IMPACT REPORT 2018 - AfricInvest

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IMPACT REPORT 2018 - AfricInvest
IMPACT REPORT 2018 - AfricInvest
Imp act Report

IMPACT REPORT 2018 - AfricInvest
Impact Report

Table of contents
5   Introduction
7   Thoughts from The Keynote Speaker 2018
11 About AfricInvest
15 A
    fricInvest Stories : Supporting Entrepreneurship
   Across Africa
33 AfricInvest Stories : Fostering Local Innovation
55 A
    fricInvest Education Portfolio : Building
   a Solid Ground for The Entrepreneurs of Tomorrow
67 CSR Initiatives
75 AfricInvest Impact Highlights 2017

IMPACT REPORT 2018 - AfricInvest
Imp act Report

                 By positioning our investment strategy and
                 dedicating our business to supporting the
                 growth of small and medium entreprises (SMEs)
                 and the private sector accross the African
                 continent, we have committed to a journey
                 of achieving positive social,economic and
                 environmental impact without compromising on
                 expected financial returns.

IMPACT REPORT 2018 - AfricInvest
Impact Report


About the report
Africa is becoming home to dynamic innovation hubs. The
start-up ecosystem, somewhat lagging behind a decade ago,
is growing at a significant rate, as entrepreneurs are leveraging
new technologies and digital strategies to tackle the continent’s
fundamental challenges. Focused on development and poverty
alleviation, Africa is the latest continent to experience a start-
up boom. Improvements in education are essential for Africa’s
innovative transition and for future entrepreneurs to succeed.
In this Impact Report, AfricInvest’s team demonstrates its
commitment to enhancing Local Innovation, Entrepreneurship
and Education, through carefully managed investments. We
believe, these three interwoven themes are the cornerstones
that will enable Africa to reach its full potential and overcome
the many challenges it faces today and in the future. Building
a strong foundation will help the next generation of aspiring
entrepreneurs and leaders to bring innovative solutions to the
continent and to the rest of the world.

This report aims to convey our impact approach. By providing
stories of a selection of entrepreneur’s ‘best-in-class’ careers,
future entrepreneurs can learn and realise what it takes to
create successful businesses (Chapter 3). The report also
makes a clear statement on how innovation can drive change,
and contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development
Goals by featuring companies with leading innovations in key
sectors and cutting-edge usages (Chapter 4). The report also
addresses how enhancing the education system provides
a solid stepping stone for future generations to become
successful leaders of tomorrow (Chapter 5). Additionally,
as part of our CSR strategy, by partnering with international
institutions such as Columbia Global Centre, Tunisian youth
can experience the best teaching practices, which will provide
them with the necessary skills that will enhance their chances
of employability, and encourage them to embark on local
innovation and entrepreneurship journeys throughout Africa
(Chapter 6).

At AfricInvest, impact is an intrinsic part of investment decisions.
With reference to the SDGs framework, this report aims to
provide evidence that investing in SMEs can significantly
improve these goals of local innovation, entrepreneurship and
quality education.

                 By Abir Attia, Responsible Investing Manager

IMPACT REPORT 2018 - AfricInvest
Imp act Report

IMPACT REPORT 2018 - AfricInvest
Impact Report

     Thoughts from
    Keynote Speaker
      Aunnie Patton Power

IMPACT REPORT 2018 - AfricInvest
Imp act Report

 Thoughts from
 Aunnie Patton Power
  Keynote speaker Investor Day 2018

                                                     nnovation might just be one of the most overused words
                                                     of our time. In our everyday lives, with the potential for self-
                                                     driving cars, see-through solar panels and lifelike robots
                                                     on the horizon, we are surrounded by constant talk of
                                                   innovation and “what’s next?”. Even within academe, there
                                                   are over 50 accepted definitions of innovation all with different
                                                   categorizations and segmentations.

                                                   The part of innovation that is often overlooked is the purpose.
                                                   If innovation is really about solving problems and realizing new
                                                   opportunities, what problems are we solving and for whom are
                                                   we realizing new opportunities?

                                                   Innovation that focuses on local social and environmental
                                                   challenges is innovation that seeks to solve problems that are
                                                   relevant to people’s livelihoods and their quality of life. This type
                                                   of innovation tries to make the world a more inclusive place and
                                                   is often most effective when affected by those that have the
                                                   most knowledge of the problems at hand. Often this means
                                                   individuals that have a first-hand understanding of the issues
                                                   within their community and are empowered to create innovative
                                                   solutions that address the local social, economic and political
                                                   dynamics that exist.

                                                   Nonetheless, the will to create local innovations is not enough.
                                                   As this is within an investor handbook, you may easily guess
                                                   that an enabling environment - including access to capital, is
                                                   needed to help these innovators succeed. But capital as we
                                                   have known it in the past, siloed into the traditional structures of
                                                   debt, equity and grants, may not be enough.
   About Aunnie                                    Over the past few decades, new business models have emerged
   Aunnie is the founder of Intelligent Impact,    around social and environmental impact. These are companies
   a technology for social impact advisory         and entrepreneurs that have blurred the line between non-profit
                                                   and for profit. They have successfully changed the view of the
   firm, and a university lecturer on Innovative   Base of the Pyramid (BOP) from beneficiaries to consumers and
   Finance, Impact Investing and Technology        producers. The problem is these business models have evolved
                                                   faster than our funding approaches. So, in essence, we are
   for Impact at the University of Oxford’s Saïd
                                                   constraining this 21st-century approach to social change with
   Business School and University of Cape          a 20th-century funding mindset. This is incredibly limiting. We
   Town’s Graduate School of Business.             don’t expect the fast-growing companies of the 21st century
                                                   to use the same models of delivery as their predecessors. For
                                                   example, Amazon doesn’t have to build stores to be the largest

IMPACT REPORT 2018 - AfricInvest
Impact Report

bookseller in the world. Similarly, we can’t expect the traditional    technology will be important in overcoming these barriers as
structures of debt, equity and grants to work effectively unless       algorithmic based lending platforms, crowdsourced and AI-
they are re-designed to address the needs of these innovative          powered due diligence and other innovations help funders
business models and the social and environmental outcomes              identify and distribute capital in a risk-adjusted manner to a
they are working towards.                                              wider set of organizations at a lower cost. The combination
                                                                       of blended capital and these technological advances will be
In my work, I have identified four key issues with how the
                                                                       particularly important.
current financial models need to be adjusted to meet the needs
of the impact marketplace. I categorize these issues as Impact         Life Cycle Support
Measurement, Mismatch, Distribution and Innovation Life Cycle          Now the idea beyond local innovation is not necessarily that
Needs.                                                                 it stays local. The goal is to scale up effective approaches
Impact Measurement                                                     to social and environmental issues. There are many different
                                                                       ways to scale that can include contextualization by local
One of the reasons that traditional financing structures need to be
                                                                       communities, including social franchising, company in a box,
adjusted for impact is that they often treat impact measurement
                                                                       digital distribution and many more. Life Cycle Support during
as either an add-on or a post project calculation. If we want
                                                                       this scaling phase is one thing that is significantly missing from
to make decisions in funding around social, environmental and
                                                                       most markets. By this, I mean working with organisations from
financial returns, we need similar amounts of data for each
                                                                       the early stage grants through to late-stage investments and
type of return. This means that impact measurement and
                                                                       providing the type of capital that they need at different stages
management needs to be a part of the strategy of the company
                                                                       of their growth. In the investment world, only a few players are
as well as how capital is disbursed and how it is priced. Coming
                                                                       well equipped to achieve this and they are mainly development
advances in technology, including the use of the blockchain to
                                                                       funders. USAID’s Development Innovation Ventures program
capture impact metrics from Internet-of-things (IoT) enabled
                                                                       is an excellent example of an Innovation Life Cycle Support
devices using artificially intelligent protocols, will completely
revolutionize the way we collect this type of data and its veracity.
                                                                       As you can see, all of these issues around funding local
                                                                       innovation can be addressed with innovative financing and
When funding local innovation, there is often a mismatch               embracing of new technologies. It will be up to funders
in expectations between funders and fundees. What I have               themselves to continue to act as innovators to build the types of
observed is that funders are generally focused on the gazelles         returns they seek alongside social and environmental returns.
– the fast-growing, high impact, highly scalable organisations
run by entrepreneurs who can deliver a flawless powerpoint
presentation. However, much of the local capital need is for
oxen – the slow-growing companies often in less sexy industries
and run by entrepreneurs who understand their businesses,                      “ Innovation that focuses
but might not be able to clearly articulate it in “industry
speak”. Partnerships around developing pipeline, syndicating
                                                                               on local social and
investments with local investors and seeking out companies                     environmental challenges
that are outside of the usual pitching circuit are ways to address
some of these issues. Blending different types of capital within
                                                                               is innovation that seeks
funds, including grants and technical assistance, can also                     to solve problems that
facilitate that entry into new markets with more flexible capital.
                                                                               are relevant to people’s
                                                                               livelihoods and their
Generally local innovation starts small. This creates significant
issues for funders as the cost and the risk of distributing capital            quality of life.”
to small entrepreneurs does not fit into their mandate. Again,

IMPACT REPORT 2018 - AfricInvest
Imp act Report

Impact Report

     About AfricInvest

Imp act Report

        About AfricInvest

                                                                ounded in 1994, AfricInvest is a leading equity, quasi
                                                                equity and private debt provider in Africa. Uniquely
                                                                positioned as one of the most experienced private
                                                                equity fund managers and private debt players on the
                                                        continent, AfricInvest counts over 70 investment professionals
                                                        located across 9 offices in Africa and Europe.

                                                        AfricInvest manages EUR 1.2 billion across 18 funds and is
                                                        supported by both local and international investors, including
                                                        leading development financial institutions and private investors.

                                                        AfricInvest is the co-founder of the African Venture Capital
                                                        Association (, the Emerging Markets
                                                        Private Equity Association (, Euromed Capital
                                                        Forum (www., and several local private
                                                        equity and private credit associations in North, West and East

                                                        AfricInvest’s positioning and investment strategy since founding
                                                        has been dedicated to supporting the growth of SMEs and
                                                        the private sector across the African continent. Throughout
                                                        its years of operation, AfricInvest has dedicated its efforts to
                                                        achieving positive social, economic and environmental impact
                                                        while improving people’s lives and without compromising on
                                                        expected financial returns.
          k e y n u m be r s

                       Years of experience

                       Investee companies


                 1.2 bn EUR
                         Total raised funds

                 1 - 7 across Africa and 2 in Europe

Impact Report

                                                  London, UK
                                                  1 Tudor Street London EC4Y
                  Algiers, Algeria                0AH, England
   Villa la falaise, 07 lot. Cadat,               Phone: +44 20 34 63 49 22
  Les sources Bir Mourad Raïs
                   Algiers, Algeria               Paris, France
    Phone : +213 770 33 36 83                     16 Bis Avenue de la Motte
                                                  Piquet 75007, Paris.
        Casablanca, Morocco                       Phone : +33 1 73 04 34 40
 Résidence les Champs d’Anfa
  D, Rue Bab Chellah, quartier
                                                  Cairo, Egypt
 Racine, Casablanca, Morocco
                                                  The Greek Campus,
    Phone : +212 522 363 736
                                                  171 Tahrir Street,
                                                  Bab El Louk, Cairo, Egypt,
                 Tunis, Tunisia
                                                  Phone: +20 127 793 1331
      Immeuble Integra, Centre
Urbain Nord, 1082 Tunis,Tunisia
      Phone : +216 71 189 800

        Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire
   Plateau.18 Avenue Docteur
 Crozet, Immeuble Azur, 5ème
 étage Abidjan - Côte d’Ivoire
    Phone : +225 20 31 00 80

               Lagos, Nigeria
     Victoria Court, 12 Owena
Street, Parkview Estate, Ikoyi,
                Lagos, Nigeria
    Phone : +234 1 74 06 535

               Nairobi, Kenya
  The Mirage Building, Tower
  3, 8th Floor, along Chiromo
Road, Westlands. P.O Box 273
      - 00202, Nairobi, Kenya
  Phone : +254 0728 606 975

 Johannesburg, South Africa
             Opening soon

                                           AfricInvest Group

Imp act Report

Impact Report

     AfricInvest Stories
      Supporting entrepreneurship
             across Africa

Imp act Report     Supporting entrepreneurship accross Africa

            Azalaï Hotels
                                                                 Founded in 1993, by Mossadeck Bally, Azalaï
                                                                 Hotels Group is the leading hotel chain in
                                                                 West Africa. With its headquarters based
                                                                 in Mali, Azalai Hotels has been growing in
                                                                 the sector for more than 20 years and has
                                                                 established a strong brand and presence
                                                                 through ten hotels in six countries in West

                                                                 Description of the company
                                                                 Azalaï Hotels Group first started with Mr. Bally’s acquisition of
                                                                 the «Grand Hotel of Bamako» in 1993. The sponsor undertook
                                                                 extensive renovations to offer international hotel standards to
                                                                 customers visiting Mali. Thanks to the hotel’s success, Azalaï
                                                                 Hotels began the construction of a second hotel, called the
                                                                 «Hotel Salam,» in Bamako in 1997. In 2005, The Azalaï Hotels
                                                                 Group acquired its first hotel outside Mali, the «Independence
                                                                 Hotel» of Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso. In 2016, the group
                                                                 opened a hotel training school in Mali. The group also has
                                                                 four hotels under construction in Dakar, Conakry, Niamey and

                                                                 Azalai Hotel Group generates more than 4,000 direct and
                                                                 indirect jobs throughout the sub-region. Over years of
                                                                 development, the group has built a strong indigenous local
     Name        Company Name                                    brand, in an industry dominated by international hotel chains.
     Azalaï Hotels            Land’Or                            It succeeded in developing a strategy focused on satisfying the
     Location                                                    growing needs of its customers by constantly improving the
                                                                 quality of its high-end service, through meticulous renovation
     Bamako, Mali              Sector                            of its hotel units and rigorous management of its fast-growing
     SectorFood manufacturing                                    portfolio.
     Investment Year          Tunisia                            Investment rationale
     2016                                                        Azalaï Hotels Group’s vision, to become the leading African
     Operation type    year                                      hotel chain, is aligned with AfricInvest’s values to promote
                                                                 local know-how and to build strong local and regional players
     Growth capital             2018
                                                                 throughout Africa. Prior to investment, AfricInvest was
     Status            type                                      attracted to the pan-African hotel chain’s ambitious strategy
     Current       Growth capital                                of expanding its operations across the West African region and
                                                                 becoming a leader in the African hospitality industry.
                               Status                            AfricInvest was particularly interested in Azalaï Hotel Group’s
                              Current                            strong values, such as rigour and focus on quality. Both of
                                                                 these values have enabled sustainable growth and stability,

Supporting entrepreneurship accross Africa   Impact Report

and have helped the group to build a significant track record
while maintaining trusted relationships with customers,
suppliers, employees and shareholders. Furthermore, Azalaï
Hotels Group’s commitment to building on its strong social
policy and to promoting good governance practices for
the hospitality sector is in line with AfricInvest’s goals for its
portfolio companies, and its own practices.

Since partnering with Azalaï Hotels Group in 2016, AfricInvest
has helped the company to enhance its environmental, social
and governance performance and has worked closely with
the management team towards bridging identified gaps with
reference to international standards. AfricInvest has also
assisted the group in reinforcing its team by identifying key
profiles with strong expertise at the front, middle and back

Imp act Report       Supporting entrepreneurship accross Africa

                                                                   office levels as well as in identifying new business partners
   About the Entrepreneur                                          (such as construction management companies).

   Azalaï Hotels Group’s sponsor, Mossadeck Bally, is a            During the period since AfricInvest’s investment, Azalaï
   pioneer in the African hotel industry. His entrepreneurial      achieved significant growth and was able to expand to new
   spirit, mission and track record are closely aligned            geographies through the identification of existing facilities and
   with AfricInvest’s mission to assist and encourage              through setting up new units.
   sustainable development throughout Africa.

   Twenty-five years ago, many entrepreneurs were
                                                                   The group now also has a CSR-focused approach which has
   reluctant to invest in the hospitality sector in Africa.
                                                                   been incorporated into the key decision-making procedures of
   Today, Mr. Bally manages a chain of ten landmark
                                                                   the business. This aims to formalize actions planned to control
   properties in six different countries, with an ambitious
                                                                   the impact of the group’s activities to ensure its sustainability
   expansion plan. The sponsor has succeeded in building
                                                                   both economically, environmentally and socially.
   a thriving group employing more than 900 people.

   Coming from a merchant-family, Mr. Bally joined the
   family business after completing his higher education
   in France and the US. His father was one of the most
   respected agribusiness products traders in West Africa,
   and taught his son entrepreneurial and business skills.

   Mr. Bally is committed to contributing to Africa’s
   economic development. This is proved by his decision
   to return to Mail right after his graduation. Furthermore,
   Mr. Bally has continued to develop and expand the
   group in a challenging economic and political climate.

   Mr. Bally is actively engaged in the hospitality sector,
   creating a hospitality school in Bamako (Ecole Hoteliere
   Chiaka Sidibe). A second one is due to open in
   September 2019 in Burkina Faso.

   Thanks to the perseverance of the Sponsor, Azalaï
   Hotels Group is today one of the leading African hotel

Supporting entrepreneurship accross Africa    Impact Report

                                    Key Impact Highlights

                                                                                 Total capacity - number of
                                                                                         beds in the region

                                                                          Direct jobs created and sustained

                                                                                               Indirect jobs

                                                                                  Landmark properties in 6
                                                                                   countries in West Africa

                                                                                 ISO 9001
                                                                           Certified ISO 9001 version 2018

    Location                                        Sustainable development goals


                Burkina Faso
    Cote d’Ivoire

Imp act Report        Supporting entrepreneurship accross Africa

 Carbon Holdings
                                                                    Founded in 2008 by Basil El-Baz, one of
                                                                    Egypt’s most acclaimed entrepreneurs,
                                                                    Carbon Holdings is a privately-owned
                                                                    developer and operator of petrochemical
                                                                    projects, located in the Suez Industrial
                                                                    Zone of Egypt. Carbon Holdings is the
                                                                    sponsor of three main projects, two of
                                                                    which are operational and the third is in
                                                                    the final stages of development: Oriental
                                                                    Petrochemicals Company (OPC), Egypt
                                                                    Hydrocarbon Corporation (EHC), and, Tahrir
                                                                    Petrochemicals Corporation (TPC). Carbon
                                                                    Holdings’ mission is to establish itself as
                                                                    the largest integrated petrochemicals group
                                                                    in Egypt. The company’s strategic central
                                                                    location enables it to serve both global and
                                                                    domestic demand. Carbon Holdings will take
                                                                    a leading role in the development of Egypt’s
                                                                    petrochemical market and be a stimulator for
                                                                    local downstream manufacturing industries
                                                                    creating tens of thousands of direct and
                                                                    indirect jobs.

     Name                                                           Description of the company
     Carbon Holdings                                                The projects developed by Carbon Holdings produce
                                                                    fundamental petrochemical building blocks for a variety of
                                                                    In 2011, the company developed a greenfield low-density
     Country                                                        ammonium nitrate (LDAN) project in Egypt called EHC. It is
     Egypt                                                          the first project to close post-revolution. The plant has been
     Investment Year                                                successfully commissioned and is operational. EHC supplies
                                                                    customers in the mining, quarrying and construction sectors
                                                                    globally. EHC is the only world scale ammonium nitrate project
     Operation type                                                 in Africa with a capcity of 350,000 mtpa positioned to service
     Growth capital                                                 the regional demand of 1.7 million mtpa.

     Status                                                         In 2013, the company acquired OPC and embarked on a
     Current                                                        strategic, technical, and commercial restructuring program.
                                                                    Within two years of the acquisition, Carbon Holdings was able
                                                                    to streamline operations and debottleneck the facility, which
                                                                    has resulted in OPC reaching an annual production capacity of
                                                                    225,000 mtpa, up from 120,000 mtpa. OPC is a polypropylene
                                                                    (’PP’) project that produces a range of high quality PP grades

Supporting entrepreneurship accross Africa      Impact Report

which feed into the packaging, film, injection moulding, textiles,
carpets and, automotive industries.

TPC is the largest development of Carbon Holdings. The project
is in its final stages of financing and will produce a variety of
petrochemical products that are the essential building blocks for
the downstream manufacturing sector in Egypt, the continent of
Africa, and globally. Designed as an integrated petrochemical
complex, the project benefits from shared utility overheads,
efficient logistics costs, and reduced emissions, energy losses
and waste. TPC will have a significant impact on the Egyptian
economy and its surrounding community. It is expected to
generate in excess of 20,000 jobs during the construction phase
and once operational, the project will require 3,000 permanent
engineers and technicians creating approximately 200,000
direct and indirect jobs.

TPC’s spectrum of products feed into a variety of manufacturing
industries. This, coupled with the surrounding infrastructure
contributed by the project, creates a supportive environment for
SMEs. The project will replace over US$ 300 million of polymer
imports with over US$ 3.5 billion of polymer exports and
increase the country’s overall annual exports by more than 25%.

Carbon Holdings takes its responsibility to protect the
environment and minimise the impact of its operations on
local communities very seriously. All of its projects operate to
internationally-recognised environmental and social standards
and global sustainability measures. To work with Carbon
Holdings, suppliers must demonstrate that they work to the
same high environmental standards and must undergo regular
audits to ensure compliance.

Investment rationale
                                                                       presence and establish a foothold to access the new emerging
While Egypt has an abundance of essential raw materials, it            economies of continental Africa. Carbon Holdings’ partnership
is still a large net importer of petrochemical products. Carbon        with major DFIs means that the company is committed to
Holdings’ mission is to reverse this and enhance the export            strong ESG standards, which is of the utmost importance to
potential of Egypt. The company’s strong strategic-geographic          AfricInvest’s values.
location being next to the Suez Canal justifies its ambitious
                                                                       Carbon Holdings’ outstanding projections appealed to
mission. AfricInvest was drawn to the multitude of benefits
                                                                       AfricInvest. The company’s management team has exceptional
that the location afforded, such as a reduction in freight costs,
                                                                       industrial and regional expertise and a proven track record of
and more importantly, its ability to capture global demand with
                                                                       successful organic growth. The company has also a strong
its access to large mature markets of Western Europe, North
                                                                       potential to grow through export markets without having to
America and other high growth markets in Asia and the Middle
                                                                       cross the Suez Canal. Additionally, Egypt is part of the COMESA
East. AfricInvest’s added value for Carbon Holdings’ lies in
                                                                       trade agreement, European Union Association Agreement
its ability to help the company take advantage of its regional
                                                                       and Greater Arab free trade Area, allowing Carbon Holdings’

Imp act Report       Supporting entrepreneurship accross Africa

                                                                     Italian-Egypt, UAE-Egypt and Korea-Egypt Business

                                                                     El-Baz successfully developed Egypt Basic Industries
                                                                     Corporation (EBIC) in 2009. EBIC operated in Egypt and
                                                                     became the 6th largest ammonia facility globally. El-Baz
                                                                     led both the technical and commercial development
                                                                     of EBIC. EBIC was one of a small group of projects
                                                                     in Egypt to be financed entirely by a consortium of
                                                                     International Banks. More recently, El-Baz spearheaded
                                                                     a team that developed EHC, Egypt’s first successful
                                                                     industrial project to close in post-revolution Egypt. To
                                                                     showcase the success of EHC, the project received the
                                                                     Euromoney Project Finance award for the deal of the
                                                                     year in 2010. El-Baz’s commitment to stimulate African
                                                                     industry is closely aligned with AfricInvest’s core values
                                                                     of promoting sustainable economic growth in Africa.
                                                                     In 2014, El-Baz was invited to attend the US-Africa
    About the Entrepreneur                                           Leaders’ Summit hosted by President Barack Obama,
                                                                     where Carbon Holdings was a representative of the
    Basil El-Baz is an Egyptian industrialist, entrepreneur
                                                                     private sector. He was also invited to participate in the
    and businesses executive. He serves as Chairman and
                                                                     panel “Energy/Electrifying Africa: A Dialogue with African
    Chief Executive Officer for Carbon Holdings. El-Baz has
                                                                     CEO’s” at the United States Capitol, “A Special Event for
    demonstrated his world-class experience and success
                                                                     the Africa Leadership Summit.”
    in executing projects in complex macroeconomic and
    geopolitical environments. He is a Harvard University            To cement El-Baz’s ‘best-in-class’ track record, he
    graduate, where he studied Economics & Government                received the ‘Africa Entrepreneur of the Year Award’ in
    with a focus on industrial economies. El-Baz has extensive       2017 following his nomination at the ‘Business Africa
    credentials, developing industrial projects, boosting            Entrepreneur Awards’ in December 2016. El-Baz is the
    Egypt’s industrial growth while creating tens of thousands       first Egyptian entrepreneur to receive such an honour.
    of jobs for the Egyptian people. He has over 20 years of oil,    The award follows his ranking (in 2017) as 1st in
    gas and petrochemical industry experience and has been           Choiseul’s Africa 100, which surveys and ranks African
    appointed as a director on several boards and businesses         business leaders.
    councils. Most notably he is a Trustee on the US-Egypt,

 products to enter most of these markets free of tariffs.            AfricInvest introduced the company’s management to plastic
                                                                     manufacturing companies in North Africa and found new
 Since partnering with Carbon Holdings in January 2018,
                                                                     potential partners in Sub-Saharan Africa. It is also playing an
 AfricInvest identified several axes where it could offer its
                                                                     important role in the fundraising exercise that Carbon Holdings
 expertise and support the company’s mission to become a
                                                                     is undertaking to finance the development phase of TPC, prior
 world-leading petrochemical company. AfricInvest’s extensive
                                                                     to its financial close.
 insight into African markets is helping Carbon Holdings on
 expanding its OPC and EHC businesses across Africa.

Supporting entrepreneurship accross Africa    Impact Report

            Key Impact Highlights

                                                              increase in the country’s
                                                                 overall annual exports

                                                       TPC project is expected to hire
                                                     +3000 engineers and technicians

                                                            +200 000
                                                        Estimate number of direct and
                                                         indirect jobs to be created by
                                                                           TPC project

Location                       Sustainable development goals


Imp act Report     Supporting entrepreneurship accross Africa

 Credible Blooms
                                                                 Founded in 2011 by Eliud Njenga, Credible
                                                                 Blooms is a Kenyan floriculture company
                                                                 producing roses and exporting to 24 countries
                                                                 worldwide. The company received Fairtrade
                                                                 certification in 2018. Eliud, the founder of
                                                                 the company, has extensive experience in
                                                                 the sector, with an impressive track record
                                                                 spanning 28 years.

                                                                 Description of the company
                                                                 Credible Blooms is Eliud’s second successfully established
                                                                 company and employs 550 people as of December 2017. The
                                                                 company started its operations in 2012 which consisted of a
                                                                 12 ha rose farm, leased for ten years, in the Ngong region
                                                                 of Kenya. More recently, the sponsor, with the assistance
                                                                 of AfricInvest, has expanded the production capacity by
                                                                 completing the construction of a 13.5 ha farm in Rumuruti,

                                                                 Credible Blooms has considerably evolved in the past five
                                                                 years, increasing its offering from seven different varieties of
                                                                 roses in 2012 to 50 varieties in 2018 (on both farms). The
                                                                 company exports to more than 24 countries across Europe,
                                                                 Asia and the Middle East. It is now expanding its export
                                                                 markets to the USA and China.
     Credible Blooms
                                                                 Investment Rationale
     Agriculture                                                 AfricInvest’s decision to partner with Credible Blooms was
                                                                 motivated by the following reasons:
                                                                 Credible Blooms operates with a high level of commitment,
                                                                 transparency and professionalism, confirming its strong
     Investment Year                                             foundational business model. It was a unique opportunity to
     2015                                                        partner with an agribusiness player with significant positive
                                                                 impact on the local community.
     Current                                                     Additionally, the location of the farm offered ideal attributes for
                                                                 the company’s business model as the growing and harvesting
                                                                 seasons of Credible Blooms’ roses are perfectly matched to
                                                                 peak demand in Europe (for instance, Christmas, New Year’s
                                                                 Eve, Valentine’s day, Women’s day and Easter all happen
                                                                 within the warm seasons where full capacity can be achieved
                                                                 on the farms).

                                                                 Furthermore, the company was able to build a significant

Supporting entrepreneurship accross Africa      Impact Report

portfolio of loyal and renowned customers. In fact, Credible          efforts to improve resource efficiency and has trained staff
Blooms’ management team has developed a deep                          about the subject (such as in capturing rainwater during
understanding of the importance of building strong ties with          intense rainfall periods).
clients, striving to achieve international standards, which
                                                                      The SFC team has also supported the company in expanding
explains their high customer retention rate of 80%.
                                                                      its markets to new geographies and in implementing a new
AfricInvest was also attracted to the sponsor’s track record and      information management system.
managerial skills and was committed to support the company
                                                                      Credible Blooms has also improved its corporate governance
to become a significant rose distributor to Europe.
                                                                      structure and put in place enhanced monitoring procedures.
Since partnering with Credible Blooms in 2015, AfricInvest,           The farm is now equipped with modern infrastructure which
operating as a debt financer (SFC Finance), identified several        includes computerised irrigation systems, water reservoirs and
areas in which it could offer its expertise and value addition to     cold rooms.
the project:
                                                                      The company has sharpened its marketing techniques, setting
The SFC team assisted Credible Blooms in implementing                 Credible Blooms apart from its competitors. Traditional rose
an action plan to achieve Fair Trade certification, which was         sales are not only based on the quality of flowers but also on
awarded in early October 2018. This achievement was the               packaging, decoration and customisation. Credible Blooms
result of several efforts geared towards implementing best            offers its customers the possibility of choosing the length,
standards, installing decent working conditions and promoting         labelling, sleeving and tagging of the flowers, which is highly
gender equality in the firm. The sponsor has also made great          appreciated by prestigious clients in Europe.

Imp act Report      Supporting entrepreneurship accross Africa

    About the Entrepreneur                                         (without having to sell in Dutch auctions), Eliud founded
                                                                   a rose trading company, Pigeon Blooms. He was able
    Eliud Njenga has an exceptional entrepreneurial story          to quickly establish a secure network of loyal customers
    which clearly motivated AfricInvest’s investment decision.     who expressed interest in dealing directly with a grower.
                                                                   With the intention to reduce his strong dependence
    Eliud had over 20 years of experience in the floriculture
                                                                   on rose producers, Eliud started Credible Blooms by
    business prior to the creation of his two companies: Pigeon
                                                                   leasing a plot of land in Ngong.
    Blooms and Credible Blooms. Eliud holds a diploma in
    sales and marketing from the Nairobi Institute of Business     In 2014, the company reached a point where it could
    Studies and a certificate from the Enterprise development      not meet the increasing demand from his customers
    program at Strathmore university (a one year course that       in Europe. This motivated Eliud to expand his activities
    sharpens corporate governance skills).                         and seek financial support. By way of securing funding
                                                                   from AfricInvest, Eliud acquired the land in Rumuruti with
    In his early floriculture career, Eliud started as a pack-
                                                                   direct access to a water source. He successfully planted
    house manager. Being recognised for his unique sales
                                                                   13 ha producing a total of 24 varieties of roses, which are
    and marketing skills, Eliud quickly moved to the trading
                                                                   now being exported to 15 countries. The farm has now
    department, where he began to craft his skills that
                                                                   reached full production capacity and quickly achieved
    have been a contributing factor to the success of his
                                                                   break-even and is generating strong cash flows.
    two companies. Acknowledging the potential to take
    advantage of the high margins of rose sales in Kenya

Supporting entrepreneurship accross Africa    Impact Report

           Key Impact Highlights

                                                     Credible Blooms exports to more
                                                         than 24 countries worldwide

                                                           number of employees as of
                                                                     December 2017

                                                          Fair Trade
                                                                     Certified in 2018

                                                                     Varieties of roses

Location                       Sustainable development goals


Imp act Report      Supporting entrepreneurship accross Africa

                                                                  Land’Or is the leading local brand in the
                                                                  processed cheese manufacturing sector
                                                                  in Tunisia. The company was listed on the
                                                                  Tunisian stock market in 2013 and currently
                                                                  exports to 12 countries. It operates through
                                                                  one production site located in Khelidia,
                                                                  Tunisia. Through its remarkable track record,
                                                                  Land’Or developed a well-established brand
                                                                  and offers a large variety of products which
                                                                  has allowed it to gain trust and build strong
                                                                  partnerships with internationally renowned

                                                                  Description of the company
                                                                  Founded in 1994 by two passionate veterinary doctors Dr.
                                                                  Hatem Denguezli and Dr. Hichem Ayed, Land’Or is the leading
                                                                  local brand in the processed cheese manufacturing sector in
                                                                  Tunisia with a 31% market share.

                                                                  The company produces «high quality and affordable» cheese
                                                                  and analogue cheese (in several packaging shapes including
                                                                  triangles, squares, slices, grated, blocks, spreadable paste…)
                                                                  targeting FMCG consumers, food service companies as well
                                                                  as the HoReCa (Hotels, Restaurants, Café) industry.
     Name                                                         Thanks to its modern high standards factory with an installed
     Land’Or                                                      capacity of over 20 thousand tons, a team of more than
     Location                                                     500 employees, its experienced management and its focus
                                                                  on international certifications (HACCP, ISO 9001 and FSCC
                                                                  22000), the company has been able to establish partnerships
     Sector                                                       with international groups and build a solid brand.
     Food manufacturing                                           In 2017, the company obtained the Halal certification in order
     Investment Year                                              to target Middle Eastern and Asian markets. Additionally, it
     2018                                                         is the only company in North Africa to obtain the European
                                                                  Accreditation for Health and Safety (Agrément Sanitaire
     Type of transaction                                          Européen).
     Growth Capital
                                                                  The company has also invested considerably in adopting a top
     Status                                                       notch IT system aiming to enhance control and management
     Current                                                      as well as improve monitoring.

                                                                  As of September 2018, the company’s exports represented
                                                                  37% of the turnover, destined for12 countries.

Supporting entrepreneurship accross Africa         Impact Report

       Investment rationale
       Land’Or is an established brand with a strong presence in
       the market and a solid history. The highly skilled and dynamic
       management team has a proven track record and a good
       knowledge of the business, the products, the processes
       and the regional market. Land’Or also has a well-established
       governance structure, good supply chain management and
       an extensive distribution network. Furthermore, the processed
       cheese market is predicted to grow significantly in the coming
       years, which will enhance Land’Or’s positioning and allow the
       company to continue its growth locally and in new regions.

       By setting up a strategic committee and taking an active role
       on the board of directors, AfricInvest is supporting Land’Or
       in achieving its development strategy. Additionally, AfricInvest
       aims to enhance the company’s new business opportunities,
       such as expanding its product offering and acquiring as well as
       setting up new affiliates.

       AfricInvest identified key value addition axes for Land’Or:

       From a governance perspective, by improving reporting
       standards and encouraging the company to implement best
       practices, AfricInvest is helping Land’Or ensure the flexibility
       and responsiveness of the organization, as well as establishing
       a culture of participative management and a smooth decision-
       making process.

       Beyond the current markets covered by the company, which
       include Tunisia, the broader Maghreb Region, and other
       Middle Eastern and Asian countries, AfricInvest is contributing
       its expertise to help Land’Or further expand its geographic
       outreach to new African markets.

       Based on AfricInvest’s solid track record in the agribusiness
       sector, the team will work closely with the management of
       Land’Or to achieve its ambition in diversifying its product lines.

Imp act Report       Supporting entrepreneurship accross Africa

   About the Entrepreneurs
   The entrepreneurial skills and ambitions of the sponsors        know-how and the best practices in the industry. This
   of Land’Or were key attributes that attracted AfricInvest.      enabled the company to officially launch its cheese
   Mr. Hatem Denguezli and Mr. Hichem Ayed, the founders           products in 1998 and further expand their offering
   of Land’Or, have proven many times their resilience,            between 2005 and 2010.
   perseverance and strong ambition to make Land’Or the            The story of Land’Or as well as its founders’ strong
   brand that it is today.                                         ambition to develop the company into a market leader,
   In fact, Land’Or was initially established as a meat            through adversity and challenges, gave AfricInvest the
   processing company and the first company in North               motivation to provide support and help them expand
   Africa to obtain the European Accreditation for Health          and increase their exposure to new markets, in order to
   and safety (Agrément Sanitaire Européen), key attributes        make the company compete globally.
   that set up the company for business success in the             Mr. Hatem Denguezli - Co-Founder, CEO & Chairman of
   meat industry.                                                  Landor: Mr. Denguezli co-founded the company in 1994.
   Nevertheless, in 1996, due to the mad cow disease               He is doctor in veterinary medicine and is specialist in
   outbreak and other constraints and hurdles facing               animal surgery.
   the meat industry, Land’Or discontinued its activities.         Mr. Hichem Ayed - Co-Founder and Deputy CEO of
   With their whole business model jeopardised, the two            Landor: Prior to co-founding the company, Mr. Ayed
   founders decided to shift their production and revamp           worked with the French group Fleury Michon then with
   their processes to focus on cheese manufacturing.               Le Boeuf, before managing SICOV in Tunisia which
   The entrepreneurship journey of Land’Or in the                  operates also in the meat industry. Mr. Ayed is a doctor
   processed cheese manufacturing was initiated through            in veterinary medicine and holds a PhD in canned food
   intelligent partnerships with European cheese and food          products.
   manufacturers, which allowed Land’Or to acquire the

Supporting entrepreneurship accross Africa     Impact Report

                     Key Impact Highlights

                                                          The first North African company to
                                                       obtain “Agrément Sanitaire Européen”

                                                                   Employing 520 Staff as of
                                                                             October 2018

                                                            Distributing to 12 export markets

                                                               Exporting 37% of its turnover

                                                               Leading local brand with 31%
                                                                                market share

Location                             Sustainable development goals


Imp act Report

Impact Report

     AfricInvest Stories
       Fostering local
            accross Africa

Imp act Report      Fostering local innovations

               Bridge Group

                                                   Established in 2006, Bridge Bank Cote
                                                   d’Ivoire (BBG CI), a subsidiary of Bridge
                                                   Group West Africa (BGWA), is a universal
                                                   bank offering a wide range of banking
                                                   services to its corporate and retail customers
                                                   with a focus on innovative banking solutions.
                                                   BBG CI has contributed to local innovation in
                                                   the banking sector through its unique digital
                                                   transformation and the launch of the first
                                                   mobile-enabled nano-loan and nano-deposit
                                                   product in the Ivorian market, called “MoMo

                                                   Description of the company
                                                   Established in 2006, BBG CI is an affiliate of Bridge Group
                                                   West Africa (a portfolio company of AfricInvest), targeting the
                                                   Ivoirian SME market, which is actively looking for innovative
                                                   solutions. In the last decade, the bank was able to adapt to the
                                                   different political, economic and social changes it has faced,
                                                   and has used these changes to optimize its performance and
                                                   grasp different market opportunities.

                                                   With 229 employees as of October 31st 2018, BBG CI is a
                                                   leading independent bank (vs. multinational, regional and pan-
     Name                                          African banking groups) which adheres to the best financial
     Bridge Bank West Africa                       and governance practices. This translates into a rigorous risk
                                                   management policy, a quality portfolio and a wide range of
     Sector                                        services. Over the past ten years, the Bank has developed
     Financial Services                            many solutions and services specifically tailored to address
                                                   the needs and challenges of the SMEs. As a result, Bridge
                                                   Bank became the reference in the SME segment, operating
     West Africa                                   in a plethora of sectors including FMCG, Agribusiness, Real
     Investment Year                               Estate as well as other high value addition sectors such as
     2014                                          infrastructure and IT.

     Type of transaction
     Growth capital                                Investment rationale
                                                   A multitude of reasons drove AfricInvest’s decision to partner
                                                   with Bridge Group West Africa (BGWA). Under this partnership,
     Current                                       Bridge Group WA and AfricInvest’s missions are closely aligned
                                                   and offer exciting opportunities to improve the economic
                                                   climate in West Africa. The finance and banking sector in the
                                                   region have shown significant growth potential, underpinned
                                                   by strong regulatory oversight and low banking penetration.
                                                   The authorities’ commitment to improving the overall corporate

Fostering local innovations     Impact Report

                                                                      such as: leasing, insurance, brokerage, asset management
                                                                      and microfinance. As a result, the group decided to engage
                                                                      in two new sets of financial services namely Brokerage/Asset
                                                                      Management and mobile-enabled Microfinance.

                                                                      The group launched new subsidiaries in brokerage and asset
                                                                      management in partnership with a technical partner: Tunisie
                                                                      Valeurs (a sister company of the AfricInvest Group).

                                                                      The group also launched a mobile-enabled microfinance
                                                                      activity with a strong technological component called “MoMo
                                                                      Kash”, in partnership with a technical partner introduced by
                                                                      AfricInvest. This initiative combined the market knowledge
                                                                      of Bridge Bank Cote d’Ivoire, the technical expertise of CBA
                                                                      Group (the leading mobile enabled nano-loans provider in
                                                                      Kenya) and the distribution channels of MTN Cote d’Ivoire (the
                                                                      telecom company).

                                                                      AfricInvest contributed to the Bank’s growth strategy by
governance standards of the industry have encouraged
                                                                      supporting the development of new innovative financing tools
AfricInvest to continue to actively look for opportunities in the
                                                                      for the SME sector in the region, not to mention AfricInvest’s
region. Additionally, AfricInvest was eager to work with Teyliom
                                                                      role in strengthening the governance practices and overall
Group (the main shareholder of Bridge Group), as it had an
                                                                      corporate structures of BGWA.
exceptional track record of successfully promoting businesses
and a rich understanding of both the Senegalese and Ivoirian
markets. Furthermore, BGWA’s mission to contribute to the
SME space in the region is in line with AfricInvest’s investment

BGWA’s resilient growth through turbulent times was another
defining aspect for AfricInvest’s involvement. In fact, the group
was launched in a context of economic crisis and a highly
competitive market, dominated by a few well-established
international banks. However, this did not impede BGWA’s
ability to achieve sustainable growth. Additionally, AfricInvest
was attracted by BGWA’s main attributes, such as ‘best-in-
class’ public perception of high-quality customer service,
a reliable core group of customers, an experienced local
management team and innovative products adapted to SMEs.

AfricInvest supported the regional expansion strategy of the
group and provided the necessary funding. In fact, a portion
of AfricInvest’s financing was allocated to the acquisition of
32% of BNDE (Banque Nationale pour le Développement
Economique) in Senegal.

As part of AfricInvest’s value addition strategy, it encouraged the
group to conduct several studies in order to identify new growth
areas and investigate potential diversification options in areas

Imp act Report       Fostering local innovations

    Contribution to Local innovation
    Bridge Bank Cote d’Ivoire distinguishes itself from the rest    access to people with low daily incomes by allowing them
    of its competitors by continuously striving to innovate.        to open a savings account on their mobile phone and
    Having identified the opportunity to launch mobile              to apply for loans. It also offers the same services to all
    centric services, AfricInvest called on its vast network of     income brackets. Access to financial services is essential
    business partners and its expertise to foster discussions       to sustainable economic development, as it provides
    around innovation, which led to the creation of BGWA’s          individuals with the ability to manage their money over time,
    most innovative product: Momo Kash. AfricInvest used a          to enhance their resilience to shocks and enables them to
    pragmatic approach and introduced the most experienced          reinvest in physical and human capital. Furthermore, Momo
    provider of mobile centric savings and loans in Africa          Kash also allows students over the age of 21 to source the
    to BGWA: CBA Group. Momo Kash is a three-party                  much-needed financial help to meet educational needs. To
    partnership between MTN CI, CBA Group and BBG-CI,               date, Momo Kash has one million subscribers. AfricInvest
    and is the first nano-loans and nano-savings mobile-            is very excited about the development of Momo Kash and
    centric service in Cote d’Ivoire.                               hopes to replicate this experience in other geographies,
                                                                    in the belief that providing real-time financial access to all
    Momo Kash offers an efficient way to reach the low-income       income brackets will contribute to the overall development
    unbanked population of Cote d’Ivoire. It provides financial     of the region.

Fostering local innovations    Impact Report

                  Key Impact Highlights

                                                      subscribers to Momo Kash

                                               nano-deposits collected - Momo
                                             Kash service (More than 80% of the
                                             deposits are for a value of less than
                                                                   Euro 7.5 each)

                                            net nano-loan portfolio - Momo Kash
                                           service (average loan of Euro 11 each)

   Location                Sustainable development goals


  Côte d’Ivoire

Imp act Report      Fostering local innovations

                                                   Founded in 1998, Medianet is a pioneer in
                                                   the web services sector in Tunisia. Medianet
                                                   distinguishes itself by its innovative offer
                                                   in terms of web marketing and digital
                                                   communication strategies, which have been
                                                   developed and distributed to its local and
                                                   international clients through the creation of
                                                   websites, portals and platforms.

                                                   Description of the company
                                                   In 2001, Mr. Iheb Beji, the founder of Medianet, initiated the
                                                   project with three other partners. Since then, the team has
                                                   grown to reach 97 people as of today.

                                                   Medianet is a 360° digital agency with a strong IT DNA. Its
                                                   main business focus is spread between four services: web
                                                   solutions, digital services, Display/InfoChannel and business
                                                   training. The company has developed a diverse offering
                                                   around the web and digital presence of its clients. It prides
                                                   itself on supporting its clients from start to finish covering the
                                                   whole value-chain of their web projects, from strategic and
                                                   organisational planning, to the development of maintenance
                                                   solutions. Medianet offers high value-added support services in
                                                   sales promotion, web marketing and content creation. Besides
                                                   these services, the company also develops training activities
                                                   for its clients’ IT departments and marketing teams, as well as
     Medianet                                      a dynamic display solution called «Information Channel,» which
     Location                                      allows an individual to control a grid of monitors remotely.
     Tunisia                                       Lastly, Medianet is one of the rare digital companies that is
                                                   ISO 9001 certified, which shows the company’s ability to
     Sector                                        consistently provide products that meet customers’ needs, as
     IT, web services                              well as applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.

     Investment Year
     2015                                          Investment Rationale
     Type of transaction                           Medianet’s experienced management team and the strong
     Growth capital                                market positioning of the firm are key attributes that attracted
                                                   AfricInvest. Additionally, Medianet’s corporate culture which is
     Status                                        characterized by good reputation, a prestigious client base and
     Current                                       low staff turnover, gave additional comfort to the investment

                                                   When partnering with Medianet in 2015, AfricInvest identified
                                                   several areas in which it could offer its expertise and support
                                                   the company to achieve its growth potential.

Fostering local innovations   Impact Report

AfricInvest is assisting Medianet in diversifying its offering        of services, from online booking to digital marketing and an
and positioning itself as a leading digital communication             online banking solution, bringing a new experience to the
agency with a specific focus on IT solutions (digital strategy        bank’s clients.
consulting, new social gaming services and video content
creation). It is also helping Medianet to consolidate its local
market positioning by implementing an R&D department called
«Medianet Labs,» with the objective to develop tools that are
used to create web solutions and digital services.

Medianet has also dedicated and installed a co-working
space as part of its premises in order to promote innovation
and knowledge sharing and put in place corporate training
programs focused on digital services and raising clients’
awareness towards Medianet’s new products, such as the
various possibilities offered by e-marketing.

Additionally, through its extensive network, AfricInvest is helping
Medianet achieve its ambition to expand to international
markets by assisting the company in the development of
export markets in the Maghreb and Sub-Saharan Africa.

Medianet has developed vertical solutions for specific sectors
such as a new e-tourism platform that covers a wide range

Imp act Report       Fostering local innovations

   Contributing to Local Innovation                                  Diversification and Acquisition Strategy

   Online banking solution:                                          Not only does Medianet provide conventional IT services
                                                                     to its clients but it also offers more innovative solutions
   In 2017, Medianet developed a fully online banking solution       and nurtures technological start-ups. In fact, Medianet
   that is already commercialized by one of the leading private      has acquired multiple start-ups focused on digital and
   banks in Tunisia. Medianet’s online banking solution is a         online services to diversify their offering and promote local
   crucial step in the digitalization of the banking system and      entrepreneurship and innovation. This build-up strategy
   has helped to improve financial inclusion. The solution is        aims to incubate and accelerate talented teams, allowing
   innovative compared to the rest of its peers as it offers         synergies with the whole group and help to reach common
   simplicity, security and trust to its clients and enables         objectives. Thanks to this strategy, the group has launched
   them to have access to the banking system and electronic          the first integrated platform of digital marketing in Tunisia
   payments more easily. Medianet’s work on this online              and is developing an online and fully automated affiliation
   solution allowed them to further increase their reputation        platform that is due for launch in early 2019.
   and stance as a leader in the Tunisian market. The
   developed platform is easy to use and interactive, built on an    By supporting Medianet’s growth plan, AfricInvest is
   innovative exchange and interactive platform. Furthermore,        committed to helping its portfolio companies deliver
   it allows tele-advisers to meet the different expectations of     innovative business strategies and contribute towards
   the customer: making appointments, receiving advice and           local innovation.
   information, processing claims and other requests. The
   platform has been developed in order to respond to the
   market changes and facilitate international innovation.

Fostering local innovations    Impact Report

                     Key Impact Highlights




                                                              of revenues generated
                                                                       from exports

                                                              ISO 9001, ISO 27001,
                                                                         ISO 26000

Location                      Sustainable development goals


Imp act Report      Fostering local innovations

              RIM Pharma
                                                   Radio Isotope Méditerranée Pharma (RIM
                                                   Pharma) is specialized in the production
                                                   and marketing of pharmaceutical and
                                                   radiopharmaceuticals services and products.
                                                   The creation of RIM Pharma is an innovative
                                                   and pioneering initiative in Africa and in
                                                   the Arab world, with the aim of developing
                                                   solutions to the diagnosis and treatment of
                                                   cancer and other diseases.

                                                   Description of the company
                                                   RIM Pharma is owned by Mr. Houbachi, a pharmacist, who
                                                   is also the owner of Polymedic, a pharmaceutical company
                                                   founded in 1964 and specialized in the production and
                                                   marketing of a wide range of pharmaceutical products, own-
                                                   label generics and products. Polymedic also manufactures
                                                   drugs for renowned pharmaceutical companies (i.e., Bayer,
                                                   Leo Pharma, Fresenius Kabi, Sandoz).

                                                   Established in 2008, RIM Pharma develops and produces
                                                   markers (radiopharmaceuticals) used in PET-scan imaging
                                                   (Positron Emission Tomography). The company has
                                                   developed and produced Fludeoxyglucose (FDG) and
                                                   Choline. These products aim to precisely detect tumorous
                                                   cells at early stages in the whole body (using FDG) and in
                                                   the prostate (using Choline), making the radiotherapy more
                                                   efficient and acting as a catalyst to reduce otherwise harmful
     Location                                      side effects.
     Morocco                                       Globally, 32 million people died in 2016 due to cardiovascular
     Sector                                        disease, cancer, diabetes or chronic respiratory disease. By
                                                   exclusively focusing on these new types of markers and
                                                   technology, the company intends to position itself as a
     Investment Year                               regional leading laboratory specialized in the manufacturing
     2016                                          and marketing of cutting-edge products (such as the FDG) as
                                                   well as innovative pharmaceutical drugs (i.e., biomedicines,
     Type of transaction                           immunotherapy, cancer drugs, etc.)
     Growth capital
                                                   RIM Pharma focuses on chronic diseases thanks to a
     Status                                        wide generics portfolio (cardiology, CNS, respiratory,
     Current                                       ophthalmology, hormones, oncology, rare diseases…) and
                                                   around the three fields of Molecular Nuclear Medicine:
                                                   SPECT (single photon emission computed tomography),
                                                   PET (Positron Emission Tomography) and Metabolic
                                                   Therapies (therapies geared towards removing harmful
                                                   substances from the body (toxins) and strengthening the

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