard William Farndale, F, Dr Rosemary Elizabeth Horrox, F, 2016; Prof. Catherine Sarah Barnard, T, Prof. Ian Ralph Mckenzie Cross, W, Prof. Ian Michael Hutchings, JN, Prof. Alison Gail Smith, CC, 2017; Secretary: Mr Duncan Peter Finlay McCallum, W.
4 OFFICERS NUMBER, PART II – MICHAELMAS TERM 2015 [S pecial N o . 4 Other Committees of the Central Bodies (continued) Postgraduate Admissions Committee The Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education) (Chair); [Board of Graduate Studies] Ms Jane Wilkinson, 30 Sep 2016; [Secretary or Associate Secretary of the Senior Tutors’ Committee] Dr Jane Deanne McLarty, W, 30 Sep 2016; [Graduate Tutors’ Committee] Dr Mark Roderick Wormald, PEM, 30 Sep 2017; [Senior Tutors’ Committee] Dr Philip Johnston, HH, 30 Sep 2017; [Bursars’ Committee] Mr Christopher Lawrence, W, 30 Sep 2017; [Part-Time Studies, MSt Committee and ICE Strategic Committee] vacancy; [CSAH] Dr Richard Andrew William Rex, Q, 30 Sep 2016; [CSBS] Prof. Ole Paulsen, JN, 30 Sep 2017; [CSCM] Prof. John Sinclair, W, 30 Sep 2017; [CSHSS] Prof. Alison Caroline Bashford, JE, 30 Sep 2017; [CSPS] Dr Noel Anthony Rutter, JE, 30 Sep 2017; [CST] Dr James Moultrie, SE, 30 Sep 2017; [X]; [student member] vacancy; Secretary: Mr Ross Agnew. Research Policy Committee The Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research) (Chair); the Heads of Schools; [GB] Prof. Wendy Margaret Bennett, MUR, Prof. Sarah Jane Bray, Prof. Richard Vincent Penty, SID, 2015; Prof. Valerie Gibson, T, Prof. David Chaim Rubinsztein, Prof. Kenneth Ruthven, HH, 2016; [attend in recognition of their role as Council Members of Funding Bodies] Prof. Dame Athene Margaret Donald, CHU, Prof. Sir Richard Friend, JN, Prof. Simon David Goldhill, K, Prof. Anna Frances Vignoles, JE; the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (International Strategy), the Academic Secretary, the Head of the University Research Office, the Chief Executive of Cambridge Enterprise Ltd, the Executive Director of Development and Alumni Relations, and the Director of External Affairs and Communications attend; the Research Strategy Manager also attends by invitation; Secretary: Dr Gillian Frances Rands. Student Information System Committee Prof. Graham John Virgo, DOW (Chair); [members of the Academic Division] Dr Malcolm Stuart Edwards, F, Dr Kate Maxwell, W, Ms Emma Machteld Clara Rampton, 30 Sep 2017; [Colleges’ Standing Committee (representing Admissions Forum)] Dr James Henry Keeler, SE, 2015; Dr Geoffrey Thomas Parks, JE, 30 Sep 2018; [Colleges’ Standing Committee (representing Bursars’ Committee)] Ms Lesley Margaret Thompson, LC, 2018; [Colleges’ Standing Committee (representing Graduate Tutors’ Committee)] Dr Susan Margaret Colwell, JN, 2017; [Colleges’ Standing Committee (representing Senior Tutors’ Committee)] Mr Massimo Maria Beber, SID, 2017; [GB] Dr Laurie Elizabeth Friday, N, 2015; Dr Litsa Maria Biggs, 30 Sep 2016; Mr James Matheson, SE, 30 Sep 2017; Ms Milly Bodfish, 30 Sep 2018; [ISC] vacancy; the Director of University Information Services, Dr Martin Bellamy, HH; [members in statu pupillari] Mr Robert Cashman, JN, Ms Poppy Ellis Logan, HO, 30 Sep 2016; [X]; Secretary: Ms Deborah Tracy Salmon. University Research Ethics Committee The Chair of the Human Biology Research Ethics Committee, Dr Christine Farr; the Chair of the Psychology Research Ethics Committee, Prof. John Suckling; [Cambridge Local Research Ethics Committee] Dr Lydia Nicole Drumright, HH; [GB] The Right Revd. and Right Hon. Lord Williams of Oystermouth, M (Chair), 2015; [GB (External)] Prof. Richard Ashcroft, 2015; Ms Rebekah Ley, 2017; [GB on the nomination of the Councils of the Schools] Prof. Ross John Anderson, CHU, Prof. Michael Ernest de Lestang Lamb, SID, Prof. Alison Liebling, TH, Prof. Keith Sheldon Richards, EM, 2015; Prof. Ian Ralph Mckenzie Cross, W, Prof. Nicholas John Wareham, W, 2018; [members in statu pupillari] Mr Robert Cashman, JN, Ms Poppy Ellis Logan, HO, 2016; [X] Prof. John Stephen Bell, PEM, Ms Carolyn Ann Read, 2015; the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research), the Academic Secretary, the Head of the Research Office, and the Director of Human Resources attend; Secretary: Dr Peter Alexander Hedges. Sub-Committees of the Finance Committee of the Council Assessment Committee (Assessment of College income for the purposes of Statute G II). Dr George Alan Reid, JN (Chair), 2017; Mr Nick Allen, SID, Ms Lesley Margaret Thompson, LC, 2016; Secretary: the Registrary, or deputy. Business Sub-Committee Prof. Duncan John Maskell, W (Chair); Mr Simon Summers, CTH, 2016; Ms Lesley Margaret Thompson, LC, 2017; two vacancies; Secretary: the Director of Finance. Joint Committees of the Council and the General Board Buildings Committee Committee under review; [C] vacancy (Chair); the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Planning and Resources); [GB] vacancy; [C] Mr Richard Saxon, 2016; Ms Charlotte Moore, 31 Mar 2017; Secretary: Dr Nicholas Tamkin. Environmental Sustainability Strategy Committee The Pro-Vice-Chancellor with responsibility for environmental sustainability matters (Chair); [C] Prof. Sir Richard Friend, JN, Prof. Ian Malcolm Leslie, CHR, Dr Rachael Padman, N, 30 Sep 2018; [GB] Ms Susanne Mehrer, JN, 2019; two vacancies; [CUSU] vacancy; [Graduate Union] Ms Poppy Ellis Logan, HO; the Chair of the Bursars’ Environment and Planning Sub-Committee, or her or his deputy; [X] Ms Polly Courtice, MUR, Dr Mike Rands, M; the Director of Finance and the Director of Information Services attend; Secretary: the Director of Estate Strategy; Assistant Secretary: the Head of Environment and Energy.
S pecial N o . 4] OFFICERS NUMBER, PART II – MICHAELMAS TERM 2015 5 Other Committees of the Central Bodies (continued) Equality and Diversity Committee Prof. Eilis Veronica Ferran, CTH (Chair), Prof. Graham John Virgo, DOW (Deputy Chair); Dr Nick Bampos, Disability Equality Champion, TH, Prof. Roel Sterckx, Race Equality Champion, CL, 2016; Prof. Anne Christine Davis, Gender Equality Champion, K, Prof. Judith Margaret Lieu, Gender Equality Champion, R, 2017; [C] Dr Diana Frances Wood, ED, 21 Apr 2017; [Council/Colleges’ Committee] Prof. Dame Carol Black, N, 21 Apr 2017; [GB] Prof. Ashit Hariprasad Amin, CHR, Dr Minna Marjaana Sunikka-Blank, CHU, 2015; [GB/Education Committee] Prof. Loraine Ruth Renata Gelsthorpe, PEM, 2015; [Heads of Schools] Prof. Martin John Millett, F, 2018; [Secretary of School] Mr Julian Graham Evans, DAR, 31 Aug 2018; [Head of a Non-School Institution] Mr Timothy Aidan John Knox, CAI, 31 Aug 2018; [Graduate Union/CUSU] Ms Charlotte Chorley, PEM, Ms Poppy Ellis Logan, HO, 31 Aug 2016; [Diversity Staff Networks] Ms Sarah Foreman, 31 Aug 2016; [Bursars’ Committee] vacancy; Ms Sheila Gupta, Director of Human Resources, and Mr Paul Holland, Office of External Affairs and Communications, attend; Secretary: Ms Sigrid Fisher, Head of Equality and Diversity. Health and Safety Executive Committee The Vice-Chancellor’s deputy, Prof. Duncan John Maskell, W (Chair); [C] Prof. Nicholas Jeremiah White, EM, 2015; Prof. Mark Giffard Blamire, HH, 2016; Ms Jocelyn Margaret Wyburd, CL, 2018; the Chair of the Consultative Committee for Safety; [X] Dr Robert Michael Henderson, EM, Ms Anne Jarvis, W, 2015; the Registrary, the Academic Secretary, the Director of Health, Safety, and Regulated Facilities Division, the Director of Human Resources, and the Director of Estate Management attend; Secretary: Ms Mary Dezille, LC. Human Resources Committee The Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Institutional Affairs) (Chair); [C] Prof. Anne Christine Davis, K, Prof. Fiona Eve Karet, DAR, 2016; [GB] Ms Anne Jarvis, W, 2015; Dr David Arthur Good, K, 2016; vacancy; [class (b)] Prof. Fiona Jane Gilbert, 2017; vacancy; [class (d)] the Registrary; [X] Prof. Christopher Abell, CHR, Prof. Simon Francis Deakin, PET; the Academic Secretary and the Director of the Human Resources Division attend; Secretary: the Assistant Director of Human Resources. Information Services Committee The Vice-Chancellor’s deputy, Prof. Duncan John Maskell, W (Chair); [appointed by the Council after consultation with the General Board] Dr Rachael Padman, N, 2015; Prof. Ian Malcolm Leslie, CHR, 2016; Prof. Graham John Virgo, DOW, 2018; [C] Ms Alison Allden, 2016; [appointed by the General Board] Prof. Patrick Henry Maxwell, T, 2015; Prof. Richard William Prager, Q, 2017; Prof. Philip Michael Allmendinger, CL, 2018; [Colleges’ Committee] Dr Matthias Dorrzapf, JN, 2016; Mr David Ball, CHR, 2017; [Library Syndicate] Ms Anne Jarvis, W, 2017; the Registrary; [co-opted members in statu pupillari] Mr Richard Jones, JN, 2015; Ms Priscilla Mensah, G, 2016; [X] Mr Ian Watmore, 2016; Secretary: Mr Nicholas John Wilson, PEM. International Strategy Committee The Pro-Vice-Chancellor (International Strategy) (Chair); [GB] Prof. Duncan John Maskell, W; Prof. Carol Elspeth Goodeve Brayne, DAR, Prof. Christopher Martin Dobson, JN, Prof. Sarah Brooks Franklin, CHR, Prof. Howard Griffiths, CL, Prof. Martin John Millett, F, Prof. Pauline Margaret Rose, Dame Barbara Mary Stocking, MUR, Prof. Sarah Elizabeth Worthington, T, 2017; [C] Prof. Ian Hugh White, JE, 2017; vacancy; Secretary: Dr Toby Wilkinson, CL. Panel for Examinations Review Committee [C] Prof. Graham John Virgo, DOW (Chair), 2016; [GB] Prof. Serena Michelle Best, JN, Prof. Michael David Potter, F, Dr Stephen Theodore Chesmer Siklos, JE, Prof. Peter Tyler, CTH, 2015; Prof. Susan Banks Bayly, CHR, Prof. Wendy Margaret Bennett, MUR, Prof. Ann Caesar, Prof. Simon Conway-Morris, JN, Prof. Christopher Jonathan Howe, CC, 2016; Prof. Beverley Jane Glover, Q, Prof. Paul Charles Hewett, CC, Dr Rosemary Elizabeth Horrox, F, Dr Neil Gareth Jones, M, 2017; Secretary: Mr Duncan Peter Finlay McCallum, W. Planning and Resources Committee The Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Planning and Resources) (Chair); and the other Pro-Vice-Chancellors; the Heads of Schools; the Chair of the Colleges’ Committee, Prof. Ian Hugh White, JE; [appointed by the Colleges] Prof. Michael Richard Edward Proctor, K; [C] Prof. Ross John Anderson, CHU, Prof. Christoph Hubert Loch, PEM, 2016; vacancy; [GB] Ms Anne Jarvis, W, Prof. Henrietta Miriam Ottoline Leyser, CL, vacancy; [student member] Ms Priscilla Mensah, G, 30 Jun 2016; Secretary: Dr Malcolm Stuart Edwards, F. Planning and Resources Committee Sub-Committee: Estates Strategy Committee The Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Planning and Resources) (Chair); the Pro-Vice-Chancellor with responsibility for environmental policy; the Regius Professor of Physic; [GB] Prof. Martin John Millett, F, Prof. Richard William Prager, Q; [C] Dr Nicholas John Holmes, T, Mr John Shakeshaft, T, 2016; the Chair of the West and North West Cambridge Estates Syndicate, Mr Alexander Johnston, CC; Secretary: Dr Nicholas Tamkin; the Director of Estate Strategy and the Registrary attend.
6 OFFICERS NUMBER, PART II – MICHAELMAS TERM 2015 [S pecial N o . 4 Other Committees of the Central Bodies (continued) Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Office of, Nominating Committee for The Vice-Chancellor or his deputy (Chair); [member of the Council in class (a)] Prof. Ian Hugh White, JE, 2016; [members of the Council] Prof. Ross John Anderson, CHU, Prof. Dame Shirley Pearce, 2016; [members of the General Board in class (b)] Prof. Abigail Lesley Fowden, G, 31 Jul 2019; Prof. Philip Michael Allmendinger, CL, 30 Sep 2019; the senior Pro-Vice-Chancellor attends; Secretary: the Registrary, or deputy. Resource Management Committee The Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Planning and Resources) (Chair); the Heads of Schools; [C] Dr Nicholas John Holmes, T, 2016; [student member] Ms Priscilla Mensah, G, 30 Jun 2016; Secretary: Dr Malcolm Stuart Edwards, F; Assistant Secretary: Mr Stephen Heppenstall, Assistant Secretary: Dr Nicholas Tamkin. Resource Management Committee Sub-Committee: Space Management and Minor Works Committee Vacancy (Chair); the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Planning and Resources); [RMC] Dr Nicholas John Holmes, T; the Director of Operations (Estate Management), the Head of Estate Projects, the Head of Estate Planning, the Head of Planning and Resource Allocation, the Head of Strategic Planning and Change; Secretary: Dr Nicholas Tamkin. University Sports Committee The Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education) (Chair); [C] Dr Robert Keith Harle, DOW, Dr Alice Jill Hutchings, 2018; [Human Resources Committee] Ms Hazel Elizabeth Turton, 2018; [GB] Dr Diana Frances Wood, ED, 2016; Prof. Christopher John Young, PEM, 2018; [Bursars’ Committee] Ms Deborah Griffin, HO, 2018; [Senior Tutors’ Committee] Dr William Nolan, R, 2018; [Education Committee] Ms Jemma Stewart, HO, 2015; [Clubs Sub-committee] vacancy; [X] Mr Roger Mosey, SE, 2016; Acting Secretary: Dr Kate Maxwell, W. Boards of Electors to Professorships The General Board, after consultation with Faculty Boards and other institutions, under the provisions of Special Ordinance C (vii) B 6, have determined that Boards of Electors to Professorships except for those listed below shall be ad hoc Boards. Membership of an ad hoc Board will be published in the Reporter as the occasion arises. The Vice-Chancellor is ex officio chair of every ad hoc Board, unless he appoints a deputy to act for him in particular cases in accordance with Statute C III 7. Civil Law, Regius The Crown. English Literature, King Edward VII The Crown. History, Regius The Crown. Physic, Regius The Crown. Advisory Committees for Elections to Professorships Advisory Committee for the election of the Visiting Professor of Architecture The Fund Managers. Advisory Committee for the election of the Simón Bolívar Professor of Latin-American Studies The Vice-Chancellor’s deputy (Chair); the Venezuelan Ambassador, ex officio; the Director of the Centre of Latin- American Studies; the Head of the School of the Humanities and Social Sciences; [GB] Dr Felipe Hernández, K, Dr Albert David Lehmann, W, 2015; Dr Elia Geoffrey Kantaris, CTH, Prof. Maxine Molyneux, 2016; Prof. Valerie Fraser, Prof. Rosaleen Howard, 2017; [Advisors appointed by the Committee] Prof. James Dunkerley, Dr Gabriela Ramos, N, 2015; Dr Joan Teresa Tiffert, R, 2016. Advisory Committee for the election of the Sandra Dawson Visiting Professor of Marketing, Strategy, and Innovation The Fund Managers.
S pecial N o . 4] OFFICERS NUMBER, PART II – MICHAELMAS TERM 2015 7 Advisory Committees for Elections to Professorships (continued) Advisory Committee for the election of the French Government Visiting Professor The Chair of the Faculty Board of Modern and Medieval Languages; the Head of the Department of French; the Drapers Professor of French (if not one of the above); [GB] Prof. Andrew John Webber, CHU, 2016; vacancy. Advisory Committee for the election of the Arthur Goodhart Visiting Professor in Legal Science The Vice-Chancellor’s deputy (Chair); [GB] Prof. John Stephen Bell, PEM, Prof. Christopher Forbes Forsyth, R, 2015; Dr John Gordan, 2016; Prof. Catherine Sarah Barnard, T, Prof. Eilis Veronica Ferran, CTH, Rt. Hon. Lady Justice Elizabeth Gloster, 2017; Prof. Christine Diana Gray, JN, Prof. Nigel Edward Simmonds, CC, 2018. Advisory Committee for the election of the Humanitas Visiting Professors The Fund Managers. Advisory Committee for the election of the John Wilfrid Linnett Visiting Professor of Chemistry The Fund Managers. Advisory Committee for the election of the Sir Arthur Marshall Visiting Professor of Urban Design The Fund Managers. Advisory Committee for the election of the Diane Middlebrook and Carl Djerassi Visiting Professor of Gender Studies The Committee of Management of the Gender Studies Fund. Advisory Committee for the election of the Pembroke Visiting Professor of International Finance The Director of Judge Business School; [BM] Prof. Bart Lambrecht, Q; Prof. Raghavendra Rau, 01 Apr 2016; [the Master of Pembroke College or a duly appointed member of the College’s Fellowship Committee] Lord Smith of Finsbury, PEM; [the Governor of the Bank of England’s appointee] Mr Andy Haldane. Advisory Committee for the election of the Pitt Professor of American History and Institutions Dr Jennifer Chase Barnes (Chair); [GB] Prof. Alison Caroline Bashford, JE, Dr Nicholas Simon Matthew Guyatt, TH, 2015; vacancy; Prof. Gary Lloyd Gerstle, SID, Prof. Andrew Preston, CL, Dr Gabriela Ramos, N, 2015. Advisory Committee for the election of the Rothschild Visiting Professor The Management Committee of the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences. Advisory Committee for the election of the Alexander Todd Visiting Professor of Chemistry The Fund Managers. Boards of Electors to offices other than Professorships Librarian The Vice-Chancellor or his deputy; [C] two persons appointed by the Council; [GB] Prof. John Stephen Bell, PEM, 2017; Mr Richard Ovenden, Prof. Graham John Virgo, DOW, 2018; [Library Syndicate] Prof. Jonathan Michael Goodman, CL, Prof. David John McKitterick, T, Dr Rachael Padman, N, 2015; Ms Susan Gibbons, 2017; vacancy; Secretary: the Academic Secretary. Director of the Fitzwilliam Museum The Vice-Chancellor or his deputy (Chair); [GB] Dr Jennifer Chase Barnes, Mr Alan Davey, Prof. Liba Taub, N, 2015; [Fitzwilliam Museum Syndicate] Prof. Paul Anthony Cartledge, CL, Sir Christopher Hum, CAI, Prof. Dame Caroline Humphrey, K, Mr Neil MacGregor, 2015; [AHA] Prof. Jean-Michel Massing, K; Dr Frank Salmon, JN, 2015; Secretary: the Registrary. Stanton Lecturer in the Philosophy of Religion The Vice-Chancellor’s deputy, Prof. Judith Margaret Lieu, R (Chair); [GB] The Revd. Dr Michael Charles Banner, T, 2015; [Div] Prof. Sarah Anne Coakley, MUR, Dr Robert Douglas Hedley, CL, 2016; Prof. Janet Martin Soskice, JE, 2017; [Phil] Prof. Timothy Martin Crane, PET, 2015; Secretary: Dr Peter John Harland, CTH.
8 OFFICERS NUMBER, PART II – MICHAELMAS TERM 2015 [S pecial N o . 4 Syndicates Accommodation The Vice-Chancellor’s deputy, The Revd. Jeremy Lloyd Caddick, EM (Chair); [C] Dr Maya Ghoussaini, JN, 2015; Mr Tim Harvey-Samuel, CC, 2016; Ms Lesley Margaret Thompson, LC, 2018; [Senior Tutors’ Committee] Dr Jane Deanne McLarty, W, 2016; [Graduate Tutors’ Committee] vacancy; [Bursars’ Committee] Mr Alan Fuller, W; [University and Assistants Joint Board] Ms Theresa Jones; [Graduate Union] Ms Poppy Ellis Logan, HO, Ms Priscilla Mensah, G, 2016; [CUSU] vacancy; [X] Dr Orsola Rath-Spivack, LC, 2016; Ms Cherlyn Evans, CLH, 2017; Secretary: Ms Nicky Blanning, JN. Botanic Garden The Vice-Chancellor’s deputy, Dame Fiona Reynolds, EM (Chair); the Head of the Department of Plant Sciences; [Biol] Prof. Paul Martin Brakefield, T, 2016; Prof. Nicholas Barry Davies, PEM, 2018; [C] Prof. Nicholas Jardine, DAR, 2015; Dr Laurie Elizabeth Friday, N, 2016; [GB] Prof. Christopher Jonathan Howe, CC, Prof. Henrietta Miriam Ottoline Leyser, CL, 2015; Dr Ian Robert Henderson, CAI, 2016; Dr Mike Rands, M, 2018; [X] Mr Donald Peter Hearn, CL; Secretary: Prof. Beverley Jane Glover, Q. Careers Service The Vice-Chancellor’s deputy, Mr Stuart Laing, CC (Chair); [C] Ms Deborah Lowther, G, 2015; Dr Mark Dixon Billinge, M, Prof. Alison Seaton Sinclair, CL, 2016; Mr Thomas William Ridgman, W, 2018; [nominated by the Colleges, Approved Foundations, and Approved Societies] Prof. Jane Clarke, TH, Dr Kirsten Dickers, SID, Dr Peter O’Donnell, ED, 2015; Dr Iain Black, CLH, Dr Helena Browne, CHR, Dr Jason Scott Carroll, CL, Mr Barry James Phipps, CHU, 2016; Dr Bill Broadhurst, EM, Mr Tim Harvey-Samuel, CC, Dr Sue Jackson, LC, Dr Jonathan Trevor, DOW, 2018; vacancy; [[C] student members] Ms Priscilla Mensah, G, 30 Sep 2016; vacancy; [X] Mr Andrew Beresford, 30 Sep 2016; Ms Beth Callan, Ms Christina Kerr, 30 Sep 2017; Ms Beverley Dixon, Dr Bob Gilworth, Prof. Tony Watts, 30 Sep 2018; Ms Kate Croucher, Dr Jane Dancer, Ms Victoria Higgins, Ms Martha Jeacle, Mr Darren McKerrecher, 30 Sep 2019; Secretary: Mr Gordon Chesterman, CTH. Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology The Heads of the Departments of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Chemistry, and Engineering; [C] Prof. Paul Dupree, M, Dr Andrew York, 2016; [GB] Prof. Jochen Runde, G (Chair), 2016; Dr Stuart Matthew Clarke, JE, 2018; [CSBS] Prof. Alison Gail Smith, CC, 2015; [CSCM] Prof. Ludovic Vallier, 2015; [CSPS] Dr Ramachandran Vasant Kumar, TH, 2015; [CST] Prof. Richard William Prager, Q, 2015; [class (e)] Prof. Sabine Bahn, LC, Prof. John Stephen Dennis, SE, Prof. Clemens Friedrich Kaminski, R, 2016; [class (f)] Dr Graham Christie, Dr Thomas James Matthams, CHR, Dr Andrew John Sederman, F, 2016; [X] Dr Patrick John Barrie, EM (Secretary), 2016; [student members] Mr Leonard Chia, Q, Mr Faruq Quadir, R, 2015. Fitzwilliam Museum The Vice-Chancellor’s deputy, Prof. Geoffrey Christopher Ward, HO (Chair); [GB] Prof. Jean-Michel Massing, K, Prof. David John McKitterick, T, 2015; Prof. Paul Anthony Cartledge, CL, Prof. Dame Caroline Humphrey, K, 2016; Dr Mary Rachel Laven, JE, Prof. Martin John Millett, F, Mr Roger Mosey, SE, 2017; Prof. Eilis Veronica Ferran, CTH, 2018; the Head of the Department of History of Art, Prof. Paul Binski, CAI; [X] Lady Meredyth Proby, Mr Nicholas Ray, JE, Dr David Saunders, Dame Rosalind Savill, 2015; Secretary: the Director of the Fitzwilliam Museum, Mr Tim Knox, CAI. Library The Vice-Chancellor’s deputy, Prof. Graham John Virgo, DOW (Chair); [C] Prof. Jonathan Michael Goodman, CL, 2015; Prof. Liba Taub, N, 2016; [GB] Dr Jennifer Chase Barnes, Prof. John Stephen Bell, PEM, Prof. David John Ibbetson, CLH, Prof. Peter Mandler, CAI, 2016; Prof. David John McKitterick, T, Dr Rachael Padman, N, Dr Nicholas James White, EM, 2018; vacancy; [elected by University Officers in the University Library] Mr Grant Allen Young, 2015; Ms Anna Holt Jones, W, 2016; [X] Mr Richard Ovenden, Dr Martin Read, PET, 2017; [co-opted members in statu pupillari] Mr Robert Cashman, JN, 2016; Secretary: the University Librarian. Humanities and Social Sciences Libraries Sub-syndicate [Library Syndicate] Prof. Peter Mandler, CAI (Chair), 2017; [Econ] Prof. Kaivan Dara Munshi, M, 2017; [Educ] Mr Paul Taylor Warwick, HO, 2017; [Hst] Dr Amy Louise Erickson, R, 2017; [HSPS] Dr Liliana Danuta Janik, G, Dr Kun-Chin Lin, CAI, 2017; [appointed by the Board of History and Philosophy of Science] Dr Lauren Kassell, PEM, 2017; [appointed by the Board of Land Economy] Dr Emma Frances Lees, F, 2017; [X]; [co-opted members in statu pupillari] vacancy; Secretary: the University Librarian. Medical Library Policy Advisory Group [University of Cambridge] Dr Diana Frances Wood, ED (Chair); Dr Caroline Jane Edmonds; Prof. Gillian Griffiths, K; Ms Anne Jarvis, W (Secretary); Ms Susanne Mehrer, JN; Ms Isla Louise Kuhn; [NHS] Dr Jag Ahluwalia; Dr Arun Gupta; the Director of Workforce and Leadership, East of England SHA; the NHS East of England Library Lead, Ms Imrana Ghumra; [Medical Research Council] Dr Megan Davies; [X].
S pecial N o . 4] OFFICERS NUMBER, PART II – MICHAELMAS TERM 2015 9 Syndicates (continued) Science Libraries Sub-syndicate [Library Syndicate] Prof. Ivan Smith, CAI, 2016; Dr Kevin Maxwell Knowles, CHU, Dr Rachael Padman, N (Chair), 2017; vacancy; [appointed by the Council of the Cambridge Philosophical Society] Prof. Alan Frank Blackwell, DAR, Prof. John Mollon, CAI, 2016; [CSPS] Dr John Richard Batley, CHR, 2015; Prof. Gerard Francis Gilmore, K, 2017; [CST] Ms Niamh Tumelty, Prof. Timothy David Wilkinson, JE, 2017; [CSBS] Prof. Michael Edwin Akam, DAR, 2016; vacancy; [Medical Library Policy Advisory Group] vacancy; [X]; [co-opted member in statu pupillari] vacancy; Secretary: the University Librarian. Local Examinations The Vice-Chancellor’s deputy, Prof. John Martin Rallison, T (Chair); [[C] University Officer] Mr Andrew Michael Reid, W; [C] Dr David Arthur Good, K, Dr James Henry Keeler, SE, Mr Richard John Partington, CHU, 2015; Dr Nicholas James White, EM, Prof. Stephen John Young, EM, 2017; Prof. Richard William Prager, Q, 2018; [nominated by the Local Examinations Syndicate] Mr Edward Elliott, Ms Denise Hall, Mr Peter Williams, 2015; Ms Sherry Coutu, Mr Bruce Picking, Mr Ian Pryce, 2017; Secretary: Mr Simon Lebus, EM. Press The Vice-Chancellor’s deputy, Sir David Bell, TH (Chair); [[C] University Officer] Mr Andrew Michael Reid, W; [C] Prof. David John McKitterick, T, Prof. David Walter Runciman, TH, 2015; Dr David Arthur Good, K, Dr Timothy Norman Harper, M, Mr Stanley James Webster, CTH, 2016; Prof. Ronald Carter, Dr Emily Joanna Gowers, JN, Dr Joan Lasenby, T, Dr Susan Elizabeth Swaffield, W, Prof. Sarah Elizabeth Worthington, T, Prof. Stephen John Young, EM, 2017; Dr Toke Skovsgaard Aidt, JE, Prof. Kenneth Armstrong, SID, Prof. Catherine Jane Clarke, CL, 2018; two vacancies; Secretary: Mr Peter Andrew Jestyn Phillips, W. Select Preachers The Vice-Chancellor’s deputy, Mr Stuart Laing, CC (Chair); the Regius, the Lady Margaret’s, and the Norris-Hulse Professors of Divinity; the Vicar of Great St Mary’s Church; the two Proctors; [C] The Revd. Dr Carolyn John-Baptist Hammond, CAI, 2015; Prof. Eamon Duffy, M, 2016; The Revd. Dr Jane Leach, JE, The Revd. Dr Robert William McDonald, F, 2018; Secretary: Mr Timothy Nicholas Milner, PET. Senate-House The Vice-Chancellor (Chair); the Registrary; the Esquire Bedells; the Proctors; the two Pro-Proctors; [C] Dr Michael John Franklin, HH, 2015; Dr Claire Yvonne Barlow, N, Dr William Henry Foster, HO, Dr Martin Alexander Ruehl, TH, 2016; The Revd. Jeremy Lloyd Caddick, EM, Dr Rupert John Ernest Thompson, SE, 2017; Mr Nicholas Charles Denyer, T, Dr Alan Thomas Winter, CHR, 2018; Secretary: Mr Timothy Nicholas Milner, PET. Societies The Vice-Chancellor’s deputy, Dr Robert Edward Hunt, CHR (Chair); the Junior Proctor, or a deputy; [C] Dr Philip Johnston, HH, 2017; Mr Christopher Lawrence, W, 2018; [members in statu pupillari appointed by the Technical Committee of the Syndicate] Mr Mathias Jensen, SE, Mr Péter Juhász, T, Mr Rajiv Shah, DOW, 2016; [members in statu pupillari appointed by the College delegates on the CUSU Council] two vacancies; the Services Officer of CUSU and the President of the Graduate Union ex officio; Secretary: Mr Hugo Hocknell. University Theatre The Vice-Chancellor’s deputy, Dr Mark Billinge, M (Chair); [Trustees of the ADC appointed by the Council] Prof. Hugh Mellor, DAR, 2017; vacancy; [C] Dr Robin Douglas Howard Walker, Q, 2016; [FC] Mr Simon Summers, CTH, 2016; [appointed by the Societies Syndicate] Ms Moira Gardiner, CLH, 2016; [Engl] Mr Timothy Cribb, CHU, 2015; the President and the Senior Treasurer of the ADC; [Member (technician) of the ADC] Mr Jack Christopher Swanborough, JN, 31 Jul 2016; [appointed by the Technical Committee of the Societies Syndicate] vacancy; [appointed by the Cambridge Arts Theatre Trust] Mr Dave Murphy; the Chair of the Executive Committee, ex officio; [X] Mr David Todd-Jones, W; Secretary: Ms Sadie Louise Byrne. West and North West Cambridge Estates Mr Alexander Johnston, CC (Chair), 2015; [[C] University Officer] the Registrary; [C] Dr Richard Foster, CHR, Mr Jeremy Newsum, Prof. Jeremy Keith Morris Sanders, SE (Deputy Chair), 2015; Ms Naisha Polaine, 2016; Prof. Susan Smith, G, 2017; Prof. Alan Lindsay Greer, SID, 30 Sep 2019; three vacancies; Secretary: Mr Robin Laird.
10 OFFICERS NUMBER, PART II – MICHAELMAS TERM 2015 [S pecial N o . 4 Boards Board of Examinations A Pro-Vice Chancellor, Prof. Graham John Virgo, DOW (Chair); the Proctors; [C] Mr Timothy Nicholas Milner, PET, 2015; Dr Rosamund Ellen Thornton, EM, 2016; Dr Elisabete Silva, R, 2017; [GB] Dr David Arthur Good, K, Dr Mari Catrin Jones, PET, 2015; [member in statu pupillari appointed by the General Board] Mr Robert Cashman, JN, 31 Jul 2016; [Senior Tutors’ Committee] Dr James Henry Keeler, SE, 2015; Secretary: Ms Catherine Ann Fage. Board of Executive and Professional Education [GB] Prof. Geoffrey Francis Hayward, Prof. Andrew David Neely, CHU, Dr Diana Frances Wood, ED, 2015; Ms Emma Jane Jennings, Prof. Christoph Hubert Loch, PEM, Ms Catherine Tilley, 2016; [CSAH] Prof. Alan Short, CLH, 2016; [CSBS] Dr Jacqueline Chryscillian Brearley, LC, 2016; [CSCM] Dr Arun Gupta, 2016; [CSHSS] Prof. David Ross Howarth, CL, 2015; [CSPS] Prof. Nigel Leader-Williams, CHU, 2015; [CST] Prof. Richard William Prager, Q, 2016; [Colleges’ Committee] Ms Nicola Margaret Padfield, F, Ms Gillian Secrett, CHU; the Pro-Vice-Chancellors for Education and International Strategy; [X]; Secretary: Ms Angela Bennett. Board of Graduate Studies Prof. David Anthony Cardwell, F (Chair), 2015; [C] Dr Nick Bampos, TH, 2017; Prof. Melissa Marie Hines, CHU, 2018; [GB] Prof. Christopher Forbes Forsyth, R, 2015; Prof. Martin John Dixon, Q, 2016; Prof. Holger Babinsky, M, 2017; Dr Judith Elizabeth Quinn, N, 2018; [Senior Tutors’ Committee] Dr Jane Deanne McLarty, W, 2017; Dr Bernard Devereux, HH, 2018; [X] Prof. Loraine Ruth Renata Gelsthorpe, PEM, Dr Adrian Thomas Grounds, DAR, 2016; Secretary: Ms Kerri Gardiner. Board of History and Philosophy of Science The Head of the Department of History and Philosophy of Science; the Professors and Readers in that Department; the Librarian and the Secretary of that Department; the Director and Curator of the Whipple Museum of the History of Science; [elected by University Officers in the Department] Dr Christopher John Clarke, Dr Marina Frasca-Spada, CC, Mr Peter Murray Jones, K, Dr Sachiko Kusukawa, T, 2015; [GB] Dr Joel Timothy Isaac, CHR, 2015; vacancy; [X] Dr Marta Halina, SE, Dr Stephen David John, PEM, Dr Richard Anthony William Staley, CAI, 2015; Dr Mary Augusta Brazelton, 2016; [student members] Ms Leah Astbury, CL, 2015; two vacancies; Chair: Prof. Simon John Schaffer, DAR; Secretary: Ms Tamara Hug. Board of Land Economy The Head of the Department of Land Economy; the Directors of such Research Centres within the Department of Land Economy as approved by the Board of Land Economy; the Professors in the Department of Land Economy; the Secretary of the Degree Committee; [elected by University Officers in the Department of Land Economy and others] Prof. Philip Arestis, W, Dr Emma Frances Lees, F, Mr Mark Adrian Reader, Dr Elisabete Silva, R, 2016; two vacancies; [C] Mr Michael Kitson, CTH, 2016; [GB] Prof. Anthony David Yates, R (Chair), 2016; [ESG] Prof. Ron Martin, CTH, 2016; [Econ] Prof. Antony Lawson, K, 2016; [Law] Dr Stephanie Palmer, G, 2016; [X]; [student members] Mr Arshad Balwa, HO, Ms Martina Kunz, DAR, Ms Ivy Qian, N; Secretary: Ms Samantha Louise Howes. Board of Scrutiny The Proctors; two Pro-Proctors nominated by the Colleges; [Members elected by the Regent House in class (c)(i)] Dr Matthew Christopher Vernon, SE (Chair), 30 Sep 2019; vacancy; [Members elected by the Regent House in class (c) (ii)] Dr Lydia Nicole Drumright, HH (Secretary), Dr Michael John Franklin, HH, Mr Michael Kitson, CTH, 30 Sep 2017; Dr Paul Duncan Beattie, CC, Dr Carmel Mary McEniery, CHU, Dr David Stanley Secher, CAI, 30 Sep 2019. Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership: Management Board Prof. Christopher Aidan Gilligan, K (Chair), 2015; [CST] Prof. Richard William Prager, Q, 2017; the Director of the Institute (Secretary); [GB] Prof. William Mark Adams, DOW, Prof. Koen Alexander Steemers, JE, 2015; Prof. Philip Michael Allmendinger, CL, Prof. William James Sutherland, CTH, 2018; [X] Prof. Paul Linden, DOW, Prof. Christoph Hubert Loch, PEM, 2015; Dame Fiona Reynolds, EM, 2016. CU Pension Trustee Ltd [FC] Mr Howard Jacobs (Chair), 28 Feb 2018; [C] Ms Jackie Rippeth, 28 Feb 2018; Ms Sheila Gupta, HO, 30 Nov 2018; Mr Donald Peter Hearn, CL, 2018; Mr Steve Hutson, 31 Oct 2019; [UNITE] Mr Paul Stokes; [UNISON] Mr Geoff Cross; [Active members of the CUACPS] Mr William Smith, 31 Oct 2017; [Pensioners of the CUACPS] Mr William Galbraith, 28 Feb 2018; Secretary: Ms Susan Elizabeth Curryer. Nomination Board (for the offices of Chancellor and High Steward) The members of the University Council; [C] Prof. Alison Caroline Bashford, JE, Prof. Henrietta Miriam Ottoline Leyser, CL, Sir Keith O’Nions, Dame Fiona Reynolds, EM, 2015; Prof. Lionel Alexander Fiennes Bently, EM, Dr Julia Rose Gog, Q, Prof. Susan Kathleen Rankin, EM, Prof. Sir David Walker, Q, 2016; Prof. Elizabeth Helen Cooper, M, Prof. Barry John Everitt, DOW, Prof. Richard Samworth, JN, Sir Peter Williams, SE, 2017; Prof. Dame Athene Margaret Donald, CHU, Prof. Sir Malcolm Grant, CL, Prof. Lord Nicholas Stern, PET, Dame Barbara Mary Stocking, MUR, 2018; Secretary: the Registrary.
S pecial N o . 4] OFFICERS NUMBER, PART II – MICHAELMAS TERM 2015 11 Boards (continued) Sainsbury Laboratory: Board of Managers [GB] Prof. Sir David Baulcombe, T (Chair), Prof. Lynn Faith Gladden, T, 2016; appointments pending; [Gatsby Charitable Foundation] Prof. Vicki Chandler, Dr Roger Freedman, 2016; appointments pending; the Director of the Laboratory, ex officio; [appointed in class (d)] appointments pending; Secretary: Dr Anne Crozat. Theoretical Cosmology, Centre for: Scientific Advisory Board [GB] four vacancies; Secretary: the Director of the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology. Trophoblast Research, Centre for: Scientific Advisory Board [CSBS] Dr Danièle Evain-Brion, Prof. John Kingdom, 2015; Prof. Wolf Reik, 2016; Prof. Hilary Critchley, Prof. Jay Cross, 2017; Dr Hai-Bin Wang, 2018; Secretary: the Director of the Centre. University and Assistants Joint Board The Vice-Chancellor or his deputy (Chair); [C] Dr Alice Jill Hutchings, 2015; Ms Nicky Blanning, JN, 2016; Ms Kate Elizabeth Carreno, DOW, Mr Christopher David Lewis, W, 2018; [GB] Ms Marie Ann Butcher, Prof. Jane Clarke, TH, Prof. Nigel Kenneth Harry Slater, F, 2015; Ms Sarah Smith, 2017; the Registrary, the Director of Finance, the Academic Secretary, the Director of Human Resources (or their deputies); [to represent Technical and Related staffs [UNITE]] Mr Simon Dowe, Ms Nicola Lawrence, Mr William Smith, Mr Paul Stokes; [to represent Clerical, Library, and Secretarial staffs [UNITE]] Ms Theresa Jones, Mr Andrew Moss; [UNISON] Mr Ivan Williams, Ms Catherine Yearsley, vacancy; [to represent General and Ancillary staffs [UNITE]] Ms Laura Hares, Ms Lori Klimaszewska; Joint Secretary: Ms Sarah Lorna Botcherby; Joint Secretary: Ms Theresa Jones. Winton Programme for the Physics of Sustainability: Advisory Board [GB] Prof. Ajay Sood (Chair), 2018; [appointed by the Chair on the nomination of the Trustees of the David Harding Foundation] Prof. David John Cameron MacKay, DAR, 30 Jun 2016; [appointed by the Managers and Chair] Prof. Paul Alivisatos, Prof. Emily Carter, Prof. Anthony Kevin Cheetham, T, Prof. Clare Philomena Grey, PEM, Prof. Sir Peter Knight, Prof. Jürgen Mlynek, Prof. Stuart Parkin, Prof. Andrew Wee, Prof. Claude Weisbuch, 30 Jun 2016; Prof. Jenny Nelson, Prof. Winston Soboyejo, Prof. Yoshinori Tokura, 30 Jun 2019. Councils of the Schools Arts and Humanities [AHA] Dr Wendy Ann Pullan, CL, 30 Sep 2016; [AMES] Prof. Charles Peter Melville, PEM, 30 Sep 2016; [Cl] Dr James Peter Timothy Clackson, JE, 2016; [Div] Prof. Janet Martin Soskice, JE, 30 Sep 2017; [Engl] Prof. Steven Connor, PET, 30 Sep 2017; [MML] Prof. Adam Ledgeway, DOW, 30 Sep 2019; [Mus] Dr Samuel James Barrett, PEM, 30 Sep 2018; [Phil] Prof. Timothy Martin Crane, PET, 30 Sep 2018; the Director of the Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities; the Director of the Language Centre; [X] Prof. Christopher John Young, PEM, 30 Sep 2017; [student members] Ms Meenakkhi Bhattacharyya, T, Ms Talitha Kearey, CL, 2015; Chair and Head of School: Prof. Martin John Millett, F, 30 Sep 2018; Secretary: Ms Milly Bodfish. Biological Sciences The Heads of the Departments of Biochemistry, Genetics, Pathology, Pharmacology, Physiology, Development, and Neuroscience, Plant Sciences, Psychology, Veterinary Medicine, and Zoology; the Director of the Wellcome Trust/Cancer Research UK Gurdon Institute; [Biol] Dr David Keith Summers, CAI; [Med] the Regius Professor of Physic; [Vet] Prof. Michael Edward Herrtage, ED; [GB] Dr David Arthur Good, K, 2016; [X] Prof. Henrietta Miriam Ottoline Leyser, CL, Prof. Stephen George Oliver, W, Prof. Austin Gerard Smith; [student members] Ms Samyyia Ashraf, W, Mr Matthew Johnston, CHR, 2015; Chair and Head of School: Prof. Abigail Lesley Fowden, G, 30 Sep 2019; Secretary: Ms Karen Scott Douglas. Clinical Medicine The Regius Professor of Physic (Chair); the Head of each of the Departments in the Faculty of Clinical Medicine; the Head of each Institute recognized by the Council of the School within the Faculty of Clinical Medicine; the Chair of the Faculty Board of Clinical Medicine; the Director of Medical Education in the Clinical School; the Head of the School of Biological Sciences; the Head of the Department of Pathology; the Director of the Academic Health Sciences System, Cambridge University Health Partners, Dr Robert Winter; the members in class (f) of the Faculty Board of Clinical Medicine; the Chief Executive of Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Dr Keith McNeil; the Chief Executive of Papworth NHS Foundation Trust, Mr Stephen Bridge; the Chief Executive of Cambridge and Peterborough Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust, Mr Aidan Thomas; and a representative of the MRC Centre in Cambridge, Dr Megan Davies, attend; Secretary: Dr Caroline Jane Edmonds.
12 OFFICERS NUMBER, PART II – MICHAELMAS TERM 2015 [S pecial N o . 4 Councils of the Schools (continued) Humanities and Social Sciences The Heads of the Departments of History and Philosophy of Science and of Land Economy, the Heads of the three Departments within the Faculty of Human, Social, and Political Science; [Econ] Prof. Sanjeev Goyal, CHR, 2016; [Educ] Prof. Geoffrey Francis Hayward, 2016; [Hst] Dr Lawrence Eliot Klein, EM, 2015; [Law] Prof. Richard Griffith Fentiman, Q, 2017; [Member of the General Board] Dr Helen Elizabeth Thompson, CL, 2017; [X]; [student members] Mr Benjamin Hinson, M, Mr Yonatan Lubin, CAI, 2015; Chair and Head of School: Prof. Philip Michael Allmendinger, CL, 30 Sep 2016; Secretary: Mr Julian Graham Evans, DAR. Physical Sciences The Heads of the Departments in the Faculties of Earth Sciences and Geography, Mathematics, and Physics and Chemistry, and the Director of the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences; [ESG] Prof. Julian Andrew Dowdeswell, JE, 2015; [Math] vacancy; [PC] Prof. Gerard Francis Gilmore, K, 2015; [General Board Members] Dr Rachael Padman, N, 2016; [X] Prof. Anne Christine Davis, K, Dr Noel Anthony Rutter, JE, 2015; [student members] Mr Jieyi Liu, F, Mr Naím Anís Peymán, CAI, 2015; Chair and Head of School: Prof. Robert Charles Kennicutt, CHU, 2015; Secretary: Dr James Robert Bellingham, EM. Technology The Heads of the Departments of Engineering and of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, the Head of the Computer Laboratory, the Director of Judge Business School, and the Director of the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership; [BM] Prof. Gishan Romesh Dissanaike, T, 2016; [Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology Syndicate] Prof. Elizabeth Ann Howlett Hall, Q, 2015; [CompST] Prof. Peter Robinson, CAI, 2016; [Engg] Prof. Robert James Mair, JE, 2015; [Member of the General Board] Prof. Richard William Prager, Q; [X] Prof. Ross John Anderson, CHU, Prof. William Joseph Byrne, CL, Prof. Robert Stewart Cant, SE, Dr Alice Jill Hutchings, Prof. Robin Stewart Langley, F, Prof. Andrew David Neely, CHU, Prof. Sir Mark Welland, JN, 2016; [student members] Mr Maxwell Conway, SE, Mr Nsikan Essien, CHU, 2015; Chair and Head of School: Prof. Richard William Prager, Q, 2016; Secretary: Dr Shui Tim Lam, T. Appointments Committees for the Faculties and for Departments and institutions independent of any Faculty but under the supervision of the General Board The Appointments Committees for the several Faculties consist of the following persons (Special Ordinance C (x) 2): (a) the Vice-Chancellor (or his deputy) as Chair; (b) (i) when the Faculty is not organized in one or more Departments, the Chair of the Faculty Board; (ii) when the Faculty is organized in Departments, the Head of the Department in which the appointment is to be made; (c) three persons appointed by the Faculty Board, or by the particular body prescribed for a Department independent of a Faculty; (d) two persons appointed by the General Board. Throughout this list of Appointments Committees membership is to 31 December 2016 unless otherwise stated. The members under (a), (c), and (d) are as follows: Architecture and History of Art (a) The Vice-Chancellor’s deputy, Prof. Geoffrey Christopher Ward, HO (Chair). (c) Prof. Paul Binski, CAI, Dr Frank Salmon, JN, Prof. Koen Alexander Steemers, JE, 2016. (d) Prof. François André Penz, DAR, Prof. Christopher John Young, PEM, 2016. Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (a) The Vice-Chancellor’s deputy, The Revd. Dr Jeremy Nigel Morris, TH (Chair). (c) Prof. Roel Sterckx and Prof. James Montgomery, Dr Adam Chau, JN, Dr Yaron Peleg, JE, 2016. (d) Dr Henriette Petronella Josepha Maria Hendriks, LC, Prof. Martin John Millett, F, 2016. Biology (a) The Vice-Chancellor’s deputy, Prof. Jane Clarke, TH (Chair). (c) Prof. Roger John Keynes, T, Prof. Derek James Smith, Dr Hendrik van Veen, CL, 2016. (d) Prof. Nabeel Affara, HH, Prof. Kathryn Lilley, JE, 2016.
S pecial N o . 4] OFFICERS NUMBER, PART II – MICHAELMAS TERM 2015 13 Appointments Committees (continued) Business and Management (a) The Vice-Chancellor’s deputy, Prof. Philip Michael Allmendinger, CL (Chair). (c) Prof. Andrew Hopper, TH, Prof. Jaideep Charles Prabhu, CL, Prof. Daniel Ralph, CHU, 2016. (d) Prof. Alison Liebling, TH, Prof. Richard William Prager, Q, 2016. Classics (a) The Vice-Chancellor’s deputy, Prof. Geoffrey Christopher Ward, HO (Chair). (c) Mr Nicholas Charles Denyer, T, Prof. Andrew Wallace-Hadrill, SID, Dr Christopher Lyall Whitton, EM, 2016. (d) Prof. Mary Beard, N, Prof. Christopher John Young, PEM, 2016. Clinical Medicine (a) The Vice-Chancellor’s deputy, Prof. Dame Jean Thomas, CTH (Chair). (c) Prof. Simon Gregory, HO, Prof. Patrick Henry Maxwell, T, Dr Diana Frances Wood, ED, 2016. (d) two vacancies. Computer Science and Technology (a) The Vice-Chancellor’s deputy, Prof. Geoffrey Richard Grimmett, DOW (Chair). (c) Dr Stephen Christopher Clark, CAI, Prof. Ian Malcolm Leslie, CHR, Dr Robert Mullins, JN, 2016. (d) Prof. Simone Hochgreb, Dr Joan Lasenby, T, 2016. Divinity (a) The Vice-Chancellor’s deputy, Mr Stuart Laing, CC (Chair). (c) Dr Timothy Jenkins, JE, Prof. Judith Margaret Lieu, R, Dr Richard Andrew William Rex, Q, 2016. (d) Prof. Martin John Millett, F, 2016; vacancy. Earth Sciences and Geography (a) The Vice-Chancellor’s deputy, Prof. Dame Athene Donald, CHU (Chair). (c) Prof. Keith Sheldon Richards, EM, 2015; Prof. Michael Allan Carpenter, M, Prof. Philip Leonard Gibbard, DAR, 2016. (d) Dr Emma Elizabeth Mawdsley, N, Prof. John Adrian Pyle, CTH, 2016. Economics (a) The Vice-Chancellor’s deputy, Mr Matthew Peter Dominic Bullock, ED (Chair). (c) Prof. Giancarlo Corsetti, CL, Prof. Oliver Linton, T, Prof. Kaivan Dara Munshi, M, 2016. (d) two vacancies. Education (a) The Vice-Chancellor’s deputy, Prof. Geoffrey Christopher Ward, HO (Chair). (c) Prof. Pamela Anne Burnard, HO, Prof. Geoffrey Francis Hayward, Prof. Anna Frances Vignoles, JE, 2016. (d) Prof. John Stephen Bell, PEM, 2016; vacancy. Engineering (a) The Vice-Chancellor’s deputy, Prof. Elizabeth Ann Howlett Hall, Q (Chair). (c) Dr Claire Yvonne Barlow, N, Prof. Simone Hochgreb, Dr Alexandre Joseph Kabla, EM, 2016. (d) Prof. Robin Stewart Langley, F, Prof. Richard William Prager, Q, 2016. English (a) The Vice-Chancellor’s deputy, Prof. David John Ibbetson, CLH (Chair). (c) Dr Priyamvada Gopal, CHU, Prof. Simon Jarvis, R, Prof. John Francis Kerrigan, JN, 2016. (d) Dr Fiona Mary Green, JE, Prof. Martin John Millett, F, 2016. History (a) The Vice-Chancellor’s deputy, Prof. John Stephen Bell, PEM (Chair). (c) Prof. Joya Chatterji, T, Prof. Gary Lloyd Gerstle, SID, Prof. Robert Paul Tombs, JN, 2016. (d) two persons appointed by the General Board.
14 OFFICERS NUMBER, PART II – MICHAELMAS TERM 2015 [S pecial N o . 4 Appointments Committees (continued) Human, Social, and Political Science (a) The Vice-Chancellor’s deputy, Prof. John Stephen Bell, PEM (Chair). (c) (i) For offices assigned to Departments within the Faculty. Two members of the appropriate Department as follows, plus one other from those listed; (ii) [Archaeology] Prof. Cyprian Broodbank, CAI, Prof. Marie-Louise Stig Sorensen, JE, 2017; [Biological Anthropology] Dr Toomas Kivisild, Dr Jay Stock, DOW, 2017; [Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology] Dr Anita Corinne Herle, Q, 2017; [Politics and International Studies] Dr Mette Eilstrup-Sangiovanni, SID, Dr Sharath Srinivasan, K, 2017; [Social Anthropology] Prof. James Alexander Laidlaw, K, Prof. Joel Lee Robbins, T, 2017; [Sociology] Prof. Sarah Brooks Franklin, CHR, Prof. Lawrence Peter King, EM, 2017. (d) Prof. Emma Fiona Wilson, CC, 2016; vacancy. Law (a) The Vice-Chancellor’s deputy, Dame Fiona Reynolds, EM (Chair). (c) Prof. Neil Howard Andrews, CL, Prof. Mark Christopher Elliott, CTH, Ms Nicola Margaret Padfield, F, 2016. (d) Prof. David John Ibbetson, CLH, Prof. Peter Tyler, CTH, 2016. Mathematics (a) The Vice-Chancellor’s deputy, Prof. Susan Smith, G (Chair). (c) Prof. Anne Christine Davis, K, Prof. James Norris, CHU, Prof. Anthony Scholl, 2016. (d) Prof. Judith Louise Driscoll, T, Prof. Robert Charles Kennicutt, CHU, 2016. Modern and Medieval Languages (a) The Vice-Chancellor’s deputy, Prof. Geoffrey Christopher Ward, HO (Chair). (c) (i) Prof. Sylvia Huot, PEM, Prof. Andrew John Webber, CHU, 30 Sep 2016; vacancy; (ii) [For offices assigned to Departments within the Faculty. One member of the appropriate Department as follows: French] Dr Martin Paul Vernon Crowley, Q, 30 Sep 2016; [German and Dutch] Dr Mark Gianni Chinca, T, 30 Sep 2016; [Italian] Dr Abigail Sarah Brundin, CTH (MT, LT), 31 Mar 2016; Dr Pierpaolo Antonello, JN (ET), 30 Sep 2016; [Slavonic Studies] Dr Emma Kathrine Widdis, T, 30 Sep 2016; [Spanish and Portuguese] Dr Rodrigo Gabriel Cacho, CL, 30 Sep 2016; [Theoretical and Applied Linguistics] Prof. Ianthi Tsimpli, DAR, 30 Sep 2016. (d) Prof. Martin John Millett, F, Dr Nicholas James White, EM, 2016. Music (a) The Vice-Chancellor’s deputy, The Revd. Dr Jeremy Nigel Morris, TH (Chair). (c) Prof. Marina Frolova-Walker, CL, Prof. Nicholas John Marston, K, Prof. Susan Kathleen Rankin, EM, 2016. (d) Prof. Martin John Millett, F, Dr Nicholas James White, EM, 2016. Philosophy (a) The Vice-Chancellor’s deputy, Ms Nicola Margaret Padfield, F (Chair). (c) Prof. Alexander Duncan Oliver, CAI, Prof. Michael David Potter, F, Prof. Huw Price, T, 2016. (d) Dr Clare Elizabeth Chambers, JE, Prof. Martin John Millett, F, 2016. Physics and Chemistry (a) The Vice-Chancellor’s deputy, Prof. Christine Mary Rutherford Fowler, DAR (Chair). (c) Prof. Martin Gerhard Otto Haehnelt, JN, Ms Mary Howe, Prof. Michiel Sprik, CL, 2016. (d) Prof. Judith Louise Driscoll, T, Prof. Anthony Norden Lasenby, Q, 2016. Veterinary Medicine (a) The Vice-Chancellor’s deputy, Prof. Adrian Kendal Dixon, PET (Chair). (c) Prof. Matthew James Allen, G, Prof. Clare Elizabeth Bryant, Q, Dr Jane Margaret Dobson, DAR, 2016. (d) Prof. Fiona Mary Gribble, CHU, Prof. Stephen George Oliver, W, 2016. Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology The Vice-Chancellor’s deputy, Prof. Richard Vincent Penty, SID (Chair); the Chair of the Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology Syndicate; the Head of the Department; [Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology Syndicate] Prof. John Stephen Dennis, SE, Prof. Elizabeth Ann Howlett Hall, Q, Prof. Clemens Friedrich Kaminski, R, 2016; [GB] Prof. Robin Stewart Langley, F, Prof. Kathryn Lilley, JE, 2016.
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