Repetitive electrostatic pressurised intraperitoneal aerosol chemotherapy (ePIPAC) with oxaliplatin as a palliative monotherapy for isolated ...
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Repetitive electrostatic pressurised intraperitoneal aerosol chemotherapy (ePIPAC) with oxaliplatin as a palliative monotherapy for isolated unresectable colorectal peritoneal metastases Citation for published version (APA): Rovers, K. P., Lurvink, R. J., Wassenaar, E. C. E., Kootstra, T. J. M., Scholten, H. J., Tajzai, R., Deenen, M. J., Nederend, J., Lahaye, M. J., Huysentruyt, C. J. R., van 't Erve, I., Fijneman, R. J. SA., Constantinides, A., Kranenburg, O., Los, M., Thijs, A. M. J., Creemers, G. J. M., Burger, J. W. A., Wiezer, M. J., ... de Hingh, I. H. J. T. (2019). Repetitive electrostatic pressurised intraperitoneal aerosol chemotherapy (ePIPAC) with oxaliplatin as a palliative monotherapy for isolated unresectable colorectal peritoneal metastases: protocol of a Dutch, multicentre, open-label, single-arm, phase II study (CRC-PIPAC). BMJ open, 9(7), e030408. [e030408]. DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-030408 Document status and date: Published: 01/07/2019 Document Version: Publisher’s PDF, also known as Version of Record (includes final page, issue and volume numbers) Please check the document version of this publication: • A submitted manuscript is the version of the article upon submission and before peer-review. There can be important differences between the submitted version and the official published version of record. People interested in the research are advised to contact the author for the final version of the publication, or visit the DOI to the publisher's website. • The final author version and the galley proof are versions of the publication after peer review. • The final published version features the final layout of the paper including the volume, issue and page numbers. Link to publication General rights Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain • You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal. If the publication is distributed under the terms of Article 25fa of the Dutch Copyright Act, indicated by the “Taverne” license above, please follow below link for the End User Agreement: Take down policy If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us at: providing details and we will investigate your claim. Download date: 30. Apr. 2021
Open access Protocol BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-030408 on 27 July 2019. Downloaded from on September 2, 2019 at Eindhoven University of Technology. Repetitive electrostatic pressurised intraperitoneal aerosol chemotherapy (ePIPAC) with oxaliplatin as a palliative monotherapy for isolated unresectable colorectal peritoneal metastases: protocol of a Dutch, multicentre, open-label, single- arm, phase II study (CRC-PIPAC) Koen P Rovers, 1 Robin J Lurvink,1 Emma CE Wassenaar,2 Thomas JM Kootstra,2 Harm J Scholten,3 Rudaba Tajzai,4 Maarten J Deenen,4 Joost Nederend,5 Max J Lahaye,6 Clément JR Huysentruyt,7 Iris van 't Erve,8 Remond JA Fijneman,8 Alexander Constantinides,9 Onno Kranenburg,9 Maartje Los,10 Anna MJ Thijs,11 Geert-Jan M Creemers,11 Jacobus WA Burger,1 Marinus J Wiezer,2 Djamila Boerma,2 Simon W Nienhuijs,1 Ignace HJT de Hingh1,12 To cite: Rovers KP, Lurvink RJ, Wassenaar ECE, et al. Repetitive Protected by copyright. electrostatic pressurised Abstract intraperitoneal aerosol Strengths and limitations of this study Introduction Repetitive electrostatic pressurised chemotherapy (ePIPAC) with oxaliplatin as a palliative intraperitoneal aerosol chemotherapy with oxaliplatin ►► This is the first study that prospectively explores monotherapy for isolated (ePIPAC-OX) is offered as a palliative treatment option for predefined endpoints regarding the feasibility, safety unresectable colorectal patients with isolated unresectable colorectal peritoneal and efficacy of repetitive electrostatic pressurised peritoneal metastases: protocol metastases (PM) in several centres worldwide. However, intraperitoneal aerosol chemotherapy with oxal- of a Dutch, multicentre, open- little is known about its feasibility, safety, tolerability, iplatin (ePIPAC-OX) as a palliative monotherapy in label, single-arm, phase II efficacy, costs and pharmacokinetics in this setting. This study (CRC-PIPAC). BMJ Open patients with isolated unresectable colorectal peri- study aims to explore these parameters in patients with toneal metastases. 2019;9:e030408. doi:10.1136/ isolated unresectable colorectal PM who receive repetitive ►► Unlike other studies, repetitive ePIPAC-OX is ad- bmjopen-2019-030408 ePIPAC-OX as a palliative monotherapy. ministered as a palliative monotherapy, thereby ►► Prepublication history for Methods and analysis This multicentre, open-label, minimising the influence of concurrent palliative this paper is available online. single-arm, phase II study is performed in two Dutch tertiary systemic therapy on study outcomes. To view these files, please visit referral hospitals for the surgical treatment of colorectal the journal online (http://dx.doi. ►► Apart from exploring clinical outcomes such as PM. Eligible patients are adults who have histologically feasibility, safety and efficacy, this study includes org/10.1136/bmjopen-2019- 030408). or cytologically proven isolated unresectable PM of a assessment of quality of life and costs, as well as colorectal or appendiceal carcinoma, a good performance pharmacokinetic and translational side studies. Received 12 March 2019 status, adequate organ functions and no symptoms of ►► The broad eligibility criteria could lead to enrolment Revised 12 June 2019 gastrointestinal obstruction. Instead of standard palliative of prognostically heterogeneous patients in different Accepted 13 June 2019 treatment, enrolled patients receive laparoscopy- lines of palliative treatment, which could impede the controlled ePIPAC-OX (92 mg/m2 body surface area (BSA)) interpretation of efficacy outcomes. with intravenous leucovorin (20 mg/m2 BSA) and bolus © Author(s) (or their 5-fluorouracil (400 mg/m2 BSA) every 6 weeks. Four weeks employer(s)) 2019. Re-use after each procedure, patients undergo clinical, radiological overall survival, and the radiological, histopathological, permitted under CC BY-NC. No and biochemical evaluation. ePIPAC-OX is repeated until cytological, biochemical and macroscopic tumour response. commercial re-use. See rights disease progression, after which standard palliative Ethics and dissemination This study is approved by an and permissions. Published by treatment is (re)considered. The primary outcome is the ethics committee, the Dutch competent authority and the BMJ. number of patients with major toxicity (grade ≥3 according to institutional review boards of both study centres. Results For numbered affiliations see the Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events v4.0) up are intended for publication in peer-reviewed medical end of article. to 4 weeks after the last ePIPAC-OX. Secondary outcomes are journals and for presentation to patients, healthcare Correspondence to the environmental safety of ePIPAC-OX, procedure-related professionals and other stakeholders. Professor Ignace HJT de Hingh; characteristics, minor toxicity, postoperative complications, Trial registration number NCT03246321, Pre-results; ignace.d.h ingh@ hospital stay, readmissions, quality of life, costs, ISRCTN89947480, Pre-results; NTR6603, Pre-results; pharmacokinetics of oxaliplatin, progression-free survival, EudraCT: 2017-000927-29, Pre-results. Rovers KP, et al. BMJ Open 2019;9:e030408. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2019-030408 1
Open access BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-030408 on 27 July 2019. Downloaded from on September 2, 2019 at Eindhoven University of Technology. Introduction vast majority of these studies reported outcomes of entire After the liver, the peritoneum is the second most cohorts that received repetitive PIPAC with various drugs common isolated metastatic site of colorectal cancer.1 2 for PM of various origins without presenting subgroup The majority of patients with isolated colorectal perito- analyses of patients who received PIPAC-OX for colorectal neal metastases (PM) do not qualify for curative intent PM.27–34 Only two studies reported separate outcomes surgical treatment,3 mostly due to insufficient condition of repetitive PIPAC-OX for colorectal PM.35 36 By using or unresectable disease. Palliative systemic therapy is the a prospectively maintained database, Teixeira Farinha standard treatment for patients with isolated unresectable et al retrospectively included 20 patients with isolated colorectal PM.4 Although its increasing use has improved colorectal PM who received 37 procedures.35 They the outcomes of these patients,3 palliative systemic concluded that repetitive PIPAC-OX causes a modest therapy appears less effective for isolated colorectal PM and transitory inflammatory response without haemato- than for isolated non-peritoneal colorectal metastases.5 logical, renal or hepatic toxicity.35 Demtröder et al retro- This phenomenon may be explained by a relatively low spectively included 17 patients with isolated colorectal intraperitoneal concentration of systemically adminis- PM who received 48 procedures within an off-label tered chemotherapy.6 Moreover, a relatively high systemic programme.36 They concluded that repetitive PIPAC-OX concentration could cause systemic toxicity. Intraper- induces regression of pretreated colorectal PM and that itoneal administration of chemotherapy is thought to the toxicity seems to be low.36 Both studies have a retro- increase locoregional efficacy and decrease systemic spective design without predefined eligibility criteria and toxicity through a favourable peritoneum-plasma concen- endpoints. Moreover, both studies included patients who tration ratio.6–8 However, intraperitoneal chemotherapy received repetitive PIPAC-OX as a monotherapy as well seems to have three major limitations: a poor direct tissue as patients who received PIPAC-OX in combination with penetration, an inhomogeneous intraperitoneal drug palliative systemic therapy. These shortcomings strongly distribution and dose-limiting local toxicity.9 10 This has impede the interpretation of these studies. Besides, encouraged development of new intraperitoneal drug recently published case reports suggested that PIPAC-OX delivery systems that aim to overcome these limitations. could lead to severe hypersensitivity reactions and perito- Currently, pressurised intraperitoneal aerosol chemo- neal sclerosis.37 38 Protected by copyright. therapy (PIPAC) is one of these systems that internation- ally gains the most attention. Rationale for this study In conclusion, little is known about the safety, tolera- PIPAC bility and efficacy of repetitive PIPAC-OX in patients with PIPAC is a laparoscopy-controlled repetitive intraper- isolated unresectable colorectal PM, whereas nothing is itoneal administration of low-dose chemotherapy as known about its costs and pharmacokinetics. Specifically a pressurised aerosol.11 12 It combines the theoretical for repetitive ePIPAC-OX, all these outcomes have never pharmacokinetic advantages of low-dose intraperitoneal been reported. This questions the current use of repetitive chemotherapy (ie, low toxicity, high intraperitoneal ePIPAC-OX as a palliative treatment option for isolated concentration, low systemic concentration) with the unresectable colorectal PM outside the framework of clin- principles of an aerosol (homogeneous intraperitoneal ical study protocols. Ideally, these patients are included distribution) and intra-abdominal pressure (deep tissue in prospective studies with predefined eligibility criteria, penetration).13–20 Two groups systematically reviewed interventions and endpoints. However, by the knowledge the results of non-comparative clinical studies that assessed of the investigators, such studies are currently lacking and the feasibility, safety, tolerability and preliminary efficacy not ongoing.39 Therefore, this study aims to prospectively of PIPAC with various drugs for PM of various origins.21 22 explore the safety, tolerability, preliminary efficacy, costs They concluded that PIPAC is a safe, feasible and well-tol- and pharmacokinetics of repetitive ePIPAC-OX as a palli- erated treatment with good preliminary response ative treatment for isolated unresectable colorectal PM. rates.21 22 These preliminary conclusions have led to an Although implementation of PIPAC appears feasible and increasing acceptance of PIPAC as a palliative treatment occupationally safe,21 22 24 40–43 there is no experience with option for PM in several centres worldwide.23 In these PIPAC in the Netherlands. Hence, this study also aims to centres, patients with isolated unresectable colorectal PM assess the feasibility of implementation of ePIPAC-OX in usually receive PIPAC with oxaliplatin (PIPAC-OX) in two Dutch tertiary referral hospitals for the surgical treat- an empirically chosen dosage of 92 mg/m2 body surface ment of colorectal PM. area (BSA) every 4–6 weeks.23 Some centres use elec- trostatic precipitation of the aerosol during PIPAC-OX Rationale for intervention (ePIPAC-OX),24 25 since this could increase tissue pene- Repetitive ePIPAC-OX may be administered as part of a tration of oxaliplatin.26 bidirectional therapy with palliative systemic therapy or as a monotherapy. The bidirectional therapy hypotheti- PIPAC for colorectal PM cally maximises tumour response, probably at the cost of Several clinical studies included patients who received an increased treatment burden that could interfere with repetitive PIPAC-OX for colorectal PM.27–36 However, the quality of life. Repetitive ePIPAC-OX as a monotherapy 2 Rovers KP, et al. BMJ Open 2019;9:e030408. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2019-030408
Open access BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-030408 on 27 July 2019. Downloaded from on September 2, 2019 at Eindhoven University of Technology. could temporarily stabilise the intraperitoneal disease discontinuing standard palliative treatment by a medical burden with minimal toxicity and preservation of quality oncologist prior to enrolment. of life. For this study, the investigators decided to admin- ister repetitive ePIPAC-OX as a palliative monotherapy Interventions and procedures with (re)consideration of standard palliative treatment Figure 1 shows a flowchart of the study. Table 1 presents after progression. According to internationally used proto- a schedule of enrolment, interventions and assessments. cols, ePIPAC-OX is administered in a dosage of 92 mg/ m2 at 6-weekly intervals.23 The investigators will actively ePIPAC-OX follow two ongoing phase I studies in which repetitive The procedure-related principles of (e)PIPAC have been PIPAC-OX is administered in various preplanned dosage extensively described by Willaert et al and Giger-Pabst et levels to evaluate whether the dosage of oxaliplatin in this al.24 48 In this study, ePIPAC-OX is performed at 6-weekly study needs to be modified.44 45 Before administration of intervals by at least one PIPAC-qualified surgeon in a stan- ePIPAC-OX, the patients receive intravenous low-dose dard operating room with laminar airflow. In both study leucovorin with bolus 5-fluorouracil, since this is thought centres, the operating personnel attended procedures in to potentiate the effect of intraperitoneal oxaliplatin.46 47 experienced PIPAC centres before performing their first procedure. All procedures are performed under general anaesthesia. Antibiotic prophylaxis and venous throm- boembolism prophylaxis are not regularly administered. Methods and analysis Before each procedure, a checklist is used to ensure all Design and setting materials are available. The operating personnel wears This prospective, open-label, single-arm, phase II study appropriate chemotherapy-protective clothes according is performed in two Dutch teaching hospitals qualified to existing HIPEC protocols. as tertiary referral hospitals for the surgical treatment of The Hasson technique is used to insert a 10 mm colorectal PM. blunt tip balloon trocar through the abdominal wall. After obtaining a normothermic 12 mm Hg capnoperi- Eligibility criteria toneum, a second 10 mm blunt tip balloon trocar is Protected by copyright. Eligible patients are adults who have: inserted under direct vision and explorative laparoscopy ►► A WHO performance status of ≤1. is performed. Only if needed, careful adhesiolysis may be ►► Histological or cytological proof of PM of a colorectal performed to create sufficient working space. In case of or appendiceal carcinoma. an iatrogenic bowel lesion, the procedure is ended after ►► Unresectable disease determined by the treating closure of the lesion, and ePIPAC-OX may be postponed physician, based on abdominal CT and a diagnostic by 2–4 weeks. If the procedure is considered feasible, laparotomy or laparoscopy, the latter being a standard leucovorin (20 mg/m2 BSA in 10 min) and bolus 5-fluo- tool in the diagnostic work-up of patients with isolated rouracil (400 mg/m2 BSA in 15 min) are administered colorectal PM in the Netherlands. intravenously. In the meantime, ascites (or injected ►► Adequate organ functions (haemoglobin ≥5.0 mmol/L, saline if ascites is not present) is completely evacuated, neutrophils ≥1.5×109/L, platelets ≥100×109/L, serum sent for cytology and translational research, and the creatinine
Open access BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-030408 on 27 July 2019. Downloaded from on September 2, 2019 at Eindhoven University of Technology. Protected by copyright. Figure 1 Flowchart of the CRC-PIPAC study. B Bloods (organ functions, tumour markers); C Cytology (ascites or peritoneal washing with saline); H Histopathology (peritoneal biopsies); P Pharmacokinetics (blood, urine, ascites, PM, normal peritoneum); Q Questionnaires (quality of life, costs); R Radiology (thoracoabdominal CT, diffusion-weighted MRI); T Translational research (blood, ascites, PM). ePIPAC-OX, electrostatic pressurised intraperitoneal aerosol chemotherapy with oxaliplatin; PM, peritoneal metastases. the trocar connected to the CO2 insufflation remains of the operating room. General anaesthesia is ensured for opened, whereas the other trocar is connected to a closed at least another 40 min. A checklist is used to confirm that aerosol waste system (CAWS) with its valve closed. The all aforementioned steps have been adequately taken. CAWS consecutively consists of a smoke evacuation filter, After completion of the checklist, the entire operating a water seal drainage system, an infant-paediatric elec- personnel leaves the operating room. trostatic microparticle filter, and the air waste system of Oxaliplatin is injected through the nebuliser by remote the hospital. The preoperatively prepared syringe with controlled activation of the angiographic injector from oxaliplatin (92 mg/m2 BSA diluted in a total volume outside the operating room. After complete formation of of 150 mL 5% dextrose) is vented, placed in a standard the oxaliplatin-containing aerosol in 5 min, the surgeon angiographic injector and connected to the nebuliser enters the operating room and turns on the Ultravision with a saline-flushed high-pressure line protected by a generator, which results in electrostatic precipitation of plastic camera cover. A leak-free capnoperitoneum is the aerosol. The electrostatic field and the capnoperi- ensured by zero flow of CO2. If necessary, the external toneum are maintained for another 25 min. During this fascia may be additionally sutured and Luer lock caps phase, the patient and the procedure are monitored may be placed on balloon valves of trocars. The angio- through the three screens and the window of the oper- graphic injector is installed at a flow rate of 30 mL/min ating room. Drugs may be administered to the patient and a maximum pressure of 200 psi. Protective films are through the intravenous access outside the operating placed on the floor below the angiographic injector and room if necessary. around the patient. The angiographic injector is posi- After 25 min, the surgeon enters the operating room, tioned above a chemotherapy waste bin. The periph- turns off the Ultravision generator, closes the trocar eral venous line of the patient is connected to a 60 mL valve connected to the CO2 insufflation and opens the saline-containing syringe outside the operating room. trocar valve connected to the CAWS. After complete Vital parameters of the patient, real-time videolaparos- evacuation of the aerosol, the electrode and the nebu- copy and a patient-aimed camera are displayed on three liser are removed, the entire operating personnel enters screens outside the operating room. The screen of the the operating room and a new capnoperitoneum is angiographic injector is positioned in front of the window obtained. Ascites and peritoneal biopsies are collected for 4 Rovers KP, et al. BMJ Open 2019;9:e030408. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2019-030408
Open access BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-030408 on 27 July 2019. Downloaded from on September 2, 2019 at Eindhoven University of Technology. Table 1 Schedule of enrolment, interventions and assessments Study period Enrolment/ allocation Post-enrolment 1 week 4 weeks Baseline Each after each after each Outpatient clinics radiology ePIPAC-OX ePIPAC-OX ePIPAC-OX Enrolment/Allocation Eligibility screen X Informed consent X Interventions ePIPAC-OX X Blood (organ functions, tumour markers) X X* X Pharmacokinetics (blood, urine, ascites, PM, normal peritoneum)† X Translational research (blood, ascites, PM) X‡ Thoracoabdominal CT X X Diffusion-weighted MRI X X Cytology (ascites or peritoneal washing) X Histopathology (peritoneal biopsies) X Questionnaires: quality of life X X X Questionnaires: costs§ X X Assessments Baseline characteristics X X X Protected by copyright. Toxicity X X X Environmental safety of ePIPAC-OX¶ X Procedure-related characteristics X Number of procedures in each patient, reasons for discontinuation X X X Postoperative complications X X X Hospital stay X Readmissions X X Clinical evaluation X X X Radiological tumour response X X Histopathological tumour response X Cytological tumour response X Macroscopic tumour response X Biochemical tumour response X X Quality of life X X X Costs X X Progression-free survival X X X Overall survival X X X *Drawn on each postoperative day. †Blood is drawn before ePIPAC-OX and at 5, 10, 20, 30, 60, 120, 240, 360 and 1080 min after oxaliplatin injection during/after the first three procedures, urine is collected before ePIPAC-OX and on postoperative days 1, 3, 5 and 7, ascites/PM/normal peritoneum are collected directly after oxaliplatin injection. ‡Blood is drawn before ePIPAC-OX. §Medical Consumption Questionnaire 4 weeks after each procedure, Productivity Cost Questionnaire 4 weeks after each second procedure. ¶Only during the first three procedures in the study. ePIPAC-OX, electrostatic pressurised intraperitoneal aerosol chemotherapy with oxaliplatin; PM, peritoneal metastases. pharmacokinetic purposes. In case no bleeding or perfo- waste bins and the operating room is cleaned according to rations are observed, instruments are removed and inci- existing HIPEC protocols. Any procedure-related mistake sions are closed with absorbable sutures. All instruments or difficulty during ePIPAC-OX is recorded directly after and materials are directly disposed in chemotherapy occurrence. Rovers KP, et al. BMJ Open 2019;9:e030408. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2019-030408 5
Open access BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-030408 on 27 July 2019. Downloaded from on September 2, 2019 at Eindhoven University of Technology. After ePIPAC-OX, the patients are admitted to the urinalysis tubes before ePIPAC-OX and on the first postop- general surgical ward. To relieve postoperative pain, erative day. These are stored at −20°C until analysis. After the patients receive paracetamol (1 g, four times per day), discharge, the patients are asked to collect 4 mL of urine in on-demand morphine and 1 g of metamizole directly after urinalysis tubes on the third, fifth and seventh postopera- the procedure. To minimise postoperative nausea and tive day, and to store these specimens at their home address vomiting, the patients receive perioperative dexameth- at −20°C until analysis. After electrostatic precipitation of asone and on-demand granisetron (1 mg, three times the aerosol, the surgeon aspirates a few milliliters of ascites per day). Standard postsurgical clinical evaluations are and biopsies two peritoneal metastases and two pieces of performed a few hours after the procedure and on every normal peritoneum, preferably from different locations. postoperative day. Blood is drawn for bone marrow, liver, These are collected in aliquots and directly stored at −80°C and kidney functions, albumin and C-reactive protein until analysis. Concentrations of oxaliplatin are measured on every postoperative day. If the postoperative period is by using atomic absorption spectrophotometry. uneventful, the patients are discharged on the first post- operative day. All body excretes are considered oxalipla- Translational research tin-contaminated for up to 5 days after the procedure. Before each ePIPAC-OX, 20 mL of blood is drawn and Dose reduction, prohibited and permitted concomi- collected in 10 mL cell-free DNA BCT tubes (Streck, La tant care, and strategies to improve adherence are not Vista, Nebraska, USA). According to the manufacturer’s specified a priori, but left to the discretion of the treating instructions, these tubes are sent to a central laboratory physician. ePIPAC-OX is repeated until clinical progres- for isolation and storage (−80°C) of plasma and cell pellet. sion, radiological progression (Response Evaluation Collected ascites or saline is centrifuged twice (5 min, Criteria In Solid Tumours or at physician’s discretion in 420 g, zero break) under sterile conditions. The superna- case of non-measurable disease), macroscopic progres- tant is snap frozen and stored at −80°C for further analysis sion (ie, ascites volume, PCI), unacceptable toxicity, on soluble components. The cell pellet is suspended in physician’s decision to discontinue or at patient’s request organoid culture medium at 4°C for transport and further to discontinue. In patients who develop systemic metas- work-up. Of each collected PM, three parts are snap frozen tases, continuation of ePIPAC-OX can only be considered and stored at −80°C for sequencing analysis. Protected by copyright. if the patient has no systemic palliative treatment options and stable peritoneal disease. Outcomes An assessment schedule is presented in table 1. The Outpatient evaluations primary outcome is the number of patients with major One week after each ePIPAC-OX, the patients undergo toxicity, defined as grade ≥3 according to the Common clinical evaluation by phone. Four weeks after each Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE) v4.0,56 ePIPAC-OX, the patients undergo radiological evalua- up to 4 weeks after the last ePIPAC-OX. Secondary tion (ie, thoracoabdominal CT, diffusion-weighted MRI outcomes are as follows: (DW-MRI)), biochemical evaluation (ie, bone marrow, ►► The environmental safety of ePIPAC-OX, based on air liver, and kidney functions, albumin, C-reactive protein, and surface concentrations of oxaliplatin during the tumour markers) and clinical evaluation. first three procedures, measured by atomic absorp- tion spectrophotometry. Questionnaires ►► Procedure-related characteristics of ePIPAC-OX (eg, The patients are asked to complete EQ-5D-5L, QLQ-C30 intraoperative complications, amount of adhesions, and QLQ-CR29 at baseline and 1 and 4 weeks after each procedure-related mistakes and difficulties, operating ePIPAC-OX.51–53 iMTA Productivity Cost Questionnaire time). (PCQ) and iMTA Medical Consumption Question- ►► The number of procedures in each patient and naire (MCQ) are sent to the patients at baseline and reasons for discontinuation. 4 weeks after each ePIPAC-OX (PCQ) and each second ►► Minor toxicity, defined as grade ≤2 according to ePIPAC-OX (MCQ).54 55 CTCAE v4.0,56 up to 4 weeks after the last ePIPAC-OX, ►► Major and minor postoperative complications, Pharmacokinetics defined as grade ≥3 and grade ≤2 according to Blood is collected during and after the first three proce- Clavien-Dindo,57 respectively, up to 4 weeks after the dures in each patient. Four mL of whole blood is drawn last ePIPAC-OX. and collected in heparin tubes before ePIPAC-OX and at ►► Hospital stay, defined as the number of days between 5, 10, 20, 30, 60, 120, 240, 360 and 1080 min after injection ePIPAC-OX and initial discharge. of oxaliplatin. After immediate centrifuging, an aliquot of ►► Readmissions, defined as any hospital admission plasma is stored at −80°C until analysis. Another aliquot after initial discharge, up to 4 weeks after the last of 1 mL of plasma is centrifuged through an ultrafiltra- ePIPAC-OX. tion membrane and stored at −80°C until analysis. Urine, ►► Radiological tumour response, based on central ascites, PM and normal peritoneum are collected during review of thoracoabdominal CT and DW-MRI at base- and after all procedures. Four mL of urine is collected in line and 4 weeks after each ePIPAC-OX, performed 6 Rovers KP, et al. BMJ Open 2019;9:e030408. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2019-030408
Open access BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-030408 on 27 July 2019. Downloaded from on September 2, 2019 at Eindhoven University of Technology. by two independent radiologists (JN, MJL) blinded ISO 27001 certified central study database (De Research to clinical outcomes (classification is not defined a Manager, Deventer, The Netherlands) with study-spe- priori). cific electronic case report forms by a local investigator ►► Histopathological tumour response, based on central in each study centre (RL, EW). This ISO 27001 certified review of collected peritoneal biopsies during each system ensures adequate data integrity, including data ePIPAC-OX, performed by two independent pathol- coding, security and storage. Questionnaires (quality ogists (eg, CH) blinded to clinical outcomes by using of life, costs), peritoneal biopsies (histopathological the Peritoneal Regression Grading Score.58 response) and radiological examinations (radiological ►► Macroscopic tumour response, based on PCI and response) are collected by the coordinating investigator ascites volume during each ePIPAC-OX. (KR) throughout the study and centrally analysed after ►► Biochemical tumour response, based on tumour study completion. Plans to promote data quality, partici- markers measured at different time points (table 1). pant retention and complete follow-up are not specified ►► Cytological tumour response, based on collected a priori. ascites or peritoneal washing cytology during each ePIPAC-OX. Statistical methods ►► Quality of life, extracted from questionnaires Repetitive continuous outcomes (eg, quality of life, oper- (EQ-5D-5L, QLQ-C30, QLQ-CR29) at different time ating time) are analysed by using the Wilcoxon signed- points (table 1). rank test, the paired samples t-test, the Friedman test or ►► Costs, derived from the Dutch costing guidelines for repeated measurements analysis of variance where appro- healthcare research at the time of analysis, based on priate. Repetitive categorical outcomes (eg, intraoper- case report forms, hospital information systems, and ative complications, postoperative complications) are questionnaires (iMTA PCQ, iMTA MCQ) at different analysed by using the McNemar test, the Wilcoxon signed- time points (table 1). rank test, the Cochran’s Q test or generalised estimating ►► Progression-free survival, defined as the time between equations where appropriate. Time-to-event variables enrolment and clinical, radiological, or macroscopic (ie, overall and progression-free survival) are analysed progression, or death. and displayed by using the Kaplan-Meier method. Other Protected by copyright. ►► Overall survival, defined as the time between enrol- outcomes are analysed by using descriptive statistics. All ment and death. statistical tests are two-sided and p
Open access BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-030408 on 27 July 2019. Downloaded from on September 2, 2019 at Eindhoven University of Technology. The Netherlands) as a high-risk study according to the full protocol and Dutch informed consent forms are avail- brochure ‘Kwaliteitsborging mensgebonden onder- able on reasonable request. zoek 2.0’ by the Dutch Federation of University Medical Centres. This means that study centres are audited at least three times per year, depending on enrolment, with Discussion 100% auditing of the study master file, investigator site To the knowledge of the investigators, this is the first study files, informed consent forms, eligibility criteria, source that prospectively explores the feasibility, safety, tolera- data verification and SAEs/SUSARs. bility, costs, preliminary efficacy and pharmacokinetics of repetitive ePIPAC-OX as a palliative monotherapy in Patient and public involvement patients with isolated unresectable colorectal PM. Patients were not involved in the study design before This study protocol has potential limitations. The broad the start of the study. Shortly after the start of the study, eligibility criteria could lead to a heterogeneous cohort the investigators presented the study design to a patient with various primary tumours (ie, colon, appendix) and advisory group. Major topics of discussion were the ratio- histologies (eg, signet ring cell carcinoma, high-grade nale for the study, outcome parameters, recruitment appendiceal mucinous neoplasm) in different lines of strategies, the patient information sheet, dissemination treatment. This clinical heterogeneity could impede the strategies and the potential risks, benefits and burden of interpretation of survival outcomes. However, survival participation from the patient’s perspective. The patient outcomes are not the major focus of this study. Enrol- advisory group supported the presented study design. ment is also allowed for patients with an unresected Although the patient advisory group is not involved in primary tumour and patients who did not receive prior the recruitment and the conduct of the study, they will palliative systemic therapy. In these patients, administra- be involved in plans to disseminate the study results to tion of repetitive ePIPAC-OX as a monotherapy could relevant patient groups. theoretically lead to undertreatment and subsequent systemic progression or progression of the primary tumour. However, it is thought that the frequent clinical Ethics and dissemination and radiological evaluations detect such progression in Protected by copyright. Protocol amendments a sufficiently early stage. Moreover, the patients need to Important protocol modifications are communicated to be informed by a medical oncologist about the poten- the ethics committee, the Dutch competent authority, the tial consequences of postponing or discontinuing their institutional review boards of both study centres, all inves- standard palliative treatment prior to enrolment. Conclu- tigators and trial registries. sively, the investigators feel that these controlled circum- stances justify enrolment of these patients. Consent or assent This study protocol has potential strengths. All Written informed consent is obtained by local inves- endpoints are predefined and prospectively assessed. tigators at the outpatient clinic of the study centres. Independent 100% auditing ensures an appropriately The patients are given the possibility to give separate conducted study and high-quality data. Unlike other permission for undergoing DW-MRI and for storage of studies, repetitive ePIPAC-OX is administered as a palli- specimens for translational research. ative monotherapy in all patients. Thereby, outcomes are Confidentiality not influenced by concurrent palliative systemic therapy. Personal information about potential and enrolled Extensive assessment of quality of life provides insights patients is collected, shared and maintained according to in the tolerability of ePIPAC-OX from a patient perspec- the Dutch law (Wet Bescherming Persoonsgegevens). tive, whereas pharmacokinetic analyses provide the first insights in the systemic absorption repetitive ePIPAC-OX. Ancillary and poststudy care Insights in the costs of ePIPAC-OX could be valuable for The sponsor (Catharina Hospital, Eindhoven, The Neth- policy makers and other teams that aim to implement erlands) is insured to provide cover for patients who this procedure or apply for scientific grants, while trans- suffer harm from study participation. After discontinu- lational side studies may open new avenues for research. ation of ePIPAC-OX, the patients receive standard palli- Author affiliations ative treatment for unresectable metastatic colorectal 1 Department of Surgery, Catharina Hospital, Eindhoven, The Netherlands cancer according to Dutch guidelines.4 2 Department of Surgery, Sint Antonius Hospital, Nieuwegein, The Netherlands 3 Department of Anaesthesiology, Catharina Hospital, Eindhoven, The Netherlands Dissemination policy 4 Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Catharina Hospital, Eindhoven, The Netherlands Results of the study are personally communicated to 5 Department of Radiology, Catharina Hospital, Eindhoven, The Netherlands 6 participants and intended for publication in peer-re- Department of Radiology, Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, The viewed medical journals and for presentation to patients, Netherlands 7 Department of Pathology, Catharina Hospital, Eindhoven, The Netherlands healthcare professionals and other stakeholders. Author- 8 Department of Pathology, Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, The ship eligibility guidelines for the main manuscript and Netherlands manuscripts of side studies are not defined a priori. The 9 Imaging and Cancer, UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands 8 Rovers KP, et al. BMJ Open 2019;9:e030408. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2019-030408
Open access BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-030408 on 27 July 2019. Downloaded from on September 2, 2019 at Eindhoven University of Technology. 10 Department of Medical Oncology, Sint Antonius Hospital, Nieuwegein, The 10. Markman M. Chemotherapy: limited use of the intraperitoneal route Netherlands for ovarian cancer-why? Nat Rev Clin Oncol 2015;12:628–30. 11 Department of Medical Oncology, Catharina Hospital, Eindhoven, The Netherlands 11. Solass W, Hetzel A, Schwarz T, et al. PIPAC Technology. In: 12 Reymond MA, Solass W, eds. Pressurized IntraPeritoneal Aerosol GROW - School for Oncology and Development Biology, Maastricht University, Chemotherapy – Cancer under Pressure. De Gruyter, 2014. Maastricht, Netherlands 12. Reymond MA, Hu B, Garcia A, et al. Feasibility of therapeutic pneumoperitoneum in a large animal model using a microvaporisator. Contributors KR is the coordinating investigator. RL, AT, GC, JB and SN are Surg Endosc 2000;14:51–5. the local investigators of the first study centre. EW, TK, ML, MW and DB are the 13. Jacquet P, Stuart OA, Chang D, et al. Effects of intra-abdominal pressure on pharmacokinetics and tissue distribution of local investigators of the second study centre. RT performs the pharmacokinetic doxorubicin after intraperitoneal administration. Anticancer Drugs analyses. MD is the study pharmacologist supervising the pharmacokinetic 1996;7:596–603. analyses. JN and MJL are the study radiologists performing the central radiological 14. Esquis P, Consolo D, Magnin G, et al. High intra-abdominal pressure review. CH is the study pathologist performing the central histopathological review. enhances the penetration and antitumor effect of intraperitoneal HS is the study anaesthesiologist who developed the protocols for perioperative cisplatin on experimental peritoneal carcinomatosis. Ann Surg care. IE and RF are responsible for translational research on blood. AC and OK 2006;244:106–12. are responsible for translational research on ascites and PM. IH is the principal 15. Solass W, Herbette A, Schwarz T, et al. Therapeutic approach of investigator. KR, RL and IH made substantial contributions to conception and design human peritoneal carcinomatosis with Dbait in combination with capnoperitoneum: proof of concept. Surg Endosc 2012;26:847–52. of the study, drafted the protocol and drafted the manuscript. EW, TK, HS, RT, MD, 16. Solaß W, Hetzel A, Nadiradze G, et al. Description of a novel JN, MJL, CH, IE, RF, AC, OK, ML, AT, GC, JB, MW, DB and SN made substantial approach for intraperitoneal drug delivery and the related device. contributions to conception and design of the study and critically revised the Surg Endosc 2012;26:1849–55. protocol and the manuscript for important intellectual content. KR, RL, EW, TK, HS, 17. Facy O, Al Samman S, Magnin G, et al. High pressure enhances RT, MD, JN, MJL, CH, IE, RF, AC, OK, ML, AT, GC, JB, MW, DB, SN and IH gave final the effect of hyperthermia in intraperitoneal chemotherapy with approval of the version to be published and agree to be accountable for all aspects oxaliplatin: an experimental study. Ann Surg 2012;256:1084–8. of the work. 18. Solass W, Kerb R, Mürdter T, et al. Intraperitoneal chemotherapy of peritoneal carcinomatosis using pressurized aerosol as an alternative Funding This study is supported by Catharina Research Foundation (grant number: to liquid solution: first evidence for efficacy. Ann Surg Oncol 2017-5) and St. Antonius Research Foundation (grant number: 17.4). 2014;21:553–9. 19. Blanco A, Giger-Pabst U, Solass W, et al. Renal and hepatic toxicities Competing interests None declared. after pressurized intraperitoneal aerosol chemotherapy (PIPAC). Ann Patient consent for publication Not required. Surg Oncol 2013;20:2311–6. 20. Eveno C, Haidara A, Ali I, et al. 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