Report Outsourced Pharma Services
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A Clearwater International Healthcare team report Summer 2021 Report Outsourced Pharma Services A high-growth and resilient market characterised by high levels of M&A activity from both trade buyers and private equity. Inside: • Market overview of the following subsectors: o Contract Research Organisations (CROs) o Contract Development and Manufacturing Organisations (CDMOs) o Contract Commercialisation Organisations (CCOs) • Leading global players • Industry and M&A trends • Notable recent transactions
2 Market Overview Whilst 2020 was a turbulent year for global markets following the outbreak of COVID-19, the life sciences industry has again demonstrated its defensibility to global macro-economic events, corroborated by the strong levels of M&A activity in the sector throughout 2020 into H1 2021. Whilst COVID-19 resulted in disruption to clinical trial activity, particularly impacting clinical CROs, the life sciences sector has generally continued to perform strongly throughout the pandemic, buoyed by incremental growth opportunities driven by the industry’s efforts to develop therapeutics and vaccines to combat the pandemic. have resulted in high levels of M&A activity, defensibility whilst many other sectors have Perhaps most importantly, COVID-19 has which have been sustained throughout been adversely impacted. put the global life sciences industry in the the COVID-19 pandemic. The sector has public spotlight and has demonstrated PE activity since the onset of COVID-19 continued to consolidate, with acquirers the fundamental role it plays in combating has been particularly high in the CCO seeking to add scale, broaden their infectious disease and safeguarding public market, which represents the pharma geographical footprint and expand their health. The speed at which therapeutics services sub-sector least impacted by the service offerings in order to become full- and vaccines are being developed, pandemic. Recent transactions include service providers to their customers and approved and commercially scaled is CD&R’s acquisition of Huntsworth, Linden’s capture increasing share of outsourcing truly unprecedented and has showcased acquisition of ProPharma, Bridgepoint’s budgets. the scientific excellence and agility of acquisition of Prescient, ICG’s acquisition the sector, alongside the importance of In many cases, trade acquirers have sought of Lucid and LLCP’s acquisition of Prime international collaboration in combatting to add complex and high-value services to Global. global pandemics. enter attractive and high growth niches, We expect continued strong PE activity with such assets attracting high valuations. Against the backdrop of COVID-19, the across all pharma services sub-sectors This is illustrated in the CDMO industry, in life sciences market continues to be in the medium term, not least because which CDMOs serving the cell and gene underpinned by attractive fundamentals, the pharma services market is forecast therapy markets have attracted premium whilst margin pressures and increasing costs to outstrip both GDP and wider pharma valuations, such as Charles River’s recent have resulted in an increasing propensity sector growth. This growth, supported acquisition of Cognate BioServices for to outsource their operations to specialist by attractive underlying fundamentals, €727m, representing c.6.3x LTM revenue. providers. The strong underlying growth will continue to attract investors and of the life sciences market in combination While private equity (PE) has been encourage strategic M&A in the sector. with this outsourcing strategy has resulted particularly active across pharma services in significant growth of the pharma in recent years and responsible for much FX rates used in report: services industry, with specialist outsourcers of the consolidation in the industry, activity (average annual exchange rates) increasingly becoming key commercial levels have increased since the onset of 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 partners and integral components of their COVID-19. The global PE markets continue EUR/ 1.329 1.110 1.107 1.130 1.181 1.130 1.139 clients’ operations. to possess record levels of capital to USD deploy and are increasingly focussing EUR/ 0.806 0.726 0.819 0.877 0.885 0.874 0.889 M&A market dynamics on the pharma services market, which GBP The attractive market dynamics has performed strongly throughout Source: underpinning the pharma services industry the pandemic and has demonstrated Clearwater International
3 Contents 02 04-05 Market Outsourced Pharma Services Overview 06-09 10-13 Contract Research Market Contract Development and Manufacturing Market 14-17 18 20 Contract Commercialisation Recent Our US Market transactions partner 22 23 About Clearwater International team International For recipients based in the United Kingdom the document has been issued and approved for the purpose of COBS 4 of the FCA Handbook by Clearwater Corporate Finance LLP (otherwise trading as “Clearwater International”). Clearwater International is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FRN 483062). Any person falling outside of a professional client under FCA rules should not treat this presentation as a promotion or act on it for any purpose whatsoever. Report Outsourced Pharma Services
4 Outsourced Pharma Services The market is highly diversified, The market can be broadly divided into the following sub-sectors: with thousands of companies providing a wide variety of services Contract Research Organisations (CROs) across the pharma life cycle - provide drug discovery, pre-clinical, clinical and post-approval research services from early-stage drug discovery and research support services to the pharma industry. to clinical trials, advertising and PR services. Although many of the Contract Commercialisation Organisations (CCOs) larger pharma services companies provide sales, marketing and other commercialisation services to the pharma offer a broad suite of associated industry. or synergistic services, most players are small and offer specific Contract Development and Manufacturing Organisations (CDMOs) expertise in niche services. provide drug development and manufacturing services to the pharma industry. Manufacturing activities are typically categorised into the manufacture of active pharma ingredients (APIs incl. biologics) and finished dosage forms (FDFs). Overview of CRO, CDMO and CCO services across the drug development cycle Drug development timeline Drug discovery Pre-clinical trials Clinical trials Commercialisation Three - six years Six - seven years Indefinite 5000 compounds * 250 compounds * Five compounds * One approved drug* - Target discovery and validation - Toxicology - Patient recruitment - Patient and site engagement - Assay development and - Pathology - Site management - Post-approval studies screening - Drug metabolism - Project management - Real World Evidence (RWE) CRO - Medical and process - Data analytics - Pharmacokinetics - Pharmacovigilance chemistry - In vitro studies - Medical writing - Pharmacology services - In vivo studies Services offered Clinical batches Commercial batches Drug development and scale-up CDMO Tech transfer API production (e.g. extraction, synthesis, fermentation) Finished dose (e.g. solids, liquids, respiratory) - Market access, assessment - Clinical and promotional and research field teams CCO - Launch and brand strategy - Recruitment - Customer engagement - Medical communications - Commercial modelling - Health economics - Outcomes research Source: Clearwater International, illustrative number of compounds entering each phase of drug development for each approved drug. * Clearwater International
5 Although a number of industry and M&A trends are specific to each of these sub-sectors, some trends are common across the pharma services industry: Biopharma pressures driving an Shift of expertise to outsourcers outsourcing trend Pharma services companies typically Although the fundamentals of the offer their expertise in specific services pharma industry remain attractive, to multiple pharma companies, allowing increasing R&D costs and continued them to accumulate significant pressure on pharma companies’ know-how from multiple projects. This, operating margins have encouraged combined with increasing outsourcing the industry to outsource their non-core penetration and decreasing levels of operations and rationalise their fixed in-house expertise, means that pharma cost bases, which has resulted in the companies are becoming increasingly significant growth of the pharma services reliant on their outsourced service market. Continued pressures on pharma, providers. combined with significant headroom in outsourcing penetration today, are expected to drive high growth in the industry in the medium term. Increasing uptake of technology Technology and data are playing an increasingly important role across all pharma services sectors and early Platform expansion adoption of innovative technologies The pharma services market is are increasingly becoming key consolidating as companies seek to differentiators. Examples in the CRO add scale, broaden geographical sector include the use of AI and machine presence and achieve synergies to gain a learning in drug discovery. competitive advantage over their peers. High levels of PE activity The 'one-stop-shop' PE has been highly active in the sector Driven by the desire of pharma to and responsible for much of the reduce the number of outsourcers they consolidation of the industry, often use, pharma services companies are amongst the market leaders in their expanding their service offerings, either respective sectors. PE interest and activity organically or inorganically through M&A, in the sector is higher than ever before in order to become full-service providers, (particularly since the onset of COVID-19), simplifying their customers’ operations and PE bidders are becoming increasingly and capturing maximum share of their competitive with strategic acquirers in outsourcing expenditures. M&A processes. Report Outsourced Pharma Services
6 Contract Research Market Overview of sub-sector the expansion of the CRO sub-sector. Key stats The CRO market is reasonably Despite the growing range of services consolidated, with market leaders offered by CROs, they can broadly including IQVIA, Syneos, Parexel, PPD be grouped into the three following and ICON. Large CROs have become categories: key strategic partners of their sponsors/ Global CRO market was valued at Pre-clinical pharma companies and the high growth Pre-clinical services can be sub-divided €38.8bn in 2018 of the market is the result of the following factors: into drug discovery and pre-clinical trial services: forecast to reach The need to reduce R&D expenditure €60.8bn by 20241 • Drug discovery services are typically lab- With rising costs of R&D, it is becoming based and involve the identification of increasingly inefficient for innovators promising ‘lead compounds’. to maintain development teams and facilities. Outsourcing has allowed • Once selected for further research, the innovators to rationalise fixed R&D molecules then enter pre-clinical trials. cost bases and achieve operational Assuming the compound shows signs Current market growth of of efficacy and is safe, the innovator efficiencies. 7.9% CAGR Increasing complexity of drugs and will submit an Investigational New Drug Application (IND). If approved by through to 20241 clinical trials regulators, the innovator has permission The complexity of therapeutics in to proceed with clinical trials. development is constantly increasing, making them more costly and challenging Clinical to develop in-house. Furthermore, Clinical trials are typically conducted in heightened regulatory protocols have three distinct Phases (I, II and III), each with increased the duration, cost and different objectives, increasing numbers of complexity of clinical trials. patients and costs. Consolidated market • Phase I trials are focused on basic safety with top nine players Time and efficiency Innovators are increasingly reliant and pharmacology in patients who accounting for c.60% on CROs to optimise R&D activities, may not necessarily have the target of market share2 shorten development timelines, reduce disease (c.20-100 patients). These studies attrition rates and expand clinical trial are typically conducted at specialised management capabilities globally. research centres and are designed to monitor the metabolic reactions and Expanding CRO solutions and patient tolerance to the compounds at technologies multiple dosage ranges. CROs are constantly expanding their addressable markets by broadening their • Phase II and III trials are primarily CRO penetration of pharmaceutical research market expected to service offerings, capturing an increasing efficacy studies on patients afflicted reach 50% share of pharma R&D expenditure. by the target disease. Phase II trials Investment in technology and big data (often known as proof of concept trials) in 20202 will continue to play an important role in test efficacy alongside dose ranging Clearwater International
7 and further safety testing (c.100-500 CRO market by segment quality relationship. Small and mid-sized patients). Phase III trials Pre-clinical Central Lab biopharmaceutical companies are also (9%) (4%) are much larger (c.500-1000 patients), more likely to partner with CROs with a in which advanced efficacy and safety therapeutic focus or specific expertise. testing are conducted at multiple COVID-19 impacts on the testing centres. These are typically the CRO sub-sector longest and most expensive trials, and Post-approval (45%) regulatory authorities typically require Whilst the preclinical CRO market has two successful Phase III trials to obtain continue to perform strongly throughout approval. COVID-19, the clinical CRO sector has been adversely impacted, with numerous Post-approval clinical trials being delayed, suspended Post-approval, regulatory agencies Clinical (42%) or cancelled altogether, predominantly typically require innovators to collect and as a result of patient recruitment and periodically report additional Source: Credit Suisse Research2 monitoring challenges throughout the safety and efficacy data - sometimes pandemic. referred to as real world evidence The market remains reasonably or ‘RWE’ studies. If marketed fragmented, with the top nine players The clinical CRO sector has, however, internationally then surveillance data accounting for c.60% of the global market2 begun to recover as a result of substantial from all countries must be collected. and several hundred smaller players investment in R&D for COVID-19 vaccines making up the remainder of the market2. and therapeutics, alongside many Across clinical and post-approval trials, organisations transitioning to ‘hybrid many CROs have developed a full suite The market has undergone a period trials’ involving the remote enrolment and of services allowing innovators to fully of intense consolidation over the last virtual monitoring services to conduct outsource their R&D activities and partner decade as a result of numerous landmark clinical trials. COVID-19 has resulted in a with CROs in the design and delivery mergers including LabCorp/Chiltern, INC/ rapid increase in the adoption of such of research operations. Services CROs InVentiv, LabCorp/Covance, which have approaches, which is driving the recovery typically include trial planning, project been primarily driven by the desire of big of the sector and is expected to have management, patient recruitment, pharma to partner with fewer full-service long lasting impacts on how clinical trials site access, clinical staffing, patient providers. are conducted in the future. A recent monitoring, pharmacovigilance and Despite this, among small and mid- acquisition demonstrating this trend data analysis. sized players, there is often a preference is Syneos’ acquisition of Illingworth (a to partner with mid-sized CROs that specialist in clinical research home health will focus on maintaining a long-term services) in December 2020 for €97m. Large biopharmaceutical companies prefer to outsource to full-service CROs Big pharma 88% 5% 7% Mid-sized biophama 75% 19% 6% Small pharma 71% 21% 8% Pre-revenue bio pharma 43% 53% 4% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Top 15, full service CRO Smaller CRO (beyond top 15) Other Source: Credit Suisse Research2 1. European Pharmaceutical Review article: Global CRO market to reach $71.7 billion by 2024, says research 2. Credit Suisse report: CRO Industry Primer Report Outsourced Pharma Services
8 Leading Global players Dublin, Ireland €2,300m Hamburg, Germany €501m Morrisville NC, USA €3,845m Burlington NC, USA €11,495m Waltham MA, USA c.€2,500m Wilmington NC, USA €2,404m Durham NC, USA Wilmington NC, USA Shanghai, China €9,341m c.€3,850m €2,119m Luxembourg €5,439m Raleigh NC, USA €2,618m Note: 2020 Total company revenues Source: CapIQ, Mergermarket estimates CRO M&A activity - selected recent transactions Date Acquiror Target Enterprise value (€m) EV/LTM EV/LTM Strategic rationale Revenue EBITDA 15/04/2021 Thermo Fisher PPD 18,496 4.2x 22.8x -E ntry into CRO market following entry into CDMO market through M&A 24/02/2021 ICON PRA Health Sciences 10,084 3.8x 26.1x - CRO 'mega-merger', creating a world leading healthcare intelligence and clinical CRO 02/09/2020 Archimed NAMSA c.340 NA 12.1x - PE deal - Medical devices CRO 14/11/2019 Leonard Green WCG c.2,800 NA c. 17.7x -P E deal & Partners -C linical trial enrolment services 12/06/2019 Dassault Medidata 8.8x NM -E ntry into CRO market Systemes 5,144 -C loud based digital solutions with clinical development and RWE applications 17/04/2019 LabCorp Envigo PC CRO business 3.1x NA -E nhances early-stage services 429 - Adds respiratory research expertise 13/02/2019 Charles River Citoxlab 448 NA 13.8x -E nhances early-stage services -G rows geographic footprint 13/02/2018 Charles River MPI Research 647 3.3x 11.7x -E nhances early-stage services -L arger biotech customer base 07/08/2017 PRA Symphony 449 2.6x NA - Access to cloud-based RWE data analytics platform 31/07/2017 LabCorp Chiltern 1,018 2.2x 12.6x - Access to high-growth emerging pharma -O ncology expertise 31/07/2017 Pamplona Parexel 4,502 2.4x 14.6x - PE deal - Leading global CRO Source: CapIQ, Company information, press releases, Mergermarket estimates Notes: ‘NA’: not available, ‘NM’: non meaningful Clearwater International
9 CRO M&A trends The sub-sector continues to consolidate, Increased interest in data-driven with PE continuing to be highly active in CRO services the sector. Data and analytics are becoming increasingly important in the delivery of Key drivers include: CRO services and a number of companies specialising in these fields have been M&A Increased competition for niche targets in recent years, particularly since CRO assets the onset of COVID-19. The use of big The large CROs are continually seeking data in trials is growing rapidly and has small, niche acquisitions to fill any gaps improved the quality of data collection, in or expand their existing portfolios. As allowing improved analysis of large smaller and specialised CRO customer data sets. Examples of this are WCG’s bases tend to be comprised of small and December 2020 acquisition of Trifecta, mid-sized biopharma, acquiring such a provider of tech-enabled clinical trial companies allows larger CROs to better solutions, Charterhouse’s January 2021 compete with small CROs. ICON’s €40m acquisition of Phastar, a provider of acquisition of MedPass in June 2020 is biostatistics services to the CRO industry, a good example of this, providing ICON and Diamond Light Source and Scripps with increased access to the medical Research partnership with Existencia, an devices CRO segment. AI-based drug discovery company, to Entry into emerging therapeutic areas identify COVID-19 antiviral therapies in Rather than develop therapeutic area March 2021. expertise in new and complex areas in-house, many CROs have used M&A “PE continues to be as a means to acquire this expertise. An example is Sygnature Discovery’s June active in the mid-market 2020 acquisition of Alderley Oncology, for CRO assets.” adding expertise in preclinical oncology research. PE continues to be bullish on CROs Entry into high-growth mid-sized and PE has played a key role in the emerging biopharma segments consolidation of the CRO market, Although big pharma have the largest examples including Pamplona/Parexel, CRO outsourcing budgets and make up Advent/InVentiv Health, Bioclinica/ERT. a significant portion of the global CRO Although these are examples of large PE market, the highest growth segment transactions, PE continues to be active in is emerging and mid-sized biopharma the mid-market for CRO assets. Examples companies , which prefer to partner with 1 include Permira’s acquisition of Quotient smaller, more specialised CROs. In order in 2019 and GHOs acquisition of X-Chem to participate in this high growth, large in June 2020. CROs have used M&A as a means of adding more emerging and mid-sized biopharma to their customer portfolios, as demonstrated by Syneos’ acquisition of Synteract in October 2020. 1. Credit Suisse report: CRO Industry Primer Report Outsourced Pharma Services
10 Contract Development and Manufacturing Market Overview of sub-sector ctive Pharmaceutical A Key stats 1 Ingredients (API) As innovator pipelines have deepened and the complexities of developing and The commercial small molecule API manufacturing more recent generations market is roughly divided equally between of pharma (including biologics) originator products and generics. c.€62bn have increased, the need to simplify Although generic APIs typically deliver manufacturing operations and reduce lower margins to manufacturers, this Global CDMO market in 2017 operating expenditure has led to the is often compensated by the ability emergence of the CDMO industry. to supply multiple customers with the expected to reach same API. c.€89bn by 20221 Although many CDMOs today are multi-disciplinary, there are very few Clinical (all) 10% true ‘one-stop-shops’ and pharma FDF Biologics API Generics companies will typically use a range of 2.5% 4 Small Molecule 25% CDMOs across their product portfolios 2 1 FDF Branded selected on development/manufacturing Small Molecule Sector growth of technologies or expertise, manufacturing 17.5% 3 CDMO market by product c.5.0% - 6.5% capacity or geographical location. category CDMO activities can broadly be divided CAGR is outstripping into three fields: product development, 3 1 API Branded 2 FDF Generics pharma sector growth2 manufacture of active pharmaceutical Small Molecule 15% Small Molecule 25% ingredients (API), and manufacture of API Biologics 5% finished dosage forms (FDF) - all of which are required from the production Source: Clearwater International of small-scale clinical batches to large- scale commercial production. As such, once a dedicated manufacturing line is 2 Biologics Highly fragmented sector top five players established and validated at a CDMO, it is often difficult, time consuming and costly Despite small molecule commercial revenues accounting for the majority only account for c.15% to switch CDMOs, meaning partnerships of the CDMO market today, biologics of global market2 between pharma companies and their are the highest growth sub-sector as a CDMOs are often long-lasting. result of increasing numbers of biologic approvals and the emerging biosimilar Despite high levels of M&A activity, the market (as increasing numbers of sub-sector remains highly fragmented. biologics reach patent expiry). The top five players have approximately 15% total market share and there is a long CDMO penetration of pharma tail of over 300 companies worldwide “Although many development and manufacturing market offering CDMO services2. set to increase from 30% in 2017 CDMOs today are multi- disciplinary, there are very to 40% few true ‘one-stop-shops'.” in 20202 Clearwater International
11 3 Finished Dosage Forms (FDF) 4 Clinical FDF represents a smaller share of the Despite clinical manufacture representing market than API, a majority of which is only a minority of the CDMO market accounted for by oral solids. However, the (due to smaller volumes), it is crucial oral solids market is relatively mature and for securing customers and building lower growth than other FDFs including relationships that support commercial liquids, semi-solids and injectables. scale manufacturing. Injectables is the highest growth FDF COVID-19 impacts on the segment. High levels of demand for CDMO sub-sector injectables (primarily resulting from the The CDMO market has continued to growth in biologics and oncolytics), perform strongly throughout COVID-19. combined with high technological Whilst clinical trial disruptions have barriers to entry has resulted in had a knock-on effect on non-COVID manufacturing shortages of sterile related clinical manufacturing revenues injectables. Pre-filled syringes (PFS) and for CDMOs, clinical trial supply only other more complex injectable delivery represents a small portion of the systems, (including auto-injectors) are the overall CDMO market and COVID-19 categories undergoing highest levels of has had little impact on the supply of growth. approved medicines, for which demand has remained strong throughout the pandemic. 1. Contract Pharma article: CDMOs On The Rise 2. Kurmann Partners: Pharma M&A Report 2018 Report Outsourced Pharma Services
12 Leading Global players Stockholm, Sweden €1,100m Albany NY, USA c.€650m Philadelphia PA, USA c.€550m Luxembourg €5,439m Starnberg, Germany c.€800m Somerset NJ, USA Waltham MA, USA €2,544m €26,493m Basel, Switzerland €4,121m East Rutherford NJ, USA c.€600m Zofingen, Switzerland €773m Note: 2020 Total company revenues Source: CapIQ, Mergermarket estimates CDMO M&A activity - notable transactions Date Acquiror Target Enterprise value (€m) EV/LTM EV/LTM Strategic rationale Revenue EBITDA 17/02/2021 Charles River Cognate BioServices 727 6.3x NA - Adds cell and gene therapy CDMO capabilities 14/12/2020 EQT Recipharm 3.2x 19.6x - PE deal 3,226 -L eading European FDF CDMO, with expertise in sterile injectables 24/08/2020 Kohlberg & Co PCI Pharma Services c.2,550 NA c.17.6x -P E deal - Leading US CDMO 20/07/2020 CVC Genetic Group NA 12.0x -P E deal c.300 - Italian CDMO focussed on ophthalmology, respiratory and oncology therapeutics 17/03/2020 AGC Molmed 239 5.8x 28.9x - Adds cell and gene therapy, viral vector development and manufacturing capabilities 07/08/2019 Permira Cambrex 2,267 4.4x 17.4x -P E deal -L eading global CDMO 15/04/2019 Catalent Paragon Bioservices 1,062 6.0x 21.4x - I ncreased exposure to high-growth gene and cell therapy markets 25/03/2019 Thermo Fisher Brammer Bio 1,503 8.5x NA - I ncreased exposure to high-growth gene and cell therapy markets 23/07/2018 Cambrex Halo Pharma 363 4.0x 15.7x - Adds small molecule FDF capabilities - Vertical integration 06/06/2017 Carlyle/GTCR AMRI 1,414 2.5x 22.2x -P E deal - Leading global CDMO Source: CapIQ, Company information, press releases, Mergermarket estimates Notes: ‘NA’: not available, ‘NM’: non meaningful Clearwater International
13 CDMO M&A trends M&A across the CDMO sub-sector acquisition of Paragon BioServices for continues to be highly active and €1.1bn (21.4x LTM EBITDA) and, most recent months have been marked by recently, Charles River’s acquisition of high volumes of CDMO transactions Cognate BioServices for €727m (6.3x LTM globally, including some large landmark revenue). transactions. We have identified a Pharma streamlining manufacturing number of key M&A trends: operations Platform expansion and the As pharma companies continue to ‘one-stop-shop’ reduce their in-house manufacturing The desire of pharma to deal with footprints and operational expenditure, fewer and larger CDMOs, with broad many are divesting their non-core development and manufacturing manufacturing facilities, often with capabilities, has driven M&A in the supply contracts, to peers, CDMOs and sub-sector as companies look to expand PE investors which are able to operate services offered, geographic footprint them as standalone CDMOs. Examples and client portfolios. Examples of this of recent pharma facility divestitures include Lonza’s €5.3bn acquisition include AstraZeneca’s divestiture of its of Capsugel, and Cambrex’s €363m biologics facility to AGC for €90m, GSKs acquisition of Halo Pharma. divestiture of its Ontario facility to Bora Pharmaceuticals for €12m and Pfizer’s Premium valuations for complex and divestiture of its Hangzhou biosimilars high-margin manufacturing capabilities facility to WuXi Biologics. CDMOs with niche and complex manufacturing capabilities in high growth New entrants and high margin end markets have A number of new entrants have been commanded the highest M&A multiples. attracted to the CDMO industry and Examples of this include: have entered through M&A. Examples include Thermo Fisher’s 2017 acquisition • Sterile injectables – EQT’s acquisition of of Patheon for €6.6bn, and ACG’s 2016 Recipharm for €3.2bn (c.20x LTM EBITDA) acquisition of CMC Biologics for €450m. • Biologics – Catalent’s acquisition of Increasing levels of private equity activity Cook Pharmica for €794m (17.3x LTM PE has played a significant role in the EBITDA) consolidation of the CDMO industry and Although these sub-sectors continue to be a number of CDMO PE buyouts have highly valued, the sector has seen a occurred in the last year. In addition to number of recent landmark deals at the large transactions noted above, PE unprecedented valuations for advanced activity has also been strong in the mid- therapy (cell and gene therapy) CDMOs. market. Examples include CVC’s acquisition This is due to the rapid growth in the of Genetic Group for c.€300m, GHOs number of advanced therapies being acquisition of Ardena, Permira-backed developed, a bottleneck in manufacturing Quotient’s acquisition of Arcinova, and capacity and the high levels of complexity Keensight Capital’s acquisition of 3P involved in developing and manufacturing Biopharma. these therapies. Example transactions include ACG’s acquisition of Molmed for €239m (28.9x LTM EBITDA), Catalent’s Report Outsourced Pharma Services
14 Contract Commercialisation Market Overview of sub-sector Market access Key stats Activities relating to making a drug CCOs offer a broad range of available to patients, including commercialisation services to their developing pricing and reimbursement customers, typically focussed on strategies, healthcare economics and preparing new products for launch and outcomes research (HEOR) to support Global CCO maximising sales post-approval. market valued at pricing strategies and payer/KOL c.€27bn CCO services can broadly be divided into engagement services. four sub-sectors: Other in 2019, expected to reach Medical affairs Predominantly regulatory, technical c.€35bn by 20221 Services dedicated to communicating and operational services, such as the clinical rationale, evidence and best pharmacovigilance, to support the practice for a therapy to healthcare commercialisation of a product post professionals (HCPs). launch. Marketing Despite the high levels of recent M&A Focussed on activities relating to activity in the sector, the less mature Forecast CCO establishing a successful brand, including nature of the CCO market means that market growth of analysis of the target market, developing it remains highly fragmented, with c.8% a brand proposition and engagement strategies for key stakeholders. players ranging from small agencies or consultancies specialising in specific CAGR through to 20221 services or regions to large, diversified CCOs with global operations. Overview of Contract Commercialisation Services CCO penetration of global Sub-sector pharmaceutical commercialisation expenditure estimated at Medical affairs Marketing Market access Other 19% Medical Market access and today1 communications Market research pricing strategy Regulatory support Medical Health economics and Pharmacovigilence Brand strategy education outcomes research support Key services Medical Creative Payer and KOL IT/technical support information services development/advert engagement Medical Healthcare PR science liaison Biopharma sales and Real World marketing estimated at Evidence (RWE) Patient engagement 2x Salesforce deployment/training R&D spend1 Clearwater International
15 Spend on outsourced commercialisation services throughout the drug lifecycle NDA: Approval for use in humans Marketing Indicative outsourcing spend Medical affairs Market access Other services Drug discovery Phase I Phase II Phase III Patent Launch Commercialisation and PC trials trails trails trails expiry Pre-clinical Clinical Post-approval Whilst medicines can have a lifecycle Other of 20+ years with outsourced Other CCO services are typically commercialisation services required regulatory or operational in nature and throughout this lifecycle, the majority of therefore, spend on these tend to be later this spend is focussed immediately prior in the drug development and sustained to and in the years immediately following post the launch phase. launch, although the distribution of this Given the increasing cost and spend varies by sub-sector according to complexity of R&D, successful execution the nature of the services in relation to of commercial strategies is becoming the drug development cycle. increasingly important, and biopharma Medical affairs are investing in commercialisation Expenditure usually commences around services earlier in the drug lifecycle as a Phase II, following which spend increases result, across all sub-sectors. until its peak during launch, in line with COVID-19 impacts on the HCP engagement activity both pre and CCO sub-sector post launch. With the exception of field sales services, Marketing the CCO sector has been particularly Marketing is the largest sub-sector, with resilient to COVID-19, with a majority of spend typically beginning around phase companies in the sector being virtual III and peaking during the launch phase organisations performing desktop-based as promotional activities intensify. work for global biopharma customers. As Market access such, most of these service providers have Spend is typically the earliest in the drug transitioned well to 'working from home' lifecycle, given the need to assess the likely environments, with minimal COVID-19 pricing and reimbursement landscape and related disruption. The resilience of the the commercial prospects of a drug early in CCO market combined with its fragmented its development. nature has resulted in significant levels of M&A activity since the onset of the pandemic, a majority of it driven by PE. 1. Delancey Street Partners report: Outsourced Pharmaceutical Services - Convergence of CROs and Healthcare Agencies Report Outsourced Pharma Services
16 Leading Global players Dublin, Ireland €2,300m Milwaukee WI, USA c.€500m Knutsford, UK c.€100m Yardley PA, USA c.€250m Dublin, Ireland London, UK €1,052m San Francisco, CA USA c.€350m c.€200m Morrisville NC, USA Horsham, UK Tokyo, Japan €3,845m c.€250m €990m Durham NC, USA €9,341m Overland Park KS, USA c.€200m Note: 2020 Total company revenues Source: CapIQ, Mergermarket estimates CPO M&A activity - notable recent transactions Date Acquiror Target Enterprise Value (€m) EV/LTM EV/LTM Strategic Rationale Revenue EBITDA 26/01/2021 UDG PHMR NA NA - Strengthen European operations 36 - Addition of HEOR capabilities and increased exposure to market access segment 01/07/2020 Arsenal Capital Cello Health 1.1x 13.3x - PE deal 198 -P harma strategy consultancy and Med Comms business 03/03/2020 CD&R Huntsworth 642 2.1x 9.9x - PE deal - Leading Med Comms and PR agency 17/01/2020 Clarivate DRG 4.6x 19.9x - Increased exposure to life sciences market Analytics 863 -M arket access business with proprietary AI-technology tools 21/05/2019 UDG Putnam Associates NA 11.1x - Expansion into new service vertical 79 -S pecialist consultancy focussed on product commercialisation strategy 31/01/2019 Altamont Amplity NA NA NA - PE deal Capital - CSO and commercialisation business 20/08/2018 Syneos Kinapse 106 NA NA - Expands scale in key growth markets - Enhances commercialisation services 27/07/2017 ICON plc MAPI Development 129 2.5x NA - Expands heath outcomes research and commercialisation services 10/05/2017 INC Research inVentiv Health 4,155 2.1x 15.4x - Adds commercial services platform - Consolidation of CRO businesses 07/09/2016 PPD Evidera 4.3x 13.9x -C RO expending into commercialisation 102 services - Market access and analytics business Source: CapIQ, Company information, press releases, Mergermarket estimates Notes: ‘NA’: not available, ‘NM’: non meaningful Clearwater International
17 CCO M&A trends Platform expansion Increasing importance of Recent M&A activity in the sub-sector has data and technology been driven by the desire to consolidate The use of data and technology but also to diversify, driven by pharma’s has revolutionised the CCO market, wish to work with fewer outsourced accelerated during the COVID-19 service providers. Although much of pandemic. A number of recent deals this has been driven by PE bolt-on M&A at high valuations have underlined the activity, trade acquirers are also seeking importance the market places on having to diversify their service portfolios via access to data and technologies which M&A. A good case study of this is Ashfield can provide a competitive advantage (UDG) who have acquired the following over peers. Recent examples of such new capabilities through M&A, in order to transactions include Clarivate Analytics’ create a diversified network of services to recent acquisition of DRG for €863m, its global customer base: GHO’s recapitalisation of Envision Pharma (both 2020), and New Mountain Capital’s • Market access, through its acquisition of investment in W2O in 2019. PHMR in 2021 for €38m. • Strategic consultancy, through its acquisition of Putnam Associates in “A number of recent deals 2019 for €79m. at high valuations have • Medical communications, through underlined the importance its acquisition of Create NYC in 2018 for €59m. the market places on Large players consolidating having access to data and CRO and CCO operations technologies.” A number of the larger CRO providers have achieved substantial synergies by High levels of PE activity in the sector adding commercialisation services to PE activity in the sector has accelerated their portfolios through M&A, allowing throughout COVID-19, primarily driven by them to provide an ‘end-to-end’ the high growth and resilient nature of solution to their clients throughout the sector, which has faced relatively little the drug life cycle. Example of such disruption during the pandemic. Recent transactions include the INC/Inventiv successful PE exits in the sector have also merger (creating Syneos), the Quintiles/ increased the attractiveness of the sector IMS merger (creating IQVIA) and PPD’s to many generalist funds, increasing both acquisition of Evidera. the competitive tension and valuations in M&A processes. In addition to those noted above, recent notable PE deals in the “The use of data sector include, ICGs acquisition of Lucid in and technology has 2021, Northedge’s acquisition of Helios in 2021, Bridgepoint’s acquisition of Prescient revolutionised the in 2021 and Fishawack in 2020, and CCO market.” Waterland’s acquisition of IMC in 2020. Report Outsourced Pharma Services
18 Our recent transactions With 18 offices around the world and deals completed in 44 countries, our team makes us a natural choice for transactions requiring knowledge of, and access to global markets. The healthcare team has completed over 120 healthcare related deals - 28 of these deals have completed within the last 18 months. The business has more than 250 staff across Europe, North America and Asia and running throughout our business is an overriding commitment to exceptional outcomes for our clients. on its sale to acquired Sell-side Acquisition €36m Undisclosed acquired sold to Acquisition Sell-side Undisclosed Undisclosed Clearwater International
raised debt finance from sold to received investment from acquired to support the acquisition of Aquisition finance Sell-side Sell-side Buy-side Undisclosed Undisclosed Undisclosed Undisclosed acquired MBO of sold to sold a minority stake to Buy-side Buy-side Sell-side Sell-side Undisclosed €44m €28m Undisclosed Report Outsourced Pharma Services
20 Selected Transactions Partner of Clearwater International A 360-degree perspective across the healthcare spectrum enables Cain Brothers to bring unique and strategic ideas. MedTech/Life Sciences - Devices - Medical Products and Supplies a portfolio company of - Pharmaceutical Services and Outsourcing - Tools and Diagnostics has signed a definitive - Contract Manufacturing agreement with has been acquired by - Biomaterials Sell-side advisor Sell-side advisor - Revenue Cycle Management CME Life Sciences Consulting - Patient & Provider Engagement Healthcare IT - Telehealth/Virtual Care - Digital Health and Engagement - Data Analytics a portfolio company of - Payer Services and Payments has been acquired by - Pharma/MedTech IT has been acquired by - Hospitals and Health Systems a portfolio company of Healthcare Providers - Academic Medical Centres - Post-Acute Facilities and Services Sell-side advisor Sell-side advisor - Alternate Site Providers Life Science Tools CDMO - Physician Practices - Behavioural Health - Laboratories a portfolio company of - Managed Care/Insurance Healthcare Services has been acquired by - Outsourced Hospital Services - PBMs and Pharmacy has been acquired by - Distribution: Pharma and Products - Benefits Management - Population Health Management Sell-side advisor Sell-side advisor - Consulting/Education CRO CRO/CDMO Clearwater International
21 Disclosure: Clearwater International and KeyBanc Capital Markets (KBCM), the corporate and investment banking arm of US-based KeyCorp (NYSE: KEY), have entered into a strategic alliance designed to enhance growth for global mid-market companies. Working in concert, KBCM and Clearwater International will further increase the level of cross border mergers and acquisitions (M&A) on behalf of both firms’ corporate and institutional clients across the United States, Europe and China. Clearwater International is not affiliated with KeyBanc Capital Markets Inc or its parent, KeyCorp. KeyBanc Capital Markets is a trade name under which corporate and investment banking products and services of KeyCorp and its subsidiaries, KeyBanc Capital Markets Inc., Member FINRA/SIPC, and KeyBank National Association (“KeyBank N.A.”), are marketed. Securities products and services are offered by KeyBanc Capital Markets Inc. and its licensed securities representatives, who may also be employees of KeyBank N.A. Banking products and services are offered by KeyBank N.A. Tactical Opportunities has been acquired by a portfolio company of has invested in has acquired a spin-out of a portfolio company of Senior secured credit facilities Sole lead arranger, sole bookrunner & Buy-side advisor Buy-side advisor Sell-side advisor administrative agent eClinical Life Science Tools Life Science Tools CRO has been acquired by a portfolio company of have acquired has been acquired by the drug development has been acquired by business of Senior secured credit facilities $385,000,000 Joint lead arranger, sole Sell-side advisor Sell-side advisor bookrunner, administrative agent Sell-side advisor CRO RWE CRO CRO a portfolio company of a portfolio company of a portfolio company of has acquired has acquired has been recapitalized by has acquired Senior secured credit facilities $250,000,000 Joint lead arranger, sole Buy-side advisor Sell-side advisor Buy-side advisor bookrunner, documentation agent CDMO CRO CRO CDMO Report Outsourced Pharma Services
22 About Clearwater International Clearwater International has a proven track record of excellent client outcomes. With 18 international offices and more than 250 employees, the business has completed over 1,900 transactions worth an aggregate value in excess of €96bn. Stockholm Our experienced Debt Advisory team ensures that clients looking to raise new debt capital or Dublin Aarhus Leeds refinance existing facilities have access to the Manchester Copenhagen most sophisticated and specialised debt packages Nottingham available internationally. Birmingham London We have a rich and respected heritage in private equity, working with investors, entrepreneurs and Frankfurt management teams over many years. Our success Paris comes down to our connections, knowledge, scale and global outlook. Milan Our independence from any larger financial institution or consulting firm ensures that we Marseille can give truly objective advice, guiding clients Porto through the challenges faced. All transactions are Barcelona partner-led, offering high levels of personal service Madrid Lisbon and knowledge. We take great pride in the fact that many of our clients return to us for advice on multiple occasions. Clearwater International Location Europe Partner Location Chicago Boston Detroit Mumbai New York Shanghai Beijing Dallas Tokyo San Francisco São Paulo
23 Our international healthcare team With offices in Europe, the US and Asia, our team can deliver seamless, integrated global advice to SME/owner-managed, corporate and private equity clients. The dedicated team provide in-depth knowledge and industry experience to every project. For more information about any of these topics or how we can assist your business, please contact: Ramesh Jassal John Curtin Director, International Head of Partner, Ireland Healthcare, UK t: +44 845 052 0374 t: +353 1 912 1724 e: e: Franc Kaiser Francesco Perrini Partner, China Partner, Italy t: + 86 21 6341 0699 x 850 t: +39 02 84249370 e: e: Jesper Agerholm Francisco Gómez Director, Denmark Partner, Spain t: +45 29 92 91 06 t: +34 699 446 314 e: e: Nicolas Saint-Pierre David Hammarström Managing Partner, France Associate, Sweden t: +33 153 890 509 t: +46 70 666 2954 e: e: Markus Otto David Weavers Managing Partner, Germany Partner, UK t: +49 69 58302 77 24 t: +44 845 052 0358 e: e: Rui Miranda John Kerins Partner, Portugal Managing Director, Cain Brothers t: +1 212 981 6891 t: +351 918 766 799 e: e: For recipients based in the United Kingdom the document has been issued and approved for the purpose of COBS 4 of the FCA Handbook by Clearwater Corporate Finance LLP (otherwise trading as “Clearwater International”). Clearwater International is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FRN 483062). Any person falling outside of a professional client under FCA rules should not treat this presentation as a promotion or act on it for any purpose whatsoever. Report Outsourced Pharma Services China - Denmark - France - Germany - Ireland - Italy - Portugal - Spain - Sweden - UK - US
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